SketchUp 5 The Book by Bonnie Roskes
SketchUp 5 The Book by Bonnie Roskes
SketchUp 5 The Book by Bonnie Roskes
Version 5
Third Edition.
Copyright 2005, Bonnie Roskes
No part of this publication may be stored in a system, reproduced, or transmitted in any way or by any
means, including but not limited to photography, photocopy, electronic, magnetic, or optical, without
the prior agreement and written permission of the publisher.
All technical illustrations and models in this book were produced using SketchUp.
Chapter 1: Introduction
How this Book Came About . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How this Book is Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What’s New in This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
About the Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Creating Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Dimension Display and Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
Dimensioning Using the Text Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
Using the Axis Tool with Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
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Table of Contents
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
Chapter 8: Sectioning
Sectioning Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .301
Using Sections for Interior Design and Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304
Exporting Section Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .308
Copying Section Planes for Floor Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309
Using Section Planes with Model Intersection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312
Simultaneous Section Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315
Chapter 9: Presentation
Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317
Setting up the Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .318
Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .320
Walk and Look Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321
Position Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325
Updating Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .328
Tourguide / Slideshow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330
Shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .331
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Table of Contents
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
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1 Introduction
How this Book Came About 5. Roofs: Everyone works with them, and they can
sometimes get tricky. SketchUp enables you to
While SketchUp® has one of the most user-friendly
create, modify, and resolve roofs easily.
interfaces on the market today, there are still some things
users need a little help with. The program’s online help 6. Groups and Components: Groups are used to make
and the video tutorials on SketchUp’s website are gems of a collection of objects that act as one object. This is
information, but most people don’t learn easily from useful for isolating geometry, and to keep things
watching a movie. I’ve taken most of the basic from sticking to one another. Components enable
information from these tutorials and put them into printed you to insert external objects into your model and use
form, for those who like to work alongside text. These them multiple times. This is equivalent to external
exercises are designed to get you to perform the steps references used in other CAD packages.
yourself, which is the best way for information to stick. 7. Materials: Applying materials, colors, and textures
If you read this book from start to finish, some things may to faces to enhance the display of your model.
seem repetitive. For each exercise I have assumed that you 8. Sectioning: Using section planes to cut into your
may not have done all the previous exercises, so certain model, to look inside, create floor plans, or produce a
steps may be explained repeatedly. So, if you already drawing to export to CAD.
know how to use Offset and keep seeing reminders on 9. Presentation: Usage of the walk-through tools,
how to use this tool, just ignore them. layers, pages (views) tour guide (slide show) and
The “Tips and Tricks” chapter outlines some of the handy shadows.
methods devised by expert SketchUp users as well as 10. Sandbox: Tools for creating and modifying TIN
some SketchUp developers. This information can be surfaces, used in terrain modeling.
found by anyone on the SketchUp User Forum, but not 11. Exact Dimensions: While SketchUp’s strength lies
everyone has hours to spend combing through the reams is its simple, non-rigid modeling ability, you can also
of text and links. I’ve done this work for you - sifting use it like a standard CAD application by working
through all the posts, suggestions, links, and sample files, with known measurements. This chapter shows ways
to come up with the short exercises that demonstrate these to specify exact values when using any tool.
useful tidbits. 12. Tips and Tricks: Exercises that show handy ways to
solve typical problems.
How this Book is Set Up 13. In Depth Exercises: Two exercise that combine
I am not an architect by trade; I am a structural engineer many of the concepts presented throughout this
and software documentation writer. Therefore, this book book. One exercise results in a steel building frame
will not contain any guidance on design and planning of created from structural shapes that were saved as
your models - that is up to you (and there are other books components. The second exercise is to create a
on this subject). The exercises presented in the following simple log cabin.
chapters are designed to completely familiarize you with
14. Program Settings: General knowledge of the
every aspect of SketchUp itself.
display tools, preferences, keyboard shortcuts, and
Here is the chapter layout: import/export.
2. Basics: Short exercises on each of the drawing and 15. Ruby Script: Some basics on how to use Ruby
manipulation tools (Line, Arc, Push/Pull, Protractor, programming to create macros.
Axes, etc.)
3. Intersect and Follow Me: These tools are often used
together, so they get their own chapter.
4. Multiple Copy: Exercises on rows of copied objects,
linear arrays, and angular (rotated) arrays.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
What’s New in This Book on the CAD/CAM application OneCNC. More books are
in the works, including one on Piranesi. Comments,
A lot has changed in SketchUp between Versions 4 and 5.
feedback, and suggestions are welcome -
The Mac and Windows versions have been brought closer
[email protected]. Also, see her company website -
together, though there are still some slight differences.
Here is a list of the major improvements implemented in
Bob deWitt got his start working for 15 years doing
Version 5:
freelance work in commercial art, illustration and film
• Sandbox: Tools for creating TIN surfaces, used to animation in Arizona, Utah, and California. After this, he
model terrain. You can create a flat surface from pursued one of his first loves when, 18 years ago, he
scratch and bump out hills and valleys, or you can began teaching Fine Arts at Utah Valley State College in
create a TIN from existing contours. Orem, Utah. He holds degrees from Brigham Young
University in both Studio Art and Art History. He long ago
• Component Outliner: Provides a branched outline
developed an abiding fascination for creating
of all components and groups in the model. You can
computerized imagery, and eagerly shares his enthusiasm
move, explode, edit, and rename objects directly in
for SketchUp through his participation in the preparation
the Outliner.
of this book. He also takes credit for the cover design,
• Component selecting and replacing: You can now including the model.
select all instances of the same component. Plus you
can select one or more components and replace them
all with another component.
• Stacking Windows: Windows you use often, like
Display Settings, Layers, Materials, etc. can be
stacked on top of one another, docked anywhere, and
minimized while leaving the title bar showing. This
gives you easy access to these windows while not
taking up too much space.
• Rotate: You can now set a rotation plane anywhere -
not just on the standard planes or on an existing face.
• Circle and Polygon: You can now Shift-align them
to a plane or face before selecting the center point.
• Walk: You can now walk up and down stairs, and are
prevented from walking through walls and doors.
• Non-photorealistic Rendering: For a sketchy look,
you can use depth cued edges and edge endpoints.
• Alpha Transparency: You can use a graphic
that has alpha transparency defined.
About the Authors
Bonnie Roskes, P.E. is a structural engineer by education
and training, and has worked for several years in the
software documentation arena, specializing in CAD,
CAM, CAE, and engineering applications. She has
written user guides, reference manuals, online help
systems, tutorials, training guides, and software demos for
a large client list. Her BSE and MSE are from Johns
Hopkins University. In addition to this SketchUp book,
there is one for Versions 2, 3, and 4 she has written books
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2 The Basics
SketchUp Screen
When you launch SketchUp, your screen looks like this (shown in Windows, Mac is similar):
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
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The Basics
Click this tool to fit the entire model onto the screen,
In this tool, drag the mouse up to zoom in, down to
while centering it as well.
zoom out. If you have a wheel mouse, you can scroll
the wheel up or down to zoom. In this case, zooming
is relative to the location of the cursor. Previous (Camera / Previous)
To change the camera lens (field of view), press Shift
while zooming. This is handy for adjusting the
perspective of your image. You can also enter an
exact value, such as 45 deg (for field of view) or 35
mm (for focal length).
While in zoom, you can double-click on a point in the
Returns the view to the previous view.
model to make it the new viewing center. This is
equivalent to a one-click Pan. Shortcut Keys
Also knows as “hotkeys” or “accelerator keys,” keyboard
Zoom Window (Camera / Zoom Window) shortcuts can be set up for quick access to tools you use
often. A few shortcuts are provided for you (such as
Ctrl/Cmd+Z for Undo), but the rest need to be added. See
"Preferences > Shortcuts" on page 452.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
This tool creates lines that typically become edges. When
lines (or other objects such as arcs, circles, or polygons)
lie in the same plane and form a closed boundary, a face is
automatically created.
1. Open SketchUp, and an empty file appears in Top 5. Close the Preferences.
view. You are looking at the red-green plane, and the 6. Now open the Model Info window (if it is not
blue axis (vertical) is pointing toward you. By already open), either by selecting Window / Model
default, you are in the Line tool, as indicated by the Info or by clicking the icon.
pencil-shaped cursor.
NOTE: If you don’t see the axes displayed, select View / Axes.
This is a toggle function - it can also turns the axes off.
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The Basics
9. Line should already be active, but if it isn’t, click 13. Move the cursor up in the green direction from this
Line, or select Draw / Line. point, and click to place the next point.
10. Click to place the first point (not on the origin), and 14. Move the cursor until you see the Perpendicular
move the cursor to the right. The On Red Axis inference (the preview line is magenta). The
inference tells you that the line will be parallel to the perpendicular constraint is always available relative
red axis. Click to locate the second point. to the last line you drew. Click for the next point,
trying to maintain the general proportions shown
TIP: You could also click the first point, hold the mouse button,
drag to the second point, and release.
15. Make the next line perpendicular from the last line,
stopping when the red direction constraint appears.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
17. You can make new lines parallel or perpendicular to 22. . . . and constrain it to the start point.
any existing line, not just the most recent line. Hover
over any point along the edge shown . . .
TIP: If you want to create an open shape, you can press Esc to
19. Now we use a double inference. With the Parallel end the chain.
inference still showing, press Shift. This ensures that
no matter where you move the cursor, the line will
NOTE: Face colors are set in the Color page of the Model Info
always have this parallel orientation. When you press
window. Each face has a front and back, and these are typically
Shift, the magenta inference line turns thicker, assigned different colors. You can reverse a face’s front and
indicating that this constraint is locked. back by right-clicking and selecting Reverse.
20. With Shift pressed, hover over the corner point
shown to see the double inference. Click this point. 24. Like all drawing tools, Line can be used just as easily
in 3D. Click Orbit (Mac: Orbit Camera) and move
the mouse to spin the model around. (If you have a
three-button or scroll wheel mouse, simply hold the
middle button / scroll wheel and drag - no need to
activate Orbit).
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The Basics
25. Orbit to the orientation shown below. 30. We will use a parallel constraint again. Draw a line
up from the point shown.
28. . . . and move down (in blue) and click when the
double constraint appears.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
34. Lines can also be used to divide faces. Draw a 38. We will now see how lines can be used to heal faces.
vertical line connecting the midpoints of the Click Erase (Tools / Erase).
horizontal edges of the face you just completed.
35. Both lines are now divided into two lines. To verify
this, hover over what was the midpoint, and now it is
an endpoint.
36. This line also divided the original face into two faces.
To verify this, activate Select (Tools / Select).
41. Erase the dividing line, and the two faces are healed
- joined into one face.
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The Basics
42. If you erase a line that is a boundary for more than 45. All edges parallel to one of the axes take on the axis
one face, all affected faces will be deleted. Erase the color.
common edge shown, and both faces sharing this
edge disappear.
43. Redraw the line to recreate both faces. Some prefer to work with By Axis on, and some find
it distracting. For the purposes of this book, black
edges will be used.
If you need to draw a rectangular face, you don’t need to
use Line to draw four separate lines; Rectangle does it in
one step.
1. Start a new file (Top view) and click Rectangle (or
select Draw / Rectangle).
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
3. Draw another rectangle from a point on the top edge Here are the new axes - red and green in the
to the midpoint of the left edge. horizontal plane, blue pointing up.
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The Basics
10. Erase all the extra lines in the middle to heal the face 14. Click the midpoint shown to create the
into one face. double-constrained vertical rectangle.
11. Orbit so that you can create some vertical faces. 15. You do not need to use Shift in every case for a
Create the first rectangle by clicking Point 1 and double constraint. Start at Point 1, hover over Point
hovering over Point 2. 2, and pull up to Point 3.
13. Click and hover again using the points shown, and
press Shift to lock the width. 16. If you are planning to continue your work in the same
file, you should reset the axes. Display the axes
again, right-click on any axis, and select Reset.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
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The Basics
8. Erase lines to heal the rectangle. To measure the 3. Click Push/Pull (or select Tools / Push/Pull).
length of the longer edge, right-click on it and select
Entity Info. (If the Entity Info window is already
open, just Select the edge.)
4. To use this tool, you can either click on the face and
then click the point (above or below the face) to set
the height, or you can hold and drag the face up or
down. Either way, the face updates dynamically
while you move the mouse.
NOTE: For the Push/Pull cursor, the tip of the red arrow is
where you select or highlight.
While not exactly a 2D drawing tool, Push/Pull it is so
crucial to working in SketchUp that it’s important to cover
it before moving on to other tools.
Push/Pull is what makes SketchUp so unique and easy to
use. Simply put, it takes a face and makes a 3D assembly
When you use a 2D drawing tool on a face, the object
of faces. In CAD terms, it’s basically an extrude tool but
automatically aligns to that face.
much more flexible and intuitive.
6. We want another rectangle on this face that has the
1. Start in top view, and use Line to make a trapezoid. same height. Hover over the corner point shown and
move the cursor to the right to place the first corner
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
7. Click along the bottom edge to complete this 12. We will now draw two rectangles on the top of the
rectangle. trapezoid. Click to place the first corner in the green
direction from the corner shown.
10. Now push the top of the trapezoid down. You can
15. The second rectangle will use inferences from two
only go as far as the top of the box forms.
existing lines. Hover over the two points shown, and
click at their intersection.
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The Basics
21. Erase two of the lines, healing the face above one of
the boxes.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
23. Draw a line to divide the top face of the box. 26. Undo this operation (Ctrl+Z, Cmd+Z), and pull it
again, this time holding down the Alt/Cmd key. The
pulled face remains the same size, but the
neighboring faces move with it.
24. Now pull up the inner portion of this face and erase
the extra lines to make a little balcony.
NOTE: You could get the same results using the Move tool, but
Push/Pull ensures that you are always moving perpendicular to
the face.
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The Basics
29. Now use a normal Push/Pull - no extra keys - on the Note that the preview color of the circle tells you
face shown. what plane you are working in. When you place a
circle in the red-green plane, the circle is
perpendicular to the blue axis, so its preview color is
When the circle is defined, it is filled in.
30. Undo, and pull the same face using the Alt/Cmd key.
Quite a difference! 3. Like with all 2D drawing tools, you can draw a circle
in any of the three planes. Orbit so that you are facing
the red-blue plane and draw another circle. This time
the preview color is green.
Circle and Polygon 4. Do the same in the green-blue plane. The preview
These two tools are grouped together because they are color is red.
basically the same. Both create multi-segmented
polygons; a higher number of segments is a better
approximation to a circle. The difference basically lies in
the appearance of the faces that result when you use
1. Start in top view and activate Circle (Draw / Circle).
5. You can also create circles on existing faces. Start a
new file, and create a rectangle. Push/Pull it up to
create a box. Activate Circle. The circle preview is
horizontal anywhere you place the mouse, as long as
it is not along a face.
2. Draw a circle in the red-green plane by clicking the
center point and then a point on the circumference.
You could also click and drag from the center to the
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
7. You can also draw a circle on a face that is not 11. Create a circle on the side face.
aligned to it. Move the cursor so that the circle is
horizontal again, and press Shift to lock the
orientation. Then move along a face or edge - the
circle remains flat.
If you look closely at the circle, you’ll see that it’s not
actually round, it’s actually comprised of many short
This is how you would draw something like this: a 12. Because the circle divided the vertical side into two
horizontal circle that intersects a vertical face. faces, you can use Push/Pull on the circular portion
to pull out a cylinder.
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The Basics
15. Before the circle is complete, you can choose to 18. If not already displayed, show the Entity Info
specify a radius or a different number of segments. window (Window / Entity Info). With nothing
Type “8s” to change the sides to 8. You need the “s” selected, and no faces highlighted, the window
because a number alone will be interpreted as a should be blank.
NOTE: You can also use the VCB to set the circle radius - simply
type in the radius and press Enter. For details on specifying
exact measurements, see Chapter 11.
The Entity Info window displays the radius, number
of segments, and length of the circle. (If the length
does not appear, click the down arrow at the top of
16. Complete the circle, which is actually an octagon.
the window and select Show Details.)
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
21. The hollow cylinder now has a inward draft angle. 24. Before drawing the polygon, pick up the center point
of the last circle you made, and move in the red or
green direction along the diagonal face.
NOTE: In addition to using Entity Info, the Move tool can also
be used to resize circles and polygons. Move also enables you
to resize curved extruded faces. See "Using Move to Resize
Curves and Curved Surfaces" on page 54. 25. Align the polygon center to this point. Create a
polygon with approximately the same radius as the
22. Now draw a small circle on the sloped face (leave circle.
room for another circle next to it). Note that it has
eight sides - this is the last segmentation value you
used. Also note that the circle automatically aligns
itself to this face. Because the circle isn’t aligned
with any of the three standard planes, it is given the
default edge color.
NOTE: The “8s” method would also work for polygons. But once
Polygons are drawn just like circles - center then you Push/Pull a polygon (or circle), you can no longer change
its segmentation.
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The Basics
27. To see how these are different, Push/Pull them both. 31. Undo as many times as needed to erase the two
(Remember, you can Push/Pull one face, then cylinders on the diagonal face.
double-click the second face to extrude it the same
distance.) The circular face appears smooth, while
the polygonal face is faceted.
34. Make the circle vertical, and orient the radius straight
TIP: Faceted objects can be made smooth by smoothing their
edges, and vice-versa. See "Displaying and Smoothing Edges"
up (or straight across) so that the box edge contains
on page 72. two segment endpoints.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
36. . . . and delete it (press the Delete key). You are left 40. Push/Pull the arc face out again, pressing
with an arc that has bold lines, indicating that it is not Ctrl/Option (this is like starting a new extrusion,
considered properly aligned with the face. instead of continuing the old one). This time the
extrusion is faceted.
NOTE: If you had placed the circle so that its segments 41. Now Select the arc shown. It is a half-circle you
overlapped the edge, the circle would not have been divided. converted into a polygon, but it is still one object.
38. Push/Pull the arc face outward. Because this arc was
created from a circle, its extruded face is smooth.
39. Right-click on the arc shown and select Convert to 43. You can now select any segment of this curve and
Polygon. delete it.
NOTE: If you get the context menu for one of the faces, try
right-clicking again on the arc edge so that the edge is
highlighted. Then the menu should look like the one shown
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The Basics
45. Now you can peek in and see how pulling the circle 4. Move the cursor along the face to set the bulge.
affected the side and font faces, and how the entire
form becomes a shell.
5. Start a second arc in the top corner, locating the first
Similar to Circle and Polygon, Arc creates
chord point along the vertical edge. Locate the
multi-segmented representations of arcs. You can draw
endpoint somewhere on the face, as shown below.
arcs in any face, or in any of the three main planes.
1. Start with the same form you used in the Circle
exercise (use Line and Push/Pull to create the sloped
3. An arc is started by first defining its chord. Select 7. When you draw an arc starting from an existing arc,
two edge points on the side face. Like when drawing the new arc is tangent to the adjacent one by default,
a line, the arc chord appears in magenta when both indicated by the Tangent at Vertex inference. To set
ends are equidistant from the corner. the arc bulge, double-click to keep it tangent.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
11. You can also find the center point of any arc. Activate
TIP: If you are having trouble placing the starting point of the Circle, and move the cursor around the area where
new arc exactly on the endpoint of the previous one, try zooming
in closer.
the center of the last arc should be. (If you have
trouble locating the center, hover over one of the arc
endpoints and then try again.) When you find the
8. Do the same for the third arc in the chain. point, it is highlighted in green and the Center
inference appears.
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13. As with all 2D tools, you can create geometry on any 16. Once you create another object or activate another
existing face. Draw a rectangle on the diagonal face. tool, you can no longer change the arc this way (the
4s method). But for another way to change the arc,
open its Entity Info window.
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19. Now make the arc radius larger. (Note that even if 22. Type 8s to make the arc rounder.
you are using architectural units, you can still enter a
decimal value: 2.5’ is the same as 2’-6”.)
This time the arc updates but does not affect the
rectangle (now a trapezoid) below it. This is because 23. Like a circle, an arc can be broken down into
an arc can be fit to the current edge below at a size individual segments. Right-click the arc and select
less than a semi-circle. But if the new radius will Explode Curve.
make an arc greater than a semi-circle, the edge
below will update instead.
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26. Now draw an arc that sticks out of the side face, and 29. Push/Pull the first arc down to the bottom of the box.
close it with a line. Leave room on this face for Then right-click the second arc and select Convert
another, similar arc. to Polygon.
NOTE: In addition to using Entity Info, the Move tool can also
be used to resize circles and polygons. Move also enables you
to resize curved extruded faces. See "Using Move to Resize
Curves and Curved Surfaces" on page 54.
TIP: When working with exploded arcs and circles, you may
sometime need to locate the arc or circle center point. See
"Finding the Center of an Arc" on page 377.
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8. The curve is still one object, but Push/Pull’ing it When you use Shift, the resulting curve does not
creates a faceted extrusion. integrate with any other geometry. The curve is thin,
but it has not divided the box face.
3. Do it again, this time creating a closed curve. Even
though the curve is thin-lined, the face is not divided.
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7. You can now erase this face. The selected edge appears in the color specified for
Highlight, located on the Color page of the Model
Info window.
Manipulation Tools 4. Now click a face to select it. The edge now is
These are tools you can used once you have some deselected. Selected faces are covered with a dotted
geometry in your model. Among other things, this section pattern, also in the Highlight color.
includes tools for measuring, erasing, copying, moving,
rotating, scaling, and making construction lines.
You need to understand this tool before getting into the
other manipulation tools, because, in many cases, objects
need to be selected before you can apply another tool to
them. Selecting is very straightforward, but this exercise Keep in mind that edges and faces are considered
may show you some features you didn’t know about. separate objects, so be aware of what you need to
1. Start with a box. select for the tool you want to use!
5. Add another face to the set of selected objects, by
pressing Ctrl/Option while selecting.
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7. Pressing Shift+Ctrl/Option removes objects from the 12. We will now use window (marquee) selections.
selection set. Remove one face and one edge. Return to Select mode and drag a window from left
to right, enclosing the front face of the small box.
11. Add a rectangle to one of the faces and Push/Pull it This window selects everything completely or
out. partially inside it - the front face, side and top faces,
and surrounding edges.
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14. Shift and Ctrl/Option keys can be used with window 17. Switching to wireframe can show you exactly what’s
selection. Press Shift to toggle selected objects and been selected. Click Wireframe.
drag a window that encloses both boxes.
15. Now orbit around so that the small box is behind the
larger one. Drag a right-to-left window to select three
faces of the large box (the two you can see plus the
bottom face), plus the three common edges. 19. The small box is deselected, but the last selection
window also deselected the side face of the large box.
16. The selection window affects all objects inside it, 20. Switch back to Shaded mode.
throughout the depth of the model into the screen.
Therefore, you need to be careful when using a
right-to-left window, because you might select
objects that are hidden behind objects. 21. Press Ctrl/Option or use Shift, and re-select the face.
In this case, the window has also selected some edges
and faces of the small box.
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22. Here’s a neat feature that allows you to select For information on layers, see "Layers" on page 317. For
multiple objects at once. While in Select, information on materials, see Chapter 7.
double-click on any face. This selects not only the
face, but also all surrounding edges. Taking Off Quantities Using Select
and Entity Info
The Entity Info window enables you to easily calculate
numbers of objects, total lengths of edges, and total area
of faces.
1. If not already displayed, select Window / Entity
23. Double-click on any edge to select the edge plus all Info. If nothing is selected, the window will be
adjacent faces. empty.
24. Finally, triple-click on any edge or face. This selects 2. Use Select to select any face. Its area is listed in the
all contiguous edges and faces. Unattached objects window. You can also check Hidden to hide the face.
remain unselected.
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5. Select a few edges (they don’t have to be 2. Draw a rectangle that encloses the bottom of the
contiguous), and their total length is listed. cylinder.
After knowing how to select, the next important thing is
knowing how to erase.
1. Start with a polygon, using around 24 sides, pulled
into a cylinder.
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6. Activate Erase (Tools / Erase). 8. To erase multiple edges in one go, keep the mouse
button pressed and pass over the edges you want to
delete. They will be highlighted in the “select” color,
and will be deleted once you release the button. If the
Entity Info window is open, you will see the number
and total length of the edges to be erased.
TIP: If you pass over edges too quickly, they might be missed. If
you’re not picking up all the edges you want, move the mouse
more slowly.
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10. Orbit to look down on the top face, draw a rectangle 13. Another way to erase is to select first, then press
on it, and select it. Delete. Use a right-to-left selection window to select
all edges and faces of the base, except for the top
11. Right-click and select Erase. You could also use 14. Press Delete, or right-click and select Erase. Only
Select to select the face and press the Delete key. the top face of the base remains.
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This tool has three purposes: to measure distances, to
scale an entire model, and to create construction lines. The model changes scale. You can verify this by
1. Start with this form. using Measure on the same two endpoints, and
checking the length in the VCB.
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14. This value is a bit too large, but it’s not too late to 18. Erase all construction lines by selecting Edit /
change the offset. Type 2’ and press Enter, to move Construction Geometry / Erase (or Hide).
the new construction line closer to the center.
17. Activate Arc and close the form using the three
points shown below. If drawn correctly, the inner
form should be thin-lined (closed and aligned to the 21. Then move out so that the construction line is along
sloped face). the axis (red or green direction) from the upper edge,
and directly above (blue direction) the lower edge.
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24. Do the same along the diagonal edge. Now you have
the intersection of where the two construction lines 26. Type an offset value, such as 25’ and press Enter.
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28. Create an offset of the diagonal construction line by 32. Erase the construction lines, and Push/Pull the
clicking on it (Line A), then clicking on the endpoint triangle outward.
of the finite construction line (Point B).
33. If you look from the side, you can see that the sloped
faces of both forms lie on the same plane.
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4. Click when the protractor is aligned with the front 8. Now the protractor has tick marks every 10 degrees.
face (facing you). This sets the protractor’s center. Place the cursor at the 40-degree tick, and click to
5. The next click sets the orientation of the reference place the construction line.
line. Click a point along the axis that will set a
horizontal line across the front face. The reference
line appears as a dotted line.
10. Use Push/Pull to push the triangular face all the way
through. Because the construction line is no longer
needed, you can erase it.
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13. With Shift still pressed, click the corner shown to 17. Extend the next point in the axis direction until it
place the protractor center. meets the construction line.
16. For the next line, start at the corner where you placed
the protractor and then hover over the endpoint
shown to pick up its inferences.
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21. Hover (do not click) over the endpoint shown (Point 26. Erase the construction line, as well as the three edges
C). In the VCB you will see the measurement of shown.
angle A-B-C. The measurement is 57.6, which is the
complement of the 32.4-degree angle you created
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You could use Push/Pull with Alt to get the same effect as
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8. Draw a rectangle on the large, front face. Make it 12. Now we can create a triangular frame at the top of the
off-center. rectangle. There is no endpoint on the top edge to use
Move on, but it’s easy to create one. Right-click on
the top edge and select Divide.
13. Move the cursor so that the edge is divided into two
10. Then hover over the lower edge (do not click).
14. The midpoint of the top edge can now be moved, but
(again) the move direction is not along any of the
standard axes. To position it exactly right, use
Measure to create a construction line. First click
either vertical edge, then place the construction line
at the midpoint of either horizontal edge.
11. Now move in the direction you want to go, clicking
when the Parallel to Edge constraint is displayed.
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15. Now Move the midpoint of the top edge (which is 18. With Shift pressed, click the midpoint of the lower
actually an endpoint since the edge was divided) edge. Now the small face is centered.
along the construction line.
17. Hover over the lower edge of the large face to get its
Parallel constraint. Press Shift to lock this constraint. 2. Right-click the edge shown and select Divide. Move
the cursor so that the edge is divided into three
segments, and click. Now the edge consists of three
lines of equal length.
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11. One copy is made, but you can make several copies When the copies are placed, they cut this face as
at the same spacing. Type 3x, which appears in the well.
VCB. Press Enter.
NOTE: Automatic alignment, which you just saw, works only for
copies. Moving objects does not change their alignment.
12. In this case, the last copy extends past the face, so no Autofold
cutout is made. Enter 2x to remove this copy.
Autofold is a very useful enhancement of the Move tool,
which enables you to create fold lines where there weren’t
any before. Normally, Move keeps planes as planes,
without dividing them into more planes. Autofold will
create as many planes as needed to perform the move.
1. Start with this form, with all lines at right angles.
NOTE: You can also enter a number (no “x”) to change the
spacing. Multiple copies are explained further in Chapter 4.
2. Use Offset to create an offset face within the original
13. Now select two of these windows, and copy them to face. (Activate Offset, select the face and press
the side face. The first reference point should be on Enter, then pick two points to define the offset
the front face, and the second point on the side face. distance.)
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3. Select the inner face and try moving it up. You can 7. Select both ridge lines, and activate Move, without
only move it within its plane. Autofold. As before, click any two points to raise
these lines in the blue direction. This works, though
some cleanup would be necessary.
4. Undo.
Here’s the first instance when Autofold is useful.
There are two ways you can do this: 8. Undo this move, and add two valley lines.
5. Select the inside face first, then activate Move. Press
Alt/Cmd, and click a reference point anywhere. Then
release Alt/Cmd and click a second reference point,
directly above the first one. The fold lines between
the top and bottom faces are created automatically.
TIP: Yet another way to create the same form would be to use
Push/Pull on the original face (without the offset face), then use
Scale on the top face. See "Scale" on page 65.
10. Try again, this time using Autofold. Now you can
move the edges in any direction - use the blue
6. Now we will create a roof. Start at Point A
(midpoint), and start the line in the axis direction. direction.
Press Shift to lock the line to the axis and click Point
B (also midpoint). Then complete the roof ridge line.
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11. The roof wasn’t created perfectly, but it can easily be There are so many uses for Autofold, it’s impossible to
cleaned up. Erase the two lines shown, then correct show examples of them all. Here are a few extra
the roof face by adding one line. examples.
2. Select the top face of the arc form and activate Move.
The only way you can move this face is up or down.
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TIP: To assign an exact radius value, you can type it and press
Enter, or open the circle’s Entity Info.
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5. You can also resize the curved face itself. While 8. Activate Move again; now we will resize the arcs.
Move is still active, move the cursor until a movable Move the cursor to the midpoint of the second arc -
edge (and not the entire face) is highlighted as a bold, only this point should be highlighted (not the entire
dotted line. These edges correspond to the locations arc).
of the quadrant points. Move the edge outward to
create a wide, flat cone.
7. Create the next arc from the end of the first one. By
default it is tangent to its neighbor. Double-click to
place the endpoint somewhere on the other side of 11. Arc endpoints can also be moved. Pick the endpoint
the circle. shown. . .
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12. . . . and drag it toward the center of the circle. This 16. Resize the arc at the bottom of the face by dragging
not only changes the arc, but shrinks the circle as its midpoint forward.
14. Curved arc faces can be resized like we did for the
circular face. In Move, highlight the moveable edge
directly below the arc midpoint. Drag it forward to
change the bulge direction.
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19. Like with a circle, activate Move and use one of the 2. Activate Rotate (Tools / Rotate).
moveable quadrant points to shrink the polygon. The
location of these points depends on how many
segments you have, but there is always at least one at
a segment endpoint.
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7. Deselect everything. Switch back to shaded view, The current rotation angle appears in the VCB.
and now activate Rotate and select the wing again.
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Here is the corrected building with the rotated wing. 5. Set the reference direction along the long side of the
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9. The window needs to be rotated to the orientation of 12. Activate Rotate. This time the protractor needs to be
the house. Select the window, activate Rotate, and oriented vertically. You could use one of the small
place the protractor at the front corner of the house. vertical faces of the window, but the side of the house
As before, the protractor should be in the red-green is easier to reference. Place the protractor along this
plane. Set the rotation reference direction parallel to face and press Shift to lock its orientation.
the window.
TIP: If you have trouble getting the protractor to lie flat, place it
outside the house and press Shift to lock its orientation. Then 13. Keeping Shift pressed, click a point where the
keep Shift pressed and click the corner point.
window meets the roof. Align the reference line with
the window edge shown.
10. Rotate it by clicking along the construction line.
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8. As with Move, you can change the number of copies Defining the Rotation Axis
by entering a value. Type something like 3x, then In the previous exercise, the rotation protractor was set
press Enter, to create a total of three copies (four total along to a standard plane (like red-green) or along an
columns). existing face. This exercise shows how to set your own
rotation axis.
1. Start by drawing a hexagon (use the Polygon tool,
specifying 6 sides). Use Line to start a rectangle off
one of the sides. For any edge of the hexagon, start
the line at Point A, hover over edge A-B, and get the
“Perpendicular to Edge” constraint.
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4. Here’s how to switch the rotation plane: click the 6. You can use this method to define any rotation axis.
edge and keep the mouse button pressed. The We will rotate the rectangle again, but first it must be
protractor center stays on the edge, and you can prevented from “sticking” to the hexagon. Select the
move the mouse to pivot it around. To fold the rectangle (double-click on it to select its face and
rectangle over, align the protractor by clicking an edges), right-click, and select Make Group.
edge endpoint.
8. Click and hold the mouse button, and click the top
midpoint. This defines the rotation axis.
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9. Click anywhere to set the protractor orientation, and 12. Click any adjacent hexagon endpoint to define the
click again to turn the rectangle about the rotation rotation angle.
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Using Rotate to Twist 4. Undo and rotate again, defining the rotation axis like
Keeping with the theme of rotation a single face, Rotate this:
can also be used to twist a 3D object.
1. Create a polygon (this one has 12 sides) and select
the top face.
Use Scale to resize or stretch selected faces, relative to
other geometry. You can also use Scale to mirror objects,
in effect, turning them inside-out.
1. Draw a multi-segmented polygon (not a circle) in the
red-green plane.
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3. Select the polygon and press Enter. The circle is 8. Undo again. Using Shift toggles between uniform
surrounded by a bounding box, with eight drag and non-uniform scaling. Drag the same corner
handles. handle, while keeping Shift pressed. This way you
can create an oval using a corner handle.
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17. Now when you scale the same faces as before, only
these faces change, in addition to the faces
immediately adjacent to them.
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20. Activate Scale, select the copied form, and press 2. Select the top face of this small box and activate
Enter. Start dragging the handle at the center of the Scale. You get a 3D bounding box, reflecting the
front of the bounding box. axes in which the original form was created.
21. Drag this handle toward its opposite handle, stopping 3. To change the axes, you could use the Axes tool (see
when the VCB reads -1.0. The form now faces the "Axes" on page 70), but in this case there is an easier
other direction. way. While Scale is still active, right-click on the
sloped face and select Align Axes.
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6. Use Ctrl/Option and a corner handle to give the box 4. Double-click on the inner face to create another
a draft angle. offset, using the same offset distance.
This tool takes all the edges of a selected face, or a series
of connected edges in the same plane, and offsets them.
1. Start with a form like this.
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6. The last click defines the green direction. Select any 9. You can also move and/or rotate the axes by specified
point on Face A. values. Right-click on any axes and select Move.
The red and green axes are now aligned with Face A,
and the blue axis is normal (perpendicular) to it.
TIP: Selecting Place from this menu is equivalent to activating
Tools / Axes.
10. Enter Move values for the axes you want to move.
For Architectural units, if you want feet, be sure to
use the foot symbol; otherwise inches are assumed.
8. The axes are now aligned with Face B. 12. To move the axes back to their original location,
right-click on any axis and select Reset.
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We’re now back where we started. 3. Make the bulge vertical (blue direction).
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7. Continue in this manner along the remaining 9. Hiding edges does not change the structure of the
segments. . . adjacent faces. Activate Select and select either face
next to the edge. Each face remains a separate object.
NOTE: If any faces appear in the Face Back color, you can
change this by selecting them, right-clicking, and selecting
Reverse Faces.
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12. Unlike softened edges (as we will see later), hidden 16. Blank the hidden edges again, and you can see the
edges are always hidden, no matter how you orbit the edge you made visible.
model. This means that profile lines may be hidden.
Turn on Hidden Line display.
14. To see the edges that were hidden, select View / NOTE: If you always prefer to work without edges, you can set
Hidden Geometry. Hidden edges appear as dotted uncheck Edges in the Display Settings window (Window /
(not dashed) lines. Display Settings).
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18. Softening edges is similar to hiding them, but can be 22. Right-click on one of the selected edges and select
used for smoothing as well. Right-click an edge and Soften/Smooth Edges.
select Soften.
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24. At a certain angle, all the edges will be softened, 27. Return to Shaded display. Display the softened
resulting in one, smooth face. Now this face can be edges by selecting View / Hidden Geometry.
selected and manipulated as one face - it is no longer Softened edges are shown as dashed lines, as
faceted. opposed to hidden edges which are dotted. Draw a
few lines between the midpoints of these edges.
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30. The remaining edges lie within existing faces (even 33. To unsoften specific edges, you need to be able to see
though you can’t see the faces themselves). You can the edge first. Display hidden edges, then right-click
soften these edges as well - select them all, on an edge that is still softened. Select Unsoften.
right-click, and select Soften/Smooth Edges.
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Displaying hidden geometry will show you how this 4. For the first text object, click anywhere in the blank
object is actually constructed. You can then unsoften the space in front of the building.
Text can be placed in your model in two ways: attached to
geometry or “floating” in space.
1. Start out a building like this, with one main section
and two slope-roofed wings.
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8. You can now overwrite the area text. Type “East 13. In the Entity Info window, change Leader to
Wing”. . . View-based.
10. For the next text object, click on the sloped roof face
14. You can also fix a leader to an edge. Click the top
front edge of the rectangular section.
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19. While you are in Text mode, you can move any text
NOTE: You’ve seen what happens when you click an edge or object. Click on “West Wing” once, then click again
face. When you apply text to a component or group, the default
text is the component/group name. You can change names of
to relocate it.
groups in the Outliner. The Outliner can also be used to assign
different names to component instances. See “The Outliner:
Manipulating Groups and Components” on page 206.
18. Add the two objects shown below to the other wing.
Note the different leader end point.
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Because of these differences, view-based text is Either way, the selected objects now have open arrow
appropriate for presenting still shots from certain leader end points.
angles, in which you don’t want irrelevant text
cluttering the view. Pushpin text is good for overall
studies and plans, in which you want all text
available at all times. This type of text should be
moved using axis direction inferences, so that you
don’t inadvertently move it to another plane.
22. In addition to moving and editing existing text, you
can also change a text object’s type. Activate Select
and select two of the view-based text objects from
the east wing.
TIP: As you probably figured out, you can change all text objects
by using the Select All Text button in Model Info.
NOTE: For a single text object, you can also change its leader
type or arrow by right-clicking on it and selecting Leader or
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26. Text objects that are anchored to faces or edges 2. Use Move to push in the top arc.
“stick” to those faces when they are moved. To verify
this, Push/Pull the south facade forward; both of its
text objects (“South Facade” and “Optional Roof
Deck”) move with it.
Creating Dimensions
This section focuses on ways to create and place 5. The first dimension will be created between two
dimensions. Dimension display and properties will be points. Select the points shown below. Then move
covered in the next section. the mouse in front of the building and click to place
the dimension text. Leave enough room for more
1. Start with a box with a chamfered corner. Draw an dimensions closer to the building.
arc protruding from the front face and Push/Pull it
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6. The dimension is listed in whatever units are 8. Create a similar dimension on the other side of the
currently set (shown here in Architectural). Open arc face. When locating this dimension, use the
Model Info to the Units page and select Decimal dotted inference line to align it with the
dimensions in Millimeters. Use a Precision of 0.0, corresponding dimension on the other side.
so that the dimension will have one decimal point.
Deselect Display units format, so that the “mm”
will not be displayed on every dimension.
The dimension text should now reflect the new unit 9. While Dimension is still active, you can move
settings. existing dimensions. Click one of the shorter
dimensions and drag it closer to the building.
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11. You can also dimension an edge with two clicks. 14. To dimension the lower arc, click it and click again to
Click the edge shown, and pull the dimension to the place the dimension.
side of the building.
15. If the “R” prefix does not appear with the radius
12. Create the vertical dimension the same way, aligning dimension, you can attach it. Open Model Info to the
it with the previous dimension. Dimension page, and check Show radius/diam
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The Basics
18. With this setting, dimensions oblique to the viewing 22. Move the cursor down and click to create a vertical
plane are hidden. Orbit to a more vertical view, and dimension.
the dimensions on the red-green plane will disappear.
TIP: You can use the slider on the Dimensions page to control 23. Use the same edge to create a horizontal dimension.
the angle at which dimensions will disappear.
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25. Next, create a parallel dimension along the 28. Click the other center point, and create the dimension
chamfered corner. If the outline is dashed, adjust the between them.
viewing angle so that this dimension is visible.
29. To dimension the circle, click the edge, then place the
dimension. By default, circles are assigned diameter
dimensions, with a “DIA” prefix.
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The Basics
31. You can add prefixes and suffixes to dimensions 33. To dimension the height of the cylinders, select one
without changing their numerical value. To edit the of its hidden edges and move the cursor to the side to
dimension, double-click on it, while in Dimension or create the dimension.
Select mode. (You can also right-click on it and
select Edit Text.)
Type “Radius <> Typ.” The angle brackets are
placeholders for the dimension value - the number
will remain intact, located in between the suffix and
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37. To assign a new length, simply type it and press 2. By default, so far the dimensions have been aligned
Enter. so that you can always view them facing you, no
matter the orientation of the model. To change this,
open the Dimension page and check Align to
38. You will receive the following message - click Yes. Dimension Line, and set alignment to Centered.
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The Basics
4. Change back to Horizontal on Screen, and change 6. With the current settings, we cannot tell if there are
the Arrow Heads to Dot. any problems with dimensions, such as overridden
numbers. To change this, open the Dimension page
again and check Highlight non-associated
dimensions. Set a color that is easily visible.
5. We will now look at dimension overrides. Note that only the edited dimension text itself, and
Double-click the dimension shown and type in a not the witness lines, appear in the “problem” color.
different number. This dimension is no longer This indicates that the dimension itself is still valid,
numerically accurate. only the number is wrong. You would also see the
“problem” color if you changed the dimension to
text, or added a prefix or suffix without using the
“<>” format described in the previous section.
7. To remove the tilda symbols, you can always
increase the precision. Open the Units page and
increase the Precision to several decimal places.
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The dimensions are now more accurate. The edited The dimensions are now in foot-inch, rounded to the
dimension does not change, however, it remains how nearest inch. Most or all of these dimensions will
it was edited. have a tilda symbol since the precision is low.
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Dimensioning Using the Text Tool 6. To demonstrate this, change the units to display the
If you worked through the exercise "Text" on page 78, you unit format (i.e. cm). Create another edge label, and it
have seen how Text can be used to label dimensions. includes the format. The previous labels do not
Depending on what start point is selected, you can label change.
coordinates, edge lengths, and areas.
1. Start with a form like this and activate Text. This
example uses Decimal cm units.
2. For the first point, select one of the corner points.
Drag out the text, and by default it is a label of the X,
Y, Z coordinates of the point.
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3 Intersect and Follow Me
These tools are combined in this chapter because they are 3. The first way to use this tool is the “real-time” way.
often used together. For other exercises in this book that First, activate Follow Me (Tools / Follow Me).
use them see:
• "Roofing with Follow Me" on page 169
• "Using Section Planes with Model Intersection" on
page 312
• "Creating a Log Cabin" on page 427
4. Then select (click and release) the cutout face as the
Follow Me face to drive along the path.
This tool basically takes a flat face of any shape, and
drives it along a path. In other CAD applications, this is
called extruding or driving.
Basic Follow Me
This exercise will show you the several ways you can use
Follow Me.
1. Start with a form like this - a box with an arc form
pulled up part-way. 5. Move the cursor to the back endpoint shown. . .
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7. . . and back to the point from which you started. It This may be tough to do - you may end up with
might be a little tough to get this point since the incorrect edges selected. If you have trouble, try
cutout shape starts before this point. If you miss it, approaching endpoints slowly, zooming in, or
try zooming in and approaching more slowly, or try changing the view.
approaching from a different angle. Here is the result - the cutout is made along the entire
NOTE: You don’t always have to select a closed path; just stop
wherever you need.
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Intersect and Follow Me
This drives the section around in one step. 15. Then activate Follow Me and select the section - the
cutout goes all along the face.
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18. With Alt/Cmd still pressed, move the mouse to the 21. Now erase or hide one of the side faces. Because the
side face and click. circle section was partially inside the building, you
can see the quarter-circle section sticking into the
22. Undo and create a section like this, all outside the
Now the section has dragged the walls out with it.
20. Use Follow Me to drive it around the top.
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Intersect and Follow Me
24. One way to use Follow Me so that the driven section Within the group, the section is driven around the
does not affect the form on which it sits is to use top.
groups. Undo the last action and select the section
face. Make it a group by selecting Edit / Make
27. Select the face. 29. If you pre-select the path, the path does not have to
touch the section. As an example, we’ll create a moat
around the building (a very useful thing no doubt).
Create a rectangular section with an arc cutout.
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30. Use the bottom face for the path. If you select this Here’s the problem - the intersections here are not
face (as opposed to the edges), be sure to first heal it clean either.
into one face.
34. Now use the edges of this face for the moat section.
Much better.
32. To find out why, undo the last action. Use Offset on
the bottom face to create the surrounding edges. Stop
at the moat section’s far endpoint.
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Intersect and Follow Me
Follow Me with Components 4. Undo, and select the molding face. Make it a
The previous exercise showed how you can avoid component by using the icon or selecting Edit /
“stickiness” with Follow Me by using groups. You can Make Component. (Or right-click on the section
also use components for the same effect, with the and select Make Component.) Assign a name and
advantage that you can reuse sections repeatedly. A good be sure that Replaced selected is checked.
example is the use of moldings.
1. Start with a box and remove the floor, so that you can
see the moldings.
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6. To drive this component around the top of the box, Here is the result from the outside - the box remains
first select the top face or the four top edges. Then closed on top.
activate Follow Me. Right-click on the component
and select Edit Component.
8. Right-click outside the molding and select Close If you have standard moldings (or other sections) that you
Component. (You can also go to Select mode and use frequently, they should be placed in a component
click outside the component bounding box.) library for easy importing. The edited (3D) molding
would still appear in the In Model tab, but the original
molding section would be preserved in the library. See
"Creating and Saving Components in the Library" on page
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Intersect and Follow Me
Round Objects NOTE: If you prefer not to go through all of these steps each time
By extruding a face along a circle, you can create rounded, you need a sphere, open the Component Browser to the
or lathed, objects. “Shapes” category to find some spheres and domes already
created for you.
1. We’ll start with the most basic round shape - a
sphere. Start with a circle.
6. For another way to create a sphere, start with a
half-circle arc closed by a line.
2. Orbit so that you can create a new circle 7. Draw a circle perpendicular to the arc shape. The
perpendicular to the first one. Start the new circle at center point must be aligned with the line, but does
the center point of the first one, and make it larger. not have to touch it. (It might help to use Measure to
draw a construction line. You can center the circle at
the endpoint of the construction line.) The circle can
be any size, as long as its center point is located
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11. Where you place the circle affects the outcome of the 16. The extrusion this time has the rectangular cutout on
extrude. Draw a rectangle with some lines and arcs the outside and the curved portion on the inside.
inside it.
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Intersect and Follow Me
19. Undo, and make sure nothing is selected. Activate 2. For future reference, right-click on the original arc
Follow Me and select the face, then extrude it and select Point at Center.
manually along the arc. Now you can see the
problem - the face is Push/Pull’d along the first arc
segment, and after that the extrusion is curved. So,
arcs don’t always give you the results you’d expect.
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5. To find the intersection edges, select the arc wall (or 8. Embossing is similar. Use Undo to return to the step
at least the front and back faces of it), right-click and before the intersection edges were created.
select Intersect with Model. (You can also find this
on the Edit menu.)
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Intersect and Follow Me
12. The intersection edges are only needed on the outer 3. Push/Pull it out and display the hidden edges (View
face of the arc wall. Right-click on this face and / Hidden Geometry). This is so that we will have a
select Intersect with Model. reference for copying and rotating.
13. Erase the overhanging portions to see the three sets 4. Select the arch and activate Rotate. Shift-lock the
of intersection edges. protractor to the red-green plane and place it at the
midpoint of the top (hidden) edge of the arch.
14. Erase the freeform faces, and you see partial cutouts
- similar to poking the bodies slightly into the wall.
Intersecting Arches
This exercise is pretty straightforward - intersecting two
arches that meet at a 90-degree angle.
1. Start in a new file in Front view.
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6. With the copied arch still selected, activate Scale. This creates edges where one object intersects with
Drag the top center handle upward to create a higher another.
10. Do the same for the higher arch. This is how the
model should look from the bottom (this one was
Push/Pull’d to shorten the arch lengths).
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Intersect and Follow Me
11. Recreate and erase edges as needed to clean up the 3. To separate this arch from the box, add a dividing
ceiling and floor. This is sometimes easier to do in line. (If you used the Ctrl/Option key when you
X-Ray or Wireframe mode. pulled out the arch, this step wouldn’t be necessary.)
NOTE: You could move it into the box using Autofold, but this
would push in the side of the box as well!
2. Push/Pull this arch out.
6. Undo the move, and with the arch still selected, make
it into a group (Edit / Make Group).
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7. Grouping the arch has eliminated the “stickiness” to 10. Select everything, right-click and select Intersect
the box. Now you can move it into the box. with Model.
12. Erase the arch faces, and this is the result. Because
the cutouts were grouped, no part of them remains
inside the box when they are deleted. To solve this,
groups must be exploded before creating
9. Use Ctrl/Option to create a copy 90-degrees from the
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Intersect and Follow Me
13. Undo until you return to the step in which you had This is how the arcade should look from below - a
two arch groups. Select both groups, right-click and nice vaulted ceiling.
select Explode.
This method works great for simple forms like arches and
cubes. When you attempt something more complex, it still
14. Now select everything again and intersect the model. works, but you may have a bit more cleanup to do.
1. As an example, create a hexagon (use the Polygon
tool) and create a similar arch cutout group.
15. Delete the portions of the arches that extend past the
box. This is easy to do in Top view.
2. Rotate-copy the cutout group 60 degrees, making
two copies.
16. Erase the arch faces, and you are left with some
interior faces. Erase these interior faces as well to
create an arcade.
3. Explode the three groups and intersect the entire
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4. Trim the portions of the arches that extend past the Cutting Using Components
hexagon form. This exercise shows how components can be used in
conjunction with Intersect with Model.
2. Push/Pull the form out and close the end faces. This
will be the grill form that will have several cutouts
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Intersect and Follow Me
4. To make the cutter, face the front of the grill and 7. Position the cutter component within the grill, so that
create a vertical rectangle next to it. it stops in the hollow space. It may be easiest to do
this in X-Ray mode. You’ll probably need to move a
few times, in a few axis directions.
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10. The easiest way to edit this component is to blank 13. Close the component by double-clicking outside it,
everything else. On the Components page of the or right-click and select Close Component.
Model Info window, check Hide for both
components and the rest of the model.
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Intersect and Follow Me
16. Now you can delete the cutout faces, and the interior 3. Do the same for the other long top edge.
faces of the front face.
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6. Drag the sphere to the sloped face. 10. Type “2/” (or whatever number you want) to create
some more skylights between the first and last ones.
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Intersect and Follow Me
13. If intersection edges are created, it is where the 16. Erase everything but the face that represents the
sphere overlaps with other spheres. Undo any skylight.
intersection edges, and close the component.
14. Here is the crucial step: select and Hide (do not
erase) all the intersection edges. Do not hide the
cutout faces, however! The roof face has to appear
The easiest way to do this is to keep Ctrl/Option
pressed and use several left-to-right selection
windows. Be sure not to create any selection window
that would enclose an entire cutout face, or an entire
17. To make this realistic, open the Material Browser
component. With all edges selected, press H or
(Window / Material Browser). In the Library, open
right-click and select Hide.
the “Glass + Transparent” category and click one of
. This should be the result: no intersection edges the glass thumbnails. Click the skylight face to apply
visible and the components are still in place. Profiles the glass material.
are turned off in this example.
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Intersect and Follow Me
5. Use Follow Me to rotate the arch shape. You can 9. Move the niche and construction line, dragging it by
select the circle first, then activate Follow Me, and the construction line, into the box. Stop when the
then select the arch. Or you can activate Follow Me, construction line aligns to the front face. With the
select the arch, press Alt/Cmd, then select the circle. niche still selected, right-click and select Intersect
with Model. The edges along the box are now
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This would be the resulting niche. 4. Move the slider to zero to unhide these edges.
5. Turn off the hidden edge display, and erase the lower
half of the sphere. Create the bottom face.
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Intersect and Follow Me
Intersecting Moldings 4. Erase the arc, and change the section to something
This exercise may not represent a typical or practical like this:
design (a funky picture frame), but it’s useful to know
how to handle objects that intersect. It demonstrates how
to use Follow Me to easily create interesting edges, and
uses Intersect with Model to trim them to one another.
1. Start with a flat box for the frame itself, then draw a
5. Now to drive the sections. It’s easier to pre-select the
vertical arc starting from the endpoint of one edge.
edges, so select the two frame sides shown (three
This arc will be driven along two of the frame’s
edges total).
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8. Select all faces and edges at one intersection corner, 10. Erase these unnecessary edges as well. You’ll
and run Intersect with Model. (You could also run it probably need to recreate one or more faces as a
on the entire model.) result - this is easily done by using Line to connect
two adjacent endpoints you know to be on the same
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Intersect and Follow Me
12. After cleaning up this corner, here’s the result. In this midpoints, and start the line at their intersection.
example, the frame face itself was switched to its Draw straight down and stop where you want the
“Face Back” color (right-click on the face and select table leg to stop.
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5. Make the vertical circle approximately this size, 8. You can now trim the box past the sphere, and the
relative to the cube. Then select the larger circle, portions of the sphere outside the box. You can also
activate Follow Me, and select the smaller circle. Push/Pull the box back down to a reasonable height.
This creates a sphere.
9. Now for the table leg. We will create half the leg
cross-section, then drive it around the remaining
6. Push/Pull the box through the sphere. circle. Start by drawing two lines - one from the
bottom of the construction line, and the next straight
up. End the line just inside the box.
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Intersect and Follow Me
10. Move the top of this line slightly outward to give the 13. The final cross-section should look something like
leg a draft angle, and complete the face of the this. Use the circle at the bottom with Follow Me to
cross-section. It is easiest to do this in X-Ray or complete the leg.
Wireframe mode.
12. At the top of the leg, make a few arcs. The top arc
should protrude slightly into the top part of the leg.
15. To trim the leg, you can Hide the top section, or do it
in X-Ray mode.
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Here is the final, trimmed table leg. 3. Activate Measure and click any two points along the
vertical edge to create a construction line. This line
will be used later when placing the faucet handles.
Creating a Faucet
Like the previous exercise, this exercise shows how to
create revolves, and shows what happens when Intersect
is used with components.
(If you want to skip the actual creation of this model and
go straight to the intersection part, go to and
download the file “faucet.skp.” You can then skip to
Step 27.)
5. Select either the circular face of the base, or the circle
1. Start in a new file in Front view, so that you are itself. Then activate Follow Me. For the face to drive
working in the red-blue plane. around the circle, select the faucet section. This
creates the round faucet.
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Intersect and Follow Me
6. Now for the faucet handles, which will involve the 12. For reference later, right-click the circle you just
use of components. Start with a line that starts from created and place a construction point at its center.
the center of the faucet and extends as far as you want
the handle to stick out. To make things easier later,
keep this line in either the red or green direction.
10. Complete the form with one more arc, then a short
vertical line. This is half the cross-section of the
14. Do the same for the other two sections of the handle.
11. Just like you did with the faucet base, draw a circle
perpendicular to the handle section. This is why you
drew the base line along one of the axes. If the line
were not parallel to red or green, it would be tougher
to find the perpendicular plane.
NOTE: You would get the same results if you had healed the
original handle section into one face. This would require erasing
some segments and possibly recreating edges, so both methods
require a bit of work.
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15. Select the entire handle and make it into a component 17. Press Ctrl/Option to make copies, and click
(Edit / Make Component or right-click and select anywhere to set the rotation axis. Type 90 for the
Make Component). Assign a name like “Faucet rotation angle, and then type 3x to make three copies.
Handle” and set the other options as shown: This is the complete set of handles, but you can see
that the handles overlap at the center.
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Intersect and Follow Me
21. Erase the faces on the short side of these new edges. 25. Move should still be active; move the handles down
(blue direction) to their correct location.
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(Window / Components, open In Model). The result - nothing happens. The faucet body has
Right-click on the handle and select Select already been cut at the intersection, so there is no
Instances. actual intersection anymore.
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Intersect and Follow Me
35. Close the component. If you switch to X-Ray mode, 38. Unhide, and now hide the body. The intersection
you can see that the handles do not protrude into the edges are created on the handles as well. However,
base. these edges are not part of the handle components
themselves; they are separate entities.
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41. Now the component can be trimmed. 46. Select the circle and handle and perform an
intersection. Then trim the handle on the other side of
the circle (and erase the circle itself).
42. Return one last time to the saved file. Now we will
see how to create the faucet body as a solid (not a
shell), with solid cutouts for the handles. 47. Finally, erase the intersection edges you created
43. Edit one of the handles and intersect it with the when you first edited the handle.
model to get the edges along the faucet body.
48. Close the handle. Now select all four handles and
copy them straight up at a known distance (i.e. type
in 3’) Remember the distance, since you will move
44. We will now shorten the handle so that it just barely them back down later.
sticks into the faucet body. Use the construction point
to draw a circle in the blue direction.
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Intersect and Follow Me
50. Select the faucet and all four exploded handles, and
intersect them. Trim away the parts of the handles
that protrude from the body.
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4 Making Multiple Copies
Basic Move and Copy 5. Moving is always done relative to a selected
reference point, so select a known endpoint, or any
Exercises in previous chapters have already used both
point in space. Using an edge or axis direction, move
moving and copying. This short exercise shows a few
the window outside the boundary of the front face.
more ways you can move and copy objects - to specific
1. Draw a rectangle and Push/Pull it into a box. Draw a
rectangle on the front face for the window.
HINT: Forgot how to erase a face? Use Select to select the face
and press Delete. Or right-click the face and select Erase.
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7. . . . and placing it on the front face. The window now 10. Now you can erase the window face.
sticks out of the building.
Any time you use Move (or copy), the delta distance
appears in the VCB. You can enter a different value
and press Enter, which will be seen more in the next
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Making Multiple Copies
Once the copy is located, it cuts out the face here as 4. When the Measure tool is used this way, you can
well. rescale the entire model. Click Yes.
3. To set the exact distance, type 20’ and press Enter. 7. To change the building height, activate Push/Pull
Depending on your system of units, you may need to and click the top face. Then click any point on the
include the foot symbol - typing 20 in Architectural construction line. Now the box is 20’ x 10’ (the depth
units will create a 20-inch wide building. is not important).
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8. Erase the construction lines (Edit / Construction 11. Heal the window by erasing the top rectangle line.
Geometry / Erase). Push/Pull the window in slightly, and erase the
9. To make sure the height is correct, right-click on any window face.
vertical edge and select Entity Info. (If Entity Info
is already open, you can activate Select and click any
vertical edge.
12. Select the window (be careful not to select any extra
edges), activate Move, press Ctrl/Option, and click
The Length should be listed as 10’. any point as the reference point. Release Ctrl /Option
and drag the copy along the axis from the reference
TIP: Another way to create this box: Create a rectangle and use
Measure to resize the long edge to 20’. Then activate
Push/Pull, start to pull up the rectangle, and type 10’. You can
also create the first rectangle using exact dimensions. In
SketchUp, there are usually several ways to create anything.
14. As long as Move is still active, you can play with the
spacing and number of copies. Look at the VCB to
see the delta distance you just used. (Of course, what
appears here depends on your model.)
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Making Multiple Copies
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20. Type 3x to create three copies of the row of windows. 23. Push/Pull this rectangle upward so that it will
contain the upper windows.
25. The upper windows are not flush with the vertical
face. Select these four windows, and activate Move.
Here we will use a double constraint. Click any point
on the front of any window. . .
HINT: To offset a face, activate Offset, select the top face, pick
a point and drag the offset inward.
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Making Multiple Copies
26. . . . and move the windows along the axis 30. Then erase the front face of each window. The easiest
perpendicular to the vertical face. Press Shift to lock way to do this is to activate Select, and press Shift to
this orientation (the axis constraint line becomes select all four faces. Then press the Delete key.
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33. As long as Move is active, you can enter values in the In case you hadn’t already noticed, there is always
VCB to play with spacing, number of copies, and one copy in the highlighted color. When
angles. You can specify a relative distance by using manipulating numbers of copies and spacing, the
angle brackets. Type <3’,0,2’> to make a copy at a highlighted copy is the first copy in the row.
3:2 slope. 37. When changing the spacing between copies on a
slant, the distance is the absolute distance (along the
slant) between copies. Try something small like 1.5’.
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Making Multiple Copies
40. Now adjust the first-to-last spacing so that all 44. This method is fine for cases in which the slope is
windows fit within the vertical projection of the face. known, but let’s assume the slope is not known.
It’s easiest to do this in Front view. Erase the construction line, or undo it with Ctrl/Cmd
+ Z.
45. This time use Measure and draw a construction line
between the lowest endpoints of the two outer
46. While still in Measure, click the line you just drew.
This enables you to offset-copy the construction line.
The window line looks good, and now the roof needs Click the corner point shown to place the second,
to be adjusted to accommodate it. This is one of the parallel construction line.
things that makes SketchUp unique - you can draw
windows and then adjust the walls to accommodate
42. The slope of the window line is known (1:3), so we
can draw a construction line with this slope. Activate
Protractor. Locate the origin at the corner above the
first circle, and set the orientation along the
horizontal roof line.
47. Select the edge shown and activate Move.
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48. Click the front endpoint and move it up in the blue 51. Push/Pull the beam to the back of the roof.
direction until it meets the top construction line.
50. We will now make the roof a little more interesting. 53. Enter 6/ for the spacing. This creates one beam over
Use Line to create the beam shape shown, centered each circular window.
above the first circle.
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Making Multiple Copies
54. Here is the final building, with all its copied objects. 2. Draw a line connecting two opposite corners. Then
draw a line from the midpoint of this bisecting line to
any corner.
TIP: If you are working with multiple copies of the same object,
you might want to use components. See Chapter 6.
TIP: You can create this shape without using Autofold, if you
create all six faces before moving the center point.
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5. Orbit so that you can see the bottom of the roof. It This creates the six intersection lines we need.
does not have a bottom. Redraw any line on this
plane to create the face.
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Making Multiple Copies
11. Select the triangle and activate Rotate (Tools / In this example, the rotation angle was known, and
Rotate. The protractor appears, which is used to set appears in the VCB. The angle is 60 degrees, which
the rotation center and orientation. To keep the is 360 divided by six faces. You could have entered
protractor flat (aligned to the red-green plane), place this value manually, but the reference point method is
it somewhere outside the model and press Shift to useful for cases when you do not know the exact
lock the alignment. angle.
15. Because five total copies are needed, type 5x (or 5*).
Five copies are made, each separated by 60 degrees.
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18. Now onto the base of the gazebo, which will be a set 22. Use Arc (Tools / Arc) to create a half-circle
of hexagonal walls. Use Offset on the bottom face of anywhere between the two vertical lines.
the roof, pulling inward to create an inner hexagon. A
face is automatically created, but this is not the face
we want.
23. Select the arc and move it up so that its top point
meets the midpoint of the top line.
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Making Multiple Copies
26. This arched cutout is the next object to rotate. Select 29. Now type 6/ to specify six divisions between copies.
all objects comprising the cutout. One easy way to do For a 360-degree rotation, this also means six copies.
this is to Shift-select each of the faces of the arch - Press Enter, and the arch appears (uncut) on each
there should be three. face.
As always, it’s a good idea to check out the model in
wireframe to make sure no unwanted objects are
TIP: Windows users can activate Rotate first, then select the
objects to rotate and press Enter to set the rotation parameters.
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32. The last step is to add a circular base. Create a circle The holes are made at the posts because all coplanar
in the red-green plane (press Shift to lock the geometry is “sticky” - objects are linked to adjacent
orientation), starting at the center of the roof. geometry. The best way to eliminate this stickiness
and separate geometry so that it does not affect its
neighbors is to use groups.
35. Undo to erase the circular base, but keep the
construction lines. Select all the geometry and group
it (Edit / Make Group, select Make Group from the
Edit menu). A bounding box appears enclosing all
selected objects.
36. Now create the circle again, and when you Push/Pull
it this time, no holes appear. The gazebo objects are
prevented from sticking to the base.
34. Give the base a little depth. Holes are created at the
support locations.
NOTE: See Chapter 6 for more on groups.
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5 Working with Roofs
Sometimes the most difficult aspect of building design 4. Press Ctrl+Z (Cmd+Z) to undo the move, or Esc if
can be roofs. This chapter contains a few simple exercises you haven’t finished the move yet.
to show you how simple roof design can be once you’re 5. At this point you should know the solution - draw a
familiar with the SketchUp interface. line to break the face.
Simple Roof and Dormers
1. Start with a box like this, and make the roof ridge line
by drawing a line across the top, from midpoint to
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complex models you can sometimes include things 12. Make the top point of the dormer gable directly
that lie behind the window but aren’t visible from vertical from the midpoint of the first line. The next
your viewpoint. point should form a rectangle relative to the first two
8. Switch to Wireframe display. lines.
14. Drag a line from the top point in the green direction,
back toward the roof. Because you won’t be
attaching another line at the end of this one, it’s best
to drag the line from one endpoint to the next.
10. Press Esc to exit the Move tool. Deselect everything Release the mouse when you hit the roof face. This is
by pressing Ctrl/Option+T a double constraint.
The next step is to create a simple dormer. It should
be small enough so that you can fit three of them
along the long side of the roof.
11. Use axis inferences to create a horizontal (red or
green), then vertical (blue) line.
NOTE: It’s not needed in this step, but you can also press Shift
to lock an inference. This can be helpful when the point you want
isn’t obvious or easy to find. Shift-locking will be used quite a bit
later in this chapter.
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Working with Roofs
15. Draw the two lower horizontal lines the same way. 19. To cut out the window holes, right-click on the
window faces and select Erase from the popup
menu. (You could also use Select both faces, and
press Delete.)
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21. This view shows how the dormer appears from the When you click to place the copy, note that the
inside. Erase this face. window and roof cutouts are made.
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Working with Roofs
27. Orbit so that you see the back side of the roof. Use 30. Activate Move, and move the dormers straight back
Move to copy the dormers straight back. toward the roof (along the axis again), stopping when
you get to the face.
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3. If you click a face, Offset will create new lines from 5. While still in Push/Pull, double-click on the original
all face edges. Select the top face and drag the offset top face to push it up the same distance.
outward. (You can also click instead of dragging.)
NOTE: For a more ornate parapet, you can use the Follow Me
tool. See "Basic Follow Me" on page 95.
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Working with Roofs
8. Erase these lines to create a nice, clean form. 12. Undo (Ctrl+Z, Cmd+Z) what you’ve done so far,
until you’re back at the simple building form with no
15. Heal the interior face by erasing the two extra lines.
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17. Offset the edges inward. The offset lines still touch
the adjacent building - Offset correctly constrains all
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Working with Roofs
4. Close the form to create the footprint of the house. 7. There are a few ways to fix this corner, but this one is
Use Push/Pull to give it some height. probably the easiest. Use Move on the edge shown,
using Shift to lock its movement to the red direction.
TIP: The “Width” labels in these pictures were created using the
Dimension tool, by overwriting the actual dimension with text.
See “Dimensions” on page 82. Face and point labels are
created using Text. See “Text” on page 78.
9. There are three edges that now must be erased.
You can create layers for text and dimensions, so that they can
Switch to X-Ray mode and erase these lines.
easily be hidden. See “Layers” on page 317.
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10. Switch back to shaded view. The basic form should Set Slope and Double
look something like this:
This method is probably not what you’d use to actually
solve this problem, since it’s complex and there is an
easier tool to use (Follow Me). But if you need practice
using double constraints, this will get you up to speed.
1. On the house form, draw the two valley lines
between wings.
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Working with Roofs
To begin, we will want to raise all ridge lines together 5. Activate Move and pick any point on the
to the level of an 8:12 slope for the main roof (H-E). construction line. Drag the line to Point D (do not
To raise line H-E to the proper height for an 8:12 click yet), then move it in the red direction from
slope, we need to first create an 8:12 construction Point D. Stop at the point where it intersects Line
line along a face that is perpendicular to H-E. Since B-E. This is so the slope of the roof will be aligned
Face A is perpendicular to H-E, it will be used to properly with the center section of the house.
create the construction line. The construction line
will then be moved to an appropriate location for
raising the roof ridge into place.
3. Activate Protractor. Place the protractor center at
Point C, aligning it with Face A. Click to locate the
reference line along C-F (which is in the green
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8. Move the ridge lines straight up (in the blue 13. The current pitch is too flat, so material must be
direction) until Point E meets the construction line. added. Draw a line from Point A to a point directly
above Point B, that lies on the 8:12 construction line.
Close the chevron shape by drawing another line to
Point C.
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Working with Roofs
16. Now spin the house around so that you can see the 18. Now move the outer chevron point to Point F.
intersection area that needs to be resolved. The lower
point on the chevron apex needs to be moved, but
you can’t move it as long as the chevron is a single
face. Therefore, divide the chevron by drawing a
vertical line at the apex.
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21. Clean up the rear face by deleting the extra line. 24. To complete this corner, draw the line shown.
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Working with Roofs
27. This time the roof is too steep. Draw another chevron 31. Activate Measure and click any two points (except
shape as before, which will be used to remove endpoints) on this ridge line to create the
material from the roof. construction line.
32. Now use Move to drag the chevron point along the
ridge line, pressing Shift to lock it to the construction
29. As before, draw a vertical line at the chevron apex. line.
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34. Erase the extra line on Face D, as well as the Now all three roofs have the same slope. Be sure to
construction line. Now the triangular face at the save the file (RoofIntersections.skp), because you
exterior corner is the only one whose slope is not will use it later.
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Working with Roofs
3. Replace the front face by drawing a line across the 7. . . . and the adjacent face of the new roof.
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11. Erase the extra line on Face D, which causes the 15. Push/Pull the roof triangle to the other side.
adjacent faces to disappear.
17. On the other side, the center ridge line was too long
and needed to be trimmed. This time it’s too short.
13. That takes care of the perpendicular wing, but the Draw a line between the two points shown to extend
diagonal wing is a bit trickier. Swing around to that the ridge line.
side and erase the five edges you know will change.
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Working with Roofs
18. From Point G, draw a line constrained to the center 20. Start erasing the edges you can tell are overhanging.
ridge line and the adjacent diagonal face. This It then becomes clearer which of the remaining edges
replaces the other face of the center roof, but there’s can then be erased. As before, if any erased edges
some trimming to do. cause a face to disappear, just recreate it with a
simple line.
19. First, draw a line from where the diagonal ridge line
first meets the center roof face to the endpoint of the
line you just drew from Point G. Roofing with Follow Me
This is the easiest method; you use the tools Follow Me
and Intersect with Model.
1. Start with the initial house form - RoofHouse.skp.
(Or download it from
2. Use Protractor to set an 8:12 slope line at the front
of the 90-degree wing.
Now for the magic of Follow Me. With this tool you
can either select a shape and then the path along
which to extrude it, or select the path first. We’ll use
the latter method.
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Working with Roofs
9. Erase all the extra lines, and recreate any missing This was a simple example, but you can use it for any type
faces. Check in Wireframe or X-Ray mode to catch of building and any type of roof. Here’s another example,
any hidden extra edges. using a complex roof section:
Intersect and clean up. In some cases you may get lots of
pesky edges to delete, but it’s still pretty easy to create
complex roofs.
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Overhangs Now we will create the section for the overhang roof.
It will be a simple rectangle that touches the front
Because the model you just created has uniform roof
face at its top left corner. There are infinite ways you
slopes, it is a convenient place to start for creating
can create this section, but this way seems the fastest.
5. Use Line to create the interior roof line. Make it
1. Open the original form RoofHouse.skp. (Or pretty long - this section will be driven along both
download it from sides of the house, and will need to overlap the other side of the roof.
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Working with Roofs
9. This section will have to be used for the other side as 12. Activate Follow Me (Tools / Follow Me), and select
well, so it will need to be copied and mirrored. To the roof section. It is now extruded along the three
make this easier, create a construction line via the edges.
Measure tool. Click on any vertical edge, and place
the construction line at the midpoint of the diagonal
13. Now to set the section for the other half of the roof.
Select the copied roof section and construction line
10. Select both the roof section and the construction line
and activate Scale (Tools / Scale).
and use Move to copy it anywhere in the blank space.
The drag handles are based on the current set of axes.
If you hadn’t set the axes to this wing, you would be
seeing a 3D set of scaling handles, and flipping the
section would have been much harder.
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15. With the section and construction line still selected, 20. . . . and along Edge 3.
activate Move. Drag the objects by the intersection
point shown . . .
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Working with Roofs
24. Erase everything that’s selected, and use Erase to do 28. Use Push/Pull and double-click on the roof face to
some more cleanup. Check in Wireframe or X-Ray extend it the same distance as you used for the other
for short, stray edges. face.
25. The fronts of both wings also need to be cleaned up. The results - all edges on the top are neatly
Complete both faces using Line and Erase as resolved. . .
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4. In Push/Pull, double-click the other five faces to pull 7. Switch to Top view and erase all extra lines. If a face
them out the same distance. is deleted, redraw one of its edges to recreate it.
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Working with Roofs
8. Erase extra lines on the underside as well. (Or switch 11. Erase the extra lines on the now-continuous roof.
to X-Ray mode so that you can see all extra lines There is only one corner left to be fixed
without switching views.)
10. Activate Move, and click any point along the top
edge of one of the fascias. Move the fascias in the
blue direction, press Shift to lock them, and constrain
them to the slope of the adjacent roof face.
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6 Groups and Components
You may have noticed the “stickiness” of SketchUp - Materials: When you explode either a group or
faces stick to one another, and objects become embedded components, any elements inside that object that were
in one another. The way to make objects independent from assigned the default material take on the material of the
one another is to use groups or components. group or component. See "Materials of Groups and
Components" on page 257.
Components Versus Groups To sum up:
Groups and Components are similar, but it's important to
understand the differences between the two. • Often-used and referenced parts such as windows,
doors, trees, etc. are usually best inserted and/or
Simplicity: Groups are fast and straightforward to make
saved as components.
and use. They don't require you to define a name, insertion
point, or adjust special behaviors. (You can use the • You can combine groups and components. For
Outliner to assign a name to a group, but it is not example, you can make a window component, make
necessary.) copies of it, then group different arrays of copies
Instancing: When you place a component in your model, together. This is a good way to build efficiency into
it creates a definition within the file. All instances of the your model.
same component refer to this definition, so editing one
component edits all simultaneously. Groups are simply a Introduction to Groups
collection of geometry that acts as one object; multiple Grouping is easy: select the objects you want to group and
copies of groups do not refer to any other source. do one of the following:
File Size: Using a component multiple times will not • Select Edit / Make Group
increase your file size, because its reference information
• Right-click and select Make Group.
is only stored once. Multiple groups, on the other hand,
are all unique, so each one adds to the file size. To ungroup objects, select the group and then:
• Select Edit / Group / Explode
NOTE: Having many complex components can slow down
performance. See "Replacing Components" on page 231 and • Right-click and select Explode.
"Tips for Efficiency with Components" on page 235. Aside from those in this chapter, there are some other
exercises scattered throughout this book that use groups.
Alignment and Hole Cutting: Both groups and See:
components have options that allow you to align them and • "Materials of Groups and Components" on page 257
'stick' them to faces. They also have the ability to cut holes
in faces (see "Cutting Openings" on page 214). With • "Simultaneous Section Cuts" on page 315
components, you can control this behavior (see • "Using Groups to Separate Materials" on page 259
"Alignment and Insertion Point" on page 202), whereas
groups work more automatically. Both groups and • "Arch Cutouts Using Groups" on page 109
components store their own set of drawing axes, but The following short exercises will get you familiar with
components visually display those axes. the concept of groups, and why they are useful.
Naming / Referencing: Components can be named so
that you can reference them again from the Component
Browser. You can also save a component individually as a
standalone SketchUp file. Groups do not appear in the
Component Browser, but they are listed in the Outliner.
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Breaking Connected Faces 4. To separate the forms, draw the line shown on the
When two objects have a common face, that face acts as bottom face (if it’s not already there).
one face - the objects are both stuck to it. Grouping one or
both of the objects breaks this link.
1. Start with two joined forms.
6. Erase the small form, select the large form and group
it (select Edit / Make Group, right-click and select
3. An edge along the shared face, however, can only be
Make Group). A bounding box appears around all
moved within that face.
selected objects.
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Groups and Components
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7. To erase or move the column and base, select all 2. Push/Pull the arc faces all the way through.
visible portions and perform the operation. However,
if you erase or hide the top rectangular face, you will
see that a portion of the base still remains inside.
1. Start with a box and draw two arcs (one concave and
one convex) on one side.
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Groups and Components
6. Select the cutout shape. The easiest way is to 9. Erase the faces that remain on the box The cutout
triple-click on one of the cutout faces. Or you can use goes all the way through, and the interior portion of
a right-to -left selection window at one end. the cutout shape remains in the box, which explains
the walls surrounding the hole.
NOTE: You could also do the intersection on the two faces of the
box that intersect the cutout shape.
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12. Select the cutout shape and group it. 15. Erase the intersection faces, and you can see that the
box faces were cut, but no walls surround the cutout.
Because the entire cutout group was erased, no part
of it remains.
NOTE: If you want to use the cutout form again, be sure to make
a copy, since the exploded one will no longer exist.
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Groups and Components
1. Start with the following objects: a hexagon pulled to 5. Move the bolt to one end of the box. Because this is
create a nut, and a circle pulled to create a bolt. a group, all objects move as one object.
7. Select all edges of the top nut (be sure not to select
the top edge of the bolt) and cut them (Ctrl/Option+X
3. Select the bolt and nuts and group them. or Edit / Cut).
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Component Files
SketchUp comes with many components defined for you.
These are simply groups of *.skp files, grouped into
categories. You can also create components and save them
into your own folder.
1. In Windows, open the Preferences (Window /
Preferences, Mac: SketchUp / Preferences) to the
Files page. The folder you set for Components is
where component files will be created when you save Component Browser
them. Open the Component browser (Window / Components).
The categories reflect the folders in the default
Components folder.
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Groups and Components
There are a few ways to insert a component. In the The inserted component has a bounding box around it,
Browser, you can access a folder like in any browser - similar to a group.
opened by double-clicking.
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Aside from the predefined components, you can insert a 4. Insert another armored truck.
separate file as a component. Use File / Import / 3D
Model. In the Open window, choose the Files of type to
search for.
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Groups and Components
6. One thing we can easily change about this truck is its Now both trucks are taller.
size. Select the entire truck (you can only select
objects within the component, so select everything).
Note that the other truck component is also selected.
Then activate Scale.
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11. In the Component Browser, right-click on 14. Edit one of these trucks and perform some change
Truck_Armored and select Select Instances. like adding a window on the back.
Now all three armored trucks are selected. 15. Close the component. Only the edited trucks were
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Groups and Components
18. Open the Statistics tab. (If needed, use the arrow 21. In the Outliner, highlight the wheel sub-components
icon at the top of the window to expand the window.) one at a time. You can see each one appear as
When set to All geometry, you can see a compilation selected on the sedan, and the sedan itself is in Edit
of the edges, face, and other objects included in the mode - the sedan must be edited for the wheels to be
sedan. accessible. (You can Shift-select or
Ctrl/Option-select in the Outliner to select more than
one wheel.)
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23. In Select mode, click once outside the wheel. You are 27. Now that the sedan was exploded, its wheel and side
now back inside the sedan component. mirror components now appear on the list of
components in your model.
24. Click outside once more to close the sedan for TIP: You can display nested components in the browser, without
editing. exploding their parent component first, by clicking on the
25. Another way to edit a component is to explode it. right-facing arrow and selecting Expand.
Right-click on the sedan and click Explode.
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Groups and Components
29. Even though the sedan was exploded and no longer Where to Find More Components
exists in the model as a component, it still appears in For a wealth of components, click on the arrow at the top
In Model. To delete it, click on the arrow at the top of of the Component Browser and select More.
the browser and select Purge Unused.
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Groups and Components
8. To change the component, right-click on any of the 9. Create a window sill by first adding lines to create
windows and select Edit Component. (Or the bottom face, then Push/Pull’ing it out. All
double-click the component while in Select mode). windows have the same change.
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12. Browse to where the predefined components are kept 15. Locate the new “Windows” folder.
(Program Files\@Last Software\SketchUp5\
Components (Mac: Library\Application Support
\SketchUp\Components). Create a new folder here
called “Windows.”
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Groups and Components
NOTE: The reason for starting at the origin is this: when you
save objects as a component, the default component insertion
point is based on the origin of the sketch axes. The insertion
point can be changed, however, as you will see.
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2. Offset the front face inward and Push/Pull it almost 6. To insert this component into the model, select File /
to the back (not all the way through). To stop before Import / 3D Model, and find the component you just
hitting the back, you can view the bookcase from the saved. Make sure you have Files of type set to skp.)
side and move along the top edge, stopping close to You can also drag a *.skp file straight in from your
the endpoint. browser. The insertion point is based on where the
origin was in the bookcase’s original file.
5. Start a new file (you can have more than one instance
of SketchUp open at once) and draw a rectangle in
the red-green plane to serve as a reference.
As we will see later, this change only affects the
component in the current file. The original bookcase
file is not changed.
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Groups and Components
9. Erase the previous component, and insert another 12. Rotate the bookcase 90 degrees.
one from In Model. This time you insert it by its
lower corner.
13. Since you are still in Move mode, click the endpoint
shown . . .
Immediately after inserting a component, you are in
Move mode (note that the Move icon is pressed).
11. Click one of the crosses on the top face to set the 15. Insert another bookcase from In Model.
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16. While still in Move mode, activate Scale. Click and 19. Whatever changes you perform affect all other
drag the handle shown . . . instances of the same component. Make a circular
cylinder on the top (you can Scale or Move the top of
it outward). A scaled version of the cylinder appears
on the lower bookcase.
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Groups and Components
22. To add legs to the bookcase, start by adding a square 27. You are notified that the component was edited, and
in the corner of the bottom face. click Yes to replace the file.
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Alignment and Insertion 4. Select the entire window and make it a component.
Components can be set to automatically align to faces in
your model, and you can adjust the point at which they are
inserted, relative to the alignment face.
1. We will create an octagonal window for this, so start
with an 8-sided polygon. In Top view activate
Polygon, and before starting to draw, enter 8 to set
the number of sides. To get it aligned with the
red-green axis, rotate it 22.5 degrees.
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Groups and Components
7. Press Esc, or Undo if you placed the window. In the 10. Try inserting another window on the sloped face. The
browser, right-click on the window and open its window does not align itself to this face.
8. Under Alignment, choose to glue the window to 11. Open the Properties again, and change Vertical to
Vertical faces. This is how window components are Any.
typically created - lying flat in the red-green plane,
and set to stick to vertical walls.
12. Now you can insert a window into the sloped face.
They align correctly, but they do not cut the faces.
Mac: The Properties option does not work as of this
writing. Alignment must be defined when creating the
component. To modify an existing component, you
must first explode it and then redefine it as a
component with the desired alignment.
9. Now insert a window into the same face. It now
aligns properly. However, it does not cut the face.
(This will be corrected in a few steps.)
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13. Re-open the window Properties, or right-click either 15. Insert another window into the blank space and
window and select Entity Info. Explode it. We will now see how to change the
insertion point and gluing plane of a component
while creating the component.
Now the windows cut the face, and you can see into
the box.
17. These steps are similar to those in the Axes tool (see
"Axes" on page 70). Place the new insertion point at
the top of the window.
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Groups and Components
18. Define the red and green axes of the new gluing 21. Here’s an easier way to do the same thing.
plane. Right-click on either of the two original components,
and select Change Axes.
20. Insert this new window onto a face. It is inset, and the
face is still cut. A face is always cut along a
component’s gluing plane. When finished, the components automatically align
according to the new gluing plane.
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The Outliner: Manipulating 5. In the Outliner, select both leg components. (You can
use Shift or Ctrl/Cmd to select multiple items.) This
Groups and Components selects both components in the model.
This exercise will show you how to move groups and
components around, and how to combine them.
1. We will start with a table that has nested components
(also called sub-components). In the red-green plane
draw a rectangle approximately 5’ x 2’-6” (look at
the VCB to see the dimensions of the rectangle).
Push/Pull it a bit.
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Groups and Components
Now the legs and rails are listed under Base. 10. Open the Entity Info window for the table. (This can
be accessed via the Outliner as well). Set the
Statistics page to Components to see the
sub-components of the table.
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13. Add a bookcase as well. 15. Expand the sofa component in the Outliner and
highlight one of its sub-components. The sofa has to
be open for editing in order for its sub-component to
be highlighted, so the sofa has an “open” symbol in
the Outliner - four blue square surrounded by a box.
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Groups and Components
17. The name “Component#15” is not very helpful if you 19. To change the component name in its definition,
are looking for a particular object. Right-click on this right-click on Left Half and select Entity Info.
item and select Rename.
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22. Now select all three components in the Outliner and 25. Create another group by copying the existing room
make them a group. into the blank space.
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Groups and Components
The next step is to change the table top. This 30. Right-click on this new table top component and
component must be made unique, but Make Unique select Edit Component.
is not available for this sub-component.
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The group now has a lock symbol, as do all the 34. Look at the group’s Entity Info window - the
components within the group. Locked box is checked. You can uncheck the box to
unlock the group.
36. Drag the table just below the title of the file.
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Groups and Components
This makes the table a first-level component - it is no 38. In the Architecture_Sampler folder of the
longer part of any other component or group. The Component Browser, find the coffee table.
furniture group now contains only the sofa and
40. Use the Outliner to drag this table into the unlocked
furniture group.
The table disappears from the display, but it still
appears in the Outliner, in italics.
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Cutting Openings
42. Right-click on blank space in the Outliner and select In the exercise "Creating and Saving Components in the
Expand All. Library" on page 193, the window component created an
opening on the face of the box. Components can cut an
opening on one face only, so if you are working with
double-faced (or double-sided) walls, the back face will
not be cut.
To create openings on both faces, you need a few extra
43. Now you can see all the legs, in red font.
Cutting Method 1
1. Draw a thin, long rectangle and Push/Pull it upward
to create a wall. Draw lines and an arc to create the
window outline.
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Groups and Components
3. Select the window objects, and create a component. 6. Now you can erase the window face. The cut is not
Because this component contains more than one made on the back face, however.
cutting face, it cannot align automatically to a face -
the component would not know which face to align
to or cut. Therefore, None is selected for Glue to,
and Cut Opening is grayed out as well.
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3. Now when you make a component out of the window 6. Explode both of the windows. The window lines are
objects, Cut Opening is available (and checked), heavy, meaning they need to be resolved into the
and the component will glue to Any face. face, as before.
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Groups and Components
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6. Erase the horizontal line at the top of the post. 9. Select the entire window and make it a component
called Arch Window Frame. Glue it to None.
Because we want to set the location of the insertion
point, click Set gluing plane.
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Groups and Components
12. Now we create the cutout component. Right-click on 14. Place the origin and axes at this corner point.
the front face of the wall (the cutout is only needed
on one face) and select Intersect with Model.
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18. Now insert a window component at the lower corner 21. Finally, insert a window component at the corner of
of the cutout. the hole.
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Groups and Components
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12. Select the top window objects (be sure not to select 15. Locate the origin at the back of the front frame,
the bottom arch component) and make it a keeping the red and green axes in the same direction
component called Front Cutout. Make the as before.
parameters the same as the back cutout.
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Groups and Components
19. Explode the component. To get this option, you can Nested Cutting Components -
right-click on either the component itself, or the item
in the Outliner.
Any Wall Thickness
This method uses nested components that can be used to
cut walls of any thickness. It is similar to "Creating a
Window Component Plus a Cutout Component" on page
217, which uses two separate components - the window
plus the cutout shape. This method uses a single
component, but does not allow for window frames on both
sides of the wall - only the front. (To use a component with
details on both sides of a wall means you need to have a
set wall thickness.)
1. Start in Top view like before. (If you want, you can
start with a wall and create all the components
This activates the front and back cutout components, vertically - that also works here.) Draw one arch
which are now free to cut the front and back walls. shape, and copy it.
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4. Add a post using the same material as the frame. 8. Move the original arch into this new component,
fitting it into the cutout area. (It might be easiest to do
this in X-Ray mode.)
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Groups and Components
The new component appears in the Outliner, 13. Verify the transparency again by drawing a small box
consisting of one nested component. (The arch face behind the wall.
is also part of this component, but it does not appear
in the Outliner because it is not a group or
10. Make a vertical wall of any thickness and insert the 14. Check the window from behind. The wall has a neat
Window and Opening component. cutout, and there is a face of glass where the window
11. Explode this component so that it breaks down into Cutting Holes in a Curved Wall
the window component and arch cutout shape. In order for a component to cut, its cutting face must be
12. Push/Pull the arch face through the wall. You can entirely contained within the plane it is cutting. But what
now see through the glass and through the wall if the wall is curved? A curved wall is actually a series of
connected flat planes, and if a component is placed over a
joint between walls, the component will not be able to cut
both walls.
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Groups and Components
11. Rotate so that the window extends evenly from both In the Component Browser, a second component was
sides. There are ways to obtain the exact rotation added to In Model.
angle, but doing it by eye is good enough for this
exercise. This is how the window should look after
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16. Orient the red axis along a component edge and 18. Right-click and select Close Component. The wall
orient the green axis along a perpendicular edge. reappears, and the cutout shape sticks out of it.
17. You return to Scale, and now the drag handles make
more sense. We want to pull the window outward, so
click and hold the center front handle . . .
This creates all the edges where the arch shape meets
the wall.
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Groups and Components
NOTE: You also could have exploded this cutout before making
it into its own separate component. The advantage to keeping it
a component is the ability to hide the rest of the model while
editing it. 4. Make a copy of the component anywhere, and
activate Scale. Drag one of the center handles toward
the opposite handle . . .
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5. . . . to turn the component inside-out. Stop when the 9. Start by adding a thin strip between the two
VCB reads -1.0. buildings.
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Groups and Components
Replacing Components 4. To copy these cutouts to the other face, you need to
select them all. The easiest way is to right-click the
In SketchUp is it easy to replace any or all components
cutout in the Component Browser and select Select
with another component. A good example for this is a
building with many windows.
In this example, profiles are turned off so that all edges are
thin. This is handy when you have a busy model that can
look cluttered with thick lines.
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7. Then open one of the new components for editing. 10. Use Select Instances again to select all of the
original cutout components.
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Groups and Components
12. Make another window unique and open it for editing. 15. After closing the component, select a few of the
windows you would like to replace.
14. With the front face divided, you can Move the top The selected windows are replaced with the canopied
face outward to create a canopy. Create a sill at the window.
bottom as well, and give it a new color.
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17. Start by drawing a line and a circle to represent a tree. 19. Place several of these tree placeholders around the
Make it a reasonable height, like 20 or 30 feet. (If the building. It may be easiest to do this in Top view.
building size needs to be adjusted, use Scale - the
components will scale with the building.)
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Groups and Components
All tree placeholders are replaced with Face camera The selected trees are replaced.
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7 Painting, Materials, and Textures
Overview of Materials 1. To see the various categories of materials provided,
click the drop-down arrow.
One of the things that makes SketchUp such a great
visualization tool is its texture, or material, feature. You
can use this to apply colors, pictures, and textures to any
face or edge.
To open the Material Browser, click the Paint icon, or
select Window / Material Browser (Mac: Window /
TIP: In Windows, you can change this default folder on the Files
page of the Preferences, by modifying the path for Texture
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NOTE: As you’ll see, you don’t have to use Add to Model for
every material you plan to use. You can just start painting with a
material, and that material gets added automatically.
There are four color selection methods:
4. Now click the In Model tab, and the thumbnail is • Color Wheel: Select a color from the circular
now listed. spectrum.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
8. Click Add to add the new material to the library. The The magnifying glass to the left of the Active Color Well
material with its new color, and new name, are listed activates the Screen Sampler. This enables you to select a
in In Model. color from anything current visible, anywhere on the
Another way to select a color is to click Color Wheel -
you can click anywhere on the wheel to select the color at
that point.
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The User Palette remains constant between files, so it’s a Once a color, texture, or image has been used in your
good place to store materials and colors you want to model, it appears in the Colors in Model palette,
transfer between models. available in the dropdown menu.
To remove unused materials, go to Colors in Model and
Textures and Materials select Purge Unused from the List dropdown menu.
By default, the browser opens to a category called Base
Materials. Texture categories include preinstalled textures Importing Images
provided for you as *.jpg images, which tile seamlessly You can also import your own custom textures. Select
when repeated. These images are stored in Root Colors in Model or My Textures (if you want to edit the
directory\Library\Application image) from the palette dropdown menu. At the bottom of
Support\SketchUp\Materials. To switch between the pane is a Color button; click this to get a dropdown
categories, such as Exterior Finishes, Roofing, Markers, menu including the option New Texture. (This option is
etc., simply select the category from the dropdown menu. also available when you right-click inside the pane.) New
Texture enables you to load an external image file to be
used as a texture.
You can also import an image to use for picking colors.
Click Image Palette, where the image Spectrum is
already preinstalled. Select New from file to browse to
the image you want to import.
You can also drop an image file directly into the Image
Well of the Image Palette. Like the User Palette, images
imported this way remain available from model to model.
(You can also add a new texture by right-clicking within
this pane of Colors in Model, or the personal palette.)
TIP: If the image is only to be used as a texture, you may want
By default, this new personal palette is called My to import it directly into Colors in Model or My Textures (If you
Textures but you can rename it. Once loaded into My want to edit it). The main reason to import an image into the
Textures, an image or material can be edited, just like Image Palette is to use it for picking colors.
from within Colors in Model.
You can delete a material from your personal palette by
right-clicking on its swatch and selecting Remove. You
can also select Remove from the Colors dropdown menu
in Colors in Model or My Textures. Be careful when
using this, because you cannot undo the action! If the
material still exists in the User Palette, you can still drag
it back into your personal palette.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
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16. To demonstrate the use of Shift again, select yet 19. Keeping lots of unused materials can bog down your
another material, such as Brick - dark grout. file, so it’s a good idea to get rid of the ones you don’t
need. Right-click on the thumbnail of
Concrete-warm select Delete (Mac: Remove). Or
right-click on the right-facing arrow in In Model and
select Purge unused (Windows only).
NOTE: You could also open the Statistics page of Model Info,
click Purge Unused. (This also gets rid of unused components
and layers.)
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
20. One of the neatest features of materials in SketchUp The first thing we’ll change is the size, which is 5’-4”
is the capability of real-time editing. In Windows, long and 4’-4” high. This is the size that is repeated
click the dropper icon, which is used to detect the for the tiled image.
material of a selected face. You can also activate the
“dropper” function by simply pressing Alt/Cmd
while in the Paint tool.
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25. Now the chain symbol is broken, which means the 27. Close the Edit Material window. The name of the
the width-to-height ratio can change. Enter 6’ for material has not changed. In Windows, if you
some very tall stones. right-click on the edited material, you have two
options: you can add it to the library or update the
library material to have the new properties.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
29. In Windows, right-click and select Add to Libary 32. The material is displayed. Click the thumbnail.
(Update Library Copy is not available because the
name has now changed).
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Using Shift and Ctrl/Option Keys case, the default, unpainted material). If there were
The previous exercise involved the use of other forms that had unpainted faces, these would be
“mass-painting” keys - Shift and Ctrl/Option. As you’ve painted as well.
seen, Shift paints all faces that have the same material as
the selected face. The Ctrl/Option key will paint the
selected face plus all faces that are connected to it.
1. Start with a form like this.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
1. Start with a sloped-top form like this. 6. In the Materials browser, locate the Glass -
Transparent category. There are a few predefined
materials here, but as you’ll see, you can make any
color or texture image transparent.
7. Select a solid transparent material such as Dark
Green Glass and apply it to the lower half of the front
2. Offset the top face inward, and erase the interior face.
The face is colored, but you can still see through it.
3. Draw a circle on the back face and cut it out.
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8. Open this material for editing. When a material is 10. . . . and move it closer to 100% to make the material
transparent, its preview swatch is divided in two more opaque.
sections - the opaque color (top left) and its
transparent appearance (bottom right). The level of
transparency is controlled by the Opacity slider.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
13. Apply the blocks to the half-face. 16. Now add a cylinder in front of the form. Assign a
texture to this cylinder such as Stone Vein (found in
the Stone category). You can press Ctrl/Option to
paint all cylinder faces at once.
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You can now see the sloped form behind the cylinder. 20. Check Colorize, and the material color is uniform.
19. You can also play with the colors of texture 21. To return the texture to its original state, check Reset
materials. Make sure Colorize is not checked Color.
(Windows only), and assign a new color
(reddish-purple) as shown.
The transparent stone material should now have Mac: You can reset any edited material, even if you
more of a multi-colored look. have closed the editing pane and applied the edited
material. Simply re-edit the material and select Reset
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
22. Here’s another neat feature of transparent faces. Turn 24. Turn off shadows (or leave them on), and orbit the
shadows on by clicking the icon, or selecting View / model so that you are looking in through the circular
Shadows. back face.
There are no shadows cast from the transparent
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27. Finally, we will adjust some transparency display 29. Switch to Shaded. This causes the textured materials
properties. Open the Display Settings (Window / to appear in their solid colors.
Display Settings) and deselect Enable
Double-Sided Faces
As you may have noticed, faces in SketchUp have two
sides. This is reflected in the fact that there is a Face
Transparency display can be memory-consuming,
Front and a Face Back color (set on the Colors page of
and when you working with a large model that uses
Model Info.) This feature enables you to get very creative
lots of transparency, your renderings can be slow.
with materials - applying different ones to both sides of a
Working without transparency can speed things up.
28. Turn transparency back on. Note that so far we have
been working in Shaded with textures mode. 1. Start with a roofless house with a few cutouts.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
2. Apply an exterior texture, such as Sketchy Brick, to 4. Add a vertical wall through the middle of the house.
all four exterior faces. The interior faces remain
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7. You can change a solid material to transparent, The underside of the floor is still unpainted.
without affecting the material on the other side. Edit
the material you applied to the exterior walls, and
decrease its Opacity.
Now you can see in, but you can’t see out.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
This double-sidedeness can be very handy for 2. Use Shift to apply a material to any face of the box
presentations. For example, at certain viewing angles, the (not a face of the group). This applies the material to
small house would be hidden by the large house. all unpainted faces, including those in the group.
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7. Close the group. Now the only unpainted faces are 12. Just like with a face, to see the material of one of the
the sides of the group. groups, right-click on it and select Entity Info).
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
15. Close the group to see the results. 4. For one way to create the counter, use Push/Pull
with Ctrl/Option on the top face. This creates the
counter faces, but they have the same material as the
cabinet, which is not what we want.
1. Start with the basic cabinet shape, and use Offset and
Push/Pull to create a small base.
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8. To complete the cabinet, edit the cabinet group. You Materials of Components
can create vertical dividing lines by selecting and Using materials on components works pretty much the
copying the edge shown to the other side, then same way as for groups. The main difference is that you
specifying a dividing distance ( /3, in this case). can implement material or color changes over all
instances of a component, whereas each group would
have to be edited separately.
As with groups, components can be omitted when
mass-painting faces. This building has one door
component and two window components.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
2. Bring in an armored truck. Some of the faces of this 6. In the Materials browser, open In Model, where you
car are painted (transparent windows and black can see the various colors used for the tires,
tires), but the body faces are created in the default windows, brake lights, etc.
material - Face Front.
5. A component’s (or group’s) default material is also 9. If you prefer, set Edge color back to All Same.
listed in its Entity Info. Right-click on the truck and 10. Bring in another truck from either the Transportation
select Entity Info. Default (unpainted) is the category of the browser, or from In Model. The new
component material. truck will have the default color.
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The In Model component browser still contains one 14. Start a new file, and bring in a sedan from the same
component - the basic definition of the truck is the component folder. All of its faces are already
same. painted. Sample the body color - it is gray.
15. To change the car’s color, pick a new color from the
Markers category such as red.
12. Open any truck for editing and change its roof to
16. Click any body face - the color remains the same. All
faces of this component are already painted, so there
are no faces to take on the new color.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
18. If you don’t want different colored faces, you can 23. In Model now contains two components, and the
paint all gray faces by using Shift or Ctrl/Option new one is given a name automatically. You can
when clicking a gray face. change its name via Properties (Windows only),
Entity Info, or using the Outliner.
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2. Select the table and select Edit / Make Component. 4. Use Undo to return to the original, default table, and
Assign a name like Table and check Replace make it a component. Make sure the wood material is
selection. still in the model even if it is not currently assigned.
Table is now listed under In Model. 6. Select the wood material to make it the component
3. Make three copies of the table (or insert three more). Mac: Open Model Info / Colors and change the
Apply a different material to each table. The material Face Front color - this will become the new default
is applied to the table top only, because these are the component material. You cannot specify a texture
faces that are still unpainted, that have the here; only its base color will be used. Remember, if
component material of Default. The legs already you change this default color, you must restart
have an assigned material, so they stay wooden. SketchUp in order to revert to the original color.
The table faces are now all wood.
So far this is what you’ve already seen with the truck 7. Edit the component, and change the table top
- replacing unpainted faces. The next component, material. The default component material is still
though, will use a specific material. wood.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
8. Make three more copies, and assign each table a 2. If necessary, edit the material size so that only a few
different material. This time the legs are painted. stones fill the small front face.
This is because the legs were originally wood, which
is the default material of the component. And the
default material is what gets replaced when you
assign a new material. The table tops already have
another material, so they remain unchanged.
Texture Positioning 3. Select the smaller front face and move it from side to
The rest of this chapter focuses on how you can side. The texture stays in place while the face moves
manipulate texture files, including image files, to fit your - the texture does not stick to the face.
model. To understand how this is done, this exercise gives
you the basics on positioning texture.
There are two modes you can use to position textures:
Fixed Pins and Free Pins.
Fixed Pins
Fixed pins is the more exact mode for texture positioning.
You have four pins of different colors, each with its own
function, each works relative to the anchor (red) pin.
1. Start with a form like this, and locate the Stone
masonry texture in the Stone category.
4. Return the face to its original position.
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5. To set the texture so that it sticks to the face, you 7. Click anywhere on the texture and keep the mouse
must position it. Right-click on this front face and button pressed. Move the mouse around to drag the
select Texture / Position. texture to a different location.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
The green pin is used for overall scaling and/or The blue pin is for shearing (making diagonal), as
rotation. Right now we will use it just for scaling. well as vertical scaling.
9. Drag the green pin to the lower right corner. Now 12. Drag the blue pin up or down so that four rows of
three full stone blocks fill the face horizontally. blocks fit vertically in the face.
10. In addition to dragging pins, you can also move 13. To accept this new position, right-click and select
them. Hover over the green pin until you see a small Done. (You can also click anywhere in blank space to
square around it, then click. This lifts the pin out of exit position mode.)
its position. Move the mouse to the point between
Blocks 2 and 3, and click to place the pin there. The
point of the pin (not the pin body) determines the
pin’s location.
14. Now move the front face again. No matter where it’s
located, the face contains two blocks along the
bottom and four rows vertically. Also, note that the
rest of the model has the original texture position;
11. Now drag the green pin back to the lower right only the front face has changed.
corner. Two blocks are now spaced along the face.
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15. Slope the front face by moving the edge shown. The yellow pin is used for out-of-plane distortion.
(The result only looks out of plane - the texture
always remains on the face). This is more useful for
actual photographic images that you’re trying to fit to
a face, but we will use it here anyway.
18. Drag the yellow pin straight up so that the seam line
above Blocks 1, 2, and 3 is parallel to the diagonal
19. Exit position mode, and here is the result: the blocks
17. Then drag this pin back to the corner. look as if they are getting closer; their perspective
has changed.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
20. To return to the original texture, right-click on the 22. Drag the green pin upward so that the angle of the
face and select Texture / Reset Position. blocks matches the diagonal edge (do not release the
mouse yet). If you stay on the dashed red rotation
line, you will not change the scale of the blocks.
The blocks return to their original size and position. 23. Now drag the green pin outward to increase the
overall scale. This is how you can rotate and scale the
texture in one step.
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25. Drag and rotate the blue pin to shear the blocks. The 28. Click the front face to pick up this texture.
result is that the blocks are skewed and still have
vertical sides.
29. Now apply this material to the other faces (you can
use Shift or Ctrl/Option when selecting any face).
26. Leave position mode. The sloped blocks now appear on all faces.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
1. Start with a house and an estimated rectangular 4. Right-click on the picture and select Entity Info. The
outline for the door. picture itself has a bounding box, similar to a group
or component. Its entity type is “Image.”
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5. Right-click on the picture and select Explode. 7. Right-click on the image and select Texture /
TIP: While in either Free or Fixed Pin mode, you can switch
modes temporarily by pressing Shift.
NOTE: There is a more efficient way to bring in a material like
this. When you import a 2D graphic, there is an option at the 9. Like in Fixed pin mode, place the cursor anywhere
bottom of the Import window to Use as Texture. This paints the on the image, and drag it to move the picture around.
texture automatically to the face, eliminating the need for
You can use this to place the door in its general
exploding and resolving lines.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
10. In Free pin mode, each pin has the same function - to 13. Now click and drag one of the pins to the closest
pull its corner to stretch and distort the picture. Hover corner of the model doorway.
over one of the pins until you see a small square
around it, and click to “lift” the pin off the image.
14. Do the same for the other three pins, to fit the
rectangular part of the door into the model doorway.
11. Place the pin at the closest door corner, disregarding
(for now) the arch portion at the top.
12. Use this method to place the four pins at the four
rectangular corners of the door picture. When one pin
is directly above/below/left/right of another pin, a
dotted line appears - very helpful for accurate If the picture isn’t perfectly aligned, you can
positioning. continue to lift, move, and drag pins until the
alignment looks good.
15. To keep this image “distortion” (you distort the
image to make it look right), right-click and select
Done. (Or click anywhere in the blank space.)
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The door fills the rectangle, but the arch portion is Here is the completed door - looks good in Front
missing. view.
16. Use Arc to place an arc (size does not matter) at the
top of the doorway.
If needed, you could return to position mode and
place a pin at the top of the door in the picture. Then
that pin would be moved to the midpoint of the arc.
19. Move the door, and the image follows.
17. Erase the line between the rectangle and arc, and the
image extends into the arc.
20. Now move just the door edges, not the face itself.
This places the door shape on another portion of the
door image, so be careful not to do this!
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
Using Pictures to Create TIP: You also could have dragged the picture in right from your
Realistic Objects browser, and then scaled it.
If you have pictures handy, you can easily use them to
create photorealistic objects you can place in your models. 4. For this next step, it might help to change the edge
color. Open the Model Info window to the Colors
NOTE: If you have pictures that include alpha channels for page and select a color for Edges that contrasts with
transparency, see “Alpha Transparency” on page 296. the tree.
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7. Select the tree (double-click it to select its edges) and 9. Use the Scale tool to make the trees different from
make it a component. one another. Some can be taller, some wider, some
can be flipped to their mirror image. (You can also
change the edge color back to what you usually use.)
10. Orbit the model around - the trees look like how they
were created - flat cutout faces.
The tree is now enclosed by a bounding box.
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You can also find this picture at 3. In the Mix New Material window, check Use Download texture image and browse to the bus picture. Make
the file “bus.jpg.” the size something realistic - if you keep the lock
symbol as is, you can enter 30’ for the length and the
NOTE: To save a picture from a website, right-click on the picture height will update automatically. Finally, enter the
in your browser and select Save Picture As. Some web name of the new material (“Bus”) at the top left.
graphics, such as clip art, are copyright protected and cannot be
download this way.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
5. To position the image correctly, right-click on the 8. Place Pins 3 and 4 the same way.
face and select Texture / Position.
7. Click and lift Pin 1 and place it at the top left corner
of the side of the bus. Place Pin 2 the same way.
10. If necessary, move pins and drag them again to make
When Pin 2 is directly below Pin 1, a faint dotted line
the picture fit the way you want. When finished,
will appear as a guide.
right-click and select Done, or click in the blank
The side of the box looks good, but the tires are cut
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11. Push/Pull the bottom of the box so that the wheels 14. Now for the front of the bus. There are two ways to
from the picture are visible. apply the picture here. First, click the thumbnail in
the Material Browser and apply it to the front face.
With texture positioning this would work, but the
initial placement of the picture is random - not
connected to the picture on the side of the bus.
12. Use lines and arcs to trace the bottom of the bus to
include the wheels.
16. Click the side face of the bus to sample its material.
TIP: If you want to change the edge color to something more
visible than black, open Model Info to the Colors page, and
change the color for Edges.
13. Push/Pull the lower part all the way back. Now the
wheels are included in the bus.
17. Now click the front face. The picture still needs to be
adjusted, but its placement is correct along the edge
shared with the side face.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
19. The pins along the common edge are already located 22. In Position mode, adjust the one pin that isn’t located
correctly. But the two pins indicated below need to correctly.
be moved to the correct corners.
23. Here’s the completed roof (with the coin slot - this
example is actually a toy bank).
20. Drag these pins into place and exit position mode.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
6. Now the rest of the house can be built from this. 9. Push/Pull the sides in, using the same distance.
Push/Pull down to include the material below the
door, then Push/Pull up to the top of the roof.
11. This example has a cutout below the roof. Use lines
to trace the triangle and Push/Pull it all the way
through. The material inside the cutout can be
changed to something plain (not the picture).
8. On one side, add two lines for the roof edge. Copy
these lines to the other side.
12. The rest should be familiar. Sample the front face and
apply it to the side.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
3. To create the roof, you can use Offset and trim the
lines as needed. Then add some small lines at the
ends to close the roof face.
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9. As before, you can use the same method to paint 2. Apply the map to one face. Start at one corner, and
other faces as well. make the scale a bit larger than the face itself.
Wrapping Images 3. If necessary, position the texture so that the top and
This exercise shows you how to wrap a picture along right are off the face (and will spill onto adjacent
planar faces from a set angle, and how to modify a picture faces).
wrapped around a curve.
The picture used here is a map of the continental USA, but
any image will work.
Planar Faces
1. Start with a cube and use File / Import / 2D
Graphic. At the bottom of the Import window is a
checkbox for Use as texture; make sure this is
checked. Browse to the map image.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
6. Insert the image again by itself (make sure Use as 10. Click the thumbnail from the Material Browser (do
texture is unchecked). not sample the face) and apply it to a face of the box.
It is not skewed or tilted; it has the original
12. Undo. This time sample the paint on the tilted face
and apply it to a face of the box. This time the image
is skewed.
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13. Sample the box face to wrap the skewed images to 2. Use Move to resize the cylinder. Now the image is no
other faces. longer smooth. This is because the image is actually
applied to each planar segment separately.
Curved Faces
1. Now draw a cylinder and apply the picture to it. (Use
the thumbnail from the In Model tab of the Material The picture wraps smoothly, but you cannot
Browser, not the sampled skewed texture from the right-click on the face to access texture positioning.
cube.) The image wraps smoothly. 4. To change the orientation or scale of the image on a
curved face, first display hidden edges. Then
right-click on any of the face segments and select
Texture / Position.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
5. In Fixed pin mode, use the green pin to rotate the 8. Use Scale on the image and/or Push/Pull the box, so
picture. that the image is enclosed within the face.
TIP: If you are in Free pin mode, you can press Shift to
temporarily enter Fixed pin mode. And vice-versa.
10. Push/Pull the front of the box all the way down.
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12. Select everything, right-click, and select Intersect This is a projection, not a wrapping. Therefore, the
with Model. wavy face looks fine in Front view. . .
13. Trim all but the projected face, and use Erase +
Ctrl/Option to soften any edges.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
16. The texture of this face now has the “true” scale. 18. The solution: turn hidden edges back on, and position
Sample this texture, then turn off hidden edges. the texture in each face segment, one by one, in order.
This case is easy - while positioning, drag the map to
match that of the adjacent face segment.
17. and apply the texture to the rest of the wavy face. In
this example, many of the segments have a
continuous pattern, but not all do - the pattern looks
Unless you’re working at a very large zoom scale,
you probably won’t get perfectly matched results
with this method, but it’ll look pretty close.
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Projecting an Image onto a • To insert by its center, click the center point, then
press Ctrl/Option and click the outer point.
Non-Planar Face (Topography)
Similar to the previous exercise, this exercise shows you • To change its aspect ratio, keep Shift pressed while
how to project a map onto a topographical surface. This placing.
map will be used; it was taken from the site • You can also drag a picture into SketchUp directly from the file browser. This inserts the picture at its
original size, but you can change the scale after
2. The image is inserted with a bounding box around it,
similar to a group or component. We want the picture
to act as a regular SketchUp face, but at this point it
doesn’t. To verify this, draw a line between two
points on the pictures edges.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
4. Now the image is a face. To represent the 7. To smooth the face, we will join edges. First, select
topographical lines, use Freehand to draw a few the edge shown. Activate Move and move the edge
wavy lines on the face. If drawn correctly, (starting up from Point 1 to Point 2.
and ending on the face edges), they will be thin-lined
and will divide the face.
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9. Erase all but the lower four edges of the topo face. 14. The grid is grouped, so Explode it.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
18. Select all and smooth the edges. 21. Position the map so that it is above the topo.
19. First, we’ll see how not to apply the map to this
surface. The map should still be present in the
Material Browser; click it and apply it to the surface.
The material is applied to each sub-face individually,
resulting in a jumbled mess.
23. Explode the map so that you can sample its material.
20. Undo, and bring the map in again, either using File /
Import, or by dragging it right from your browser.
Make sure it is flat - not aligned to any faces on the
topo surface.
24. Sample the texture from the flat image, and apply it
to the topo surface. It is projected directly onto the
surface, and not subdivided.
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25. Hide (do not erase) the flat image to get a better look. 29. Use Intersect with Model to erase all portions of the
building below the topo surface.
27. Erase all of the flat surface, minus the footprint face.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
2. Select File / Import / 2D Graphic and browse to the 5. Now apply the image to the curved face. It may not
image. At the bottom of the Import window, check wrap correctly.
Use as texture.
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8. Sample the image in this segment. 12. Select this face and its edges and make it a
component (Edit / Make Component). Make sure
Always face camera is checked.
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Painting, Materials, and Textures
15. Place the origin at the base of the truck. The next two 18. Now place some more of these components in the
clicks define the red and green directions; keep them model. You can do this by clicking the component
at the same orientation as the original axes. icon in the Component Browser and placing trees
one by one. You can see through the trees to the
building behind them. And they are always facing
you, no matter what viewing angle you use.
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8 Sectioning
Section cuts enable you to look inside your model, 4. Explode the sphere (right-click on it and select
providing a powerful way to visualize spatial Explode).
relationships, and they can make documenting and 5. Click Section Plane (Mac: Create Section Planes).
constructing complex forms much more straightforward
and accurate.
Section planes free you from having to constantly hide
and unhide geometry, and they dynamically demonstrate
the relationships of spaces.
Sectioning Overview 6. Move the cursor around the model, and notice how
This exercise will show you the basics of using the section
the plane indicator aligns to the various faces. Locate
tools. the section plane on the vertical face shown.
1. Open the Components Browser to the Shapes folder
and insert a Buckyball.
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14. Press Shift to lock the orientation, and locate the This aligns the section plane with the screen - you are
plane a few corner points into the sphere. . . looking straight into the section. You may have to
zoom out to see the view better.
. . . then click.
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NOTE: For another method of creating section edges, see 2. Create a door and apply a transparent material to it.
"Using Inferences to Create Sections" on page 385.
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TIP: You could also have placed the section plane along the
opposite wall, moved it slightly inward, and reversed it
(right-click and select Reverse).
7. Draw lines for the stairs (no need for accuracy) and
offset them slightly.
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8. Select all edges of the stairs and group them. 11. Move this plane very slightly inward so that you get
past the front door.
NOTE: There is actually a way to have more than one cut active
- see "Simultaneous Section Cuts" on page 315.
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14. Select View / Tourguide / Add Page. The current 18. Create a new plane on the face shown.
view is saved as Page 1.
19. Select and rotate the plane so that it cuts the face
diagonally. Move it so that is it just inside the front
15. Display the planes again, and copy the active plane to
the back of the house, just before hitting the back
20. Orbit to the view you want, this time leaving the
plane displayed. Save this as Page 3.
16. Activate this new plane, and turn off the plane
display. Orbit to a similar orientation as you had for
Page 1, and create a new page (Page 2).
21. Copy this diagonal plane to the back corner and
activate it.
17. Turn the planes back on, but hide the ones that you
have created so far. (You can leave them in place, but
the display tends to get cluttered this way.)
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22. Orbit to a similar view as Page 3, and save as Page 4. These are the options you can set for section
conversion. They are explained below.
TIP: If you wanted to use the same exact view as Page 3, you
could create the new plane and then click the tab for Page 3.
Then activate the new plane and save the view as Page 4.
At the top left of the screen you can see the tabs for
all the saved views. Clicking a tab moves the current
view dynamically to the selected view.
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Section Lines:
• None: Outputs section lines at normal width.
• Polylines With Width: Outputs lines as polylines.
• Wide Line Entities: Outputs lines as wide line
• Width: Outputs section slice lines with a specific NOTE: For details on the Scale tool, see "Scale" on page 65.
• Automatic: Automatically sets the width of profile Now you have a building that looks like an Aztec
lines by matching the output to the proportions you pyramid.
see on screen. If disabled, you can specify an exact
Always Prompt for Section Slice Options: The options
dialog will come up each time you output a section slice.
When disabled, SketchUp will use the options you
selected last time. (Mac: Not available)
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4. Move the cursor to divide the line into the number of 8. Select the section plane and copy
segments you want. Use a manageable number like (Move+Ctrl/Option) it to the next segment.
four or five segments.
6. Locate the first section plane at the endpoint of the The floor plans will be created along these section
first segment of the subdivided line. planes.
10. Right-click on each section plane and select Create
Group from Slice. A group of cut lines appears
along each plane.
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12. Right-click on one of the groups and select Edit 16. Erase the outer lines (the original cut lines).
Group. (You can also double-click a group in Select
mode, to open it for editing.)
17. It’s OK to leave the floor face in the default color, but
for presentation purposes it’s nice to assign
contrasting colors. Use the Material browser to find a
13. It’s easier to work with these lines if the rest of the
contrasting color, and click the floor face to apply the
building is hidden. Open Model Info to the
Components tab, and click Hide under Fade rest of
14. Now only the section cut lines are visible. Redraw 18. Right-click and select Close Group. The building
one of the lines to create the face. reappears, and the cut line of the group you just
edited no longer appears. (It’s still there, but is only
visible inside the building.)
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19. Do the same editing for the other floors (edit group, 3. Draw a small vertical circle on one of the faces.
create face, offset, apply color). When you use
Offset repeatedly, you can double-click a face to use
the last offset distance.
20. When you are finished with all the floors, display the
building in X-Ray mode.
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15. For the section to drive around the path, click on the 18. With the now-exploded tubes still selected,
circle face you are editing. It is driven around the right-click and select Intersect with Model (or
path surrounding the building. select it from the Edit menu). This creates the edges
along the tubes where they intersect with the
16. Do the same for the other two sets of groups: explode
the path, activate Follow Me, edit the circle group,
and select the circle face.
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21. Now you can easily erase all the tube faces that If your original form or cutout shape had no curves, there
protrude from the exterior of the building. would be a lot less cleanup!
23. Now for the tedious cleanup - some tiny edges that
remain. The easiest way to remove them (for me
anyway) was to zoom in very closely and use
numerous right-to-left selection windows to select all
extra edges and delete them.
After getting all the edges - even the tiny ones along
the cutout border - here is the pyramid with the
evenly-spaced, perfectly located striations. 2. Add a section plane to one face and move it to the
desired position.
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3. Deactivate the plane (make it non-cutting) by 7. Right-click outside the group, and select Close
right-clicking it and deselecting Active Cut. Group.
4. Now select both the form and the section plane (you
can use Ctrl/Option+A) and group them (Edit / TIP: An alternative to deactivating the section plane would be to
Make Group). move it away from the form before grouping. Then, while editing
the group, you would move it to the desired position, thereby
automatically activating it.
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9 Presentation
This chapter consists of one exercise which will show you
how to walk through and look around a model, save NOTE: Layers is one of SketchUp’s stacking windows. See
“Stacking Windows” on page 437.
views, place objects on different layers, create shadows,
and create a slide show.
If you want to download the model used in this exercise, 3. Name the new layer “Dimensions.”
go to and
download the file “PresentationHouse.skp.” You can then
skip to "Pages" on page 320.
Layers are used in SketchUp for display purposes - to
show / hide objects, or to display objects of a certain type
by a certain color. You cannot use layers to isolate 4. Now select all three dimensions and open the Entity
geometry, or prevent geometry from interacting with Info window. Set the layer to “Dimensions.”
adjacent geometry - for this you can use groups or
1. Start with a house with the following dimensions.
Use the Dimension tools to create the actual
dimensions (three total).
5. In the Layers window, uncheck the Visible box. This
blanks the display of the dimensions.
NOTE: For details on dimensioning, see “Dimensions” NOTE: The color box set for each layer can be used to show
on page 82. each layer in its own color. Click on the small arrow at the top of
the Layers window and select Color by Layer.
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Setting up the Model 4. Trim the old floor boundary lines, and the house
should like this, in Shaded and X-Ray modes:
In this section you will complete the model by adding a
floor and adding some furniture and other components.
1. Add a floor halfway up the house - each floor should
be 11’ high.
NOTE: There are other places you can find staircases, as well
as all types of components; see “Where to Find More
Components” on page 193.
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7. Use Scale to size the staircase better. You may want 10. Add a dog at the top of the staircase, and maybe some
to adjust the width as well. kids on the bed. These can be found in the
People_Sampler folder.
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15. Orbit to a view like this, and add a tree or two along
NOTE: If the door and window glass seems too dark, you can the side as well.
adjust its transparency. Edit the glass material in the In Model
folder of the Materials Browser. See “Material Transparency”
on page 249.
Pages are the equivalent of saving views. In addition,
pages can be added to a slide show, which presents an
animated view of the model.
(A model with a complete set of pages is available at
14. Create a patio or lawn off the back, and throw in - download
some trees and a picnic table (found in the the file “PresentationHousePages.skp.” You can compare
Landscape_Sampler folder). these pages with ones you create.)
1. Open the Pages window by selecting Window /
Pages. (This is another stacking window.) Click
NOTE: There are both 2D and 3D trees you can use. The 3D
ones look great, but are heavy and may slow down your system NOTE: You can also add, delete, and update pages using the
when you orbit or apply shadows. So use the 2D ones if things View / Tourguide menu.
move too slowly.
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Now the page called “Iso” appears as a tab at the top • While walking or turning, you can press Ctrl/Option
of the screen. Mac. You can click this tab at any time to move faster (this is called the “run” feature and is
to return to this view. handy for large models).
• To turn left or right, drag the mouse to either side.
• To move (not turn) left or right, hold Shift while
dragging the mouse to either side.
• To move up or down (for example, flying up to a
higher or lower floor), hold Shift while dragging the
mouse up or down.
3. Now switch to Front view and zoom in on the front
door. • Perspective mode must be on (Camera /
Perspective); Walk does not work in Paraline
mode. See "Perspective Mode" on page 444.
2. You can use Walk in conjunction with Zoom
(Camera / Zoom), which you can use to change your
field of vision. Click Zoom, and the VCB shows the
Field of View value. This can be in degrees (30 by
default), or you can enter a focal length like 35mm.
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Now you can start walking into the house. When you 7. Move backward a bit by dragging the mouse down.
click and drag the mouse, you will see a “+” symbol,
representing where the feet start. To move straight
ahead, keep the footprint directly above the cross.
Keeping it slightly above the cross moves you
slowly, farther above it speeds you up. If you move to
either side of the cross, you will veer off to the side.
5. Click near the bottom center of the door and move
forward slowly.
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11. The cursor switches to a pair of eyes. Drag the mouse 13. The Walk tool also enables you to go up and down
from side to side and up and down to simulate stairs. Start dragging the mouse up the steps - be
standing still and turning your head. careful not to go too fast.
NOTE: You can use Walk with Shift to move up to the second
floor. However, this will move you exactly vertically, while Walk
alone will simulate what you actually see while going up the
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15. Stop at the top of the stairs, where your dog should be 18. We now can create some pages for the first floor. To
waiting. Create a new page called “Top of stairs.” It return to this floor, click the tab for the “Foot of
may be tough to reach this spot without steps” page.
overshooting, but you can always go back to the
“Foot of steps” page and try again.
19. Go from the steps to a view like this, in which you
can see the furniture.
16. From the top of the stairs, use Walk and Look
Around to reach the point where you’re facing the
loft furniture. Call this page “Front loft corner.” 20. Save this view as a page - it is automatically placed
after “Foot of steps” - the view you started from.
17. Keep going around the top floor and create a view
looking out the side windows (you should see a tree
or two from here). Call this “Top side window.”
NOTE: You can also move pages around after they are created,
as we will see in a few more steps.
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23. Get to a view like this, looking out on the patio, and 1. Start at the view at “Top of steps.”
save it as “Facing Patio.”
Position Camera
The way the pages are set up now, there is no smooth
flow between the first and second floors. Display the
“Top Side Window” page, then “Facing Living
Room.” It’s a rather abrupt change, so it would be
nice to place in between these pages a view from the
steps, looking toward the front door.
The Eye Height updates to 16’-6”. Why? The overall
At the angle of the staircase as it is, it is not so easy to height of the second floor is 11’ from the ground, and
use Walk to get back down the stairs (try it and see). another 5’-6” to the camera itself = 16’-6”.
But we can use Position Camera to get an exact
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4. From this point, drag the mouse to the right to pivot 7. Walk down until you are on the third step from the
the camera about its base. Go around 180 degrees so bottom.
that you are facing toward the front of the house.
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10. You could keep moving the page to the right, or use
the Page window. Use the down arrow to move “On NOTE: For details on creating construction lines, see “Measure”
on page 39.
steps” to the position right before “Facing Living
14. Draw another construction line from the side of the
house. The person will be standing where these lines
16. The view will end at the picnic table out back, so hide
anything that blocks it, such as the back door.
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17. Activate Position Camera and place the camera at 19. Release the mouse and here is the exact view. This
the eye point. Do not release the mouse. will replace the “Facing Patio” page you created
Updating Pages
There are a few ways to update a page. You can update its
18. Drag the mouse to a point on the picnic table. actual view, and/or you can update what information is
included in the view.
1. Right-click on the “Facing Patio” page and select
Update. This is the easiest way to change the page’s
TIP: You can use the Page Up and Page Down keys to scroll
between pages. And you can double-click a page in the Pages
window to switch to that page.
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The reason for the mode switching is that all • Sections: The active section plane will be restored
properties of “Facing Patio” were saved with the when the page is activated. This is a good way to
page. This includes its Hidden Line setting. If there is include dynamic sections in your slide show; see
a property not saved, the relevant property of the "Using Sections for Interior Design and
previous view will be used. Presentation" on page 304.
3. In the Pages window, for “Facing Patio” uncheck 4. There is nothing else to update, since the view itself
Display. This means that its hidden line property will is fine. Now switch from “Facing Living Room” to
no longer be saved. If the view before it is shaded, “Facing Patio,” and both are shaded.
this page will also be shaded.
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6. Display “Iso,” and no furniture should be visible 2. Select View / TourGuide / Settings, which opens
inside the house. Update this page - the view Model Info to the Tourguide page. In this window
definition changes because the layers on it have you can set the timing and transition options for the
changed. slide show.
7. In Pages, uncheck Layers for several pages that • Enable page transitions: Smoothly and
come after “Iso.” dynamically transitions between adjacent pages. If
not checked, the slideshow will jump from page to
• Transition Time: The seconds for each transition.
• Page Delay: The amount of time each page will be
visible (not including transition time).
3. Set the options so that page transitions are enabled.
4. Right-click on any page tab and select Slideshow
(Windows only), or select View / Tourguide / Play
Slideshow. Each page will appear on the screen, in
order, starting from the active page.
Tourguide / Slideshow Mac: You can also click the Start Slideshow icon.
The slide show is a great way to present an animated view, You can add this icon via View / Customize Toolbar.
in order, of the pages in your model. For a page to appear
in the slideshow, Include in Slideshow must be checked.
5. The current page is indicated by the page tabs at the
top of the screen. You can press Pause or Stop any
time. (Mac: Stop is available if you added the Start
Slideshow icons to the toolbar.)
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This is how the “Iso” page should look with a sky and
ground added.
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2. You can use the sliders on the Shadows toolbar to set 4. Move the Time slider from morning to afternoon, to
the time and date, but to get more options, click reverse the direction of the shadows.
Shadow Settings (Window / Shadow Settings).
TIP: If you make two pages, each with the same view but
different shadows from different times of day, you can scroll
between the pages to view effects of the sun passing over the
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10 Sandbox Tools
SketchUp’s sandbox tools enable you to create terrains, as Sandbox from Scratch
well as other organic shapes. The actual surface created as With this tool, you can create a flat TIN surface, divided
called a TIN - triangulated irregular network. A TIN is into a grid. This TIN surface can then be modified using
simply several connected flat triangular faces that, when the other sandbox tools.
smoothed, appear like one continuos smooth surface.
You can create a TIN from scratch as a flat grid, or create 1. Click From Scratch.
it from a set of contours. You can also import a TIN from
a *.dtm file.
TIN contours can be created within SketchUp or
imported. (For details on the ArcGIS plugin, see 2. The VCB indicates the Grid Spacing. Enter 5 (the Or you could meter unit is assumed since you set the units).
import an image of a site plan or contour map and use
Freehand to trace its contours.
3. Click to start the first side of the grid and move the
mouse to create the first side. Do not click yet. The
NOTE: If you have a site map and want to create a stepped (not
tick marks are 5m apart.
smooth) topographical surface, see “Projecting an Image onto a
Non-Planar Face (Topography)” on page 292.
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Sandbox Tools
4. You can place the center of the Smoove circle in one 6. For the next smoove, place the center at a grid edge.
of several places. Click to place the center at a grid
intersection point.
The grid points that will be affected (those within the The two largest squares are at both ends of this edge.
circle radius) are highlighted by squares. The largest
square is where you placed the circle center, and the
squares get progressively smaller farther out.
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8. Reduce the radius to 20m, and this time place the 11. Reduce the radius once again to 10m. Create a few
center on one of the hidden diagonal edges. Hidden depressions in the center to simulate a lake bed.
edges appear when the cursor passes over them.
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Sandbox Tools
13. Turn off the hidden geometry, and open the Soften 15. Check Smooth Normals to remove the faceting.
Edges window (Window / Soften Edges, or select
the entire TIN and right-click). Move the slider to the
right to see the edges start to disappear. With nothing
else checked, the surface has a faceted look.
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From the side, it should look something like this: 5. Erase the TIN (easily done since it should still be a
group). Contours that are closed loops may contain
faces - erase these as well.
3. Select all rectangles and run Intersect with Model. Here are the curves from the side:
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Sandbox Tools
8. Turn off hidden edges, and Explode the TIN (it may
take a minute or so). Now the contour lines are thin.
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3. The projection curves can now be created, and they 6. Switch to Top view and turn off Perspective
will be placed on a flat rectangle. To prevent the (Camera / Perspective). This is so you can create
rectangle from sticking to the TIN, make it a group. lines directly above the relevant points on the TIN,
with no depth distortion. Switch to X-Ray mode so
that you can see the TIN through the rectangle.
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Sandbox Tools
9. Do the same for a point on the other side of the lake. 12. Erase the rectangle and roadway center lines, so that
only the boundary lines remain.
10. Now complete the road line with two arcs on either 13. To compare Drape and Stamp, make a copy of the
side of the line. entire model so far. Drape will be used on one,
Stamp on the other.
1. Select the roadway boundary curves - there should
be six total.
11. Offset this set of curves 3m to either side. These are
2. Click Drape (Tools / Sandbox / Drape).
the roadway boundaries.
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4. The roadway lines are projected onto the surface. 7. Erase any extra lines, and apply colors if you want.
Explode it to resolve the roadway to the TIN. (If you Now you have a roadway over hilly terrain, with a
are still in X-Ray mode, you can see the roadway bridge crossing the lake.
lines through the lake.)
This exercises uses the copy of the model you created
5. Though it is not necessary for this simple model, the 1. This tool requires one or more 2D or 3D objects, but
Text tool is handy for checking elevations. Activate you cannot select lines or curves. So add two lines
Text and click any point. The default text is the between the open ends of the roadway.
point’s coordinates, the last of which is the point’s
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Sandbox Tools
3. A red offset line appears around the roadway face, 6. The roadway face can now cut through the TIN -
and the offset distance is listed in the VCB. This is move the cursor up and down to see how terrain
like the area of influence of the Smoove circle - it material can be added or removed.
shows the area around the stamped object that will be
added or removed from the TIN.
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8. Start at the intersection of the added terrain and the 11. Create a similar face for the other side of the lake.
lake surface. Draw a line straight up, stopping at the
level of the roadway.
9. Draw a similar line on the other side. 12. Select both faces and run Intersect with Model. You
can then erase all material between the abutments.
Stamp in 3D
The Stamp tool can be used on one or more objects of any
shape - 2D or 3D. This exercises shows a very simple
10. Connect both sets of endpoints of these two vertical example of this.
lines with horizontal lines. This creates the abutment
face. 1. Start with a basic grid using From Scratch.
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Sandbox Tools
3. Place a small vertical circle at one of the arc, and use 6. Push it down into the TIN. It creates something like a
Scale to squash it into an oval. concave ramp within the grid.
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3. Select these curves and use From Contours to create 6. Place the cursor inside the large face . . .
a TIN.
4. Explode the TIN and display hidden geometry. In . . . and click. Three “hard” edges (not softened) are
this example, there is one large triangular face (if created, and you can move their center up and down.
yours does not have a large face, any face will do). The offset distance is listed in the VCB.
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Sandbox Tools
8. Soften them to match the rest of the TIN. This is done 12. Click a hidden edge of a facet. . .
most easily using the Erase tool with Ctrl/Option
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16. If you want a narrower hill, the triangular faces in 2. Push/Pull the circle out on either side.
this area must be subdivided. Select a section of the
TIN in this area and use Add Detail.
Organic Shapes
The most common use for the sandbox tools probably
involves topography and terrains, but they can also be
used to create organic shapes. As a simple example, try
the following:
1. Start with a square From Scratch grid and place a
circle on it.
5. In Top view, draw an arc like this.
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Sandbox Tools
6. Draw a circle at one end of the arc and use Follow 9. To create small impressions, use Add Detail in this
Me to create a tube. area to subdivide the faces.
7. Move the tube up, and then directly over the TIN.
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11 Using Exact Dimensions
Creating Exact Geometry way you can input dimensions; you can always enter
any type of number in any unit. Click Enable length
SketchUp is not CAD; its intent is for simple design and
snapping, and set the snap length to 2’.
easy modification - in a word, conceptualization. So,
designing using exact dimensions isn’t exactly what
makes SketchUp so unique, it is certainly doable.
When using SketchUp as intended, you probably won’t
use exact values for an entire design. But it is certainly
conceivable that part of your work will require working
with known numbers. Perhaps you’ll be working with a
specific area on a site plan, or you’ll need to incorporate
components of known dimensions.
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The end of the construction line is the point where As long as another line has not yet been started (so
the building footprint will start. don’t move the mouse), you can still change the line
you just drew. Assume we know the desired slope
and total length.
9. Start with the slope. For a 3: 5 slope, you can simply
type <3,5,0> and press Enter.
7. The 40’ line is created. 11. The next line is to be perpendicular to this last line.
Hover over an edge point of this line . . .
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Using Exact Dimensions
13. While the line is oriented correctly, type 10. 18. Even though you are working in Decimal Feet, you
can still enter other types of units. Type 11’3” (or
11.25) to set the construction line 11’-3” from the
diagonal line.
15. Add two more lines in the red and green directions to
complete the footprint.
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The red and green axes are now aligned in the correct Just as you can change line lengths after they are
directions. created, you can do the same for rectangles. You can
change both lengths or just one length. Assuming the
25’ length is to be fixed, we can still adjust the other
27. To leave one length as is, leave it blank in the “red,
green” format. Type ,19’8” (note the comma at the
beginning) to change the width only. Press Enter. The
width changes, but the length remains 25’.
23. Now activate Rectangle, and for the first corner click
the point on the construction line in the green
direction from Point A.
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Using Exact Dimensions
29. If the axes are hidden, display them. Right-click on 32. Hover over any point on line A-B (do not click or you
any axis and select Reset. will create a new construction line). The angle (31
degrees) appears in the VCB.
30. You can now erase the construction line, and once
again hide the axes.
31. Let’s modify the first form to be symmetric. To
mirror line A-B, we need to know its angle. Activate
Protractor, anchor it at Point A, and set the
orientation in the green direction.
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35. Draw a line starting at Point D, ending at the point 38. Trim the lines, erase the constructions (You can use
along the construction line in the red direction from Edit / Construction Geometry / Erase) and redraw
Point B. (Remember, you have to hover over Point B as necessary to complete the symmetric form.
to pick up its inference).
TIP: You could also have created the two angled construction
lines first, then drawn the two lines.
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Using Exact Dimensions
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4. To get the perimeter of the main building, you could In Windows, you get the total area - the footprint of
select all six edges separately. But for an easier way, the three buildings.
double-click the face to select it and all its bounding
edges. Then Shift-select the face to deselect it.
2. The VCB tells you the height of the form. Enter 24.
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Using Exact Dimensions
4. Start creating a rectangle on the front face. The way 7. To create the archway above the door, activate Arc.
you draw the initial rectangle is important when Click the two endpoints of the top edge of the
applying dimensions; the first dimension number rectangle, and move the cursor upward to define the
is applied to the longer side! So start with a direction of the arc.
rectangle whose horizontal sides are longer than the
vertical sides.
NOTE: If you changed the units to decimal mm, you would not
have to type mm - it would be the default input unit.
NOTE: You would have gotten the same result if you started out
with a vertical rectangle, and entered 2400mm, 1700mm.
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11. To make moving and copying easier, the door should 13. Move the door by the midpoint of its lower edge,
be made into a group. Select all edges that make up placing it at the midpoint of the bottom of the face.
the door. In Entity Info, it lists 15 selected edges
(yours may differ depending on the number of
segments in your arc). Even though the arc can be
selected as one edge, this arc actually consists of 12
15. Make a copy of the door and activate Scale. This will
be used as a window.
In Windows, Entity Info now lists a group as
selected, and tells you how many edges, faces, etc.
are contained in the group.
Mac: Entity Info will tell you that a group has been
selected, but provides no details. NOTE: For a basic exercise on the Scale tool, demonstrating
uniform and non-uniform scaling, see "Scale" on page 65.
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Using Exact Dimensions
17. Shrink the window so that the scale factor snaps to now set to architectural. Also, the movement is in the
0.5. You can also type this value manually. red-blue plane, so don’t forget to include a zero
placeholder for the green direction.
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25. We can squeeze in one more window on this face, so 28. Type 6/ (note the division symbol) to divide this 32’
type 6x. length into six spaces between windows (seven total
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Using Exact Dimensions
If the offset edges are thick, zoom in closely to see if 35. The scale factor appears in the VCB, but you cannot
there are slight overhangs, and fix them. This would update it while Ctrl/Option is pressed. So click
happen if there were slight innaccuracies when anywhere to scale the door, and the factor will be
creating the footprint, such as rounding digits of adjusted afterward.
NOTE: Like with the other tools where exact values are used,
you can continue to update the offset distance.
33. Copy the arched door to the top floor, by dragging its
lower midpoint to the midpoint of Edge A-B. Be sure
to align it with the vertical face, not the horizontal
If you want, you can verify the new width by
switching to decimal mm units, and measuring the
width. It should be 2125mm, which is 1.25 times
1700 mm. If you do this step, be sure to switch back
to architectural units.
34. Let’s make this door a bit wider. Activate Scale, and
click one of the side handles. Press Ctrl/Option so
that the scaling will be relative to the center of the
door, rather than from the opposite handle.
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2. Select the arc and use Offset to create an inner arc. If you look closely enough, you can see that the
Use a value of 9 (for inches you do not need to offset arc extends slightly past the end of the roof.
include the “ symbol).
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Using Exact Dimensions
7. To place the post exactly in the center of the wall, 10. Either before or after clicking the second point to
create a construction line (use the Measure tool) create the circle, type 3 to define the radius as 3”.
parallel to Edge A-B, that passes through the
midpoint of Edge A-C.
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13. Select both faces of the post (top and cylinder). 15. Now to make rotated copies. The post should still be
Entity Info lists the combined area of the flat and selected, so activate Rotate (Tools / Rotate. Anchor
curved faces. the protractor to the midpoint of Edge D-E (or at the
midpoint of the arched doorway). Press Ctrl/Option
for copy, and orient the protractor anywhere.
Mac: Entity Info tells you only that a group has been
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Using Exact Dimensions
18. Not enough to go all the way around, so type 11x. 22. Now type 8/ to create eight spaces (nine posts).
23. This looks nice, but the posts are wide enough to for
19. You can still change the rotation angle as well. Enter someone to fall through. Change the spacing to 25/.
30 to double the spacing, and remove every other
post. Because the number of copies was not changed,
they are all still there, as you can see in X-Ray mode.
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25. It should be about one foot - a pretty safe clear 28. Push/Pull the face up 6” to create the top rail. The
distance. Now for the top rail; select the top face of outer face of the top rail is segmented because we
the parapet wall. exploded the original outer arc. (The inner face is
27. With Shift pressed, click any point on top of any post.
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Using Exact Dimensions
Symmetry 3. You can now copy the doorway from the cube,
straight along the red axis, until it hits the parallel
1. Continuing on, we will join the main building with face of the main building.
the two side buildings. Start by copying the doorway
on the top floor onto the side of the box that faces the
main building. Don’t worry about exact placement -
you already know how.
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5. The posts are copied from the main building, and are 8. Use Scale to turn this copy inside out, dragging a side
spaced about 1’ apart. You can create something handle and using a scale factor of -1.
simpler, but this looks pretty nice and ties the
structures together. This picture shows the view
when the front face and its windows are hidden.
10. Select the copy again, and move it into place. Easy!
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Using Exact Dimensions
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Using Exact Dimensions
11. Right-click any of these faces and select Area / 13. Place the two front out-building faces on the new
Material. The combined area of all four faces is layer. You can do this with the Entity Info window.
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16. Remember, the area of one face was 472, and 944 is 4. Move the cursor to see how this handle can be
twice that value. moved, and note the two comma-separated values in
the VCB. Enter 0.5,3 to reduce the red dimension to
one-half, and multiple the green dimension by three.
Scaling in 3D
This last, short section demonstrates using exact scale
values when scaling in 3D. You can replace the modified
materials and layers, or leave them as they are.
1. Align the axes once again to the box (right
out-building) form. Otherwise, the box will be scaled
relative to the current red and green axes.
2. Select the two faces shown and activate Scale.
5. Now click the corner handle shown. By default this
handle scales uniformly. But press Shift, and you can
change the scale in all three directions.
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12 Tips and Tricks
Healing a Divided Line 1. Start with an arc and Explode it.
If you have two adjoining segments of a line, you can
easily make them into one line.
1. Draw one line, then start a new, colinear line from the
first line’s endpoint.
Finding the Center of an Arc 4. Draw a construction line 90 degrees to the segment.
For arcs, circles, and polygons, you can easily find the
center - just hover over an endpoint then move the cursor
toward the center to see the green inference point. You can
also create a center point by right-clicking on a circle or
arc and selecting Point at Center.
But if the arc is more or less than 180 degrees, and you’ve
exploded it into individual segments, it takes a little more
work to find the center point.
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You could also use Line for this - start a line at a segment 3. Push/Pull to create the base.
midpoint and find its perpendicular constraint. Extend the
line past where you know the center is. Do the same for
another segment, and the line intersection is the arc center.
Domed Apse 4. To create the dome, you will need to know where the
Here is a neat way to create a domed apse. Extruding a arc center is. Activate Measure to draw a
face along a curved that is less than a complete circle is construction line. Pick the center of the top outer arc
slightly problematic, as you’ll see. This method shows as the start point. . .
you how to extrude a face along a 180-degree arc.
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Tips and Tricks
7. Use Arc to draw an arc from the outer vertex of the 10. Here’s why Follow Me won’t work in this case.
base to the height point you just defined. Display the base and Explode it.
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straight-line extrusion, not a curved one. This first The dome slice is now aligned with the base.
extrusion segment is the reason for the notched
16. Select the inner arc face, and activate Move. Press
Alt/Cmd for Autofold, and move the inner vertex of
the dome slice to the inner vertex of the base.
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Tips and Tricks
18. Select the dome wedge and activate Rotate. Position This is how the apse appears with softened edges
the flat protractor horizontally at the Point 1, press (Erase with Ctrl/Option).
Ctrl/Option, and align it with any point on Edge 2.
Rotate it toward any point on Edge 3.
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You could start out with an arc that bulges past the base. . . . to create a conical top.
If you use an arc like this, draw the first one at the inner
corner, then Offset to the outer corner.
Smoothing Faces of
Following all the dome steps, this would be the result. Rotate-Copied Curved
For exercises such as the previous "Domed Apse" on page
378, you need to consider the interior walls of copied
objects and how they affect edge smoothing.
1. Work the previous Domed Apse exercise.
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Tips and Tricks
This explains why, when you smooth the edges, it 5. Select these two faces and rotate-copy them along
still has a faceted look. As long as interior walls are the 180-degree arc.
joined to the exterior wall, the wall cannot be
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Hyperbolic Parabola (Saddle 5. Draw lines between the midpoints of the divided
lines. You can continue subdividing this way, but
Shape) we’ll stop here at quarter-points.
This is a handy form for tensile structures.
3. Erase the side faces and the vertical lines. Leave the
rectangle because it will help you visualize the final
shape. 7. Soften the edges to get a smooth tensile surface.
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Tips and Tricks
Using Inferences to Create 3. Switch to X-Ray view The building on the left will
be sectioned. Activate Line, and for the first point,
Sections hover over the sloped face. Press Shift to lock the On
You can easily use section planes (see Chapter 8) to slice Face constraint.
any plane through your model. But if you already have a
face in your model that defines the section plane, you can
use inference locking to section a form as well.
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6. Use this Shift-locking method to draw lines between This creates a slice of both buildings.
all of the vertical edges. Because you are in X-Ray
mode, you can see the face form when the last line is
7. You can now erase everything above this section 2. Right-click on the section plane and select Create
face. Group from Slice, then erase the section plane.
The section lines are left on the building, as a group.
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Tips and Tricks
Using Transparent Faces to 3. Draw a large vertical rectangle behind one of the
Simulate Fog Effects
This is very neat and easy way to simulate fog.
1. Make a rectangular plot of land and place two houses
on it, one at each end. Apply materials if you like.
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6. Make several copies of the transparent face. (If you want to download the completed model, go to and
download the file “SpiralStairs.skp.”)
1. The first step is to outline one step. Start in Top view
with a circle or polygon which has a small number of
segments (12 in this case). Align it to the red or green
direction. Draw a second concentric circle aligned in
the same direction.
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Tips and Tricks
4. Erase everything except one step and the center 8. Select the second step and move it straight up to set
point. the riser height.
10. With the third step still selected, repeat the move by
the same distance. Do the same for the fourth step
(adding one vertical step) to get the four steps.
6. Rotate-copy this step component, using two step
endpoints to set the angle.
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12. Use Push/Pull with Alt/Cmd to pull out the front 15. Select both posts and make them a group. (If you
face of the step. This will overlap the steps assign the posts a different color, do this before
horizontally so that vertical connector posts can be grouping.)
created between steps.
16. Select the step above the posts to see which one it is
in the Outliner (selected components and groups are
highlighted in the Outliner).
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Tips and Tricks
18. This makes the posts a sub-component of the step. 21. For the railing section, use another circle. Start it at
And because all steps are identical, they each get the vertical line and click the post below to make it
their own group of posts. the same diameter.
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23. Adding more steps is easy. Since there are now four,
we can add three more (always one less than the
current number). Start by selecting three adjacent
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Tips and Tricks
Aligning Any Two Faces 3. Align the protractor anywhere and rotate so that the
cylinder bends over.
This may not be a situation you run across very often, but
it’s still useful to understand how this works. It’s actually
not as complex as it seems when you sit down and try it.
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The cube must be rotated three times to have the 8. The last unaligned face can now be rotated. Align
correct orientation. The first two rotations will with Face H, place the protractor on Point B, orient
reference the construction line where the cube now toward Point I, and rotate to the other construction
sits. line (J).
7. With the cube still selected, activate Rotate. Align
the protractor with Face A, anchor it to Point B, and
orient it toward Point C. Rotate it by clicking
anywhere on Construction Line D.
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Tips and Tricks
10. To verify that it is properly aligned, erase all but the 2. Draw three arcs to create a vertical face representing
bottom rectangle of the cube. Its lines are thin, the section of the mouse at the top.
indicating that all four edges are coplanar with the
circular face.
1. In the red-green plane, draw a few tangent arcs plus a 5. You now have a section face and three profile curves.
line across the top, to approximate the bottom face of Select all profile curves (do not select the face) and
the mouse. Erase the face enclosed by the curves. group them.
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6. Push/Pull the section face out. You can use the 9. . . . so that the face meets the top profile curve.
endpoint of the first segment of one of the profile
curves as the limit. Or you can just use an offset
distance that feels right.
10. Move the left side handle so that the bottom corner
meets the left profile curve.
8. You want to scale this face so that it meets each of the 11. And do the same on the right side.
three profile curves. First, drag the top center handle
up . . .
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Tips and Tricks
12. Push/Pull this scaled face, either by the same 15. Activate Scale, and drag the outer side handle
distance you used before (simple double-click the slightly inward.
face), or to the next segment endpoint.
13. Scale the front face as before, so that the top and
lower two corners meet the profile curves.
16. The side is starting to look pushed in.
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18. Scale the left arc slightly inward. 22. Scale the arc. It should now look pretty concave.
24. For the last segment, you may want to use divide the
20. Scale the arc. area into two or three iterations. You can fill in the
last few lines by hand, or you can Push/Pull to the
end of the profile and scale the face almost to
nothing. The profile curves are no longer needed.
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Tips and Tricks
25. Display hidden edges. Unsoften a few edges, as 28. To block off these areas, add a few extra lines as
shown below, by activating Erase and clicking on shown. It’s probably easiest to do this while
them while pressing Shift+Ctrl/Option. displaying hidden edges as a guide. Soften the
remaining segment edges by using Erase +
26. Hide the edges, and you should now see two lines.
These represent where the left and right mouse 29. Use your Materials browser to color the mouse and
buttons will go. its three buttons.
27. Use the same method to create some lines for the 30. For the mouse wheel, bring in a Sphere component
thumb button. from the Shapes category. Use Scale to adjust the
overall size, and to push in the sides.
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31. Use Move to place the wheel where it belongs. 3D Geometric Objects
SketchUp is great for applications you might not have
thought of: for instance, creating geometric objects like
polyhedrons. Here are a few examples, some simple and
some a bit more complex. These probably won’t help you
much in your job, but I included them because they appeal
to the geeky engineer in me (plus they’re pretty cool).
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Tips and Tricks
4. Continue doing the same around the entire cube. You 8. End the line at the center of an adjacent face.
should be left with a series of connected squares and
equilateral triangles. This is called a
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Tips and Tricks
8. The corner points of these three planes can be Starting from a Polygon
connected to create 20 equilateral triangles. In this This last exercise is the most complex, resulting in a
view, add lines to connect A-C, B-C, D-F, and E-F. dodecahedron. There are other ways to create it, but here’s
Two triangles are created. (Extra faces will be also what I came up with:
created - you can keep these or erase them.)
1. Start with a single pentagon. Use Polygon for this,
and specify five sides. Place it in Top view, using any
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4. A second pentagon will be added along the 7. From the center of the top pentagon, draw a line to
horizontal edge of the original one. Select and copy one end of the common edge.
the pentagon, then use Scale to flip the copy over.
TIP: You could also right-click the copy and select Flip Along / 8. Draw another line in the same direction, going past
Green direction to flip it over. the copied pentagon.
10. The next edge should be parallel to the one above it.
The next few steps are performed to find the rotation
angle you need to use when folding over the
pentagon faces.
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Now for the tricky part. We will use Follow Me to 13. Select the circle and then activate Follow Me. Then
drive the copied pentagon along a circle that is right-click the copied pentagon (which is a group)
normal to the common edge. Sounds confusing, but and select Edit Group.
when you do the steps it should become clear!
11. Activate Circle and specify a high number of sides,
such as 120 (the higher the number of sides, the more
it approximates a real circle). Lock the circle preview
so that it is normal to the common edge between the
pentagons. In other words, it should be vertical and
red. Press Shift to lock this orientation.
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16. This gives you the intersection edge where the 20. Use Move to place it here . . .
extruded pentagon meets the vertical face. To see this
better, first erase the vertical circle.
18. Erase everything but this edge. This edge tells you
how far to fold the flat pentagons that are placed
around the center pentagon.
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23. End the rotation at the end of the intersection edge. 27. To complete the other half, make a copy and flip it
24. Check the VCB for the rotation angle, which should
be 63.454. (It will probably be slightly off, since the
circle wasn’t really a true circle. That’s why a high
number of sides was used.)
29. Then use Rotate, making sure the protractor is
25. With the folded pentagon still selected, and still in oriented in the red-green plane (should be blue).
Rotate, place the protractor at the center of the Click the endpoint shown . . .
original pentagon, and make a copy between
adjacent corner points. The common edges should all
line up.
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31. If you connect all the faces correctly, you should get
an icosahedron inside.
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13 In-Depth Exercises
This chapter contains two exercises that combines many 4. Follow installation instructions. If SketchUp is open,
of the concepts presented throughout this book. While close it and re-open it.
mainly an exercise in the use and editing of components,
you will also use most of the drawing tools, as well as TIP: “Where to Find More Components” on page 193 for more
move, copy, and rotate. information on downloading components.
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8. Steel shapes are divided into angles, channels, tubes, 12. TS8x6x.5 (under “Tube Steel”)
etc. The first shape to get is W8x15, so open the W
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In-Depth Exercises
Creating Your Own Shapes The rectangle should look like this. You can use the
Each cross-sectional shape should be located so that its Dimension tool or Entity Info to verify the lengths.
geometric center is approximately at the origin of the file
(the point where the red, blue, and green axes meet). This
is because the component you create from the cross
section includes the file’s origin. If the shape is created far
from the origin, the entire component will include a large
area, and will be unwieldy to insert into another file.
TIP: If you create the shape elsewhere and want to move it to The remaining lines will be drawn for one quadrant
the origin, select the entire shape and activate Move. Click the
point on the shape by which you want to move the shape (the
of the shape, then mirrored and copied to the other
reference point), and then enter [0,0,0] - note the square quadrants. First, we will divide the rectangle
brackets. This will move the shape so that the reference point horizontally.
moves to the origin. 2. Use Measure to create a construction line, parallel to
one of the horizontal legs, intersecting the midpoint
We will create four shapes. The first is W8x15. This refers of a vertical leg. Do the same with a vertical
to an I-shaped beam 8” high, whose weight is 15 pounds construction line. This divides the rectangle into four
per linear foot. A W beam consists of two flanges and a equal quarters.
web, with rounded interior corners.
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5. There is a fillet (rounding) between the flange and 9. These three objects (two lines and arc), are what need
web, so we need two more construction lines. Create to be copied to the other quadrants. Select these
a horizontal one 3/4” from the top . . . objects and copy (Move + Ctrl/Option) them to
another location.
TIP: You could also use Scale for this. Select all three objects,
Scale them, and drag any handle toward the center to turn the
objects inside out. Stop when the scale value is -1.0.
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In-Depth Exercises
. . . to this intersection point. 14. Erase the unneeded lines, and get rid of the
construction lines as well. Here is your W8x15
12. Now select the six objects that need to be flipped for
the bottom of the shape. Activate Rotate and place 15. Select the entire shape and make it a component.
the protractor at the center of the rectangle.
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18. Because the shapes will be modified (it will be given 21. Browse to the folder where you saved the shape.
a length and made 3D), you should save the
component as it is now to an external file that you can
reference later. Right-click on the component in the
browser or in the model and select Save As.
1. Open a new file, in which we will create a C4x7.25
channel. A channel is a C-shaped section with two
19. The browser opens to the folder set in the
horizontal flanges (top and bottom) connected by a
Preferences (Window / Preferences) under Files.
vertical web.
Place them here, or create a new folder for the
shapes. You can also save them to an existing folder 2. Use the methods described in the previous section to
in the Components folder in the SketchUp create the shape shown below. Connect the flanges to
installation. the web with a small arc. The flange thickness is 5/16
on average - it actually slopes a bit. Don’t worry
about any exact values that aren’t shown. If you don’t
want to get into too much detail, you can just create
something by eye that resembles this shape, keeping
the overall dimensions.
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In-Depth Exercises
3. Save it as L1.5x1.5x0.25.
TIP: You can also use File / Import / 3D Model to import a
component. And you can drag a component straight from your
Now in the folder you defined, all four shapes should file browser right into SketchUp.
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In-Depth Exercises
8. Click on the component in In Model (not the original 3. Rotate the section 90 degrees.
2D one) and drag another into the model. It is the
same length, which shows that this component is
already different than the one you imported
originally. (The original TS shape has not changed,
of course.)
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6. Drag this point to the midpoint of the top of the 9. Close the component. Now when you open In
column. Model, the long W shape appears with the long TS.
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In-Depth Exercises
13. Move the angle into place by dragging the corner 17. Copy the angle along the green axis into the blank
point . . . space.
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20. To verify that the angles are mirror copies, right-click 3. Move it so that its top flange is flush with the W
on the beam and select Hide. The W component is beam flange, aligned at the top. The distance
listed in italics in the Outliner, indicating that it is between the channel and column should be about 15”
hidden. (but it doesn’t have to be exact).
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In-Depth Exercises
7. Push/Pull the channel out, and all instances of the 11. Close the component, and unhide the beam. The
channel reflect this change. notch has been removed from all channels.
8. Close the channel, and spin the model so that you are
facing the side of the channel that is attached to the 12. Open one of the channels again, and Push/Pull the
beam. notch face back to the web face. Since you have to
rotate the model during the Push/Pull, click the
notched face, rotate, then click the web face.
10. For now, Push/Pull the bottom part back, so that this
face can be easily found later.
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14. Rotate it and move it to the correct position (corner 17. Also, select the entire edge on the W beam side, and
point aligned with both webs, or simply place it on use Move to lengthen the angle leg.
the edge of the C flange).
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In-Depth Exercises
20. To flip the angle over, you can right-click and use one 23. Display the channel again. This double-angle
of the Flip commands, or use Scale, or use the connection needs to be repeated at every channel.
protractor to flip it about the midpoint of its length. The easiest way to do this is with the Outliner. Select
the two angle connectors and the channel, to identify
them in the Outliner.
21. Slide the copy into place, using the axis and
inferences. If the connector is too long on this side of
the channel . . .
24. In the Outliner, select the two angles, and drag them
below the channel.
22. Hide the channel to verify that the angles are in the
right place and are the same length.
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In the Outliner, each channel component contains 27. While the copy is still in Move mode, move it so that
two angles. the endpoints meet.
28. Erase the joint lines. Rather than try erasing each line
individually, use a selection window to select all
25. The connection angles need to be transferred to the
lines on the outside and inside of the channel, then
other side of the channels. Edit one of the channel
press Delete.
components, and make a copy of it along the channel
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In-Depth Exercises
The Outliner now shows four angle connected for 3. Move the end of the beam by dragging from the
each channel component. endpoint shown . . .
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5. Now select the beams and channels making up the 7. Use these two midpoints to place the protractor at the
floor joists. Include also the beam-column midpoint of the floor system.
connection angles. The whole set will be
rotate-copied to the other side of the columns.
Activate Rotate, and shift-lock the protractor to the
red-green plane.
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In-Depth Exercises
9. You can also use Copy or Rotate to create two more 2. Draw a circle, making sure to align it with the red or
columns on either side of the beams. Here is the blue axis.
completed floor system.
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5. Select the log component and use Move with This creates straight lines along the top and bottom of
Ctrl/Option to make a copy straight up. Place the the log, where the logs above and below intersect it.
copy vertically so that the two logs overlap.
11. Close the edited component, and all logs are now
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In-Depth Exercises
Creating Notches 5. Edit one of the logs and use Push/Pull to make the
ends overlap
1. Select the top log and activate Rotate. Lock the
protractor in the red-green plane, and set the rotation
center at the construction point.
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9. The notch should be created so that its depth is 1/2 15. Move the side edge so that the face surrounds the
that of the log. For reference, create a vertical line notch.
that is the same height as the log.
11. Move the cursor to divide the line into four quarters.
17. Select both rectangular faces and run Intersect with
14. Draw out a flat face so that it ends beyond the notch
19. Erase the faces of the log in the top and bottom
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In-Depth Exercises
20. Now to erase the edges in the middle half. It may be Building the Cabin
a little tricky to get rid of edges without losing some
round faces of the log itself. The easiest way is to 1. The notch should be on both ends of the log. So,
start on one side and erase all the round edges so that select and copy the log along the log’s axis.
only the horizontal line shown remains.
22. Now trim the extra edges on the other face. If you are
left with a long horizontal edge, you can soften it
(Erase with Ctrl/Option).
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5. Use Move to make several copies of this component. 8. The bottom log should lie flat, so right-click it and
select Make Unique.
7. Select all rotated components and move them down. 10. Move the edges so that the rectangle surrounds the
Drag them by the top construction point and stop at log.
the midpoint of the first log.
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In-Depth Exercises
11. Edit this component, select it all, and Intersect it. 14. In the Component Browser, the component you just
edited was assigned the name Notched Log#1.
NOTE: You also could have skipped making the rectangle and
just drawn long lines along the log.
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17. Right-click on the flat notched log in the Component Door and Window Cutouts
Browser and select Replace Selected.
1. To create the cutout shapes, it’s easiest if you make a
vertical rectangle away from the house itself. Make
an arched doorway and a rectangular window.
18. Use Rotate, Flip, or Scale to turn the log over, then
move it into place.
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In-Depth Exercises
4. Select all logs that are affected by the cutouts and 6. First trim the cutouts shapes away from the cabin.
Explode them.
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14 Program Settings
This chapter covers certain aspects and settings of the user 3. Now click the Component Browser’s title bar. This
interface you may want to manipulate. closes the window, while keeping the title bar
available when you want to open the window again.
Stacking Windows
This is a great new feature of SketchUp, enabling you to
keep all your UI windows available but not fully open,
thereby maximizing your work space.
TIP: It’s a great idea to set up shortcut keys to open and close 4. Drag the window by its title bar - you can place the
windows you use often. See “Shortcuts for UI Windows, window anywhere.
Toolbars” on page 453.
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TIP: You can define shorcut keys to invoke all options on this
window. This is very handy when you switch often between
wireframe and shaded, endpoints and jitter lines, etc. See
8. When you open a window, the adjacent title bars
“Shortcuts for Render Settings” on page 453.
move down to accomodate.
Clicking the arrow at the top of this window enables
you to show or hide the lower section of the window.
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Program Settings
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X-Ray For a crisp display, checking only Edges shows all edges
as thin lines. This looks nice when your model is crowded
and/or has lots of detail.
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Program Settings
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TIP: You can select both a face and its surrounding edges by
double-clicking on it. This makes it easy to be sure edges are
included when applying materials.
By Axis
Edges have the color of the axes to which they are parallel
(red, green, or blue). Edges that are not parallel to any axis
Edge Color take on the assigned edge color on the Color page of the
For these options to be available, click on the arrow at the
Model Info window.
top right corner of the Display Settings and Show
All Same
All edges have the edge color assigned on the Color page
of the Model Info window.
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Program Settings
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
TIP: If you access this window often, you might want to set up a
shortcut for it - see "Preferences > Shortcuts" on page 452.
• Edges: To see edges displayed in this color, select
All Same for edge display in the Display Settings
• Face Front, Face Back: Faces have different colors
on the front and back.
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Program Settings
The way a face is oriented generally depends on how Model Info > Components
it was created, but you can always switch front and
back by right-clicking and selecting Reverse Faces.
These colors apply to faces that have the default
(none) material. Once a material is assigned, it paints
only the selected side. The reverse side will remain
the default color, unless a material is assigned to that
face as well. (The exception is for transparent
materials, which are applied to both sides of a face.
See “Double-Sided Faces” on page 254.)
• Highlight: The color of a face, edge, or group when
selected. Use a color that will contrast well with the
Face Front and Face Back colors.
• Construction lines: The color of construction
geometry, created by the Measure and Protractor
tools. See "Measure" on page 39 and Components are groups of objects that can be inserted
multiple times in your file. For more information, see
• Lock: The color of the bounding box surrounding a Chapter 6.
locked component or group. Locking is covered in
Fade similar components, Fade rest of model: When
“The Outliner: Manipulating Groups and
editing a component or group, these options control the
Components” on page 206.
display of similar components and all other objects.
Background: The background color of the SketchUp
• Sky, Ground: Enables you to use sky and ground
backgrounds, and to set their colors. Sky is visible
above the horizon, Ground is visible below the
When editing one component, you can use the Fade slider
if you still want to faintly see the rest of the mode and
other components.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
Check Hide for both to blank them completely, leaving Leader Lines: Choose from five types of arrows.
only the edited component on the screen.
• Horizontal to Screen: Dimension text is always
Text: Click Choose Font to set the font, font style, and • Hide when foreshortened: Hides dimensions that
font size of dimension text. For text color, click the color are oblique to the viewing plane. The slider sets the
box to set the font color. tolerance angle at which dimensions are hidden.
Show Radius/Diam. Prefix: Displays an “R” in front of • Hide when too small: Hides dimensions that
arc dimensions, or a “DIA” in front of circle dimensions. become hard to read when you zoom out. The slider
controls the size of dimensions that will be hidden.
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Program Settings
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
See Chapter 8 for details on using section planes. On this page you can count the numbers of certain types
Lines: Enter the width of cut lines. A high width helps of objects in your model, such as edges, faces, or groups.
you better see the section plane. You can obtain these numbers for the entire model or only
Colors: components. If you check Show nested components, all
objects within components will be included in the count.
• Section Cut Line: The default color for section Purge unused: Removes any unused components,
slices. If you assign a material to a section plane, that materials, image objects, layers, and other extraneous
material color is used instead. information from your file.
• Active Section Plane: The color for active section Fix Problems: Causes SketchUp to scan your model,
planes. report any invalid geometry, and attempt to fix any
• Inactive Section Plane: The color for inactive problems. The scan checks that:
section planes. • faces are bounded by a loops of at least three edges.
• a face has a pointer to the loops that bound it, and a
loop has a pointer back to the face that it bounds.
• a face adheres to a plane equation. If not all vertices
lie on the same plane, SketchUp tries to recompute
the plane equation and then check to see if the
vertices are on the re-computed plane.
• all edges that are used by a face are in the same
component that the face is in.
• a face does not have zero area
• an edge does not have two ends at the same point.
In some cases, Check Validity can fix things. For
example, recomputing a plane equation for a face will
correct the face. In other cases, there is nothing that can
reasonably be done to fix the problem. For example, a face
that does not have edges bounding it will be deleted.
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Program Settings
The units you set are used in the Value Control Box, and
affect the dimensions and text labels you create.
Length Units: Controls how lengths are measured and
• Format: Controls units and type of measurement
that appears in the Value Control Box.
Architectural: 3’-2 15/16”.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
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Program Settings
Extensions are groups of commands or functions that are Create backup: A backup file will be created each time
not necessarily part of core SketchUp functionality, so you save your file. The backup is located in the same
they can be turned on or off. For example, not everyone folder as the file, and has the extension *.skb.
needs the Sandbox tools, so you can work without seeing Auto save: Saves your file to a temporary file at a
the menu items and toolbar icons. specified time interval (i.e. every 10 minutes). If your
Ruby Script Examples and Utilities tools can be computer (or SketchUp - nothing’s perfect!) crashes, you
checked to activate sets of Ruby scripts. For details, see may be prompted to open the recovery file instead of the
“Provided Scripts” on page 465. original file. For large files, or if you are working on a
slow computer or a laptop, recovery may be disruptive.
Preferences > Files Use large tool buttons: Great when working with high
(Windows only) screen resolution, this enlarges all the SketchUp icons.
Automatically check model for problems: Options for
scanning for, and fixing, geometric problems. The model
is assessed for problems when it is loaded or saved. It’s a
good idea to check this box so that problems will be
corrected proactively.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
Preferences > OpenGL be careful when changing this setting; there is no way of
knowing in advance whether the mode you choose will
work properly.
Survey: Guides you through a series of questions that
allow @Last technical support to better identify certain
Details: Displays important information about your video
card, resolution and color depth settings, OpenGL driver,
and the current rendering mode that SketchUp is using.
This information can be very helpful when diagnosing
technical problems.
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Program Settings
In Windows, you can save your shortcuts by exporting all You can also set up shortcuts to toggle the display of
your preferences. You can then import them later. If you toolbars, or groups of icons These are found under the
have a large set of shortcuts defined, it’s a good idea to View header.
export them, in case of future system failure.
Select the command and simply type the letter(s) you want
assigned to it. The shortcut will appear in the field at the
bottom of the pane. Do not press Return; simply click on
another command to implement the shortcut.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
Preferences > Templates Mac users can customize what icons appear on toolbars
by selecting View / Customize Toolbar.
You can set default settings and add your own base
geometry to a file you want to use as a template. To make
a template, open a new SketchUp document, modify it to
suit your needs (units, location, etc.), and save the file to
a convenient directory. In the Template page of the
Preferences, click Browse to find this template file. Now
every time you create a new SketchUp document it will be To remove icons, simply drag them off the bottom of the
created as a copy of your template file. bar and they will disappear. To add icons, drag them into
The templates that appear in the drop-down menu on this the toolbar where you want them placed. (This is a
page are either those that are stored in your template function of the OSX graphic interface called Aqua.)
folders (.../SketchUp5/Templates), or any other file that
has ever been used as a template.
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Program Settings
You can export a SketchUp file into another CAD format, For each file format, don’t forget to look at the settings
or you can export it as a 2D graphic. You can also save when you click Options. That is the place to control
section slices and animation files. resolution, file size, etc. Also, be careful when using
Anti-alias. In many cases it does not significantly help
File / Export / 3D Model file quality, and may use up so much memory that the
A SketchUp model can be exported into the following export will fail.
File / Export / Section Slice
See "Exporting Section Slices" on page 308.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
To create an animation file, select File / Export / Aspect Ratio: A 4:3 ratio is standard for television, most
Animation. Select the file type from the drop-down computer screens, and pre-1950 movies. A 16:9 ratio is
menu. the standard for wide screen displays, including digital
televisions, plasma displays, and so forth. Locking this
aspect ratio maintains a fixed proportion of video at any
frame size.
Frame Rate: A setting between 8 and 10 frames per
second is considered the minimum required for
convincing movement, between 12 and 15 is good for
keeping file size down while providing smooth playback,
and between 24 and 30 is considered “full speed.” A
setting of 3 fps is a great way to quickly create draft
quality test videos.
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Program Settings
File / Import / 3D Model TIP: You can also import a graphic by dragging it directly into
SketchUp from your browser.
When you bring a 3D model into SketchUp, it is imported
as a component, and must be exploded or edited before it
can be changed. If you want to import a graphic as a texture, be sure to
Models from the following formats can be imported into click Use as texture at the bottom of the window. The
SketchUp: image will be placed in the Material Browser, in the In
Model (Colors in Model) tab.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
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15 Ruby Script
Ruby scripting will thrill the programming techies out Press Enter, and a window with your text appears on the
there. This chapter will not cover how to program in the screen.
Ruby language - that would take another book. Besides,
information on creating code is available elsewhere (see
the next section).
This chapter will explain how use the Ruby console, and
to create some very basic scripts and routines (methods).
It also shows how to implement the scripts that are
provided with SketchUp. At the end of the chapter is some Now for a slightly more useful script - one that draws a
information on obtaining scripts from other locations. line between two specific points. This involves first
defining two sets of numbers - one for each point. Each set
SketchUp Ruby Basics of numbers is listed under a unique a name, also called a
Within SketchUp, select Help / Ruby Help for some variable.
basic information. You can also open the file index.html SketchUp’s Ruby Help page includes this example, but
located in the Ruby\Docs folder, under the SketchUp we’ll do it slightly differently here to show that you can
installation. This section will include some of the use different variable names.
information from the Help system, with some Type these four lines, pressing Enter after each one.
from = [10,0,0]
Entering Code on the Ruby to = [30,20,0]
First, open the Ruby Console within SketchUp by model = Sketchup.active_model
selecting Window / Ruby Console. You can type in lines
of code here, or use the console to run scripts saved within
text files. We’ll start with the first option - entering code You can use names (variables) other than “from” and “to,”
directly in the console. as long as you keep them consistent in the 4th line. Not all
To create a SketchUp message window with some text in terms and characters can be used. For instance, “end” is
it, type this line at the bottom of the console (you can use actually a command in Ruby, so you can’t use it as a
whatever text you want between the quotation marks.): variable. Be aware that Ruby is also case-sensitive.
Each line you enter appears in the console with
UI.messagebox("Hello, World")
verification text below it. (Errors will appear here if you
make a mistake.)
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
The last line of code is what actually creates the line from Name this script file something like “line_from_to.rb”
“from” to “to.” After you enter the last line of code, the and save it in the Plugins folder. (You could also add these
line is created. six lines to an existing script file in the Plugins folder.)
Now close and restart SketchUp. If there are errors in the
script, the Ruby console will open and show you an error
message to let you know. If the console doesn’t open, your
script is OK.
To run the script, open the Ruby console and type the
The variables can be changed by entering new values. name of the method: line_from_to.
Change “to” and recreate the line by entering these two
to = [100,20,0]
This creates a second line, starting from the original
“from” point to the new “to” point.
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Ruby Script
Line 4:
results = inputbox prompts,
values, "Start and End Points"
Change the values as needed. . .
Creates the prompt window that will ask the user to define
the six values.
Line 5:
fromx, fromy, fromz, tox, toy,
toz = results
Assigns variable names to the six input values, in order of
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
. . . and click OK to create your custom line. Close and restart once again, and now the tool appears in
the Draw menu:
If this is a tool you will use often, you probably don’t want
to run it each time via the Ruby console. Here is how you
can add the tool to one of the SketchUp menus for easy
In the script file, add these three lines at the end (after the
last “end” line):
Here’s how the entire script file should look, with no
comment lines:
11. if( not
file_loaded?("linefromto.rb") )
between two points") {
line_from_to }
13 end
Line 11:
Lines can be indented, and line spaces added, with no
if( not effect to the code itself.
file_loaded?("linefromto.rb") )
Checks to see that the file is already loaded so that it is
only added to the menu once.
Line 12:"Draw").add_item("Line
between two points") {
line_from_to }
Adds an item to the Draw menu called Line between two
points, that runs the line_from_to script.
Line 13:
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Ruby Script
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
Line 10:
baseedges =
entities.add_circle(center, vec,
Click Vector 3D.
Creates the circle for the cylinder base based on the center
point, normal vector, and radius. The 24 edges created by
this command are grouped under the name “baseedges.”
Line 7:
vec =, 0, 1)
Creates a vector along to the Z axis - normal to the X-Y The “distance” value is what the user entered as “height.”
plane. The face is the one just created, called “baseface.”
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Ruby Script
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
This function is from the “box.rb” script found in the
Examples subfolder. Box is found on the Draw menu.
Run this function - it enables you to create a box with Run Assign Estimate to Material to assign a unit cost to
specified lengths on all three sides. any material in the In Model tab of the Material browser.
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Ruby Script
The bottom face has no material and was not assigned its
own cost, and therefore is not included in the cost
If you make changes to any of the faces, simply re-run
Compute Estimate for the new cost.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
Point at Center This file contains several scripts, three of which are placed
This tool comes from the “contextmenu.rb” script found by default in the Tools / Utilities menu.
in the Examples subfolder. It appears on the context
(right-click) menu when clicking on a circle, arc, or
It enables you to add a construction point at the center of
an arc or circle. First, it checks whether the right-clicked
object is in fact a single arc. If it is, the item Point at
Center is added to the context menu.
Create Face
First select all edges that surround the face you want to
create. Then run the script, or select Tools / Utilities /
Create Face. As long as the edges form a closed loop and
are all on the same plane, the face will be created. This is
handy, for example, when you want to close the top of a
cylinder without redrawing one of the many circle
For these functions to be available on your UI, open File
/ Preferences to the Extensions page. Check Utilities
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Ruby Script
Query Tool You can also hover on a face to get the coordinate of the
Shows coordinates of points and screen positions, as well cursor, as well as the area of the face. For a curved face,
as lengths of selected edges and areas of selected faces. the area is calculated for individual segments, not the
You can access this tool via Tools / Utilities / Query Tool. entire face.
To use the tool, simply hover over a point, such as an
endpoint, midpoint, or center point, to get its coordinates.
Other Scripts
There are additional scripts in the Examples subfolder that
are not available directly from the UI. You can run these
by typing their names in the Ruby console. To load the
script itself, use this format (for the example linetool.rb):
load ‘Examples/linetool.rb’
TIP: If you place the script files in the Plugins folder, they will be
loaded automatically.
This file contains a class called linetool. To implement it,
you can type “linetool” in the Ruby console. With this
class active, SketchUp works as if the Line tool is active,
but you create construction lines instead of edges.
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
This file contains several scripts that enable you to select_by_material: Brings up a window that lists all the
manipulate selection sets. Type any of these script names materials used in the model. Select the material, click OK,
into the Ruby console to run them. and all objects on that layer are selected.
invert_selection: First select some entities, then run this
script. The selection set is inverted - all unselected entities
become selected, and vice-versa.
hide_rest: Hides everything that is not selected. This is
very handy if you want to display only a few selected
objects in a large model.
do_select: This script can be typed with expressions that
enable you to select objects with certain characteristics.
You can select by layer, by type, etc., and combine
variables to get even more specific. This file contains some general scripts that are often used
by other scripts.
do_select {|e| ==
Selects all objects on layer Joe.
do_select {|e| ==
"Joe" || == "Bob"}
Selects all objects either on layer Joe or Bob.
do_select {|e| ( =~
/W.*/) == 0}
Select objects on layers that start with the letter W.
do_select {|e|
Selects all edges.
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Ruby Script
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
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Numerics Axes . . .70 Colorize . . .252
Aligning . . .71 Colors . . .444
2D components . . .277
Components . . .446 Faces . . .444
2D Graphic export . . .455
Displaying . . .70 Component axes . . .446
3D Model export . . .455
Moving . . .71 Component Browser . . .186
3DS Export . . .455
Resetting . . .71 Components . . .193
Using with dimensions . . .93 Aligning faces . . .393
A with Scale tool . . .68 Cutting faces . . .214
Acceleration . . .452 Axis colors . . .11 Materials of . . .260
Accelerator keys . . .452 Axis inference . . .7 Nested . . .220
Active Cut . . .306 Axis of Rotation . . .62 Settings . . .445
Active sections . . .315 Axonometric projection . . .444 Steel shapes . . .409
Add Detail . . .348 Using Follow Me . . .101
Add Folder . . .196 B Compute Estimate . . .467
Align Axes . . .71, . . .371 Connected Faces . . .35
Align to Dimension Line . . .88 Background color . . .445
Backup files . . .451 Breaking . . .180
Align View . . .303 Connecting windows . . .437
Aligning dimensions . . .83 Blue axis . . .9
Boolean functions . . .105 Construction lines . . .39, . . .43
Aligning faces . . .393 Continue line drawing . . .450
All Connected . . .35 Bounding Edges . . .35
Box . . .466 Convert to Polygon . . .24, . . .29, . . .30
Always face camera . . .277 Coordinates . . .353
Angle between normals . . .75 Box selecting . . .32
Breaking connections . . .180 Coplanar . . .77
Angled . . .43 Copy . . .49
Angles Brightness . . .238
Browser Exact dimensions . . .363
Measuring . . .43 Rotating . . .61
Animation . . .330, . . .455, . . .467 Components . . .186
Materials . . .237 Correct Reversed Picking Driver Bug . .
Anti-alias . . .456 .452
Apse . . .378 Bulge of an arc . . .361
Buttons . . .451 Cost estimates . . .466
Arc . . .25 Create Backup . . .451
Bulge . . .361 By axis . . .11
Axis edge color . . .442 Create Face . . .468
Exact dimensions . . .361 Create Group from Slice . . .303, . . .310
Finding center of . . .26, . . .377 Crosshairs . . .450
Tangent to edge . . .25 C Cube . . .400
Arc dimensions . . .84 CAD file import . . .457 Current window size . . .451
Architectural units . . .449 Camera . . .329 Curved objects . . .395
Area measurements . . .373 Capabilities . . .452 Curved walls
Area of all faces . . .470 Cascade . . .451 Windows . . .225
Assign Estimate to Faces . . .466 Center of a circle . . .20 Customizing
Assign Estimate to Material . . .466 Center of arc . . .26, . . .377 Shortcut keys . . .452
Associated dimensions . . .89, . . .447 Chamfer . . .20 Templates . . .454
Auto Detect . . .450 Change Axes . . .205 Toolbars . . .454
Auto Recovery . . .451 Changing . . .21 Cut Opening . . .194
Auto Save . . .451 Check model for problems . . .451 Cutting faces . . .214
AutoCAD file import . . .457 Circle . . .19 Nested components . . .220
Autofold . . .51 Dimensions . . .86 Cutting with Groups . . .182
Automatic Width . . .309 Exact dimensions . . .367
Automatically check model . . .451 Finding center of
Center . . .20 Decimal units . . .450
Click style . . .450 Default components . . .188
Codec . . .456 Defined components . . .188
Color by Layer . . .317 Delta distance . . .354
Color Wheel . . .238 Dialog Boxes . . .437
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* * * Printed from PDF version. Not for external distribution.* * *
the SketchUp Book Version 5
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Value control box . . .3
VCB . . .3
Vertical axis . . .9
Video . . .455
View-based leader . . .78, . . .449
Viewing tools . . .4
VRML Export . . .455
Walk . . .4
Wide Line Entities . . .309
Window selection . . .32, . . .33
Window size . . .451
Window zoom . . .5
Windows . . .193
Cutting faces . . .214
in curved walls . . .225
Wireframe . . .439
WRL Export . . .455
WYSIWYG projection . . .308
X-Ray . . .440
Zero inch display . . .450
Zoom . . .5
Zoom Extents . . .5
Zoom window . . .5
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the SketchUp Book Version 5
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For questions, comments, and
information on updates,
contact Bonnie Roskes
[email protected]
Published by:
Conceptual Product Development, Inc.