Ultrasonic Radar

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Ultrasonic RADAR

Electronic Design Lab (EE-318)

Submitted by:
Praveen Tamhankar (06d07007)
Piyush Mittal (06d07035)
Ashutosh Singh (06d07034)
Guide: Prof. Jayanta Mukhergee

Department of Electrical Engineering

December 2009


Radar is an object detection system that uses electromagnetic waves to identify the range,
altitude, direction, or speed of both moving and fixed objects such as aircraft, ships, motor
vehicles, weather formations, and terrain and when instead of electromagnetic waves, we use
ultrasonic waves, it is called an ultrasonic radar.

The main components in any Ultrasonic radar are the Ultrasonic Sensors. Ultrasonic
sensors work on a principle similar to radar or sonar which evaluates attributes of a target by
interpreting the echoes from radio or sound waves respectively. Ultrasonic sensors generate high
frequency sound waves and evaluate the echo which is received back by the sensor. Sensors
calculate the time interval between sending the signal and receiving the echo to determine the
distance to an object. This technology can be used for measuring: wind speed and direction
(anemometer), fullness of a tank and speed through air or water. Further applications
include: humidifiers, sonar, medical ultra pornography, burglar alarms and non-destructive
testing. Systems typically use a transducer which generates sound waves in the ultrasonic range,
above 20,000 hertz, by turning electrical energy into sound, then upon receiving the echo turn the
sound waves into electrical energy which can be measured and displayed.

Transducers are defined as elements which can convert one form of energy to another. The
Ultrasonic transducers convert electrical energy into the sound waves and vice versa. There are
basically two kind of transducers used here, one to convert the electrical waves into the sound
waves which is called Ultrasonic Transmitter and the other to convert the sound waves into the
electrical waves or energy, called Ultrasonic Reciever.

Below we have explained the various blocks that the project could be broken into.

The Ultrasonic sensors used in this project work at the frequency of 40 Khz. The 40 KHz signal is
generated in the Micro Controller (uc). We use Atmega32 as the microcontroller. Atmega32 has
a feature of timers which has been exploited to generate 40khz. This was a major challenge as
we required exact 40khz for our circuit. This is then amplified before it is fed into the
transmitter. The output of Micro Controller is amplified using an Open Collector Buffer (OCB)

Micro Controller




Generates 40 KHz

The open collector buffer is an inverter with the open collector at the output. We attach, say a
10K resistor from the output pin to 15V. To keep the signal polarity the same as the input (not
inverted) we place an inverter before the open collector one (inverting twice). We have used the
inverter IC 7406 to perform the operation of open collector buffer and the IC 7404 to invert the
output of Micro Controller. The reason for not using traditional ways for amplifying like the
Operation Amplifier (say LM741) because Op Amps like LM741 will not have the bandwidth to
output a decent square wave at 40 kHz and the output becomes triangular.

2. Receiver Circuit

The Ultrasonic Receiver receives the sound waves if any and converts them into electrical pulses which
are mostly sinusoids. The amplitude of the received signal is about 40 mVolts to 50 mVolts which is
quite less to carry out any kind of processing with. The signal hence is amplified using to about 100 times
so that it comes in the range of few volts. Here we can use an Op Amp because we are not concerned
with the shape of the pulses, we just measure the amplitude to generate an interrupt.



Schmitt Trigger


Micro Controller
(Gets an Interrupt whenever received
voltage is greater than a threshold).

3. Interrupt Generator

In order to make the Micro Controller aware about the detection of any object an interrupt must be
given to it. Interrupt generator circuit comprises of a Schmitt trigger which gives a high output whenever
its input is above a threshold value or else it remains at low value (0v). The output of the Schmitt trigger
is inverted with respect to the input signal, hence in order to restore the phase we invert the output of
Schmitt trigger and then give it to the Micro Controller. The Micro Controller then finds the distance of
the object from the sensor by calculating the delay between the time of sending pulses and the
interrupt generated.

4. Stepper Motor

The stepper motor used in the project has a step angle of about 1.8 degrees. The sequences of the
motor are controlled by the Micro Controller. To supply amount of current to the motor a motor driver
IC is used. Our Stepper takes a 14.4degree step and then evaluation is done at that point.

Micro Controller

Driver IC

Stepper Motor

5. NOKIA 3310 LCD

Nokia 3310 LCD has been used to display the output. The output is like the one we see in radar systems.
The scan is shown by a line and it moves from 0 to 180 as stepper moves. Whenever a object is detected
lcd glows at that point.
Nokia LCD:

Display was similar to that shown in the figure below:

Overall schematic of the project circuit:

The Eagle Board file image of the overall circuit.

Demo: In the demo we successfully showed that we were able to scan 0-180 degree in steps of
15degree. Whenever an object appeared in front of sensors the LCD would glow. Thus, we were
able to achieve our challenge successfully

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