Keyboard Shortcust For MSExcel
Keyboard Shortcust For MSExcel
Keyboard Shortcust For MSExcel
Note To enlarge the Help window to fill the screen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then press X. To restore the window to its previous size and location, press
ALT+SPACEBAR and then press R. To print this topic, press ALT+O and then press P.
Press To
ALT+' (apostrophe) Display the Style dialog box
CTRL+1 Display the Format Cells dialog box
CTRL+SHIFT+~ Apply the General number format
CTRL+SHIFT+$ Apply the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers appear in parentheses)
CTRL+SHIFT+% Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places
CTRL+SHIFT+^ Apply the Exponential number format with two decimal places
CTRL+SHIFT+# Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year
CTRL+SHIFT+@ Apply the Time format with the hour and minute, and indicate A.M. or P.M.
CTRL+SHIFT+! Apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (–) for negative values
CTRL+SHIFT+& Apply the outline border
CTRL+SHIFT+_ Remove outline borders
CTRL+B Apply or remove bold formatting
CTRL+I Apply or remove italic formatting
CTRL+U Apply or remove an underline
CTRL+5 Apply or remove strikethrough formatting
CTRL+9 Hide rows
CTRL+SHIFT+( (opening Unhide rows
CTRL+0 (zero) Hide columns
CTRL+SHIFT+) (closing Unhide columns
Note To enlarge the Help window to fill the screen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then press X. To restore the window to its previous size and location, press
ALT+SPACEBAR and then press R. To print this topic, press ALT+O and then press P.
Keys for entering data on a worksheet
Keys for working in cells or the formula bar
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CTRL+` (single left quotation Alternate between displaying cell values and displaying cell formulas
CTRL+' (apostrophe) Copy a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the formula bar
ALT+DOWN ARROW Display the AutoComplete list
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Tip When you use the scrolling keys (such as PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN) with SCROLL LOCK turned off, your selection moves the distance you scroll. If you
want to keep the same selection as you scroll, turn on SCROLL LOCK first.
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Keys for extending the selection with End mode on
Press To
END Turn End mode on or off
END, SHIFT+arrow key Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell
END, SHIFT+HOME Extend the selection to the last cell used on the worksheet (lower-right corner)
END, SHIFT+ENTER Extend the selection to the last cell in the current row. This keystroke is unavailable if you selected the Transition navigation keys
check box on the Transition tab (Tools menu, Options command).
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5. Press the TAB key to cycle forward (or SHIFT+TAB to cycle backward) through the objects until sizing handles appear on the embedded chart you want to select.
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LEFT ARROW or RIGHT Move one character left or right within a field
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Select the character to the left
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Select the character to the right
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Keys for using AutoFilter
Press To
Arrow keys to select the cell Display the AutoFilter list for the current column
that contains the column
label, and then press
DOWN ARROW Select the next item in the AutoFilter list
UP ARROW Select the previous item in the AutoFilter list
ALT+UP ARROW Close the AutoFilter list for the current column
HOME Select the first item (All) in the AutoFilter list
END Select the last item in the AutoFilter list
ENTER Filter the list by using the selected item in the AutoFilter list
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Press To
ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT Group rows or columns
ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Ungroup rows or columns
CTRL+8 Display or hide outline symbols
CTRL+9 Hide selected rows
CTRL+SHIFT+( (opening Unhide selected rows
CTRL+0 (zero) Hide selected columns
CTRL+SHIFT+) (closing Unhide selected columns
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Keys to use with the OLAP Cube Wizard
Use these keys to complete Step 2 in the OLAP Cube Wizard.
To move a field from the Source fields list to the Dimensions box
1. Press the TAB key to select the Source fields list.
2. Press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to select the field you want to move.
Because you cannot change the order of a field after you move it, select first the field you want to appear at the top of the Dimensions box.
3. Press the TAB key to select the > button, and then press ENTER.
4. To move other fields, repeat steps 1 through 3.
Tip When you use scrolling keys (such as PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN) with SCROLL LOCK turned off, your selection moves the distance you scroll. If you want
to preserve your selection while you scroll through the worksheet, turn on SCROLL LOCK first.
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Keys for previewing and printing a document
Note To enlarge the Help window to fill the screen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then press X. To restore the window to its previous size and location, press
ALT+SPACEBAR and then press R. To print this topic, press ALT+O and then press P.
Press To
CTRL+P or Display the Print dialog box
Press To
F10 or ALT Make the menu bar active, or close a visible menu and submenu at the same time
TAB or SHIFT+TAB (when a Select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar
toolbar is active)
CTRL+TAB or Select the next or previous toolbar
toolbar is active)
ENTER Open the selected menu, or perform the action assigned to the selected button
SHIFT+F10 Show a shortcut menu
ALT+SPACEBAR Show the program icon menu (on the program title bar)
DOWN ARROW or UP Select the next or previous command on the menu or submenu
ARROW (with the menu or
submenu displayed)
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT Select the menu to the left or right or, with a submenu visible, switch between the main menu and the submenu
HOME or END Select the first or last command on the menu or submenu
ESC Close the visible menu or, with a submenu visible, close the submenu only
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Display the full set of commands on a menu
Tip You can select any menu command on the menu bar or on a visible toolbar with the keyboard. To select the menu bar, press ALT. (Then to select a toolbar,
press CTRL+TAB repeatedly until you select the toolbar you want.) Press the underlined letter in the menu name that contains the command you want. In the menu
that appears, press the underlined letter in the command name that you want.
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Keys for dialog boxes
In a dialog box, press To
TAB Move to the next option or option group
SHIFT+TAB Move to the previous option or option group
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PAGE Switch to the next tab in a dialog box
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB or Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box
Arrow keys Move between options in the active drop-down list box or between some options in a group of options
SPACEBAR Perform the action assigned to the active button (the button with the dotted outline), or select or clear the active check box
Letter key for the first letter Move to an option in a drop-down list box
in the option name you want
(when a drop-down list box
is selected)
ALT+letter, where letter is Select an option, or select or clear a check box
the key for the underlined
letter in the option name
ALT+DOWN ARROW Open the selected drop-down list box
ENTER Perform the action assigned to the default command button in the dialog box (the button with the bold outline — often the OK button)
Keys for working with the Open and Save As dialog boxes
Note To enlarge the Help window to fill the screen, press ALT+SPACEBAR and then press X. To restore the window to its previous size and location, press
ALT+SPACEBAR and then press R. To print this topic, press ALT+O and then press P.
Press To
CTRL+F12 or CTRL+O Display the Open dialog box
ALT+F2 or F12 or CTRL+S Save the active workbook
ALT+SHIFT+F2 or Display the Save as dialog box
ALT+1 Go to the previous folder ()
ALT+2 Open the folder up one level from the open folder (Up One Level button )
ALT+3 Close the dialog box, and open your World Wide Web search page (Search the Web button )
ALT+4 Delete the selected folder or file (Delete button )
ALT+5 Create a new subfolder in the open folder (Create New Folder button )
ALT+6 Switch between List, Details, Properties, and Preview views
ALT+7 Show the Tools menu (Tools button)
Press To
SHIFT+TAB Move to the e-mail message header. Cell A1 must be the active cell when you press these keys.
ALT+S Send the active spreadsheet as an e-mail message
CTRL+SHIFT+B Open the Address Book
ALT+K Check the names in the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes against the Address Book
ALT+PERIOD Open the Address Book in the To box
ALT+C Open the Address Book in the Cc box
ALT+B Open the Address Book in the Bcc box
ALT+J Go to the Subject box
ALT+P Open the Outlook Message Options dialog box (View menu, Options command in a message)
CTRL+SHIFT+G Create a message flag
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