Nursing Jurisprudence
Nursing Jurisprudence
Nursing Jurisprudence
Laws Affecting the Practice of Nursing in the Philippines
Republic Acts
RA 386 Ordained and instituted the Civil Code
RA 673 Code of Conduct
RA 877 June 19, 1953 Philippine nursing law
RA 1054 Requires the owner, lessee or operator of any
commercial, industrial or agricultural establishments to
furnish free emergency, medical and dental attendance
to his employees and laborers
RA 1080 Civil Service Act
Those who pass the bar and board examinations are
declared to be civil service eligible
RA 1082 June 1954 1st RHU Act (1953)
Amended by RA 1891 on June 22, 1957
Creation of 1st 81 RHUs
RA 1612 Privilege tax shall be paid before any business or
occupation can be lawfully begun or pursued
RA 1891 1957 Strengthened dental and health services in RHUs and
created RHUs of 8 categories of staffing patterns
RA 2382 Philippine Medical Act
RA 2493 1915 Regulated the practice of medicine
RA 2808 March 1, 1919 First true nursing law
1920 First board examination in the Philippines was given
RA 3015 Anti-Graft and Corruption Act
RA 3573 1929 All communicable diseases should be reported to nearest
health station
RA 3720 June 22, 1963 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
RA 4073 Liberalized the treatment of leprosy
RA 4226 June 19, 1965 Hospital Licensure Act
Licensing Agency = Office for Hospital and Medical
Services, Department of Health
RA 4405 June 16, 1965 Enlarged the staff by integrating into the RHU units the
provincial, city, and municipal sanitary inspectors, nurses
and midwives
RA 4642 1965-1966 1965-1966 Appropriation Act
RA 4704 June 18, 1966 Amended certain portions of RA 877
RA 5181 Permanent residence and reciprocity as qualifications for
any examination or registration for the practice of any
profession in the Philippines
RA 5901 Nurses working in 100-bed capacity or above and are
working in an area of 1 million population are supposed
to work only 40 hours a week
RA 5921 June 23, 1969 Law regulating the practice of Pharmacy as well as set
standards for Pharmaceutical Education in the Philippines
RA 6111 1969 Philippine Medical Care (MEDICARE) Act
Employees insured with the GSIS and SSS are entitled to
hospitalization privileges
RA 6136 Application and execution of legal orders in writing of
physicians concerning treatments and medications
RA 6365 National Policy on Population and created the POPCOM
RA 6425 March 30, 1972 Dangerous Drugs Act (old)
RA 6511 July 1, 1972 Amend RA 465 which standardized the examination and
registration fees
RA 6675 September 13, Generics Act of 1988
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RA 6713 Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees
RA 6758 1989 Classification and Compensation Act or Salary
Standardization Law
Standardized the salaries of government employees
which include the nursing personnel
RA 6809 Age of majority is 18 years (legal age)
RA 6972 Barangay Day Care Center
RA 7160 Local Government Code
RA 7164 June 6, 1991 Philippine Nursing Act of 1991
By Sen. Heherson
RA 7170 February 20, 1995 Organ Donation Act of 1991
RA 7305 March 26, 1992 Magna Carta for Public Health Workers
By Sen. Edgardo
RA 7392 April 10, 1992 Amended RA 2644 (Midwifery Law)
Lying-in Clinics
RA 7394 April 13, 1992 Consumer Act of the Philippines
RA 7432 Senior Citizens’ Act
20% discount in all public establishments
RA 7600 1992 Rooming-in and Breastfeeding Act
By Sen. Juan
RA 7610 Act Against Child Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation
RA 7719 May 5, 1994 National Blood Services Act
RA 7846 December 30, 1994 Compulsory immunization against “Hepatitis B” for
infants and children below 8 years old
RA 7875 February 14, 1995 National Health Insurance Act
RA 7876 Senior Citizens Day Care Center Act
RA 7877 Anti-Sexual Harassment Act
RA 7883 February 20, 1995 Barangay Health Workers’ Benefits and Incentives Act of
RA 8042 1992 Migrant Filipino Overseas Contract Workers Act
RA 8172 Salt Iodization Act
RA 8191 National Diabetes Act
RA 8203 September 4, 1996 Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs
RA 8293 1998 Intellectual Property Code
RA 8344 Prohibits hospitals and clinics from demanding advance
payments/cash deposits before patients are
RA 8353 1997 Anti-Rape Law
RA 8423 December 09, 1997 Philippine Institution of Traditional and Alternative
Health Act
RA 8749 23 June 1999 Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999.
RA 8792 Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
Computerization of government agencies
RA 8976 Philippine Food Fortification Act of 2000
RA 8980 2000 Early Child Care Development Act
“Bright Child”
RA 8981 2000 PRC Modernization/Computerization Act
“Professional Identification Card”
RA 9003 January 26, 2001 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
RA 9165 Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
RA 9173 October 21, 2002 Philippine Nursing Act 0f 2002
RA 9211 Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003
RA 9257 2004 Expanded Senior Citizens’ Act
20% discount in meds/transport/theater/food
5% discount on grocery items
RA 9262 Act Defining Violence Against Women and Children,
Domestic Violence
RA 9288 April 7, 2004 Newborn Screening Act of 2004
RA 9376 January 17, 2007 Biofuel Act of 2006, An Act that would Allow the Use of
By Rep. Juan Biofuels as an Alternative Source of Fuel for the
Miguel Zubiri Transport Sector.
Two kinds of biofuel:
1. Bioethanol or E10 (5%) from sugarcane as an
additive to gasoline (4th year = 10%)
2. Biodiesel or B1 from coconut, as an additive to
Presidential Decrees
PD 48 Limits paid maternity leave privileges to four children
PD 69 Limits the number of children to 4 for tax exemption
PD 148 Amended RA 679 (Woman and Child Labor Law)
Employable age shall be 16 years and privileges for
working women
PD 166 Amended PD 791
Strengthens family planning programs though
participation of private organizations and individuals
PD 223 June 23, 1973 Creation of Professional Regulation Commission
PD 442 Labor Code of the Philippines
Right to self-organization and collective bargaining
PD 603 Child and Youth Welfare Code
PD 626 Employee Compensation and State Insurance Fund Act
PD 651 Registration of birth of a child within 30 days with the
Civil Registrar
PD 791 Revised Population Act
Defines the objectives, duties and functions of the
PD 807 Civil Service Law
PD 825 Penalty for improper disposal of garbage and other forms
of uncleanliness
PD 856 Code of Sanitation
PD 881 January 30, 1976 Empowers the Secretary of Health to regulate the sale,
labeling, manufacture, and distribution of hazardous
PD 965 Requires couples to undergo family planning and
responsible parenthood seminars prior to the issuance of
a marriage license
PD 996 September 16, Compulsory immunization for all children below eight
1976 years old
PD 1204 Includes DILG and DOLE in national family planning
health and welfare programs
PD 1519 Medicare benefits to all government employees
regardless of status of appointment
PD 1636 January 1980 Compulsory membership in the GSIS or SSS Retirement
Executive Orders
EO 2 Redirecting the Functions and Operations of the
Department of Health
EO 51 Milk Code
EO 209 Family Code of the Philippines
EO 280 Avian influenza/bird flu virus and other related matters
EO 503 Transfer of personnel, assets, liabilities and records of
national government agencies whose functions are to be
devolved to LGUs
Administrative Orders
AO 70 2002 Licensing of Botika ng Barangay in various Local
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Government Units
AO 70-A 2002 Revised Rules & Regulations Governing the Registration,
Licensure & Operation of Hospitals & Other Health
Facilities in the Philippines
AO 71 2002 Implementing Guidelines for the Polio-Free Maintenance
Immunization Campaign
AO 73 2002 Implementation Guidelines for the Unified GTZ Support
to the Philippines Health Sector
AO 76 2001 Creation of DOH National Infectious Disease Advisory
Council (NIDAC)
AO 78 2002 Amendment to A.O. No. 7-C s. 2001, Section A 1, 1.1, 2,
2.1 (Decentralization of some regulatory functions of the
BHFS on Cinical Lab & HIV Testing Lab to the CHD in the
Transition Phase)
AO 90 2002 Current Good Manufacturing Practice Guidelines for
Cosmetic Products
AO 114 1991 Revised the roles and functions of Public Health Workers
Letter of Instructions
LOI 47 Integration of family planning in the curricula and to
require graduates sufficient licensing information
LOI 949 October 19, 1979 Primary Health Care
In lined with Alma Ata WHO Convention USSR on
September 6-12, 1978
LOI 1000 March 20, 1980 Members of accredited professional organizations shall be
given priority in the hiring of employees in the
government service and in the engagement of
professional services
Presidential Proclamations
PP 4 July 29, 1998 Declaring the period from September 16-October 14,
1998 as the “Ligtas Tigdas Month” and launching the
Philippines Measles Elimination Campaign
PP 6 April 3, 1986 Implementing a UN goal on “Universal Child
Immunization” by 1990
PP 46 September 16, Reaffirming the commitment of the Philippines to the
1992 “Universal Child and Mother Immunization” goal of the
World Health Assembly
PP 147 March 3, 1993 Declaring April 21 and May 19, 1993 and every 3rd
Wednesday of January and February for 2 years as
“National Immunization Days (NIDs)”
PP 539 October 17, 1958 Nurses’ Week every 4th Week of October
PP 773 March 28, 1996 Declaring April 17 and May 15, 1996 and every 3rd
Wednesday of April and May from 1996-2000 as “Knock
Out Polio Days”
PP 1064 August 27, 1997 Enjoining all sectors of society to participate in the
“Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP)” surveillance component
of polio eradication campaign of the Philippines
PP 1066 August 26, 1997 Declaring a national “neonatal tetanus” elimination
campaign starting 1997
PP 1275 Midwifery Week every 3rd Week of October
Ministry Circulars
MC 2 1986 AIDS as notifiable disease
MC 14 1965 Requires health examination and immunization of all
prospective Grade 1 pupils against smallpox, diphtheria
and TB as a prerequisite for enrolment
MC 30 1989 Guidelines in the application of penalties in
administrative cases
PRC BON Res. 1955 Continuing Education Program for the Nurses