Practical Guide To Surveys
Practical Guide To Surveys
Practical Guide To Surveys
Department of Justice
Bureau of
Justice Statistics
Office of Community
Oriented Policing Services
Conducting Community
A Practical Guide
for Law Enforcement
Laurie Robinson
Assistant Attorney General
No11l Brennan
Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Office of Justice Programs
World Wide Web Homepage:
Conducting Community
A Practical Guide for Law
Enforcement Agencies
Deborah Weisel
This report was written by Deborah Weisel. It was prepared
under the supervision of Marshall DeBerry and Steven K.
Smith, Ph.D., of the Bureau of Justice Statistics and by Pam
Cammarata of the Office of Community Oriented Policing
Services. Meg Townsend, formerly with the COPS office,
also contributed to the project.
The project was supported by BJS under contract number
OJP-99-135-M. Tom Hester, Lea Gifford, and Marika Litras
of BJS provided editorial review. Jayne Robinson of BJS
administered final publication.
The Crime Victimization Software may be obtained by
contacting 1-800-732-3277 or [email protected].
Why undertake a community survey 1
How was the survey developed? 2
What is the local-level Crime Victimization Survey? 3
How have surveys been used by police 3
Use of telephone surveys 4
Overcoming fears of surveys 5
Survey development
Thinking about and setting goals 7
What do you really want to know from the survey 8
Tailoring the survey to fit your needs 9
Modifying the level of analysis 9
Modifications to reflect local conditions 9
Modifications to incorporate measures of planned police initiatives 10
Modifications to survey should be consistent and neutral 10
Who ya gonna call? The critical issue of sample size 10
Population and samples 11
Issues of probability sampling 11
Generating the sample frame 13
What is the appropriate sample size? 13
How representative is the sample? 15
Survey administration
Carrying out a survey 16
Coordination and quality control 16
Selection, training, and supervision 17
Analyzing and interpreting survey results
Frequencies and crosstabulations 19
More sophisticated analyses 20
Conclusion 20
Appendix A.
Appendix B.
Appendix C.
Appendix D.
Seven basic steps for conducting telephone surveys
reduction programs by police in Houston, Newark and Baltimore County made use
of community surveys.
During the late 1980s, many police came to view the public as customers or
consumers of police service. Police often used citizen or customer satisfaction
surveys to gauge the reaction of citizens to contact with police. These surveys
were often mailed surveys, sent to citizens who had complained, received traffic
citations, or had other formal contact with police. Telephone surveys were also
used for this purpose.
As part of the trend towards community policing and problem-solving in the midand late 1990s, community surveys have increasingly been used to collect
local-level information from citizens about specific problems in their communities.
For the most part, these surveys have been administered to sub-units within cities
& public housing developments, neighborhoods or other geographic entities.
Many of these surveys have been administered face-to-face at the homes of
residents; however, door-to-door surveys are very costly to carry out.
While all of these approaches to collecting information from citizens have been
used, surveys have not always provided reliable information to police. Because of
the way people were selected for surveys, police surveys have typically not met
scientific standards of reliability, and some have been subject to criticism.
To provide feedback about community policing, there has been increasing interest
among police, city councils, and mayors offices in obtaining reliable survey
information that meets scientific standards by using probability samples. In fact,
some cities now routinely conduct citizen surveys to provide feedback on police
Scottsdale, Arizona, conducts (through a contractor) an annual citizen
satisfaction survey to assess service delivery. (See the questionnaire at
www:// The telephone survey queries approximately 400
citizens through a random digit dialing approach. The sampling procedure is so
standardized and the survey so routinized that information is used to guide the
citys budgetary process.
Similarly, police in Reno, Nevada, completed their 17th semi-annual
community survey in early 1999. The Reno department primarily uses
volunteers, such as university students and seniors, to carry out the survey of
430 citizens. (For more information contact the deputy chief for planning,
training and research via
Use of telephone surveys
As a method of research, telephone surveys have many benefits. The telephone
interview is typically non-threatening to the respondent and allows the respondent
to feel the degree of confidentiality or anonymity assured by the interviewer.
Telephone surveys also preclude the need for interviewers to conduct interviews
in high crime areas where the risks to personal safety may be high. Typically,
telephone surveys are inexpensive relative to other types of survey research, and
response rates to telephone surveys are generally higher.
Despite the strengths of telephone surveys, there are some limitations which
should not be overlooked. Although the vast majority of Americans have
telephones in their homes, some do not, and in some neighborhoods the
proportion of households with phones is low. Telephone surveys are inherently
biased against lower-income citizens, since a larger proportion of low-income
families have no telephone. Telephone surveys may also underrepresent persons
with language barriers, in some ethnic groups or in age groups like the very young
or the very old. Some groups such as the homeless, young inner-city males, or
college students may be severely underrepresented in phone surveys. Since
these persons may have different views of police service or different exposure to
crime, this inherent bias in telephone survey research should be recognized
throughout the survey process. There are procedures to weight demographic
groups which are not fully represented in telephone surveys. These procedures
are discussed later in this guide.
Overcoming fears of surveys
Conducting surveys can be intimidating and for some good reasons. The results
of community surveys come under a great deal of scrutiny by media, politicians,
community groups, academicians, and police leaders. If police or sheriffs
departments develop their own surveys, they have to be concerned about their
perceived bias as survey administrators. Surveys can be viewed as self-serving
devices, designed to make the police look good, especially if there are concerns
about police brutality, police attention to minority areas or police treatment of
minorities, and other sensitive issues.
To address perceived bias, police must focus attention on every aspect of survey
research, including question wording, field testing of questionnaires to identify
problems, and other processes of survey development. In addition, police must
identify an unbiased sampling frame and develop procedures for contacting
prospective respondents. This is a big task & one with which a local university or
college can assist.
Using the CVS and a standardized sampling procedure will relieve many of the
external and internal pressures on police in conducting surveys. By following
sound sampling procedures, city-level findings can be comparable to those of
other jurisdictions. Replicating the survey on a periodic basis will provide police
agencies with regular and reliable information about citizens' views of crime
and public safety.
The CVS eliminates the need for many of the procedures that occupy survey
researchers. The survey instrument has already been rigorously pre-tested to
ensure that questions are neutral and understandable, and responses have been
scaled and validated. In addition, the software includes a method for generating a
simple random sample of telephone numbers through a random digit dial approach
by using the telephone prefixes for the area.
Telephone surveys are a promising method for police to collect quality information
from citizens on a routine basis and at relatively low cost. Conducting survey
research that meets standards of reliability is not difficult but requires a significant
amount of effort. Importantly, the commitment and resources for this task
should be carefully evaluated by police before undertaking survey research.
Only if sufficient resources are available to police to conduct reliable scientific
surveys can the benefits of telephone surveys be fully realized.
Survey development
Carrying out the community survey involves installation and use of the CVS
software provided by COPS/BJS. While this task should be carried out by
someone knowledgeable about computers, it is a straightforward procedure
that involves following clearly specified steps. The technical manual
accompanying the software includes detailed installation and use instructions.
Thinking about and setting goals
The first and most important step of survey research, and the most often
overlooked step, is determining the goals of the survey. Surveys for police can be
used for different purposes and it is important to thoroughly discuss and articulate
these goals prior to conducting the research. Avoiding or rushing this step will
invariably result in problems.
Articulating survey goals invariably saves time, money and headaches. For
example, if your jurisdiction is not interested in collecting information about
victimization for different types of crime, much effort would be expended for
collecting data with little value to your agency. Similarly, if your agency is not
engaged in community policing & and has no interest in implementing community
policing & you wont want to waste time asking respondents about community
policing initiatives. If your agency is concerned about its relationship among
different groups of Asian heritage & perhaps Lao, Cambodian and Vietnamese &
the survey must ask about country of origin. Thinking about these needs after the
survey is conducted is too late.
So, thinking through and articulating goals help police develop a survey instrument
that is most appropriate for the jurisdiction. Articulating goals also facilitates
analysis. For example, if youre interested in the rate of crime in the Northeast
area of your city, the sampling plan must collect enough responses from that
neighborhood to yield valid information. If youre particularly interested in the
opinions of a small ethnic group, or a particular age group, this affects your sample
size and sampling plan. Its best to know these needs at the beginning of the
survey, not after the survey is completed.
During the discussion of goals, police should also plan whether the survey is to be
repeated periodically. While there are many benefits to conducting periodic
surveys of citizens, this replication may be beyond the resources of the jurisdiction.
It may be more feasible to conduct the community survey every other year or even
every three years. While the longer time frame may wash out some of the
information about police services, such a survey will still provide valuable
information which is a snapshot of a point in time. If possible, decisions about
replication should be made before conducting the first survey as plans to replicate
the survey can have implications for what questions are asked.
While your jurisdiction may not be exceptionally interested in victimization rates for
a one-time survey, declines in victimization rates & as reflected in a periodic
survey & may provide useful information for evaluating crime control and public
and a probability sample is an important procedure. So, a brief and very basic
discussion about sampling procedures is necessary.
Population and samples
When you sample people, you select a portion or subset of everyone you are
interested in, then make generalizations from the subset to all people of this type.
The larger group is called a population while a sample is the subset or a portion
of the population. If you were interested in the experiences of women who have
been victims of theft, the population is all women. Since it is not possible to
interview all women, you will want to interview a subset of women. The subset is
your sample, and it is made up of cases. In the example so far,
the cases are those women selected for interviewing.
If possible, you will want to know something about the population. For example,
what proportion of the population have been victims of theft in the prior six
months? To answer this question with a sample, you need to be sure that the
sample is representative of the population. Characteristics of the population are
called parameters. In this example, the proportion of women in the population who
have been sexually assaulted in the prior six months is a parameter. Though this
number exists, it is unknown. You will need to estimate it from the sample. The
estimate of the population parameter from the sample is called a statistic. If the
sample is unrepresentative of the whole population, then the statistic you calculate
is unlikely to be an accurate estimate of the population parameter you care about.
For example, if you interview women at a women's crisis clinic, you may
overestimate the proportion of women who have been victims of theft because it is
quite likely that this sample or subgroup has a higher than average theft rate than
women in the population.
How do you get a representative sample from your population? All sampling
begins with the translation of a defined population into a sampling frame. A
sampling frame is either a list of possible cases or a procedure for finding eligible
cases. It is from this sampling frame that you will select your cases. Ideally,
everyone in the population should show up in the sampling frame. Say you were
interested in the experience of college undergraduate women who have been
victims of theft. There is one university in your jurisdiction, but there are too
many female undergraduates to interview. The university might be able to provide
you with a list of undergraduates for you to use as a sampling frame.
Issues of probability sampling
Probability sampling includes a variety of techniques that produce cost-effective
data sets that are representative of the population from which they are drawn and
yield information that quantitatively describes our confidence in how well the
sample estimates describe population characteristics. Non-probability samples
can be cheap or expensive, but we often have no basis for claiming they are
representative of the population, and we are not able to measure how well our
sample results reflect the whole population.
A probability sample is one that is selected in such a way that each member
of the population's sampling frame has a known probability of being selected and
that probability is greater than zero. Note that this does not necessarily mean an
equal probability of being selected, though some probability samples have that
characteristic. In some circumstances it is desirable to select some members of
population with certainty. If you are using something other than equal probability
of selection, weights should be used to take into account the differing sampling
A non-probability sample is a sample in which you either do not know the chances
that each member of the population has of being selected, or there are some
members of the population that will not be selected. Interviewing the women in
your office about their theft victimization experiences might help you think about
the problem of women as victims of theft, but this group is unlikely to be
representative of the larger population in your city.
When using a probability sample, two things heavily influence the confidence in
your estimates. The first is sample size. This is the number of cases in your
sample. The bigger your sample, the greater the confidence that your statistic is
an accurate measure of the population parameter. You have some control over
your sample size, at least within the bounds of your budget or the budget of the
agency funding your research.
The second factor which influences confidence in estimates is the prevalence of
the characteristics of interest in the population. The greater the prevalence, the
smaller the sample you will need to get the same level of confidence. The more
rare the characteristic is in the population, the larger the sample required to get the
same level of confidence. While you have no control over the prevalence in your
jurisdiction, your knowledge about how common the characteristic is in your
population can be used to design your sampling strategy.
Simple random sampling is one of four common probability sampling designs.
Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Simple random sampling is the type
of sampling design we usually think about, and the sampling strategy which is
recommended in software package included with this guide.
Once the sample size has been determined and the sampling frame has been
developed by inputting the jurisdiction's telephone prefixes to generate a list of
telephone numbers, each item on the list is given a unique number. Using the
software's capacity to produce random numbers, cases (telephone numbers) are
selected for the sample. Each case (telephone number) in the sampling frame
(list of telephone numbers) has exactly the same probability of selection and that
probability is equal to the sample size divided by the population size (number
of entries in the sampling frame). It is important to include all prefixes that
significantly cover the area of interest. Leaving out some will lessen the
representativeness of the sample.
Simple random sampling is most useful when you are not investigating rare events
or small population segments. For example, if you think that only about 2 percent
of the female undergraduates at a certain college have been the victim of a theft in
the prior six months, then simple random sampling is a very costly approach. To
be sure that we have 30 women who have been victims of theft in our sample, we
would have to interview 1,500 female students. In contrast, if 40 percent of female
undergraduates are likely to have been theft victims, then simple random sampling
may be quite efficient. This, of course, is the difficulty for a city-wide sample for
victimization; despite prominence in the media, violent crime events are relatively
rare in a jurisdiction. Very few persons are victimized by violent crime.
Generating the sampling frame
Now that we've discussed the issues underlying determining sample size, were
back to the question & How many are enough? Since violent crime rates & that
is, rates per 1,000 population & are fairly well established and consistent across
different places, we know that violent crime is a relatively rare event.
Using the CVS software, the sampling frame for the CVS and community policing
survey consists of randomly generated telephone numbers which, by and large,
represent separate households. (Some may represent multiple phones within a
single household while others serve multiple households, such as a rooming
house.) This method of telephone number generation is known as random-digit
dialing or RDD. In developing a sampling frame, RDD avoids the limitations of
using phone books, since many telephone numbers are unlisted.
In generating the sampling frame, enough numbers must be generated to account
for refusals & that is, the prospective respondents who decline to be interviewed &
and ineligibles such as non-residential numbers, non-working numbers, facsimile,
computer lines, and cell phones and numbers which duplicate other lines within a
household. These ineligible numbers may constitute a very large portion of the
sampling frame, particularly in moderate to high-income neighborhoods. There is
no reliable information about ineligibles generated through RDD. An estimate
of about 60 percent may be appropriate for purposes of planning. Actual
experience will probably vary a great deal by location and depend on the effort
applied to obtaining participation from the survey respondents.
What is the appropriate sample size?
Deciding on an appropriate sample size requires effort and planning. There are no
standardized sample sizes for surveys. Recommended sample sizes are even
independent of city size. Since violent crime is a relatively rare event and is
If the subgroup of interest is a very small proportion of the overall population, then
tripling or quadrupling the sample size may be in order. In these situations, simple
random sampling is prohibitively expensive since you need more and more
interviews & and a more efficient method of probability sampling should be used.
Professional assistance should be sought under these conditions.
If the victimization experience you seek to examine is more common than the
previous example, you may call fewer people. For example, if the victimization
experience is estimated at 15%, looking at Table 1, you will see that you only need
to call 200 persons to find 30 persons with that type of experience.
How representative is the sample?
As telephone numbers are randomly generated for the survey, no advance
information is available about the population. While the generation of random
numbers (RDD) will provide a defensible sampling strategy, the randomness alone
will be insufficient to insure that the final sample is actually representative of the
jurisdiction's population. Nonrepresentativeness may occur either in the original
sampling frame if, for example, low-income persons or minorities are less likely to
have phones, or in the non-responses or refusals if victimized persons or some
other group are less likely to participate in the survey. The resulting level of error in
the survey estimates will depend on how many persons are missed and how
different they are from those that you are able to interview. Missing a large portion
of a distinctive subgroup in the population can greatly reduce the usefulness of the
survey data.
For most police agencies, some demographic characteristics of citizens are
of critical importance in collecting information. The exposure of citizens to police
and their opinions of police, as well as victimization experience, vary based on
demographic and neighborhood characteristics. Thus information about these
characteristics must be collected during any survey and must be monitored as the
survey is being conducted to make sure that enough respondents with those
characteristics are being surveyed.
For most police agencies, these relevant characteristics may include gender, age,
race, and income level. Additional variables may be critical in a particular
jurisdiction. Once the survey is administered and demographic characteristics of
the respondents are developed, these findings can be compared with census data
for your jurisdiction to ensure that respondents are representative. For groups
which may be underrepresented in the final sample, the responses may be
weighted to increase their relative proportion for the entire sample.
Survey administration
Estimations can be made of the amount of time necessary to carry out a survey
based on the desired sample size. The national CVS requires approximately 10
minutes to administer. This figure, of course, varies from one individual to the next
while the Community Policing section will add approximately 5-10 minutes to the
interview time.
The number of surveys to be conducted will be determined through the sampling
procedure (see above), guiding survey administrators in estimating the amount of
staff necessary to conduct the survey. Estimates of the time to conduct a
community survey should follow a formula which includes:
The number of respondents/cases desired & e.g., 600
Estimation of refusal rates (30 percent of 12-city CVS)
Estimates of eligible respondents (that is, ineligible numbers are screened out
& perhaps around 60 percent)
Total number of telephone numbers to be generated and called
In this example seeking 600 respondents, 2400 numbers will be generated; 60
percent or 1,440 will be ineligible while 960 will be eligible; and 30 percent or 288
will refuse while 70 percent or 672 will agree to the interview. As general rule,
based on the sample size for the 12-city field test of the CVS questions, telephone
numbers should be generated for approximately four times the number of surveys
desired. This ratio incorporates both ineligibles and refusals.
Selection, training, and supervision
The selection and training of interview staff and their supervision are critical to
administering the survey. All interviewers should be well-supervised. Survey
administration should be monitored on a random basis and quality control checks,
such as making call-backs to respondents should be carried out to ensure the
accuracy of interviews.
Training of interviewers should be carried out to ensure that all surveys are
conducted as similarly as possible. In general, interviewers should be thoroughly
trained to be neutral, precise, and thorough in administering each survey.
Training should also emphasize the confidential nature of information being
collected. Interviewers should be aware that respondents may be suspicious of
providing personal or sensitive information over the telephone particularly about
their experience with victimization. Evidence with telephone surveys suggests that
these surveys are typically less threatening to respondents than face-to-face
surveys. Nonetheless, interviewers should fully brief prospective respondents
about the purposes of the survey and the identity of the survey organization. Data
management practices should be established to maintain the anonymity of the
respondent and the confidentiality of all information collected through the interview.
The respondent should be fully assured of anonymity associated with his or her
individual experience and opinions. Good interviewers who are able to address
respondents' concerns about anonymity may lower refusal rates.
Consistent with the practices of the U.S. Census Bureau in carrying out surveys,
telephone interviews should adhere to the following practices:
Be friendly and businesslike
Assure the respondent of confidentiality
Refrain from expressing (via words or tone) a personal opinion about answers
received & any comments should be neutral
Pace the interview and always avoid rushing the interview & surveys can be
rescheduled for completion at a later time, if necessary
Ask all questions in a deliberate and objective way & asking no additional
Ask all questions in order
Ask all questions exactly as worded & even if the respondent has previously
provided the information
Avoid leading respondents by changing words
Read each question clearly
As instructed, follow up questions with "Any other way?" or other prompts
to elicit additional responses
Probe, as necessary & stating "yes, I see" or repeating questions as necessary
may encourage a more complete response to questions. Probes are especially
useful if the respondent says "I don't know"
Use neutral probes such as "I don't understand" or "Can you explain that?"
Close the interview by thanking the respondent(s) for their time.
Compliance with these basic requirements for conducting telephone surveys
should be assessed through routine monitoring of survey administration. As a
technique of quality control, all surveyors should be monitored periodically to
ensure that the survey is being conducted as designed. Failure to comply with
these basic administration requirements may invalidate the survey findings.
Analyzing and interpreting survey results is a step of survey research that makes
many lay persons panic. To help ease the pain of analysis, the CVS has
developed some canned analysis packages to report survey findings.
Frequencies and crosstabulations
Frequencies report how many persons (and what percent of respondents)
responded a certain way to each question in the survey. This is the most basic
output from surveys and is a step taken by every survey analyst. For some folks,
this may even be the last piece of analysis done on the survey findings! The
following table is a frequency table reporting citizen attitudes about drug problems.
Concerns about drugs
Drug sales and use in my
neighborhood are problems
The numbers in the table show the rare situation in which all respondents
answered the question. Typically, in a survey with many respondents, each
question will have at least a few respondents who do not answer. The number of
non-responses is often shown separately, particularly if it is large, and the percents
are of the people who did answer the question. While this type of table is
interesting, frequencies are most useful for pointing to directions for further
analysis. Wouldn't it be useful to know what kinds of citizens are most concerned
about drug problems?
Crosstabulations compare categories of responses on a particular characteristic.
Demographic characteristics frequently influence the way results are interpreted.
Concerns about drugs, by age of respondent
Drug sales and use in my
neighborhood are problems
Age 18-29
Age 30-59
Age 60 or older
This type of table is available as a standardized report with the CVS software.
Tables can be generated by the demographic variables such as age, gender and
race. The technical manual provides guidance on how to use the software to
carry out these tasks.
More sophisticated analyses
Frequencies and crosstabulations tell most police agencies much of what they
want to know from community surveys. We have not discussed significance
testing, the criteria for determining the likelihood that an observed relationship is
due to chance. You may want to evaluate significance of findings to establish
support for an observed relationship. The mathematical formula used to estimate
significance depends on a host of factors, including the size of the sample or
In addition to frequencies and crosstabulations, more sophisticated analysis may
be used by jurisdictions with the interest and ability to do so. For example, surveys
which opt to collect location information from residents (such as zipcode or
neighborhood) may be able to use GIS systems to map response categories.
Analyses should also be framed so that replication of findings from year to year will
generate results which provide meaningful comparisons over time.
Surveys of the public can provide valuable information to police managers and law
enforcement policy makers. There are some types of information, such as citizen
attitudes and the volume of unreported crime, that cannot be gathered in any other
This guide has introduced the basic concepts and procedures needed to
undertake a community survey. The survey software provided by COPS and BJS
incorporates some of the best practices available, thus making the process
simpler. Nevertheless, a competent and valid survey, particularly of rare events
such as criminal victimization, is a difficult and resource-intensive undertaking. If
the sample is too small, there can be little confidence in the results even if it is a
random sample. If an important segment of the population refuses to answer the
questions or cannot be reached by telephone then making population estimates
from your sample is highly problematic.
The software and this guide focus on simple random sampling which is
appropriate for telephone samples in which nothing is known about the
respondents. For many circumstances, simple random sampling is more
expensive than other more complex sampling strategies. We strongly recommend
that you discuss the substantive problem you want to investigate with a trained
survey researcher before starting your project.
Appendix A. Terminology
CVS & Crime Victimization Survey & This is the two-part survey provided by
BJS/COPS. It includes the community policing section and replicates the
questions contained in the National Crime Victimization Survey conducted by the
Bureau of the Census.
NCVS & The National Crime Victimization Survey is the victimization survey
conducted by the Bureau of the Census.
Parameter & characteristics of the population of interest, e.g., one gender or one
race with victimization experience.
Population & the group in which you are interested.
RDD & Random Digit Dialing & This is a method for generating a random list
of telephone numbers for carrying out the survey. The Windows-based CVS
software uses this method to generate a list of numbers for calls.
Sample &- a subset or portion of the group youre interested in.
Sampling frame & a list of all possible cases from which you select your sample.
Significance testing & the criteria for determining the likelihood that an
observed relationship is due to chance.
Statistic & the estimate of a population parameter from your sample.
Probability sample & a sample in which everyone selected had a known chance
of being selected; often probability samples reflect an equal probability of
Appendix B. References
For further reading on survey research, especially telephone surveys, see &
Babbie, Earl (1999). The Basics of Social Research, 8th edition. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Publishing.
Czaja, Ronald and Johnny Blair (1996). Designing Surveys: A Guide to Decisions
and Procedures. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Eck, John E. and Nancy G. LaVigne (1994). Using Research: A Primer for Law
Enforcement Managers. Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum.
Lavrakas, Paul (1993). Telephone Survey Methods: Sampling, Selection, and
Supervision. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Lipsey, Mark W. (1990). Design Sensitivity: Statistical Power for Experimental
Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Maisel, Richard and Caroline Hodges Persell (1995). How Sampling Works.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Saris, Willem E. (1991). Computer-Assisted Interviewing. Newbury Park, CA:
Sage Publications.
Schutt, Russell K. (1999). Investigating the Social World: The Process and
Practice of Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Webb, Kenneth and Harry P. Hatry (1973). Obtaining Citizen Feedback: The
Application of Citizen Surveys to Local Governments. Washington, DC: The
Urban Institute.
1. Think about and set goals. Take time to be exceptionally clear about what
you really want to know from a survey. Modify the survey questionnaire based
on your specific objectives.
2. Select a sampling frame by generating telephone numbers with RDD software.
3. Determine the sample size and the sampling method based on your goals.*
Select the sample & that is, select who will be called.
4. Set up the survey administration. Select interviewers such as students or
volunteers or contract for administration. Find resources, including telephones,
computers and space. Develop data management procedures which secure the
data and protect the anonymity of respondents.
5. Administer the survey. Make telephone calls and carry out quality control
6. Analyze the survey data.
7. Report the findings.
*You may need some assistance with this step. You can contact a local college,
university, or research firm for assistance.
Appendix D. Costs
Telephone surveys are the least expensive way to get reliable survey information.
But there are costs involved. Costs vary from one place to another, but you should
be able to predict costs by examining the following cost factors &
Personnel & telephone callers and supervisors. To save money, some police
agencies use volunteers such as students or seniors or other community
members. The number of personnel you need is based, of course, on the
sample size you select and the time necessary to conduct a single survey.
You will also need personnel to be involved in planning the survey,
coordinating survey tasks, analysis, and report preparation.
Training & Training of callers and supervisors will require time and staff, and
Telephones & Each caller needs a telephone. Calls can be scheduled for evening
hours, thus permitting the use of telephones which may be otherwise used
during daytime hours.
Space & Sufficient space is necessary for callers and their necessary equipment.
You may have space available within the police agency or elsewhere in
local government. For at least a portion of the calls, evening or weekend
access to buildings will be necessary.
Computers & Windows-based PCs for recording survey information. One
computer per caller.
Software & There is a small cost associated with the survey software. You will
also need software such as SPSS or SAS for any sophisticated analysis.
Although the CVS includes some standardized report features, these are
Contractual services & You should include costs for any assistance you may need
with sampling, making calls, or analyzing data. These costs may vary
from enough to carry out the entire survey task to nothing, if you have
the expertise in-house.