Extensor Apparatus - AOFAS (Dalmau-Pastor)
Extensor Apparatus - AOFAS (Dalmau-Pastor)
Extensor Apparatus - AOFAS (Dalmau-Pastor)
Topical Review
Lesser toe deformities are one of the most common conditions faced by orthopedic surgeons. Knowledge of the anatomy
of the lesser toes is important for ensuring correct diagnosis and treatment of deformities, which are caused by factors
such as muscle imbalance between the extensor apparatus and flexor tendons. However, this apparatus has not received
sufficient attention in the literature. In addition, the large number of inaccurate and erroneous descriptions means that
gaining an understanding of these structures is problematic. The objective of the present article is to clarify the anatomy
of the extensor apparatus by means of a pictorial essay, in which the structures involved will be grouped and discussed in
detail. The most relevant clinical implications will be addressed.
Level of Evidence: Level V, expert opinion.
Keywords: anatomy, extensor apparatus, orthopedic surgery, lesser toe deformities.
Lesser toe deformities are a common condition faced by the
orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon, with a reported incidence that ranges from 2% to 20%.12,17 These deformities
are more frequent in females, and their incidence increases
with age.11,27,44 The causes of lesser toe deformities include
anatomic factors, neuromuscular disease, connective tissue
disorders, congenital anomalies, trauma, constricting footwear, or poor foot biomechanics.25,27,29 These can result in
an imbalance between the extensor and flexor muscles of
the toes, which leads to lesser toe deformities.5,9 Lesser toe
deformities are complex and involve the interphalangeal
joints, metatarsophalangeal joints, and associated tendons
and ligaments.29 Depending on the joints affected, the
deformity is classified as claw toe, hammer toe, and mallet
toe, all of which can appear as flexible or fixed deformities.27 Once the cause of the deformity is determined, the
surgeon can decide which deforming force has to be neutralized so that the appropriate procedure can be chosen.29
Lesser toe deformities can be corrected using techniques
applied to both soft tissue and bone.11,25,27,29
The extensor apparatus of the toes is an important structure in the etiology of lesser toe deformities and therefore
the object of the surgical procedures used to correct the
deformity.27 Anatomy is the basis of orthopedic surgery,43
and knowledge of the morphologic and functional anatomy
of the extensor apparatus of the toes is necessary before
Corresponding Author:
Jordi Vega, MD, Unit of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Hospital Quirn,
Barcelona, Spain. Plaza Alfonso Comn 5, 08023 Barcelona, Spain.
Email: [email protected]
Figure 1. Anatomical dissection of the dorsum of the foot showing the main components of the extensor apparatus. Neurovascular
structures were removed. (A) Dorsal view. (B) Lateral view. (1) Extensor digitorum longus tendons. (2) Middle or central slip. (3)
Lateral slips. (4) Terminal tendon. (5) Extensor digitorum brevis tendons. (6) Extensor sling. (7) Triangular lamina. (8) First dorsal
interosseous. (9) Extensor hallucis longus tendon. (10) Peroneus tertius tendon. (11) Abductor digiti minimi tendon.
images of the extensor apparatus of the foot led us to present this article as a pictorial essay that will provide readers
with an up-to-date visual portrayal of the anatomy of this
Extensor Apparatus
Current knowledge of the anatomy and function of the
extensor apparatus of the lesser toes is limited. Most studies focus on the extensor apparatus of the hand, with less
attention being paid to that of the foot. In their description
of the extensor apparatus of the lesser toes, most anatomy
textbooks refer us to the extensor apparatus of the
A search of the literature on the extensor apparatus of the
lesser toes reveals only 2 articles that provide an overview
of its anatomy.15,38 The 1969 work by Sarrafian and
Topouzian38 provides the most complete description of the
components of the extensor apparatus and will be used as a
reference in our description. Given the lack of a specific
nomenclature for this structure in the International
Anatomical Terminology of the Federative International
Committee on Anatomical Terminology16 and the indiscriminate use of various terminologies, we will use the
nomenclature proposed by Sarrafian and Topouzian.38
Extension of the toes is the result of the combined action
of the extensor digitorum longus, extensor digitorum brevis, interossei muscles, and lumbrical muscles, all of which
converge to form a tendinofibroaponeurotic structure
known as the extensor apparatus (Figure 1).
Extrinsic Contribution
Extensor Digitorum Longus
The extensor digitorum longus is a muscle of the anterior
compartment of the leg. It provides 4 tendons for the second to fifth toes. These tendons reach their respective
metatarsophalangeal joints, where they meet the extensor
apparatus and thus form their main axis. At the level of the
metatarsophalangeal joints, the extensor tendons are
attached to the digital axis using a fibroaponeurotic structure known as the extensor sling, which is a stabilizing
ligament. At this level, the extensor digitorum longus tendon divides into 3 tendinous components known as slips:
a middle or central slip and 2 lateral slips, medial or lateral
depending on their anatomic location (Figure 4).38 The
middle slip inserts into the dorsal area of the base of the
Dalmau-Pastor et al.
Figure 2. Main drawing of the extensor apparatus and its components based on the drawings of Sarrafian and Topouzian.35 (A)
Dorsal view. (B) Lateral view. (C) Medial view. (1) Extensor digitorum longus tendons. (2) Middle or central slip. (3) Lateral slips. (4)
Terminal tendon. (5) Extensor digitorum brevis tendons. (6) Lumbrical muscle and tendon. (7) Interosseous muscles. (8) Extensor
sling. (9) Extensor wing. (10) Triangular lamina. (11) Deep transverse metatarsal ligament. (12) Flexor digitorum longus tendon. (13)
Flexor digitorum brevis.
Figure 3. Extension of the toes is the result of the combined action of the extensor digitorum longus, extensor digitorum brevis,
interossei muscles, and lumbrical muscles. All of which converge to form a tendinobroaponeurotic structure known as the extensor
middle phalanx and into the capsule of the proximal interphalangeal joint. After receiving contributions from the
intrinsic muscles, the 2 lateral slips run distally over the
dorsum of the middle phalanx before gradually inserting
into the dorsum of the distal phalanx via a single tendon
known as the terminal tendon. The triangular space
between both lateral slips is occupied by an aponeurotic
structure known as the triangular lamina (Figure 4 and
5).37 When the proximal interphalangeal joint is flexed,
the middle slip is compressed against the head of the proximal phalanx, which acts as a pulley. For this pulley mechanism to function, the middle slip has a sesamoid
fibrocartilage at its plantar side at the level of the proximal
interphalangeal joint, just proximal to the insertion of the
central slip into the middle phalanx.30
Intrinsic Contribution
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
The extensor digitorum brevis muscle, which is the only
muscle of the dorsum of the foot, arises on the anterior
superior process of the calcaneus and runs obliquely to the
medial and anterior area before dividing into 4 fleshy fascicles, each of which finishes in a flattened tendon. The
tendons of the extensor digitorum brevis are generally
Dalmau-Pastor et al.
this is more apparent the more lateral the toe under study is,
except for the fifth toe, which does not have extensor brevis
tendon (Figure 6). We consider this anatomic detail to be
crucial for our understanding and treatment of lesser toe
deformities. We stress the importance of this structure, since
the extensor digitorum brevis muscle is omitted or poorly
addressed in the description of the extensor apparatus in
chapters on lesser toe deformities in surgery textbooks7,8,44
and in common anatomy textbooks.31
Lumbrical Muscles
The lumbrical muscles, which are numbered 1 to 4 medial
to lateral, are found at the bifurcation of the tendons of the
flexor digitorum longus muscle and arise from the neighboring tendons, except for the first lumbrical, which arises
from the flexor tendon of the second toe (Figure 7). From
Interossei Muscles
The 7 interossei muscles (3 plantar and 4 dorsal) arise on
the metatarsal aspects that delimit the corresponding intermetatarsal spaces. The plantar muscles are found in the
second, third, and fourth intermetatarsal spaces and arise
on the medial aspect of the delimiting metatarsal bones in
its inferior segment. The dorsal muscles, which are larger
than the plantar muscles, are found in all the intermetatarsal spaces (Figure 10).
The tendons from both the plantar and dorsal interossei
muscles course distally before running dorsal to the deep
transverse metatarsal ligamentin contrast with the lumbrical muscles, which do so plantarlyto reach the metatarsophalangeal joint and insert in the plantar area of the proximal
phalanx and plantar plate.8,15,27,31,33,36,38,39 At their insertion,
they are covered by the extensor sling (Figure 11).37,38
According to the description of the extensor apparatus proposed by Sarrafian and Topouzian,38 the tendons of the interossei muscles are closely associated with the capsule, into
which some fibers insert. The remaining fibers extend distally
and insert into the base of the proximal phalanx. Some of
these fibers insert into the deep side of the extensor sling and
occasionally extend until they reach the extensor wing.
The vast majority of authors report that the interossei
muscles insert at the phalangeal tuberosity on the base of
the proximal phalanx.8,15,27,31,33,36,41 The area of greatest
Dalmau-Pastor et al.
Stabilizing Ligaments
Extensor Sling
The tendons of the extensor apparatus are anchored on the
dorsum of the metatarsophalangeal joint and on the proximal phalanx by a fibroaponeurotic structure known as the
Dalmau-Pastor et al.
Figure 14. (A) Drawing of the extensor apparatus in proximal-superior view showing the anatomical relationship of the extensor
sling based on the drawings of Oukouchi et al.30 (B) Lateral view of the main drawing showing the highlighted extensor sling. Medial
view of the main drawing showing the highlighted extensor sling. (1) Extensor sling. (2) Extensor digitorum longus tendon. (3) Middle
slip. (4) Lateral slips. (5) Terminal tendon. (6) Entensor digitorum brevis tendon. (7) First lumbrical muscle. (8) Extensor wing. (9)First
dorsal interosseous muscle. (10) Second interosseous muscle. (11) Triangular lamina. (12) Deep transverse metatarsal ligament.
(13)Flexor tendons. (14) Metatarsal bone (cut).
Extensor Wing
The extensor wing, or extensor hood, is an aponeurosis situated distal to the extensor sling. It is composed of obliquely
oriented fibers and is triangular in shape.6,27,36,38,39 The
extensor wing unites the tendinous fibers of the intrinsic
muscles with the 3 slips of the extensor digitorum longus
(Figure 16).38 According to Sarrafian and Topouzian,38 the
extensor wing is situated on both sides of each toe. The
superior border of each triangle inserts into each of the lateral slips corresponding to the trifurcation of the extensor
digitorum longus muscle. Some fibers extend toward the
dorsum of the proximal interphalangeal joint and join the
middle slip. The proximal border is continuous with the distal margin of the extensor sling, and the inferior border runs
obliquely, distally, and dorsally. Observed in a medial view,
the tendon of the lumbrical muscleafter passing plantar to
the deep transverse metatarsal ligamentruns dorsally to
form the oblique border of the extensor wing.6,29,33,36,38,39
Although most of the authors who discuss the extensor
wing29,36 agree with the description proposed by Sarrafian and
Topouzian,37 our dissections confirm that on the medial side,
the extensor wing is evident, owing to the presence of the lumbrical muscle. However, we did not observe a structure
Triangular Lamina
The triangular lamina occupies the space between the lateral
slip and the medial slip at the dorsum of the middle phalanx.37
This structure comprises a fine, almost transparent lamina of
tissue that is pearl in color and extends until it becomes the
terminal extensor tendon. The triangular lamina was a constant finding in our dissections (Figure 18). Although we do
not discuss its function, we think that the triangular lamina
helps to maintain the lateral and medial slips in their original
anatomic position, thus avoiding their plantar displacement.
If this happens, the slips function as flexors rather than extensors of the proximal interphalangeal joint.
Dalmau-Pastor et al.
compartments of the leg28). Release of the lumbrical tendons has been suggested when addressing lesser toe
deformities in patients with spastic equinovarus deformity.24 Release of the flexor digitorum longus and brevis
tendons alone can result in flexion deformity of the metatarsophalangeal joint because of the effect of the lumbricals tendons. Also in cases of paralytic foot, the paralysis
of the plantar intrinsic musculature of the foot leads to
claw toes and moreover causes a shift in distal direction
of the plantar fat pad below the metatarsophalangeal
joint, exposing the thinner part of the skin to pressure.4
Secondary toe deformities can develop in cases of peroneal nerve palsy, especially when tibialis anterior muscle
is affected, which can result in secondary recruitment
and overactivity of the extrinsic toe extensors to assist
ankle dorsiflexion.28
The extensor apparatus of the lesser toes is an important
set of structures for the biomechanics of the toes that
involve an extrinsic contribution (extensor digitorum longus), an intrinsic contribution (extensor digitorum brevis,
lumbrical muscles, and interossei muscles), and stabilizing ligaments (extensor sling, extensor wing, and triangular lamina).
The action of the extensor and flexor muscles of the
lesser toes produce hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal joint and plantarflexion of the proximal and distal
interphalangeal joint. Traction of the interossei muscles
flexes and stabilizes the metatarsophalangeal joint. The
lumbrical muscles plantarflex the metatarsophalangeal joint
and extend both of the interphalangeal joints. Thereby,
complete extension of the lesser toes is the result of the
combined forces between the extensor digitorum longus
Editors Note
This article is published in memory of Pau Golano, MD, who died
unexpectedly during the production phase of this outstanding scientific contribution.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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