Letter To DART From NPPA's General Counsel
Letter To DART From NPPA's General Counsel
Letter To DART From NPPA's General Counsel
Chief Spiller
March 4, 2016
Page 2
Furthermore, it is not a police officers duty or right to decide what images are acceptable for news
coverage. So long as media are in a public forum and not violating any ordinances they have a right to gather
news unfettered by the personal feelings or opinions of law enforcement. Anything less may be considered a form
of prior restraint or censorship. Law enforcement agencies are established to uphold and enforce existing laws
not to use them as a pretext to punish someone exercising their free speech right to photograph in public. At best,
behavior that chills free speech is extremely unprofessional, at worst it is criminal and may leave your agency
and ultimately the taxpayers liable for damages in a federal civil rights lawsuit, especially in light of the fact that
the charges against Mr. Adelman have been dismissed.
While it appears you have a policy regarding this issue it seems to be nothing more than a piece of paper.
The fact that it has been ignored indicates that your officers are in dire need of proper training. NPPA once again
offers its assistance in that regard. In the meantime, we respectfully request that this incident be fully and
independently investigated. We further request that your department immediately issue orders directing officers
to cease such activity and also that your department implement revised training for all officers regarding these
Thank you for your attention in this matter. I look forward to your response.
Very truly yours,
Mickey H. Osterreicher
Mickey H. Osterreicher
General Counsel
Gary C. Thomas, President/Executive Director, DART via email & facsimile 214.749.0281 [email protected]
Morgan Lyons, Asst. VP, Communications & Community Engagement, DART via email [email protected]
Mr. Avi S. Adelman via email [email protected]