My Final Letter: From Bhakti Tirtha Swami
My Final Letter: From Bhakti Tirtha Swami
My Final Letter: From Bhakti Tirtha Swami
These kinds of tests bring a person to tremendous crossroads. At a crossroad we can take the path
of successmore profound selfless devotion, offering oneself more intensely than ever before to
Guru and to Krishnaor we can choose the path of selfishness, with all kinds of subtle attachments
that will lead to downfall.
My realization is that without sufficient humility and high quality association many people will take
the path of temporary failure. It seems that several of the recent serious falldowns in big places are
connected with four major factors: aparadhas, a lack of humility, a lack of quality association, and a
lack of understanding of some of the dynamics of advancement (some of the great "dark night of the
soul" challenges). As more of us raise the quality of our own consciousness, this will lead to
consistent manifestations of deeper purity and we will have a greater impact on the environment.
Just as Maya is contagious, authentic Bhakti is contagious.
I have made many mistakes in my devotional career, especially in the area of being more sensitive to
devotees' needs. I feel I was given a special service in Srila Prabhupadas mission to help the
devotees to look closer at how to rise above anartha nivrtti. A lot of my focus in preaching was to
care for and to help the devotees as best as I could, especially to help them to recognize their
stagnations while they simultaneously develop the faith and technologies of how to be less and less
I also feel that I was given a few special privileges and lots of help in addressing a small part of Srila
Prabhupadas mission on how to solve material problems with spiritual solutions. This required a
certain style of presentation. It wasnt so much that I sacrificed developing external sadhu qualities,
but I think it had more to do with some of the ways I needed to function to go in like a needle and
come out like an elephant.
After all, it was these kinds of servicescreative sankirtana that constantly got me Srila
Prabhupadas favor when he was on the planet. This was one of the reasons I chose to leave my
body in the West, on the battlefield.
Another reason was that I realized if a few more of the senior leaders left their bodies where there
are major projects, this would play a significant role in helping to develop and secure those projects,
what to speak of reminding ourselves that so much of Srila Prabhupadas success was in establishing
holy dhamas all around the world.
The important thing, in my humble opinion, is that the scriptural injunction states that one should
always desire to live in the holy dhamas and one should leave one's body in a holy dhama. We
understand that yes, it is physical, but more important, it is a state of consciousness. We should
never minimize the sacredness and the benefit of leaving our bodies in the holy dhama. So many
wonderful special helpers are there in the holy dhamas to assist one with one's transition. By the
mercy of Srila Prabhupada all kinds of help for the devotee is arranged.
I have shared with many of you that one of my greatest realizations is that even when we think we
are doing our best it is still so insignificant, or that by the mercy of Krishna, Srila Prabhupada, and
their many helpers, they will maintain what we have and supply big-time what we are lacking.
By the mercy of all of you, there are indications that I may be on my way back to the spiritual world
in perhaps one or two weeks and I may also be able to continue to have some influence here to
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