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Answer Script of Online Assessment Date of Exam: 14 - 10-2015

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Answer Script of Online Assessment

Date of Exam: 14-10-2015
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Name: ANANTHARAJ N
Registration No: 711712114002
Subject Name: Communication
Test Name: Communication Skills Laboratory
Exam Summary
Total Questions : 32
Max Marks: 35
Correct Answers: 7
Wrong Answers: 25
Marks Obtained:7.5

Section I : Listening Comprehension

Gap filling (This part carries 5 Marks)
Instruction: Listen to the passage and type the correct word in the blanks.
Click play button to listen the Audio.

Q 1.What is aerodynamics? The

dynamis, which means

comes from two Greek words: aerios, concerning the air, and

. Aerodynamics is the study of forces and the

objects through the air.

motion of

from the story of Daedalus and Icarus, humans have been

aerodynamics and flying for thousands of

been possible only in the last

, although flying in a heavier-than-air


years. Aerodynamics affects the motion of a large airliner, a model

rocket, a beach ball thrown near the shore, or a kite flying high
league baseball pitchers gets its


. The curveball thrown by big

from aerodynamics.

Correct Answer : word~ force~re

Your Answer : what~force~resulting~judgin~intrested~years~machine~100~over
head~curveStatus : WrongMarks : 1.5
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section I - Listening Comprehension: Multiple Choice (This part carries 5 Marks)
Instruction: Listen to the passage and answer the question/s by clicking on the appropriate option.
NOTE: Audio can be replayed twice.
Click play button to listen the Audio.
Q 2. How was the Earth 3-4 billion years ago?
lush and green
hot, dry and lifeless
full of various species of animals
full of flora and fauna
Correct Answer : 2Your Answer : 2Status : CorrectMarks : 0.5

Q 3. What did the impact of a meteor change on the earth?

It sent seeds from space
It created chemical seeds of life


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It activated all volcanoes

It created earthquakes
Correct Answer : 2

Your Answer : 3Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 4. What is most important to create life?

water and fire
soil and moisture
amino acids
single celled organisms
Correct Answer : 3

Your Answer : 1Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 5. Mirroring of amino acids- left and right is called

Correct Answer : 3

Your Answer : 3Status : CorrectMarks : 0.5


Q 6. What does the Columbia Univesity Professor think about amino acids?
they are the building blocks of life
they are the basis of living things
they are delivered by meteor strikes
all the above
Correct Answer : 4

Your Answer : 3Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 7. Where did these seeds of life form?

possibly on asteroids while they were traveling in inter stellar space
possibly on the earth when the meteor hit the earth
possibly when amoebas first formed in water
possibly at the time of the big bang
Correct Answer : 1

Your Answer : 3Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 8. How do amino acids which are equal in the beginning become dominant with one kind or the other?
they lose polarity while traveling past neutron stars
they lose polarity as they approach the earth


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the amino acids change when entering the earth

the amino acids change when they hit the earths soil
Correct Answer : 1

Your Answer : 4Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 9. That's why I'm only half kidding when I say there is a guy on the other side of the universe with his
heart on the right hand side" means there are several earths out there in space similar to ours
there are several meteors in space that are carrying amino acids
there are several neutron stars in space
there is another earth in space that has the opposite polarity to us
Correct Answer : 4

Your Answer : 3Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 10. Scientists recreated the meteor theory through ----- of the occurrence.
Correct Answer : 2

Your Answer : 3Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 11. What is this research related to?

research about the origins of the earth
research about pre-biotic life
probability that there is life somewhere else
research about the origin of life on earth
Correct Answer : 3

Your Answer : 1Status : WrongMarks : 0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sequencing of Jumbled Sentences (This part carries 5 Marks)

Instruction: Arrange the following sentences in correct sequence (This question carries 5 mark)
Q 12.
Eratosthenes knew that in Syene, in Egypt, the Sun was directly overhead at the summer solstice,
while he estimated that the angle formed by a shadow cast by the Sun at Alexandria was 1/50th of a
The Earth's circumference was first determined around 240 BC by Eratosthenes.
He estimated the distance from Syene to Alexandria as 5,000 stades, and estimated the Earth's
circumference was 250,000 stades and a degree was 700 stades (implying a circumference of
252,000 stades.
Note that Eratosthenes could only measure the circumference of the Earth by assuming that the
distance to the Sun is so great that the rays of sunlight are essentially parallel.
Eratosthenes used rough estimates and round numbers, but depending on the length of the stadion,


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his result is within a margin of between 2% and 20% of the actual meridional circumference, 40,008
kilometres (24,860 mi).

Correct Answer : 2~1~3~5~4Your Answer : 4~2~3~5~1Status : WrongMarks : 0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section II Reading Comprehension: Multiple Choice (This part carries 10 Marks)

Instruction: Read the Passage Carefully and Answer the Questions
The process Vulcanization is a chemical process by which the physical properties of natural or synthetic rubber
are improved; finished rubber has higher tensile strength and resistance to swelling and abrasion, and is
elastic over a greater range of temperatures. In its simplest form, vulcanization is brought about by heating
rubber with sulfur.
The process was discovered in 1839 by the U.S. inventor Charles Goodyear, who also noted the important
function of certain additional substances in the process. Such a material, called an accelerator, causes
vulcanization to proceed more rapidly or at lower temperatures. The reactions between rubber and sulfur are
not fully understood, but in the product, the sulfur is not simply dissolved or dispersed in the rubber; it is
chemically combined, mostly in the form of cross-links, or bridges, between the long-chain molecules.
In modern practice, temperatures of about 140180 C are employed, and in addition to sulfur and
accelerators, carbon black or Zinc oxide is usually added, not merely as an extender, but to improve further
the qualities of the rubber. Anti-oxidants are also commonly included to retard deterioration caused by oxygen
and ozone. Certain synthetic rubbers are not vulcanized by sulfur but give satisfactory products upon similar
treatment with metal oxides or organic peroxides.
Q 13. According to the passage, what are included to stop the corrosion caused by oxygen?
None of these
Correct Answer : 2

Your Answer : 3Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 14. According to the passage, what does accelerator cause vulcanization to?
It causes vulcanization to proceed more rapidly
It causes vulcanization to proceed at lower temperatures
It causes vulcanization to proceed at higher temperatures
Both A and B are correct
Correct Answer : 4

Your Answer : 2Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 15. According to the passage, what are added as a modern practice for the improvement of the qualities of
Carbon black or Zinc Oxide
All the above


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Correct Answer : 2

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Your Answer : 2Status : CorrectMarks : 1


Q 16. Pick a word from the passage which is synonymous with the word 'ductile'?
Correct Answer : 2

Your Answer : 2Status : CorrectMarks : 1


Q 17. According to the passage, what do they do with certain synthetic rubbers?
They are also vulcanized but at higher temperatures
They are given treatment with sulfur
They are not vulcanized
They are not treated as they don't give satisfactory products
Correct Answer : 3

Your Answer : 1Status : WrongMarks : 0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instruction: Read the Passage Carefully and Answer the Questions

The most important application of thorium is the production of nuclear power either as metal, oxide or alloy
and even in several compounds during the U 233 production process. In the non-energetic uses, the
production of gas light mantle and the use of thorium metal for imparting strength to magnesium metal can be
included. Due to its low work function and high electron emissivity, thorium has found applications in a number
of gaseous discharge lamps, photoelectric cells (when ultraviolet sensitivity is required) and as emitter in
monochromatic X-ray tubes.
The oxide has been found useful in a variety of areas. Perhaps the most recent potentially large-scale
nonenergy use found for thorium oxide is as hardener of nickel for space and metallurgical industry. Thorium
oxide, when properly prepared, is quite active as a catalyst for many chemical processes, like oil fractionizing
and sulfuric acid preparation. Its stability at high temperatures allow the use as a coating element for melting
Hazards of thorium or its compounds may generally be classed into three types, namely, radiological, chemical
and combustion.
Q 18. What is the most useful application of Thorium?
use it for making alloys
use it to generate electricity
use it to generate nuclear power
use it to generate U 233
Correct Answer : 3

Your Answer : 4Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 19. Which of these is not a use for Thorium?

ultraviolet sensitivity
gas light mantle


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giving strength to magnesium

both b and c
Correct Answer : 4

Your Answer : 2Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 20. Due to the low work function and high electron emission, Thorium has not found application
in a number of gaseous discharge lamps
photoelectric cells
as emitter in monochromatic X-ray tubes
as a generator of heat
Correct Answer : 4

Your Answer : 3Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 21. The oxide of Thorium is useful as all of these except

a catalyst
hardener of nickel
in the metallurgical industry
as a thinner for paints
Correct Answer : 4

Your Answer : 2Status : WrongMarks : 0


Q 22. Which one of the hazards below is not due to Thorium?

Correct Answer : 2

Your Answer : 1Status : WrongMarks : 0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section III : Common Errors in English

Correct the errors(grammar) in 10 sentences (This part carries 10 Marks)
Instruction: From the following pairs of sentences identify the grammatically correct sentence Q.23 to Q.32.
Q 23. Identify the correct sentence.

Irrespective of the fact that he is under aged, he did very well in the examinations.
Notwithstanding the fact that he is under aged, he did very well in the examinations.
Correct Answer : 1Your answer : 1 Status : CorrectMarks : 1
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 24. Identify the correct sentence.


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This is one of the four primary libraries that are supported by our organization.
This is one of the four primary libraries that is supported by our organization.
Correct Answer : 1Your answer : 1 Status : CorrectMarks : 1
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 25. Identify the correct sentence.

There are a number of students in the college who have higher ambitions in life.
There are number of students in the college who have higher ambitions in life.
Correct Answer : 1Your answer : 2 Status : WrongMarks : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 26. Identify the correct sentence.

Walking in the woods, the cadets saw a rare song bird.

Walking in the woods, a rare song bird is seen by the cadets.
Correct Answer : 1Your answer : 2 Status : WrongMarks : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 27. Identify the correct sentence.

The man didn't know what was he going to do next.

The man didn't know what he was going to do next.
Correct Answer : 2Your answer : 1 Status : WrongMarks : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 28. Identify the correct sentence.

We left our booking for the event till the last moment and so the hotel could not accumulate all of us.
We left our booking for the event till the last moment and so the hotel could not accommodate us.
Correct Answer : 2Your answer : - Status : WrongMarks : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 29. Identify the correct sentence.

Hundreds of years we lived in darkness, blind religious belief and superstition.

For hundreds of years we lived in darkness, blind religious belief and superstition.
Correct Answer : 2Your answer : 2 Status : CorrectMarks : 1
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 30. Identify the correct sentence.


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She is the most intelligent girl in the class.

She is a most intelligent girl in the class.
Correct Answer : 1Your answer : 2 Status : WrongMarks : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 31. Identify the correct sentence.

It is quite acceptable to pay a lot for high quality work especially if the service is very well.
It is quite acceptable to pay a lot for high quality work especially if the service is very good.
Correct Answer : 2Your answer : 1 Status : WrongMarks : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q 32. Identify the correct sentence.

Saroja never played football in college, did she?

Saroja never played football in college, didn't she?
Correct Answer : 1Your answer : 2 Status : WrongMarks : 0


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