Yoga Life Winter 2015 WEB
Yoga Life Winter 2015 WEB
Yoga Life Winter 2015 WEB
Autumn/Winter 2015
Mental Processes
in Yoga
Swami Durgananda
Unity of Existence
Swami Sivananda
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Swami Durgananda
Swami Swaroopananda
Swami Sivadasananda
Swami Kailasananda
Swami Sitaramananda
Swami Durgananda
Swami Swaroopananda
Swami Sivadasananda
Swami Kailasananda
Swami Sitaramananda
2015 has been a landmark in the planetary
awareness about the benefits of yoga: the
celebration of the first International Yoga Day on
June 21, an initiative of prime Minister Narendra
Modi endorsed by the United Nations, has indeed
given yoga a new platform in the world.
It was celebrated by millions of enthusiastic
practitioners, and people of all countries became
increasingly aware that yoga is not just about
flexibility, but is a life-style aiming at inner and
outer peace. The words of the Indian Prime Minister
Yoga embodies unity of mind and body, thought
and action, restraint and fulfilment, harmony
between man and nature, a holistic approach
to health and wellbeing, echo the teachings of
Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnudevananda,
who worked tirelessly throughout their lives to
With ashrams and centres located around the world see page 60 for addresses
Est 1957
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Spiritual Humour
The Lives of Saints Mahatma Gandhi By Swami Sivananda
A Divine Yogic Feast Vegetarian Recipes by Chris Cooper
Prison Yoga Outreach Programme The Sivananda Yoga Teachers
Training Course Goes to Prison
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Unity of Existence
By Swami Sivananda
In this extract from Sivanandas Gospel of Divine Life, Swami Sivananda
makes the ultimate declaration of peace the Unity of Existence.
Learn to live as members of a single family. Champion the ideal of one humanity.
Live in peace in the world. All are children of God. The whole world is a family
of God. Feel this, realise this and be happy.
Where is a true and lasting peace to be found?
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Mental Processes
By Swami
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Fascinating India
Swami Sivananda
International Sivananda
Teachers Training Courses
20 February 20 March 2016
22 October 20 November 2016
Sadhana Intensive
24 October 8 November 2016
Advanced hatha yoga practice following
the instructions of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Kedarnath Badrinath
International Sivananda
Advanced Yoga Teachers
Training Course
20 February 20 March 2016
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since 1957
Nischala Joy Devi
Dr Kulkarni
Sigrid Siebert
Brigitte Addington
In a beautiful Alpine oasis
In Mittersill, Hohe Tauern, Austria
Landhotel Gut Sonnberghof ****
Yoga Vacation Programmes
9 Nov 11 Dec 2015
1 29 April 2016
Yoga Teachers
Training Course
4 June 2 July 2016
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Sivananda Kutir, Netala
27th April 3rd May, 2015
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It was his powerful determination that Swamijis mother was
referring to when she described him as a very adamant fellow.
Illustrating with an incident from his infancy Mataji told of how
once the young Swami Kuttan had refused to eat until some
of the food on his plate was removed. There was too much, he
had said, take some away. Mataji explained that the dog could
have what was left, and instructed him to eat. Again he refused:
there was too much food, and some should be removed. Mataji,
in her own words, beat him on the leg until his leg swelled.
Still he would not eat, nor did he cry. It became clear that
beating was useless. Mataji relented and removed some of the
food. Swami ate, and Mataji resolved never to beat him again.
Hand in hand with this resolute determination came a remarkable fearlessness. Swamijis cousin, Sri Achuthan recalled:
In his younger days Swami had no fear at all. There was a
mango tree near the house where we lived. If you climbed right
to the top you could see our house from the top of that tree.
Once he saw me when I was climbing down. I told him that I
had climbed up to try and pick some mangoes. He asked Did
you get any? I told him No, I didnt manage to get any. They
are a bit too high to reach.
So Swami climbed up and the branch broke and the stick he
used to collect the mangoes also broke. When the branch broke
he fell down to the ground after getting hit by other branches
on the way to the ground. He broke his arm. It became a huge
event and everyone gathered around. My father was very good
with medicines. He had some medicinal oils that he got from
Mysore. There was a toddy shop nearby and that man was good
at tying splints. So he came and with my dad applied oils and
using a white cloth tied a splint. Swami did not cry. Not a drop
of tears fell from his eyes. In spite of so much pain he did not cry.
From birth Swamis diet consisted of milk, fruits, sweets and
ghee. He refused to drink coffee and tea, and did not like
strong spices or salt. If some butter was added he would eat
rice. He would eat idli and dosa. He was golden in colour. One
day Kunji Amma, a neighbour, looking at Mataji with Swami
Kuttan on her lap enquired whether she was the childs mother,
and what food he was being given. The child was looking
beautiful, Kunji Amma said, while Mataji looked like his servant.
Chovvari (sago payasam) and milk Mataji replied.
In his early years Swami Kuttan lived in Kumaramputhoor
farm, his fathers farm at Pallavur. Because the local school was
three miles away Swamijis mother engaged a tutor to teach
him at home. One day his fathers nephew, Balan, took the
young boy to his primary school in Thalloor to attend Navaratri
Puja. The next day he ran to go to school. Mataji recalled: I did
not permit, as he had to walk three miles and I thought to let
him complete one more year. But he ran again and I chased
him and brought him back. Again he ran and thereafter he
attended school regularly. He started going to school by himself
at the age of five. After passing 4th class he started attending
school at Nemmara from Pallavoor crossing the Gayatri River
and streams. If there is water in the river someone would help
him to cross. He had no fear even while young.
The paddy fields which once formed part of Swamijis family land
He did not like talking ill of others. One day when we ladies
were chatting he shouted, Mother! Mother! loudly and when
asked what he wants he advised us not to talk ill of others.
He will only tell the truth. When the shopkeeper returned
the balance once with more money after the purchase of provisions,
Swami asked that the excess amount be returned immediately.
He would not ask for money to visit the cinema. Only books
and fees he will ask. He is studying along with rich family
children. They may eat from hotels, but Swami is satisfied with
what I give. He will not demand anything from me.
He was not fond of show or make-up. His dress was simple.
It was not because he could not afford, but he had no desire
for costly costumes. He was fond of books. If he took up a book
he wouldnt leave it until it was finished.
When the woman sweeping the courtyard was sick, Swami
applied oil and massaged her legs.
He would not harm animals, nor permit others to harm
them. Whenever he took a bath in the tank, if he found friends
catching fish, he would catch them and bring them home. He
would advise them not to do it, and he would pay money not
to kill. He would not allow anyone to harm even ants and flies.
Swamijis elder sister Lakshmi Kutty was advised not to eat
fish and meat and also not to conduct adharma poojas with
animal sacrifice; only oothama poojas to be conducted for the
gods. No animal was to be harmed or killed.
When Swami was in the army Balan was laid up with TB.
Swami came back from the Punjab on leave and kept Balans
head on his lap and looked after him until death, reciting Gods
name. Earlier, when he was studying, his uncle Murukandi was
in hospital. He looked after his uncle the whole night. He helped
other patients also. He looked after them until death. He was
not at all afraid. In his younger days he had no fear at all. n
Kamala Devi runs an affiliated Sivananda Yoga Centre in Katoomba,
NSW, Australia. She is a long time disciple of Swamiji Vishnudevananda and
has helped a lot with the organisation of the archives of Swamijis work.
email: [email protected]
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Yoga Vacation
17 August 11 September 2015
Free choice of dates
CENTRO DE YOGA SIVANANDA VEDANTA MADRID Founder: Swami Vishnudevananda C/ Eraso 4, 28028 Madrid, Spain
Phone +34 91 361 51 50 E-mail: [email protected]
YOGALife |Autumn/Winter 2015
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Final Relaxation
A Simple Example
When you lift one leg in Savasana, this movement is possible
due to motor nerve impulses causing the contraction in various
leg muscles. When you suddenly drop the leg, this is due to the
sudden stopping of these nerve impulses.
Incidentally you also inhale while lifting, hold the breath
while the leg is up, and exhale when the leg is dropped. This
aspect can be considered the prana impulse.
Which impulse is experienced more clearly in this liftingand-dropping-exercise, the nerve impulse or the prana impulse?
As both of them happen simultaneously it is difficult to tell
them apart.
If you modify the exercise, the difference becomes quite obvious:
Adaptation No. 1
Inhale and lift the leg. Then exhale, but continue keeping the leg
up. Only when you have completed the exhalation, drop the leg.
Here you first released the breath, which is the prana
impulse, and then later you stopped the motor nerve impulse
to the leg muscles, which caused the leg to drop.
Isnt it surprising how much your motor capacity of holding
the leg up against the gravity was weakened, once you had
exhaled? This shows the difference between prana impulse
and nerve impulse and how much the nerve impulse depends
on the prana impulse.
Adaptation No. 2
Inhale and lift the leg. Keep holding the breath. Drop the leg
without exhaling. Exhale only once you clearly feel the leg on
the floor.
You first released the motor nerve impulse to the leg muscles,
and then you released the respiratory impulse, which is the
prana impulse.
It is surprising to see that the major sensation of release
was only felt when you released the breath, the prana impulse.
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It is advisable to begin with pranayama, as it allows you to
connect again consciously to the prana impulse. The various
exercises create a wave of relaxation with the exhalation, a wave
of energy with the inhalation and lead to mental control
of prana (concentration) when you hold the breath. All these
impulses are experienced while the body is remaining calm
and motionless in the meditative sitting pose.
Sun Salutation
(Surya Namaskar)
position 2
Muscle effort
increases as you are
stretching the hands
and the arms
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Final Relaxation
Here the conscious motor control is becoming very subtle. Deep
muscle relaxation requires a greatly reduced flow of motor
impulses to the muscles. This results in a very low muscle tone.
Sensory awareness is stimulated by conscious abdominal
breathing. This stimulates the sensory impulses in the solar
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The Failure
of Preventive
By Dr. Gerhard Brand, MD,
Munich, Germany
We seem to be losing the fight against obesity, because pills dont
make anyone any healthier, at best they enable people to live a bit
longer with their disease.
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The Diaphragm
An Amazing Muscle
By Swami Rajeshwarananda
When practising or teaching the abdominal breath it is common for many of us to take
for granted the mechanism, yet not quite fully understanding the process involved.
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During inhalation
the diaphragm
and moves
During exhalation
it relaxes and
moves back up.
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
Health is wealth. Peace of mind is happiness. Yoga shows the way. Swami Vishnudevananda
Such was the truth in Swamijis words, which the entire world came out
to experience today, the 21st of June 2015: the first International Day
of Yoga. A movement to good health and peace of mind which all
came through Yoga.
Thanks to the initiative of the Indian Prime Minister, the United
Nations had earlier decided that the time for international recognition
of the great tradition of Yoga had indeed arrived. This momentous
decision of the world community has the potential to change the world
into a healthier place physically, mentally and spiritually.
Here in London, it was a special day for us at the Sivananda Yoga
Vedanta Centre. Early in the morning, we gathered at the Indian High
Commission where the High Commissioner inaugurated the Day by
lighting a ceremonial lamp. A recorded video message from the Prime
Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, and another message from the
British Prime Minister, David Cameron were broadcast. The Indian PM
in his message emphasised the need for inner peace and happiness
for each individual, and how Yoga can help achieve that elusive peace
of mind and soul.
This was followed by a 15 minute asana demonstration by the
Sivananda Yogis, with Raghunath Manet playing the veena which
complemented the asanas and lent a sense of great calmness and
serenity to the prevailing atmosphere. The session was attended
by a large audience which appeared to be truly absorbing the divine
environment as they participated in the asanas.
The scene then shifted to the South Bank Pier where karma yogis
decorated the Sivananda cruise boat with colourful bunting, balloons
and banners commemorating the special day. This was organised and
executed under the supervision of Swami Kailasananda, Swami
Jyotirmayananda and Swami Keshavananda. Just as the decorations
were completed and the boat ride from South Bank to Putney
commenced, Big Ben (which adjoins Londons Houses of Parliament)
struck its majestic gong, as if to wish us luck! As the boat approached
Putney Pier, a long queue of yogis was waiting to come aboard and join
the celebrations.
The boat looked mesmerising, angelic and divine. As the people
boarded the boat and took their seats, the celebrations commenced
with meditation and satsang. The sacred atmosphere created by the
chanting of Jaya Ganesha while sailing on the Thames was overwhelming. The sun was at its brilliant best as if Swami Sivananda and
Swami Vishnudevananda were smiling and bestowing upon us their
love and blessings! The satsang came to an end with the chanting of
Arati. As the boat reached the South Bank Pier in the heart of the city,
the Indian High Commissioner came aboard and delivered an inspiring
address. The celebrations continued up to the Bernie Spain Gardens
on the banks of the Thames where a host of people were waiting
to receive Yoga lessons.
It was a beautiful sight, close to 600 yogis practicing yoga in a
public Sivananda class taught by Swami Keshavananda in the green
gardens with the golden sun shining bright in the blue sky. The Masters
were with all of us and were bestowing upon each one of us their
blessings, wisdom and joy.
After the class we headed back to the boat to begin our return
journey to the Sivananda Yoga Centre. Ragunath Manet entertained us
with a beautiful veena concert and a magnificent Bharata Natyam dance
performance. The day only got more divine with the concluding satsang
at the Centre which was a tribute to the peace missions of Swami
Vishnudevananda. As the celebrations were coming to a conclusion,
one was reminded of another saying by Swami Sivananda, STRIVE,
STRIVE, STRIVE. This is the sacred mantra to success in everything.
The First International Yoga Day was a great learning experience
for all of us, the Sivananda family and everyone around us. As Master
has said strive and strive, there is a long road ahead to take Yoga to the
whole world. Today was the beginning of this beautiful journey and we
could feel the enlightenment ourselves.
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
With the support of the Indian Embassy and 12 local yoga schools, the International Day
of Yoga in Madrid was a wonderful event. Similar celebrations took place in over fifty cities
throughout Spain, including Granada, at the affiliated Sivananda Centre, and Barcelona with
the support of the Sivananda Satsang Group.
The event in Plaza de Coln in Madrid began with an open air master Yoga class and an
address by Mr. Vikram Misri, the Ambassador of India and Mrs. Manuela Carmena, the new
mayor of Madrid. The mayor visited the Sivananda stand and received information about our
programmes. Over 1,500 people participated in the asana and pranayama class organised by the
Government of India which was shown on a big video screen. Afterwards, the Sivananda Yoga
Centre conducted a 30 minute traditional asana and pranayama session parallel to other yoga
schools. Over 60 teachers and karma yogis from the Madrid Centre participated in the class.
In the afternoon, the Ambassador of India and representatives of different yoga schools
including the Sivananda Yoga Centre participated in a conference to discuss the various
aspects of Yoga (health, consciousness and spirituality).
The International Yoga Day Celebration made a very important impact in the media,
opening the news on several television news programmes.
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
At the Montreal Centre we began the International Yoga Day festivities with a wonderful
Satsang and Yoga Class with Swami Shivabhaktananda. This gave a good grounding for the
day and Swamiji explained the significance of International Yoga day. Many teachers, karma
yogis and students from the centre congregated, as well as staff and guests from the Ashram.
A strong sense of community and purpose was felt by those participating. It continued with a
breakfast and gathering, where people had the opportunity to connect with one another.
Prahlada led the walk up Mont Royal, where some Asana Demos were performed, both
of which created interest by people passing. The group were on hand to distribute flyers and
magazines to those who were curious; they were feeling inspired to spread the message of
yoga!! Eventually we settled at a peaceful area by the lake where the group began to chant,
later Prahlada shared some stories about Swami Vishnudevananda. It gave a good insight to
Swamiji and his mission. There was much joy and smiles expressed about the event from
those who participated, and they appreciated being involved in something meaningful. It was
an encouraging day and the vibration was high. There was a great sincerity amongst the ever
growing community. We are ever thankful for Master and Swamiji Vishnus grace.
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Meenakshi Ashram
and Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
The first celebration of the International Day of Yoga was jointly organised
by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Meenakshi Ashram and Sivananda Yoga
Vedanta Centre at Madurai.
Our celebrations were three-fold, encompassing three different groups:
1. People who are eagerly looking upon yoga as a means to prepare
themselves to meet the everyday challenges of life and also to keep them
physically fit; 2. Police who are intensely trained both physically and
mentally, who are serving at the India-Tibet Border; and finally 3. At the
Ashram with a group of children and senior citizens.
The first part of the event opened at 6am in Sundaram park known
by the locals as Walkers Club. The ceremony was inaugurated by the
The first International Yoga Day was celebrated in the Sivananda Yoga Retreat House on 21st of June 2015. For the morning yoga class, 30 guests
came from the area as well as from Germany, England, Scotland, Israel and Canada. The majority of the population of Reith village came to celebrate
the event. After a snack the participants joined the lecture with Swami Vidyananda on the cross-cultural message of yoga followed by an asana
demonstration with detailed information on the 12 basic postures.
In the afternoon, the programme continued at the event hall of Reith village. New visitors came to listen to the lecture of Swami Ramapriyananda
about the latest research on yoga and medicine. The lecture was followed by another free yoga class with 30 participants. The day ended with a casual
get together with lovingly prepared vegetarian snacks and tea.
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Sivananda Yoga Retreat
A beautiful, blue sky greeted us on June 21st in the Bahamas, after our meditation walk
before sunrise on the beach.
At the request of the High Commission of India, Kingston, Jamaica, Sivananda Ashram
Yoga Retreat Bahamas and the State Bank of India, Nassau partnered to host a special event
The days special activities began at 8am, with 2 hours of Surya Namaskar, led by our
priest, Krishna Namboodiri, who invoked continual chanting while doing the asanas.
Seventy five guests were greeted at the Nassau Dock by senior staff member, Pranava,
and then transported by boats to Paradise Island. The local guests were then escorted to the
main platform to join vacation guests, karma yogis and staff for the welcome by senior staff
member, Rukmini. A huge banner hung from the rafters denoting the historic day and we
listened to a few opening remarks by our partner and CEO of the State Bank of India, Puneet
Narain. A meaningful talk followed by Swami Brahmananda, Yoga and a Healthy Lifestyle,
with demonstrations by senior staff member, Krishna Das.
Childrens activities, snacks and a special childrens yoga class took place while the adults
were led in a traditional yoga class. Children and parents united for a vegetarian feast
prepared with love, by our wonderful chef, Ambika and her crew of karma yogis. After some
ice cream, tours were given, providing a glance into the history and future vision for the
Ashram. It was a great day of yoga and community spirit! Special thanks to Minakshi and
Mary for their organisation and production of the event.
On June 21st we celebrated the first International Yoga Day with the great
Yogic community in Tel-Aviv. The event was sponsored and organised by the
Indian embassy and the Tel-Aviv municipality.
The Day started with three yoga classes from different schools and
styles. We conducted the third class which had the highest attendance
of over 100 people, and was directed by Shankara Chaitanya and assisted
by many of our teachers. The day continued with lectures on Ayurveda,
Classical Indian Dance & Singing concerts and an address by the Indian
ambassador to Israel. In the Centre many new and old time students
came to join the yoga classes freely offered, and also for the evening
satsang dedicated to the subject of Inspired Living through Yoga.
The energy was very uplifting all through the day, and we thank our
Masters for being great pioneers in starting this great movement of
disseminating the knowledge of yoga far and wide, a movement that
reached such global dimensions.
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
We had a very successful yoga class in the park. Our purpose
to have a yoga class for all was achieved, as we had pregnant
women, seniors and many of our students came with friends and
family to share the yoga experience. Everyone enjoyed the class
and the atmosphere.
In the evening we held a satsang and finished with dinner
for everyone. We had many teachers and students who happily
participated in this special meeting. It was a very festive evening.
All our students, teachers and new comers were given a special
The evening before the International Yoga Day, we had an
amazing concert with Oscar Bonelli. He performed spiritual
chanting and music from various traditions. Many new people
came and all participated wholeheartedly.
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia,
Chile, Colombia and Uruguay
Our Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile,
Colombia and Uruguay celebrated this World Yoga Day with great
Although the day was very wintery in the southern-most countries,
students, teachers and people eager to know the benefits of Yoga,
participated in different events organised by local Yoga Centres and the
Embassy of India.
Montevideo, Uruguay
The Montevideo Centre celebrated with a full week of yoga classes,
meditation and special talks open for everybody. On Sunday we joined
the local celebration organised by the Indian Consulate. The programme
was at the Sheraton Hotel in a very pleasant neighbourhood of Montevideo
close to the seashore.
About 250 people participated. Kanti Devi had translated a book
on Swami Sivananda to offer free to all those taking part.
Teachers and close students of the Centres supported the activities
with their presence and gave active karma yoga during the week and
especially on Sunday, The International Day of Yoga.
This was a very positive opportunity for people from all over the world
to join together in Celebrating Yoga. Gratitude, humility and a great spirit
of sharing was very present and we are already getting ready for next year!
Santa Cruz de la
Sierra, Bolivia
Sao Paulo,
Valparaiso, Chile
with two teachers from other Yoga Centres on the main stage. In the Auditorium Swami Dayananda gave a brief talk about Swami Vishnudevanandas
five points of yoga.
Kanti Devi sent from Uruguay the book, Yoga for the West, translated by
her and printed for this Yoga Day as a tribute to the Masters. The book was
given as a gift to attendees.
People enthusiastically participated in all the activities despite the cold
weather. The attendance at the celebrations throughout the day was about
1,500 people. 28 yoga teachers from the Buenos Aires Centre helped run
the event which concluded with the Indian Ambassador, government
authorities and representatives of the different Yoga Centres chanting
together the Saha Navavatu Mantra.
We ended the day with our usual Sunday Satsang in the Centre thanking
our Masters for their knowledge and guidance in this wonderful path of yoga.
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
The Centres annual yoga and music festival was well attended with asana workshops, lectures and teachings from the yoga scriptures together with
Indian music. A highlight were two lectures by Swami Durgananda on Necessity of Spiritual Practice. The festival ended on the International Day
of Yoga with a special programme Health is Wealth, Peace of Mind is Happiness which also involved the nearby Technical University .
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
Initiated by the Indian Embassy and supported by the leading local yoga schools, about 300
participants came to a morning programme in a park in central Vienna. After a brief address
by the Ambassador of India, there were two sessions of asanas, pranayama and a short
meditation. The Vienna Centre was present with 30 inspired students, karma yogis and
teachers who shared both the yoga practice and enthusiastic conversations. The Sivananda
International Yoga Day Magazine was also shared with a multi-national crowd from different
yoga schools. In the afternoon the Centre offered an open house with new and young
participants including a cooking workshop, asana demonstration and a free trial class.
A special guest was the Indian Chief of Mission who participated in the introduction
to meditation. The day ended with a peaceful satsang and a lecture inspired by Swami
Durganandas words in honour of India as the Motherland of Yoga.
Sivananda Kutir
In the morning, on the invitation of the Principal, DIG Sri J P Yadavji, we visited the Indo
Tibetan Border Police Training Facility at Mandanda near Uttarkashi. He graciously welcomed
the teachers, staff and students of our Ashram. Thereafter, we conducted a Yoga Class for
approximately 300 Jawans and officers of ITBP.
The programme was conducted as per the protocol sent by the Government for the event.
All our students, staff and teachers participated in conducting and assisting the class and on
its completion, the Principal thanked us for visiting the camp and successfully conducting the
Yoga programme. He also invited us to his residence to receive some refreshments. In the
evening, we visited the Tapovan Kutir Ashram in Uttarkashi. The Yoga community at Uttarkashi
had organised a demonstration, talk and video show for local people.
Three of our students also demonstrated Asanas to the attending Swamis, yogis and
public. After a video show on Indias great yogis and some light refreshments, we returned
to the Ashram.
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Trivandrum
and Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram, Neyyar Dam
Daily Life by Dr. K.U. Devadas. We also held a Quiz Competition on Yoga
prepared by Sri Praveen Das.
A variety of yoga classes and a kriya workshop were held at the
Trivandrum Centre throughout the day. We also conducted several
classes outside the Centre including:
Kerala State Police, Chandrashekaran Nair Stadium, yoga demonstration for over 350 police officers, presided over by the Director
General of Police
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO Inertial Systems Unit, State Bank
of India, and NSS School: classes were held for employees and students.
A delicious lunch was served in the afternoon and the Centre was
positively buzzing with activity. Over 350 people attended the days
events and each participant received a copy of the Sivananda
International Yoga Day magazine along with a certificate of attendance.
We completed the days events with satsang and a special Cultural
Programme classical bhajans sung by Vital Vinod. After arati and
prasad an evening meal was served and then the Neyyar Dam group
boarded the bus and headed back to the Ashram. Thank you to all the
volunteers, students and the more than 50 staff from both the
Trivandrum Centre and the Neyyar Dam Ashram for their attendance,
participation and lively spirit.
The events of the past few weeks have created a lot of positive
energy and enthusiasm among our community. It is our hope that we
can continue to spread the knowledge of yoga and the teachings of
our gurus to those around us, and in doing so achieve the vision of a
world living in peace. Lets keep the momentum going until next year!
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
The Tokyo Centre celebrated International Day of Yoga with Swami Dharmananda from the Yoga Farm who was visiting us for 2 weeks in June. We had
a full schedule of free classes as well as a tea and snacksmid-day open house with students asking many questions about Yoga life and practice.
Swami Dharmananda led the evening satsang speaking about the International Day of Yoga, the lives of Master and Swamiji and Swamjis mission
to the West and the foundation of his teaching, the Five Points of Yoga. It was a wonderful day at the Centre, full of energy and inspiring for all.
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
The Centre prepared in the morning for this special day. Decorations were put up and several delicious snacks were prepared with the help of dedicated
Karma Yogis. We received the students at 2pm for a little peace session in our garden, where we released balloons carrying peace messages.
Everybody wrote mantras on a little postcard which was then attached to a balloon. Once out in the garden we chanted Om Namo Narayanaya and
sent off the balloons full of peace mantras and good wishes for humanity. This was followed by a slide show on Swami Vishnudevanandas peace
missions. Three parallel asana classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced students were all well visited. Snacks were served after the class and
the day concluded with more mantra chanting of Om Namo Narayanaya followed by a powerful Satsang. The booklet printed for the event was well
accepted by all students, everybody left the Centre inspired, thankful and happy.
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres in India
The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres in India were honoured to participate in the First India-China (Chengdu) International Yoga Festival organised
by the Consulate General of India, Guangzhou, with support from the Chinese local government. The five day event culminated on 21st June, the
International Day of Yoga. Nineteen yoga teachers from India were present, including some from the Ashtanga (Mysore style), Kaivalyadham,
Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Isha Hatha Yoga and India Yoga institutions.
Apart from educating the public about the benefits of Yoga, the festival was intended to emphasize the central place of India in the history of Yoga
as suggested by the festival motto Taking Yoga back to its roots. During the opening ceremony, H.E. Ashok K. Kantha, the Ambassador of India to
China referred to the large and growing popularity of Yoga in China and how it resonated with Chinas own traditions like Tai Chi. He hoped that the
practice of Yoga would help to build friendly ties between India and China.
The SYVC programme included daily talks on the 5 Points of Yoga followed by a basic class. Additionally the event included panel discussions, press
interviews and promotional demonstrations such as yoga and Tai Chi and Panda yoga! The SYVC team consisted of Nataraj, Kalyani and Anisha as well
as three Chinese TTC graduates: Sivani, Vidyadevi and Jyothi. Sivani provided simultaneous Chinese translation. Due to popular interest we even held
two bhajan sessions with the students. The participants were very encouraged by the news of the forthcoming September TTC in Dujiangyan and the
October opening of the new SYVC Centre in Chengdu.
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Charitable Works
Providing free Ayurvedic Medical Camps at Sivananda Dhanwantari Ashram, Neyyar Dam and free medical help and assistance
at our Madurai Ashram
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The vision
Three weeks, 17th April to 7th May 2015, Sivananda Ashram in
Orleans. All Swamis, Brahmacharis, and main staff were invited
to participate in collective Sadhana, to deepen the teaching skills,
go one step further in managing Centres and Ashrams, and last
but not least: rest, relax, recharge, reconnect and refresh.
When I first heard about it, I was enthusiastic and a bit skeptical
at the same time. How would we organise the Centres with all
their duties? How would we find people to help? Were we to
leave the Centres in Gods hands? It seemed to be a big challenge.
Finally, however, everything came together as if it was Gods will:
the response from teachers and students was very positive and
many people offered help. Some centres were cared for by
teachers, some had younger staff staying behind to take on the
challenge of running the Centres, tackling new tasks, and
experiencing more responsibility. Teaching plans were adapted,
tasks handed over, staff and karma yogis trained on accounts,
teaching plans, boutique organisation, and other tasks they had
never done before. The remaining staff were as excited as the
departing staff and, by the grace of the masters, we all could
make our way to Orleans.
Our meeting point was the Sivananda Yoga Centre in Paris.
It was a joyful atmosphere with people arriving one after
another throughout the day, and the Centre became more and
more orange and yellow! Many of us had not met for quite
a while and we were happy to see each other again. By the
evening, everybody had arrived and we travelled together
to the Sivananda Ashram in Orleans on an organised bus. The
bus ride seemed to include a tour through Paris, we saw the
Eiffel Tower and many other sights in the sunset and despite
many traffic jams and several hours on the road, we finally
reached Neuville aux Bois. Once in the Ashram, we had a warm
How to refresh?
The first day was smooth. The schedule was set: Karma Yoga
was distributed; time for Sadhana, lectures, and workshops was
defined. An exciting, and packed, schedule included Vedanta,
social media, anatomy, and asana correction. The next morning
we started with a Homa in the temple with the two priests,
who were with us during these three weeks. The weather was
splendid and the mood was very good. It still seemed a bit like
a dream come true. It felt like coming home.
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More highlights
Sudha, a staff member from the Paris Centre, became Sudha
Chaitanya. In a beautiful Homa led by the two priests, she
committed to the path of renunciation. It is beautiful to see
that the Sannyas tradition is kept alive and is something
beyond time and space.
Every evening, the priest, Yagneshwara, tried his best to
teach a small but inspired group how to chant the Narayana
Suktam and the Devi Suktam, the classical mantras which are
chanted during the pujas. It was done in the classical way,
repeating word by word and line by line for many days. It was
not easy and it became again very obvious to me that studying
yogic knowledge needs time, endurance and patience. It never
goes fast, but it goes deep.
Charles Poncet, a long time disciple from Geneva, gave a joyful
and informative take on the topic How to deal with Lawyers;
and Ram, Director from the affiliated Centre in Hamburg, talked
about Art and the power of images and pictures, encouraging
us to be more creative in the design of posters and flyers.
Ragunath Manet, a veena player, and Bharata Natyam, a dancer,
came from Paris for two days to introduce us to Indian classical
music and dance. The veena concert was beautiful and relaxing.
Despite two weeks of rain we also had some sports activities.
We played some basketball, and the Volleyball net was put up
but rain washed away our hope to be able to play. We will try
again next year!
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Ashram de Yoga
Sivananda Loire Valley, France
Swami Sivananda
Swami Vishnudevananda
Sadhana Intensive:
August 13 27 (French, English, Spanish, German)
Accessible Yoga with Jivana Heyman
The Yoga of Sleep with Dr. Rubin Naiman
Yoga and meditation
and trauma with Molly
Special Christmas
and New Year Programme
December 23, 2015 January 1, 2016
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The Joy
of Watching
an Ashram
By Swami Bhagavatananda
Anyone who ever had the blessing of taking care of a child knows the pure joy and soul-deep
satisfaction felt when the beautiful but helpless little baby grows gradually into a strong, healthy
and happy being through the love and care poured into it.
summer that stretched the Ashram beyond its capacity for three
whole months. Because, even if the Ashram has left its baby
steps behind, it is still far from being fully fledged, and neither
accommodation nor indoor teaching spaces are sufficient.
Now, what do you do when there are more people wanting to
live the yogic life than can be accommodated? Following good old
yogic tradition we coped as best as we could, according to Swami
Sivanandas teaching to adapt, adjust and accommodate. In the
rooms, beds were added wherever beds could be squeezed in; in
the campsite, tents were added wherever tents could be squeezed
in; and beds were added to tents wherever they could be squeezed in!
Chief strategy of our logistics during the main season is praying
for decent weather to use outdoor teaching spaces. Whenever the
universe fails to cooperate, Asana classes follow Swamijis principle
of bumper to bumper.
Since the kitchen was feeding a number of people double the
amount of its originally planned capacity, we upgraded our appliances,
growing them both in size and technology, and transformed the
kitchen storage into an improvised cold room with the help
of a portable Aircon.
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A Funny
to me on the
Way Home
From the
Yoga Class
By Ken Whiteley
Call nothing your own. Even this body is not yours.
Rejoice in the soul or Atman within.
Swami Sivananda
Little did I realise how I would come to directly experience this quote!
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I could barely move by myself, I had tubes all over me and the
only sadhana I could do was to rest in dharma, trusting in
the universe. It felt to me that it had been much longer than
two and a half weeks since I had first entered the hospital.
Somehow though, throughout the whole time there, I felt
incredibly supported. Family and friends had been right there
the whole time. There were many communities praying for me.
Almost all of the hospital staff were great. The hospital physiotherapist began working with me. I told her I was a yoga teacher
as well as a musician. As she later said to me, The idea isnt
just to be able to function when you get out of here, but to be
at least as good as before you came in.
It wasnt until I got out of intensive care and moved up to
the regular cardiac ward that I realised in what bad shape I really
was. I still had a feeding tube through my nose and I had
become concerned about my steady diet of genetically modified
soy with vitamins as my only source of nutrition. However when
I asked for a pencil and paper to write a note to the hospital
dietician, I found I couldnt even write. I had been asking for
several days for someone to bring in my smallest guitar and
when they did I found out that I couldnt even hold it!
But now I had the actual picture of the gurus in front of my
bed as well as a healing Buddha my brother had brought in and
an image of the Last Supper. Although I still couldnt walk, I was
now able to prop myself up in the hospital bed. I began getting
up at 6am and doing my meditation. I couldnt do asanas, but
I could still practice bhakti and I began chanting and singing
spiritual songs after my meditation. Between 6.30am and
7.30am all the nurses were on a shift change so I was undisturbed.
I was diligent with my exercises and the physiotherapist
worked with me every day. I regained a lot of the movement
of my arm, I was relearning to walk and before I could go home
I had to accomplish going up and down stairs. Finally after forty
days in the hospital I was sent home.
It felt so good to be where it was quiet and where I could
eat organic food again. I had cancelled all my work for the rest
of the year so I was able to focus on healing. A great physiotherapist came to the house and he knew that my goal was to
be able to do the sun salutations and stand on my head again.
Shortly after Christmas I accomplished that goal. I made my
first singing appearance at the Toronto Centre for the annual
Christmas party. When I finally got in to see the cardiologist
he said to me, You are, in three and a half months, where
Id expect someone to be in six months to a year.
Throughout this whole experience I actually felt incredibly
lucky. I had the immediate love of my family and the support
of many friends. I had had a life saving medical intervention and
not died. The gurus had been present with me throughout. I felt
that Gods grace never left me. The one time I actually cried tears
was near the end of my hospital stay and I could finally play my
guitar again. I was singing a song that I had written a number
of years earlier and suddenly the words were much more profound
to me:
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In a natural rock cave, on the summit of Vishnu Peak in the Himalayas, is the Om Namo Narayanaya Mantra Bank,
a repository for thousands of sheets of Om Namo Narayanaya mantras written by peace-loving devotees from
around the world. It was established by Swami Vishnudevananda in 1987 as part of his ongoing mission for World
Peace. A large crystal stored with the mantras transmits this powerful peace thought-energy like radio waves
throughout the world. In May 2015, an expedition set out from Gangotri to make a new bank deposit.
ur expedition party consisted of: Ivan,
Ishwara, Swami Shivabhaktananda,
Vyasa, Vinod, Krishna, and Prema,
accompanied by a guide, and two
porters to carry the mantras. The
expedition to ascend Vishnu Peak
proved to be intense and much harder than any
of us imagined.
Early in the morning, we set off towards the
peak; the beginning of the trail was pleasant,
meandering through forest. However, that did not
last for long, and soon we were faced with what
was really ahead of us climbing! It soon became
apparent that the journey was not going to be
suitable for Vyasa, and we encouraged him not to
pursue going forward as things were getting harder
by the minute. He acknowledged our concerns
and carefully made his way back. Those of us who
remained then continued on our way up, crossing
small glaciers, forests, and thick shrubs.
After five hours of climbing, we could finally
see the Vishnu Peak more clearly ahead and
above us. At this point we decided to leave all of
our things behind and tackle the last part of our
journey carrying as little as possible to speed up
a bit time was pressing, especially as we knew
the way down would not be easy either. Prema
and Vinod were tired and decided not to proceed
any further, which enabled the rest of us to move
a bit faster. Not only were the sun and hunger
proving to be obstacles by this point, but mainly
the lack of oxygen, as we were already over
4,000 metres high. Headaches and nausea kept
cropping up and made things even harder.
After another two hours, we finally got to the
upper part of the mountain. Our happiness was
soon to be checked, however, when we asked the
guide where the cave with the mantras was: he
did not know. We walked around for the next few
hours, searching for the cave with the little energy
we had left, but could not find the right place. Our
guide had been to the top of the mountain a few
days before our expedition set out, with Deepak,
the owner of an adventure shop in Gangotri, who
has been staff in New Delhi for a few months.
Swami Shivabhaktananda
is the director of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga
Camp, Val Morin, Canada
email: [email protected]
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By Sivani
After 30 days of hard work during the Advanced Teachers
Training Course (ATTC) in Rudraprayag, the words Unity in Diversity
made complete sense to me. Everything did.
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Madurai Ashram
Since the opening of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Meenakshi Ashram, 20km North of Madurai City in Tamil Nadu,
South India, only three permanent buildings have been built. These were built last year and are Shanti Nivas (the
first building of 2 staff rooms and a kitchen), Ganga Kutir accommodating the reception, office, boutique, six special
guest rooms and two long dormitories, and thirdly Yamuna Kutir, a permanent ladies dormitory. Ganga Kutir is
topped by a temporary dormitory made with coconut leaf walls and roof. Satsangs and yoga classes were held for
years under the coconut leaf roof above Yamuna Kutir. Idyllic surroundings for our Yoga practice, except for a minor
road which is busy at the wrong time of day! However, since January this year, the Ashram inmates have been
meditating and practicing away from the road in a specially designed space in the middle of the Ashram.
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New Accommodation
New accommodation is the next exciting area of work. Plans
have been drawn up to construct a permanent first floor
accommodation of 32 dormitory beds, 3 double rooms and
7 single rooms on Ganga Kutir. It is planned for there to be
a balcony all around the accommodation, to allow the guests
plenty of fresh air and a wonderful view, either of the Ashram
on one side or the distant Palani hills around Kodaikanal on
the other.
[email protected]
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Night Blindness
By Rubin R. Naiman
We suffer today from serious complications
of psychospiritual night blindness a far-reaching
failure to understand the significance of night
in our lives, health, and spirituality.
ver the past century, civilised nights have grown significantly shorter. A culture
of zealous industrialisation has polluted the night environment with excessive
and pernicious artificial illumination. Blinded by this light, the intervening darkness
demonised. It would seem that even as adults, we are afraid of the dark.
And we are losing sleep over it. Inundated by day, we suffer by night from an
unprecedented epidemic of sleep disorders that take a substantial toll on our health, well-being,
and productivity. Our negation of night is further complicated by widespread damage to our
dream life a literal and figurative loss of our dreams. Like sleep loss, dream loss affects virtually
all aspects of our lives, especially our personal sense of spirituality. A less obvious but equally
serious casualty of our night blindness is common proclivity for weary and mindless morning
awakenings that have subtle but disturbing repercussions on the quality of our daily lives.
Disordered sleep, suppressed dreams, and disturbed awakening all tangle together into
a dense obstruction of awareness. By day, we experience ourselves and the world around us
through a depleted and dulled sensorium. Our very consciousness is damaged and downsized.
We lose sight of the bigger picture, our peripheral vision, our imagination. Far too many of us
live in a kind of foggy bubble a chronic, low-grade, and insidious daze. But, somehow, we
manage to conjure sufficient energy to maintain our relentless drive.
The global energy crisis seems to have a curious internal representation: a personal energy
crisis. Our chronic depletion results in an insatiable hunger for personal energy. To compensate
for our sleep and dream-deprived daze and maintain our frenetic drive, we reflexively spike
our waking hours with counterfeit energies. We are a society of energy addicts, with lifestyles
designed to provide us with quick fixes of caffeine and sugar on demand. Or, more subtly, as
we will see, with overstimulating information and excessive light at night. Unfortunately, such
energy spikes inevitably backfire with jittery withdrawals. Our desperate need for rest, then, is
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met only with a sputtering restlessness that conceals an underlying exhaustion. Beyond damaging our waking consciousness,
the use of counterfeit energies further damages our nights
by disrupting natures essential rhythm of activity and rest.
But we can take something for it. Evening appears to be the
most common period of substance and medication use in our
world. We consume vast amounts of alcohol, marijuana, antidepressants, sleeping pills, and tranquilizers to modulate our
restless waking energies, and, even more so, to blunt our uneasy
encounter with dusk and darkness. These substances may help
us temporarily negotiate our discomfort with night, but only at
a terrible cost. Many of us routinely view the night only through
bleary eyes.
Unfortunately, what is called sleep medicine that branch
of the health sciences specialised to treat sleep disorders
offers little help with our night blindness. By tightly framing
night, sleep, and dreams as strictly objective and scientific
phenomena, sleep specialists drain these experiences of
anything personal or subjective, let alone sacred or spiritual.
Sadly, sleep medicine also segregates sleep from her biological
sib, dreaming, consigning the latter to status of unappreciated
stepchild. (It is, after all, sleep medicine, not sleep and dream
medicine.) Most sleep specialists relegate what is left of night
to autonomic mechanisms reducing sleeping and dreaming to
molecular machinations that are about as personally meaningful
as recharging a battery.
Viewed through such a narrow and rigid lens, sleep and
dreams become experiences we believe we can and must manipulate and control. We seek medical and mechanical solutions to
what are essentially lifestyle and consciousness problems. In lieu
of an honest confrontation with our frenetic drive and fear of
darkness, we are offered a tantalising array of designer sleeping
and waking pills. In bed with the pharmaceutical industry, sleep
medicine itself remains in a fitful, dream-deprived sleep.
More than three decades ago Andrew Weil called our
attention to the concept of night-time consciousness. In his book
The Marriage of the Sun and Moon, he explored the innate,
universal human drive to experience nonordinary forms of consciousness. To balance our ordinary waking, daytime, or solar
consciousness, Dr. Weil encouraged us to intentionally open
to a darker, more mysterious night, or lunar consciousness.
Lunar, or night consciousness, encompasses sleep and dreams
but also includes dark or shadowy aspects of waking awareness.
As a culture, we have failed to achieve the necessary
balance between these separate but equally important realms
of consciousness. Like night and day, solar and lunar consciousnesses have become increasingly polarised. Daylight is dominant,
overvalued, and even deified, while darkness is dismissed,
devalued, and often demonised. From divine light to light beer,
things associated with the metaphor of light suggest goodness.
We want to shed light, see the light, and lighten up. Our
associations with metaphoric darkness, on the other hand, are
suggestive of confusion, struggle, immorality, and outright evil.
We want nothing more than to avoid dark times, dark nights
of the soul, and, of course, the dreaded prince of darkness.
Our struggle with night is ultimately a struggle with denied
aspects of our own darkness. Confusing the literal darkness of
night with the metaphoric darkness of life, we blindly project
our feelings about the latter onto the former. We then mitigate
Nyx, the forgotten primordial Greek goddess of night, pictured
on the cover of this book, is calling for resurrection. And there
are unexpected gifts to be found in the dusk and darkness she
brings, if we choose to be more night-minded. Night has been
celebrated and sanctified with rich social and sacred rituals across
cultures and time. Whether it is the initial transition through dusk,
the experience of sleeping and dreaming, or the coming of dawn
and awakening, each phase of night offers sacred and healing
possibilities. And, as we will see, a more honest relationship with
night also offers vital lessons about our need to rest by day.
Perhaps the greatest gift of becoming more night-minded
is the restoration of a kind of night vision a fundamentally
different way of seeing or perceiving. Because sleeping, dreaming,
and awakening are non-ordinary states of consciousness, their
exploration calls for non-ordinary ways of perceiving a kind
of nocturnal lucidity. Nocturnal is a way of seeing in the dark,
a kind of third-eye sightedness. We can clearly see night only
through such a spiritual wide-angle lens. And when applied
to our view of day, this expanded frame restores a sense of the
big picture to our lives. It restores the numinous.
Having survived the Holocaust, my mother learned to distinguish the literal darkness of night from metaphoric darkness
what has been referred to as shadow. Certainly one does not
have to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder, or anguish in
any form, to receive the gifts of night. They are available to all.
Night itself is the best sleep medicine. We cannot heal our
sleep and dream disorders without first healing relationship with
night. And in healing night, we discover that night itself is healing.
Darkness is a healing retreat, a carbon filter for the soul. If we
surrender to it, the night will inhale our shadowy fears, offering
precious personal insights in return. Beyond all of the psychological and biomedical complexities associated with it, we come
to discover that sleep itself is a spiritual path, dreaming a means
of walking this path, and awakening its gracious gift. We come
to learn that there is something we can safely place our faith
in even in the dark. n
Rubin R. Naiman is a psychologist and clinical assistant professor
of medicine at the University of Arizonas Health Sciences Centre.
email: [email protected]
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The Yogi
and the Pizza
Vow of Silence
God Versus
Graffiti on a wall:
God is dead. Nietzsche.
Below that was written:
Nietzsche is dead. God.
Trust in God
A devotee is hiking in the Himalayas. Suddenly he slips and is about
to fall into a ravine but luckily, in the very last moment, he manages
to catch hold of an overhanging rock. While he clings to it, precariously
dangling over the abyss, he feels his strength slowly but steadily
ebbing away. Desperately he looks up to the sky and cries out:
Is there someone up there?
Out of the heavens comes a disembodied voice, Yes my son.
Please tell me, what shall I do? pleads the devotee.
The same Divine Voice booms, Say a prayer, trust in God and let go!
After a few moments of silence the devotee looks up to the heavens
again and cries out: Is there someone else?
Two men meet on the street: How are you?
one asks. The other replies: Im fine, thanks.
And hows your son? Is he still unemployed?
Yes, he is. But he is meditating now.
Meditating? Whats that?
I dont know. But its better than sitting
around doing nothing!
Two boys were walking home
from church after hearing a
strong preaching on the devil.
One said to the other, What do
you think about all this Satan
stuff? The other boy replied,
Well, you know how Santa
Claus turned out. Its probably just your dad.
At the entrance to a Hindu temple there was a beggar always
stretching out his hand, asking and pleading for alms. One day he
stretched out both of his hands. A passer-by asked him: All these
days, you were stretching out only one hand why are you today
stretching out two hands? To which the beggar replied: Hari Om!
Praise God! Business was so good that I opened another branch!
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in Italy
A wonderful place for spiritual practice, learning and
transformation in the beautiful Italian countryside
Yoga Vacation
August 2-27, 2016
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Mahatma Gandhi
In this special YogaLife edition dedicated to the International Day of Yoga, we bring you the next in
our series on Lives of the Saints by presenting the life of a modern saint through the eyes one of his
contemporaries, another great saint of modern India, Sri Swami Sivananda. The following article is an
edited version of Mahatma Gandhi from Swami Sivanandas Lives of the Saints.
Gandhi, the
youngest son
of Karamchand
Gandhi and Putlibai, was born
on October 2, 1869. His birthplace was Porbander, a small
seaside town in the Kathiawar
peninsula of western India.
His mother was a devout and
religious woman who attended
temple services daily and
never ate before she prayed.
At school in Porbander,
Gandhiji was very shy and
lacked the confidence and
poise necessary to talk to
strangers. But he was
admirably punctual and
obedient, and participated
actively in school games.
In compliance with the
prevailing custom of child
marriage, Mohandas married
at the age of thirteen.
Kasturbai, his illiterate wife,
was simple, persevering, bold
and independent.
A Student of Law
in England
Karamchand Gandhi died
in the year 1885, leaving little
property for his family. In 1887,
Mohandas completed his
matriculation and left for
England to study law. He lived
in London, where he found
the life strange and difficult
to adjust to. Although he
adopted English dress and took
dancing and violin lessons,
he was nevertheless quite
unsuccessful in conforming
to the British mode of life. His
friends tried to compel him
to eat meat but he abstained,
adhering very rigidly to a
vegetarian diet. He joined
vegetarian clubs and very
soon became a champion of
vegetarianism. In fact it was
in England where Gandhijis
experiments in diet began.
A transformation in
Gandhijis life and character
now began to take place. His
heart ached deeply for religion.
He was inspired by meetings
with Madame Blavatsky and
Annie Besant. He read their
books on Theosophy and read
the Bible. He was impressed
by the similarity of the
teachings of the Sermon on
the Mount and the Gita. He
began reading the Gita only
during his second year in
London, and in it found the
comfort and solace he sought.
Gandhiji studied French,
Latin and science. He was
called to the Bar in 1891,
after which he at once sailed
for India. On his return to his
native land he began to study
Indian Law. At Rajkot he
established a moderately
successful practice. While
there, he was insulted by a
political agent, a British officer
who was prejudiced against
Gandhijis brother. This insult
changed the course of his life,
inspiring him with the desire
to learn something about the
politics of his country.
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200g sweet potatoes
150g carrots
500g cauliflower
100g courgettes
20g chard leaves
1 tablespoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground paprika
50g gram flour + extra for dusting
3 tablespoons olive oil
20g fresh coriander
20g fresh parsley
2 tablespoons tamari
Preheat the oven to 230C. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
Using a small bowl, prepare the batter by adding the ground cumin, ground
coriander, paprika, gram flour, tamari, the leaves and stalks of the parsley and
coriander finely chopped, and pour in the olive oil .
Cut the cauliflower into tiny florets, finely chop the chard leaves and place them
in a separate large bowl. Peel the potatoes, carrots, and courgettes, slice them into
quarters and blend them in a food processor or chop finely if no food processor is
available and add them with the chard and cauliflower. Transfer the batter onto the
vegetables and with a wooden spoon, mix thoroughly until well combined.
Dust your palms with gram flour, make dough balls and lay them on your tray. Bake
for 20 30 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm or cold.
Leftover suggestion: There will be no leftovers!
Preheat the oven to 220 C. Wash the brown rice thoroughly. In a pan, on a low
heat, heat the oil, add the cumin seeds, fennel seeds and nigella seeds, and cook for
5 minutes. Add the ground turmeric and cinnamon, stir well until the spices are well
blended then add the rice, cover with the water and cook for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, place baking paper on a tray and roast the cashew nuts for 8 10
minutes and leave to one side. Cut the green beans into 4 cm length and peel the
fresh garden peas and add them to the rice mixture. Cook the rice mixture for a
further 10 15 minutes until all water has been absorbed and the rice and
vegetables are all soft. In the meantime chop the chilli, if using, (you may wish to
deseed it if sensitive to the seeds heat) and add it to the rice mixture together with
the cranberries and cashew nuts. Mix well and serve immediately.
Leftover suggestion: This recipe can be served hot and eaten cold as a salad.
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150g gram flour + little extra for dusting
150ml water
2 tablespoons olive oil + little extra for coating
100g pumpkin
200g spinach
20g pumpkin seeds
200g tofu (optional)
10g basil
5g fresh tarragon or thyme
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat the oven to 220C. Lightly brush a muffin tray with oil and dust it with some
of the flour to prevent the mixture from sticking. Set aside. Peel and grate the pumpkin.
On a medium heat, heat one tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and sizzle the pumpkin,
cook thoroughly for 10 minutes and add the tofu (if using) and spinach. Once the
vegetables are cooked, set aside. Make the quiche batter by mixing 100g of gram
flour, 100ml of water, 1tbsp of olive oil and the fresh chopped basil and tarragon or
thyme. With the help of a whisk, mix the batter until a smooth texture is obtained.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Put some of the vegetable mixture into each of the
muffin tray compartments and add the batter to of the height of the tray. Sprinkle
the mini quiches with pumpkin seeds.
Bake for 20 30 minutes until the batter is cooked thoroughly. Leave to cool for
10 minutes before removing the mini quiches from the muffin trays.
Leftover suggestion: This recipe can be eaten hot or cold. If you have some batter
leftover, please make some pancakes with it!
1 avocado
200g butternut squash
100g rocket
20g fresh basil
10g fresh rosemary
Zest and juice of 1 lime
50g pecan nuts
20g pine nuts
3 tbsp. hazelnut oil or olive oil
1 tablespoons tamari
3 tablespoons olive oil for roasting
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat the oven to 220C. Prepare 2 baking trays with parchment paper. Place the
pine nuts on one of the trays and roast them for about 10 minutes or until they are
golden brown.
Peel the butternut squash, take out the seeds and cube them into 3cm thickness,
coat with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper (optional), add them to the
remaining tray and roast for 15 20 minutes or until soft. Make the dressing with
the zest and lime juice, hazelnut or olive oil, tamari, chopped fresh basil and
rosemary. Cut the avocado into cubes and add them into a large bowl, add the
pecan nuts, cooked and cooled down butternut squash, and rocket. Top the salad
with the dressing and mix well. Serve immediately.
Leftover suggestion: This can make a nice pesto; when the salad is completed and
dressed, blitz all of it together in a food processor or with a blender.
2 tablespoons coconut or sunflower oil
1 inch fresh ginger - chopped
20g desiccated coconut
50g raisins
3 ripe bananas
Juice and zest of 1 lime
1 tin of coconut milk (150ml)
teaspoon caraway seeds
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground chilli
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon mango powder (opt)
10g fresh coriander leaves
Rinse the raisins, place them with the desiccated coconut in a large bowl and cover
with water, leave on the side. Pour the oil into a small pan and place it on a medium
heat, add the caraway seeds, stir occasionally and cook until they start to bubble.
Add the chopped ginger and continue cooking on a low heat for 3 minutes. Add the
ground cumin, chilli, cardamom and mango powder (optional) and cook for a further
2 minutes. Add the coconut milk and simmer for 10 minutes. Drain the water from
the raisins and desiccated coconut and add to the coconut milk mixture, this does
not need any further cooking. Transfer this mixture into a bowl and leave on the side
to cool down.
Meanwhile, peel the bananas and chop them up into small cubes, juice and zest the
lime and coat the bananas to reduce the oxidation effect. Add them into the cooling
mixture. Chop up the coriander as fine as possible and add this to the chutney and
keep in the fridge until ready for serving. You may prefer to blend the mixture to a
smooth texture according to taste.
Leftover suggestion: This recipe can be served on top of your morning porridge!
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150g oats (regular or gluten free)
50g almond or buckwheat flour
teaspoon baking powder
teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground coriander
Zest of 1 orange
1 teaspoon orange blossom
8 dates - chopped
5 dried apricots- chopped
100ml rice milk
Preheat the oven at
180C. Lay a tray
with baking paper.
In a large bowl,
combine the oats,
baking powder,
nutmeg, cinnamon,
coriander, ginger,
orange zest, orange
blossom and rice
milk. Mix thoroughly
and add the
chopped dates and
apricots. With the
help of two table
spoons, form dough balls and flatten them with the back of the spoon in order
to shape them as cookies. Bake for 15 20 minutes until golden brown. Allow them
to cool down for about an hour in a cool dry place before storing them into a jar.
Leftover suggestion: This recipe can become a granola, after the cooking and
cooling down processes, break the cookies into small pieces, alternatively use the
pulse function on your food processor.
150g blanched almonds
30g cashew nuts
20g pecan nuts
20g sunflower seeds
1 teaspoon cardamom
1 teaspoon cinnamon
10 dates
1 teaspoon agave syrup
Blanch the almonds by boiling a pan with water on high heat. Once the water is
boiling, dip the almonds for 2 minutes, strain and add the almonds to a bowl with
cold water. Leave to stay for 5 minutes, then the skin should come off easily.
Preheat the oven at 200C. Lay baking paper on a tray and add the blanched
almonds and cashew nuts. Roast them for 10 15 minutes until light brown. Add
the sunflower seeds and pecan nuts and roast for a further 10 minutes. Add the nuts
and seed to a food processor; add the ground cinnamon and cardamom. Blend well
until smaller chunks can be seen. Add the dates and continue blending until a paste
has formed. Add the agave syrup and mix well.
Form balls and store them in the fridge to get a crunchier fresher taste.
Alternative suggestion: This mixture can be baked at 120C for 40 minutes on a tray
with baking paper and sliced as a crunchy nut slice.
document form, this may be for you to consider, but only if:
You have a good command of the English language and can
type proficiently.
You can dedicate 5 10 hours a week to the project to comply with
a monthly deadline.
You are highly organised and focused.
We specifically welcome those who are writers, editors and journalists
on the Sivananda Yoga path. If chosen, you will be sent the transcription
guidelines along with a timeline for your work. There are approximately
400 recordings. Please note that some of the material may be challenging
due to Swami Vishnus accent but it is all inspirational and a great way to
connect to the teachings at the source.
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Yoga Teachers Training Course (TTC)
2016 DATES
May 7June 4 t July 9Aug. 6 t Oct. 15 Nov. 16
Sadhana Intensive
June 1023, 2016
Seva Study
Residential Program
Nov. 1320
Yoga Vacations
Yoga Life 2015 Final Single pages_Yoga Life 2014 23/11/2015 13:11 Page 67
' C
P STF 55$
V TF "5
. S
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By John Ittner
A robber robs for getting freedom from want though his
movement may be crooked and long-winded. Every movement
of your foot is toward freedom or Sat-chit-ananda.
Swami Sivananda, Bliss Divine
were already six months into the course and it showed. They had
the shiny look about them that comes from practising Yoga.
This programme did not materialise like magic out of thin
air. It all began in 1996 with a letter from an inmate to Prison
Life magazine, who had a copy of Swami Vishnudevanandas
Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga. His letter of appreciation was
so influential that hundreds of other inmates were inspired to
write to the Sivananda organisation asking for books. They were
taking a step in the direction of freedom. Intuition told them
that Yoga offered a path that people behind bars could take,
a way to set the spirit free while incarcerated. Its like the verse
in Johnny Cashs Grey Stone Chapel from his Folsom Prison
concert album. Behind the walls of prison my body may be /
but my Lord has set my soul free. The spiritual path has always
been there for prisoners and Yoga is another expression of it.
The Sivananda Prison Outreach Project has continued and
grown over the years. In the first six months of last year about
$3,000 was raised at the Yoga Ranch and 200 books were sent
out to prisons all around the country. During this time classes
have been taught at two prisons. The next step was for the
inmates to become their own teachers.
In February 2015 a proposal to teach the Teachers Training
Course was presented to Otisville Federal Correction Institute and
was accepted, and soon after the classes began. The rationale
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Above: Staff and Karma Yogis. Below: The building where the Centre is situated
In response to demand, the Yoga Retreat also held its first-ever TTC
in June 2015 and will offer its first-ever TTC in November 2015.
In order to meet the needs of increasing numbers of guests, a design
planning meeting was held in May 2015 to revisit the Ashram Master
Plan. The focus was on new construction projects and upgrades to our
existing facilitys structures and infrastructure over the next five years
to permit increased capacity and enable year-round programming.
Within this context, three new construction projects were identified /
reconfirmed as priorities: the new main temple, kitchen relocation and
upgrade, and a new dormitory. A Vaastu architect completed the design
for the new temple and plans have begun for fundraising. On April 21,
2015 we conducted the Bhoomi Puja (the ground breaking puja) for
the new temple.
On June 21, 2015, the Yoga Retreat collaborated with the High Commission
of India to celebrate the worlds first International Day of Yoga, successfully hosting members of the local community for a yoga class, lecture,
and a vegetarian lunch.
For the fourth year running, Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas
was awarded the distinction by TripAdvisor of a Top Ranked Property
on Paradise Island, Bahamas and received the Certificate of Excellence
for 2015. It has been a busy year at the Ashram in the Bahamas!
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
Extensive renovations of the
middle house started at the
beginning of July. The building
was completely stripped
down, floor by floor from the
basement to the loft and the
demolition process even
included the removal of the
entire roof. A blank sheet has
thus been provided for the full
transformation of the
premises. This refurbishment project also comprises the enlargement of
the reception and shop area where a lobby will be created for all to sit
and meet. The renovations are progressing very well and the new
reception area will be officially inaugurated during 5 days of festive
celebrations from 2 7 April, 2016.
The Yoga Retreat again
experienced high numbers
of guests during the 2015
season. We opened several
new buildings, including the
Saraswati building, adding
eight ocean view rooms to
make a total of 16 beds, and
the Annapurna Devi House,
dedicated to juice fasting,
cleansing and nutrition
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inspiration. After this, many more guest speakers have been infusing our
evening public satsangs with a lot of inspiration on different topics
related to our yogic practices.
With the grace of Master and Swamiji the attendance of classes has been
building up well this year. Special classes like deaf yoga, gentle yoga,
pregnancy and advanced asanas keep building up a solid attendance.
This summer season has been very busy at the Centre. Karma yogis have
been working hard on backyard renovations. We continue in our efforts
to freshen up the appearance of the Centre and this year our main focus
has been on our boutique, which has now been re-stocked with many
new items. Our reception area also received a face-lift with the addition
of some comfortable seating which has already proved very popular with
students and visitors.
In the month of July we started to receive a wave of special visitors
coming to stay at the Centre. We first welcomed a big group of senior
staff from the Bahamas led by Swami Swaroopananda. Swamiji gave a
satsang which was as usual full of energy, great humour and a lot of
YOGALife |Autumn/Winter 2015
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
During springtime we made
some changes to our Asana
rooms on the 1st floor. New
corner altars were installed,
the walls were repainted,
and we rearranged the Asana
pictures of Swami Vishnudevananda. The rooms were
improved considerably by this.
We also implemented a new
automatic heating system
in the Asana rooms, which
hopefully will help save
energy. During summer the
Indian priest Sri Krishna was
at the Centre for 2 months performing daily pujas in the temple room
as well as Poojas for spiritual feasts. The energy of the Centre and
especially of the temple room was greatly uplifted.
email: [email protected]
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Juice Detoxification
July 14th July 24, 2016
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Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentrum
Prinz Eugen Strae 18
1040 Wien, AUSTRIA
Tel.: +43 1 586 34 53 0
Fax: +43 1 586 34 53 40
E-mail: [email protected]
Centro Sivananda de Yoga Vedanta
Rua Santo Antnio 374
Bairro Independncia
Porto Alegre 90 220 - 010 RS, BRAZIL
Tel.: +55 51 30 24 77 17
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
5178, Saint Laurent boulevard
Montreal, Quebec, H2T 1R8, CANADA
Tel.: +1 514 279 35 45
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
77 Harbord Street
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1G4, CANADA
Tel.: +1 416 966 96 42
Fax: +1 416 966 13 78
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
Zhonghuayuan Xiuyuan 30-3-202
5 Tongzilin East Road
Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, CHINA
Tel +86 028-86257086 or +86 189-8064-2709
Email: [email protected]
Centre Sivananda de Yoga Vedanta
140 rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin
75010 Paris, FRANCE
Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 26 77 49
Fax: +33 (0)1 42 33 51 97
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentrum
Steinheilstrasse 1
Mnchen 80333, GERMANY
Tel.: +49 089 700 9669 0
Fax: +49 089 700 9669 69
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentrum
Schmiljanstrasse 24
D-12161 Berlin, GERMANY
Tel: +49.30.8599.9798
Fax: +49.30.8599.9797
e-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
6 Lateris Street, ISRAEL
Tel Aviv 64166
Tel.: +972 03 691 67 93
Fax: +972 03 696 39 39
E-mail: [email protected]
Centro Yoga Vedanta Sivananda Roma
Via Oreste Tommasini, 7
Roma 00162, ITALY
Tel.: +39 06 45 49 65 29
Mobile: +39 347 426 1345
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
4-15-3 Koenji-kita, Suginami-ku
Tokyo 1660002, JAPAN
Tel.: +81 03 53 56 77 91
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
45 51 Felsham Road
London SW15 1AZ, UK
Tel.: +44 020 87 80 01 60
Fax: +44 020 87 80 01 28
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center
1246 West Bryn Mawr
Chicago, IL 60660, U.S.A.
Tel.: (00.1) 773 878 77 71
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center
243 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011, U.S.A.
Tel.: +1 212 255 45 60
Fax: +1 212 727 73 92
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center
1185 Vicente Street
San Francisco, CA 94116, U.S.A.
Tel.: +1 415 681 27 31
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center
13325 Beach Avenue
Marina del Rey, CA 90292, U.S.A.
Tel.: +1 310 822 96 42
E-mail: [email protected]
Asociacin de Yoga Sivananda
Acevedo Daz 1523
Montevideo 11200, URUGUAY
Tel.: +598 24 01 09 29 / 66 85
Fax: +598 24 00 73 88
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
25 Tran Quy Khoach street, District 1
Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM
Tel.: +84 6680 5427 or +84 6680 5428
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
34 Suong Nguyet Anh Street
Tel.: +84 63 650 1900
E-mail: [email protected]
Yoga Life 2015 Final Single pages_Yoga Life 2014 23/11/2015 13:11 Page 77
Sivananda Yoga Centre
The Shellin 40 Ninth Avenue
Katoomba, NSW 2780, AUSTRALIA
Tel.: +61 02 47 82 32 45
E-mail: [email protected]
Yoga White Lotus Sivananda Tradition
2a Castle Drive
Tel.: +61 04 77 94 36 97
Tel.: +61 04 03 83 87 50
E-mail: [email protected]
Centro de Yoga Sivananda Santa Cruz
Calle Junin 271
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BOLIVIA
Tel.: +591 333 15 08
Mobile: +591 77 06 04 72
E-mail: [email protected]
Yoga Hall
Av. Dr. Helio Palermo 2888 Bairro: Jardim Samello
Franca SP CEP: 14401-000, BRAZIL
Tel.: +55 16 30 12 29 88
Centro de Yoga Sivananda
Cinco Norte 1160 Depto. 21
2520000 Via del Mar, CHILE
Tel.: +56 9 97 35 92 30
Tel.: +56 3 23 20 73 02
E-mail: [email protected]
International Sivananda Yoga Centre
Kleiner Kielort 8
20144 Hamburg, GERMANY
Tel.: +49 040 41 42 45 46
Fax: +49 040 41 42 45 45
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
L-12, 26th Street
Annanagar East
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600102, INDIA
Tel.: +91 44 26 63 09 78
E-mail: [email protected]
Daneshe Yoga Centre
No 16+1, beside zirak zade st., Aram Alley,
Soleiyman khater St. Hafte Tir
SQ. Tehran, IRAN
Tel.: +98 021 88 304 505
Tel.: +98 021 883 18 189
Fax: +98 021 883 19 054
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Centre
3 Reuven Street. Jerusalem
Tel.: +972 02 671 48 54, ISRAEL
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Centre
8 Amnon and Tamar Street. Apt 1
Herzelia, ISRAEL
Tel.: +972 09 956 10 04
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Centre
17 Tremaine Road
Kingston 6
West Indies, JAMAICA
Tel: +1876 381 15 04
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Centre
522 Gouraud Street. Third floor, Apt 3A
Gemayzeh, Beirut, LEBANON
Tel.: +961 1 56 67 70
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
145a Tukapa Street
Westown, New Plymouth, 4310, NEW ZEALAND
Tel.: +64 (06) 753 82 34
E-mail: [email protected]
Szkota Jogi Odrobina Dobrej Woli
ul. Zarudawie 11
30-144 Krakw, POLAND
Tel: +48.509.83.85.86
E-mail: [email protected]
Be In Awe Yoga
2220 Rivenoak Ct.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103, U.S.A.
Tel.: +1 734 213 0435
E-mail: [email protected]
East Aurora Yoga
An affiliated Sivananda Center
43 Pine Street
East Aurora, NY 14052, U.S.A.
Tel.: +1 716 319 07 25
E-mail: [email protected]
Yoga Center of Key Biscayne
971 Crandon blvd, Suite 911
Key Biscayne, FL 33149, U.S.A.
Tel.: +1 786 294 01 63
E-mail: [email protected]
Yoga and Inner Peace
3964 Lake Worth Road
Lake Worth, FL 33461-4054, U.S.A.
Tel.: +1 561 641 88 88
E-mail: [email protected]
Sundaris Yoga Studio
Room 3408 - Floor 34th - Diamond Flower Tower
C1 Lot - Hoang Dao Thuy Street - Thanh Xuan
Hanoi City, VIETNAM
Tel: +84906226156
Hotline: +84979751757
Email: [email protected]
Centro de Yoga Sivananda Vedanta
de Lisboa
Rua Jose Carlos dos Santos
No. 12 1 Andar
1700-257 Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Tel: +351.21.7971.431
e-mail: [email protected]
Yoga Yamuna Studio
13aya Parkovaya, 27/3
105484 Moscow, RUSSIA
Tel.: +7 (495) 505 04 21
E-mail: [email protected]
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
Affiliated Singapore
21B (third floor) Bukit Pasoh Road
Singapore 089835
Tel.: +65 90 67 91 00
Tel.: +65 98 38 67 04
E-mail: [email protected]
Centro de Yoga Sivananda Vedanta
Fundador Swami Vishnudevananda
Calle ngel 13
18002 Granada, SPAIN
Tel.: 660288571
E-mail: [email protected]
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Swami Sivananda
(1887 1963)
Swami Vishnudevananda
(1927 1993)
Over 37,000
Yoga Teachers
Yoga is a system of integral education, not only of the mind, but also of the inner spirit.
Swami Sivananda
September 24 October 22, 2016
February 21 March 20, 2016
May 28 June 25, 2016
September 3 October 1, 2016
May 18 June 15, 2016
July 1 July 29, 2016
July 31 August 28, 2016
November 22 December 20, 2016
July 3 July 31, 2016
November 13 December 11, 2016
October 9 November 6, 2016
April 30 May 29, 2016
June 4 July 2, 2016
July 30 August 28, 2016
September 3 October 2, 2016
December 17, 2016 15 January, 2017
September 3 October 2, 2016