Auditors Report On Summary Financial Statements Element of Auditors Report
Auditors Report On Summary Financial Statements Element of Auditors Report
Auditors Report On Summary Financial Statements Element of Auditors Report
This indicate the report of an independent auditor, for example, Report of
Independent Auditor affirms that the auditor has met all the relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence. This distinguishes the report of the independent
auditor from reports issued by others.
Factors that may affect the auditors evaluation of appropriateness of the addressee of
the summary financial statements include the terms of the engagement, the nature of the
entity, and the purpose of the summary financial statements.
If the audited financial statements contain comparatives, there is a presumption that
the summary financial statements also would contain comparatives. Comparatives in the
audited financial statements may be regarded as corresponding figures or as comparative
financial information. PSA 710 (Redrafted) describes how this difference affects the
auditors report on the financial statements, including, in particular, reference to other
auditors who audited the financial statements for the prior period.
Circumstances that may affect the auditors determination whether an omission of
comparatives is reasonable include the nature and objective of the summary financial
statements, the applied criteria, and the information needs of the intended users of the
summary financial statements.
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