SHV Issue 4 (Sathya)
SHV Issue 4 (Sathya)
SHV Issue 4 (Sathya)
Advisor :
Bro (Dr.) Praveen Kumar
Editor :
Sis. Senthuria
Sub Editorial :
Bro. Omshivashankar
Sis. Rubbitharani
Bro. Yugenraj
Bro. Satiaprasath
Sis. Naavisha
Bro. Ravin
Sis. Yushanthini Nair
Sis. Kavitha Devi
Bro. Sathiswaran
Logo Credits :
Bro. Matteus
Page 4
My most loving pranams to the Lotus feet of Our Beloved Swami, revealed elders, Sai youths and teen youths of Kedah! Jai Sai Ram.
Where is God? Where is Swami? Many have asked this question, many
more have looked for answers. Yet, the answer is simple. The formless Supreme
chose to take a wondrous form that of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, with that
dark halo of hair, dressed in elegant orange hues, endearing Himself to all
hearts.It is His utmost grace that we knew His presence on earth and can openly
say that God walked the earth, we lived with God and witnessed this to be true.
Our beloved Swami never passed away, but He has passed into all of us to stay
within us permanently. Yes, He has gone nowhere but resides in our heart. He is
Sai Hrudaya Vasine, indweller of hearts.
Dear teen youths, what we need today is unwavering faith in God. Faith
alone can protect us. Under all circumstances, at all times, consider God as the
basis of life. We, the limited beings can never claim to know everything about the
limitless Swami. Every satsang with a Sai devotee or participation in any function, provides us with an opportunity to know more and more of Swami and His
leelas. After all, learning is a continuous process. The glory of the Divine gets
unfolded gradually and we should consider ourselves lucky to come across such
glorious occasions to listen to and learn. It is a fact that the journey of several
miles begins with a single small step. It is one such small step to integrate
thoughts, shape our action and build a better rapport among the teen youths of
Kedah by their selfless contribution and dedication in publishing this newletter,
Sai Hrudaya Vasine (SHV) under His guidance. We would like to grab this opportunity to expand our heartfelt gratitude to those have helped us directly and
indirectly in making this possible. Special thanks Dr.Praveen Kumar as your
support is immensely valuable. It is a divine blessing to all of us and sincerely
thank you beholden
Editor, Sai Hrudaya Vasine
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When you seek the Truth, you are seeking God. Truth is
God. Truth exists; so too, God exists. Truth must be
considered as life giving as breath itself. Just as a
person with no breath in him becomes useless, life
without Truth is useless and becomes a dwelling place of
strife and grief. Believe that there is nothing greater than
Truth; nothing more precious, nothing sweeter and
nothing more lasting.
Volume 1, Issue 4
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Rudram Chanting
1at Anuvaka
Om namo bhagavate rudraya
yours which is not terrible, which will not injure us, and
Asau yastamro aruna uta babhruh sumangalah
which is highly auspicious,
Ye chemarudra abhito dixu Shritah sabehold and illuminate us.
hasrashoavaishhaheda imahe
Yamishhum girishanta haste bibharshhyastave
This Sun who is copper-red when he arises, then goldenyoullow, this highly auspicious
Shivam giritra tam kuru ma hisih purushham jagath and beneficent one is truly Rudra.
My Lord who dwells on Mount Kailas and confers glad- These other Rudras who are quartered round about in
ness to all! You, who fulfills your
all directions of this earth, may I
vow of protecting all who serve you and take refuge in
ward off their anger by my praise.
you; that arrow of yours which you
hold ready to let fly, withhold it and make it tranquil and
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Volume 1, Issue 4
The black-throated Rudra who has assumed the form of You, Oh showerer of blessings, with your weapons and
the sun that glows red when
the bow in Your hand, completely
rising. Him the cowherds, the women carrying water,
and all the creatures behold.
He, who is seen by all, let Him send happiness to us.
Namo astu nilagrivaya sahasraxaya midhushhe
Atho ye asya satvanoaham tebhyoakarannamah
protect us.
Namaste astvayudhayanatataya dhrishhnave
Let my salutations be to the blue-throated one, who has and your bow.
a thousand eyes.
I also bow to his followers.
Pramuncha dhanvanastva mubhayo rartniyo
Yashcha te hasta ishhavah para ta bhagavo vapa
Bhagavan Rudra, loosen the string from both ends of
your bow.
Remove out of sight the arrows from your hands.
Avatatya dhanustva sahasraxa shateshhudhe
Nishirya shalyanam mukha shivo nah sumana bhava
You having a thousand eyes, and bearing a hundred
quivers, after loosening your bow,
kindly blunt the edges of your shafts.
Assume your peaceful and auspicious Shiva form and
become well-intentioned towards
Vijyam dhanuh kapardino vishalyo banava uta
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Thy protection.
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Bro. Omshivashankar
Volume 1, Issue 4
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Similarly, being able to sing bhajans is a sacred reward from the Lord Himself for
us to serve ourselves towards liberation. Bhajan singing creates a chance for us
to experience the truth that God and we are One. So, when we are given this opportunity, we have to fulfill our dharma as a bhajan singer by singing bhajans
with full of love, adoration and respect for Him. This is why we are asked to understand the meaning of the bhajan and practice it numerous times. When we truly understand the meaning of a bhajan, we tend to revel in the glory of God. I
have personally experienced this with the bhajan Sai Matha Pitha Deena Bandhu
Sakha. I could feel a sense of gratitude towards Swami while singing this song.
I also got a chance to learn that anything can be achieved with true love and dedication. So singing bhajans with devotion becomes a form of Sathya too.
Beloved brothers and sisters, if we believe we are Swamis soldiers, then we have
to act like His soldiers. We have to make sure that we follow the supreme principal Sathya in all out thoughts, words and deeds. We have to always keep in
mind that we are fortunate to be in Swamis fold. For all the love that He has
showered upon us, let us thank Him with our pure hearts and deeds. Through
truthful actions, we too can be transformed into Narayana (God).
Let us be a Sai!
Let us make a change!
By: Sis Kavitha Devi
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Rahmaniac reflection
Volume 1, Issue 4
and building up chemistry among the bhajan musicians and singers. For the song, there were only three people brainstorming in
their earnest effort to co-operate with AR Rahman to complete
that beautiful song. It seems that the lyricist said he was confused on who was the musician and singer. This implies to us
during bhajan practices too. Bhajans are wonderful sessions
where we also become super musicians and talk through music.
Its even beautiful when the chemistry is spontaneously developing during the bhajans. And eventually by Gods grace, unity
arises under the name of God. Besides, the vibration gets higher
and higher when all the music falls in the right place when its
towards the end. As Bob Marley said, One good thing about
music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. From a drummers
view, I feel a musician feels inspired and motivated to play the
naal. Honestly, I have no idea how things gets heated up during
the bhajans but it just happens. But when a singer is singing,
wonders of music really do happen where all of us get blended
together. Furthermore, in some cases, many people wants to sing,
but it will always be a dream. Though many people have made it
realizing bhajans as a good foundation. It even helps students
activating their right-side brain where for hours in schools they
mostly use their left-side brain for analytical thinking. When both
side of the brains function optimally, it makes a person perform
outstandingly. I really thank you swami for showing AR Rahman
as an analogy to compare bhajans with. I think by now you guys
would have really got the word Rahmaniac. Haha!!! Proud to be
one. Guys, if you are having problems relating perceiving bhajans as a fun thing, well this might help you.
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The greatness of a
man is not in how
much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability
to affect those around
him positively.
-Bob Marley-
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God is Truth,
Truth is Goodness,
Goodness is Beauty,
Truth, Goodness, Beauty,
Sathyam, Shivam, Sundaram
is yourself.
be yourself.
In the Vedas and later Sutras, the meaning of the word Satya evolves into
an ethical concept about truthfulness and is considered an important virtue. It
means being true and consistent with reality in one's thought, speech and ac-
tion.Our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has also emphasised on
SATYA which generally means TRUTH.
Only when a person learns to speak the truth only then he is considered
moving forward in spituality. Nothing is higher than the Law of Righteousness
(Dharma). The weak overcomes the stronger by the Law of Righteousness. Truly that Law is the Truth (Satya). Therefore, when a man speaks the Truth, they
say, "He speaks Righteousness"; and if he speaks Righteousness, they say, "He
speaks the Truth!" For both are one. In the hearts of every human being there
is a spark of truth , but the main problem is, as human beings we get influenced
by certain situations which forces us to lie or speak untruthfully. These negtive
situations poisons our mind and hearts , thus causing us to lie. The most effective solution to overcome such situations is to follow our beloved Swamis teachings by following the NINE CODES OF CONDUCT.
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Volume 1, Issue 4
dark void without it. That spark, that flame is God, for, He is the source of all
truth and all love. Man seeks truth. He seeks to know the reality because his
very nature is derived from God, who is truth. He seeks love, to give it and
share it, for his nature is of God, and God is love.
In another case Swami has also said , If you want to know the
way in which you have to observe Sathya or truth in speech, look into the Bhagavad Gita (The Celestial Song from the Indian epic Mahabharata). It tells
you that the best form of speech is "anudvegakaram vaakyam" (speech that
does not create pain, anger or grief to others). The Shasthras (ancient scriptures) also say, "Sathyam bruyaath, priyam bruyaath na bruyaath Sathyam
apriyam" (Speak the truth; speak the truth pleasingly; never speak truth which
is unpalatable). Simply because a statement will please the listener, don't speak
it out to win the persons approval; if speaking truth will cause grief or pain,
then maintain silence." This is the vow of truth in ordinary daily life. If you are
going to speak the truth and that truth is going to hurt somebody , then Swami
says keep that truth to yourself. Hurting somebodys feelings is also considered
a bad action. So, lets all learn to speak the truth as its not difficult if we follow
all the teachings of our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. BE GOOD,
DO GOOD!! The chief duty of man is investigation into truth. Truth can be
won only through dedication and devotion, and they are dependent on the
grace of God, which is showered only on hearts saturated with love.
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They decided to spend the night, just where they were. Krishna put fright into them with his descriptions of
ghosts, ghouls, and demons roaming in search of human prey. He proposed that two of them sleep for three
hours at a stretch while the other one keeps watch.
It was Krishnas duty to keep awake and be on the lookout from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Satyaki was to be vigilant from 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Balarama was to start his part of the duty at 1:00 a.m. and keep on till
4:00 a.m. Satyaki sat up at ten and Balarama and Krishna laid themselves on beds of dried leaves and slept
soundly. Meanwhile a demon did actually present himself
before the little Satyaki.
He fell upon the boy, who resisted heroically, dealing and
receiving hammer strokes with fists with a good deal of
clawing and biting in between. The demon had to retreat at
last, leaving Satyaki badly mauled, but happy. The two
brothers were sound asleep. They had not been disturbed in
the least by noise of the encounter. Satyaki had met blow
with blow, and dealt injury for injury. At 1:00, he awakened Balarama and stretched his body on the heap of
leaves, as if nothing had happened.
The demon invited Balarama, too, for combat and had to
retreat humiliated, because Balarama too was as fierce as he, and his blows were even more terrible than
Satyakis. Balarama too curled himself into the bed at 4:00 a.m. after awakening Krishna who was to keep
watch in Brahmamuhurta, the auspicious hour when Gods are to be propitiated, that is, until dawn
The demon came roaring like a wounded tiger, and advanced furiously at the little Divine Boy. Krishna
turned his sweet charming face at him, and rewarded him with a lovely smile. That smile disarmed the demon. The longer he came under its influence, the weaker became his vengeance and venom. At last, the demon became as docile as a lamb. When the other two awoke, they were surprised at the victory that Krishna
had won by the weapon of Love. You cannot destroy anger by anger, cruelty by cruelty, hatred by hatred.
Anger can be subdued only by forbearance. Cruelty can be overcome only by non-violence. Hatred yields
only to charity and compassion.
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Grateful I am to have parents who do not stop me from participating in any Sai activities despite
them being non Sai believers at that point of time. As everybodys ultimate goal is to at least see
Swamy in physical form one time , that dream was also mine and I was worried when will that opportunity be. Never did i assume that opportunity will only come to me after 15 years of being his
son the same year He left his mortal coil.
Why did you disappoint me Swami ?? !!!! the same question i asked again and again at Bandung Sai Centre during the Samadhi Day special prayers, i was never able to sing , i was never
able to chant any slokas, neither focus...just emotionally disturbed. It was very difficult to digest
the fact that he is no more there despite everybody was trying to convince each other he just physically not there. Wont I be seeing you anymore?? How unfortunate i am for not being able to
see you even once... Why u had to do this to me??.. As time goes by accepting the fact that i
wouldnt be seeing him at this birth and due to some circumstances somehow my first trip to
Puthaparthi that year got cancelled.
As I always questioned him for not being able to give me the opportunity to see him physically..i
have realised that along my life journey he has never failed to show me his presence I have
learned that Swami is present everywhere and every time ...
When i was lying in unconsciously in ICU at the hospital with my mum sitting next to me crying
as the doctor said that there is no hope in me surviving when diagnosed with Haemorrhagic
Dengue. I was 23 at the that time. The same moment my dad was praying for the first time in
front of Swamis little altar which i set up at home ,some honey nectar start appearing on the
mini paduka which i have placed there.. recalling the miracle stories which I used to share to my
parents that happened with other devotees elsewhere, it triggered my dad to bring it into the ICU
and he
fed me few sip at the corner of my mouth. Exactly half an hour later when the doctors
Volume 1, Issue 4
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came to monitor on my vital signs, yes literally Its medical Miracle health improved tremendously and after few days I was discharged . This was a great turning point
for my parents as they started believing in Sai and got more involved at centre activities.
Born as human being, we will never be able to run away from Karmic consequences..No one
will have a smooth sailing life and definitely will have some break downs.. Another unfortunate event that happened to me is when I met a massive accident .As I was driving back after
a dance performances at Sg Petani, I lost my way ( I was still new to Kedah that point of
time) , i was trying to figure out the roads and find my way. Out of no where , a speeding
car hit my car on my left, my car toppled and rolled over 360 degrees several time, then
dragged over the tar road few meters , my car was already on fire due to the friction and i
thought i was heading that panic attack, life threatening incident i only could close
my eyes and pray, slightly before plunging into the trench, my car stopped...the factory
workers who witnessed the scene at that area came to aid and took me out of the car.. the
first question which they ask Awak masih hidup ke?? that itself is enough to describe how
horrifying the accident was. Still traumatised I looked on myself ,there werent a single injury or a scratch head to toe. When I touched my chest i felt an object ,like a card. As i inserted my hand into my pocket, Swamis photo was there. It was actually the small photo of
Swami which i glued on my car dashboard. Yes it was a sign, Swami saved me at the edge of
my death.
These few incidents has thought me to realise the reason i have been saved ..whats my
role , whats my purpose of life? ..Its a like a wake up call or a loving reminder to keep
doing His work. I felt as if whispered.. I am saving you yet again and again, you have a lot
My work to do, a lot more to achieve ..more and more, i am not letting you go...The more i
do His work the more he loves me, the more I do his work the more he protects me, the
more I think of him he is always with me.
Finally at the age of 26 after saving up from my very own salary i was given a chance or
more of a blessings I would say to make a trip to Puthaparthi with my Indonesian Sai
Youths. When I was there I did not feel his absence. I felt his presence everywhere. During
one of the day while resting in the hostel. A sevadal came knocking our room door. When i
opened.. he asked Are you Dr Praveen from Malaysia who came with the Indonesian devotees?? I said yes . He handed me a big bag saying that its a gift for me. Puzzled I
asked the Sevadal who gave this and why me, he explained that Swami gave to him to pass it
to me as a gift when i come Puthaparthi , apparently Swami also told him that i am supposed to come in the year 2011 but would not make it that year and i will definitely come in
the year 2013 instead. which had Swamis half body framed photo and signature below, a
big container of vibuthi, a locket with Swamis and Shirdis images and draft of a book
signed by him which wasnt published yet entitled ,
Why did you disappointed me, Swami??
Bro Praveen Kumar
Kedah State Teen Youth Coordinator
Kedah State Youth Wing Secretary
AIMST Bhajan Unit Advisor
Illustration by
Editing Credits
Sis.Yushanthini Nair
Bro. Ravin
Page 26
Sai Ram dear all. Ramayana can be said to be a book, or a guide to the
way how man should live his life. It comprises all the human values and
codes of conduct that our Balvikas teachers instilled in us. Therefore, since
our Sai Hrudaya Vasine is on Satya, let's just dwell on some points on
Truth portrayed in this Divine Epic.
The Subtle Truth of Ramayana
The Ramayana has very subtle Truth embedded in it. The Epic first of all
expounds the duties of the individual. In the everyday world, any person's
form is termed as an individual. The duties of individual taught in the Ramayana is not relating to the external form of this individual. The Unmanifest, immanent and hidden human values are the essence of Ramayana.
The inner reality and the Divine resident in the heart constitute the true
individuality. Individual does not mean the form; the individual in action is
the true individual. ( SSS Vol.34 p. 71-72 )
Profound Secrets and Truth - Rama displayed equanimity
As close as
you are to
GOD, so close
is GOD to
The basic elements are common to all mankind. The world itself in one
family. All men are brothers. Rama preached to the world this basic Truth.
He taught the world the duties of everyday life, social duties and family
obligations. This triple stream of Duties are the Messages of Ramayana.
Whoever bathes in this triple stream is absolved of his sins and is redeemed. Such great work that Ramayana has to be read, reread and lived
up to by everyone. ( SSS Vol.30 p.92 )
Swami says, " Put teachings of Ramayana into practice ".
The Ramayana demonstrates that anything can be achieved through sincerity and devotion. The story of Ramayana is so enchanting and captivating that one feels like listening to it again and again. Bharathiyas have
been singing the story of Ramayana since the ancient times. Everyone
should try to understand the essence of Ramayana. The Ramayana teaches
that one should have good character, one should obey the command of the
father and respect their parents, and there should be unity among brothers.
If you follow this teachings in letter and spirit, YOUR LIFE ITSELF WILL
BECOME A LIVING RAMAYANA! ( SSS Vol.32 Part1 p.110 )
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Volume 1, Issue 4
Bobattulu or Poli is a very popular sweet in Maharasthra. Bobbatlu is one of the traditional sweets of Andhra which are prepared for festivals or occasions. Usually for Poli or Bobattulu
the filling is prepared with chana dal or lenthil and sugar and
the outer layer (dough) is prepared with wheat flour.
Did you know: Bobattulu is one of Swamis favourite snack!
* 1 cup of split lentil (soaked in water for 2 hours and drained)
* 1 cup of sugar (adjustable)
* 1 1/4 cups of refined wheat flour
* enough water to prepare dough
1. Cook the lentil in a cup of water in a pressure cooker till it becomes soft and mushy. Once cool, grind to a fine
paste.Heat a pan and add the lentil paste and sugar. Cook until they blend and form a lump so that you can prepare small balls for stuffing.
2. Add cardamom powder and pinch of salt and mix well. Turn off heat and cool. Prepare small lemon sized balls
with this lentil mixture and keep aside.
3. Mix refined flour, pinch of salt, 2 tablespoon of oil and enough water to make very soft and sticky dough. Knead
4. Grease your hands with oil to knead the dough and take a small portion of the dough and flatten it into a disc of
the size of your palm. Place a sweet lentil ball in the centre and draw the edges of the dough from all sides to
cover the sweet lentil ball completely.
5. Take a sheet of transparent plastic wrap and gently flatten each ball carefully with your fingers to form a 6 to
8 diameter flat circular bobattulu.
6. Fry it on low flame on a hot griddle. Roast both sides till brown spots appear.
Smear with ghee on both sides when done. Serve warm with clarified butter/ghee.
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Loving Sai Ram SHV Readers, this time, SHV presents you a few
celebrations that are widely celebrated
We should realize
that man has not
only a mind which
conceives thoughts,
but also a heart
which can put them
into practice.
Volume 1, Issue 4
In our society today, however, when we think of Lakshmi, we think only of money - counting
gold and dollar bills! This is why if one goes to a Lakshmi temple, one will find a crowd. Everybody likes Lakshmi Puja (Lakshmi worship) because they think she represents material wealth.
But what is real wealth? Even if we have material wealth but no self-discipline or self-control, nor
the values of love, kindness, respect and sincerity, all our material wealth will be lost or destroyed.
The real wealth is the inner wealth of spiritual values that we practice in our lives, by which our
minds become purified. Only when we have these noble values will we be able to preserve our material wealth and make good use of it. Otherwise money itself becomes a problem.
In the Upanishads, the Rishis never asked for material wealth only. The Rishis also express
that in the absence of right values and good qualities, all our money will be wasted, and there are
countless examples of this in the world around us.
Our wealth of virtues is our true Lakshmi. Its importance is shown by the fact that Adi
Shankaracharya himself, in Vivekachudamani, describes that sat sampati, or six forms of wealth
(calmness of mind, self-control, self withdrawal, forbearance, faith and single-pointed ness) that
are to be cultivated to attain wisdom. These virtues are important because our goal is victory over
the mind - a victory such that we do not get disturbed by every change that takes place in our
lives. This victory comes only when the mind is prepared, and this mental preparation is the symbolism of the Lakshmi Puja.
Victory over the mind can
be gained only through
knowledge, through understanding; and it is Goddess Saraswati who represents this
highest knowledge of the Self.
Although there are many
kinds of knowledge in the Vedas
- phonetics astronomy, archery,
architecture, economics and so
on - the real knowledge is in the
spiritual knowledge. Lord
Krishna himself says in the
Bhagavad Gita: The
knowledge of the Self is the
knowledge; and He adds, It
is my vibhuti, my glory. In other words, we may have knowledge of many other subjects and sciences but if we do not know our
own Self, then that is the greatest loss. Therefore the supreme knowledge is the knowledge of the
Self that is represented by Goddess Saraswati.
It is said in the scriptures that one can realize the Self through sadhana, seva, satsang and
the Gurus grace.These nine days are an opportunity to be completely in sadhana, seva, satsang
and of course, the grace of the Master is already with us.
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Volume 1, Issue 4
Swamis Birthday
23 of November every year is a very special date for all the Sai devotees
around the globe as it is the day our beloved bhagawan was born. His
birthday is celebrated by singing bhajans; doing sadhanas and sevas. This
day is very special in each and every Sai devotees life.
In this issue, SHV is glad to attach two divine discourse or message that
was noted in the year 1996 and 1997 (told by swami himself) regarding
what is birthday and we should celebrate Swamis born day.
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Volume 1, Issue 4
kerchief. When you say my body, you and the body are different. Therefore, the body, mind,
senses, intellect --all are instruments. But you are the master of all these. That is I. Make an effort to recognize that I.
It is the 70th birthday of this body. You have to know one important thing. Swami does not need
anything. He does not expect any dress. Swami belongs to you. Swami is not separate from you.
You are not separate from Swami. That is the intimate relation between Swami and you.
Right from this day our organization should expand and spread all over the world. We should
forget individual differences and keep in view the welfare of society. The welfare of society is
our welfare. Let it be in any village, region, or country, we should participate in all activities.
Embodiments of love!
Participants from 175 countries have assembled here today. So many have congregated. What
work are we doing now? We have to inquire clearly. Our quality lies in our work. There are
bound to be poor people in your respective countries. They are God in the form of poor people
(the daridra Narayanas). You serve that God (Narayana). What is the use of serving God, who
has everything (Sriman Narayan)? God has so many servants to serve Him. You don't need to
serve Him. There are the poor and the needy, who are the embodiments of God. Serve them.
We should not hate any religion. The followers of all religions should behave like brothers and
sisters. You practice such an ideal and give happiness to Swami. Many foreigners said, '"Happy
Birthday, Happy Birthday" in the morning. Swami is always happy. Swami does not need your
happiness. You be happy. Happiness is union with God. If you want to be happy, join God. Then
you can be happy.
You should follow a new path right from this day. You should spend a happy time in unity, coordination, and integration. You should experience divinity in all. That is true bliss. It is not happiness if it is from comforts and conveniences. They are just passing clouds, coming and going.
You should achieve the bliss that neither comes nor goes. Love is the only path to reach that
goal of bliss.
Karthigai Deepam happens to be an important and auspicious occasion in Tamil calendar. Most
Tamils respect this occasion when Lord Muruga was born. The household matters are taken
care of and lamps are lit almost every part of the house to bring peace and prosperity. The woman worship to bring happiness in the lives of their children and ward off all the troubles in life.
Spiritual Significance of Karthigai Deepam
The functioning of lamp implies a great spiritual notion. The wick in the lamp symbolizes our
ego and the oil that is used to light the lamp denotes our
innate nature that is responsible for the ego to thrive. The
flame, the spiritual knowledge has the capacity to blaze
our ego, the wick by emptying our innate tendencies. This
is the significance of Karthigai Deepam.
Lights symbolize the victory of the good over the evil. People try to make their homes protected from evil eyes and
evil forces. They want to bring in peace and prosperity in
the families for life. They pray honestly to God to give
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them good feelings for other human beings. Lamps CAN give the
power to shed of fear and bring in victory in the lives of people.
Legends associated with Karthigai Deepam
Lord Shiva was very depressed after Parvati's death and secluded
him in deep meditation. During this time, six babies including Lord
Muruga, Kartik and Subrahmaniya were born as children of Lord
Shiva. Parvati became Sati so Krittika stars looked after the six babies. Later on the force of Sati joined the six babies into one being or
great force. The krittika star cluster becomes seven when the Muruga God joins them.
Muruga later on acted as a teaching guide to Shiva, according to another famous legend. He taught Shiva the actual meaning of the
word "Om" which is very important in Hindu culture. The lamps also represent that Lord Shiva understood the actual meaning of the
ultimate word "Om". He was enlightened by knowing the value of
the word. Tamils want to live in peace and enjoy the best of life. They
want to stay away from all sorts of worries and quarrels. Lamps are
lighted everywhere to give them the power to say no to all bad temptations in life.
Light has to be
switched on in the
heart of man, rather
than in the house
where images of lord
is installed and worshipped.
Volume 1, Issue 4
scientists and doctors know the significance of such great festivals. They come back home during this time to be with the family and share their joys and sorrows. People shed of all the misunderstandings and quarrels and unite during this wonderful festival of lights. This festival represents giving and sharing among humans. Wearing new clothes, shoes and praying in front of
God gives people the power to start life in a new way during the coming year.
The Significance of Christmas is known to men, all over the world. Though it is true that
Christmas is celebrated as the day of the Birth of Christ into this world, yet it also symbolizes a
very deeply significant truth of the spiritual life. Jesus Christ is the very personification of Divinity. He was born at a time when ignorance, superstition, greed, hatred and hypocrisy prevailed upon the land. Purity was forgotten and morality was neglected.
In the midst of these conditions, Christ was born and He worked a transformation in the lives of
people. He gave a new and a spiritual turn to the lives of man. There came a change upon the
land. People started upon a new way of life. Thus a new era dawned for the world.
In that period the seeker has no thought of God or higher spiritual life. He lives a life of lust,
anger, greed, deluded attachment, pride and jealousy. If the seeker must enter into a new life of
spiritual aspiration, purity and devotion, then the Christ-spirit must take its birth within his
heart. That is the real Christmas when the Divine element begins to express itself in the heart of
the man. From then onward, light begins to shine where darkness was before.
A very small, but very beautiful, point of deep significance is attached to Christmas. It is the
time and the manner of the birth of the Lord upon the holy Christmas day. Jesus Christ was not
born in a grand palace. He was not born to very wealthy or learned parents. Jesus Christ was
born in a simple lowly place, a corner of a stable. He was born to humble and poor parents, who
had nothing to boast about, except their own spotless character and holiness.
The above point of deep significance tells that the spiritual awakening comes to the seeker, who
is perfectly humble and "meek" and "poor in spirit." The quality of true humility is one of the
indispensable fundamentals. Then we find simplicity, holiness and the renunciation of all desire
for worldly wealth and pride of learning. Thirdly, even as Christ was born unknown to the
world and in the obscurity of darkness, even so, the advent of the Christ-spirit takes place in the
inwardness of man when there is total self-effacement self-abnegation.
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A Christmas Prayer
Loving Father, Help us remember the birth of Jesus,
that we may share in the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds,
and worship of the wise men.
Close the door of hate and open the door of love all
over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and
good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil
by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be
merry with clear hearts.
May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy
children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds
with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen.
by Robert Louis Stevenson
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For over months having state omkaar, our 4th state youth
omkaar was collaborated with langkawi youth camp..the
session started off with swami's paduka procession with
setting up kumbam by youth vedic chants and beautiful
bhajans. it was indeed a divine and significant omkaar.
Volume 1, Issue 4
A small trip to gelugor center by kulim center devotees to celebrate lantern festival.. With soulful
bhajans lantern procession and lifting creatively and intentionally made kong min lanterns with a
hail of jai bolo bhagawan sri
sathya sai baba ji ki jaii!,
turns to a joyful celebration
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Volume 1, Issue 4
Our beloved Sai Mas 90th Birthday celebration with special performances by small kids up to adults
and other NGOs to promote interfaith harmony.
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Volume 1, Issue 4
Baba smiled and said, Yes, that was a close one. You were so shocked that not even one
of you called for Swami! But, Swami saved you anyway. Then He turned to a group of
men and in Telugu told them the entire story of the incident.I then said, Swami, you
must have altered time and space in order to save us. Baba just smiled and did not answer.
In 1978, I happened to meet Joe King, one of our fellow taxi passengers. It was in New
York, where he lives. He asked, Were you ever able to figure out what happened that
time in the taxi?
I smiled, shook my head, and said, No.