Extra Marital Affair in Astrology

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Extra Marital Affair in Astrology

I was going through this article in September 2012 issue of
astromindsclub.com and found it very much in depth in analysis of
modern days problems due to lack of ethical and spiritual standard
maintained by us. It is easy to blame a person who is at fault but have we
ever wondered that our fate and planets could be behind this. Author of
the original text in the magazine was trying to show what was behind
actually for such condition. Extra marital relation or illicit relation has a
connection in our planets and stars. topic is in the page 38-40 of the

Which Planets are behind Unfaithful Partner & Extra Marital Relation By Parama
Perhaps root cause of all problem is break of trust in any relation we deal
with. In case of those relation which are based on mutual trust, love &
dependency on physical and mental need suffers most if any one breaks.
Marriage or Live in relations are top on the list which gets affected due to
this breaks. Today we will discuss a teething issue which is now a days
concern for all most every other house hold. Fast life style , lack of time
for each other, unsatisfied sex life coupled with tension and financial
pressure makes and ideal candidate for Extra Marital Condition. But
fortunately not all of them have to pass through this hale like condition,
but do really suffer while other partner feels they are enjoying but in
actual they are also victim of the problem.
I have came across many clients from almost all walks of life who has
faced this problem in last 10 years.
Due to fast life style we are running after materialistic & physical pleasure
demand for not required items and to achieve these we are using all
means and modes which may be not be inline with ethical and moral

In present days a group of person is trying to take advantage while other

side is ready to give the facilities to fulfill unethical sexual desire. One is

running after another just to have physical pleasure where no mental

bondage of relation is there. Love has taken a back seat and crude
enjoyment physical desire is now the driver for such relation.

Right from the social networking sites to the circle of friends people are
getting involved in illicit relations out side marriage. Why such thing
happens? Why a person gets involved in the 1st place itself? Do planets
have any influence on the same? Does the Natal Chart indicates that you
are going to have a extra Marital relation?

Lets see the basic causes of extra marital relations as per Ancient Vedic
Astrology way. According to this method influence of Mars, Rahu or Ketu in
4th,6th,12th house or 5th from 7th house or 5th of 7th is influenced by
malefic planets or Jupiter and Venus connection in 5th of 7th House
indicates that person will suffer from illicit or extramarital relation.

If 7th or 2nd lord is influenced by or viewed by Venus, or Venus is in these

place or 10th lord is in 7th with Venus the person will fall in to illicit
relation due to strong sexual desire. apart from that if 7th lord is
connected with Rahu or Ketu then every possibility this person will fall in
the trap of extra marital or illicit relation. Also review of transit of planets
needs to be judged during that time for the person is extremely required
for the correct prediction.

We will examine these factors from a persons birth chart who was
suffering from these problems. This person is a well placed IT professional
with big organization, having a lovable wife with complete family and
good fortune in terms of family wealth.
There is absolutely no reason socially or financially or other wise for worry
in this persons personal or professional life. But still he is involved in such
relation. See the chart below: in the magazine
Lets see what are the factors made him debauch :
1. Sun and Mercury in 7th house
2. 7th lord Venus in 6th with Saturn & Jupiter

3. Ascendant lord is in 8th with Star of Mercury (18N Jyestha

Nakshatra) relation with Mercury in 7th through star.
4. Rahu in 4th and connected with Aslesha has increased the effect.
5. Persons Sun & Mercury is under influence Star of Rahu means Sun,
Rahu & Mercury under Star exchange condition.
6. In addition to the above 7th house is surrounded by Saturn and
Mars which is a malefic effect on its own.
7. Person was having Rahus Mahadasha and Mercurys Antar Dasaha

If we deep study the Nabangsha Chart then we can find that :

1. Saturn and Venus in 7th house and Venus seen by Mars
2. 7th Lord Mars is in 4th with Rahu infected , Mars has worked like
catalyst to connect Venus and Rahu, So in natal chart Venus , Rahu &
Mars is connected. This indicates lack of moral and ethical character.
With minimum chance he will be involved in illicit relation.

Natal chart or in birth chart person s Rashi is Leo, Moon in Suns planet
and Sun in 7th with Rahus Planet and Moon seen by Rahu indicates the
person is short tempered, fickle minded person, can not stay in any
subject for long.

This had effect on her married life as well. Hot temper was a negative
factor in married life. 4th house with Rahu indicates lack of peace at
homely life.

Sun & Mercury in 7th House indicates that her wife has independent
opinion on life. Hence less compatibility in life with wife. Budhaditya yoga
helps to take her independent decision.

Human mind is complex in nature no one knows when it will be ticked off
by any word positively or negatively. We have many lacks in our duties
and responsibilities but still we think we are correct. A common ally bye

no one tries to understand them. We try to see others small issues as

bigger one and try to by pass our own faults.
In case of this person also same has happened. He was blaming every
thing on his wife and cleared of all his wrong deeds as after effect of his
wifes problem. Persons 7th lord & 2nd lord which are at 6th house with
Jupiter & Saturn so relation with wife will be quarrel sum. Saturn will give
frustration in addition.

Earlier we have seen Sun & Mercury connected with Rahus star and in 7th
house. Mars is effected by 8th lord and lord of Asc Rahus 9th sight. Now if
we consider Stars we can see that Rahu +Mars + Venus + Jupiter
connected relation has created a circumference of illicit relation.

Now Mar is in Mercurys Star (Jyestha) , Mercury is in Rahus Star (Swati)

and Rahu in Mercurys Star (Aslyesha) . Venus is in Monns Star (Hasta)
and Jupiter is in Suns Star (Uttar Phalguni), moon in Suns Star (Uttar
Phalguni) So Rahu , Venus & Mars are connected through exchange of
Stars relations.

The person had illicit relation earlier also but he did not confess in front of
me, but I saw when he came to me it was Mercury Mahadasha. At that
point of transit time 2nd house of the native (Taurus) is filled with Sun,
Mercury, Venus, Jupiter & Ketu together. In opposite Rahu was having
direct sight on that group of planets. Mas was on Leo in the transit that is
Birth Rashi or Zodiac. Mars was giving 4th sight to Rahu in Scorpio. So
Rahu as catalyst making connection between planets in Taurus and Mars

This kind of planet constellation indicates person is having illicit physical

relation at that point of time with out mental obligation in natal chart
similar formation observed as like in transit.

After discussion I found that this to be true. He was having a relation with
a lady apart from his wife just to fulfill his sexual physical need and do not
have any intention to make it a marriage, just the lust for enjoyment. He

has no burden on his shoulder for this as if this has been planned by God
and hence he has no fault on that part. How much debouch a person can
be !!! He is blaming God for his misdeeds and unethical act.

So after this analysis I have come to the conclusions that our life is
controlled by our birth chart planetary position. So we must review our
horoscope with experts to check if any kind of this planetary connections
are there then we must be extremely cautious to avoid such temporary
enjoyment as this only gives you momentary enjoyment with permanent
damage to relations. Which can not be fixed by any means.
You can not harm your partners feelings and trust just because of your
own illicit relation. This could be a medically unhealthy to as chance of
STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) due to multiple sex partner is
paramount. This kind of relation breaks the family and makes child orphan
despite of they had every right to live a happy life . So I suggest for god
sake ask pardon to god and your partner and live a happy life.

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