My Revision Notes As Edexcel History - Bunce, Robin (SRG)

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The passage provides an overview of Italy between 1896-1943, including its economic boom, regional divisions, nationalism, World War 1 impacts, rise of fascism and Mussolini's rule.

Italy's victory in WWI was 'mutilated' as it did not gain all it wanted from the Treaty of Versailles. The war had political, economic and social impacts in Italy setting the stage for the rise of fascism.

Mussolini consolidated power between 1922-1925 through various means including propaganda, terror tactics and controlling the traditional elites. He eliminated opposition parties by 1926.

AS Edexcel History

Robin Bunce
Laura Gallagher
Sarah Ward

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Robin Bunce, Laura Gallagher, Sarah Ward 2014
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Revised Section 1: Italy 18961912


Italy in 1896

The weaknesses of Italian Liberalism

Italys economic boom 18961912

Regional divisions


Italy as a world power and Italian nationalism


Giolittis reforms


Exam focus


Revised Section 2: The impact of the First World War 191823


Italys mutilated victory


The political impact of the war


The economic impact of the war


The social impact of the war


DAnnunzios Fiume


The emergence of Fascism


The March on Rome


The appeal of Fascism 191922


Exam focus


Revised Section 3: Power and control in Fascist Italy


The consolidation of power 192223


The consolidation of power 192425


Fascist propaganda


Fascist terror


Women and children


Education and censorship


Fascist economic policy


Fascism and the traditional elites


How successful was Fascism 192243?


Exam focus


Revised Section 4: Building the new Roman Empire


Mussolinis foreign policy aims


Fiume and Corfu


The Abyssinian campaign


Italian involvement in the Spanish Civil War


RomeBerlin Axis


War and downfall


Exam focus








About Unit 1
Unit 1 is worth 50 per cent of your AS level. It requires
detailed knowledge of a historical period and the
ability to explain the causes, consequences and
signicance of historical events. There are no sources
in the Unit 1 exam and therefore all marks available
are awarded for use of your own knowledge.
In the exam, you are required to answer two
questions from a range of options. Thequestions are
all worth 30 marks and therefore you should divide
your time including any extra time you have been
allocated equally between the questions.
The questions you answer must be on different topics.
This book deals exclusively with topic E3: The Collapse
of the Liberal State and the Triumph of Fascism in Italy,
18961943. However, you must also be prepared to
answer a question on another topic.
The exam will test your ability to:
select information that focuses on the question
organise this information to provide an answer to
the question
Q show range and depth in the examples you provide
analyse the signicance of the information used
to reach an overall judgement.

The Collapse of the Liberal State and the

Triumph of Fascism in Italy, 18961943

1. Weaknesses of the political system and attempts

to stabilise it from 1903 under Giolitti; social
discontent and political disorder, 18961912.
2. The impact of the First World War on Italy and its
impact on the Liberal State, 191823: Mussolini
and the message and appeal of Fascism, 191922.
3. Power and control in Fascist Italy: propaganda;
terror; the PNF (Partito Nazionale Fascista)
economic policies; the relationship of the regime
with the Church and the old elites.
4. Building the new Roman Empire, 192243:
Abyssinia, Spain and Italys diplomatic and
military preparations for war, 193341.

How to use this book

This book has been designed to help you to develop
the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the
exam. The book is divided into four sections one
for each general area of the course. Each section is
made up of a series of topics organised into doublepage spreads. On the left-hand page, you will nd a
summary of the key content you need to learn.
Words in bold in the key content are dened in the
On the right-hand page, you will nd exam-focused
activities. Together, these two strands of the book
will take you through the knowledge and skills
essential for exam success.

The exam board species that students should study

four general areas as part of this topic.
W Key historical content

W Exam-focused activities

Section 1: Italy 18961912

The weaknesses of Italian Liberalism

In theory, the new Italian state was a triumph of
Liberalism. It reected the birth of a new nation. The
old Italian states became one nation, governed by
the rule of law rather than the traditional elites: the
Catholic Church, the aristocracy and the heads of


the individual states. In practice, however,

all three still retained a great deal of power. For
what was meant to be a liberal system, Italy had
strong conservative and authoritarian institutions.

Delete as applicable
Below are a sample exam question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph and
decide which of the possible options (underlined) is most appropriate. Delete the least appropriate options and
complete the paragraph by justifying your selection.

How far was Italy more authoritarian than liberal in the period 18961912?

The role of the Italian monarchy indicates that Italy was more authoritarian than
liberal to a great/fair/limited extent. For example, the king exercised great power
through his role as head of the army. In addition, he was involved in the government of
the country. He approved the selection of government ministers, appointed the prime
minister, and helped to shape foreign policy. However, the taxes that funded the army
and the government had to be approved by parliament, and in this sense the power of the
king was limited. In this way, the role of the Italian monarchy indicates that Italy was
more authoritarian than liberal to a great/fair/limited extent because

What had changed?

The Catholic Church

After unication Pope Pius IX shut himself away in the Vatican in protest, as now the
papacy had much less political inuence across Italy. Although the later Pope Benedict XV
allowed Catholics to participate in national elections in 1919, no pope acknowledged the
existence of the kingdom of Italy until 1929. Consequently, Liberal governments continued
to be locked in conict with an extremely powerful institution over unsettled claims relating
to education and charity. Coalition governments found ongoing religious issues hard to
The Church was a source of instability and conict for governments until the Fascists came
to power.


After unication, there was one monarch, formerly the ruler of Piedmont, who ruled over
Italy. Before 1870, every state had its own ruler.

The aristocracy

This remained the same. In the new regime, there were some concessions to landowners
that made their lives easier than those of the peasants under the new regime (see page 4).

What was authoritarian about Italy?

The monarchy
The king of Italy was not a constitutional monarch.
He had direct power:
He was head of the army and fully involved in
military matters.
He played a role in foreign policy.
Q He selected the prime minister.
He had to approve the appointments of
government ministers.
There were two limits on his power:
Parliament had to approve the taxes that paid for
the army and government.
The kings character limited his power.
The king in 1896 was Umberto I. He was not an
intelligent, strong or popular leader and was rarely in
government. However, he pushed for the Triple
Alliance with Germany and Austria.

The army
The army was a central national institution.
During peacetime it comprised 215,000 soldiers.
All were conscripts who had to serve for three

years after their eighteenth birthday. It deliberately

taught a sense of national identity. Usually only a
third of all available men were called up as many
were unt. Others, like eldest sons, were needed to
run family farms or businesses. Most of the 15,000
ofcers were from Piedmont, which was essential
to keep the army loyal to the Piedmontese

What was trasformismo?

In 1896, there were no strong political parties in
Italy. Political organisation was not part of tradition
in the former states of Italy. Politicians had strong
local or family links rather than shared political
principles. Authority gures like the king were
therefore more easily able to wield power. There was
potential for political manoeuvring. Trasformismo
emerged from this system:
The king would appoint a prime minister.
This prime minister would manipulate and juggle
interests to ensure a working majority in
government, for example, a town would get a
new road or railway to make sure that the deputy
would support the government.
This, in turn, led to widespread corruption.


Spectrum of power
Below is a list of people or organisations that held power in Italy in this period. Use your own knowledge and the
information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the amount of power held by these people and
organisations. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative degrees of power. Having done
this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these people or organisations were more
powerful than others.

The Catholic Church

The monarchy
The aristocracy
The army
The prime minister

Less powerful

Very powerful

There are three levels of exam-focused activities.

Band 1 activities are designed to develop the foundational skills needed
to pass the exam. These have a turquoise heading and this symbol:
Band 2 activities are designed to build on the skills developed in Band 1
activities and to help you to develop the skills necessary for a C grade.
These have an orange heading and this symbol:
Band 3 activities are designed to enable you to access the highest grades.
These have a purple heading and this symbol:
Some of the activities have answers or suggested answers on pages 7577 and
have this symbol:
On pages 1617, 3435, 5455 and 6869 are four exam-style questions and model
A-grade answer with examiners commentary. This will give you guidance on what is
expected to achieve the top grade.
You can also keep track of your revision by ticking off each topic heading in the
book, or by ticking the checklist on the contents page. Tick each box when you have:
revised and understood a topic
completed the activities.

Mark scheme
For some of the activities in the book it will be useful to refer to the mark scheme for
the unit. Below is the mark scheme for Unit 1.




Lacks focus on the question

Limited factual accuracy
Highly generalised
Level 1 answers are highly simplistic, irrelevant or vague.
General points with some focus on the question
Some accurate and relevant supporting evidence
Level 2 answers might tell the story without addressing the question, or address the
question without providing supporting examples.
General points that focus on the question
Accurate support, but this may be either only partly relevant or lacking detail, or both
Attempted analysis
Level 3 answers attempt to focus on the question, but have signicant areas of weakness.
For example, the focus on the question may drift, the answer may lack specic examples,
or parts of the essay may simply tell the story. Answers that do not deal with factors that
are stated in the question cannot achieve higher than Level 3.
General points that clearly focus on the question and show understanding of the most
important factors involved
Accurate, relevant and detailed supporting evidence
Level 4 answers clearly attempt to answer the question and demonstrate a detailed and
wide-ranging knowledge of the period studied.
As Level 4
Sustained analysis
Level 5 answers are thorough and detailed. They clearly engage with the question and offer
a balanced and carefully reasoned argument, which is sustained throughout the essay.





Section 1:
Italy 18961912

Italy in 1896
A new country
Italy was a very new country in 1896. Although it
had a long and rich history, it suffered from many
problems as a result of its late development.
Unication (which took place in 1870) had
happened quickly and had brought together two
very different areas:
the wealthy and more industrially developed
North and
the poor and agricultural South.

The South did not feel like it was a part of the new
Italy as all of the political power and wealth was in
the North. Italy also suffered by comparison to the
other powers of Europe, as it did not possess an
empire and remained unrecognised by the Pope,
who had lost lands and power because of the

Social and economic conditions in Italy in 1896


Socio-economic result

Compared to other countries (especially the second

newest country, Germany), Italy was poor and
economically underdeveloped.

Agricultural labourers earned under 50p per week;

income per head was under 8 per year in Italy
compared to 26 in France and 31 in Britain.

Agriculture was by far the biggest employer but there

were wide variations in the patterns of agriculture.

Nearly 60 per cent of the population worked on the

land in Britain only 10 per cent did. Farms varied
from small-scale peasant agriculture in the Alps to vast
estates in the south owned by aristocratic landowners.

The revolution had challenged the old class structure but

this just meant that the aristocracy now shared power
with the new middle class elite.

The intention to build new networks of independent

(and wealthier) peasant farmers was not realised;
when feudal laws were abolished, lawyers and local
government ofcials beneted.

What was life like for the poor?

Disease was rife malaria was particularly
widespread in the south of Italy, killing 15,000
people annually. The water supply was often
infected and many died of cholera.
Poor diet in the North the diet of the poor was
based on polenta. The lack of variety led to
vitamin deciencies and the disease pellagra.
Few of Italys poor could afford luxury foods like
tomatoes, cheese and ham. Most wine was sold
to the middle class or went for export.
Housing conditions were primitive often one- or
two-bedroom houses for large families, which
they shared with their animals.

Who were the middle and upper classes

of the new Italy?
The old elite were the noble aristocratic families.
There were 7387 noble families, many more than
in Britain. Sicily alone had 208 princes.

Nobility did not automatically entail wealth.

Some did still own large estates and were more
enterprising, but many others relied on income
from jobs like army ofcers that were not
particularly well paid.
After unication, there were approximately
200,000 landowners and businessmen with
whom the nobility had to share power.
Lawyersand doctors were also landowners
andthey dominated local government. These
people formed the basis of the new middle
There were around 250,000 non-manual
government workers, of which 75,000 were
teachers. They were not very highly paid. The
jobs were secure, however, which caused them to
value the work more than they might have

Spider diagram
Use the information on the opposite page to add detail to the spider diagram below.

North and South

Local government

Italy in 1896

Social conditions


Complete the table

The Liberal regime in Italy collapsed in 1922. Many historians believe that the reasons for its collapse can be dated
back to the end of the nineteenth century. Use the information on the opposite page to complete the table below.
In the left-hand column, list factors that made Italy difcult to govern in 1896. In the right-hand column explain how
each factor made Italy difcult to govern.

How did this make Italy difcult to govern?

Section 1: Italy 18961912

The weaknesses of Italian Liberalism

In theory, the new Italian state was a triumph of
Liberalism. It reected the birth of a new nation. The
old Italian states became one nation, governed by
the rule of law rather than the traditional elites: the
Catholic Church, the aristocracy and the heads of


the individual states. In practice, however,

all three still retained a great deal of power. For
what was meant to be a liberal system, Italy had
strong conservative and authoritarian institutions.

What had changed?

The Catholic Church

After unication Pope Pius IX shut himself away in the Vatican in protest, as now the
papacy had much less political inuence across Italy. Although the later Pope Benedict XV
allowed Catholics to participate in national elections in 1919, no pope acknowledged the
existence of the kingdom of Italy until 1929. Consequently, Liberal governments continued
to be locked in conict with an extremely powerful institution over unsettled claims relating
to education and charity. Coalition governments found ongoing religious issues hard to
The Church was a source of instability and conict for governments until the Fascists came
to power.


After unication, there was one monarch, formerly the ruler of Piedmont, who ruled over
Italy. Before 1870, every state had its own ruler.

The aristocracy

This remained the same. In the new regime, there were some concessions to landowners
that made their lives easier than those of the peasants under the new regime (see page 4).

What was authoritarian about Italy?

The monarchy
The king of Italy was not a constitutional monarch.
He had direct power:
He was head of the army and fully involved in
military matters.
He played a role in foreign policy.
Q He selected the prime minister.
He had to approve the appointments of
government ministers.
There were two limits on his power:
Parliament had to approve the taxes that paid for
the army and government.
The kings character limited his power.
The king in 1896 was Umberto I. He was not an
intelligent, strong or popular leader and was rarely in
government. However, he pushed for the Triple
Alliance with Germany and Austria.

The army
The army was a central national institution.
During peacetime it comprised 215,000 soldiers.
All were conscripts who had to serve for three

years after their eighteenth birthday. It deliberately

taught a sense of national identity. Usually only a
third of all available men were called up as many
were unt. Others, like eldest sons, were needed to
run family farms or businesses. Most of the 15,000
ofcers were from Piedmont, which was essential
to keep the army loyal to the Piedmontese

What was trasformismo?

In 1896, there were no strong political parties in
Italy. Political organisation was not part of tradition
in the former states of Italy. Politicians had strong
local or family links rather than shared political
principles. Authority gures like the king were
therefore more easily able to wield power. There was
potential for political manoeuvring. Trasformismo
emerged from this system:
The king would appoint a prime minister.
This prime minister would manipulate and juggle
interests to ensure a working majority in
government, for example, a town would get a
new road or railway to make sure that the deputy
would support the government.
This, in turn, led to widespread corruption.

Delete as applicable
Below are a sample exam question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph and
decide which of the possible options (underlined) is most appropriate. Delete the least appropriate options and
complete the paragraph by justifying your selection.

How far was Italy more authoritarian than liberal in the period 18961912?

The role of the Italian monarchy indicates that Italy was more authoritarian than
liberal to a great/fair/limited extent. For example, the king exercised great power
through his role as head of the army. In addition, he was involved in the government of
the country. He approved the selection of government ministers, appointed the prime
minister, and helped to shape foreign policy. However, the taxes that funded the army
and the government had to be approved by parliament, and in this sense the power of the
king was limited. In this way, the role of the Italian monarchy indicates that Italy was
more authoritarian than liberal to a great/fair/limited extent because

Spectrum of power
Below is a list of people or organisations that held power in Italy in this period. Use your own knowledge and the
information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the amount of power held by these people and
organisations. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative degrees of power. Having done
this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these people or organisations were more
powerful than others.

The Catholic Church

The monarchy
The aristocracy
The army
The prime minister

Less powerful

Very powerful

Section 1: Italy 18961912


Italys economic boom 18961912

Between 1896 and 1912, Italys economy surged.
Italys industrial revolution following 1896, during
the Giolitti period, resulted in a new political
stability as the Italian people associated liberalism
with economic success. In spite of the boom,
however, there were underlying economic problems.

Economic transformation
Under Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti (see page
14), there was a period of considerable economic
growth. Italian Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
grew at an annual average of 2.8 per cent between
1896 and 1912. This growth was more impressive
than both Britain and France at the time, where
growth was less than 2per cent a year.

Causes of industrial growth

Several factors contributed to the economic boom
prior to the First World War:
A thriving European market which increased the
demand for Italian goods.
Emigration: between 1900 and 1910, six million
Italians left Italy but sent money to their
relatives at home.
Q Government spending on the military and hydroelectric dams boosted industrial production.
Relatively low tariffs helped the trade of
industrial goods and raw materials.

Industrial growth
Economic growth was primarily driven by industrial
growth, especially in the new industries between
1901 and 1914. For example, cheaper iron and steel
imports led to the foundation of motor and
engineering companies such as Fiat, Isotta Fraschinin
Alfa, and Lancia between 1899 and 1906.
Additionally, Pirelli and Montecatini began
producing products such as sulphuric acid, rubber
and electrical cables. The prots from new industries
grew by 10.6 per cent between 1896 and 1913. By
1912 Italy was also producing more electricity than
France, and had almost caught up with Britains
electrical production. Despite this, iron and steel
production remained far below that of Britain and
More traditional industries such as textile
production also boomed. For example, cotton

production doubled between 1900 and

1908, and by 1912 Italy controlled 30 per cent
of the global silk market.

Problems in agriculture
There was some growth in agriculture too. On
average, agriculture grew 2 per cent a year between
1896 and 1912. The sugar industry was particularly
successful. Growth in sugar beet farming meant that
sugar production grew from 6000 tons in 1898 to
130,000 tons in 1903.
More generally, however, agricultural production
lagged behind industrial production. Wool
production stagnated due to strikes among
agricultural workers and a lack of modern
Many workers left agricultural production to work
in industry or the service sector. Between
1897 and 1912 the proportion of workers who
worked in agriculture dropped from 64 per cent to
58 per cent.

From 1896 to 1912, Italian people grew richer by
around 2.1 per cent a year on average. Industrial
workers did particularly well. Their income rose by
around 40 per cent between 1900 and 1912. This
increase was considerably better than that of
Britain, France, Austria, Germany and Japan. Rural
incomes barely improved, however, accentuating
inequalities between the country and the city.
Moreover, Italians were still relatively poor: in
1912, the income of the average Italian household
was only half that of the average French

Economic and politics 18961912

Economic growth led to political stability. Giolitti
enjoyed the support of major industrialists.
Relatively high rates of wage growth also reduced
the appeal of Marxist revolutionaries among the
working class. The political stability and absence
of opposition meant that Giolitti was not put
under pressure to reform Italian politics. Giolittis
political reforms (see page 14) were, therefore,
introduced very slowly and left many problems

Develop the detail

Below are a sample exam question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. The paragraph contains a
limited amount of detail. Annotate the paragraph to add additional detail to the answer.

How far were economic problems the main cause of social discontent in Italy in the period

Economic problems played some role in creating social discontent in Italy in the period
18961912. Although industrial workers benefited from industrial growth, agricultural
workers suffered in this period. For example, some industries suffered from a lack of
modern machinery. In addition, many agricultural workers left to work in industry.
Overall, incomes in rural areas of Italy barely increased. In this way, economic problems
contributed to social discontent in Italy in the period 18961914 because they decreased
standards of living for agricultural workers, and accentuated the divide between urban
and rural areas.

Introducing an argument
Below are a sample exam question, a list of key points to be made in the essay, and a simple introduction and
conclusion for the essay. Read the question, the plan, the introduction and conclusion. Rewrite the introduction
and the conclusion in order to develop an argument.

How far were economic problems the main cause of social discontent in Italy in the period

Key points

Economic problems

Political problems

Divisions between the North and the South

Social divisions


There were four key causes of social

discontent in Italy in the period 18961914.
These were economic problems, political
problems, divisions between the North and
the South, and social divisions.


There were four key causes of social

discontent in Italy in the period 18961914.
The most important reason was economic
problems. This played a more significant
role than all of the other factors.

Section 1: Italy 18961912


Regional divisions
National unity was undermined by the differences
between the regions and the strong local identities.
The north and south of Italy were very different.
Asdiscussed on page 4, the North was wealthier
andmore industrialised whereas the South was
mostly agricultural and had much higher levels
ofpoverty. The South felt alienated from the rest

Why did the South feel alienated?

Dialect and language: The Italian language and
the dialects spoken varied widely in different
parts of the country. The Italian spoken in Sicily
(in the South) is different from that spoken in
Tuscany (in the North). Also, dialects were much
more widely used in the nineteenth century.
What is now called Italian was simply the
dialectof Tuscany, the province that centred
onFlorence. In the 1890s only 2 per cent of
thepopulation spoke Italian. The language of
Italian politics and power was that of the
North,meaning that the people in the South
found it hard to identify with the new state.
These issues around language meant that it
washard for Italy to develop a unied sense
Unication or conquest? Southerners felt that
unication was actually a conquest by
Piedmont, the dominant northern state and the
home province of the King of Italy. This left
lasting resentment and bitterness in the South,
and the general feeling that Italy was just the
product of another foreign invasion. In this
sensesouthern resentment undermined the
newLiberal regime because they did not feel
partof the new state.


Q Tax: The old rulers of southern Italy were

inefcient tax-collectors. The taxes under the new
state were higher and more efciently collected.
The livestock of the poor (mules, donkeys) were
also more heavily taxed than the cattle of the rich,
as the new Italian government felt that it had to
appease the wealthy rather than the poor.
Q Education and the vote: There was also an
educational divide between the North and the
South. This was very important because the
electoral franchise was based on literacy after
1882. The introduction of compulsory schooling
in the late 1880s had very little effect in the
South, as there were truancy rates of around
80per cent and therefore high illiteracy rates.
Nonetheless, in more prosperous areas there
wasa considerable improvement. In Sicily, for
example, the proportion of students at primary
school shot up from 55 per cent in 1901 to
74percent in 1906.
Corruption: The South still had 203 MPs out of
508 despite having a much smaller percentage
ofthe electorate. Governments, therefore, relied
heavily on the support of southern deputies,
whocould be more easily bribed or manipulated
than their northern colleagues (who had larger
electorates). This was part of the system of
trasformismo (see page 6).

The impact of regionalism

Regionalism impacted on Liberal Italy by
undermining the unity of the nation. Overall,
between 1896 and 1912 regional identity was more
important than national identity. For many, fear of
losing their regional identify meant that Italians were
unwilling to see themselves as fully Italian.

Spot the mistake

Below are a sample exam question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Why does this paragraph
not get into Level 4? Once you have identied the mistake, rewrite the paragraph so that it displays the qualities of
Level 4. The mark scheme on page 3 will help you.

How far is it accurate to describe Italy as unied in the period 18961912?

One way in which Italy could not be described as unified in the period 18961912 was
in terms of education and voting rights. There were significant differences between
literacy rates in the North and the South. This had an impact on voting rights as people
who were illiterate could not register to vote. In this sense, Italy could not be described
as unified as people in the North were better educated and had greater political
influence than those in the South.

Eliminate irrelevance
Below are a sample exam question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph and
identify parts of the paragraph that are not directly relevant to the question. Draw a line through the information
that is irrelevant and justify your deletions in the margin.

To what extent did regional differences in Italy undermine the unity of the Liberal State in the period

One way in which regional differences in Italy did undermine the unity of the Liberal
State in the period 1896-1912 was through dialect and language. People in different parts
of the country spoke different forms of Italian, with the Italian spoken in the North
differing considerably from the Italian spoken in the South. The South was also much
poorer as it was predominantly agricultural and grain prices had fallen. In the 1890s,
only 2 per cent of the Italian population spoke Italian, while 98 per cent spoke in local
dialects. Language differences had a twofold impact on the unity of the Liberal State.
First, differences in language made it difficult for Italy to develop a sense of identity.
Secondly, as political power was based in the North, the language of politics was that
of the North. The King of Piedmont, Umberto I, had become King of Italy following
unification even though he was unpopular and not very intelligent. Consequently, many in
the South found it hard to identify with the government. In this way, regional differences
in the form of language and dialect did undermine the unity of the Liberal State in the
period 18961912 as they prevented many people from understanding or associating
themselves with the new state.


Section 1: Italy 18961912

Italy as a world power and Italian nationalism

International relations in the late nineteenth century
were dominated by European empires. Britain and
France, the greatest nations in Europe, had the
largest empires. Following unication Italy, like
Germany and other younger nations, attempted to
establish itself as a great power by creating an
empire. Indeed, the creation of an Italian Empire was
essential to the project of creating an Italian national
However, Italy was never able to rival the British or
French Empires and this had consequences for the
aspirations of Italian nationalists.

Francesco Crispi
Francesco Crispi, Prime Minister from 1887 to 1891
and again from 1893 to 1896, attempted to create a
new national identity and to enhance Italys status as
a world power. He hoped that Italians would unite
around a common mission to build an Italian
In order to create a national identity he began to
associate the Italian nation with popular heroes
such as Garibaldi and Mazzini.
He attempted to found an empire in Africa. His
campaign, the First African War, which lasted
from 1895 to 1896, was an attempt to win
control of Abyssinia.
The First African War ended in disaster for Italy.
Italys army was defeated by a much larger
Abyssinian force at Adowa on 1 March 1896.
Around 7000 Italian troops were killed and some of
the living prisoners were castrated. This represented
a humiliation for Italy the only European power to
be defeated in this way while aiming to build an
empire. Back in Italy there were protests all over the
country demanding Crispis resignation.

Italy and the European empires

Compared to Britain, France and Germany, Italy was
a weak nation. She was behind the other countries
economically and had a smaller population. Indeed,



by 1913 Britain was producing 16.2 million

tons of iron and steel and Germany 28.6 million
tons. Italy was far behind these two greatest
industrial powers, producing only 0.6 million tons of
iron and steel. Defeat in Abyssinia emphasised
Italys weakness.

Nationalism and the Libyan War

In spite of the defeat in Abyssinia there was a
growing Italian nationalist movement in the years
before the First World War. The nationalists were
strongly critical of the existing Italian government.
They demanded:
new attempts to create an Italian Empire
tough anti-union policies.
From 1909 the movement grew, especially amongst
the young and the well-educated. It became a
destabilising force in Italy after 1909. The movement
held a Nationalist Congress in 1910 and published
the rst issue of their journal, Lidea Nazionale, on
1 March 1911.
In 1911, Giolitti (see page 14) attempted to win the
support of the nationalists by launching a campaign
to capture Libya. The campaign was a disaster. The
war was more difcult and expensive than planned,
and Italy only succeeded in capturing Libyas coastal
regions. Furthermore, the war failed to win the
support of the nationalists who believed that Giolitti
had done too little. At the same time, the war turned
socialists and many Catholics against Giolitti as they
objected to the violent imperialist policy.

The impact of Italian nationalism on

Italian government
Italian nationalism attracted many intellectuals,
industrialists, journalists, and conservatives.
Although nationalist groups were relatively small
they were highly inuential. Nationalism
undermined Giolittis Liberal government by
advocating war in Libya, a policy that led to political

Spectrum of signicance
Below are a sample exam question and a list of general points which could be used
to answer the question. Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite
page to reach a judgement about the importance of these general points to the question
posed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative importance.
Having done this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of
these factors are more important than others. The resulting diagram could form the basis
of an essay plan.

How far was Italys attempt to become a great power the main cause of social
discontent in Italy in the period 18961912?

Italys attempt to become a great power

Economic problems
The weaknesses of Italian liberalism
Divisions between North and South
Social divisions
The inuence of the nationalist movement

Less important

Very important

Simple essay style

Below is a sample exam question. Use your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page to produce a plan for this question. Choose four general points,
and provide three pieces of specic information to support each general point. Once
you have planned your essay, write the introduction and conclusion for the essay. The
introduction should list the points to be discussed in the essay. The conclusion should
summarise the key points and justify which point was the most important.

How far does the inuence of the nationalist movement in Italy account for
the weaknesses of the Liberal State in the period 18961912?


Section 1: Italy 18961912


Giolittis reforms
Who was Giolitti?
Giovanni Giolitti was a Liberal politician. He was
Prime Minister four times between 1903 and 1914
and once again in 19201921. Giolitti came to
prominence after a period of instability in Italy
caused by the repression of violent riots in May
1897, and the fall of the previous charismatic leader
Crispi following the defeat at Adowa in 1896. He
was a skilled political manipulator, adept at forming
coalitions and using trasformismo (see page 6) to get
parliament to pass his policies. He was criticised for
his willingness to ally with anyone to achieve his
aims. In 1921 he even offered Mussolini and the
Fascists an electoral alliance. As Giolitti had been in
power for such a long time, he had huge inuence
because he had appointed most of the key ofcials
in government.

What reforms did Giolitti make?

Giolittis reforms aimed to broaden the appeal of the
government, improve infrastructure and stimulate
the economy.
Between 1900 and 1907, spending on infrastructure
and public works increased by 50 per cent.
Thisincluded road-building, aqueducts, railway
improvements and irrigation schemes.
Child labour was banned and womens working
hours were reduced to a maximum of 11 hours
Q National insurance provision for the sick and
theelderly was extended. In 1907, Giolitti
introduced a compulsory rest day and in 1910,
amaternity fund. Families were paid 40 lire
forevery new baby.
Strict neutrality was introduced for state agencies
(such as the police) in the case of strikes.
Q Real wages went up in agriculture and industry.
This represented a genuine improvement in living
standards for the poorest workers.


The electoral franchise expanded from 3 million to

8.5 million. From 1912, all literate men over 21
had the right to vote, and all men over 30 could
vote whether literate or not. It was much harder
now to form the kind of coalitions and deals that
had resulted from such a small electoral franchise
and tight government control.

Why did Giolitti fall in 1914?

He faced radical opposition from the Left and
theRight. Both sides wanted to change Italy,
through violence if necessary. The Left called
forarevolution to bring the people to power.
The Right wanted Italy cleansed by blood to rid
itof corrupt elements.
Giolittis labour reforms and the neutrality rule
alienated the nationalists, who also criticised
himfor his foreign policy.
The Libyan War of 191112 was intended to
unite the nation and stave off criticism, but it was
expensive, brutal, and difcult to win and people
blamed Giolitti for this. The nationalists received
credit for the eventual victory. Giolitti resigned in
March 1914, and was replaced by the more rightwing Antonio Salandra, who then took Italy
into the First World War.

The impact of Giolitti on Italian

Giolittis reforms changed the way that Italian
government worked. Extending the electoral
franchise undermined the Liberals control on
government because now the traditional trasformismo
system was more difcult to sustain. It weakened
the hold of the traditional elites as many more men
now had the ability to determine their own vote.
Living standards and real wages rose under Giolitti,
and brought moderate socialists under the wing of
the government, but this was not good enough to
appease the nationalist movement.

RAG Rate the timeline

Below are a sample exam question and a timeline. Read the question, study the timeline
and, using three coloured pens, put a red, amber or green star next to the events to

red events and policies that have no relevance to the question

amber events and policies that have some signicance to the question

green events and policies that are directly relevant to the question

1) How far do you agree that Giolittis government created political stability in
the years 190314?
Now repeat the activity with the following questions. You could use different colours, or
number your stars 1, 2 and 3.

2) How far were economic problems the main cause of social discontent in Italy
in the period 18961914?
3) How far is it accurate to describe Italy as unied in the period 18961914?

sugar production
reaches 130,000

Italian army
defeated at


First issue
of Lidea
Nazionale Proportion of
published workers in
agriculture is
only 58%





Giolitti becomes
Prime Minister




rest day


Italy controlled
30% of the
global silk market




Income of an Resignation of
Italian household Giolitti
is half that of
a French household

extended to all
Beginning of literate men
the Libyan over 21 and
all men over 30

Recommended reading
Below is a list of suggested further reading on this topic.

Italy: The Rise of Fascism 19151945, chapter 2, Mark Robson (2006)

Modern Italy, 1871 to the Present, pages 15213, Martin Clark (2008)

A Concise History of Italy, pages 143188, Christopher Duggan (1994)


Section 1: Italy 18961912

Exam focus


Below is a sample A grade essay. Read it and the comments around it.

How far was the impact of Italian nationalism the main cause of the political instability of the Liberal
State in the years 18961912?
This is a
that outlines
the structure of
the rest of the

The paragraph
the whole
time period
mentioned in
the question
by focusing on
an example
from 1896 and
another that
followed 1909.


Italian nationalism was certainly one

reason for the political instability of
Liberal State in the years 1896191
2. Ho wever, there were other proble
that undermined the Liberal State,
such as regional differences, the nat
ure of
Italys economy, and Italys political
Italian nationalism, particularly in the
years following 1909, played a key role
undermining the stability of the Libera
l State. Nationalists undermined the sta
in several ways. First, they were critica
l of important aspects of government
policy. For example, they wanted a ren
ewed focus on building an Italian Em
pire in
Africa, as well as tougher policies aga
inst Italys unions. Second, they destab
the government by putting pressure on
Giolitti to extend Italys empire by inva
Libya. Giolitti authorised the invasion
to try to win over nationalist support.
However, the invasion further destab
ilised the Liberal State as it resulted in
deaths of 7,000 Italian soldiers and onl
y a partial victory, as Italy only gained
control of Libyas coastal regions. The
se military problems led to political
problems: the nationalists accused Gio
litti of doing too little to advance the
empire while the socialists and Cathol
ics criticised Giolittis warlike imperia
Nationalism was also a problem ear
lier in the period, as Crispis First Afr
War of 189596 ended in failure. Cri
spi launched the war for nationalist
reasons, as he wanted to unite Italian
s behind the common goal of buildin
an empire. Ho wever, the policy bac
kfired and led to protests that forced
Crispis resignation. Clearly, Italian
nationalism was responsible for the
political instability of the Liberal Sta
te because nationalist groups criticis
the government. Furthermore, nation
alism inspired leaders to launch risk
imperialist wars that ended in disaste
r for Italy.
Other factors also caused political inst
ability in Liberal Italy. Regional divisio
led to political problems. Although Cri
spi and other politicians tried to create
a sense of national identity, regional ide
ntity was often more important than
national identity. There were huge eco
nomic differences between the relative
industrially developed North, and the
South that was still dominated by far
Political unification did nothing to uni
te the poor rural workers of the South
the relatively wealthy industrial worker
s and rich middle class of the North.
Additionally, Southerners tended to fee
l that unification was nothing more tha
a northern takeover which handed pow
er to the Piedmont monarchy. Indeed
most of the Armys 15,000 officers wer
e from Piedmont and Italian, the new
national language, was rarely spoken
in the South, again emphasising the fee
that national government were essentia
lly foreign invaders. The strength of
regional identity and the NorthSouth
divide clearly led to political instability
of the Liberal State because a large sec
tion of society felt much more loyalty
their region than they did to the gov
ernment of their nation.

ermined the stability of the Liberal Sta
The nature of Italys economy also und
ed to other major European powers.
First, Italys economy was poor compar
arily agricultural country with nearly
example, in 1896, Italy was still a prim
on farms. Britain by comparison was
60 per cent of its population working
y 10 per cent of its population workin
primarily agricultural country with onl
nomic growth of the Giolitti period, Ita
on the land. Even with the massive eco
s of iron and steel, compared to Germa
was still producing only 0.6 million ton
lion tons. This meant that Italy did not
28.6 million tons and Britains 16.2 mil
and Germany in terms of expanding its
the resources to compete with Britain
economic weaknesses contributed to
empire in Africa. In this sense, Italys
d an Italian Empire. Economic growth
frustration of nationalists who wante
in the North grew much more quickl
contributed to regionalism as industry
a 40
growth between 1900 and 1912 led to
than agriculture in the South. Rapid
rial workers. However, agricultural gro
per cent rise in the income of indust
dern machinery. Clearly, the nature
was not as good due to the lack of mo
in Italys economy as it could not sup
the economy led to a lack of stability
made regional differences worse.
successful imperial expansion and it
yed a part in undermining the stability
Finally, Italys political leaders also pla
icy undermined the stability of the sta
the Liberal State. Crispis imperial pol
defeat at Adowa in 1896 led to the fall
due to Italys failure in Abyssinia. The
made mistakes. Significantly, althoug
his government in May 1897. Giolitti also
led to political stability, he did not use
the economic growth of 18961912
orms. For example, he failed to resolve
period of calm to introduce major ref
he did
man Catholic Church. Additionally,
relationship between Italy and the Ro
rth and South, and his electoral reform
not resolve the problems between No
of 30 the vote were only passed in 191
that finally gave all men over the age
ed the Libyan War which led to increa
Finally, in 1911, Giolitti unwisely launch
port for the Liberal State. Clearly, pol
political polarisation rather than sup
ermining the stability of the Liberal Sta
leaders were also responsible for und
es that made Italys problems worse.
because they made significant mistak
lead to the political instability of the
In conclusion, Italian nationalism did
ver, had economic circumstances
Liberal Sta
been wiser, nationalism might not hav
been different and political leaders
been such a big problem.

This paragraph
shows how
Italys economy
inuenced the
other factors
in the essay.
In so doing
it achieved

Again, this
paragraph uses
examples from
the period
mentioned in
the question
showing a
good range of

The conclusion
begins to show
how economics
affected other
factors. Greater
of these links
could have
pushed the
mark higher in
Level 5.

This is a Level 5 essay due to the fact that it achieves sustained analysis through showing how
the different factors relate. The focus on the question is strong throughout the essay and there
is a good level of detail. A stronger introduction and conclusion that showed more explicitly
how the different factors affected each other would have led to a higher mark.
Reverse engineering
The best essays are based on careful plans. Read the essay and the examiners comments
and try to work out the general points of the plan used to write the essay. Once you have
done this, note down the specic examples used to support each general point.


Section 2:
The impact of the First World War 191823

Italys mutilated victory

What was the mutilated victory?
This term originated with the nationalist writer
Gabriele DAnnunzio (see page 26). It reects the
popular Italian view that Italy deserved more from
the Paris Peace Conference (1919) for its part in the
war effort.

What did Italy demand and what did it

The Italian negotiators were in a difcult situation.
They had to be realistic, yet were aware of the
common desire, driven by DAnnunzio and other
nationalists, to demand extensive territorial gains.
The resulting Treaty of St Germain (1919) was
almost bound to disappoint.

How were the decisions made at

St Germain?
The USA, Britain and France thought that Italys
demands in the Treaty of London were excessive. It
didnt help that the Treaty of London was a secret
agreement. Its signatories had not informed
President Wilson about its contents. Thus the Treaty
of St Germain was based on Wilsons Fourteen
Points instead, three of which contradicted the
Treaty of London. These were:
Q Open diplomacy
Q Italys borders to be amended along nationalist
Q Autonomy for the peoples of AustriaHungary.

Italian demands

The results of the Treaty of St Germain

The Adriatic port of Fiume. This was a nationalist

demand. It did not feature in the Treaty of London that
drew Italy into the Entente in May 1915.

This was not delivered. The US President Wilson

believed this demand infringed national selfdetermination. Fiume had a mixed Italian and Croat
population and so formed part of the new Yugoslavia,
which the Entente wanted as a strong barrier against
future German expansion.

The territories of South Tyrol, the Trentino, Istria and

South Tyrol, Trentino and Istria were delivered but
some of Dalmatia. These were all promised to Italy in the Dalmatia was not. The Dalmatian coast was ethnically
Treaty of London.
Slav. It was given to the newly created Yugoslavia.
Overseas colonies. Nationalists believed Italy should share This was denied it was thought this demand was far in
in the redistribution of Germany and Turkeys colonies
excess of what Italy had contributed to the war effort.

What were Italian views on the Treaty of St Germain and how

did this affect the Liberal government?
Many Italians were unhappy with the peace settlement:

How justied were these views?

Q They believed that the Entente powers had denied

Italys demands for their own selsh motives.
Q They also blamed the Italian government for
abandoning the national interest.
Q They believed that liberal democracy had failed
them, particularly in terms of expansionism.
Q Demobilised soldiers were particularly angry,
seeing the peace settlement as an insufcient
reward for their efforts in the war.
Q The conservatives were also afraid and angry that
the anti-war Socialist Party was threatening to
take control.

Q Britain and France had sacriced more in terms of

people and resources during the First World War,
and aided Italy in 1917 by sending extra troops to
the Italian front. They thought Italy had not made
a signicant enough contribution to justify their
Q The Italian negotiator, Prime Minister Orlando,
was no match for the British and French
negotiators (David Lloyd George for Britain,
Georges Clemenceau for France) who were
wily political operators. He did not press the
Italian case effectively in the face of such


Complete the paragraph

Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. The paragraph
contains a point and specic examples, but lacks a concluding explanatory link back to the question. Complete
the paragraph adding this link in the space provided.

How far does Italys mutilated victory after the First World War account for the weaknesses of the
Liberal State in the period 191822?

Italys mutilated victory after the First World War played an important role in weakening the
Liberal State in the period 191822. In Italy, there was widespread disappointment with the
Treaty of St Germain. For example, the Italian negotiators had demanded that Italy share in the
redistribution of colonies belonging to Germany and Turkey. However, this demand was refused.
In addition, Italian negotiators had asked for the port of Fiume and parts of Dalmatia. This
request was also refused, and these territories were given to Yugoslavia. Many in Italy believed
that these terms were insulting to Italy and did not reflect Italys role in the war.


Identify an argument
Below are a series of denitions, a sample exam-style question and two sample conclusions. One of the
conclusions achieves a high level because it contains an argument. The other achieves a lower level because it is
contains only description and assertion. Identify which is which. The mark scheme on page 3 will help you.

Description: a detailed account.

Assertion: a statement of fact or an opinion which is not supported by a reason.

Reason: a statement which explains or justies something.

Argument: an assertion justied with a reason.

How far does Italys mutilated victory after the First World War account for increasing
dissatisfaction with the Liberal government in Italy in the period 191822?

Sample 1
Overall, Italys mutilated victory played a key
role in accounting for increasing dissatisfaction
with the Liberal government in Italy in the
period 191822. Many Italians were unhappy
with the terms of the Treaty of St Germain
and believed that the Liberal government had
failed to ensure that Italy was justly rewarded
for its role in the war. Consequently, while other
factors, such as economic problems and social
problems, heightened tensions, the impact of the
mutilated victory was most important because
it created the impression that the Italian
government was not acting in the interests of
the Italian people.

Sample 2
Overall, Italys mutilated victory played
a role in accounting for increasing
dissatisfaction with the Liberal government
in Italy in the period 191822. The terms of
the Treaty of St Germain did not reflect the
demands of Italian nationalists, and many
people were disappointed with the peace
settlement. However, the terms of the Treaty
reflected the fact that Britain and France
had contributed more to the war in terms of
people and resources. In addition, the Italian
negotiators did not make their demands
strongly, and so many of their requests were


Section 2: The impact of the First World War 191823


The political impact of the war

The war had long-lasting political and social
consequences which created problems for the
Liberal State. Existing divisions deepened,
undermining democracy.

Democratic reforms

Political divisions

Q Universal male suffrage was introduced.

Prime Minister Antonio Salandra hoped that war

would unite the nation, but entry into the war was
divisive. At the outbreak of war the majority of the
population was against it. Liberals tended to argue
that there was no national interest in joining the war.
Most Catholics supported neutrality and most
socialists argued for pacism.

Q The electoral system was changed with the

Some did welcome the war. Radicals, and a minority

of socialists like Benito Mussolini, believed that
the war would lead to revolution across Europe.
Nationalists wanted to expand Italys sphere of
inuence by beating the Central Powers.
Nonetheless, there was little unity between these
groups because their reasons for supporting the war
were so different.

between Italian liberals and the traditional elites.

At the same time, new mass political parties
started to become more powerful. Following the
war, therefore, groups with mass appeal were
likely to win power.
Q The Liberal Party lacked cohesion, discipline
and organisation the reforms showed that
political parties now needed to garner mass
public support rather than rely on links with
the traditional elites.
Q The Socialist parties had access to the mass
audiences necessary to gain support, but they
refused to take part in coalition government in
order to undermine parliamentary democracy.
Q The Catholic Popular Party (PPI) this party
was created in 1919 after Pope Benedict XV
gave Catholics permission to participate in
national elections. The liberals needed to form
coalitions with the PPI if the Socialists would
not do so, but the liberals and the PPI had little
in common. This led to frequent crises as
anti-clerical liberals would not compromise
with PPI demands on issues such as education
and female suffrage.
The failure of these parties to work together caused
the erosion of public condence in the parliamentary
systems. Together, the impact of the war and the
reforms led to widespread disenchantment with the
Liberal State.

Salandra believed the war would be short and Italys

victory would win over the majority of the people.

War and democracy

The war eroded Italian democracy in several ways:
Q Salandra ruled by decree, therefore the


democratically elected parliament lost its power

to make laws.
Salandra rarely allowed parliament to meet, as he
wanted to minimise public criticism of his
Unelected military leaders grew in power as the
government prioritised military requirements to
win the war.
Public condence in democracy was weakened as
many felt that the democratic parliament had
failed to stop the war.
Traditional party politics were weakened by splits
over issues such as entering the war, and whether
Italy should continue ghting.
The Liberals were discredited for failing to win a
better deal for Italy at the Paris Peace Conference.
The war created greater pressure for democratic


Following the war, radical democratic reforms were

introduced. The reforms were put in place in time
for the November 1919 elections:

introduction of the party list system.

The impact of reform

The reforms further destabilised Italian democracy
by undermining the established political parties.
Q The war undermined the power of the alliance

Spot the mistake

Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this
question. Why does this paragraph not get into Level 4? Once you have identied the
mistake, rewrite the paragraph so that it displays the qualities of Level 4. The mark
scheme on page 3 will help you.

To what extent were the democratic reforms of 1919 responsible for the
political instability of the Liberal State in the years 18961922?

The democratic reforms of 1919 were partially responsible for the

political instability of the Liberal State in the years 18961922.
The reforms introduced universal male suffrage and changed the
electoral system. These were radical changes and they came into
force in time for the November 1919 elections. The changes led to
widespread dissatisfaction with the Liberal government.

Develop the detail

Below are a sample exam-style 24 mark question and a paragraph written in answer to
this question. The paragraph contains a limited amount of detail. Annotate the paragraph
to add additional detail to the answer.

How far was Italys involvement in the First World War the main reason for
the collapse of the Liberal State?

One way in which Italys involvement in the First World War

contributed to the collapse of the Liberal State was that the war
weakened confidence in Italian democracy. For example, the
Prime Minister rarely allowed Parliament to meet. In addition, as a
result of the war, many unelected leaders became more powerful.
Consequently, the war created pressure for political reform, and
radical democratic reforms were introduced. However, these
reforms created further political problems. In this way, Italys
involvement in the First World War highlighted the weaknesses of
Italian democracy and led to widespread disenchantment with the
Liberal State.


Section 2: The impact of the First World War 191823


The economic impact of the war

The war economy succeeded in supplying the
army.However, its political effects were devastating,
as it led to economic chaos and the threat of

The economic consequences

of the war economy

Creating a war economy

Q Economic growth during the war had depended

Before the war, many people were afraid that a

longconict would shatter the economy. In this
context the success of the Italian war economy
appeared to be an economic miracle. The Italian
government achieved this by establishing an
Undersecretariat of Arms and Munitions
whichoffered cheap loans, payment in advance
andlucrative contracts to favoured companies.
Thecompanies that beneted from the war
economy included:
Q Fiat the car manufacturer
Q Montecatini a chemicals company
Q Breda engineering specialists.

The political consequences of the war

The war economy weakened Italian democracy.
Essentially, the economy was controlled by
committees of military leaders and senior
businessmen, or government technocrats
whowere not accountable to the people or
Additionally, the government failed to control
business during the war, so businesses could
keepwages low and raise the price of their
goods.Consequently, the authority of the
government was weakened because many
workersand peasants believed that the government
was on the side of big business rather than


The war economy created post-war problems that

further undermined the Liberal State:
on state spending so, once the war was over,
major businesses suffered because a major source
of income stopped. Demand fell steeply and
share prices halved. Two major munitions
companies, Ansaldo and Ilva, collapsed in 1921.
Q Wartime spending led to a severe budget decit
Italy spent approximately 41 billion lire during
the war, and owed 23.3 billion after the war.
Q The government printed money to help pay back
British and American war loans. This led to
ination. By 1920, the lira was worth only
25per cent of its value in 1914. The cost of living
quadrupled in the same time. Ination hit the
value of savings, pensions and real wages.

The war economy and the Liberal State

The war economy weakened the Liberal State in
several ways:
Q It led to a post-war economic crisis which created

massive industrial unrest.

Q Italian workers and peasants blamed the
government for the economic crisis and began
campaigning for more radical alternatives.
Q Middle-class Italians feared that the Liberal State
was unable to control the workers and therefore
they started supporting more radical anti-socialist
Q The war economy created a network of powerful
unelected economic managers who refused to
give up their power once the war was over.

Youre the examiner

Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and the mark scheme provided on page 3. Decide which level you would award the paragraph. Write the level
below, along with a justication for your choice.

How far was the economic impact of the First World War the main reason for the collapse of the
Liberal State?

The economic impact of the First World War was an important reason for the collapse of
the Liberal State. For example, the government did not control business practices during
the war, allowing businesses to raise prices and keep wages low. This gave the impression
that the government cared more about the interests of business than the interests of
the workers and peasants. Consequently, the workers and peasants turned against the
government and began to support more radical political parties. In addition, the war was
followed by economic crisis. For example, by 1920, the lira was worth only 20 per cent
of its value in 1914. This crisis led to industrial unrest which alienated the middle class,
who began to support political parties who opposed socialism. In this way, the economic
impact of the First World War played an important role in decreasing support for the
Liberal State, and increasing support for parties that opposed the government.


Reason for choosing this level:


Turning assertion into argument

Below are a sample exam-style question and a series of assertions. Read the exam question and then add a
justication to each of the assertions to turn it into an argument.

How far was the economic impact of the First World War the main reason for the collapse of the
Liberal State?

The relationship between the government and big business during the war contributed to
the collapse of the Liberal State because
The post-war economic crisis contributed to the collapse of the liberal state because
Industrial unrest following the First World War contributed to the collapse of the Liberal State



Section 2: The impact of the First World War 191823


The social impact of the war

The First World War, and its aftermath, led to
growing unrest among Italian workers and peasants.

Workers and peasants

The First World War was socially divisive because it
aggravated existing social tensions.
Q During the War, the NorthSouth divide became

deeper. The war economy (see page 22) led to

prosperity in modern industrial cities like Turin,
but there was little economic growth in rural
areas. This emphasised the economic
underdevelopment of the Italian country.
Land hunger increased among the peasants due
to the hope that more land would be available
after the war. Therefore peasants started seizing
land in 1918.
The war economy prioritised military production
over food. Consequently, there were food shortages
during the war that caused resentment amongst the
working class.
Workers resented new labour laws which
outlawed strikes, led to much longer hours (one
company had a 75-hour week) and subjected
workers to military courts. Increasing numbers of
workers joined Socialist trade unions, and the
number of strikes increased. In 1919 over 1
million workers took part in strikes.
Workers denounced big businesses that made
huge prots out of wartime contracts. They
argued that these proteers used the war to their
advantage while the poor made real sacrices for
the nation.
The government refused to pay for the war out of
progressive taxation. Rather they increased
indirect taxation. This had a much greater
impact on the poor, and caused outrage among
Italys Socialists.

The war led many soldiers to turn against the
government as:
Q For several years the Italian army achieved little.

Many soldiers blamed the government for forcing

them to take part in useless slaughter. Indeed,
by 1916 discontent led to mutinies.


Q Soldiers resented the harsh military

discipline. 4000 Italian soldiers were

sentenced to death by military courts, the
highest number of any of the Entente armies.
Q Soldiers who had returned from frontline ghting
bitterly resented workers who were exempted
from military service. Soldiers saw these workers
as cowards and shirkers. This led to divisions
within communities, which worsened as
returning soldiers found it hard to get jobs.

Industrial unrest
The economic impact of the war continued to cause
conict after ghting had ceased. Post-war ination
and unemployment led to unrest:
Q The workforce became increasingly militant.

Between 1918 and 1920, trade union membership

increased from 250,000 to 2 million, with more
than 1.2 million workers in Catholic rather than
socialist trade unions.
Q Economic problems, a loss of trust in the
government, and post-war unemployment led to
growing numbers of strikes:

Number of
Number of
striking workers strikes





1.5 million


Working-class radicalism caused many in the

middle class to fear that a revolution was
imminent. Indeed, working-class protest was so
widespread that the period 191819 became known
as the red years.

Overall, the war proved divisive. The war
economy increased existing tensions by helping
the development of the cities at the expense of the
country, and by subjecting workers to harsh
conditions while big businesses made huge prots.
The governments failure to make signicant
territorial gains and continuing economic problems
after the war further destabilised Italys Liberal

Spectrum of signicance
Below are a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the importance
of these general points to the question posed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative
importance. Having done this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these factors
are more important than others. The resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.

How far do you agree that the impact of the First World War on Italian society was the main reason
for the collapse of the Liberal State?

The impact of the war on Italian society

The impact of the mutilated victory
The political impact of the war
The democratic reforms of 1919
The economic impact of the war

Less important

Very important

Complex essay style

Below are a sample exam-style question, a list of key points to be made in the essay, and a simple introduction
and conclusion for the essay. Read the question, the plan, and the introduction and conclusion. Rewrite the
introduction and the conclusion in order to develop an argument.

How far do you agree that the impact of the First World War on Italian society was the main reason
for the weaknesses in the Liberal State in the period 191822?

Key points

The impact of the war on Italian society

The impact of the mutilated victory

The political impact of the war

The democratic reforms of 1919

The economic impact of the war


There were five key reasons why the Liberal State was weak in the period 191822. These
were the impact of the war on Italian society, the impact of the mutilated victory, the
political impact of the war, the democratic reforms of 1919, and the economic impact of
the war.


There were five key reasons why the Liberal State was weak in the period 191822. The most
important reason was the economic impact of the war. This played a more significant role
than all of the other factors.


Section 2: The impact of the First World War 191823


DAnnunzios Fiume
What happened at Fiume in
September 1919?
At the end of the First World War, Italian
nationalists demanded the Adriatic port Fiume as
part of the peace settlement (see page 18) but it was
instead given to the newly created Yugoslavia.
In September 1919 around 2000 Italian soldiers, led
by the nationalist Gabriele DAnnunzio, seized it.
The soldiers were mostly mutineers and deserters
who nationalists, senior army ofcers and
sympathetic conservative industrialists had
organised for the seizure. The seizure was in
deance of the Italian government and reveals just
how angry and betrayed the Italian military felt
about the Treaty of St Germain.

DAnnunzios success
The invasion of Fiume succeeded so easily because
the commander of the local Italian troops, General
Pittaluga, refused to stop DAnnunzios soldiers.
Italians living in Fiume welcomed the occupiers as
liberators. Against the wishes of the Italian
government, Yugoslavia and the Western powers,
Fiume was held for over a year. The occupation
was also very popular in the rest of Italy, where
DAnnunzio was seen as a hero because he had
succeeded where the Italian government had

Fiume under DAnnunzio

DAnnunzio declared Fiume an independent
republic and himself Regent. He took over the
Governors Palace of Fiume for his headquarters,
organised rallies and nationalist ceremonies, and
announced a constitution for the republic.
A newspaper was founded and a local militia
established to defend the new state. DAnnunzio
hoped that this was just the beginning and that
Fiume would be his base to march on Rome.
Orlando, the Liberal Prime Minister and negotiator
at the Paris peace conference, resigned in June 1919.
The new government, headed by Francesco Nitti,
did not use the army against DAnnunzios forces
because of the popularity of the occupation.
This helped the occupation to last for so long.


How was the situation resolved?

Giolitti (see page 14) became Prime Minister again in
June 1920. He took a much rmer stance in relation
to Fiume. Instead of dealing with DAnnunzio, he
negotiated with Yugoslavia and agreed the Treaty of
Rapallo with them in November 1920.
Under the Treaty:
Q Italian speakers in Dalmatia could choose to

become Italian citizens.

Q Fiume was made an independent city under
international control.
DAnnunzio, however, refused to accept the Treaty.
Consequently, in December 1920 Italy declared war
on Fiume. An Italian battleship shelled DAnnunzios
palace and troops stormed the port. DAnnunzio and
his legionaries surrendered after four days of
ghting in which 52 people died.
DAnnunzio was never put on trial for his actions in
Fiume because the Italian government wanted to
avoid the publicity that trying this popular gure
would bring.

Fiumes signicance
Q The popularity of the seizure of Fiume showed

just how dissatised Italians were with the postwar Treaty of St Germain.
Q It revealed weaknesses in the Italian state,
especially that the government could not rely on
the armys loyalty.
Q It demonstrated that direct action could be more
effective than Italys traditional political methods
of compromise and negotiation.
Q DAnnunzio developed a new style of mass
politics balcony speeches, the Roman salute,
chanting slogans and humiliating opponents by
forcing them to drink castor oil. This heavily
inuenced Benito Mussolini after he visited
Fiume during the occupation.

Support or challenge?
Below is a sample exam-style question which asks how far you agree with a specic statement. Below this are a
series of general statements which are relevant to the question. Using your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page decide whether these statements support or challenge the statement in the question and tick
the appropriate box.

The invasion of Fiume in 1919 weakened the Liberal State in Italy. How far do you agree with this


The invasion occurred in deance of the Italian government.

Two thousand soldiers were involved in the seizure.
The invasion was very popular with the Italian public.
Giolitti and Yugoslavia signed the Treaty of Rapallo.
DAnnunzio was forced to end his occupation after Italian troops
attacked Fiume.
DAnnunzio was never put on trial.

Eliminate irrelevance
Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and identify parts of the paragraph that are not directly relevant to the question. Draw a line through the
information that is irrelevant and justify your deletions in the margin.

How far do you agree that the invasion of Fiume was the main reason for the political instability of
the Liberal State in the years 191822?

The invasion of Fiume in September 1919 played a key role in undermining the Liberal
State in the years 191822. In this respect, the invasion was significant for three
reasons. Firstly, the invasion showed the lack of support for the government among the
military. The invasion, which involved two thousand soldiers, occurred in defiance of
the Liberal government, and indicated that many in the military were not loyal to the
government. This had also been a problem in 1916, when many soldiers had mutinied
in protest at Italian involvement in the First World War. Secondly, the invasion showed
the lack of popular support for the Liberal government. Many in Italy supported the
invasion, and viewed DAnnunzio as a hero. DAnnunzio was also famous for coming up
with the term mutilated victory to describe the view that Italy had been treated badly
in the negotiations following the First World War. Thirdly, the invasion demonstrated
the power of direct action, undermining the Liberal States reliance on compromise and
negotiation. In this way, the invasion of Fiume contributed to the political instability of
the Liberal State in the years 191822 by emphasising the level of popular dissatisfaction
with the Liberal government and their methods.


Section 2: The impact of the First World War 191823


The emergence of Fascism

In 1919 Fascist groups emerged, advocating radical
change. Three years later, after widespread political
unrest, Fascist leader Mussolini was appointed as
Prime Minister.

Why was Fascism popular?

Following the First World War, Fascism offered a
radical alternative to traditional politics:
Q Many believed that the mutilated victory

showed that traditional political parties had failed

the nation. They felt that Fiume showed that
radical new nationalist movements could succeed
where old politicians had failed.
Q Nationalists believed that the army had achieved
great things during the First World War, therefore
they believed that military organisation and
military tactics were superior to traditional
politics. The squadristi and the National Fascist
Party (PNF) were modelled on the Army, so many
people believed Fascism would achieve more
than traditional political parties.
Q Unlike traditional politicians, the Fascists
effectively resisted socialism and the trade

The emergence of Fascism, 191922

The squadristi
The squadristi or blackshirts were local militia
groups that emerged after the First World War. They
were largely made up of demobilised soldiers and
middle class young people who were disillusioned
with traditional politics. The squadristi were modelled
on the armys elite troops, and funded by big
landowners and businesses who relied on them to
crush rebellious workers and peasants. Indeed,
Mussolini described squadristi violence as a guerrilla
war against socialism.

A national organisation
In February 1919 Mussolini turned the local groups
of squadristi, as well as other nationalist radicals, into
a national movement: the Fasci di Combattimento.
Their manifesto, published in June, called for:
Q the abolition of the monarchy
Q universal suffrage


Q conscation of war prots

Q an eight-hour working day
Q Italy to take Fiume and Dalmatia.

Between 1919 and 1921, the Fasci di Combattimento

emerged as a popular new political movement.

Mussolinis pact with Giolitti

Giolitti formed an alliance with the PNF ahead of the
May 1921 election. His negotiations with Mussolini
led to a formal agreement to stand together as a
National Block. Giolitti created the alliance for
several reasons:
Q He believed that it would stop the PNF becoming

a greater threat.
Q He also saw them as a useful ally against the
Socialists in the May 1921elections.
The Fascists gained 35 seats in the elections
including one for Mussolini. Once the National
Block had served Mussolinis purpose, he broke off
his alliance with Giolitti. The alliance gave
Mussolini greater authority, a respectable image
and a foothold on legitimate power. Giolitti,
having greatly underestimated the Fascists,
resigned in June 1921 when the coalition

Pact with the Socialists

Prior to his resignation, Giolitti attempted to end
political violence by negotiating the Pact of
Pacication. The Pact, signed by the Socialists and
the Fascists, required both sides to stop violence.
However, the Pact was short-lived, and violence
restarted in November 1921.
Nonetheless, the Pact caused problems within the
Fascist movement. Many Fascist leaders opposed the
pact as they feared it would undermine the squadristi.
Consequently, Mussolini resigned from the Fascist
executive in August and senior Fascists offered
DAnnunzio the party leadership at a meeting at
Ultimately, Mussolini remained leader because
DAnnunzio turned down the leadership, and
because the majority of leading Fascists supported
the Pact.

Complete these activities once you have read this topic (page 28) and the next topic (page 30).

RAG Rate the timeline

Below are a sample exam-style question and a timeline. Read the question, study the timeline
and, using three coloured pens, put a red, amber or green star next to the events to show:

red events and policies that have no relevance to the question

amber events and policies that have some signicance to the question

green events and policies that are directly relevant to the question.

1) To what extent was Mussolini responsible for the growing power of Fascism in
Italy in the period 191922?
Now repeat the activity with the following questions:

2) How far does Italys mutilated victory after the First World War account for the
weaknesses of the Liberal State in the period 191822?
3) How accurate is it to say that the Italian Liberal State was responsible for its own
Fasci di
Combattimento launched
Creation of the
Popular Party
Mutinies in
the army

Treaty of

Fascists join
National Block

Lira worth only

20 per cent of its
value in 1914

Party founded

March on





Treaty of St

Trade union
reaches 2 million

National Fascist
Party founded

Prime Minister

industrial unrest

Treaty of London:
Italy joins the
Triple Entente



Creation of the
Undersecretariat of
Arms and Munitions



Invasion of Fiume by
Italian nationalists

Collapse of two
major munitions

Simple essay style

Above are three sample exam-style questions. Use your own knowledge and the information
in this section to produce plans for each question. Choose four general points, and provide
three pieces of specic information to support each general point. Once you have planned each
essay, write the introduction and conclusion for the essay. The introduction should list the points
to be discussed in the essay. The conclusion should summarise the key points and justify which
point was the most important.


Section 2: The impact of the First World War 191823


The March on Rome

Mussolinis new strategy

Mussolinis relationship with the elites

The failure of the Pact of Pacication, led Mussolini

to reverse his strategy. Rather than compromise, he
praised the squadristi. He now aimed to gain control
by creating a national political party.

While encouraging the PNFs direct action, Mussolini

knew he had to restrain the squads violence to
prevent an armed state intervention. He allayed
Liberal suspicion by negotiating with them and
presenting himself as someone who could discipline
those Fascists who went too far.

The National Fascist Party (PNF)

Mussolini formally renounced the Pact of
Pacication in November 1921, a week after the
National Fascist Party (PNF). The timing was tactical,
as once Mussolini rejected the Pact, Prime Minister
Ivanoe Bonomi banned all armed organisations.
However, he was not prepared to ban the Fascist
Party outright, as the Party was growing in
popularity and as it was technically separate from
the violent squadristi.
By December 1921, the PNF had grown to 218,000
members and 1333 fasci. This was a huge increase
from the 80,476 members and 371 fasci of May

Fascist popularity
The formation of the PNF led to growth in the
popularity of Fascism. The hierarchical structure of
the PNF gave Mussolini greater control over the
squadristi. The PNF also published a New
Programme which gained support from the elite by
promising lower taxes for business and farmers. The
promise of compulsory military service also
appealed to nationalists.

Growing fascist power

Mussolini cultivated the support of senior army

ofcials and attempted to win over the King, Victor
Emmanuel III. The King could order an armed
response to the Fascists and also appointed the
Prime Minister.

Mussolini becomes Prime Minister

On 16 October 1922, Mussolini met with PNF
leaders and senior Fascists to plan a March on
Rome. Decisions about timing were postponed
until the partys conference in Naples on 24 October.
There, the leadership decided to seize the northern
and central cities not under PNF control from
midnight on 27 October and then move against
Rome the day after.
Fascist action began as planned. Consequently,
the government persuaded King Victor Emmanuel
II to introduce martial law to act against the
Fascist threat. This could well have defeated the
movement but, by 9a.m., the King had changed
his mind and refused to sign the martial law
declaration. Therefore, the government resigned
and on 30 October Mussolini was appointed
Prime Minister.

Local fascist groups began forcibly ejecting elected

authorities in early 1922. They took control of these
areas, dominating local government, levying
unofcial taxes and using the syndicates to control
the job market. Left-wing protests against this were
used by Mussolini as propaganda opportunities he
claimed that the Fascists were restoring and
maintaining order.

Why was Mussolini appointed Prime Minister?


The governments resignation meant that a new coalition needed to be formed

which, due to the necessities of trasformismo, was always difcult.

The liberals were divided and therefore weak. When the King asked Salandra to form a
new government, liberal in-ghting meant that many liberals refused to support him.

Salandra suggested that the King send for Mussolini in order to thwart his rival Giolitti.

Mussolini refused to support any government unless he was made Prime Minister.


Spectrum of signicance
Below is a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the importance
of these general points to the question posed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative
importance. Having done this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these factors
are more important than others. The resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.

Why, in October 1922, was Mussolini appointed Prime Minister?


The economic impact of the First World War

The impact of the mutilated victory
Political divisions
Social problems
The impact of the invasion of Fiume
The organisation and policies of Italian Fascists
The actions of Mussolini

Less important

Very important

Complex essay style

Below are a sample exam-style question, a list of key points to be made in the essay, and a simple introduction
and conclusion for the essay. Read the question, the plan, and the introduction and conclusion. Rewrite the
introduction and the conclusion in order to develop an argument.

Why, in October 1922, was Mussolini appointed Prime Minister?

Key points

The economic impact of the First World War

The impact of the mutilated victory

Political divisions

Social problems

The impact of the invasion of Fiume

The organisation and policies of Italian Fascists

The actions of Mussolini


There were seven key reasons Mussolini was appointed Prime Minister in October 1922. These
were the economic impact of the First World War, the impact of the mutilated victory,
political divisions, social problems, the impact of the invasion of Fiume, the organisation and
policies of Italian Fascists, and the actions of Mussolini.

There were seven key reasons Mussolini was appointed Prime Minister in October 1922. The
most important reason was the actions of Mussolini. This played a more significant role than
all of the other factors.


Section 2: The impact of the First World War 191823


The appeal of Fascism 191922

Fascism attracted support from many social groups.
One of the reasons for this was that the PNF was not
completely united and its ideology was inconsistent.
This meant that the PNF could offer different things
to different groups.

also hated the socialist intimidation of

non-unionised workforces. They began to take
over former socialist areas. This led to more
workers joining the local Fascist syndicates so that
they could get jobs.

Who were the Fascist supporters?

Elite support

The Fasci movement emerged in 1919 and had very

few members at best, a few thousand. Their early
supporters were middle-class students and
demobilised soldiers, often former army ofcers and
from the junior ranks. Their aim was to re-establish
Italy as a Great Power. For young people, Fascism
seemed to be an exciting new movement that would
help Italy achieve what it had failed to achieve in the
mutilated victory.

The PNF also gained a great deal of support from

Italys elite. Industrialists had become increasingly
disillusioned with Liberal politics as they blamed
the government for doing too little to control the
workers. They were anxious that democracy
would lead to the rise of socialism and therefore
increased power for workers. Consequently, many
supported the PNF which was anti-democratic and
committed to ghting socialism. Indeed, elite
groups began to turn to local Fascist groups by the
end of 1920. One of the earliest examples of this
was in Bologna, in November 1920, where the
Fascists attacked the inauguration of the new
Socialist council.

Rural supporters
New recruits from 1920 included:
Q Sharecroppers
Q Small farmers
Q Farm managers.

They were the wealthier peasants who wanted to

buy their own land, and were frightened and
angered by the Socialist ideas of land
collectivisation and higher wage rates. They took
part in Fascist violence or funded the Fascist squads
in their campaigns.

Urban supporters
A signicant source of Fascist support in the towns
was the lower middle class. They blamed the
government for high ination, unemployment and
the growth of socialism. They included ofce
workers, teachers, shopkeepers and other small
business owners, and were mostly young. Fascism
seemed an exciting and dynamic movement, very
different from the cynical politics of trasformismo.
Around 10 per cent of Fascist members were
students and 25 per cent were too young to vote.
Some urban workers were also attracted to Fascism,
mainly because of the very radical elements to the
Fascist manifesto like the eight-hour day, fair wages
and prices, and employee representatives in
management positions. Some of these urban workers


Local Fascist groups, though small in size, carried

out attacks which included burning down Socialist
ofces, beating up trade unionists and forcing
opponents to drink castor oil (a method pioneered
by DAnnunzio see page 26).

The middle class

Like the elites, the middle class were frightened by
the growing power of the working class.
Consequently, they too supported the PNF in
order to prevent socialism gaining power.
Additionally, many in the middle class believed
that recent history had shown democracy was
inferior to expert government. The war economy,
they argued, was successful because it was
controlled by experts. Italys democratically elected
governments following the First World War had
failed to control the socialists or generate
economic growth. Many in the middle class
supported the PNF as they believed that they
would end democracy and return power to middle
class experts.

Spider diagram
Use the information on the opposite page to add detail to the spider diagram below.

Dissatisfaction with
the Liberal State

Why did people

support the Fascists
in the period

The appeal of
Fascist policies

Simple essay style

Below are two sample exam-style questions. Use your own knowledge and the
information in this section to produce a plan for each of these questions. Choose four
general points, and provide three pieces of specic information to support each general
point. Once you have planned each essay, write the introduction and conclusion for
the essay. The introduction should list the points to be discussed in the essay. The
conclusion should summarise the key points and justify which point was the most

How far do you agree that Fascist economic policies were responsible for the
growing support for the Italian Fascist Party in the years 191922?
How far does the growth of the Italian Fascist Party explain the collapse of the
Liberal State in Italy?

Recommended reading
Below is a list of suggested further reading on this topic.

Italy: The Rise of Fascism 19151945, chapter 3, Mark Robson (2006)

Fascist Italy, chapters 1 and 2, John Whittam (1995)

Mussolini and Italy, pages 149159, Edward Townley (2002)


Section 2: The impact of the First World War 191823


Exam focus
Below is a sample A grade essay. Read it and the comments around it.

How far does Italys mutilated victory explain growing support for the Italian Fascist Party
in the years 191922?
The introduction
indicates that the
essay will discuss
four major factors.
It asserts that the
First World War
was the most
important factor,
but it does not
support this with
an argument or
with evidence.

The rst sentence

of the paragraph
contains a clear
link to the question,
suggesting that
the paragraph will
be focused on the

The last sentence

of the paragraph
clearly explains how
changes brought
about by the First
World War led to
growing support for


Italys mutilated victory was clearly

one reason for the gro wing support
for the Italian Fascist Party in the yea
rs immediately following the First
World War. However, the most import
ant reason was the war itself. Other
factors included the radical examp
le of DAnnunzio and the appeal of
Italys mutilated victory certainly
led to gro wing support for the Italian
Fascist Party. At the end of the Firs
t World War Italy failed
to gain the territory that many nat
ionalists thought it deserved.
Having won the war, Italy demanded,
new territory including the port
of Fiume, South Tyrol, the Trentino,
Istria, parts of Dalmatia and
overseas colonies that had once bel
onged to Turkey. However, except
for South Tyrol, Trentino and Istria,
the Italian government failed to
gain these territories in negotiation
s over the 1919 Treaty of St Germa
This failure, which the radical nat
ionalist poet DAnnunzio called the
mutilated victory, led many Italian
s to believe that the Liberal State
and traditional politicians had fail
ed Italy. The mutilated victory led
to gro wing support for the Italian Fas
cist Party because many radical
nationalists felt that, unlike traditi
onal politicians, the Fascists would
always put Italy first.
However, the First World War was the
main reason for the gro wth
in support for the Fascist Party in 191
922. The First World War had
many consequences for Italian pol
itics. First, during the war Italian
democracy was eroded. The war led
to a gro wth in the power of the
Prime Minister, and a reduction in
the power of Parliament. Also it led
to the gro wth in power of unelected
Military leaders. Fascists would
later argue that the success of Ita
lys war effort pro ved that these
undemocratic methods were more
effective than democratic methods.
Also the war led to discontent. Wo
rkers and peasants were angry tha
they worked hard to support the wa
r effort, but big business profited.
Indeed, workers had to work a 75hour week. Soldiers were also angry
at profiteers who had made money
while they fought. Soldiers also
objected to the workers who went
on strike during the war. The war led
to a gro wth in support for the Fascist
s because they represented a group
who were prepared to continue usin
g undemocratic methods and a
group who wanted the whole nation
to sacrifice for the common good
rather than allo wing some groups to
shirk their responsibilities or make
profit at the expense of the nation

led to the rise of Fascism. To many

DAnnunzios occupation of Fiume also
a new type of politician. DAnnunzio
nationalists, DAnnunzio seemed to be
t World War for his heroics as a soldier.
became a national hero during the Firs
0 Italian soldiers into Fiume, and took
In September 1919 he led around 2,00
failed to gain by negotiation. Whilst
by force what Italian politicians had
sed a new radical kind of nationalist
in power in Fiume, DAnnunzio organi
l ceremonies and parades. For many
politics which made use of theatrica
rnative to traditional Italian politics.
nationalists this was an attractive alte
ed Italy in their negotiations,
Whereas traditional politicians had fail
felt Italy deserved. DAnnunzios
DAnnunzio used force to take what he
t for Fascism because the Fascists
actions in Fiume helped increase suppor
oic and radical alternative to
seemed to offer Italy an effective, her
had offered Fiume.
traditional politics, just like DAnnunzio
politics, Fascism was also attractive
As well as the failings of traditional
pected Fasci di Combattimento. The
many Italians. Many nationalists res
iers who had fought bravely for
groups were made up of heroic ex-sold
y had achieved a true victory rather
Italy. Unlike traditional politicians the
negotiations. Also the squadristi
than letting Italy down through failed
ned more like an army than like a
were attractive because they functio
appealed to many who felt the army
traditional political party. Again, this
tics had failed. Also the squadristi
had succeeded where traditional poli
inst socialism. Again standing up
fought an effective guerrilla war aga
l politicians like Giolitti had failed
to socialists in a way that traditiona
ordinate individual freedoms to the
to. Finally, Mussolinis promises to sub
l nationalist New Programme of 192
national interest as part of his radica
Fascists were a dynamic new force
persuaded many nationalists that the
ditional leaders had failed.
who could lead the nation where tra
was only one reason for the growing
In conclusion, Italys mutilated victory
ever, other factors included the
support for the Italian Fascist Party. How
radicalism of DAnnunzio, the
impact of the First World War and the
gramme also played a part in the
squadristi and Mussolinis 1921 New Pro
ist Party in the years 191922.
growth of support for the Italian Fasc

This paragraph
effectively contrasts
the apparent
failure of traditional
politics with the
apparent success
of DAnnunzios
radical alternative. It
concludes by linking
this to Fascism.

This paragraph
uses technical
terms such as
squadristi and
specic dates to
increase the level
of detail used in the

This paragraph
summarised the
rest of the essay,
but does not
give an overall

This is a well-focused essay which includes a large amount of relevant detail. Every paragraph
presents a coherent analysis of the factor it discusses. Nonetheless, this essay cannot enter
Level 5 because the introduction and conclusion simply summarise the essay and there is no
attempt to develop an overall argument. Indeed, while the essay asserts that the war was the
most important factor, it does not put forward an argument to prove this.
Moving from Level 4 to Level 5
The Exam Focus at the end of Section 1 provided a Level 5 essay. The essay here
achieves a Level 4. Read both essays, and the examiners comments provided. Make a
list of the additional features required to push a Level 4 essay into Level 5.


Section 3:
Power and control in Fascist Italy
The consolidation of power 192223


Mussolinis position in 1922

Controlling Fascism

In 1922 Mussolini was Italys Prime Minister, head

of a coalition government. However, he was still a
long way from total power. The obstacles to a
Fascist dictatorship included:

Since 1919 Fascist organisations had proved difcult

to control. Mussolini brought the Fascist movement
under his control during the early 1920s in
two ways. First, in December 1922, he created the
Grand Council of Fascism, made up of leading
members of the PNF. Mussolini used it to dominate
other leading Fascists, and therefore extend his
control over the party.

other political parties

independent trades unions
regular democratic elections
civil rights
conservative and liberal aspirations to tame
Nonetheless, radical Fascists wanted Mussolini to
transform Italy into a Fascist state. Between 1922
and 1925 Mussolini moved slowly towards

Emergency powers
Mussolinis rst step was to gain emergency powers.
In November 1922, shortly after becoming Prime
Minister, Mussolini demanded that parliament grant
him the power to rule by decree in order to restore
law and order. Mussolinis coalition partners agreed,
and Mussolini was granted emergency power for
twelve months. Consequently, Mussolini was able
to pass laws, without consulting parliament, for
most of 1923.

Key appointments
Mussolini also strengthened his position by
appointing Fascists to key positions in government.
Mussolini took control of the Foreign Ministry
and the Ministry of the Interior. He appointed
the pro-Fascist Alberto De Stefani as nance
minister, and the Fascist Emilio De Bono as head
of the police. Finally, he appointed loyal Fascists as
under-secretaries in most government ministries.
As well as appointing his own supporters, Mussolini
appointed liberals and conservatives to key positions
to give the appearance of moderation. In this way he
could appease liberals and conservatives. Indeed, his
rst Cabinet included four liberals, two populists
and nationalists, as well as four members of the PNF.


Second, he disciplined the squadristi by creating an

ofcial state-funded Fascist Militia (MSVN). It was
controlled by ex-army ofcers and limited to
300,000 members all of whom swore an oath of
loyalty to Mussolini. The Grand Council and the
MSVN gave its members a higher status within the
movement and therefore Mussolini gained the
loyalty of Fascists at all levels of the movement. As
well as disciplining the Black Shirts, the MSVN gave
Mussolini a powerful private army, thus weakening
the Armys position and making an anti-Fascist
military coup less likely.

The cheka
Mussolini also established a personal bodyguard,
known as the cheka, which protected him and
intimidated his political opponents. Indeed, Ameriqo
Dumini, the chekas leader, played a key role in the
murder of Giacomo Matteotti (see page 38).

The electoral law

To guarantee strong government, Giacomo Acerbo,
a Fascist sympathiser and parliamentary deputy,
proposed a reform to the election laws. Acerbo
proposed that the most popular party in an election
should gain two-thirds of the seats in parliament.
The remaining third would then be divided among
the other parties according to the proportion of votes
they received. This, he argued, would end the need
for coalitions and ensure strong government. The
law, which became known as the Acerbo Law, was
passed in November 1923.

Support or challenge?
Below is a sample exam-style question which asks how far you agree with a specic statement. Below this are a
series of general statements which are relevant to the question. Using your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page, decide whether these statements support or challenge the statement in the question and tick
the appropriate box.

Mussolinis consolidation of power in the period 192223 was mainly due to the weaknesses of his
opponents. How far do you agree with this statement?


Parliament granted Mussolini the power to rule by decree.

Mussolini appointed Fascists to key positions in government.
Mussolini appointed liberals and conservatives to key
positions in government.
Mussolini gained control of the Fascist movement.
Mussolini established a personal bodyguard to intimidate his
Parliament passed the Acerbo Law.

Complete the paragraph

Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. The paragraph
contains a point and specic examples, but lacks a concluding explanatory link back to the question. Complete
the paragraph by adding this link in the space provided.

How accurate is it to say that the consolidation of Fascist power in Italy in the period 192223 was
mainly due to key political appointments made by Mussolini?

Mussolinis political appointments played a key role in the consolidation of Fascist power
in Italy in the period 192223. For example, Mussolini appointed Fascist sympathisers
to important positions. Alberto De Stefani became Finance Minister and Emilio De
Bono was appointed head of the police. In addition, Mussolini appeased liberals and
conservatives by giving them posts in his Cabinet. Indeed, his first Cabinet included the
same number of liberals as Fascists.


Section 3: Power and control in Fascist Italy

The consolidation of power 192425


The events of 1924 threatened Mussolinis hold on

power. However, under pressure from radical
Fascists, Mussolini turned a crisis into a dictatorship.

conservatives who feared the creation of a

Socialist government if Mussolini was forced out of

The 1924 election


The General Election of April 1924 was conducted

under the new electoral system. Consequently,
Mussolini was determined to win the largest share
of the vote and therefore gain control of Parliament.
As a result, there was an increased level of MSVN
attacks on the socialists in the North. Hundreds of
socialists were injured and one candidate was
killed. Additionally, there was widespread vote
rigging in Italys South. These events, and a
sophisticated propaganda campaign (see page 40),
meant that the Fascist Bloc won the largest share of
the vote. Consequently, Mussolini gained two-thirds
of the seats in the new Parliament.

After dealing with the Matteotti Crisis in a way that

strengthened his position, Mussolini introduced a
series of reforms in order to create a Fascist
dictatorship. The Fascist-dominated Parliament
passed laws that:

The Matteotti Crisis

Following the election, Mussolini faced a crisis that
threatened to end his government. At the end of
May 1924, Giacomo Matteotti, a leading Socialist,
publicly criticised Fascist violence. This resulted in a
Fascist gang kidnapping and murdering him.
Many liberals and conservatives, who had previously
supported Fascism, became openly critical of
Mussolini. Additionally, Socialist deputies withdrew
from Parliament in protest at the murder, an act that
became known as the Aventine Secession. The
crisis deepened as many liberal deputies withdrew
their support from Mussolinis government, and
unions threatened a general strike.
Mussolini responded slowly. Initially, he believed he
would be removed from power. However, he
continued to receive the Kings support. Mussolini
turned the crisis to his advantage. In January 1925 he
made a speech in which he took personal
responsibility for the murder of Matteotti and argued
that the violence was necessary to save Italy from
the left. His response strengthened his position in his
own party, and won him the support of many


banned opposition political parties

banned trade unions
established a political police force (see page 42)
replaced democratically elected local mayors with
unelected Fascist ofcials
Q tightened press censorship.
Constitutional changes also strengthened
Mussolinis hold on power. First, Parliament lost its
right to sack the Prime Minister. Second, Mussolini
was granted the right to rule by decree. Unlike the
emergency powers, this right was permanent. These
two changes effectively ended the independent
power of Parliament and established a personal
dictatorship. Mussolinis new title emphasised his
new position: from December 1925 Mussolini was
known as Il Duce rather than Prime Minister.

How far was Italy a dictatorship by

Clearly, by the end of 1925 Mussolini was Italys
dictator though he did not have unlimited power.
The constitutional reforms of 1925 essentially made
Mussolini independent of Parliament. Additionally,
banning other political parties and trade unions, and
establishing a political police force, gave Mussolini
more power than any Italian leader since unication.
However, Mussolini was still accountable to the
King and there were important institutions, such as
the Roman Catholic Church, that remained
independent of Fascist control and therefore limited
his power.

Removing obstacles
Mussolini faced a number of obstacles in his plan to establish a Fascist dictatorship in Italy. Use the information on
this page and the previous page to complete the table below, explaining how he removed these obstacles to his

Ways in which Mussolini removed this obstacle

Other political parties

Independent trades unions
Regular democratic elections
Civil rights
Conservative and liberal aspirations to tame

Spectrum of signicance
Below are a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the importance
of these general points to the question posed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative
importance. Having done this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these factors
are more important than others. The resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.

How far do you agree that the consolidation of Fascist power in the years 192225 was mainly due to
the use of terror and violence?

The use of terror and violence

Emergency powers
Key political appointments
Mussolinis control of Fascist organisations
Political reform
The Matteotti Crisis

Less important

Very important


Section 3: Power and control in Fascist Italy


Fascist propaganda
Mussolini and other leading Fascists believed that
people were fundamentally irrational. Therefore,
they argued, that they should be led by powerful
images and appeals to emotion rather than rational
argument. Consequently, the PNF made extensive
use of propaganda.

Propaganda and the consolidation

of power
Propaganda played an important role in the
consolidation of power. Early Fascist propaganda
was relatively sophisticated. For example, during
the1924 election, the PNF targeted different
messages at different groups. In middle-class areas,
the PNF stressed anti-communism. However, in
working-class areas, the radical Fascist left
produced anti-capitalist propaganda. Older voters
were targeted with the message that Fascism had
grown out of Italys ancient culture, whereas
younger voters were swayed by hearing how
Fascism was a dynamic new force for change.

Photographs of Mussolini laughing with peasants

were used to show that Mussolini cared for ordinary
people. Additionally, Mussolinis gift for public
speaking persuaded many that he shared their
The Cult of the Duce caused many Italians to believe
that Mussolini was the saviour of the nation and
therefore above politics. Consequently, the Cult
oftheDuce strengthened the regime because it
persuadedmany people who were not Fascists to
admire Mussolini.

The Cult of Rome

Many of Fascisms core values were expressed through
the Cult of Rome. Essentially, this aspect of Fascist
propaganda linked Mussolinis rule with the greatness
of the Roman Empire, which appealed to Italian
nationalism. At the same time, it helped justify parts of
Fascist rule. For example, Fascist militarism was linked
to the Roman army, and Mussolinis dictatorship was
compared to the rule of the great Roman Emperors.

The Cult of the Duce

Fascist modernism

The Cult of the Duce was an important aspect of

Fascist propaganda. Mussolini was regularly depicted
in two ways, either as an all-powerful leader, or as a
man of the people. Fascist propaganda used a variety
of techniques to emphasise Mussolinis power:

The PNF made extensive use of architecture to

demonstrate Fascist strength and dynamism.
Mussolinis regime was the greatest patron of
modernist architecture in the world during the
interwar period. The Esposizione Universale Roma
(EUR) was the largest building project during
Mussolinis reign. The EUR was an extension of
Rome designed to combine housing apartments,
monuments and government buildings. Construction
started in 1935. Though parts of it, such as the
Palazzo della Civilt Italiana, were completed,
the rest was not built due to the Second World War.
Major projects included the Foro Mussolini and the
Piazza augusto imperatore. Fascist architecture
helped promote the regime through futuristic design,
creating an image of a new Fascist utopia as great
asthe ancient Roman Empire.

Q photographers used low camera angles to hide

the fact that he was short
Q he was never photographed wearing glasses
Q his head was shaved to hide his receding hairline
Q he was often photographed excelling at sport
Q he was often photographed topless to show off
his muscular chest
Q he was photographed in various Napoleonic
Q the government launched a campaign featuring
the slogan Mussolini is always right.


Eliminate irrelevance
Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and identify parts of the paragraph that are not directly relevant to the question. Draw a line through the
information that is irrelevant and justify your deletions in the margin.

How far do you agree that the consolidation of Fascist power in Italy in the years 192225 was mainly
due to the use of propaganda?

One way in which propaganda was used to consolidate Fascist power in Italy in the years
192225 was through the Cult of the Duce. This involved using propaganda to depict
Mussolini as the saviour of Italy. For example, Mussolini was often portrayed as an allpowerful leader. He was photographed in Napoleonic poses to suggest similarities between
himself and the French leader. Both Mussolini and Napoleon were said to be short.
However, it is now thought that Napoleon was of average height. The government also
launched a campaign with the slogan Mussolini is always right. In addition, Mussolini
was pictured with peasants to suggest that he was a man of the people and that he was
in touch with their concerns. Furthermore, Mussolini censored the press to ensure that
anti-Fascist articles were not published. In this way, the Cult of the Duce played an
important role in the consolidation of Fascist power in Italy in the period 192225 because
it persuaded many people that Mussolinis leadership was good for Italy.

Develop the detail

Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. The paragraph
contains a limited amount of detail. Annotate the paragraph to add additional detail to the answer.

How far do you agree that Fascist control of Italy in the years 192243 was mainly the result of the
use of propaganda?

Propaganda played an important role in establishing and maintaining Fascist control over
Italy in the period 192243. Early Fascist propaganda targeted different social groups with
different messages. In addition, the Cult of the Duce was used to suggest that Mussolini
was a strong leader. The Cult of Rome was used to suggest that there were clear links
between Fascist Italy and the Roman Empire. Finally, modernist architecture was used
to suggest that the regime was creating a new Fascist utopia. In this way, propaganda
was used to establish and maintain Fascist control of Italy in the period 192243 by
encouraging people to see the regime as strong and dynamic, and drawing parallels
between the Fascist regime and Ancient Rome.


Section 3: Power and control in Fascist Italy


Fascist terror
Terror was a central part of the Fascist consolidation
of power. Following 1926, Fascist use of terror was
less obvious but no less important in sustaining
Mussolinis government.

Terror and the consolidation of power

From 1922 to 1926, Mussolini used terror to
strengthen his hold on power. For example:
Q The squadristi threatened revolutionary
violence immediately prior to the March on
Q The squadristi terrorised socialists and union
Q Approximately 2000 political opponents were
murdered between 1922 and 1925.
Q The MSVN intimidated voters during the 1924

The OVRA, Mussolinis political police, were
established in November 1926. Originally, they
were tasked with combating anti-Fascist groups.
However, over time their role grew and they came
to keep large sections of society under

The scale of OVRA activity

The OVRA were much smaller than the political
police in Stalins Russia or Hitlers Germany
during the 1930s. The OVRA only had 700 agents,
and the political prison camps established on
islands, such as Lipari and Lampedusa never held
more than 6000 political prisoners. Yet, by 1930
they had created a network of 100,000
informants. Bar owners were often required to
work as police informants to gain business
permits. Additionally, doctors were legally
required to report a variety of medical conditions
that the PNF believed indicated political problems,
including mental illness, alcoholism and venereal
disease. By 1943, the OVRA had files on 130,000
citizens and conducted an average of 20,000 raids
every week. Consequently, though OVRA
membership was small, its large network of
informants and regular raids created a widespread


atmosphere of terror which helped

discourage anti-Fascist activity.

Fascist justice
The persecution of political opponents was
formalised through the creation of the Special
Tribunal for the Defence of the State. Between 1927
and 1943 the Special Tribunal:
Q found 4596 people guilty of political crimes
Q passed sentences totalling 27,735 years of
In addition, the Tribunal passed 42 death sentences.
Signicantly, only nine death sentences were passed
during peacetime and of the 42 sentences passed,
only 31 were carried out.

Fascist anti-Semitism
At the end of the 1930s, the Fascist government
began to persecute Italys Jewish minority.
Mussolinis introduction of anti-Semitic laws
reected his increasing respect for Hitlers Nazi
regime in Germany. Mussolinis racist decrees,
issued between November 1938 and June 1939, did
the following:
banned marriage between Jews and non-Jews
banned Jews from serving in the armed forces
banned Jews from owning large areas of land
expelled Jewish teachers and students from
schools and universities
Q expelled Jews from the civil service
Q banned foreign Jews from entering Italy.
By the late 1930s, 7000 Jews had been forced to
leave the armed forces, and 5600 Jewish students
and 181 Jewish teachers were forced out of schools
and universities.

Finally, when Italy entered the Second World War in

1940, all non-Italian Jews living in Italy were sent to
prison camps. During 1941 the Italian government
tried to expel non-Italian Jews from Italy, and, a year
later, Mussolini agreed to send all Jews in Italy to
Nazi extermination camps. Evidently, antiSemitism became increasingly important to Fascist
policy as the regime developed.

Turning assertion into argument

Below are a sample exam-style question and two assertions. Read the exam-style question and then add a
justication to each of the assertions to turn it into an argument.

How far do you agree that fascist control of Italy in the years 192243 was mainly the result of terror?

Terror played an essential role in Mussolinis consolidation of power in the sense that
The OVRA played a key role in maintaining Fascist control of Italy in the sense that

Youre the examiner

Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and the mark scheme provided on page 3. Decide which level you would award the paragraph. Write the level
below, along with a justication for your choice.

How far do you agree that Fascist control of Italy in the years 192243 was mainly the result of terror?

Mussolini established the OVRA, his political police, in 1926 and they helped to maintain
Fascist control over Italy. They had only 700 agents, but by 1930 had established a network
of 100,000 informants. People in certain professions, such as doctors and bar owners,
were required to provide information to the OVRA. For example, doctors were required
to report on patients with alcoholism and mental illness. By 1943, the OVRA held files
on 143,000 citizens and conducted about 20,000 raids every week. However, the prison
camps for political prisoners never held more than 6000 inmates.


Reason for choosing this level:



Section 3: Power and control in Fascist Italy


Women and children

Young people

Impact on births

Fascists aimed to inspire a new generation. They

wanted to turn young people into homo fascistus,
a new type of human that would serve the nation

Overall, the policy was a failure. Marriage rates

stagnated, and the birth rate declined from 1927 to
1936. There was a small increase from 1936, but
even in the late 1930s the birth rate of 102 births per
1000 was lower than the 1911 birth rate of 147 per

The Battle for Births

The Battle for Births policy was introduced in 1927.
It was designed to increase the number of children
being born. Consequently, the policy impacted on
women and family life.
Prior to the March on Rome there was considerable
public debate concerning the birth rate. There were
concerns that the millions of deaths in the First
World War would lead to depopulation, and that
Italy risked being conquered by Russia, which had a
much higher population. Therefore, in 1927
Mussolini introduced measures to increase the
Italian population from 40 to 60 million by 1950:
Q Contraception and abortion were banned.
Q Unmarried men paid higher tax rates than
married men.
Q Married men with six or more children paid no
Q A family allowance was introduced to help
support families.
Q A marriage loan was introduced, and partly paid
off by the government after the birth of a child.
Q A propaganda campaign ridiculed appers,
feminists and women who did not prioritise
Other policies designed to encourage more births
Q the banning of homosexuality in 1931
Q the number of places for young women in
secondary school was reduced
Q the total number of women working in the Civil
Service was reduced to 10 per cent in 1933
Q a 10 per cent cap on women workers was
introduced into most industries in 1938.


Impact on women
Mussolini failed to exclude women from the work
force. This was partly due to the fact that Fascist
laws reected traditional gender stereotypes.
Therefore, the PNF did not try to exclude women
from occupations such as waitressing and typing.
Additionally, the PNF were willing to allow women
to work as teachers. Therefore, by 1936, 75 per cent
of trainee teachers were women. Nonetheless, even
when the PNF actively tried to exclude women they
failed. For example, by 1938 women made up 28 per
cent of the industrial labour force and 38 per cent of
agricultural workers.
Finally, the Fascist campaign against appers and
feminists failed. In urban areas, women, who
became known as la maschietta, continued to wear
an androgynous fashion style throughout the

Fascist militarism
Militarism was an important part of Fascist ideology.
Essentially, Fascists believed that the military was
the best form of organisation, as it inspired courage,
discipline and self-sacrice. They argued that all
institutions, including the government, the family,
businesses and schools, should be organised like the
Fascist militarism was reected in Mussolinis use
of the word battle to describe key policies. It was a
growing feature of Fascist government in the 1930s.
For example, in 1932 the handshake was replaced by
a military salute as the ofcial greeting within the civil
service. Additionally, civil servants were expected to
stand to attention when speaking to their superiors
on the telephone.

Spider diagram
Use the information on the opposite page to add detail to the spider diagram below.

Evidence of success

The Battle for


Evidence of failure

Delete as applicable
Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and decide which of the possible options (underlined) is most appropriate. Delete the least appropriate options
and complete the paragraph by justifying your selection.

How far do you agree that Mussolinis social policies were successful?

Mussolinis Battle for Births was successful to a great/fair/limited extent. For example,
the birth rate declined in the period 1927 to 1936, and despite an increase in the birth
rate from 1936, the 1911 birth rate of 147 per 1000 was never exceeded. Furthermore,
the Battle for Births failed to reduce the number of women in the workforce. By 1938,
28 per cent of the industrial labour force and 38 per cent of agricultural labourers were
women. In addition, by 1936, 75 per cent of those training to be teachers were women.
In this way, Mussolinis Battle for Births was extremely/moderately/slightly successful


Section 3: Power and control in Fascist Italy


Education and censorship

The PNF used education to instil correct Fascist
values, and censorship to eliminate anti-Fascist
values from the media.

Schools and universities

Mussolini took several steps to control education:
Q In 1925, he ordered a purge, removing teachers
and lecturers who did not support Fascism.
Q He tightened control in 1929, when teachers and
lecturers were forced to swear an oath to the King
and to Fascism.
Q In 1933 teachers and lecturers were required to
join the PNF.
Q In 1934 teachers and lecturers were required to
wear the black shirt uniform.

The curriculum
The Ministry of Education revised the curriculum
to reect Fascist values. Consequently, a third of
all history textbooks were banned in 1926. From
1937, all secondary school children were required
to take an exam on the achievements of Fascism.
Universities were required to offer a new course
on the history and doctrine of Fascism.
A new School Charter was introduced in 1939 to
link schools and the PNF more closely. However, the
Charter was never fully implemented due to the
Second World War.

Youth groups
The regime also tried to inuence young people
outside of school. In 1926, the Ministry established
the Opera Nazionale Balilla (ONB) as a Fascist youth
movement. The ONB attracted millions of members
due to their sports clubs and summer camps. The
PNF took control of it in 1937 and renamed it Gioventu
Italiana del Littorio (GIL). The ONB became compulsory
in 1939, by which point it had almost 8 million
members. University students were encouraged to
join the Gioventu Universitaria Fascista (GUL). GUL
organised social activities but ostracised female


In the early years of the regime, the PNF focused on
censorship. However, after the creation of the
Ministry of Popular Culture (Minculpop), they
began to use the media to indoctrinate the public.

The press
Press censorship was one of Mussolinis priorities
immediately following the March on Rome. He
began by removing the anti-Fascist editors of popular
papers such as La Stampa and Corriere della Sera.
Mussolini introduced tougher censorship laws in
response to press outrage at Matteottis murder.
Initially Mussolini claimed that these were temporary.
However, by the end of 1925 he decreed that all
newspaper editors had to be members of the
Association of Fascist Journalists. By the end of 1926,
opposition newspapers had been closed, and in early
1927 the establishment of new papers was banned.
Initially, the Press and Information Ofce organised
press censorship, but in 1929 the PNF established the
High Commission to do this.

From 1924 the Censorship Board censored all lms.
The Board comprised a judge, a mother (who
represented ordinary Italians), and an ofcial from
the Ofce of Public Security. In the same year, the
regime founded the Istituto Luce which was
responsible for making public information lms.
These pro-government lms were shown in cinemas
before feature lms.

Fascist policy changed radically in 1937. Existing
Fascist censorship was abolished and replaced with
the Minculpop. The new ministry focused more on
projecting a positive image of the regime than
censorship. Minculpop issued detailed orders to the
press, and vigorously promoted the anti-Semitic
campaign of the late 1930s (see page 42). Minculpop
encouraged lm makers to glorify obedience and
portray women as submissive.

Spectrum of success
Below is a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the success of
the policies relating to each point. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative success. Having
done this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these policies are more successful
than others. The resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.

How far do you agree that Mussolinis social policies were successful?
1. The Battle for Births
2. Education
3. Youth groups
Less successful

Very successful

Introducing an argument
Below are a sample exam-style question, a list of key points to be made in the essay, and a simple introduction
and conclusion for the essay. Read the question, the plan, and the introduction and conclusion. Rewrite the
introduction and the conclusion to develop an argument.

How far did Mussolini transform the lives of women and children in the period 192243?

Key points:

Women home life

Children education

Women work

Children youth groups


Mussolini transformed the lives of women and children to an extent. He changed the lives
of women in terms of home life and work. In addition, he changed the lives of children in
terms of education and youth groups.


Overall, Mussolini transformed the lives of women and children to an extent. He changed
the expectations regarding womens home life and working life. He also changed childrens
school and leisure time.


Section 3: Power and control in Fascist Italy


Fascist economic policy

Between 1922 and 1943, Mussolini adopted a series
of different economic policies.

accounted for 50 per cent of Italys imports

in 1925, and therefore a healthier balance of

Liberal economics 192226

The campaign successfully increased grain

production from an annual average of 5.5 million
tonnes in the early 1920s to around 7 million tonnes
in the early 1930s. Consequently, grain imports
dropped by 75 per cent. However, Italy lost a
signicant source of income as many farmers
stopped producing citrus fruits so they could
produce grain.

Mussolinis initial economic policy addressed Italys

massive budget decit. To tackle this, the Minister of
Finance, De Stefani:
Q made large cuts in public spending
Q privatised government owned companies,
including Italys telephone company, the
government pension services, and the railways
Q introduced deregulation
Q reduced taxation to encourage business growth.
In the short term De Stefanis policies were
successful. Government debt shrank from 74.8 per
cent of GDP in 1922 to 50.6 per cent of GDP in
1925. At the same time, industrial production
increased by 57 per cent between 1922 and 1925.
However, the economic recovery, and a poor grain
harvest in 1924, created rising ination and a
balance of payments decit. Consequently, the
value of Italian currency fell from 91.5 lira to the
pound in 1922 to 144.9 lira to the pound in 1925.
Mussolini responded by replacing De Stefani with
Giuseppe Volpi, a decision which led to a radical
change in economic policy.

The foundations of Corporatism

Volpi replaced De Stefanis laissez-faire
economics with Corporatism, establishing the
Ministry of Corporations in 1926. In theory,
Corporatism brought representatives of the state,
workers and management together to serve the
interests of the nation. In practice, Corporatism was
used to extend state control over the economy.
Government intervention was also reected in other
initiatives such the Battle for Grain.

Battle for Grain

The Battle for Grain was designed to mobilise
Italians to boost grain production. This, in turn,
would lead to a reduction in grain imports, which


Following the Battle for Grain, Mussolini began the

Battle for the Lira: a policy of revaluing the lira at
90 to the pound. Mussolini argued that the higher
value reected Italys new greatness, however it also
made Italys exports uncompetitive.

Corporatism 192943
During the 1930s, Corporatism grew in several
Q The National Council of Corporations was
established in 1930 to advise the government on
economic policy.
Q Twenty-two national corporations were
established in 1934, representing workers,
business and the state. These helped regulate
industry and played a role in labour relations.

Autarky 193543
Autarky was a policy designed to make Italy
economically self-sufcient. Mussolini adopted the
policy to protect Italy from the effect of economic
sanctions imposed by the League of Nations
following Italys invasion of Abyssinia (see page 60).
The implementation of autarky had some success.
For example, aluminium production increased, and
new synthetic materials, such as lanital, were
developed to replace imported natural bres.
However, Italy was able to produce only a quarter of
the countrys oil needs, and only 1.8 million tonnes
of iron ore annually, less than a tenth of production
in Germany. Generally, autarky failed, as domestic
production could generate only a fth of the goods
that Italy needed.

Spider diagram
Use the information on the opposite page to add detail to the spider diagram below.

Impact on
business owners

Fascist economic

Impact on workers

Impact on
agricultural workers

Develop the detail

Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. The paragraph
contains a limited amount of detail. Annotate the paragraph to add additional detail to the answer.

How successful were Mussolinis economic policies in the period 192243?

The Battle for Grain is an example of an economic policy that was largely successful. The
campaign was designed to increase grain production in Italy. The campaign was successful
at increasing grain production. This led to a significant drop in grain imports. However,
the campaign was not entirely successful. Many farmers stopped producing citrus fruits
to produce grain instead. This had an impact on the economy. In this way, the Battle for
Grain was very successful at meeting its aim of increasing grain production, but it had a
mixed effect on Italys balance of payments situation.


Section 3: Power and control in Fascist Italy


Fascism and the traditional elites

Fascists saw themselves as a new elite who would
replace the old elites that had failed to ensure that
Italy gained what it deserved after the war. However,
in practice they were often forced to work with
powerful traditional elites.

The Church
Rather than challenging the power of the Roman
Catholic Church, the Fascist regime sought
compromise and collaboration.
Pope Pius XI aided the consolidation of power,
arguing that the Church should work with the PNF
to combat communism. Mussolini also won favour
with Pius XI by using government money to save
the Catholic Bank of Rome from bankruptcy in
Between 1926 and 1943, Mussolini took a number
of steps to win the support of the Church. For
example, he banned abortion and outlawed the sale
of contraceptives in 1926.

Business elites
The regimes relationship with business elites
changed over time. Mussolini played down the
corporatist aspects of Fascism between 1922 and
1925 to appease Italian business, which was
opposed to state interference. Equally, businesses
supported Mussolinis abolition of independent
trade unions.
However, there were tensions. For example, export
businesses objected to Mussolinis policy of
revaluing the lira as it made their exports
uncompetitive. Additionally, business leaders
objected to the creation of the Corporate state,
particularly the National Council of Corporations,
because it had the power to increase the wages of
Finally, business leaders objected to the creation of
the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction (IIR) in
1933. The IIR bought voting shares in private
businesses and used them to control the
development of Italian industry.

The signicance of the Lateran Treaties

The Lateran Treaties of 1929 created a closer
relationship between the Fascist regime and the
Church by resolving long-standing problems. The
Treaties agreed:
Q The independence of the Vatican.
Q An amount of nancial compensation for the
Vaticans losses of territory during Italian
Q A Concordat: the Church would support the
government, Roman Catholicism would become
Italys ofcial religion, and the government would
respect the Churchs rights to play a role in
The Treaties ended the division between the Church
and the state, and guaranteed the Churchs support
for the regime.
However, the Treaties did not resolve every
problem. For example, the PNF were suspicious that
anti-Fascist campaigners were using Catholic
Action to organise themselves against the regime.
Additionally, in the late 1930s, the Pope was critical
of the anti-Semitic aspects of the regime.


Agricultural elites
From 1922, the PNF tended to compromise with the
agricultural elites because it needed their support in
rural areas. Initially, radical Fascists wanted to
liberate the peasants by eliminating the old
agricultural elites. However, following the March on
Rome, Mussolini sidelined rural radicals to retain the
support of the powerful agricultural elite. For
example, in 1923 Mussolini expelled the leading
Fascist radical in Naples, Aurelio Padovani, from
thePNF for demanding a social revolution in the
countryside. Agricultural elites grew rich, gaining
large government subsidies for administering
policies such as the Battle for Grain (see page 48).
Additionally, powerful gures in the PNF, such as
Italo Balbo, fought consistently for the interests of
the agricultural elites of his home province of
Ferrara. Balbo, like Mussolini, recognised that the
PNF could not govern the countryside without the
support of the agricultural elites.

RAG Rate the timeline

Below are a sample exam-style question and a timeline. Read the question, study the timeline and, using three
coloured pens, put a red, amber or green star next to the events to show:

red events and policies that have no relevance to the question

amber events and policies that have some signicance to the question

green events and policies that are directly relevant to the question.

1) How far do you agree that the Catholic Church and the traditional elites were the main
beneciaries of Fascist government in the period 192243?
Now repeat the activity with the following questions:

2) How far do you agree that it was Mussolinis use of conciliation, rather than his use of terror, that
enabled him to consolidate his power in the period 192229?
3) How far do you agree that Mussolinis social and economic policies were successful in the period
All political parties
except the Fascist
Party banned
First of
Special Tribunal
for the Defence of
Matteotti the State established
Military salute
Crisis (May)
laws passed
becomes the
Battle for the
Lateran Treaties
General election: Lira introduced
Introduction of
Mussolini Fascists gain
in the civil service
Teachers and
a 10 per cent
Opera Nazionale
lecturers forced to
cap on women
Balilla (ONB) Minculpop
of the seats
workers in
powers in new Parliament established
allegiance to Fascism
most industries
Battle for
of new
corporations Birth rate begins
to increase
Prime Minister





Battle for
Births policy
of Fascism
Acerbo Law
OVRA established
Purge of teachers All opposition
and lecturers
who did not
support Fascism
Ministry of
All newspaper
editors forced to
join Association of
Fascist Journalists Abortion and
given the title Duce


National Council of




Institute for


Attempt to expel
non-Italian Jews
from Italy


Membership of
the ONB becomes



Mussolini agrees to
send all Jews in Italy to
Nazi concentration camps

begins on
the Esposizione
Universale Roma (EUR)
Policy of
autarky adopted

Simple essay style

Now use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to produce a plan for each of the
questions above. Choose four general points, and provide three pieces of specic information to support each
general point. Once you have planned your essay, write the introduction and conclusion for the essay. The
introduction should list the points to be discussed in the essay. The conclusion should summarise the key points
and justify which point was the most important.


Section 3: Power and control in Fascist Italy

How successful was Fascism 192243?

Mussolini aimed to create a totalitarian state, a
dynamic dictatorship in which all citizens were
totally committed to their leader. In reality, Fascist
Italy failed to live up to Mussolinis vision.

Mussolinis dictatorship
Mussolini took several steps to strengthen his hold
on power after 1925. First, he reformed the PNF to
ensure it was under his personal control. A year
later, the Grand Council approved a new party
statute that replaced election from below with
appointment from above. This strengthened
Mussolinis position by giving him the power of
patronage. Second, in 1931 he appointed Achille
Starace as Party Secretary, replacing Augusto Turati.
Starace was wholly loyal, whereas Turati had
clashed with Mussolini and was a potential rival for
the leadership of the PNF. The Lateran Treaties also
ensured the support of the Church, at least until
conict over anti-Semitism in the late 1930s.
However, the existence of powerful old elites shows
that Mussolini failed to create a totalitarian state.

Mussolinis economic record

Corporatism and autarky were both failures.
Corporatism created large inefcient cartels. Indeed,
Mussolinis policies during the Great Depression
indicate that Mussolini had no faith in Corporatism,
because he did not try to use the Corporations to
help stimulate the economy. Rather, during the
depression he relied on the IIR (see page 50) which
played no part in the Corporatist State.
Similarly, Italy failed to become self-sufcient.
Therefore, when war broke out in 1939, Mussolini
needed a signicant quantity of economic aid from
Germany in order to ght. For most Italians, autarky
simply meant higher prices.
However, unemployment remained relatively low.
During the Great Depression the regime



introduced public works schemes such as

land reclamation in the Pontine Marshes to
create jobs. Therefore, Italys use of Keynesian
policies meant that unemployment in Italy in the
early 1930s was around 15 per cent, lower than the
22 per cent in Britain and 30 per cent in Germany
during the same period. Additionally, government
arms spending rose from 7 million lira in 1935 to
14 million lira in 1936, creating new jobs in arms
Despite this, Fascism failed to help Italy catch up
with other European economies. Between 1922 and
1938 Italy averaged an annual 1.9 per cent growth
inGDP, whereas the average across western Europe
was 2.5 per cent.

Popular support
The working class
Fascisms impact on the working class was mixed.
Politically, workers lost independent unions and the
right to strike. Corporatism led to some benets
such as sick pay and holiday pay. However, the
standard of living of most workers declined by
11per cent between 1925 and 1938. Therefore,
while the majority tended to support the regime,
they did so with little enthusiasm.

The peasants
Most peasants either ignored or rejected Fascism.
Initiatives such as the Battle for Grain and autarky
caused a fall in agricultural prices. Consequently, the
price of agricultural land fell between 40 and 50 per
cent every ve years under Mussolini. Living
standards in the country fell by 40 per cent between
1922 and 1930. High rural unemployment, and poor
education in the countryside, meant that the
majority who left farms to nd work in the cities
were unsuccessful.

Support or challenge?
Below is a sample exam-style question which asks how far you agree with a specic statement. Below this are a
series of general statements which are relevant to the question. Using your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page decide whether these statements support or challenge the statement in the question and tick
the appropriate box.

Mussolini was successful in creating a totalitarian state in Italy in the period 192243. How far do
you agree with this statement?


The Lateran Treaties brought about a closer relationship

between the Catholic Church and the Fascist regime.
Many workers supported the regime, though with little
Many peasants did not support Fascism.
By 1930, the OVRA had a network of 100,000 informants.
Between 1927 and 1943, the Special Tribunal found 4596
people guilty of political crimes.
By 1938, women made up 38 per cent of the industrial
labour force.
Fascist propaganda encouraged people to see the regime as
strong and dynamic.
Mussolinis social policies aimed to control aspects of
peoples private lives.
Membership of the ONB was made compulsory in 1939.
Corporatism was used to extend state control over the

Recommended reading
Below is a list of suggested further reading on this topic.

Italy: The Rise of Fascism 19151945, chapters 4 to 7, Mark Robson (2006)

Modern Italy, 1871 to the Present, pages 266334,Martin Clark (2008)

Mussolini and Italy, pages 4196 and 159196, Edward Townley (2002)


Section 3: Power and control in Fascist Italy

Exam focus


Below is a sample A grade essay. Read it and the examiner comments around it.

How successful were Fascisms political and economic policies in the years 1922 to 1940?

sets out a
range of
factors to be
Signicantly, it
considers both
aspects of the
question as it
deals with the
successes of
political and

This paragraph
contains a
great deal
of detail,
about the
policies used
to consolidate

Here, the
a range of
knowledge by
three different
elite groups.

The analysis
of connections
between the
success of
winning over
the elites and
the failure
to create a
state effectively
links different
aspects of the
essay creating


Fascism was largely successful in term

s of politics bet ween the years 1922
and 1940
because Mussolini was able to consoli
date power and win the support of Ital
major elites. However, Mussolini was
never able to fully transform Italys
politics as
his attempts to create a totalitarian
state and a new fascist man failed.
economic policies were much less suc
cessful, as the Italian economy per form
ed less
well under Mussolini than it had dur
ing the Giolitti period and less well
major economies in the interwar yea
Fascisms political and economic poli
cies led to the successful consolidat
ion of
power in the years 1922 to 1925. For
example, Mussolini demanded and rec
the emergency power to rule by dec
ree, making him independent of the
Parliament. Mussolini was also able
to impose control over his own mo vem
ent by
disciplining the squadristi by turning
it into a state-funded Fascist Militia
, the
MSVN. Additionally, the creation of
the Grand Council of Fascism in 192
allo wed
Mussolini to dominate the leadership
of the Fascist mo vement. These me
allo wed Mussolini to claim that he
had tamed the Fascist mo vement
won him
support from conservatives and libe
rals in Parliament. Consequently, in
1923, Mussolini was able to pass the
Giacomo Acerbos Electoral Law whi
ch led to
a PNF-dominated Parliament followi
ng the 1924 election. Fascist econom
ic policy
was also initially successful as it red
uced government debt from 74.8 per
t of
GDP in 1922 to 50.6 per cent of GDP
in 1925. Finally, following the Matteo
tti Crisis,
Mussolini was able to establish a dic
tatorship through a series of constit
reforms which banned opposition poli
tical parties and independent trades
established a political police (the OV
RA) and gave Mussolini the power
by decree permanently. In this way,
Fascisms political and economic poli
were clearly successful in the period
1922 to 1925 as they allo wed Mussol
ini to
consolidate power by creating a Fasc
ist dictatorship.
Fascisms political polices were also
successful as they allo wed the govern
ment to
win the support of important elite gro
ups. For example, the Lateran Treatie
s of 1929
established a close relationship bet
ween the Roman Catholic Church
and the PNF
government. In return for an indepe
ndent state, financial compensation
and the
promise that the PNF would respect
the rights of the Church, the Pope
to support the Fascist regime. Busine
ss leaders and the middle class wer
won over
by Mussolinis anti-communism and
his anti-union policies. Finally, the agr
elite was won over by the taming of
radical aspects of Fascism that foc
d on
peasant rights. Specifically, by the end
of 1923 Mussolini had expelled or side
Fascist radicals like Aurelio Padova
ni who wanted a social revolution in
countryside. In this way, Fascisms poli
tical policies were successful becaus
e they
secured the regime by ensuring the
support of the major elites.
However, Fascisms political polices wer
e not wholly successful as they failed
to create
a totalitarian state or a fascist new
man. Mussolinis key political aim was
a totalitarian state, a state with tota
l control over society where all citizen
s were
committed to Fascist values. Howeve
r, Mussolini failed to do this. Mussolinis
in winning over the elites is evidence
that he failed to create a totalitarian
as a truly totalitarian regime would
have completely dominated the who
le of society
rather than having to compromise with
non-Fascist groups. The continued pow
er of

owners shows that totalitarianism was
the Church, the King, business and land
who was
d homo fascistus, a new fascist man
ist values. This is clear from the failure
selflessly and totally committed to Fasc
birth rates
In spite of propaganda and incentives
indicating a
in 1911 and marriage rates stagnated,
remained lower than they had been
ces failed in
ist goal. Clearly, Fascisms political poli
s continued
er fully dominated and Italian citizen
these key areas as old elites were nev
to live according to non-Fascist valu
e a failure. The initial success in reducin
such as
nce, De Stefani, led to new problems
government debt under Minister of Fina
, although
a drop in the value of the lira. Equally
and 1938,
s were not impressive. Between 1922
the Italian economy grew, growth rate
ressive than
9 per cent. However, this was less imp
e of 2.8
ch the GDP grew at an annual averag
growth during the Giolitti period in whi
was worse
of 1.9 per cent a year under Mussolini
per cent. Additionally, Italys growth
r years.
which was 2.5 per cent in the interwa
than average across western Europe
the products
for example, only produced a fifth of
Specific policies also failed. Autarky,
d by 11 per
d of living of the working class decline
that Italy needed. Finally, the standar
ch the
is worse than the Giolitti period in
cent between 1925 and 1938. Again, this
of 2.1 per cent a year. Clearly, Fascist
standard of living grew by an average
iods in
rates were poor compared to other
policies were a failure because growth
period and
European countries during the same
Italian history and compared to other
as autarky failed to achieve their aim
because Mussolinis key policies such
were only
ic policies in the years 1922 to 1940
Overall, Fascisms political and econom
cess was the consolidation of power
ing the establishment of a Fascist dic
took place bet ween 1922 and 1925, end
s of
h other elites undermined the succes
However, successful compromise wit
h other
fascist man, as the compromis
creating a totalitarian regime or a new
powerful institutions in society and
elites ensured that there were other
pete with
an Catholic values, continued to com
that other values, particularly Rom
s, as
ed in general terms and specific term
Fascist valu
ir goals.
s such as autarky never achieved the
gro wth was relatively poor and policie

This paragraph
analyses the
failure of Fascist
policies by
precise statistics
from another
period and other
The conclusion
summarises the
argument of the
essay reaching
an overall
judgement about
the success of
Fascist policy.
Signicantly it
addresses both
economic and
political aspects
of the question,
and emphasises
the link that the
essay made
between the
successes of
some aspects
of policy and the
failure of others.

This gets into Level 5 because of the sustained focus on evaluating the success of political
and economic policies and the way the essay links successes in some areas with failures in
others. The focus and detail are excellent throughout. More links between the factors or an
overall argument would have gained the essay maximum marks.
Reverse engineering
The best essays are based on careful plans. Read the essay, and the examiners
comments, and try to work out the general points of the plan used to write the essay.
Once you have done this, note down the specic examples used to support each general


Section 4:
Building the new Roman Empire

Mussolinis foreign policy aims




ria Y U G O S L A V I A


Mussolinis ultimate foreign policy aim was to

make Italy a great nation. This reected his Fascist
ideology as well as his desire to gain what Italy
had failed to achieve in the mutilated victory
(seepage 18). Essentially, Mussolini wanted to
create a new Roman Empire, including colonies in
the Balkans, around the Mediterranean, and in


Mediterranean Sea

Italian North

Ideology and foreign policy

War and empire were important parts of Fascist ideology.
Unlike most liberals and socialists, Fascists believed that
warfare was an essential part of life because:
Q Warfare brought out the best in nations and
individuals. War led to national unity and turned
soldiers into real men by teaching them heroism
and self-sacrice.
Q Building an empire and conquering other
countries were key to national greatness. Fascists
believed that Britain and France had become great
through establishing empires in Africa, Asia and
the Caribbean, and argued that Italy could only
do this by creating overseas colonies which
would provide the motherland with vital
Q As social Darwinists, Fascists believed that
warfare was natural and led to the survival
ofthe fittest nations. Specifically, Mussolini
believed Britain and France were decadent
nations who had become weak and therefore
no longer had the right to dominate the
world.Italy, by contrast, was an up-andcoming, dynamic nation that deserved to
replace the old empires as a major global

Territorial goals
Mussolini had a series of territorial goals. He wanted to:
Q consolidate Italys hold on its existing Empire in
Italian North Africa (now Libya) and Italian East
Africa (now Somalia)
Q gain territory in Abyssinia (now Ethiopia)


km 1000

Italian East

Q gain control of the Balkan ports around the

Adriatic Sea, including Fiume and Corfu.
Mussolini viewed control of the Adriatic as the
rst step to naval dominance of the
Mediterranean Sea.
Q break British and French control over the
Mediterranean Sea and establish the
Mediterranean Sea as Italys lake.

Fascist foreign policy

In spite of Mussolinis ideology, Fascist foreign policy
was not initially warlike. Fascist foreign policy changed
over time. Nonetheless, Mussolini made the major
foreign policy decisions throughout the whole period.
From 1922 to 1935 Mussolini largely avoided conict
with other major nations. He gained the respect of
Britain and France who viewed him as a strong,
pragmatic statesman. However, in the mid-1930s his
policy became more aggressive. As a result, Mussolini
formed closer links with Hitlers Germany.

Spider diagram
Use the information on the opposite page to add detail to the spider diagram below.


policy aims



Support or challenge?
Below is a sample exam-style question which asks how far you agree with a specic statement. Below this are a
series of general statements which are relevant to the question. Using your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page, decide whether these statements support or challenge the statement in the question and tick
the appropriate box.

In the years 192243, Mussolinis foreign policy aims were wholly ideological. How far do you agree
with this statement?


Mussolini wanted to make Italy a great nation.

Mussolini hoped that the success of his foreign policy would
compensate for the mutilated victory following the First World War.
Mussolini believed that war led to national unity.
Mussolini believed that overseas colonies would provide Italy with
important resources.
Mussolini wanted to establish Italian dominance of the
Mediterranean Sea.
Before 1935, Mussolini avoided conict with other major nations.
Mussolini believed that Britain and France were becoming weak
and that it was Italys turn to become a global power.


Section 4: Building the new Roman Empire


Fiume and Corfu

Foreign policy 192229
During Mussolinis period as Foreign Secretary, from
1922 to 1929, there was little change in Italian
foreign policy. Mussolini adopted a cautious
approach for several reasons:
Q From 1922 to 1924, nationalists and liberals still
dominated the Foreign Ofce.
Q Foreign policy experts Raffaele Guariglia and
Dino Grandi persuaded Mussolini to continue
Italys traditional policy of moderation.
Q Italy could not afford to go to war.
Q Mussolini was keen to gain the respect of Britain
and France.
Nonetheless, Mussolini made two attempts to gain
overseas territory in the years 1922 to 1929.

The Corfu incident

Mussolini wanted control of Corfu because the
Greek islands position in the Adriatic Sea was
crucial for dominance over the Mediterranean Sea.
Therefore, Mussolini attempted to exploit a crisis to
achieve his goal. In 1923 three Italian diplomats,
who were working with the League of Nations, were
murdered. Mussolini responded by demanding 50
million lire in compensation. When Greece refused,
Mussolini ordered the bombardment and
occupation of Corfu. International pressure and
Greeces eventual agreement to compensate Italy
forced the Italian army to withdraw. The Italian
press presented this resolution as a victory because
Italy had forced Greece to pay. However, Mussolini
had failed to retain control of Corfu.

The Annexation of Fiume was Mussolinis rst
major foreign policy success. In March 1923,
Mussolini sent Italian troops into Fiume, claiming
revolutionaries were threatening the port. This
effectively established Italian control over Fiume.
Italys position was conrmed in January 1924 by
the Treaty of Rome, an agreement between Italy


and Yugoslavia that Fiume should become part of

The Annexation of Fiume was highly popular, and
played a part in the early consolidation of the
Fascist regime. It allowed Mussolini to claim that he
was standing up for Italys interests. Additionally,
the Italian media presented Mussolinis policy as a
heroic adventure similar to DAnnunzios
occupation of Fiume following the First World War
(see page 26).

Foreign policy 192529

Mussolini signed two treaties during this period that
strengthened Italys relationship with Britain and
Q In 1925, Italy signed the Locarno Pact. The Pact
consolidated the border between France and
Germany. Indeed, if war broke out between
France and Germany, the Pact committed Britain
and Italy to defend the country that had been
Q In 1928, Mussolini signed the KelloggBriand
Pact. The treaty committed 54 nations to settle
any differences through negotiations rather than

Successes and failures 192229

Mussolini did little to create a new Roman Empire.
There were clear gains, such as Fiume. Additionally,
Britain agreed to hand over territory to both of Italys
African colonies. However, Britain was still the
dominant power in the Mediterranean and Africa.
Moreover, Mussolini had gained nothing from the
Locarno Pact. While the Pact guaranteed the French
border it did nothing to stop Germany expanding in
the South, in a region that Mussolini believed should
be part of Italys sphere of inuence.
Nonetheless, Mussolinis willingness to sign the
Locarno Pact, the KelloggBriand Pact and the
Lateran Treaties (see page 50) gave Mussolini a
reputation as a wise statesman, and gained him
Britain and Frances respect.

Spectrum of success
Below are a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the success of
the events listed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative success. Having done this, write
a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these policies are more successful than others. The
resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.

How successful was Mussolinis foreign policy in the years 192229?


The Corfu incident

The Annexation of Fiume
The Locarno Pact
The KelloggBriand Pact

Less successful

Very successful

Identify an argument
Below are a series of denitions, a sample exam-style question and two sample conclusions. One of the
conclusions achieves a high level because it contains an argument. The other achieves a lower level because it
contains only description and assertion. Identify which is which. The mark scheme on page 3 will help you.

Description: a detailed account.

Assertion: a statement of fact or an opinion which is not supported by a reason.

Reason: a statement which explains or justies something.

Argument: an assertion justied with a reason.

How successful was Mussolinis foreign policy in the years 192229?

Sample 1

Overall, Mussolinis foreign policy in the years 192229 was only partially successful. The
Annexation of Fiume extended Italian territory in the Balkans, and Mussolinis willingness to
sign international treaties gained him the respect of Britain and France. However, Britain
and France remained dominant world powers, and Mussolini failed to create a new Roman
Empire. In this sense, although Mussolinis foreign policy in this period saw isolated successes,
he had failed to achieve his aims.

Sample 2

In conclusion, in the period 192229, Mussolinis foreign policy had some successes and some
failures. The Annexation of Fiume was a success, but the Corfu Incident was a failure even
though the Italian press presented it as a success. In addition, Italy had signed two Pacts,
the Locarno Pact and the KelloggBriand Pact. These treaties brought Italy into alliance
with a number of other countries. In this way, in the period 192229, Mussolinis foreign
policy had some successes and some failures.


Section 4: Building the new Roman Empire


The Abyssinian campaign

The Abyssinian campaign led to a signicant
expansion of the Italian Empire and therefore
increased support for the Fascist regime.

The causes of the campaign

The campaigns causes were largely political. First,
Mussolini was determined to demonstrate the
success of his regime. Italy had failed to conquer
Abyssinia during the First ItaloAbyssinian War of
189596. Mussolini hoped to prove the superiority of
Fascism by succeeding where former Italian regimes
had failed. Second, he wanted to use the war to
distract the Italian people from Italys ongoing
economic difculties. Finally, he hoped that a
successful war would lead to a surge in Italian
A minor border conict, the November 1934
Walwal Incident, gave Mussolini a pretext for
war. Abyssinian Emperor Haile Selassie I tried to
negotiate and appealed to the League of Nations to
resolve the dispute. However, Mussolini sabotaged
the negotiations and sent large numbers of Italian
troops to the region.

The Second ItaloAbyssinian War

The Italian invasion began in October 1935. The
Abyssinian forces were poorly equipped compared
to the Italian forces. Nonetheless, initially, the Italian
army, led by General Emilio De Bono, suffered a
series of setbacks. Indeed, the Abyssinian armys
Christmas Offensive forced the Italian army to
retreat. Ultimately, victory was achieved after
Mussolini massively escalated the Italian forces and
appointed Pietro Badoglio to command them.
Badoglios tactics were brutal from the end of
1935he even used poisoned gas against Abyssinian
forces. By the end of the war in May 1936,
Mussolini had committed 254 aeroplanes,
595tanks,30,000 trucks and 4.2 million shells


International reaction
The Caribbean intellectual C L R James founded
the International African Friends of Ethiopia. The
organisation encouraged African Americans to put
pressure on the US government to support the
Abyssinian government.
Mussolinis reputation as a moderate leader ended
with the Abyssinian campaign. It led to the
deterioration of relations with Britain and France, as
Italy refused to work with the two powers to nd a
peaceful resolution.
The League of Nations condemned the campaign
and imposed economic sanctions on Italy. The
sanctions failed to stop the ghting but strengthened
Italys relationship with Nazi Germany, as Germany
was not part of the League and therefore continued
to trade with Italy.

Domestic reaction
The war was the high point of the Cult of the Duce
(see page 40) as the press and propaganda focused
on Mussolinis role directing the battle. At the end
ofthe war, the League of Nations lifted its sanctions,
leading Mussolini to claim he had beaten the entire
British and French attacks on the campaign were
presented as hypocritical. The press argued that the
British and French had no right to criticise Italian
imperialism because they had large numbers of
colonies and had historically fought major wars in
Africa. Censorship ensured that the Italian people
learned nothing of the campaign started by the
International African Friends of Ethiopia.
The success of the campaign persuaded Mussolini that
an aggressive foreign policy was the key to sustaining
the Fascist regime. However, in the long run,
Mussolinis foreign policy would take Italy into the
Second World War and ultimately destroy the regime.

Delete as applicable
Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and decide which of the possible options (underlined) is most appropriate. Delete the least appropriate options
and complete the paragraph by justifying your selection.

How far did Fascist foreign policy increase Mussolinis popularity in the years 192241?

The Abyssinian Campaign of 193536 increased Mussolinis popularity within Italy to a

great/fair/limited extent. Italys invasion of Abyssinia was successful, and Abyssinia
became part of Italian East Africa. Additionally, the economic sanctions that the
League of Nations imposed on Italy during the campaign were removed at the end of the
campaign, allowing Mussolini to claim that the League had also been defeated. These
events suggested that the Fascists would be successful in their aim of turning Italy into a
great nation and therefore strengthened the popularity of the regime within Italy. Also,
Mussolinis personal popularity was increased as the Italian press and propaganda focused
on his role directing the war. In this way, the Abyssinian Campaign of 193536 increased
Mussolinis popularity within Italy to a great/fair/limited extent because

Support or challenge?
Below is a sample exam-style question which asks how far you agree with a specic statement. Below this are a
series of general statements which are relevant to the question. Using your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page, decide whether these statements support or challenge the statement in the question and tick
the appropriate box.

The Abyssinian campaign of 193536 successfully increased Italys international prestige. How far
do you agree with this statement?


Abyssinia became part of Italian East Africa.

Italys relationship with Britain and France deteriorated.
Italys relationship with Germany strengthened.
The League of Nations condemned the campaign and imposed
economic sanctions on Italy.
The League of Nations withdrew its sanctions following the Italo
Abyssinian war.
The Italian press presented Britain and France as hypocritical for
criticising Italian imperialism.
Mussolini became convinced of the need for an aggressive
foreign policy.


Section 4: Building the new Roman Empire

Italian involvement in the Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939 strengthened
the relationship between Mussolini and Hitler. At
the same time it drove Italy further apart from
Britain and France.


Additionally, in December 1936, Italy sent the Corpo

Truppe Volontarie (a force of 75,000 volunteers) to
ght alongside the Nationalists.

The consequences of the war

Civil war in Spain
In July 1936 Spains nationalist Army leaders
launched a military coup to try to overthrow the
democratically elected republican government.
The League of Nations passed a resolution early
on to forbid other countries from getting involved
in the war. However, as the conict progressed,
Stalins Russia intervened to support the
Republicans, and both Fascist Italy and Nazi
Germany sent troops and equipment to help the

The causes of Italian intervention

Mussolini supported the Nationalists for a variety of
Q He wanted further military success following the
popularity of the victory in Abyssinia.
Q He believed that the Nationalists would become
Italys allies, and help Italy gain control over the
Q He wanted to stop a socialist or communist
victory in Spain.
Q He wanted to test Italian equipment and tactics
as part of his preparation for future wars.
Q He believed that the Nationalists would introduce
Fascism in Spain.

The scale of Italian intervention

Mussolini sent a signicant amount of military
equipment to aid the Nationalists. In the rst three
months of the war, Italy provided:

130 aircraft
2500 tonnes of bombs
500 cannons
700 mortars
12,000 machineguns
4000 vehicles.


Italian propaganda presented the Nationalist victory

in 1939 as a Fascist victory over the forces of
socialism and communism. However, Italy was also
weakened by its involvement in the war.
At home, the campaign was not as popular as the
Abyssinian campaign. The Civil War, unlike the
Abyssinian campaign, lasted for three years and led
to no territorial gains. Consequently, the Italian
public were less enthusiastic.
The war further soured Italys relationship with
Britain and France. Consequently, Mussolini could
no longer hope to negotiate territorial deals with
either country in Africa or the Mediterranean.
Spain proved to be a poor ally. When Germany
invaded Poland in 1939 and caused the outbreak of
the Second World War, the Nationalist government
refused to allow the Italian navy to use its ports.
Italys help during the Civil War did not lead to
greater inuence in the Mediterranean.
Italian involvement in the war also led to huge
debts. The Italian government estimated that it spent
7,500,000,000 lire (approximately 8,300,000,000)
on the conict. Privately, Badoglio argued that the
war was a waste of money, as Italy should have
spent the money on modernising its armed forces.
General Balbo (see page 50), who had been placed in
charge of Italys colonies, was also critical, arguing
that the money would have been better spent
consolidating Italian rule in Africa. Additionally, at
the end of the war Italian forces left around a third
of their equipment in Spain, further draining the
resources of the Spanish army.
Finally, involvement in the war deepened Italys
relationship with Germany. As the Civil War
progressed, Mussolini and Hitler collaborated on the
campaign. Communication between the two
governments increased and by 1939 the two
countries were allies.

Complete the Venn diagram

Use the information in this section so far to add detail to the Venn diagram below. On one side of the diagram, list
the foreign policy initiatives that increased Mussolinis popularity in Italy. On the other side of the diagram, list the
foreign policy initiatives that decreased Mussolinis popularity in Italy. In the centre, list the foreign policy initiatives
that had a mixed effect on Mussolinis popularity.

Decreased Mussolinis
Increased Mussolinis

Turning assertion into argument

Below are a sample exam-style question and a series of assertions. Read the exam question and then add a
justication to each of the assertions to turn it into an argument.

How successful was Mussolinis foreign policy in the years 192239?

The Annexation of Fiume was a major success in the sense that

The Abyssinian Campaign was a partial success in the sense that
Italian involvement in the Spanish Civil War was only a partial success in the sense that


Section 4: Building the new Roman Empire


RomeBerlin Axis
From the mid-1930s Italy and Germany grew closer.
The result was the Pact of Steel, a military alliance
between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

The Axis between Italy and Germany came about

for ideological, political and personal reasons.

Mussolinis trip to Germany in 1937. Mussolini was

won over by Hitlers charisma and truly impressed
by the apparent power and discipline of the Nazi
regime. Consequently, after 1937 Mussolini
increasingly tried to imitate Nazi Germany. For
example, he introduced the German goose step
into the Italian Army.



Ideologically, there was a great deal that united

Mussolini and Hitler. Both aimed at the rebirth of
their nation, both were militarists, both hated
communism, and both wanted to create a new
dynamic empire in which their people were united
behind common nationalist goals. This ideological
similarity led to a mutual respect. Hitler praised
Mussolini in Mein Kampf, and Mussolini sent a
senior member of the PNF to speak at the 1933
Nazi Conference in Nuremburg.

Mussolini rst spoke of a RomeBerlin Axis in

November 1936. The Axis was formalised by two

The reasons for the RomeBerlin Axis

Initially, the relationship between Nazi Germany and
Fascist Italy was strained because the two counties
had competing interests. Mussolini feared that a
strong Germany would dominate Austria, a country
that he believed should be in the Italian sphere of
However, in the mid-1930s Italy and Germany
became closer. Germany supported Italys invasion
of Abyssinia. Britain and France, by contrast, asked
the League of Nations to impose sanctions.
Furthermore, the Spanish Civil War united Italy and
Germany, and further alienated Italy from Britain
and France.

Mussolini and Hitlers rst meeting in 1934 was not
a success. Hitler was not impressed by the
achievements of Fascism and Mussolini found Hitler
underwhelming. However, the two dictators
collaborated effectively during the Spanish Civil
War. The relationship deepened following


Q The Anti Comintern Pact: Germany and Japan

signed the Anti Comintern Pact in November
1936. The Pact committed Germany and Japan to
work together to stop the spread of communism.
Mussolini was initially wary of signing the Pact
as he feared it would further alienate Britain and
France. However, he signed the Pact in November
Q The Pact of Steel: Signed in May 1939, the Pact
formed a military alliance between Italy and
Germany. It committed the two countries to ght
together in any future war, and to increase their
collaboration in the areas of economic and
military preparation for war.

Over commitment
Mussolinis willingness to sign the Pact of Steel
reected his belief that Fascism was the force of the
future. The experience of the Abyssinian campaign
and the Spanish Civil War taught him that Fascist
forces would always conquer democracies.
However, in reality, Italy was inadequately prepared
for war. Mussolinis generals believed that Italy
would not be ready for war until 1943. Moreover,
Hitlers foreign policy was clearly heading in the
direction of war. In this sense, signing the Pact of
Steel was extremely dangerous, because Mussolini
had agreed to ght alongside Germany at a time
when the Italian military were unlikely to

Spectrum of success
Below are a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the success of
the events listed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative success. Having done this, write
a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these policies are more successful than others. The
resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.

How successful was Mussolinis foreign policy in the years 192239?


The Corfu incident

The Annexation of Fiume
Signing of the Locarno Pact and the KelloggBriand Pact
The Abyssinian campaign
Involvement in the Spanish Civil War
The Pact of Steel

Less successful

Very successful

Youre the examiner

Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and the mark scheme provided on page 3. Decide which level you would award the paragraph. Write the level
below, along with a justication for your choice.

How accurate is it to say that ideological factors were the main reason why Italy entered into an
alliance with Germany?

In November 1937, Mussolini signed the Anti Comintern Pact. This Pact had been signed by
Germany and Japan in 1936 and committed the two countries to work together to stop the
spread of communism. In addition, in 1939, Mussolini and Hitler signed the Pact of Steel.
This formed a military alliance between Italy and Germany, committing them to fight
together in any future war and support each other in preparation for war. Mussolini signed
the Pact of Steel because he believed he liked Hitler and was impressed with Nazi Germany.


Reason for choosing this level:



Section 4: Building the new Roman Empire


War and downfall

German victories
For the rst year of the Second World War Germany
made enormous territorial gains, rst conquering Poland,
then Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France.
The Pact of Steel (see page 64) committed Italy to
ghting alongside Germany. However, the Italian
military and the Italian economy were in no state to
support a war. Therefore Italy could not join the war
in 1939.

Tensions in the Italian government

Powerful gures in the Italian government did not
share Mussolinis faith in Hitler. At the end of 1939
the King, Foreign Minister Ciano, and Balbo
believed that Italy should stay out of the war.
However, Hitlers early successes persuaded most of
senior gures in the government to support
Mussolinis plans to join the war.

Italy enters the war

Italy entered the war in July 1940. Mussolini rushed
to enter the war, believing that the war would soon
be over and that Italy should join or risk missing its
chance to ght and share in the victory.

The Italian military

The Italian army was unprepared for war. In terms of
equipment, the army did not have enough uniforms
to clothe its soldiers, nor was its equipment up-todate. Additionally, Italian military tactics were
outdated. Mussolinis generals had yet to develop
effective strategies for using tanks and aircraft.

Early campaigns
In 1940, Mussolini scored two propaganda
Q Italian forces played a role in the defeat of France.
Q Mussolini sent 300 aircraft to take part in the
Battle of Britain.
However, in reality the Italian military had achieved
little. Italy already had de facto control of Albania,


and therefore the Albanian campaign was

largely a propaganda exercise. Although the Italian
army was eventually successful in the south of
France, this victory owed more to German strength
than Italys contribution. Finally, Hitler made sure
that Italian aircraft only played a minor role in the air
war against Britain.

Military failures
The Italian military proved unable to achieve
Mussolinis war goals:
Q The Italian invasion of Greece in October 1940
was a disaster. Greece counterattacked,
successfully invading Albania. Italian defeat
wasonly avoided by the German invasion of
Q British forces defeated the Italian army in East
African. Again, German troops saved Italy from
complete collapse until the 1943 Battle of El
Alamein which resulted in an Allied victory in

Mussolinis downfall
Public opinion
The Italian people had never been enthusiastic about
entering the Second World War. Repeated military
failures and the economic problems created by the
war led to a sharp decline in Mussolinis popularity.

Military defeat
Having defeated Italy in North Africa, the Allies
invaded Sicily in July 1943 and started bombing
Rome. Nonetheless, Mussolini refused to admit
defeat. Consequently, senior gures in the Italian
government moved to overthrow the Duce. At
theend of July the Fascist Grand Council (see
page36) met and stripped Mussolini of his military
power. Following the meeting, the King sacked
Mussolini and ordered his arrest, appointing
Badoglio as thenew Prime Minister. Badoglios
government withdrew from the Axis and joined
with the Allies.

Simple essay style

Below are two sample exam-style questions. Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page
to produce plans for these questions. Choose four general points, and provide three pieces of specic information
to support each general point. Once you have planned each essay, write the introduction and conclusion for the
essay. The introduction should list the points to be discussed in the essay. The conclusion should summarise the
key points and justify which point was the most important.

How far did Mussolini increase the international status of Italy in the period 192243?
How far do you agree that Mussolinis foreign policy strengthened his power within Italy?

Introducing an argument
Below are a sample exam-style question, a list of key points to be made in the essay, and a simple introduction
and conclusion for the essay. Read the question, the plan, and the introduction and conclusion. Rewrite the
introduction and the conclusion in order to develop an argument.

To what extent was Mussolinis foreign policy in the years 192243 a failure?

Key points

The Corfu incident

The Annexation of Fiume

Signing of the Locarno Pact and the KelloggBrand Pact

The Abyssinian Campaign

Involvement in the Spanish Civil War

The Pact of Steel

Italian involvement in the Second World War


There were seven significant events in Italian foreign policy in the period 192243. These
were the Corfu Incident, the Annexation of Fiume, the signing of the Locarno Pact and the
KelloggBrand Pact, the Abyssinian Campaign, Italian involvement in the Spanish Civil War,
the Pact of Steel and Italian involvement in the Second World War. Some of these events
were failures, but some were successes.


In some ways Italian foreign policy in the period 192243 was a failure and in some ways it
was a success.

Recommended reading
Below is a list of suggested further reading on this topic.

Italy: The Rise of Fascism 19151945, chapters 8 and 9, Mark Robson (2006)

Mussolini and Italy, pages 97137 and 212223, Edward Townley (2002)

Mussolinis Italy: Life Under the Dictatorship, chapters 14 and 15, R J B Bosworth (2006)


Section 4: Building the new Roman Empire

Exam focus


Below is a sample A grade essay. Read it and the examiner comments around it.

How far were Mussolinis foreign policy successes responsible for the popularity of the Fascist regime
in the years 192241?

This paragraph
shows a
knowledge of
the annexation
of Fiume. It
also shows
why the policy
was a success
and analyses
why this led to
support for the
Fascist regime.

This paragraph
uses precise
detail to
support its

This paragraph
range of the
essay to 1941.
together with
the earlier
of Fiume, it
covers the
whole period
specied by
the question.


Mussolinis foreign policy successes, par

ticularly the Abyssinian Campaign, wer
the main reason for the popularity of
the regime in the 1930s. However, Mu
had few foreign policy successes in the
1920s, and therefore other factors suc
h as
his accommodation with the Roman
Catholic Church and his campaign aga
communism are more likely to explain
the regimes popularity in the 1920s. Cer
Mussolinis economic policy contribute
d little to the popularity of the regime
standards either stagnated or decline
d for the majority of Italians in the yea
rs 192241.
Between 1922 and 1941 Mussolinis fore
ign policy had two major successes, bot
h of
which strengthened the popularity of
the Fascist regime. The first was the
of Fiume. In March 1923 Mussolini sent
Italian troops into the Adriatic port
of Fiume.
He claimed that they were there to
stop a revolution. However, in reality
the occupation of Fiume in order to
gain control of the area. The policy was
a success
and Italys control of Fiume was secure
d by the Treaty of Rome which Italy
with Yugoslavia in 1924. This was clea
rly a success for Mussolini as Italian con
trol of
Fiume was a key objective for Italian
nationalists, because it was one of Mu
ssolinis key
territorial goals, and because the Ital
ian people had shown their support for
a takeover
of Fiume during DAnnunzios occupa
tion of Fiume in 1919. This was a major
policy success and increased the pop
ularity of the regime because it allowed
to claim that Fascism had achieved
something that liberal politicians had
failed to do
in their negotiations over the Treaty
of St Germain at the end of the First
World War, or
Giolittis negotiation over the Treaty
of Rapallo in 1920.
Another key success was the Abyssi
nian Campaign of 193536. Mussolinis
was to extend the Italian Empire in
Africa by conquering Abyssinia. The
started in October 1935. By May 193
6, Italian forces, led by Pietro Badogli
o, had
defeated the forces of Haile Selassie
I. Again this was a success because
it achieved
Mussolinis objective of extending the
Italian Empire. The Italian media also
that it demonstrated the excellence
of the Italian Army, and the use of
aeroplanes, 595 tanks, 30,000 trucks
and 4.2 million shells sho wed Italys
strength. Additionally, Mussolini refu
sed to back down even when the Lea
gue of
Nations condemned the invasion. Con
sequently, Mussolini could claim he
had beaten
not only Abyssinia, but the League of
Nations. Therefore, the Abyssinian
Mussolinis greatest foreign policy suc
cess, was clearly responsible for the
of the regime because Mussolini had
sho wn that he could extend Italys Em
pire and
stand up to the League of Nations.
Other foreign policy successes did not
lead to a major increase in the regime
s popularity.
For example, Italys involvement in the
Spanish Civil War from the middle of
did not
lead to increasing popularity. This is bec
ause, unlike the Abyssinian Campaign,
involvement in the Spanish Civil War did
not lead to a quick success or extend
Empire. Equally, Italian involvement in
the Second World War from July 1940
did not
increase the regimes popularity becaus
e the Italian people were not enthusiast
ic about
fighting such a major war, and becaus
e by 1941, Italian territorial gains wer
e small. In
both cases, these later foreign policy
successes were not responsible for the
popularity of
the Fascist regime because military suc
cess did not lead to obvious gains for

cesses were not the only reason for the
However, Mussolinis foreign policy suc
ed a key
41. Propaganda and censorshipalso
of the Fascist regime in the years 1922
ed Italys successes in the Abyssinian
role. For example, propaganda magnifi
t of
paign became the high point of the Cul
Due to Propaganda, the Abyssinian Cam
ions such
ised the hypocrisy of the imperialist nat
the Duce. Italian propaganda emphas
ini into
ys imperial expansion, and turned Mu
as Britain and France condemning Ital
Italian people for standing up to the Lea
an even greater hero in the eyes of the
High Commission, made no referen
of Nations. Censorship, organised by the
rnational African Friends of Ethiopia
C L R James campaign through the Inte
to withdraw from Abyssinia. Clearly,
was designed to put pressure on Italy
ime in the
ible for the popularity of the Fascist reg
foreign policy successes were respons
sorship played a key role emphasisin
years 192241, but propaganda and cen
Fascist propaganda were often quite limi
achievements. Even so, the effects of
il War or
iasm for Italys successes in the Spa
Indeed, it failed to create mass enthus
te the
. Therefore it would be wrong to oversta
the early phase of the Second World War
impact of Fascist propaganda.
s for the popularity of the regime. Fasc
Finally, there were clearly other reason
ts for workers such as holiday pay and
elite groups to back the regime. For exa
pay. A variety of measures persuaded
support of the Roman Catholic Church
the Con
ovani were sidelined to win over the
and radical Fascists such as Aurelio Pad
paganda ensured that Mussolini was
er. In middle class areas propaganda
regarded as a strong and decisive lead
the Italian press consistently, used a var
his anti-communism. More generally,
h. For example, photographers
of techniques to emphasise his strengt
signs of age and to emphasise his phy
for Fascist
cesses were clearly not the only reason
strength. In this way, foreign policy suc
e the regime had policies and achieve
Italian society.
that won over the major sections of
cy successes were clearly a big reason
In conclusion, Mussolinis foreign poli
of the
in the years 192241. The successes
the popularity of the Fascist regime
point of
propaganda, clearly led to the
Abyssinian campaign, highlighted by
ian people.
husiasm for Fascism among the Ital
a role in
e was genuinely popular and played
Moreo ver, the early success of Fium
ses led
. Nonetheless, not all of the succes
ns really
cesses that led to quick territorial gai
to popularity. Indeed, only those suc
nt, such
ects of the regime were more importa
as the
working class and the policies, such
as the economic gains made by the
important groups to support the reg

This paragraph
high level skills
as it concludes
by weighing
the relative
importance of
and genuine
foreign policy

This paragraph
a breadth of
knowledge in
very few words.
It achieves this
by discussing
reasons why
most of the
major groups in
Italian society
supported the

The conclusion
makes an overall
that reects
the analysis
presented in the
rest of the essay.
However, the
assertion that
other factors
were more
important than
foreign policy
successes is not
fully supported.

This essay is very strong even though it does not get full
marks. It considers a range of factors in considerable detail.
Moreover, it is analytical throughout, and achieves sustained
analysis by evaluating the relative importance of different
foreign policy successes and their relationship to propaganda.
However, it does not get full marks because its ultimate
conclusion that other aspects of the regime were more
important than foreign policy is not fully justified.

What makes a good answer?

You have now considered four sample A grade
essays. Use these essays to make a bulletpointed list of the characteristics of an A grade
essay. Use this list when planning and writing
your own practice exam essays.


1933 Nazi Conference The rst gathering of the
Nazi Party since the formation of a Nazi dominated
government in January 1933.
Alberto De Stefani Initially a liberal politician, De
Stefani later became a Fascist and gained a seat on
the Grand Council of Fascism. He served as Finance
Ministry from 1922 to 1925.

Catholic Action Catholic groups who were trying

to encourage a Catholic inuence on society.
Censorship Control of the media through banning
the publication or broadcast of material.
Central powers Comprised Germany, AustroHungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.
Developed from the Triple Alliance.

Allied Referring to the USA, the Soviet Union and

Britain, members of the Grand Alliance.

Charisma A type of power which comes from a

persons personality.

Ameriqo Dumini A Fascist and senior member of the

cheka, he played a key role in the murder of Matteotti.

Cheka Mussolinis bodyguards. They were named

after the Russian secret police that was set up after
the Communist Revolution.

Androgynous Sexually ambiguous. Not clearly

masculine or feminine according to traditional
Annexation The act of acquiring territory.
Anti-clerical Opposition to the Church.
Anti-Semitic Anti-Jewish.
Antonio Salandra A moderate liberal who, after
the war, moved to the right and came to back Fascist
policies. He was appointed a senator by Mussolini.

C L R James A Caribbean intellectual, author and

Coalitions Governments that are made up of more
than one political party.
Collectivisation The process of merging several
small farms, which were in private ownership,
together to create large farms under state ownership.

Axis Alliance.

Colonies Part of an empire. Colonies are not selfgoverning, rather they are governed by the empires
mother country.

Balance of payments The difference in total value

between payments into and out of a country over a

Comintern Also known as the Communist

International. The organisation was set up in Russia
to spread communism throughout the world.

Battle of Britain An air war between Britain and

Axis forces from July to October 1940.

Concordat Agreement or treaty, especially between

the Vatican and a secular national government.

Battle of El Alamein A battle between Allied and

German forces. The battle took place in Egypt in late

De facto According to fact, rather than according to

the law.

Benito Mussolini Fascist dictator of Italy from

1925 to 1943. He was initially a radical socialist,
but became increasingly convinced that nationalism
was the key to political power. Having supported
Italys participation in the First World War and
considered leading a communist revolution in Italy,
Mussolini joined the Fascists. He became Prime
Minister in 1922 and established a dictatorship by
the end of 1925.

Decadent A term used by Fascists and Nazis to

describe people or things which had lost their
strength due to self-indulgence.
Demobilise The process of discharging troops from
military service.
Depopulation A process leading to a reduction in
Deregulation The process that ends or reduces
government controls on private businesses.

Budget decit Government debt.

Dialect A variety of a language.

Candidate A person who is standing for election as

a member of parliament.

Divisive Something that tends to cause division and


Cartel An association of businesses (e.g.

manufacturers) or suppliers formed to maintain
prices at a high level and to restrict competition.

Doctrine A set of beliefs.


Il Duce Italian for leader. The term, unlike the term

Prime Minister, was not a constitutional term and

therefore implied that there were no constitutional

limits on Mussolinis power.
Electoral franchise Those in the population who
have the right to vote.
Electoral system A voting system.
Emilio De Bono Senior Italian military general and
member of the Fascist Grand Council. He was
involved in organising the March on Rome, and the
murder of Matteotti. In 1929 he was appointed
Minister of Colonial Affairs, and therefore had
responsibility for the Italian Empire.
Expansionism The policy of expanding an empire
by acquiring new territory.
Extermination camps Concentration camps that
are explicitly designed to exterminate large numbers
of people.
Fascist Bloc The coalition of political parties that
fought the 1924 election, aiming to create a
government headed by Mussolini.
Fascist left Radical Fascists who supported a social
revolution which was designed to end the power of
the traditional Italian elite. The Fascist left tended to
advocate socialist policies, but unlike members of
the socialist party, they also advocated extreme
Feudal laws Medieval legal system that bound
people to the land and gave them little individual
freedom. It made wealthy landowners very
Flappers A term used to describe fashionable
women in America in the 1920s. Flappers tended to
wear bobbed hair, striking makeup and black and
white clothes. They were associated with jazz clubs,
smoking and lose morals. The fashion soon spread to
Foreign Ministry The part of the government that
is responsible for dealing with other countries.
Foro Mussolini A key example of Fascist
architecture, the Foro Mussolini is a sports venue
built between 1928 and 1938. Foro Mussolini
literally means Mussolinis forum. Its design was
based on the ancient forums of imperial Rome.
Fourteen Points US President Woodrow Wilsons
proposals for the basis of a peace agreement at the
end of the First World War.
Gabriele DAnnunzio An Italian poet, writer and
soldier, who became a national hero as an elite
ofcer in the First World War. DAnnunzio, like
many nationalists, was horried by Italys mutilated
victory. Therefore, in 1919 he led a band of rebel

soldiers and took control of Fiume, establishing the

Italian Regency of Carnaro. The radical and
theatrical nature of DAnnunzios government of
Fiume was a key inuence on Mussolini.
Garibaldi Giuseppe Garibaldi was a politician and
soldier who was credited with being one of Italys
founding fathers.
General strike A situation in which all working
people refuse to work. In practice, a general strike
may not involve all workers, but will include large
numbers of workers across most of the major sectors
of industry.
Giolitti period The period from 1896 to 1912 in
which the Italian economy grew and in which
Giolitti dominated Italian politics.
Giovanni Giolitti A Liberal politician and ve-time
Prime Minister of Italy. After Mussolini he is the
longest serving Prime Minister in Italian history.
Goose step A form of marching used by soldiers
for military parades and ceremonies. The march
originated in Germany.
Great Depression Prolonged economic crisis
lasting from the Wall Street Crash in 1929 and
continuing throughout the 1930s.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) The total wealth
produced by a country in a given period.
Haile Selassie I Emperor of Abyssinia from
1930until Mussolini proclaimed the Italian King
Emperor of Abyssinia in 1936. Haile Selassie I
played a key role in alerting the League of
NationstoItalys use of chemical weapons
Hitlers Germany Germany under the Nazi
dictatorship of Adolf Hitler between 1933 and 1945.
Hitlers Germany was characterised by a single party
dictatorship, a terroristic secret police and the
abolition of civil rights.
Homo fascistus The term literally translates as
fascist man. Fascists believed that the new heroic
Fascist society required a new type of human being.
This homo fascistus would be selessly devoted to the
nation, unlike bourgeois or working-class men who
put their own pleasure and the interests of their class
above the nation.
Indirect taxation Usually taxes on products thatare
paid at the point when a consumer buys goods.
Indoctrinate The process of persuading a person or
a group of people to accept a set of beliefs without


Ination A rise in the level of prices in an

around long clean lines and geometric shapes.

Modernism in Italy was also known as futurism.

Irrational A person or an action that is motivated

by impulses that are not rational.

Mortar An explosive bomb.

Irrigation schemes Schemes to bring water to dry

areas to aid with the growing of crops.
Keynesian policies Economic policies that are
designed to promote economic growth by increasing
government spending.
Laissez-faire economics Economic environment
where transactions between private businesses are
free from government restrictions, taxes and
subsidies with only minimal regulation.
Land hunger When the population is too big for
the amount of land available. This leads, for
example, to people farming increasingly smaller
plots and being unable to make enough money to

Motherland The country at the centre of an

Mutinies Rebellions in the armed forces.
Napoleonic Relating to the French Emperor and
military leader Napoleon Bonaparte.
National self-determination The right of the people
of a nation to determine their own political status.
New industries In the rst half of the twentieth
century, the term new industries referred to
industries that produced relatively high-tech
products, such as chemicals and electricity.
Ofce of Public Security The part of government
that was responsible for policing and state security.
Ostracising The process of shunning a person.

Land reclamation The process of creating new

land from rivers, lakes and the sea.

Overseas colonies Colonies that are separated

from the motherland by the sea.

League of Nations An international organisation

formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace.

OVRA The Fascist political police. The name OVRA

was essentially meaningless, it was designed to
heighten the mystery around the force.

Libyan War of 191112 Also known as the Italo

Turkish War, it was a war to take the territory that
became Libya from the Turks. It proved to be a very
expensive war for Italy, costing nearly 1.3 million lire
(1 billion more than predicted).

Palazzo della Civilt Italiana A key example of

Fascist architecture, the Palazzo della Civilt Italiana
was designed to be part of a bigger complex of
buildings to showcase fascist strength to the world.

Man of the people A man who understands, loves

and represents ordinary people.

Party list system Relates to a system of voting

where people vote for a party rather than a candidate.

Martial law Literally, military law. The term is

usually used to refer to a situation in which ordinary
people are placed under the control of the military.

Party statute The rules that governed the Fascist Party.

Mazzini Giuseppe Mazzini was a journalist, writer

and politician who played a key role in the
unication of Italy.

Pellagra A vitamin deciency disease, fatal within

ve years if not treated, that can result from a very
restricted diet.

Mein Kampf A book written by Adolf Hitler in

1924 and 1925. It sets out an account of his life and
his key political beliefs.

Personal dictatorship A dictatorship that is built

on the power of one person.

Military coup Also known as a coup dtat, a

military coup is a situation in which a government is
overthrown by its own army.
Militia An army formed of ordinary citizens rather
than professional soldiers.
Ministry of the Interior The part of government
responsible for the law and order of the nation.
Modernist Modernism was a cultural movement
that emerged in Europe in the late nineteenth century.
In terms of architecture, modernist Italian architecture
was characterised by urban buildings designed


Patronage The power to control appointments to

an ofce or the right to privileges.

Piazza augusto imperatore A key example of

Fascist architecture, the Piazza augusto imperatore
was built in the heart of Rome. Its location, near
many sites associated with the Roman Empire,
implied a link between the glory of ancient Rome
and Fascist Italy.
Pietro Badoglio A military general who served in
Italys early twentieth-century colonial wars, both
World Wars and the Second ItaloAbyssinian War.
Polarisation The process which leads to people
becoming increasingly divided. Typically, people
who were moderate become more extreme.

Pope Pius XI Pope from 6 February 1922 to

10February 1939.
Pretext A reason that is given to justify an action.
The reason is, however, not the real reason; in fact a
pretext is given to hide the real reason for action.

Service sector A part of the economy where

people make money by serving people, for example
in restaurants or shops.
Share prices The price of an individual share in a

Privatised When a business or service is transferred

from public to private ownership.

Sharecroppers A tenant farmer who gives part of his

crop as rent instead of only paying money for his tenancy.

Proteers People or businesses that seek to make

an unfair or excessive prot, often during wartime.

Shirkers A slang term for people who are accused

of not doing their job properly.

Progressive taxation Taxation that targets the rich

to a greater extent than the poor.

Social Darwinists In simple terms, people who

believe that the strong deserve to survive at the
expense of the weak. An ideological belief derived
from Charles Darwins theory of evolution. It
implies that those who are strong have greater
political rights than those who are weak.

Propaganda victories Military or political events

that are not really victories or only partial victories,
but are turned into outright victories by propaganda.
Public spending Government spending or
Public works Building things for public use, often
by government, such as roads, schools, hospitals,
Purge The removal of undesirable people from
positions of power by more senior members of the
Raffaele Guariglia A senior Italian diplomat.
Having served governments prior to the March on
Rome, he continued to play an important role in
Italian foreign policy under Mussolini.
Raw materials Materials such as oil, coal and iron.
These are not nished goods, but are used to create
nished goods.
Real wages A measure of how much personal
income has changed. Real wages indicate the level of
income in the context of ination, and therefore
indicate of the extent to which personal income has
risen or fallen.
Risorgimento Literally meaning rebirth or
resurgence, this was the name for the cultural and
literary revival in Italy after 1815, culminating in the
unication of 1870.
Roman salute A symbol of Fascism, generally seen
as based on an ancient Roman custom, adopted by
DAnnunzio in his occupation of Fiume and then
taken up by other Fascist leaders like Mussolini.
Rule by decree A style of rule often used by
dictators or autocratic rulers that means the law can
be changed by one person or a group quickly and
with no challenges.
Rule of law Aims at preventing arbitrary actions by
making sure that those in authority conform to
established laws.

Sphere of inuence A geographical area in which

one country dominates.
Squadristi Armed squads of Italian Fascists who
wore black shirts as part of their uniform.
Stalins Russia The period in Russia from 1928 to
1953 dominated by Stalin. Stalins Russia was
characterised by a highly oppressive dictatorship.
Statesman An internationally respected politician
who plays a major role in world diplomacy.
Syndicate A local organisation of employers or
Technocrats People who have power because of
their expert knowledge.
The Adriatic port of Fiume A strategically
signicant port centred around the city of Fiume.
Totalitarian state A government that puts the
needs of the individual citizen below those of the
state and which implements repressive and
controlling policies on all aspects of daily life.
Trasformismo The technique in Italian liberal
politics of creating a exible coalition from across
the political spectrum, made necessary by the Italian
political system.
Treaty of London A secret pact made between
theTriple Entente powers (Great Britain, France
andRussia) and Italy in 1915 that promised
Italycertain lands, including Tyrol, Trieste and partsof
the Balkans, in return for the alliance ofItalyagainst
their former allies in the Triple Alliance.
Treaty of St Germain The treaty signed on
10September 1919 between the Allies and Austria
which (amongst many other things) gave territory to
Italy although not as much as Italian nationalists
had demanded.


Undersecretariat of Arms and Munitions This
was later to become a full Ministry. It was a
department of government that dealt specically
with arms, weaponry and ammunition.
Unication The process of uniting, in this case
bringing together separate territories on the Italian
peninsula to form a single unit the Kingdom
Universal male suffrage A system of voting rights
where all adult males have the right to vote.
Utopia An ideal or perfect political community.
Vatican The ofcial residence of the Pope in the
Vatican City.


Venereal disease Disease that is spread through

sexual activity.
Vote rigging The process of xing the result of an
election, by creating a false result. This can be
achieved by a variety of illegal methods such as
allowing people to vote multiple times, by deliberately
miscounting votes or by deliberately losing votes.
Voting shares Shares in a company that allow the
owner to play a role in directing the company
through voting.
Walwal Incident A skirmish between Italian and
Abyssinian solders near the border town of Walwal
(also known as Welwel). Mussolini used the incident
as a pretext for declaring war on Abyssinia.

Section 1: Italy 18961912
Page 9, Develop the detail
Economic problems played some role in creating
social discontent in Italy in the period 18961914.
Although industrial workers beneted from
industrial growth, agricultural workers suffered in
this period. For example, some industries, such as
wool, suffered from a lack of modern machinery.
This led to strikes, which decreased
agricultural production. In addition, many
agricultural workers left to work in industry.
Between 1897 and 1912, the proportion of
workers who worked in agriculture decreased
from 64 per cent to 58 per cent. Overall,
incomes in rural areas of Italy barely increased. In
this way, economic problems contributed to social
discontent in Italy in the period 18961914 because
they decreased standards of living for agricultural
workers, and accentuated the divide between urban
and rural areas.

Section 2: The impact of the First

World War 191823
Page 19, Complete the paragraph

Page 11, Spot the mistake

Italys mutilated victory after the First World War

played an important role in weakening the Liberal
State in the period 191822. In Italy, there was
widespread disappointment with the Treaty of St
Germain. For example, the Italian negotiators had
demanded that Italy share in the redistribution of
colonies belonging to Germany and Turkey.
However, this demand was refused. In addition,
Italian negotiators had asked for the port of Fiume
and parts of Dalmatia. This request was also refused,
and these territories were given to Yugoslavia. Many
in Italy believed that these terms were insulting to
Italy and did not reect Italys role in the war. In
this way, Italys mutilated victory after the
First World War played an important role in
weakening the Liberal State in the period
191822 because it suggested that the
government had not acted in the national
interest, increasing dissatisfaction within Italy.

The paragraph does not get into Level 4 because it

does not contain detailed supporting evidence.

Page 19, Identify an argument

Page 11, Eliminate irrelevance

Sample 1 contains the argument.

One way in which regional differences in Italy did

undermine the unity of the Liberal State in the
period 18961914 was through dialect and language.
People in different parts of the country spoke
different forms of Italian, with the Italian spoken in
the North differing considerably from the Italian
spoken in the South. The South was also much
poorer as it was predominantly agricultural and
grain prices had fallen. In the 1890s, only 2 per cent
of the Italian population spoke Italian, while 98 per
cent spoke in local dialects. Language differences
had a twofold impact on the unity of the Liberal
State. First, differences in language made it difcult
for Italy to develop a sense of identity. Secondly, as
political power was based in the North, the language
of politics was that of the North. The King of
Piedmont, Umberto I, had become King of Italy
following unication even though he was unpopular
and not very intelligent. Consequently, many in the
South found it hard to identify with the government.
In this way, regional differences in the form of
language and dialect did undermine the unity of the
Liberal State in the period 18961914 as they
prevented many people from understanding or
associating themselves with the new state.

Page 21, Spot the mistake

The paragraph does not get into Level 4 because it
describes the nature of the reforms and asserts that
they led to dissatisfaction with the Liberal
government, but it does not explain the link between
the reforms and political instability. Consequently,
the paragraph lacks focus on the question.

Page 21, Develop the detail

One way in which Italys involvement in the First
World War contributed to the collapse of the Liberal
State was that the war weakened condence in Italian
democracy. For example, the Prime Minister, Antonio
Salandra, rarely allowed Parliament to meet. In
addition, as a result of the war, many unelected leaders
became more powerful. Notably, military leaders
gained considerable power as the government
prioritised military requirements. Consequently,
the war created pressure for political reform, and
radical democratic reforms were introduced in 1919.
However, these reforms, which introduced
universal male suffrage and changed the
electoral system, created further political problems,
as political parties refused to work together to


gain public support. In this way, Italys involvement
in the First World War highlighted the weaknesses of
Italian democracy and led to widespread
disenchantment with the Liberal State.

Section 3: Power and control in

Fascist Italy

Page 23, Youre the examiner

Mussolinis political appointments played a key role

in the consolidation of Fascist power in Italy in the
period 192223. For example, Mussolini appointed
Fascist sympathisers to important positions. Alberto
De Stefani became Finance Minister and Emilio De
Bono was appointed head of the police. In addition,
Mussolini appeased liberals and conservatives by
giving them posts in his Cabinet. Indeed, his rst
Cabinet included the same number of liberals as
Fascists. In this way, Mussolinis political
appointments played a key role in the
consolidation of Fascist power in the period
192223 because they strengthened Fascist
inuence in government at the same time as
presenting the appearance of moderation.

The paragraph would be awarded Level 4 as it

shows clear focus on the question and provides
accurate, relevant and detailed supporting evidence.

Page 23, Turning assertion into argument

The relationship between the government and big
business during the war contributed to the collapse of
the Liberal State because the government failed to
control businesses, creating the impression that
they supported the needs of business over
those of ordinary people. Consequently, they
lost the support of many workers and peasants.
The post-war economic crisis contributed to the
collapse of the Liberal State because workers and
peasants blamed the government for the
collapse of the economy, and turned to more
radical political alternatives.
Industrial unrest following the First World War
contributed to the collapse of the Liberal State
because the middle class became afraid that the
government could not control the workers,
and therefore began to support anti-socialist
political parties.

Page 27, Eliminate irrelevance

The invasion of Fiume in September 1919 played a key
role in undermining the Liberal State in the years 1918
22. In this respect, the invasion was signicant for three
reasons. First, the invasion showed the lack of support
for the government among the military. The invasion,
which involved two thousand soldiers, occurred in
deance of the Liberal government, and indicated that
many in the military were not loyal to the government.
This had also been a problem in 1916, when many
soldiers had mutinied in protest at Italian involvement
in the First World War. Secondly, the invasion showed
the lack of popular support for the Liberal government.
Many in Italy supported the invasion, and viewed
DAnnunzio as a hero. DAnnunzio was also famous
for coming up with the term mutilated victory to
describe the view that Italy had been treated badly in
the negotiations following the First World War. Thirdly,
the invasion demonstrated the power of direct action,
undermining the Liberal States reliance on compromise
and negotiation. In this way, the invasion of Fiume
contributed to the political instability of the Liberal State
in the years 191822 by emphasising the level of
popular dissatisfaction with the Liberal government
and their methods.


Page 37, Complete the paragraph

Page 41, Eliminate irrelevance

One way in which propaganda was used to
consolidate Fascist power in Italy in the years 1922
29 was through the Cult of the Duce. This involved
using propaganda to depict Mussolini as the saviour
of Italy. For example, Mussolini was often portrayed
as an all-powerful leader. He was photographed in
Napoleonic poses to suggest similarities between
himself and the French leader. Both Mussolini and
Napoleon were said to be short. However, it is now
thought that Napoleon was of average height. The
government also launched a campaign with the
slogan Mussolini is always right. In addition,
Mussolini was pictured with peasants to suggest
that he was a man of the people and that he was in
touch with their concerns. Furthermore, Mussolini
censored the press to ensure that anti-Fascist articles
were not published. In this way, the Cult of the
Duce played an important role in the consolidation
of Fascist power in Italy in the period 192229
because it persuaded many people that Mussolinis
leadership was good for Italy.

Page 41, Develop the detail

Propaganda played an important role in establishing
and maintaining Fascist control over Italy in the
period 192243. Early Fascist propaganda targeted
different social groups with different messages. For
example, older voters were targeted with the
message that Fascism had emerged from
Italys ancient culture. In addition, the Cult of the
Duce was used to suggest that Mussolini was a
strong leader. He was photographed excelling in
sport, and was often pictured topless to show
off his muscular chest. The Cult of Rome was

used to suggest that there were clear links between

Fascist Italy and the Roman Empire. For example,
links were drawn between Mussolinis
dictatorship and the leadership of the Roman
Emperors. Finally, modernist architecture, such as
the Esposizione Universale Roma (EUR), was
used to suggest that the regime was creating a new
Fascist utopia. In this way, propaganda was used to
establish and maintain Fascist control of Italy in the
period 192243 by encouraging people to see the
regime as strong and dynamic, and drawing parallels
between the Fascist regime and the Ancient Rome.

1930s. This led to a signicant drop in grain imports

of 75 per cent. However, the campaign was not
entirely successful. Many farmers stopped producing
citrus fruits to produce grain instead. This had an
impact on the economy as citrus fruits were an
important source of income for Italy. In this way,
the Battle for Grain was very successful at meeting its
aim of increasing grain production, but it had a mixed
effect on Italys balance of payments situation.

Page 43, Turning assertion into argument

Page 59, Identify an argument

Terror played an essential role in Mussolinis

consolidation of power in the sense that it was
used to intimidate voters and remove
potential opponents.
The OVRA played a key role in maintaining Fascist
control of Italy in the sense that their actions led
to a widespread atmosphere of fear which
discouraged opponents of Fascism.

Page 43, Youre the examiner

The paragraph should be awarded Level 3 as it is
accurate, and attempts to focus on the question, but
describes the OVRA rather than explaining how it
helped to establish and maintain Fascist control.

Page 49, Develop the detail

The Battle for Grain is an example of an economic
policy that was largely successful. The campaign was
designed to increase grain production in Italy with
the aim of reducing grain imports and
improving the balance of payments situation.
The campaign was successful at increasing grain
production. Grain production increased from an
average per year of 5.5 million tonnes in the
1920s, to about 7 million tonnes in the early

Section 4: Building the new Roman

Sample 1 contains the argument.

Page 63, Turning assertion into argument

The Annexation of Fiume was a major success in the
sense that it extended Italian territory in the
Balkans and increased Mussolinis popularity
in Italy.
The Abyssinian Campaign was a partial success in
the sense that it extended Italian territory in
East Africa achieving one of Mussolinis key
foreign policy aims, but also strengthened
Italys relationship with Germany leading,
ultimately, to defeat in the Second World War.
Italian involvement in the Spanish Civil War was
only a partial success in the sense that although the
Nationalists won the war, Italian involvement
was expensive, unpopular in Italy, and soured
Mussolinis relationship with Britain and

Page 65, Youre the examiner

The paragraph should be awarded Level 2 as it
contains some accurate material that is relevant to the
question, but focus on the question is very weak.


1896 Italian army defeated at Adowa

1926 Opera Nazionale Balilla (ONB) established

1903 Giolitti becomes Prime Minister

Battle for the Lira introduced

1910 Nationalist Congress held

1911 Beginning of the Libyan War

Special Tribunal for the Defence of the State


1912 Franchise extended to all literate men over

21 and all men over 30

All political parties except the Fascist Party


1914 Resignation of Giolitti

OVRA established

1915 Treaty of London: Italy joins the Triple Entente

All opposition newspapers closed

Creation of the Undersecretariat of Arms and

1916 Mutinies in the army
1919 Widespread industrial unrest
Creation of the Catholic Popular Party

Abortion and contraception outlawed

1927 Battle for Births policy introduced
Establishment of new newspapers banned
Minculpop established

Fasci di Combattimento launched

1928 KelloggBriand Pact

Treaty of St Germain

1929 Teachers and lecturers forced to swear an

oath of allegiance to Fascism

Democratic reforms
Invasion of Fiume by Italian nationalists
1920 Lira worth only 20 per cent of its value in 1914

Lateran Treaties
1930 National Council of Corporations established

Trade union membership reaches 2 million

1931 Homosexuality banned

Treaty of Rapallo

1932 Military salute becomes the ofcial greeting

in the civil service

1921 Italian Communist Party founded

Fascists join Giolittis National Block

1933 Institute for Industrial Reconstruction


National Fascist Party founded

1934 Twenty-two national corporations established

Collapse of two major munitions companies

1935 Construction begins on the Esposizione

Universale Roma (EUR)

1922 March on Rome

Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
Mussolini granted emergency powers
Grand Council of Fascism created
1923 Acerbo Law passed
Corfu Incident
1924 Annexation of Fiume
General election: Fascists gain two-thirds of
the seats in new Parliament
Matteotti Crisis
Film censorship introduced
1925 Purge of teachers and lecturers who did not
support Fascism

Policy of autarky adopted

1936 Birth rate begins to increase
Start of the Spanish Civil War
Italian invasion of Abyssinia
1937 Italy signs the Anti Comintern Pact
1938 Introduction of a 10 per cent cap on women
workers in most industries
First of Mussolinis anti-Semitic laws passed
1939 Membership of the ONB becomes compulsory
Pact of Steel
1940 Italy enters the Second World War
1941 Attempt to expel non-Italian Jews from Italy

All newspaper editors forced to join

Association of Fascist Journalists

1942 Mussolini agrees to send all Jews in Italy to

Nazi concentration camps

Battle for Grain introduced

1943 Mussolini sacked as Prime Minister and


Locarno Pact
Mussolini given the title Duce


Ministry of Corporations established

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