Template For Icme 13
Template For Icme 13
Template For Icme 13
Table 2: Titles of tables, figures, diagrams, are in the style ICME FigTitle
Quotes shorter than two lines are normally included within the text, inside quotation marks. For
longer quotations, use the following style.
Indented quotations (more than two lines) are in the style Quote. If you wish, you can also use this style
for other text that you want to display without using a table. What you must not do, however, is use this
size font for the whole paper!
If you wish to include some transcripts, you may use either of the styles Numbered Transcript or
Transcript, as in the examples below.
First, we show the Numbered Transcript style:
So did I, but in my figures one was a great deal larger almost twice
If possible, please avoid bullet lists because they have to be formatted in different ways depending
on the text following the bullet points. If a bullet list is substantial for your paper, please use the
Bullet style as shown below:
This uses Bullet to achieve the bullet list, so that the text hangs and lines up properly.
You may need to add 6pt of white space to the end of the list, by going to Format ->
Paragraph and adjusting Space After to 6pt.
Normally there should be 6pt of white space between this paragraph and the bullet points above,
but, as just described, you will have to change this manually.
Page set-up and formatting
Please use formatting for A4 paper, size 21 cm x 29.7 cm. Margins should be set at 2.5 cm top and
2.5 cm bottom; 2 cm left and 2 cm right.
All text should be Times New Roman. Sizes are 12 point for Normal, and Fig Title; 11 point for
Quote, Reference, Transcript and Numbered Transcript. Style ICME HEADING 1 is 14 point,
ICME HEADING 2 and ICME Heading 3 are both 12 point. Please use a single character space
only between sentences.
Presenting references
The references should be presented as shown at the end of this document with the heading set using
the Heading 3 style. References use the Reference style which results in 11 point type and a
hanging indent (0.51cm). Authors should follow the style given below in the paragraph references,
which is a simplified version of APA Reference style, Sixth Edition. Please make sure that all
publications cited must appear in the reference list, and all publications in the reference list must be
cited. The references are included in the page count.
Additional information
If you have problems with this template, please contact the Conference Scientific Secretary at
[email protected]
Ball, D. L. (1990). Prospective elementary and secondary teachers understanding of division. Journal for
Research in Mathematics Education, 21(2), 132-144.
Chapman, O. (2003). Facilitating peer interactions in learning mathematics: Teachers practical knowledge.
In M. J. Hines, & A. B. Fuglestad (Eds.), Proc. 28th Conf. of the Int. Group for the Psychology of
Mathematics Education. Vol. 2 (pp. 191-198). Bergen, Norway: PME.
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.