English Essay About Natural Enviroment
English Essay About Natural Enviroment
English Essay About Natural Enviroment
Ingls IV.
Thesis topic: Tourism as a base for Endogenous development in the satellites communities
of La Paz, B.C.S
The result of the various and different paradigms of change and transition to new models of
wealth generation and stability; have been the major debates of change, rapid and
continuous, without downplaying the territorial spaces as a means of action.
In the current context , processes with large content of knowledge and strategic joints are
formed in relation to large multinational companies , which have enabled the production
and reproduction of a competent mechanism for the distribution of profits , which means a
proliferation of system , in terms of exchange of well facilitates the domain of international
capital and its downstream businesses , causing a greater disparity in the distribution of
economic goods , generated by the global economic activity.
Equally, the economic development of a locality generates much debate: the discussion
about what is generating this process and why is promoted. In this sense endogenous
development is an explanatory theory to analyze why the regions are increased production,
productivity and innovation, thereby generating inward development thereof.
This type of development is attributed to internal factors of communities, generated from
transformations in modes of production, and increase local investments in technological
modernization. The theory of endogenous development in general attributed a role in
society and organizations operating locally, giving a driving force of their capabilities and
creating change from the bottom up.
Thesis Statement:
By assuming that most of the satellites communities in La Paz are left behind, both
economically and socially, tourism promotion in this communities as a base for the
endogenous development should be replaced by local tourism development policy.
Since the nineties, the prospects of local development in Latin America took a turn as a
result of the restructuring of the functions of states and countries, characterized by
decreasing its interference in economic activities, the privatization of productive public
activities and reducing its role in redistribution, industrial and regional policies (VzquezBarquero, 2000: 18).
In line with Vzquez- Barquero, ( 2000b ) the decrease of the state forced the interference
of local and regional actors, and with this began to generate a decentralization strategy to
open the way for local initiatives , and a development perspective with territorial approach
accompanied by the paradigm shift from exogenous development by endogenous focus on
productivity and competitiveness.
Vzquez- Barquero (2000 ) tells us this with an effect of promoting the local initiative
focused on creativity as a lever of development. Endogenous development takes local
capacities for development management and involves innovation and diffusion of
knowledge, institutional density, rural territorial development and flexible organization for
However Vergara (2004) is based on both innovation processes, products and organization
at the local level, conditioned by the environment, and has deep institutional and cultural
According Vzquez- Barquero, (2009) endogenous local development is based on the use
of the resources available locations; these constitute the potential of 'development' and
therefore the territorial strategic planning becomes a necessary tool . For its part Rojas
(2008) states that local spaces are revalued and become social territories roots and identity,
generating endogenous rural development processes
Key issues on the table for discussion are: the economic and local development,
competitiveness, decentralization, modernization, development policies of the country and
the state, small and medium enterprises, active participation of the rural community, among
Based on the theory of the tourism system Leiper (1990) which disintegrates down into a
model of composite tourism system of five elements, which comprise three geographical
elements: The region of origin of the traveler (the origin tourist) , a region of transit that
intercommunicates the origin to the destination , and the region of destination . The other
two elements (non-geographic ) are tourists and the tourism industry ( tourism
infrastructure , information, etc ) . Similarly Leiper (1990 ) interaction of these five
elements is influenced by external factors and in turn, this system impacts on different areas
such as human, sociocultoral , economic, technological , institutional, environmental ,
political, etc. ( see Figure 1)
Leiper, N .(1990) Tourism systems: an interdisciplinary perspective, Department of
Management Systems, Massey University. Palmerston North, Nueva Zelanda.
Morales Barragan Fancisco,2006, Desarrollo Regional Sustentable: Una reflexin desde
las polticas Pblicas, Revista Digital Universitaria.
Vzquez-Barquero, A. (2000). Desarrollo endgeno y globalizacin.
Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales online 26(79), 47-65.