My Revision Notes As Edexcel History - Bunce, Robin (SRG)
My Revision Notes As Edexcel History - Bunce, Robin (SRG)
My Revision Notes As Edexcel History - Bunce, Robin (SRG)
Robin Bunce
Laura Gallagher
Sarah Ward
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Robin Bunce, Laura Gallagher, Sarah Ward 2014
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Revised Section 1: Italy 18961912
Italy in 1896
Regional divisions
Giolittis reforms
Exam focus
DAnnunzios Fiume
Exam focus
Fascist propaganda
Fascist terror
Exam focus
RomeBerlin Axis
Exam focus
About Unit 1
Unit 1 is worth 50 per cent of your AS level. It requires
detailed knowledge of a historical period and the
ability to explain the causes, consequences and
signicance of historical events. There are no sources
in the Unit 1 exam and therefore all marks available
are awarded for use of your own knowledge.
In the exam, you are required to answer two
questions from a range of options. Thequestions are
all worth 30 marks and therefore you should divide
your time including any extra time you have been
allocated equally between the questions.
The questions you answer must be on different topics.
This book deals exclusively with topic E3: The Collapse
of the Liberal State and the Triumph of Fascism in Italy,
18961943. However, you must also be prepared to
answer a question on another topic.
The exam will test your ability to:
select information that focuses on the question
organise this information to provide an answer to
the question
Q show range and depth in the examples you provide
analyse the signicance of the information used
to reach an overall judgement.
W Exam-focused activities
Delete as applicable
Below are a sample exam question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph and
decide which of the possible options (underlined) is most appropriate. Delete the least appropriate options and
complete the paragraph by justifying your selection.
How far was Italy more authoritarian than liberal in the period 18961912?
The role of the Italian monarchy indicates that Italy was more authoritarian than
liberal to a great/fair/limited extent. For example, the king exercised great power
through his role as head of the army. In addition, he was involved in the government of
the country. He approved the selection of government ministers, appointed the prime
minister, and helped to shape foreign policy. However, the taxes that funded the army
and the government had to be approved by parliament, and in this sense the power of the
king was limited. In this way, the role of the Italian monarchy indicates that Italy was
more authoritarian than liberal to a great/fair/limited extent because
After unication Pope Pius IX shut himself away in the Vatican in protest, as now the
papacy had much less political inuence across Italy. Although the later Pope Benedict XV
allowed Catholics to participate in national elections in 1919, no pope acknowledged the
existence of the kingdom of Italy until 1929. Consequently, Liberal governments continued
to be locked in conict with an extremely powerful institution over unsettled claims relating
to education and charity. Coalition governments found ongoing religious issues hard to
The Church was a source of instability and conict for governments until the Fascists came
to power.
After unication, there was one monarch, formerly the ruler of Piedmont, who ruled over
Italy. Before 1870, every state had its own ruler.
The aristocracy
This remained the same. In the new regime, there were some concessions to landowners
that made their lives easier than those of the peasants under the new regime (see page 4).
The army
The army was a central national institution.
During peacetime it comprised 215,000 soldiers.
All were conscripts who had to serve for three
Spectrum of power
Below is a list of people or organisations that held power in Italy in this period. Use your own knowledge and the
information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the amount of power held by these people and
organisations. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative degrees of power. Having done
this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these people or organisations were more
powerful than others.
Less powerful
Very powerful
Mark scheme
For some of the activities in the book it will be useful to refer to the mark scheme for
the unit. Below is the mark scheme for Unit 1.
Section 1:
Italy 18961912
Italy in 1896
A new country
Italy was a very new country in 1896. Although it
had a long and rich history, it suffered from many
problems as a result of its late development.
Unication (which took place in 1870) had
happened quickly and had brought together two
very different areas:
the wealthy and more industrially developed
North and
the poor and agricultural South.
The South did not feel like it was a part of the new
Italy as all of the political power and wealth was in
the North. Italy also suffered by comparison to the
other powers of Europe, as it did not possess an
empire and remained unrecognised by the Pope,
who had lost lands and power because of the
Socio-economic result
Spider diagram
Use the information on the opposite page to add detail to the spider diagram below.
North and South
Local government
Italy in 1896
Social conditions
After unication Pope Pius IX shut himself away in the Vatican in protest, as now the
papacy had much less political inuence across Italy. Although the later Pope Benedict XV
allowed Catholics to participate in national elections in 1919, no pope acknowledged the
existence of the kingdom of Italy until 1929. Consequently, Liberal governments continued
to be locked in conict with an extremely powerful institution over unsettled claims relating
to education and charity. Coalition governments found ongoing religious issues hard to
The Church was a source of instability and conict for governments until the Fascists came
to power.
After unication, there was one monarch, formerly the ruler of Piedmont, who ruled over
Italy. Before 1870, every state had its own ruler.
The aristocracy
This remained the same. In the new regime, there were some concessions to landowners
that made their lives easier than those of the peasants under the new regime (see page 4).
The army
The army was a central national institution.
During peacetime it comprised 215,000 soldiers.
All were conscripts who had to serve for three
Delete as applicable
Below are a sample exam question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph and
decide which of the possible options (underlined) is most appropriate. Delete the least appropriate options and
complete the paragraph by justifying your selection.
How far was Italy more authoritarian than liberal in the period 18961912?
The role of the Italian monarchy indicates that Italy was more authoritarian than
liberal to a great/fair/limited extent. For example, the king exercised great power
through his role as head of the army. In addition, he was involved in the government of
the country. He approved the selection of government ministers, appointed the prime
minister, and helped to shape foreign policy. However, the taxes that funded the army
and the government had to be approved by parliament, and in this sense the power of the
king was limited. In this way, the role of the Italian monarchy indicates that Italy was
more authoritarian than liberal to a great/fair/limited extent because
Spectrum of power
Below is a list of people or organisations that held power in Italy in this period. Use your own knowledge and the
information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the amount of power held by these people and
organisations. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative degrees of power. Having done
this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these people or organisations were more
powerful than others.
Less powerful
Very powerful
Economic transformation
Under Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti (see page
14), there was a period of considerable economic
growth. Italian Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
grew at an annual average of 2.8 per cent between
1896 and 1912. This growth was more impressive
than both Britain and France at the time, where
growth was less than 2per cent a year.
Industrial growth
Economic growth was primarily driven by industrial
growth, especially in the new industries between
1901 and 1914. For example, cheaper iron and steel
imports led to the foundation of motor and
engineering companies such as Fiat, Isotta Fraschinin
Alfa, and Lancia between 1899 and 1906.
Additionally, Pirelli and Montecatini began
producing products such as sulphuric acid, rubber
and electrical cables. The prots from new industries
grew by 10.6 per cent between 1896 and 1913. By
1912 Italy was also producing more electricity than
France, and had almost caught up with Britains
electrical production. Despite this, iron and steel
production remained far below that of Britain and
More traditional industries such as textile
production also boomed. For example, cotton
Problems in agriculture
There was some growth in agriculture too. On
average, agriculture grew 2 per cent a year between
1896 and 1912. The sugar industry was particularly
successful. Growth in sugar beet farming meant that
sugar production grew from 6000 tons in 1898 to
130,000 tons in 1903.
More generally, however, agricultural production
lagged behind industrial production. Wool
production stagnated due to strikes among
agricultural workers and a lack of modern
Many workers left agricultural production to work
in industry or the service sector. Between
1897 and 1912 the proportion of workers who
worked in agriculture dropped from 64 per cent to
58 per cent.
From 1896 to 1912, Italian people grew richer by
around 2.1 per cent a year on average. Industrial
workers did particularly well. Their income rose by
around 40 per cent between 1900 and 1912. This
increase was considerably better than that of
Britain, France, Austria, Germany and Japan. Rural
incomes barely improved, however, accentuating
inequalities between the country and the city.
Moreover, Italians were still relatively poor: in
1912, the income of the average Italian household
was only half that of the average French
How far were economic problems the main cause of social discontent in Italy in the period
Economic problems played some role in creating social discontent in Italy in the period
18961912. Although industrial workers benefited from industrial growth, agricultural
workers suffered in this period. For example, some industries suffered from a lack of
modern machinery. In addition, many agricultural workers left to work in industry.
Overall, incomes in rural areas of Italy barely increased. In this way, economic problems
contributed to social discontent in Italy in the period 18961914 because they decreased
standards of living for agricultural workers, and accentuated the divide between urban
and rural areas.
Introducing an argument
Below are a sample exam question, a list of key points to be made in the essay, and a simple introduction and
conclusion for the essay. Read the question, the plan, the introduction and conclusion. Rewrite the introduction
and the conclusion in order to develop an argument.
How far were economic problems the main cause of social discontent in Italy in the period
Key points
Economic problems
Political problems
Social divisions
Regional divisions
National unity was undermined by the differences
between the regions and the strong local identities.
The north and south of Italy were very different.
Asdiscussed on page 4, the North was wealthier
andmore industrialised whereas the South was
mostly agricultural and had much higher levels
ofpoverty. The South felt alienated from the rest
One way in which Italy could not be described as unified in the period 18961912 was
in terms of education and voting rights. There were significant differences between
literacy rates in the North and the South. This had an impact on voting rights as people
who were illiterate could not register to vote. In this sense, Italy could not be described
as unified as people in the North were better educated and had greater political
influence than those in the South.
Eliminate irrelevance
Below are a sample exam question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph and
identify parts of the paragraph that are not directly relevant to the question. Draw a line through the information
that is irrelevant and justify your deletions in the margin.
To what extent did regional differences in Italy undermine the unity of the Liberal State in the period
One way in which regional differences in Italy did undermine the unity of the Liberal
State in the period 1896-1912 was through dialect and language. People in different parts
of the country spoke different forms of Italian, with the Italian spoken in the North
differing considerably from the Italian spoken in the South. The South was also much
poorer as it was predominantly agricultural and grain prices had fallen. In the 1890s,
only 2 per cent of the Italian population spoke Italian, while 98 per cent spoke in local
dialects. Language differences had a twofold impact on the unity of the Liberal State.
First, differences in language made it difficult for Italy to develop a sense of identity.
Secondly, as political power was based in the North, the language of politics was that
of the North. The King of Piedmont, Umberto I, had become King of Italy following
unification even though he was unpopular and not very intelligent. Consequently, many in
the South found it hard to identify with the government. In this way, regional differences
in the form of language and dialect did undermine the unity of the Liberal State in the
period 18961912 as they prevented many people from understanding or associating
themselves with the new state.
Francesco Crispi
Francesco Crispi, Prime Minister from 1887 to 1891
and again from 1893 to 1896, attempted to create a
new national identity and to enhance Italys status as
a world power. He hoped that Italians would unite
around a common mission to build an Italian
In order to create a national identity he began to
associate the Italian nation with popular heroes
such as Garibaldi and Mazzini.
He attempted to found an empire in Africa. His
campaign, the First African War, which lasted
from 1895 to 1896, was an attempt to win
control of Abyssinia.
The First African War ended in disaster for Italy.
Italys army was defeated by a much larger
Abyssinian force at Adowa on 1 March 1896.
Around 7000 Italian troops were killed and some of
the living prisoners were castrated. This represented
a humiliation for Italy the only European power to
be defeated in this way while aiming to build an
empire. Back in Italy there were protests all over the
country demanding Crispis resignation.
Spectrum of signicance
Below are a sample exam question and a list of general points which could be used
to answer the question. Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite
page to reach a judgement about the importance of these general points to the question
posed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative importance.
Having done this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of
these factors are more important than others. The resulting diagram could form the basis
of an essay plan.
How far was Italys attempt to become a great power the main cause of social
discontent in Italy in the period 18961912?
Less important
Very important
How far does the inuence of the nationalist movement in Italy account for
the weaknesses of the Liberal State in the period 18961912?
Giolittis reforms
Who was Giolitti?
Giovanni Giolitti was a Liberal politician. He was
Prime Minister four times between 1903 and 1914
and once again in 19201921. Giolitti came to
prominence after a period of instability in Italy
caused by the repression of violent riots in May
1897, and the fall of the previous charismatic leader
Crispi following the defeat at Adowa in 1896. He
was a skilled political manipulator, adept at forming
coalitions and using trasformismo (see page 6) to get
parliament to pass his policies. He was criticised for
his willingness to ally with anyone to achieve his
aims. In 1921 he even offered Mussolini and the
Fascists an electoral alliance. As Giolitti had been in
power for such a long time, he had huge inuence
because he had appointed most of the key ofcials
in government.
amber events and policies that have some signicance to the question
green events and policies that are directly relevant to the question
1) How far do you agree that Giolittis government created political stability in
the years 190314?
Now repeat the activity with the following questions. You could use different colours, or
number your stars 1, 2 and 3.
2) How far were economic problems the main cause of social discontent in Italy
in the period 18961914?
3) How far is it accurate to describe Italy as unied in the period 18961914?
sugar production
reaches 130,000
Italian army
defeated at
First issue
of Lidea
Nazionale Proportion of
published workers in
agriculture is
only 58%
Giolitti becomes
Prime Minister
rest day
Italy controlled
30% of the
global silk market
Income of an Resignation of
Italian household Giolitti
is half that of
a French household
extended to all
Beginning of literate men
the Libyan over 21 and
all men over 30
Recommended reading
Below is a list of suggested further reading on this topic.
Modern Italy, 1871 to the Present, pages 15213, Martin Clark (2008)
Exam focus
Below is a sample A grade essay. Read it and the comments around it.
How far was the impact of Italian nationalism the main cause of the political instability of the Liberal
State in the years 18961912?
This is a
that outlines
the structure of
the rest of the
The paragraph
the whole
time period
mentioned in
the question
by focusing on
an example
from 1896 and
another that
followed 1909.
ermined the stability of the Liberal Sta
The nature of Italys economy also und
ed to other major European powers.
First, Italys economy was poor compar
arily agricultural country with nearly
example, in 1896, Italy was still a prim
on farms. Britain by comparison was
60 per cent of its population working
y 10 per cent of its population workin
primarily agricultural country with onl
nomic growth of the Giolitti period, Ita
on the land. Even with the massive eco
s of iron and steel, compared to Germa
was still producing only 0.6 million ton
lion tons. This meant that Italy did not
28.6 million tons and Britains 16.2 mil
and Germany in terms of expanding its
the resources to compete with Britain
economic weaknesses contributed to
empire in Africa. In this sense, Italys
d an Italian Empire. Economic growth
frustration of nationalists who wante
in the North grew much more quickl
contributed to regionalism as industry
a 40
growth between 1900 and 1912 led to
than agriculture in the South. Rapid
rial workers. However, agricultural gro
per cent rise in the income of indust
dern machinery. Clearly, the nature
was not as good due to the lack of mo
in Italys economy as it could not sup
the economy led to a lack of stability
made regional differences worse.
successful imperial expansion and it
yed a part in undermining the stability
Finally, Italys political leaders also pla
icy undermined the stability of the sta
the Liberal State. Crispis imperial pol
defeat at Adowa in 1896 led to the fall
due to Italys failure in Abyssinia. The
made mistakes. Significantly, althoug
his government in May 1897. Giolitti also
led to political stability, he did not use
the economic growth of 18961912
orms. For example, he failed to resolve
period of calm to introduce major ref
he did
man Catholic Church. Additionally,
relationship between Italy and the Ro
rth and South, and his electoral reform
not resolve the problems between No
of 30 the vote were only passed in 191
that finally gave all men over the age
ed the Libyan War which led to increa
Finally, in 1911, Giolitti unwisely launch
port for the Liberal State. Clearly, pol
political polarisation rather than sup
ermining the stability of the Liberal Sta
leaders were also responsible for und
es that made Italys problems worse.
because they made significant mistak
lead to the political instability of the
In conclusion, Italian nationalism did
ver, had economic circumstances
Liberal Sta
been wiser, nationalism might not hav
been different and political leaders
been such a big problem.
This paragraph
shows how
Italys economy
inuenced the
other factors
in the essay.
In so doing
it achieved
Again, this
paragraph uses
examples from
the period
mentioned in
the question
showing a
good range of
The conclusion
begins to show
how economics
affected other
factors. Greater
of these links
could have
pushed the
mark higher in
Level 5.
This is a Level 5 essay due to the fact that it achieves sustained analysis through showing how
the different factors relate. The focus on the question is strong throughout the essay and there
is a good level of detail. A stronger introduction and conclusion that showed more explicitly
how the different factors affected each other would have led to a higher mark.
Reverse engineering
The best essays are based on careful plans. Read the essay and the examiners comments
and try to work out the general points of the plan used to write the essay. Once you have
done this, note down the specic examples used to support each general point.
Section 2:
The impact of the First World War 191823
Italian demands
How far does Italys mutilated victory after the First World War account for the weaknesses of the
Liberal State in the period 191822?
Italys mutilated victory after the First World War played an important role in weakening the
Liberal State in the period 191822. In Italy, there was widespread disappointment with the
Treaty of St Germain. For example, the Italian negotiators had demanded that Italy share in the
redistribution of colonies belonging to Germany and Turkey. However, this demand was refused.
In addition, Italian negotiators had asked for the port of Fiume and parts of Dalmatia. This
request was also refused, and these territories were given to Yugoslavia. Many in Italy believed
that these terms were insulting to Italy and did not reflect Italys role in the war.
Identify an argument
Below are a series of denitions, a sample exam-style question and two sample conclusions. One of the
conclusions achieves a high level because it contains an argument. The other achieves a lower level because it is
contains only description and assertion. Identify which is which. The mark scheme on page 3 will help you.
How far does Italys mutilated victory after the First World War account for increasing
dissatisfaction with the Liberal government in Italy in the period 191822?
Sample 1
Overall, Italys mutilated victory played a key
role in accounting for increasing dissatisfaction
with the Liberal government in Italy in the
period 191822. Many Italians were unhappy
with the terms of the Treaty of St Germain
and believed that the Liberal government had
failed to ensure that Italy was justly rewarded
for its role in the war. Consequently, while other
factors, such as economic problems and social
problems, heightened tensions, the impact of the
mutilated victory was most important because
it created the impression that the Italian
government was not acting in the interests of
the Italian people.
Sample 2
Overall, Italys mutilated victory played
a role in accounting for increasing
dissatisfaction with the Liberal government
in Italy in the period 191822. The terms of
the Treaty of St Germain did not reflect the
demands of Italian nationalists, and many
people were disappointed with the peace
settlement. However, the terms of the Treaty
reflected the fact that Britain and France
had contributed more to the war in terms of
people and resources. In addition, the Italian
negotiators did not make their demands
strongly, and so many of their requests were
Democratic reforms
Political divisions
To what extent were the democratic reforms of 1919 responsible for the
political instability of the Liberal State in the years 18961922?
How far was Italys involvement in the First World War the main reason for
the collapse of the Liberal State?
How far was the economic impact of the First World War the main reason for the collapse of the
Liberal State?
The economic impact of the First World War was an important reason for the collapse of
the Liberal State. For example, the government did not control business practices during
the war, allowing businesses to raise prices and keep wages low. This gave the impression
that the government cared more about the interests of business than the interests of
the workers and peasants. Consequently, the workers and peasants turned against the
government and began to support more radical political parties. In addition, the war was
followed by economic crisis. For example, by 1920, the lira was worth only 20 per cent
of its value in 1914. This crisis led to industrial unrest which alienated the middle class,
who began to support political parties who opposed socialism. In this way, the economic
impact of the First World War played an important role in decreasing support for the
Liberal State, and increasing support for parties that opposed the government.
How far was the economic impact of the First World War the main reason for the collapse of the
Liberal State?
The relationship between the government and big business during the war contributed to
the collapse of the Liberal State because
The post-war economic crisis contributed to the collapse of the liberal state because
Industrial unrest following the First World War contributed to the collapse of the Liberal State
The war led many soldiers to turn against the
government as:
Q For several years the Italian army achieved little.
Industrial unrest
The economic impact of the war continued to cause
conict after ghting had ceased. Post-war ination
and unemployment led to unrest:
Q The workforce became increasingly militant.
Number of
Number of
striking workers strikes
1.5 million
Overall, the war proved divisive. The war
economy increased existing tensions by helping
the development of the cities at the expense of the
country, and by subjecting workers to harsh
conditions while big businesses made huge prots.
The governments failure to make signicant
territorial gains and continuing economic problems
after the war further destabilised Italys Liberal
Spectrum of signicance
Below are a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the importance
of these general points to the question posed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative
importance. Having done this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these factors
are more important than others. The resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.
How far do you agree that the impact of the First World War on Italian society was the main reason
for the collapse of the Liberal State?
Less important
Very important
How far do you agree that the impact of the First World War on Italian society was the main reason
for the weaknesses in the Liberal State in the period 191822?
Key points
There were five key reasons why the Liberal State was weak in the period 191822. These
were the impact of the war on Italian society, the impact of the mutilated victory, the
political impact of the war, the democratic reforms of 1919, and the economic impact of
the war.
There were five key reasons why the Liberal State was weak in the period 191822. The most
important reason was the economic impact of the war. This played a more significant role
than all of the other factors.
DAnnunzios Fiume
What happened at Fiume in
September 1919?
At the end of the First World War, Italian
nationalists demanded the Adriatic port Fiume as
part of the peace settlement (see page 18) but it was
instead given to the newly created Yugoslavia.
In September 1919 around 2000 Italian soldiers, led
by the nationalist Gabriele DAnnunzio, seized it.
The soldiers were mostly mutineers and deserters
who nationalists, senior army ofcers and
sympathetic conservative industrialists had
organised for the seizure. The seizure was in
deance of the Italian government and reveals just
how angry and betrayed the Italian military felt
about the Treaty of St Germain.
DAnnunzios success
The invasion of Fiume succeeded so easily because
the commander of the local Italian troops, General
Pittaluga, refused to stop DAnnunzios soldiers.
Italians living in Fiume welcomed the occupiers as
liberators. Against the wishes of the Italian
government, Yugoslavia and the Western powers,
Fiume was held for over a year. The occupation
was also very popular in the rest of Italy, where
DAnnunzio was seen as a hero because he had
succeeded where the Italian government had
Fiumes signicance
Q The popularity of the seizure of Fiume showed
just how dissatised Italians were with the postwar Treaty of St Germain.
Q It revealed weaknesses in the Italian state,
especially that the government could not rely on
the armys loyalty.
Q It demonstrated that direct action could be more
effective than Italys traditional political methods
of compromise and negotiation.
Q DAnnunzio developed a new style of mass
politics balcony speeches, the Roman salute,
chanting slogans and humiliating opponents by
forcing them to drink castor oil. This heavily
inuenced Benito Mussolini after he visited
Fiume during the occupation.
Support or challenge?
Below is a sample exam-style question which asks how far you agree with a specic statement. Below this are a
series of general statements which are relevant to the question. Using your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page decide whether these statements support or challenge the statement in the question and tick
the appropriate box.
The invasion of Fiume in 1919 weakened the Liberal State in Italy. How far do you agree with this
Eliminate irrelevance
Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and identify parts of the paragraph that are not directly relevant to the question. Draw a line through the
information that is irrelevant and justify your deletions in the margin.
How far do you agree that the invasion of Fiume was the main reason for the political instability of
the Liberal State in the years 191822?
The invasion of Fiume in September 1919 played a key role in undermining the Liberal
State in the years 191822. In this respect, the invasion was significant for three
reasons. Firstly, the invasion showed the lack of support for the government among the
military. The invasion, which involved two thousand soldiers, occurred in defiance of
the Liberal government, and indicated that many in the military were not loyal to the
government. This had also been a problem in 1916, when many soldiers had mutinied
in protest at Italian involvement in the First World War. Secondly, the invasion showed
the lack of popular support for the Liberal government. Many in Italy supported the
invasion, and viewed DAnnunzio as a hero. DAnnunzio was also famous for coming up
with the term mutilated victory to describe the view that Italy had been treated badly
in the negotiations following the First World War. Thirdly, the invasion demonstrated
the power of direct action, undermining the Liberal States reliance on compromise and
negotiation. In this way, the invasion of Fiume contributed to the political instability of
the Liberal State in the years 191822 by emphasising the level of popular dissatisfaction
with the Liberal government and their methods.
A national organisation
In February 1919 Mussolini turned the local groups
of squadristi, as well as other nationalist radicals, into
a national movement: the Fasci di Combattimento.
Their manifesto, published in June, called for:
Q the abolition of the monarchy
Q universal suffrage
a greater threat.
Q He also saw them as a useful ally against the
Socialists in the May 1921elections.
The Fascists gained 35 seats in the elections
including one for Mussolini. Once the National
Block had served Mussolinis purpose, he broke off
his alliance with Giolitti. The alliance gave
Mussolini greater authority, a respectable image
and a foothold on legitimate power. Giolitti,
having greatly underestimated the Fascists,
resigned in June 1921 when the coalition
Complete these activities once you have read this topic (page 28) and the next topic (page 30).
amber events and policies that have some signicance to the question
green events and policies that are directly relevant to the question.
1) To what extent was Mussolini responsible for the growing power of Fascism in
Italy in the period 191922?
Now repeat the activity with the following questions:
2) How far does Italys mutilated victory after the First World War account for the
weaknesses of the Liberal State in the period 191822?
3) How accurate is it to say that the Italian Liberal State was responsible for its own
Fasci di
Combattimento launched
Creation of the
Popular Party
Mutinies in
the army
Treaty of
Fascists join
National Block
Party founded
March on
Treaty of St
Trade union
reaches 2 million
National Fascist
Party founded
Prime Minister
industrial unrest
Treaty of London:
Italy joins the
Triple Entente
Creation of the
Undersecretariat of
Arms and Munitions
Invasion of Fiume by
Italian nationalists
Collapse of two
major munitions
Fascist popularity
The formation of the PNF led to growth in the
popularity of Fascism. The hierarchical structure of
the PNF gave Mussolini greater control over the
squadristi. The PNF also published a New
Programme which gained support from the elite by
promising lower taxes for business and farmers. The
promise of compulsory military service also
appealed to nationalists.
The liberals were divided and therefore weak. When the King asked Salandra to form a
new government, liberal in-ghting meant that many liberals refused to support him.
Salandra suggested that the King send for Mussolini in order to thwart his rival Giolitti.
Mussolini refused to support any government unless he was made Prime Minister.
Spectrum of signicance
Below is a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the importance
of these general points to the question posed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative
importance. Having done this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these factors
are more important than others. The resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.
Less important
Very important
Key points
Political divisions
Social problems
There were seven key reasons Mussolini was appointed Prime Minister in October 1922. These
were the economic impact of the First World War, the impact of the mutilated victory,
political divisions, social problems, the impact of the invasion of Fiume, the organisation and
policies of Italian Fascists, and the actions of Mussolini.
There were seven key reasons Mussolini was appointed Prime Minister in October 1922. The
most important reason was the actions of Mussolini. This played a more significant role than
all of the other factors.
Elite support
Rural supporters
New recruits from 1920 included:
Q Sharecroppers
Q Small farmers
Q Farm managers.
Urban supporters
A signicant source of Fascist support in the towns
was the lower middle class. They blamed the
government for high ination, unemployment and
the growth of socialism. They included ofce
workers, teachers, shopkeepers and other small
business owners, and were mostly young. Fascism
seemed an exciting and dynamic movement, very
different from the cynical politics of trasformismo.
Around 10 per cent of Fascist members were
students and 25 per cent were too young to vote.
Some urban workers were also attracted to Fascism,
mainly because of the very radical elements to the
Fascist manifesto like the eight-hour day, fair wages
and prices, and employee representatives in
management positions. Some of these urban workers
Spider diagram
Use the information on the opposite page to add detail to the spider diagram below.
Dissatisfaction with
the Liberal State
The appeal of
Fascist policies
How far do you agree that Fascist economic policies were responsible for the
growing support for the Italian Fascist Party in the years 191922?
How far does the growth of the Italian Fascist Party explain the collapse of the
Liberal State in Italy?
Recommended reading
Below is a list of suggested further reading on this topic.
Exam focus
Below is a sample A grade essay. Read it and the comments around it.
How far does Italys mutilated victory explain growing support for the Italian Fascist Party
in the years 191922?
The introduction
indicates that the
essay will discuss
four major factors.
It asserts that the
First World War
was the most
important factor,
but it does not
support this with
an argument or
with evidence.
This paragraph
effectively contrasts
the apparent
failure of traditional
politics with the
apparent success
of DAnnunzios
radical alternative. It
concludes by linking
this to Fascism.
This paragraph
uses technical
terms such as
squadristi and
specic dates to
increase the level
of detail used in the
This paragraph
summarised the
rest of the essay,
but does not
give an overall
This is a well-focused essay which includes a large amount of relevant detail. Every paragraph
presents a coherent analysis of the factor it discusses. Nonetheless, this essay cannot enter
Level 5 because the introduction and conclusion simply summarise the essay and there is no
attempt to develop an overall argument. Indeed, while the essay asserts that the war was the
most important factor, it does not put forward an argument to prove this.
Moving from Level 4 to Level 5
The Exam Focus at the end of Section 1 provided a Level 5 essay. The essay here
achieves a Level 4. Read both essays, and the examiners comments provided. Make a
list of the additional features required to push a Level 4 essay into Level 5.
Section 3:
Power and control in Fascist Italy
The consolidation of power 192223
Controlling Fascism
Emergency powers
Mussolinis rst step was to gain emergency powers.
In November 1922, shortly after becoming Prime
Minister, Mussolini demanded that parliament grant
him the power to rule by decree in order to restore
law and order. Mussolinis coalition partners agreed,
and Mussolini was granted emergency power for
twelve months. Consequently, Mussolini was able
to pass laws, without consulting parliament, for
most of 1923.
Key appointments
Mussolini also strengthened his position by
appointing Fascists to key positions in government.
Mussolini took control of the Foreign Ministry
and the Ministry of the Interior. He appointed
the pro-Fascist Alberto De Stefani as nance
minister, and the Fascist Emilio De Bono as head
of the police. Finally, he appointed loyal Fascists as
under-secretaries in most government ministries.
As well as appointing his own supporters, Mussolini
appointed liberals and conservatives to key positions
to give the appearance of moderation. In this way he
could appease liberals and conservatives. Indeed, his
rst Cabinet included four liberals, two populists
and nationalists, as well as four members of the PNF.
The cheka
Mussolini also established a personal bodyguard,
known as the cheka, which protected him and
intimidated his political opponents. Indeed, Ameriqo
Dumini, the chekas leader, played a key role in the
murder of Giacomo Matteotti (see page 38).
Support or challenge?
Below is a sample exam-style question which asks how far you agree with a specic statement. Below this are a
series of general statements which are relevant to the question. Using your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page, decide whether these statements support or challenge the statement in the question and tick
the appropriate box.
Mussolinis consolidation of power in the period 192223 was mainly due to the weaknesses of his
opponents. How far do you agree with this statement?
How accurate is it to say that the consolidation of Fascist power in Italy in the period 192223 was
mainly due to key political appointments made by Mussolini?
Mussolinis political appointments played a key role in the consolidation of Fascist power
in Italy in the period 192223. For example, Mussolini appointed Fascist sympathisers
to important positions. Alberto De Stefani became Finance Minister and Emilio De
Bono was appointed head of the police. In addition, Mussolini appeased liberals and
conservatives by giving them posts in his Cabinet. Indeed, his first Cabinet included the
same number of liberals as Fascists.
Removing obstacles
Mussolini faced a number of obstacles in his plan to establish a Fascist dictatorship in Italy. Use the information on
this page and the previous page to complete the table below, explaining how he removed these obstacles to his
Spectrum of signicance
Below are a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the importance
of these general points to the question posed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative
importance. Having done this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these factors
are more important than others. The resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.
How far do you agree that the consolidation of Fascist power in the years 192225 was mainly due to
the use of terror and violence?
Less important
Very important
Fascist propaganda
Mussolini and other leading Fascists believed that
people were fundamentally irrational. Therefore,
they argued, that they should be led by powerful
images and appeals to emotion rather than rational
argument. Consequently, the PNF made extensive
use of propaganda.
Fascist modernism
Eliminate irrelevance
Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and identify parts of the paragraph that are not directly relevant to the question. Draw a line through the
information that is irrelevant and justify your deletions in the margin.
How far do you agree that the consolidation of Fascist power in Italy in the years 192225 was mainly
due to the use of propaganda?
One way in which propaganda was used to consolidate Fascist power in Italy in the years
192225 was through the Cult of the Duce. This involved using propaganda to depict
Mussolini as the saviour of Italy. For example, Mussolini was often portrayed as an allpowerful leader. He was photographed in Napoleonic poses to suggest similarities between
himself and the French leader. Both Mussolini and Napoleon were said to be short.
However, it is now thought that Napoleon was of average height. The government also
launched a campaign with the slogan Mussolini is always right. In addition, Mussolini
was pictured with peasants to suggest that he was a man of the people and that he was
in touch with their concerns. Furthermore, Mussolini censored the press to ensure that
anti-Fascist articles were not published. In this way, the Cult of the Duce played an
important role in the consolidation of Fascist power in Italy in the period 192225 because
it persuaded many people that Mussolinis leadership was good for Italy.
How far do you agree that Fascist control of Italy in the years 192243 was mainly the result of the
use of propaganda?
Propaganda played an important role in establishing and maintaining Fascist control over
Italy in the period 192243. Early Fascist propaganda targeted different social groups with
different messages. In addition, the Cult of the Duce was used to suggest that Mussolini
was a strong leader. The Cult of Rome was used to suggest that there were clear links
between Fascist Italy and the Roman Empire. Finally, modernist architecture was used
to suggest that the regime was creating a new Fascist utopia. In this way, propaganda
was used to establish and maintain Fascist control of Italy in the period 192243 by
encouraging people to see the regime as strong and dynamic, and drawing parallels
between the Fascist regime and Ancient Rome.
Fascist terror
Terror was a central part of the Fascist consolidation
of power. Following 1926, Fascist use of terror was
less obvious but no less important in sustaining
Mussolinis government.
The OVRA, Mussolinis political police, were
established in November 1926. Originally, they
were tasked with combating anti-Fascist groups.
However, over time their role grew and they came
to keep large sections of society under
Fascist justice
The persecution of political opponents was
formalised through the creation of the Special
Tribunal for the Defence of the State. Between 1927
and 1943 the Special Tribunal:
Q found 4596 people guilty of political crimes
Q passed sentences totalling 27,735 years of
In addition, the Tribunal passed 42 death sentences.
Signicantly, only nine death sentences were passed
during peacetime and of the 42 sentences passed,
only 31 were carried out.
Fascist anti-Semitism
At the end of the 1930s, the Fascist government
began to persecute Italys Jewish minority.
Mussolinis introduction of anti-Semitic laws
reected his increasing respect for Hitlers Nazi
regime in Germany. Mussolinis racist decrees,
issued between November 1938 and June 1939, did
the following:
banned marriage between Jews and non-Jews
banned Jews from serving in the armed forces
banned Jews from owning large areas of land
expelled Jewish teachers and students from
schools and universities
Q expelled Jews from the civil service
Q banned foreign Jews from entering Italy.
By the late 1930s, 7000 Jews had been forced to
leave the armed forces, and 5600 Jewish students
and 181 Jewish teachers were forced out of schools
and universities.
How far do you agree that fascist control of Italy in the years 192243 was mainly the result of terror?
Terror played an essential role in Mussolinis consolidation of power in the sense that
The OVRA played a key role in maintaining Fascist control of Italy in the sense that
How far do you agree that Fascist control of Italy in the years 192243 was mainly the result of terror?
Mussolini established the OVRA, his political police, in 1926 and they helped to maintain
Fascist control over Italy. They had only 700 agents, but by 1930 had established a network
of 100,000 informants. People in certain professions, such as doctors and bar owners,
were required to provide information to the OVRA. For example, doctors were required
to report on patients with alcoholism and mental illness. By 1943, the OVRA held files
on 143,000 citizens and conducted about 20,000 raids every week. However, the prison
camps for political prisoners never held more than 6000 inmates.
Impact on births
Impact on women
Mussolini failed to exclude women from the work
force. This was partly due to the fact that Fascist
laws reected traditional gender stereotypes.
Therefore, the PNF did not try to exclude women
from occupations such as waitressing and typing.
Additionally, the PNF were willing to allow women
to work as teachers. Therefore, by 1936, 75 per cent
of trainee teachers were women. Nonetheless, even
when the PNF actively tried to exclude women they
failed. For example, by 1938 women made up 28 per
cent of the industrial labour force and 38 per cent of
agricultural workers.
Finally, the Fascist campaign against appers and
feminists failed. In urban areas, women, who
became known as la maschietta, continued to wear
an androgynous fashion style throughout the
Fascist militarism
Militarism was an important part of Fascist ideology.
Essentially, Fascists believed that the military was
the best form of organisation, as it inspired courage,
discipline and self-sacrice. They argued that all
institutions, including the government, the family,
businesses and schools, should be organised like the
Fascist militarism was reected in Mussolinis use
of the word battle to describe key policies. It was a
growing feature of Fascist government in the 1930s.
For example, in 1932 the handshake was replaced by
a military salute as the ofcial greeting within the civil
service. Additionally, civil servants were expected to
stand to attention when speaking to their superiors
on the telephone.
Spider diagram
Use the information on the opposite page to add detail to the spider diagram below.
Evidence of success
Evidence of failure
Delete as applicable
Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and decide which of the possible options (underlined) is most appropriate. Delete the least appropriate options
and complete the paragraph by justifying your selection.
How far do you agree that Mussolinis social policies were successful?
Mussolinis Battle for Births was successful to a great/fair/limited extent. For example,
the birth rate declined in the period 1927 to 1936, and despite an increase in the birth
rate from 1936, the 1911 birth rate of 147 per 1000 was never exceeded. Furthermore,
the Battle for Births failed to reduce the number of women in the workforce. By 1938,
28 per cent of the industrial labour force and 38 per cent of agricultural labourers were
women. In addition, by 1936, 75 per cent of those training to be teachers were women.
In this way, Mussolinis Battle for Births was extremely/moderately/slightly successful
The curriculum
The Ministry of Education revised the curriculum
to reect Fascist values. Consequently, a third of
all history textbooks were banned in 1926. From
1937, all secondary school children were required
to take an exam on the achievements of Fascism.
Universities were required to offer a new course
on the history and doctrine of Fascism.
A new School Charter was introduced in 1939 to
link schools and the PNF more closely. However, the
Charter was never fully implemented due to the
Second World War.
Youth groups
The regime also tried to inuence young people
outside of school. In 1926, the Ministry established
the Opera Nazionale Balilla (ONB) as a Fascist youth
movement. The ONB attracted millions of members
due to their sports clubs and summer camps. The
PNF took control of it in 1937 and renamed it Gioventu
Italiana del Littorio (GIL). The ONB became compulsory
in 1939, by which point it had almost 8 million
members. University students were encouraged to
join the Gioventu Universitaria Fascista (GUL). GUL
organised social activities but ostracised female
In the early years of the regime, the PNF focused on
censorship. However, after the creation of the
Ministry of Popular Culture (Minculpop), they
began to use the media to indoctrinate the public.
The press
Press censorship was one of Mussolinis priorities
immediately following the March on Rome. He
began by removing the anti-Fascist editors of popular
papers such as La Stampa and Corriere della Sera.
Mussolini introduced tougher censorship laws in
response to press outrage at Matteottis murder.
Initially Mussolini claimed that these were temporary.
However, by the end of 1925 he decreed that all
newspaper editors had to be members of the
Association of Fascist Journalists. By the end of 1926,
opposition newspapers had been closed, and in early
1927 the establishment of new papers was banned.
Initially, the Press and Information Ofce organised
press censorship, but in 1929 the PNF established the
High Commission to do this.
From 1924 the Censorship Board censored all lms.
The Board comprised a judge, a mother (who
represented ordinary Italians), and an ofcial from
the Ofce of Public Security. In the same year, the
regime founded the Istituto Luce which was
responsible for making public information lms.
These pro-government lms were shown in cinemas
before feature lms.
Fascist policy changed radically in 1937. Existing
Fascist censorship was abolished and replaced with
the Minculpop. The new ministry focused more on
projecting a positive image of the regime than
censorship. Minculpop issued detailed orders to the
press, and vigorously promoted the anti-Semitic
campaign of the late 1930s (see page 42). Minculpop
encouraged lm makers to glorify obedience and
portray women as submissive.
Spectrum of success
Below is a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the success of
the policies relating to each point. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative success. Having
done this, write a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these policies are more successful
than others. The resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.
How far do you agree that Mussolinis social policies were successful?
1. The Battle for Births
2. Education
3. Youth groups
Less successful
Very successful
Introducing an argument
Below are a sample exam-style question, a list of key points to be made in the essay, and a simple introduction
and conclusion for the essay. Read the question, the plan, and the introduction and conclusion. Rewrite the
introduction and the conclusion to develop an argument.
How far did Mussolini transform the lives of women and children in the period 192243?
Key points:
Children education
Women work
Mussolini transformed the lives of women and children to an extent. He changed the lives
of women in terms of home life and work. In addition, he changed the lives of children in
terms of education and youth groups.
Overall, Mussolini transformed the lives of women and children to an extent. He changed
the expectations regarding womens home life and working life. He also changed childrens
school and leisure time.
Corporatism 192943
During the 1930s, Corporatism grew in several
Q The National Council of Corporations was
established in 1930 to advise the government on
economic policy.
Q Twenty-two national corporations were
established in 1934, representing workers,
business and the state. These helped regulate
industry and played a role in labour relations.
Autarky 193543
Autarky was a policy designed to make Italy
economically self-sufcient. Mussolini adopted the
policy to protect Italy from the effect of economic
sanctions imposed by the League of Nations
following Italys invasion of Abyssinia (see page 60).
The implementation of autarky had some success.
For example, aluminium production increased, and
new synthetic materials, such as lanital, were
developed to replace imported natural bres.
However, Italy was able to produce only a quarter of
the countrys oil needs, and only 1.8 million tonnes
of iron ore annually, less than a tenth of production
in Germany. Generally, autarky failed, as domestic
production could generate only a fth of the goods
that Italy needed.
Spider diagram
Use the information on the opposite page to add detail to the spider diagram below.
Impact on
business owners
Fascist economic
Impact on workers
Impact on
agricultural workers
The Battle for Grain is an example of an economic policy that was largely successful. The
campaign was designed to increase grain production in Italy. The campaign was successful
at increasing grain production. This led to a significant drop in grain imports. However,
the campaign was not entirely successful. Many farmers stopped producing citrus fruits
to produce grain instead. This had an impact on the economy. In this way, the Battle for
Grain was very successful at meeting its aim of increasing grain production, but it had a
mixed effect on Italys balance of payments situation.
The Church
Rather than challenging the power of the Roman
Catholic Church, the Fascist regime sought
compromise and collaboration.
Pope Pius XI aided the consolidation of power,
arguing that the Church should work with the PNF
to combat communism. Mussolini also won favour
with Pius XI by using government money to save
the Catholic Bank of Rome from bankruptcy in
Between 1926 and 1943, Mussolini took a number
of steps to win the support of the Church. For
example, he banned abortion and outlawed the sale
of contraceptives in 1926.
Business elites
The regimes relationship with business elites
changed over time. Mussolini played down the
corporatist aspects of Fascism between 1922 and
1925 to appease Italian business, which was
opposed to state interference. Equally, businesses
supported Mussolinis abolition of independent
trade unions.
However, there were tensions. For example, export
businesses objected to Mussolinis policy of
revaluing the lira as it made their exports
uncompetitive. Additionally, business leaders
objected to the creation of the Corporate state,
particularly the National Council of Corporations,
because it had the power to increase the wages of
Finally, business leaders objected to the creation of
the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction (IIR) in
1933. The IIR bought voting shares in private
businesses and used them to control the
development of Italian industry.
Agricultural elites
From 1922, the PNF tended to compromise with the
agricultural elites because it needed their support in
rural areas. Initially, radical Fascists wanted to
liberate the peasants by eliminating the old
agricultural elites. However, following the March on
Rome, Mussolini sidelined rural radicals to retain the
support of the powerful agricultural elite. For
example, in 1923 Mussolini expelled the leading
Fascist radical in Naples, Aurelio Padovani, from
thePNF for demanding a social revolution in the
countryside. Agricultural elites grew rich, gaining
large government subsidies for administering
policies such as the Battle for Grain (see page 48).
Additionally, powerful gures in the PNF, such as
Italo Balbo, fought consistently for the interests of
the agricultural elites of his home province of
Ferrara. Balbo, like Mussolini, recognised that the
PNF could not govern the countryside without the
support of the agricultural elites.
amber events and policies that have some signicance to the question
green events and policies that are directly relevant to the question.
1) How far do you agree that the Catholic Church and the traditional elites were the main
beneciaries of Fascist government in the period 192243?
Now repeat the activity with the following questions:
2) How far do you agree that it was Mussolinis use of conciliation, rather than his use of terror, that
enabled him to consolidate his power in the period 192229?
3) How far do you agree that Mussolinis social and economic policies were successful in the period
All political parties
except the Fascist
Party banned
First of
Special Tribunal
for the Defence of
Matteotti the State established
Military salute
Crisis (May)
laws passed
becomes the
Battle for the
Lateran Treaties
General election: Lira introduced
Introduction of
Mussolini Fascists gain
in the civil service
Teachers and
a 10 per cent
Opera Nazionale
lecturers forced to
cap on women
Balilla (ONB) Minculpop
of the seats
workers in
powers in new Parliament established
allegiance to Fascism
most industries
Battle for
of new
corporations Birth rate begins
to increase
Prime Minister
Battle for
Births policy
of Fascism
Acerbo Law
OVRA established
Purge of teachers All opposition
and lecturers
who did not
support Fascism
Ministry of
All newspaper
editors forced to
join Association of
Fascist Journalists Abortion and
given the title Duce
National Council of
Institute for
Attempt to expel
non-Italian Jews
from Italy
Membership of
the ONB becomes
Mussolini agrees to
send all Jews in Italy to
Nazi concentration camps
begins on
the Esposizione
Universale Roma (EUR)
Policy of
autarky adopted
Mussolinis dictatorship
Mussolini took several steps to strengthen his hold
on power after 1925. First, he reformed the PNF to
ensure it was under his personal control. A year
later, the Grand Council approved a new party
statute that replaced election from below with
appointment from above. This strengthened
Mussolinis position by giving him the power of
patronage. Second, in 1931 he appointed Achille
Starace as Party Secretary, replacing Augusto Turati.
Starace was wholly loyal, whereas Turati had
clashed with Mussolini and was a potential rival for
the leadership of the PNF. The Lateran Treaties also
ensured the support of the Church, at least until
conict over anti-Semitism in the late 1930s.
However, the existence of powerful old elites shows
that Mussolini failed to create a totalitarian state.
Popular support
The working class
Fascisms impact on the working class was mixed.
Politically, workers lost independent unions and the
right to strike. Corporatism led to some benets
such as sick pay and holiday pay. However, the
standard of living of most workers declined by
11per cent between 1925 and 1938. Therefore,
while the majority tended to support the regime,
they did so with little enthusiasm.
The peasants
Most peasants either ignored or rejected Fascism.
Initiatives such as the Battle for Grain and autarky
caused a fall in agricultural prices. Consequently, the
price of agricultural land fell between 40 and 50 per
cent every ve years under Mussolini. Living
standards in the country fell by 40 per cent between
1922 and 1930. High rural unemployment, and poor
education in the countryside, meant that the
majority who left farms to nd work in the cities
were unsuccessful.
Support or challenge?
Below is a sample exam-style question which asks how far you agree with a specic statement. Below this are a
series of general statements which are relevant to the question. Using your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page decide whether these statements support or challenge the statement in the question and tick
the appropriate box.
Mussolini was successful in creating a totalitarian state in Italy in the period 192243. How far do
you agree with this statement?
Recommended reading
Below is a list of suggested further reading on this topic.
Mussolini and Italy, pages 4196 and 159196, Edward Townley (2002)
Exam focus
Below is a sample A grade essay. Read it and the examiner comments around it.
How successful were Fascisms political and economic policies in the years 1922 to 1940?
sets out a
range of
factors to be
Signicantly, it
considers both
aspects of the
question as it
deals with the
successes of
political and
This paragraph
contains a
great deal
of detail,
about the
policies used
to consolidate
Here, the
a range of
knowledge by
three different
elite groups.
The analysis
of connections
between the
success of
winning over
the elites and
the failure
to create a
state effectively
links different
aspects of the
essay creating
owners shows that totalitarianism was
the Church, the King, business and land
who was
d homo fascistus, a new fascist man
ist values. This is clear from the failure
selflessly and totally committed to Fasc
birth rates
In spite of propaganda and incentives
indicating a
in 1911 and marriage rates stagnated,
remained lower than they had been
ces failed in
ist goal. Clearly, Fascisms political poli
s continued
er fully dominated and Italian citizen
these key areas as old elites were nev
to live according to non-Fascist valu
e a failure. The initial success in reducin
such as
nce, De Stefani, led to new problems
government debt under Minister of Fina
, although
a drop in the value of the lira. Equally
and 1938,
s were not impressive. Between 1922
the Italian economy grew, growth rate
ressive than
9 per cent. However, this was less imp
e of 2.8
ch the GDP grew at an annual averag
growth during the Giolitti period in whi
was worse
of 1.9 per cent a year under Mussolini
per cent. Additionally, Italys growth
r years.
which was 2.5 per cent in the interwa
than average across western Europe
the products
for example, only produced a fifth of
Specific policies also failed. Autarky,
d by 11 per
d of living of the working class decline
that Italy needed. Finally, the standar
ch the
is worse than the Giolitti period in
cent between 1925 and 1938. Again, this
of 2.1 per cent a year. Clearly, Fascist
standard of living grew by an average
iods in
rates were poor compared to other
policies were a failure because growth
period and
European countries during the same
Italian history and compared to other
as autarky failed to achieve their aim
because Mussolinis key policies such
were only
ic policies in the years 1922 to 1940
Overall, Fascisms political and econom
cess was the consolidation of power
ing the establishment of a Fascist dic
took place bet ween 1922 and 1925, end
s of
h other elites undermined the succes
However, successful compromise wit
h other
fascist man, as the compromis
creating a totalitarian regime or a new
powerful institutions in society and
elites ensured that there were other
pete with
an Catholic values, continued to com
that other values, particularly Rom
s, as
ed in general terms and specific term
Fascist valu
ir goals.
s such as autarky never achieved the
gro wth was relatively poor and policie
This paragraph
analyses the
failure of Fascist
policies by
precise statistics
from another
period and other
The conclusion
summarises the
argument of the
essay reaching
an overall
judgement about
the success of
Fascist policy.
Signicantly it
addresses both
economic and
political aspects
of the question,
and emphasises
the link that the
essay made
between the
successes of
some aspects
of policy and the
failure of others.
This gets into Level 5 because of the sustained focus on evaluating the success of political
and economic policies and the way the essay links successes in some areas with failures in
others. The focus and detail are excellent throughout. More links between the factors or an
overall argument would have gained the essay maximum marks.
Reverse engineering
The best essays are based on careful plans. Read the essay, and the examiners
comments, and try to work out the general points of the plan used to write the essay.
Once you have done this, note down the specic examples used to support each general
Section 4:
Building the new Roman Empire
ria Y U G O S L A V I A
Mediterranean Sea
Italian North
Territorial goals
Mussolini had a series of territorial goals. He wanted to:
Q consolidate Italys hold on its existing Empire in
Italian North Africa (now Libya) and Italian East
Africa (now Somalia)
Q gain territory in Abyssinia (now Ethiopia)
km 1000
Italian East
Spider diagram
Use the information on the opposite page to add detail to the spider diagram below.
policy aims
Support or challenge?
Below is a sample exam-style question which asks how far you agree with a specic statement. Below this are a
series of general statements which are relevant to the question. Using your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page, decide whether these statements support or challenge the statement in the question and tick
the appropriate box.
In the years 192243, Mussolinis foreign policy aims were wholly ideological. How far do you agree
with this statement?
The Annexation of Fiume was Mussolinis rst
major foreign policy success. In March 1923,
Mussolini sent Italian troops into Fiume, claiming
revolutionaries were threatening the port. This
effectively established Italian control over Fiume.
Italys position was conrmed in January 1924 by
the Treaty of Rome, an agreement between Italy
Spectrum of success
Below are a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the success of
the events listed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative success. Having done this, write
a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these policies are more successful than others. The
resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.
Less successful
Very successful
Identify an argument
Below are a series of denitions, a sample exam-style question and two sample conclusions. One of the
conclusions achieves a high level because it contains an argument. The other achieves a lower level because it
contains only description and assertion. Identify which is which. The mark scheme on page 3 will help you.
Sample 1
Overall, Mussolinis foreign policy in the years 192229 was only partially successful. The
Annexation of Fiume extended Italian territory in the Balkans, and Mussolinis willingness to
sign international treaties gained him the respect of Britain and France. However, Britain
and France remained dominant world powers, and Mussolini failed to create a new Roman
Empire. In this sense, although Mussolinis foreign policy in this period saw isolated successes,
he had failed to achieve his aims.
Sample 2
In conclusion, in the period 192229, Mussolinis foreign policy had some successes and some
failures. The Annexation of Fiume was a success, but the Corfu Incident was a failure even
though the Italian press presented it as a success. In addition, Italy had signed two Pacts,
the Locarno Pact and the KelloggBriand Pact. These treaties brought Italy into alliance
with a number of other countries. In this way, in the period 192229, Mussolinis foreign
policy had some successes and some failures.
International reaction
The Caribbean intellectual C L R James founded
the International African Friends of Ethiopia. The
organisation encouraged African Americans to put
pressure on the US government to support the
Abyssinian government.
Mussolinis reputation as a moderate leader ended
with the Abyssinian campaign. It led to the
deterioration of relations with Britain and France, as
Italy refused to work with the two powers to nd a
peaceful resolution.
The League of Nations condemned the campaign
and imposed economic sanctions on Italy. The
sanctions failed to stop the ghting but strengthened
Italys relationship with Nazi Germany, as Germany
was not part of the League and therefore continued
to trade with Italy.
Domestic reaction
The war was the high point of the Cult of the Duce
(see page 40) as the press and propaganda focused
on Mussolinis role directing the battle. At the end
ofthe war, the League of Nations lifted its sanctions,
leading Mussolini to claim he had beaten the entire
British and French attacks on the campaign were
presented as hypocritical. The press argued that the
British and French had no right to criticise Italian
imperialism because they had large numbers of
colonies and had historically fought major wars in
Africa. Censorship ensured that the Italian people
learned nothing of the campaign started by the
International African Friends of Ethiopia.
The success of the campaign persuaded Mussolini that
an aggressive foreign policy was the key to sustaining
the Fascist regime. However, in the long run,
Mussolinis foreign policy would take Italy into the
Second World War and ultimately destroy the regime.
Delete as applicable
Below are a sample exam-style question and a paragraph written in answer to this question. Read the paragraph
and decide which of the possible options (underlined) is most appropriate. Delete the least appropriate options
and complete the paragraph by justifying your selection.
How far did Fascist foreign policy increase Mussolinis popularity in the years 192241?
Support or challenge?
Below is a sample exam-style question which asks how far you agree with a specic statement. Below this are a
series of general statements which are relevant to the question. Using your own knowledge and the information on
the opposite page, decide whether these statements support or challenge the statement in the question and tick
the appropriate box.
The Abyssinian campaign of 193536 successfully increased Italys international prestige. How far
do you agree with this statement?
130 aircraft
2500 tonnes of bombs
500 cannons
700 mortars
12,000 machineguns
4000 vehicles.
Decreased Mussolinis
Increased Mussolinis
RomeBerlin Axis
From the mid-1930s Italy and Germany grew closer.
The result was the Pact of Steel, a military alliance
between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
Initially, the relationship between Nazi Germany and
Fascist Italy was strained because the two counties
had competing interests. Mussolini feared that a
strong Germany would dominate Austria, a country
that he believed should be in the Italian sphere of
However, in the mid-1930s Italy and Germany
became closer. Germany supported Italys invasion
of Abyssinia. Britain and France, by contrast, asked
the League of Nations to impose sanctions.
Furthermore, the Spanish Civil War united Italy and
Germany, and further alienated Italy from Britain
and France.
Mussolini and Hitlers rst meeting in 1934 was not
a success. Hitler was not impressed by the
achievements of Fascism and Mussolini found Hitler
underwhelming. However, the two dictators
collaborated effectively during the Spanish Civil
War. The relationship deepened following
Over commitment
Mussolinis willingness to sign the Pact of Steel
reected his belief that Fascism was the force of the
future. The experience of the Abyssinian campaign
and the Spanish Civil War taught him that Fascist
forces would always conquer democracies.
However, in reality, Italy was inadequately prepared
for war. Mussolinis generals believed that Italy
would not be ready for war until 1943. Moreover,
Hitlers foreign policy was clearly heading in the
direction of war. In this sense, signing the Pact of
Steel was extremely dangerous, because Mussolini
had agreed to ght alongside Germany at a time
when the Italian military were unlikely to
Spectrum of success
Below are a sample exam-style question and a list of general points which could be used to answer the question.
Use your own knowledge and the information on the opposite page to reach a judgement about the success of
the events listed. Write numbers on the spectrum below to indicate their relative success. Having done this, write
a brief justication of your placement, explaining why some of these policies are more successful than others. The
resulting diagram could form the basis of an essay plan.
Less successful
Very successful
How accurate is it to say that ideological factors were the main reason why Italy entered into an
alliance with Germany?
In November 1937, Mussolini signed the Anti Comintern Pact. This Pact had been signed by
Germany and Japan in 1936 and committed the two countries to work together to stop the
spread of communism. In addition, in 1939, Mussolini and Hitler signed the Pact of Steel.
This formed a military alliance between Italy and Germany, committing them to fight
together in any future war and support each other in preparation for war. Mussolini signed
the Pact of Steel because he believed he liked Hitler and was impressed with Nazi Germany.
Early campaigns
In 1940, Mussolini scored two propaganda
Q Italian forces played a role in the defeat of France.
Q Mussolini sent 300 aircraft to take part in the
Battle of Britain.
However, in reality the Italian military had achieved
little. Italy already had de facto control of Albania,
Military failures
The Italian military proved unable to achieve
Mussolinis war goals:
Q The Italian invasion of Greece in October 1940
was a disaster. Greece counterattacked,
successfully invading Albania. Italian defeat
wasonly avoided by the German invasion of
Q British forces defeated the Italian army in East
African. Again, German troops saved Italy from
complete collapse until the 1943 Battle of El
Alamein which resulted in an Allied victory in
Mussolinis downfall
Public opinion
The Italian people had never been enthusiastic about
entering the Second World War. Repeated military
failures and the economic problems created by the
war led to a sharp decline in Mussolinis popularity.
Military defeat
Having defeated Italy in North Africa, the Allies
invaded Sicily in July 1943 and started bombing
Rome. Nonetheless, Mussolini refused to admit
defeat. Consequently, senior gures in the Italian
government moved to overthrow the Duce. At
theend of July the Fascist Grand Council (see
page36) met and stripped Mussolini of his military
power. Following the meeting, the King sacked
Mussolini and ordered his arrest, appointing
Badoglio as thenew Prime Minister. Badoglios
government withdrew from the Axis and joined
with the Allies.
How far did Mussolini increase the international status of Italy in the period 192243?
How far do you agree that Mussolinis foreign policy strengthened his power within Italy?
Introducing an argument
Below are a sample exam-style question, a list of key points to be made in the essay, and a simple introduction
and conclusion for the essay. Read the question, the plan, and the introduction and conclusion. Rewrite the
introduction and the conclusion in order to develop an argument.
To what extent was Mussolinis foreign policy in the years 192243 a failure?
Key points
There were seven significant events in Italian foreign policy in the period 192243. These
were the Corfu Incident, the Annexation of Fiume, the signing of the Locarno Pact and the
KelloggBrand Pact, the Abyssinian Campaign, Italian involvement in the Spanish Civil War,
the Pact of Steel and Italian involvement in the Second World War. Some of these events
were failures, but some were successes.
In some ways Italian foreign policy in the period 192243 was a failure and in some ways it
was a success.
Recommended reading
Below is a list of suggested further reading on this topic.
Italy: The Rise of Fascism 19151945, chapters 8 and 9, Mark Robson (2006)
Mussolini and Italy, pages 97137 and 212223, Edward Townley (2002)
Mussolinis Italy: Life Under the Dictatorship, chapters 14 and 15, R J B Bosworth (2006)
Exam focus
Below is a sample A grade essay. Read it and the examiner comments around it.
How far were Mussolinis foreign policy successes responsible for the popularity of the Fascist regime
in the years 192241?
This paragraph
shows a
knowledge of
the annexation
of Fiume. It
also shows
why the policy
was a success
and analyses
why this led to
support for the
Fascist regime.
This paragraph
uses precise
detail to
support its
This paragraph
range of the
essay to 1941.
together with
the earlier
of Fiume, it
covers the
whole period
specied by
the question.
cesses were not the only reason for the
However, Mussolinis foreign policy suc
ed a key
41. Propaganda and censorshipalso
of the Fascist regime in the years 1922
ed Italys successes in the Abyssinian
role. For example, propaganda magnifi
t of
paign became the high point of the Cul
Due to Propaganda, the Abyssinian Cam
ions such
ised the hypocrisy of the imperialist nat
the Duce. Italian propaganda emphas
ini into
ys imperial expansion, and turned Mu
as Britain and France condemning Ital
Italian people for standing up to the Lea
an even greater hero in the eyes of the
High Commission, made no referen
of Nations. Censorship, organised by the
rnational African Friends of Ethiopia
C L R James campaign through the Inte
to withdraw from Abyssinia. Clearly,
was designed to put pressure on Italy
ime in the
ible for the popularity of the Fascist reg
foreign policy successes were respons
sorship played a key role emphasisin
years 192241, but propaganda and cen
Fascist propaganda were often quite limi
achievements. Even so, the effects of
il War or
iasm for Italys successes in the Spa
Indeed, it failed to create mass enthus
te the
. Therefore it would be wrong to oversta
the early phase of the Second World War
impact of Fascist propaganda.
s for the popularity of the regime. Fasc
Finally, there were clearly other reason
ts for workers such as holiday pay and
elite groups to back the regime. For exa
pay. A variety of measures persuaded
support of the Roman Catholic Church
the Con
ovani were sidelined to win over the
and radical Fascists such as Aurelio Pad
paganda ensured that Mussolini was
er. In middle class areas propaganda
regarded as a strong and decisive lead
the Italian press consistently, used a var
his anti-communism. More generally,
h. For example, photographers
of techniques to emphasise his strengt
signs of age and to emphasise his phy
for Fascist
cesses were clearly not the only reason
strength. In this way, foreign policy suc
e the regime had policies and achieve
Italian society.
that won over the major sections of
cy successes were clearly a big reason
In conclusion, Mussolinis foreign poli
of the
in the years 192241. The successes
the popularity of the Fascist regime
point of
propaganda, clearly led to the
Abyssinian campaign, highlighted by
ian people.
husiasm for Fascism among the Ital
a role in
e was genuinely popular and played
Moreo ver, the early success of Fium
ses led
. Nonetheless, not all of the succes
ns really
cesses that led to quick territorial gai
to popularity. Indeed, only those suc
nt, such
ects of the regime were more importa
as the
working class and the policies, such
as the economic gains made by the
important groups to support the reg
This paragraph
high level skills
as it concludes
by weighing
the relative
importance of
and genuine
foreign policy
This paragraph
a breadth of
knowledge in
very few words.
It achieves this
by discussing
reasons why
most of the
major groups in
Italian society
supported the
The conclusion
makes an overall
that reects
the analysis
presented in the
rest of the essay.
However, the
assertion that
other factors
were more
important than
foreign policy
successes is not
fully supported.
This essay is very strong even though it does not get full
marks. It considers a range of factors in considerable detail.
Moreover, it is analytical throughout, and achieves sustained
analysis by evaluating the relative importance of different
foreign policy successes and their relationship to propaganda.
However, it does not get full marks because its ultimate
conclusion that other aspects of the regime were more
important than foreign policy is not fully justified.
1933 Nazi Conference The rst gathering of the
Nazi Party since the formation of a Nazi dominated
government in January 1933.
Alberto De Stefani Initially a liberal politician, De
Stefani later became a Fascist and gained a seat on
the Grand Council of Fascism. He served as Finance
Ministry from 1922 to 1925.
Axis Alliance.
Colonies Part of an empire. Colonies are not selfgoverning, rather they are governed by the empires
mother country.
Ination A rise in the level of prices in an
Undersecretariat of Arms and Munitions This
was later to become a full Ministry. It was a
department of government that dealt specically
with arms, weaponry and ammunition.
Unication The process of uniting, in this case
bringing together separate territories on the Italian
peninsula to form a single unit the Kingdom
Universal male suffrage A system of voting rights
where all adult males have the right to vote.
Utopia An ideal or perfect political community.
Vatican The ofcial residence of the Pope in the
Vatican City.
Section 1: Italy 18961912
Page 9, Develop the detail
Economic problems played some role in creating
social discontent in Italy in the period 18961914.
Although industrial workers beneted from
industrial growth, agricultural workers suffered in
this period. For example, some industries, such as
wool, suffered from a lack of modern machinery.
This led to strikes, which decreased
agricultural production. In addition, many
agricultural workers left to work in industry.
Between 1897 and 1912, the proportion of
workers who worked in agriculture decreased
from 64 per cent to 58 per cent. Overall,
incomes in rural areas of Italy barely increased. In
this way, economic problems contributed to social
discontent in Italy in the period 18961914 because
they decreased standards of living for agricultural
workers, and accentuated the divide between urban
and rural areas.
gain public support. In this way, Italys involvement
in the First World War highlighted the weaknesses of
Italian democracy and led to widespread
disenchantment with the Liberal State.
1896 Italian army defeated at Adowa
OVRA established
Treaty of St Germain
Democratic reforms
Invasion of Fiume by Italian nationalists
1920 Lira worth only 20 per cent of its value in 1914
Lateran Treaties
1930 National Council of Corporations established
Treaty of Rapallo
Locarno Pact
Mussolini given the title Duce