Synopsys of Carmina Burana, Movement by Movement
Synopsys of Carmina Burana, Movement by Movement
Synopsys of Carmina Burana, Movement by Movement
9. Reie (reie)
Starts with a delicate Round dance, after which a mixed chorus leads into a seductive small chorus of
altos singing Chume, chum, geselle min, ih enbite harte din. (Come, come, dear heart of mine, I so
long have waited for thee). Then the boisterous mixed chorus is repeated.
10. Swaz hie gat umbe (They who Here go Dancing Round)
A brilliant trumpet and trombone fanfare introduces the final song of this section. Clearly a single mans
thoughts, is sung by the full chorus in unison. Also, note how natural accent od lege is not respected by
the music.
Were diu werlt alle min, von deme mere unze an den Rin, des wolt ih mih darben If the whole world
were but mine, from the sea right to the Rhine, gladly Id pass if by.