J Physiol-2011-Karnani-639-51 PDF
J Physiol-2011-Karnani-639-51 PDF
J Physiol-2011-Karnani-639-51 PDF
C 2011 The Authors. Journal compilation
C 2011 The Physiological Society
DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2010.198457
Hypothalamic neurons that produce peptide transmitters
hypocretins/orexins (hereafter referred to as hcrt/orx
cells) are vital regulators of states of consciousness and
reward-seeking behaviour. Hcrt/orx cells are located in
the lateral hypothalamic area, but project widely to most
of the brain, where they excite target neurons through two
specific G-protein-coupled receptors (de Lecea et al. 1998;
Peyron et al. 1998; Sakurai et al. 1998; Sakurai, 2007).
The firing of hcrt/orx neurons promotes wakefulness
(Adamantidis et al. 2007), and is so critical for sustained
consciousness that loss of orexin cells causes severe
narcolepsy/cataplexy (Thannickal et al. 2000; Hara et al.
2001). Hypocretins/orexins also stimulate feeding and
reward-seeking behaviour, and destruction of hcrt/orx
neurons impairs fasting-induced locomotor activity, and
leads to reduced energy expenditure and obesity (Hara
et al. 2001; Yamanaka et al. 2003a; Mieda et al. 2004).
Furthermore, overactivity and underactivity of hcrt/orx
cells have been recently linked to anxiety and depression,
respectively (Boutrel et al. 2005; Suzuki et al. 2005;
Brundin et al. 2007; Ito et al. 2008). Exploring different
ways of manipulating hcrt/orx cell activity may thus help
design better treatment strategies for neurological and
psychiatric disorders.
The most common physiological way of constraining
the activity of a neural circuit is by activation of GABAA
receptors, which have been reported to be functional in
hcrt/orx cells (Li et al. 2002; Yamanaka et al. 2003b).
However, it is unknown how hcrt/orx cells are affected
by other fast transmitters that constrain neural activity,
such as glycine. Although glycine is best known as an
inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brainstem and spinal
cord (Werman et al. 1968; Gold & Martin, 1983), glycine
receptors (GlyRs) are also found in several higher brain
structures (van den Pol & Gorcs, 1988; Dieudonne, 1995;
Rampon et al. 1996; Hussy et al. 1997; Protti et al. 1997;
Danober & Pape, 1998; Flint et al. 1998; Chattipakorn
& McMahon, 2002; Mangin et al. 2002; Deleuze et al.
2005). Both GABAA and GlyRs are anion channels mainly
permeable to Cl . Thus, their activation can produce
different effects (excitation or inhibition) depending on
the intracellular Cl concentration, which varies between
different cell types in adult brain (Tozuka et al. 2005; Choi
et al. 2008), as well as between different developmental
stages (Ben-Ari et al. 2007). How these factors affect
hcrt/orx neurons is unknown, because their responses to
glycine have not been examined, whereas their responses
to GABA have only been examined using whole-cell
recordings, where the intracellular Cl concentration is
artificially fixed.
Here, we study the electrical responses of identified
hcrt/orx neurons to glycine and other known modulators
of GlyRs. We find that hcrt/orx cells express functional
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I = I max
I max [strychnine]h
ICh50 + [strychine]h
I =
I max [gly]h
ECh50 + [gly]h
C 2011 The Authors. Journal compilation
C 2011 The Physiological Society
GlyR modulators regulate postsynaptic Cl currents
in hcrt/orx neurons
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Data in this figure are from P1327 mice. A, doseresponse curve for
glycine currents recorded with the high Cl intracellular solution at
60 mV (n > 3 for each point), EC50 = 0.7 mM. B, left, response to
0.5 mM glycine is not blocked by 0.1 mM picrotoxin (PiTX)
(620.0 19.9 pA, n = 5, not significantly different from control,
673.6 25.4 pA, P > 0.1). Right, response to 0.5 mM glycine is not
blocked by 0.1 mM cyclothiazide (CTZ) (746.8 101.5 pA, n = 4,
not significantly different from control, 803.0 179.4 pA, P > 0.5).
Holding potential was 60 mV. C, 5 mM alanine induces an inward
current (721.9 75.4 pA, n = 22, holding potential is 60 mV, high
Cl intracellular solution). D, Current-voltage relationship of current
induced by 5 mM alanine in the absence (n = 5), and presence of
strychnine (1 M, n = 3). The reversal potential was 63.3 3.7 mV
in 15 mM intracellular Cl (predicted Nernst ECl = 58.8 mV). Values
are means (black) and S.E.M. (grey).
C 2011 The Authors. Journal compilation
C 2011 The Physiological Society
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C 2011 The Authors. Journal compilation
C 2011 The Physiological Society
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C 2011 The Authors. Journal compilation
C 2011 The Physiological Society
J Physiol 589.3
We found that GlyR agonists triggered large postsynaptic Cl currents in hcrt/orx cells. This response
was directly mediated by GlyRs on the recorded
neuron, as shown by lack of blockade by TTX and
blockers of ionotropic GABA and glutamate receptors,
Although the importance of GlyRs in brainstem and
spinal cord is well established (Rajendra et al. 1997),
the function of GlyRs in higher brain areas is less
understood. Despite previous reports of expression of
GlyRs in the hypothalamus (van den Pol & Gorcs, 1988;
Rampon et al. 1996), their role in shaping the activity of
neurochemically and functionally defined hypothalamic
neurons remained largely unknown. This is the first report
linking modulation of glycine receptors to the activity
of identified hcrt/orx cells, key hypothalamic players in
the regulation of wakefulness, energy expenditure and
reward seeking. Our results provide evidence that the
activity of hcrt/orx cells is regulated by functional GlyRs
located on both postsynaptic sites on the hcrt/orx cell
membrane and on glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic
terminals contacting hcrt/orx cells. Since the action of
glycine on GlyRs on mature hcrt/orx cells was hyperpolarizing, whereas the action on presynaptic GlyRs
increased synaptic release onto hcrt/orx neurons, these
data reveal two distinct mechanisms for modulating the
firing of hcrt/orx neurons.
C 2011 The Authors. Journal compilation
C 2011 The Physiological Society
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C 2011 The Physiological Society