Blaze Pink Professor Majid Sarmadi Summary 052615
Blaze Pink Professor Majid Sarmadi Summary 052615
Blaze Pink Professor Majid Sarmadi Summary 052615
The first and most important point is that no color or outfit can bring hunting accidents to zero.
Our aim is to reduce them as much as possible. Blaze orange is required for hunting in many states
but it is not popular with some women hunters. Therefore, this study was performed to provide
alternative(s) that are as safe as blaze orange, yet provide more choices to women hunters.
Human Scent:
Deer like dogs have an excellent capability to detect scents. Their nose can be anywhere
from 500 to 1,000 times more acute than a humans. Hunters should avoid scented
detergents for washing their clothing.
Deer Hearing:
Deer hearing isnt much better than that of humans. However, deer ears are small satellite
dishes that tip back and forth and roll around to pick up, sort and lock onto various
sounds. Therefore, hunters should avoid making noise.
Color of Clothing:
Deer eyes like the humans have photo sensitive cells called Rod and Cone. Cone cells
help see fine details and colors, and work best in bright light conditions. Rod cells help
see movement and broad details, and work best in low-light conditions.
The human eye has three different types of cones (red, green and blue) but deer have only
two (blue and green). Therefore, deer are dichromatic animals. Research at the
University of Georgia indicates that deer can detect only greens, blues, yellows and UV.
In general, humans and many daylight animals tend to have more cones, whereas animals
who shun daylight typically have more rods. Deer have a much higher density of rods
than humans do.
UV Effect:
A deers ability to detect UV light is better than humans. Most detergents have
brighteners in them that emit UV as well as visible light. Therefore, hunters should use a
detergent that doesnt have these additives.