Shortshort Story Review in Spanish PDF
Shortshort Story Review in Spanish PDF
Shortshort Story Review in Spanish PDF
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Doctoral thesis
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Doctor of Philosophy
October, 2013
Page number
Introduction ..
Introduction ..
Introduction ..
El sptimo crculo .
Introduction ..
Introduction ..
Theoretical Justifications .
Introduction ..
Final Observation ..
This dissertation is submitted to the Department of Hispanic Studies, University
College Cork, in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor
of Philosophy. It is my own work and has not been submitted for another degree,
either at University College Cork, or elsewhere.
Eoin Barrett
I would like to sincerely thank my parents, Eve and Jimmy, for the love and support
they have given so generously throughout what has been an arduous, lengthy and
complicated journey. The belief they showed in me was far greater than that which I
had in myself. I am very much relieved that their faith has been justified. I would
like to thank my brothers, Michael and Rory, and Michaels wife Susie, who have
been a fantastic source of support and friendship, my aunts Ursula and Deirdre, my
uncle John and aunt Kate and my cousins Bek, Katherine and Jo and their families,
who have also been steadfast in their interest and encouragement.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that a friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece
of nature. In this regard I am surrounded by so many works of art that I am
considering opening my own gallery. The catalogue for this exhibition would
include Colin, Donal, Edmund, Edwin, Eoin, Eric, Fergus, Gonz, Kieran, Killian,
Luke, Mick, Owen, Peter, Paddy, Rubn, Shane, Xan and Zalo. Thanks to Tony
McCarthy, Paul Collins, Joyce and John Kerins, and Kieran and Mairead OShea.
Special thanks also to Gail, Gawain, Peter, Grace and Auntie Kitty. And to Helen
Keane for the coffee-maker!
The support I have received from the staff of the Department of Hispanic Studies at
UCC has been overwhelming. I am unequal to the task of expressing my gratitude
for their help, guidance, friendship and good humour, and their limitless reserves of
tolerance and understanding over the years. This spirit is exemplified and embodied
by my inspirational supervisor, Professor Nuala Finnegan, who has taught me so
much, not only through the supervision of my dissertation, but also by her example
as a scholar and as a person. Nuala, you have my eternal gratitude and admiration. I
could not have done this without you. Thank you so much.
Thanks to Professor David Mackenzie for encouraging me to pursue doctoral studies
in the department, and also Professor Terry OReilly and Dr Anne Walsh, who were
always ready with a kind word. I am extremely grateful for the help I received from
Dr Martn Veiga and Mr Stephen Boyd, who provided invaluable and timely
assistance in orienting my project at a time when I had the gravest doubts as to its
viability and direction. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr Helena Buffery for
her understanding and encouragement since her arrival to UCC, and also to Kay
Doyle and Sinead Watkins, who have always been so kind and helpful.
I have enjoyed the friendship of many of my fellow scholars in Hispanic Studies at
some extremely auspicious moments. I had the good fortune to make the
acquaintance of Sarah Roger during my stay in Buenos Aires. At the Borges
Postgraduate Colloquium in Oxford in 2009, I had the opportunity to share the
company and the ideas of fellow Borgesians Mariana Casale ORyan, Eamon
McCarthy, Ricki ORawe and Sarah Puello Alfonso, an experience that provided a
vital stimulus to my research. I am extremely grateful for the friendship of Lorraine
Kelly over so many years. Thank you especially for your constant encouragement,
and for introducing me to a certain raven-haired Galwegian beauty.
Elaine, I love and admire you completely. Thank you for believing in me and for all
your help since we met. You are the measure of my dreams.
Jorge Luis Borges, Obras completas Vol. IV (Buenos Aires: Emec, 2007. 5th edn.), p. 440.
There are three sections in this, my introductory chapter. Firstly, the objectives of my
project are set out, and its scope is examined. The second section locates the project.
Section three describes the reading method employed in this study, which effectively
involves the creation of a conceptual reader of the Argentine detective story. Finally,
in the concluding section, an overview of the dissertation is provided.
Amelia S. Simpson, Detective Fiction from Latin America (Cranbury: Farleigh Dickinson University
Press, 1990), p. 29.
Jorge Lafforgue, ed., Cuentos policiales argentinos (1st edn. Alfaguara: Buenos Aires, 1997, 3rd
edn, 2003), p. 11.
period in which the genre enjoyed the most earnest critical attention and the most
conspicuous commercial success. It will take as its corpus a wide variety of texts
within the genre, including traditional academic criticism, key journalistic essays and
interviews, notable anthologies and collections, as well as works of crime fiction by
a significant number of writers that have served to shape and reflect upon the
Argentine tradition. It will provide an overview of the origins and development of
the two major generic variants that have framed the discourse on crime fiction in
Argentina: the classical, intellectual detective story in the tradition of Poe, Collins,
Chesterton and the English Golden Age, and the hard-boiled variant which
emerged from the popular American pulp magazines of the 1920s and 30s,
exemplified by the works of writers such as Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler,
Ross Macdonald and Horace McCoy. It will also plot the course of crime fictions
largely concurrent Argentine evolution over more than a century, paying careful
attention to the manner in which a number of factors have directly or indirectly
contributed to its development, including socio-historical circumstances, the literary
and critical production of key Argentine writers, important publishing innovations,
and also the significance of literary prizes in seeking to shape the genres trajectory.
In particular, this study will evaluate the role of Jorge Luis Borges as the key arbiter
of the Argentine generic tradition, while also examining the literary and critical
responses and innovations of a number of other central figures in the discourse, with
particular attention paid to the importance of Rodolfo Walsh and Ricardo Piglia, who
along with Borges have come to constitute a central critical triumvirate for this
project. It will assess works by Argentine writer/critics that have received little
critical attention, including Eustaquio Pellicers El botn del calzoncillo (1918) and
Enrique Anderson Imberts La bala cansada (1961). It also includes a detailed
Persephone Braham, Crimes Against the State, Crimes Against Persons (Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 2004), p. 2.
essay Una campaa esttica: Borges y la narrativa policial,5 that Borges was
effectively involved in an aesthetic campaign that had as its objective the
codification and widespread dissemination of the detective genre in the classical
mode in Argentina. This dissertation considers the possible motivations for Borges
extensive and wide-ranging campaign, and assesses its various manifestations in the
critical, literary and publishing spheres. It also identifies and critically examines the
subsequent responses of a number of interested parties to the efforts of Borges, what
might be termed the aesthetic counter-campaign of writers, readers and critics,
including Rodolfo Walsh, Ricardo Piglia, Eduardo Goligorsky, Enrique Anderson
Imbert and Pablo Leonardo. It will be asserted that these writers recognised and
effectively appropriated the strategies of Borges in order to establish a fluid,
intertextual generic discourse, whether through their critical or editorial activities, or,
frequently, from within the pages of their own literary production in the genre. While
various critics have examined certain aspects of these textual strategies, none have
charted and analysed this series of critical campaigns in a comprehensive manner. As
such, this study represents an important original critical contribution to scholarship
in this area. What emerges from this approach is the conviction that the crime genre
in Argentina has evolved through a subtle, conscious and quite complex process of
dialogue and negotiation between the advocates and practitioners of the genre in the
classical mode, most conspicuously represented by Borges, and those who later came
to view the hard-boiled style as a generic template more in keeping with the grim
realities of the Argentine experience, such as Ricardo Piglia, Eduardo Goligorsky
and Pablo Leonardo.
Jos Fernndez Vega, Una campaa esttica: Borges y la narrativa policial in Variaciones Borges,
1 (1996), pp. 27-66.
This dissertation will maintain that the most noteworthy outcome of the
discursive process among Argentine writers has been a consistent tendency towards
humorous, intellectual, self-reflexive narratives, which often explicitly reference and
imaginatively reflect upon the crime fiction tradition and the act of reading itself in
highly original ways, and a recognition that, by the mid-1970s, the hard-boiled
model was no more suited to the depiction and critique of quotidian crime and
violence in the Argentine context than the more consciously artificial classical
model that preceded it. It will be argued that this latter circumstance was largely a
product of the stupefying realities of the Proceso de Reorganizacin Nacional (19761983), a period in which writers of fiction were effectively rendered incapable of
adequately conveying the horrors of the wholesale criminality and bloodshed that
dominated Argentine society under military rule.
Location of Project
This project examines the evolution of the detective genre in Argentina generally,
the multi-faceted participatory role of Jorge Luis Borges in this evolution
specifically, as well as the subsequent critical and literary contributions of a number
of other prominent Argentine writers. It is informed by readings of a significant
number of primary texts, a sizeable body of relevant scholarly material related to
detective fiction in Argentina, as well as a substantial number of critical works which
have examined Borges manifold associations with the genre.
Borges himself was among the very earliest contributors to the critical
consideration of detective fiction in Argentina, with the publication of Leyes de la
narracin policial in the magazine Hoy Argentina in April of 1933, an essay which,
as the name suggests, establishes a number of basic laws for what he considers to be
the correct practice of the detective genre in the classical mould, as well as offering a
defence for the aesthetic and intellectual virtues of the form. Whereas Borges 1933
essay is concerned with providing an Argentine readership with a solid grounding in
the principles of the detective genre derived from his readings of the primarily
English, classical puzzle-mystery tradition, the publication of Rodolfo Walshs Diez
cuentos policiales argentinos in 1953 marks the appearance of the first anthology of
detective stories in Spanish, and provides an early critical reflection upon the genre
in Argentina, in the form of the two-page Noticia that precedes the collection.
According to Jorge Lafforgue, a pesar de su brevedad, bien puede considerarse
como el primer ensayo sobre la gestacin del gnero entre nosotros.6 The following
year, Walsh would once again cast a critical gaze upon the detective genre, with the
publication of Dos mil quinientos aos de literatura policial in the newspaper La
Nacin. In this provocative essay, the revisionist Walsh challenges what he describes
as the acuerdo casi unnime7 regarding the foundational status of Edgar Allan
Poes detective stories, maintaining that la totalidad de los elementos esenciales de
la ficcin policaca se hallan dispersos en la literatura de pocas anteriores.8
including The Bible, Cervantes Don Quijote, Virgils Aeneid and the sixteenth
century Guatemalan text, the Popol Vuh.
The earliest dedicated study of the history of the genre in Argentina is
Donald A. Yates doctoral dissertation, The Argentine Detective Story, completed
under the supervision of Argentine crime writer and critic Enrique Anderson Imbert
at the University of Michigan in 1960. Yates historical overview identifies a number
Donald A. Yates, The Argentine Detective Story (unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of
Michigan, 1960), p. 19.
Jorge Lafforgue and Jorge B. Rivera, eds., Asesinos de papel: Ensayos sobre narrativa policial
(Buenos Aires: Editorial Colihue, 1996), p. 12.
The most significant alteration to the second edition is the omission of the anthology of Argentine
detective stories that had constituted a substantial part of the original 1977 publication, in favour of
additional critical reflections upon the genre. As the authors explain in the preface to the 1996 edition,
los diez cuentos que entonces seleccionamos aparecieron luego, en su mayora, en otras antologas
del gnero, de donde hoy resultan accesibles a quienes se interesan por su lectura; los nuevos textos,
que completan la actual versin de Asesinos de papel, corresponden en general a investigaciones
recientes y sirven de adecuado complemento, tanto en el trazado histrico como en lo que hace al
debate terico, aqu apenas insinuado, sobre el gnero policial. Asesinos de papel, p. 7.
variety of topics by the two co-authors, along with a range of essays, interviews,
prefaces, and testimonios by writers including Borges, Marco Denevi, Augusto
Roa Bastos, Jaime Rest, Ricardo Piglia, Elvio E. Gandolfo, Roger Caillois, Rodolfo
Walsh, Ernesto Sabato, Juan Jos Sebreli and Osvaldo Aguirre. The second edition
also includes a substantial treatment of Uruguayan crime fiction, and an appendix
which incorporates a glossary of terms associated with the genre in various
languages, as well as a section entitled Definiciones, cdigos y otros elementos del
juicio, which reproduces in Spanish many of the guiding definitions and principles
of the genre set forth by writers including S. S. Van Dine, Roger Caillois, Raymond
Chandler, Marcel Duhamel, Edgar Allan Poe, Thomas de Quincey, G. K. Chesterton
and Ronald Knox. Lafforgue and Riveras own contributions include three separate
essays dedicated to the history of the genre in Argentina which provide a fascinating
insight into the process by which detective fiction came to be integrated into the
broader Argentine literary tradition. One of the strengths of these essays is the
attention paid to the initiatives of various individuals and publishing entities in
seeking to foment and to satisfy the public appetite for crime fiction in Argentina,
whether in the form of translated foreign works or native production across a variety
of publishing formats. However, these same essays, one written by Lafforgue, one by
Rivera, and another co-authored by both, present their own detectory challenge to the
researcher, in that they offer distinct, though largely complementary, expositions of
the same set of circumstances. The authors themselves acknowledge the general
potential for replication and bifurcation presented by the collection as a whole in the
Al ordenar los trabajos de este volumen, en varias ocasiones estuvimos
tentados de numerar los ensayos, sus apartados y subapartados para
establecer un sistema de remisiones cruzadas, pues los textos se reiteran,
complementan o amplan en diversos lugares, conformando es nuestra
Asesinos de papel, p. 8.
Simpsons study encompasses the four main production centres of the genre in Latin
America at the time of publication (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Cuba), her
chapter dealing with the genres Argentine development is substantial, and goes
some way towards streamlining the somewhat disjointed narratives assembled in
Asesinos de papel. In the latter half of her study, Simpson examines individual
detective works by Latin American authors under the headings The Uses of Satire,
Investigations without Solutions and History as Mystery. In these chapters, the
Latin American detective story-as-palimpsest serves as an overarching, unifying
metaphor for her analyses:
In those works that are not simply rote imitation of foreign models, attention
is often purposefully drawn in the narrative to differences between the model
and the new text. In the juxtaposition of these two texts within one narrative
framework, a palimpsest is created. The new text is written over the surface
of the old (the foreign, imported detective model), which itself remains
legible beneath the surface.13
According to Simpson, her detailed analysis focuses on the interaction between the
layers of the palimpsest, because it is this aspect that is most consistently and
successfully explored in Latin American detective literature.14 This assessment
seems to me to be particularly pertinent and instructive in the case of Argentina, as
are the remarks that conclude her introductory chapter:
Such works are all, in a sense, about themselves. They are self-reflexive to a
degreeliterature mirroring literatureand they offer material worthy of
serious critical consideration beyond those aspects relating to the detective
genre alone. The most distinctive aspect of these works, however, is that, by
reflecting back on their detective-fiction models, they make readers aware of
features of culture and society.15
For the most part Simpson maintains a separation between her socio-historical
treatment of the genre in Argentina and her later assessments of individual works by
Argentine authors, which are examined alongside several other texts by Latin
American writers including Glauco Rodriques Corra and Paulo Celso Rangel
(Brazil), Vincente Leero and Jos Emilio Pacheco (Mexico), and Gabriel Garca
Mrquez (Colombia). Though mindful of the merits of Simpsons study, the
approach taken in this dissertation is distinct, in that it provides an account of the
evolution of the Argentine crime genre that combines the close textual analysis of
individual works of fiction with socio-historical considerations and critical insights
derived primarily from Argentine sources. This approach reveals a palimpsest that is
not readily perceptible in Simpsons treatment; namely, the active process of
dialogue and negotiation amongst writers, readers and critics that has marked the
genres development and consideration in the Argentine context specifically.
Elena Braceras, Cristiana Leytour and Susana Pittellas El cuento policial
argentino: Una propuesta de lectura productiva para la escuela secundaria (Buenos
Aires: Plus Ultra, 1986), provides an invaluable account of the implications of the
crime genre as a point of confluence between critical discourse and popular culture,
and includes a significant treatment of the genres historical development and
assimilation in Argentina, a concise anthology of Argentine short stories, and
detailed individual propuestas de lectura for each story. Though originally
published as a textbook for secondary students, the theoretical scope and
sophistication of this volume demonstrates the extent to which the genre has become
assimilated into the pedagogical mainstream of Argentine society as a critical and
interpretive tool.16 Braceras and Leytours sustained critical interest in the genre is
reflected in their critical anthology, Cuentos con detectives y comisarios (Buenos
Aires: Colihue, 2004, 1st edn 1995), the prologue of which provides a condensed
historical overview of the genre as well as a thoughtful essay examining the viability
of the figure of the detective and the comisario in the Argentine detectory tradition.
Anthologies such as those of Braceras and Leytour have proved a consistently
popular forum for the critical consideration of the genre in Argentina. As Lafforgue
and Rivera noted in 1995:
Desde Diez cuentos policiales argentinos, de Rodolfo J. Walsh (1953) [] se
extiende una serie de antologas del gnero, cuyos prlogos, sumados a unos
cuantos artculos dispersos en revistas de variada ndole, configuran la
bibliografa ensaystica sobre el tema en la Argentina.17
The various prlogos, noticias, notas, introducciones and estudios preliminares that
accompany the collections examined in this dissertation represent a treasure trove of
bibliographical and biographical information, historical data and interesting
theoretical reflections. Additionally, the selection of stories for inclusion in these
anthologies often implicitly reflects the critical refinements, revisions, reconceptualisations and ruptures that have marked the trajectory of the genre in
Argentina. Fermn Fvres anthology Cuentos policiales argentinos (Buenos Aires:
Kapelusz, 1974) is illustrative in this regard. This eclectic collection is comprised of
stories by some of the best known Argentine writers of crime fiction, including
Borges, Paul Groussac, Manuel Peyrou, Syria Poletti and Adolfo Prez Zelaschi.
However, the presence of Revelacin de un crimen (1863) by Jos Hernndez
(author of the gauchesque epic poem Martn Fierro) in a crime fiction anthology is
indicative of Fvres provocative revisionist impulses. The bold inclusion of
A number of references to this work are incorporated into the revised 1996 edition of Asesinos de
papel, a clear indication that its value as a critical text extends beyond the confines of the secondary
Asesinos de papel, p. 179.
Hernndezs story, theoretically at least, pushes back the origins of the crime genre
in Argentina by fourteen years,18 establishes a connection (albeit a tenuous one)
between the crime genre and the gauchesque tradition, and calls into question the
imported character of the form. Perhaps more controversial again is the appearance
of La espera by Borges, which Fvre includes as an Argentine rendering of gnero
negro, given Borges apparent disdain for the violence and gritty realism associated
with the hard-boiled variant.
Jorge Lafforgues Cuentos policiales argentinos (Buenos Aires: Alfaguara,
1997) is the most representative anthology of Argentine detective stories available,
containing 25 detective stories arranged into four sections. The first Perodo
formativo reproduces some of the Argentine genres earliest significant stories,
including La pesquisa (1884) by Paul Groussac, Los vestigios de un crimen
(1907) by Vicente Rossi and Eustaquio Pellicers El botn del canzoncillo (1918).
The second Perodo clsico opens with Roberto Arlts El crimen casi perfecto
(1940), and includes stories by Borges, Honorio Bustos Domecq (pseudonym of
Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares), Manuel Peyrou and Enrique Anderson Imbert.
The third Perodo de transicin marks a move away from the classical, puzzlemystery model towards a more distinctly local style and a closer identification
among Argentine writers with the American hard-boiled style, and includes works by
Velmiro Ayala Gauna, Rodolfo Walsh, Norberto Firpo, as well as Adolfo Prez
Zelaschis Las seales (1961). The final Perodo negro features stories by, among
others, Julio Cortzar, Ricardo Piglia, Juan Martini, Vicente Battista and Juan
Sasturain. Lafforgues frequent collaborator Jorge B. Riveras more concise
collection, El relato policial en la Argentina: Antologa crtica (Buenos Aires:
Most contemporary accounts of the genre in Argentina acknowledge Luis V. Varelas 1877 novel
La huella del crimen as the foundational Argentine detective novel, as discussed in this study.
Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires, 1999, 1st edn 1986), is another valuable
point of reference for this study. This anthology brings together seven stories by
Argentine writers, including Rodolfo Walshs classically inflected novella La
aventura de las pruebas de imprenta, first published as part of his award-winning
Variaciones en rojo in 1953, and El caso de los crmenes sin firma by Adolfo L.
Prez Zelaschi, originally published in the magazine Leopln in March of the same
year. The remaining five stories, by Eduardo Goligorsky, Juan Carlos Martini, Jorge
Manzur, Elvio E. Gandolfo and Guillermo Saccomanno respectively, were all
originally published between 1975 and 1985, and reflect the tendency among
Argentine writers and critics from the late 1960s onwards to embrace the hard-boiled
model as a means of more faithfully reflecting the Argentine experience, and as a
vehicle for social critique. With the exception of the deceased Walsh, each of the
authors included in the anthology supplies answers to a cuestionario proposed by
Rivera, which invites them to discuss such matters as their literary origins,
preferences and affiliations, their working methods, and the critical reception of their
work. They are also invited to share their views on the political role of the writer in
society, and their opinion on the viability and relevance of the crime genre in
Argentina.19 The collection is preceded by a thoughtful essay by Rivera on the
genres Argentine development entitled El simple arte de asesinar (a nod to
Raymond Chandlers seminal essay and manifesto The Simple Art of Murder, first
Jorge B. Rivera, El relato policial en la Argentina: Antologa crtica (Buenos Aires: Editorial
Universitaria de Buenos Aires, 1999. 1st edn, 1986), pp. 43-4. The writers surveyed offer a variety of
interesting and often conflicting opinions regarding the relevance of the crime genre in the Argentina
of 1986. The comments of Adolfo L. Prez Zelaschi, one of the genres most anthologised writers,
reflect the perpetual suspicion that crime fiction is doomed to implausibility in the Argentine context,
though he clearly views this difficulty as reflecting a far more generalised malaise afflicting Argentine
society and its relationship to literature, all the more so in the aftermath of the so-called Proceso de
Reorganizacin Nacional (1976-1983): Cuando la sociedad argentina llegue a tener rasgos propios,
su arte literario tambin los tendr y el gnero policial, si para entonces sigue existiendo, los mostrar
igualmente. Intern algunos hemos tratado de dar cierto matiz local digo matiz y no color a esta
manera de escribir. Por ahora lo nico que veo como distintivo es que abordamos el gnero con ms
humor que seriedad, relativizando lo que en l puede haber de drama o tragedia. Ibid, p. 134.
published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1944), and a short preface described by the
author as a Breve justificacin for his choice of stories, which concludes with a
statement that neatly encapsulates the trajectory of the crime genre during the period
under consideration in this dissertation:
Si el gnero comienza como estructura cerrada organizada en torno a un
enigma, una investigacin y una serie de reglas de desafo y juego limpio,
parece estallar ms tarde en un punto bastante alejado de esa primera
peticin de coherencia y consistencia ldicas como reflexin abierta,
digresiva y crtica (aunque tambin pardica, como hemos sealado) sobre
las desazones de una poca singularmente conflictiva y sobre la propia
The collection also provides an apndice documental which includes a glossary of
terms associated with the genre in the English, French and German language
traditions, quotations and definitions by various crime writers, critics and literary
historians, as well as an 18-point temario of Riveras own confection, listing
algunos de los recursos temticos, estructurales o procesales ms frecuentes en el
gnero.21 The pedagogical flavour of the paratextual elements that accompany
Riveras anthology, and indeed the others discussed above, demonstrates the
consistent tendency in the Argentine context to regard the crime genre, not simply as
a diverting form of mass-market entertainment, nor as the esoteric preserve of a
cloistered academic elite, but rather as a form of fiction that can be both popular and
at the same time intellectual in its appeal to the reader. Needless to say, their efforts
to provide socio-historical context, and to facilitate fruitful and informed readings of
the Argentine detective stories presented in their collections for the benefit of a
broad target readership have benefited this study to a significant degree.
Among the many critical texts dedicated to the examination of the presence
of the detective genre in the work of Borges, the most comprehensive is John T.
Irwins tour de force, The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges and the Analytical
Detective Story (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U.P., 1996). Irwins study departs from
the conviction that exactly one hundred years after Poe had originated the form,
Borges set out to double that origin, apparently feeling that the genres deepest
meaning had never really been addressed by the tradition that grew out of Poes
work.22 The resulting project is wide-ranging, ambitious, and startling in its
erudition. As Irwin indicates in the preface:
In examining Poes and Borgess detective story projects, this book combines
history, literary history, biography, psychoanalysis, and practical and
speculative criticism as it traces the issues underlying the detective genre into
other works by Poe and Borges and into areas of inquiry as distant and
various as the history of mathematics, classical mythology, handedness, the
three/four oscillation, the double-mirror structure of self-consciousness, the
mythography of Evans and Frazer, the structure of chess, automata, the mindbody problem, the etymology of labyrinth, and scores of other topics.23
Like Lafforgue and Rivera in the preface to Asesinos de papel, Irwin regards his
critical volume as an open challenge in detection for the reader:
The book that follows, in homage to the genre Poe invented, mirrors to some
degree the structure of a detective story, but it also mirrors, as an homage to
Borgess doubling of Poe, the structure of a labyrinth. What this book
demands of the reader is patience and trustpatience as the paths of inquiry
begin to fork, as digressions shear off from the main line, and then
digressions from digressions; and trust that these paths will eventually rejoin
the main line and ultimately lead to a goal.24
Though they are not quoted extensively in this analysis, a number of other critical
works have made important contributions to the overall theoretical orientation of this
study, and merit explicit acknowledgement at this point. In Readers and Labyrinths,
Jorge Hernndez Martn explores the transformations of the genre wrought by
Borges, Bustos Domecq (pseudonym of Borges and Bioy Casares) and Umberto
John T. Irwin, The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges and the Analytical Detective Story
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U.P., 1996), pp. xvii-xviii.
Ibid, p. xviii.
Ibid, p. xxiii.
Eco, and the strategies enacted by the reading and writing selves on the site of the
text. 25 Hanne Klinting also focuses on the special role assigned to the reader of the
Borgesian detectory text in his essay, El lector detective y el detective lector: La
estrategia interpretativa de Isidro Parodi en Las previsiones de Sangicomo.26
Andrs Avellaneda examines the ideological underpinnings of the Bustos Domecq
stories in El habla de la ideologa,27 (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1983),
while Enrique Anderson Imbert makes an important critical contribution to the field
in Chesterton en Borges.28 The most recent full-length study in this field is Romn
Settons Los orgenes de la narrativa policial en la Argentina (2012),29 which reexamines the earliest origins of the genre in Argentina, with a particular focus upon
the period 1877-1912, and includes detailed analyses of the work of pioneers such as
Luis V. Varela, Carlos Olivera, Paul Groussac and Eduardo Holmberg, who had
hitherto been regarded as precursores y antecedentes.30
Jorge Hernndez Martin, Readers and Labyrinths: Detective Fiction in Borges, Bustos Domecq and
Eco (New York: Garland, 1995), p. x.
Hanne Klinting, El lector detective y el detective lector: La estrategia interpretativa de Isidro
Parodi en Las previsiones de Sangicomo, Variaciones Borges, 6, (1998), pp. 144-59.
Andrs Avellaneda, El habla de la ideologa (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana), 1983).
Enrique Anderson Imbert, Chesterton en Borges, Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana
(Madrid), 2-3, 1974, pp. 469-491.
Romn Setton, Los orgenes de la narrativa policial en la Argentina. Recepcin y transformacin
de modelos genricos alemanes, franceses e ingleses (Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2012).
Ibid, p. 11.
Ricardo Piglia, Crtica y ficcin (Buenos Aires: Anagrama, 2006. 1st edn 1986), p. 13.
and the constitution of a reading public for detective fiction in Argentina, but also,
by extension, the construction of a suitable context in which to consider his own
literary production:
Por qu Borges se dedica de una manera tan sistemtica a valorar los textos
del gnero policial? Porque quiere ser ledo desde ese lugar y no desde
Dostoievski [] Entonces, para constituir el espacio en el cual sus textos
pudieran circular era necesario que explicara cmo poda ser otra lectura de
la narrativa. Su lectura perpetua [] de la literatura policial, era una manera
de construir un espacio para que sus textos pudieran ser ledos en el contexto
en el cual funcionaban.33
Piglias equivalent efforts to legitimise and integrate the hard-boiled genre in the
Argentine literary context may be interpreted as similar in motivation, and as an
acknowledgement of the effectiveness of the diverse reading strategies employed by
Borges when compared to the more orthodox, atomising critical methods that he
identifies with traditional academic discourse:
La especializacin tiende a dejar a los escritores reducidos a la prctica pura,
en lo posible, la ms ingenua, y del otro lado ha quedado la crtica que se
ocupa de definir los espacios, definir los contextos, establecer las tradiciones
y las categoras.34
According to Piglia, one consequence of this division of labour between writers
and critics is that the role of the reader of fiction in the collective literary experience
tends to be forgotten or ignored, a significant omission in light of the fact that, as he
puts it, la lectura no obedece a la lgica normativa de las modas tericas que
organizan el corpus y los debates de la crtica.35 He also identifies a further
limitation associated with the kind of atomisation that he attributes to literary
criticism in the conventional mode:
La crtica expresa, a veces de un modo refinado, a veces de un modo trivial,
lo que es el sentido comn de una poca; la concepcin literaria media est
fija en la crtica. Aparte de los mtodos y de las teoras, que definen el estilo
de los crticos, habitualmente sus concepciones literarias son muy previsibles
y acompaan el sentido comn medio. Uno lee un libro de crtica [], con
grandes exhibiciones tericas, uso de psicoanlisis, pongamos, o del new
historicism, pero la concepcin de la literatura que est implcita suele ser
muy previsible, y muy de poca. Es difcil encontrar a un crtico que tenga
una concepcin propia de la literatura, habitualmente tiene concepciones
sobre los debates de la crtica y los aplica []. Habitualmente los crticos no
saben muy bien qu decir sobre los textos, miran un poco alrededor para
saber si es bueno o no, si est en el centro o en el margen y luego le aplican
sus mtodos.36
By contrast, Piglia identifies in the various interrelated and often overlapping literary
activities of Borges an impulse towards the realisation of a more fluid, inclusive
mode of critical discourse that serves to mitigate the tripartite division between
writers, critics and readers. Me parece uno de los representantes ms ntidos de esa
tradicin de la crtica que se aleja de las normas definidas por la crtica
establecida.37 Indeed it is the habit and the policy of Borges to offer theoretical
conjectures related to fiction from within the pages of his own ficciones, a tactic that
will be frequently emulated by other Argentine writers of crime fiction, and
foregrounded in this study. It is not at all unusual to find the fictional narrative
production of Borges engaged in an implicit dialogue with conventional literary
criticism. As Piglia points out, muchos de los primeros textos narrativos de Borges,
como El acercamiento a Almotsim o Pierre Menard, pueden ser ledos en ese
contexto, son juegos con las reglas de la crtica acadmica.38 Nor is it surprising to
find Borges engaged in a theoretical discussion about the participatory role of the
reader in the realisation of the literary text from within the pages of a fictional
narrative such as Examen de la obra de Herbert Quain (1941). The story purports to
be a review of the oeuvre of an obscure, recently deceased Irish author, including
what initially sounds like the sparse plot summary of a conventional detective novel
in the classical mould, The God of the Labyrinth, supposedly published in November
of 1933: Hay un indescifrable asesinato en las pginas iniciales, una lenta discusin
en las intermedias, una solucin en las ltimas.39 It is reported, however, that
Quains novel introduces a significant innovation:
Ya aclarado el enigma, hay un prrafo largo y retrospectivo que contiene esta
frase: Todos creyeron que el encuentro de los dos jugadores de ajedrez haba
sido casual. Esa frase deja entender que la solucin es errnea. El lector,
inquieto, revisa los captulos pertinentes y descubre otra solucin, que es la
verdadera. El lector de ese libro singular es ms perspicaz que el detective.40
Though the narrator makes no more than a passing reference to this apocryphal text
in his review of Quains work, a hypothetical detective narrative in which the reader
supplies the correct solution to a mystery that has defeated the storys detective
carries with it a number of theoretical implications, in that it suggests the means by
which one of the established conventions of the detective genre might be modified.
Implicit in this suggestion is the idea, previously expressed by Borges in his 1938
Hogar review of Richard Hulls Excellent Intentions, that el gnero policial, como
todos los gneros, vive de la continua y delicada infraccin de sus leyes.41
Additionally, the specific scenario outlined by Borges in relation to The God of the
Labyrinth invites a theoretical reflection upon the reading experience and the
relationship between the detective story (or, indeed, any story) and its readership. An
ingenuous, inexperienced, or complacent reader, who assumes a passive role in the
experience of Quains novel, may happily accept the solution to the mystery offered
Borges, Examen de la obra de Herbert Quain, first published in Sur 79 (April 1941), pp. 44-8.
Here quoted from Obras completas Vol. I (Buenos Aires: Emec, 2007. 19th edn.), p. 553. According
to the narrator, the publication of Quains novel immediately preceded that of a much better-known
detective work by Ellery Queen, a coincidence which he feels may have condemned Quains effort to
obscurity: En los primeros de diciembre, las agradables y arduas involuciones del Siamese Twin
Mystery atarearon a Londres y a Nueva York; yo prefiero atribuir a esa coincidencia ruinosa el fracaso
de la novela de nuestro amigo. Tambin (quiero ser sincero) a su ejecucin deficiente y a la vana y
frgida pompa de ciertas descripciones del mar. p. 553.
Ibid. A virtually identical plot outline is contemplated by Borges as a prelude to a review of
Richard Hulls detective novel Excellent Intentions, published in El Hogar magazine in April of 1938.
See Borges, Obras completas Vol. IV (Buenos Aires: Emec, 2007. 5th edn.), pp. 440-1.
Ibid, p. 440.
in the storys final pages. (S)he follows what appears to be a conventional detective
narrative and is rewarded with the conventional (though false) solution arrived at
by the fictional detective. By contrast, the active, engaged, lector inquieto
conjectured by Borges, more thoroughly versed in the conventions and devices of the
detective genre, adopts an attitude of suspicion and constant vigilance in relation to
the evidence presented by the text, and is rewarded by the gratifying discovery that
(s)he has arrived at the true solution to a mystery that has proved beyond the acumen
of the detective, and, indeed, beyond that of the less attentive reader. In the guise of
commenting upon an imaginary detective novel written by a fictitious author, Borges
posits the notion of a detective novel capable of more than one solution, but which
depends for its most effective realisation upon the active, analytical participation of a
relatively specialised reader, whose cumulative experience recommends treating any
and all textual evidence with a judicious degree of suspicion and mistrust, extending
even to the testimony of the detective, the textual entity traditionally charged with
the resolution of the baffling mystery. This idea is more fully elaborated some forty
years later in Borgess 1978 lecture El cuento policial in which he maintains that
by creating the fictional detective, Poe had effectively also created the reader of
detective fiction, ese lector est lleno de sospechas, porque el lector de novelas
policiales es un lector que lee con incredulidad, con suspicacias, una suspicacia
While Borges in this lecture refers to the reader of detective fiction
specifically, he also foregrounds the role of the reader of the literary text more
los gneros literarios dependen, quizs, menos de los textos que del modo en
que stos son ledos. El hecho esttico requiere la conjuncin del lector y del
Ibid, p. 230.
texto y slo entonces existe. Es absurdo suponer que un volumen sea mucho
ms que un volumen. Empieza a existir cuando un lector lo abre. Entonces
existe el fenmeno esttico, que puede parecerse al momento en el cual el
libro fue engendrado.43
This focus upon the role of the reader and the importance of the context in which a
text is read, succinctly expressed in 1941 in Examen de la Obra de Herbert Quain,
and closely associated with Borges reflections on the detective genre, would later
gain currency in the work of more conventional literary theorists, as acknowledged
by Piglia:
es que una zona muy dominante de la crtica acadmica es hoy bsicamente
borgeana, trabaja sobre el camino abierto por Borges. Paul de Man, Harold
Bloom, George Steiner, Stanley Fish son por momentos ms borgeanos que
Borges. Quiero decir que a su manera, en los aos cuarenta [], Borges
haba planteado problemas y modos de leer que despus la crtica
contempornea descubri []. Lo que hoy dice Derrida de una manera un
poco esotrica sobre el contexto, sobre el margen, sobre los lmites, es lo
mismo que dice Borges de una manera ms elegante y ms clara.44
Borges focus upon the conjunction of reader and text as a necessary condition for
the fenmeno esttico, as expressed in El cuento policial, finds a clear echo in
Stanley Fishs influential 1970 essay Literature in The Reader: Affective Stylistics:
No one would argue that the act of reading can take place in the absence of
someone who readshow can you tell the dance from the dancer?but
curiously enough when it comes time to make analytical statements about the
end product of reading (meaning or understanding), the reader is usually
forgotten or ignored. Indeed in recent literary history he has been excluded
by legislation.45
Fish, in defiance of those theorists who regard the written text as the sole potential
repository of meaning, advocates a critical reading method that he describes as
simple in concept, but complex (or at least complicated) in execution:
The concept is simply the rigorous and disinterested asking of the question,
what does this word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, chapter, novel, play, poem,
Ibid, p. 73.
Ibid, pp. 74-75.
Rodolfo Walsh, Variaciones en rojo, p. 60.
Piglia, La lectura de la ficcin, in Crtica y ficcin, p. 15.
Cristina Parodi, Borges y la subversin del modelo policial. Variaciones Borges, 4, (2000), p. 6.
Here quoted from Jeanne C. Ewert, A Thousand Other Mysteries: Metaphysical Detection,
Ontological Quests, in Patricia Merivale and Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, eds., Detecting Texts: The
Metaphysical Detective Story from Poe to Postmodernism (Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania
Press, 1999), pp. 185-6.
story, there has been a consistent tendency in the Argentine context towards
humorous, intellectual, parodic, self-reflexive fictional narratives, which explicitly
reference and imaginatively reflect upon the crime fiction tradition itself, and which
rely for their efficacy upon an experienced,
literary and critical traditions of the genre in Argentina, and particularly the
pervasive contribution of Borges to these traditions. This study seeks to describe and
hence to construct an avatar of this reader, while recognising the theoretical,
chronological and autobiographical limits of this autobiographical artifice.
Chapter One of this dissertation charts the origins and early development of crime
fiction and the emergence of the figure of the detective in the European and
American traditions, and describes and contextualises the evolution of the classical
and hard-boiled variants that have served as a durable conceptual framework for
generic discourse in the Argentine context.
Chapter Three examines The Vea y Lea Years (1949-1964), a transitional period
for the Argentine crime genre bookended and punctuated by the three Vea y Leasponsored detective story competitions that acted as a significant stimulus to
production and innovation among Argentine writers, and one in which Borges
continued to be a prominent protagonist. This chapter includes a substantial
treatment of the work of Rodolfo Walsh within this textual tradition, documenting
his radical transition from crime fiction writer and anthologist, to pioneer of the nonfiction novel and investigative journalism traditions, and onwards to his untimely
end as the victim of a real-life murder mystery on the streets of Buenos Aires. Also
in this chapter, the viability of the figure of the detective in the Argentine context is
considered in the light of the close analysis of Adolfo Prez Zelaschis awardwinning 1961 story Las seales.
Chapter Four encompasses the period from 1961 to 1976, in which the hard-boiled
variant of the genre, which had previously languished in the shadow cast by the
classical hegemony, came to achieve dominance in Argentina in terms of production
and critical and commercial success. It begins with the close examination of La bala
cansada (1961) by Enrique Anderson Imbert, before turning to the extensive
aesthetic counter-campaign waged by Ricardo Piglia, and ably supported by such
writers as Eduardo Goligorsky, David Vias and Juan Jos Sebreli, in an effort to
incorporate the hard-boiled variant into the Argentine generic tradition. It also
examines the proceedings of the 1975 Primer Certamen Latinoamericano de
Cuentos Policiales, the circumstances and results of which offer a fascinating
perspective on the genres evolution in the period immediately preceding the so-
Foundational Texts
The detective story is said to have its origins in the mind of Edgar Allan Poe,
and in the publication of Murders in the Rue Morgue in Grahams Magazine in
April of 1841. It is the first of three stories to feature the aristocratic Parisian amateur
detective, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour Auguste Dupin, whose extraordinary
powers of reasoning and deduction enable him to resolve a series of crimes that had
hitherto defied the efforts of the Paris constabulary, and whose detectory acumen is
regarded with frank astonishment by his companion, the unnamed narrator. Borges
regarded these stories as the foundational texts in the genre, his declaration in a 1963
interview with Mara Esther Vzquez seeking to dispel any ambiguity:
aquel prodigioso escritor que se llam Edgar Allan Poe. [] Despus de ese
primer cuento policial, Poe escribe otros en los que se encuentran todas las
caractersticas del gnero.55
According to John T. Irwin, the importance of Poes Dupin stories is reinforced by
the fact that these initial detective texts represent a decisive departure from the
prevailing literary orthodoxy of the time:
What gives the analytical detective genre its special appeal is that quality
which the Goncourt brothers noted on first reading Poe. In an 1836 journal
entry they described Poes stories as a new literary world bearing signs of
the literature of the twentieth century love giving place to deductions the
interest of the story moved from the heart to the head from the drama to
the solution (Poe, Collected 2: 521n). Precisely because it is a genre that
grows out of an interest in deductions and solutions rather than in love and
drama, the analytical detective story shows little interest in character,
managing at best to produce caricatures those monsters of idiosyncrasy
from Holmes to Poirot.56
In a similar vein, Jaime Rest maintains that the detective story, by ignoring the usual
preoccupations of nineteenth century literature, found itself ostracized from the
serious literary and critical mainstream:
La sociedad burguesa pona especial nfasis en el prestigio social, la fortuna
y el casamiento ventajoso, considerando a este ltimo como la va de acceso
ms frecuente a los dos primeros items. La novela clsica del siglo XIX
circula, precisamente, en torno a esos ejes, y desde esta perspectiva resulta
obvio que la novela policial comienza a apartarse gradualmente de los
grandes modelos de la literatura burguesa, en tanto que no plantea los
problemas del prestigio social y del acceso a la fortuna. El pblico burgus
busca en la literatura un espejo de la realidad social, mientras que se
aproxima a la narrativa policial y a otras formas literarias peculiares en
procura de distraccin y pasatiempo.57
Mara Esther Vzquez, Borges, sus das y su tiempo (Buenos Aires: Javier Vargas Editor, 1999),
p.135. It will be noted that other Argentine commentators have challenged this view, most notably
Rodolfo Walsh in his seminal essay Dos mil quinientos aos de literatura policial, first published in
La Nacin in February of 1954.
John T. Irwin, Mysteries We Reread, Mysteries of Rereading: Poe, Borges, and the Analytical
Detective Story in Patricia Merivale & Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, eds., Detecting Texts: The
Metaphysical Detective Story from Poe to Postmodernism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
Press, 1999), p. 28.
Jaime Rest in Asesinos de Papel, p. 50.
While Poes landmark detective stories may indeed signal a repositioning of literary
concerns in favour of affairs of the head, they also reflect a more general societal
preoccupation with crime, related to the relatively new phenomenon of large urban
population centres, in turn leading to the codification of elaborate legal systems and
the establishment of modern state police forces tasked with imposing order upon an
increasingly numerous and unruly populace.58 Poes Dupin stories are set in Paris,
and while Borges regards this geographical displacement as a strategy of
convenience on the part of Poe, permitting him to avoid the constraints of
verisimilitude that an American setting might have implied,59 it is significant that in
the French capital in particular, popular and literary concern with rising crime had
reached critical mass by the beginning of the nineteenth century. As Ernest Mandel
points out:
This process is described in detail in the opening chapters of Ernest Mandels Delightful Murder: A
Social History of the Crime Story (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984), pp. 1-21.
l pudo haber situado sus crmenes y sus detectives en Nueva York, pero entonces el lector habra
estado pensando si las cosas se desarrollan realmente as, si la polica de Nueva York es de ese modo
o de aquel otro. Resultaba ms cmodo y est ms desahogada la imaginacin de Poe haciendo que
todo aquello ocurriera en Pars, en un barrio desierto del sector Saint Germain. El cuento policial,
Obras Completas Vol. IV, p. 235.
Mandel, p. 5.
On the supply side, in addition to the social concerns and ideological underpinnings
present in the works of authors who increasingly dealt with crime and its
Ibid, p. 6.
In an early essay on detective fiction, Borges identifies On Murder as an example of the union of
two distinct passions: el extrao apetito de aventuras y el extrao apetito de legalidad. He elaborates
on why these appetites might be considered strange when viewed from an Argentine perspective,
Matar, para el criollo, era desgracia. Era un percance de hombres, que en s no daba ni quitaba
virtud. Nada ms opuesto al Asesinato Considerado Como Una De Las Bellas Artes del
mrbidamente virtuoso De Quincey. This commentary represents an early recognition that
detective fiction in the classical style might not readily hold an appeal for an Argentine audience. It
will be observed that this apparent incompatibility does little to dissuade Borges from arguing on
behalf of the genre, both in this article and as part of a range of other literary and editorial endeavours
spanning several decades. Borges, Leyes de la narracin policial, in Textos recobrados 1931-1955
(Buenos Aires: Emec, 2007), p. 36, first published in Hoy Argentina, Buenos Aires, 1, 2, April 1933.
Mandel, pp. 40-1.
There were also material reasons why the novelists turned to crime stories:
financial difficulties, the search for a wider audience, the possibility of
receiving lush payments from the new popular magazines, the rise of the
feuilleton serial story in which writers like Eugne Sue (whose Mystres
de Paris Karl Marx analyzed at length), Ponson du Terrail, and Paul Feval
were winning great popular success.65
While overcoming financial difficulties, nineteenth century writers were able to
exploit the financial opportunities presented by urbanisation, increased literacy and
serialised publication to such an extent that making a living as a writer of fiction
became a viable option for the first time in the urban centres of England, France and
the United States. As such, the story of the crime genre is from its origins interwoven
with the story of popular fiction by professional writers directed towards a mass
audience. Indeed, Poe himself was among the very first American writers to attempt
to earn a living from writing alone.
There is another important sense in which the flourishing crime genre may be
identified with the social and economic transformations occurring in the western
economic powerhouses of the nineteenth century. According to Michel Foucault, to
some extent popular crime fiction acted as a kind of ideological and cultural
counterpart to factory discipline, amounting to a moral defence of private property:
Mandel, p. 7
Michel Foucault, extracts from Entrevista sobre la prisin: el libro y sus mtodos in Microfsica
del poder (Madrid: Ediciones de la Piqueta, 1980) and La resonancia de los suplicios in Vigilar y
castigar (Mxico: Siglo XXI, 1987), in Daniel Link, ed., El juego de los cautos (Buenos Aires: La
marca, 2003), pp. 36-7.
Mandel, p. 8.
Elena Braceras, Cristina Leytour and Susana Pittella, El cuento policial argentino: Una propuesta
de lectura productiva para la escuela secundaria, Serie Estudio sistemtico de la lengua y del
discurso (Buenos Aires: Editorial Plus Ultra, 1986), p. 17.
Walter Benjamin, in Carlo Salzani, The City as Crime Scene: Walter Benjamin and the Traces of
the Detective, New German Critique 100, Vol. 34, No. 1, Winter 2007, p. 166.
Ibid, p. 168.
the genres emergence. Ricardo Piglia, for example, endorses Benjamins assertion
that specific technological advances played a central role in creating the conditions
for the genres development:
the urban milieu in which he exists, tracing the impending transition to the
publication of Poes story, The Man of the Crowd, in December of 1840:
Esa tensin entre el individuo solitario y la masa es clave y se hace visible en
El hombre de la multitud, un relato de Poe inmediatamente anterior a Los
crmenes de la rue Morgue, que lo prefigura y lo hace posible. Slo falta el
detective. Slo falta, digamos, la transformacin del flneur, del observador,
en investigador privado.74
The publication of The Murders in the Rue Morgue in April of 1841 heralded the
completion of this transition, in the person of the first fictional detective, a figure
recognised by Borges and Piglia as la clave formal del relato policial.75
Piglia, El ltimo lector, p. 83. A detailed examination of this story and its significance for the genre
may be found in Gumshoe Gothics, Poes The Man of the Crowd and His Followers, in Patricia
Merivale and Susan Elizabeth Sweeneys Detecting Texts: The Metaphysical Detective Story from
Poe to Postmodernism, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999), pp. 101-116.
See Piglia, El ltimo lector, p. 79.
Mandel, p. 12.
Ibid, p. 14.
Ibid, p. 15.
Edgar Allan Poe, Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Ware: Wordsworth Editions, 1993), p. 64.
It was at length arranged that we should live together during my stay in the
city; and as my worldly circumstances were somewhat less embarrassed than
his own, I was permitted to be at the expense of renting [my emphasis], and
furnishing in a style which suited the rather fantastic gloom of our common
temper, a time-eaten and grotesque mansion, long deserted through
superstitions into which we did not inquire, and tottering to its fall in a retired
and desolate portion of the Faubourg St. Germain.81
While the narrator considers it a privilege and a bargain to be permitted to bankroll
Dupins lifestyle in exchange for retaining his company, he also creates the
conditions necessary for his beneficiary to apply his intellectual faculties to the
resolution of crimes:
Dupin, el asocial, est afuera de la economa. Es su amigo, el narrador, quien
financia su vida y acta casi como la figura del mecenas con el artista. Hay
un pacto econmico (un pacto precapitalista, dira) en el origen del gnero,
que preserva a Dupin de la contaminacin del dinero y garantiza su
Dupin in this sense is an artist whose subvention by the narrator allows him to exist
outside of society, and to apply his detectory acumen to the abstract resolution of
crimes in a disinterested manner, free of the constraints imposed either by family
life or the bustling industrial society in which he dwells, able to sentir al mismo
tiempo lo multitudinario y la soledad, a sensitivity that, in the view of Borges, tiene
que estimular el pensamiento.83 The narrator for his part is akin to a nineteenth
century venture capitalist who expects a return on his financial investment, except
that he (somewhat quaintly) anticipates a reward other than financial enrichment, and
perceives in the personage of Dupin a rich seam of intellectual capital.
The intellectual character of Poes foundational detective stories is of
particular relevance to discussions of crime fiction in the Argentine context. Though
undoubtedly possessed of extraordinary natural gifts, Dupin from the outset is
Ibid, p. 65.
Piglia, El ltimo lector, p. 78.
Jorge Luis Borges, El cuento policial in Obras Completas Vol. IV (Buenos Aires: Emec, 2007),
p. 235.
distinguished by his abilities as a reader. Indeed, his first casual encounter with the
narrator takes place in an obscure library in the Rue Montmartre, where the accident
of our both being in search of the same very rare and very remarkable volume,
brought us into closer communion.84 This circumstance, whose appeal to Borges is
immediately obvious, has also been noted by Piglia, Dupin se perfila de inmediato
como un hombre de letras, un biblifilo []. Esta imagen de Dupin como un gran
lector es lo que va a definir su figura y su funcin.85 However, his autonomy
permits him to devote his creative and resolvent analytical powers, and vast
reading, to a topic apparently unworthy of such extravagantly learned attention, in
the form of the criminal and violent actions reported by the popular press:
El detective se interna en el mundo de la cultura de masas y acta como un
experto. Los peridicos son el escenario cotidiano del crimen []. El
refinado lector que es Dupin, formado en las libreras de Pars, en los libros
nicos y raros, en la frecuentacin de alta cultura, leer los peridicos como
nadie los ha ledo antes.86
This apparent contradiction lies at the heart of the detective story, and it is a
consideration that has frequently occupied critical reflections upon the genre in
Argentina. Just as Dupin is an expert reader, able to switch effortlessly between
high and low cultures, the detective story engendered by Poe is at the same time
intellectual and popular in character, the work of a struggling professional writer
targeted at a mass audience. A form of entertainment, certainly, but not necessarily
of the passive, unreflective kind typically associated with popular literature, and
frequently attributed to the crime story. The defining characteristic of the genre,
according to Borges, is precisely the extent to which the detective story demands the
active, engaged participation of the reader in its realisation, ese lector est lleno de
sospechas, porque el lector de novelas policiales es un lector que lee con
Edgar Allan Poe, Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Ware: Wordsworth Editions, 1993), p. 64.
Piglia, El ltimo lector, p. 77.
Ibid, p. 84.
incredulidad, con suspicacias, una suspicacia especial.87 It is at least partly for this
reason that Borges is so insistent upon the foundational status of Poes stories, not so
much on account of the genre thus initiated per se, but rather owing to the markedly
intellectual qualities of Dupin, and the kind of specialised reader that the form
initiated by Poe implies, La novela policial ha creado un tipo especial de lector. Eso
suele olvidarse cuando se juzga la obra de Poe; porque si Poe cre el relato policial,
cre despus el tipo de lector de ficciones policiales.88 While Borges takes an
essentially creationist view of this specialised readership, there is little doubt that
an enthusiasm for the detective genre reflected a demographic that was growing and
diversifying in an era of scientific discovery and technical achievement realised
through intellectual endeavour:
It is pre-eminently the genre of an age dominated by science and technology,
an age characterized by mental-work-as-analysis. In the detective scenario
and the figure of the mastermind Dupin, Poe gave us at once the most
appealing format and the most glamorous mask for mental work and the
mental worker. From psychoanalyst to literary critic, from particle physicist
to diagnostician.89
According to this conceptualisation, then, much of the appeal of the detective story is
derived from the diverse range of mental workers who perceive in their activities a
method analagous to that of the detective, and seek to apply their own powers of
deduction to the resolution of textual enigmas. Furthermore, the genre has been
recognised in the Argentine critical context for its pedagogical potential, as both a
model for the critical faculty and a means of bridging the gap between highbrow and
mass culture:
El gnero policial operara entonces como iniciador de un proceso que
favorece y propicia el pasaje a un nivel superior, como eficaz canal por donde
Jorge Luis Borges, El cuento policial in Obras Completas Vol. IV (Buenos Aires: Emec, 2007),
p. 230.
John T. Irwin, The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges, and the Analytic Detective Story (Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins U.P., 1994), pp. xvi-xvii.
The detective story may be said to have created a certain readerly attitude and
disposition, for which Poes ratiocinative Dupin is the original model. It is a protean
genre that is frequently, and, paradoxically, both intellectual and popular in its
appeal, and one whose evolution and adaptation demands an equivalent adjustment
in the interpretive strategies of its readership:
El policial pone en evidencia las posibilidades creativas contenidas en las
complejas relaciones entre escritura y lectura: el escritor crea el gnero; la
reiteracin de las convenciones genricas refuerza las estrategias de lectura
necesarias y crea un lector.92
While Poes original Dupin stories were the work of an American, detective fiction
flourished primarily in France and Britain in the latter half of the nineteenth century
and continuing into the twentieth century. Inspired by the memoirs of Eugne
Franois Vidocq (a real-life adventurer and criminal-turned-police informer, who
went on to establish both the Sret Nationale and the first private detective agency),
Emile Gaboriau published L'Affaire Lerouge, the first French crime novel, in 1866.
This ground-breaking text is the first to introduce not just a detective, but a group of
investigators, both amateur and professional, each of whom brings their talents to
bear upon the case. M. Daburon, the investigating magistrate, would appear to be
imbued with considerable powers of deduction, though as a state advocate he is a
professional rather than an amateur investigator:
None better than he, armed with an implacable logic, could solve those
terrible problems in which X in algebra, the unknown quantity
represents the criminal. Clever in deducing the unknown, he excelled in
collecting facts, and in uniting in a bundle of overwhelming proofs
circumstances the most trifling, and in appearance the most insignificant.93
The reader is also introduced to a representative of the official police force,
equivalent to Poes Prefect of Police Monsieur G--, in the person of the celebrated
Chief of Detective Police, Gevrol. Robust, competent and determined, he is gifted
with a photographic memory for faces:
Ibid, p. 8.
Borges appears to be unconvinced of the merits of Simenons detective fiction, to judge by his May
1938 review of the short story collection Les sept minutes, published in El Hogar magazine, Los
ambientes que propone este libro no carecen de vividez, ni siquiera de cierta sobrenaturalidad.
Lstima grande que todo lo dems sea incompetente, fraudulento o ingenuo []. En el primer cuento
de la serie, la revelacin final es tan inspida, que ayer me la otorgaron y hoy no la s; la del segundo
La noche de los siete minutos requiere laboriosamente una estufa, un cao, una piedra, una
cuerda tirante y un revlver; la del tercero, dos personas adicionales cuya existencia no puede
While French crime writers undoubtedly took up the mantle of Poes Dupin
stories to a notable degree, it was in Britain that the detective story would enjoy its
most conspicuous success in the early years of the twentieth century, both in terms of
local production and consumption by an eager reading public. Central to this
enthusiasm was the appearance of perhaps the most famous of all detectives in the
Western tradition, the violin-playing cocaine addict Sherlock Holmes, with the
publication of Arthur Conan Doyles A Study in Scarlet in Beetons Christmas
Annual in 1887, and later as a single volume in July of 1888. Conan Doyle
acknowledges in ironic fashion his awareness of and indebtedness to Poe and
Gaboriau in this inaugural story, through the following exchange between the newlyminted partnership of Holmes and Watson:
You remind me of Edgar Allan Poe's Dupin. I had no idea that such
individuals did exist outside of stories.
Sherlock Holmes rose and lit his pipe. No doubt you think that you are
complimenting me in comparing me to Dupin, he observed. Now, in my
opinion, Dupin was a very inferior fellow. That trick of his of breaking in on
his friends' thoughts with an apropos remark after a quarter of an hour's
silence is really very showy and superficial. He had some analytical genius,
no doubt; but he was by no means such a phenomenon as Poe appeared to
Have you read Gaboriau's works? I asked. Does Lecoq come up to your
idea of a detective?
Sherlock Holmes sniffed sardonically. Lecoq was a miserable bungler, he
said, in an angry voice; he had only one thing to recommend him, and that
was his energy. That book made me positively ill. The question was how to
identify an unknown prisoner. I could have done it in twenty-four hours.
Lecoq took six months or so. It might be made a textbook for detectives to
teach them what to avoid.
I felt rather indignant at having two characters whom I had admired treated in
this cavalier style. I walked over to the window and stood looking out into
the busy street.98
Julian Wolfreys, ed, in Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Ware,
Wordsworth Classics, 1996), pp. v-vi.
Relative to average wages for the period, 50 in 1889 would have been equivalent to around
25,000 in 2009. Source: [Accessed on the
12th of April, 2010]
Relative to average wages for the period, 1000 in 1904 would have been equivalent to around
400,000 in 2009. Source: [Accessed on the
12th of April, 2010]
Julian Wolfreys, ed, in Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Ware,
Wordsworth Classics, 1996), pp. xii.
offer of 50,000 francs for the return of the eponymous Purloined Letter in his third
fictional appearance, his principal intention is to outwit his alter-ego the Minister, a
fellow poet and mathematician who had planned to use the missive as an instrument
of blackmail. Dupin nevertheless remains an amateur detective. Holmes, on the other
hand, is decidedly a private detective, who charges handsomely for his specialised
services, though he is prepared to waive his fees in a deserving case if the mystery is
of particular interest to him. He is likewise prepared to accommodate upward
revisions in the valuation of his services. In the 1891 story A Scandal in Bohemia,
Holmes is contracted by the King of Bohemia, who is anxious to recover a
compromising photograph ahead of his impending marriage to Clotilde Lothman
von Saxe-Meningen, second daughter of the King of Scandinavia. You may know
the strict principles of her family. She is herself the very soul of delicacy. A shadow
of a doubt as to my conduct would bring the matter to an end.103 Appraised of the
details of the project, Holmes is not slow to inquire into financial matters:
Then, as to money?
You have carte blanche.
I tell you that I would give one of the provinces of my kingdom to have that
And for present expenses?
The King took a heavy chamois leather bag from under his cloak and laid it
on the table.
There are three hundred pounds in gold and seven hundred in notes, he
Holmes scribbled a receipt upon a sheet of his note-book and handed it to
Ibid, p. 122.
Between ourselves, the recent cases in which I have been of assistance to the
royal family of Scandinavia, and to the French republic, have left me in such
a position that I could continue to live in the quiet fashion which is most
congenial to me, and to concentrate my attention upon my chemical
researches. But I could not rest, Watson, I could not sit quiet in my chair, if I
thought that such a man as Professor Moriarty were walking the streets of
London unchallenged.105
To develop a point made earlier in this chapter, though John T. Irwin claims that Poe
provided the reader of detective fiction with the most appealing format and the most
glamorous mask for mental work and the mental worker, 106 it is clear that both
Conan Doyle and Holmes were to broaden this appeal even further, by
demonstrating how mental-work-as-analysis might be monetised to a highly
profitable degree, in a sense, to recover the financial fortunes of both Poe and Dupin,
their detectory antecedents. However, despite the outrageous fees he was able to
command, Conan Doyle regarded the popular Holmes stories as a distraction from,
and an obstacle to, his more serious literary endeavours and critical acceptance.
Once again, the crime genre finds itself at an uneasy point of intersection between
high and low culture, between serious and popular literature. Whatever his
personal feelings on the matter, it is clear that Conan Doyles fictional creation was
to have a pervasive influence on the development of the classical detective story,
which was about to enter a new era that came to be known as the Golden Age.
Ibid, p. 436.
Irwin, op. cit.
Berkeley, and Nicholas Blake (pseudonym of Cecil Day Lewis), were British, a
number of American writers are also considered representatives of this era, including
Ellery Queen (the pen-name of cousins Manfred D. Lee and Frederick Dannay), John
Dickson Carr, Rex Stout and S. S. Van Dine. The creations of these writers
crystallised the tradition of the amateur detective and the resolution of crime as a
game or puzzle. It is a variant of the genre strictly governed by formulae and
accepted conventions, in which plots are largely predictable and characters tend to be
few in number and thinly drawn. Golden Age stories typically take place over a
relatively short time span, in an enclosed space (most typically a country house or a
small English village), and usually begin with the discovery of a murdered victim,
though the violence of the crime is seldom depicted in detail. The guiding principle
of fair play dictates that the reader should be presented with all of the
circumstances of the crime, so as to have a reasonable chance of guessing the
identity of the murderer before (s)he is unmasked by the detective. As such, these
stories tend to present a purely abstract, ludic and intellectual challenge to the reader,
and make little attempt to reflect social realities or to depict in a realist manner the
exploits of criminals or the representatives of the law tasked with their apprehension.
This hermetic isolation from reality did nothing to hinder their success, however, as
illustrated by the observations of Robert Graves and Alan Hodge in 1940:
From the middle of the twenties onwards, some thousands of detective novels
were annually published, all of them concerned with extraordinary and
baffling crimes, and only a very small number gave the police the least credit
for the solution. These books were designed not as realistic accounts of
crime, but as puzzles to test the readers acuteness in following up disguised
clues. It is safe to say that not one in a hundred showed any first-hand
knowledge of the elements that comprised them police organisation, the
coroners court, fingerprints, firearms, poison, the laws of evidence and not
[The Golden Age detective story is], even more than its nineteenth-century
forerunners, the epitome of bourgeois rationality in literature. Formal logic
rules supreme. Crime and its unmasking are like supply and demand in the
market place: abstract, absolute laws almost completely alienated from real
human beings and the clashes of real human passions []. It is precisely
because the universe of the classical detective story is that of the triumphant
rentier ruling class of the pre- and post-1914 period in the Anglo-Saxon
countries (and to a far lesser extent in France; in the rest of the imperialist
countries the species faded away after the first world war) that the treatment
of crime can become so highly schematic, conventional and artificial.108
The success of the whodunits of the Golden Age constituted a prolonged and
indulgent exercise in nostalgia on the part of both authors and readers of detective
fiction in the interbellum period, akin to a modern television audience eschewing the
quotidian realities reported in the nightly news in favour of endless re-runs of a
much-loved fictional series set in a more prosperous and peaceful age. As Amelia
Simpson puts it, The classic formula is an allegorical representation of the stability
and continuity of the status quo. It provides a reassuring view of society in the
mechanistic crime-to-solution sequence.109 Ricardo Piglia similarly points to the
deliberate separation of crime from its motivating factors in the classical detective
La policial inglesa separa el crimen de su motivacin social. El delito es
tratado como un problema matemtico y el crimen es siempre lo otro de la
Robert Graves and Alan Hodge, The Long Week-End: A Social History of Great Britain 191839
(London: Faber & Faber, 1940), p. 303.
Mandel, p. 27.
Amelia S. Simpson, Detective Fiction from Latin America (Cranbury: Farleigh Dickinson
University Press, 1990), p. 11.
Ricardo Piglia, Lo negro del policial, in El juego de los cautos, ed. by Daniel Link, (Buenos
Aires: La marca, 2003), p. 78. First published as ntroduccin to Cuentos de la serie negra (Buenos
Aires: CEAL, 1979).
Translated and published in Argentina in 1950 as El almirante flotante, the novel was no. 69 in
Emecs Sptimo Crculo series, co-directed by Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares.
As Julian Symons, long-time honorary president of the club points out, The constitution adopted
in 1932 was very insistent that the candidate be a writer of detective novels, and it went on to say:
it being understood that the term detective novel does not include adventure stories or thrillers or
stories in which detection is not a main interest, and that it is a demerit in a detective novel if the
author does not play fair by the reader. Julian Symons, The Detection Club, article published in The
Montreal Gazette, 20 October 1978, p. 108. Interestingly, Borgess experiments with the form did not
meet with the approval of Symons: Essentially Borges connection with the crime story is parodic,
and it is not surprising that the detective who sits solving crime puzzles brought to him in a prison cell
is named Isidro Parodi. The solutions are unconvincing. The stories are merely fanciful or jokey, but
the book is, as admirers will say, minor work []. Major Borges tales, however, are similar to minor
ones in convincing or amusing only at the level of jokes. Julian Symons, Bloody Murder: From the
Detective Story to the Crime Novel: A History (New York: Penguin, 1985), p. 185.
named Eric, in which they would promise that their writing would, among other
things, forsake Divine Revelation, Feminine Intuition, Mumbo Jumbo, JiggeryPokery, Coincidence or the Act of God. The ceremony concluded with the
following threat of imprecation:
If you fail to keep your promises, may other writers anticipate your plots,
may your publishers do you down in your contracts, may total strangers sue
you for libel, may your pages swarm with misprints and your sales
continually diminish. Amen.113
Members of the club were also expected to abide by the Ten Commandments for
Detective Novelists drawn up by Monsignor Ronald Knox, who was, aptly, both a
crime writer, and a theologian and Bible translator:
1. The criminal must be someone mentioned in the early part of the
story, but must not be anyone whose thoughts the reader has been
allowed to follow.
2. All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of
3. Not more than one secret room or passage is allowable.
4. No hitherto undiscovered poisons may be used, nor any appliance
which will need a long scientific explanation at the end.
5. No Chinaman must figure in the story.
6. No accident must ever help the detective, nor must he ever have an
unaccountable intuition which proves to be right.
7. The detective must not himself commit the crime.
8. The detective must not light on any clues which are not instantly
produced for the inspection of the reader.
9. The stupid friend of the detective, the Watson, must not conceal any
thoughts which pass through his mind; his intelligence must be
slightly, but very slightly, below that of the average reader.
10. Twin brothers, and doubles generally, must not appear unless we have
been duly prepared for them.114
The kind of detective fiction codified and practised by the writers of the Detection
Club, the the relato clsico or ingls, was to have a decisive influence on both the
production and critical consideration of the crime genre in Argentina, owing in no
small part to the manifold ways in which Borges and those of his circle, including
Adolfo Bioy Casares, Manuel Peyrou and Silvina Ocampo, engaged in its defence,
promotion and emulation. This campaign arose partly from a genuine admiration for
the aesthetic qualities celebrated by the estilo ingls: intellectual and abstract in
intention, codified, sparse, plot-driven, humorous, hygienic, apparently apolitical,
and paying due respect to the reader while requiring his or her attentive engagement.
It was also motivated by a fear, perhaps more genuine still, that the Argentine
reading public should fall under the spell of another variant of the genre, which
seemed to Borges to be the very antithesis of his conception of what detective fiction
should be: the hard-boiled style, the policial duro, negro or americano.
American history far more dramatic than anything witnessed in the France of Balzac,
Hugo and the feuilleton writers of the previous century:
Mobsters like Al Capone, Legs Diamond, Lucky Luciano, Bugsy Siegel, and
Dutch Schultz enjoyed a notoriety normally reserved for world leaders as
they supplied Americans with endless quantities of bootleg liquor, ran
prostitution and gambling rackets, and fought bloody turf wars in cities
across the nation. Rampant corruption in high levels of government and law
enforcement became a recognized part of the social norm as racketeers
sought to buy influence and protection for their illegal activities.115
It is difficult to know what the real-life Al Capone might have done if confronted by
an amateur detective in the tradition of Chestertons shabby, stumpy, blinking Jesuit
priest Father Brown, or indeed Agatha Christies neat, fastidious, colourful mangler
of the English language, the Belgian Hercule Poirot. What is clear is that in the
context of a lawless Prohibition-era America, such incarnations of the intellectual,
puzzle-mystery detective would have seemed even more anachronistic and out of
place than they might have done in interbellum Britain. At this time a new kind of
detective alighted from the pages of the pulp-magazines, via the cheap story papers
and dime novels that had become popular in the United States from the midnineteenth century, in a climate of [] moral ambivalence the exploits of the
traditional detective seemed at best impractical and at worst naively unrealistic. The
hard-boiled detective, on the other hand, thrived in societys gray areas.116
The American hard-boiled writers did not write novelas policiales, certainly
not as Borges understood the term. Dashiell Hammetts Sam Spade or Raymond
Chandlers Philip Marlowe owe more to the tough protagonists of the western, sports
and adventure tales of the dime novels than they do to the classical, intellectual
lineage of Poe, Gaboriau or Chesterton. As Otto Penzler points out, the hard-boiled
detective, and in particular the self-employed private investigator, constituted the
Stefan Dziemianowicz, in Robert Weinberg et al., eds., Hard-Boiled Detectives: 23 Great Stories
from Dime Detective Magazine (Gramercy: New York, 1992), p. x.
idealization of the lone individual, representing justice and decency, pitted against
virulent gangs, corrupt politicians or other agencies who violated that sense of
goodness with which most readers identified.117 The early stories that filled the
pages of the pulps were far from intellectual in their intentions or concerns. They
were designed to be sold at news stands rather than bookshops, and to appeal to a
young, popular readership through their brilliantly colored covers depicting lurid
and thrilling scenes, and a writing style that emphasised action and adventure above
philosophizing and introspection.118 Stefan Dziemianowicz traces the origin of the
hard-boiled style to a very specific publishing event:
Unlike the majority of popular fiction types, the hard-boiled detective has a
known birthday and place of origin: the June 1, 1923, issue of Black Mask, in
which Carroll John Daly introduced Race Williams, the progenitor of all
hard-boiled detectives. The story in which Williams made his debut, The
Knights of the Open Palm, pales in comparison to the countless imitations it
spawned, but it laid the groundwork for what we recognize today as the hardboiled genre.119
As has been noted earlier in this chapter, the detective genre in its various guises has
frequently found itself at the intersection of high and low culture. Once again, in
the case of Black Mask, this conjunction is notable. The magazine had been founded
in 1920 as a money-making venture without literary pretensions by two prominent
American intellectual figures, H. L. Mencken and George Jean Nathan. It was
envisioned that the profits generated by the unashamedly commercial Black Mask
might be used to offset the losses incurred by the high-brow, financially unviable
literary magazine The Smart Set, which was at that time co-edited by Mencken and
Otto Penzler, ed., Pulp Fiction: The Villains (London: Quercus, 2007), p. ix.
Stefan Dziemianowicz, in Hard-Boiled Detectives, p. x. This claim of origins is remarkably similar
to Borgess description of the birth of the detective genre in the Dupin stories of Poe, as previously
cited in this study.
Nathan.120 The early detective stories appearing in Black Mask were sub-literary in a
very concrete sense, in that they were deemed unworthy of publication in The Smart
Set, but still recognised as having commercial appeal. Though initially publishing
stories from a range of genres, including western, aviation, adventure and even
classical detective stories, within a few years Black Mask had become consolidated
as a publisher of a specific brand of hard-boiled crime stories, especially under the
focused editorship of Joseph T. Cap Shaw, who oversaw the magazine between
1926 and 1936. Though lacking in editorial experience, Shaw had a clear, idealised
vision of the traits of the ideal reader to whom Black Mask should appeal:
Hard, in a square man's hardness; hating unfairness, trickery, injustice,
cowardly underhandedness; standing for a square deal and a fair show in little
or big things, and willing to fight for them; not squeamish or prudish, but
clean, admiring the good in man and woman; not sentimental in a gushing
sort of way, but valuing true emotion; not hysterical, but responsive to the
thrill of danger, the stirring exhilaration of clean, swift, hard action and
always pulling for the right guy to come out on top.121
Though he was himself an aspiring writer, Shaw found far greater success as a
writing coach and mentor to the stable of crime writers who were at that time
contracted to produce stories for Black Mask at a rate of 5 cents per word, which
included Erle Stanley Gardner, Raoul Whitfield, Horace McCoy, Raymond Chandler
and Dashiell Hammett. In particular Hammett, a former Pinkerton detective agency
operative, came to define the style, atmosphere and sardonic wit associated with the
hard-boiled school:
Of the detective novelists who emerged in the pulps, Dashiell Hammetts
work is probably most significant. His first short story appeared in 1923, with
Red Harvest (1929) introducing the Continental Op (based loosely on
Hammetts experiences with the Pinkerton Detective Agency) to the novel. In
The Maltese Falcon (1930) the Op becomes the private detective Sam Spade,
and in the mystery The Glass Key (1931), Spade in turn becomes the political
Larry N. Landrum, American Mystery and Detective Novels: A Reference Guide (Connecticut:
Greenwood, 1999), p. 10.
Joseph Shaw, in Frank MacShane, The Life of Raymond Chandler (New York: Random House,
1976), p. 46.
of the noir style of cinema, which was to achieve considerable influence, variety and
longevity.124 Similarly, Howard Hawks 1946 adaptation of Chandlers The Big
Sleep, starring Bogart as Philip Marlowe and Lauren Bacall as Vivian Sternwood,
and to which William Faulkner contributed as a scriptwriter, is also considered a
seminal work that helped to establish the look and feel of the noir film-making style.
While the importance of Hammett as a pioneering writer of the hard-boiled
genre is well-documented, the contribution of Chandler is also of great significance,
and will become especially relevant when considering crime fictions evolution in
Argentina.125 Though Chandlers approach to the genre is readily discernible in his
short stories and novels, his landmark 1944 magazine article, The Simple Art of
Murder,126 is especially relevant to this study, in that it offers a timely critique of the
classical detective story, a defence of the hard-boiled school (in particular the literary
quality of the work of Dashiell Hammett) and concludes with a vivid and famous
character sketch of the new kind of detective. As such, the essay amounts to a
manifesto or mission statement for the hard-boiled genre by perhaps its most
emblematic writer.
Chandlers critique of the classical detective story is wide-ranging and
detailed, and includes a lengthy and merciless dissection of The Red House Mystery
by A. A. Milne (better known as the inventor of Winnie-the-Pooh), vigorously
contesting Alexander Woolcotts claim that it is one of the three best mystery stories
of all time. His analysis aims to reinforce his view that Woolcott is rather a fast man
More contemporary examples include Curtis Hansons L.A. Confidential (1996) and Brian De
Palmas The Black Dahlia (2006), both based on novels of the same name by neo-noir crime writer
James Ellroy.
Jorge Lafforgue acknowledges Chandlers pre-eminence among Argentine admirers of the hardboiled variant in the prologue to his 1997 anthology, Cuentos policiales argentinos (Buenos Aires:
Alfaguara, 1997) El pasaje de la novela-problema a los relatos duros, deudores de los modelos
forjados por Hammett y su descendencia (los jvenes leyeron entonces a McCoy, a Cain, a Burnett, a
Goodis, pero sobre todo a Chandler), se produce de manera gradual y mezclada durante esos aos
(fines de los cincuenta y dcada del sesenta), pero es ya contundente en los setenta. p. 19.
Raymond Chandler, The Simple Art of Murder, The Atlantic Monthly, December 1944, pp. 53-9.
Ibid, p. 54.
Ibid, p. 53.
stories: they do not really come off intellectually as problems, and they do
not come off artistically as fiction. They are too contrived, and too little
aware of what goes on in the world. 131
Chandler rejects Dorothy Sayers apology that the classical detective story can never
attain the loftiest level of literary achievement because it is a literature of escape
rather than a literature of expression:
I do not know what the loftiest level of literary achievement is: neither did
Aeschylus or Shakespeare; neither does Miss Sayers [], this is critics
jargon, a use of abstract words as if they had absolute meanings.132
Furthermore, he points to the fact that the authors of The Long Weekend (cited earlier
in this chapter), as traditionally English as the ornaments of the Golden Age, had
identified an American, Dashiell Hammett as the only first class writer to have
written detective stories at all:
Graves and Hodge were not fuddy-duddy connoisseurs of the second rate;
they could see what went on in the world and that the detective story of their
time didnt; and they were aware that writers who have the vision and the
ability to produce real fiction do not produce unreal fiction.133
He perceives in the detective fiction of Hammett a literary quality within a popular
generic form also referred to by Tzvetan Todorov in his essay, The Typology of
Detective Fiction134:
He was one of a group, the only one who achieved critical recognition, but
not the only one who wrote or tried to write realistic mystery fiction. All
literary movements are like this; some one individual is picked out to
represent the whole movement; he is usually the culmination of the
Chandler effectively endorses the view that the hard-boiled detective story, which
began as a mass-market product responding to a financial impulse and adhering to
editorial formulae, had transcended its popular, generic origins in the writing of
Hammett, blurring the boundaries between high-brow and mass culture. Though the
kind of detective that emerged from the pulp magazines in many ways represents the
transposition of the cowboy of the western tradition to an urban setting, and might
thus be regarded as entirely separate from the tradition of Poe, Conan Doyle and the
writers of the Golden Age (the view endorsed by Borges), Chandler identifies in the
writing of Hammett a decisive and revitalising renovation of the classical detective
tradition that enabled the crime genre to reconnect with a contemporary reading
Hammett took murder out of the Venetian vase and dropped it into the alley
[]. He wrote at first (and almost to the end) for people with a sharp,
aggressive attitude to life. They were not afraid of the seamy side of things;
they lived there. Violence did not dismay them; it was right down their street
[]. And he demonstrated that the detective story can be important writing.
The Maltese Falcon may or may not be a work of genius, but an art which is
capable of it is not by hypothesis incapable of anything. Once a detective
story can be as good as this, only the pedants will deny that it could be even
Chandler maintains that Hammett breathed fresh life into the detective story during a
period in which it had lapsed into tedium and irrelevance, in part by injecting a
healthy dose of realism and descriptive flair into the sterile fictional universe of the
puzzle mystery story. The realism that he attributes to Hammetts work is very
much in evidence in Chandlers own vivid, lyrical and darkly humorous depictions
of the social milieu of the Los Angeles of the 1930s and 40s:
a world in which gangsters can rule nations and almost rule cities, in which
hotels and apartment houses and celebrated restaurants are owned by men
who made their money out of brothels, in which a screen star can be the
fingerman for a mob, and the nice man down the hall is a boss of the numbers
racket; a world where a judge with a cellar full of bootleg liquor can send a
man to jail for having a pint in his pocket.137
The social critique implicit in the writing of many of the writers of the hard-boiled
tradition, and explicit in the fiction of Hammett and Chandler, was to have enormous
implications for Argentine writers and critics in the 60s and 70s, who recognised the
genres potential as an alternative vehicle for the expression of political commitment,
and the examination of issues facing Argentine society.138 Ricardo Piglia is perhaps
the paradigmatic example of this tendency:
No era un simple reflejo de la sociedad, sino que traficaba con lo social, lo
converta en intriga y en red anecdtica. De modo que yo encontraba un
gnero muy popular que estaba elaborando cuestiones sociales de una manera
muy directa y muy abierta.139
If, as Ricardo Piglia suggests, the detective is the clave formal of the genre,
nowhere is this more evident than in the case of Chandlers fictional protagonist. At
the conclusion of his essay, Chandler offers a compelling portrait of the anti-hero
that had emerged from the pulp magazines, typified by his own detective, Philip
Marlowe, and in stark contrast to the amateurs of the Golden Age:
Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is
neither tarnished nor afraid. The detective in this kind of story must be such a
man. He is the hero, he is everything. He must be a complete man and a
common man and yet an unusual man. He must be, to use a rather weathered
phrase, a man of honor, by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it,
and certainly without saying it. He must be the best man in his world and a
good enough man for any world. I do not care much about his private life; he
is neither a eunuch nor a satyr; I think he might seduce a duchess and I am
quite sure he would not spoil a virgin; if he is a man of honor in one thing, he
is that in all things. He is a relatively poor man, or he would not be a
Ibid, p. 59.
Braceras et al recognise that instances of social critique, like beauty, are sometimes in the eye of
the beholder, Esta visin crtica de la sociedad llega a veces al afn de denuncia, como en el caso de
Hammett. En otros casos, son los crticos literarios los que descubren esa denuncia en las pginas de
algunos autores, aunque stos quizs no la hayan considerado como un objetivo de sus novelas.
Elena Braceras, Cristina Leytour and Susana Pittella, El cuento policial argentino: Una propuesta de
lectura productiva para la escuela secundaria, Serie Estudio sistemtico de la lengua y del discurso,
(Buenos Aires: Editorial Plus Ultra, 1986), p. 33.
Ricardo Piglia, Crtica y ficcin (Buenos Aires: Anagrama, 2006), p. 177.
Towards the end of Farewell, My Lovely (1940), Chandler makes the contrast
between the kind of detective fiction he was writing and the contrived artifices of the
Golden Age explicit:
You ought to have given a dinner party, Anne Riordan said looking at me
across her tan figured rug. Gleaming silver and crystal, bright crisp linen if
theyre still using linen in the places where they give dinner parties
candlelight, the women in their best jewels and the men in white ties, the
servants hovering discreetly with the wrapped bottles of wine, the cops
looking a little uncomfortable in their hired evening clothes, as who the hell
wouldnt, the suspects with their brittle smiles and restless hands, and you at
the head of the long table telling all about it, little by little, with your
charming light smile and a phoney English accent like Philo Vance. [] I
inhaled some of my drink. Its not that kind of story, I said. Its not lithe
and clever. Its just dark and full of blood.142
Even from within the pages of his fiction, then, Chandler seeks to distance his work
from the detective stories of the kind written by S. S. Van Dine and other adherents
to the Detection Club principles. This contrast between the classical, reasoning
detective, of which Poes Dupin is the archetype, and the private eye who inhabits
the pages of the American hard-boiled genre, is succinctly drawn by Thomas E.
Whereas the detective once survived and conquered on the basis of the
superiority of his brain, he now survives and conquers on the basis of the
indestructibility of his body. No longer the creator of ingenious stratagems or
the deducer of difficult conclusions, the detective, after having blindly stirred
things up or having responded to events initiated by others, is now one who
simply manages to endure more physical punishment than his antagonists.143
In the Argentine context, the two distinct variants of the crime genre outlined in this
chapter would enjoy early and widespread dissemination in translation through a
variety of channels, while Argentine writers would display an interest in and aptitude
for the genre that is reflected in an evolution in native production and critical
consideration that has remained consistent for over a century.
The present chapter has traced the evolution of the detective fiction tradition from
the inaugural stories of Poe through to the emergence of what might be considered
the two major strains of the genre: the classical whodunit mystery exemplified by
Raymond Chandler, Farewell, My Lovely, in The Big Sleep and Other Novels (London: Penguin,
2000), p. 361. Farewell My Lovely first published by in 1940 by Alfred A. Knopf, New York.
Thomas E. Lewis, Delightful Murder: A Social History of the Crime Story by Ernest Mandel, The
Journal of the Midwest Language Association, 19, 2 (Autumn, 1986), pp. 41-2.
the writers of the so-called Golden Age and tracing its lineage back to Poe, and the
American hard-boiled variant that emerged from the pages of the pulp magazines,
typified by the work of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler. Needless to say,
this socio-historical overview is consciously limited in its scope and intentions. What
it does seek to provide is a temporal framework from which to examine the
interwoven history of the genre in Argentina, signalling those authors and
publications that were to prove most relevant to Argentine production and critical
considerations of the gnero policial.
Ernest Mandel provides a fascinating Marxist interpretation of this evolution in Delightful Murder.
Op. cit.
Asesinos de papel, p. 84.
novela-problema146 to the exclusion of the hard-boiled form and other variants, the
majority of crticos, historiadores y aficionados al gnero have come to embrace a
much broader conception of the form, to the extent of accepting como requisito
mnimo del relato policial la existencia de una investigacin y de una incgnita o
reivindicacin a verificar, por tenue y accesoria que parezca.147 Rivera himself
offers an additional, highly useful criterio emprico for the examination of the
genre in Argentina, one which he describes as la marca de fbrica y la brjula
infalible para rastrear y localizar sin esfuerzos las producciones del gnero,148 and
which functions as an appropriate critical point of departure for the reading approach
taken in this dissertation:
una novela policial no estar nunca, o casi nunca, en el catlogo de una
coleccin prestigiosa, compartiendo honores con Gide, Proust y Rilke (se
inventar, en todo caso, un marbete especfico sofisticado o brutal, segn la
tendencia o el segmento de pblico al que se busca interesar, pero siempre
separado y distintivo); su precio ser generalmente accesible, y se tratar de
un volumen relativamente manuable, de tapas coloridas y papel ordinario (el
formato in folio y el papel Gramercy Monument o el pluma verjurado se
reserva para otras celebraciones), cuyo paradero habitual ser el kiosco o las
libreras de lance, y nunca (las excepciones son tan contadas que no vale la
pena mencionarlas) los lugares ms visibles o espectables de las bibliotecas
de nuestros amigos (alertados por su condicin de literatura menor o por
los saqueos sin retorno que suele inspirar).149
This study examines the validity of this view of the crime genre in the Argentine
context, and seeks to demonstrate how the policial has come to function as a
literatura bisagra that bridges the conceptual divide between popular and serious
literature. In this and subsequent chapters it will be noted that while forays into the
gnero policial have sometimes tended towards straightforward epigonismo, or the
imitation of foreign models, Argentine crime writers have also emerged as pioneers
Ibid, pp. 84-5.
Ibid, p. 85.
Ibid. It should be noted that though Rivera accurately describes this criterio emprico, his
subsequent analysis clearly demonstrates that it is not a view of the genre that he endorses.
Patricia Merivale & Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, eds., Detecting Texts: The Metaphysical Detective
Story from Poe to Postmodernism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999), p.2.
Jorge Lafforgue, ed. Cuentos policiales argentinos (1st edn. Alfaguara: Buenos Aires, 1997, 3rd
edn. 2003), p. 12.
Amelia S. Simpson, Detective Fiction from Latin America (Cranbury: Farleigh Dickinson
University Press, 1990), p. 29.
Fermn Fvre, ed., Cuentos policiales argentinos (Buenos Aires: Kapelusz, 1974).
Fvre, p. 21.
regarded as the archetypes of the classical or puzzle detective story. 156 However, it is
significant that the work of Poe, Emile Gaboriau and others was already familiar to a
distinguished group of Argentine writers who were to become true pioneers in the
genre at a local level.
Edgar Allen Poe, Novelas y Cuentos, trans. by Carlos Olivera (Paris: Editorial Garnier Hermanos,
1884). It is interesting to note that this collection was published in Paris rather than his native
Argentina. The collection contains thirteen stories by Poe, listed here in their Spanish translation: La
Mscara de la Muerte - Berenice - Ligeia - Los crmenes de la calle Morgue - El Misterio de Mara
Mort - La Carta robada - Mr. Valdemar - El Doctor Brea y el Profesor Pluma - El Pozo y el Pndulo
- Hop-Frog - El tonel de amontillado - Cuatro bestias en una - El retrato oval.
Luis V. Varela, Las huellas del crimen, (Buenos Aires: Imprenta y Libreras de Mayo, 1877)
Nestor Ponce in Darrell B. Lockhart, ed., Latin American Mystery Writers: An A-to-Z Guide
(Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2004), p. 197.
fiction, the birth of the Argentine detective novel was rooted in the
ideological corpus of the elite.160
The carta prelimar accompanying La huella del crimen makes for interesting
reading. It begins:
Ha muerto ltimamente en Francia, monsieur Emile Gaboriau. Sus novelas
han popularizado su nombre, al extremo de que nadie necesita que se le diga
quin es [] Muerto el maestro, queda la escuela. Declrome uno de sus
discpulos. En La huella del crimen, LArchiduc podra bien llamarse Lecoq
o Tabaret.161
Contrary to the opinion of Varela, it is safe to speculate that a large majority of the
Argentine population would not in fact have recognised the name Gaboriau in 1877,
and that the popularity of his work would have been relative. It is clear, then, that
Varela is referring to members of his own circles rather than the population at large.
Central to the project of Varela in these crime novels was what he regarded as the
education of the reader, with women identified as specific targets for
illumination.162 As Ponce puts it, The pedagogical scope of his literature is twofold: on the one hand, he intends to educar a la mujer (educate women), and on the
other, to popularizar el derecho (place the law within popular reach).163 From the
very beginning, then, the Argentine detective story was viewed as a literatura
bisagra imbued with a didactic potential that was entirely consistent with the
positivism of the era, though Ponce highlights the fact that, in the case of Varela, this
attempt to educate the masses was unsuccessful, an example of a high-minded
intellectual failing to engage with his target audience in the face of more accessible
and attractive competition:
Luis V. Varela, Una carta sobre Monsieur Gaboriau, in Jorge Lafforgue & Jorge B. Rivera, eds.,
Asesinos de Papel (Buenos Aires: Colihue, 1995). Revised 2nd edn. 1st edn 1977. This volume will
subsequently be referred to as Asesinos de Papel, along with the relevant page number.
Trato de herir la imaginacin de la mujer, presentando a sus ojos cuadros que la instruyan.
Asesinos de Papel, p. 233.
Nestor Ponce in Darrell B. Lockhart, ed., Latin American Mystery Writers: An A-to-Z Guide
(Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2004), p. 199.
His detective fiction can be read as one of the forms of exoticism in vogue at
the time, justified by the simple fact that the plot takes place in Paris and that
almost all of the characters are French. Waleiss failure stems from the fact
that his narrative is at too much a remove from local environment and reality.
Rather than taking an interest in the adventures of his detective Andr
LArchiduc, alias el Lince (The Linx), the popular reader Waleis intends to
educate prefers the gauchesque epics or melodramatic tales of
Varelas letter does reveal the extent of his awareness of developments in the genre,
an awareness that was shared by those of his circle:
Hace algunos aos la novela viene exhibiendo agentes de polica de una
perspicacia admirable. Vidoc es, tal vez, el modelo vivo de esos distintos
ejemplares, sucesivamente exhibidos por Balzac, Edgar Poe, Gaboriau,
Xavier de Montepin, de Boisgobery, y, final, y humildemente, por m.165
For Varela, detective fiction has an unmistakeably French flavour, though Poe is also
afforded prominence of place. The intellectual character of the detective story in
Argentina was maintained by a number of prominent figures of the generacin de
ochenta, as noted by Lafforgue and Rivera:
Entre los difusores de Poe y los devotos lectores de Gaboriau se anotan junto
a (Eduardo Ladislao) Holmberg, otros pioneros del gnero policial: Carlos
Olivera, Luis V. Varela, Carlos Monsalve, el fecundo folletinista Eduardo
Gutirrez y el polgrafo de origen francs Paul Groussac, que escribe el
primer cuento de elaborada factura detectivesca: La pesquisa (1884).166
Amelia Simpson highlights the importance of the stories of Holmberg and Groussac
in particular, Of these works, Groussacs, El candado de oro [The golden lock]
(1884) and Holmbergs La bolsa de huesos [The sack of bones] (1896) both tales
of murder and investigation set in Buenos Aires are especially worth
consideration.167 Simpson regards these works as early examples of the manner in
which successive Argentine writers, already well-versed in the conventions of
Ibid., 198.
Asesinos de Papel, p. 233.
Asesinos de Papel, p. 106.
Amelia S. Simpson, Detective Fiction from Latin America, p. 29.
Simpson, p.30.
Simpson, p.190 (Footnote 2).
Fevre, p. 48.
See Juan Jacobo Bajarla, ed. Cuentos de crimen y de misterio (Buenos Aires: Jorge lvarez,
Simpson, p. 30.
publication (Honorio Bustos Domecq, the nom de plume adopted by Borges and
Bioy Casares for their detective stories featuring the sedentary reasoner Isidro Parodi
is a later manifestation of this tendency). It may also be viewed as a strategy to
ensure that potential readers of the story might be allowed to approach this text
without preconceptions, or more accurately, with preconceptions other than those
imposed by the foreknowledge of Groussacs authorship. To this end, the preface
asserts that La pesquisa is the work of a young writer (Groussac himself was
almosty forty) and even includes some criticism of the text. The tone of the preface
is richly ironic when viewed in this light, particularly the apparent invitation to the
young writer to unmask himself, and to submit additional stories for publication. As
Fermn Fvre notes, the anonymity of the writer was only partial, mxime si se
tiene en cuenta que, como lo aclara la misma publicacin, todos los escritos sin firma
aparecidos en ella deban ser adjudicados al propio Groussac.173 The creative use of
the preface as a framing device is a quality often noted in the work of Borges, and
clearly present in the early detective fiction of Groussac.
La pesquisa is notable on account of the manifold ways in which it bridges
the gap between foreign and native production of detective fiction. Groussac himself
embodies this transition, as a French-born intellectual who established firm roots in
Argentina, becoming a key figure in the Argentine cultural establishment, and head
of the National Library. As previously noted, the short preface to the story serves as
a framing device, but the story itself contains additional layers of framing, through
the use of what Fvre describes as a relato dentro de un relato. The scene from
which the story is recounted is established by an unnamed extradiegetic narrator, one
Fvre, p. 49.
Elena Braceras & Cristina Leytour, eds., Cuentos con detectives y comisarios (Buenos Aires:
Ediciones Colihue, 2004), p.17.
Lafforgue, Cuentos policiales argentinos, p. 14.
new publishing opportunities, including the possibility of a market for the native
production of detective fiction. As had been the case with the feuilletons of midnineteenth century France, or the dime novels and pulp magazines of 1920s and 30s
America, mass-market colecciones de kiosco, such as La Novela Semanal, El Cuento
Ilustrado and La Novela Universitaria began to provide a forum both for the
dissemination of imported examples of detective fiction and indeed a readership for a
small number of native Argentine authors:
Si bien los ttulos estrictamente policiales aparecen en forma espordica, su
presencia y sus caractersticas sealan el naciente inters de escritores y
lectores por una forma con notorio arraigo en los magazines ingleses y
norteamericanos, y conocida en la Argentina, fundamentalmente, a travs de
las series traducidas en revistas como Tit-Bits de Puga, Tipperary, El Pucky
y otras similares.178
Nestled among the translations of crime, western and adventure stories appearing in
these publications between 1918 and 1922 were original detective stories by
Argentine writers such as Enrique Richard Lavalle (El crimen de la mosca azul),
Arstides Rabello (El misterio del domin) and Eustaquio Pellicer (El botn del
canzoncillo).179 Pellicer in particular may be counted among the key cultural
arbiters of the age, owing to his prolific and diverse involvement in the cultural and
intellectual life of Buenos Aires: la actividad teatral y la cinematogrfica, as como
muy especialmente las lides periodsticas constituyeron los principales canales en
que su presencia marc rumbos.180 Andrs Pohrebny maintains that Pellicer,
remarkably, may have been among those who witnessed the very first screenings of
the Lumire Brothers original motion pictures at 14, Boulevard de Capucines in
Paris on the 28th of December 1895, and that, owing to his enthusiasm for this
revolutionary medium, he became a catalyst and a patron for the inclusion of Buenos
Aires among the cities visited by the pioneering film-makers and their revolutionary
cinmatographe the following year:
Aqu [Pellicer] cont con el apoyo de Francisco Pastor [], empresario del
Teatro Oden, concretando la presentacin del Cinematgrafo Lumire en la
noche del 18 de julio de 1896, [] se escribe as la primera pgina de la
cinematografa en la Argentina []. Pero su talento se despleg en forma
brillante y duradera en el periodismo.181
A long-time member of the editorial team of former president Bartolom Mitres
daily La Nacin (which remains one of the biggest selling newspapers in Argentina),
including periods spent as the newspapers chief correspondent in Spain, Pellicer
was also a founding editor and regular contributor to the weekly magazine Caras y
Caretas (1898-1941, founded by Mitres son Bartolomito), where he became
renowned for his agudeza y poder de observacin.182
Pellicers landmark story, El botn del calzoncillo183 displays his incisive
wit and powers of observation, often to hilarious effect. This parody of the deductive
methods of Sherlock Holmes, appearing nine years before Conan Doyles last
Holmes story was published, is an early example of a tendency among Argentine
writers, as observed by Borges, to manejar todos los temas europeos, manejarlos sin
supersticiones, con una irreverencia que puede tener, y ya tiene, consecuencias
afortunadas.184 A humorous irreverence towards the conventions of the detective
genre, already perceptible in the foundational texts of Groussac and Holmberg,
reaches new heights in El botn del calzoncillo, and continues to characterise the
stories of later writers. As Simpson points out, Pellicer employs hyperbole, puns,
Ibid, p. 390.
First published in El Cuento Ilustrado, I, Vol. I, No. 5, 1 October 1918, pp. 99-120.
Borges, El escritor argentino y la tradicin, originally published in 1953 and included in
Discusin (Madrid, Alianza, 1997). Contratiempo: Revista de pensamiento y cultura [Accessed on the 30th of November
Simpson, p. 31.
Pellicer devotes a significant portion of the story to charting Polidoros formative years, leaving
the reader in no doubt with regard to the protagonists intellectual gifts, or lack thereof, conjugaba a
los doce aos hacido por hecho, piensado por pensado y cuezco por cuezo, pero en cambio imitaba a
la maravilla el gruido del chancho, fumaba expeliendo el humo por las narices y corra en cuatro pies
con la agilidad de un Botafogo, haciendo pensar a la gente que ya haba encontrado la carrera ms
acomodada a sus aptitudes. Lafforgue, Cuentos policiales argentinos, p. 63.
Lafforgue, Cuentos policiales argentinos, p. 66.
Ibid, p. 68.
appearances by authors originally aligned with the American pulp tradition, such as
Erle Stanley Gardner.
While detective fiction in translation was gaining traction with Argentine
readers in the 1930s largely owing to the success of various colecciones de quiosco,
native production remained, in the words of Lafforgue & Rivera, parcial,
fragmentaria y aislada.193 Enrique Anderson Imberts first detective story, Las
maravillosas deducciones del detective Gamboa appeared in La Nacin in April of
1930, while Argentinas first full-length detective novel,194 Sauli Lostals El
enigma de la calle Arcos was published in serial form two years later.195 The 1930s
also saw the publication of detective stories by Manuel Peyrou, Nicols Olivari and
Leonardo Castellani, whose stories featuring the amateur detectives Padre Metri, and
later Padre Ducadelia, show similarities with G. K. Chestertons Father Brown
series, inasmuch as the detective figure is a priest whose investigations are designed
to reveal insights into human behaviour and to provide lessons in ethic matters.196
Simpson describes Castellani as an iconoclastic figure, whose detective works stand
out against the background of those of his contemporaries for his persistent and
increasingly vehement attacks on the structure of Argentine society.197 In this
regard, Castellanis radicalism would appear to have more in common with a later
generation of writers and critics, such as David Vias, Ricardo Piglia and Juan
Martini, who perceived in the hard-boiled model a vehicle for social critique.
Simpson, p. 32.
There has been some debate surrounding the authorship of El enigma de la calle Arcos, with JuanJacobo Bajarla maintaining that it was in fact written by Borges, an idea originally suggested by
Enrique Anderson Imbert but later rejected by Fernando Sorrentino. For an overview of the debate see
Augusto Gayubas, El enigma del caso an no cerrado: La identidad de Saul Lostali, in Letralia IX
117, 1 November 2004. [Accessed on the 15th of June
Simpson, p. 32.
Ibid, p. 33.
Persephone Braham, Crimes Against the State, Crimes Against Person (Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 2004), p.2.
As described by Jos Fernndez Vega in Una campaa esttica: Borges y la narrativa policial,
Variaciones Borges, 1 (1996), pp. 27-66.
Simpson, p. 191.
Leyes de la narracin policial, in Textos recobrados 1931-1955 (Buenos Aires: Emec, 2007),
pp. 36-39. First published in Hoy Argentina, Buenos Aires, 1, 2, April 1933.
Knox and S. S. Van Dine, Borges proposes his own set of commandments for the
detective story:
A) Un lmite discrecional de sus personajes.
B) Declaracin de todos los trminos del problema.
C) Avara economa de los medios.
D) Primaca del cmo sobre el quin.
E) El pudor de la muerte
F) Necesidad y maravilla en la solucin.203
The creator of Sherlock Holmes is outed for his violations of Commandment B:
Si la memoria no me engaa (o su falta) la variada infraccin de esta segunda
ley es el defecto preferido de Conan Doyle. Se trata, a veces, de unas leves
partculas de ceniza, recogidas a espaldas del lector por el privilegiado
Holmes, y slo derivables de un cigarro procedente de Burma, que en una
sola tienda se despacha, que sirve a un solo cliente.204
This criticism is indicative of Borgess endorsement of the overarching principle of
fair play in relation to the reader so closely associated with the writers of the Golden
Age. His distaste for the depictions of violence associated with the hard-boiled
variant may be inferred from his elaboration on Commandment E:
Homero pudo transmitir que una espada tronch la mano de Hypsinor y que
la mano ensangrentada cay por tierra y que la muerte color sangre y el
severo destino se apoderaron de sus ojos; pero esas pompas de la muerte no
caben en la narracin policial, cuyas musas glaciales son la higiene, la falacia
y el orden.205
Chesterton, a writer much admired by Borges, is praised for his strict observance of
Commandment F, that the solution of the crime should be both necessary and
Lo primero establece que el problema debe ser un problema determinado,
apto para una sola respuesta. Lo segundo requiere que esa respuesta maraville
al lector sin apelar a lo sobrenatural, claro est, cuyo manejo en este
gnero de ficciones es una languidez y una felona []. Chesterton, siempre,
Ibid, p. 37.
Ibid, p. 38.
Ibid, pp. 38-9.
Fernndez Vega, p. 41.
Ibid, p. 42.
An examination of these reviews for Hogar indicates the manner which the works
under consideration often serve as a pretext for Borges to express his views on
correct practice within the genre. In his 1937 appraisal of Death At The Presidents
Lodging, by Michael Innes, for example, he spends much of the review lamenting
what he considers to be the gradual degradation of the detectory model engendered
by Poe:
A despecho de su xito, el especulativo Augusto Dupin ha tenido menos
imitadores que la ineficaz y metdica polica. Por un detective razonador
por un Ellery Queen o Padre Brown hay diez coleccionistas de fsforos y
descifradores de rastros. La toxicologa, la balstica, la diplomacia secreta, la
antropometra, la cerrajera, la topografa, y hasta la criminologa, han
ultrajado la pureza del gnero policial.210
Borgess objection to this forensic approach to detective fiction is chiefly related to
the difficulties thus incurred by the reader wishing to participate in an engaged
manner in the resolution of the crime, as expressed in the August 1937 review of
How to Write Detective Novels by Nigel Morland:
La solucin cientfica de un misterio puede no ser tramposa, pero corre el
albur de parecerlo, ya que el lector no puede adivinarla, por carecer de esos
conocimientos toxicolgicos, balsticos, etctera, que Mr. Nigel Morland
recomienda a los escritores. La solucin que logre prescindir de esas
tecniqueras, siempre ser ms elegante.211
Borges roundly dismisses Morlands tome, El texto, empero, es fcilmente
reducible a tres elementos: el plagio, la perogrullada, el error absoluto,212 and in
doing so also manages to take a caustic swipe at three other crime novelists into the
Dorothy Sayers ha compuesto los mejores anlisis de la tcnica del gnero
policial y las peores novelas policiales que se conocen sin excluir a Edgar
Ibid, p. 424.
Ibid, p. 425.
Ibid, p. 440.
Though Borges would undoubtedly have rejected the suggestion, his story La espera has much in
common with the hard-boiled variant of genre. This brief story narrates the final days of a man who
has fallen foul of a criminal gang led by a certain Alejandro Villari, and is forced to go into hiding.
Despite his precautions, his enemies manage to track him down, and the story concludes with the man
being shot in his bed by Villari, flanked by two henchmen. La espera is included in Fermn Fvres
anthology Cuentos policiales argentinos (Kapelusz: Buenos Aires, 1974). Fvre suggests that the
story creates a climate of violence and suspense digno del mejor exponente de la serie negra. p.73.
Adolfo Bioy Casares in Jos Fernndez Vega, Op. Cit., p. 63.
estaba en el centro de su propia potica y que por otro lado hizo un uso
excelente del gnero: La muerte y la brjula es el Ulises del relato policial.
La forma llega a su culminacin y se desintegra.220
It has been noted that in the 1930s, imported works of detective fiction enjoyed a
growth in popularity in colecciones de quiosco like Tors Misterio and Biblioteca
de Oros Amarilla while native production remained decidedly sporadic. However,
the 1940s and 50s have come to be know as the auge del gnero or indeed
Argentinas Golden Age, according to Donald Yates,221 owing to the substantial
increase in the publication of works by Argentine authors, and indeed the growth in
popularity and intellectual prestige of foreign works. As noted by Braceras, El lector
de novelas de detectives se ampla. Abarca ahora a un mayor sector de la clase
media; se torna, dentro de crculos profesionales o intelectuales, en un
entretenimiento tolerable; se le da el canon de literatura de evasin, pero literatura al
fin.222 Abel Mateos Con la guadaa al hombre is published in Montevideo in 1940
under the pseudonym Diego Keltber. Yates regards Mateos novel as the first major
work of detective fiction to be written by an Argentine,223 while Simpson highlights
the fact that this novel is representative of the upward revision of the genres
intellectual prestige among Argentine writers and the reading public:
Punctuated by literary references and allusions to other texts, Mateos novel
also reflects the tendency of authors in Argentina in the forties to project an
erudite image of detective fiction that attracted an educated audience.
Because of this practice, the genre came to be regarded in this decade as a
sophisticated text, a form of amusement principally for the cultured reader.224
While it might be impossible to establish a definite causal link between Borges
journalistic endorsement of the genre in the 1930s in Hogar and its surge in
popularity the following decade, it is clear that there was at the very least a
correlation between the two. Borges advocacy on behalf of the genre as an erudite
and intellectual form would continue during the 1940s. The campaign would be
waged on a number of different battle grounds, and frequently in conjunction with
his like-minded ally, Adolfo Bioy Casares, from within the pages of the prestigious
Sur magazine:
Entre 1940 y 1945 tanto Borges como Bioy Casares se convierten en cierta
forma en referentes y promotores intelectuales del mismo, a travs de reseas
aparecidas en la estratgica revista Sur, dirigida a un pblico al que no se
supone adicto al amarillismo folletinesco y pueril de las colecciones de Tor y
The pair published, under the pseudonym of Honorio Bustos Domecq,226 Seis
problemas para don Isidro Parodi in 1942, described by Rodolfo Walsh in 1953 as
el primer libro de cuentos policiales en castellano.227 The eponymous Parodi is an
amateur armchair detective in the strictest possible sense, given that he is in fact el
penado de la celda 273 of the now-demolished Penitenciara Nacional de Las
Heras in Palermo, and must therefore rely solely upon a bizarre array of eyewitness
testimony from a range of highly unreliable sources. As Rodolfo Walsh puts it:
un detective preso, cuyo encierro involuntario ya al parecer inmerecido
pona de relieve la creciente tendencia de los autores policiales a imponerse
un afortunado rigor y una severa limitacin de los medios al alcance del
investigador. Forzosamente despreocupado de indicios materiales y dems
accesorios de las pesquisas corrientes, Parodi representa el triunfo de la pura
Rich in irony and subtle didactic purpose, and introducing a carnivalesque cast of
characters, the stories are relentlessly parodic, and address theoretical issues related
to the genre that had existed in the Argentine context since the appearance of the
very earliest detective stories by writers such as Paul Groussac and Eduardo
Holmberg. Jorge B. Rivera alludes to this critical purpose, puede decirse que
problematizada la viabilidad y pertinencia de una apropiacin nacional, y
relativizada con singular agudeza la validez de lo genrico, slo quedaba el
ahondamiento de la leccin pardica, del distanciamiento irnico, del juego con las
convenciones temticas y formales de lo policial.229 Amelia Simpson, in what is
essentially a restatement of the views expressed by Andrs Avellaneda in El habla
de la ideologa (1983), perceives in these stories a calculated, satirical disdain on the
part of two well-to-do liberal intellectuals towards the habits and taste of ordinary
people: Seis problemas is saturated with social and cultural markers that indicate the
elite perspective of the authors and their negative attitude towards the rise of
populism and its consequences for Argentina.230 Though undoubtedly a seminal text
in the Argentine detectory canon, Seis problemas was not considered a success at the
time of its publication, with readers finding the stories too dense, too comic, or not
comic enough.231 Furthermore, this lukewarm reception extended to those of Borges
and Bioys immediate circle:
Biorgess production was received skeptically by those around them, and
this created problems for the publication of their work. Ultimately, [they]
opted for private means of publication in order to circumvent popular or
literary standards (and objections) that lay in the way of a project they felt
deserved a fair chance at a readership.232
Other collaborative works during this period met with far greater success, however.
1943 saw the publication by Emec of the first of two volumes of detective stories
selected by Borges and Bioy Casares, entitled Los mejores cuentos policiales, a
Jorge B. Rivera, El relato policial en la Argentina (Buenos Aires: Eudeba, 1999), p. 34.
Simpson, p. 37.
Jorge Hernndez Martn, Readers and Labyrinths: Detective Fiction in Borges, Bustos Domecq,
and Eco (New York: Garland, 1995), p. 102.
Ibid, p. 99.
highly eclectic collection of stories by sixteen writers, including Poe (La carta
robada) and Arthur Conan Doyle (La liga de los Cabezas Rojas), together with
works by Detection Club stalwarts including G. K. Chesterton (El honor de Israel
Gow), Ronald Knox (El millonario que muri de hambre), and Anthony Berkeley
(El envenenador de Sir William). Also noteworthy is the inclusion of a number of
authors not typically associated with detective fiction, such as Robert Louis
Stevenson (La puerta y el pino), Nathaniel Hawthorne (La muerte repitida) and
Guillaume Apollinaire (El marinero de Amsterdam). Crucially, these selections
demonstrate a flexibility and a willingness to broaden the scope of what may be
considered within the limits of the gnero policial which appears at odds with some
of Borgess more doctrinaire pronouncements on the form. Ricardo Pglias
reflections upon the literary strategies of Borges go some way towards dispelling the
apparent contradiction:
La definicin de un clsico como un texto que todos leemos como clsico es
simtrica a su definicin de gnero: un gnero es una perspectiva de lectura.
Un gnero es un modo de leer y la literatura es un modo de leer, un modo de
leer como literatura y sa es toda la definicin posible de lo literario.
Literatura es lo que leemos como literatura. Es una extraordinaria
Remarkably, Borges was able to ensure that the evolving definition of the gnero
policial in the Argentine context would remain largely consonant with his
perspectiva de lectura from the 1930s right up to the present day. Perhaps the most
significant feature of this anthology in terms of the historical progress of the genre in
Argentina is the inclusion of stories by three Argentine writers: Manuel Peyrou (La
espada dormida), Carlos Prez Ruiz234 (A treinta pasos) and Borges himself (La
muerte y la brjula).235 By locating these works alongside those of some of the most
illustrious exponents of the genre in a format which facilitated their ready
comparison, Borges and Bioy Casares effectively sought to advance the cause of the
integration of Argentine writers into the broader generic tradition.
El Sptimo Crculo
A testament to the success of Los mejores cuentos policiales was the subsequent
decision by Emec to proceed with the publication of the now legendary Sptimo
Crculo series of predominantly translated detective novels,236 to be selected by
Borges and Bioy Casares, which published 139 titles under their direct editorship
between 1945 and 1956, and more than 200 more under Carlos V. Fras from 1957 to
1983, making it by far the longest-running collection of its kind in Spanish.237 Emec
had initially expressed reservations about the Sptimo Crculo project, according to
Borgess comments in a 1962 interview with James E. Irby tardaron un ao en
aceptar la idea de la coleccin [], cuyo xito ha sido enorme, porque decan que la
literatura policaca no era cosa digna de una editorial seria.238 Borges attributes this
early entrenched position to a lack of imagination on the part of publishers, but the
reticence of Emec may be understood, once again, in terms of the detective genres
Hernndez Martn considers the latter inclusion uncharacteristically immodest given the title of
the collection. However, he also points out that the critical acclaim that the story has since
accumulated would make it difficult to argue with the choice. The critic Donald Yates has affirmed
that if Argentina had produced that story and only that story, mention of the story would still be
assured in any history of the detective genre. Jorge Hernndez Martn, Readers and Labyrinths:
Detective Fiction in Borges, Bustos Domecq, and Eco (New York: Garland, 1995), p. 100.
A small number of original Argentine crime novels were included in the collection under the
editorship of Borges and Bioy Casares: El asesino desvelado by Enrique Amorim (No. 14, 1945), Los
que aman, odian by Bioy Casares and his wife Silvina Ocampo (No. 31, 1946), El estruendo de las
rosas by Manuel Peyrou (No. 48, 1948), Bajo el signo del odio by Alejandro Ruiz Guiaz under the
pseudonym Alexander Rice Guinnes (No. 102, 1953) and La muerte baja en el ascensor by Mara
Anglica Bosco (No. 123, 1955). The website for Adolfo Bioy Casares, Borges, ed. Daniel Martino,
(Buenos Aires: Destino, 2006) offers a list of the novels published by El Sptimo Crculo during
Borges and Bioys tenure: [Accessed on
the 12th of July 2011]
See Asesinos de papel, pp. 129-31.
Asesinos de papel, p. 123.
Ibid, p. 17.
Mandel, p. 30.
Simpson, p. 35.
Asesinos de Papel, p. 43.
Piglia, Crtica y ficcin, p. 161.
Borges assertion regarding the apolitical nature of his fiction is vigorously contested by Andrs
Avellaneda in El habla de la ideologa (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1983). This study
includes examinations of a number of works by Ezequiel Martnez Estrada, Julio Cortzar and
Enrique Anderson Imbert, as well as a substantial chapter dedicated to the ideologically dubious
(from his perspective) implications of the parodic detective stories featuring the imprisoned detective
Don Isidiro Parodi written by Borges and Bioy Casares under the pseudonym Honorio Bustos
Domecq. What also emerges from Avellanedas study, however, is his own Manichean tendency to
conflate Peronism with left-wing ideological perspectives more generally, and to position all political
or intellectual opposition to Peronism as reactionary.
Simpson, p. 35.
Borges in a review of The New Adventures of Ellery Queen, Sur, 70, July 1940, p. 62.
Simpson, op cit., p. 35.
Elena Braceras y Cristina Leytour, eds., Cuentos con detectives y comisarios, (Buenos Aires:
Colihue, 2004), p. 18.
more refined progeny of Blake, Innes, John Dickson Carr and Milward Kennedy in
light of Borges (and to a lesser extent Bioys) ideologically motivated and illconcealed class prejudice towards the alumni of the hard-boiled school. The
selection becomes more anomalous still considering the following extract from Bioy
Casares diary entry of April 14th, 1960:
Come en casa Borges. Habla del realismo americano, hard-boiled
(ejemplificado en El cartero llama dos veces de Cain). BORGES: Muestra
gente violenta, brutal, vulgar. La muestra sin irona: uno sospecha que el
autor es uno de ellos []. En el realismo norteamericano parece no haber
To employ a hackneyed but appropriate phrase, Cains presence among the early
titles appearing in El Sptimo Crculo amounts to an exception that proves the rule,
given the apparent omert against the hard-boiled variant otherwise observable in the
Adolfo Bioy Casares, Borges, ed. Daniel Martino, (Buenos Aires: Destino, 2006), p. 620.
these collections was precisely equivalent to that of the American pulp magazines in
which they had originally been published. At a time when the classical writers
whose works graced the pages of El Sptimo Crculo were being feted by the
intellectual elite, the arrival of the hard-boiled writers was decidedly low-brow and
Al privilegiarse la novela problema, podemos afirmar que privilegian
tambin algunas actitudes que se desprenden implcitamente de su lectura
[]. Primero, una cierta omnipotencia de la razn, una fe casi desmedida en
el poder deductivo de la mente por sobre todo azar o error, que recuerda
aquella seguridad de la visin finisecular positivista. Y a la vez, la valoracin
de la presencia de lo ldicro, de esa posibilidad de jugar a, como nota de un
pasatiempo aceptable. Es as como los autores negros o duros son
regalados a las colecciones de quiosco, donde pasan totalmente inadvertidos
tanto para la crtica como para los lectores de los crculos cultos de
Though the novela negra would not reach its peak of popular appeal and serious
critical attention until the late 1960s and 1970s, the majority of the works of Dashiell
Hammett and Raymond Chandler were in fact translated and published in Argentina
during the 1940s and 1950s. Hammetts The Maltese Falcon (El halcn malts) was
published in the magazine Leopln, while Red Harvest (Cosecha Roja) appeared in
Rastros issue No. 43 in 1946, and The Dain Curse (La maldicin de los Dain) as
issue No. 54 of the same collection in 1947. The dissemination of Chandlers work
was comprehensive, appearing in a diverse range of publications throughout the
1940s and 1950s. Farewell, My Lovely (1940) was published as Detective por
correspondencia by Biblioteca de Oro in 1943, and The High Window (1942) as La
ventana siniestra by Coleccin Pandora in 1944. Rastros published the anthology of
short stories, 5 Murderers (1944) (Cinco asesinos) as issue No. 25 in 1945, while
The Big Sleep (1939) (Al borde del abismo) and The Lady in the Lake (1943) (La
dama del lago) were both published in 1947, by the collections Flamenco and
Filmeco respectively. The Little Sister (La hermanita) inaugurated the collection
Pistas in 1950, just a year after its original publication in the United States. The Long
Goodbye (El largo adios), perhaps the most overtly socially conscious of Chandlers
novels, was published by Bruguera Editorials El Club del Misterio in 1956, three
years after its original publication.253 Though lacking in cultural prestige, these
publications did ensure the early dissemination in Argentina of the works of the most
representative writers of the hard-boiled variant, albeit during a period in which the
classical puzzle mystery was enjoying its most conspicuous success in terms of
readership and critical approbation and promotion.
The 1940s and 1950s have already been identified as el auge del gnero
(Braceras et al., Lafforgue & Rivera) and indeed as Argentinas Golden Age of
detective fiction (Yates, Simpson). The 1940s certainly witnessed the consolidation
of the classical variant of the genre as an erudite and intellectually engaged form of
literary fiction. However, this success owed more to the popularity and prolific
publication of imported works than it did to native Argentine production, which
remained occasional. Argentine detective fiction in the 1940s is noteworthy chiefly
due to the intellectual prestige of its authors and indeed the perceived quality of the
works they produced. Though relatively few in number, the texts produced between
1940 and 1948 by Mateo, Borges, Bioy Casares, Silvina Ocampo, Castellani and
Manuel Peyrou may be regarded, in the words of Braceras et al. as the corpus
fundante de nuestra literatura policial.254 However, the years that followed would
see an explosion in the publication of detective stories and novels by local authors.
For additional details on the publication of hard-boiled detective fiction in Argentina in this period,
see Asesinos de papel, p. 33. Lafforgue & Rivera refer to Farewell, My Lady as the title of the
Chandler novel published in Argentina as Detective por correspondencia. It is assumed that they were
in fact referring to Farewell, My Lovely.
Braceras et al., El cuento policial argentino, p. 40.
Yates identifies this period as one in which Argentine detective works enjoyed
tremendous popularity among the reading public, as well as un xito financiero sin
precedentes.255 He also associates this commercial era with a decline in the quality
of the works being produced. Lafforgue and Rivera question Yates neat
interpretation of the Argentine genre as una forma literaria que, con precision casi
biolgica, nace, se desarolla y llega a un alto grado de esplendor a partir del cual
comienza una suerte de inevitable decadencia.256 In doing so, they endeavour to
establecer la posibilidad de otra interpretacin de un proceso cultural sospechosa y
significativamente relegado por el trabajo crtico.257 To echo an idea expressed by
Chandler in his essay The Simple Art of Murder, it is clear that the proliferation of
detective stories and novels by Argentine writers in the 1950s as part of a highly
profitable commercial enterprise inevitably produced works of varying levels of
quality, such that the average 1950s detective story was probably less meticulously
crafted than its counterpart from the previous decade, when relatively few works
were published by a small number of highly prestigious writers. During this period
the publication of short stories and longer narratives was equitably divided between
various periodicals:
La existencia de revistas como Vea y Lea y Leopln estimular entre las
dcadas de 1950 y 1960 fundamentalmente la produccin cuentstica [] en
tanto que colecciones de kiosco como Rastros, Pistas, y ms tarde Cobalto,
Nueva Pandora, Deborah, Punto Negro, Club de Misterio, Linterna, etc.,
estimularn la produccin novelstica.258
The latter category included such autnticos especialistas259 as Isaac Aisenberg
(under the pseudonym W. I. Eisen), Luis de la Puente, Wilfrido Talamona, Lisardo
Alonso, Rodolfo M. del Villar, Nstor Morales Loza, Jos E. Batiller, Ignacio
Covarrubias and Eduardo Goligorsky. While numerous writers in the British, French
and American traditions have devoted the greater part of their professional careers to
producing crime fiction alone, throughout most of the genres history in Argentina,
commercial opportunities for such specialisation simply did not exist. In the 1950s,
by contrast, the market for the genre had become sufficiently strong as to allow
many of the writers mentioned above to produce multiple full-length detective
novels. Illustrative of this point is the fact that Eisen, de la Puente and Batiller
published four novels each in Rastros alone between 1949 and 1953.260 As such, this
era is precisely comparable to the heyday of pulp magazines like Blask Mask and
Dime Detective in the United States, all the more so considering the strictures
imposed upon the writers-for-hire who contributed to these publications:
Se trata, en general, de una factura aplicada, con algunas tendencias al
estereotipamiento, en la que se reconocen con facilidad las huellas de la
presin editorial (no exceder cierto nmero de pginas, no abordar ciertos
temas, no superar determinado tiempo de produccin, escribir a la manera
de, etc.), y a la vez la subestimacin en que se tiene a una materia elegida,
casi exclusivamente, como modus vivendi o ganapn no demasiado
As a result, the output of colecciones de quiosco such as Rastros, Pista and Cobalto
reflected a house style equivalent to that of Black Mask under the editorship of
Joseph Cap Shaw, which valued commercial appeal above literary innovation and
achievement, though not necessarily (as Yates seems to suggest) to the exclusion of
the latter.
The publishing boom enjoyed by the detective genre in the 1950s was not
confined to the full-length novels appearing in the aforementioned colecciones de
Johny Malone provides publishing details for 602 of the 644 titles published in the Rastros series
Asesinos de papel, p. 86.
In 1949, Vea y Lea (then under the editorship of the Uruguayan Juan Carlos
Onetti)263, in conjunction with Emec, launched the first of three famous Concursos
de Cuentos Policiales, an initiative that may be viewed as a corrective measure in
response to the reluctance on the part of writers and publishers to locate detective
narratives in a specifically Argentine context. The text of the announcement is
explicit in terms of its motivating impulse:
Desde su aparicin, Vea y lea se ha preocupado por ofrecer a sus lectores el
mejor material obtenible en literatura policial [] Ahora, la direccin de Vea
y lea considera que ha llegado el momento de que la Argentina que ya ha
sealado logros notables en otros aspectos de la actividad literaria posea un
grupo importante de cultores de este gnero, a la vez tan popular y tan difcil.
Este concurso es, pues, un llamamiento a los escritores, noveles o no, para
que colaboren con nuestra revista en la concrecin de dicho propsito.264
The competition was open to all writers, sin otra limitacin que lo que establece la
exigencia de que el ambiente de los cuentos sea argentino,265 and offered substantial
cash prizes to the winning entries, and the additional incentive of the possibility of
paid publication for those stories not selected for the top prizes:
Primer premio Vea y lea, de $ 1.000; Primer premio Emec, de $ 1.000; dos
segundos premios a cargo de Vea y lea, denominados N.I.S.S.A., de $ 250
cada uno; dos segundos premios de $ 250 cada uno a cargo de Emec
Editores, denominados El sptimo crculo y La bestia debe morir
[Referring to Emecs famous detective collection and its inaugural title
respectively]. El jurado podr, adems, elegir otros cuentos para ser
publicados en Vea y lea, que abonar por cada uno $ 100, y podr proponer a
Juan Carlos Onetti, winner of the Premio Cervantes in 1980, is regarded as homologous to Borges
in terms of his active promotion of detective fiction and attempts to integrate the genre into the
literary mainstream in Uruguay. While Borgess advocacy on behalf of the classical puzzle mystery is
notorious, the Uruguayans preference was for the hard-boiled variant, en 1940 o an en 1950,
aquellas dos escrituras la de Borges, la de Onetti resultaban excntricas en el sistema literario
rioplatense. S, hoy sabemos que Ficciones y La vida breve labran por entonces el futuro; y hasta
podemos reconocer en las ediciones baratas de Hammett, Goodis y Ca. que Onetti amontaba al pie de
su cama, o en las ediciones inglesas de Nicholas Blake o del escocs Michael Innes que Borges
adquira en Mackers, piezas importante para dibujar el mapa de la literatura contempornea. Jorge
Lafforgue in Asesinos de papel, p. 170. In the same volume of essays, Elvio E. Gandolfo describes
Onetti as un lector obsesivo del gnero, p. 76.
Vea y lea, IV, 81, 22th of December 1949, p. 40.
attention had by this time shed many of its sub-literary associations, to the extent that
writers are warned to ignore it at their peril.
Ocampo also asserts what she considers the primacy of the detective story in
its more concise form: Cuando la novela policial tienda a desaparecer, el cuento
policial permanecer como una forma consagrada por largas dedicaciones, como
entre los juegos, el ajedrez, o en la poesa, el soneto.270 This preference is very
much in keeping with the aesthetic principles of Borges, for whom the concision
imposed by the brevity of the short story form was a cardinal virtue and a guiding
principle. The prologue to Ficciones (1944) includes an oft-quoted section that
would seem to sum up Borgess disdain for longer narratives: Desvaro laborioso y
empobrecedor el de componer vastos libros; el de explayar en quinientas pginas una
idea cuya perfecta exposicin oral cabe en pocos minutos.271 It appears that this
sentiment was congruent with his readings of detective fiction more specifically, to
judge by similar comments appearing in El Hogar magazine five years previously:
Toda novela policial consta de un problema simplsimo, cuya perfecta
exposicin oral cabe en cinco minutos y que el novelista perversamente
demora hasta que pasen trescientas pginas. Las razones de esa demora son
comerciales: no responden a otra necesidad que a la de llenar el volumen. En
tales casos, la novela policial viene a ser un cuento alargado. En los dems,
resulta una variedad de la novela de caracteres o de costumbres.272
The campaign manifesto continues with Manuel Peyrous resounding endorsement
of the genre:
El porvenir de la novela y el cuento policiales est garantizado por la masa
permanente de lectores con que cuenta. Ese pblico busca misterio, sorpresa
y accin, estimulantes mentales que no actan sino en inteligencias
despiertas. Si, adems, el cuento o la novela tienen categora o difunden
subsidiariamente conocimientos cientficos, o nociones generales, cosa
Borges, Prologue to Ficciones (1944) in Obras completas Vol. I, p. 511.
Borges, Dos novelas policiales, in El Hogar, 7th April 1939. Obras Completas Vol. IV, p. 521.
hard-boiled examples of the genre, or indeed other fiction considered less endowed
with intellectual or cultural potential. Peyrou, like Silvina Ocampo, essentially
endorses the orthodox Borgesian view in relation to the virtues of the detective
genre, by offering effusive praise to its devotees and implicitly denouncing those he
views as its antagonists.
On this occasion the last word is ceded to Borges and Bioy Casares, who
avail of the opportunity to address one of the frequent criticisms levelled against the
genre in its classical mode, namely its highly formal character, and its dependence
on the interest of the plot to the detriment of other aspects of the narrative:
La minuciosa legislacin a que ha sido sometido el gnero policial, las
muchas restricciones y prohibiciones, han contribuido a que se olvide un
hecho sencillsimo: el gnero policial es un gnero literario y no una
variedad de la adivinanza. Lo problemtico es, desde luego, uno de los
elementos esenciales de esta literatura, pero no agota sus exigencias.
Tambin otros elementos son indispensables: la invencin de caracteres, la
construccin, la vitalidad, el estilo. Sin ellos, el cuento policial es un mero
While this statement may seem innocuous at first glance, it provides interesting
evidence of a discursive strategy frequently employed by Borges in relation to his
own literary production, a strategy identified by Ricardo Piglia: a menudo enuncia
posiciones que impide la crtica a sus propios textos. Quiero decir: Borges enuncia
como propia la posicin del enemigo, se anticipa. Es una tctica que recorre toda su
obra.277 Piglia enumerates some of the accusations typically made against Borgess
prose: Demasiado artificial, demasiado literario, demasiado interesado por la forma,
alejado de la vida, puramente verbal, sin sustancia,278 criticisms frequently applied
to the archetypal classical detective narratives. However, he points out that in La
Ricardo Piglia, Borges como crtico, in Crtica y ficcin (Barcelona: Anagrama, 2001), p. 160.
supersticiosa tica del lector, for example, Borges adopts a position that would
appear at odds with his own literary practice, critica el estilo como valor, dice lo que
l no hace, afirma que la literatura vale por su contenido y no por su forma.279 Piglia
goes on to describe the effect of this tactic: se niega a que lo lean como preocupado
sobre todo por la forma y por la pura perfeccin literaria. Es una pose de combate.
Posicin de contraataque.280 Jos Fernndez Vega identifies the same strategy at
work in the highly parodic biographical sketch of the apocryphal author Honorio
Bustos Domecq attributed to la educadora, seorita Adelma Badoglio which
prefaces Seis problemas para don Isidro Parodi:
Sus cuentos policiales descubren una veta nueva del fecundo polgrafo: en
ellos quiere combatir el fro intelectualismo en que han sumido este gnero
Sir Conan Doyle, Ottolenghi, etc. Los cuentos de Pujato, como
cariosamente los llama el autor, no son la filigrana de un bizantino
encerrado en la torre de marfil; son la voz de un contemporneo, atento a los
latidos humanos y que derrama a vuela pluma los raudales de su verdad.281
Fernndez Vega points to the pre-emptive quality of this extract:
Su tono pardico intenta cerrar el camino a la crtica convencional contra el
gnero policial de corte clsico mediante el recurso de burlarse de ella por
anticipado. Fro intelectualismo o juego intil y descomprometido son, en
efecto, algunos de los habituales reproches que desde una zona literaria bien
definida suelen dispararse contra el policial britnico de tipo deductivo;
slo que, en el pasaje citado, estos reproches arden en las llamas del
Essentially, the same tactic is again deployed on the occasion of the announcement
of the first Vea y lea competition. Borges and Bioy Casaress statement in relation to
the detective genre may be viewed as ironic and polysemic in its intent, and as a
posicin de contraataque as described by Piglia. Ostensibly, it elaborates upon the
Ibid, p. 161.
Honorio Bustos Domecq (Pseudonym of Jorge Luis Borges & Adolfo Bioy Casares), Seis
problemas para don Isidro Parodi (Madrid: Alianza, 2006), p. 8. First published privately in Buenos
Aires in 1942 by Borges and Bioy Casares under the imprint of the fictitious publisher Oportet &
Jos Fernndez Vega, Una campaa esttica: Borges y la narrativa policial Variaciones Borges, 1
(1996), p. 27.
Rodolfo Walsh, in the preface to Diez cuentos policiales argentinos (Buenos Aires: Hachette, Serie
Evasin, 1953), p. 8.
Juan Sasturain, in Una bala para Riquelme, Pgina 12, 9 July 2006, [Accessed on the 11th January
and later into open conflict, with the conception of the genre as disseminated,
practised and theorised by Borges and his cultural and literary acolytes. Walshs
multi-faceted discursive interaction with the genre, and with Borges specifically, was
of enormous significance, involving a Damascene conversion that would have
fascinating consequences for the narrative depiction of violent crime in Argentina
and for Walsh himself, as discussed in detail in the sections that follow.
Leonardo Castellanis La mosca de oro (whose title recalls Poes The Gold Bug),
Prez Zelaschis Los crmenes van sin firma, and Pigmalin, Leopoldo Hurtados
sole incursion into the genre, which had been a prize-winner in the 1950 Vea y Lea
competition. It also includes tales which, recalling Chandlers descriptions of
Hammetts pivotal role in the American crime fiction tradition, take murder out of
the Venetian vase and drop it onto the mean streets of Buenos Aires, into its
neighbourhood bars where games of chance and dangerous deception are played for
the lowest and the highest stakes. Facundo Marulls Una bala para Riquelme is
typical of this tendency, as is Walshs own contribution to the collection, Cuento
para tahres. Lafforgue and Rivera have described these stories as depictions of El
mundo de los marginales [] con anotaciones que remiten a la literatura
costumbrista y a ciertos prototipos clsicos de genealoga tanguera o barrial.288 The
baroque, earthy style of these tales signals a noteworthy change in the Argentine
crime fiction tradition, which gradually sees writers and readers gravitating towards
the gritty realism of the hard-boiled school. Marull and Walshs stories, though
unmistakeably Argentine in their language and setting, also share striking stylistic
similarities with those of Damon Runyon, whose highly humorous portrayal of Great
Depression-era America is punctuated by desperate deeds, frequent violence, and
instances of hardship among its cast of gamblers, crap shooters, petty thieves,
gangsters, bootleggers, horse followers, and other assorted citizens, and whose
collection Guys & Dolls had been published in Buenos Aires in 1948 as El hombre
ms dinmico del mundo.289 In fact, Cuento para tahres may be viewed as a
distinctly Argentine transposition and interpretation of Runyons story The Idyll of
Miss Sarah Brown, originally published in the collection Guys & Dolls in 1933.
Damon Runyon, Guys and Dolls trans. by Hctor J. Argibay as El hombre ms dinmico del
mundo (Buenos Aires: Orientacin Cultural Editores, 1948)
Both stories revolve around games of craps, or pase ingls, played for high stakes
among groups of dangerous underworld characters, in which a pair of phoney dice
has been secretly introduced so as to guarantee success to one of the players at the
table. In Runyons story, a gambler named Brandy Bottle Bates introduces a set of
loaded dice to a game of craps in order to guarantee his own success betting against
Obadiah The Sky Masterson. Though The Sky discovers the ruse, and plans
murderous revenge, I see The Skys right hand creeping inside his coat where I
know he always packs a Betsy in a shoulder holster290, the possibility of violence is
defused by the timely intervention of the saintly and eponymous Miss Sarah Brown.
Walshs Argentine take on the crap shoot treachery theme is of a different order. In
Cuento para tahres, which discusses the mysterious killing of a gambler named
Ziga, a set of phoney dice are again substituted for a genuine pair, guaranteeing
success to one of the players, Renato Flores. However, in this case, it was not Flores
himself who introduced the loaded dice, but one of his opponents, so that, by
enjoying an inexplicable run of luck, he would attract the murderous suspicion of his
fellow players:
El hombre ganara una vez y se pondra contento. Ganara dos veces, tres
veces... y seguira ganando. Por difcil que fuera el nmero que sacara de
entrada, lo repetira siempre antes de que saliera el 7. Si lo dejaran, ganara
toda la noche, porque con esos dados no se puede perder.291
The unnamed, conspicuously unreliable first-person narrator of Cuento para
tahres (a figure familiar to readers of Runyon) speculates that Flores, having
suddenly realised that he was playing with loaded dice, had killed the person he
suspected of the substitution, Ziga, so that he would not himself be exposed for
cheating and subjected to the violent summary justice of his fellow players. No
Damon Runyon, The Idyll of Miss Sarah Brown in Guys and Dolls (London: Penguin, 1956),
Walsh, Diez cuentos policiales argentinos, p. 189.
haba tiempo para ms. No le convena que se comprobara que haba estado haciendo
trampa, aunque fuera sin saberlo.292 Furthermore, the experienced reader of
detective fiction will be alerted to the possibility that it was in fact the narrator, and
not el finado Ziga, who was responsible for the deadly substitution. Runyons
loaded dice story allows some possibility of redemption for its characters, and if
not the avoidance of a violent end, at the very least, its postponement. Walshs
Argentine variation upon the theme is decidedly darker and more sinister, perhaps a
reflection of his desire to effect a transposition that would be appropriate to the
Argentine setting depicted in the story.
The successful intermingling of the imported crime genre with indigenous
literary tropes had received significant stimulus through the 1950 Vea y lea
competition, while Walshs anthology, published three years later, may be regarded
as an act of consolidation for the policial argentino, and a step towards the formal
establishment of an Argentine detectory canon. However, it may also be regarded,
perhaps more accurately, as something of a Trojan Horse. While he may eulogise
Borgess La muerte y la brjula as el ideal del gnero: un problema puramente
geomtrico, con una concesin a la falibilidad humana: el detective es la vctima
minuciosamente prevista.293 Walshs collection taken as a whole must be regarded
as quite a substantial realignment of the Argentine detective tradition. To a
significant extent Diez cuentos symbolically breaks the generic hegemony previously
enjoyed by Borges, Bioy Casares and those of their circle. As previously noted, the
1950 competition announcement had made provision for the publication of the
winning entries and/or other competing stories in book form, El jurado [] podr
proponer a Emec Editores la publicacin en volumen o en otra forma de uno o
Ibid, p. 190.
Walsh, ed. Diez cuentos policiales argentinos, p. 2.
Op cit.
Jorge Lafforgue, Walsh en y desde el gnero policial published at on 31 July
2004. [Accessed on the 13th of February 2010]
John T. Irwin, The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges, and the Analytic Detective Story
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U.P., 1994), pp. xvi-xvii.
Rodolfo Walsh, Variaciones en rojo (Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Flor, 2006, First published
1953), p. 7.
Ibid, p. 8.
En las tres narraciones de este libro hay un punto en que el lector cuenta con
todos los elementos necesarios, si no para resolver el problema en todos sus
detalles, al menos para descubrir la idea central, ya del crimen, ya del
procedimiento que sirve para esclarecerlo. En Las pruebas de imprenta ese
momento transcurre en la pgina 39. En Variaciones en rojo, en la pgina
108. En Asesinato a distancia, en la pgina 156.299
The preface may be viewed as didactic (a recurring feature of the Argentine
detective fiction tradition), in that Walsh seeks to encourage a more engaged
participation on the part of the reader in the stories that follow, both by drawing a
distinction between two reading strategies, one active and one passive, and also by
encouraging the former strategy through signalling the possibility that the active
reader might anticipate the resolution of the mysteries contained within the three
texts. The preface is an indication of Walshs keen interest in the genre and its
readership, though this interest would undergo significant modification over time.
The publication of the critical essay, Dos mil quinientos aos de literatura
policial in La Nacin in February of 1954 provides important evidence of Walshs
growing prominence, and indeed confidence, as a key contributor to the genres
critical consideration in Argentina. In this essay, Walsh challenges the orthodox
view (frequently and emphatically stated by Borges) which traces the origins of the
genre directly to Poe:
El comienzo de la literatura policial suele situarse, con acuerdo casi unnime,
en los cinco relatos del gnero que entre 1840 y 1845 escribi Edgar Allan
Poe. Sin embargo es posible demostrar que la totalidad de los elementos
esenciales de la ficcin policaca se hallan dispersos en la literatura de pocas
anteriores, y que en algn caso aislado ese tipo de narracin cristaliz en
forma perfecta antes de Poe.300
Rodolfo Walsh, Dos mil quinientos aos de literatura policial, First published in La Nacin in
February of 1954, here quoted in Rodolfo Walsh, Cuentos para tahres y otros relatos policiales
(Buenos Aires: Puntosur, 1987), p. 163.
Walshs assertions regarding the true origins of the genre provide a clue to his
choice both of a journalistic pseudonym and the name of one of his two main
Los primeros relatos policiales bien caracterizados son bblicos []. En
verdad, Daniel es el primer detective de la historia, y tiene muchos puntos
de contacto con los modernos hroes de la novela policial.301
He identifies in the Book of Daniel three elements that he considers to be
characteristic of the genre, la confrontacin de testigos, la clsica trampa para
descubrir al delincuente y la interpretacin de indicios materiales.302 The
importance of this Old Testament book to Walshs conception of the genre is
illustrated by the fact that quotations from Daniel serve to preface two of the stories
from Variaciones en rojo, including the following epigraph preceding La aventura
de las pruebas de imprenta in which the detectory acumen of Daniel is outlined:
Entonces Daniel fue trado delante del rey. Y habl el rey, y dijo a Daniel:
Y yo he odo de ti que puedes declarar las dudas y desatar dificultades. Si
ahora pudieras leer esta escritura, y mostrarme su explicacin, sers vestido
de prpura, y collar de oro ser puesto en tu cuello, y en el reino sers el
tercer seor.
Biblia, Libro de Daniel, v, 13-16303
He points to a number of other ancient texts which he considers precursors to the
modern detective story, including Virgils Aeneid, Entre los romanos, Virgilio se
anticip a Conan Doyle en el libro VII de la Eneida [] Veinte siglos ms tarde el
tema reparece [sic] en uno de los cuentos donde interviene Sherlock Holmes: The
White Priory Murders,304 and Ciceros Pro Sexto Roscio, antecedente perfecto e
inimitable de la novela que podramos llamar judicial porque su accin se
Ibid, p. 163-4.
Walsh, Variaciones en rojo, p. 9.
Walsh, Dos mil quinientos aos de literatura policial, in Cuentos para tahres y otros relatos
policiales, p. 164.
Ibid, p. 168.
Borges, Kafka y sus precursores in Obras completas Vol. II, p. 107.
Ibid, p. 108.
Ibid, p. 109.
detectivisation of such a variety of texts drawn from different historical periods and
traditions appears somewhat tenuous if taken at face value, particularly in light of
Kafka y sus precursores, of which Walsh was undoubtedly aware. 317 It is more
useful, perhaps, to regard Walshs essay as a rewriting of, indeed an oblique
commentary upon, Borges 1951 essay. If the latters view that a writer effectively
creates his or her own precursors is held to be valid, then it follows that this act of
creation does not depend exclusively upon the subsequent identification of such
precursors by literary critics, but may in fact be consciously pursued by writers
themselves. Borgess dogged insistence upon the foundational status of Poes Dupin
stories, and his extensive efforts to establish a detectory paradigm within the
Argentine context may better be understood in this light. Piglia describes this
Borgesian ploy as a lectura estratgica on the part of:
un crtico que constituye un espacio que permite descifrar de manera
pertinente lo que escribe. Todo el trabajo de Borges como antlogo, como
editor y como prologuista est encaminado en esa direccin. Y es uno de los
acontecimientos ms notables de la historia de la crtica el modo en que
Borges consigui imponer esa lectura.318
In Dos mil quinientos aos de literatura policial Walsh effectively seizes upon the
principle outlined in Kafka y sus precursores and appropriates the Borgesian
reading strategy identified by Piglia in order to contest what amounted to a widely
accepted generic orthodoxy in relation to the origins of the detective story. It may
well be said in relation to Walshs essay that Su labor modifica nuestra concepcin
del pasado, como ha de modificar el futuro.319 This willingness on the part of Walsh
to challenge the acuerdo casi unnime that had hitherto existed in the Argentine
This view is supported by Viviana Paletta, Es claro que tuvo bien presente, a la hora de escribir
esta nota, una seleccin muy particular sobre los orgenes de una tradicin literaria como la que
realiza Borges en su ensayo Kafka y sus precursores, de Otras inquisiciones (1952). El primer
Walsh: el gnero policial como laboratorio in Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana 36, 2007, p.
Ricardo Piglia, Crtica y ficcin (Barcelona,: Anagrama 2001) p. 155.
Borges, Kafka y sus precursores in Obras completas Vol. II, p. 109.
context in relation to the genre would evolve in the years that followed, reaching
perhaps its most decisive and transformative expression with the publication of
Operacin masacre in 1957, a non-fictional novel that applies many of the
techniques of the detective novel to a real-life criminal investigation. Dos mil
quinientos aos de literatura policial establishes Walsh as a significant voice in the
critical discourse upon the genre that had been largely monopolised by Borges and
his supporters. In the years that followed, Walsh would depart even more radically
from the conventions associated with the established Argentine advocates of the
Walshs 1954 Nacin article is a key text in what Braceras, Leytour and
Pittella have described as:
un trayecto en su produccin, desde un primer momento de respeto a las
reglas del gnero y traduccin ms fiel del original ingls representado por
Variaciones en rojo, hasta una etapa en que se maneja ms libremente,
porque ya tiene experiencia con el gnero, toma consciencia de esa
experiencia y se desprende del texto original.320
However, a number of his earlier detective stories, featuring accounts of criminal
investigations told to Daniel Hernndez by his friend el comisario Laurenzi, are
already infused with a world-weary cynicism, and a distinct lack of faith in the law
and its institutions, qualities absent in the more classically oriented Variaciones en
rojo. Though clearly an admirer of the detective story in the traditional mould, and
indeed of the ingenious generic variations introduced by Borges in such stories as
La muerte y la brjula and El jardn de senderos que se bifurcan, the Laurenzi
stories serve as a demonstration of Walshs own bifurcation towards a more morally
ambiguous detectory model whose primary concern is no longer the abstract
Elena Braceras, Cristina Leytour y Susana Pittella, Walsh y el policial, in Jorge Lafforgue, ed.,
Textos de y sobre Rodolfo Walsh (Buenos Aires: Alianza, 2000), p. 99.
Rodolfo Walsh, En defensa propia, first published in Vea y Lea, 1 July 1951, included in Cuento
para tahres y otros relatos policiales (Buenos Aires: Puntosur, 1987). The version cited here may be
at [Accessed on the 17th of July 2012].
imperfect world. The resignation and subsequent death of the judge would appear to
partially validate Laurenzis decision, to the extent that the prosecution of the
elderly, dying man would arguably have been futile. Nevertheless, the tone of the
entire narrative, and Laurenzis own characterisation of his participation in the case
as a macana ultimately leading to his own retirement from the police force, would
suggest that the comisario is unconvinced by the wisdom of his actions.
A very similar dilemma is described in another Walsh story, Zugzwang,
which appeared in Vea y lea in 1957, the same year as the publication of Operacin
Masacre. The story once again arises out of a conversation between the journalist
Daniel Hernndez and the former comisario Laurenzi at the bar Rivadavia, where
both men are regular players at games including casn and chess. The narrator
alludes to his superiority over Laurenzi in the latter game: Las estadsticas
demuestran que me gana una vez de cada cinco que jugamos. Anoche, por ejemplo,
lo mat en pocas.322 On this particular occasion, Laurenzi finds himself in a losing
Mueva algo! le dije con fina irona.
No puedo se quej. Cualquier cosa que muevo, pierdo.
Est en posicin de zugzwang le advert.
Claro, en zagun(251)
It is clear that the comisario, at the moment of defeat, is not especially interested in
the technical term for the impossible position he finds himself in. Later, however, in
a more reflective mood, Laurenzi returns to the subject:
La vida tiene situaciones curiosas dijo Laurenzi, despus de consolarse
con una grapa doble . Posiciones de zagun, como usted dice.
Zugzwang, comisario!
Eso mismo respondi sin imutarse Porque, vamos a ver, usted que
es ledo, qu es una posicin de zagun? (251)
Jorge Lafforgue, ed., Textos de y sobre Rodolfo Walsh (Buenos Aires: Alianza, 2000), p. 251. All
subsequent references to this story will be included in the body of the text, in parenthesis.
Many months later, the man invites Laurenzi to his home to show him the letters
documenting these games of chess, an occasion which provides the latter with the
opportunity to gain further insight into the life and habits of this mysterious old man:
Haba orden all, pero un orden producto de la voluntad y no del entusiasmo.
Un cuarto refleja de algn modo el carcter de quien lo ocupa. Y aqu, para
darle un ejemplo, los libros estaban escrupulosamente alineados en sus
estantes, pero debajo del ropero se adivinaban unas sombras verdosas que,
lamento decirle, eran botellas vacas (253).
Along with this partly concealed evidence of clandestine drinking, the gimlet eye of
Laurenzi observes that un almanaque, en un rincn, eternizaba el mes de noviembre
de 1907. Pequeas cosas, por supuesto, pero yo tengo el hbito profesional de
observarlas (253). He also notes that a photograph of Aguirres deceased wife,
Mara Isabel, who had taken her own life, is afforded prominence of place in the
Usted sabe lo feas que son en general las viejas fotos. Pero esta no, porque
haba sido sacada al aire libre, en una hamaca al pie de un rbol, y la
muchacha no tena uno de aquellos atroces sombreros de antao, y el rbol
estaba florecido y una extraa luminosidad iluminaba el ambiente. (254)
There could be no greater contrast than the benevolent contemplation of this image
and the morose revelation that follows. Laurenzi learns that the mans wife had
thrown herself in front of a train as a result of an adulterous love affair that had
ended badly, Un hombre la conquist, la abandon, y luego se fue. Ella no encontr
otra salida (254). The lover who abandoned her would become her husbands
anonymous opponent in one of his games of postal chess many years later, though
this extraordinary coincidence does not become apparent until the latter stages of the
narrative. Their early postal exchanges are confined to indicating their chosen
moves, Las primeras comunicaciones eran formales, lacnicas. Apenas una
presentacin, y luego: Mi primera jugada es P4R. O bien: Acuso recibo de su 1.P4R.
Laurenzi, having noted the absence of his friend from the bar for a period of
six months, decides to pay him a visit, and discovers that the long-distance game of
chess has evolved into what he describes as:
una lenta crucifixin. Ya no era un juego: era algo que daba escalofros. Y
Redwolf pareca gozar desmesuradamente. Su jugada es la mejor, pero no
sirve, repeta en cada carta, como un estribillo. Una jactancia sin lmites se
desprenda de sus comentarios y de sus anlisis. Lo tena todo previsto, todo.
Sin darme cuenta, yo tambin empec a odiarlo. (255)
Though postal chess would not seem the most obvious forum for ultra-competitive
participants, Laurenzi detects in the correspondence of Redwolf a desire to inflict not
just defeat, but also personal humiliation upon his opponent. Not only is he a
superior chess player, but he also seems intent on emphasising his superiority to
Aguirre in other respects, as a man of action, an adventurer, a conqueror of nations
and of women:
Redwolf desplegaba su vida como una bandera, y desafiaba. Qu no haba
hecho l? Hablaba de los tigres que caz en Asia, de las negras que viol en
Kenya, de los indios que mat a tiros en la Guayana. A veces pareca
inventar, aunque sus referencias eran siempre muy exactas. (255)
hacer?le dije. Cualquier cosa que haga, pierde (257). This assertion provokes
an unexpected reaction from Aguirre, Se volvi hacia m con un brillo extrao en
los ojos. Cualquier cosa, no repuso sordamente. (257) Laurenzi reports that,
following this encounter, Aguirre disappeared for a considerable period of time, and
upon returning, confessed that he had been abroad, without providing any further
details. Laurenzis professional suspicions cause him to examine his friends walking
stick carefully:
Recuerda aquel bastn con que andaba siempre? Lo desarm en su
presencia, le saqu la punta y apareci la aguda hoja del estoque. An tena
una mancha de color ladrillo, un hilo de sangre coagulada. l me mir sin
rencor. Haba recobrado el aspecto dulce y tmido de un nio. (257)
Aguirres sardonic remark on this occasion amounts to a confession, Redwolf,
red blooddijo mansamente, (257) while Laurenzi alludes to the press coverage
given to the affair, Los diarios ingleses comentaron durante algn tiempo el
asesinato de Finn Redwolf, en su residencia de Escocia, sin ahorrar los detalles
truculentos (257). The mystery is revealed: Aguirre, overcome by a murderous rage
produced by the seduction and untimely death of his wife, had taken his revenge. In
doing so, the widower had effectively cast off the eponymous posicin de
zungzwang, and placed it upon the shoulders of Laurenzi, who demonstrates an acute
awareness of this act of transference:
Qu podia hacer? Estaba jubilado, y el crimen ocurri fuera de mi
jurisdiccin. Y despus de todo, fue un crimen? [] Si no denunciaba a mi
amigo, haca mal, porque mi deber, etctera Y si lo denunciaba y lo
arrestaban, tambin haca mal, porque con todo mi corazn yo lo haba
justificado. (257)
As is the case with En defensa propia, Laurenzi draws a marked contrast between
his obligations as a comisario and his sense of empathy, or perhaps solidarity, with a
man whose crime appears to him to be mitigated by its circumstances. The story
Diez cuentos policiales argentinos, p. 7.
Rodolfo Walsh, Operacin masacre (Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Flor, 2006), p. 17. 1st edn
By his own admission, at this point Walsh had little interest in the political
machinations and military interventions that were a perennial feature of this period in
Argentine history. The events of the 9th of June would decisively interrupt his
devotion to the resolution of abstract problems, as shots rang out in La Plata close to
the same neighbourhood bar where, as was his custom, and recalling the setting of
Zungzwang, he was engaged in a game of chess: Recuerdo cmo salimos en
tropel, los jugadores de ajedrez, los jugadores de codillo y los parroquianos
ocasionales, para ver qu festejo era se.328 Distracted from their diversions, some
of the chess players, including Walsh, make their way towards the source of the
noise, y como a medida que nos acercbamos a la plaza San Martn nos bamos
poniendo ms serios y ramos cada vez menos, y al fin cuando cruce la plaza, me vi
solo.329 Making his way home slowly, he discovers that his house has been
commandeered by troops loyal to the Aramburu regime:
haba soldados en los azoteas y en la cocina y en los dormitorios, pero
principalmente en el bao, y desde entonces he tomado aversin a las casas
que estn frente a un cuartel, un comando o un departamento de polica [].
Tampoco olvido que, pegado a la persiana, o morir a un conscripto en la
calle y ese hombre no dijo: Viva la patria sino que dijo: No me dejen solo,
hijos de puta.330
Walsh claims that he is not initially stirred by his proximity to these events, other
than the unpleasant visual image of the dying conscript, and confesses to being
perfectly willing to return to the literary and leisure activities that had hitherto filled
his days:
Valle no me interesa. Pern no me interesa, la revolucin no me interesa.
Puedo volver al ajedrez?
Puedo. Al ajedrez y a la literatura fantstica que leo, a los cuentos policiales
que escribo []. La violencia me ha salpicado las paredes, en las ventanas
Ibid, p. 18.
In the specific case of Rodolfo Walsh, according to his testimony, it may be asserted
that detective fiction at this juncture continues to act upon him as a literatura de
evasin in a tangible sense, lending some credence to the view of the genre as an
ideological tool capable of promoting what Simpson describes as an elitist attitude
of disassociation from contact with the newly visible and increasingly empowered
lower classes, in favor of a nostalgic affirmation of an aristocratic ideal.332
However, a clandestine meeting with Carlos Livraga, one of the survivors of the Jos
Len Surez massacre, leads Walsh to a Damascene conversion of sorts, Livraga me
cuenta su historia increble; la creo en el acto. As nace aquella investigacin, este
libro. La larga noche del 9 de junio vuelve sobre mi, por segunda vez me saca de las
suaves, tranquilas estaciones.333 The subsequent change in Walshs quotidian
existence is profound, as he seeks to establish the facts of the case, aided by fellow
journalist Enriqueta Muiz:334
Ahora, durante casi un ao no pensar en otra cosa, abandonar mi casa y mi
trabajo, me llamar Francisco Freyre, tendr una cdula falsa con ese
nombre, un amigo me prestar una casa en Tigre, durante dos meses vivir en
un helado rancho en Merlo, llevar conmigo un revlver.335
The resulting narrative compiled by Walsh tells an astonishing story. A total of
twelve men, who had gathered in a house in the Florida neighbourhood of Buenos
Simpson, Op cit, p. 35.
Walsh, Operacin masacre, p. 19.
Walshs esteem for his collaborator in this investigation is evident, Desde el principio est
conmigo una muchacha que es periodista, se llama Enriqueta Muiz, se juega entera. Es difcil hacerle
justicia en unas pocas lneas. Simplemente quiero decir que si en algn lugar de este libro escribo
hice, fui, descubr, debe entenderse hicimos, fuimos, descubrimos []. En esa poca el
mundo no se me presentaba como una serie ordenada de garantas y seguridades, sino ms bien como
todo lo contrario. En Enriqueta Muiz encontr esa seguridad, valor, inteligencia que me parecan tan
rarificados a mi alrededor. Operacin masacre, pp. 20-21.
Ibid, p. 19.
Aires to listen to a championship boxing match on the radio, had been detained by
the police on suspicion of involvement in the Valle uprising. Six hours later the
boxing fans were taken to a rubbish dump at Jos Len Surez, where the order was
given for them to be shot, despite the fact that, according to Walsh, only a handful
had tangential connections to the conspiracy. Crucially, the fact that they had been
detained before the declaration of martial law meant that these summary executions
were illegal, even by the standards of the dictatorship of Aramburu. Though five of
the men died at the scene, incredibly, seven others survived, with some managing to
escape the massacre and go into hiding. Walsh, perhaps naively, believes that his
initial article reproducing the testimony of Livraga will cause a sensation in
Argentine journalistic circles. He soon discovers, however, that quite a different
reception awaits his investigative efforts, one for which his extensive experience
with the fictional detective genre leaves him singularly unprepared:
Es que uno llega a creer en las novelas policiales que ha ledo o escrito, y
piensa que una historia as, con un muerto que habla, se la van a pelear en las
redacciones, piensa que est corriendo una carrera contra el tiempo, que en
cualquier momento un diario grande va a mandar una docena de reporteros y
fotgrafos como en las pelculas. En cambio se encuentra con un
multitudinario esquive de bulto.336
Shunned by the mainstream press, Walsh struggles to find an outlet for his account
of Livragas testimony, before eventually finding a publisher in the form of
Propsitos, an hojita gremial in the words of Walsh, published by Lenidas
Barletta, who, it is worth noting, was one of the judges of the inaugural Vea y Lea
detective story competition, along with Borges and Bioy Casares, and who Walsh
describes glowingly as un hombre que se anima. Temblando y sudando, porque l
tampoco es un hroe de pelcula, sino simplemente un hombre que se anima, y eso es
Ibid, p. 20.
Whereas Borges had once offered the considered opinion that the detective genre
vive de la continua y delicada infraccin de sus leyes,340 Walshs pioneering nonfiction novel indelicately dispenses with the rule book for the Argentine writer of
crime fiction altogether. As nibal Ford puts it:
Ana Mara Amar Snchez, La propuesta de una escritura: En homenaje a Rodolfo Walsh, in
Revista Iberoamericana, Vol. LII, 135-6, April-September 1986, p. 431.
Borges, Obras Completas Vol. IV, p. 424.
Anbal Ford, Walsh: la reconstruccin de los hechos in Jorge Lafforgue ed, Nueva novela
latinoamericana, 2 (Buenos Aires: Paids, 1972), p. 272.
Lafforgue, Walsh en y desde el gnero policial in Asesinos de papel, pp. 145-6.
Carlos Gamerro Para una reformulacin del gnero policial argentino in El nacimiento de la
literatura argentina y otros ensayos (Buenos Aires: Norma, 2006), p. 88.
journalistic efforts of Walsh was not simply a progression from the classicallyorientated model exemplified by the stories of Variaciones en rojo, via the moral
ambiguity of the Inspector Laurenzi stories such as those examined in this study, and
onwards towards a more politically engaged narrative that appropriates the tenets of
the American hard-boiled school for the purposes of social critique. Operacin
masacre es algo ms; supera la policial negra en el mismo momento de
absorberla.344 Though the reivindicacin of the gnero negro in the 1960s and 70s
may have provided many Argentine writers with a more appropriate and convenient
vehicle for the expression of political commitment than the ingenious textual
artifices of the classical, essentially bourgeois English model, the policial, in the
hands of writers such as Piglia, Feinmann, Goligorsky and Martini remained
exclusively a textual and critical phenomenon. Goligorsky, a figure very much
associated with the hard-boiled genre as a literatura de denuncia, expresses a
profound scepticism with regard to the potential of the writer of fiction to foment
genuine social change:
Mi trabajo me facilita la comunicacin con aquel sector del pblico que me
lee porque piensa como yo y desea sentirse acompaado o ratificado en sus
ideas, con aquel otro sector del pblico que me lee porque aborrece lo que yo
pienso y desea echar ms lea a su aborrecimiento, o con quienes me leen
para distraerse. Slo los profanos ingenuos, los intelectuales enfermos de
soberbia y los dictadores y censores enfermos de dogmatismo e ignorancia
pueden suponer que el trabajo del escritor ejerce una influencia marcada
sobre la vida social de su tiempo.345
The case of Walsh is quite unique, in that he chose to employ the investigative and
analytical skills developed through his experience with the fictional detective genre
to a murder investigation whose purpose was precisely to exercise a tangible
influence upon the society in which he lived, perhaps placing him in the category of
Eduardo Goligorsky in El relato policial en la Argentina: Antologa crtica, ed. Jorge B. Rivera
(Buenos Aires: Eudeba, 1999), p. 144.
Carlos Gamerro Para una reformulacin del gnero policial argentino in El nacimiento de la
literatura argentina y otros ensayos, (Buenos Aires: Norma, 2006), p. 88.
Gamerro, El nacimiento de la literatura argentina y otros ensayos, p. 53.
Borges and his close associates was at least partially motivated by a pedagogical
impulse spawned by the belief that frequenting the pages of detective fiction would
provide a stimulus to Argentine writers, while readers in turn might adopt a more
critical, inquisitive and discerning readerly attitude. As a dedicated professional
translator, proof-reader, anthologist and indeed writer of detective fiction in the
classical mode promoted by Borges, Walsh is in many ways the very embodiment of
the kind of specialised, discerning, analytical reader that the former imagined might
result from the widespread dissemination of the genre in Argentina. However, it is
clear that the manner in which he subsequently chose to apply the specialised skills
acquired through his apprenticeship in the genre would have been anathema to
Borges. Nowhere may this be perceived more acutely than in the (possibly
apocryphal or embellished) story recounted by Gabriel Garca Mrquez in Revista
Alternativa in 1974. Walsh had travelled to Cuba in 1959, where he became one of
the co-founders, along with fellow Argentine Jorge Masetti, Garca Mrquez and
others, of the state-operated news agency Prensa Latina, established:
en medio de la efervescencia revolucionaria que marc aquellos das,
destinada a informar sobre lo que estaba ocurriendo en Cuba realmente y con
el propsito de ofrecer al mundo una visin de la realidad latinoamericana
diferente de la que ofrecan los grandes monopolios mediticos de
A secret encrypted cable sent by the head of the CIA in Guatemala to Washington
was intercepted by the telex machine at the offices of Prensa Latina. According to
Garca Mrquez, Walsh managed to decipher the cable, which contained specific
details of the planned Bay of Pigs/Playa Girn invasion:
Rodolfo Walsh, que por cierto repudiaba en secreto sus antiguos cuentos
policiales, se empe en descifrar el mensaje con ayuda de unos manuales de
Retrieved from the section Quines somos of the Prensa Latina website. [Accessed on the 11th of June 2012]
Gabriel Garca Mrquez, Rodolfo Walsh, el hombre que se adelant a la CIA, Revista
Alternativa, 124, Bogot, 1974.
Es verdad que Erik Lnnrot no logr impedir el ltimo crimen, pero es indiscutible que lo previ.
Borges, Obras completas Vol. I, p. 601.
Rodolfo Walsh, Diez cuentos policiales argentinos, p. 2.
In the case of Rodolfo Walsh the breaking of generic conventions is even more
transcendental. Daniel Hernndez the analytical, reasoning detective in the classical
mould, the sedentary corrector de pruebas de imprenta walks off the pages of
fiction, and through the living, breathing person of Walsh (who frequently uses
Hernndez as a pseudonym in his own journalistic writings), launches himself upon
a dangerous, crusading quest to challenge the violent and illegal actions of the
Argentine state, only to finally confront a destiny not wholly dissimilar to that of that
other famous fictional tahr, Erik Lnnrot. This suggestion of the blurring of the
distinctions between crime fiction and criminal reality in the life and work of Walsh
has in fact been disparagingly suggested elsewhere:
empieza con la literatura policial, despus pasa al periodismo policial
ficcionado y como el Quijote, que de tanto leer libros de caballera ve
molinos de viento y cree que son gigantes enemigos -, se vuelve loco [my
emphasis] y pasa de la ficcin a la realidad pero jugando a la ficcin, como
una especie de Sherlock Holmes que se pona narices postizas. l mismo se
disfrazaba cuando estaba perseguido.354
The Walsh of 1956 seems to endorse the notion of a fictional inspiration for his reallife investigative activity in a footnote to Operacin masacre, with reference to a
vital piece of evidence establishing the exact location of the site of the Jos Len
Surez massacre, which he compares to a scene from the work of the detective
fiction writer most admired by Borges:
Era fascinante, algo digno de un cuento de Chesterton. Desplazndose unos
cincuenta pasos en cualquier direccin, el efecto ptico desapareca, el
rbol se descompona en varios. En ese momento supe singular
demostracin que me encontraba en el lugar del fusilamiento.355
against the folly of the man of letters getting involved in politics, or perhaps a
warning about the dangers of seeking a poetic, symmetrical ending to a dangerously
prosaic reality, Walsh himself emulates his fictional predecessors more reckless
inclinations. His single-minded determination to uncover a hidden truth and his
courageous contemplation of his fate in defiance of his executioners are the qualities
that most call to mind Borges fictional creation. Having come face to face with their
antagonists, there is a bifurcation in their respective approaches. Lnnrot invokes
Zenos paradox of motion as a theoretical protection against Scharlachs firearm.
Walsh, confronted with the automatic weapons of the operatives of the Navy
Mechanics School, and determined not to be captured alive, produces a Walther
PPK .22 pistol and opens fire. The response of the enemy in both cases restores the
sense that all roads lead to Rome. Scharlach opts for a practical challenge to Zeno,
Retrocedi unos pasos. Despus, muy cuidadosamente, hizo fuego.358 The
approach of Walshs executioners provides an equally convincing refutation of
Zenos paradox: Lo bajamos a Walsh. El hijo de puta se parapet detrs de un rbol
y se defenda con una 22. Lo cagamos a tiros y no se caa el hijo de puta.359 In
relation to Borges impact upon detective fiction, Rivera has stated that his relatively
sporadic incursions into the genre established lmites y caractersticas que tienen
valor a la vez retrospectivo y proyectivo.360 The same can surely be said of Walsh,
perhaps to an even greater extent. Rivera also states that unlike many Argentine
detective fiction writers of this period whose work is said to fall into the category of
straightforward epigonismo, Borges se acerca al gnero para hacer estallar
determinadas concepciones de la literatura.361 Once again, Walshs appropriation
and innovation within the detective genre is such that Riveras latter statement could
equally be applied to him. As Gamerro points out:
Operacin masacre no es slo una denuncia valiente de los fusilamientos de
1956 en medio del silencio de muerte impuesto por la dictadura; es, adems,
uno de los libros mejor escritos de nuestra literatura.362
Similarly, while Walshs valedictory Carta abierta de un escritor a la junta militar
is anything but a work of fiction, it has come to be considered a master work of
Argentine letters (in both senses):
Junto a la exactitud de los datos y la profundidad de los anlisis, nos
encontramos con la contundencia de ciertas frases, congelando salarios a
culatazos mientras los precios suben en las puntas de las bayonetas, y la
eficacia de sus recursos retricos, lo que ustedes llaman aciertos son errores,
lo que reconocen como errores son crmenes y lo que omiten son
calamidades, que la fijan para siempre en la memoria del que la lee. La
Carta est escrita con un ojo puesto en el presente inmediato (en el cual sus
posibilidades de ser leda y difundida, saba Walsh, eran mnimas) y el otro
en la duracin de la literatura.363
While the innovations within the detective genre brought about by Rodolfo Walsh
were exceptional, and crucial to the overall consideration of the detectory tradition
which constitutes the basis of this study, the most noteworthy developments within
the Argentine crime writing tradition from the late fifties onwards have been firmly
rooted within the fictional and critical realms, whereas the majority of Walshs nonfiction investigative writings from the same period belong in a separate category
altogether. However, despite his ongoing political radicalisation, his intense
journalistic efforts and his feats of cryptography in the service of the Cuban
Gamerro, Rodolfo Walsh, escritor in El nacimiento de la literatura argentina y otros ensayos
(Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2006), p. 55.
Ibid, p. 56.
Revolution, Walsh did not completely abandon the fictional crime genre after the
publication of Operacin masacre. He was in fact responsible for two prize-winning
entries, Transposicin de jugadas (3rd prize) and Cosa juzgada, in the second Vea
y Lea detective story competition in 1961.364 For the third Vea y Lea competition in
1964, Walsh was no longer a competitor, but instead formed part of the judging
panel, alongside Adolfo L. Prez Zelaschi, Mara Anglica Bosco and Donald Yates.
In September of 1961 Vea y Lea published a feature article which included the text of
Transposicin de jugadas along with a note in which Walsh reaffirmed his conviction that La
muerte y la brjula was Argentinas best detective story. In the same article, however, he offered the
opinion that la literatura policial es un ejercicio entretenido y a la vez estril de la inteligencia.
Asesinos de papel, p. 144.
Jorge Lafforgue, ed. Cuentos policiales argentinos (Buenos Aires: Alfaguara, 1997), p.18.
Adolfo Bioy Casares, Borges, ed. Daniel Martino, (Buenos Aires: Destino, 2006), p. 716.
high praise indeed. Prez Zelaschi would go on to become one of the most
anthologised Argentine detective fiction writers. His stories have appeared in more
than forty anthologies published in Argentina, Chile, Spain, Mexico, Belgium and
Italy,370 including Los crmenes van sin firma which featured in Walshs landmark
1953 collection Diez cuentos policiales argentinas. Las seales alone has featured
in a significant number of collections, including Tiempo de puales (Buenos Aires:
Seijas y Goyanarte 1964), El cuento policial latino americano, ed. by Donald Yates
(Mxico: Ediciones de Andrea, 1964), Cuentos policiales argentinos, ed. by Jorge
Lafforgue (Buenos Aires: Alfaguara, 1996) and Policiales argentinos: La bolsa de
huesos y otros cuentos, ed. by Graciela Equiza (Buenos Aires: Editorial Andrs
Bello, 2005).
In the prologue to Equizas succinct and varied anthology, whose five stories
span a century of the Argentine detective tradition, the stated motivation for the
inclusion of Las seales is that she regards it as un fiel representante del clsico
relato ingls.371 It is a curious assertion. The experienced reader of Christie, Conan
Doyle, Chesterton, Ellery Queen, or any other representative of this tradition would
surely find it difficult to isolate features of Las seales that would justify Equizas
description. Furthermore, Prez Zelaschis story represents a shift in the evolution of
the genre, not just as the top prize-winner in the second Vea y Lea competition, but
also as an instance of the possibility of a distinctly Argentine detective narrative,
rather than a purely derivative text that transplants a foreign model to an Argentine
setting. Las seales is clearly a generic hybrid, for which plausible precursors
excluded from this 1983 volume, while Las seales by Prez Zelaschi, El vstago by Silvina
Ocampo and En el bosque by Ryunosuke Akutagawa are added.
See Graciela Equiza, ed., Policiales argentinos: La bolsa de huesos y otros cuentos (Buenos Aires:
Editorial Andrs Bello, 2005), p. 120.
Ibid, p. 17.
might be identified, but these would surely be drawn principally from the American
rather than the classical English crime fiction tradition. It is a story imbued with
heavy doses of suspense, and in this regard it shows similarities with the stories of
William Irish/Cornell Woolrich. It includes detailed, highly evocative descriptive
passages and insightful social critique in the manner of Raymond Chandlers The
Little Sister or The Long Goodbye, and a graphic representation of violence that
recalls Hammetts Red Harvest, in which the battling policemen and local gangsters
of Pleasantville, and indeed the unnamed detective known as the Continental Op, get
caught up in such an orgy of violence that the latter fears he is going blood-simple,
like the natives []. Play with murder enough and it gets you one of two ways. It
makes you sick, or you get to like it.372 What it does not display is any significant
similarity with the detective story in the classical mould. Prez Zelaschi himself
has commented upon some of the difficulties associated with producing this mode of
the genre in a Latin American setting:
When we happen to run across a detective story set in our environment, but
whose techniques respond to your [Anglo] environment, we immediately
reject it. Here, for example, it would be inconceivable for a police officer to
refrain from entering a building because he didnt have a search warrant. The
incredulous reader would say to himself: What are you doing, you fool, just
get a predated warrant from the judge afterwards! This general disrespect
for the law makes it practically impossible for us to create a pure detective
story, so to speakby pure, I mean one like S.S. Van Dines, or the better
author [Ellery] Queensand we are obliged to adopt alternative
The alternative approach to the genre pursued by Prez Zelaschi in the case of Las
seales was to produce a tale of suspense that involved violent crime, contained a
strong element of mystery, and presented the reader with a more plausible and
Dashiell Hammett, Red Harvest (New York: Vintage, 1996), pp. 154-5. First published in New
York by Alfred A. Knopf, 1929. The term blood simple was later used as the title for the Cohen
brothers 1984 neo-noir crime film starring John Getz and Frances McDormand.
Adolfo Luis Prez Zelaschi in Donald A. Yates, The Argentine Detective Story (Ph.D.
dissertation, University of Michigan, 1960), pp. 69-70.
evocative depiction of Argentine quotidian realities than the majority of its more
derivative predecessors. As such, the story represents a significant turning point in
the genres Argentine evolution, and is worth examining in some detail.
The narrative is divided into two roughly equal parts, the first being chiefly
concerned with establishing the circumstances and the series of occurrences that will
lead to the dramatic, calamitous and suspense-laden desenlace that occupies the
second part of the tale. The story begins with the following paragraph, which seems
to announce the imminence of a death foretold:
Estaba por fin ah, como el rostro de un destino antes descifrable y ahora
revelado: un hombre de piedra (el sombrero sobre los ojos, casi palpable la
pesada pistola), pero atentsimo a las prximas seales del estrago. Ese
hombre ah significaba que todos los plazos se haban cumplido; que l,
Manolo, pronto sera el cadver de Manuel Cerdeiro, llorado por su mujer,
recordado durante un tiempo por alguno de sus paisanos y por sus
parroquianos slo hasta que otro lo sustituyera en el mostrador del bar La
Nueva Armona.374
This intriguing scene is temporarily abandoned, to be continued later, while the
narrator proceeds to recount the tale of the hapless Manuel Cerdeiro, gallego, recio,
petiso, velloso y cejudo (121), the proprietor of La Nueva Armona, a
neighbourhood bar in the south-west of Buenos Aires, la pequea esquina desteida
de Floresta al sur, calle Mariano Acosta al mil y tantos. (121) The setting for the
story is a far cry from the typical peaceful village or country house of the classical
detective narrative, and the grinding, monotonous subsistence of the bar owner is an
even further cry from the pursuits of the leisurely rentiers and upper-class stock
characters who tended to populate the stories of the genres so-called Golden Age. In
one passage, for example, the narrator describes Cerdeiros long-standing routine:
Policiales argentinos: La bolsa de huesos y otros cuentos, p. 121. Subsequent references to this
story will be incorporated within the body of the text in parentheses.
llevado por el dolor de aquel golpe injusto, por un rencor instantneo y feroz,
por el pnico, por todo eso, se hall de pronto disparando su revlver sobre
los dos hombres, dos veces, tres, cuatro, vaciando el tambor del arma sobre
ellos, encogindose tras el mostrador porque tambin le tiraban mientras se
retiraban lentos y precisos hacia la puerta con las cuarenta y cinco de
inacabables recmaras, viendo sin ver, ciego, en tanto algunas botellas caan
deshechas, regndolo de ans, cegndolo de coac. (124)
When the dust settles, a disorientated Manolo discovers that he has received a bullet
wound to the shoulder, and is taken to hospital. Word of the incident quickly spreads
in the neighbourhood, and as more is learned of the shootout, various opinions are
offered in relation to this act of defiance, la vctima resisti (por avaricia, por
aturdimiento, por estupidez, dijeron todos, nadie por cvico herosmo) y mat a uno
de los atracadores, mientras el otro hua. (125) Worse news awaits the convalescent
gallego, however, as it is revealed that the man he had shot dead was none other than
el Lungo Riquelme, one of the three infamous Riquelme brothers, duros
profesionales del delito, asesinos todos whose criminal exploits are well known to
the readers of the crnica policial:
Asaltar era su oficio; matar, un azar aceptable para ellos; morir, un riesgo
conexo. Bancos, pagadores, joyeros, casas de cambio haban sido saqueados
uno tras otro, a veces en pleno centro, y cuatro hombres haban cado ya bajo
sus pistolas sin ley. Porque los Riquelme disparaban enseguida, sin ms,
alevosamente, cuando alguien resista o pareca dispuesto a hacerlo. (126)
A fatality suffered by the police in one of their encounters with the Riquelme
brothers had engendered an escalation of the conflict, such that the participants on
each side had succumbed to that mental condition described by Dashiell Hammett as
going blood simple so memorably depicted in Red Harvest:
mataron a un oficial de polica llamado Bazn, y entonces se trab uno de
esos duelos cerrados, porfiados, sin piedad, incluso con vctimas por lujo, que
se dan entre uno o ms delincuentes y la polica cuando a sta le matan a uno
de sus hombres. En tal duelo se tira de cualquier manera, e cualquier lado, sin
aviso, sobre el culpable, el acompaante, el encubridor, el sospechoso, que
son todos uno y lo mismo para los perseguidores, como stos son para los
otros. (126)
It is easy to imagine that the Argentine readership might have regarded the variant of
crime fiction offered by Zelaschi in Las seales as more in keeping with the
Argentine experience and attitude towards criminality, and the institutional force
charged with combating it, than with the offerings of the Argentine emulators of
Conan Doyle, Christie or Chesterton. The Riquelme brothers are not criminal
masterminds in the tradition of Chestertons Flambeau or Conan Doyles Professor
Moriarty, who have committed an artful murder or series of murders that may only
be solved through the abstract analytical prowess of a ratiocinative intellectual
powerhouse of the stature of Sherlock Holmes or Father Brown. Equally, the dogged
pursuit of the Riquelme brothers by the police does not appear to be the fruit of some
deeply ingrained sense of justice, or an intellectual obsession with the disinterested
resolution of an abstract problem. The zeal with which the police battle with their
opponents is primarily motivated by revenge for the killing of one of their own, and
a determination to suppress a flagrant challenge to their authority, rather than any
moral imperative or sense of civic duty.
When Manolo Cerdeiro leaves the hospital, he discovers that in all likelihood
his brush with the violent underbelly of Buenos Aires society has not concluded. As
reported in various journals, the death of the eldest Riquelme at the hands of
Cerdeiro would not go unpunished: Conocindose la solidaridad que se practica en
el hampa, y ms en el caso de los hermanos Riquelme, corre grave peligro la vida del
seor Cerdeiro (127). One magazine even publishes a series of articles entitled El
juramento de los Riquelme, in which it is reported that the surviving brothers,
Ernesto and Pedro, had sworn a blood oath to kill Cerdeiro after a long paseo de
agona, de esos que se ven en la televisin (127). He is the proverbial dead man
walking, living in a constant state of anxiety, never knowing when the axe might
Lo asesinaran desde un automvil en marcha, lo balearan de atrs, lo
apualaran dormido, al abrir una puerta volaran l y la puerta al soplo de la
gelinita; cualquier cosa poda suceder en cualquier momento. Sera un
concluir sin horror, seguro, rpido y tcnico, aceptado de antemano por
todos. (127)
The element of anxiety and suspense that suffuses Las seales is derived from this
threat to the life of Cerdeiro. As a consequence of the death of el Lungo Riquelme,
his existence ceases to be one of cyclical routine alone, acquiring an additional, more
linear aspect, as he figuratively travels along a path that he believes will inevitably
lead to his demise. This sense of tension and foreboding is revealed through the
narrative in snatches of dialogue between Manolo and his neighbours and customers:
Qu tal, Manolo? la conversacin sola comenzar as.
Trabajando, ya lo ve.
Es la vida del pobre. Yms sereno ya?
Spero hablemos de otra cosa.
Pero ellos nunca queran hablar de otra cosa []. Primero era los consejos.
Le convendra cambiar de barrio
Es difcil vender el bar. (121-2)
While some of the customers regard him with evident pity, lo miraban alejarse
como el portador de una segura enfermedad mortal, others appear to express
admiration for his bravery, though their praise also appears to be tinged with a
certain humorous irony and disbelief:
Lo felicito, hombre! Qu coraje tuvo!
Me defend, nada ms. Pero no quiero hablar. Lo pasado pisado.
Para usted, s. Pero ellos eran tres. Cay uno y quedaron dos.
No quise matarlo, me defend, nada ms.
Para un valiente como usted, lo mismo es uno que diez. Que vayan
saliendo, no ms, eh? Qu hgados: enfrentar a Lungo Riquelme! (122)
This feigned admiration for his heroism provides cold comfort for Cerdeiro.
Resigned to his fate, tied to a business he cannot sell, he carries on his daily routine
as before, accepting his paseo de agona and helplessly awaiting the day of
reckoning. Though the police had initially assigned a uniformed agent to the
premises for his protection, this policy had been abandoned without notification after
two months. When Cerdeiro goes to the police station to protest, he is met with a
curt reply:
Qu desea, seor?
El comisario, por favor.
El cabo de guardia lo mir severamente.
Est ocupado. No puede atenderlo.
Soy Cerdeiro Manuel Cerdeiro, del bar La Nueva Armona, aqu en
Mariano Acosta al mil y tantos.
Ah! Es por la vigilancia? Ya vino antes un turco entrometido Bueno.
Se levant.
No hay nada que hacer. Tenemos mucho trabajo y no podemos distraer tres
turnos para cuidarlo a usted. Arrglese solo. Buena suerte. (128)
This exchange between Cerdeiro and the local police may be highlighted as an
example of crime fictions potential as a vehicle for social critique, a mode of
narrative that would gain currency in Argentina in the years that followed. Though
he had been the victim of a violent attack in which he had managed to defend
himself and his business, and though it is well known to all in the area that a mortal
threat still hangs over him, at this point Manolo is told that he can expect no further
protection from the designated agents of law and order. The cabos parting words,
Arrglese solo. Buena suerte, may be viewed as a succinct expression of the public
perception of the essential relationship between the police and the ordinary citizen in
the Argentine context. Security, protection and justice under the law are the preserve
of those with the political power or economic resources to command it, while the rest
must simply take their chances. This important theme, which would later provide one
Damocles that hangs above him, perceives the first sign of impending violence one
Monday evening as he sorts empty bottles in the yard of his bar:
Entr en la trastienda, que era un patinillo entoldado, tapiado por cajones
vacos de Coca-Cola y de cerveza, y comenz a aparatar los de marca Tres
Cometas, cuyo camin vendra maana a retirarlos, cuando la seal vibr.
S: no fue el abrirse de la puerta, ni los pocos pasos que siguieron los que le
hicieron estremecer, sino la alarma que reson en el segundo juego de
sentidos que le haba crecido durante la espera: Ahoramevanamatar.
All estaban. Midi agnicamente sus posibilidades de escape: ninguna. (129)
As previously indicated, Cerdeiro is, in an economic sense, effectively trapped
within the confines of La Nueva Armona, entirely dependent on the bar for his
livelihood, and unable to sell the business and move away in an effort to elude the
attentions of the surviving Riquelme brothers. At this point the sensation of paralysis
is intensified as his entrapment acquires an additional, physical dimension, one that
he realises is at least partly of his own making:
Vio, en efecto, que el recin llegado era uno solo estaba ya sentado a una
mesita; que no podra intentar un desesperado y tal vez mortal salto a travs
de la vidriera, porqu l mismo haba cerrado, encerrndose, la cortina
metlica; que el desconocido no tena apuro, que estaba sentado de tal
manera el antebrazo derecho apoyado sobre la mesa y paralelo al pecho
que su mano empuara en un dcimo de segundo la pistola. (130)
If Cerdeiro (and by extension the reader) imagines that the paseo de agona
promised by the Riquelmes has finally come to an end, he is disappointed. It appears
that now that he is on the premises, this hombre de piedra is determined to prolong
the bar-owners anxiety even further. When approached by Cerdeiro, rather than
drawing his pistol, he indicates that he would like to order a drink:
Algo livianito, maestro le dijo mirndolo, y Manuel Cerdeiro volvi a
sentirse ya muerto porque aquellos ojos fijos de vbora brillaban con
inequvoca burla.
Eso: guindado. (130)
A trembling Cerdeiro serves the drink, and returns to the counter para recontar el
dinero, con la caja como pobrsimo parapeto, (130) while the stranger remains in his
seat, sipping his drink. The sense that time has slowed to a crawl is effectively
emphasised by reference to the electric clock that hangs on the wall of the bar:
Todo haba pasado en cuatro minutes. Luego el tiempo inmviles los dos, l
y otro, l y l, l y la muerte, slo fue perceptible en su ms claro smbolo:
en aquella aguja del reloj elctrico que remontaba silenciosa su rueda
inmutable. (131)
The tension of the scene is broken by the sudden arrival of the kind of customer who,
under other circumstances, might not have been such a welcome sight to the bar
Sin seal previa, a las once y cuarenta y tres se abri la puerta. El viento
arroj dentro del bar una rfaga de lluvia y luego a un tipo indescifrable,
mojado, aterido, haraposo y con barba de semanas, desmelenado, sucio y tan
borracho que ya se desplomaba. (131)
Cerdeiro suddenly perceives in the necessity of despatching the drunkard a potential
path to his own salvation, Una sbita esperanza atraves a Manuel Cerdeiro como
una saeta; lo acompaara lo acompaara hasta la puerta y l adelante y el otro
atrs, usndolo como viviente escudo, tal vez (131). This avenue of escape is swiftly
closed by the stranger, who takes it upon himself to remove the inebriated man with
great firmness and efficiency:
Le calz el brazo bajo el suyo, le torci la mano izquierda con su puo brutal
e inmenso, y cuando el pobre empez a lamentarse, lo llev en peso y lo
empuj con destreza y violencia, lanzndolo a diez pasos, pero de pie, de tal
manera que con el impulso dado el borracho se hundi en la sombra y
desapareci llevndose la esperanza que, segn haba comprobado Manuel
Cerdeiro, tambin puede residir en un piojoso. (132)
Once again, the two are left alone in the bar, Cerdeiro perched on his stool at the
cash register behind the counter, the stranger seated at his table, still clutching his
pistol inside the pocket of his coat, the silence broken only by the familiar sounds of
the city that manage to penetrate the walls of La Nueva Armona. Prez Zelaschis
lyrical and detailed description of these sounds is not only highly evocative of
Buenos Aires, but also contributes to the atmosphere of tension that pervades the
el rodar de un taxi: de cuando en cuando, el ronroneo del mnibus 170, el
asmtico paso ras, ras, ras, ras del colectivo 201, algn rpido y fugaz chiris-ris de neumticos sobre el pavimento mojado, el continuo, continuo rodar,
caer, gargarizar del agua de las cunetas en la boca de tormenta que beba
lluvia frente al bar. (132)
At exactly twelve minutes past twelve the silent vigil of the patient killer and his
frantic victim is again interrupted by a visitor to the bar, this time in the shape of la
menuda figurita de Adelqu Martinelli, un vecino, who greets Cerdeiro with a jovial
Hola, don Manolo! Llueve, verdad?, (133) and explains that he was on his way
home from visiting his daughter, but had decided to drop in for a night-cap when he
observed that the bar was still open. An increasingly desperate Manolo perceives in
the arrival of Martinelli another potential route to salvation, and endeavours to
surreptitiously communicate a message to him without alerting the vigilant stranger
at the table:
Manuel Cerdeiro se volvi hacia el estante de las bebidas. Antes de servir vio
sobre ste el lpiz y el papel para las cuentas. Entonces, siempre de espaldas,
fue haciendo dos cosas a un tiempo; con la mano izquierda baj la ginebra,
con la derecha tom el lpiz; nuevamente con la mano izquierda deposit un
vasito en el estante inferior y con la derecha escribi, mientras serva
despacio: Llamelapolica pronto. (134)
When Cerdeiro manages to place this written plea in front of Martinelli along with
his large Bols gin, there follows a tension-filled, silent, visual dialogue whose textual
depiction is highly cinematic, in an instance of an Argentine crime fiction writer
harnessing not just the literary narrative techniques associated with suspense thriller
writers such as Cornell Woolrich, but also incorporating a visual style reminiscent of
Hollywood cinema in the tradition of Alfred Hitchcock or the Polanski of
Chinatown. Borges alludes to this precise technique in his Charles Norton lecture,
The Riddle of Poety at Harvard University in 1967, in which he maintains that
while the same visual device may be found, for example, in Inclusiveness an 1881
sonnet by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, it had acquired extra resonance for readers/viewers
since the advent of modern cinema:
I think that these lines are perhaps more vivid now than when they were
written, some eighty years ago, because the cinema has taught us to follow
quick sequences of visual images. In the first line, [we have one visual point
of view]. And then in the second line, as in a good film, we have the same
image reversed.375
This cinematographic device is employed by Prez Zelaschi in a highly effective
manner in Las seales:
Adelqu vio el sudor que reluca en la estrecha frente del gallego, sus
prpados semicerrados, el ruego ntimo, desesperado y mudo que se
desprenda de todo l y comprendi (Adelqu era del barrio y conoca la
historia de Riquelme). Sus ojos asustados giraron hacia atrs, sin mover la
cabeza sealaron al asesino Cerdeiro asinti levsimamente. (134)
Jorge Luis Borges, Borges, This Craft of Verse: The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures 1967-1968, ed.
by Clin-Andrei Mihilescu (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000), p. 13.
This revelation, that the stranger sitting in the bar would be the author of Cerdeiros
salvation rather than his demise, contributes to the hybrid nature of the Las seales
and may be regarded as a good example of peripeteia, a literary device particularly
appropriate to the suspense thriller mode of crime fiction, in which the protagonist
experiences an unforeseen and dramatic reversal of fortune close to the conclusion of
the narrative. This reversal could not be more stark in the case of Cerdeiro, who, in
the aftermath of the terrifying shootout, realises the significance of the scene that he
has witnessed, En el suelo estaban los dos Riquelme muertos, y en una silla,
llorando y sentado, un pobre gallego que asista a su propia resurreccin (137). 376
As suggested in this analysis, Equizas description of Las seales as a fiel
representante del clsico relato ingls is not borne out by the textual evidence
examined here. With its distinctly Argentine setting, its strong emphasis on the
building of narrative tension and a sense of anticipation through long, detailed
descriptive passages and vivid, cinematic depictions of violence, particularly in its
protracted final scene, Prez Zelaschis prize-winning story clearly belongs in a
category other than that suggested by Equiza. Despite the allusions made in this
section to certain similarities with detective narrative variants derived from the
American pulp fiction tradition, in the main Las seales does not submit easily to
In Jorge Lafforgues 1996 anthology Cuentos policiales argentinos, a slight alteration is made to
these final two lines of the story, which read: En el suelo estaban los dos Riquelme, muertos. En una
silla, llorando y sentado, un pobre gallego resucitado. p. 214. The text included in Los mejores
cuentos policiales 2, edited by Borges and Bioy Casares, features the same final lines as the one
referred to in this analysis. It is not clear why this discrepancy exists in the text included in
Lafforgues anthology, nor whether the author or the editor was responsible for the revision of the
final line.
Marlowe or Hammetts Sam Spade would also have been distinctly anomalous in an
Argentine setting, a point acknowledged by Carlos Gamerro:
Detectives privados hay, lo que no hay son detectives privados ntegros y
honestos, desvinculados, y menos an opuestos, al poder poltico y policial, a
la manera del Marlowe de Chandler.379
Elvio E. Gandolfo echoes this view, cmo demonios injertar un detective privado
en una red social donde no cumple el menor papel, ni lo hace verosmil sobre la hoja
escrita?380 Perhaps the most clearly defined solution to the difficulty of providing
a plausible Argentine alternative to the figure of the detective has been the
phenomenon of the comisario criollo, ese comisario rudimentario, con una
inteligencia prctica, un hombre inculto pero profundo conocedor del alma
humana.381 Braceras and Leytour trace the origins of this figure to the appearance,
in Borges La muerte y la brjula of Treviranus, un hombre que rinde culto al
sentido comn y cuyo saber est basado en la experiencia que le da el contacto con la
realidad.382 Whereas the puro razonador Erik Lnnrot is determined to seek an
elegant, rabbinical solution to the death of Marcelo Yarmolinsky, Treviranus
prefers to proceed from a far more prosaic, less mystical hypothesis: that the rabbi
was probably murdered because he disturbed an opportunistic thief trying to steal a
collection of priceless sapphires, No me interesan las explicaciones rabnicas; me
interesa la captura del hombre que apual a este desconocido.383 Treviranus
explanation for the initial crime proves to be the correct one, while Lnnrots
determination to pursue a more ingenious, intellectually satisfying route to the
resolution of the mystery ultimately leads to his geometrically perfect demise. As
Carlos Gamerro Para una reformulacin del gnero policial argentino in El nacimiento de la
literatura argentina y otros ensayos (Buenos Aires: Norma, 2006), p. 80.
Elvio E. Gandolfo, in Jorge B. Rivera, ed., El relato policial en la Argentina, p. 246.
Cuentos con detectives y comisarios, p. 17.
Borges, Obras completas Vol I, p. 602.
suggested by Braceras and Leytour, Borges Treviranus provided the template for a
number of the comisarios who have populated the stories of Argentine crime writers,
including Rodolfo Walshs Laurenzi, B. Velmiro Ayala Gaunas Don Frutos Gmez,
Norberto Firpos Inspector Baliari, Facundo Marulls Leo, el de la 4 and Prez
Zelaschis Leoni. In the case of a number of these comisarios, attempts are made by
the writers in question to establish a certain disconnect, whether temporal,
geographical or indeed attitudinal, from the institutional forces which they represent,
su relacin con la institucin es equvoca o por lo menos, azarosa.384 As previously
noted in relation to Walshs stories En defensa propia and Zungzwang, for
example, part of Laurenzis motivation for recounting the details of these cases to
Daniel Hernndez is precisely to illustrate the extent to which he felt he was unsuited
to his position in the police force, "Yo, a lo ltimo, no serva para comisario" dijo
Laurenzi, tomando el caf que se le haba enfriado . "Estaba viendo las cosas, y no
quera verlas. Los problemas en que se mete la gente, y la manera que tiene de
resolverlos, y la forma en que yo los habra resuelto.385 A very similar sentiment is
expressed at the conclusin of Zungzwang, Si no denunciaba a mi amigo, haca
mal, porque mi deber, etctera Y si lo denunciaba y lo arrestaban, tambin haca
mal, porque con todo mi corazn yo lo haba justificado.386 In the Laurenzi stories
examined in this study, the passage of time operates as a distancing element, an
opportunity for the comisario to reflect critically upon events that had occurred many
years previously, which he does, accompanied by expressions of regret. Far from
representing the attitudes and practices of the institution he once served, Laurenzi
appears to be an accidental comisario, and as such, is more inclined to garner the
sympathies of a reader who might otherwise struggle to accept the protagonism of an
Argentine police inspector. Ayala Gaunas avuncular don Frutos Gmez is perhaps
the most fully elaborated comisario of this ilk. The recruitment method that leads to
his appointment speaks volumes for his atypical status within the wider institutional
El simptico don Frutos Gmez ha sido, de joven, servidor y amigo de un
caudillo correntino terrateniente. Don Frutos enviuda a los cuarenta y cinco
aos porque su mujer muere de pasmo y como consuelo de su viudez, el
caudillo lo hace comisario de Capibara Cu.387
The unorthodox manner in which he accedes to his position, as a form of consolation
for the death of his wife, ensures that he remains relatively untainted by the
procedures, attitudes and practices of the institution that he represents. In El regreso
de don Frutos, for example, he is described by one of his loyal subordinates, el
sumariante Luis Arzsola, as being recto e insobornable,388 qualities not generally
associated with the real-life officials of the Argentine police. In La pesquisa de don
Frutos (1953), his unusually relaxed style of command and disdain for institutional
procedures is made clear: don Frutos rega a sus subordinados con paternal
condescendencia, sin reparar en graduaciones, y no quera saber de ms reglamentos
que su omnmoda voluntad.389 This disregard for the institutions hierarchical
structure and attendant formalities is illustrated by the fact that don Frutos frequently
refers to his subordinates, including Arzsola, his second-in-command, as mhijo,
while el cabo Leiva, the most junior member of the local force, often addresses his
commanding officer as che comesario, a comical juxtaposition of the formal and
geographical in character, in the sense that the cases investigated by the comisario
take place in the imaginary rural setting of Capibara Cu, Corrientes, permitting don
Frutos a degree of autonomy of action and judgement that would not seem possible
or plausible in a series set in Buenos Aires. In La pesquisa de don Frutos, for
example, the comisario appears both ignorant and dismissive of the scientific
investigative methods familiar to the recently arrived Luis Arzsola, who had until
this point operated in an urban environment. Arzsola is clearly unimpressed by
what he has seen of his new superior in his short time in Capibara Cu, and intends
to take action, ya el oficial haba redactado in mente el informe que elevara a las
autoridades sobre la inoperancia del comisario, sus arbitrarios procedimientos y su
inhabilidad para el cargo.390 While examining the scene of a murder, he objects to
the fact that don Frutos makes no attempt to preserve the crime scene for forensic
A ver, vamos a buscar en la pieza, puede que la haiga escondido.
Pero, comisario salt el oficial. As van a borrar todas las huellas
del culpable.
Qu gellas, mhijo?
Las impresiones dactilares.
Ac no usamos de eso, mhijo. Tuito lo hacemos a la que te criaste
Though initially exasperated by the comisarios dismissive attitude towards standard
investigative procedures, Arzsola soon discovers that the methods he had applied so
successfully in an urban setting may not readily transfer to this rural one:
Arzsola, entre tanto, segua acumulando elementos con criterio cientfico,
pero se encontraba un poco desconcertado. En la ciudad, sobre un piso
encerado, un cabello puede ser un indicio valioso, pero en el sucio piso de un
rancho hay miles de cosas mezcladas con el polvo: recortes de uas, llaves de
latas de sardinas, botones, semillas, huesecillos, etc.392
By contrast, Don Frutos, using his local knowledge and following his own
rudimentary methods, such as using a palillo to measure the depth and direction of
Ibid, p. 183.
Ibid, p. 185.
the victims stab wounds, and a horses reins as an improvised measuring tape, is
able to draw a number of conclusions that will lead to the apprehension of the killer,
to the evident amazement of Arzsola:
No te aflijs por eso El criminal es gringo, ms o menos una cuarta ms
alto que yo, y dejuro que ha de estar entre la peonadae la estanciae los
Pero! se asombr el oficial.
Ya te explicar ms tarde, mhijo.393
At the conclusion of the tale, the new sumariante seems prepared to concede that the
methods and the habits of his new boss are appropriate to the rural community in
which he operates. This acceptance extends even to his preferred way of drinking
mate. Whereas previously Arzsola had only taken the infusion with sugar, at the
urging of Don Frutos he decides to embrace local customs:
Servte, mhijo Aqu vas a tener que aprender a tomarlo cimarrn.
Arzsola lo acept y dijo:
Creo que voy a tener que aprender eso y otras cosas ms.394
In a further symbolic act of acceptance of his new surroundings, while sipping his
(unsweetened) mate, he decides that his erstwhile enthusiasm for the study of
psychology might similarly be abandoned in this new environment, and finds an
alternative use for the textbook that he had brought with him to Capibara Cu, Lo
vaci de tres o cuatro enrgicos sorbos y lo devolvi al milico: luego, como la mesa
empezaba a tambalear nuevamente, tomo el libro de psicologa y lo puso debajo de
la pata renga.395 In La pesquisa de don Frutos, Arzsola functions almost as a
surrogate for the reader, who is invited to accept the idea that in the bucolic setting
created by Ayala Gauna and policed by don Frutos, an entirely different set of norms
applies, including the notion that an Argentine police inspector might serve as a
Ibid, p. 186.
Ibid, p. 190.
Ibid, p. 191.
benevolent presence in the community. However the fact that the police may only be
viewed in such a positive light in a highly imaginary, anachronistic and isolated
setting tells its own story about the perception of the force throughout the genres
history in Argentina.
In the cases of Don Frutos, Laurenzi and certain other fictional Argentine
comisarios, their plausibility as the sympathetic or heroic protagonists of crime
narratives is facilitated by establishing a disconnect between the character and the
institutional setting in which they operate. Prez Zelaschi employs this same
technique in the detective stories featuring his own comisario Leoni, a pragmatic,
world-weary, retired police inspector who, like Walshs Laurenzi, relates the stories
of cases he had investigated during his working years to a journalist, named as
Prez Zelaschi himself. However, in Las seales, an active member of the Buenos
Aires police force, Gregorio Bazn, comes to the rescue of Manuel Cerdeiro in a
manner that might almost be interpreted as heroic. This represents a subversion of
the expectations of the reader in certain respects. As noted earlier in this section, the
dialogue between Cerdeiro and the duty officer of the local comisara, in which the
former is informed that the police are no longer prepared to distraer tres turnos para
cuidarlo a usted and is told to simply Arrglese solo. Buena suerte, seems to
amount to a critique of the attitude of the Argentine police towards a citizen of
modest means who finds himself in a perilous predicament. The fact that Cerdeiro
has effectively been left for dead by the police might be interpreted as an indictment
by the author of that institution. However, the appearance of Bazn and his
associates in the climactic scene obliges the reader to re-examine this view. It
becomes clear that the visible police presence outside La Nueva Armona had only
been abandoned in an attempt to lure the Riquelme brothers to the bar to take their
revenge on Cerdeiro. Evidently, the subterfuge had achieved the desired result,
though, presumably for reasons of operational security, the unfortunate gallego
could not be forewarned of the plan to intercept the attackers. Bazn even goes as far
as to apologise to Cerdeiro for the anxiety he had suffered as a result of his paseo de
agona, Perdoname viejo, el jabn que te llevaste, pero en estas cosas es mejor no
abrir la boca. Yo saba por una alcahuetada que vendran esta noche. Por eso los
Considering the measures the police have taken to protect an ordinary citizen
from harm, should Las seales be viewed as an Argentine detective narrative that
plausibly portrays Bazn and his colleagues in a favourable, almost heroic light?
While it is true that Cerdeiro asista a su propia resurreccin thanks to the trap laid
by the police, it would be inaccurate to credit the force with acting on his behalf. As
previously indicated, the police had been involved in a long-running, violent war
with the Riquelmes, arising from the death of Gregorio Bazns brother, which had
produced vctimas de lujo on both sides. As such, the police campaign, including
the salvation of Cerdeiro, is motivated by revenge rather than a laudable quest for
justice. The comisarios reaction to the death of the Riquelmes is one of grim
satisfaction, Gregorio Bazn dio un puntapi a uno de los yertos Riquelme.
Mucho tiempo esper este da. Ya cayeron los tres, pero eso no me devuelve vivo a
mi hermano.397 It is clear that while Cerdeiro has ultimately benefited from the ploy,
his safety was the least of the concerns of the police, who had effectively used him
as live bait for the trap that they had laid. This impression is only strengthened by the
fact that the brothers were allowed to enter the bar and once again shoot Cerdeiro
before the police launched their own attack, with Bazn firing from within the bar
and his colleagues firing from the street. In fact, given the number of bullets that
perforate the bar, decenas de terribles balas en hilera, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, hacan
saltar vidrios, revoques, y otra vez cuatro, seis, diez, doce esquirlas de madera,
agujereaban el mostrador tambin tiradas desde la calle,398 it could well be argued
that it was the poor marksmanship of the Riquelmes that ultimately saved Cerdeiros
life. Had he remained on his feet instead of being knocked to the ground by the
bullet wound to the shoulder, he would surely have been caught in the hail of bullets
that accounted for the brothers, thus adding to the number of vctimas de lujo
which the conflict had produced.
In Las seales, the role of Gregorio Bazn and his colleagues in the
salvation of Manuel Cerdeiro is, at best, ambiguous. What is not in doubt is the
effectiveness of Prez Zelaschis efforts to produce a highly original Argentine
detective story, one that incorporates narrative techniques from diverse modes of the
crime genre, and which, crucially, represents a significant departure from the
classical model which had hitherto enjoyed a virtual hegemony among educated
readers in Argentina. That said, it should also be recognised that this groundbreaking
story came to the attention of the reading public as a direct result of its success in the
1961 Vea y Lea detective story competition, owing to the persuasive powers of
Borges and Bioy Casares, who, as noted earlier, had overcome the initial objections
of the more classically-minded third juror, Manuel Peyrou, in awarding Las seales
the competitions top prize. This endorsement by the genres two most persistent
advocates of the period effectively guaranteed its publication and dissemination.
Ibid, p. 136.
volumen de cuatrocientas pginas en octavo, The Gangs of New York (1928),401 the
same volume which formed the basis of Martin Scorseses 2002 cinematic
adaptation of the same name (minus the definite article). In spite of his preference
for the more poetic elegance of the violence of the Argentine underworld expressed
in the opening paragraph, Borges is keen to convey to the reader the gratuitously
violent details of Eastmans exploits:
Por cada pendenciero que serenaba, haca con el cuchillo una marca en el
brutal garrote. Cierta noche, una calva resplandeciente que se inclinaba sobre
un bock de cerveza le llam la atencin, y la desmay de un mazazo. Me
faltaba una marca para cincuenta!, exclam despus.402
The same volume features Hombre de la esquina rosada, Borges first genuine
foray into the short story form, and the only original story in the collection,403
which, though it might be considered a typically Argentine tale of compadritos,
milongas and knife duels, is also a detective story in the murder mystery tradition,
centred upon the identity of the killer of Francisco Real, which is only confirmed to
the reader in the final paragraph when the narrator tacitly confesses his guilt in the
matter to his interlocutor, identified as Borges himself:
Yo me fui tranquilo a mi rancho, que estaba a unas tres cuadras. Arda en la
ventana una lucecita, que se apag en seguida. De juro que me apur a llegar,
cuando me di cuenta. Entonces, Borges, volv a sacar el cuchillo corto y
filoso que yo saba cargar aqu, en el chaleco, junto al sobaco izquierdo, y le
pegu otra revisada despacio, y estaba como nuevo, inocente, y no quedaba
ni un rastrito de sangre.404
Herbert Asbury, The Gangs of New York: An Informal History of the Underworld (New York:
A.A. Knopf, 1928). The 2002 edition of the book issued to coincide with the release of Scorseses
film adaptation features a Foreword by Jorge Luis Borges, a slightly misleading denomination given
that it is essentially a fragment of El proveedor de inquietudes Monk Eastman from Historia
universal de la infamia.
Borges, Obras completas Vol. I, p. 369-70.
Each of the other stories in the original collection were fictionalised, liberally interpolated accounts
of the exploits of real-life criminals and malefactors, including El atroz redentor Lazarus Morell, La
viuda Ching, pirata, and El asesino desinteresado Bill Harrigan, an elliptical account of the life and
death of Billy The Kid.
Borges, Obras completas Vol. I, p. 396.
The story also shares with Asburys narrative, and indeed the products of the hardboiled detective tradition, an interest in the vivid, realist depictions of the speech,
mannerisms, criminal deeds and sexual exploits of tough, violent characters. As
Daniel Balderston suggests:
It is perhaps not unreasonable to see a trace of Asburys interest in the dialect
and the worldview of the gangsters in Hombre de la esquina rosada. []
Borges seeks to capture the speech of the compadrito, narrator and murderer,
as he recounts the day he became a man. Like Asbury, the narrator of that
story evokes a time now past and seeks to recapture the speech and the
worldview of a lost world.405
It seems apparent that while Borges recognised that social critique and that the realist
depiction of crime and violence had their place in literature, he appeared loathe to
admit the possibility that this place might be within an adulterated version of his
beloved detective story. Jorge Fernndez Vega acknowledges this contradiction:
es difcil que la valoracin positiva de las mejores manifestaciones
realistas de la literatura pudiera conseguir que Borges admitiera alteraciones
en el ideario esttico muy ortodoxo desde el que estimaba la especificidad del
gnero policial. Y la aceptacin literaria de la llamada novela negra hubiese
implicado un importante nmero de concesiones estticas. Es probable,
entonces, que Borges no hubiese transigido con la mezcla de brutalidad
realista y sentimentalismo (al que hubiera considerado pattico), la mucha
accin y la escasa actividad intelectual (por lo menos en trminos
ajedrecsticos) de las historias de los novelistas duros.406
It is this apparent conflict within Borges that lends additional significance to the
selection of the winning entry in the second Vea y Lea detective story competition.
The awarding of the top prize to Prez Zelaschis Las seales out of three hundred
entries is a clear indication of Borges willingness to reconsider the acceptable
parameters of the gnero policial in the Argentine context, and to lend his
imprimatur to a story that might be said to anticipate the most noteworthy tendency
Daniel Balderston, Borges and The Gangs of New York in Variaciones Borges 16 (2003), p. 31.
Fernndez Vega, Una campaa esttica: Borges y la narrativa policial, p. 55.
within the genres Argentine evolution in the decades that followed, namely, the
reivindicacin of the hard-boiled style.
The three Vea y Lea-sponsored Concursos de Cuentos Policiales (1950, 1961
and 1964) proved enormously successful in promoting the genre among Argentine
writers and the reading public. These competitions provided a challenge and a
financial incentive for native practitioners of the genre to write detective stories,
offered a guaranteed publication outlet for the prize-winning entrants, and the
possibility of remunerated publication for a significant number of writers whose
stories did not finish among the prizes, but which would later be selected for
inclusion in the fortnightly magazine. As such, this series of competitions serve to
bookend a transitional period which proved to be the most fecund and successful in
the genres Argentine history in commercial terms, augmented by the concurrent
popularity of the magazine Leopln, the aforementioned collections Rastros and
Pistas, as well as later entrants into the market such as Cobalto, Nueva Pandora,
Deborah, and Club de Misterio.
mayor difusin.408 The authors whose works enjoy widespread dissemination and
acclaim during this period include those examined in this section, such as Walsh,
Prez Zelaschi and Ayala Gauna, as well as Ferrari Amores, Marco Denevi,
Norberto Firpo, Syria Poletti and many others. As previously suggested, the success
enjoyed by Prez Zelaschis Las seales in the 1961 Vea y Lea competition is
indicative of the level of generic experimentation and innovation that occurred
during a transitional period in which Argentine writers no longer felt bound by the
formulae associated with the classical writers of the so-called Golden Age. It also
foreshadows to a significant extent the next significant strand in the evolution of the
genre in Argentine, described by Lafforgue and Rivera as la revancha de los
This chapter has focused on the key critical, literary and publishing milestones that
punctuated the period between 1949 and 1964. It has demonstrated the importance of
Vea y Lea and its eponymous crime fiction competitions in encouraging native
production among writers, and demonstrated how the selection of winning entries
was indicative of the innovations and cross-fertilisations that occurred within the
genre during this period. It has also focused particular attention on the work of
Rodolfo Walsh as a vital counterpoint to the previous aesthetic campaign of Borges,
and has also considered the viability of the figure of the detective in the Argentine
context during a transitional period that preceded the surge in popularity of the hardboiled style from the mid-sixties onwards.
Fvre, p. 25.
Asesinos de papel, p. 22.
1967, while Mara Anglica Bosco, one of the few Argentine writers to feature in El
Sptimo Crculo (La muerte baja en el ascensor, No. 123, 1955) also published
within the genre consistently throughout the 1960s and 70s, including the novels
Dnde est el cordero? (1965), La negra Vlez y su ngel (1969), En la estela de
un secuestro (1977) and Muerte en la costa del ro (1979). However, perhaps the
most noteworthy flag-bearer of the tradition of the intellectual, ratiocinative
detective story throughout this period was Enrique Anderson Imbert. Simpson
acknowledges this perseverance during a period in which the hard-boiled novel was
enjoying a tremendous vogue:
The literary or erudite novela de enigma established in the forties does
persist in the following decades. Anderson Imberts detective stories in such
collections as El gato de Cheshire [The Cheshire Cat] (1965), La sanda y
otros cuentos [The watermelon and other stories] (1969), and, in the next
decade, La locura juega al ajedrez [Madness plays a game of chess] (1971)
and La botella de Klein [Kleins bottle] (1975) belong to the Borges and Bioy
Casares tradition.410
While it is true to say that in a broad sense Anderson Imberts stories from this era
correspond to the denomination offered by Simpson, it is perhaps more accurate to
state that stories such as El crimen del desvn, El general hace un lindo cadver,
La bala cansada (El grimorio, 1961) and Al rompecabezas le falta una pieza (La
botella de Klein, 1975) each reflects and elaborates upon the tradition associated
with Borges and Bioy Casares in thought-provoking ways, as well as signalling the
future direction of the Argentine crime fiction tradition. Anderson Imbert is
noteworthy both for his own production in the genre as well as his interventions in
the critical realm. Frequently in breach of the doctrines of Borges, his detective
fiction is at times overtly political in its opposition to Peronism and corrupt,
authoritarian rule, as in the case of El general hace un lindo cadver (1961) in
particular. On other occasions the resolution of the enigma posed by the detective
Simpson, p. 52.
story passes from the artificiality of the classical variant into the realm of the
supernatural. El crimen del desvn, for example, involves the deliberate inversion
of Chestertons technique, so admired by Borges, of suggesting a supernatural
explanation for a crime only to replace it with one from this world. As a professor at
the University of Michigan, Anderson Imbert supervised Donald Yates doctoral
dissertation, The Argentine Detective Story (1960). A prominent literary historian
and critic, he taught at Michigan State University between 1947 and 1965, before
becoming Harvard Universitys first Victor S. Thomas Professor of Hispanic
Literature, a position he held until his retirement in 1980.411 He published more than
20 critical volumes, including Historia de la literatura argentina, first published in
1954 and reprinted in numerous editions since,412 and Teora y tcnica del cuento
(1979).413 Anderson Imbert took a keen professional interest in the work of Borges,
including his engagement with the detective genre. In Chesterton en Borges, 414 for
example, as the title suggests, he provides a detailed account of the references to
Chesterton in the work of Borges. Through his supervision of Donald Yates
doctoral dissertation he is intimately involved in the first full-length scholarly
examination of the genres evolution in Argentina. In turn, the work of Yates as a
critic and anthologist in the genre is also of significance, and his publications include
El cuento policial latinoamericano (Mexico: Andrea, 1964), Latin Blood: The Best
Crime and Detective Stories of South America (New York: Herder and Herder,
1972). Also noteworthy in this context is Yates contribution to Labyrinths: Selected
Stories and other Writings of Jorge Luis Borges, edited and translated in
collaboration with James E. Irby (New York: New Directions, 1962), the first
appearance of the writing of Borges in English, which greatly advanced his
popularity outside of Argentina.
Though it is evident that both Anderson Imbert and Yates took a keen,
admiring interest in the work Borges, it seems that this esteem may have been
distinctly one-sided, to judge by some of the comments of the latter in a number of
private exchanges with Adolfo Bioy Casares. In June of 1967, for example, Borges
makes no attempt to hide his contempt for Anderson Imberts renowned study,
Historia de la literatura argentina, which he dismisses as a worthless catalogue,
before declaring, Anderson Imbert es un idiota []. Escribe libros estpidos. Imita
a todo el mundo y no mejora a nadie.415 His distaste for his fellow countryman
extends to a desire to avoid his company, as reported by Bioy, Yates le comunic:
Sabe quin est en Buenos Aires? Anderson Imbert!. Borges le respondi:
Como en Buenos Aires hay varios millones de personas, nos queda la esperanza de
no encontrarlo.416 In 1972, following an animated discussion with Anderson
Imbert about the importance (or otherwise) of Amrico Castros El pensamiento de
Cervantes, Borges is once again roundly dismissive of the others critical faculties,
Una persona que titula un libro La peculiaridad lingstica rioplatense y su sentido
histrico queda incapacitada para hablar de literatura, y para emitir cualquier juicio
esttico.417 Despite his crucial contribution to the dissemination of the work of
Borges in the English-speaking world, Donald Yates also attracts his fair share of
derision from Biorges:
Mircoles, 19 de junio [1968]. Comen en casa Borges, Donal Yates y su
mujer []. En cuanto a Yates, nos abruma con la fatigosa exposicin de
innumerables soluciones a los planteos de novelas policiales. Comentar
Bioy Casares, Adolfo, Borges, ed. Daniel Martino, (Buenos Aires: Destino, 2006), pp. 1185-6.
Ibid, p. 1194.
Ibid, p. 1450.
Ibid, p. 1212-3.
Ibid, p. 1215. Bioys comment displays both a meanness of spirit in relation to Yates and a
modicum of convenient amnesia. Borges had consented to the submission of El jardin de senderos
que se bifurcan (translated by Anthony Boucher) for publication in Ellery Queens Mystery
Magazine in 1948. A translation of La muerte y la brjula was also offered to the magazine, but was
rejected. If Yates was forzando la terminologa in referring to Borges story as a policial, then it is
clear that by seeking publication in an American magazine entirely devoted to detective fiction,
Borges himself was more than willing to do the same. See Irwin, The Mystery to a Solution, p. 37.
Enrique Anderson Imbert, La bala cansada, in Los duendes deterministas y otros cuentos (New
Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1965), p. 164. Subsequent references to this story will be included in the body
of the text, in parentheses.
and 1946.421 The possibility that Greb is at least partially a fictionalised rendering of
Borges is reinforced by the physical description provided by the narrator:
Sobre huesitos de flaco se haba ido formando ese gordo. Cuarentn blando y
fofo que ni siquiera poda dar la mano porque le fallaban los msculos del
apretn. Carnes muy blancas, de beb, de mujer, de eunuco. Apenas si un
reflejo azulado, en el mentn, prometa la posibilidad de una barba. Ojos de
sonso. Perdan el foco y bizqueaban. (165)
Estela Cantos visual impression of Borges upon meeting him for the first time in
1944, when he was indeed a cuarentn, was as follows:
Cuando Adolfito nos present, me tendi la mano con aire desatento e
inmediatamente dirigi sus grandes ojos celestes en otra direccin []
Borges era regordete, ms bien alto y erguido, con una cara plida y carnosa,
pies notablemente chicos y una mano que, al ser estrechada, pareca sin
huesos, floja, como molesta por tener que soportar el inevitable contacto. 422
The two descriptions coincide to an extent that is almost uncanny. In a similar vein,
the narrator alerts the reader to the fact that Greb is a passionate reader and
occasional writer of crime fiction, with a strong preference for the detective story in
the classical mode:
leyendo a Chesterton, Dorothy Sayers o John Dickson Carr. Pensaba con
Auguste Dupin, Sherlock Holmes, Peter Wimsey, o Isidro Parodi, como otros
piensan con Platn, Spinoza, Leibniz, Einstein, Bertrand Russell o Carnap
[] En las novelas de detectives admiraba su trama intelectual. Eran
sistemas en los que se haba suprimido la arbitrariedad. Cada novela, un orbe
cerrado, desligado del mundo. (166)
Significantly, the only Argentine fictional detective mentioned in the above passage
is in fact Borges and Bioys famous creation, Isidro Parodi, a circumstance which
lends weight to the idea that the story is engaged in an implicit dialogue with the
Borgesian conceptualisation of the policial. Greb is enthused by the overtly fictional,
strictly artificial character of the genre engendered by Poe, expressing a view of
literary realism that would surely have resonated with Borges:
At this point in the narrative the reader has been offered a substantial insight into the
interior world of a librarian and writer who appears to dwell among books,
inhabiting the pages of detective fiction, engaged only with abstract, purely
intellectual problems, effectively insulated from Argentine quotidian realities.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the librarys large window, the messy, unpredictable
and potentially violent exterior world is about to play host to a student
Se ha disparado el resorte. Jvenes salen de todas partes. Se juntan. Avanzan
hacia la estatua y empiezan a gritar: Libertad, libertad, libertad!
Inundacin humana. Todas las bocas son una boca, abierta, honda y rugiente.
Todas las cabezas son una ondulacin continua. Todos los brazos son
espumas del mismo oleaje. (169).
The manifestacin relmpago roars into life, turning the square into a sea of vocal,
vibrant political militancy, which reverberates even within the library itself, where a
number of young patrons slam their books shut and take up the cry of libertad! as
they rush out to join the protesters, to the evident consternation of an indignant Jorge
Greb, Qu barbaridad! No se respetan ni las bibliotecas. Otra manifestacin
poltica. Hasta cundo! Qu pas! (169). Predictably, Greb opts to shield himself
from the exterior reality via his favoured method, Se retir con disgusto de la
ventana, fue a su escritorio, se sent y se puso a leer El caso del cadver en
triplicado (169). While the librarian applies his attention to a relato policial, outside
his window the Argentine police and Peronist supporters make their presence felt in
a violent effort to break up the student demonstration:
De pronto, un carro de policas por un lado. Un escuadrn a caballo por otro.
Hombres torvos, vestidos de civil, pero armados por la polica, rompen la
reunin. Pern, Pern, Pern! Alpargatas s, libros no! Golpes.
Desbande. Suenan unos tiros. Viva la libertad! Viva Pern! Los cosacos,
desde sus caballos, fustigan a los estudiantes. Otros policas los empujan, los
meten presos en los carros. Rostros con mscaras de sangre. (169-170)
For an account of the circumstances of this promotion, see Williamson, pp. 292-5.
Op. Cit.
detective fiction, and turning a blind eye to the violent world that exists beyond the
walls of the library. As such, La bala cansada humorously highlights the classical,
hygienic detective storys limited capacity to reflect the Argentine experience of
criminality and violence.
lpiz.430 As was the case with the Vea y Lea competitions, Editorial Malincas
miniature stimulus package for the hard-boiled variant was able to foreground the
work of those Argentine writers whose novels figured among the prize winners, as
well as providing a forum for their subsequent publication in the companys various
collections during a period of immense commercial success for these Argentine
equivalents of the pulp magazines:
posibilit la edicin de Los muchachos del lpiz, de Anselmo Leoz, El
criminal metafsico, de Victor Siz, y El crimen perfecto, de Julio Csar
Reyes, aparecidos en la Coleccin Cobalto (N 49 y 50) y Nueva Linterna
(N35), respectivamente.431
These colecciones de quiosco also proved a particularly fertile breeding ground for
what has been described by Lafforgue as:
Un conjunto pequeo y heterogneo en sus inicios, que se esconde en el
anonimato, que comienza a crecer y dar la cara en los 60 y cuyas pautas
escriturarias terminarn por desplazar a aquellas de los maestros ingleses,
hasta ser asumidas plenamente por las nuevas promociones de escritores.432
Among these figures, Lafforgue acknowledges in particular the prominent role of
Eduardo Goligorsky as an early pioneer in the rehabilitation of the modelo duro.
Goligorksy had begun his career in publishing in 1952 at the age of twenty-one, as
an English-to-Spanish translator of comic books such as Flash Gordon and Jungle
Jim for the Argentine market, before graduating to Rastros, where he served an
extensive apprenticeship in the genre through the translation of an eclectic variety of
Anglophone narratives drawn from across the spectrum of the crime genres
tradition. By the early 1960s he was himself writing crime fiction in the suspense
and hard-boiled modes under a variety of pseudonyms, including James Alistair,
Dave Target, Ralph Fletcher, Burt Floyd and many others, with several of these titles
Anselmo Leoz, Los muchachos del lpiz (Buenos Aires: Coleccin Cobalto, Editorial Malinca,
Asesinos de papel, p. 22.
Asesinos de papel, p. 110.
Asesinos de papel, p. 23.
intellectual environment. Prominent among these was Juan Jos Sebreli, whose
influential article Dashiell Hammett o la ambiguedad first appeared in El Litoral
(Santa Fe) on the 8th of March, 1959,435 while a further critical examination of
Hammetts work by the same author would feature in Dashiell Hammett, novelista
de una sociedad de competencia, published in Ficcin, N 50 (Buenos Aires) in
September of 1966. Just as the advocacy and participation of Borges and Bioy
Casares had been pivotal in convincing Emec to publish the ground-breaking
anthology Los mejores cuentos policiales in 1943, to be followed two years later by
the phenomenally successful Sptimo Crculo collection, the prestige of the hardboiled genre in Argentina would benefit from a similar form of enthusiastic
intellectual patronage, la va de entrada en el campo de la literatura aceptada como
tal se da a travs del reconocimiento de personas que cuentan con un importante
caval cultural e ideolgico.436 Chief among these was Ricardo Piglia, now Emeritus
Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures at Princeton
University, who, through his extensive readings of North American literature, came
to view the development of the American hard-boiled detective story as a natural
progression from the work of Ernest Hemingway, rather than as a product of the
denigration of the more genteel English model. In particular, he foregrounds the role
of Hemingways 1927 short story The Killers as a key literary precursor to the
work of Hammett, Chandler, McCoy and others:
En la historia del surgimiento y la definicin del gnero, el cuento de
Hemingway Los asesinos tiene la misma importancia que Los crmenes de la
rue Morgue, el cuento de Poe que funda las reglas del relato de enigma. En
esos dos matones profesionales que llegan a Chicago para asesinar a un ex
boxeador al que no conocen, en ese crimen por encargo que no se explica
ni se intenta descifrar estn ya las formas de la policial dura, en el mismo
The same article may be found in Juan Jos Sebreli, Escritos sobre escritos, ciudades bajo
ciudades (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1997), pp. 223-33.
Braceras et al., El cuento policial argentino, p. 44.
Ibid, p. 176.
Ibid, p. 177.
Maltese Falcon in 1930, and The Glass Key in 1931. Only a handful of short stories
and one novel, The Thin Man (1934), were published after Hammett began his
relationship with Lilian Hellman in 1931, the year which marked the beginning of
his interest in organised left-wing activism, and he only became formally affiliated
with the American Communist Party in 1937. Mandel makes the point particularly
Hammett worked for eight years as a Pinkerton agent, deployed against
strikers and left-wing organizations. From there he transferred to a private
detective agency without any involvement in the class struggle. He then
moved into writing for pulp magazines, and finally towards serious
detective novels. This evolution was a conscious one: Hammett felt bad
about having helped employers fight striking workers, and deliberately chose
to change his job []. He was subsequently to move further in the direction
of a left-wing literary milieu, becoming the companion of Communist author
Lilian Hellman. This did not mean that the novels he wrote after this turn in
his life explicitly opposed bourgeois values: they did nothing of the kind
[]. But they did stop treating those who oppose law, order, property or
decency, as self-evident criminals.441
Whatever the original political intent of the works of hard-boiled writers such as
Hammett, Chandler, Goodis or McCoy, it is clear that their critical interpretation in
Argentine intellectual circles was enthusiastically izquierdista. Piglia, for example,
highlights the difference in emphasis between the kind of political commitment
found in the work of the American hard-boiled writers and that displayed by
prominent European left-wing intellectuals of the same period, such as Jean Paul
Sartre or Georg Lukcs:
No era un simple reflejo de la sociedad, sino que traficaba con lo social, lo
converta en intriga y en red anecdtica. De modo que yo encontraba un
gnero muy popular que estaba elaborando cuestiones sociales de una manera
muy directa y muy abierta. se es un elemento que a m me marc
muchsimo en mi concepcin de la literatura y su funcin, digamos, y la
manera en que un texto puede trabajar problemas sociales y polticos.442
This generalised interpretation by Piglia of the many and various works that
constitute the hard-boiled oeuvre as a literatura de denuncia might perhaps be
considered in the light of Braceras observation that, in certain cases, son los
crticos literarios los que descubren esa denuncia en las pginas de algunos autores,
aunque stos quizs no la hayan considerado como un objetivo de sus novelas.443 At
the same, it is clear that as part of an aesthetic campaign to restore balance to the
critical consideration of the crime genre in Argentina, Piglia undoubtedly viewed the
works of the hard-boiled writers as suitable candidates for a policy of affirmative
action, as a means of countering the effects of a lengthy history of discrimination
and generic marginalisation that had occurred under the yoke of the classical
A key plank of the Piglian strategy of rehabilitation was to address the fact
that by the mid-1960s, no exista una coleccin de novela negra en lengua
espaola.444 By contrast, in 1965 Emecs classically oriented El Sptimo Crculo
series, by now under the direction of Carlos V. Fras, was already approaching its
two hundredth title. By his own admission, Piglia would spare no effort in making
the preparations necessary for the rehabilitation of the modelo duro in a prestigious
yo lea a la vez toda la historia del gnero y tambin lea las novelas que se
estaban publicando en ese momento, a fines de los 60 []. Yo me pas cerca
de dos o tres aos leyendo casi exclusivamente novelas policiales, tena la
casa llena de libros, me llegaban cajas y cajas, ediciones baratas, los Gold
Medal Books de los aos cincuenta, los paper de la Ace books. 445
This exhaustive process of selection and evaluation would come to fruition between
1969 and 1977, beginning with the publication of the anthology Cuentos policiales
It is interesting to note that, despite the predominance of American writers appearing in Piglias
collection, the most featured writer in the Serie Negra, with five titles, was in fact Jos Giovanni, a
French writer and film-maker of Corsican origin.
for Murder, translated by Estela Canto447) in 1977.448 Though the total number of
works appearing in Piglias collection for Tiempo Contemporneo is modest
compared to the monumental Sptimo Crculo series (which in 1983 reached a grand
total of 366 titles with the publication of Donald Hamiltons Los intimidadores [The
Intimidators]), the Serie Negra must be regarded as a key element in the reappraisal
of the hard-boiled genre in the Argentine context. The similitude with the upward
trajectory of the classical model three decades previously is preserved, in the sense
that the elevation in status of the hard-boiled model was primarily achieved through
the dissemination, through intellectually prestigious channels, of translated foreign
works of detective fiction, to be followed shortly afterwards by a proliferation of
titles by Argentine writers. According to Braceras et al., Piglias collection was
probably el mayor impulso que recibi la novela dura para su total aceptacin ms
all del circuito de los quioscos.449 As was the case with the Sur groups aesthetic
campaign on behalf of the classical model, it is difficult to know with certainty how
Estela Canto was already highly a experienced translator, particularly in the realm of detective
fiction, having translated at least five titles for the Sptimo Crculo series between 1946 and 1976,
including Richard Hulls My Own Murderer (1940) as Mi propio asesino (No. 10, 1945), John
Dickson Carrs The Waxworks Murder (1932) as El crimen de las figuras de cera (No. 18, 1946) and
Clifford Wittings Measure for Murder (1941) as Medida para la muerte (No. 75, 1951). Canto, a
distinguished journalist and writer well known for her strong Communist views, acquired a certain
fame on account of her amorous relationship with Borges, who developed an infatuation with her
following their introduction at a party hosted by Bioy Casares and Silvina Ocampo in 1944. As
detailed in her memoir, Borges a contraluz (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1989), their initial meeting did not
exactly occasion a frisson of physical excitement on the part of either. To judge by Edwin
Williamsons remarks, the pair made a somewhat unlikely match, She was, in fact, a woman of wide
sexual experience: she had had affairs with writers but preferred men of action, and when she met
Borges, she was involved with a British spy who constantly travelled all over Argentina and
Brazil. Williamson, p. 175. Despite their apparent incompatibility, by March of 1945 Borges
ardour was such that, following a dinner in the Hotel Las Delicias in Adrogu (the inspiration for the
quinta Triste-le-Roy of La muerte y la brjula), he asked for Cantos hand in marriage. The event is
described by Williamson as follows, Sitting awkwardly astride the bench, he ventured in a trembling
voice, Estela, would you marry me? She was taken aback: the declaration sounded to her like
something out of a Victorian novel. For some reason it occurred to her to reply in English, the
language Borges used in moments of great emotional intensity: Id be happy to, Georgie. But dont
forget that Im a disciple of Bernard Shaw. We cannot get married without first going to bed with
each other. Her reply elicited a poignant reaction Borges took her at her word, and after that night
he was to regard Estela as his fiance. Williamson, p. 282.
For a complete list of the titles appearing in Tiempo Contemporneos Serie negra, see [Accessed on the
2nd of July 2009]
Braceras et al., El cuento policial argentino, p. 44.
the modelo duro might have fared in the Argentine context had it not been for the
interventions of figures such as Sebreli, Goligorsky and Piglia. However, the speed
with which the previously maligned poor relation of the genre managed to supplant
its more illustrious relative would indicate that the efforts of this group provided an
important shot in the arm for the hard-boiled variant at a vital time. By the mid1970s, the revolution had largely achieved its objectives, as reported by Lafforgue:
Tanto desde la ensaystica como desde la narrativa se volver frecuente por
entonces la reivindicacin de los modelos duros norteamericanos. Del
pasatiempo a la crnica, del juego inteligente a la denuncia comprometida, el
pasaje est datado: los aos 60. La Serie Negra dirigida por Ricardo Piglia
para Tiempo Contemporneo hacia fines de esa dcada, se erige en el
smbolo de un triunfo, el de los Chandler, McCoy, Giovanni & Co. Triunfo
corroborado, en el plano de la produccin local, por una serie de novelas que
irrumpen entre 1973 y 1976: Triste, solitario y final, de Osvaldo Soriano; Los
tigres de la memoria, de Juan Carlos Martelli; Un revlver para Mack, de
Pablo Urbanyi, El agua en los pulmones y Los asesinos las prefieren rubias,
ambas de Juan Carlos Martini; Ni un dlar partido por la mitad, de Sergio
Sinay; Noches sin lunas ni soles, de Rubn Tizziani; Su turno para morir, de
Alberto Laiseca, y La mala guita, de Pablo Leonardo (Moledo).450
Of the titles listed above, there is no trace of the hygienic, ratiocinative puzzle
mystery in the tradition of Chesterton or Agatha Christie. The title of Martinis El
agua en los pulmones (1973) is indicative of the forensic examination to which the
grim details of fictional crime would be subject during this period in the Argentine
context. Water on the lungs alludes to the inspection typically performed by a
pathologist in an effort to establish whether or not a cadaver was alive when it first
became submerged in water, as documented in Chandlers The Big Sleep. Los
asesinos las prefieren rubias (1974) is a dark play upon the title of Howard Hawks
1953 film, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Appropriately, the novel, set in Southern
California, involves the murder of Marilyn Monroe by El General, one of the
leaders of an oppressive Argentine military regime. Osvaldo Soriano borrows the
Asesinos de papel, p. 111. Also of note during this period was the publication of Manuel Puigs
The Buenos Aires Affair (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1973).
title of his 1973 novel Triste, solitario y final from the last page of Chandlers 1953
novel The Long Goodbye, in which Philip Marlowe counts the human cost, whatever
the financial reward, of his stubborn devotion to his friend Terry Lennox:
You bought a lot of me, Terry. For a smile and a nod and a wave of the hand
and a few quiet drinks in a quiet bar here and there. It was nice while it
lasted. So long amigo. I wont say good-bye. I said it to you when it meant
something. I said it when it was sad and lonely and final.451
The novel is preceded by a dedication to the memory of Raymond Chandler, Stan
Laurel and Oliver Hardy, and features as its main protagonists an ageing Philip
Marlowe and an Argentine journalist, Osvaldo Soriano, who, having met at the grave
of the recently deceased Stan Laurel, decide to join forces to investigate the tragic
circumstances of his life and death. Sorianos novel is clearly an affectionate homage
to, and a pastiche of, the detective fiction of Chandler, making numerous overt
references to passages from his work.452 The narrative also frequently alludes to
other prominent writers of the hard-boiled school, particularly Dashiell Hammett and
Ross Macdonald. Before he dies, Laurel attempts to contract Marlowe to investigate
a mystery afflicting his professional life:
Chandler, The Big Sleep and other novels [Farewell, My Lovely, The Long Good-bye] (London:
Penguin, 2000), pp. 658-659.
In The Little Sister, for example, Marlowe is visited at his office by Orfamay Quest, a deceptively
prim young doctors secretary from Manhattan, Kansas, anxious to locate her brother Orrin, who has
gone missing while working in California. Marlowe wonders aloud how Quest had arrived at his door,
You dont look like the type that goes to see private detectives, and especially private detectives you
dont know. Quest replies, I just picked your name out of the phone book. The Little Sister, p. 6. A
very similar exchange is recreated in Sorianos novel, during the initial meeting between Stan Laurel
and Marlowe, Cmo supo mi nmero? pregunt el detective, mientras con un gesto invitaba a
Stan a sentarse. En verdad, seor Marlowe, lo tom al azar de la gua. Osvaldo Soriano, Triste,
solitario y final (Buenos Aires: Booket, 1974, 3rd edn.), p. 15. Also in The Little Sister, Orfamay
Quest is anxious to know the cost involved in securing the services of Marlowe, Forty bucks a day
and expenses. Unless its the kind of job that can be done for a flat fee. Thats far too much, the
little voice said. Why, it might cost hundreds of dollars and I only get a small salary and. The
Little Sister, p. 2. The subject of fees is also discussed between Marlowe and Laurel during their first
encounter, No puedo pagar una agencia. No tengo mucho dinero. Cunto me dijo que cobraba por
su trabajo? Cuarenta dlares diarios y los gastos. Est dentro de mis posibilidades, siempre que
los gastos no sean muchos. Triste, solitario y final, pp. 15-16. Such close allusions to Chandlers
texts recur throughout Sorianos novel.
conventional sense. At one stage in the story, Soriano and Marlowe find themselves
involved in a bloody brawl with some of Hollywoods most famous actors during the
Academy Awards ceremony, a scene which most of the illustrious audience initially
assume is an elaborate feature of the show:
Chaplin haba abierto la boca como si esos desastres le fueran ajenos y
absurdos. Charles Bronson salt al escenario y tir su izquierda que se perdi
en el aire. El hombre alto de traje rado le peg un derechazo en el hgado y
Bronson cay sobre la primera fila de plateas. En un instante, Dean Martin y
James Stewart estuvieron frente al pegador. Martin lanz un gancho y
Stewart un uppercut.456
At this chaotic point in the narrative in particular, the lines separating fiction from
reality are decidedly blurred for all concerned. At the same time, it is not difficult to
perceive a definite social critique in the midst of a narrative that frequently borders
on the comical and the outright surreal. As Simpson points out:
Slapstick episodes such as one in which Marlowe and Soriano start a fistfight
on stage at the Academy Awards ceremony alternate with a series of
melancholy reflections on the failure of the American dream and, by
implication, on the falseness of Argentinas images of success inspired by the
heroes of Hollywood.457
This tendency on the part of Soriano to intersperse a self-reflexive, humorous
narrative style that consciously plays upon the conventions of the genre with more
sober and insightful reflections upon societal ills is also evident in other Argentine
hard-boiled narratives of this period, such as Pablo Leonardos La mala guita
(1976), which will be considered later in this study.
crime genre in Argentina. Nowhere is this idea more in evidence than in the
proceedings of the Primer Certamen Latinoamericano de Cuentos Policiales (1975)
organised by Editorial Abrils weekly magazine Siete Das Ilustrados in conjunction
with Air France. The competition, though open to writers from across the continent,
reflects the continued Argentine enthusiasm for crime writing at this juncture. The
editor of Siete Das Ilustrados and co-organiser of the competition was Norberto
Firpo, a frequent contributor of detective stories to Vea y Lea magazine during its
halcyon days of the 1960s. Firpos own production has included classically
orientated stories such as Tiempo de puales (1964)460 as well as others that belong
squarely within the hard-boiled category, such as the sublime Zorro Viejo
(1993).461 The other co-organiser and coordinator of the certamen was Jorge
Lafforgue, professor of philosophy, literary critic, editor, journalist, anthologist and
indefatigable crime fiction enthusiast. The judging panel consisted of two
Argentines, veteran detective story competition juror Jorge Luis Borges and Marco
Denevi, author of Rosaura a las diez (1955), along with the Paraguayan writer
Augusto Roa Bastos. The competition, announced in May of 1975, offered
substantial rewards (two return flights from Buenos Aires to Paris and a ten-night
stay in France for each of the five prize-winning authors) and attracted significant
interest from across the continent. Whereas the first Vea y Lea/ Emec detective
story competition had attracted over 180 entries, on this occasion the judging panel
examined 945 texts over a period of three months, finally announcing their decision
Included in the anthology of the same name, Tiempo de puales (Buenos Aires: Seijas y
Goyanarte, 1964) co-edited by Firpo and Horacio Martnez, and featuring two stories by each of the
following writers: Rodolfo Walsh, Adolfo Prez Zelaschi, Ana ONeill, Horacio Martnez and Firpo
First included in the electronic anthology edited by Germn Cceres, Thrillers al sur (Buenos
Aires: Axxn, 1993), a 5 inch diskette featuring stories from across the genre by eleven Argentine
authors including Cceres, Firpo, Juan Sasturain, Adolfo L. Prez Zelaschi, Ricardo Piglia and
Vicente Battista.
For further details of the 1975 competition, see Asesinos de papel, pp. 37-8.
Borges, in Asesinos de Papel, p. 43. Borges had a somewhat generous view of what constituted
contemporary authors, given that Zangwill had died in 1926, while Phillpotts met his end in 1960.
He draws a contrast between the literary precision of Collins and what he considers
the pile em high and sell em cheap approach of the norteamericanos:
Todo lo que Wilkie Collins va presentando es valioso; no sobra ni una coma.
En cambio, en el caso de los escritores norteamericanos de la novela negra
uno llega a la conclusin de que el autor se propuso escribir quinientas
pginas; por eso, cuando el lector llega a la ltima, lanza un gran suspiro de
alivio []. He ledo varios autores recientes, y no recuerdo nada grande. Ni
Chase, ni Ross Macdonald otros dioses del nuevo Olimpo me convencen
[]. En el fondo son novelas canallas, sin la nobleza que ostenta la escuela
inglesa. 467
Despite the fact that his two co-jurors appear to have the long knives out for the
modelo negro, Augusto Roa Bastos adopts a far more measured, conciliatory
approach to the question, and in doing so provides an excellent description of the
attractions of the two major generic variants, which he views as complementary:
No tengo preferencias a priori por uno u otro campo: el tradicional de la
novela con enigma y el ms reciente de la novela dura o negra. Yo creo que
la narrativa policial va estableciendo sus estructuras de compensacin: a la
novela-problema, que exige el ejercicio de la imaginacin inductivodeductiva, se le opone el relato hard-boiled, que implica una decidida toma
de conciencia de los vicios y las aberraciones de la sociedad. O sea que a la
Unbowed by the scathing comments of the illustrious co-jurors seated opposite him,
he asserts the literary merits of three of the writers so recently maligned, En cuanto
a la corriente dura quiero sealar la relevancia de tres escritores: el iniciador,
Dashiell Hammett; el creador de Philip Marlowe, Raymond Chandler, y el talentoso
aunque desparejo James Hadley Chase.469 In the same discussion, Roa Bastos also
expressed his admiration for the work of Walsh and Prez Zelaschi, two of the
Argentine writers most associated with innovation and experimentation within the
Considering the obvious variance of tastes expressed by the adjudicating
panel and the apparent numerical bias in favour of the detective story in its classical
form, it is surprising to learn that out of close to a thousand entries, this particular
jury should choose to award prizes to Eduardo Goligorskys Orden jerrquico and
Ricardo Piglias La loca y el relato de crimen, both of which have come to be seen
as era-defining texts in the Argentine hard-boiled tradition, and included in a number
of critical anthologies.470 It is difficult to imagine a scenario in which the preferences
of Roa Bastos would have prevailed above the explicit objections of Borges and
Denevi, and it is equally improbable that Piglia and Goligorskys texts might have
survived the judging process by stealth, the two classically-oriented jurors somehow
failing to recognise the hard-boiled credentials of the stories under consideration.
Ricardo Piglia, La loca y el relato del crimen, in Jorge Lafforgue, ed., Cuentos policiales
argentinos (Buenos Aires: Alfaguara, 1997), p. 285.
Lafforgue, Cuentos policiales argentinos, p. 288.
If La loca were a representative of the classical puzzle mystery tradition, the story
might end at this point, or perhaps with the release of the innocent Atnez and the
arrest of el gordo Almada. However, this hygienic instance of analysis and
deduction is threatened on all sides by narrative elements more familiar to readers of
the hard-boiled tradition: sex, violence, cynicism, corruption and injustice. The
violent misogyny of Almada is evident in the following highly evocative passage:
Con el desaliento regresaba el recuerdo de Larry: el cuerpo distante de la
mujer, blando sobre la banqueta de cuero, las rodillas abiertas, el pelo rojo
contra las lmparas celestes del New Deal. Verla de lejos, a pleno da, la piel
gastada, las ojeras, vacilando contra la luz malva que bajaba del cielo: altiva,
borracha, indiferente, como si l fuera una planta o un bicho. Poder
humillarla una vez, pens. Quebrarla en dos para hacerla gemir y
Almada is not held on suspicion of Larrys murder, a se lo protegen de arriba,474
while the luckless Atnez will serve as a convenient patsy, allowing the police to
secure a conviction and close the case. Renzi discovers, to his utter frustration, that
his editor is unwilling to make use of the vital evidence produced by the linguistic
analysis of Echevarnes speech to secure the release of a man wrongly accused:
Ome, el tipo ese est cocinado, no tiene abogados, es un cafishio, la mat
porque a la larga siempre terminan as las locas esas. Me parece fenmeno el
jueguito de palabras, pero paramos ac. Hac una nota de cincuenta lneas
contando que a la mina la mataron a pualadas y que
Escuche, seor Luna lo cort Renzi. Ese tipo se va a pasar lo que le
queda de vida metido en cana.
Ya s. Pero yo hace treinta aos que estoy metido en este negocio y s una
cosa: no hay que buscarse problemas con la polica. Si ellos te dicen que lo
mat la Virgen Mara, vos escribs que lo mat la Virgen Mara.475
When Renzi proposes bringing his evidence to the attention of the judge in the case,
the editor warns him about the potential consequences for his career, and for his
personal wellbeing, of getting mixed up in the affair, and concludes the conversation
by threatening to dismiss him if he chooses to persist with his campaign for justice.
At first, Renzi intends to go ahead with his plan, and prepares to write his letter of
resignation. Instead, seated at his typewriter, he begins to type a descriptive
narrative, which is a repetition of the opening paragraph of the story:
Gordo, difuso, melanclico, el traje de filafil verde nilo flotndole en el
cuerpo empez a escribir Renzi, Almada sali ensayando un aire de
secreto euforia para tratar de borrar su abatimiento.476
Ultimately, reason and intellect are subjugated to power, and the idealism of the
young reporter-turned-investigator appears to yield to the cynical pragmatism of his
editor. It appears that the only outlet available to Renzi at the end of the narrative is
to provide a fictionalised account of the incident, perhaps bearing the title La loca y
el relato del crimen, in the hope that the resulting story will at least inform the
conscience of the reading public. Piglias narrative turns back upon itself in a
symbolic representation of the maelstrom of violence, institutional corruption and
malfeasance that encircles Renzis ingenuous desire for truth and justice. The use of
this narrative device would surely have struck a chord with Borges, who had
explored the implications of this and other similar textual phenomena in his essay,
Magias parciales del Quijote, included in Otras inquisiciones (1952).477 In
relation to night 602 of Las mil y una noches he observes:
En esa noche, el rey oye de boca de la reina su propia historia. Oye el
principio de la historia, que abarca a todas las dems, y tambin de
monstruo modo, a s misma. Intuye claramente el lector la vasta
posibilidad de esa interpolacin, el curioso peligro? Que la reina persista y el
inmvil rey oir para siempre la trunca historia de Las mil y una noches,
ahora infinita y circular.478
Borges speculates about the effect upon the reader of this sensation of circularity and
infinite regress, Por qu nos inquieta que el mapa est incluido en el mapa y las mil
y una noches en el libro de Las mil y una noches? Por qu no inquieta que don
Borges, Magias parciales del Quijote, in Obras completas Vol. II, pp. 54-57.
Borges, Obras completas Vol. II, p. 56.
This conciliatory impulse on the part of Piglia in relation to the disparate tendencies
within the crime fiction tradition is also exhibited in his critical writings, particularly
so in the case of his excellent 2005 essay Lectores imaginarios, in which he asserts
that in both the classical and the hard-boiled narrative traditions (exemplified by Poe
and Chandler), the figure of the fictional detective-as-reader serves to mediate the
tension between high-brow and mass reading cultures, De hecho, podramos decir
que el gnero fue inventado como un modo de mediar entre la alta cultura y la
cultura de masas.485 He recognises that in the hard-boiled tradition that reached a
peak of popularity in Argentina in the mid-seventies, el hombre de accin parece
haber borrado por completo la figura del lector, but he maintains that esa figura
persiste, particularly so in relation to Chandlers detective, De manera secreta, el
hombre de letras que surge con Dupin reaparece en Marlowe y sa es la linea oculta
del gnero.486 This critical insight is particularly pertinent in relation to Pigias 1975
prize-winning story, which serves to foreground this same linea oculta in the
Argentine generic context.
Ibid, p. 101.
Asesinos de papel, pp. 42-3.
Eduardo Goligorsky, rden jerrquico, in Cuentos con detectives y comisarios, ed. by Elena
Braceras and Cristina Leytour (Buenos Aires: Colihue, 2004). Subsequent page references to the story
will be included within the text in parentheses.
As the pursuit of el Cholo progresses, the reader continues to gain an insight into the
inner thoughts of the assassin. It becomes clear that Abscal is acting on orders from
above, in the shape of el Doctor, whose title indicates his superior rank within the
chain of command:
Lstima que el Doctor, tan exigente con l, hubiera cometido el error garrafal
de contratar, en ausencia de los autnticos profesionales, a un rata como el
Cholo. Ahora, como de costumbre, l tena que jugarse el pellejo para
sacarles las castaas del fuego a los dems. Aunque eso tambin iba a
cambiar, algn da. l apuntaba alto, muy alto, en la organizacin (69).
It becomes increasingly evident that Abscal is very much concerned with his social
standing within this community of killers, and as a proud practitioner of his craft, his
obsession extends to the assassins choice of weapon as an indicator of status. As
might be expected, he is disdainful of the instrument favoured by el Cholo:
Un pual de fabricacin casera, cuya hoja se haba encogido tras infinitos
contactos con la piedra de afilar. Dos suchos apretaban el mango de madera,
incipientemente resquebrajado y pulido por el manipuleo. Por supuesto, el
Cholo haba usado ese cuchillo en el ltimo trabajo, dejando un sello
peculiar, inconfundible. Otra razn para romper all, en el eslabn ms dbil,
la cadena que trepaba hasta cpulas innombrables (70).
At this stage in his career, Abscal himself favours a Luger pistol, purchased in a
bazaar in Tangiers, which he considers to be a suitably efficient and aristocratic
choice of weapon for a professional of his standing:
Cuando la desarmaba, y cuando la aceitaba, prolijamente, pieza por pieza, se
complaca en fantasear sobre la personalidad de sus anteriores propietarios.
Un gallardo junker prusiano, que haba preferido dispararse un tiro en la
sien antes de admitir la derrota en un suburbio de Leningrado? O un
his would-be assassin, Isnt that just like a wop? Brings a knife to a gunfight.489 El
Cholo does not get the chance to use his homemade weapon, Abscal termin de
desenfundar la Luger. Dispar desde una distancia segura, una sola vez, y la bala
perfor un orificio de bordes ntidos en la frente del Cholo (71). His mission
completed, Abscal procedes to the airport, where he boards a flight bound for
Caracas, Lejos del cadver del Cholo y de las suspicacias que su eliminacin podra
generar en algunos crculos (69).
At this juncture the narrative perspective shifts to a far more elegant
environment, the luxury office of a downtown Buenos Aires skyscraper occupied by
Abscals superior, el Doctor. It is once again indicated to the reader that the
hierarchical order may be plotted on the vertical scale in a geographical, as well as in
a social, sense. Whereas el Cholo favours underground basement bars and their loud,
gaudy, carnal attractions, el Doctor contemplates the city from a tower constructed
from more durable materials than ivory, Por el ventanal panormico se divisaba un
horizonte de hormign y, ms lejos, donde las moles dejaban algunos resquicios,
asomaban las parcelas leonadas del Ro de la Plata (71). He is able to administer his
affairs in an atmosphere of serenity, insulated from all sources of distraction, bar the
faint sound generated by the typewriters of the outer office, El tableteo de las
mquinas de escribir llegaba vagamente a la oficina, venciendo la barrera de
aislacin acstica (71). This projection of corporate success is complemented by the
framed photo that adorns his desk, de una mujer rubia, de facciones finas,
aristcratas, flanqueada, en un jardn, por dos criaturas igualmente rubias (71). The
contrast with the recently eliminated cuchillero sin ambiciones is clear. Whereas el
The Untouchables, dir. by Brian De Palma (Paramount Pictures, 1987). Later in the same scene, it
is revealed that the knife-wielding assassin is merely a decoy used to lure Malone, who is himself
armed with a sawn-off shotgun, to his doorstep, where he is killed by a superior weapon in the
hierarchical order, the Thompson submachine gun or Tommy Gun.
Cholo, it seems, was at his happiest groping jaded hostesses, lowering drinks and
boasting about his violent exploits in loud nightclubs, el Doctor is clearly a man who
has achieved notable successes both in the corporate and the domestic spheres. His
fair, aristocratic-looking wife and blonde children also serve as a contrast to el Cholo
in another sense, given that cholo is a term used to refer to people of mixed race,
often pejoratively.
Having hitherto relied exclusively upon the perspective of Abscal, it is a
revelation for the reader to gain an insight into the inner workings of the mind of el
Doctor. He is evidently pleased when he reads a telex sent from Caracas which
simply reads, firmamos contrato (71). Just as Abscal had considered his inferior,
el Cholo, to be expendable, it seems that el Doctor harbours similar feelings in
relation to Abscal himself:
Primero haba sido necesario recurrir al Cholo, un malevito marginado,
venal, que no ofreca ninguna garanta para el futuro. Despus, lgicamente,
haba sido indispensable silenciar al Cholo. Y ahora el crculo acababa de
cerrarse. Firmamos contrato significaba que Abscal haba sido recibido en
el aeropuerto de Caracas, en la escalerilla misma del avin, por un proyectil
de un rifle Browning calibre 30, equipado con mira telescpica Leupold M8100. (72)
El Doctor expresses a certain level of regret in relation to the loss of a valued
operative, but concludes that his elimination was inevitable, Abscal siempre haba
sido muy eficiente, pero su intervencin, obligada, en ese caso, lo haba condenado
irremisiblemente (72). His conscience is salved by the fact that the weapon used to
kill Abscal would have met with the latters approval, Un fusil, se dijo el Doctor,
que Abscal habra respetado y admirado, en razn de su proverbial entusiasmo por
el orden jerrquico de las armas (72). He takes further solace from the knowledge
that he too was simply respecting the chain of command. La orden recibida de
arriba haba sido inapelable: no dejar rastros, ni nexos delatores. Aunque, desde
the hierarchy of violence. The last link in the chain leading back to New York is
broken, and it is at this point that the narrative ends.
Braceras and Leytour include Orden jerrquico in their 2004 critical
anthology Cuentos con detectives y comisarios as a representante neto del hard
boiled, one which demonstrates an afn de denuncia a una sociedad que tiene como
mquina central el dinero.490 It should be noted, however, that the strength of
critique of a cynical, corrupt and violent society presented in Goligorskys story is in
many ways far more acute than that which is perceptible in the work of Hammett,
Chandler or Ross Macdonald. As Mandel argues:
Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe, [] and Lew Archer may seem like hard-boiled
characters cynically devoid of any illusions in the existing social order. But at
bottom they are still sentimentalists, suckers for damsels in distress, for the
weak confronting the strong.491
Orden jerrquico, by contrast, does not at any point lapse into sentimentality, and
the basic operational philosophy of the unnamed organisation portrayed in the story
appears to be to maintain the strength of the upper echelons through the elimination
of the compromising layers beneath. There is another important sense in which
Goligorskys story may be viewed as significantly more cynical and hard-boiled in
tone than some of its American antecedents. In Orden jerrquico there is no trace
of the adolescent fantasy that Ernest Mandel perceives in the work of the
emblematic American hard-boiled writers. The multinational corporation depicted in
the story does not employ violence to protect its business interests. Instead, its
business is violence. In relation to Chandler specifically, Mandel maintains that
because his writing is motivated by contempt for big-city corruption, its ideological
slant has often been misunderstood. It is only the local, never the national, power
Ibid. Though it may be inconvenient for Mandels argument, Chandlers fiction does include
implicit criticism of the national power structure, though it is true to say that he chose the city of Los
Angeles and its environs as the sample focus of his critiques of American society more generally.
Fredric Jameson points out that for Chandler, Los Angeles is already a kind of microcosm and
forecast of the country as a whole; a new centreless city, in which the various classes have lost touch
with each other because each is isolated in his own geographical compartment. Fredric Jameson, On
Raymond Chandler in The Poetics of Murder: Detective Fiction and Literary Theory ed. by Glenn
W. Most and William W. Stowe (New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jonanovich, 1983), p. 127. A good
illustration of this geographically-determined class isolation is to be found in Chapter 17 of The High
Window (Edition subsequently cited here, London: Penguin, 2005, first ed. New York: Alfred A.
Knopf, 1942), when Marlowe is confronted by a uniformed guard at the entrance to the exclusive Idle
Valley gated community, who is obliged to follow a predetermined protocol before he allows
Marlowe to proceed, I have to check you in. To someone who is a member or to somebody who lives
in the valley. All private property here (135). Having established that Marlowe does indeed have an
appointment at the Idle Valley Club, the guard instructs him to check in with the security guard at the
club when he arrives, We have to know exactly where you go. Theres a great deal to protect in Idle
Valley (135). Marlowe appears to deliberately provoke the guard, wishing to know the consequences
of failing to follow these procedures, to which the other replies, A couple of cruisers would start
looking for you (136). Marlowe expresses his distaste for the security restrictions, And they call this
a democracy, to which the guard responds Maybe you got company. I knew a fellow belonged to the
John Reed Club [an organisation allied to the American Communist Party]. Over in Boyle Heights, it
was (136). This elliptical statement can be interpreted as an indication of the guards Marxist
sympathies. Marlowe responds conspiratorially with the single word Tovarich or comrade in
Russian. The guards admission is qualified by an expression of political disillusionment, The trouble
with revolutions [] is that they get in the hands of the wrong people (136). In the same breath,
however, he indicates his disdain for the class of people he is paid to protect, On the other hand []
could they be any wronger than the bunch of rich phonies that live around here? (136). Though this
passage may not qualify, in the eyes of Mandel, as a resounding denunciation of the American
capitalist system, it does demonstrate the fact that the social critique implicit in Chandlers writing
was not entirely confined to the local power structure.
his wife outside their apartment building in Buenos Aires, in a mission coordinated
by Manuel Contreras, head of General Pinochets Direccin de Inteligencia Nacional
(DINA), and carried out by C.I.A agent Michael Townley.493 By 1975 the Alianza
Anticomunista Argentina or Triple-A, founded by Jos Lpez Rega, Juan Perns
former Minister of Social Welfare and later Prime Minister under Isabel Pern, and
largely comprised of members of the Argentine security forces, was carrying out
political assassinations against leftist guerrilla groups, union leaders, political
activists, intellectuals, members of the judiciary and even members of the police
force perceived to be aligned with the political left.494 The coordinated repressive
efforts of Latin American military governments, with backing from the United States
government (which perceived these regimes as a bulwark against the spread of
communism), would only intensify in the years that followed, and would be joined
with enthusiasm by Argentina during the so-called Proceso de Reorganizacin
Nacional (1976-1983) which followed the military coup led by Jorge Rafael Videla
in March of 1976.495 As such, Goligorskys Orden jerrquico is a very distant
relative of the cuento policial in the classical mould, and may be viewed, not only as
an indictment of the increasingly violent political and social environment of the
period, but indeed, as a perceptive presage to the consolidation of hierarchical power
structures that occurred in the dark years that followed. In fact, the threat of violent
repression was to have a direct impact upon a number of the writers who received
Mnica Gonzlez, Cierran el caso Prats, seis altos mandos, condenados, 9 July 2010. [Accessed
on 12th of June 2011]
On the 20th of September 1974, the Triple-A assassinated former Chief of Police of the Province
of Buenos Aires, Julio Troxler, who had previously survived the massacre that occurred in Jos Len
Surez in June of 1956, as chronicled by Rodolfo Walsh in Operacin Masacre. See Triple A:
detuvieron al yerno de Lpez Rega y a otros seis acusados at, 8 June 2012.
[Accessed on the 15th of July 2012]
See Ana Barn, Las ramificaciones de la Operacin Cndor in 15 November 1998. [Accessed on the 15th of July 2012]
Eduardo Mignogna, Destinos cruzados de un libro y una vida in Clarn: Revista , 19th of
November 2000. [Accessed on
the 16th of July 2012].
moment of greatest critical and commercial success by the triumph of some of the
very political and social impulses it had sought to denounce:
El golpe militar, que en marzo del 76 instaur la dictadura ms feroz de
nuestro pas, produjo fracturas en el desarrollo de la cultura nacional, por
ende en la narrativa que historiamos. Eludir el nombre propio, apelar al
sobrentendido metafrico o publicar en el extranjero constituyen entonces
estrategias que trascendiendo las meras elecciones personales, se inscriben en
un contexto social signado por el miedo y la represin, por los exilios y las
sirenas ululantes.498
In the case of the modelo negro argentino, this rupture was not solely a product of
the censorship, repression and enforced exile suffered by practitioners of the genre
during the Proceso. While the imaginative adaptation of the American detective
model provided Argentine writers with an approximate, albeit imperfect, template
for the expression of critical consciousness and political engagement in the decades
preceding the 1976 coup, the horrors of the Dirty War and its aftermath were such
that crime fiction, even in its most hard-boiled form, was no longer a good fit for this
purpose in Argentina. The difficulties of writers of crime fiction in accurately
reflecting the violence and criminality that gripped Argentina during this period are
anticipated in Pablo Leonardos 1976 novel, La mala guita, the last crime story to be
examined in this study.
Under his own name, Moledo has published a number of works of fiction, including Verdico
informe sobre la ciudad de Bree (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1985), a novel which combines
elements of science fiction, fantasy and crime fiction, and Tela de juicio (Buenos Aires: Cntara
Editores, 1991). However, he is perhaps best known for his numerous publications and advocacy in
the area of popular science, including De las tortugas a las estrellas: Una introduccin a la ciencia
(Buenos Aires: A-Z, 1994), Dioses y demonios en el tomo: de los rayos X a la bomba atmica [coauthored with Mximo Rudelli] (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1996), and Diez teorias que
conmo ieron al mundo de Cop rnico al Big Bang [with Estban Magnani] (Buenos Aires: Capital
Intelectual, 2009). He has also co-authored a number of popular science books aimed at children and
young adults, including Curiosidades de la ciencia [with Carlos Nine] (Buenos Aires: Editorial
Sudamericana, 1997) and La leyenda de las estrellas [with Marta Prada, Daniel Rodn and Luciana
Fernndez] (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 2007). Director of the Buenos Aires Planetarium
from 2001 to 2007, he is a frequent contributor to the Argentine daily Pgina 12, and editor of its
science and innovation supplement, Futuro. He has received two Konex Foundation Diploma al
Mrito prizes, for Science Fiction in 1994, and for Popular Science in 1997.
hard-boiled variety, which saw the appearance of celebrated works by local authors
including Ricardo Piglia, Osvaldo Soriano, Juan Martini, Sergio Sinay, Rubn
Tizziani and Jos Pablo Feinmann. This circumstance may well be said to have
further concealed Moledos detective novel, a single work by an unknown author
lost among an abundance of titles by writers whose names would become
synonymous with the genre in Argentina. Nevertheless, La mala guita is deserving
of consideration as an exemplary instance of the kind of critical, self-reflexive
detective narrative produced in Argentina during this particularly fecund period in
the genres evolution. The plot of Leonardos novel is complex and at times utterly
chaotic, placing it firmly within the tradition of the Argentine admirers of the work
of Dashiell Hammett, Ross Macdonald, and especially Raymond Chandler. The
summary provided on the back cover alerts the reader to the novels credentials as a
hard-boiled narrative that adopts a sharply critical view of Argentine society during
this period:
a travs de su primer caso que los lleva a meterse con toda su inexperiencia
en las complejas races del poder econmico, [los detectives] descubren,
junto con los lectores que el crimen no es algo separado por barreras
infranqueables del funcionamiento normal de la industria, el comercio o la
familia. La tensin crece, el juego se complica, uno de los dos perder la vida
en la empresa, y el srdido enigma quedar develado. (178)
While the details of the plot provide a fascinating insight into the violence and the
political and economic machinations that characterised this era, this examination of
Leonardos novel will focus primarily on the ways in which it serves to bookend and
to comment upon the Argentine crime fiction tradition from which it emerged.
As previously noted in this study, Argentine authors and critics have
frequently reflected upon the question of the detective genres relevance, adaptability
or plausibility in an Argentine context. Though detective stories and novels have
been produced and enjoyed in Argentina for more than a century, the seemingly
moot question of whether a narrativa policial argentina is even possible has long
been an issue among crime writers and specialised readers. A relevant instance of
this concern is found in Jorge B. Riveras 1996 critical anthology, El relato policial
en la Argentina, in which each of the authors featured is invited to respond to a
questionnaire consisting of fifteen questions, the last of which asks precisely, Cree
que es posible una narrativa policial argentina?500 Though the possibility of an
Argentine detective narrative would seem to be self-evident, the persistence of doubt
among critics and writers indicates that the question resists a wholly satisfactory
solution. La mala guita, significantly, is a detective novel whose action is driven by
this vexing metafictional and metaphysical question. Set in the Buenos Aires of
1975, the novel chronicles the detectory pursuits of the narrator, Ricardo Marteli,
and his friend Willie, two unemployed, unattached, disillusioned university lecturers
and hard-boiled crime fiction enthusiasts who place an advert in the newspaper La
Opinin offering their services as private detectives representing the Agencia
Integral, an initiative which will prove to have exciting but violent consequences for
both. The enterprise arises, precisely, out of an ongoing debate between these two
time-rich friends relating to the problematic status of the figure of the private
detective in the Argentine context:
Result que discutimos largamente sobre la existencia, inexistencia,
posibilidad y visibilidad de los detectives privados en Buenos Aires. Yo: que
no existen, que quizs el plan trienal los haya previsto, pero que por ahora no
existen. Willie que s, que debe haber, que los suboficiales retirados siempre
fundan una agencia []. Que un pas sin detectives privados no es un pas.501
Inspired by their extensive readings of detective fiction, particularly of the hardboiled variety enjoying such a vogue in Argentina during this period, the pair decide
to test the theory that private detectives might plausibly exist in a contemporary
Argentine context, by attempting to emulate the pursuits of their fictional heroes,
Pongamos un aviso ofrecindonos como detectives privados. Pongamos. Y si
llaman? Yo: no van a llamar. Ya vamos a ver (9). The viability of the venture
requires the somewhat reluctant cooperation of Ricardos aunt Amalia, owing to the
fact that the aspiring sabuesos decide to use her home phone number as their office
contact number in the newspaper advertisement for the Agencia Integral, much to
her dismay:
La ta Amalia, al enterarse: ustedes estn locos: la polica! y en mi casa!
Nosotros: si justamente no es la polica, son los detectives privados. La ta
Amalia nunca ley novelas policiales, por eso no sabe. Corriendo le traigo El
largo adis, de Chandler, leelo y enterate. (9)
Aunt Amalia evidently regards the police with the same disdain as she would any
other undesirable, criminal element, and fears that her nephews newspaper
advertisement might bring the force to her door, a circumstance likely to provoke
trouble, not to mention disapproval and negative commentary from the neighbours.
Though Ricardo prescribes Chandlers The Long Good-bye as a cure-all remedy for
her ignorance in these matters, Amalias attitude towards the police illustrates from
the outset the inherent difficulty involved in plausibly inserting a private detective
from the Anglophone tradition in an Argentine setting in this period (or indeed any
other period). The exchange provides an early example of the self-reflexive,
metafictional quality of La mala guita in that, from the outset, Moledo implicitly
acknowledges to the reader the problematic nature of the fictional project which the
novel represents.
Despite his dismissal of the concerns of his aunt, La ta Amalia nunca ley
novelas policiales, por eso no sabe (9), it soon becomes apparent that Richards own
understanding of crime, investigation and the methods of the police is drawn almost
entirely from his readings of detective fiction, rather than from any real-life
experience or professional training, and that his and Willies wish to become private
detectives amounts to the impulsive realisation of an adolescent fantasy. However,
they appear to be disconcerted by the revelation that their advertisement has attracted
a potential customer, who in the absence of more concrete details they name la
Seora Desesperada:
Llamaron por el aviso.
Te dije que iban a llamar [].
Y ahora qu hacemos?
Cmo ahora qu hacemos? And y atendela. En una de sas hasta te cass
con tu Seora Desesperada, que termina siendo millonaria con yates y pozos
Qu mierda querr? yo, medio pensativo.
Yo qu s. Que le vigiles al marido que le mete los cuernos. O al hijo, que
es homosexual, drogadicto y del erp.502(8-9)
As he walks along Avenida Corrientes503 towards his aunt Amalias apartment,
where he will attempt to make contact with la Seora Desesperada, Ricardo shares
his inner thoughts concerning the impending meeting:
Ejrcito Revolucionario del Pueblo (E.R.P.), military branch of the communist Partido
Revolucionario de los Trabajadores. In the first half of the seventies, the E.R.P. and the Peronist-allied
Montoneros were the most active left-wing urban guerrilla groups operating in Argentina, particularly
in and around Buenos Aires. In the years preceding the publication of La mala guita, attacks on
military and police installations, politically motivated assassinations and ransom kidnappings were
the most visible activities of these groups. As Paul H. Lewis points out, Of the 687 people killed
between the start of 1969 and the end of 1975, 523 were policemen and soldiers []. The next largest
category of victims consisted of businessmen, whether merchants, industrialists, or estancieros, 54 in
all. Paul H. Lewis, Guerrillas and Generals: The Dirty War in Argentina (Connecticut: Praeger,
2002), p. 53.
Emblematic Buenos Aires thoroughfare famous for its abundant bookshops, theatres and cafes. It
is fitting that Ricardo should proceed to his assignment along a street renowned as a repository of
fictional representation. La mala guita is notable throughout for its vivid depictions of Buenos Aires,
often supplied through the stream of consciousness-style rhapsodies of the narrator as he meditates
upon the case, a technique familiar to readers of Chandlers eloquent evocations of Los Angeles and
its environs. Avenida Corrientes in particular features heavily, as a conceptual and geographical
anchoring point for the narration and for the city, La calle Corrientes me sorprendi, como siempre.
cadena es siempre econmica.504 Moledo reflects upon these aspects of the genre
from within the pages of La mala guita, often focusing specifically upon the
Argentine socio-political context that provides the setting for the novel.
Though Ricardo identifies himself as a Peronist, and in general terms as an
intelectual de izquierdas (12), he is also thoroughly disillusioned with Argentine
politics and its ramifications, which have included his own removal from the
university on account of his political allegiances. The fact that he is para unos facho
y para otros comunista o trotskista (11) underlines the complexity of the countrys
fractured and contradictory political divisions. Effectively blacklisted from the
public sector, Ricardo, as he walks along Corrientes, wonders whether his switch to
the private sector, through the establishment of the Agencia Integral, might set him
upon a path to immense prosperity, power and influence as the head of a corporate
entity que se extiende a lo largo de naciones y continentes (11). The unemployed
sociologist imagines an investigative organisation on a truly industrial scale:
Millares de secretarias de tetas florecientes atienden por telfono a aquellos
que tienen un problema que la poli no alcanza a resolver. Y tras pasillos
alfombrados y silenciosos, propensos a la meditacin, enormes salones
cubiertos de libros, y ms all, en una oficina escondida y silenciosa, Yo, el
Detective Privado, silencioso motor y cerebro de toda la organizacin. (11)
Ricardo is not immune to the appeal of the material rewards that such an enterprise
might yield, Y, por supuesto, kilos de plata, una casa afuera, una casa en Miramar
para la ta Amalia, viajes a Europa y a Bangkok, suspenso, accin, intriga (12). At
the same time, he fears that such an unashamedly capitalist venture might prove
incompatible with his political beliefs:
Cuadrar tal profesin para intelectuales de izquierda, profesores
universitarios peronistas, con una posicin clara frente al proceso nacional, el
thorough familiarity of Argentine writers and readers with these modelos forneos
represents an unavoidable obstacle to an original Argentine crime fiction tradition
sui generis, Tengo una buena biblioteca policial, no me faltar bibliografa para
resolver cualquier problema en que me encuentre perdido (12). Just as Ricardo and
Willies approach to their investigation will be conditioned by their readings of
American hard-boiled writers such as Hammett, Chandler and Macdonald, Moledo
tacitly indicates that this tale of investigation is inspired and informed by readings of
these and other writers of detective fiction, including Argentine writers who had
themselves appropriated modelos forneos, such as Osvaldo Soriano, whose 1973
novel Triste, solitario y final is explicitly referenced by Ricardo as he prepares to
meet his new client for the first time, Tengo que empezar a aprender a no ponerme
nervioso, y a no sentirme desesperado, sino ms bien desolado, triste, solitario y
final. Una buena mezcla entre el Gordo y el Flaco y Philip Marlowe, y listo (13). As
the narrative progresses, it also becomes apparent that the novels frequent and often
humorous recognition of its own artificial, highly metafictional character does not
preclude it from also functioning as a form of denuncia social, offering a sharply
critical view of Argentine society in this period.
Big Sleep. In accordance with Ricardo and Willies readings of the genre, the Seora
Desesperada is apt to be seductive, rich, dangerous, desperate, or a combination of
these features, and their first contact and subsequent first meeting with their new
client creates a certain level of expectation. Reaching Aunt Amalias house,
Ricardos pulse races in response to the ringing of the telephone, and accelerates still
further when a female voice on the other end of the line asks to speak with alguien
de la Agencia Integral. Marx sea loado! Es ella. Me temblaba un poco la voz. Me
present. Ricardo Marteli, de la Agencia Integral de Investigaciones. A sus rdenes
(14). Ricardo learns that their prospective client is a certain Florencia, seora de
Maldonado, and, rapidly analysing her voice, he makes a series of predictions, Est
nerviosa, me dije. Bien. Tendr unos 45 aos, meses ms, meses menos. Rubia.
Millonaria. Esposa de algn figurn de la CGE [Confederacin General Econmica].
Empresario nacional (14). Having arranged a meeting with Mrs. Maldonado that
same evening at her home on Avenida Libertador, Ricardo and Willie discuss the
development. The former soon learns that his partner in detection is unwilling to
attend their first encounter with the client:
Yo no puedo ir dice Willie.
Cmo que no pods ir? Y con quin quers que vaya. Con la ta
No sera mala idea ir con la ta Amalia. Pero yo no puedo, en serio. Tengo
una mina.
Los detectives privados no tienen minas que no surjan del mismo conflicto
policial. Es una regla sin equanon.
Est bien, pero qu quieres que haga? Por esta vez me parece que la regla
va a tener equanon. And solo. (15)
Willie is evidently disappointed to learn that their first client does not appear to
conform to the image of the femme fatale that he associates with the fictional genre,
and he is unwilling to risk sacrificing a nascent relationship for an adventure so
lacking in erotic potential, Y cmo voy a dejar a la mina por la Seora
The subject of alcohol and its effects is explored with eloquence in the work of Chandler generally,
but particularly so in the case of The Long Good-bye, two of whose protagonists, Terry Lennox and
Roger Wade, are alcoholics whose addictions advance central elements of the plot. It is also suggested
that Marlowe, who remains a heavy drinker, was once a hopeless alcoholic, Maybe I [Lennox] can
quit drinking one of these days. They all say that, dont they? [Marlowe] It takes about three years.
Three years? He looked shocked. Usually it does. Its a different world. You have to get used to a
paler set of colours, a quieter lot of sounds. You have to allow for relapses. All the people you used to
know well will get to be just a little strange. You wont even like most of them, and they wont like
you too well. The Big Sleep and Other Novels, p. 375. Lennox, in one of his more sober and
reflective moments, offers the following highly cynical insight, Alcohol is like love, he said. The
first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that you take the girls clothes
off. The Big Sleep and Other Novels, p. 384.
under the effects of alcohol becomes a barometer of his progress towards becoming a
competent detective. In the early stages of the investigation, his lack of tolerance
leads to moments of embarrassment and grave errors of judgement. As his
knowledge of the case expands, and as he adjusts to the uncertainties and physical
dangers of the investigation, his tolerance for alcohol seems to improve
commensurately, a fact which does not escape him, Cuando Javier llega, ya me
tom como diez whiskies, ya alcanc el nivel alcohlico que corresponde a una
novela policial (116).
Ricardos initial meeting with Mrs. Maldonado reveals that her husband
Carlos had been missing for five days, and that his disappearance did not appear to
be a ransom kidnapping, on the basis that no ransom demand had been made. The
day of his disappearance was not unusual in any significant respect. Apart from the
occasional business trip he was not in the habit of spending prolonged periods away
from home, and, to his wifes knowledge, was not involved in any extra-marital
affairs. Ricardo asks Mrs. Maldonado for a photograph of her husband, and promises
to make inquiries at his office with Tito Smithson, a friend of the couple and one of
the partners in the business. The novice detective leaves the Maldonado residence
unsure as to how he should proceed:
Dnde carajo estar este tipo ahora? Dnde puedo buscarlo. Encontrar a una
persona en Buenos Aires es bastante difcil cuando uno sabe donde vive,
imagnense cuando uno no sabe donde estsi es que est en Buenos Aires,
si es que est en el pas. La nica garanta que tengo es que por lo menos est
en el universo, vivo o muerto. (24)
He decides to begin his search for Carlos Maldonado in a rather unexpected place, el
Foro (1928-2008), a legendary 24-hour caf porteo located at the intersection of
Corrientes and Uruguay frequented by left-wing Peronist intellectuals, writers and
Dos mesas ms all haba un grupo literario que tena su clsica reunin
semanal. Se lean cuentos y poemas. Una chica de alrededor de dieciocho
aos ley un poema que se llamaba La Nada y que efectivamente era vaco.
Despus se levant una nia rubia y virginal, con unos ojos dulces y azules
que no parecan de este mundo y ley un cuento que se llamaba Orgasmo. No
pude entender todo, porque usaba un lunfardo impenetrable, me estar
volviendo viejo? (25)
It soon becomes apparent to the reader that Ricardo does not expect to find the
missing industrialist in these unlikely surroundings, Empec a pensar que era difcil
que Maldo estuviera aqu (25), and that he has gravitated towards one of his old
student activist haunts so as to better reflect upon his past experiences, and to
contemplate his present adventure:
Evoqu las pocas de esplendor cuando entraba al Foro y conoca por lo
menos a dos personas por mesa, antes de que todo se corrompiera. Despus,
por supuesto tuve que dejar el Foro y militar en un barrio, y despus tuve
como premio una ctedra en la universidad. Ms tarde empez el cerco, y yo
estaba ah cuando fuimos a romperlo. Despus, todo se vino abajo, la misin
Ivanissevich me dej sin ctedras y a raz de eso haba aparecido el aviso en
el diario, y a raz de eso yo haba vuelto al Foro para buscar a Maldonado que
quin sabe dnde estar. (25-6)
Once again, the novel incorporates reflections upon Argentine political realities
during this period, in this instance the highly politicised nature of appointments
within the university system and their impact upon the young sociologists
professional possibilities. Interestingly, Moledo chooses to focus upon the messy
implications of a specific instance of corrupt political patronage within the broad
church of the Peronist movement, rather than promoting a more reductive critical
viewpoint that associates Peronism with left-wing ideological perspectives more
Having meditated upon the series of events leading to his current
predicament, Ricardo resolves to formulate a plan of action in consultation with his
fellow detective, Willie, todo detective tiene un plan; un detective sin plan es como
un barco sin timn o un jardn sin flores (26). However, their discussion the
following day reveals that neither of the partners in the Agencia Integral has a clear
idea of how to further the investigation into Maldonados disappearance:
Y podremos encontrarlo al tipo se? medit Willie.
La verdad, es que no tengo idea.
No ser peligroso?
Peligroso? Por qu?
Yo que s. Vos leste tantas novelitas como yo.
Pero dale. Aqu se trata nada ms que de buscar a un tipo que se escap
con una mina. Igual no tenemos nada que hacer.
Pero tens alguna idea sobre qu es lo que vamos a hacer?
Ni la ms remota idea. Ni la ms remotsima idea. (28)
Willie displays a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the case, and advocates a different
course of action, or, more accurately, a course of inaction, Estamos mal, eh?
dijo y yo la verdad es que tengo fiaca Y si mandamos todo a la mierda y nos
dedicamos a la contemplacin? (28-9). They continue to discuss the disappearance of
Maldonado in abstract terms, as if they were brainstorming the plot of a prospective
detective novel, without making any apparent progress in terms of formulating a
Para m que la mujer es la asesina.
No dijiste que no lo iban a matar?
Ah, cierto, entonces no es la asesina. Pero alguien tiene que ser el asesino.
Ergo, alguien tiene que ser el asesinado.
Sorprendente. Veo que avanzamos. (29)
Si seguimos as dijo Willie meneando la cabeza. Yo que s, che.
Tengo fiaca. (29)
Just as the momentum of the detectives appears to diminish, Ricardo injects fresh
impetus into the discussion, and indeed the narrative, by finding the means to justify
their involvement in the case and hence to move the plot forward:
Adems, hay otra razn fundamental por la cual no podemos abandonar al
Seor Maldonado en manos de sus raptores, ni a los asesinos en manos de sus
Cul, si se puede saber? pregunta Willie.
Le el captulo siguiente. (30)
This instruction to read the following chapter is polysemic in its effect. It appears to
form part of the dialogue between Ricardo and Willie within the diegesis of the
novel. However, the integrity of the fictional universe has already been compromised
by previous allusions to the consciously artificial, fictional qualities of the narrative,
and this anticipatory reference to the following chapter only serves to further this
process. By inviting Willie to continue to the next chapter, the narrator reinforces to
the reader the idea that La mala guita is a work of fiction, a detective novel in the
process of its own conscious elaboration. The same instruction may be interpreted as
an invitation, not just to Willie, but also to the reader, to continue reading,
foregrounding the notion that the realisation of this work of fiction requires the
conjunction of author, text and reader.
Theoretical Justifications
As promised by the narrator at the conclusion of the previous chapter, Chapter VII is
dedicated to the justification of the Agencia Integrals involvement in the
investigation into the disappearance of Maldonado. However, rather than discussing
the practicalities of the case, Ricardo and Willie prefer to surrender to the abstract,
theoretical contemplation of the fictional detective genre and its role within the
Argentine socio-political context. This short chapter alternates between the inner
musings and recollections of Ricardo, and his dialogue with Willie. In doing so, it
effectively articulates the key theoretical positions associated with the genres
Argentine evolution as previously charted in this study. In this respect, this chapter
represents a paradigmatic example of the tendency on the part of Argentine crime
fiction writers to consciously engage with critical and theoretical discussions of the
Borges and Bioys crime fiction publishing phenomenon was by this stage under the editorship of
Carlos V. Frias, whose broader conception of the policial facilitated the incorporation of an
increasingly diverse range of texts, including stories by notable practitioners of the hard-boiled variant
such as Raymond Chandler and Ross McDonald.
First published in Argentina in 1961 by Los libros del mirasol, an imprint of Fabril Editora.
Published in El Sptimo Crculo in 1967 under the pseudonymous Hadley Chases birth name,
Ren Raymond.
boiled private detective in the Argentine literary sphere would seem to herald the
imminent demise of revolutionary fervour, Cuando las vanguardias revolucionarias
se retiran, ya sea por la derrota o el cansancio, los detectives privados salen a la
palestra (30). This realisation is said to have had an unnerving effect upon the
scribes of the left-wing press:
Los diarios de izquierda publican grandes titulares: No os dejis confundir.
No dejis que las masas se desven de sus objetivos revolucionarios y tengan
como nico inters terminar de leer una novela. La Novela Policial es el Opio
de los Pueblos. Los obreros buscan, por la va de la detectivesca privada, el
ascenso social, olvidando sus intereses de clase. (30)
Detective fiction is deemed to have supplanted religion as the opium of the people
(in the parlance of Marx), and to exercise a subliminal, repressive controlling effect
upon the masses, a theoretical position proximate to that more fully elucidated a few
short years later in Avellanedas El habla de la ideologa (1983). At the same time,
the success of the hard-boiled genre has also apparently provoked great unease
among the more reactionary institutional representatives and advocates of law and
order precisely on account of its revolutionary potential among left-leaning readers,
who, it is foreseen, may be tempted to combine classical foco theory with the
Machiavellian urban warfare conducted by the Continental Op, as depicted in
Dashiell Hammetts Red Harvest:
El ejrcito se desmoraliza al ver que dos o tres detectives vencen por la
astucia o por la fuerza a legiones enteras de policas y mafiosos, y si no, ah
est Cosecha Roja, de Dashiell Hammet [sic]. Las fuerzas de seguridad no
dan pie con bola. (30-1)
A further critical position invoked by the narrator is the notion that this essentially
foreign genre poses an insidious threat to Argentine national and cultural identity,
No ves que se est desquiciando todo? Y qu es esto sino una muestra de
imperialismo cultural, que est atacando las races mismas de nuestra nacionalidad?
(31) As if to illustrate the gravity of this threat, the narrator refers to a billboard that
Detective novel by James Hadley Chase, first published in Argentina in 1968 as part of the
Sptimo Crculo collection.
pueblo caer sobre nosotros! (31), and might even lead to repercussions on a global
scale, Qu diran los pueblos del mundo, que confan en nuestra Novela Policial en
Paz? (31). This latter motivation once again highlights the constructed, fictional
character of the text, as a hyperbolic Ricardo emphasises to Willie their sacred
obligations to the readership of detective fiction to move the narrative forward, to put
theory into practice, to bring both their investigation and the elaboration of an
Argentine detective novel to an aesthetically and politically satisfactory conclusion.
It is for these highly conceptual reasons that Ricardo urges Willie to collaborate with
him in the investigation, No pibe, no es posible, no podemos abandonar al seor
Maldonado, dondequiera que est (31). Willie is thus persuaded to continue, though
he is keen to insert a caveat to his agreement, one that reflects the realities of a
period in which both arbitrary and targeted acts of political violence on the streets of
Buenos Aires were commonplace, Siempre que no haya demasiado riesgo, dice
Willie que para riesgos, bastante con caminar por la calle (31).
crime genre itself, his first impulse upon reading the note is to abandon the whole
enterprise, to llamar a la seora de Maldonado y decirle que poda meterse a su
marido en el culo o donde ms le gustara, [] que yo no iba a correr riesgos por la
plata de mierda que ellos me podan ofrecer (34-5). It suddenly occurs to him that
their enquiries into the disappearance of Maldonado might involve a genuine
element of risk:
Me puse a temblar. Jams se me haba ocurrido que el asunto pudiera ser
peligroso, y esto ya no me gustaba. Por lo visto, se movan rpido. Quines?
Quines sern? Una cosa resultaba obvia en medio de la menesunda: el
asunto era ms serio de lo que yo haba pensado. (35)
After a solid three-hour siesta, his fears in relation to the threatening missive appear
to have partially diminished, Despus de la siesta [], la amenaza recibida me
pareci irreal. No pensar ms en ella, me dije. No existi. Pero era difcil no pensar,
qu quieren que les diga (36), and he feels refreshed and ready to keep his
appointment with Javier. The anonymous warning and Ricardos subsequent
response mark a key transitional moment in the narrative. Up to this point, much
attention has been paid to the metafictional and indeed, metaphysical, qualities of the
events related by the narrator. The warning serves to perforate the textual edifice that
has thus far been constructed, alerting the narrator to the dangers which he might
face should he choose to complete the transition from the conceptual, textual realm
to the overtly physical realities of the narrative universe. Ricardo rejects this final
warning and passes boldly into the violent world of the Argentine detective story that
he and Willie have engendered through the placement of their advert in La Opinin.
To some extent, within this system Ricardos quasi-omnipotent status as an architect
of the textual edifice will no longer be fully respected, and he and Willie will be
susceptible to whatever threats, manoeuvres, beatings, shoot-outs and reprisals are
generated by the unfolding plot.
collusion in the disappearance of his father, but the significance of his disbelief is not
apparent to Ricardo at this stage, and they proceed to discuss other matters related to
the case. Javier reveals that since the death of his mother, he had noticed a profound
change in his father, Desde que muri mi mama hay algo una especie de barrera,
un sobreentendido que no debe nombrarse, cosas que no deben decirse. l se dedica
a su laburo (38). Again, the greater significance of the circumstances surrounding
the death of Maldonados first wife will only become apparent as the plot unfolds,
but at this point Javiers testimony serves to add to the sense of intrigue surrounding
the case. He offers additional insight into the actions of Florencia Maldonado since
the disappearance of her husband:
Por qu no quieren que intervenga la polica?
No quiere. Es ella la que no quiere. Al principio, dos o tres das de que mi
viejo desapareciera, deca que si lo haban raptado era ms seguro tratar
directamente con los raptores, y me pareci razonable. Adems, te imagins
que no siento un especial amor por la polica cuanto ms lejos, mejor. (3839)
According to Javier, as the days passed Florencia had offered an additional
justification for her reluctance to involve the authorities in the search:
Y a veces que quin sabe qu era lo que pasaba. Que poda haber alguna
matufia en el medio que no quera armar escndalo. Supongo que
sospechaba que mi viejo se haba ido con alguna mina, y que despus
volvera o no y entonces era mejor que la gente que trabajaba en la
empresa no se enterase (39)
He also hints at the possibility that the disappearance might be related to his fathers
business dealings:
Adems est el problema con Vargas
Vargas? Quin es Vargas?
Otro de los socios principales. Un tipo repugnante. Por lo menos me
parece. No se lleva bien con mi viejo. Haba problemas de todo tipo.
De todo tipo? De qu tipo?
Guita y esas cosas no s muy bien (39)
The meeting with Javier opens up avenues for further investigation, and conveniently
provides the novel with a basic plot outline not unlike those typically encountered in
hard-boiled crime narratives in the tradition of Chandler or Hammett, complete with
promising augurs of corruption, criminality, the machinations of powerful interests
and an element of sexual intrigue. Ricardo has entered definitively into the world of
the investigation, and his proposed meeting with Tito Smithson the following day
promises to yield additional relevant information. However, having concluded his
meeting with Maldonados son, he finds himself lapsing into old, familiar habits,
Pagu y me levant. Empec a caminar por Pueyrredn. Instintivamente, mis pies
me llevaban haca Corrientes (40). Once again, he reflects upon the perils that the
case might involve, particularly at a time when there was already abundant danger on
the streets of Buenos Aires without the need to actively seek out more:
No son pocas como para andar sin documentos por la calle []. Todos los
das aparecen cadveres en los baldos. Los partidos polticos protestan. Y en
medio de este quilombo a ese pelotudo se le ocurre desaparecer por un lo
sentimental, y su mujer se siente celosa y quiere pescarlo con las manos en la
masa. Y yo ocupndome de todo eso. (40)
The flneur porteo, perhaps to alleviate the anxiety that the threatening letter had
provoked, or in an effort to seek inspiration for his own investigation, decides to go
to the cinema after a leisurely, meditative stroll along Avenida Corrientes, en el
Lorraine daban La Conversacin. Una pelcula policial no me vendra mal y para all
me fui (41). It appears, however, that this cinematic dose of crime fiction has left
him unsated, and he visits a number of bookshops in search of more:
Compr El caso Galton, de Ross Macdonald, en la feria del centro Editor.
Moro est cerrada. Tendr que ir maana para comprar all unas cuantas
novelas policiales, de las cuales senta una urgencia espantosa. En una
librera de la esquina de Corrientes y Rodrguez Pea encontr El sueo
eterno, de Chandler, y Archer, el blanco mvil. (42)
Though he has been employed by Mrs. Maldonado to locate her husband, who by
this time has been missing for almost a week, for Ricardo the hard-boiled detective
genre remains an insuperable distraction. In the case of Archer, el blanco mvil, he
seems to believe that Macdonalds novel might serve to advance his own
Esta ltima result muy atrayente: se trataba de un caso parecido, segn deca
la solapa. Tambin un tipo que desapareca, despus de haber regalado una
montaa aunque parezca mentira. Habr regalado a alguien una
montaa el seor Maldonado. Supongamos que le regal a Vargas el
Aconcagua, y despus desapareci. Entonces, nada ms fcil. Todo consista
en leer el libro y listo. Encontrara a Maldo sin mayor esfuerzo y me cubrira
de gloria, siempre que no me agarraran antes los que haban escrito la nota.
Willie indicates to his partner that he too is capable of exerting an influence upon the
direction of the detective tale under construction, Y qu quers. Fue un rapto de
inspiracin. Yo no saba los grandes acontecimientos de hoy. Entonces, me dije a m
mismo: si no hay acontecimientos, hay que generarlos. Y bueno, fui y dej la nota
(45). He cites an additional reason for his intervention:
Si casi te agarra un infarto por una notita cualquiera, pens qu va a pasar si a
Tito Smithson, o al tipo del Torino, o a la misma Florencia se les ocurre algo
ms suculento. Y si agarran y te pegan un tiro por ah, nadie se va a dar
cuenta. Y eso es lo que no me gusta de este asunto. (46)
The periodic preoccupation with the physical dangers which their investigation
might produce is put aside, once again, as the two friends turn to contemplate the
deficiencies of the evolving mystery plot, a passage which further emphasises the
metafictional, contructed qualities of the narrative, Y lo peor de todo [] lo ms
tremendo de todo es que ni siquiera sabemos, ni siquiera tenemos la ms mnima
sospecha de quin puede ser el asesino (46). Ricardo perceives an even greater and
more obvious defect, Disculpame contest pero la situacin es todava ms
grave; todava no sabemos quin es el asesinado (46). Willie suggests some
potential candidates for these crucial roles, Para m, la asesinada es Florencia y el
asesino es Vargas (46). These designations do not meet with the approval of
Ricardo, Grave error. El asesino es Javier, Vargas es el asesinado (46). Willie in
turn points to an obvious flaw in this scenario, No tens ninguna prueba. Y,
estando Vargas vivo es difcil conseguirla (46). Both partners in the Agencia
Integral agree that the lack of a credible heroine constitutes a major barrier to
progress, and Willie maintains that Mrs. Maldonado cannot plausibly be cast in this
role, Es ms importante encontrar a la heroina que el asesino sentencia Willie,
regla de oro de la detectivesca privada. Acept que Florencia no es el ideal de la
herona (46). While Ricardo is forced to agree, he points out that the young,
beautiful heroine of the hard-boiled detective story is not always what she seems,
citing the historic example of Brigid OShaughnessy in Dashiell Hammetts The
Maltese Falcon:
Cierto conced no es. Te acords de El Halcn Malts?
Qu pasaba con el halcn malts?
Que ah Sam Spade se encama con una mina y resulta que era ella la
asesina. (47)
Willie in turn acknowledges that while Florencia may not match the standards of
youth and physical attractiveness that they have come to expect from the heroine of
a detective novel, this fact alone should not condemn her to the role of the murderer,
Pero por ahora no hay ninguna otra en danza (47). Ricardo tries to assure him that
their investigation would inevitably lead them to more alluring examples of
womanhood, Ya va a haber, ya va a haber yo, conciliador para que esto
sea un autntico misterio debe haber una herona o una asesina joven y hermosa
(47). Their discussion of the plot concluded for the time being, the partners vow to
interview Tito Smithson the following day, and dedicate the remainder of the
evening to more sedate activities: the appreciation of classical music and
philosophical contemplation, Pasamos de la Agencia Integral a Mozart sin
dificultad. Estuvimos un buen rato escuchando Las Bodas de Fgaro y hablando del
Universo en general. Cuando volv a mi casa, amaneca (48). This passage
illustrates, once again, that for the representatives of the Agencia Integral, the
investigation into Maldonados disappearance retains an abstract, ludic, fictional
quality, and that the exigencies of their assignment have not thus far impacted upon
them in any meaningful, physical sense, though this circumstance will change as the
novel progresses, resulting in the death of Willie and a number of severe beatings for
Ricardo as he staggers towards the truth.
This chapter has considered a number of key works and events that, taken as a
whole, amount to a substantial series of counter campaigns, whose effect was to alter
the trajectory of the Argentine crime genre, away from a preoccupation with the
classical form, which came to be viewed as a sterile form of intellectual diversion,
and towards a preference for the hard-boiled model. The chapter has demonstrated
Borges, Obras completas Vol I, (Buenos Aires: Emec, 2007. 19th edn.), p. 343.
that the efforts of Piglia, and others, closely replicated the approach adopted by
Borges, and were similarly successful. However, it has also been emphasised that by
1976, the hard-boiled model exemplified by the work of American writers such as
Hammett and Chandler, proved inadequate for the purpose of reflecting the horrors
of crime in Argentina during this period, a condition that would only be exacerbated
by the Proceso de Reorganizacin Nacional. In particular, the analysis of Pablo
Leonardos La mala guita has served to render problematic the notion that the hardboiled, or indeed any other model of the genre, could effectively function as a
vehicle for social critique or for the realisation of political objectives.
In this concluding chapter of the dissertation, my purpose is to demonstrate that the
account of the evolution of the crime genre provided in this study has led to the
conviction that by 1977, the crime genre in Argentina had reached something of an
impasse, owing to the fact that the two main variants of the genre, which had
provided Argentine writers with extremely durable and malleable templates for
literary innovation and experimentation, had effectively run their course in certain
respects. The chapter will demonstrate this by providing a synthesis of the key
arguments presented in the previous chapters.
Despite the long tradition of the genre in Argentina, and indeed the success of
Argentine writers in adapting, reworking and critically examining the various forms
of the detective story, critical reflections on the genre have often expressed the
nagging suspicion that this narrative form was somehow doomed to irrelevance in
Argentina, owing to its essential incompatibility with Argentine realities. My study
has shown that despite this perpetual suspicion, the crime genre in its various
incarnations has proved remarkably resilient, consistently defying those who would
proclaim its demise. However, this resilience has only been possible through a
constant process of awareness of, and reflection upon, its own essentially fictional
character. Argentine writers of crime fiction have always been cognisant of its
contrived nature, whether in its classical or hard-boiled forms, despite the politically
motivated impulses to harness the potential of the hard-boiled form as a vehicle for
social critique that gained currency among writers and critics in the 1960s and 70s.
While the success of the Argentine hard-boiled tendency was undoubtedly tempered
by the strictures and censorship imposed by the military government from 1976 to
1983, this dissertation has sought to demonstrate that the realist potential of this
narrative form in the Argentine context was already proving somewhat problematic
by the late 1970s, with Leonardos La mala guita providing particularly striking
evidence of this circumstance.
From around 1960 through to the late 1970s, the hard-boiled school experienced a
similar upward revision in its fortunes, as part of an aesthetic counter-campaign
pursued by a number of prominent young writers and intellectuals, including Jos
Sebreli, David Vias, Eduardo Goligorsky, Juan Martini, and especially Ricardo
Piglia. Many of the tactics previously employed on behalf of the novela-problema
were once again successfully implemented in the cause of the more overtly
politically engaged novela negra, providing a significant stimulus, not only to native
consumption of translated works, but also to the production of original works by
Argentine writers.
Whereas Gamerro makes this argument in 2006, Leonardo displays his awareness of
the difficulty at the very moment when it first becomes apparent. This point
underlines the validity of the approach taken in this dissertation, and in particular the
decision to examine Leonardos novel, which had not previously received any
critical attention within the discourse.
If the plausibility of an Argentine policeman as a detective figure worthy of
the interest and admiration of the reader had gained some ground in the late fifties
and early sixties, perhaps reaching its peak in the benign form of the affable,
avuncular comisario Don Frutos Gmez, (who, it should be recalled, was an atypical,
accidental policeman presiding over the intimate, imaginary rural pueblo
correntino of Capibara Cu), the wholesale participation of the Argentine police in
the bloodiest excesses of the military regime, and their ever-worsening reputation as
purveyors, rather than opponents, of criminality has been such that the idea of a
heroic fictional Argentine policeman remains a practical impossibility to this day.
Gamerro is particularly strident in his condemnation of the degeneration of the
official Argentine representatives of law and order:
El cambio que llev a cabo la institucin policial durante el Proceso no fue
cuantitativo sino cualitativo: es el cambio que lleva de una organizacin
corrupta, que tolera o fomenta el crimen, a una organizacin criminal sin
ms; y en los posteriores aos de la democracia este cambio no hizo sino
consolidarse y profundizarse. En la Argentina, del Proceso en adelante, la
polica es el crimen organizado, tiene el monopolio no slo de la violencia,
sino de la ilegalidad, y no tolera competencia.515
Carlos Gamerro Para una reformulacin del gnero policial argentino in El nacimiento de la
literatura argentina y otros ensayos (Buenos Aires: Norma, 2006), p. 80.
Ibid, p. 87.
El Olimpo was the nickname given to one of the secret detention centres operated by the Federal
Police during the Proceso, and located at the intersection of Ramn L. Falcn and Olivera streets,
Floresta, in the western outskirts of Buenos Aires. For more information see Centros Clandestinos de
Detencin: El Olimpo, at
Retrieved on July 20th, 2012.
Gamerro, El nacimiento de la literatura argentina y otros ensayos, p. 88.
Ibid, p. 86.
Asesinos de papel, pp. 42-43.
of democracy, and particularly in the last two decades, many Argentine crime writers
have turned once again to the policial clsico, while the hard-boiled model has
experienced something of a decline in production and popularity. Gamerro lists
several works that reflect this swing back towards the older variant:
La transicional El cadver imposible (1992) de Feinmann, novela que se la
pasa preguntndose a qu gnero pertenece, La pesquisa (1994) de Juan Jos
Saer, La traduccin (1998) y Filosofa y Letras (1999) de Pablo de Santis,
Tesis sobre un homidicio (1999) de Diego Paskowski, Crmenes
imperceptibles (2003) de Guillermo Martnez y aun Segundos afuera (2005)
de Martn Kohan.521
This list may be expanded to include further works by two of the authors mentioned
above, La muerte lenta de Luciana B (2007) by Guillermo Martnez, and El enigma
de Pars (2007) by Pablo De Santis.
The central argument of this dissertation, as identified in the previous section
of this chapter, is affirmed by the recent tendencies within the genre (as discussed
above) in the following ways. Gamerro pithily expresses one of the chief virtues of
these recent incarnations of the genre in an Argentine context, a diferencia de la
policial negra, la clsica se ha vuelto insospechable: nadie puede confundirla con la
realidad.522 Whereas in the late sixties and early seventies in particular, the hardboiled style was celebrated in Argentine intellectual circles as being, ms adecuada
a nuestra realidad, por su capacidad de incluir la temtica social, de dar cuenta de la
motivacin econmica del crimen,523 the realist rival to the classical model
ultimately proved to be just as derivative and unrealistic in an Argentine setting as
its predecessors. Somewhat appropriately, this recognition quickly emerged from the
pages of works that, though they were identified as exemplars of the adaptation of
the hard-boiled style to an Argentine context, in fact might more appropriately be
Carlos Gamerro Para una reformulacin del gnero policial argentino in El nacimiento de la
literatura argentina y otros ensayos (Buenos Aires: Norma, 2006), p. 85.
Ibid, p. 79.
described as works of pastiche and parody, though they may also have incorporated
elements of the denuncia social, so frequently and often liberally attributed to their
American antecedents. Jos Pablo Feinmanns ltimos das de la vctima, Juan
Sasturains Manual de perdedores and Pablo Leonardos La mala guita are excellent
examples of this tendency. In a note to Manual de perdedores, Sasturain
acknowledges that, while his hard-boiled novel was written over a long period of
time, encompassing the years of the Proceso, a realist depiction or denunciation of
Argentine society was not its chief motivating factor:
En cuanto al clima y el ambiente de esos aos ominosos la escrib y
reescrib de algn modo a lo largo de quince aos, entre 1972 y 1987,
Manual de perdedores no slo es novela sino novela de gnero, juega con las
convenciones, no es ni quiso ser un imposible testimonio fotogrfico de
poca. Por eso la Dictadura est tan presente que no necesita ser mencionada,
est tan ah , dira Borges como los invisibles camellos que pueblan el
Corn o las Mil y una noches.524
In fact, the most embedded, unifying tendency in the Argentine detective fiction
tradition, whether in its classical, hard-boiled, suspense or hybrid incarnations, has
been towards humorous, intellectual, parodic, self-reflexive narratives, which often
explicitly reference and imaginatively reflect upon the crime fiction tradition and the
act of reading itself, though some have also sought to offer a realist depiction or
critique of their socio-historical settings.
Sasturain, Juan, Manual de perdedores I y II (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 2003. First
two-volume edition 1988), pp. 501-502.
derived from, and then applied to, the examination of the Argentine crime fiction
tradition from 1877 to 1977, with a particular focus on the period in which the
contribution of Borges to critical discourse within the genre was most prominent.
Central to the approach taken in this thesis is the recognition of the deliberate nature
of the multifaceted aesthetic campaign pursued by Borges on behalf of crime fiction
in its classical form. It recognises the importance of the role played by Rodolfo
Walsh in pursuing an alternative aesthetic campaign that served to demonstrate the
true political potential of applying the investigative methods of the fictional crime
genre to real-life crime in Argentina. It proceeds to examine the subsequent aesthetic
campaign on behalf of the hard-boiled form pursued by Piglia and others during the
1970s, harnessing the same methods used by Borges and achieving similar results in
terms of achieving commercial success and critical recognition for a variant that had
previously been largely ignored in the Argentine context. The study ultimately
concludes that neither of the two forms of the genre, so assiduously promoted by
some of Argentinas most prominent intellectual figures, proved capable of depicting
or reflecting upon the realities of criminality in Argentina by the late 1970s. This
conviction is particularly well-illustrated through the examination of Leonardos La
mala guita and confirmed by more contemporary developments within the Argentine
crime genre, as previously noted in this chapter.
In light of the recent resurgence in popularity enjoyed by Argentine writers
who have returned to the more classically-orientated form of the genre, the work of a
number of authors would seem to be ripe for further research. In particular, it would
be interesting to examine how Pablo De Santis three crime novels Filosofa y letras
(Buenos Aires, Planeta, 1998), La traduccin (Buenos Aires: Seix Barral, 1998), and
El enigma de Paris (Buenos Aires: Planeta 2007) function within the national
generic tradition, and whether they reflect the tendencies toward critical commentary
and reflection upon the genre identified in the work of the writers examined in this
study. It would also be interesting to question how the narrative approach of De
Santis may be viewed as a reflection of developments within the genre since the
restoration of democracy in particular.
It would also be interesting to examine the work of Guillermo Martinez,
whose 2003 novel, Crmenes Imperceptibles, was awarded the Premio Planeta
Argentina in 2003. This novel has enjoyed considerable commercial success and was
brought to the big screen as The Oxford Murders by Spanish director lex de la
Iglesia in 2008. In light of this studys emphasis upon the centrality of Borges in the
Argentine crime fiction tradition, it would be illuminating to explore in detail the
work of a crime writer who is also a mathematician, and who has taken a keen
scholarly interest in the work of Borges, including the publication in 2003 of the
study Borges y la matemtica.
It is noteworthy that very few female authors published crime fiction in
Argentina in the period examined in this dissertation, though notable exceptions
include Silvana Ocampo, Maria Angelica Bosco, and Syria Poletti. While the scope
and objectives of this project, as outlined in the introductory chapter, did not lend
themselves to the examination of these authors works (and this may be seen as a
potential limitation of the current study), their work could constitute an important
focus for future research, particularly in light of the fact that more recently, a number
of female authors have begun to enjoy commercial success and recognition in the
Argentine context, in particular Claudia Pieiro, whose works within the genre
include Tuya (Buenos Aires: Colihue, 2005), and Betib (Buenos Aires: Alfaguara,
Final Observation
While it has been asserted in this study that the genre in Argentina reached
something of an impasse in the late seventies, there is no doubt that it continues to
exercise the fascination of its many devoted readers, writers and critics. I include
myself among their number. In the words of Daniel Link, Professor of Comparative
Literature at the University of Buenos Aires:
Daniel Link, ed., El juego de los cautos: Literatura policial de Edgar A. Poe a P. D. James
(Buenos Aires: La Marca, 2003), p. 9.
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