Hand Eczema

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clinical pr actice

Hand Eczema
Pieter-Jan Coenraads, M.D.
This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem.
Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines,
when they exist. The article ends with the authors clinical recommendations.

A 33-year-old woman presents with redness of the hands and reports the
intermittent occurrence of tiny vesicles, scaling, and f issuring, accompanied by
itching on the palms, f ingers, and dorsal sides of the hands. She has two young
children and works as a nurse in a nearby hospital. She has a history of
childhood eczema and a contact allergy to nickel. How should this case be

Th e C l i n i c a l Pr o b l e m
Hand eczema, also called hand dermatitis, is an inf lammation of the skin of
the hands; some persons with hand eczema may also have foot eczema. Typical
clinical signs are redness, inf iltration of the skin, scaling, edema, vesicles, areas
of hyper- keratosis, cracks (fissures), and erosions (Fig. 1A and 1B).1 It is common,
with a point prevalence of 4% among adults in the general population, and a 1year prevalence of up to 10%, depending on whether the disease def inition
includes mild cases.2 The incidence of work-related cases (which are usually more
severe than cases in the gen- eral population) that are reported to occupational
health authorities is between 0.7 and
1.5 cases per 1000 workers per year, with much higher incidences among certain
oc- cupations, such as hairdressing.3
Manifestations of hand eczema tend to vary in severity and appearance over
time. Cracks and blisters may partially or completely prevent the performance of
manual work, resulting in disability and economic loss.4,5
The most common external cause of hand eczema is contact with mild toxic
agents or irritants (e.g., water and soaps), causing irritant contact dermatitis.
Allergic con- tact dermatitis is less common than irritant contact dermatitis and
ref lects a contact allergy to a specific substance, such as rubber, nickel, or
perfumes. Atopic dermatitis is an endogenous cause of hand eczema; one third to
one half of patients with hand eczema may have atopy, and atopy may be
manifested exclusively as dermatitis of the hands.2 In many patients, hand eczema
has more than one cause. In addition, there are several types of hand eczema with
no known cause (Table 1). These are hyper- keratotic eczema (Fig. 1C), recurrent
vesicular hand eczema (pompholyx, dyshidrotic eczema) (Fig. 1D), nummular
eczema (Fig. 1E), and pulpitis (chronic fingertip derma- titis) (Fig. 1F).
(Additional images are shown in the Supplementary Appendix, avail- able with the
full text of this article at NEJM.org.) The terms dyshidrotic eczema and pompholyx
are sometimes reserved for acute vesicular hand eczema as opposed to chronic
vesicular hand eczema.

From the Department of Dermatology,

University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the
Netherlands. Address reprint requests to
Dr. Coenraads at the Department of Dermatology, University Medical Center
Groningen, P.O. Box 30.001, 9700 RB
Groningen, the Netherlands, or at
[email protected] g.nl.
N Engl J Med 2012;367:182937. DOI:
Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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version of this
article is
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St r a t e g i e s a n d E vi d e n c e

A thorough patient history is essential to diagnosis, especially with respect to exposure to irritants and allergens at home or at the workplace. The presence of children
The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from nejm.org by Ari Kounavis on January 24, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

in the household (with associated exposures to soaps and detergents),

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The New England Journal of Medicine

Downloaded from nejm.org by Ari Kounavis on January 24, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.


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key Clinical points

Hand Eczema
Prompt intervention is required in patients with hand eczema because it has a tendency to become chronic.
In most cases, hand eczema ref lects a combination of irritant contact dermatitis and endogenous factors (such as
atopy), but contact allergy should be ruled out.
Avoidance of irritants (and allergens, if relevant), frequent application of lipid-rich emollients (ointments), and the use of
topical glucocorticoids are first-line treatments, although data from randomized trials on the benefits of these and other
treatment options are limited.
For patients with symptoms that are unresponsive to these initial therapies, options include phototherapy (where
or oral retinoids (the latter are particularly helpful in patients with hyperkeratotic eczema).
Oral immunosuppressive agents (usually cyclosporine) are a final resort. Oral glucocorticoids should be used only in
short courses to achieve rapid control.

requiring frequent hand washing, and the use of

Contact allergens may be present in domestic
and occupational products. A history of atopic
derma- titis also predisposes patients to hand
Hand eczema may be confused with other
skin conditions (Table 2), most frequently
psoriasis and mycosis. Psoriasis is generally
characterized by sharply demarcated lesions, the
absence of itch- ing, and the absence of vesicles
(Fig. 2A). Hand eczema with infection may be
confused with palmoplantar pustulosis, which
is regarded by some experts as a variant of
psoriasis (Fig. 2B). A skin biopsy of the palm
is unlikely to help in distinguishing psoriasis
from eczema. Fungal infection (mycosis) should
always be ruled out by scraping some f lakes
for staining or culture, especially if only one
hand is affected (Fig. 2C). Figures 2D and 2E
show other conditions that mimic hand
Current classif ication systems for hand
ecze- ma are based on clinical and etiologic
factors (Table 1)6-8 and have been useful for
outpatient populations.13,14 Scoring systems
based on the severity of symptoms have been
developed but are not routinely used in
practice.15 Cases are classified according to
cause when possible, with the acknowledgment
that different causes of hand eczema may be
indistinguishable on examination. In many
cases, the clinician is restricted to a morphologic description.
Additional evaluation (beyond taking a
detailed history) should be considered for

patients in whom the causes of

undetermined. Patch testing
may be useful in identifying a
con- tact allergy to external
agents.10 Both the Amer-

ican Contact Dermatitis Society and the European Society of

Contact Dermatitis recommend the use of standard screening
trays (a baseline series) that contain the contact allergens that are
most com- monly found in the home and workplace (e.g., metals,
rubber additives, glues, and the antibac- terial and antimold
agents in cosmetics).16 Patch testing is recommended in all
patients with chron- ic hand eczema. The sensitivity and specif
icity of patch testing depend on the patients history and clinical
appearance; according to a retrospective analysis conducted in
the United States, expand- ing the standard number of test
allergens would improve the rate of detection of contact allergic
reactions from about 25% to about 50%.17
Prick testing, or determining allergen-specific IgE levels in
the serum, is generally of limited value,18 although it is
informative in cases of pro- tein contact dermatitis (Table 1) or
contact urti- caria caused by latex proteins or fish proteins
(Fig. 2F). Recurrent contact urticaria can become eczematous

(e.g., in persons handling food), making clinical

diagnosis difficult; in such cases, prick testing
can be valuable. Testing for sensitiv- ity to
inhalation allergens (e.g., the house-dust mite,
cat dander, or pollen) is not recommended,
since there is insuff icient evidence showing
that exposure to such allergens provokes or
sustains hand eczema.

Although it would seem logical to assume that

identifying and eliminating the causative factor
could cure hand eczema, this feat is rarely
accom- plished in practice because the cause of
disease, especially in patients with chronic hand

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clinic a l pr ac

is often
treatment will be unsuccessful if causative or
contributing factors are not eliminated.
Prompt treatment is recommended because
hand eczema has a tendency to become chronic,
in which case resistance to topical treatment is
common.19 Current treatment strategies are
largely based on clinical experience and may
differ from country to country.7,8,20 Few
therapies have been evaluated in randomized,
controlled trials,21 and the trials that have been
conducted typically have not distinguished types
of eczema. Figure 3 shows an algorithm for the
management of hand eczema.



A Irritant Contact Dermatitis

Manifested as vesicular hand eczema.

C Hyperkeratotic Hand Eczema

B Irritant Contact Dermatitis

with Atopic Hand Eczema

Manifested as dry, red, scaling skin.

These types of dermatitis and
eczema often appear together.

D Recurrent Vesicular Dermatitis


The frequent application of emollients and

mois- turizers is routinely recommended; in
many ran- domized trials of other treatments
for hand ec- zema, the use of emollients was
allowed or encouraged in both treatment groups.
Ointments are preferred over creams, because
creams may contain potentially sensitizing
preservatives and mildly irritating emulsif iers.
In one small ran- domized trial that compared
the eff icacy of two emollients a petrolatumbased emollient and an emollient containing
ceramide (a skin lipid)
there was similar improvement in the two
treatment groups at 2 months.23 Another trial
2 weeks duration reported a nonsignif icant
ben- ef it from the addition of a urea-containing
mois- turizer to a topical glucocorticoid
(betamethasone) as compared with the use of
topical betametha- sone alone.24
creams are often recom- mended for the
prevention of occupational con- tact dermatitis,
but a Cochrane systematic review concluded that
there is insuff icient evidence that such creams
have a long-term protective effect.25
A more recent trial involving 255 hospital
with hand eczema showed a benef it from skincare education and individual counseling.26 The
interventions included oral and written instructions regarding the use of gloves and
recommen- dations on the avoidance of irritants
at work and at home.
Job counselors
employees from becoming exposed to irritants
at work (es- pecially in wet work e.g., work
that involves exposure of the hands to liquids,

Notable for the absence of inflammatory


E Nummular Eczema

Manifested as coin-shaped eczematous


Manifested as large vesicles on the

palms. Also called classic pompholyx
or dyshidrotic eczema.

F Pulpitis

Manifested as a dry, fissured, scaling

without vesicles. In children may be
atopic dermatitis; in adults, although
attributed by some to friction, the
cause is often unknown. Also called
chronic fingertip dermatitis.

Figure 1. Irritant Contact Dermatitis, Atopic Hand Eczema, and Other Types
of Hand Eczema.
Panels A through F show various types of hand eczema.

soaps, deter- gents, cutting oils, or vegetable juices); counselors

should simultaneously encourage adequate skin- protection
measures.27 The role of protective gloves is controversial.
Although gloves offer protection from irritants (especially
during wet work),

prolonged occlusion may itself

be a risk factor for hand
eczema.28 In accordance with
support from an experimental
study involving volunteers
without hand eczema, a cotton
lining or inner glove is

Topical Glucocorticoids

Potent topical glucocorticoids are f irst-line

phar- macologic treatment for hand eczema,
although there are limited data from randomized,
controlled trials to conf irm their eff icacy. In
an open-label study, topical mometasone
furoate was applied freely for up to 9 weeks by
patients with hand

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Table 1. Etiologic and Morphologic Classifications of Hand Eczema.*

Etiologic Classification
Irritant contact dermatitis

Repeated exposure to irritants (mild toxic agents) over a prolonged period may cause an inflammatory response
of the skin, compromising the skins barrier function and making it susceptible to the development of contact allergy. In most patients there is a history of exposure to wet work (contact with soaps or solvents)
or prolonged use of occlusive gloves.
There are no clinically useful tests to assess reactions to irritants; diagnosis is often based on the absence of
contact allergy, which is determined with the use of patch testing.

Atopic hand dermatitis

Patients often have a history of asthma, hay fever, or childhood eczema (atopic dermatitis in childhood).
Both prick testing with inhalation or food allergens and determination of serum IgE levels are of limited value
and not routinely recommended.
Because the barrier function of the skin is compromised, patients are predisposed to irritant contact

Allergic contact dermatitis

This condition generally reflects a delayed-type, T-lymphocytemediated contact allergy to a chemical

Typical contact allergens include nickel (e.g., in tools or jewelry), chromate (e.g., in leather or cement), rubber
additives (e.g., in gloves), and preservatives (e.g., in creams or cosmetics).
Ingestion of a substantial amount of the allergen (e.g., nickel) may also provoke hand eczema, but its occurrence is rare.9
Diagnosis is supported by a history of exposure in combination with a positive reaction to patch testing with
contact allergens.10

Hybrid hand eczema

This type of eczema combines aspects of irritant contact dermatitis, atopic hand dermatitis, and allergic contact dermatitis.

Protein contact dermatitis

This subtype of allergic contact dermatitis frequently occurs in patients in professions involving food.
Initially, the reaction to proteins is urticarial (contact urticaria), but eczema may develop. IgE reactions to
specific proteins are often (but not always) detected with prick tests or serum analysis. Latex allergy is a
related phenomenon.


In patients with chronic hand eczema, the original causative factor tends to become irrelevant.

Recurrent vesicular, or dysThe classic presentation is an eruption of large vesicles on the palms that tends to recur; it also includes recurhidrotic, hand eczema;
rent vesicular eruptions on the palms and the palmar and lateral sides of the fingers, which is known as
macrovesicular eczema (these patients often also have eruptions on the soles of the feet). The name dyshidrotic eczema is a misnomer, since the condition is not related to the sweat glands. The cause is unknown.
A contact allergic reaction or atopic hand eczema may also be manifested as an identical vesicular eruption; in such cases, etiologic classification is preferable.
Hyperkeratotic hand
Sharply demarcated areas of thick scaling or hyperkeratosis on the palms (and frequently on the soles) is chareczema
acteristic, as are painful fissures. Vesicles are absent. The condition may be confused with psoriasis, but
there is little or none of the redness and none of the scaling or nail changes typical of psoriasis. The condition is more common in middle-aged and elderly persons and in men. The cause is unknown.11
Chronic fingertip dermatitis
This condition is characterized by dry, fissured, scaling dermatitis of the fingertips, with occasional episodes of
or pulpitis
vesicles. On occasion, the cause may be a contact allergy. Although the presentation is mild, this condition
may be a considerable handicap for patients who do office work. The cause is unknown.
Nummular hand eczema

This condition is notable for the round, coin-sized eczematous patches that appear on the back of the hands.
It may be a manifestation of irritant or allergic contact dermatitis or atopic dermatitis, but often the cause
remains unknown.

Dry, fissured hand eczema

Vesicles are absent, and the condition is often a manifestation of chronic hand eczema, irrespective of the cause.

* Data are from Diepgen et al.,6 Lynde et al.,7 and Menn et al.8

eczema; almost half of patients had clearing

3 weeks, and another quarter at 6 weeks. Those
who had clearing of eczema then participated in
a trial of maintenance therapy for up to 36
weeks. Participants underwent randomization
to one of three groups: one in which topical

furoate was applied three times a week, a

second in which it was applied two times a
week, and a third in which emollients alone
were applied freely. Recurrence-free rates were
signif icantly higher in the groups receiving a
glucocorticoid (83% and 68%, respectively)
than in the group


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Table 2. Differential Diagnosis of Hand Eczema.



Common conditions with an appearance similar to hand eczema


Lesions are dry, scaling, and sharply demarcated, and there is an absence of vesicles.
Lesions elsewhere on the body are characteristic. Palmoplantar pustulosis, a
variant of psoriasis, should be considered when sterile pustules are present.


A fungal infection is especially likely when one hand is more prominently involved.
Dry scaling of the palmar creases is characteristic.

Other conditions with an appearance similar to hand eczema

Lichen planus

Sharply demarcated hyperkeratotic lesions are present. This condition may mimic
hyperkeratotic hand eczema.


Papules and burrows are present and especially likely to appear in the web spaces
of the hands and the volar aspect of the wrists. Itchy papules are often present
on the trunk and limbs.

Granuloma annulare

Round or oval patches, with a demarcated raised edge, are characteristic and appear
primarily on the dorsal side of the hands.

Herpes simplex

In this condition, there are localized recurrent attacks of clustered vesicles, which are
very painful but not itchy.

Self-induced lesions

Self-induced skin lesions are unusual in shape and distribution.

Erythema multiforme, pityriasis

rubra pilaris, and dermatomyositis

These conditions are not necessarily confined to the hands. In rare cases, reactive
scaling and hyperkeratosis of the palms are associated with cancer or diet.

using emollients only (26%).30 However, skin

atro- phy is a risk of prolonged treatment with
gluco- corticoids. The American Academy of
Dermatolo- gy recommends daily use for 1
month followed by maintenance therapy two to
three times per week.31
It also recommends ointments over
Topical Tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus

Although topical calcineurin inhibitors have been

extensively investigated and are widely used to
treat atopic dermatitis, evidence of their eff
icacy in hand eczema is limited. Side effects
include a transient burning sensation and
sensitivity to ul- traviolet light. Pimecrolimus
(applied twice daily) appeared to be slightly but
not signif icantly more eff icacious than vehicle
cream alone in two large randomized clinical
trials of 3 and 6 weeks dura- tion.32,33 In a small
trial conducted with patients who had chronic
dyshidrotic palmar eczema, the administration
of tacrolimus 0.1% twice daily re- sulted in
improvement rates of 50% or more, but the
rates were not signif icantly different from
those associated with the use of topical
mometa- sone furoate.34 In another small
randomized trial, of 12 weeks duration, the use
of tacrolimus ointment twice daily was
compared with the use of vehicle cream alone

among patients previously treated with a short course of oral


coids. The use of tacrolimus

was associated with greater
subjective improvement (as
assessed by the patient) but was
associated with no clear ben- ef
it with regard to other
outcomes, including the time to
recurrence.35 In practice, one
option is to alternate the use of
these agents with topical glucocorticoids.8,34


Phototherapy is widely used for hand eczema,

and in many clinics it is used as second-line
treatment for patients in whom topical therapy
has failed. In a 12-week trial involving 35 patients, photochemotherapy with psoralen and
ultraviolet A (PUVA) was compared with
treat- ment with ultraviolet B (UVB) alone, both
in two study groups and within the same patient
(com- paring a treated hand with an untreated
hand). UVB was effective, but PUVA appeared to
be more effective.36 In another small trial
involving pa- tients with chronic hand eczema,
no signif icant difference was reported between
the use of PUVA and UVB.37 Nausea (from the
tablets of methox- salen, a derivative of
psoralen), edema, and pain are side effects of
phototherapy. A long-term concern is the
associated increased risk of non- melanoma skin
cancer. Instead of administering an oral form of
psoralen, many clinics use a top-

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Th e

A Psoriasis

n e w e n g l an d j o u r n a l

B Pustulosis Palmoplantaris

Demarcated by scaling patches and the

absence of vesicles.

C Fungal Infection (Mycosis)

Usually manifested in one hand, which

is red and dry, with scaling, especially
in the creases.

E Self-Induced Lesions

Characterized by an unusual history, a

monomorphous picture, sharp demarcation, and interdigital sparing.

Characterized by sterile pustules. Also

regarded by some as a variant of pustular psoriasis.

D Herpes Simplex

Characterized by recurrent attacks of

clustered vesicles. Painful, with no

F Latex Allergy

Characterized by an immediate reaction

(on prick test) to residual latex protein
in a medical glove; different from
allergic contact dermatitis occurring
in response to rubber additives.

Figure 2. Conditions That Mimic Hand Eczema.



a randomized trial involving 1032 patients with

chronic hand eczema (all types)
compared the use of 30 mg of alitretinoin daily,
10 mg of alitretinoin daily, and placebo for up to
24 weeks, the percentages of patients rating
their hand ec- zema as clear or almost clear
at the end of therapy were 40%, 24%, and 15%,
Patients with hyperkeratotic eczema had the
highest response rates to alitretinoin, but those
with vesicular eczema also appeared to benef
it, although formal subgroup comparisons were
not performed. The benef icial effects of
alitretinoin as compared with placebo were
conf irmed in a retreatment trial among a
subgroup of patients who had had a relapse.42
Another oral retinoid, acitretin, administered at
a dose of 30 mg per day, was also reported to
be effective in a small placebo-controlled trial
involving patients
with the hyperkeratotic
variant of hand eczema.43 How- ever, cross-study
comparisons of the benef its of acitretin and
alitretinoin are not possible because of
differences in the study designs.
Retinoids tend to be preferred over oral immunosuppressive agents given their better safety
prof ile. Common side effects associated
with retinoids are dry skin (especially the lips)
and an increase in levels of blood lipids.
Retinoids are teratogenic, so it is mandatory for
women of re- productive age to take measures to
prevent preg- nancy. Adequate contraceptive
agents must be prescribed and a monthly
pregnancy test admin- istered; in some countries,
signed informed con- sent is required.
Oral Immunosuppressive Agents

ical formulation (a cream, gel, or bath preparation).38,39 The results of two randomized trials
showed no signif icant difference in eff icacy
be- tween topical and oral formulations of psoralen.39,40 On the basis of clinical experience,
topical glucocorticoids are often used in combination with phototherapy, especially early in the
course of therapy.
Oral Retinoids

Oral retinoids may be used for severe chronic

hand eczema, in particular the hyperkeratotic
subtype. The oral retinoid alitretinoin is
approved for severe chronic hand eczema in
several European coun- tries and Canada (but not
in the United States). In

Immunosuppressive therapy is administered

in patients who have chronic hand eczema that
is unresponsive to topical treatment or
photothera- py (or retinoids, when their use is
appropriate). The use of immunosuppressive
agents is based largely on evidence supporting
their eff icacy in the treatment of atopic
dermatitis.44-46 Cyclospo- rine is the most
frequently used agent. Potential risks include
hypertension, decreased kidney func- tion, and
sequelae of immunosuppression. The burden
of eczema must be weighed against these risks.
Other agents occasionally used in practice include azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, and
low-dose methotrexate,46-48 although data from
randomized trials are lacking to assess the
effi- cacy of any of these agents in the
treatment of


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clinic a l pr ac

A At Presentation

B On Referral to Secondary Care

Obtain full history, including occupation
Determine if there was exposure to allergens, irritants, or both
Rule out infection and infestation

Initiate skin-protection program that

includes avoidance of allergens or
irritants and use of topical emollients
and gloves

Initiate treatment trial with potent topical

Prescribe adequate dose and volume
Reassess in 4 wk

Review diagnosis
Obtain detailed history
Perform patch testing
Consider performing prick test or
measuring serum IgE level if reactions
to proteins (e.g., food)
Review management and skin protection
Modify type and dose of topical
Consider tacrolimus
Provide patient with information tailored
to individual needs

Tailor treatment to individual needs

If no improvement, initiate systemic

(oral) treatment


Check adherence and

reassess in 4 wk

Continue treatment


Refer to secondary
care, if possible




Acitretin, alitretinoin

PUVA, cyclosporine,

Consider addition of
short courses of oral

Taper dose and strength

of glucocorticoid
Other systemic therapies failed

Methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil

Figure 3. Management of Hand Eczema.

Clinical opinion differs with regard to the place of psoralen and ultraviolet A (PUVA) in treatment; it is often used before systemic treatment. Data are from English et al.22

hand eczema. Several weeks of azathioprine

thera- py are generally needed before there is
an ap- preciable clinical response. Short courses
of oral glucocorticoids are used in some cases to
achieve rapid control. All immunosuppressive
agents con- fer a risk of serious adverse events
(hematologic and hepatic toxicity, infections,
immunosuppressive therapy).

Ar e a s o f U n c e r t ai n t y
Once hand eczema becomes chronic, classif
ica- tion may be impossible. A better
understanding of clinicopathological features of
the different types of hand eczema may improve
classif ication and the choice of therapy. Some
progress has been made in the understanding
of the role of genetic

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n e w e n g l an d j o u r n a l

and epigenetic changes in skin-barrier function49; further research in this area might help to
identify patients who may benef it from
barrier- strengthening strategies as opposed
to antiin- f lammatory or immunosuppressive
Additional data from randomized trials are
needed to assess and compare the various therapies used for chronic hand eczema. More data
are needed to inform the role of alitretinoin in
the treatment of vesicular hand eczema.

Gu i d e l i n e
Guidelines have been published by professional
medical societies in a few countries, including
Denmark and Germany.8,20 In addition, there is a
from the United
Kingdom22 and a guideline from a Canadian
group of ex- perts.7 The American Academy of
Dermatology has published guidelines on the
use of topical glucocorticoids, the mainstay of
for hand eczema.31 A British
guideline on photother- apy includes a comment
on the use of photother- apy in hand eczema.38
The recommendations presented here are largely
consistent with these guidelines and consensus

an d R e c o m m e n d a t i
The patient described in the vignette has
vesicular- type atopic hand eczema. Her
household, which includes small children, and
her job as a nurse, which requires frequent
hand washing and the use of occlusive gloves,
are sources of continued exposure to irritants.
Patch testing is recommendReference
Veien NK, Hattel T, Laurberg G.
Hand eczema: causes, course, and
2. Thyssen JP, Johansen JD, Linneberg
A, Menne T. The epidemiology of hand
ec- zema in the general population
preva- lence and main f indings. Contact
Derma- titis 2010;62:75-87.
Diepgen TL. Occupational skindisease data in Europe. Int Arch Occup
Environ Health 2003;76:331-8.
4. Holness DL, Nethercott JR. Work outcome in workers with occupational skin



ed to rule out contact allergy to rubber components in medical gloves and to preservatives in
liquid cleansers. Contact allergy to nickel, diagnosed by means of patch testing, is often
observed in women, but its relevance to the
cause of this patients hand eczema is uncertain.
Prick testing is not necessary.
Patients such as the one described should be
counseled to avoid or at least dramatically
reduce exposure to irritants (and contact
al- lergens, when detected by patch testing) and
should inform their employer of the recommendations. For this patient, I would recommend
the use of impermeable gloves with a cotton
lining when performing wet tasks. Frequent
applica- tion
of emollients
is an essential
management, in combination with application
of potent topical glucocorticoids once or twice
daily for at least 4 weeks. If topical
glucocorticoids are not effective and the patient
has access to PUVA treatment, I would
recom- mend a course of PUVA combined with
topical glucocorticoids. A short course (1
week) of oral glucocorticoids may be needed to
achieve rapid control; long-term use is not
recommended, given the adverse effects. For
severe cases of hand ec- zema that are
unresponsive to topical therapy or PUVA, oral
cyclosporine may be considered. Other
immunosuppressive agents are also an option,
although they are used less frequently.
Dr. Coenraads reports receiving consulting fees from HEAP
Research, Astellas Pharma, Basilea Pharmaceutica, and Procter
& Gamble, grant support to his institution from Basilea
Pharma- ceutica, and lecture fees from GlaxoSmithKline. No
other poten- tial conf lict of interest relevant to this article was
Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
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Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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november 8, 2012


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