Aviation Functional Test
Aviation Functional Test
Aviation Functional Test
The following functional tests are intended to give a test procedure to the technician in case the aircraft
manufacturer has not provided test procedures for the avionic equipment. The functional tests for the
VHF COM, VOR, LOC and G/S Receiver are based on the use of a IFR NAV 401 or IFR NAV 402 Test
set. The DME Test procedure is based on the use of a IFR ATC600A test set. If other test sets are to be
used, refer to the manufacturer instructions of the test set on how to perform the test as listed in this
1 Display function
1. Verify COM Display brightness, dimming and readability of the display.
2 Frequency deviation
1. Set MOD Selector on test set to MOD IN
2. Set DISPLAY selector on test set to KHZ Range and push in to switch on display
3. Set COM to 118.000 MHZ and press PTT
4. Test set will display transmitted Frequency. Note deviation
5. Set COM to 136.975 MHZ and press PTT
6. Test set will display transmitted Frequency. Note deviation
7. Record the bigger of the 2 deviations to the test record
7 FM Immunity
Check that the unit is FM immune acc. to ICAO ANNEX 10 by comparing Part number and MOD
Status of the Receiver with manufacturer Annex 10 Compliance statement .
DME Test:
1. Set up the remote test antenna on the tripod. Adjust test antenna height to be equal to aircraft DME
antenna. (Test antenna is usually positioned for convenience,)
2. Horizontally position test antenna the distance from aircraft antenna indicated on test antenna’s coaxial
cable, approximately 21 inches (53.34 cm) .
3. Route loose end of coaxial cable into the aircraft via a vent window, door or other opening.
4. Connect remote test antenna coaxial cable to RF INPUT/OUTPUT Connector.
5. Power Up the test set.
6. Power up the aircraft as necessary to power the Avionic Equipment.
7. Power-up airborne DME and allow several minutes for warm-up.
1 Display function
1. Verify Display brightness and readability of the display.
4 Squitter Lock-Out
1. Set SQUITTER ON/OFF Switch to OFF.
2. Slew range to desired position.
3. Set DME to appropriate channel:
17X 108.00
17Y 108.05
4. Verify after DME memory time, the DME drops out without searching.
NOTE: Most DME Systems are equipped with a Squitter Lock- Out to prevent searching until the Squitter
is received.
5. Set SQUITTER ON/OFF Switch to SQTR.
6. Verify DME begins searching.
5 IDENT Tone
1. Set IDENT/50% RPLY Switch to IDENT.
2. Verify 1350 Hz tone is heard through the audio system.
NOTE: Addition of the IDENT Tone is a good check of memory time, as the IDENT Tone supersedes all
range and squitter pulses.
6 50 Percent Reply
1. Set IDENT/50% RPLY Switch to 50% RPLY.
2. Verify 50% of all replies to the DME are deleted.
3. Verify DME stays in track mode.
NOTE: Deleting half of all replies to the DME checks the ability of the DME to lock-on or to track under
poor signal conditions.
7 Y Channel Operation
1. Set Aircraft Frequency Control to 108.05.
2. Set Test Set DME CHANNEL Switch to 17Y/108.05.
3. Verify DME lock-on and tracking.
NOTE: Any number of different distances from 0 to 399 NM may be similarly checked in 1 NM
NOTE: If the DME is set to display distance in nautical miles (NM), the distance should equal the
instantaneous range indicated on the Test Set NUMERICAL Readout in 0.1 NM.
NOTE: Any number of velocities and instantaneous distances may be similarly checked.
VOR Test:
1 Display function
1. Verify Display brightness, dimming and readability of the display.
4 TO / FROM Indication
1 Set VOR BRG to 000
2 Set Indicator to course 000
3 Verify centered needle
4 Turn indicator CCW until to from indicator starts to change direction
5 Record the value
6 Turn indicator CW until to from indicator starts to change direction
7 Record the value
5 Flag Indication
1 Set course to display half scale deflection
2 Decrease the 9.96 khz signal by rotating outer knob of MOD CTL CCW.
3 Verify flag comes into view
4 Return knob to full CW position
5 Decrease the 30 hz signal by rotating the inner knob of MOD CTL CCW
6 Verify flag comes into view
7 FM Immunity
Check that the unit is FM immune acc. to ICAO ANNEX 10 by comparing Part number and MOD
Status of the Receiver with manufacturer Annex 10 Compliance statement .
LOC Test:
1 Display function
1. Verify Display brightness, dimming and readability of the display.
3 Standard Deviation
1. Increase output level to 20 db above sensitivity
2. Set LOC DDM to0
3. Record deviation at o
4. Set LOC DDM to 0,093 left and right
5. Record deviation at 0,093 DDM ( 1 dot on 2 dot scale, 3 dots on 5 dot scale)
6. Set LOC DDM to 0,155 left and right
7. Verify 2 dots deflection
8. Set LOC DDM to 0,200 left and right
9. Verify full scale deflection
4 Flag function
1 Set LOC DDM to 150
2 Verify Flag comes into view
3 Set LOC DDM to 90
4 Verify Flag comes into view
5 Expanded Scale
If an expanded LOC Scale is installed on the Aircraft (will be visible when LOC DDM 0 is selected)
verify the function of the scale by selecting LOC DDM to Manual and adjusting the deviation with the
manual knob around the 0 value. Scale limit will be lower then 1 dot.
6 Repeater
Verify during all the tests above that the indication on the repeater corresponds to the indications on
the primary indicator.
7 FM Immunity
Check that the unit is FM immune acc. to ICAO ANNEX 10 by comparing Part number and MOD
Status of the Receiver with manufacturer Annex 10 Compliance statement .
G/S Test:
1 Sensitivity
1. Set LOC Frequency to 108.10.
2. Set PEAK LOC/AVG Switch to PEAK LOC
3. Set Test set MODE Switch to G/S XTL.
4. NOTE: The LOC Frequency to be set in the aircraft is the same as before.
5. Set G/S DDM to 0,091
6. Verify Signal reception and Flag is out of view.
7. Reduce output by increasing output attenuation at the test set until flag comes in view
8. Record the value on the test record.
2 Standard Deviation
1. Increase output level to 20 db above sensitivity
2. Set G/S DDM to0
3. Record deviation at o
4. Set G/S DDM to 0,091 up and down
5. Record deviation at 0,091 DDM ( 1 dot on 2 dot scale, 3 dots on 5 dot scale)
6. Set G/S DDM to 0,175 up and down
7. Verify 2 dots deflection
8. Set G/S DDM to 0,400 up and down
9. Verify full scale deflection
3 Flag function
1 Set G/S DDM to 150
2 Verify Flag comes into view
3 Set G/S DDM to 90
4 Verify Flag comes into view
4 Repeater
Verify during all the tests above that the indication on the repeater corresponds to the indications on
the primary indicator.
1 Sensitivity
NOTE: On some installations, the Marker Antenna is located far aft on the fuselage. When this occurs, and
receiver sensitivity is low (-35 to -45 dBm), the Test Set situated in the cockpit radiates RF insufficient to
operate the Receiver. Moving the Test Set outside the aircraft normally provides more than enough signal
strength to completely check Marker audio and lights.
1. Locate the Test set outside near the Marker Antenna
2. Set Test set MODE Switch to MKR XTL.
3. Set MOD selector to 400
4. Set Marker Switch to High Sensitivity
5. Switch Audio Panel to Marker
6. Amplify output by decreasing output attenuation at the test set until Outer Marker Beacon light is lit
7. Verify Audio Signal reception of 400 Hz.
8. Switch MOD selector to 1300
9. Verify 1300 Hz Audio and Middle Marker beacon light lit
10. Switch MOD selector to 3000
11. Verify 3000 Hz Audio and Airway Marker beacon light lit
12. Set Marker Switch to Low Sensitivity and repeat for all 3 frequencies
Note: In some installations the Power of the test set may not be sufficient to generate the lights in LOW. In
that case verify that the audio level decrease significantly when switching from high to low.
Operational Tests
The following operational tests are intended to give a test procedure to the technician in case the aircraft
manufacturer has not provided test procedures for the avionic equipment. These tests can be performed
without the need for special test equipment (with the exception of the FDR). Note that these procedures
are very generic and may not test all functions of your equipment.
Note: The following test is required for all automatic fixed and automatic portable ELT´s. If a 406 MHz
ELT is installed and the instructions for continued airworthiness for that installation require a code
verification then refer to the manufacturers instructions of the required test set for the applicable test
Caution: This test is time sensitive. It may only be done during the first five minutes of every hour for
maximum of 3 sweeps.
1 Set VHF COM to 121.5 Mhz
2 Verify reception of Audio by opening the squelch and listen for noise
3 Switch ELT switch on ELT remote Panel to On
4 Verify reception of a loud sweeping tone
5 After max 3 sweeps switch ELT switch to OFF
6 Repeat for ELT Switch on ELT direct.
7 Record Battery Replacement date (direct on battey)
Caution: The test of a HF COM radiates high energy from the HF Antenna. When performing this test make
sure that the aircraft is not in a Hangar and there are no people or Equipment in the area of the HF Antenna.
1. Set the interphone to On
2. While speaking in the headset microphone verify side ton in the headset
3. While speaking in the left headset microphone verify audio in the right headset
4. While speaking in the right headset microphone verify audio in the left headset
Headsets, Boom Mike´s and Speakers, Audio Control Panels:
By using them for the VHF COM Tests or interphone tests verify proper operation
Select PA on Audio Control Panel
1. Make an announcement and verify the following parameters:
2. It is heard loud and clear at:
a. Every passenger seat
b. Every cabin crew seat
c. Every toilet and galley
3. It is operational within 10 seconds
Caution: for the following tests the aircraft must be out of the Hangar!
Weather radar:
CAUTION: Do not turn radar on within 15 feet of ground personnel, or containers holding flammable or ex-
plosive materials. The radar should never operate during fueling operations. Do not operate radar system when
beam may intercept larger metallic objects closer than 150 feet, as crystal damage might occur.
1. Turn on stormscope
2. Perform self test and verify test pattern
3. Verify display readability and dimming function
4. Switch thru all possible ranges and observe display
Radar Altimeter:
1. Observe Ground indication on RadAlt and record
2. Perform self test and record test altitude
3. Adjust DH down while in self test and record difference between DH and Rad Alt when DH Alert
1. Consult AFM or Supplement and verify GPS operational capability (VFR/IFR)
2. Turn on GPS Receiver
3. Verify Nav Data Base Expiration date and record (For IFR GPS must be current)
4. Verify that the display is readable under all possible lighting conditions.
5. For IFR GPS only: Verify Alt input corresponds to px Alt (Altimeter on 1013)
6. Record visible Satellites, used satellites and the calculated Position error ( If no position Error is
calculated by the GPS, Record the HDOP value given by the GPS.)
7. Insert a known waypoint into the GPS and verify that GPS shows correct Navigation data
1. Turn on the ADF
2. Tune in a nearby ADF Station
3. Verify that the Identification of the station can be heard over the Audio system
4. Check that the BFO is operational
5. Verify the direction to the ADF Station via Calculation or another NAV System
6. Check that the difference between the ADF Indication and the true Bearing to the NDB does not exceed
5 degrees.
7. Repeat Step 6 for at least 4 different Headings (approx spacing 90 degrees). Preferable Directions are
the 45 degree Quadrants of the Airplane (45 degrees left and right of the Nose and the tail)
8. If in any direction the ADF shows more then 5 degrees deviation then a full ADF Swing and QEC must
be performed.
1. Consult AFM or Supplement and verify FMS operational capability (PRNAV/BRNAV/MNPS/RNP
2. Turn on the FMS
3. Verify Nav Data Base Expiration date and record (must be current)
4. Let the NAV Sensors fort he FMS align and stabilize . Record the Sensor Systems
5. Verify the display is readable and dimmable
6. Verify the keyboard is operational
7. Record the current ANP value or Position Error
8. Insert a known waypoint into the FMS and verify that FMS shows correct Navigation data
Autopilot/Flight director
1. Turn on the Autopilot /Flight director system
2. If installed perform self test of Autopilot/Flight director system
3. Verify that the Basic mode (Roll Attitude/Pitch attitude) is engaged (if applicable)
4. Variate Roll and pitch control and observe Flight director/Control column follows
5. Engage Heading Mode
6. Variate Command HDG and observe Flight director/Control column follows
7. Engage Nav Mode
8. Input a NAV Signal with test set and observe Flight director/Control column captures and tracks the
NAV source.
9. Engage Approach Mode
10. Input a ILS Signal with test set and observe Flight director/Control column follows.
11. Engage Alt Hold Mode
12. Verify Flight director/Control column position for level flight
13. Engage Alt Select Mode
14. Verify Flight director/Control column position for climb/descent
15. Engage Speed Mode.
16. Verify Flight director/Control column position according to maintain airspeed
17. Engage V/S Mode
18. Verify Flight director/Control column position according to maintain V/S
19. Engage Yaw Damper
20. Verify Yaw damper operation by inducing yaw oscillation with rudder.
21. Disengage A/P with every Control column disengage button. Verify positive and immediate
disengagement and audio
22. Reengage autopilot and verify disconnect when operating the electric trim (if installed)
1. Make sure the transponders operate normally
2. Initiate TCAS self test
3. Monitor Display for 4 Targets and Audio Message „Test O.K.“
1. Verify that the indicated Heading corresponds to the actual Heading
2. Verify that the indicated l attitude of the aircraft corresponds to the actual attitude
3. Perform Self test and verify correct indication of self test values
Emergency Lights:
1. Power up the Aircraft
2. Let the Emergency lights being charged for at least 30 minutes
3. Put Emergency lights switch to on and verify operation of all emergency lights (interior and exterior)
4. Put the switch back to off then to ARM
5. Remove Power from the Aircraft
6. Make sure that the emergency lights come on
7. Put power back on and switch Emergency lights to OFF
Visual Inspections:
Inspect All Antennas for:
1. broken or missing antenna insulators
2. lead through insulators
3. springs
4. safety wires
5. cracked antenna housing
6. missing or poor sealant at base of antenna
7. correct installation
8. signs of corrosion, and
9. the condition of paint/bonding and grounding.
Alternative Testprocedures
For the following Systems as an altenative to the above listed operational checks the following flight test
procedure may be used.
1. 2 procedures are available: the first one uses a VOR as a known Point of reference, the second one use
an onboard GPS System to generate a reference line to the NDB. Both procedures provide a known
bearing to the NDB Station which will then be overflown with different headings to provide a relative
Bearing of the station to the aircraft of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270 and 315 degrees.
2. Establish the reference Point: If you are using a VOR calculate the bearing from the VOR Station to the
NDB. If you are using installed GPS: establish direct course to NDB. This will give you directly the
bearing to the NDB station
3. Calculate 8 Headings by staring with the bearing to the NDB and adding every time 45 degrees. Note
that headings down.
4. Tune ADF to the selected NDB.
5. Using each of that headings to fly over your reference point or line. When exactly on the reference
monitor the ADF indication and note the deviation from the true bearing.
1. Use each of the available pitch modes and monitor Autopilot for following the correct settings and
operating smooth and stable.
2. Use each of the available Roll modes and monitor correct capture and tracking
3. Perform coupled ILS approach and monitor Autopilot capture and ILS tracking is O.K.
Weather radar:
1. In flight operate weather radar to display weather information
2. Verify that information visuell if possible.
3. Try tilt and range adjustment to produce different displays
4. Try mapping function
Rad Alt:
1. During approach monitor Radio Altimeter and verify correct and smooth operation