23 Throat Cleanse PDF

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Throat Cleanse - I

The throat is a delicate system that serves many purposes. It is the anterior part of
the neck, in front of the vertebral column. It consists of the pharynx and larynx. The
throat is common, to digestive as well as the respiratory systems. Not only does it
form part of the digestive system, it helps control salivary build-up, aids speech and
protects the airway from obstructions and serves as a passage for excess mucous.
An important feature of the throat is the epiglottis, a flap which separates
the esophagus from the trachea and prevents inhalation of food or drink.
The Larynx
The larynx is a group of tissues and
includes muscles, cartilage and other
soft tissues that are found at the top of
the trachea. The vocal folds (or vocal
chords), are contained among these
structures and close to allow food to
pass only down the esophagus and are
prevented from entering the trachea and
progressing to the lungs. When air is
pushed up through the larynx the vocal
folds vibrate and sound is produced, the
intensity of the sound can be changed
depending on how fast the air is forced
through the larynx.
The Pharynx
The pharynx is the upper part of the airway and begins at the back of the nasal
passages and proceeds to the top of the oesophagus. It is generally considered to
be part of both the respiratory tract and the digestive tract. As the pharynx contains
many different structures it is broken down into three components: the oropharynx,
the nasopharynx and the laryngopharynx.
The oropharynx is located at the back of the mouth and comprises of the
uvula (the piece of soft tissue that lies at the back of the mouth), the
epiglottis, the tonsils and the base of the tongue.
The nasopharynx includes the soft tissues that lie at the back of the nasal
passages; and
The laryngopharynx refers to the structures that lie in the area of the throat
beneath the oropharynx continuing to the opening of the esophagus.

The Esophagus
The esophagus sometimes known as the gullet is an organ in vertebrates which
consists of a muscular tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the
stomach. During swallowing food passes from the mouth through the pharynx into
the esophagus and travels via peristalsis to the stomach. In humans the esophagus
is continuous with the laryngeal part of the pharynx. It is usually about 2530 cm
long and connects the mouth to the stomach.
The trachea or windpipe, is a tube that connects the pharynx or larynx to the lungs,
allowing the passage of air. It is lined with pseudo stratified ciliated columnar
epithelium cells which produce mucus. This mucus lines the cells of the trachea to
trap inhaled foreign particles which the cilia then waft upwards towards the larynx
and then the pharynx where it can either be swallowed into the stomach or expelled
as phlegm.
The epiglottis is a flap of elastic cartilage tissue covered with a mucus membrane,
attached to the root of the tongue. It projects obliquely upwards behind the tongue
and the hyoid bone, pointing dorsally.
The term Tonsils refers most commonly to the palatine tonsils that can be seen in
the back of the throat. These immuno-competent tissues represent the defense
mechanism of first line against ingested or inhaled foreign pathogens. It is generally
believed that they are involved in helping fight off pharyngeal and upper respiratory
tract infections.

Throat Problems: Some throat problems are as under:

Croup (bronchitis): A respiratory condition that is usually triggered by an acute

viral infection of the upper airway.

Diphtheria: An upper respiratory tract illness caused by gram-positive bacterium.

Laryngitis: An inflammation of the larynx which causes hoarse voice or the

complete loss of the voice because of irritation to the vocal cords.

Mumps: A viral disease, caused by the mumps virus.

Sore throat: A common physical symptom usually caused by acute pharyngitis

or throat inflammation. Reasons for a sore throat are varied and include smoking,
acid reflux, allergies, dry air, mouth breathing, throat abuse (shouting, coughing),
polyps, infected tonsils, food allergy etc.

Tonsillitis: An inflammation of the tonsils most commonly caused by viral or

bacterial infection.

Whooping cough (pertussis): A highly contagious disease caused by bacteria.

Hiccups: A contraction of the diaphragm that repeats several times per minute.
The abrupt rush of air into the lungs causes the vocal cords to close, creating a
hic sound.

Hoarseness: Difficulty in producing sound when trying to speak or a change in

the pitch or quality of the voice. The voice may sound weak, very breathy,
scratchy or husky.

Symptoms: Any infection or problem in the throat causes discomfort while eating,
breathing, swallowing or speaking. Common symptoms include:

Redness and swelling (inflammation) at the back of your throat causing pain,
especially when you swallow.

Red, swollen tonsils (the glands at the back of your throat; tonsillitis).

Swollen glands (lymph nodes) in your neck.

Pain in your ears or neck.

If the infection is due to cold or flu virus, you may also have some of the symptoms
of a cold or flu including:

Fever (a temperature of 38.5C or higher)

runny nose
Aching muscles and limbs.

Throat Cleanse- II
The throat is the crown of your digestive system. At the very top, it is the first section
that greets your food and drink and passes them down to the esophagus, the
muscular tube connecting the throat and stomach.
A throat filled with toxins can cause a host of problems, including bad breath, general
soreness and difficulty swallowing. Such conditions can be caused by poor eating
habits as well as smoking and chewing tobacco. From time to time, it is necessary to
cleanse the throat just as you naturally cleanse other parts of your digestive system,
such as your colon through excretion.
Singers, speakers, actors, and anybody who uses his or her voice as a tool knows
the importance of throat cleansing in order to project a strong, in-tune voice. For
example, learning proper throat cleansing techniques can help a singer to more
effectively hit high notes, sing in scales and improve general performance. Though
most people can clean their throats by simply expelling excess mucus, some people
need to take additional measures. Cleansing of your throat may involve:

Cleanse for Mucus in the Throat

2 tbsp. sea salt
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
Small piece ginger root

Stir two tablespoons of sea salt in a pint glass of water. Standing in front of
your bathroom sink, take a big sip, tilt your head back and gargle for as long
as you can. Spit the saltwater into the sink. Do not swallow it. Swallowing the
saltwater and toxins will just re-pollute your body.

A saltwater gargle is useful if you need to cleanse your throat because of

post-nasal drainage from a bacterial sinus infection. If this is the case, the
mucus that is withdrawing from your nasal cavity is chemical-laden and
leaving a residue and irritation as it drains. Gargling with saltwater can help
purify the throat of these elements.

Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Take a big sip
and gargle with the mixture. Then spit it into the sink. Gargle again,

swallowing the mixture this time. Continue this process until the vinegar-water
is gone.

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which will kill any bacteria lining your
throat or further along your digestive tract.

Peel a piece of ginger root the size of your thumb. Slice it into coin-shaped
pieces and add it to a pot of boiling water. Allow the water to cool and the
ginger root to seep properly. Sip the water-ginger mixture slowly, adding
honey if you wish. After finishing the mixture, chew the remaining pieces of
ginger. Do not swallow the ginger. Ginger is an all-natural expectorant and will
assist in removing pollutants from your throat.
1. Throat Cleanse for candida in mouth

Grapefruit Seed Extract/ Grape Seed Extract and Colloidal Silver

The best thing one can found for cleanse of candida in throat is Grapefruit
Seed Extract. Grape fruit extract can be used in water. Gargle with it making
sure it hits the back of throat. Try to hit out the tonsils and back of tongue.
Also swish it around the tongue and teeth for awhile before spiting it out. Al
silver with grape seed extract for immediate benefits. You can also use colloid
Al silver with grape seed extract for immediate benefits.

Here are some other ingredients that can be used to gargle with a little water.

Gargle with a solution of 10 ml extract of mango bark in 125 ml of water.

Drink or gargle with water in which basil (tulsi) leaves have been boiled.

Take 4 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon honey and a little bit of chili powder. Mix
them and make a paste. Swallow this after chewing.

Gargle with a solution of warm water and common salt (preferable sea salt).

Make tea by adding 1-2 teaspoons of dried chamomile (babunphul) blossoms

to a cup of boiling water and drink this every day.

Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, a little bit of chilli powder, juice of of
a lemon and 1 teaspoon of honey. Add 1 cup of hot water and stir well. Drink
this every day.

Add a pinch of cinnamon (dalchini) and chili powder to a glass of water. Add a
teaspoon of honey, mix well and drink every day. Oil of cinnamon mixed with
honey is also beneficial.

Boil 1 teaspoon of fenugreek (methi) seeds in 1 cup of water. Strain and allow
the liquid to cool. Use for gargling.

Boil 2 sprigs of coarsely chopped parsley, 3 whole cloves, 1 teaspoon

powdered myrrh and teaspoon goldenseal in a cup of water. Use this
mixture as a gargle or mouthwash.

Throat cleansing tips for better voice

1. Break the throat-clearing habit
If you are overtaken by the urge to clear your throat, swallow twice instead -- that
should help move the mucus along. A last ditch effort is a very breathy cough,
just to get the accumulated phlegm off the vocal cords. Instead, start throat
cleansing methods given above.
Clearing of Throat
Throat clearing is an instinctive attempt to remove an irritant in the throat by
consciously or unconsciously vibrating the muscles in your throat, especially your
voice box (larynx). Throat clearing is something everyone does once in a while. It
becomes a symptom of a medical problem only when it is a response to persistent
irritation or discomfort in the throat.
We clear our throat because our larynx -- the upper part of the respiratory tract that
contains the vocal cords -- becomes irritated. The irritation can be caused by
something as simple as an accumulation of mucus, perhaps from a cold or an
allergy. Other common causes are dryness in the throat or a reaction to
environmental tobacco smoke. Clearing the throat is an irritating, abrasive response
to what we feel in our throat.

2. Improve your air quality

Stay away from secondhand smoke and other sources of indoor and outdoor
pollution as well. Also, if you use air conditioners or heaters, use a humidifier to
restore humidity levels in your home. If humidifier is not readily available then use
a large plate of water before a room heater.
3. Stay hydrated
Try taking small sips of water throughout the day to keep the mucus from building
up. Herbal tea with a twist of lemon helps soothe an irritated throat.
4. Turn the volume down
If you are prone to temporary hoarseness, examine your speaking style to check
if you speak loudly. Tone down your voice in order to avoid stressing the vocal

5. Fight hoarseness with horseradish (muranka or sahjan)

Horseradish is said to be a powerful aphrodisiac. However, in case of hoarseness
it provides immediate relief. Make small piece of horseradish and boil it.. gargle
with this water and chew the boiled pieces of Sahjan for prompt relief.

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