Combat Safety Guidelines
Combat Safety Guidelines
Combat Safety Guidelines
Safety Guidelines
In legends of the Aether we offer boffer combat for our participants
mixed with an immersive role-play experience. We take our other
safety guidelines very seriously. We are part of a community and we
aim to leave behind as little as humanly possible as to preserve the
wild-life, the property, and our public relationships with our venues.
With any sort of combat oriented gameplay we take safety very
seriously. Boffer combat should be to simulate confrontations between
player(s) and NPC(s) or Player(s) and Player(s). This guideline is to
outline the specific etiquette and safety protocols that must be
followed at all times. There will be a marshal on the field for any and all
combats that take place. If a Marshal is not present combat will not be
permitted. This usually falls under after-hour rules and Soft role-play
Legends of the Aether:
Some basic information for our service and game Legends of the
Aether is that we are a Boffer LARP (Live Action Role Play). We pride
ourselves on immersion and fully expect players to follow the
guidelines below to their fullest extent. Anyone found breaking the
policies below will be subjected to disciplinary action as determined in
our Disciplinary Guidelines. However, there are a few rules that must
be adhered to prior to in-game and on-site policies.
General Policies
Age Limit:
Unfortunately due to insurance restrictions we must limit the game to
18+. Anyone under the age of 18 will not be permitted to play Legends
of the Aether.
Before attending in-game you will have to sign and agree to our safety
waiver which is put into place for liability reasons. Like any physical
event things do happen and people can get injured.
While we do suggest bringing garb (Costume clothing) that is weather
appropriate, if weather conditions are harsh (Cold, wet, or hot) we will
never hold it against anyone to stay warm or to stay dry. Please dress
appropriately for the weather. Also, if costumes are deemed
inappropriate we have the right to ask that person in question to
change into less revealing adornments. Again, we want immersion, but
in no way will we facilitate risqu or revealing garments that would be
deemed too revealing.
forbidden from our camp site and anyone found in violation of these
two principles will be immediately ejected and banned from the
premises and any affiliated games within Catapult Gamings purview.
This is a NO TOLERANCE policy.
Prop Vs Real:
Any real blade/dangerous object (Outside of eating utensils or crafting
supplies) will NOT be permitted on the site. Anyone found in violation
of this rule will have the item confiscated and returned as well as
receive a strike per our disciplinary action guidelines.
Physical Contact:
As a role-playing game, we understand that tempers may fly. At no
point in time should anyone ever touch another player or staff with
malicious intention, or even safe intentions. Any physical contact must
be consented to and this can be represented with Do you accept my
physical role-play? If the staff feels that you have violated this
guideline then you will be immediately subjected to disciplinary action
based on the severity of the infraction. If anyone is involved in a
physical confrontation you will be immediately expelled and
prosecuted on behalf of the facilities and victim to the fullest extent of
local judiciary policies. We have a no tolerance policy and you will be
banned from our venues for life without appeal.
Catapult Gaming holds a strong policy on no-tolerance for harassment
of any kind. Religion, Sexual orientation, ethnicity, culture, or gender
should never be used to belittle or used in a malicious fashion against
another player. Anyone found guilty of violating this procedure will be
taken aside, granted a strike, and asked to leave the facility for that
event until they can prove to staff that they are capable of maintaining
an appropriate behavior for the service, venue, and facility. In no way
will Catapult Gaming allow for other types of physical harassment (See
Confrontation and Resolution above). Obviously we can never have
eyes on everyone at every moment and we advise that if you witness
such behavior you report it immediately.
Disruptive Behavior:
We all want to come to game and have fun. Unfortunately this does
mean remaining in character the majority of the time you are here. If
at any point OOC (Out of Character) conversations become too
disruptive or if behavior becomes too immersion breaking for our game
to continue you will be asked to leave and given a strike. This is to
harbor a safe, comfortable, and immersive environment.
Camp-fire Guidelines:
Camp-fires are wonderful tools to have for cooking, warmth, and
immersion. Around
the facilities we may often have access to fire-pits.
Fire-pits or designated areas as
described under our facility guidelines
should be the ONLY place a fire should be
started. Candles should
always be LED or battery powered. Any fire started in a fire-pit
must be
attended. Anyone seen abandoning a fire will face moderate to extreme
disciplinary repercussions.
At any point in time Catapult Gaming, LLC has the right to eject anyone
for any reason
from our event in the case of grey areas. We hold full
responsibility for our attendees
and their safety and well-being and
under Ohio State law we have the right to refuse
Disciplinary Guidelines:
Some infractions are less severe than others and we at Catapult
Gaming understand that people can often make mistakes. It is,
however, our responsibility to report any activity to our facility
coordinators under our insurance agreement and State law. Catapult
Gaming works on an internal disciplinary system as well. Strikes are
infractions set against a player for many different reasons. This could
be disrupting behavior, out of character harassment, harassment of
staff, breaking a guideline intentionally or unintentionally, or being
unsafe as per our facility providers requirements. Below you will find
the strikes, their punishments, and finally our appeals process.
1 strike Usually given for small infractions or disruptive behavior. This
is a verbal warning as well as a 1 game suspension.
2 Strikes This is an escalated or cumulative level, but it can be given
for more extreme cases. If a player obtains 2 strikes in a given time
frame they will be banned for the rest of the season or 6 games,
whichever is longer.
Experience 10 years
Experience 8 years
Robert Grey
Experience 7 years