Caralee Cares S2 2012

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Caralee Cares

Your School - Your Community


Principals Welcome

Welcome to Caralee Cares.

Welcome to our second edition of Caralee Cares for 2012. We hope all Willagee residents can take
the time to read about the wonderful contribution the staff and students of Caralee Community
School are making to the educational and social needs of our community. This edition will showcase the
academic, artistic, environmental and sporting achievements of our students and offer an insight
into some of the award winning programmes we can offer your children, in the heart of Willagee.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for a personal tour of our school.

Trevor Anderson, Principal

Class of 2012

Arrivederci Year 7
Its that time of year again when we bid a fond
farewell the Caralee Class of 2012. This year, we
are extremely proud to announce that a number
Year 6 & 7 students have achieved success by being
accepted into specialist programs at a range of
selective schools across country and metropolitan
areas. Just some of our high fliers are...

Jordan Greer is off to feed the world at Bindoon

Agricultural College, Akira Backshell is diving into
Marine Biology at South Fremantle High
school and promising footballer Jerry Morrison will
be kicking goals at Clontarf Aboriginal College.

Principal, Mr Trevor Anderson remarked, This is

one of our most successful graduating classes.
Their behaviour and achievements during their time
Talented Year 6 students, Alana Baskerville and at Caralee have been outstanding and they are a
Thomas DeBruyn are to be congratulated on being credit to their teachers and parents. We wish them
accepted to Year 7 at Seton College while Taj all the very best for the future.
Ryan is headed for CBC Fremantle, where we are
sure they will make a big impression in the years to Good-bye and Good luck to all our graduates.
Lead Stor y Hea dline

From our highly successful Year 7 Graduation

Class, students have been accepted into a number
of competitive specialist programs offered at
Government high schools.

Inside this issue:

Good Sports

Out & About




Melville Senior High School will be delighted to

welcome our fantastic netballers Bella Wendt,
Kimberley Leavy and Mary Tolentino to their team,
with Bella performing a double act joining Lillian
Mundy in the specialist Music program. Trey
Lucacich and Lachlan Deaville will soar to new
heights in Aviation and Academic Extension
while Callum Atkins and Swapneel Thakur will surely
draw attention in their Graphic Arts studies.
Some of our graduates headed for specialist programs in 2012.

Student Spotlight 4

Enrolments for 2013 are now opencall 9314 1677 to give your child a Caralee life.

Page 2

Caralee Cares
Good Sports

Caralee creates a Carnival of Sports Success

2012 has proven a very successful year for Caralee
on every sporting field. It began with our Super
8s Cricket teams winning the In2Cricket Metro South West
District Boys and Girls Cups., then Netball victories for the
Yr 6/7 Fever Cup division and Yr 4/5 in C Division CDSSA
Lightning Carnival and our FNA team narrowly missed a spot
in the season final.
Winter sport soon followed and our
Eagles Cup Football team were runner
up to Bullcreek Primary School, but were
when some Eagles players
arrived at school for a quick match-up!
Our Hockey and Soccer teams also
Caption describingdemonstrated the depth of sporting
picture or graphic.
prowess at Caralee with a number of wins
throughout the season while our Cross
Our boys give the Eagles
the run around!
Country runners took full advantage of a
glorious October day to challenge the
competition and be placed 2nd overall.

annual joint School Athletics Carnival in September and

their dedication showed on the day with not only a close battle
for overall winner, narrowly won by Blue Faction, but tied
winners in almost every division of the Individual
Championship. Everyone demonstrated excellent
sportsmanship, even the teachers who were beaten by the
students in the events highlight relay, and a great day was had
by all.
Hot on the heels of this, Caralee was the organising school for
the 2012 B Division Cockburn District Sports
Interschool Athletics Carnival.
This was a great
achievement for the staff and P&C who put on a very smooth
show and Caralees Nahsoni Nkunzimana and Karri Leavy
won Intermediate Champion and
Runner Up Champion medals

A special thank you to all the

parents, teachers and students that
give their time, expertise and energy,
The Caralee Community School and Fremantle Language especially on weekends, to make
Development Centre children had been preparing for their Caralee Sport such a success.

Our Girls Cricket team in action.

Out & About

Promoting Caralee through words and pictures.

Red Cross Rendezvous
Following the highly successful community engagement
program Storytime at Willagee Library, on Tuesdays at
10.00am, Caralee students went to the aid of the Red Cross
Shop in their quest to win the Spring Window Display
competition. School librarian, Mrs Bobbie Townsend, took
the lead with EA and resident artist , Mr. Sam Atkins, by
designing and creating the colourful display with the help of
Caralee students and shop Manager, Vivienne Hyde,
complimented student Jayden Headland on being a fantastic
ambassador for the school during the installation.

Did we persuade you?

Kaysis (Yr2) Sales Pitch!

Persuasive writing is a focus area for English

at Caralee and selected student work was
on display at Kardinya Shopping
Centre during August. Students from all
year levels were asked to write a piece of
persuasive writing, and what better subject
than Why Caralee is a Great School!
The students were most enthusiastic and
produced some outstanding work.

If your Willagee business would like to collaborate with Caralee Community School in a
joint project, please contact us on 9314 1677 or at [email protected]

ART at Caralee is an absolute BLAST!!

Caralee Community School participated in Art Blast
2012, which provides government schools with an
opportunity to showcase their outstanding art work during an
Art Exhibition held at Fremantle town hall as part of
Education Week in October.
The Opening Night was an
absolute success with colourful
displays and interactive stands
enjoyed by many Caralee
parents and students. Four visual
arts displays from Caralee
Community School presented
artworks covering Aboriginal
Art, Landscapes, Spring
Parents and children enjoy the displays.
Flowers and Cancer Council's

Caralee mixed media Crunch and Sip and watercoloured Landscapes Displays.

'Crunch & Sip' school Health program were shared and

exhibited. Organising teacher Ms Yan Wong said, There was
an outstanding level of Artwork on display and Caralee
students are to be congratulated on their artistic

Courage Confidence Self Discipline

Page 3

Musical Manoeuvres

Caralee Choir impresses from Burswood to Bethlehem!

The Caralee Choir performed at the annual WA
Government Schools Music Society concert series at
Burswood Theatre on 31 July, and there wasnt a dry eye in
the house during their performance of Hallelujah. West
Leeming Deputy Principal, Mr Peter Millar, wrote to tell us
that the Caralee Choir was a particular favourite and one of
the highlights of the night.

Sam and Cody make a friend.

The choir also performed for the

Melville Friendship Club in
October with members delighting in
the performance, and sharing
morning tea with the students after
the concert. The choir was again
congratulated on their performance in
a thank you note from Ms B Harris,
Club President.

The Choir & Mrs Marshall entertain Kardinya shoppers.

s o m e
o u t s t a n d i n g
performances including
the Choirs renditions
of the catchy, original
tunes, the line; Who
stole my sheep? and
Taj Ryans uncanny
i m p e r s on a t i o n
Caralee Principal, Mr

Members of Caralees Clarinet and Drum Beat groups also

performed on the night to acclaim. Entrance was by gold coin
donation with all proceeds the Melville Citizens Relief Fund.

A very big thank you to all our supporters throughout

the year, especially Mr Ian Bulmer, Mrs Anne Wetmore, Mr
Its not called The Silly Season for no reason, and Blair Riseborough and Ms Kate Doepel for their help with
Caralees Music Teacher, Skye Marshall and her team have uniforms, travel, supervision and rehearsing.
been in full swing for months preparing for the annual
Christmas performance season.
The choir began their Not forgetting the unstoppable,
carolling season by serenading Christmas shoppers at unflappable, inimitable Mrs Skye
Kardinya Shopping Centre in late November, then made a Marshall, whose enthusiasm and
guest appearance at the Melville Lions Club Carols hard work ensures the Choir of
regular performance opportunities
Concert at John Creaney Park on December 2nd.
and the high standard audiences have
This musical extravaganza culminated in the annual school come to expect from the Caralee
concert on Wednesday 5th December. This year, the musical Choir.
Tinsel and Tea-Towels provided audiences with a C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s
charming interpretation of the traditional Christmas story and magnificent and musical 2012.
Caralees Wise Men and Shepherds

Sustainability @ Caralee

At Caralee, we Think Global and Act Local.

Turning Sunlight
into Savings.
aims to
a tangible
children to learn about
One of Caralees Solar panel banks soaks up the heat.
how we can live more
sustainably in our environment and we really walk the walk!
The school has a 68 solar panels installed which have
generated over 29,452KWH since their installation. This
project lessens our reliance on outside power, reducing both
operational costs and our carbon footprint.
Caralee is also a Wastewise and Waterwise school with
student-run recycling, composting and worm programs
including a small chicken run alongside our successful vegetable
patch that provides bunches of healthy produce weekly. With
the help of a parent graphic designer, the children are designing
a logo which will be used to market the
produce from the garden. This project is
generously supported by the WA Healthy
Schools Project as well as ongoing income
from vegetable sales.

How to grow a healthy lunch.

Sustainable living lessons start early at
Caralee. Early learning students from B4
planted seedlings in their class vegetable garden
late in second term and then made vegetable
soup with their bountiful Spring harvest in
third term. The children ate the soup as part B5s veggie soup!
of their lunch, and while many of the children
stated that they dont really like eating vegetables, their
teacher Mrs Julie Cummings noted that most of the children
did eat the soup, with a few coming back for seconds!

Mixing up the compost..

Sustainability is a cross curricular

priority for the Australian Curriculum
being implemented from 2013 and Caralee
is well placed to meet the demands of this
national educational directive. All these
ongoing projects will help to ensure our
children learn how we can reduce and
reuse our waste, conserve water, live a
healthy and more sustainable life and
work together to create a better
environment for all into the future.

Caralee Cares

Page 4

Australian Curriculum

Keeping abreast of the latest Technologies

Why not
come and see
what Caralee
School has to
offer you and
your family.
Wed love to
show you
Call today for an
9314 1677

24 Winnacott St

Phone: (08) 9314 1677

Fax: (08) 9337 1609
[email protected]

This year, Caralee Community School has

introduced iPads to their ICT mix to enhance
engagement and learning outcomes as well as
prepare for the Australian Curriculum ICT
Capabilities directive.
P&C funds have
provided each class and the music teacher with
an individual iPad to support planning for
students and provide one on one learning
opportunities for each class. By 2013, Caralee
will have three banks of iPads to service Junior,
Middle and Senior classes.
We will also
complete our notebook replacement program
C1 Yr 3 students engaging with with ICT in a SOSE lesson.
with 40 new HP notebooks available to all
and are integrating the iPads into their class
programs. she enthuses. Years 1 and 2 students
also use the class bank of laptops to develop
Meet our Digital Natives!
These new technologies have been most fully word processing and research skills. The
embraced by our younger students, who are children are becoming confident in their ability
practically born with a mouse in their hand! to create and save documents and to research a
Junior Primary iPad Co-ordinator, Mrs Julie topic, which are skills central to the Australian
Cummings, has selected apps across various Curriculums ICT Syllabus. They also use
learning areas to support and extend what the the iPads and laptops in Targeted Assistance
children are learning within their classes. The Maths & English lessons to further develop
teachers have embraced this technology and consolidate their literacy and numeracy
skills, adds Mrs Cummings .
Deputy Principal, Jason Shapcott , has overseen
the introduction and augmentation of these
technologies to Caralee, We are ever mindful
of the contemporary and future workplace and
so have been keen to have a mix of Apple and
Microsoft applications available to all
students, he explained.
With a new look website featuring Class Blog
pages also due to be launched by the end of
2012, technology is certainly powering the
future educational directions at Caralee.
B5 Preprimary students focused on their iPad lessons.

The orientation mornings held during November for parents of Kindy

Kids enrolled at Caralee for 2013 were very well attended.
Thank you to all the parents who came along, we look forward to
having your family join our school community!
Student Spotlight

Dont mess with this Pint size Prize fighter!

Year 1 student Cheyenne Alexander is never in trouble for fighting in the
playground, but when she dons her Taekwondo uniform, she transforms
into a lean, mean fighting machine! Cheyenne is fast collecting Gold
Medals and Trophies; she worked her way up to win the WA State final
for her weight division, qualifying her to represent WA in the National
Titles in Queensland, later in the year. Her whole family went to support
her and she did not let them down; fighting her best fight to beat the
competition to be crowned National Champion in the 6-7 yr old
Well done Cheyenne, you have made your family, State and Caralee
Community School very proud.

Caralee Storytime is on at Willagee Library every Tuesday from 10.00am

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