Multiple Intelligences - Howard Gardner (Prof - BLH)

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The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor
of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based
on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to
account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults.
These intelligences are:

Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"):

Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")

Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")

Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")

Musical intelligence ("music smart")

Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")

Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")

Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")

May 5, 2010 9


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Dr. Gardner says that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic and
logical-mathematical intelligence. We esteem the highly articulate or logical people of our
culture. However, Dr. Gardner says that we should also place equal attention on individuals
who show gifts in the other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists,
designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in which we
Unfortunately, many children who have these gifts don’t receive much reinforcement for them
in school. Many of these kids, in fact, end up being labeled "learning disabled," "ADD (attention
deficit disorder," or simply underachievers, when their unique ways of thinking and learning
aren’t addressed by a heavily linguistic or logical-mathematical classroom.

The theory of multiple intelligences proposes a major transformation in the way our schools are
run. It suggests that teachers be trained to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using
music, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips, inner reflection, and
much more.

The good news is that the theory of multiple intelligences has grabbed the attention of many
educators around the country, and hundreds of schools are currently using its philosophy to
redesign the way it educates children. The bad new is that there are thousands of schools still
out there that teach in the same old dull way, through dry lectures, and boring worksheets and
textbooks. The challenge is to get this information out to many more teachers, school
administrators, and others who work with children, so that each child has the opportunity to
learn in ways harmonious with their unique minds.

The theory of multiple intelligences also has strong implications for adult learning and
development. Many adults find themselves in jobs that do not make optimal use of their most
highly developed intelligences (for example, the highly bodily-kinesthetic individual who is stuck
in a linguistic or logical desk-job when he or she would be much happier in a job where they
could move around, such as a recreational leader, a forest ranger, or physical therapist). The
theory of multiple intelligences gives adults a whole new way to look at their lives, examining
potentials that they left behind in their childhood (such as a love for art or drama) but now
have the opportunity to develop through courses, hobbies, or other programs of self-
development. (

How to Teach or Learn Anything 8 Different Ways

One of the most remarkable features of the theory of multiple intelligences is how it provides
eight different potential pathways to learning. If a teacher is having difficulty reaching a student
in the more traditional linguistic or logical ways of instruction, the theory of multiple
intelligences suggests several other ways in which the material might be presented to facilitate
effective learning. Whether you are a kindergarten teacher, a graduate school instructor, or an
adult learner seeking better ways of pursuing self-study on any subject of interest, the same
basic guidelines apply. Whatever you are teaching or learning, see how you might connect it


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 words (linguistic intelligence)

 numbers or logic (logical-mathematical intelligence)

 pictures (spatial intelligence)

 music (musical intelligence)

 self-reflection (intrapersonal intelligence)

 a physical experience (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence)

 a social experience (interpersonal intelligence), and/or

 an experience in the natural world. (naturalist intelligence)

May 5, 2010 10

For example, if you’re teaching or learning about the law of supply and demand in economics,
you might read about it (linguistic), study mathematical formulas that express it (logical-
mathematical), examine a graphic chart that illustrates the principle (spatial), observe the law
in the natural world (naturalist) or in the human world of commerce (interpersonal); examine
the law in terms of your own body [e.g. when you supply your body with lots of food, the
hunger demand goes down; when there's very little supply, your stomach's demand for food
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goes way up and you get hungry] (bodily-kinesthetic and intrapersonal); and/or write a song (or
find an existing song) that demonstrates the law (perhaps Dylan's "Too Much of Nothing?").
You don’t have to teach or learn something in all eight ways, just see what the possibilities are,
and then decide which particular pathways interest you the most, or seem to be the most
effective teaching or learning tools. The theory of multiple intelligences is so intriguing because
it expands our horizon of available teaching/learning tools beyond the conventional linguistic
and logical methods used in most schools (e.g. lecture, textbooks, writing assignments,
formulas, etc.).
To get started, put the topic of whatever you’re interested in teaching or learning about in the
center of a blank sheet of paper, and draw eight straight lines or "spokes" radiating out from
this topic. Label each line with a different intelligence. Then start brainstorming ideas for
teaching or learning that topic and write down ideas next to each intelligence (this is a spatial-
linguistic approach of brainstorming; you might want to do this in other ways as well, using a
tape-recorder, having a group brainstorming session, etc.). Have fun!


When asked how educators should implement the theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner
says, "(I)t's very important that a teacher takes individual differences among kids very seriously
… The bottom line is a deep interest in children and how their minds are different from one
another, and in helping them use their minds well."
An awareness of multiple-intelligence theory has stimulated teachers to find more ways of
helping all students in their classes. Some schools do this by adapting curriculum.

Linda Campbell describes five approaches to curriculum change:

Lesson design. Some schools focus on lesson design. This might involve team teaching
("teachers focusing on their own intelligence strengths"), using all or several of the
intelligences in their lessons, or asking student opinions about the best way to teach and
learn certain topics.
Interdisciplinary units. Secondary schools often include interdisciplinary units.
Student projects. Students can learn to "initiate and manage complex projects" when
they are creating student projects.
Assessments. Assessments are devised which allow students to show what they have
learned. Sometimes this takes the form of allowing each student to devise the way he or
she will be assessed, while meeting the teacher's criteria for quality.
Apprenticeships. Apprenticeships can allow students to "gain mastery of a valued skill
gradually, with effort and discipline over time." Gardner feels that apprenticeships
"…should take up about one-third of a student's schooling experience."
Schools have often sought to help students develop a sense of accomplishment and self-
confidence. Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences provides a theoretical foundation for
recognizing the different abilities and talents of students. This theory acknowledges that while
all students may not be verbally or mathematically gifted, children may have an expertise in
other areas, such as music, spatial relations, or interpersonal knowledge. Approaching and
assessing learning in this manner allows a wider range of students to successfully participate in
classroom learning.


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