Familiaris Consortio English
Familiaris Consortio English
Familiaris Consortio English
Worthy of our attention also is the fact that, in the countries of the so-ca
lled Third World, families often lack both the means necessary for survival, suc
h as food, work, housing and medicine, and the most elementary freedoms. In the
richer countries, on the contrary, excessive prosperity and the consumer mentali
ty, paradoxically joined to a certain anguish and uncertainty about the future,
deprive married couples of the generosity and courage needed for raising up new
human life: thus life is often perceived not as a blessing, but as a danger from
which to defend oneself.
The historical situation in which the family lives therefore appears as an i
nterplay of light and darkness.
This shows that history is not simply a fixed progression towards what is be
tter, but rather an event of freedom, and even a struggle between freedoms that
are in mutual conflict, that is, according to the well-known expression of St. A
ugustine, a conflict between two loves: the love of God to the point of disregar
ding self, and the love of self to the point of disregarding God.(16)
It follows that only an education for love rooted in faith can lead to the c
apacity of interpreting "the signs of the times," which are the historical expre
ssion of this twofold love.
The Influence of Circumstances on the Consciences of the Faithful
7. Living in such a world, under the pressures coming above all from the mas
s media, the faithful do not always remain immune from the obscuring of certain
fundamental values, nor set themselves up as the critical conscience of family c
ulture and as active agents in the building of an authentic family humanism.
Among the more troubling signs of this phenomenon, the Synod Fathers stresse
d the following, in particular: the spread of divorce and of recourse to a new u
nion, even on the part of the faithful; the acceptance of purely civil marriage
in contradiction to the vocation of the baptized to "be married in the Lord", th
e celebration of the marriage sacrament without living faith, but for other moti
ves; the rejection of the moral norms that guide and promote the human and Chris
tian exercise of sexuality in marriage.
Our Age Needs Wisdom
8. The whole Church is obliged to a deep reflection and commitment, so that
the new culture now emerging may be evangelized in depth, true values acknowledg
ed, the rights of men and women defended, and justice promoted in the very struc
tures of society. In this way the "new humanism" will not distract people from t
heir relationship with God, but will lead them to it more fully.
Science and its technical applications offer new and immense possibilities i
n the construction of such a humanism. Still, as a consequence of political choi
ces that decide the direction of research and its applications, science is often
used against its original purpose, which is the advancement of the human person
It becomes necessary, therefore, on the part of all, to recover an awareness
of the primacy of moral values, which are the values of the human person as suc
h. The great task that has to be faced today for the renewal of society is that
of recapturing the ultimate meaning of life and its fundamental values. Only an
awareness of the primacy of these values enables man to use the immense possibil
ities given him by science in such a way as to bring about the true advancement
of the human person in his or her whole truth, in his or her freedom and dignity
. Science is called to ally itself with wisdom.
The following words of the Second Vatican Council can therefore be applied t
o the problems of the family: "Our era needs such wisdom more than bygone ages i
f the discoveries made by man are to be further humanized. For the future of the
world stands in peril unless wiser people are forthcoming.(17)
The education of the moral conscience, which makes every human being capable
of judging and of discerning the proper ways to achieve self-realization accord
ing to his or her original truth, thus becomes a pressing requirement that canno
t be renounced.
Modern culture must be led to a more profoundly restored covenant with divin
e Wisdom. Every man is given a share of such Wisdom through the creating action
of God. And it is only in faithfulness to this covenant that the families of tod
ay will be in a position to influence positively the building of a more just and
fraternal world.
Gradualness and Conversion
9. To the injustice originating from sin-which has profoundly penetrated the
structures of today's world-and often hindering the family's full realization o
f itself and of its fundamental rights, we must all set ourselves in opposition
through a conversion of mind and heart, following Christ Crucified by denying ou
r own selfishness: such a conversion cannot fail to have a beneficial and renewi
ng influence even on the structures of society.
What is needed is a continuous, permanent conversion which, while requiring
an interior detachment from every evil and an adherence to good in its fullness,
is brought about concretely in steps which lead us ever forward. Thus a dynamic
process develops, one which advances gradually with the progressive integration
of the gifts of God and the demands of His definitive and absolute love in the
entire personal and social life of man. Therefore an educational growth process
is necessary, in order that individual believers, families and peoples, even civ
ilization itself, by beginning from what they have already received of the myste
ry of Christ, may patiently be led forward, arriving at a richer understanding a
nd a fuller integration of this mystery in their lives.
10. In conformity with her constant tradition, the Church receives from the
various cultures everything that is able to express better the unsearchable rich
es of Christ.(18) Only with the help of all the cultures will it be possible for
these riches to be manifested ever more clearly, and for the Church to progress
towards a daily more complete and profound awareness of the truth, which has al
ready been given to her in its entirety by the Lord.
Holding fast to the two principles of the compatibility with the Gospel of t
he various cultures to be taken up, and of communion with the universal Church,
there must be further study, particularly by the Episcopal Conferences and the a
ppropriate departments of the Roman Curia, and greater pastoral diligence so tha
t this "inculturation" of the Christian faith may come about ever more extensive
ly, in the context of marriage and the family as well as in other fields.
It is by means of "inculturation" that one proceeds towards the full restora
tion of the covenant with the Wisdom of God, which is Christ Himself. The whole
Church will be enriched also by the cultures which, though lacking technology, a
bound in human wisdom and are enlivened by profound moral values.
So that the goal of this journey might be clear and consequently the way pla
inly indicated, the Synod was right to begin by considering in depth the origina
l design of God for marriage and the family: it "went back to the beginning," in
deference to the teaching of Christ.(19)
Man, the Image of the God Who Is Love
11. God created man in His own
nce through love, He called him at
God is love(21) and in Himself
on. Creating the human race in His
, God inscribed in the humanity of man and woman the vocation, and thus the capa
city and responsibility, of love and communion.(22) Love is therefore the fundam
ental and innate vocation of every human being.
As an incarnate spirit, that is a soul which expresses itself in a body and
a body informed by an immortal spirit, man is called to love in his unified tota
lity. Love includes the human body, and the body is made a sharer in spiritual l
Christian revelation recognizes two specific ways of realizing the vocation
of the human person in its entirety, to love: marriage and virginity or celibacy
. Either one is, in its own proper form, an actuation of the most profound truth
of man, of his being "created in the image of God."
Consequently, sexuality, by means of which man and woman give themselves to
one another through the acts which are proper and exclusive to spouses, is by no
means something purely biological, but concerns the innermost being of the huma
n person as such. It is realized in a truly human way only if it is an integral
part of the love by which a man and a woman commit themselves totally to one ano
ther until death. The total physical self-giving would be a lie if it were not t
he sign and fruit of a total personal self-giving, in which the whole person, in
cluding the temporal dimension, is present: if the person were to withhold somet
hing or reserve the possibility of deciding otherwise in the future, by this ver
y fact he or she would not be giving totally.
This totality which is required by conjugal love also corresponds to the dem
ands of responsible fertility. This fertility is directed to the generation of a
human being, and so by its nature it surpasses the purely biological order and
involves a whole series of personal values. For the harmonious growth of these v
alues a persevering and unified contribution by both parents is necessary.
The only "place" in which this self-giving in its whole truth is made possib
le is marriage, the covenant of conjugal love freely and consciously chosen, whe
reby man and woman accept the intimate community of life and love willed by God
Himself(23) which only in this light manifests its true meaning. The institution
of marriage is not an undue interference by society or authority, nor the extri
nsic imposition of a form. Rather it is an interior requirement of the covenant
of conjugal love which is publicly affirmed as unique and exclusive, in order to
live in complete fidelity to the plan of God, the Creator. A person's freedom,
far from being restricted by this fidelity, is secured against every form of sub
jectivism or relativism and is made a sharer in creative Wisdom.
Marriage and Communion Between God and People
12. The communion of love between God and people, a fundamental part of the
Revelation and faith experience of Israel, finds a meaningful expression in the
marriage covenant which is established between a man and a woman.
For this reason the central word of Revelation, "God loves His people," is l
ikewise proclaimed through the living and concrete word whereby a man and a woma
n express their conjugal love. Their bond of love becomes the image and the symb
ol of the covenant which unites God and His people.(24) And the same sin which
can harm the conjugal covenant becomes an image of the infidelity of the people
to their God: idolatry is prostitution,(25) infidelity is adultery, disobedience
to the law is abandonment of the spousal love of the Lord. But the infidelity o
f Israel does not destroy the eternal fidelity of the Lord, and therefore the ev
er faithful love of God is put forward as the model of the of faithful love whic
h should exist between spouses.
Jesus Christ, Bridegroom of the Church, and the Sacrament of Matrimony
13. The communion between God and His people finds its definitive fulfillmen
t in Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom who loves and gives Himself as the Savior of h
umanity, uniting it to Himself as His body.
He reveals the original truth of marriage, the truth of the "beginning,"(27)
and, freeing man from his hardness of heart, He makes man capable of realizing
2) serving life;
3) participating in the development of society;
4) sharing in the life and mission of the Church.
Love as the Principle and Power of Communion
18. The family, which is founded and given life by love, is a community of p
ersons: of husband and wife, of parents and children, of relatives. Its first ta
sk is to live with fidelity the reality of communion in a constant effort to de
velop an authentic community of persons.
The inner principle of that task, its permanent power and its final goal is
love: without love the family is not a community of persons and, in the same way
, without love the family cannot live, grow and perfect itself as a community of
persons. What I wrote in the Encyclical Redemptor hominis applies primarily and
especially within the family as such: "Man cannot live without love. He remains
a being that is incomprehensible for himself, his life is senseless, if love is
not revealed to him, if he does not encounter love, if he does not experience i
t and make it his own, if he does not participate intimately in it."(45)
The love between husband and wife and, in a derivatory and broader way, the
love between members of the same family-between parents and children, brothers a
nd sisters and relatives and members of the household-is given life and sustenan
ce by an unceasing inner dynamism leading the family to ever deeper and more int
ense communion, which is the foundation and soul of the community of marriage an
d the family.
The Indivisible Unity of Conjugal Communion
19. The first communion is the one which is established and which develops b
etween husband and wife: by virtue of the covenant of married life, the man and
woman "are no longer two but one flesh"(46) and they are called to grow continua
lly in their communion through day-to-day fidelity to their marriage promise of
total mutual self-giving.
This conjugal communion sinks its roots in the natural complementarity that
exists between man and woman, and is nurtured through the personal willingness o
f the spouses to share their entire life-project, what they have and what they a
re: for this reason such communion is the fruit and the sign of a profoundly hum
an need. But in the Lord Christ God takes up this human need, confirms it, purif
ies it and elevates it, leading it to perfection through the sacrament of matrim
ony: the Holy Spirit who is poured out in the sacramental celebration offers Chr
istian couples the gift of a new communion of love that is the living and real i
mage of that unique unity which makes of the Church the indivisible Mystical Bod
y of the Lord Jesus.
The gift of the Spirit is a commandment of life for Christian spouses and at
the same time a stimulating impulse so that every day they may progress towards
an ever richer union with each other on all levels-of the body, of the characte
r, of the heart, of the intelligence and will, of the soul(47)-revealing in this
way to the Church and to the world the new communion of love, given by the grac
e of Christ.
Such a communion is radically contradicted by polygamy: this, in fact, direc
tly negates the plan of God which was revealed from the beginning, because it is
contrary to the equal personal dignity of men and women who in matrimony give t
hemselves with a love that is total and therefore unique and exclusive. As the S
econd Vatican Council writes: "Firmly established by the Lord, the unity of marr
iage will radiate from the equal personal dignity of husband and wife, a dignity
acknowledged by mutual and total love."(48)
An Indissoluble Communion
20. Conjugal communion is characterized not only by its unity but also by it
s indissolubility: "As a mutual gift of two persons, this intimate union, as wel
l as the good of children, imposes total fidelity on the spouses and argues for
an unbreakable oneness between them."(49)
It is a fundamental duty of the Church to reaffirm strongly, as the Synod Fa
thers did, the doctrine of the indissolubility of marriage. To all those who, in
our times, consider it too difficult, or indeed impossible, to be bound to one
person for the whole of life, and to those caught up in a culture that rejects t
he indissolubility of marriage and openly mocks the commitment of spouses to fid
elity, it is necessary to reconfirm the good news of the definitive nature of th
at conjugal love that has in Christ its foundation and strength.(50)
Being rooted in the personal and total self-giving of the couple, and being
required by the good of the children, the indissolubility of marriage finds its
ultimate truth in the plan that God has manifested in His revelation: He wills a
nd He communicates the indissolubility of marriage as a fruit, a sign and a requ
irement of the absolutely faithful love that God has for man and that the Lord J
esus has for the Church.
Christ renews the first plan that the Creator inscribed in the hearts of man
and woman, and in the celebration of the sacrament of matrimony offers a "new h
eart": thus the couples are not only able to overcome "hardness of heart,"(51) b
ut also and above all they are able to share the full and definitive love of Chr
ist, the new and eternal Covenant made flesh. Just as the Lord Jesus is the "fai
thful witness,"(52) the "yes" of the promises of God(53) and thus the supreme re
alization of the unconditional faithfulness with which God loves His people, so
Christian couples are called to participate truly in the irrevocable indissolubi
lity that binds Christ to the Church His bride, loved by Him to the end.(54)
The gift of the sacrament is at the same time a vocation and commandment for
the Christian spouses, that they may remain faithful to each other forever, bey
ond every trial and difficulty, in generous obedience to the holy will of the Lo
rd: "What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder."(55)
To bear witness to the inestimable value of the indissolubility and fidelity
of marriage is one of the most precious and most urgent tasks of Christian coup
les in our time. So, with all my Brothers who participated in the Synod of Bisho
ps, I praise and encourage those numerous couples who, though encountering no sm
all difficulty, preserve and develop the value of indissolubility: thus, in a hu
mble and courageous manner, they perform the role committed to them of being in
the world a "sign"-a small and precious sign, sometimes also subjected to tempta
tion, but always renewed-of the unfailing fidelity with which God and Jesus Chri
st love each and every human being. But it is also proper to recognize the value
of the witness of those spouses who, even when abandoned by their partner, with
the strength of faith and of Christian hope have not entered a new union: these
spouses too give an authentic witness to fidelity, of which the world today has
a great need. For this reason they must be encouraged and helped by the pastors
and the faithful of the Church.
The Broader Communion of the Family
21. Conjugal communion constitutes the foundation on which is built the broa
der communion of the family, of parents and children, of brothers and sisters wi
th each other, of relatives and other members of the household.
This communion is rooted in the natural bonds of flesh and blood, and grows
to its specifically human perfection with the establishment and maturing of the
still deeper and richer bonds of the spirit: the love that animates the interper
sonal relationships of the different members of the family constitutes the inter
ior strength that shapes and animates the family communion and community.
The Christian family is also called to experience a new and original communi
on which confirms and perfects natural and human communion. In fact the grace of
Jesus Christ, "the first-born among many brethren "(56) is by its nature and in
terior dynamism "a grace of brotherhood," as St. Thomas Aquinas calls it.(57) Th
e Holy Spirit, who is poured forth in the celebration of the sacraments, is the
ning to a woman before the other disciples, the mission entrusted to women to ca
rry the good news of the Resurrection to the apostles-these are all signs that c
onfirm the special esteem of the Lord Jesus for women. The Apostle Paul will say
: "In Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.... There is neithe
r Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor fema
le; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."(65)
Women and Society
23. Without intending to deal with all the various aspects of the vast and c
omplex theme of the relationships between women and society, and limiting these
remarks to a few essential points, one cannot but observe that in the specific a
rea of family life a widespread social and cultural tradition has considered wom
en's role to be exclusively that of wife and mother, without adequate access to
public functions which have generally been reserved for men.
There is no doubt that the equal dignity and responsibility of men and women
fully justifies women's access to public functions. On the other hand the true
advancement of women requires that clear recognition be given to the value of th
eir maternal and family role, by comparison with all other public roles and all
other professions. Furthermore, these roles and professions should be harmonious
ly combined, if we wish the evolution of society and culture to be truly and ful
ly human.
This will come about more easily if, in accordance with the wishes expressed
by the Synod, a renewed "theology of work" can shed light upon and study in dep
th the meaning of work in the Christian life and determine the fundamental bond
between work and the family, and therefore the original and irreplaceable meanin
g of work in the home and in rearing children.(66) Therefore the Church can and
should help modern society by tirelessly insisting that the work of women in the
home be recognized and respected by all in its irreplaceable value. This is of
particular importance in education: for possible discrimination between the diff
erent types of work and professions is eliminated at its very root once it is cl
ear that all people, in every area, are working with equal rights and equal resp
onsibilities. The image of God in man and in woman will thus be seen with added
While it must be recognized that women have the same right as men to perform
various public functions, society must be structured in such a way that wives a
nd mothers are not in practice compelled to work outside the home, and that thei
r families can live and prosper in a dignified way even when they themselves dev
ote their full time to their own family.
Furthermore, the mentality which honors women more for their work outside th
e home than for their work within the family must be overcome. This requires tha
t men should truly esteem and love women with total respect for their personal d
ignity, and that society should create and develop conditions favoring work in t
he home.
With due respect to the different vocations of men and women, the Church mus
t in her own life promote as far as possible their equality of rights and dignit
y: and this for the good of all, the family, the Church and society.
But clearly all of this does not mean for women a renunciation of their femi
ninity or an imitation of the male role, but the fullness of true feminine human
ity which should be expressed in their activity, whether in the family or outsid
e of it, without disregarding the differences of customs and cultures in this sp
Offenses Against Women's Dignity
24. Unfortunately the Christian message about the dignity of women is contra
dicted by that persistent mentality which considers the human being not as a per
son but as a thing, as an object of trade, at the service of selfish interest an
d mere pleasure: the first victims of this mentality are women.
This mentality produces very bitter fruits, such as contempt for men and for
"Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the k
ingdom of heaven."(75)
I repeat once again what I said to the General Assembly of the United Nation
s on October 2, 1979: "I wish to express the joy that we all find in children, t
he springtime of life, the anticipation of the future history of each of our pre
sent earthly homelands. No country on earth, no political system can think of it
s own future otherwise than through the image of these new generations that will
receive from their parents the manifold heritage of values, duties and aspirati
ons of the nation to which they belong and of the whole human family. Concern fo
r the child, even before birth, from the first moment of conception and then thr
oughout the years of infancy and youth, is the primary and fundamental test of t
he relationship of one human being to another. And so, what better wish can I ex
press for every nation and for the whole of mankind, and for all the children of
the world than a better future in which respect for human rights will become a
complete reality throughout the third millennium, which is drawing near?"(76)
Acceptance, love, esteem, many-sided and united material, emotional, educati
onal and spiritual concern for every child that comes into this world should alw
ays constitute a distinctive, essential characteristic of all Christians, in par
ticular of the Christian family: thus children, while they are able to grow "in
wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man,"(77) offer their own preci
ous contribution to building up the family community and even to the sanctificat
ion of their parents.(78)
The Elderly in the Family
27. There are cultures which manifest a unique veneration and great love for
the elderly: far from being outcasts from the family or merely tolerated as a u
seless burden, they continue to be present and to take an active and responsible
part in family life, though having to respect the autonomy of the new family; a
bove all they carry out the important mission of being a witness to the past and
a source of wisdom for the young and for the future.
Other cultures, however, especially in the wake of disordered industrial and
urban development, have both in the past and in the present set the elderly asi
de in unacceptable ways. This causes acute suffering to them and spiritually imp
overishes many families.
The pastoral activity of the Church must help everyone to discover and to ma
ke good use of the role of the elderly within the civil and ecclesial community,
in particular within the family. In fact, "the life of the aging helps to clari
fy a scale of human values; it shows the continuity of generations and marvelous
ly demonstrates the interdependence of God's people. The elderly often have the
charism to bridge generation gaps before they are made: how many children have f
ound understanding and love in the eyes and words and caresses of the aging! And
how many old people have willingly subscribed to the inspired word that the 'cr
own of the aged is their children's children'(Prv. 17:6)!l "(79)
1. The Transmission of Life
Cooperators in the Love of God the Creator
28. With the creation of man and woman in His own image and likeness, God cr
owns and brings to perfection the work of His hands: He calls them to a special
sharing in His love and in His power as Creator and Father, through their free a
nd responsible cooperation in transmitting the gift of human life: "God blessed
them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and su
bdue it.'"(80)
Thus the fundamental task of the family is to serve life, to actualize in hi
story the original blessing of the Creator-that of transmitting by procreation t
he divine image from person to person.(81)
Fecundity is the fruit and the sign of conjugal love, the living testimony o
f the full reciprocal selfgiving of the spouses: "While not making the other pur
poses of matrimony of less account, the true practice of conjugal love, and the
whole meaning of the family life which results from it, have this aim: that the
couple be ready with stout hearts to cooperate with the love of the Creator and
the Savior, who through them will enlarge and enrich His own family day by day."
However, the fruitfulness of conjugal love is not restricted solely to the p
rocreation of children, even understood in its specifically human dimension: it
is enlarged and enriched by all those fruits of moral, spiritual and supernatura
l life which the father and mother are called to hand on to their children, and
through the children to the Church and to the world.
The Church's Teaching and Norm, Always Old Yet Always New
29. Precisely because the love of husband and wife is a unique participation
in the mystery of life and of the love of God Himself, the Church knows that sh
e has received the special mission of guarding and protecting the lofty dignity
of marriage and the most serious responsibility of the transmission of human lif
Thus, in continuity with the living tradition of the ecclesial community thr
oughout history, the recent Second Vatican Council and the magisterium of my pre
decessor Paul VI, expressed above all in the Encyclical Humanae vitae, have hand
ed on to our times a truly prophetic proclamation, which reaffirms and repropose
s with clarity the Church's teaching and norm, always old yet always new, regard
ing marriage and regarding the transmission of human life.
For this reason the Synod Fathers made the following declaration at their la
st assembly: "This Sacred Synod, gathered together with the Successor of Peter i
n the unity of faith, firmly holds what has been set forth in the Second Vatican
Council (cf. Gaudium et spes, 50) and afterwards in the Encyclical Humanae vita
e, particularly that love between husband and wife must be fully human, exclusiv
e and open to new life (Humanae vitae, 11; cf. 9, 12)."(83)
The Church Stands for Life
30. The teaching of the Church in our day is placed in a social and cultural
context which renders it more difficult to understand and yet more urgent and i
rreplaceable for promoting the true good of men and women.
Scientific and technical progress, which contemporary man is continually exp
anding in his dominion over nature, not only offers the hope of creating a new a
nd better humanity, but also causes ever greater anxiety regarding the future. S
ome ask themselves if it is a good thing to be alive or if it would be better ne
ver to have been born; they doubt therefore if it is right to bring others into
life when perhaps they will curse their existence in a cruel world with unforese
eable terrors. Others consider themselves to be the only ones for whom the advan
tages of technology are intended and they exclude others by imposing on them con
traceptives or even worse means. Still others, imprisoned in a consumer mentalit
y and whose sole concern is to bring about a continual growth of material goods,
finish by ceasing to understand, and thus by refusing, the spiritual riches of
a new human life. The ultimate reason for these mentalities is the absence in pe
ople's hearts of God, whose love alone is stronger than all the world's fears an
d can conquer them.
Thus an anti-life mentality is born, as can be seen in many current issues:
one thinks, for example, of a certain panic deriving from the studies of ecologi
sts and futurologists on population growth, which sometimes exaggerate the dange
r of demographic increase to the quality of life.
But the Church firmly believes that human life, even if weak and suffering,
is always a splendid gift of God's goodness. Against the pessimism and selfishne
ss which cast a shadow over the world, the Church stands for life: in each human
life she sees the splendor of that "Yes," that "Amen," who is Christ Himself.(8
4) To the "No" which assails and afflicts the world, she replies with this livin
g "Yes," thus defending the human person and the world from all who plot against
and harm life.
The Church is called upon to manifest anew to everyone, with clear and stron
ger conviction, her will to promote human life by every means and to defend it a
gainst all attacks, in whatever condition or state of development it is found.
Thus the Church condemns as a grave offense against human dignity and justic
e all those activities of governments or other public authorities which attempt
to limit in any way the freedom of couples in deciding about children. Consequen
tly, any violence applied by such authorities in favor of contraception or, stil
l worse, of sterilization and procured abortion, must be altogether condemned an
d forcefully rejected. Likewise to be denounced as gravely unjust are cases wher
e, in international relations, economic help given for the advancement of people
s is made conditional on programs of contraception, sterilization and procured a
That God's Design May Be Ever More Completely Fulfilled
31. The Church is certainly aware of the many complex problems which couples
in many countries face today in their task of transmitting life in a responsibl
e way. She also recognizes the serious problem of population growth in the form
it has taken in many parts of the world and its moral implications.
However, she holds that consideration in depth of all the aspects of these p
roblems offers a new and stronger confirmation of the importance of the authenti
c teaching on birth regulation reproposed in the Second Vatican Council and in t
he Encyclical Humanae vitae.
For this reason, together with the Synod Fathers I feel it is my duty to ext
end a pressing invitation to theologians, asking them to unite their efforts in
order to collaborate with the hierarchical Magisterium and to commit themselves
to the task of illustrating ever more clearly the biblical foundations, the ethi
cal grounds and the personalistic reasons behind this doctrine. Thus it will be
possible, in the context of an organic exposition, to render the teaching of the
Church on this fundamental question truly accessible to all people of good will
, fostering a daily more enlightened and profound understanding of it: in this w
ay God's plan will be ever more completely fulfilled for the salvation of humani
ty and for the glory of the Creator.
A united effort by theologians in this regard, inspired by a convinced adher
ence to the Magisterium, which is the one authentic guide for the People of God,
is particularly urgent for reasons that include the close link between Catholic
teaching on this matter and the view of the human person that the Church propos
es: doubt or error in the field of marriage or the family involves obscuring to
a serious extent the integral truth about the human person, in a cultural situat
ion that is already so often confused and contradictory. In fulfillment of their
specific role, theologians are called upon to provide enlightenment and a deepe
r understanding, and their contribution is of incomparable value and represents
a unique and highly meritorious service to the family and humanity.
In an Integral Vision of the Human Person and of His or Her Vocation
32. In the context of a culture which seriously distorts or entirely misinte
rprets the true meaning of human sexuality, because it separates it from its ess
ential reference to the person, the Church more urgently feels how irreplaceable
is her mission of presenting sexuality as a value and task of the whole person,
created male and female in the image of God.
In this perspective the Second Vatican Council clearly affirmed that "when t
here is a question of harmonizing conjugal love with the responsible transmissio
n of life, the moral aspect of any procedure does not depend solely on sincere i
ntentions or on an evaluation of motives. It must be determined by objective sta
ndards. These, based on the nature of the human person and his or her acts, pres
erve the full sense of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context o
f true love. Such a goal cannot be achieved unless the virtue of conjugal chasti
ty is sincerely practiced."(85)
It is precisely by moving from "an integral vision of man and of his vocatio
n, not only his natural and earthly, but also his supernatural and eternal vocat
ion,"(87) that Paul VI affirmed that the teaching of the Church "is founded upon
the inseparable connection, willed by God and unable to be broken by man on his
own initiative, between the two meanings of the conjugal act: the unitive meani
ng and the procreative meaning."(88) And he concluded by re-emphasizing that the
re must be excluded as intrinsically immoral "every action which, either in ant
icipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development o
f its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render
procreation impossible."(89)
When couples, by means of recourse to contraception, separate these two mean
ings that God the Creator has inscribed in the being of man and woman and in the
dynamism of their sexual communion, they act as "arbiters" of the divine plan a
nd they "manipulate" and degrade human sexuality-and with it themselves and thei
r married partner-by altering its value of "total" self-giving. Thus the innate
language that expresses the total reciprocal self-giving of husband and wife is
overlaid, through contraception, by an objectively contradictory language, namel
y, that of not giving oneself totally to the other. This leads not only to a pos
itive refusal to be open to life but also to a falsification of the inner truth
of conjugal love, which is called upon to give itself in personal totality.
When, instead, by means of recourse to periods of infertility, the couple re
spect the inseparable connection between the unitive and procreative meanings of
human sexuality, they are acting as "ministers" of God's plan and they "benefit
from" their sexuality according to the original dynamism of "total" selfgiving,
without manipulation or alteration.(90)
In the light of the experience of many couples and of the data provided by t
he different human sciences, theological reflection is able to perceive and is c
alled to study further the difference, both anthropological and moral, between c
ontraception and recourse to the rhythm of the cycle: it is a difference which i
s much wider and deeper than is usually thought, one which involves in the final
analysis two irreconcilable concepts of the human person and of human sexuality
. The choice of the natural rhythms involves accepting the cycle of the person,
that is the woman, and thereby accepting dialogue, reciprocal respect, shared re
sponsibility and self-control. To accept the cycle and to enter into dialogue me
ans to recognize both the spiritual and corporal character of conjugal communion
and to live personal love with its requirement of fidelity. In this context the
couple comes to experience how conjugal communion is enriched with those values
of tenderness and affection which constitute the inner soul of human sexuality,
in its physical dimension also. In this way sexuality is respected and promoted
in its truly and fully human dimension, and is never "used" as an "object" that
, by breaking the personal unity of soul and body, strikes at God's creation its
elf at the level of the deepest interaction of nature and person.
The Church as Teacher and Mother for Couples in Difficulty
33. In the field of conjugal morality the Church is Teacher and Mother and a
cts as such.
As Teacher, she never tires of proclaiming the moral norm that must guide th
e responsible transmission of life. The Church is in no way the author or the ar
biter of this norm. In obedience to the truth which is Christ, whose image is re
flected in the nature and dignity of the human person, the Church interprets the
moral norm and proposes it to all people of good will, without concealing its d
emands of radicalness and perfection.
As Mother, the Church is close to the many married couples who find themselv
es in difficulty over this important point of the moral life: she knows well the
ir situation, which is often very arduous and at times truly tormented by diffic
ulties of every kind, not only individual difficulties but social ones as well;
she knows that many couples encounter difficulties not only in the concrete fulf
illment of the moral norm but even in understanding its inherent values.
But it is one and the same Church that is both Teacher and Mother. And so th
e Church never ceases to exhort and encourage all to resolve whatever conjugal d
ifficulties may arise without ever falsifying or compromising the truth: she is
convinced that there can be no true contradiction between the divine law on tran
smitting life and that on fostering authentic married love.(91) Accordingly, the
concrete pedagogy of the Church must always remain linked with her doctrine and
never be separated from it. With the same conviction as my predecessor, I there
fore repeat: "To diminish in no way the saving teaching of Christ constitutes an
eminent form of charity for souls."(92)
On the other hand, authentic ecclesial pedagogy displays its realism and wis
dom only by making a tenacious and courageous effort to create and uphold all th
e human conditions-psychological, moral and spiritual-indispensable for understa
nding and living the moral value and norm.
There is no doubt that these conditions must include persistence and patienc
e, humility and strength of mind, filial trust in God and in His grace, and freq
uent recourse to prayer and to the sacraments of the Eucharist and of Reconcilia
tion.(93) Thus strengthened, Christian husbands and wives will be able to keep a
live their awareness of the unique influence that the grace of the sacrament of
marriage has on every aspect of married life, including therefore their sexualit
y: the gift of the Spirit, accepted and responded to by husband and wife, helps
them to live their human sexuality in accordance with God's plan and as a sign o
f the unitive and fruitful love of Christ for His Church.
But the necessary conditions alone in the knowledge of the bodily aspect and
the body's rhythms of fertility. Accordingly, every effort must be made to rend
er such knowledge accessible to all married people and also to young adults befo
re marriage, through clear, timely and serious instruction and education given b
y married couples, doctors and experts. Knowledge must then lead to education in
selfcontrol: hence the absolute necessity for the virtue of chastity and for pe
rmanent education in it. In the Christian view, chastity by no means signifies r
ejection of human sexuality or lack of esteem for it: rather it signifies spirit
ual energy capable of defending love from the perils of selfishness and aggressi
veness, and able to advance it towards its full realization.
With deeply wise and loving intuition, Paul VI was only voicing the experien
ce of many married couples when he wrote in his Encyclical: "To dominate instinc
t by means of one's reason and free will undoubtedly requires ascetical practice
s, so that the affective manifestations of conjugal life may observe the correct
order, in particular with regard to the observance of periodic continence. Yet
this discipline which is proper to the purity of married couples, far from harmi
ng conjugal love, rather confers on it a higher human value. It demands continua
l effort, yet, thanks to its beneficent influence, husband and wife fully develo
p their personalities, being enriched with spiritual values. Such discipline bes
tows upon family life fruits of serenity and peace, and facilitates the solution
of other problems; it favors attention for one's partner, helps both parties to
drive out selfishness, the enemy of true love, and deepens their sense of respo
nsibility. By its means, parents acquire the capacity of having a deeper and mor
e efficacious influence in the education of their offspring.
The Moral Progress of Married People
34. It is always very important to have a right notion of the moral order, i
ts values and its norms; and the importance is all the greater when the difficul
ties in the way of respecting them become more numerous and serious.
Since the moral order reveals and sets forth the plan of God the Creator, fo
r this very reason it cannot be something that harms man, something impersonal.
On the contrary, by responding to the deepest demands of the human being created
by God, it places itself at the service of that person's full humanity with the
delicate and binding love whereby God Himself inspires, sustains and guides eve
ry creature towards its happiness.
But man, who has been called to live God's wise and loving design in a respo
nsible manner, is an historical being who day by day builds himself up through h
is many free decisions; and so he knows, loves and accomplishes moral good by st
ages of growth.
Married people too are called upon to progress unceasingly in their moral li
fe, with the support of a sincere and active desire to gain ever better knowledg
e of the values enshrined in and fostered by the law of God. They must also be s
upported by an upright and generous willingness to embody these values in their
concrete decisions. They cannot however look on the law as merely an ideal to be
achieved in the future: they must consider it as a command of Christ the Lord t
o overcome difficulties with constancy. "And so what is known as 'the law of gra
dualness' or step-by-step advance cannot be identified with 'gradualness of the
law,' as if there were different degrees or forms of precept in God's law for di
fferent individuals and situations. In God's plan, all husbands and wives are ca
lled in marriage to holiness, and this lofty vocation is fulfilled to the extent
that the human person is able to respond to God's command with serene confidenc
e in God's grace and in his or her own will."(95) On the same lines, it is part
of the Church's pedagogy that husbands and wives should first of all recognize c
learly the teaching of Humanae vitae as indicating the norm for the exercise of
their sexuality, and that they should endeavor to establish the conditions neces
sary for observing that norm.
As the Synod noted, this pedagogy embraces the whole of married life. Accord
ingly, the function of transmitting life must be integrated into the overall mis
sion of Christian life as a whole, which without the Cross cannot reach the Resu
rrection. In such a context it is understandable that sacrifice cannot be remove
d from family life, but must in fact be wholeheartedly accepted if the love betw
een husband and wife is to be deepened and become a source of intimate joy.
This shared progress demands reflection, instruction and suitable education
on the part of the priests, religious and lay people engaged in family pastoral
work: they will all be able to assist married people in their human and spiritua
l progress, a progress that demands awareness of sin, a sincere commitment to ob
serve the moral law, and the ministry of reconciliation. It must also be kept in
mind that conjugal intimacy involves the wills of two persons, who are however
called to harmonize their mentality and behavior: this requires much patience, u
nderstanding and time. Uniquely important in this field is unity of moral and pa
storal judgment by priests, a unity that must be carefully sought and ensured, i
n order that the faithful may not have to suffer anxiety of conscience.(96)
It will be easier for married people to make progress if, with respect for t
he Church's teaching and with trust in the grace of Christ, and with the help an
d support of the pastors of souls and the entire ecclesial community, they are a
ble to discover and experience the liberating and inspiring value of the authent
ic love that is offered by the Gospel and set before us by the Lord's commandmen
Instilling Conviction and Offering Practical Help
35. With regard to the question of lawful birth regulation, the ecclesial commun
ity at the present time must take on the task of instilling conviction and offer
ing practical help to those who wish to live out their parenthood in a truly res
ponsible way.
In this matter, while the Church notes with satisfaction the results achieve
d by scientific research aimed at a more precise knowledge of the rhythms of wom
en's fertility, and while it encourages a more decisive and wide-ranging extensi
on of that research, it cannot fail to call with renewed vigor on the responsibi
lity of all-doctors, experts, marriage counselors, teachers and married coupleswho can actually help married people to live their love with respect for the str
ucture and finalities of the conjugal act which expresses that love. This implie
s a broader, more decisive and more systematic effort to make the natural method
s of regulating fertility known, respected and applied.(97)
A very valuable witness can and should be given by those husbands and wives
who through the joint exercise of periodic continence have reached a more mature
personal responsibility with regard to love and life. As Paul VI wrote: "To the
m the Lord entrusts the task of making visible to people the holiness and sweetn
ess of the law which unites the mutual love of husband and wife with their coope
ration with the love of God, the author of human life."(98)
2. Education The Right and Duty of Parents Regarding Education
36. The task of giving education is rooted in the primary vocation of marrie
d couples to participate in God's creative activity: by begetting in love and fo
r love a new person who has within himself or herself the vocation to growth and
development, parents by that very fact take on the task of helping that person
effectively to live a fully human life. As the Second Vatican Council recalled,
"since parents have conferred life on their children, they have a most solemn ob
ligation to educate their offspring. Hence, parents must be acknowledged as the
first and foremost educators of their children. Their role as educators is so de
cisive that scarcely anything can compensate for their failure in it. For it dev
olves on parents to create a family atmosphere so animated with love and reveren
ce for God and others that a well-rounded personal and social development will b
e fostered among the children. Hence, the family is the first school of those so
cial virtues which every society needs."(99)
The right and duty of parents to give education is essential, since it is co
nnected with the transmission of human life; it is original and primary with reg
ard to the educational role of others, on account of the uniqueness of the lovin
g relationship between parents and children; and it is irreplaceable and inalien
able, and therefore incapable of being entirely delegated to others or usurped b
y others.
In addition to these characteristics, it cannot be forgotten that the most b
asic element, so basic that it qualifies the educational role of parents, is par
ental love, which finds fulfillment in the task of education as it completes and
perfects its service of life: as well as being a source, the parents' love is a
lso the animating principle and therefore the norm inspiring and guiding all con
crete educational activity, enriching it with the values of kindness, constancy,
goodness, service, disinterestedness and self-sacrifice that are the most preci
ous fruit of love.
Educating in the Essential Values of Human Life
37. Even amid the difficulties of the work of education, difficulties which
are often greater today, parents must trustingly and courageously train their ch
ildren in the essential values of human life. Children must grow up with a corre
ct attitude of freedom with regard to material goods, by adopting a simple and a
ustere life style and being fully convinced that "man is more precious for what
he is than for what he has."(100)
In a society shaken and split by tensions and conflicts caused by the violen
t clash of various kinds of individualism and selfishness, children must be enri
ched not only with a sense of true justice, which alone leads to respect for the
personal dignity of each individual, but also and more powerfully by a sense of
true love, understood as sincere solicitude and disinterested service with rega
rd to others, especially the poorest and those in most need. The family is the f
irst and fundamental school of social living: as a community of love, it finds i
n self-giving the law that guides it and makes it grow. The self-giving that ins
pires the love of husband and wife for each other is the model and norm for the
self-giving that must be practiced in the relationships between brothers and sis
ters and the different generations living together in the family. And the commun
ion and sharing that are part of everyday life in the home at times of joy and a
t times of difficulty are the most concrete and effective pedagogy for the activ
e, responsible and fruitful inclusion of the children in the wider horizon of s
Education in love as self-giving is also the indispensable premise for paren
ts called to give their children a clear and delicate sex education. Faced with
a culture that largely reduces human sexuality to the level of something common
place, since it interprets and lives it in a reductive and impoverished way by l
inking it solely with the body and with selfish pleasure, the educational servic
e of parents must aim firmly at a training in the area of sex that is truly and
fully personal: for sexuality is an enrichment of the whole person-body, emotion
s and soul-and it manifests its inmost meaning in leading the person to the gift
of self in love.
Sex education, which is a basic right and duty of parents, must always be ca
rried out under their attentive guidance, whether at home or in educational cent
ers chosen and controlled by them. In this regard, the Church reaffirms the law
of subsidiarity, which the school is bound to observe when it cooperates in sex
education, by entering into the same spirit that animates the parents.
In this context education for chastity is absolutely essential, for it is a
virtue that develops a person's authentic maturity and makes him or her capable
of respecting and fostering the "nuptial meaning" of the body. Indeed Christian
parents, discerning the signs of God's call, will devote special attention and c
are to education in virginity or celibacy as the supreme form of that self-givin
g that constitutes the very meaning of human sexuality.
In view of the close links between the sexual dimension of the person and hi
s or her ethical values, education must bring the children to a knowledge of and
respect for the moral norms as the necessary and highly valuable guarantee for
responsible personal growth in human sexuality.
For this reason the Church is firmly opposed to an often widespread form of
imparting sex information dissociated from moral principles. That would merely b
e an introduction to the experience of pleasure and a stimulus leading to the lo
ss of serenity-while still in the years of innocence-by opening the way to vice.
The Mission To Educate and the Sacrament of Marriage
38. For Christian parents the mission to educate, a mission rooted, as we ha
ve said, in their participation in God's creating activity, has a new specific s
ource in the sacrament of marriage, which consecrates them for the strictly Chri
stian education of their children: that is to say, it calls upon them to share i
n the very authority and love of God the Father and Christ the Shepherd, and in
the motherly love of the Church, and it enriches them with wisdom, counsel, fort
itude and all the other gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to help the children i
n their growth as human beings and as Christians.
The sacrament of marriage gives to the educational role the dignity and voca
tion of being really and truly a "ministry" of the Church at the service of the
building up of her members. So great and splendid is the educational ministry of
Christian parents that Saint Thomas has no hesitation in comparing it with the
ministry of priests: "Some only propagate and guard spiritual life by a spiritua
l ministry: this is the role of the sacrament of Orders; others do this for both
corporal and spiritual life, and this is brought about by the sacrament of marr
iage, by which a man and a woman join in order to beget offspring and bring them
up to worship God."(101)
A vivid and attentive awareness of the mission that they have received with
the sacrament of marriage will help Christian parents to place themselves at the
service of their children's education with great serenity and trustfulness, and
also with a sense of responsibility before God, who calls them and gives them t
he mission of building up the Church in their children. Thus in the case of bapt
ized people, the family, called together by word and sacrament as the Church of
the home, is both teacher and mother, the same as the worldwide Church.
First Experience of the Church
39. The mission to educate demands that Christian parents should present to
their children all the topics that are necessary for the gradual maturing of the
ir personality from a Christian and ecclesial point of view. They will therefore
follow the educational lines mentioned above, taking care to show their childre
n the depths of significance to which the faith and love of Jesus Christ can lea
d. Furthermore, their awareness that the Lord is entrusting to them the growth o
f a child of God, a brother or sister of Christ, a temple of the Holy Spirit, a
member of the Church, will support Christian parents in their task of strengthen
ing the gift of divine grace in their children's souls.
The Second Vatican Council describes the content of Christian education as f
ollows: "Such an education does not merely strive to foster maturity...in the hu
man person. Rather, its principal aims are these: that as baptized persons are g
radually introduced into a knowledge of the mystery of salvation, they may daily
grow more conscious of the gift of faith which they have received; that they ma
y learn to adore God the Father in spirit and in truth (cf. Jn. 4:23), especiall
y through liturgical worship; that they may be trained to conduct their personal
life in true righteousness and holiness, according to their new nature (Eph. 4:
22-24), and thus grow to maturity, to the stature of the fullness of Christ (cf.
Eph. 4:13), and devote themselves to the upbuilding of the Mystical Body. Moreo
ver, aware of their calling, they should grow accustomed to giving witness to th
e hope that is in them (cf. 1 Pt. 3:15), and to promoting the Christian transfor
mation of the world."(102)
The Synod too, taking up and developing the indications of the Council, pres
ented the educational mission of the Christian family as a true ministry through
which the Gospel is transmitted and radiated, so that family life itself become
s an itinerary of faith and in some way a Christian initiation and a school of f
ollowing Christ. Within a family that is aware of this gift, as Paul VI wrote, "
all the members evangelize and are evangelized."(103)
By virtue of their ministry of educating, parents are, through the witness o
f their lives, the first heralds of the Gospel for their children. Furthermore,
by praying with their children, by reading the word of God with them and by intr
oducing them deeply through Christian initiation into the Body of Christ-both th
e Eucharistic and the ecclesial Body-they become fully parents, in that they are
begetters not only of bodily life but also of the life that through the Spirit'
s renewal flows from the Cross and Resurrection of Christ.
In order that Christian parents may worthily carry out their ministry of edu
cating, the Synod Fathers expressed the hope that a suitable catechism for famil
ies would be prepared, one that would be clear, brief and easily assimilated by
all. The Episcopal Conferences were warmly invited to contribute to producing th
is catechism.
Relations with Other Educating Agents
40. The family is the primary but not the only and exclusive educating commu
nity. Man's community aspect itself-both civil and ecclesial-demands and leads t
o a broader and more articulated activity resulting from well-ordered collaborat
ion between the various agents of education. All these agents are necessary, eve
n though each can and should play its part in accordance with the special compet
ence and contribution proper to itself.(104)
The educational role of the Christian family therefore has a very important
place in organic pastoral work. This involves a new form of cooperation between
parents and Christian communities, and between the various educational groups an
d pastors. In this sense, the renewal of the Catholic school must give special a
ttention both to the parents of the pupils and to the formation of a perfect edu
cating community.
The right of parents to choose an education in conformity with their religio
us faith must be absolutely guaranteed.
The State and the Church have the obligation to give families all possible a
id to enable them to perform their educational role properly. Therefore both the
Church and the State must create and foster the institutions and activities tha
t families justly demand, and the aid must be in proportion to the families' nee
ds. However, those in society who are in charge of schools must never forget tha
t the parents have been appointed by God Himself as the first and principal educ
ators of their children and that their right is completely inalienable.
But corresponding to their right, parents have a serious duty to commit them
selves totally to a cordial and active relationship with the teachers and the sc
hool authorities.
If ideologics opposed to the Christian faith are taught in the schools, the
family must join with other families, if possible through family associations, a
nd with all its strength and with wisdom help the young depart from the faith. I
n this case the family needs special assistance from pastors of souls, who must
never forget that parents have the inviolable right to entrust their children to
the ecclesial community.
Manifold Service to Life
41. Fruitful married love expresses itself in serving life in many ways. Of
these ways, begetting and educating children are the most immediate, specific an
d irreplaceable. In fact, every act of true love towards a human being bears wit
ness to and perfects the spiritual fecundity of the family, since it is an act o
f obedience to the deep inner dynamism of love as self-giving to others.
For everyone this perspective is full of value and commitment, and it can be
an inspiration in particular for couples who experience physical sterility.
Christian families, recognizing with faith all human beings as children of t
he same heavenly Father, will respond generously to the children of other famili
es, giving them support and love not as outsiders but as members of the one fami
ly of God's children. Christian parents will thus be able to spread their love b
eyond the bonds of flesh and blood, nourishing the links that are rooted in the
spirit and that develop through concrete service to the children of other famili
es, who are often without even the barest necessities.
Christian families will be able to show greater readiness to adopt and foste
r children who have lost their parents or have been abandoned by them. Rediscove
ring the warmth of affection of a family, these children will be able to experie
nce God's loving and provident fatherhood witnessed to by Christian parents, and
they will thus be able to grow up with serenity and confidence in life. At the
same time the whole family will be enriched with the spiritual values of a wide
r fraternity. Family fecundity must have an unceasing "creativity," a marvelous
fruit of the Spirit of God, who opens the eyes of the heart to discover the new
needs and sufferings of our society and gives courage for accepting them and res
ponding to them. A vast field of activity. lies open to families: today, even mo
re preoccupying than child abandonment is the phenomenon of social and cultural
exclusion, which seriously affects the elderly, the sick, the disabled, drug add
icts, ex-prisoners, etc.
This broadens enormously the horizons of the parenthood of Christian familie
s: these and many other urgent needs of our time are a challenge to their spirit
ually fruitful love. With families and through them, the Lord Jesus continues to
"have compassion" on the multitudes.
The Family as the First and Vital Cell of Society
42. "Since the Creator of all things has established the conjugal partnershi
p as the beginning and basis of human society," the family is "the first and vit
al cell of society."(105)
The family has vital and organic links with society, since it is its foundat
ion and nourishes it continually through its role of service to life: it is from
the family that citizens come to birth and it is within the family that they fi
nd the first school of the social virtues that are the animating principle of th
e existence and development of society itself.
Thus, far from being closed in on itself, the family is by nature and vocati
on open to other families and to society, and undertakes its social role.
Family Life as an Experience of Communion and Sharing
43. The very experience of communion and sharing that should characterize th
e family's daily life represents its first and fundamental contribution to socie
The relationships between the members of the family community are inspired a
nd guided by the law of "free giving." By respecting and fostering personal dign
ity in each and every one as the only basis for value, this free giving takes th
e form of heartfelt acceptance, encounter and dialogue, disinterested availabili
ty, generous service and deep solidarity.
Thus the fostering of authentic and mature communion between persons within
the family is the first and irreplaceable school of social life, and example and
stimulus for the broader community relationships marked by respect, justice, di
alogue and love.
The family is thus, as the Synod Fathers recalled, the place of origin and t
he most effective means for humanizing and personalizing society: it makes an or
iginal contribution in depth to building up the world, by making possible a life
that is properly speaking human, in particular by guarding and transmitting vir
tues and "values." As the Second Vatican Council states, in the family "the vari
ous generations come together and help one another to grow wiser and to harmoniz
e personal rights with the other requirements of social living."(106)
Consequently, faced with a society that is running the risk of becoming more
and more depersonalized and standardized and therefore inhuman and dehumanizing
, with the negative results of many forms of escapism-such as alcoholism, drugs
and even terrorism-the family possesses and continues still to release formidabl
e energies capable of taking man out of his anonymity, keeping him conscious of
his personal dignity, enriching him with deep humanity and actively placing him,
in his uniqueness and unrepeatability, within the fabric of society.
The Social and Political Role
44. The social role of the family certainly cannot stop short at procreation
and education, even if this constitutes its primary and irreplaceable form of e
Families therefore, either singly or in association, can and should devote t
hemselves to manifold social service activities, especially in favor of the poor
, or at any rate for the benefit of all people and situations that cannot be rea
ched by the public authorities' welfare organization.
The social contribution of the family has an original character of its own,
one that should be given greater recognition and more decisive encouragement, es
pecially as the children grow up, and actually involving all its members as much
as possible.(107)
In particular, note must be taken of the ever greater importance in our soci
ety of hospitality in all its forms, from opening the door of one's home and sti
ll more of one's heart to the pleas of one's brothers and sisters, to concrete e
fforts to ensure that every family has its own home, as the natural environment
that preserves it and makes it grow. In a special way the Christian family is ca
lled upon to listen to the Apostle's recommendation: "Practice hospitality,"(108
) and therefore, imitating Christ's example and sharing in His love, to welcome
the brother or sister in need: "Whoever gives to one of these little ones even a
cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he shall not l
ose his reward."(109)
The social role of families is called upon to find expression also in the fo
rm of political intervention: families should be the first to take steps to see
that the laws and institutions of the State not only do not offend but support a
nd positively defend the rights and duties of the family. Along these lines, fam
ilies should grow in awareness of being "protagonists" of what is known as "fami
ly politics" and assume responsibility for transforming society; otherwise famil
ies will be the first victims of the evils that they have done no more than note
with indifference. The Second Vatican Council's appeal to go beyond an individu
alistic ethic therefore also holds good for the family as such."(110)
-the right of the elderly to a worthy life and a worthy death;
-the right to emigrate as a family in search of a better life.(112)
Acceding to the Synod's explicit request, the Holy See will give prompt atte
ntion to studying these suggestions in depth and to the preparation of a Charter
of Rights of the Family, to be presented to the quarters and authorities concer
The Christian Family's Grace and Responsibility
47. The social role that belongs to every family pertains by a new and origi
nal right to the Christian family, which is based on the sacrament of marriage.
By taking up the human reality of the love between husband and wife in all its i
mplications, the sacrament gives to Christian couples and parents a power and a
commitment to live their vocation as lay people and therefore to "seek the kingd
om of God by engaging in temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the
plan of God."(113)
The social and political role is included in the kingly mission of service i
n which Christian ouples share by virtue of the sacrament of marriage, and they
receive both a command which they cannot ignore and a grace which sustains and s
timulates them.
The Christian family is thus called upon to offer everyone a witness of gene
rous and disinterested dedication to social matters, through a "preferential opt
ion" for the poor and disadvantaged. Therefore, advancing in its following of th
e Lord by special love for all the poor, it must have special concern for the hu
ngry, the poor, the old, the sick, drug victims and those who have no family.
For a New International Order
48. In view of the worldwide dimension of various social questions nowadays,
the family has seen its role with regard to the development of society extended
in a completely new way: it now also involves cooperating for a new internation
al order, since it is only in worldwide solidarity that the enormous and dramati
c issues of world justice, the freedom of peoples and the peace of humanity can
be dealt with and solved.
The spiritual communion between Christian families, rooted in a common faith
and hope and given life by love, constitutes an inner energy that generates, sp
reads and develops justice, reconciliation, fraternity and peace among human bei
ngs. Insofar as it is a "small-scale Church," the Christian family is called upo
n, like the "large-scale Church," to be a sign of unity for the world and in th
is way to exercise its prophetic role by bearing witness to the Kingdom and peac
e of Christ, towards which the whole world is journeying.
Christian families can do this through their educational activity-that is to
say by presenting to their children a model of life based on the values of trut
h, freedom, justice and love-both through active and responsible involvement in
the authentically human growth of society and its institutions, and by supportin
g in various ways the associations pecifically devoted to international issues.
The Family, Within the Mystery of the Church
49. Among the fundamental tasks of the Christian family is its ecclesial tas
k: the family is placed at the service of the building up of the Kingdom of God
in history by participating in the life and mission of the Church.
In order to understand better the foundations, the contents and the characte
ristics of this participation, we must examine the many profound bonds linking t
he Church and the Christian family and establishing the family as a "Church in m
iniature" (Ecclesia domestica),(114) in such a way that in its own way the famil
y is a living image and historical representation of the mystery of the Church.
It is, above all, the Church as Mother that gives birth to, educates and bui
lds up the Christian family, by putting into effect in its regard the saving mis
sion which she has received from her Lord. By proclaiming the word of God, the C
hurch reveals to the Christian family its true identity, what it is and should b
e according to the Lord's plan; by celebrating the sacraments, the Church enrich
es and strengthens the Christian family with the grace of Christ for its sanctif
ication to the glory of the Father; by the continuous proclamation of the new co
mmandment of love, the Church encourages and guides the Christian family to the
service of love, so that it may imitate and relive the same self-giving and sacr
ificial love that the Lord Jesus has for the entire human race.
In turn, the Christian family is grafted into the mystery of the Church to s
uch a degree as to become a sharer, in its own way, in the saving mission proper
to the Church: by virtue of the sacrament, Christian married couples and parent
s "in their state and way of life have their own special gift among the People o
f God."(115) For this reason they not only receive the love of Christ and become
a saved community, but they are also called upon to communicate Christ's love t
o their brethren, thus becoming a saving community. In this way, while the Chris
tian family is a fruit and sign of the supernatural fecundity of the Church, it
stands also as a symbol, witness and participant of the Church's motherhood.(116
A Specific and Original Ecclesial Role
50. The Christian family is called upon to take part actively and responsibl
y in the mission of the Church in a way that is original and specific, by placin
g itself, in what it is and what it does as an "intimate community of life and l
ove," at the service of the Church and of society.
Since the Christian family is a community in which the relationships are ren
ewed by Christ through faith and the sacraments, the family's sharing in the Chu
rch's mission should follow a community pattern: the spouses together as a coupl
e, the parents and children as a family, must live their service to the Church a
nd to the world. They must be "of one heart and soul"(117) in faith, through the
shared apostolic zeal that animates them, and through their shared commitment t
o works of service to the ecclesial and civil communities.
The Christian family also builds up the Kingdom of God in history through th
e everyday realities that concern and distinguish its state of life. It is thus
in the love between husband and wife and between the members of the family-a lov
e lived out in all its extraordinary ichness of values and demands: totality, on
eness, fidelity and fruitfulness(118) that the Christian family's participation
in the prophetic, priestly and kingly mission of Jesus Christ and of His Church
finds expression and realization. Therefore, love and life constitute the nucleu
s of the saving mission of the Christian family in the Church and for the Church
The Second Vatican Council recalls this fact when it writes: "Families will
share their spiritual riches generously with other families too. Thus the Christ
ian family, which springs from marriage as a reflection of the loving covenant u
niting Christ with the Church, and as a participation in that covenant will mani
fest to all people the Savior's living presence in the world, and the genuine na
ture of the Church. This the family will do by the mutual love of the spouses, b
y their generous fruitfulness, their solidarity and faithfulness, and by the lov
ing way in which all the members of the family work together."(119)
Having laid the foundation of the participation of the Christian family in t
he Church's mission, it is now time to illustrate its substance in reference to
Jesus Christ as Prophet, Priest and King-three aspects of a single reality-by pr
esenting the Christian family as 1) a believing and evangelizing community, 2) a
community in dialogue with God, and 3) a community at the service of man.
1. The Christian Family as a Believing and Evangelizing Community
Faith as the Discovery and Admiring Awareness of God's Plan for the Family
51. As a sharer in the life and mission of the Church, which listens to the
word of God with reverence and proclaims it confidently,(120) the Christian fami
ly fulfills its prophetic role by welcoming and announcing the word of God: it t
hus becomes more and more each day a believing and evangelizing community.
Christian spouses and parents are required to offer "the obedience of faith.
"(121) They are called upon to welcome the word of the Lord which reveals to the
m the marvelous news-the Good News-of their conjugal and family life sanctified
and made a source of sanctity by Christ Himself. Only in faith can they discover
and admire with joyful gratitude the dignity to which God has deigned to raise
marriage and the family, making them a sign and meeting place of the loving cove
nant between God and man, between Jesus Christ and His bride, the Church.
The very preparation for Christian marriage is itself a journey of faith. It
is a special opportunity for the engaged to rediscover and deepen the faith rec
eived in Baptism and nourished by their Christian upbringing. In this way they c
ome to recognize and freely accept their vocation to follow Christ and to serve
the Kingdom of God in the married state.
The celebration of the sacrament of marriage is the basic moment of the fait
h of the couple. This sacrament, in essence, is the proclamation in the Church o
f the Good News concerning married love. It is the word of God that "reveals" an
d "fulfills" the wise and loving plan of God for the married couple, giving them
a mysterious and real share in the very love with which God Himself loves human
ity. Since the sacramental celebration of marriage is itself a proclamation of t
he word of God, it must also be a "profession of faith" within and with the Chur
ch, as a community of believers, on the part of all those who in different ways
participate in its celebration.
This profession of faith demands that it be prolonged in the life of the mar
ried couple and of the family. God, who called the couple to marriage, continues
to call them in marriage.(122) In and through the events, problems, difficultie
s and circumstances of everyday life, God comes to them, revealing and presentin
g the concrete "demands" of their sharing in the love of Christ for His Church i
n the particular family, social and ecclesial situation in which they find thems
The discovery of and obedience to the plan of God on the part of the conjuga
l and family community must take place in "togetherness," through the human expe
rience of love between husband and wife, between parents and children, lived in
the Spirit of Christ.
Thus the little domestic Church, like the greater Church, needs to be consta
ntly and intensely evangelized: hence its duty regarding permanent education in
the faith.
The Christian Family's Ministry of Evangelization
52. To the extent in which the Christian family accepts the Gospel and matur
es in faith, it becomes an evangelizing community. Let us listen again to Paul V
I: "The family, like the Church, ought to be a place where the Gospel is transmi
tted and from which the Gospel radiates. In a family which is conscious of this
mission, all the members evangelize and are evangelized. The parents not only co
mmunicate the Gospel to their children, but from their children they can themsel
ves receive the same Gospel as deeply lived by them. And such a family becomes t
he evangelizer of many other families, and of the neighborhood of which it forms
As the Synod repeated, taking up the appeal which I launched at Puebla, the
future of evangelization depends in great part on the Church of the home.(124) T
his apostolic mission of the family is rooted in Baptism and receives from the g
race of the sacrament of marriage new strength to transmit the faith, to sanctif
y and transform our present society according to God's plan.
Particularly today, the Christian family has a special vocation to witness t
o the paschal covenant of Christ by constantly radiating the joy of love and the
certainty of the hope for which it must give an account: "The Christian family
loudly proclaims both the present virtues of the Kingdom of God and the hope of
a blessed life to come."(125)
The absolute need for family catechesis emerges with particular force in cer
tain situations that the Church unfortunately experiences in some places: "In pl
aces where anti-religious legislation endeavors even to prevent education in the
faith, and in places where widespread unbelief or invasive secularism makes rea
l religious growth practically impossible, 'the Church of the home' remains the
one place where children and young people can receive an authentic catechesis."(
Ecclesial Service
53. The ministry of evangelization carried out by Christian parents is origi
nal and irreplaceable. It assumes the characteristics typical of family life its
elf, which should be interwoven with love, simplicity, practicality and daily wi
The family must educate the children for life in such a way that each one ma
y fully perform his or her role according to the vocation received from God. Ind
eed, the family that is open to transcendent values, that serves its brothers an
d sisters with joy, that fulfills its duties with generous fidelity, and is awar
e of its daily sharing in the mystery of the glorious Cross of Christ, becomes t
he primary and most excellent seed-bed of vocations to a life of consecration to
the Kingdom of God.
The parents' ministry of evangelization and catechesis ought to play a part
in their children's lives also during adolescence and youth, when the children,
as often happens, challenge or even reject the Christian faith received in earli
er years. Just as in the Church the work of evangelization can never be separate
d from the sufferings of the apostle, so in the Christian family parents must fa
ce with courage and great interior serenity the difficulties that their ministry
of evangelization sometimes encounters in their own children.
It should not be forgotten that the service rendered by Christian spouses an
d parents to the Gospel is essentially an ecclesial service. It has its place wi
thin the context of the whole Church as an evangelized and evangelizing communit
y. In so far as the ministry of evangelization and catechesis of the Church of t
he home is rooted in and derives from the one mission of the Church and is ordai
ned to the upbuilding of the one Body of Christ,(128) it must remain in intimate
communion and collaborate responsibly with all the other evangelizing and catec
hetical activities present and at work in the ecclesial community at the diocesa
n and parochial levels.
To Preach the Gospel to the Whole Creation
54. Evangelization, urged on within by irrepressible missionary zeal, is cha
racterized by a universality without boundaries. It is the response to Christ's
explicit and unequivocal command: "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel t
o the whole creation."(129)
The Christian family's faith and evangelizing mission also possesses this ca
tholic missionary inspiration. The sacrament of marriage takes up and reproposes
the task of defending and spreading the faith, a task that has its roots in Bap
tism and Confirmation, (130) and makes Christian married couples and parents wit
nesses of Christ "to the end of the earth,"(131) missionaries, in the true and p
roper sense, of love and life.
A form of missionary activity can be exercised even within the family. This
happens when some member of the family does not have the faith or does not pract
ice it with consistency. In such a case the other members must give him or her a
living witness of their own faith in order to encourage and support him or her
along the path towards full acceptance of Christ the Savior.(132)
Animated in its own inner life by missionary zeal, the Church of the home is
also called to be a luminous sign of the presence of Christ and of His love for
those who are "far away," for families who do not yet believe, and for those Ch
ristian families who no longer live in accordance with the faith that they once
received. The Christian family is called to enlighten "by its example and its wi
tness...those who seek the truth."(133)
Just as at the dawn of Christianity Aquila and Priscilla were presented as a
missionary couple,(134) so today the Church shows forth her perennial newness a
nd fruitfulness by the presence of Christian couples and families who dedicate a
t least a part of their lives to working in missionary territories, proclaiming
the Gospel and doing service to their fellowman in the love of Jesus Christ.
Christian families offer a special contribution to the missionary cause of t
he Church by fostering missionary vocations among their sons and daughters(135)
and, more generally, "by training their children from childhood to recognize God
's love for all people."(136)
2. The Christian Family as a Community in Dialogue with God
The Church's Sanctuary in the Home
55. The proclamation of the Gospel and its acceptance in faith reach their f
ullness in the celebration of the sacraments. The Church which is a believing an
d evangelizing community is also a priestly people invested with the dignity and
sharing in the power of Christ the High Priest of the New and Eternal Covenant.
The Christian family too is part of this priestly people which is the Church
. By means of the sacrament of marriage, in which it is rooted and from which it
draws its nourishment, the Christian family is continuously vivified by the Lor
d Jesus and called and engaged by Him in a dialogue with God through the sacrame
nts, through the offering of one's life, and through prayer.
This is the priestly role which the Christian family can and ought to exerci
se in intimate communion with the whole Church, through the daily realities of m
arried and family life. In this way the Christian family is called to be sanctif
ied and to sanctify the ecclesial community and the world.
Marriage as a Sacrament of Mutual Sanctification and an Act of Worship
56. The sacrament of marriage is the specific source and original means of s
anctification for Christian married couples and families. It takes up again and
makes specific the sanctifying grace of Baptism. By virtue of the mystery of th
e death and Resurrection of Christ, of which the spouses are made part in a new
way by marriage, conjugal love is purified and made holy: "This love the Lord ha
s judged worthy of special gifts, healing, perfecting and exalting gifts of grac
e and of charity."(138)
The gift of Jesus Christ is not exhausted in the actual celebration of the s
acrament of marriage, but rather accompanies the married couple throughout their
lives. This fact is explicitly recalled by the Second Vatican Council when it s
ays that Jesus Christ "abides with them so that, just as He loved the Church and
handed Himself over on her behalf, the spouses may love each other with perpetu
al fidelity through mutual self-bestowal.... For this reason, Christian spouses
have a special sacrament by which they are fortified and receive a kind of conse
cration in the duties and dignity of their state. By virtue of this sacrament, a
s spouses fulfill their conjugal and family obligations, they are penetrated wit
h the Spirit of Christ, who fills their whole lives with faith, hope and charity
. Thus they increasingly advance towards their own perfection, as well as toward
s their mutual sanctification, and hence contribute jointly to the glory of God.
Christian spouses and parents are included in the universal call to sanctity
. For them this call is specified by the sacrament they have celebrated and is c
arried out concretely in the realities proper to their conjugal and family life.
(140) This gives rise to the grace and requirement of an authentic and profound
conjugal and family spirituality that draws its inspiration from the themes of c
reation, covenant, cross, resurrection, and sign, which were stressed more than
Family Prayer
59. The Church prays for the Christian family and educates the family to liv
e in generous accord with the priestly gift and role received from Christ the Hi
gh Priest. In effect, the baptismal priesthood of the faithful, exercised in the
sacrament of marriage, constitutes the basis of a priestly vocation and mission
for the spouses and family by which their daily lives are transformed into "spi
ritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." (149) This transform
ation is achieved not only by celebrating the Eucharist and the other sacraments
and through offering themselves to the glory of God, but also through a life of
prayer, through prayerful dialogue with the Father, through Jesus Christ, in th
e Holy Spirit.
Family prayer has its own characteristic qualities. It is prayer offered in
common, husband and wife together, parents and children together. Communion in p
rayer is both a consequence of and a requirement for the communion bestowed by t
he sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony. The words with which the Lord Jesus prom
ises His presence can be applied to the members of the Christian family in a spe
cial way: "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they
ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are
gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them."(150)
Family prayer has for its very own object family life itself, which in all i
ts varying circumstances is seen as a call from God and lived as a filial respon
se to His call. Joys and sorrows, hopes and disappointments, births and birthday
celebrations, wedding anniversaries of the parents, departures, separations and
homecomings, important and far-reaching decisions, the death of those who are d
ear, etc.-all of these mark God's loving intervention in the family's history. T
hey should be seen as suitable moments for thanksgiving, for petition, for trust
ing abandonment of the family into the hands of their common Father in heaven. T
he dignity and responsibility of the Christian family as the domestic Church can
be achieved only with God's unceasing aid, which will surely be granted if it i
s humbly and trustingly petitioned in prayer.
Educators in Prayer
60. By reason of their dignity and mission, Christian parents have the speci
fic responsibility of educating their children in prayer, introducing them to gr
adual discovery of the mystery of God and to personal dialogue with Him: "It is
particularly in the Christian family, enriched by the grace and the office of th
e sacrament of Matrimony, that from the earliest years children should be taught
, according to the faith received in Baptism, to have a knowledge of God, to wor
ship Him and to love their neighbor."(151)
The concrete example and living witness of parents is fundamental and irrepl
aceable in educating their children to pray. Only by praying together with their
children can a father and mother-exercising their royal priesthood-penetrate th
e innermost depths of their children's hearts and leave an impression that the f
uture events in their lives will not be able to efface. Let us again listen to t
he appeal made by Paul VI to parents: "Mothers, do you teach your children the C
hristian prayers? Do you prepare them, in conjunction with the priests, for the
sacraments that they receive when they are young: Confession, Communion and Conf
irmation? Do you encourage them when they are sick to think of Christ suffering
to invoke the aid of the Blessed Virgin and the saints Do you say the family ros
ary together? And you, fathers, do you pray with your children, with the whole d
omestic community, at least sometimes? Your example of honesty in thought and ac
tion, joined to some common prayer, is a lesson for life, an act of worship of s
ingular value. In this way you bring peace to your homes: Pax huic domui. Rememb
er, it is thus that you build up the Church."(152)
Liturgical Prayer and Private Prayer
61. There exists a deep and vital bond between the prayer of the Church and
the prayer of the individual faithful, as has been clearly reaffirmed by the Sec
ond Vatican Council. (153) An important purpose of the prayer of the domestic C
hurch is to serve as the natural introduction for the children to the liturgical
prayer of the whole Church, both in the sense of preparing for it and of extend
ing it into personal, family and social life. Hence the need for gradual partici
pation by all the members of the Christian family in the celebration of the Euch
arist, especially on Sundays and feast days, and of the other sacraments, partic
ularly the sacraments of Christian initiation of the children. The directives of
the Council opened up a new possibility for the Christian family when it listed
the family among those groups to whom it recommends the recitation of the Divin
e Office in common.(154) Likewise, the Christian family will strive to celebrate
at home, and in a way suited to the members, the times and feasts of the liturg
ical year.
As preparation for the worship celebrated in church, and as its prolongation
in the home, the Christian family makes use of private prayer, which presents a
great variety of forms. While this variety testifies to the extraordinary richn
ess with which the Spirit vivifies Christian prayer, it serves also to meet the
various needs and life situations of those who turn to the Lord in prayer. Apart
from morning and evening prayers, certain forms of prayer are to be expressly e
ncouraged, following the indications of the Synod Fathers, such as reading and m
editating on the word of God, preparation for the reception of the sacraments, d
evotion and consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the various forms of vene
ration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, grace before and after meals, and observance
of popular devotions.
While respecting the freedom of the children of God, the Church has always p
roposed certain practices of piety to the faithful with particular solicitude an
d insistence. Among these should be mentioned the recitation of the rosary: "We
now desire, as a continuation of the thought of our predecessors, to recommend s
trongly the recitation of the family rosary.... There is no doubt that... the ro
sary should be considered as one of the best and most efficacious prayers in com
mon that the Christian family is invited to recite. We like to think, and sincer
ely hope, that when the family gathering becomes a time of prayer the rosary is
a frequent and favored manner of praying."(155) In this way authentic devotion t
o Mary, which finds expression in sincere love and generous imitation of the Ble
ssed Virgin's interior spiritual attitude, constitutes a special instrument for
nourishing loving communion in the family and for developing conjugal and family
spirituality. For she who is the Mother of Christ and of the Church is in a spe
cial way the Mother of Christian families, of domestic Churches.
Prayer and Life
62. It should never be forgotten that prayer constitutes an essential part o
f Christian life, understood in its fullness and centrality. Indeed, prayer is a
n important part of our very humanity: it is "the first expression of man's inne
r truth, the first condition for authentic freedom of spirit."(156)
Far from being a form of escapism from everyday commitments, prayer constitu
tes the strongest incentive for the Christian family to assume and comply fully
with all its responsibilities as the primary and fundamental cell of human socie
ty. Thus the Christian family's actual participation in the Church's life and mi
ssion is in direct proportion to the fidelity and intensity of the prayer with w
hich it is united with the fruitful vine that is Christ the Lord.(157)
The fruitfulness of the Christian family in its specific service to human ad
vancement, which of itself cannot but lead to the transformation of the world, d
erives from its living union with Christ, nourished by Liturgy, by self-oblation
and by prayer.(158)
3. The Christian Family
The New Commandment of Love
63. The Church, a prophetic, priestly and kingly people, is endowed with the
mission of bringing all human beings to accept the word of God in faith, to cel
ebrate and profess it in the sacraments and in prayer, and to give expression to
it in the concrete realities of life in accordance with the gift and new comman
dment of love.
The law of Christian life is to be found not in a written code, but in the p
ersonal action of the Holy Spirit who inspires and guides the Christian. It is t
he "law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus"(159) "God's love has been poured
into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."(160)
This is true also for the Christian couple and family. Their guide and rule
of life is the Spirit of Jesus poured into their hearts in the celebration of th
e sacrament of Matrimony. In continuity with Baptism in water and the Spirit, ma
rriage sets forth anew the evangelical law of love, and with the gift of the Spi
rit engraves it more profoundly on the hearts of Christian husbands and wives. T
heir love, purified and saved, is a fruit of the Spirit acting in the hearts of
believers and constituting, at the same time, the fundamental commandment of the
ir moral life to be lived in responsible freedom.
Thus, the Christian family is inspired and guide by the new law of the Spiri
t and, in intimate communion with the Church, the kingly people, it is called to
exercise its "service" of love towards God and towards its fellow human beings.
Just as Christ exercises His royal power by serving us,(161) so also the Christ
ian finds the authentic meaning of his participation in the kingship of his Lord
in sharing His spirit and practice of service to man. "Christ has communicated
this power to his disciples that they might be established in royal freedom and
that by self-denial and a holy life they might conquer the reign of sin in thems
elves (cf. Rom. 6:12). Further, He has shared this power so that by serving Him
in their fellow human beings they might through humility and patience lead their
brothers and sisters to that King whom to serve is to reign. For the Lord wishe
s to spread His kingdom by means of the laity also, a kingdom of truth and life,
a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love and peace. In this
kingdom, creation itself will be delivered out of its slavery to corruption and
into the freedom of the glory of the children of God (cf. Rom. 8:21). "(162)
To Discover the Image of God in Each Brother and Sister
64. Inspired and sustained by the new commandment of love, the Christian fa
mily welcomes, respects and serves every human being, considering each one in hi
s or her dignity as a person and as a child of God.
It should be so especially between husband and wife and within the family, t
hrough a daily effort to promote a truly personal community, initiated and foste
red by an inner communion of love. This way of life should then be extended to t
he wider circle of the ecclesial community of which the Christian family is a pa
rt. Thanks to love within the family, the Church can and ought to take on a more
homelike or family dimension, developing a more human and fraternal style of re
Love, too, goes beyond our brothers and sisters of the same faith since "eve
rybody is my brother or sister." In each individual, especially in the poor, the
weak, and those who suffer or are unjustly treated, love knows how to discover
the face of Christ, and discover a fellow human being to be loved and served.
In order that the family may serve man in a truly evangelical way, the instr
uctions of the Second Vatican Council must be carefully put into practice: "That
the exercise of such charity may rise above any deficiencies in fact and even i
n appearance, certain fundamentals must be observed. Thus, attention is to be pa
id to the image of God in which our neighbor has been created, and also to Chris
t the Lord to whom is really offered whatever is given to a needy person."(163)
While building up the Church in love, the Christian family places itself at
the service of the human person and the world, really bringing about the "human
advancement" whose substance was given in summary form in the Synod's Message to
families: "Another task for the family is to form persons in love and also to p
ractice love in all its relationships, so that it does not live closed in on its
elf, but remains open to the community, moved by a sense of justice and concern
for others, as well as by a consciousness of its responsibility towards the whol
e of society."(164)
The Church Accompanies the Christian Family on Its Journey Through Life
65. Like every other living reality, the family too is called upon to develo
p and grow. After the preparation of engagement and the sacramental celebration
of marriage, the couple begin their daily journey towards the progressive actuat
ion of the values and duties of marriage itself.
In the light of faith and by virtue of hope, the Christian family too shares
, in communion with the Church, in the experience of the earthly pilgrimage towa
rds the full revelation and manifestation of the Kingdom of God.
Therefore, it must be emphasized once more that the pastoral intervention of
the Church in support of the family is a matter of urgency. Every effort should
be made to strengthen and develop pastoral care for the family, which should be
treated as a real matter of priority, in the certainty that future evangelizati
on depends largely on the domestic Church."(165)
The Church's pastoral concern will not be limited only to the Christian fami
lies closest at hand; it will extend its horizons in harmony with the Heart of C
hrist, and will show itself to be even more lively for families in general and f
or those families in particular which are in difficult or irregular situations.
For all of them the Church will have a word of truth, goodness, understanding, h
ope and deep sympathy with their sometimes tragic difficulties. To all of them s
he will offer her disinterested help so that they can come closer to that model
of a family which the Creator intended from "the beginning" and which Christ has
renewed with His redeeming grace.
The Church's pastoral action must be progressive, also in the sense that it
must follow the family, accompanying it step by step in the different stages of
its formation and development.
Preparation for Marriage
66. More than ever necessary in our times is preparation of young people for
marriage and family life. In some countries it is still the families themselves
that, according to ancient customs, ensure the passing on to young people of th
e values concerning married and family life, and they do this through a gradual
process of education or initiation. But the changes that have taken place within
almost all modern societies demand that not only the family but also society an
d the Church should be involved in the effort of properly preparing young people
for their future responsibilities. Many negative phenomena which are today note
d with regret in family life derive from the fact that, in the new situations, y
oung people not only lose sight of the correct hierarchy of values but, since th
ey no longer have certain criteria of behavior, they do not know how to face and
deal with the new difficulties. But experience teaches that young people who ha
ve been well prepared for family life generally succeed better than others.
This is even more applicable to Christian marriage, which influences the hol
iness of large numbers of men and women. The Church must therefore promote bette
r and more intensive programs of marriage preparation, in order to eliminate as
far as possible the difficulties that many married couples find themselves in, a
nd even more in order to favor positively the establishing and maturing of succe
ssful marriages.
Marriage preparation has to be seen and put into practice as a gradual and c
ontinuous process. It includes three main stages: remote, proximate and immediat
e preparation.
Remote preparation begins in early childhood, in that wise family training w
hich leads children to discover themselves as being endowed with a rich and comp
lex psychology and with a particular personality with its own strengths and weak
nesses. It is the period when esteem for all authentic human values is instilled
, both in interpersonal and in social relationships, with all that this signifie
s for the formation of character, for the control and right use of one's inclina
tions, for the manner of regarding and meeting people of the opposite sex, and s
o on. Also necessary, especially for Christians, is solid spiritual and catechet
ical formation that will show that marriage is a true vocation and mission, with
out excluding the possibility of the total gift of self to God in the vocation t
o the priestly or religious life.
Upon this basis there will subsequently and gradually be built up the proxim
ate preparation, which-from the suitable age and with adequate catechesis, as in
a catechumenal process-involves a more specific preparation for the sacraments,
as it were, a rediscovery of them. This renewed catechesis of young people and
others preparing for Christian marriage is absolutely necessary in order that th
e sacrament may be celebrated and lived with the right moral and spiritual dispo
sitions. The religious formation of young people should be integrated, at the ri
ght moment and in accordance with the various concrete requirements, with a prep
aration for life as a couple. This preparation will present marriage as an inter
personal relationship of a man and a woman that has to be continually developed,
and it will encourage those concerned to study the nature of conjugal sexuality
and responsible parenthood, with the essential medical and biological knowledge
connected with it. It will also acquaint those concerned with correct methods f
or the education of children, and will assist them in gaining the basic requisit
es for well-ordered family life, such as stable work, sufficient financial resou
rces, sensible administration, notions of housekeeping.
Finally, one must not overlook preparation for the family apostolate, for fr
aternal solidarity and collaboration with other families, for active membership
in groups, associations, movements and undertakings set up for the human and Chr
istian benefit of the family.
The immediate preparation for the celebration of the sacrament of Matrimony
should take place in the months and weeks immediately preceding the wedding, so
as to give a new meaning, content and form to the so-called premarital enquiry r
equired by Canon Law. This preparation is not only necessary in every case, but
is also more urgently needed for engaged couples that still manifest shortcoming
s or difficulties in Christian doctrine and practice.
Among the elements to be instilled in this journey of faith, which is simila
r to the catechumenate, there must also be a deeper knowledge of the mystery of
Christ and the Church, of the meaning of grace and of the responsibility of Chri
stian marriage, as well as preparation for taking an active and conscious part i
n the rites of the marriage liturgy.
The Christian family and the whole of the ecclesial community should feel in
volved in the different phases of the preparation for marriage, which have been
described only in their broad outlines. It is to be hoped that the Episcopal Con
ferences, just as they are concerned with appropriate initiatives to help engage
d couples to be more aware of the seriousness of their choice and also to help p
astors of souls to make sure of the couples' proper dispositions, so they will a
lso take steps to see that there is issued a Directory for the Pastoral Care of
the Family. In this they should lay down, in the first place, the minimum conten
t, duration and method of the "Preparation Courses," balancing the different asp
ects-doctrinal, pedagogical, legal and medical-concerning marriage, and structur
ing them in such a way that those preparing for marriage will not only receive a
n intellectual training but will also feel a desire to enter actively into the e
cclesial community.
Although one must not underestimate the necessity and obligation of the imme
diate preparation for marriage-which would happen if dispensations from it were
easily given-nevertheless such preparation must always be set forth and put into
practice in such a way that omitting it is not an impediment to the celebration
of marriage.
67. Christian marriage normally requires a liturgical celebration expressing
in social and community form the essentially ecclesial and sacramental nature o
f the conjugal covenant between baptized persons.
Inasmuch as it is a sacramental action of sanctification, the celebration of
marriage-inserted into the liturgy, which is the summit of the Church's action
and the source of her sanctifying power(166) must be per se valid, worthy and fr
uitful. This opens a wide field for pastoral solicitude, in order that the needs
deriving from the nature of the conjugal convent, elevated into a sacrament, ma
y be fully met, and also in order that the Church's discipline regarding free co
nsent, impediments, the canonical form and the actual rite of the celebration ma
y be faithfully observed. The celebration should be simple and dignified, accord
ing to the norms of the competent authorities of the Church. It is also for them
-in accordance with concrete circumstances of time and place and in conformity w
ith the norms issued by the Apostolic See(167)-to include in the liturgical cele
bration such elements proper to each culture which serve to express more clearly
the profound human and religious significance of the marriage contract, provide
d that such elements contain nothing that is not in harmony with Christian faith
and morality.
Inasmuch as it is a sign, the liturgical celebration should be conducted in
such a way as to constitute, also in its external reality, a proclamation of the
word of God and a profession of faith on the part of the community of believers
. Pastoral commitment will be expressed here through the intelligent and carefu
l preparation of the Liturgy of the Word and through the education to faith of t
hose participating in the celebration and in the first place the couple being ma
Inasmuch as it is a sacramental action of the Church, the liturgical celebra
tion of marriage should involve the Christian community, with the full, active a
nd responsible participation of all those present, according to the place and ta
sk of each individual: the bride and bridegroom, the priest, the witnesses, the
relatives, the friends, the other members of the faithful, all of them members o
f an assembly that manifests and lives the mystery of Christ and His Church. For
the celebration of Christian marriage in the sphere of ancestral cultures or tr
aditions, the principles laid down above should be followed.
Celebration of Marriage and Evangelization of Non-believing Baptized Persons
68. Precisely because in the celebration of the sacrament very special atten
tion must be devoted to the moral and spiritual dispositions of those being marr
ied, in particular to their faith, we must here deal with a not infrequent diffi
culty in which the pastors of the Church can find themselves in the context of o
ur secularized society.
In fact, the faith of the person asking the Church for marriage can exist in
different degrees, and it is the primary duty of pastors to bring about a redis
covery of this faith and to nourish it and bring it to maturity. But pastors mus
t also understand the reasons that lead the Church also to admit to the celebrat
ion of marriage those who are imperfectly disposed.
The sacrament of Matrimony has this specific element that distinguishes it f
rom all the other sacraments: it is the sacrament of something that was part of
the very economy of creation; it is the very conjugal covenant instituted by the
Creator "in the beginning." Therefore the decision of a man and a woman to marr
y in accordance with this divine plan, that is to say, the decision to commit by
their irrevocable conjugal consent their whole lives in indissoluble love and u
nconditional fidelity, really involves, even if not in a fully conscious way, an
attitude of profound obedience to the will of God, an attitude which cannot exi
st without God's grace. They have thus already begun what is in a true and prope
r sense a journey towards salvation, a journey which the celebration of the sacr
ament and the immediate preparation for it can complement and bring to completio
e apostolic spirit, this assistance from family to family will constitute one of
the simplest, most effective and most accessible means for transmitting from on
e to another those Christian values which are both the starting point and goal o
f all pastoral care. Thus young families will not limit themselves merely to rec
eiving, but in their turn, having been helped in this way, will become a source
of enrichment for other longer established families, through their witness of li
fe and practical contribution.
In her pastoral care of young families, the Church must also pay special att
ention to helping them to live married love responsibly in relationship with its
demands of communion and service to life. She must likewise help them to harmon
ize the intimacy of home life with the generous shared work of building up the C
hurch and society. When children are born and the married couple becomes a famil
y in the full and specific sense, the Church will still remain close to the pare
nts in order that they may accept their children and love them as a gift receive
d from the Lord of life, and joyfully accept the task of serving them in their h
uman and Christian growth.
Pastoral activity is always the dynamic expression of the reality of the Chu
rch, committed to her mission of salvation. Family pastoral care too-which is a
particular and specific form of pastoral activity-has as its operative principle
and responsible agent the Church herself, through her structures and workers.
The Ecclesial Community and in Particular the Parish
70. The Church, which is at the same time a saved and a saving community, ha
s to be considered here under two aspects: as universal and particular. The seco
nd aspect is expressed and actuated in the diocesan community, which is pastora
lly divided up into lesser communities, of which the parish is of special import
Communion with the universal Church does not hinder but rather guarantees an
d promotes the substance and originality of the various particular Churches. The
se latter remain the more immediate and more effective subjects of operation for
putting the pastoral care of the family into practice. In this sense every loca
l Church and, in more particular terms, every parochial community, must become m
ore vividly aware of the grace and responsibility that it receives from the Lord
in order that it may promote the pastoral care of the family. No plan for organ
ized pastoral work, at any level, must ever fail to take into consideration the
pastoral care of the family.
Also to be seen in the light of this responsibility is the importance of the
proper preparation of all those who will be more specifically engaged in this k
ind of apostolate. Priests and men and women religious, from the time of their f
ormation, should be oriented and trained progressively and thoroughly for the va
rious tasks. Among the various initiatives I am pleased to emphasize the recent
establishment in Rome, at the Pontifical Lateran University, of a Higher Institu
te for the study of the problems of the family. Institutes of this kind have als
o been set up in some dioceses. Bishops should see to it that as many priests as
possible attend specialized courses there before taking on parish responsibilit
ies. Elsewhere, formation courses are periodically held at Higher Institutes of
theological and pastoral studies. Such initiatives should be encouraged, sustain
ed, increased in number, and of course are also open to lay people who intend to
use their professional skills (medical, legal, psychological, social or educati
onal) to help the family.
The Family
71. But it is especially necessary to recognize the unique place that, in th
is field, belongs to the mission of married couples and Christian families, by v
irtue of the grace received in the sacrament. This mission must be placed at the
oral care of the family, one must also mention the other main agents in this par
ticular sector.
Bishops and Priests
73. The person principally responsible in the diocese for the pastoral care
of the family is the Bishop. As father and pastor, he must exercise particular s
olicitude in this clearly priority sector of pastoral care. He must devote to it
personal interest, care, time, personnel and resources, but above all personal
support for the families and for all those who, in the various diocesan structur
es, assist him in the pastoral care of the family. It will be his particular car
e to make the diocese ever more truly a "diocesan family," a model and source of
hope for the many families that belong to it. The setting up of the Pontifical
Council for the Family is to be seen in this light: to be a sign of the importan
ce that I attribute to pastoral care for the family in the world, and at the sam
e time to be an effective instrument for aiding and promoting it at every level.
The Bishops avail themselves especially of the priests, whose task-as the Sy
nod expressly emphasized-constitutes an essential part of the Church's ministry
regarding marriage and the family. The same is true of deacons to whose care thi
s sector of pastoral work may be entrusted.
Their responsibility extends not only to moral and liturgical matters but to
personal and social matters as well. They must support the family in its diffic
ulties and sufferings, caring for its members and helping them to see their live
s in the light of the Gospel. It is not superfluous to note that from this missi
on, if it is exercised with due discernment and with a truly apostolic spirit, t
he minister of the Church draws fresh encouragement and spiritual energy for his
own vocation too and for the exercise of his ministry.
Priests and deacons, when they have received timely and serious preparation
for this apostolate, must unceasingly act towards families as fathers, brothers,
pastors and teachers, assisting them with the means of grace and enlightening t
hem with the light of truth. Their teaching and advice must therefore always be
in full harmony with the authentic Magisterium of the Church, in such a way as t
o help the People of God to gain a correct sense of the faith, to be subsequentl
y applied to practical life. Such fidelity to the Magisterium will also enable p
riests to make every effort to be united in their judgments, in order to avoid t
roubling the consciences of the faithful.
In the Church, the pastors and the laity share in the prophetic mission of C
hrist: the laity do so by witnessing to the faith by their words and by their Ch
ristian lives; the pastors do so by distinguishing in that witness what is the e
xpression of genuine faith from what is less in harmony with the light of faith;
the family, as a Christian community, does so through its special sharing and w
itness of faith. Thus there begins a dialogue also between pastors and families.
Theologians and experts in family matters can be of great help in this dialogue
, by explaining exactly the content of the Church's Magisterium and the content
of the experience of family life. In this way the teaching of the Magisterium be
comes better understood and the way is opened to its progressive development. Bu
t it is useful to recall that the proximate and obligatory norm in the teaching
of the faith-also concerning family matters-belongs to the hierarchical Magister
ium. Clearly defined relationships between theologians, experts in family matter
s and the Magisterium are of no little assistance for the correct understanding
of the faith and for promoting-within the boundaries of the faith-legitimate plu
Men and Women Religious
74. The contribution that can be made to the apostolate of the family by men
and women religious and consecrated persons in general finds its primary, funda
mental and original expression precisely in their consecration to God. By reason
of this consecration, "for all Christ's faithful religious recall that wonderfu
l marriage made by God, which will be fully manifested in the future age, and in
which the Church has Christ for her only spouse,"(175) and they are witnesses t
o that universal charity which, through chastity embraced for the Kingdom of hea
ven, makes them ever more available to dedicate themselves generously to the ser
vice of God and to the works of the apostolate.
Hence the possibility for men and women religious, and members of Secular In
stitutes and other institutes of perfection, either individually or in groups, t
o develop their service to families, with particular solicitude for children, es
pecially if they are abandoned, unwanted, orphaned, poor or handicapped. They ca
n also visit families and look after the sick; they can foster relationships of
respect and charity towards one-parent families or families that are in difficul
ties or are separated; they can offer their own work of teaching and counseling
in the preparation of young people for marriage, and in helping couples towards
truly responsible parenthood; they can open their own houses for simple and cord
ial hospitality, so that families can find there the sense of God's presence and
gain a taste for prayer and recollection, and see the practical examples of liv
es lived in charity and fraternal joy as members of the larger family of God.
I would like to add a most pressing exhortation to the heads of institutes o
f consecrated life to consider-always with substantial respect for the proper an
d original charism of each one-the apostolate of the family as one of the priori
ty tasks, rendered even more urgent by the present state of the world.
Lay Specialists
75. Considerable help can be given to families by lay specialists (doctors,
lawyers, psychologists, social workers, consultants, etc.) who either as individ
uals or as members of various associations and undertakings offer their contribu
tion of enlightenment, advice, orientation and support. To these people one can
well apply the exhortations that I had the occasion to address to the Confederat
ion of Family Advisory Bureaus of Christian Inspiration: "Yours is a commitment
that well deserves the title of mission, so noble are the aims that it pursues,
and so determining, for the good of society and the Christian community itself,
are the results that derive from it.... All that you succeed in doing to support
the family is destined to have an effectiveness that goes beyond its own sphere
and reaches other people too and has an effect on society The future of the wor
ld and of the Church passes through the family."(170)
Recipients and Agents of Social Communications
76. This very important category in modern life deserves a word of its own.
It is well known that the means of social communication "affect, and often profo
undly, the minds of those who use them, under the affective and intellectual asp
ect and also under the moral and religious aspect," especially in the case of yo
ung people.(171) They can thus exercise a beneficial influence on the life and h
abits of the family and on the education of children, but at the same time they
also conceal "snares and dangers that cannot be ignored."(172) They could also b
ecome a vehicle-sometimes cleverly and systematically manipulated, as unfortunat
ely happens in various countries of the world-for divisive ideologies and distor
ted ways of looking at life, the family, religion and morality, attitudes that l
ack respect for man's true dignity and destiny.
This danger is all the more real inasmuch as "the modern life style-especial
ly in the more industrialized nations-all too often causes families to abandon t
heir responsibility to educate their children. Evasion of this duty is made easy
for them by the presence of television and certain publications in the home, an
d in this way they keep their children's time and energies occupied."(173) Hence
"the duty. . .to protect the young from the forms of aggression they are subjec
ted to by the mass media," and to ensure that the use of the media in the family
is carefully regulated. Families should also take care to seek for their childr
en other forms of entertainment that are more wholesome, useful and physically,
morally and spiritually formative, "to develop and use to advantage the free tim
e of the young and direct their energies."(174)
Furthermore, because the means of social communication, like the school and
the environment, often have a notable influence on the formation of children, pa
rents as recipients must actively ensure the moderate, critical, watchful and pr
udent use of the media, by discovering what effect they have on their children a
nd by controlling the use of the media in such a way as to "train the conscience
of their children to express calm and objective judgments, which will then guid
e them in the choice or rejection of programs available .
With equal commitment parents will endeavor to influence the selection and t
he preparation of the programs themselves, by keeping in contact-through suitabl
e initiatives-with those in charge of the various phases of production and trans
mission. In this way they will ensure that the fundamental human values that for
m part of the true good of society are not ignored or deliberately attacked. Rat
her they will ensure the broadcasting of programs that present in the right ligh
t family problems and their proper solution. In this regard my venerated predece
ssor Paul VI wrote: "Producers must know and respect the needs of the family, an
d this sometimes presupposes in them true courage, and always a high sense of re
sponsibility. In fact they are expected to avoid anything that could harm the fa
mily in its existence, its stability, its balance and its happiness. Every attac
k on the fundamental value of the family-meaning eroticism or violence, the defe
nse of divorce or of antisocial attitudes among young people-is an attack on the
true good of man."(176)
I myself, on a similar occasion, pointed out that families "to a considerabl
e extent need to be able to count on the good will, integrity and sense of respo
nsibility of the media professionals-publishers writers, producers, directors, p
laywrights, newsmen, commentators and actors."(177) It is therefore also the dut
y of the Church to continue to devote every care to these categories, at the sam
e time encouraging and supporting Catholics who feel the call and have the neces
sary talents, to take up this sensitive type of work.
Particular Circumstances
77. An even more generous, intelligent and prudent pastoral commitment, mode
lled on the Good Shepherd, is called for in the case of families which, often in
dependently of their own wishes and through pressures of various other kinds, fi
nd themselves faced by situations which are objectively difficult.
In this regard it is necessary to call special attention to certain particul
ar groups which are more in need not only of assistance but also of more incisiv
e action upon public opinion and especially upon cultural, economic and juridica
l structures, in order that the profound causes of their needs may be eliminated
as far as possible.
Such for example are the families of migrant workers; the families of those
obliged to be away for long periods, such as members of the armed forces, sailor
s and all kinds of itinerant people; the families of those in prison, of refugee
s and exiles; the families in big cities living practically speaking as outcasts
; families with no home; incomplete or single-parent families; families with chi
ldren that are handicapped or addicted to drugs; the families of alcoholics; fam
ilies that have been uprooted from their cultural and social environment or are
in danger of losing it; families discriminated against for political or other re
asons; families that are ideologically divided; families that are unable to make
ready contact with the parish; families experiencing violence or unjust treatme
nt because of their faith; teenage married couples; the elderly, who are often o
bliged to live alone with inadequate means of subsistence.
The families of migrants, especially in the case of manual workers and farm
workers, should be able to find a homeland everywhere in the Church. This is a t
ask stemming from the nature of the Church, as being the sign of unity in divers
ity. As far as possible these people should be looked after by priests of their
own rite, culture and language. It is also the Church's task to appeal to the pu
blic conscience and to all those in authority in social, economic and political
life, in order that workers may find employment in their own regions and homelan
ds, that they may receive just wages, that their families may be reunited as soo
n as possible, be respected in their cultural identity and treated on an equal f
ooting with others, and that their children may be given the chance to learn a t
rade and exercise it, as also the chance to own the land needed for working and
A difficult problem is that of the family which is ideologically divided. In
these cases particular pastoral care is needed. In the first place it is necess
ary to maintain tactful personal contact with such families. The believing membe
rs must be strengthened in their faith and supported in their Christian lives. A
lthough the party faithful to Catholicism cannot give way, dialogue with the oth
er party must always be kept alive. Love and respect must be freely shown, in th
e firm hope that unity will be maintained. Much also depends on the relationship
between parents and children. Moreover, ideologies which are alien to the faith
can stimulate the believing members of the family to grow in faith and in the w
itness of love.
Other difficult circumstances in which the family needs the help of the eccl
esial community and its pastors are: the children's adolescence, which can be di
sturbed, rebellious and sometimes stormy; the children's marriage, which takes t
hem away from their family; lack of understanding or lack of love on the part of
those held most dear; abandonment by one of the spouses, or his or her death, w
hich brings the painful experience of widowhood, or the death of a family member
, which breaks up and deeply transforms the original family nucleus.
Similarly, the Church cannot ignore the time of old age, with all its positi
ve and negative aspects. In old age married love, which has been increasingly pu
rified and ennobled by long and unbroken fidelity, can be deepened. There is the
opportunity of offering to others, in a new form, the kindness and the wisdom g
athered over the years, and what energies remain. But there is also the burden o
f loneliness, more often psychological and emotional rather than physical, which
results from abandonment or neglect on the part of children and relations. Ther
e is also suffering caused by ill-health, by the gradual loss of strength, by th
e humiliation of having to depend on others, by the sorrow of feeling that one i
s perhaps a burden to one's loved ones, and by the approach of the end of life.
These are the circumstances in which, as the Synod Fathers suggested, it is easi
er to help people understand and live the lofty aspects of the spirituality of m
arriage and the family, aspects which take their inspiration from the value of C
hrist's Cross and Resurrection, the source of sanctification and profound happin
ess in daily life, in the light of the great eschatological realities of eternal
In all these different situations let prayer, the source of light and streng
th and the nourishment of Christian hope, never be neglected.
Mixed Marriages
78. The growing number of mixed marriages between Catholics and other baptiz
ed persons also calls for special pastoral attention in the light of the directi
ves and norms contained in the most recent documents of the Holy See and in thos
e drawn up by the Episcopal Conferences, in order to permit their practical appl
ication to the various situations.
Couples living in a mixed marriage have special needs, which can be put unde
r three main headings.
In the first place, attention must be paid to the obligations that faith imp
oses on the Catholic party with regard to the free exercise of the faith and the
consequent obligation to ensure, as far as is possible, the Baptism and upbring
ing of the children in the Catholic faith.(179)
There must be borne in mind the particular difficulties inherent in the rela
tionships between husband and wife with regard to respect for religious freedom:
this freedom could be violated either by undue pressure to make the partner cha
nge his or her beliefs, or by placing obstacles in the way of the free manifesta
tion of these beliefs by religious practice.
With regard to the liturgical and canonical form of marriage, Ordinaries can
make wide use of their faculties to meet various necessities.
In dealing with these special needs, the following points should be kept in
-In the appropriate preparation for this type of marriage, every reasonable
effort must be made to ensure a proper understanding of Catholic teaching on the
qualities and obligations of marriage, and also to ensure that the pressures an
d obstacles mentioned above will not occur.
-It is of the greatest importance that, through the support of the community
, the Catholic party should be strengthened in faith and positively helped to ma
ture in understanding and practicing that faith, so as to become a credible witn
ess within the family through his or her own life and through the quality of lov
e shown to the other spouse and the children.
Marriages between Catholics and other baptized persons have their own partic
ular nature, but they contain numerous elements that could well be made good use
of and developed, both for their intrinsic value and for the contribution that
they can make to the ecumenical movement. This is particularly true when both pa
rties are faithful to their religious duties. Their common Baptism and the dynam
ism of grace provide the spouses in these marriages with the basis and motivatio
n for expressing their unity in the sphere of moral and spiritual values.
For this purpose, and also in order to highlight the ecumenical importance o
f mixed marriages which are fully lived in the faith of the two Christian spouse
s, an effort should be made to establish cordial cooperation between the Catholi
c and the non-Catholic ministers from the time that preparations begin for the m
arriage and the wedding ceremony, even though this does not always prove easy.
With regard to the sharing of the non-Catholic party in Eucharistic Communio
n, the norms issued by the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity should be f
Today in many parts of the world marriages between Catholics and non-baptize
d persons are growing in numbers. In many such marriages the non-baptized partn
er professes another religion, and his beliefs are to be treated with respect, i
n accordance with the principles set out in the Second Vatican Council's Declara
tion Nostra aetate on relations with non-Christian religions. But in many other
such marriages, particularly in secularized societies, the non-baptized person p
rofesses no religion at all. In these marriages there is a need for Episcopal Co
nferences and for individual Bishops to ensure that there are proper pastoral sa
feguards for the faith of the Catholic partner and for the free exercise of his
faith, above all in regard to his duty to do all in his power to ensure the Cath
olic baptism and education of the children of the marriage. Likewise the Catholi
c must be assisted in every possible way to offer within his family a genuine wi
tness to the Catholic faith and to Catholic life.
Pastoral Action in Certain Irregular Situations
79. In its solicitude to protect the family in all its dimensions, not only
the religious one, the Synod of Bishops did not fail to take into careful consid
eration certain situations which are irregular in a religious sense and often in
the civil sense too. Such situations, as a result of today's rapid cultural cha
nges, are unfortunately becoming widespread also among Catholics with no little
damage to the very institution of the family and to society, of which the family
constitutes the basic cell.
a) Trial Marriages
80. A first example of an irregular situation is provided by what are called
"trial marriages," which many people today would like to justify by attributing
a certain value to them. But human reason leads one to see that they are unacce
ptable, by showing the unconvincing nature of carrying out an "experiment" with
human beings, whose dignity demands that they should be always and solely the te
rm of a self-giving love without limitations of time or of any other circumstanc
The Church, for her part, cannot admit such a kind of union, for further and
original reasons which derive from faith. For, in the first place, the gift of
the body in the sexual relationship is a real symbol of the giving of the whole
person: such a giving, moreover, in the present state of things cannot take plac
e with full truth without the concourse of the love of charity, given by Christ.
In the second place, marriage between two baptized persons is a real symbol of
the union of Christ and the Church, which is not a temporary or "trial" union bu
t one which is eternally faithful. Therefore between two baptized persons there
can exist only an indissoluble marriage.
Such a situation cannot usually be overcome unless the human person, from ch
ildhood, with the help of Christ's grace and without fear, has been trained to d
ominate concupiscence from the beginning and to establish relationships of genui
ne love with other people. This cannot be secured without a true education in ge
nuine love and in the right use of sexuality, such as to introduce the human per
son in every aspect, and therefore the bodily aspect too, into the fullness of t
he mystery of Christ.
It will be very useful to investigate the causes of this phenomenon, includi
ng its psychological and sociological aspect, in order to find the proper remedy
b) De Facto Free Unions
81. This means unions without any publicly recognized institutional bond, ei
ther civil or religious. This phenomenon, which is becoming ever more frequent,
cannot fail to concern pastors of souls, also because it may be based on widely
varying factors, the consequences of which may perhaps be containable by suitabl
e action.
Some people consider themselves almost forced into a free union by difficult
economic, cultural or religious situations, on the grounds that, if they contra
cted a regular marriage, they would be exposed to some form of harm, would lose
economic advantages, would be discriminated against, etc. In other cases, howeve
r, one encounters people who scorn, rebel against or reject society, the institu
tion of the family and the social and political order, or who are solely seeking
pleasure. Then there are those who are driven to such situations by extreme ign
orance or poverty, sometimes by a conditioning due to situations of real injusti
ce, or by a certain psychological immaturity that makes them uncertain or afraid
to enter into a stable and definitive union. In some countries, traditional cus
toms presume that the true and proper marriage will take place only after a peri
od of cohabitation and the birth of the first child.
Each of these elements presents the Church with arduous pastoral problems, b
y reason of the serious consequences deriving from them, both religious and mora
l (the loss of the religious sense of marriage seen in the light of the Covenant
of God with His people; deprivation of the grace of the sacrament; grave scanda
l), and also social consequences (the destruction of the concept of the family;
the weakening of the sense of fidelity, also towards society; possible psycholog
ical damage to the children; the strengthening of selfishness).
The pastors and the ecclesial community should take care to become acquainte
d with such situations and their actual causes, case by case. They should make t
actful and respectful contact with the couples concerned, and enlighten them pat
iently, correct them charitably and show them the witness of Christian family li
fe, in such a way as to smooth the path for them to regularize their situation.
But above all there must be a campaign of prevention, by fostering the sense of
fidelity in the whole moral and religious training of the young, instructing the
m concerning the conditions and structures that favor such fidelity, without whi
ch there is no true freedom; they must be helped to reach spiritual maturity and
enabled to understand the rich human and supernatural reality of marriage as a
The People of God should also make approaches to the public authorities, in
order that the latter may resist these tendencies which divide society and are h
armful to the dignity, security and welfare of the citizens as individuals, and
they must try to ensure that public opinion is not led to undervalue the institu
tional importance of marriage and the family. And since in many regions young pe
ople are unable to get married properly because of extreme poverty deriving from
unjust or inadequate social and economic structures, society and the public aut
horities should favor legitimate marriage by means of a series of social and pol
itical actions which will guarantee a family wage, by issuing directives ensurin
g housing fitting for family life and by creating opportunities for work and lif
c) Catholics in Civil Marriages
82. There are increasing cases of Catholics who for ideological or practical
reasons, prefer to contract a merely civil marriage, and who reject or at least
defer religious marriage. Their situation cannot of course be likened to that o
f people simply living together without any bond at all, because in the present
case there is at least a certain commitment to a properly-defined and probably s
table state of life, even though the possibility of a future divorce is often pr
esent in the minds of those entering a civil marriage. By seeking public recogni
tion of their bond on the part of the State, such couples show that they are rea
dy to accept not only its advantages but also its obligations. Nevertheless, not
even this situation is acceptable to the Church.
The aim of pastoral action will be to make these people understand the need
for consistency between their choice of life and the faith that they profess, an
d to try to do everything possible to induce them to regularize their situation
in the light of Christian principle. While treating them with great charity and
bringing them into the life of the respective communities, the pastors of the Ch
urch will regrettably not be able to admit them to the sacraments.
d) Separated or Divorced Persons Who Have Not Remarried
83. Various reasons can unfortunately lead to the often irreparable breakdow
n of valid marriages. These include mutual lack of understanding and the inabili
ty to enter into interpersonal relationships. Obviously, separation must be cons
idered as a last resort, after all other reasonable attempts at reconciliation h
ave proved vain.
Loneliness and other difficulties are often the lot of separated spouses, es
pecially when they are the innocent parties. The ecclesial community must suppor
t such people more than ever. It must give them much respect, solidarity, unders
tanding and practical help, so that they can preserve their fidelity even in the
ir difficult situation; and it must help them to cultivate the need to forgive w
hich is inherent in Christian love, and to be ready perhaps to return to their f
ormer married life.
The situation is similar for people who have undergone divorce, but, being w
ell aware that the valid marriage bond is indissoluble, refrain from becoming in
volved in a new union and devote themselves solely to carrying out their family
duties and the responsibilities of Christian life. In such cases their example o
f fidelity and Christian consistency takes on particular value as a witness befo
re the world and the Church. Here it is even more necessary for the Church to of
fer continual love and assistance, without there being any obstacle to admission
to the sacraments.
e) Divorced Persons Who Have Remarried
84. Daily experience unfortunately shows that people who have obtained a div
orce usually intend to enter into a new union, obviously not with a Catholic rel
igious ceremony. Since this is an evil that, like the others, is affecting more
and more Catholics as well, the problem must be faced with resolution and withou
t delay. The Synod Fathers studied it expressly. The Church, which was set up to
lead to salvation all people and especially the baptized, cannot abandon to the
ir own devices those who have been previously bound by sacramental marriage and
who have attempted a second marriage. The Church will therefore make untiring ef
forts to put at their disposal her means of salvation.
Pastors must know that, for the sake of truth, they are obliged to exercise
careful discernment of situations. There is in fact a difference between those w
ho have sincerely tried to save their first marriage and have been unjustly aban
doned, and those who through their own grave fault have destroyed a canonically
valid marriage. Finally, there are those who have entered into a second union fo
r the sake of the children's upbringing, and who are sometimes subjectively cert
ain in conscience that their previous and irreparably destroyed marriage had nev
er been valid.
Together with the Synod, I earnestly call upon pastors and the whole communi
ty of the faithful to help the divorced, and with solicitous care to make sure t
hat they do not consider themselves as separated from the Church, for as baptize
d persons they can, and indeed must, share in her life. They should be encourage
d to listen to the word of God, to attend the Sacrifice of the Mass, to persever
e in prayer, to contribute to works of charity and to community efforts in favor
of justice, to bring up their children in the Christian faith, to cultivate the
spirit and practice of penance and thus implore, day by day, God's grace. Let t
he Church pray for them, encourage them and show herself a merciful mother, and
thus sustain them in faith and hope.
However, the Church reaffirms her practice, which is based upon Sacred Scrip
ture, of not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced persons who have remarr
ied. They are unable to be admitted thereto from the fact that their state and c
ondition of life objectively contradict that union of love between Christ and th
e Church which is signified and effected by the Eucharist. Besides this, there i
s another special pastoral reason: if these people were admitted to the Eucharis
t, the faithful would be led into error and confusion regarding the Church's tea
ching about the indissolubility of marriage.
Reconciliation in the sacrament of Penance which would open the way to the E
ucharist, can only be granted to those who, repenting of having broken the sign
of the Covenant and of fidelity to Christ, are sincerely ready to undertake a wa
y of life that is no longer in contradiction to the indissolubility of marriage.
This means, in practice, that when, for serious reasons, such as for example th
e children's upbringing, a man and a woman cannot satisfy the obligation to sepa
rate, they "take on themselves the duty to live in complete continence, that is,
by abstinence from the acts proper to married couples."(180)
Similarly, the respect due to the sacrament of Matrimony, to the couples the
mselves and their families, and also to the community of the faithful, forbids a
ny pastor, for whatever reason or pretext even of a pastoral nature, to perform
ceremonies of any kind for divorced people who remarry. Such ceremonies would gi
ve the impression of the celebration of a new sacramentally valid marriage, and
would thus lead people into error concerning the indissolubility of a validly co
ntracted marriage.
By acting in this way, the Church professes her own fidelity to Christ and t
o His truth. At the same time she shows motherly concern for these children of h
ers, especially those who, through no fault of their own, have been abandoned by
their legitimate partner.
With firm confidence she believes that those who have rejected the Lord's co
mmand and are still living in this state will be able to obtain from God the gra
ce of conversion and salvation, provided that they have persevered in prayer, pe
nance and charity.
Those Without a Family
85. I wish to add a further word for a category of people whom, as a result
of the actual circumstances in which they are living, and this often not through
their own deliberate wish, I consider particularly close to the Heart of Christ
and deserving of the affection and active solicitude of the Church and of pasto
There exist in the world countless people who unfortunately cannot in any se
nse claim membership of what could be called in the proper sense a family. Large
sections of humanity live in conditions of extreme poverty, in which promiscuit
y, lack of housing, the irregular nature and instability of relationships and th
e extreme lack of education make it impossible in practice to speak of a true fa
mily. There are others who, for various reasons, have been left alone in the wor
ld. And yet for all of these people there exists a "good news of the family."
On behalf of those living in extreme poverty, I have already spoken of the u
rgent need to work courageously in order to find solutions, also at the politica
l level, which will make it possible to help them and to overcome this inhuman c
ondition of degradation.
It is a task that faces the whole of society but in a special way the author
ities, by reason of their position and the responsibilities flowing therefrom, a
nd also families, which must show great understanding and willingness to help.
For those who have no natural family the doors of the great family which is
the Church-the Church which finds concrete expression in the diocesan and the pa
rish family, in ecclesial basic communities and in movements of the apostolate-m
ust be opened even wider. No one is without a family in this world: the Church i
s a home and family for everyone, especially those who "labor and are heavy lade
86. At the end of this Apostolic Exhortation my thoughts turn with earnest
to you, married couples, to you, fathers and mothers of families;
to you, young men and women, the future and the hope of the Church and the
world, destined to be the dynamic central nucleus of the family in the approachi
ng third millennium;
to you, venerable and dear Brothers in the Episcopate and in the priesthood
, beloved sons and daughters in the religious life, souls consecrated to the Lor
d, who bear witness before married couples to the ultimate reality of the love o
f God;
to you, upright men and women, who for any reason whatever give thought to
the fate of the family.
The future of humanity passes by way of the family.
It is therefore indispensable and urgent that every person of good will sho
uld endeavor to save and foster the values and requirements of the family.
I feel that I must ask for a particular effort in this field from the sons
and daughters of the Church. Faith gives them full knowledge of God's wonderful
plan: they therefore have an extra reason for caring for the reality that is the
family in this time of trial and of grace.
They must show the family special love. This is an injunction that calls fo
r concrete action.
Loving the family means being able to appreciate its values and capabilitie
s, fostering them always. Loving the family means identifying the dangers and th
e evils that menace it, in order to overcome them. Loving the family means endea
voring to create for it an environment favorable for its development. The modern
Christian family is often tempted to be discouraged and is distressed at the gr
owth of its difficulties; it is an eminent form of love to give it back its reas
ons for confidence in itself, in the riches that it possesses by nature and grac
e, and in the mission that God has entrusted to it. "Yes indeed, the families of
today must be called back to their original position. They must follow Christ."
Christians also have the mission of proclaiming with joy and conviction the
Good News about the family, for the family absolutely needs to hear ever anew an
d to understand ever more deeply the authentic words that reveal its identity, i
ts inner resources and the importance of its mission in the City of God and in t
hat of man.
The Church knows the path by which the family can reach the heart of the dee
pest truth about itself. The Church has learned this path at the school of Chris
t and the school of history interpreted in the light of the Spirit. She does not
impose it but she feels an urgent need to propose it to everyone without fear a
nd indeed with great confidence and hope, although she knows that the Good News
includes the subject of the Cross. But it is through the Cross that the family c
an attain the fullness of its being and the perfection of its love.
Finally, I wish to call on all Christians to collaborate cordially and coura
geously with all people of good will who are serving the family in accordance wi
th their responsibilities. The individuals and groups, movements and association
s in the Church which devote themselves to the family's welfare, acting in the C
hurch's name and under her inspiration, often find themselves side by side with
other individuals and institutions working for the same ideal. With faithfulness
to the values of the Gospel and of the human person and with respect for lawful
pluralism in initiatives this collaboration can favor a more rapid and integral
advancement of the family.
And now, at the end of my pastoral message, which is intended to draw everyo
ne's attention to the demanding yet fascinating roles of the Christian family, I
wish to invoke the protection of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Through God's mysterious design, it was in that family that the Son of God s
pent long years of a hidden life. It is therefore the prototype and example for
all Christian families. It was unique in the world. Its life was passed in anony
mity and silence in a little town in Palestine. It underwent trials of poverty,
persecution and exile. It glorified God in an incomparably exalted and pure way.
And it will not fail to help Christian families-indeed, all the families in the
world-to be faithful to their day-to-day duties, to bear the cares and tribulat
ions of life, to be open and generous to the needs of others, and to fulfill wit
h joy the plan of God in their regard.
St. Joseph was "a just man," a tireless worker, the upright guardian of thos
e entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect and enlighten families.
May the Virgin Mary, who is the Mother of the Church, also be the Mother of
"the Church of the home." Thanks to her motherly aid, may each Christian family
really become a "little Church" in which the mystery of the Church of Christ is
mirrored and given new life. May she, the Handmaid of the Lord, be an example of
humble and generous acceptance of the will of God. May she, the Sorrowful Mothe
r at the foot of the Cross, comfort the sufferings and dry the tears of those in
distress because of the difficulties of their families.
May Christ the Lord, the Universal King, the King of Families, be present in
every Christian home as He was at Cana, bestowing light, joy, serenity and stre
ngth. On the solemn day dedicated to His Kingship I beg of Him that every family
may generously make its own contribution to the coming of His Kingdom in the wo
rld-"a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of
justice, love, and peace," 183 towards which history is journeying.
I entrust each family to Him, to Mary, and to Joseph. To their hands and the
ir hearts I offer this Exhortation: may it be they who present it to you, venera
ble Brothers and beloved sons and daughters, and may it be they who open your he
arts to the light that the Gospel sheds on every family.
I assure you all of my constant prayers and I cordially impart the apostolic
blessing to each and every one of you, in the name of the Father, and of the So
n, and of the Holy Spirit.
Given in Rome, at St. Peter's, on the twenty-second day of November, the Sol
emnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King, in the year 1981, the fourth of
the Pontificate.
1. Cf Second Vatican Ecumeical Council, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in t
he Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, n. 52.
2. Cf John Paul II, Homily for the opening of the Sixth Syond of Bishops (Sept.
ement: the Church, calling people back to the observance of the norms of the nat
ural law, as interpreted by her constant doctrine, teaches that each and every m
arriage act must remain open to the transmission of life (ut quilibet matrimonii
usus ad vitam humanum pro-creandam per se destinatus permaneat)": AAS 60 (1968)
, 488.
84. Cf 2 Cor 1:19; Rv 3:14.
85. Cf the Sixth Synod of Bishops' Message to Christian Families in the Modern W
orld (Oct. 24, 1980), 5.
86. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, n
87. Encyclical Humanae Vitae, n. 7: AAS 60 (1968), 485.
88. Ibid., 12: loc. cit., 488-489.
89. Ibid. 14: loc. cit. 490.
90. Ibid. 13: loc. cit. 489.
91. Cf Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in
the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, n. 51.
92. Encyclical Humanae Vitae, n. 29: AAS 60 (1968), 501.
93. Cf ibid., 25: loc. cit., 498-499.
94. Ibid., 21: loc. cit., 496.
95. John Paul II Homily at the close of the Sixth Syood of Bishops (Oct. 25, 198
0), 8: AAS 72 (1980), 1083.
96. Cf Paul VI Encyclical Humanae Vitae, 28: AAS 60 (1968), 501.
97. Cf John Paul II Address to the Delegates of tbe Centre de Laiison des Equipe
s de Rechercbe (Nov. 3, 1979), 9: Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, II, 2 (1979
), 1035; and cf Address to the participants in the First Congres for the Family
of Africa and Europe (Jan. 15, 1981): L'Osservatore Romano, Jan. 16, 1981.
98. Encyclical Humanae Vitae, 25: AAS 60 (1968), 499.
99. Declaration on Christian Education, Gravissimum Educationis, n. 3.
100. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in th
e Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, n. 35.
101. St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra Gentiles, IV, 58.
102. Declaration on Christian Education, Gravissimum Educationis, n. 2.
103. Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, n. 71: AAS 68 (1976), 60-61.
104. Cf Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Declaration on Christian Eduaction, G
ravissimum Educationis, n. 3.
105. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, A
postolicam Actuositatem, n. 11.
106. Second Vatican Ecumenial Council, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in th
e Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, n. 52.
107. Cf Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity,
Apostolicam Actuositatem, n. 11.
108. Rom 12:13.
109. Mt 10:42.
110. Cf Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in
the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, n. 30.
111. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Declaration on Religious Freedom, Dignit
atis Humanae, n. 5.
112. Cf Propositio 42.
113. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lume
n Gentium, n. 31.
114. Cf Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, L
umen Gentium, n. 11; Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, Apostolicam Actuosit
atem, 11; Pope John Paul II, Homily for the opening of the Sacred Synod of Bisho
ps (Sept. 26, 1980), 3: AAS 72 (1980), 1008.
115. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lume
n Gentium, n. 11.
116. Cf ibid., n. 41.
117. Acts 4:32.
118. Cf Paul VI, Encyclical Humanae Vitae, n. 9: AAS 60 (1968), 486-487.
119. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in t