Organic Mangoes - A Production Guide
Organic Mangoes - A Production Guide
Organic Mangoes - A Production Guide
ISSN 1833-7236
June 2007
a production guide
by Steven McCoy
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture and Food and the State of Western Australia accept no liability
whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from use or release of this information or any part of it.
For their kind and generous contribution and assistance, with thanks:
Jill and Quentin Parker, Parker Poynt Plantations, Kununurra, WA
Peter Johnson, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia, Kununurra, WA
Mangoes have been identified as a prospective crop for synthetic chemical fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides and
conversion to organic production, particularly at Kununurra growth regulators.
in the Ord River Irrigation Area. The comparative
advantages that favour organic mango production in that There are now very good examples of successful
region are as follows: commercial organic mango orchards in many parts of
Australia, including WA. The organic production systems
• low nitrogen requirement;
developed by these dedicated growers are showing that
• relatively few pests and diseases; yields and quality can be comparable to conventional
• early production season; systems.
• established conventional mango industry and
Modern organic systems are largely the result of many
years of on farm trial, error and improvement – typically
• export market opportunities alongside conventional undertaken without the routine support and scientific
mango exports; research effort afforded conventional growers. However,
• existing conventional growers who are progressive in recent years the emergence of new equipment,
and innovative with some interest in an organic or substances and techniques suitable for organic systems
biological approach. suggests the future development and refinement of
Mangoes can also perform well under organic systems organic systems will accelerate as will the provision of
in other regions of WA, however variations in pest and professional supporting services. For new entrants into
disease pressures may require additional attention to organic production this means the path to success may
these problems. be less arduous. However, establishing an organic system
typically requires a fundamental change in approach –
Establishing a well-functioning organic system takes time. toward a biological basis for production management.
The wide range of biological processes involved must be Motivation and commitment to this biological approach
initiated, nurtured and maintained at optimal levels in an is seen as an essential requirement if the development
integrated fashion to achieve the desired results. This of a reliably profitable and robust sustainable organic
integrated biological management must replace the system is the business objective.
routine reliance on conventional substances including
organic mangoes
Market outlook for organic mangoes
World mango industry Australian mango industry
Conventional mango production occurs in over 280 Australian mango production has seen dramatic growth
countries with total production estimated at 26.5 million over the past 10 years. Total production in 2003 was
tonnes in 2004 according to FAO data. The top 10 mango around 60,000 t and growing at around 8 per cent per
producing countries by volume are shown in Table 1. year. Production is likely to double within eight years. About
Australian production in 2003 was reported at around 75 per cent of mangoes are sold fresh on the domestic
60,000 tonnes, representing a tiny proportion of world Australian market the remainder sold for processing with
production. less than 10 per cent being exported (Table 2).
Table 1. Top 10 mango producing countries Mangoes are now at the stage where they are one of the
major horticultural crops in Australia. Queensland is
Mango production Year
% currently the State which produces the majority of
(tonnes) 2004
mangoes, having an estimated value of $70 million in
India 10,800,000 41
2002-03 financial year. However significantly increasing
China 3,582,000 13 volume is now coming from the Northern Territory and a
Thailand 1,700,000 6 dramatic rise in production is occurring in Western
Mexico 1,503,010 6 Australia.
Pakistan 1,089,000 4 The seasonal availability of mangoes spreads from
Indonesia 1,006,006 4 September through to March (Table 3). The earliest fruit
comes from Kununurra and Katherine. This fruit can
Philippines 967,535 4
command high prices on the domestic market while
Brazil 850,000 3
supply is limited.
Nigeria 730,000 3
Mangoes from WA have freedom from the mango pest
Egypt 327,000 1
mango seed weevil and fruit from Kununurra has fruit fly
WORLD TOTAL 26,572,579 100 freedom status – allowing this fruit to be sold into various
(Source: FAO 2004.) southern states without the need for post-harvest pest
Australia 60,000 0.24 treatments.
(Source: Mango Industry Strategic Plan 2004.)
Table 3. Seasonal supply of Australian mangoes Domestic demand for organic
Mango production Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
The WA market for organic mangoes is
Kununurra, WA essentially a captive market for WA
Katherine, NT producers. WA quarantine regulations
Darwin, NT impose import barriers relating to fruit fly
Burdekin, Qld and mango seed weevil. Imported
Mareeba, Qld mangoes must be treated for these pests.
Carnarvon, WA While some treatments are acceptable for
Bundaberg, Qld
organic fruit, the quality of treated fruit is
often adversely affected
Northern NSW
Gingin, WA The domestic market in Perth for organic
produce is relatively small and immature,
although growing rapidly.
Organic mango industry
The present growth in domestic WA organic sales has
World trade in all organic agriculture products is estimated been achieved at relatively high price premium and without
to be valued at US$31 billion in 2005 and growing at any coordinated marketing strategy. As yet little promotion
10-30 per cent per year. Major markets are the affluent and advertising of organic mangoes has taken place,
nations of North America, Europe and Japan. Domestic indicating that demand continues to be driven by
and export markets are expanding for organic products ‘consumer pull’ rather than ‘retail push’. This suggests a
across all agriculture sectors and mangoes add to the well designed and implemented market development
range of exotic tropical fruits on offer. plan, combined with a carefully planned pricing strategy,
would stimulate significantly greater consumer demand
No figures are available for world production of organic than current levels.
mangoes, however a number of the major mango
producing countries do have
active organic programs and it
can be expected that mango
production is involved. Certainly
both Brazil and South Africa
produce organic mangoes and
may be considered as potential
competitors on export markets.
organic mangoes
Organic wholesalers in WA report that the market for Export prospects for organic mangoes
organic fresh produce including mangoes has doubled
Small quantities of organic mangoes are sent air freight
in the past two years. This growth is largely driven by the
in mix consignments to Singapore and Hong Kong. A
emergence of mainstream retail traders into the organic
few growers have sent small quantities to Germany and
Holland and report that buyers were looking for more
A number of leading specialist fresh produce retailers volume.
(greengrocer/growers markets) and independent
Potential exists to offer organic mangoes on the back of
supermarkets are active in building and promoting their
existing conventional mango export trade. Destinations
organic range. Wholesale traders report that these shops
that have strong organic market growth such as the United
have become more active in the organic market as they
Kingdom and Europe have potential. Conventional mango
use organics to create a point of difference from their
exporters indicate markets are very interested especially
France, Germany and the UK. However these prospects
The two major supermarkets have national policies to are subject to competitive pressures from other southern
range organic products and are embarking on the hemisphere mango producing countries. The extent and
development of ‘own brand’ organic lines. However, where profitability of these markets requires further investigation
supply volumes, continuity, quality and price are perceived and confirmation. A number of issues including quarantine
as erratic, significant investment in promoting organic risk, price, quality and supply need to be carefully
products remains unlikely. Select wholesalers in most considered before attempting to establish export markets.
States have been engaged by the major supermarkets At present WA has insufficient supply capacity to seriously
to investigate the supply of organic produce and consider exploring these export market opportunities
consolidate volumes to suit their needs. other than small volume air freight into premium markets.
General principles of organic mango production
This section outlines the general principles that underlie Conservation and recycling of nutrients is a major feature
organic mango production systems. Aspects of organic of any organic farming system. Organic and mineral
standards specific to mango production are highlighted. fertilisers should be used as a supplement to recycling,
not as a replacement.
A whole system approach
Land degradation problems such as organic matter
depletion, soil structure decline, compaction, erosion, and
Many farms involve a mix of crops that may include
nutrient leaching must be avoided. In general terms, well
mangoes, banana, citrus or other fruits and possibly some
managed soils with adequate organic matter, biological
seasonal vegetable crops. Production of mangoes must
activity and humus formation tend to be more resilient
be considered as only one component of an integrated
against most forms of land degradation.
whole farm system. The inclusion of other crops from
unrelated botanical families, as well as soil regenerating
Biological processes are important
pasture or green manure phases and the use of other
plant species, can have implications for management of
pest, disease or weed control. The whole system is Organic systems are primarily biological systems, both
designed and managed to optimise benefits and minimise above and below the ground. Pest, disease, and weed
problems across all crops arising from treatments to any control must, in the first instance, encourage and maintain
one crop. The layout of cropped areas may change natural biological processes so as to balance disease
towards more mixed cropping as a way of breaking up and pest problems. Enhancement and manipulation of
large areas of a single crop, thereby increasing biodiversity these biological processes forms the basis of organic
and assisting pest or disease management. management. Other control measures can include:
• choice of crop species and varieties for resistance;
Enterprises aim to become closed • orchard layout and tree structure and canopy
systems management;
• orchard hygiene;
Organic farms aim to operate as closed systems wherever • orchard floor species mix;
possible – using renewable resources, maximise
• mulching and mowing regimes;
recycling, minimise waste, and reduced reliance on
outside (off-farm) inputs as far as practical. Management • biological control and maintenance of beneficial
strategies based on an understanding of biological cycles predator habitats;
and other interactions are the main tools that replace • mechanical controls such as traps, barriers, light,
reliance on synthetic chemical and non-renewable inputs. sound and pheromones.
Organic farms can be managerially more complex, but
Where available, the grower should use organically grown
should be less dependent on the use of external inputs.
nursery plants, not treated with synthetic chemicals.
Plant health stems from soil health
Part certification of a property can
aid conversion
The underlying principle of organic crop production is that:
‘healthy plants grow from healthy soil’. Well balanced,
biologically enhanced soil – measured by adequate Growers may initially convert part of a property to organic
organic matter, humus level, crumb structure and feeder methods while continuing to use conventional methods
root development – forms the basis of organic production. on the remainder. Sometimes referred to as parallel
Plants are nourished through a soil ecosystem built over production, this typically involves selecting a location with
time, and not primarily through fast-acting, soluble low risk of spray drift or contamination from adjacent land.
fertilisers added to the soil. Buffer zones may be required to ensure adequate
separation from conventional cropping.
Synthetic fertilisers and chemical pesticides and
herbicides are not permitted and can be detrimental to Where the same variety is grown both as organic and
biologically active healthy soil. conventional on the same property, the grower must
demonstrate that very tight management protocols for
organic mangoes
product separation and record keeping are in place to Co-existence with, and protection
allow complete verification of production volumes and of the environment
trace-back through the operation.
Sufficient area must be allocated to develop a proper Maintaining biological diversity on and around the farm is
functioning organic system. Some organic certifiers may an important feature of organic systems. Avoiding
also require a development plan that aims to convert the monocultures by encouraging biological diversity tends
whole property to an organic system within a defined to allow ecological balance or equilibrium to establish,
period. Moving into and out of organic certification is resulting in a more stable system with less dramatic
generally unacceptable. biological fluctuations – both on the farm and in the
surrounding natural environment.
Minimum qualifying period
Areas of remnant vegetation should be protected.
Shelterbelts and areas of remnant vegetation can be
The transition from a conventional system to a balanced, important habitat for natural predators of insect pests,
biologically active organic system is a gradual process. which when kept naturally in check reduce harm to crops
For organic mango production the land must be managed and reduce the need for control measures.
in accordance with organic standards for a minimum of
three years. However, growers can obtain certification Organic farms should also ensure that pollution and other
as ‘in conversion’ to organic after completion of one year forms of degradation resulting from agricultural practices
(pre-certification) of compliance with organic standards. are avoided. The use of non-renewable resources should
Markets for ‘in conversion’ status fruit may require careful also be minimised to help extend future availability of
assessment as premiums can be lower than for full these finite resources.
‘organic’ certification. Product in the first year of conversion
(pre-certification) can not be sold labelled as organic. Irrigation management
Avoid contamination and spray drift Irrigation methods must be adequately managed,
scheduled and monitored to reduce problems related to
Potential sources of contamination from spray drift, water watertable, leaching of nutrients and salinity inducement.
sources or other means, can require careful considera- Irrigation management must minimise disturbance to the
tion. Buffer zones are likely to be required between organic environment and natural ecosystems, including wetlands,
crops and conventional crops. Neighbours must be river flow regimes and wildlife habitat.
informed of contamination risk and cooperation sought.
Soil tests may be required to check for chemical residues Post-harvest, storage and
in soil from previous land use. processed products
Old orchard sites can potentially have residual soil
contamination from past use of synthetic chemicals such To prevent contamination of mangoes on farm, organic
as DDT or Dieldrin. Generally soil chemical residues product must be kept in a dedicated storage area separate
should be less than 10 per cent of the MRL (maximum from conventional product. Post-harvest treatments and
residue limit). In cases where soil residue is above this packaging materials must comply with organic standards.
level, special orchard management and tissue testing Where growers intend to value add or process mangoes,
conditions can apply. compliance with organic processing standards is required
if the final product is to be labelled as certified ‘organic’.
Genetic engineering is banned
Making the change to organic
Setting up an organic system for mango production will Existing orchard condition
take time. Organic standards require a minimum of three
years, and this reflects the significant changes that must
The existing condition of an orchard can have a significant
take place for an organic system to begin to function
bearing on the likelihood of successful conversion to an
properly. This period will require serious commitment to
organic system.
understanding the different approach involved, especially
in relation to the way plants are fed and how to manipulate Listed below are some important considerations:
biological processes – both above and below the ground.
• Tree health – the existing condition of trees needs to
Developing a system of organic mango production that be healthy. Successful conversion to organic
suits your situation may not be simple. Expect some management can be difficult to achieve with diseased
disappointments, be prepared to make mistakes and don’t trees or trees in poor condition.
expect an organic crop to perform the same as a
conventional crop. Sometimes a crop you are familiar • Weed status – existing serious problems with invasive
with will perform quite differently under an organic system, perennial weeds can present a major difficulty and
for example different growth patterns or different impact cost to control under organic systems. The usual
of pest or disease pressure. course of action is to minimise these problem weeds
before establishing an organic system. On-going
Many growers start with a small area that is unlikely to vigilance is needed to ensure timely control of
have a significant impact on profit. By starting with a small subsequent outbreaks.
trial area dedicated to organic methods, growers can gain
experience, knowledge and confidence about what works • Varieties – It has yet to be determined which varieties
and where problems may occur. of mangoes are more amenable to organic systems
in WA. As yet no specific varieties have been
One useful strategy can be to move towards a more developed for organic production. Obviously, varieties
biological approach for several years prior to considering that are less prone to problematic pests or diseases
organic production. Interest in developing a more are desirable, as are varieties that typically are not
integrated and biological approach can resulted in a treated with growth hormone to aid flowering. Market
reduced need for many of the conventional fertilisers and preferences and other agronomic traits must also be
sprays normally used. This can mean that the transition considered. Majority of mangoes grown in WA are
into a fully organic certified system is unlikely to require Kensington Pride (also known as Bowen). While this
dramatic changes to management practices and that crop variety does well under organic management, it is
quality and yields should remain relatively stable. know to respond to the growth regulator paclobutrazol.
Growers who already use integrated pest and integrated • Orchard layout and tree structure – the best layout
weed management techniques may find the transition to and pruning system may vary to suit regional
organic less dramatic than otherwise. conditions. High density plantings may be subject to
less airflow and therefore more susceptible to fungal
Working in conjunction with a few other growers can
disease. However this may be off-set with careful
speed up the learning period and provide more scope for
layout and pruning to facilitate good air flow. Pruning
testing ideas and finding better solutions.
to an open structure that allows good airflow and
The transition toward an organic system can lead to some adequate internal light without burning fruit can be
problems in the first few years. Some growers report that important to minimise disease risk and assist good
tree vigour may look a bit poor, but as the system estab- fruit colouration.
lishes, tree health recovers and improves to better than
previous conventional condition and good yields return.
Also in the first few years some pest or disease problems
can get worse while others improve. However, over time
those transitional problems diminish as changes in the
biological dynamics progress toward a different
organic mangoes
Selecting a site Choosing a small initial block for organic conversion can
reduce the commercial risk in the event of crop failure,
while providing a commercially realistic scale to gain
Selecting a location isolated from potential sources of
knowledge and experience. The commercial and techni-
pest, disease or weed introductions is obviously desirable
cal feasibility for future expansion of the organic system
but not always possible. Sites that are away from
can then be assessed.
conventional production areas, allows for relative isolation
to reduce the risk of contamination from adjacent land Mature mango trees that are considered healthy with no
use. This means the area needed for buffer zones major production problems relating to soil conditions,
between organic and conventional crops are minimised. weeds, or disease are preferred. This can mean establish-
On windy sites windbreaks may be required, not only to ing an organic system is unlikely to face serious existing
control spray drift problems but also to protect crops from problems.
wind effect and damage.
Choosing mature trees is also considered an advantage
Selecting better quality soils is likely to be helpful and especially for Kensington Pride (KPs) because older KPs
require fewer inputs than poorer soils. Loamy soils are are considered to have less tendency for biennial bearing.
likely to require relatively less nutrient inputs and lower The benefit to conventional production of using the growth
water demands than sandy soil types. In addition, the regular paclobutrazol – commonly used to ‘even out’
clay content in loamy soils can accommodate organic biennial cropping patterns – would be less pronounced
matter, the development of good soil biological activity than may be the case for younger trees, therefore any
and humus formation suitable for organic production. yield disadvantage would be minimised. Weed manage-
Chemical or heavy metal residue in soil must not exceed ment under mature trees is also easier due to greater
limits set by organic standards. shading and leaf litter.
Water requirements for mango production in WA can vary
according to location, size of trees and season. Total water
requirement can exceed 10 ML per ha per year.
Consideration should be given to possible sources of
unacceptable contamination or excessive nutrients in
irrigation water.
Organic mango production strategies and methods
To meet organic certification requirements, conversion Mapping out the details of the progressive changes
from a conventional system to an organic system is likely intended will help develop a smooth conversion towards
to involve changes to existing management practices and a productive, profitable and sustainable organic system.
adoption of some new strategies and techniques. Such a plan can enable financial risk to be managed and
Changes to management go beyond simply not using adoption of each new operational component of the
synthetic chemicals and fertilisers. organic system can be readily integrated with other farm
activities to improve management and enterprise
This section outlines some of the strategies and methods effectiveness.
used by organic mango growers that should be
considered when planning conversion of an existing The major changes are likely to relate to the following
conventional production system. Please note that details aspects of a conventional production system:
provided are general outlines only. Specific techniques • Soil fertility and nutrient management.
and strategies adopted by individual organic growers will
• Orchard floor management.
vary according to their circumstances, location of the
property and type of enterprise. • Irrigation layout.
• Weed management.
Good organic managers rely on close observation,
• Flowering habit.
anticipation and prevention to develop a robust and
productive organic system for each situation. • Pest and disease management.
• Post-harvest treatments.
Overall management strategies need to reflect the
following key organic farming principles:
Soil fertility and nutrient
• soil health largely determines plant health;
management – no synthetic fertilisers
• organic systems are biological systems;
• organic farms should operate as closed systems as Managing nutrients is important because synthetic
far as possible; and chemical fertilisers are not permitted. Many conventional
• a holistic approach ensures good integration. growers wrongly believe organic systems use no fertilisers
at all. In fact a wide (and increasing) range of nutrient
Many of the best management practices developed for inputs are permitted, making it possible to correct any
conventional mango production are likely to also be soil imbalance and provide specific supplements as
applicable for organic systems. Efficient irrigation required.
management, windbreaks, erosion control, and aspects
of integrated pest management or integrated weed The main difference from conventional systems is that
management may be adapted to suit an organic inputs are used in keeping with a biological approach to
production system. In addition, quality control manage- managing soil fertility. This means that growing plant cover
ment systems, preferably incorporating a Hazard Analysis over the orchard floor and mowing to create mulch that
and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system are likely to will fuel soil biological activity becomes the engine that
be beneficial. generates soil fertility and plant available nutrients. The
application of supplementary fertiliser inputs only
As with other forms of organic farming, organic mango becomes necessary where an imbalance or deficiency
production requires a whole farm approach. Increased
can be demonstrated. The amount of supplementary
reliance on management rather than substances
inputs needed typically diminishes over time to
demands careful planning.
maintenance levels, as the system of biological cycling
A well designed whole farm plan should devote special develops. Growers with well established and managed
attention to the conversion phase – the first three years organic orchards report that relatively small quantities of
of transition from conventional to organic management. input nutrients are required each year to sustain tree health
During this period practical experience is being developed and yields that are comparable to conventional systems.
and market price premiums for ‘in conversion’ product They try to use good science to target fertility and assist
may be less certain. the natural recycling process rather than use large
quantities of product.
organic mangoes
In conjunction with taking a biological approach to A number of acceptable organic input nutrients can cost
managing soil fertility, a number of growers use the more than conventional product. Although, the nutrient
‘Albrecht’ method of balancing soil chemistry. Dr William quantities applied may be less than in a conventional
Albrecht was an American soil scientist that established system, overall fertiliser costs can be similar. However,
a set of ideal ratios for the main soil cations (Ca, Mg, K., organic growers tend not to ‘chase’ fertilisers, noting that
Na). One feature of this method is the importance given mulching the orchard floor grass to assist the natural
to Ca to Mg ratio as a key driver of soil health and therefore recycling process is better value.
plant health and performance. Various other alternative
soil management approaches are briefly described in The main nutrients and acceptable organic products are
Appendix 3. outlined as follows:
Like most fruit, mangoes have certain nutritional require- • Nitrogen – legume plants and mulch, pelletised
ments that must be maintained at optimal levels. Mangoes poultry manure, blood meal, blood and bone, fish
are generally known to be sensitive to excess nitrogen emulsion. Compost can provide useful amounts of
during the fruit development and ripening stage. This can available N.
result in poor quality and green fruit with poor storage • Phosphorus – phosphate rock, guano, various pre-
characteristics. Calcium and potassium levels are also digested phosphate rock, compost, blood and bone,
thought to influence fruit quality and storage. Trace Compost can provide useful available phosphorus.
elements like zinc, copper, boron and manganese are
important, especially the role of boron in flowering and • Potassium – as potassium sulphate, langbeinite,
internal fruit quality. seaweed. Compost can provide significant available
In general, nutrient supplements can be applied to remedy
identified soil deficiency – rather than applying as a routine • Calcium – as agricultural lime (limestone), dolomite,
event. Occasional foliar nutrients are permitted. Soil and lime sand, micronised lime.
tissue tests are important to verify the need to apply the
deficient nutrient. The general approach toward correcting • Magnesium – as dolomite or magnesite. Magnesium
any deficiency is via the soil, rather than applying directly sulphate (Epsom salts or kieserite) are also
to the plant (leaves). Of course in early years of conversion acceptable.
some foliar may be required while soil imbalance is
• Sulphur – often via the use of gypsum, potassium
corrected. The grower needs to demonstrate that sulphate or other sulphate nutrients. Elemental sulphur
measures are being taken to correct the soil rather than can be used on a restricted basis.
simply relying on direct (foliar) feed to the plant – so the
approach is to ‘feed the soil and let the soil feed the plant’. • Trace elements – As a general rule, naturally
Care must be taken to use materials that will not be occurring sulphate forms are acceptable, as are oxide
detrimental to soil biology, in fact they should be beneficial forms – though oxides are less available in the short
to soil biological processes – as soil biological health is term. Products made from nitrates or chlorides are
the foundation of organic soil management. not permitted. Products must not be chemically treated
to promote water solubility. Acceptable examples are;
Compost can be a valuable input to be used in conjunction zinc sulphate, iron sulphate, copper sulphate,
with an integrated soil fertility management program.
manganese sulphate, borates or boric acid. A number
However, availability, quality, purpose and cost of compost
of other products can also provide useful quantities
are important considerations depending on location.
of trace elements, such as compost, seaweed and
Because mango production and quality is sensitive to
fish emulsion. Natural chelates, e.g. ligno sulphonates
excess nitrogen, careful consideration must be given to
and citric acid, maleic acid, amino acid and other di or
the timing of organic matter decomposition and subse-
tri acids are permitted. Synthetic chelates, e.g. EDTA
quent nitrogen release to ensure this matches the
and HEDTA are not permitted.
appropriate stage in the annual growth cycle of mango
Plant availability of a number of the nutrient sources listed • attract and harbour beneficial predators and
above can differ from highly soluble conventional product. biodiversity to minimise pest pressure;
The lead time required from first applying the input until • provide competition to suppress problem weeds;
useful quantities are plant available must be carefully
• facilitate rapid decomposition of diseased tissue;
considered – especially in the first few transitional years.
Over time residual pools of nutrients held in soil biomass • improve trafficability;
can compensate for this time lag. • attract bees and other pollinators.
The impact of growing orchard floor cover and producing Establishing floor cover species may include a mix of
mulch must also be considered in calculating a nutrient grass and legume pasture species. Other cover crops
management program. In some instances too much may also offer functional benefit or be more suited to
clover legume growth can lead to excessive nitrogen local conditions. Careful management to ensure good
levels in soil and can have a detrimental effect on fruit establishment and persistence of sown cover plants is
quality and storage. important, especially the legume component. However,
excessive legume dominance can lead to an excess of
Orchard floor management – orchard nitrogen which can affect fruit quality and lead to storage
floor plants provide functional benefits
The aim of building mulch can be achieved by simply
The basis of organic orchard floor management is to grow bringing in straw. However, experienced growers caution
grass to build mulch. Typically a range of preferred species that straw has often been responsible for bringing in too
are established that contribute various system functions many problems – especially weed problems. An additional
including: issue for mango production relates to avoiding excessive
nitrogen release (resulting from the decomposition of the
• generate biomass/organic matter (roots and tops) that
organic material) especially during the fruit ripening period.
feeds soil biological activity as the foundation for
sustaining soil conditions, nutrient availability and Costs associated with orchard floor cover management
organic matter cycling; can relate to equipment and labour time for mowing, and
• build soil structure and improve resilience to soil additional irrigation costs to grow cover plants over more
compaction and erosion; of the orchard floor.
• protect the soil from extremes of water stress, heat
and cold;
organic mangoes
Irrigation layout – micro sprinklers on For new tree plantings, the use of heavy straw mulch
raised irrigation laterals down rows during first few establishment years may be
useful. The use of barley as an initial cover crop followed
by sowing selected orchard floor species can give a solid
With the aim of growing grass to produce mulch, a cover that allows mowing and mulching down the young
number of growers use micro-sprinklers or fan jet tree lines. A brush cutter can also be used around young
sprinklers in place of drippers. This allows a greater area trees and other areas where necessary.
to be irrigated and so the benefits of the cover plants
extends over a larger proportion of the orchard floor. In older mango orchards, weed management under tress
is usually less problematic due to shading and leaf litter.
To facilitate periodic mowing under trees and around tree Seasonal hand weeding of creepers that climb up the
trucks, irrigation lines are typically raised off the ground. tree trunk may be required in tropical regions.
A common method used is to install a wire down the tree
row above the ground. The irrigation line is then sus-
pended from this wire. This allows mowing machinery to Flowering habit – without chemical
move under the irrigation line and around tree trunks induction
without damaging the irrigation line. Sprinklers can be
installed on flexible droppers that hang from the irrigation Mango flowers form from terminal buds of the most recent
line above. mature shoots. Most mango varieties flower once a year
during winter or spring following a dormant period. Flower
Another method used is to pin the sprinkler riser to the
initiation is usually triggered by cool nights and dry
trunk of the tree with a stainless steel fastener. With this
method access for equipment between the trees is
Mowing and mulching Kensington Pride can suffer from inconsistent flowering
and irregular bearing.
A well established plant cover, of preferred species, over
the orchard floor provides the basis for out-competing The most commonly grown mango variety in WA –
and controlling weeds. Managing the orchard floor cover Kensington Pride – is known to suffer from inconsistent
requires periodic mowing and mulching, and these events flowering and irregular bearing, especially in climates with
can be designed and timed to optimise the impact on a short dormant period. The growth regulating chemical
target weeds. paclobutrazol, used by conventional growers to promote
flowering, is not permitted under organic systems.
A common machine used is a tractor mounted mower
with spring loaded retractable outrigger that moves around
trees trunks. The height and timing of cutting can influence
the growth and flowering of different orchard floor species.
The following issues relate to flowering and irregular • Water stress during flowering can upset flower
bearing and should be considered in organic production development and reduce fruit set.
to minimise the cost of inconsistent flowering and irregular
bearing. • Wind and insects pollinate mangoes. Wasps, bees
and large flies are the most efficient pollinators.
• Older trees tend to suffer less from irregular bearing
than younger trees. • Boron is important for pollination and fruit development
and must be readily available from the soil or applied
• Flowering can be reduced when tree carbohydrate as a foliar spray prior to bud break.
reserves are diminished as a result of a heavy crop
the previous year. • Any stress after flowering can increase the number
of fruit dropped.
• Early pruning after harvest can improve uniformity of
shoot growth and subsequent uniformity of flowering, Other approaches for promoting flowering and fruit
especially after a heavy crop. production have been reported. Research conducted by
CSIRO has demonstrated that flowering and fruit
• Mangoes flower from the tips of branches. Pruning to production of mangoes can be considerably enhanced
give more terminal branches gives potential for more by cutting a cincture around the tree trunk to induce stress
flowers. by disrupting sap flow.
• Late pruning can also reduce flowering. All of the principles of IPM can be applied to an organic
system with the main variation being that some of the
• Tip pruning prior to flowering has been shown to substances used for specific pest or disease control may
improve flowering in tropical areas. This technique need to be changed. Building biodiversity into an organic
involves lightly pruning trees back to mature wood system by way of establishing and managing the orchard
just prior to flowering. floor to attract and harbour beneficial predators can
increase the effectiveness of IPM techniques.
• Temperatures below 15oC affect pollen viability. Later
flowering in cooler climates can be manipulated by
removing early flowers.
organic mangoes
A range of preventative measures is important to minimise • Healthy trees – Emphasis on maintaining healthy
susceptibility to pest and disease pressures. Some key trees that are naturally able to cope with minor pest or
preventative measures are as follows: disease problems is important. The foundation for
healthy trees stems from healthy soil. This is achieved
• Location /regional occurrence – Understanding the
via biologically active soil with adequate organic matter
prevalence, timing and severity of specific pests or
and nutrient cycling to balance the chemical, biological
diseases for a given location is very important and
and physical condition of the soil. A wide (and
can have a significant impact on production costs and
increasing) range of inputs are permitted, making it
reliability of production. An organic management plan
possible to correct any soil imbalance and provide
can be developed to minimise identified risks. For
specific supplements as required. Research is being
example, the hot drier climate of the Ord River
conducted by the Queensland Department of Primary
Irrigation Area indicates fungal problems may be less
Industries and Fisheries (QDPI) into the impact of pre-
severe than in cooler wetter regions. So in the more
harvest factors such as nutrition and water stress on
southern mango growing regions issues of orchard
defence mechanisms and disease development in
layout, varieties, planting density, tree structure and
mangoes, as well as chemical compounds that induce
pruning should be designed with emphasis on avoiding
defence mechanisms in mangoes.
conditions that favour fungal attack. Organic mango
production in areas prone to wet weather during fruiting • Canopy management – Pruning to an open structure
is likely to be difficult. that allows good airflow and adequate internal light
without burning fruit can be important to minimise
• Surrounding land use – Neglected orchards or
disease risk and assist good fruit colouration.
poorly managed surrounding properties can be a
constant source for new outbreaks of pest or disease • Biodiversity – Orchard floor management that
(or weeds). Sometimes unhelpful neighbours can involves a mix of plant species and timely mowing to
make these sources of pests or disease a major encourage and maintain beneficial predators.
problem. Windbreaks and shelterbelts can also be designed to
encourage biodiversity.
• Cooperation – Keeping contact with conventional
growers is very useful. A local monitoring group for • Hygiene – Vigilant and thorough orchard hygiene is
weather and other risk factors can mean less very important. Removal of infected wood, fruit and
unnecessary sprays. This is important to reduce other plant tissue can reduce the severity of
resistance issues. subsequent problems.
• Rootstock and variety – Selection of plant material • Rapid decomposition – Infected plant material - as
with resistance characteristic should be used wherever a source of future inoculant - can be reduced by rapid
possible. Selecting varieties that are well suited to the decomposition assisted with mulch from the orchard
local growing conditions will ensure healthy growth floor.
and resilience to problems. The Queensland
Proper identification, regular monitoring and timely
Department of Primary Industries has undertaken
intervention are essential for successful pest and disease
research to breed new mango cultivars with
Kensington Pride flavour characteristics, improved
anthracnose and bacterial black spot tolerance, and In the event of an outbreak that requires attention, an
improved post-harvest handling features. increasing range of substances are permitted for
controlling pests and disease in organic production. Some
• Tree condition and age – Successful conversion to
substances require close attention to timing and frequency
organic management can be difficult to achieve with
of application in order to optimise effectiveness. Target
existing trees that are unhealthy and diseased. Older
specific substances should be used in preference to broad
trees may be more easily converted to an organic
spectrum substances, and special attention must be given
system than young trees as they may better cope with
to any potential impact on beneficial predators.
minor pest and disease pressure. Growth and
recovery can be better due to less weed pressure The main pests and diseases of mangoes with examples
and greater root system to exploit soil reserves for of remedies or products used by organic producers are
water and nutrients. outlined as follows:
Table 4. Pest management options
organic mangoes
Post-harvest treatments
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) based removal of reject fruit can reduce the transfer of fungal
quality assurance systems are ideal for establishing spores onto new fruit. Fruit destined for domestic markets
protocols and audit systems that meet organic require- where storage times are short may not require any post-
ments. Operations with existing HACCP based QA harvest treatments for fungal control. Longer term storage
systems typically find that only minor changes are required and fruit for export are likely to require some form of
to comply with organic standards. treatment to reduce fruit breakdown from the diseases
Anthracnose or stem end rot.
For post-harvest disease control the best approach
involves ensuring good pre-harvest (in-field) disease The main post-harvest changes for conventional
management and orchard hygiene together with good operations may involve some of the following:
post-harvest temperature management. Packing shed
hygiene that involves regular equipment cleaning and
organic mangoes
Organic management plan
In a practical sense, one of the first steps in the transition The plan may be refined and evolve over time, but
to formal organic certification is to write down an Organic essentially it provides a written description of the intended
Management Plan (OMP). This plan covers the normal production system and can include details of pest, disease
management issues faced by producers, such as and weed management plans, documented recording
management of soil and nutrients, weeds, pests and systems, key management personnel and future plans.
diseases, water and irrigation, as well as other topics like
contamination risk, biodiversity and staff awareness. The To obtain formal organic certification an organic manage-
real value of writing down these details is as one grower ment plan (OMP) is usually required.
reported “it forces you to really think about each issue
The following case example organic management plan
and how you plan to deal with it”. Writing the organic
covers topics and issues typical for mango production in
management plan also reveals clearly those issues where
the ORIA at Kununurra. This OMP is taken from an
you don’t have a satisfactory solution – for example in
Organic Conversion Demonstration Site at Kununurra,
the Kununurra case example presented below control of
and is adapted from the Organic Management Plan
termites remains unresolved, and doubts remain about
format available from the Australian Certified Organic
in-field and post-harvest treatments for anthracnose
(ACO) website.
(although anthracnose is rarely a major problem in the
Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA)).
Audit trail
Provide details of how produce is traceable from the farm paddock to point of sale, i.e. paddock records, packing
records, storage records, delivery docket, etc.
Parallel production (certified and non-certified area)
How are issues of parallel production addressed within the same production season and production unit?
• The organic mango block will be clearly marked with physical signposts. This block has two sides adjoining
non-certified crop. All management and operations on the non-certified block will be similar to the organic
block and will involve no prohibited sprays. Therefore the risk of spray drift or other contamination will be nil.
• Staff and pickers will be trained in organic principles and risk management.
• Harvest and pack house recording procedures are date/location coded to ensure accurate traceback to trees.
• The pack house and farm operations have full SQF quality assurance certification.
• The organic mango block is part of a two-year research project where soil, tree, and crop performance will be
closely monitored and compared to non-certified crops.
• New picking crates may need to be purchased if acceptable washing is not possible.
• Based on organic crop performance and market response other areas of the property will be progressively
converted over to organic certification over 10-year period.
• Reviews of the whole farm management plans and enterprise performance mix will determine the focus and
rate of the conversion program.
• It is envisaged, given satisfactory outcomes from the organic mango block that the adjoining mango block
may come under certification in 2006.
• Trial melon production using organic methods is planned for 2003.
• Soil structural compaction – application of compost and mulch and encouragement of beneficial cover-crops.
Careful consideration of soil moisture and timing of traffic.
• Focus on building humus levels and soil structure through use of compost, surface mulch, humates and cover
crop mowing.
• Soils are naturally deficient in Bo and Ca.
• Based on soil tests, annual application of Ca, P, with seasonal application of Bo based on soil and tissue tests.
• Aim is to use compost formulation and timing as basis for building the macro and micro nutrient status of the
soil to progressively reduce the need for seasonal foliar applications.
• Boron as boron sulphate, or Borax®.
• Calcium as Gypflow®.
• Phosphorus and calcium as Biophos 3 in 1®.
organic mangoes
Brought-in materials
What measures to ensure that all brought-in materials or contracted equipment are free from potential contaminants?
• Obtain written approval from organic certifier prior to delivery of brought-in materials.
• Compost raw manures prior to use.
• Verify seeds/vegetative materials are GMO free.
• Ord River Irrigation Scheme – pumped directly from Lake Kununurra supplied from Lake Argyle.
• Three bores draw water from shallow watertable and ensure clean supply free from algal problems.
• Nil risk of contamination – water is untreated taken directly from dam catchment.
• Property is situated at the top of the Ord River Irrigation Area and the water is not affected by discharge from
upstream users.
• Water quality is monitored periodically and is acceptable for use as potable water.
Irrigation method
Describe your method of irrigation and how is water use efficiency maintained?
Pest management
What are the main pest problems that you anticipate to occur? How do you intend to manage these pests?
Disease management
What are the main disease problems that you anticipate to occur? How do you intend to manage these diseases?
Weed management
What are the main weed problems that you anticipate to occur? How do you intend to manage these weeds?
What is the estimated percentage of your whole farm area that is under bushland/ native grassland/ buffer zones/
wetlands/ remnant vegetation etc. Outline how you intend to maintain and/or enhance biodiversity on you farm?
• Retain bushland areas and avoid activities that may disrupt natural behaviours and processes.
• Build mixed species cover crops into orchard floor management and maintain flowering periods to benefit
• Retain and manage shelter belts to benefit biodiversity.
• Retention of organic matter and application of compost to enhance soil biodiversity.
organic mangoes
Key management issues
The creation of an organic management plan typically Transport, storage and ripening of organic mangoes are
reveals a number of areas where changes to existing subject to a number of important conditions to ensure no
conventional management will be required. In addition to mixing with conventional product and the risk of
the normal issues related to tree health, productivity and contamination is minimised. Organic product generally
crop quality, other issues relating to services, markets must be held in a clearly identified area sperate from
and staff are likely. Often these can demand considerable conventional product. Ripening mangoes with ethylene
management time especially during the first few establish- is permitted. The use of cleaning or pest control sub-
ment years. stances must be acceptable under the organic standards.
A complete paper trail is required that can trace consign-
The following section describes important issues likely ments back through wholesale, ripening, storage, trans-
to require careful consideration and possibly new under- port chain to farm dispatch. These service providers
standing, different management or new services – involved must be informed the product is organic, willing
compared to an existing conventional mango operation. to prevent mixing or contamination, ensure the audit trail
remains intact and generally be prepared to ensure the
Advisory, support services and integrity of the organic certification status.
inputs suppliers
Organic management plan, record
The routine support and supplier services that contribute keeping, organic certification
to the effective functioning of a conventional operation compliance and audits
may be far less useful for an organic operation. Often the
usual supply companies do not normally stock various
Most producers who already have in place some form of
organic input products, and the people involved may not
recognised hazard based quality assurance (QA) program
have the knowledge, background and experience (or
have little difficulty in complying with the administrative
interest sometimes) with organic systems and products.
requirements of organic certification. In general existing
For example, routine advice regarding rates, timing and
QA documentation and records may only require minor
effectiveness of some organic fertilisers or sprays may
changes to satisfy organic certification audits. Growers
not be readily known by the usual supplier. Often this can
without a formal QA system will need to develop a
mean greater reliance on doing your own investigation
reasonably comprehensive recording system for all farm
and seeking out new people or suppliers that are familiar
inputs, operations and outputs.
with the acceptable product or technique. Existing organic
growers or growers moving towards a more biological Organic certification is based on written evidence and
approach can be valuable sources of information and annual physical farm inspections. At present there is no
experience. service available that can audit for both QA and organic
compliance in the one visit, so additional time is involved
Target markets and organic supply in attending to organic certification audits.
chains – transport, ripening and The production of an organic management plan (OMP)
wholesalers is usually required as part of organic certification audit
process. The OMP is typically used as the guiding
The current market for organic produce can be document that defines the organic system in place. As
characterised as a specialty niche market. Most major such the OMP is often revised and refined to reflect the
fresh produce wholesale markets in the capital cities current circumstances and system development. Details
across Australia have specialist organic wholesale of a case example OMP are provided in a previous
traders. While the conventional wholesale traders are section.
usually happy to sell organic produce, the specialist
The initial timing of application for formal organic
organic wholesalers move the majority of organic product.
certification is critical to ensure that the farm inspection
They generally have a good knowledge of organic supply
and associated documentation is completed, signed, paid
volumes and demand and are well known by organic
and valid before harvesting of fruit.
produce buyers. Establishing good business relations and
effective lines of market feedback will be important.
organic mangoes
Organic site supervision – identity In the case of parallel production the timing of spray
preservation, staff education operations on the conventional section may need to be
adjusted to prevent drift. Where conventional production
adjoins organic, several metres of the adjoining
Maintaining the integrity of the organic certification on farm conventional area must be treated as organic, in effect to
can involve informing and educating staff and contactors act as a buffer zone, however this section of crop remains
regarding chemicals and treatments that are acceptable as conventional.
for organic and those that are prohibited. Clear lines of
management responsibility for maintaining the integrity
Weed control
of the organic system must be established.
In the case of parallel production, where part of the farm Mowing is the usual method of weed control in organic
is organic and the remainder is conventional, the organic orchards. To facilitate mowing around tree trunks irrigation
section must be clearly marked with prominent signs. lines and sprinklers must be suitably positioned to avoid
Staff and contractors must have a clear understanding of damage.
the need to treat the organic section with special care to
avoid contamination with prohibited inputs. Additional For effective weed control the timing of mowing operations
supervision may be required to ensure correct procedures or hand weeding is the most crucial aspect. Prevention
– especially during the establishment years or for new of seed set in problem weeds is an important tactic but
people. requires timely mowing. To minimise the cost of mowing
the least number of passes is the aim, however delaying
Spray drift and contamination weed control can allow weed seed set and a costly future
It is important to always remain mindful of potential Understanding some of the complex interactions between
sources of contamination to the organic production. One orchard floor cover plants and orchard trees can reveal
event, accidental or otherwise can negate the organic strategies to manipulate the respective growth patterns
status of the crop. The reputation of your product can be for productive advantage. For example, it may be possible
seriously affected and may take many years to recover if to encourage certain beneficial insects by allowing some
your product is found to be contaminated. Neighbours orchard floor plants to flower. The integration of weed
should be notified of the presence of organic production control objectives with cover plant manipulation can
and their cooperation sought to prevent spray drift. require skilful management and careful timing.
Several adjoining conventional rows (left) are managed organically to act as a buffer
for the organic mango block (right).
Nutrient inputs – fertiliser types, Tree pruning and canopy
compost and mulch management
A wide range of nutrient inputs are permitted for organic Pruning mango trees is important for tree size control
production. For a number of these inputs their and to improve fruit colour. Essentially, tree pruning and
performance characteristics in terms of their short, canopy management should be the same for organic or
medium and long term impact and value may be quite conventional production. Pruning to an open structure
different from the regular highly soluble fertilisers used in that allows good airflow and adequate internal light without
conventional production. For example, forms of burning fruit can be important to minimise disease risk
phosphorus like reactive rock phosphate (RPR) generally and assist good fruit colouration. Internal pruning to
have relatively low immediate P availability. However, over remove dead wood can be very important to help reduce
time through the process of microbial action, pools of the incidence of the disease stem end rot.
soil P are transformed into biomass P and subsequently
available to plants. Over time the maintenance of Organic production may place greater reliance on good
adequate soil P levels is achieved through periodic canopy management and pruning as a preventative
applications, however the initial delay times involved in strategy for pest and disease management than may be
this indirect biological approach to feeding plants needs the case where synthetic chemical sprays are used
to be carefully considered when deciding on rates and routinely.
timing of application. Similarly the application rates, timing
and effectiveness of other input nutrients and trace Pest/disease contingency plans
elements may also differ slightly from conventional
practice. While the underlying approach for organic pest and
disease management is based on a range of preventative
Moving to a biological approach for soil fertility
and other management strategies to minimise the
management can involve a new understanding of the role
incidence of problems, there remains the risk that
and impact of the orchard floor cover plants, the mulch
outbreaks may still occur.
produced from mowing and the use of compost or other
organic mulch materials like hay. Timing the application Close monitoring combined with understanding life cycles
of nutrient inputs to coincide with mowing/mulching events of both the pest and its predators will allow decisions to
may facilitate nutrient availability via the flush of biological be made regarding economic thresholds and the need
activity fuelled by the fresh mulch. to intervene. Producers unfamiliar with IPM and biological
systems may feel a premature urge to spray. Local
The application rates and timing of organic material inputs
experience is most valuable, however the way pests and
and subsequent decomposition must be carefully
diseases fluctuate under a conventional system may differ
considered to minimise the risk of elevated soil N levels
from their patterns under an organic system, and
during the fruit growth period. Excessive nitrogen (as a
consequence of OM decomposition and N mineralisation) understanding any changes in these patterns can take
during later fruit growth and especially toward fruit maturity time and close observation.
can contribute to poor fruit quality – particularly a number Where management strategies are inadequate and
of internal disorders, green fruit, poor ripening and poor spraying is required it will be important to ensure supplies
storage. of an acceptable organic substance are readily available,
and to be familiar with its use (timing, rates, and
Irrigation management can influence the rate of organic
application) and effectiveness.
matter decomposition. Ensuring adequate plant cover
over the orchard floor without excessive growth and
organic matter accumulation/decomposition during the
critical fruit growth/ripening stage can be important for
fruit quality.
organic mangoes
Producers often convert part of an operation to organic The risk of storage breakdown is minimised when fruit
while running the balance as conventional. Some changes is:
to the sequence of picking and packing will be required • produced from healthy trees in a well managed
to ensure the organic fruit is identified and kept separate orchard with good hygiene;
from conventional fruit to avoid mixing or contamination.
• grown with adequate calcium and other elements;
Ensuring staff understand the protocols in place to
separate organic fruit from conventional fruit will be • not subject to excessive N during fruit development
important and may require training and monitoring of and ripening;
operations. • picked at the correct stage of ripeness;
• not subject to bruising or damage;
On farm pack-house operations are subject to compliance
with organic standards. A separate audit and certification • maintained at ideal temperature;
is required to ensure the integrity of the fruits’ organic • cleaned, packed, transported and ripened correctly.
certified status. Where fruit of the same variety is grown
as both organic and conventional, special stringent New labels, packaging and
conditions apply to verify product separation and allow materials
full audit trail traceback.
Key conversion impediments for WA growers
Producing a certified organic mango product is no Starting with a small trial area to experiment with at first
guarantee for a better market response and repeat sales allows time to gain experience, knowledge and
if quality is inferior. Poor quality organic mangoes are confidence. This strategy can reduce the commercial risk
unlikely to attract a consumer following, whereas delicious before converting more land as market opportunities
eating qualities and good visual appearance will stimulate warrant.
consumer interest and repeat sales. So it is important to
first build a reputation and brand with customers based Producers who have implemented integrated pest
on quality before moving into organic. Organic certification management (IPM) systems will find the move towards
can then add value to this relationship by reassuring organic less dramatic than those with heavy reliance on
customers that the product is safe, healthy and produced synthetic chemical inputs.
with care for the environment.
Regulation and certification
Experience, system knowledge and process
Formal organic certification proceeds through a three-
There is a common misconception that organic production year transition period. The first year is known as ‘pre-
is not suitable for professional growers. However, there certification’ and involves compliance with organic
now are good examples of mainstream commercial standards and implementing an organic management
orchards, managed by full time professionals, who have plan. Years two and three are conversion years where a
developed organic systems that work, and have proper functioning organic system is established and
successfully converted to profitable certified organic product can be sold labelled as ‘in conversion’ to organic.
production. After three years (year four) full organic status is possible
and product can be sold labelled as ‘organic’ certified.
Motivation for moving towards organic appears to be
twofold. Growers want to use environmentally benign and Obtaining and complying with organic certification does
sustainable production methods and they want to make involve additional administrative time and paperwork.
a reasonable living. Taking a biological approach and Good records must be maintained to allow a complete
moving to organic is seen as a way to satisfy both traceback of any product from the cool room to the
objectives. paddock. Direct costs of organic certification vary
according to certifier and involve an initial fee for
One of the biggest problems is the lack of support services establishment and inspections in the first year.
that are normally available to conventional growers. The Subsequent years typically attract an ongoing annual
local agricultural suppliers will be knowledgeable about charge to cover the cost of subsequent annual
the use of many conventional inputs, but may be reinspections.
unfamiliar with the use of various organic inputs and the
biological approach required. Similarly, the advice Additional management time may also be expected,
available from agricultural advisers, consultants and other especially during the early transition years – depending
service providers may be limited. As a consequence many on the extent of changes required to the existing
things have to be done by trial and error, so it is important production system. Close observation, attention to detail
to trial first, and have all the answers before committing. and careful timing of activities is important when running
But having all the answers to make an organic system a biological system. Therefore, organic production can
work reliably takes time. Careful application, testing and typically be more complex than when using conventional
monitoring of alternative technologies can be required. chemicals. This additional management is greatest in the
early years and while running a conventional system in
Most experienced organic producers report that the longer parallel. However, experienced organic growers report
their organic system operates the less they have to do – that a well developed and managed organic system tends
the system tends toward its own balance. Each year to stabilise over time and begins to require less input than
brings more confidence in the performance of the orchard their conventional counterparts.
organic mangoes
All reputable markets require product labelled as organic Availability, cost, application and effectiveness of
to be certified by a third party body. In Australia, the approved materials are likely to be different to the more
Australian Government body Australian Quarantine familiar conventional materials. While the range and
Inspection Service (AQIS) administers the ‘Australian availability of products is increasing, there is also an
National Standards for Organic Produce’. AQIS has increase in exaggerated or unsubstantiated claims for
accredited a number of independent organisations to some products. Caution is required to avoid costly
conduct the farming system inspections and issue organic mistakes. Checking with other experienced organic
production certification. growers can be useful to confirm the value of a product.
Organic standards, regulations and certification
A grower who proposes to establish serious commercial Australia has a well-regulated system for organic and
production of organic mangoes should seek organic biodynamic production and processing that has gained a
certification to verify that the product is truly organically good international reputation. The ‘National Standards for
grown in accordance with reputable organic standards. Organic and Biodynamic Produce’, administered by
Australian Quarantine Inspection service (AQIS) form the
This section describes in general terms the requirements minimum mandatory requirements for export of products
and procedure for gaining organic or biodynamic labelled as organic or biodynamic. These standards are
certification within Australia. implemented by independent AQIS accredited certification
organisations, who conduct whole farming system
Background – organic and inspections and ensure a comprehensive record keeping
biodynamic regulations in Australia system is in place that allows traceback and verification
of inputs used, management practices, yield and sales.
Organic standards can also apply to processing and
Internationally it is accepted that the veracity of claims on
distribution, as shown in Figure 1, to ensure integrity of
the labels of organic products must be underpinned by
the certified organic product throughout the supply chain.
product and producer certification. The reputation and
recognition of the organic certification system is often of
great importance to importing countries.
(International) AQIS
consumers Distributors Processors
and and
Export Exporters Manufacturers
organic mangoes
On the Australian domestic market no mandatory system the metabolism of the plant and its ability to
requirements currently exist regarding the labelling of assimilate nutrients is not over stressed by excessive
uptake of soluble salts in the soil water (e.g. nitrates).
products as organically grown – although new regulatory
arrangements are proposed. However, there is a trend Organic farming systems rely to the maximum extent
across all markets for objective proof to support claims feasible upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal
manures, legumes, green manures, mechanical
relating to product attributes. Most reputable retail outlets cultivation, approved mineral bearing rocks and aspects
require independent organic certification by one of the of biological pest management to maintain soil
AQIS accredited certifier organisations for product productivity and tilth, to supply plant nutrients and to
labelled as organically grown. control disease, insects, weeds and other pests.’
certified areas from contamination by adjacent properties. How to gain organic certification
Organic growers should seek cooperation from
neighbours who use chemicals on adjacent properties.
Once you have decided that organic or biodynamic
Where growers intend to value-add or process raw production has potential for your enterprise, follow these
product, compliance with organic processing standards steps to become a fully certified producer:
is required in order to retain organic certification over the • choose an organic or biodynamic certification
final processed product. organisation;
• read the organic standards;
Certification of all production, processing, handling,
transport, storage, and sale of organic products is • write an organic management plan;
contingent on accurate up-to-date records of the • begin farm conversion;
enterprise concerned – to allow scrutiny of the products • apply for certification;
and processes. Records required typically relate to:
• have the farm inspected;
• rotations, soil cultivations and other treatments;
• inspection report submitted; and
• inputs – type, source, application and timing;
• receive organic certification contract.
• outputs – production and sales details.
Choose an organic or biodynamic certification
Conversion period organisation
Provision can exist for part certification (sometimes known Contact several organic or biodynamic certification
as parallel production) where part of a property is organisations (see Appendix 1) about becoming a certified
converted to an organic system while the remainder is producer and choose one based on the verbal and written
farmed using existing conventional methods. Develop- information gathered, on your enterprise needs and goals,
ment plans for converting the entire farm to an organic fees involved and market requirements. To find out if there
system within a defined period may be required by some is a preferred or highly recommended certifier, set of
certifiers. standards and requirements (as these can differ –
especially between organic and biodynamic), it may be
The usual progress towards full organic certification is
helpful to contact existing certified producers, organic
as follows:
manufacturers and/or specialist organic retailers or major
Year 0-1 = ‘pre-certification’ (no certification status). retailers selling organic products.
Year 1-2 = ‘in conversion’ to organic certified.
Read the organic standards
Year 2-3 = ‘in conversion’ to organic certified.
After 3 years = full ‘organic’ certified. Read the organic farming or processing standards, which
your farm must comply with. Producers must demonstrate
During the first year of compliance no organic certification a good understanding of organic farming principles and
is granted. In the second year of compliance, certification knowledge of practices and inputs permitted as well as
as organic ‘in conversion’ may be granted. A system those prohibited according to the certifier’s organic
certified as organic ‘in conversion’ typically should standards. If there is little or no extension help offered
progress to full ‘organic’ after a minimum of three years before implementing and establishing changes to your
verified compliance with standards. production system, find out if there are any workshops or
Penalties may be imposed for failure to comply with field days being run, or experienced organic producers
organic standards or breach of rules of certification. This willing to show you around their enterprise. Qualified farm
may involve cancellation of certification or reversion to consultants may also be available. Have soil samples
an earlier stage in progress towards full organic taken and analysed prior too, during and following
certification. conversion to aid farm planning and soil management.
organic mangoes
Write an organic management plan farming. As well as discussing the farming system, the
inspector will view paddocks, crops, livestock, equipment,
Most organic certifiers require a formal organic
sheds and storage areas. The producer must also provide
management plan that outlines the details of how you
evidence of a complete documented audit trial covering
intend to operate an organic system. Typical topics
all inputs used, output produced and sales details for all
covered in an organic management plan include:
organic products. Soil samples or tissue samples may
• Documents, records and audit trail. also be taken for testing.
• Part (of property) certification details.
Inspection report submitted
• Land degradation issues.
• Soil management. Following the inspection, the inspector compiles a report
confirming details of the farming system established. This
• Water management.
report, together with other relevant documents, is
• Pest, disease and weed management. considered by the certifier to determine the appropriate
• Biodiversity. level of organic certification. Specific conditions may be
• Contamination hazards and buffer zones. imposed where certain practices or circumstances require
The organic management plan is often revised and refined
over time. It can be the key document that describes the Receive organic certification contract
farming system and is used by some certifiers as a The certifier offers the producer a contract stating which
statutory declaration of compliance with the organic land and crops the certification applies to, and any
standards. conditions that must be met. Acceptance of the contract
Begin farm conversion and payment of fees allows the producer to market and
label relevant product as certified ‘in conversion’ or
Changes to the existing production system must be made ‘organic’, and use the logo of the certifier on packaging
– either all at once to convert the entire property, or in and promotional material.
planned stages. In the first year (pre-certification) initial
changes to satisfy the standards are made. Over the Organic certification contracts are generally subject to
following years the producer must demonstrate that an annual inspection of the site and a viewing of farm records.
appropriate system is in place and that it successfully The producer is required to complete a statutory
operates in compliance with the organic standards. declaration confirming compliance with standards and
detailing yields and sales figures on an annual basis.
Apply for certification
Producers may be subject to random, unannounced
When changes to the farming system have begun,
onsite inspections as part of obligations certifiers must
application for organic certification can be submitted.
fulfil to satisfy Australian Quarantine Inspection Service
Upon receipt of an application, the organic certifier will
(AQIS) accreditation. Some properties may also be
issue a farm questionnaire seeking all relevant details
subject to inspection by AQIS representatives as part of
describing the farming system. Information to be provided
the regulation of the certifying bodies.
includes land use history, rotations, inputs used, details
of farming practices and a map of the property and
surrounding land use. The questionnaire forms a Statutory
Declaration relating to farm practices and inputs used.
Further reading
Mango information kit. 2000 Agrilink, Queensland
Department of Primary Industries.
organic mangoes
ACO Head Office: (07) 3350 5706 Phone: (07) 4637 2600
Fax: (07) 3350 5996 Fax: (07) 4696 7689
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
For more information on the production and marketing of
Safe Food Queensland Australian organic produce, contact the organic industry
(SFQ) organisations at the addresses below:
organic mangoes
Permitted materials for plant pest and disease control
Where wetting agents are required, caution needs to be exercised with commercial formulations as these may
contain substances prohibited under this Standard. Acceptable wetting agents include some seaweed products,
plant products (including oils) and natural soaps.
organic mangoes
organic mangoes