Linear Analyses of Structural Systems: Opengl Opengl Autocad

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Linear analyses of structural systems

Eduardo N. Manzi(1)
Amon Engenharia e Inc. Ltd, Brazil




A routine in AutoLisp was developed in order to draw the structure under study in
the AutoCad. Picture 3 shows a draft of a spatial metallic structure. Number of finite
elements: 2928.

The present programs are part of the research line Computational Mechanics from
Amon Ltd, which aims the application of numerical methods in the determination
of structural systems answers.

The CalcFEM is able to carry out linear analyses of structural systems, formed by
one-dimensional bars such as plain frames, plain or space trusses, frames with
circular or parabolic bending, etc. The main objective is to obtain the
displacements and internal stress of the structural system, due to external load
application, such as wind load, use load, tc. After the analysis is carrired out, the
program generates text files to store the results obtained (displacements file and
internal stress file).
Picture 4 Spatial metallic structure; source: DWG file.

The routine establishes the value of each color for the finite elements following the
minimum and maximum internal stress, associated with each basic color of the
AutoCad. This way, each finite element with internal stress values within the
same range is
identified by the same

With the objective of presenting the shaped structures in 3D, a Cocoa application
was created. This program reads the file results and presents the shaped
structure on the screen, using a NSOpenGLView object. As in the case of the
draw2D program, the colors of the finite elements are specified in RGB space and
calculated in function of the internal stress.
Rotations of the shaped structure can be achieved, in relation to the initial position
or in relation to the previous one. Three NSSlider object are used to control the
rotations, one for each axis.

Picture 5 P hoto of the

assembling of the Ncleo
Bandeirante Fair (D.F.,

Pictures 9 and 10 presents the

results of consecutive rotations of
the structure in picture 8. The colors
of the finite elements represents the
result of an axial effort over the
structure. The compression is the
negative axial stress and the
traction is the positive axial stress.

The CalcFEM program is able to accomplish linear analysis of structural systems composed of one-dimensional bars. Such analysis is made via Finite Element Method, which
involves the solutions of a system of algebraic linear equations. Picture 1 show a clamped arch, divided in 4 finite elements and subject to a concentrated load in the vortex.
The programs first procedure is the reading of the entry data file. These data define the geometry of the structure, its physical properties, the boundary conditions and the external
load. The following procedure consists of assembling the global sttifness matrix of the structure and the external load vector. Picture 2 shows the equation system of the structure
in Picture 1.

Figura 1 Clamped
arch; source: Manzi,

Picture 8 Inicial view .

Picture 11 Structure view s; after consecutive rotations and a lateral view .


Rotations of the shaped structure can be achieved, in relation to the initial position or
in relation to the previous one. Three NSSlider objects are used to control the
rotations, one for each axis. Picture 7 shows the Cocoa aplicaton controls.

Picture 7 The Cocoa application controls.

Finite Elements

Picture 11 shows the results of consecutive rotations of another structure; the

values of the maximum axial stress, as in the previous case, are located in the
bars connected to the columns.

Picture 6 Tension bar; source: PDF file; Draw2D program.

The draw2D program was presented at the WWDC2006, which uses the
Quartz2D library. This program reads the file results and generates a PDF file,
presenting the drawing of the shaped structure (deformed or in rest). The colors of
the finite elements are specified in RGB space and calculated in function of the
internal stress.

With the objective of presenting the shaped structures in 3D, a Cocoa application
was created. This program reads the file results and presents the shaped structure
on the screen, using a NSOpenGLView object.
The colors of the finite elements are specified in RGB space and calculated in
function of the internal tensions. The maximum and minimum negative internal
tensions are defined as Red (1., 0., 0.) and Yellow (1., 1., 0.), respectively. The
positive ones are defined as Blue (0., 0., 1.) and Green(0., 1., 0.), respectively. The
tension bar in picture 6 illustrates the colors of the intermediate internal tensions,
calculated automatically according to the limit values.

The "CalcFEM" program executes linear analyses of structural systems using the
Finite Elements Method, which consists of a division of the structure under
studying in a finite number of small regions named finite elements.


Picture 2 Global
sttif ness matrix;
source: Manzi, 2001.




Q3 =





K 21


K 22 + K 11


K 221

K 222 + K11



K 22 + K11

K 12

K 421

K 422







P = 10 k


Apple Inc. Drawing with Quartz 2D. Inside Mac OS X, 2001.

Apple Inc. The Objective-C Programming Language, 2007.
NeXT Computer, Inc. OpenStep Specification, 1994.

M = 10 k i n

Picture 9 Structure view , after consecutive rotations.

The sttifness matrix of each finite element is obtained according to the deformation considered. In the case of trusses
( plane or spatial), only the axial deformation is considered. In the case of frames, however, the effects of axial, flexion
and shear deformation were considered, thus obtaining the relative internal stress.


After the global sttifness matrix is assembled, the equation system is solved, presenting the displacements of the
nodal points, relative to the external load applied.

To achieve rotations with exact values, like 45, 90, 180, etc, just fix the knob
on the marks. Thus, it is possible to visualize the lateral view (see Picture 10, 90
rotation); Picture 10 also shows that the values of the maximum axial stress are
located in the bars connected to the columns.

Manzi, E.N. Curved finite elements formulations for arch analyses. Master of
Science Dissertation, 2001, Escola de Minas, UFOP, Ouro Preto, Brazil. (in
Manzi, E.N., Silveira, R.A.M., Arajo, E.C. Curved finite element for arch analyses.
3rd International Seminar The use of Steel Structures in Civil Construction,
2000, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. (in portuguese)
Next works:

After the analysis is carried out, the program generates text files to store the results obtained (displacements file and
internal stress file).

q = 1 k/ in

Linear analyses of spatial frames.

Non-linear analyses of structural sistems.

Picture 3 shows a clampled parabolic arch subject to three types of load: (a) concentrated load at the vortex; (b)
moment at the vortex; and (c) uniform distributed load. The arch is subdivided in ten one-dimensional finite elements,
of parabolic curvature, and executed for each kind of external load. The deflection curves can be observed according to
each kind of load.

Picture 3 Clamped arch; source: Manzi et al., 2000.

AutoCad and AutoLisp are registred trademarks of AutoDesk Inc; Mac OS, Cocoa and Quartz 2D are trademarks of Apple Inc.; OpenGL is a registered trademark of SiliconGraphics, Inc.

Picture 10 Lateral view .

(1) Manzi, E.N., civil engineer, M. Sc., Escola de Minas, UFOP, 2001, Ouro Preto, Brasil.

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