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Digital Media Essay

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Sonuc Ozparlak

Digital media
Over the past ten to fifteen years, there has been a major change in the way people
communicate to each other due to the development of the internet. Because of this,
there has been a massive effect on the amount of socialising between friends and family;
using technology in online social messaging websites such as Facebook, Twitter Snapchat
and many more. Through these social messaging websites, more and more people can
interact with their friends and family all over the world. Communication has been divided
into two sections which are; multi modal talk and face to face communication. From this,
humans learnt to take some features of face to face communication and implement it
into the way we speak and how we communicate.
Digital media is classified as a tool that can be used to communicate with others, such as
using text and talking on the phone, without being with the person who you are
communicating with, being able to communicate on a global scale is a major
achievement as it is a much faster way to communicate as if you were going to send a
letter it would take over 2 days to get there, however though digital communication the
message will send almost immediately.
One way that users of digital media create some aspects of face to face communication
is through the use of emoticons. Emoticons are used as a representation of the use of a
facial expression such as a smile or a frown. The paralinguistic device of facial expression
is important as it is used to add emotion and depth into a statement. It can also be used
to portray a certain tone which is related to the emoticon for example, the embarrassed
emoticon would have a quiet tone embedded. This helps the reader understand what the
other person is feeling. There are three ways people can communicate and they are
idiolect, which is the way you normally speak, sociolect, a way some people speak from a
particular social group and dialect, which is a way people speak from a particular
geographical area.
Personally I use certain aspects of digital media ( including: text,snapchat, Instagram ) to
communicate with my friends and family, and I use this type of communication when I
am not able to see them in person, I personally believe that that social media has is
becoming more and more popular in all age groups as you can do many things with it as
in whatsapp you can see weather Someone has received or read a message you have
sent and to keep everyone updated you can have a group chat where you can have as
many people as you want and you can talk together and contribute ideas when you are
at home or on the bus going somewhere. Skype is also a great ways to communicate as
you can use a camera and you can see the person whilst you are speaking which
recreates the way we can speak face to face through digital media, this could also be
useful for companies as they can do interviews over Skype.
In my first transcript I have used a typical conversation that I had when I was talking with
a friend, we were just talking about how we were and what has been happening in our
lives whilst we weren't with each other. In the conversations was the first one to initiate
the conversation where I said "hello m8" this is an example of phatic talk as I am
engaging my friend to talk back so we can have a conversation I have also used a
number homophone which is "m8" which is actually meant to spell mate. When my friend

Sonuc Ozparlak
replies he uses two informal techniques " yooo bro" there is slang and an abbreviation
used to miss out some words to shorten the sentence and this is commonly used when
talking to a friend the extended 'o' is used for emphasis and to make the chat more lively
this a paralinguistic feature as it recreates digital media.
Whilst messaging my friend it is hard to show emotions as in face to face communication
it is natural but to help this I used some emoticons such as straight faces and smileys to
show some emotions to recreate a similar feel to face to face communication.when
talking though digital media there is a lack of body language and paralinguistic features,
however we create this by using raised volume " WHAT " and sound replications " ugh" to
recreate some paralinguistic features as if my friend send me a upset face emoticon I
would automatically know they are not feeling good, although research shows that 92.5%
of most conversations are based on body language and emotions.
This conversation with my friend is very informal as it normally is with teenagers the
work "sick" that I have used means good or fun which is now a widely understood word
amongst teenagers, so I easily understand this as I said it in my transcript. The
traditional meaning of sick is being ill however digital media has recreated its own street
language used by many youngsters in the uk and globally.
In my second transcript I have done a formal email to teacher saying that I won't be able
to attend a lesson, this is very different to my conversation with my friend as my teacher
is not my friend and I need to show as much respect as possible as he has a higher
status than me and I am a student, this recreates face to face communication as if I was
speaking to my teacher in reality I would also be formal and polite and will call him by his
last name as I have done in this digital email " Mr Smith" this shows formal language and
a lack of paralinguistic features as this is s major fall when it comes to digital media it's
hard to express emotions and formality.
There are many different types of public attitudes associated with digital media as shown
in a article by James butler by the metro and he says that digital media is killing the
ability to have a face to face conversation with a person as it is all now digital people are
forgetting how to communicate properly and formally when needed " invaded by the
mobile devices" this quote by James butler states that when eating at the dinner table
everyone Is on there phones communicating to each other and not talking to each other
whilst at the table. James butler also says that it is faster to communicate though digital
media and uses some hyperbole to shows how it has evolved by saying it has made face
to face communication extinct.
Other article that shows public attitude is one written by David crystal and he makes an
astonishing statement when he says that teenagers only use 800 words in daily
communication as they do not have a wide vocabulary as an ordinary adult would have a
vocabulary size as much as 20,000 words without knowing it and thus can double if you
are bilingual.

Sonuc Ozparlak
An article written by John humphreys says that texting is a bad thing as many people are
now using abbreviations such as LOL and ASAP, and some people do not understand
which can cause a major communication Barrier and it could also lead to bullying as if
you are in school and you don't know some other student may think your weird for not
knowing and may act in a different manner to you, John Humphrey also says that that
abbreviations are making people less formal and it makes you slip into sloppy habits of
using them whilst writing formal emails or messages.
In my opinion digital media has changed a lot however I personally think people are
people are taking advantage of it and aren't being as formal as they possible can. There
are many advantages of digital media however it is balanced out with many
disadvantages as there are many barriers due to this, an amazing report stating that in
2012 people in the uk were more likely to communicate via digital media than to
communicate face to face which has lead us to recreating digital media to be as similar
as face to face communication.

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