Answer Script of Online Assessment Date of Exam: 14 - 10-2015
Answer Script of Online Assessment Date of Exam: 14 - 10-2015
Answer Script of Online Assessment Date of Exam: 14 - 10-2015
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comes from two Greek words: aerios, concerning the air, and
motion of
rocket, a beach ball thrown near the shore, or a kite flying high
league baseball pitchers gets its
from aerodynamics.
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Q 6. What does the Columbia Univesity Professor think about amino acids?
they are the building blocks of life
they are the basis of living things
they are delivered by meteor strikes
all the above
Correct Answer : 4
Q 8. How do amino acids which are equal in the beginning become dominant with one kind or the other?
they lose polarity while traveling past neutron stars
they lose polarity as they approach the earth
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Q 9. That's why I'm only half kidding when I say there is a guy on the other side of the universe with his
heart on the right hand side" means there are several earths out there in space similar to ours
there are several meteors in space that are carrying amino acids
there are several neutron stars in space
there is another earth in space that has the opposite polarity to us
Correct Answer : 4
Q 10. Scientists recreated the meteor theory through ----- of the occurrence.
Correct Answer : 2
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his result is within a margin of between 2% and 20% of the actual meridional circumference, 40,008
kilometres (24,860 mi).
Q 14. According to the passage, what does accelerator cause vulcanization to?
It causes vulcanization to proceed more rapidly
It causes vulcanization to proceed at lower temperatures
It causes vulcanization to proceed at higher temperatures
Both A and B are correct
Correct Answer : 4
Q 15. According to the passage, what are added as a modern practice for the improvement of the qualities of
Carbon black or Zinc Oxide
All the above
Correct Answer : 2
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Q 16. Pick a word from the passage which is synonymous with the word 'ductile'?
Correct Answer : 2
Q 17. According to the passage, what do they do with certain synthetic rubbers?
They are also vulcanized but at higher temperatures
They are given treatment with sulfur
They are not vulcanized
They are not treated as they don't give satisfactory products
Correct Answer : 3
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Q 20. Due to the low work function and high electron emission, Thorium has not found application
in a number of gaseous discharge lamps
photoelectric cells
as emitter in monochromatic X-ray tubes
as a generator of heat
Correct Answer : 4
Irrespective of the fact that he is under aged, he did very well in the examinations.
Notwithstanding the fact that he is under aged, he did very well in the examinations.
Correct Answer : 1Your answer : 1 Status : CorrectMarks : 1
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 24. Identify the correct sentence.
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This is one of the four primary libraries that are supported by our organization.
This is one of the four primary libraries that is supported by our organization.
Correct Answer : 1Your answer : 1 Status : CorrectMarks : 1
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 25. Identify the correct sentence.
There are a number of students in the college who have higher ambitions in life.
There are number of students in the college who have higher ambitions in life.
Correct Answer : 1Your answer : 2 Status : WrongMarks : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 26. Identify the correct sentence.
We left our booking for the event till the last moment and so the hotel could not accumulate all of us.
We left our booking for the event till the last moment and so the hotel could not accommodate us.
Correct Answer : 2Your answer : - Status : WrongMarks : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 29. Identify the correct sentence.
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It is quite acceptable to pay a lot for high quality work especially if the service is very well.
It is quite acceptable to pay a lot for high quality work especially if the service is very good.
Correct Answer : 2Your answer : 1 Status : WrongMarks : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 32. Identify the correct sentence.