Angela: EDIM 508 Unit 1 Summary Posting Media Minds: Students' Use of Media Today
Angela: EDIM 508 Unit 1 Summary Posting Media Minds: Students' Use of Media Today
Angela: EDIM 508 Unit 1 Summary Posting Media Minds: Students' Use of Media Today
Angela- The biggest struggle I often find is working with colleagues that are not incorporating
technology, but like Prensky stated are probably speaking an outdated language. It is unclear to me whether
these digital immigrants are aware that their methods of teaching are outdated and have no personal
connection to the current population. Prensky states that immigrants need to take advantage of native
knowledge and ask them for help to learn and integrate technology. It is imperative that educators take a role in
adapting their methods to connect to the current mindset of students.
Ashley W.- Technology provides the opportunity to differentiate instruction, and deliver the content
in a way that speaks to digital natives, but the concept of standardized learning and assessment does not always
align with the efforts to reach digital natives in their language.
As students technological interests and skills advance, it is important to adapt the way content is introduced,
practiced, discussed, and assessed. It can be difficult and overwhelming to make adaptions to meet the needs of
digital natives, especially when it comes to the required assessments and projects, but it is important to find
ways to do so. Students who are engaged will take more away from a lesson than those who find the material
and its delivery to be mundane.
Cara I believe that todays students have been over encouraged to the point where they have a fixed
mindset and cannot take the slightest bit of criticism without feeling like they failed. For teachers this may mean
needing to provide more feedback more often. Provide compliments on the process as opposed to the product
and give opportunities where failures can be starting points for more learning.
Catherine- Most teachers today arent adequately prepared or highly qualified to teach students
about technology. I believe schools need to spend more professional development days on introducing new
technologies to teachers and giving them ample time to become comfortable using it. However, so often for
digital natives technology is second nature. Due to the fact that digital immigrants havent grown up with
technology, it is harder for them to learn or teach about technology.
Jeremy- Once digital immigrants understand that new expectations regarding technology need to
be established in the learning environment prior to incorporating digital resources than instructors can better
visualize the benefits of using these tools. I believe that is is important to use the most beneficial method for
instructing our students, and at times, this does not involve technology. For me, it seems like using technology
all of the time takes away from the interest and engagement that web 2.0 tools are credited for.
Jessica- It is true that we must reconsider our methodology and content as Prensky suggested to be
able to relate to our students in their "world." The implications for teachers as stated above are that we must be
willing to continually learn and evolve as we live in an age of rapidly evolving technology.
Students today are so focused on the rewards that they rarely focus on anything of importance. I'm not sure if
we will ever be able to change this fact. I hope that as teachers we can keep up and continue evolving with our
students, providing them relatable, significant opportunities to use the technology around them.
Kayla- I truly believe that because they are digital natives, they
want things and they want them now. They always have digital media at their fingertips and never give
themselves time to be bored. They want to have fun right now. They want a reward right now. Yes, technology
needs integrated and we need to teach them where they are at, but would a little old school teaching hurt?
Lindsey- When faced with figuring out something technologically, I am all for jumping in and
playing around until I figure it out. This is how I introduce new apps and interactive activities to my digital
native students. I want them to love technology and problem solve to figure out how it works. Without the
knowledge and willingness to discover, they will fall behind in this new digital world. The natives can
already do so much at a young age, it will be amazing, as they get older, to see how much they progress and
thrive with the use.
Matthew- I must say I totally agree with more professional development within the school year to
help get everyone on staff up to speed with what we must know to work with this new generation of learners. To
add to that I feel that our schools must also give us access to the best technology and tools as often as they can
afford to. I know within my district in our K & 1st building there are 2 ipad carts per grade level that must be
shared between multiple classes. As well as not having up to date technology for the teachers themselves to use
throughout daily lessons.