howToBuildQtOnMac m2016
howToBuildQtOnMac m2016
howToBuildQtOnMac m2016
------ensure that the OpenSSL development files are installed on the machine
----Maya 2016 is built using Xcode 5.0.2 with the 10.8 sdk
Qt 4.8.6 can be built on Mountain Lion, with Xcode 5.0.2 and the 10.8 sdk
--------Configure the Qt build using the following command:
./configure -prefix /Users/myHomeDir/qt/qt-4.8.6 -arch x86_64 -debug-and-release
-nomake examples -stl -plugin-sql-sqlite -no-rpath -no-qt3support -platform uns
upported/macx-clang-libc++ -sdk /Applications/
The argument to the '-prefix' flag determines where Qt will be installed.
In this case we're installing it into a user's local directory.
The configuration process should end with the following message:
which qmake
In our example installation, that should return the following:
If not, then you must add the Qt bin directory to the start of your path.
To build Maya's Qt plug-ins can be built as follows:
1) Copy Maya's devkit/plug-ins directory to some place where you have write
privileges. E.g:
cp -r /Applications/Autodesk/maya2016/devkit/plug-ins ~/myPlugins
2) Move into that directory:
cd ~/myPlugins
3) Execute the following command:
make -f Makefile.qt
4) Clean up unneeded intermediate files:
make -f Makefile.qt clean
If in step 3 you get the following error message:
Qt not found. Qt-based plug-ins will not be built.
that means that the 'qmake' command could not be found in your path.