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Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Chapter 1
Problem 1.1 If the bit rate is to be maintained to 10 Mbps, what modifications should be
made in the system to cope up with SNR variations between 10 dB and 20 dB.
SNR1=10 dB
SNR2=20 dB

Considering simple binary transmission

W1=5 Mbps.

Now SNR2 SNR1W1/W2

Taking log on both the sides
logSNR2 = (W1/W2)logSNR1
(20/10) = (W1/W2)
(W1/W2) = 2
W2 = W1/2

reduce the BW by 2.

We need to change the modulation scheme to maintained the bit rate so instead of BPSK,
QPSK scheme to be implemented.

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Problem 1.2 If square pulses, each of the duration 0.05 s are to be transmitted at a carrier
frequency of 100 MHz, what will be the shape of the spectrum? According to this spectrum
find out the (a) null to null (significant energy) bandwidth, (b) fractional power containment
bandwidth, (c) bounded PSD, (d) absolute bandwidth.
Hint is already given as follows
Fractional power containment bandwidth: According to FCC rules, the occupied bandwidth is
the band that levels exactly 0.5% of the signal power above the upper band limit and exactly
0.5% of the signal power below the lower band limit. Thus 99% of the signal power is inside
the occupied band.
Bounded power spectral density: Typical attenuation level might be 35 or 50 dB.
Absolute bandwidth: It is the interval between frequencies outside of which the spectrum is
zero. However, for all realizable waveforms absolute bandwidth is infinite.
Considering the case of BPSK
The shape of the spectrum is sinc type from the equation of power spectral density


0 to first null = (1/0.05 s)= 20 MHz

Same happens at 100 MHz carrier
Null to null BW 120-80
40 MHz

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Non-regulatory definition of null to null bandwidth is the width of the main spectral lobe of
the PSD bounded by spectra nulls if they exist

(b) The fractional power containment bandwidth is the most appropriate measure of
necessary bandwidth because it is a measure of the integrated power spectrum density and
can be related to system performance. It is 99% power containment bandwidth and defined as

S ( f )df Where, is the decimal equivalent of percentage power (Here 0.99 for 99%)

Approximately 5 nulls contain the most of the energy and with that assumption 99 MHz on
both the ends means 198 MHz

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

(c) Half power bandwidth is defined as 0.88 R means considering both the sides it is
approximately 35.2 MHz, means bounded power spectral density is slightly higher than this.

(d) absolute BW =

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Problem 1.3 Energies of signals g1(t) and g2(t) are Eg1 and Eg2 respectively.
(a) Show that in general the energy of the signal g1(t)+g2(t) is not Eg1+Eg2
(b) Under what condition is the energy of g1(t)+g2(t) equal to Eg1 + Eg2
(c) Can the energy of the signal g1(t)+g2(t) be zero? If so, under what conditions?

(a) The total energy of [g1(t)+g2(t)]= Eg1+g2

= (g1(t)+g2(t))2 dt

= ( g12(t)dt + ( g22(t)dt +2 (g1(t)g2(t)) dt

= Eg1 + Eg2 +2 (g1(t)g2(t)) dt

Eg1 + Eg2

(b) From the result in part (a) if the third term of the equation becomes zero i.e.

2 (g1(t)g2(t)) dt = 0 then and then only total energy of (g1(t)+g2(t)) equals to Eg1 +

(c) Eg1+g2 = 0 if and only if Eg1=Eg2=0. This is possible only with the condition

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Problem 1.4 Determine the energy spectral density of the square pulse s(t)=rect(t/T), where
rect(t/T) equals 1, for T/2 t T/2 and equals zero elsewhere. Calculate the normalized
energy Es in the pulse.

rect(t/T) = 1, for T/2 t T/2
=0, elsewhere


Es= /2 1
= T/2 (-T/2)

ESD=Es= 2(t)dt

= /2 1

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Problem 1.5 The input x and output y of a certain nonlinear channel are related as
y=x+0.22x3. The input signal x(t) is a sum of two modulated signals

x(t)=x1(t)cos1t+ x2(t)cos2t

Where, the X1() and X2() are shown in Fig

1=2 (100 x 103) and 2=2 (100 x 103),

(a) Sketch the spectra of the input signal x(t) and output signal y(t).
(b) Can signals x1(t) and x2(t) be recovered without distortion and interference from
the output y(t)?
Solution: y=x+0.22x3
= x1(t)cos1t+ x2(t)cos2t +0.22(x1(t)cos1t+ x2(t)cos2t)3
{Writing x1 for x1(t) and x2 for x2(t) }
= (x1 + 0.165x23 + 1.5x1x22 )cos 1t +(x2 + 0.165x22 + 1.5x22 )cos 2t

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks



Upena Dalal

cos(21+2) t +0.75


cos(22+1) t

+0.75 x2x12 cos(21-2) t +0.75 x1x22 cos(22-1) t

+ 0.25x13cos 31t+ 0.25x23cos 32t

Thus, the input spectra has two frequencies 1 and 2

the output spectra are centered at frequencies

1, 2, 21+2, 21-2, 22+1, 22-1, 31, 32

(b) x1(t) and x2(t) each has bandwidth 5 kHz , so x1x22 , x2x12 , x13 , x23 each has bandwidth
=15 kHz . Spectra centered at 1, 2, 21-2 and 22-1, overlap. Similarly, spectra at
21+2, 22+1, 31 and 32 also overlap. Hence, it is not possible to recover x1(t) and x2(t)
from y(t).

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Problem 1.6 Show that an arbitrary function s(n) can be represented by a sum of even
function se(n) and odd function so(n), i.e.
() = () + ()

() =


() =

. (1)


. (2)

By adding (1) and (2) we will get

() = () + ()

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Problem 1.7 In a multilevel signalling, if the number of discrete signal or voltage levels is 8
in a MODEM and the bandwidth is 4 kHz, find the channel capacity. If the data rate is
increased by increasing the number of signalling elements, for a given bandwidth, what will
be the expected changes? Comment on it.


Calculate channel capacity

= 2 log 2
= 8 kHz x log28
C= 24 kbits/sec

Noise may affect the quality of the signal because as number of signalling element is
increased the range between levels (resolution) is decreased.

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Problem 1.8 A channel bandwidth is 2 MHz and SNR= 25 dB. Using Shannons formula,
find the channel capacity. If we assume that we can achieve this limit based on Nyquists
formula, find the number of signalling levels required

Shannons formula
W=2 MHz
SNR= 25db
C= W log2(1 + SNR)
C=16.62M bits/sec
= 2 log 2

(Nyquist formula)

M=18 levels approximately

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Problem 1.9 A system with digital signalling is operated at 4800 bits per second. If the signal
element encodes a 4-bit word, what is the minimum required bandwidth?


4800/4 = 1200 words /sec

BW= 4.8 kHz

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

Wireless Communication and Networks

Upena Dalal

Problem 1.10 For the signal shown in Fig. 1.14 , find the type of signal and suitable measure
to analyze it.

The signal is a periodic ramp or sawtooth wave and a power signal and can be analysed with
the help of Fourier series. It can also be considered the extreme case of an
asymmetric triangular wave. While a square wave is constructed from only odd harmonics, a
sawtooth wave spectrum contains both even and odd harmonics of the fundamental
frequency. It contains all the integer harmonics. Detail Fourier series can be found from any
book on signal processing.

Oxford University Press 2014. All rights reserved.

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