Seminar Report On Authentication Codes Theme: Cryptography Course Instructor: Prof. C Pandu Rangan 93124 CS

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Seminar Report on

Theme : Cryptography
Course Instructor : Prof. C Pandu Rangan
R Parthasarathy
93124 CS

1 Introduction
Secrecy has been a major concern in the study of cryptography. That is, Alice
wants to send a message to Bob and doesn't want anyone else, in particular,
our famous adversary Oscar to see the contents of the message. But when
we talk about authentication, we no longer care about secrecy. The objective
here is, Bob must be sure that the message he receives actually came from
Alice and no one else. This leads us to the focal point in the seminar, the
authentication code:
An authentication code provides a method of ensuring the integrity of a
message. In such a code, a key is used to compute an authentication tag that
enables Bob to check the authenticity of the message he receives.
For the purpose of analysis, it is useful to consider a formal mathematical
de nition of an authentication code.

De nition 1 An authentication code is a four tuple (S ; A; K; E ) where the

following conditions are satis ed:

1. S is a nite set of possible source states.

2. A is a nite set of possible authentication tags.

3. K, the keyspace, is a nite set of possible keys.

4. For each K 2 K, there is an authentication rule

eK : S ! A.

The message set is de ned to be M = S  A.

Let us see how our adversary Oscar can attack the system. This will give us
an insight into what authentication codes are trying to guard against.

 Impersonation : Oscar introduces a message (s; a) into the channel,

hoping that Bob will accept it as authentic.
 Substitution : Oscar observes a message (s; a) in the channel, and
then changes it to (s0; a0), s 6= s0, again hoping that Bob will accept it
as authentic.

Having seen the formal de nition of authentication codes, let us look at an

auxiliary entity that will be used during our analysis. This is the authentication matrix
The authentication matrix tabulates all the values of eK (s). For each
K 2 K and for each s 2 S , the authentication tag eK (s) is placed in row K
and column s of a jK j  jS j matrix M .

Example :





2 Deception Probabilities

2.1 What are deception probabilities ?

Deception probability is the probability that Oscar will successfully deceive

Bob, assuming he follows an optimal strategy. These probabilities are denoted
 Pd : Impersonation probability
 Pd : Substitution probability
Additionally, we have the probability distributions of S and K denoted by PS
and PK respectively.

Deception probabilities essentially give a lower bound on the chances that the
system will be vulnerable to attack. An example would prove instructive to
understand how deception probabilities are computed.

Example : Suppose S = A = Z3 and K = Z3  Z3

and for each (i; j ) 2 K and each s 2 S de ne :
eij (s) = is + j mod 3
The authentication matrix is given below:
Key 0
(0,0) 0
(0,1) 1
(0,2) 2
(1,0) 0
(1,1) 1
(1,2) 2
(2,0) 0
(2,1) 1
(2,2) 2
It can be shown that Pd = 1=3 and Pd

1 2
0 0
1 1
2 2
1 2
2 0
0 1
2 1
0 2
1 0
= 1=3.

Having seen an example, let us see how deception probabilities can be computed in general.

2.2 Computation of deception probabilities in general

Pd : Let K be the key chosen by Alice and Bob. For s 2 S and a 2 A

de ne payoff (s; a) as the probability that Bob will accept the message (s; a)
as being authentic.
payoff (s; a) = prob(a = eK0 (s)) =
PK(K )

K 2K:eK (s)=a


Pd = maxfpayoff (s; a) : s 2 S ; a 2 Ag
Pd : First de ne

payoff (s0 ; a0; s; a) = prob(a0 = eK0 (s0)ja = eK0 (s))


K 2K:eK (s)=a:eK (s )=a


PK(K )

payoff (s; a)
Since Oscar wants to maximize his chances of deceiving Bob, he will compute

Ps;a = maxfpayoff (s0; a0; s; a) : s0 2 S ; s 6= s0; a0 2 Ag


Pd =



PM(s; a)Ps;a

PM(s; a) = PS (s)  payoff (s; a)

3 Combinatorial Bounds on Deception Probabilities

3.1 Objectives

Before going any further, let us understand why we are studying authentication codes and trying to nd combinatorial bounds on the deception probabilities.
1. The deception probabilities Pd and Pd should be small enough to
obtain the desired level of security.
2. The number of source states much be large enough so that we can
communicate the desired level of information by appending an authentication tag to one source state.
3. The size of the key space should be minimized, since the value of the
key should be communicated over a secure channel.

3.2 Combinatorial Bounds

Theorem 1 Suppose (S ; A; K; E ) is an authentication code. Then Pd 

1=l, where l = jAj. Further, Pd = 1=l if and only if

PK(K ) = 1l

K 2K:eK (s)=a

for every s 2 S , a 2 A.

Proof Suppose we x a source state s 2 S . Then we can compute

payoff (s; a) =
PK ( K )

K 2K

a2A K 2K:eK (s)=a

PK(K ) = 1

Hence, for every s 2 S , there exists an authentication tag a(s) such that
payoff (s; a(s))  1l
Theorem 2 Suppose (S ; A; K; E ) is an authentication code. Then Pd 
1=l, where l = jAj. Further, Pd = 1=l if and only if
K 2K eK s a eK s a PK (K ) 1
K 2K eK s a PK (K )

( )= :


( )=

for every s; s0 2 S ; s 6= s0 ; a; a0 2 A

Proof This proof follows a similar line. Suppose we x s; a and s0, where
s0 =
6 s. Then we can prove:

a 2A

payoff (s0; a0; s; a) = 1

So there exists an authentication tag a0(s0; s; a) such that

payoff (s0; a0(s0; s; a); s; a) f rac1l


Now, we have:

Pd =


PM(s; a)ps;a

X PM(s; a) 1
l =l
s;a 2M
Further, equality occurs if and only if ps;a = 1=l for every (s; a). But this
is in turn equivalent to the condition that payoff (s0 ; a0; s; a) = 1=l for every
(s; a).

Theorem 3 Suppose (S ; A; K; E ) is an authentication code, where l = jAj.

Then Pd0 = Pd1 = 1=l if and only if

K 2K:eK (s)=a:eK (s )=a


PK(K ) = l1

for every s; s0 2 S ; s 6= s0 ; a; a0 2 A

Proof This proof directly follows from combining the LHS and RHS of the
previous two theorems.

Corollary 4 Suppose (S ; A; K; E ) is an authentication code, where l = jAj,

and keys are chosen equiprobably. Then Pd0 = Pd1 = 1=l if and only if

jK 2 K : eK (s) = a; eK (s0) = a0j = jKl j


4 Orthogonal Arrays
Let us take a slight detour here and introduce the concept of Orthogonal
Arrays (OA's)
De nition 2 An orthogonal array OA(n; k; ) is a n  k array of n symbols, such that in any two columns of the array every one of the possible n
pairs of symbols occurs in exactly  rows.

Why OA's ?
OA's are well studied structures in combinatorial design theory. OA's and
authentication codes have a one-to-one relationship.
Example : An OA(3; 3; 1)
00 0 01
BB 1 1 1 CC
BB 2 2 2 CC
BB 0 1 2 CCC
BB 1 2 0 CC
BB 2 0 1 CC
BB 0 2 1 CC
B@ 1 0 2 CA
2 1 0
Note that this OA is similar in structure to the authentication matrix given
in an earlier example.

5 Relation of OA's to Authentication Codes

Theorem 5 Suppose there is an orthogonal array OA(n; k; ). Then there

is an authentication code (S ; A; K; E ), where jSj = k; jAj = n; jKj = n ,

and Pd0 = Pd1 = 1=n.

Proof Use each row of the orthogonal array as an authentication rule with

equal probability 1=(n ). The correspondences are as follows:

 row ! authentication rule
 column ! source state
 symbol ! authentication tag
The proof is now evident from the previous corollary.

Theorem 6 Suppose there exists an OA(n; k; 1). Then k  n + 1.

Proof Let A be an OA(n; k; 1) on symbol set X = 0; 1; : : : ; n 1. Suppose

 is a permutation of X , and we permute the symbols in any column of A

according to the permutation . The result is again an OA(n; k; 1). Hence,
by applying a series of permutations of this type, we can assume without loss
of generality that the rst row of A is (0; 0; : : : ; 0).
We next show that each symbol must occur exactly n times in each column
of A. Choose two columns, say c and c0, and let x be any symbol. Then for
each symbol x0, there is a unique row of A in which x occurs in column c and
x0 occurs in column c0. Letting x0 vary over X , we see that x occurs exactly
n times in column c.
Now, since the rst row is (0; 0; : : : ; 0), we have exhausted all occurrences
of ordered pairs (0; 0). Hence, no other row contains more than one occurrence
of 0.
Now, the number of rows containing atleast one 0  Total number of rows,
hence, 1 + k(n 1)  n , i.e k  n + 1.

Theorem 7 Suppose p is prime. Then there exists an orthogonal array

OA(p; p; 1).

Proof The array will be a p  p array, where the rows are indexed by Zp Zp
and the columns are indexed by Zp. The entry in row (i; j ) and column x is
de ned to be ix + j mod p. Now it can easily be shown that if we choose two
columns x; y; x =
6 y, and two symbols a; b, there is a unique row (i; j ) such

that a occurs in column x and b in column y of row (i; j ).

Suppose we choose two columns, x; y; x 6= y and two symbols a; b. We
want to nd a (unique) row (i; j ) such that a occurs in column x and b occurs
in column y of row (i; j ). Hence, we want to solve the two equations :

a = ix + j
b = iy + j
for the unknowns i and j (where all arithmetic is done in the eld Zp). But
this system has the unique solution
i = (a b)(x y) mod p
j = a ix mod p

Hence, we have an orthogonal array.

Jensen's Inequality Suppose f is a continuous strictly concave function on

the interval I ,


and ai > 0; 1  i  n. Then



ai = 1

aif (xi)  f ( aixi)

where xi 2 I; i  i  n. Further, equality occurs if and only if x = x =

: : : = xn.
Lemma 8 Suppose b ; b ; : : :; bm are real numbers. Then
m bi  bi



Apply the previous result with f (x) = x and ai = 1=m;

Theorem 9 Suppose there exists an OA(n; k; ). Then
  k(n n1) + 1
This can be proved by counting the number of ordered pairs (0; 0) in the OA.

6 Conclusions
A lot of theoretical work has been done in the area of authentication codes.
Many of the fundamental results have been proved by G.J.Simmons. There
are a number of survey articles on the topic too.
The connection between orthogonal arrays and authentication codes has
been addressed by several researchers. The material presented is based on
some papers published by D.R.Stinson. Orthogonal arrays, by themselves
have been studied by researchers in statistics and in combinatorial design

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