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For Students of Woodwork

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Geoff's Woodwork

for Students of Woodwork

Glue is that stuff you see in a conical jar with a brush stuck in the top and a big label with the
words 'GLUE' on the outside. Usually in a classroom or an office. That idea of the material is
where we should leave it because the stuff we use is Adhesive! But 'glue' is quite different from
what we are going to use. However, we all use this term when we 'glue-up' and I shall not
deny it either. No doubt I shall slip in and out of using the term too.
The current range of adhesives on the market is vast with adhesives available for nearly every
application and material imaginable. We need to know about the adhesives available for the
wood trades, the characteristics and uses.
Classification of Adhesives:
There are two main classes of adhesives: thermoplastic and thermosetting.
Thermoplastic sets either my loss of solvent or by cooling. It will soften again by applying the
solvent to the glue line or by re-heating.
Thermosetting sets and solidifies through a chemical reaction and is irreversible.
Adhesives that set at room temperature are known as 'cold-setting' and those that require
heating up to a temperature perhaps in the case of pearl glue 40 and others up to 100 degrees
C are known as 'hot-setting'.
Types of Adhesives:
Animal. Known as scotch glue (yes glue!), pearl or hide glue. Made from the hides, hoofs
and bones of animals. Available now in cake or more likely supplied in small beads. It is
essential for restoration work, veneering and other applications where compatibility with original
artefacts is needed. Used extensively in the musical instrument industries. It is for internal use
only and has high gap filling properties.
Fish glue is also available which is made out of fish offal and skins. Good for small repairs.
Not recommended for structural work.
Casein. Manufactured from soured, skimmed milk curbs which are dried and crushed into a
powder form. General joinery and woodwork use. It may stain some hardwoods and oak is
particularly prone to darken. To use the powder it is mixed with cold water into a smooth
creamy paste. Developed in WW2 for the manufacture of the Mosquito plane which was
largely made of fabricated plywood panels. Internal (INT) use only.

Modern synthetic resins.

Phenol formaldehyde (PH) ~ used where great strength is required, durable

and water resistant. An 'engineering adhesive' used for heavy structural work
and quality plywood. Durability is WBP.
Resorcinol formaldehyde (RF) ~ outstanding durability qualities under the
severest weather conditions and used mainly for external construction work.
Decorative work is not possible because it has a dark glue line. Durability is

Urea formaldehyde (UF) ~ Perhaps more familiar to the cabinet and

woodworker under the trade name 'Humbrol Cascamite' now apparently called
'Extramite'. Used when a high quality but stable fix is required. Sets at normal
room temperatures and is relatively cheap and available. Suitable for laminating,
fabricating and veneering when large presses or good cramping facilities are
available. It is pre-mixed to a smooth paste with cold water in a non-metallic
container. Those little plastic water cups are fine. Durability is BR.

Melamine formaldehyde (MF) ~ A more expensive adhesive usually used as an

additive. Used in the production of hard decorative plastic laminates. (MR)

Polyvinyl acetate (PVA). (White Glue) A one part emulsion with high bond
strength. It can be used on all woods, soft, hard, chipboards, plywood, etc. A
good general purpose woodwork adhesive for indoor use only. There is an
external quality made but I would not rate it greater than MR. - Evo Stick Resin

Aliphatic resin glues (Yellow Glue) - Possible has an upper hand on PVA
especially for the brown hardwoods. It provides a strong initial tack with fast
setting to help reduce the clamping time. Offers excellent 'sand ability' and is
unaffected by finishes. Titebond - INT

Polyurethane Glue - A waterproof adhesive for multi-purpose applications.

Ideal for metal, plastic, ceramics and other porous or non-porous materials.
Although it foams up it does not expand or contract in the glue line. MR

Contact. ( natural and synthetic rubber) A rubber based adhesive supplied ready for use.
Used for bonding plastic laminates, sheet flooring and other fabrics, etc. to wood or other
materials. It is applied to both surfaces with a toothed spatula and allowed to dry to the touch.
The two surfaces are then carefully brought together under pressure to remove any air
bubbles. Immediate contact is obtained so accuracy is essential. In practice the laminate or
fabric is 'rolled' on from the far edge with both surfaces held against a straight edge to provide a
guide. There are some contact adhesives available that provide limited amount of adjustment.
It should be used in a well ventilated workshop with no smoking or naked lights because the
vapours are flammable and toxic. Internal use only. Evo Stick 528 ~ INT
Hot Melts - ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) was the original polymer ~ Heated in a gun or
applicator with electronically controlled elements. The flow is controlled by a trigger. Not
recommended for jointing because of the thick glue line that quickly goes off. Ideal for 'tacking'
jobs such as upholstery, and packaging etc. specially smaller components. Some hot melt glue
guns are powered by a gas cartridge that gives a hotter and thinner glue line. A warm

atmosphere with warmed components increase the working time and a thinner glue line. Care
must be taken to avoid the hot glue on hands and fingers. A very bad burn results - the author
has first hand experience and scars to show. - INT
Epoxy Resins ~ Two part epoxy resins when mixed together produces after curing an
incredible bond on many different types of materials. The adhesive is mixed with equal
proportions on a tile or card until it becomes a whitish stiff paste. A rapid version is obtainable
that may cure after a 90 seconds bond. Applying heat, hot air or 'cooking' in an oven
accelerates the process.
Cyanoacrylate Adhesives ~ or 'Super Glue' ~ used extensively throughout for repairing and
manufacturing small objects. Not used in great quantities in the woodworking industry but very
useful for repairing and 'tacking' small objects when strength and speed is required. Excellent
for model making particularly the 'Zap' varieties. Requires a moisture to work.
How Adhesives work

By loss of solvent ~ either evaporation of the solvent as in the case of contact

adhesives or by the absorption into the timber in the case of emulsion (PVA)
By cooling. Adhesives applied in a molten condition solidify on cooling. This
has the advantage of a very fast set. Animal and hot melt adhesives are good

By chemical reaction such as two part adhesives with a resin and a hardener or
catalyst. Mixing the two together activates the adhesive. Synthetic resins,
epoxy resins, Cascamite, etc are good examples. A good clean well measured
mix is essential.

Some adhesives set by a combination of one or more of these processes.

Durability grades.
WBP ~ Weather and Boil Proof
BR ~ Boil Resistance
MR ~ Moisture Resistance
INT ~ Internal only
Storage or Shelf life
Time able to be stored in original containers.
Pot life
Effective working time after mixed - depends on temperature.

Pressing or Cramping time

Minimum time glued surfaces should remain under pressure.
Curing or Assembly (closed) time
After application and contact with wood - usually in cramps - time depends on temperature.
Heat including RF accelerates the time. Refer to manufacturers instructions.
Applying adhesives
The joint area must be clean, free from resin, oils, etc. It should be dry. The joint should not
be roughed or sand papered but prepared from the saw, chisel, plane etc. so that it fits well
square and free from wind.
Adhesive should be applied to both surfaces with a brush, spatula or applicator taking care to
'wet' all surfaces of the joint area. Sufficient adhesive should be applied but not over spilled.
Adhesive that 'bleeds' through the joint must be removed immediately and thoroughly with a wet
cloth otherwise the adhesive will effect the staining and finishing coats. Some allow the
overspill to 'gel' then remove it carefully with an old but sharp chisel. This practice may not be
acceptable for quality finishing. The remedy is not to use to much adhesive in the first place.
Glue line. The actual glue layer of the joint is called the 'glue line' and although it is essential to
apply sufficient adhesive on both surfaces, care should be taken to keep this thin as possible ~
thicker glue lines weaken the joint and are unsightly.
Temperature. Check the temperature range of the adhesive you are using and make sure the
workshop is warm or cool enough for the process. Adhesives are responsive to temperature
and the curing time may well be reduced by applying heat of some form.
Radio frequency (RF) acceleration is very effective but requires specialist knowledge and
equipment. It is also potentially dangerous.
Gap filling properties
gap filling capacities - gaps = 1.3 mm

Adhesive safety:
1. always follow manufactures instructions
2. use a barrier cream or disposable gloves
3. do not use flammable types near naked lights
4. always provide adequate ventilation

5. avoid inhaling toxic fumes or powders

6. thoroughly wash hands, before eating, smoking and after work with soap and water and appropriate
hand cleaner.
7. in the case of accidental inhalation, swallowing or contact with eyes, medical advice should be sought
Definitions of urea on the Web:

the chief solid component of mammalian urine; synthesized from ammonia and carbon dioxide
and used as fertilizer and in animal feed and in plastics
Urea is an organic compound with the chemical formula (NH2)2CO.

A water-soluble organic compound, CO(NH2)2, formed by the metabolism of proteins and

excreted in the urine

Wasteproduct of protein metabolism that is removed from the body by the kidneys.

One of the chief waste products of the body. When the body breaks down food, it uses what it
needs and throws the rest away as waste. The kidneys flush the waste from the body in the form
of urea in the urine.

A form of nitrogen that converts readily to ammonium.


the nitrogen part of urine produced from the breakdown of protein.


Chief end product of mammalian protein metabolism, formed in the liver from amino acids and
compounds of ammonia; the chief nitrogenous compound of urine; an average person, in steady
state of consuming average amounts of dietary protein, excretes about 30 grams of urea per day.

one of the waste products that build up in the blood. The levels of urea in the blood can be
measured to give an indication of how well, or poorly ...

A natural chemical made by the liver and filtered out of the blood by the kidneys.

A waste product, which is made as the body breaks down protein. If you have a kidney problem,
too much protein causes too much urea and can lead to:

Chemical substance " NH "2CONH2.


a constituent of urine

The diamide of carbonic acid found in blood, lymph, and urine. It is formed from ammonia derived
from amino acids in the liver. The amount of urea excreted is dependent upon the amount of
protein in the diet. Excretion increases with fever, diabetes, and increased activity of the adrenal

a compound, CO(NH 2 ) 2 , occurring in urine and other body fluids as a product of protein
metabolism; an important plant fertilizer chem agr

Definitions of formaldehyde on the Web:

a colorless poisonous gas; made by the oxidation of methanol

Formaldehyde is the first album by the rock band Terrorvision. It was recorded at The Chapel in
June 1992, with all songs written and arranged by Terrorvision. Released in 1993.

Formaldehyde (IUPAC name methanal) is a chemical compound with the formula CH2O. It is the
simplest aldehyde. ...

The simplest aldehyde, H-CHO, a colourless gas having many industrial applications; it dissolves
in water to give formalin

a common ingredient in glues and binders (such as particle board). Formaldehyde is classified as
a probable human carcinogen, and listed by the US National Toxicology Program as "reasonably
anticipated to cause cancer."

Simplest member of aldehyde family, formula CH 2 O. Formaldehyde is very soluble in water;

solutions of formaldehyde (formalin) are used in ...

A colorless, pungent, and irritating gas, CH20, used chiefly as a disinfectant and preservative and
in synthesizing other compounds like resins. ...

A pungent gas; in liquid form, it is used as an antiseptic, disinfectant and fixative for tissues.

a volatile organic compound, is used in glue in particleboard, medium-density fiberboard and

plywood; permanent-press coatings on fabrics and draperies; in some paints; and in foam.

A colorless, pungent-smelling gas; an important hazardous air pollutant. High concentrations may
trigger attacks in people with asthma. Sources include environmental tobacco smoke and other
combustion sources; pressed wood products (such as particle board); and certain textiles, foams,
and glues.

a chemical used in various binders and adhesives, also found occurring naturally in the
environment in materials like wood and some agrifiber. ...

is a poisonous, reactive, flammable gas with a pungent suffocating odour. It combines readily with
many substances and polymerises easily. ...

Pungent-smelling gas, forming a hard resin when combined with certain substances (usually
melamine) with application in plywood, adhesives, carpets and paints. Common cause of
headaches, throat and lung complaints, and is lethal (carcinogenic) if ingested.

Colorless, pungent smelling, toxic material used as an adhering component of glues used in
many wood products. It can cause respiratory problems, cancer, and chemical sensitivity. ...

For items in the home, formaldehyde is used to make wrinkle-resistant clothing, glues and
adhesives and as a preservative in some paints and coating products. ...

Definitions of phenol on the Web:

any of a class of weakly acidic organic compounds; molecule contains one or more
hydroxyl groups
carbolic acid: a toxic white soluble crystalline acidic derivative of benzene; used in
manufacturing and as a disinfectant and antiseptic; poisonous if taken internally

The phenolic compounds in wine include a large group of several hundred chemical
compounds, known as polyphenolics, that affect the taste, color ...

Phenol, also known as carbolic acid, is a toxic, white crystalline solid with a sweet tarry
odor, commonly referred to as a "hospital smell". ...

Phenols - In organic chemistry, phenols, sometimes called phenolics, are a class of

chemical compounds consisting of a hydroxyl group (-OH) bonded directly to an
aromatic hydrocarbon group. The simplest of the class is phenol (C6H5OH).

An organic compound that is an alcohol derivative of benzene.


A highly poisonous, caustic crystalline chemical compound derived from coal tar or plant
tar or manufactured synthetically. ...

phenols - Organic compounds that are byproducts of petroleum refining, tanning, and
textile, dye and resin manufacturing. ...

a caustic, poisonous acidic compound present in coal tar and wood tar; a hydroxyl
derivative of aromatic hydrocarbons.

A white, crystalline compound (C6H5OH) derived from benzene, used in the

manufacture of phenolic resins, weed killers, plastics, disinfectants; also used in solvent
extraction, a petroleum refining process. Phenol is a toxic material; skin contact must be

A group or molecule containing a benzene * ring that has a hydroxyl * group substituted
for a ring hydrogen.

A hydroxyl derivative of an aromatic hydrocarbon that causes medicinal flavors and is

involved in staling reactions.

is a flammable, colorless, oily liquid created as a by-product in the petrochemical

industry. It is used in paints for pigmentation, plywood glue, weed killers, plastics and
disinfectants. Undiluted, phenol is toxic and corrosive if it is inhaled or has direct contact
with the skin.

An organic substance in which a hydroxyl group is attached directly to a benzene ring.

An example is vanillin.

The terms phenyl and phenol, along with benzene and benzyl, are explained and
compared on the page The phenyl group -- and related terms.

Definitions of resorcinol on the Web:

a crystalline phenol obtained from various resins; used in ointments for acne and in
dandruff shampoos
Resorcinol (or resorcin) is a chemical compound from the dihydroxy phenols. It is the
1,3-isomer of benzenediol, and is also known with a variety ...

The diphenol meta-dihydroxy benzene, used as a mild antiseptic and in many industrial
applications; isomeric with catechol and hydroquinone

In mild solutions, used as an antiseptic and as a soothing preparation for itchy skin.

Benzene derivative employed in the treatment of acne, ringworm, psoriasis, eczema,

seborrheic dermatitis and other cutaneous lesions. ...

A weakly acidic organic chemical obtained from various resins, found in some topical
agents used to treat acne.

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