Páginas DesdeCitadel Journal - 02

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The key takeaways are that Harlequins see no distinction between art and war. They travel from Craftworld to Craftworld to perform The Dance and combat the threat of Genestealers.

The different types of Harlequin troops mentioned are Troupers, Troupe Leaders, Great Harlequins, and Death Jesters. Troupers make up the basic fighters in a troupe led by a Troupe Leader. A Masque is commanded by a Great Harlequin.

Harlequins are armed with two weapons, either two hand weapons like power gloves or power axes, two pistols like shuriken pistols, or one of each. Shuriken pistols can kill Genestealers on a 6+ and have a range of 12 squares.


Move 1 square forward

Move 1 square backwards
Move 1 square sideways
Tum 180
Set overwatch
Clear januned weapon
Asswne defensive stance
Initiate close assault
Open/ close door
Perfofll1 deathdance





Leap. A Harlequin may leap over an obstacle (crates or

ru bble) as long as the square immediately beyond the
obstacle is free.
Defensive Stance. A Harlequin may assume a defensive
stance for a cost of lAP, the Harlequin receives a +1 bonus
in close combat for the duration of the opponent's turn.
Deatbdance. A Harlequin may perform a deathdance for a
cost of 3APs. Whilst in the deathdance the Harlequin may
close assault and follow up for free. This continues until
either there are no targets remaining, a combat is drawn or
the Harlequin is killed.
Solo. The Harlequin player may allow one model per tum
to perform a Solo. At the start of each tum the Harlequin
player places the Solo marker next to the chosen model.
The chosen model now receives 9APs instead of 6, at least
l AP of which must be used to attack the enemy in close
combat. The same model may not perform a Solo in two
Sburlken Pistol. A shuriken pistol rolls one die and kills
Gcnestealers on 6+, has a range of 12 squares, may be used
on overwa .tch and gains a+ 1 sustained fire bonus for the
2nd shot and +2 for 3rd and subsequent shots.
Sburlken Cannon. A shuriken cannon rolls two dice and
kills Genestealers on 5+, has an unlimited range, may be
used on overwatch and gains a + 1 sustained fire bonus for
the 2nd shot and +2 for 3rd and subsequent shots. The
shuriken cannon jams on a roll of a double on overwatch.

Great Harlequin
Power Glove or Power Axe
Power Sword or Chainsword
Harlequin's Kiss
Defensive Stance
Shuriken Pistol


A power sword or chainsword allows the user to

parry by making the opponent reroll a1e die used in
the atuclc.
**A Harlequin armed with a Harlequin's Kiss
CiMO\ enter a "11!\!ancc

By Dean Bass

The Harlequins are unique amongst Eldar. Instead of constantly defending the war like side of their
personality from their artistic side, they actually see no distinction between art and war. A Harlequin Troupe
travels from Craftworld to Craftworld with only one purpose, to perform The Dance.
The following rules are the basic rules for Harlequins in Space
Hulk. Harlequins are Eldar specialist troops particularly well
suited to combat the menace of the dreaded Genestealers.
These rules are designed to be easy enough for all but the most
novice gamers to grasp but should still provide a challenging
game for the more experienced players. The four missions
which follow the rules can be played using the models in the
Harlequins boxed set or similar individual models. In all,
thirteen models are needed and for ease of use should be at
least similar to the descriptions given in the force lists. If you
haven't got exact models you will have to make a note of
which figure represents which character.
The major difference between Terminators and Harlequins is
that the Harle quins are much better suited to attack the
Genestealers in close combat and they move a lot fa5ter. Thi5
leads to a completely different style of game, which I hope you
will enjoy. You should find these new rules interesting and
enjoy the new flavour they bring to the game. In future we
intend to bring you other campaigns like this that use new
races and new rules.

The very presence of Harlequins has been known to throw
strong enemy armies into retreat and the arrival of a Harlequin
Masque in the middle of a battle has been known to turn the
tide from bitter defeat to outright victory. The Harlequins
represent the cream of the Eldar fighting forces and owe no
allegiance to any Craftworld. A Harlequin force can appear
anywhere at anytime, responding to their own plans or whims.

The Harlequins have one great overriding passion, to make

war on Chaos. When the first Space Hulk carrying
Gcnestealcrs appeared in Eldar space it was seen as a
challenge to the ideals of the Harlequins. Since then
Harlequin Masques have always appeared to deal with
Genestealer incursions. How they know when and where they
will occur remains a mystery to the leaders of the Craftworlds
but they are very grateful. The stories of these fights against
such a deadly foe are full of heroism and valour and have only
served to increase the awe surrounding the Harlequins.
A Harlequin force, or Masque, consists of a number of
different troop types. For now we will deal with Troupers,
Troupe Leaders, Great Harlequins and Death. Jesters.
Solitaires and Shadowseers may be covered in a later article.
The standard unit of Harlequin fighters is called the troupe.
Troupers are the basic fighters of the Harlequins and a troupe
consists of five Troupers commanded by a Troupe Leader. All
six members of the troupe are armed with two weapons, either
two hand weapons, two pistols or one of each. Given here are
the rules for Shuriken pistols, but other weapons may be used
by referring to weapons table in either Genestealer or Space
Hulk Campaigns. A Troupe Leader may be armed with the
dreaded Harlequin's Kiss, detailed later.
Any Masque will consist of a number of troupes commanded
by a Great Harlequin. A Great Harlequin will be anned as the
members of the Troupes but will be acknowledged as the
greatest fighter of the Masque.

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