Hitler 'S Evolutionary Ethic: Lael Weinberger

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Hitlers evolutionary ethic

A review of
Hitlers Ethic:
The Nazi Pursuit of
Evolutionary Progress
by Richard Weikart
Palgrave Macmillan,
New York, 2009

Lael Weinberger

n 2004, Richard Weikart garnered

widespread attention for his book,
From Darwin to Hitler (Palgrave
Macmillan). In that book, Weikart
traced the emergence of scientific
racism in the Darwinian tradition,
particularly in Germany. He concluded
that the racist ideology and eugenic
practices of the Nazis drew considerably
from supposedly scientific evolutionary
ideas developed by Darwins followers.
Weikart, professor of history at California
State University, Stanislaus, presented
the book in careful, scholarly terms,
but nonetheless drew criticism from
some writers who feared that Weikart
was giving ammunition to critics of
Darwinian evolution. Then Weikart
appeared in the pro-design documentary,
Expelled (2008), explaining how
evolutionary thinking had been used
to justify the horrific racism of the
Holocaust under the guise of science.
The critics increased their volume,
arguing that Weikart exaggerated the
role that evolutionary thinking actually
played in Nazi ideology.
Now the critics have a new work
to reckon with, Hitlers Ethic. In
this scholarly book, Weikart makes
a detailed investigation into the role
of evolution in Hitlers own thinking.
Weikart contends that evolution was
not only a factor, but was a basic
component of Hitlers ethic.
Hitler had an ethic?

It may seem surprising to some

to think that Hitler was in fact driven
by any form of ethics. Most people
suppose that Hitler was a powerJOURNAL OF CREATION 24(2) 2010

hungry opportunist who simply

ignored morality whenever it got
in his way, Weikart acknowledges
(p. 1). Weikart disagrees with this
popular perspective. He says instead
that Hitler did have a coherent ethic to
which he consistently adhered. In fact,
Weikart suggests in his introduction,
Hitler believed that biological
advancement of humanity was the
highest good: for Hitler the highest
arbiter of morality and political policies
was the evolutionary advancement of
the human species. In the final analysis,
Hitler based his morality on a racist
form of evolutionary ethics (p. 8).
Weikart deals with three pre
liminary issues before turning to the
heart of the study. First, Weikart offers
a brief review of possible sources that
first exposed Hitler to scientific racist
ideas. Ideas that certain races were more
highly evolved than others were widely
circulating in Germany and Austria in
the early twentieth century. So were
corollary ideas that higher races should
come to increasingly dominate or
gain mastery over lower races in the
evolutionary struggle. Weikart covered
these developments in detail in his
earlier book, so this is really just quick
background information.
Second, Weikart provides a
background review of Hitler as a
moralist. It seems grotesque in
retrospect, Weikart writes, but Hitler
posed as a moral crusader in his public
advocacy. The question that Weikart
is interested in is whether Hitler really
believed that he was acting morally or
whether he was lying the whole time,
which brings him to consider, third,
Hitler as a liar. Hitler was certainly an
inveterate liar. So how do we know
when we can believe what Hitler says?
Weikart suggests that we can still get a
good idea of Hitlers genuine beliefs by
looking for, first, consistency between
statements and actions, and, second,
basic consistency in his stated positions
over long periods of time. Weikart
suggests that we find both kinds of
consistency in Hitlers adherence to
evolutionary ethics.

Evolutionary progress

From this point, Weikart turns to

the heart of Hitlers ethic. Hitler was
a faithful adherent, Weikart says, to
the cult of evolutionary progress.
He firmly believed that the most basic
law of nature was struggle. Through
struggle, the fittest make themselves
known as they survive and the less
fit die. Natures laws, especially the
law of struggle, are supreme, Hitler
asserted (p. 31). Hitler embraced the
social Darwinist idea of the struggle
for existence as a positive force,
bringing progress and improvement
to biological organisms, including the
human species (p. 36).
In Hitlers own words:
History itself represents the
progression of a peoples (Volks)
struggle for life (p. 36). All
of nature is a powerful struggle
between power and weakness,
an eternal victory of the strong
over the weak (p. 37). [I]n the
limitation of this living space
(Lebensraum) lies the compulsion
for the struggle for life, and the
struggle for life, in turn, contains
the precondition for evolution
(p. 36). The entire universe
appears to be ruled only by this
one idea, that eternal selection
takes place, in which the stronger


Photograph from wikipedia.org

in the end preserves its life and the

right to life, and the weaker falls
(p. 39).
This translated into a mightmakes-right philosophy; as Hitler
succinctly put it, The stronger is
right (p. 26). Hitler, according
to Weikart, depicted the struggle
for existence between humans as a
positive force, because it got rid of
the weak and sick, preserving only the
healthy, and thus producing higher
evolution (Hoherentwicklung)
(p. 36).
Hitlers speeches and writings
reveal frequent references to struggle,
survival of the fittest, natural
selection, and yes, evolution. Hitlers
evolutionary philosophy has often
been overlooked, Weikart suggests,
in part because the term he used
for evolution (Entwicklung) and
higher evolution (Hoherentwicklung)
are often translated as simply
development in the standard English
edition of Mein Kampf (p. 36).
While Hitlers ideas were not
drawn directly from Darwin, they did
build logically on Darwinian ideas
about struggle. Darwin wrote,
Natural selection follows from
the struggle for existence Had
he [man] never been subjected
to natural selection, assuredly
he would never have attained
to the rank of manhood [I]t

may well be doubted whether the

most favorable [circumstances]
would have sufficed [to produce
human evolution], had not the rate
of increase been rapid, and the
consequent struggle for existence
severe to an extreme degree
(Descent of Man, quoted by
Weikart, p. 34).
Hitler extrapolated further to
conclude that the struggle could and
should be pursued violently against
what he considered lower races of men.
Darwin would no doubt have been
horrified by the way Hitler applied his
theory to humanity, Weikart writes,
but Hitler did reflect concepts that
Darwin taught, that humans have
attained their present rank via rapid
multiplication causing a struggle
for existence, and that this battle
for life is necessary to continue
evolutionary progress (p. 35).
Hitlers philosophy of evolutionary
struggle and competition was
summarized in a remarkable comment
from his personal press secretary,
Otto Dietrich:
Among Hitlers own justifications
for his actions was his primitive
philosophy of nature. Both in
public speeches and private
conversations he would repeatedly
refer to this philosophy, his purpose
being to convince his listeners that
this philosophy represented the
final truth about life. He took
such principles
as the struggle
for existence, the
survival of the fittest
and strongest, for
the law of nature
and considered
them a higher
imperative which
should also rule in
the community life
of men. It followed
for him that might
was right, that
his own violent
methods were
therefore absolutely
In this famous photograph, Nazi soldiers march Jews out of the
Warsaw Ghetto. In his latest book, historian Richard Weikart in keeping with the
explores the perverted ethics that were used to justify the horrors laws of nature
inflicted on millions by Hitler and his Nazi regime.
(pp. 4041).

Struggle between races

For Hitler, the struggle among

men was between competing races. As
Hitler put it,
[T]he folkish philosophy [i.e.
Hitler s own view] finds the
importance of mankind in its basic
racial elements. Thus, it by no
means believes in an equality of the
races, but feels itself obligated
to promote the victory of the
better and stronger, and demand
the subordination of the inferior
and weaker (p. 56).
Hitler was not original here.
At the time, it was widely believed to
be scientific fact that races differed in
their evolutionary progress. Weikart
is careful to point out that the idea of
higher and lower races was around
well before Darwin, but he also points
out that Darwin and his late-nineteenth
century admirers integrated racial
theories into evolutionary thought.
(Standard histories and historians
of evolution, such as Peter Bowler,
admit as much, so Weikart is hardly
preaching a novel doctrine.1)
Racism became infused with
evolutionary meaning by a host of
writers, creating a Darwinian vision
of racial inequality that viewed races
as having evolved in varying amounts
from their simian ancestors (p. 58).
Weikart contends that Hitlers racism
fit neatly into this tradition, merging
his devotion to the law of struggle
and survival of the fittest with his racist
beliefs to create the racial policies of
the Third Reich. Weikart points out
that Hitler came to use the word Volk
interchangeably with race, leading
some to conclude that nationalism was
Hitlers basic value. But this misses
the fact that Hitler defined the nation
(Volk) in racial terms: He regularly
insisted that the Volk is defined by
its blood, meaning its biological,
hereditary qualities (p. 61).
To h i g h l i g h t t h e f a c t t h a t
biologically-conceived racial groups
were more important to Hitler and the
Nazis than simple German nationalism,
Weikart describes the varied attempts
that Nazi planners made to integrate
certain racial groups into German
society. The Scandinavians and Dutch

were considered fellow Aryans, and

Hitler expressed the desire that
they would populate the Eastern
occupied territories (p. 67). The
Interior Ministry embarked on an
ambitious mission to screen Czechs
for their racial qualities in order
to allow those deemed sufficiently
Aryan to be assimilated into the
German community. Poles were to
be scrutinized to determine whether
they were ethnically German and
capable of re-Germanization; those
who did not qualify were given a lesser
legal status as subjects of the German
Reich, while Jews and Gypsies were
given no legal status whatsoever
(p. 68).
Hitler believed that social morality
was itself a function of race.2 The
Jews were immoral, and this was an
immutable biological characteristic.
The Aryans were a moral people, and
this too was a biological characteristic.
Hence the imperative to prevent a
dilution of Aryan bloodit would
damage the progress of morality itself.
What did Hitler mean by morality?
Weikart says that Hitler seems to have
been usually referring to traits such as
diligence, self-sacrifice, loyalty, and
so on (p. 93)perhaps, above all,
the trait of altruism, the willingness
of the individual to sacrifice for the
group. Good Aryans were moral
because they were willing to sacrifice
for the good of their racial comrades.
Hitler once remarked to a friend that
the true moral principle was not to
love your neighbor as yourself; it
was, Love your racial comrade as
yourself (p. 27). Even when speaking
of morality itself, Hitlers moral
vision implicitly held that the highest
good was advancing the race in the
biological struggle for life.
Evolutionary policies

Hitlers evolutionary ethic provided

a rationale for a number of Nazi
policies. When Hitler finally decided
to pursue the extermination of the
Jews, the step was justified in Hitlers
eyes as the practical outworking of
an evolutionary ethic. The Aryan race
had to struggle for existence, and it
was for the evolutionary, progressive

good of humanity itself that

the highest form eliminate
a parasitic lower form to
promote its own survival.
Understanding Hitlers
evolutionary ethic is helpful
for understanding some Nazi
policies which otherwise may
appear conflicting. The best
example is the Nazi policy on
reproduction. Some writers
have viewed Hitler as a
social conservative because,
they claim, he encouraged
marriage, praised large
families, and promoted a
domestic role for women,
while opposing abortion
and homosexuality. But
this traditional morality
interpretation is completely
inconsistent with eugenics
policies the Third Reich
pursued simultaneously.
Weikart says the solution is
to interpret both as equally
It seems grotesque in retrospect, Richard Weikart writes
logical projects of Hitlers in his study of Hitlers ethic, but Hitler posed as a moral
evolutionary philosophy.
crusader in his public advocacy.
Traditional families were
promoted in order to increase the Aryan emphasis on reproduction can help
race. Abortion was discouraged only explain the anti-homosexuality
for Aryans because it would decrease policy. (This still leaves unanswered
the potential stock of healthy, strong questions about the curious position
racial comrades. The weak would of homosexuals in the early Nazi
be eliminated in the struggle of life. leadership.3)
The territorial expansion of
Abortion was evil when practiced by
was also linked to Hitlers
Aryans because it was as likely to
of evolutionary progress.
eliminate the strong as the weak, and
was, he believed, about
moreover, because the Aryans were
population explosion
already reproducing at a lower rate
pro-natalist policies.
(and thus were threatened by) many
living space
lower races. At the same time, though,
for the good
Nazi policy approved of abortion and
sterilization of many women with
undesirable traits. Some 400,000
everwomen with hereditary illnesses were
sterilized by Nazi doctors in less than
twelve years (p. 153), and from 1934 evolved race.
on, all women who fell within the
scope of the sterilization law could
have abortions. The Third Reichs proUnderstanding the evolutionary
natalism policy was not in tension with basis of Hitlers ethic makes sense of
its eugenics policy; both were based on much that Hitler did. Actually, Weikart
the same evolutionary ethic.
warns at the beginning of the book that
Weikart does not devote much focusing on Hitlers philosophy poses
discussion to the issue of homosexuality, a danger of making Hitler appear more
other than noting that an evolutionary consistent than he really was (p. 10).

Photograph from Deutsches Bundesarchiv, wikipedia.org



Hitler was neither a deep nor a

systematic thinker. But he was not a
madman in the sense that many people
imagine him to be. He had a theoretical,
ostensibly scientific rationale for
his racism, aggression, and German
nationalism. For historians of Hitler,
the Holocaust, and the Third Reich,
Weikart has provided a very helpful
study of the mind of Hitler.
For students of evolution and its
impact on moral and social theory and
practice, Weikart provides a rigorous
argument that evolutionary ideas
did indeed make way for Hitlers
evil. Weikart is a careful historian,
and in this book sticks closely to the
original sources: Hitlers writings
and his contemporarys recollections.
Weikart never opines on the validity
and morality of Darwinian evolution.
Also, Weikart never claims that belief
in Darwinian evolution necessarily
leads to racism, eugenics, and
holocaust. He does, however, present
a powerful argument that, as a matter
of historical fact, ideas based on
Darwinian evolution have been used
as a rationale to justify some of the
most horrific events of the twentieth
century. With any attempt to find
causes and explanations for historical
events, there will always be room to
debate details. But it seems certain
that no one can blithely dismiss the
role of evolutionary thinking as trivial
in the Nazi edifice of evil. Modern
day Darwinists may be uncomfortable
with this conclusion, but at one level
or another, serious scholars will have
a hard time denying this.
1. Bowler, P.J., Evolution: The History of An
Idea, rev. ed., University of California Press,
Berkeley, CA, p. 88, 1989.
2. This belief was shared by many other social
Darwinists in the early 20th century, although
it should be noted that only one subset of these
were anti-Semitic.
3. The classic history of Nazism, William Shirers
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History
of Nazi Germany, Simon & Schuster, p. 38,
1960, describes Ernst Rhm (leader of the
Blackshirts) as like so many of the early
Nazis, a homosexual (see also pp. 50, 120
and 225).


Britains decline
a novel approach?
A review of
The Undercover
Revolution: How Fiction
Changed Britain
by Iain H. Murray
The Banner of Truth Trust,
Edinburgh, UK, 2009

Carl Wieland

loved Iain Murrays biography of

Martyn Lloyd-Jones. So I couldnt
resist getting into this bookletmore
like a handful of brief essayswhen
someone sent it to me. Easy to down
at one sitting, I found it almost an odd
little book by comparison. And there is
a thread running through it that led to
some disquiet, as will be seen.
The first chapter deals with Robert
Louis Stevenson (of Treasure Island
fame), the second with the novelist
Thomas Hardy. The third, called The
novelists multiply details a number of
other writers of the period with links to
the first two and each other. The names
covered at least briefly include George
Bernard Shaw (writer of Pygmalion,
from which the musical My Fair Lady
was derived), the philosopher Bertrand
Russell and science fiction pioneer
H.G. Wells.
The closing chapter, Is Christianity
Fiction? is really more of an appendix,
with standard apologetic arguments for
the reality of the death and Resurrection
of the Lord Jesus.
Despite the subtitles promise, the
book spent little time on the mechanics
of how fiction changed Britain. The
following points seemed to be largely
Everyone knows of Britains
staggering post-Christian moral
The authors in question were
immensely popular in the years
transitioning to the current decay,

and so would have greatly

influenced the culture.
Murrays compact text leaves a
fair few dots for the reader to connect.
Most of it is taken up with how
these writers, who also mingled with
one another, were in a state of antiChristian rebellion and that their lives
showed the consequences of this.
Murray repeatedly concludes that
wilful rejection by these writers of
Christs claim on their lives was the
root cause of the moral decay and its
negative consequences that they each
experienced (and also, by extension, of
the moral decay they caused via their
popular writings).
But in emphasizing this biblically
indisputable, almost self-evident, truth
(of wilful rejection emanating from
a rebellious and unregenerate heart),
it frequently comes across as if he
is deliberately seeking to downplay
the conclusions of those who have
pinpointed the powerful influence of
evolutionary thought in triggering
and nurturing these radical social
upheavals. Murray acknowledges

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