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VtkSMP: Task-based Parallel Operators for VTK Filters

Mathias Ettinger, Francois Broquedis, Thierry Gautier, Stephane Ploix,

Bruno Raffin

To cite this version:

Mathias Ettinger, Francois Broquedis, Thierry Gautier, Stephane Ploix, Bruno Raffin.
VtkSMP: Task-based Parallel Operators for VTK Filters. [Research Report] RR-8245, INRIA.
2013, pp.19. <hal-00789814>

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VtkSMP: Task-based
Parallel Operators for
VTK Filters

February 2012
Project-Team Moais

ISSN 0249-6399

N 8245


Mathias Ettinger, Franois Broquedis, Thierry Gautier, Stephane

Ploix, Bruno Raffin

VtkSMP: Task-based Parallel Operators for VTK

Mathias Ettinger , Franois Broquedis , Thierry Gautier , Stephane
Ploix, Bruno Rafn
Project-Team Moais
Research Report n 8245 February 2012 16 pages

Abstract: Scientic simulations produce more and more memory consuming datasets. The required
processing resources need to keep pace with this increase. Though parallel visualization algorithms with
strong performance gains have been developed, there is a need for a parallel programming environment
tailored for scientic visualization algorithms that would help application programmers move to multi-core
Facing the challenge of genericity, standard solutions like Pthreads, MPI, OpenCL or OpenMP often fail to
offer environments that are both easy to handle and lead to efcient executions.
In this paper, we study the parallelization of patterns commonly used in VTK algorithms and propose a new
multi-threaded plugin for VTK that ease development of parallel algorithms. Focusing on code reusability,
we provide tools that implements these patterns in a generic way. With little code modication, we experiment these patterns with a transform lter, brute force isosurface extraction lter and a min/max tree
accelerated isosurface extraction. Results show that we can speed execution up to 30 times on a 48-core
Key-words: parallelism, parallel runtimes, work stealing, scientic visualization, VTK.

This work has been partly funded by EDF

Grenoble INP


655 avenue de lEurope Montbonnot
38334 Saint Ismier Cedex

VtkSMP : un module parallle pour VTK destination des

architectures multi-curs
Rsum : De nos jours, les simulations scientiques produisent des jeux de donnes de plus en plus
volumineux. Leur traitement ncessite donc des ressources adaptes. Et mme si des algorithmes de
visualisation des donnes fournissent de trs bonnes performances en parallle, une uniformisation de
ces travaux reste ncessaire. Un environnement de programmation parallle adapt la visualisation
scientique aiderait les progammeurs passer une criture dapplications destination des architectures
Dans un contexte o une approche gnrique serait un atout, les solutions standard telles que Pthreads,
MPI, OpenMP ou encore OpenCL runissent rarement la facilit dutilisation et les performances facilement accessibles.
Dans ce papier, nous tudions la paralllisation de schmas daccs aux donnes prsent dans la
bibliothque de visualisation scientique VTK. Nous proposons un nouveau module pour VTK qui facilite
lcriture dalgorithmes parallles. Ciblant la rutilisation du code existant, nous proposons des outils
gnriques qui implmentent ces schmas en parallle.
Suite de faibles modication de leur code, nous avons tudi nos outils sur un ltre transform, une
extraction disosurface simple et une acclre par un arbre de recherche min/max. Nos rsultats montrent
quune acclration dun facteur 30 est obtenu sur une machine possdant 48 curs.
Mots-cls : paralllisme, environnements parallles, vol de tches, visualisation scientique, VTK.



The size of data produced by scientic simulations is growing at a steep rate. Postprocessing tools,
including scientic visualization libraries, are urged to evolve accordingly to cope with these datasets.
Simple PCs as well as large supercomputers are today built around multi-core processor architectures.
Taking advantage of their processing power requires a core-level parallelization.
Though many parallel algorithms have been proposed to supplement sequential ones, many commonly used libraries are still not supporting efcient multi-core parallel executions. The VTK scientic
visualization library is one of them. Beside the important effort required to revisit a large sequential code
base, an other issue is probably the lack of a standard parallel programming environment.
These kinds of programming environments are facing two main issues: providing a programming
model that enables the programmer to swiftly shift from its sequential programming habits to parallel
ones and a runtime system that ensures efcient executions even with a moderate optimization effort.
Usual runtime systems generally lack one of these requirements.
Our research goal is to provide a fully functionnal plugin for VTK able to provide tools that are used to
parallelize any VTK s algorithm. Driven by genericity and code reusability, we provide high-level parallel
operators that easyly replaces sequential pattern. Our plugin can handle differents runtime, choosen at
compile time. The performances of our plugin are studied in a way that, depending on the parallel runtime
it uses, the operators give the best of their capabilities.
In this paper we study 3 different parallelization patterns. The rst one targets loops with independent iterations (foreach loop) that produce independent data chunks of known size that can be directly
written in a global data structure without concurrency-related issues. Next, we look at foreach loops that
produces data with unknown memory footprint. A merge of partial results can thus be necessary to produce a compact data structure. Eventually, we propose to parallelize a tree traversal which is a common
accelerated data structure. Results show that work-stealing runtimes are better to ensure both efciency
and optimal ressources utilization on any kind of problems. They achieve speed-ups of 30 on a 48 cores
machine for very irregular problems that expose severe load imbalance.
The following sections of this paper will present an overview of multi-threaded approaches for scientic visualisation and expose general guidances on work-stealing approaches (sections 2 and 3). Then
we present our method of parallelisation based on data access patterns on section 4 and their efciency
on VTK lters on section 5. We conclude our paper in section 6.

Related Work

Message passing as popularized by the MPI standard, is a classical parallel programming model well
adapted for distributed memory machines. It however requires to explicitly manage data distribution
across processes. For stencil like algorithms needing a visibility of the state of neighbors, data on the
border of the partitioned domains are duplicated to reduce the data exchange overhead. These ghost cells
increase the complexity of the code and the memory usage, while on a shared memory system these
data duplication could be avoided. Moreover MPI implementations on shared memory machines tends to
suffer from high overheads. Ahrens et al. [ABM+ 01] relied on MPI to propose a two level parallelization
of VTK applications. Given that the data to process can be partitioned (using ghost cells if necessary),
their model supports data parallelism through a duplication of the processing pipeline. Additionally for
each pipe-line data can be partitioned in blocks that are streamed down the pipe-line, enabling concurrent
executions of the different stages. It however does not support dynamics load balancing, relying on the
user to dene the partitioning policy.
Hyperow [VOS+ 10, VOC+ 12] adopts similar goals but with a more modern context. They propose
a thread level streaming and pipeline duplication strategy, thus supporting shared memory architectures.
RR n 8245

Ettinger et al.

This thread level parallelization enables to avoid ghost cells, given that the necessary protection steps are
taken to avoid race conditions. If the programmer provides a GPU implementation for some lters, the
Hyperow runtime is also able to defer computation to the GPUs available on the machine.
Similarly an early approach for shared memory machines have been proposed in [ALS+ 00]. The
authors propose a thread based interface for VTK, hiding some details of thread handling. But directly
programming at a thread level is today recognized as a low level approach that is error-prone [Lee06].
The OpenMP standard relies on code annotations that the programmer uses to identify possible
sources of parallelism, typically indicating when the iterations of a loop are independent and can thus
be executed concurrently. Then the compiler and runtime can extract parallelism. This model avoids the
drawback of thread level programming. But OpenMP relies on static load balancing strategies, impairing
performance when the work-load vary dynamically due to the nature of the algorithm or a varying availability of cores. Version 3 of OpenMP was extended with the concept of tasks [DFA+ 09]. But current
implementations rely on a centralized list scheduling that incurs high overheads.
Work-stealing, through libraries like Cilk [FLR98], TBB [Rei07] or X-K AAPI [GBP07, LMDG11],
is emerging as an alternative of choice for shared memory programming. Relying on a dynamic load balancing runtime, these libraries can cope with irregular applications and unsteady core availability. They
also propose a programming model based on tasks and not threads to delimit the potential parallelism.
The runtime thus takes care of distributing these tasks on the processing cores, relying on low overhead
mechanisms, like a distributed task heap. To our knowledge, only a limited set of papers have been relying on these runtimes for parallelizing some scientic visualization lters [TDR10] and so far no generic
approach as emerged. In the following section we remind the bases of work-stealing and the related programming model. Work-stealing has also been experimented for balancing the work load in between the
different cores of a GPU for some specic algorithms like octree construction for particle sorting [CT08].
It is also supported on the Intel Xeon Phi accelerator through Cilk and TBB. Task oriented programming
relying on work-stealing scheduling thus appears as a possible unied paradigm for ensuring portability
across CPUs and GPUs.
Though not supported through the aforementioned libraries, work-stealing has been experimented for
balancing the work load in between the different cores of a GPU for some specic algorithms like octree
construction for particle sorting [CT08]. It shows that work-stealing could become a paradigm of choice
for ensuring portability across CPUs and GPUs. Work stealing.
The GPU is also a target of choice for accelerating visualization lters. The programming model,
based on Cuda or OpenCL, is SIMD oriented, often requiring signicant programming efforts compared
to a more classical sequential or multi-core programming approach. The OpenCL standard ensures a
functional portability to different devices, including multi-core CPUs, but the code needs to be reworked
to reach good performances.
The Piston approach [StLA12] proposes a programming environment for scientic visualization lters
relying on the Thrust library [thr12]. Thrust offer parallel versions of operators on STL like vectors and
list data structures for executions on GPUs through Cuda, but also on multi-core CPUs with OpenMP and
Intel TBB. As far as we know, only Cuda and OpenMP have been tested in the Piston context. A good
performance is reached for regular parallelism, but we can expect to face the performance limitations of
OpenMP on CPUs when dynamics load balancing is required. Testing with TBB would be very interesting
to validate the benets of work-stealing in the Thrust context.

3 The Work-Stealing Paradigm

As stated by Lee [Lee06], directly programming at a thread level is considered to be error-prone. Thus the
usage of parallel runtime is unavoidable if we aim at parallelizing a huge library such as VTK. Standard
solutions, leaded by OpenMP, propose parallelization pattern that relies either on a static partition of


the parallel work or a centralized task list used to dynamicaly adapt to cores availability. Even if these
approaches t well problems that have either a regular workload or a non memory intensive data access
schema, this is not the case of many meshes manipulation lters.

3.1 Coupling Parallel Algorithm to the Work-Stealing Scheduler

Work-stealing is a well-known technique to improve overall efciency on modern multicore machines,
especially when executing applications exposing irregular workloads. It consists in dividing a computation into ne-grain tasks that can be stolen from a loaded core to an idle one to dynamically balance the
workload of a parallel application on any computing platform. Some popular parallel environments like
Cilk [BJK+ 96, FLR98] and Intel TBB [Rei07, RVK08] have successfully implemented this technique
providing mechanisms to efciently deal with independent tasks. The X-K AAPI [GBP07, LMDG11,
LMGD11] environment developed in our group goes further, providing portable ways of both expressing dependencies between tasks and scheduling them on large-scale heterogeneous parallel architectures

3.1.1 The Execution Model

The work-stealing runtime system associates a worker thread to each core of the platform. Each worker
thread is able to execute ne-grain tasks, and to steal tasks from other worker threads. A thread that creates
tasks pushes them on its own workqueue. The creation of the task and the enqueue operation is garanted
to be very fast in order to achieve performances. A running task can create child tasks. Dependencies
amongst tasks and scheduling policies depends on the choosen runtime.
This model implements a valid, highly efcient sequential execution order, as the runtime system only
needs to compute data ow dependencies when the thread execution scheme reaches a task that has been
stolen and not completed yet. The successors of the stolen task depend on its completion. In order to
keep fast stack-based execution without computation of data ow dependencies in X-K AAPI [GBP07], a
thread suspends its execution when it reaches the rst stolen task in its stack and calls the work-stealing
scheduler to steal a new ready task.

3.1.2 Adaptive Tasks for Parallel Algorithms

Writing performance-portable programs within the task programming model requires creating much more
tasks than available computing resources. Then, the scheduler can efciently and dynamically balance
the work load. But task management led to some overheads, even for the tasks that are not stolen.
Adapting the number of created parallel tasks to dynamically t the number of available resources is
a key point to reach high performance.
In the data ow model, a task becomes ready for execution once all its inputs have been produced. A
task being executed cannot be stolen. To allow on-demand task creation, adapted runtimes extends this
model: a task publishes a function, called splitter, to further divide the remaining work. The splitter is
called on a running task by an idle thread during a steal operation. The task and its splitter are concurrent
and must be carefully managed as they both need to access shared data structure. The programmer is
held responsible for writing correct task and splitter codes. To help him, runtimes systems ensures that
at most one thief performs splitter concurrently with the task execution. It allows for simple and efcient
synchronization protocols.
RR n 8245

Ettinger et al.

4 Parallelization of VTK Algorithms

Our goal is to identify patterns of code within VTK lters that appears to be good candidates for parallelization. A simple rst pattern is the loop with independent iterations. VTK lters mainly iterate over
cells and/or points to compute their output. Since the computation for an iteration does not need results
from previous ones, parallelization of this pattern is pretty straightforward. Indeed, each iteration can be
seen as an independent task to compute. The runtime system is then responsible for efciently schedule these tasks over all the available computing resources. We implement this pattern using a ForEach
construct. This way, algorithms that can predict the size of their outputs can directly rely on ForEach
constructs without any further effort.
On the other hand, some lters produce an amount of output data that cannot be a priori predicted.
The strategy for these algorithms is to have each thread perform its own computation in a private space,
called Thread Local Storage, followed by a parallel merge operation. Since this operation does not exist
in a sequential execution, it has to be very efcient in order to limit parallel overhead.
The last pattern we studied in this paper concerns acceleration data structures. Such structures are
often implemented as trees (binary trees, octrees, k D-trees. . . ). We experimented a parallelization of a
generic tree traversal. Given a few set of operations that a tree needs to implement, we garanty its traversal
in parallel with respect to its sequential depth rst execution and branch cutting capabilities.
Following sections devellop each of these aspects.

4.1 ForEach
Given some requirements, iteration over independant loop is very easy to parallelize. Indeed, using n as
the size of the loop, one can see such loop as n independant tasks. Thus giving each core numberofcores
elements to compute is the easiest way to parallelize this pattern. However such approach can lead to
load imbalance issues. If a few iterations take much more time than the others, some cores may nish
their computation before the other and wait them. Dynamic scheduling and work-stealing techniques can
efciently handle such problems.
But giving work to each processor is not the sole thing to care when dealing with independant loops.
One has to make sure to allocate enought memory for output data structures and to use thread safe methods
while computing each element. Moreover, handling writing offset may be a non-trivial task. Thus these
aspects are left to the user. Our plugin then guaranty to divide the iteration range of the loop the best way
regarding of the choosen runtime.
Our plugin provides the vtkSMP::ForEach operator. As for Intel TBBs tbb::parallel_for, one has
to move the sequential body of the loop into a freshly build class (e.g. gure 1) It has the advantage
to separate the algorithm (the pattern) and the computation. It also exhibit pieces of code that need to
be carefully manage (memory allocation, thread safe methods, aso.) Writing the class is a matter of
checking the sequential behaviour. Then calling the operator only need the range of the computation and
an instance of that class.
4.1.1 The Work-Stealing Approach
When the void operator() (vtkIdType id) const operation is very regular we faced a scalability issue due
to steals. Indeed, each steal adds a little overhead to the computation, loading the memory bus to retrieve
suitable data. The number of steals can grow signicantly as we get closer to the end of the computation.
These steals grabbing a small work load tend to incur more overhead than computation speed-up. To
avoid the performance drops induced by this behavior, the work-stealing scheduler denes a threshold
representing the minimal range for a computation, i.e. the grain. The problem is thus to set the grain to
the optimal value. If the grain is too coarse, load balancing becomes inaffective. Previous studies [PP95]



struct VcsModificator : public vtkFunctor {

v t k D a t a A r r a y* inVcs ;
v t k D a t a A r r a y* outVcs ;
do ubl e ( * m a t r i x ) [ 4 ] ;
void operator ( ) ( vtkIdType id ) const
do ubl e v e c [ 3 ] ;
i n V c s >G e t T u p l e ( i d , v e c ) ;
v t k SM PT ra n s fo rmV e c t o r ( m a t r i x , vec , v e c ) ;
o u t V c s >S e t T u p l e ( i d , v e c ) ;
/ / R e g u l a r VTK o v e r l o a d e d m e t h o d s
( PrintSelf , constructors , . . . )


v o i d vtkSMPTransform : : T r a n s f o r m V e c t o r s (
v t k D a t a A r r a y * inNms ,


v t k D a t a A r r a y * outNms )
v t k I d T y p e n = inNms>GetNumberOfTu pl es ( ) ;
t h i s >U p d a t e ( ) ;
VcsModificator * myvectorsmodificator =
V c s M o d i f i c a t o r : : New ( ) ;
m y v e c t o r s m o d i f i c a t o r >i n V c s = inNms ;
m y v e c t o r s m o d i f i c a t o r >o u t V c s = outNms ;
m y v e c t o r s m o d i f i c a t o r > m a t r i x =
t h i s >M a t ri x >E l e me n t ;


vtkSMP : : Fo rE a c h ( 0 , n , m y v e c t o r s m o d i f i c a t o r


m y v e c t o r s m o d i f i c a t o r > D e l e t e ( ) ;

Figure 1: Implementation of the parallel vtkTransform::TransformVectors(...). Base class for independant

loop splits computation and parallel patterns.

showed that the maximum amount of parallelism reachable is when the grain is ( n). Indeed the
and these tasks are limited to a range containting at least grain
number of tasks created is, at most, grain
iterations. Thus the critical path, i.e. the sequential part of the computation is (grain + grain
). The

optimum of this function appears when the grain reaches n. Experiments conrm that a n grain leads
to the best performance.

4.2 Thread Local Storage and Merge

Failing to meet the requirements for the ForEach pattern is often due to the incapability of knowing the
size of the output without actualy performing the computation. For such algorithms and those who fails
at using thread safe methods there still is a possibility to use the ForEach.
The idea behind this second approach is to use privates output data structures per cores. This way,
execution is closer to the sequential one and restrictions for thread safe methods are less strict. But:
these data structures need to be initialized efciently;
each of these data structures will contain partial results that we need to merge afterwhile.
Initialization of such structures, called Thread Local Storage (TLS), must not slow down the computation. So we can not wait for all initializations to be achieved before starting the call to the ForEach.
Instead we provide late stage initialization capabilities. The class used to enclose the loop body can dene
an Init function that will be called once (and only once) for each core before any iteration.
Such capabilities are also usefull in case of severe load from other jobs. When cores are so loaded
that they could not perform a steal, they do not attempt to initialize their TLS. Leading to time sparing.
Once initialization is done and actual computation performed in parallel, each TLS contain a part of
the whole expected result. Since this result is often a mesh, our plugin provide capabilities to fuse partial
meshes into a single one. And it performs it in parallel for efciency reasons.
This operation cannot mimic the behaviour of vtkAppendFilter which sticks together the points and
cells of several meshes because of duplicates points at the border of each partial meshes. If we kept all
those points in the output of the lter, the mesh would lose its manifoldness (if any). Results would give
strange outputs when ltered through decimation or subdivision, for example.
RR n 8245

Ettinger et al.

To track and remove duplicates points of partial meshes, we used VTK builtin Locators. We extended
the behaviour of vtkMergePoints to support parallel operations. Basically, this locator keeps track of existent points thanks to a spacially-guided hash table. The bounding box of the resulting mesh is regularly
divided into a 3 D grid and each voxel of this grid maps to an entry in the table. Each entry stores the
indices of the points that belongs to this voxel. Knowing the index of the entry associated to a point is
simple mathematics involving point and bounding box coordinates.



Figure 2: Inner representation of vtkMergePoints (left) and our rst implementation of vtkSMPMergePoints (right). Each vtkIdList is designated as bucket.
The simplest use of our locator for a parallel merge of all partial meshes is, for each thread, to insert
their points one by one into the locator. This solution obviously produce wrong results if no care is taken.
Our solution is to use an hash table of mutex in addition to the one of points ids as shown in gure 2.
Each insertion of point is thus preceded by a lock operation. Since conicts only occurs for points that
lays on the boundary of a mesh, overheads are still low. However, memory footprint is twice as important
as the sequential object.
Using only one locator in the case of lters that already need one per thread is not highly productive.
So we inspired from at combining [HIST10] to benet from these arrays of buckets1 . With an iteration
over each voxel, one thread can merge all equivalent buckets in a row. Locks that were protecting voxels
from concurrent accesses are thus no longer needed. The only requirement that is still present is the
need of an atomic increase on the number of points in the output vtkPoints. But this approach imposes a
constraint to our framework: a thread must be able to retrieve data from any other. Moreover our casestudy shows that more than 90% of the buckets are empty. Taking care of these two particularities leads
to initiate the merge of buckets corresponding to a voxel only by a thread that actually have data in such
buckets. To do so, each thread looks for the rst non-empty bucket that it owns. If no other thread already
merged the buckets associated to the same voxel, it retrieves the data associated to this voxel from the
other threads and performs the merge in the output data structures. Otherwise it discards this bucket and
look for the next one that contains data.
Our framework provides both merge capabilities. Filters that use a locator to produce their output
points usualy end up using thread local locator while parallelized. In such case, the last technique can
uses the locator to perform points insertion bucket by bucket. Otherwise the function build a new locator
and uses it as described for the rst technique.

bucket represents a vtkIdList in a voxel.



4.3 Acceleration Data Structures

Due to their inner complexity, several algorithms have an accelerated version. It mainly consist of the
addition of a data structure that will ease computation. The purpose of this structure is to decrease the
amount of data that needs to be analyzed. They are not automaticaly used because they may introduce
overhead for their initialization or their memory footprint. But what makes their efciency is that they
speed up the computation of the algorithm each time they are used. Best results are thus obtained when
data are requested several time with different values.
In the case of our study, we focused on trees which are common acceleration data structures in the
visualization eld. Their aim is to reduce the size of the iteration over the end-elements (cells, pixels,
objects, 3 D space) by cutting un-productive content.
Usage of trees can be speed up in two different ways. The rst one is by building the tree. But since
this step is highly dependant on the type of the tree and its usage, it might be a per-implementation study.
The second one is during the tree traversal. And this one is much more easy to provide as a generic
operator since the traversal can be seen as a sequence of node indices to explore.
One cannot simply build this sequence and apply our ForEach on it. Indeed each node must be treated
after its ancestor has nished its computation. And in most cases, the computation of a node may result
in the decision of not going further in the exploration of its descendants.
A simple solution is to use tasks spawning on each node. That is:
the computation of a node is considered as a task;
each node creates a task per descendant that need to be explored;
these tasks are spawned and the runtime is then responsible of an efcient scheduling policy;
the tree traversal starts with the spawn of the root task.
First levels are quite slow to traverse since there are fewer tasks than availlable ressources, but the
number of tasks is rapidly increasing and they can be efciently scheduled on the whole machine.
4.3.1 The Work-Stealing Approach
Creating much more tasks than available computational resources is a good way to simplify the scheduling
policy and balance the work load. But it has a cost. And the cost of creating and managing tasks may
become important compared to the actual computation of a task especially in visualization where
nodes often perform only a few comparisons to decide wether or not they must spawn their descendants.
The answer of some work-stealing runtimes such as TBB or X-K AAPI is to provide a way for creating
adaptives tasks. Such tasks have the particularity to be splitable on demand by an idle resource, thus
limiting the number of created tasks to the number of cores actualy executing them. For load-balancing
purpose, splitted tasks may also be adaptive tasks.
Using these tasks, we propose an adaptive tree traversal which behave as follows:
create an adaptive tasks that traverse the entire tree and start the (sequential) execution;
on a demand for splitting the task, nd the top-most un-treated node that would be the last computed
in sequential depth-rst order;
consider this node and its sub-tree as treated and create an adaptive tasks that traverse this sub-tree.
Newly created tasks behaves like a fresh tree and their traversal follow the same rules as above. Thus
they can also be splitted if a processor is idle. In this scheme, the number of splits that occurs (i.e. the
total number of tasks created) is (number of processors) which may be much less than the number of
traversed nodes.
RR n 8245


Ettinger et al.

5 Implementation of Testing Filters

Following sections provides results for our operators based on the parallelization of two VTK lters.

5.1 Evaluation Platform

We conducted our experiments on a CC-NUMA machine made of AMD Magny Cours processors holding
12 cores each. Each processor is divided into two chips of 6 cores each. The machine has 4 sockets
for a total of 48 cores. Figure 3 shows the internal organization of a socket obtained thanks to the
HWLOC [BCOM+ 10] library. Each socket is made of two 6-core processors. Each core has access to
64 KB of L1 cache, 512 KB of L2 cache and 5 MB of L3 cache. The rst two caches are private while the
third one is shared between the 6 cores of a chip from a Magny Cours processor. A 32 GB memory bank
is attached to each processor of this platform for a total of 256 GB of main memory. We will refer to this
conguration as AMD48 in the following of this section.

Figure 3: A socket from the AMD48 evaluation platform.

Our input dataset comes from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository2. It is the Lucy mesh that contains
28 M cells (triangles) for 14 M points. We load it as a vtkPolyData object and provide it with point normals
to test specic behaviour of vtkTransformFilter.

5.2 vtkTransformFilter
An example of VTK algorithm that performs a loop with independent iterations over cells and/or points
is the vtkTransformFilter. It applies scales, translations and rotations on a mesh. The computation is
2 http://graphics.stanford.edu/data/3Dscanrep/




performed by a vtkTransform that contains the description of the transformations to be applied. The
vtkTransform is supplied to the vtkTransformFilter and it is this vtkTransform that iterates on the input
data to produce the output.
We modied vtkTransformFilter to perform the needed memory management before every computation. And we built the vtkSMPTransform class that mimic the behaviour of the vtkTransform one except
that the sequential loop was turned into a parallel ForEach.
Figure 4a shows the performances obtained on our AMD48 machine. Moreover, as we targeted both
shared memory and NUMA machines, we have also studied the inuence of data placement. Since
memory pages of output data are touched only after each point or cell transform computation, we put
two vtkTransformFilter one after the other in our visualization benchmark. As a consequence, the rst
lter load data from a unique memory bank, leading to memory contention, and the second one have
the memory pages of its input data interleaved on each memory banks thanks to the rst lter. Thus the
second lter make a better usage of memory bandwidth. Results are shown in gure 4b.

Linear speedup


Linear speedup










(a) First lter (input data on a unique NUMA node).






(b) Second lter (input data interleaved on all NUMA


Figure 4: Speedups for execution of parallelized loops within vtkTransformFilter. Comparison between
several runtimes of the execution of the ForEach loop vs. the sequential for loop.
As expected, mapping the data close to their computing core enhances speed-up and drops memory
contention. Results also show that work-stealing runtimes are at least as efcient as OpenMP for highly
regular loops which is known to be the stomping ground of the latter. Moreover, a side effect of
work-stealing runtimes is that they tend to smooth the memory contention issue.

5.3 vtkContourFilter
A widely-used lter that cannot calculate the size of its output structure before the actual computation is
the vtkContourFilter. Its purpose is to compute one or several isosurfaces on any kind of datasets. In its
current implementation, vtkContourFilter is mainly a switch between several specic implementations
depending on the type of the input dataset. The implementation parallelized in this study is the generic
one, the one applied if the input dataset does not have a specic algorithm that handles it.
The algorithm works as follows:
for each cell in the mesh, compare the scalar values associated to the points of this cell with the
isovalue being computed;
RR n 8245


Ettinger et al.

if the isovalue is either above the maximum or below the minimum of these values, do not compute
otherwise create the part of the output mesh that correspond to the values pattern.
Since the created portion of the output mesh depends on both the scalar distribution above and below the
isovalue and the topology of the cell, it is not possible to know how many points and cells3 will be created
per input cell.
Linear speedup








Figure 5: Speed-ups for execution of parallelized loop within vtkContourFilter. The difference between
the runtimes is due to the high load of the rst core.
The parallelized version of vtkContourFilter thus makes use of TLS and fuse the partial pieces of
mesh. Figure 5 shows the execution of the surface creation (with merge) on our AMD48 platform.
Speed-ups compare to the for loop in the sequential algorithm. Since isocontouring is an algorithm
that can often face load balancing issues, in this experiment we provided a very high load-imbalanced
input dataset.
To do so we computed scalars values in such a way that only a few rst cells can possibly contain
points whose scalar values are both above and below the isovalues. Thus using a static partitionning
of the iteration range leads to the rst core being the only one to create the output mesh. As expected,
work-stealing runtimes load balances efciently and outperforms the static partitioning of OpenMP. Nevertheless, dynamic scheduling parametered with the right size for partition (grain) gives similar results.
5.3.1 Focus on the Merge Operator
The vtkContourFilter is a good place to experiment the behaviours of our Merge operator since the isosurface computation makes use of a locator per thread.
Figure 6 presents the execution time for both merge implementations. The method using all the
locator is faster than the one using only one. It also requires twice as less memory since the array of
vtkMutexLock is not required in this case. The only drawback is that not all the lters that would make
use of the Merge operator in their parallel version can be parallelized using a thread local locator.
3 One

or several points, one or two lines, one or two triangles. . .




Time for technique with only one locator

Time for technique with one locator per thread

Time (s)





Figure 6: Comparison of our two merge implementations.

5.4 Accelerated vtkContourFilter

We tested our parallel acceleration tree with the classical min-max tree used for isosurface extraction. A
min-max tree stores at each node the min and max values of all scalar values contained in its sub tree. The
tree is build in a bottom-up fashion after choosing a size for leaves, i.e. the number of points associated to
each leaf. If the isovalue is not included in the min-max interval of a given node, no further test is needed
for all the points of the sub-tree.
As stated earlier, such data structure shows its power when reused several times on the same input.
Indeed, extrema on each node do not depend on the isovalue being computed.
Results presented in gure 7 show the difference between the task spawning technique and the workstealing one. In this experiment we computed 11 isovalues through our input mesh with the accelerated
version of the vtkContourFilter. We compared the parallel traversal and merge time to the sequential
traversal time.
Even if the overhead for the creation of one task is very low, our parallel tree traversal is slightly better.
This is due to the number of tasks created, which depends on the number of computational resources and
not on the size of the input.


We presented the basis of a framework for VTK that aims at creating parallel lters. It targets multi-cores
platforms and takes advantage of reusability of sequential code.
Experiments showed guaranted performances without deep optimisation. Standard behaviour of our
operators is efcient enough for someone with a limited knowledge in parallelism to exploit them well.
Moreover specic behaviour of work-stealing runtimes such as X-K AAPI or TBB can be exploited to
reach better performances. They are also richly optimized so that the overhead of dynamic load balancing
is small enough to be competitive with OpenMP static partitioning for regular applications.
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Ettinger et al.

Linear speedup








Figure 7: Execution of vtkContourFilter with our parallel tree traversal.

Our goal is to provide a full edged parallel programming environnement dedicated to visualization
lters. Next steps will focus on other classical algorithms like vtkStreamTracer and its subclasses and
We did not address the issue of parallelizing code on GPUs, load balancing still being delicate to
perform efciently for heterogeneous architectures. But this may change with new multi-core architectures for accelerators like the Intel Mic [Ska10] that integrate all features necessary for an efcient
work-stealing implementation.
Lastly, parallel composition may lead to better resource utilisation. The idea is to exploit asynchronous lter execution presented in HyperFlow [VOC+ 12] and merge it with our multi-core framework. We hope to maximize both CPU and memory bandwith utilisation without falling to the pitt of an
over utilisation of the memory bus.

1 Introduction

2 Related Work

3 The Work-Stealing Paradigm

3.1 Coupling Parallel Algorithm to the Work-Stealing Scheduler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 The Execution Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.2 Adaptive Tasks for Parallel Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4 Parallelization of VTK Algorithms

4.1 ForEach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1.1 The Work-Stealing Approach
4.2 Thread Local Storage and Merge . . .
4.3 Acceleration Data Structures . . . . .
4.3.1 The Work-Stealing Approach
































Implementation of Testing Filters

5.1 Evaluation Platform . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 vtkTransformFilter . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 vtkContourFilter . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.1 Focus on the Merge Operator .
5.4 Accelerated vtkContourFilter . . . . .






























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