Jodi A. Dodd: Profile

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Jodi A. Dodd
3241 Malone Dr.
Lexington, KY 40513 Committed to Reading and Writing Excellence
Cell: 541-929-2996
[email protected] PROFILE
Creative and resourceful Secondary Language Arts educator dedicated to
TEACHING PORTFOLIO: motivating people. Experienced in inspiring students to understand and reach
http://teacherjodidodd. appropriate reading, writing and speaking goals. Passionately teaches creative and
critical thinking.
•Warm nurturer •Entertaining speaker
•Excellent writer •Experienced editor of diverse media
•Effective team player •Caring expert in multi-cultural education

ESL Teacher, Camp Director, ESL Curriculum Design Specialist, and Teacher
“Jodi is one of the most gifted Supervisor, Lexington, KY; Corvallis, OR; and Seoul, S. Korea (2004-Present)
teachers that I have worked Designed and implemented an extensive ESL curriculum as camp director. Trained
with in designing and 10-16 Americans each year to teach ESL classes for a 5-day English camp each July.
implementing systems to Supervised over 50 Korean and American teachers and counselors each summer.
make information
Taught English in many classroom settings for 10-140 Korean students at a time.
understandable to students
so that they will internalize Results: 100-140 Korean children learned English each summer, while having a great
their learning for use in the deal of fun in a summer program. New teachers were encouraged and inspired to
future. Her energy and successfully teach English and return again the next year. Parents have been so
enthusiasm keep students impressed that the camp has grown significantly each year.
actively engaged in the lesson
at hand.” Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher, Calapooia Middle School, Albany, OR
-Maria Delapoer, (1998-2001)
Taught 7th grade Language Arts and Social Studies for 95 students. Started after-
school training and tutoring program for at-risk students. Trained the entire reading
staff to creatively teach the Oregon Benchmarks for Reading Standards. Served on
the board for the Oregon Council of Teachers of English.
Results: 95 students completed their first extensive research report with great success.
All students improved scores in state testing for reading and writing. 93 students
completed reading, writing, and speaking portfolio requirements with passing scores.

English Teacher Japanese-English Summer School, Albany, OR (1998)

Taught a 4-hour ESL class every morning for 4 weeks to students in 5th-12th grade.
Designed lessons for writing, speaking, listening, and American culture.
Results: 24 Japanese students made remarkable improvements in reading, writing,
listening and speaking English. Students’ self confidence soared as a result of this class.
“Jodi Dodd is one of those
people who was obviously Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher, Calapooia Middle School, Albany, OR (1997)
born to teach. She has an Student Teaching Practicum, 8th grade. Taught writing staff how to teach the
easy rapport with students. current writing standards for the state of Oregon and shared creative ways to help
They like her very much, but students achieve them. Designed a public speaking unit in which students chose Civil
because she operates without War research topics and then scored each other accurately, using the state
ambiguity, it is always
benchmarks for public speaking. Created extensive units in technical and persuasive
absolutely clear who is in
writing and speaking.
-Kris McLaughlin, Results: 95 students completed reading, writing, and speaking portfolio requirements
Teacher with passing scores. School staff began using writing and reading benchmarks in all
subjects, not just in English class, due to persuasive efforts and teacher training.
“Jodi has a tremendous ACADEMIC EDUCATION
knowledge in her subject
areas, great enthusiasm for M.A.T. in Secondary English Education, Oregon State University (1998)
working with students, and a Completed 64 credit hours with a 3.9 GPA. Wrote Master’s thesis: “Integrated
constant desire to improve Language Arts and Social Studies: Issues and Suggestions.”
her already considerable skills.
She is talented at creating B.A. in English w/minor in French Education, Grace College (1997)
lesson plans that inspire both Completed Bachelor’s Degree, including electives in Writing Composition, Modern
high and low level students at
American Grammar, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Effective Writing, Journalism, and
the same time. This is a
Teaching Foreign Languages.
gift. Some teachers spend
their career trying to master
this skill, and as a young CIEF French Study Program, Universite de Bourgogne (1996)
teacher, Jodi has already Completed a six month immersion experience. Attended classes in French History,
mastered it.” Language, and Culture. Obtained a Certificate of French Language.
-Maria Delapoer,
Kentucky State Teaching Certificate: License # 201110622, English and
Communications, Grades 5-12.

School Coordinator, Destination ImagiNation, Rosa Parks Elementary School,

Lexington, KY, (2006-Present)
Led groups of volunteers to build teamwork and creative problem solving skills in
kindergarten through 5th grade.
Results: 100+ kids were directly impacted by efforts. Successful implementation of
“Jodi’s upbeat nature and the creative problem solving program at Rosa Parks Elementary School. Eight teams
positive outlook make her a competed at the state level in March, 2008.
pleasure to work with, and
her skills and subject President, International Cooking Club, Corvallis, Oregon (2004-2006)
knowledge have been an Designed and directed a program for the wives of international graduate students
incredible asset to our to share their knowledge of culture and culinary arts with other international
school.” women.
–Karen Clark, Results: 35 women were empowered by the relationships made in the club. All
Special Education women learned extensive culinary skills.

President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Spouses and Partners

Program, Boston, MA (2004-2006)
Led and directed activities for the spouses and partners of the Executive
Education Global Management of Technology program at M.I.T.
Results: 30 international families were brought together to support one another
during an incredibly stressful and potentially isolated time in their lives. Organized a
cooking club, etiquette classes, several evening parties, and various tours around the
Eastern states.
“Jodi Dodd is one of those
Board Member, Friends of Internationals, Corvallis, OR (2004-2006)
people who was obviously
Served on the board as the public relations expert, web page creator,
born to teach. She has an
easy rapport with administrative assistant, and director of development.
students. They like her very Results: 30 area churches worked together to provide home furnishings and
much, but because she appliances to welcome 300 new International students at Oregon State University.
operates without ambiguity,
it is always absolutely clear Oregon Council of Teachers of English, Corvallis, OR (1998-2001)
who is in charge.” Served on the board. Created a dynamic program for a 3-day English Teaching
-Kris McLaughlin, Conference.
Teacher Results: 150 area teachers received training in all areas of English Teaching.

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