Ms-Excel 2007 Course Material
Ms-Excel 2007 Course Material
Ms-Excel 2007 Course Material
Study Material
Developed By
Sanjay Jamalpur
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Table of Contents
What is a SpreadSheet?.................................................................................................................. 4
Fluent ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Ribbon ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Mini Toolbar................................................................................................................................... 5
Formula AutoComplete .................................................................................................................. 5
Zoom and Page View controls ........................................................................................................ 5
Cell Addresses................................................................................................................................. 5
Moving in the worksheet................................................................................................................ 6
Creating a File ................................................................................................................................ 6
Saving the Worksheet .................................................................................................................... 6
Editing a cell-data .......................................................................................................................... 6
Range Names ................................................................................................................................ 7
Formatting ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Conditional Formatting . ................................................................................................................ 8
Changing Column-widths and row-height...................................................................................... 8
Inserting rows, columns and cells . ................................................................................................. 9
Comments ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Relative Reference........................................................................................................................ 10
Absolute Reference ...................................................................................................................... 10
Formula Auditing.......................................................................................................................... 10
Page Setup ................................................................................................................................... 11
Printing a Worksheet.................................................................................................................... 11
Operators in Ms-Excel ................................................................................................................... 12
Two way Decision Making............................................................................................................ 14
Decision Making using AND ......................................................................................................... 14
Decision Making using OR............................................................................................................ 14
Using LookUp and Reference Functions........................................................................................ 15
VLOOKUP ..................................................................................................................................... 15
HLOOKUP ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Mathematical and Trig Functions................................................................................................. 16
Statistical Functions ..................................................................................................................... 17
Financial Functions ....................................................................................................................... 17
Date and Time Functions.............................................................................................................. 18
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Text Functions .............................................................................................................................. 19
Sorting and Filtering..................................................................................................................... 20
Filtering ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Advanced Filter ............................................................................................................................ 20
Subtotals ...................................................................................................................................... 21
PivotTable .................................................................................................................................... 22
Updating the Pivot Table with changes in existing data .............................................................. 22
Updating the Pivot Table with new data added in data range .................................................... 22
Charts ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Creating Charts............................................................................................................................. 23
Changing the Chart type............................................................................................................... 23
Adding Data labels and Axis Title................................................................................................. 23
Data Validation ............................................................................................................................ 24
Goal Seek and Scenarios............................................................................................................... 25
Solver............................................................................................................................................ 26
Adding the solver tool .................................................................................................................. 26
Table............................................................................................................................................. 27
Creating a one-variable data table................................................................................................ 27
Linking WorkSheets...................................................................................................................... 28
Hyperlink ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Protection..................................................................................................................................... 29
Protecting the Worksheet ............................................................................................................ 29
Protecting the Workbook ............................................................................................................. 30
Consolidation................................................................................................................................ 31
Consolidate data by position ......................................................................................................... 32
Sharing Workbook........................................................................................................................ 32
Steps for Setting up a shared workbook ........................................................................................ 32
Sharing Data between Word and Excel ........................................................................................ 33
Importing the data into Ms-Excel ................................................................................................. 34
Importing a Delimited text file ..................................................................................................... 34
Macro ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Record a macro ............................................................................................................................. 37
Running a Recorded Macro .......................................................................................................... 38
Deleting a Macro.......................................................................................................................... 38
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What is a SpreadSheet?
A spreadsheet is a graphical representation and processing of data. In an Electronic Spreadsheet
data is represented in a matrix or tabular form, consisting of rows and columns. The first Electronic
Spreadsheet was developed in 1976 by Dan Bricklin and the program was called VisiCalc.
The Ribbon is the replacement for all the other menus and toolbars. It is the banner that occupies
the top of the window. Its designed in tab based, and the corresponding icons are displayed
whenever a tab is selected by default the Ribbon has seven tabs namely Home, Insert, Page
Layout, Formulas, Data, Review and View. The icons are grouped logically under each tab.
The Ribbon
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Mini Toolbar
The mini toolbar pops up on right clicking the mouse on top of the context menu. The mini toolbar
contains frequently used formatting options, and significantly decreases the mouse navigation
Formula AutoComplete
Whenever user types a formula in the cell a window pops up next to the cell which contains list of
functions matching the letters typed by the user with a brief description about the function. It also
displays the syntax of the function therefore reducing the chances of making an error.
Formula AutoComplete
Cell Addresses
The label for a cell is called a cell address. The first cell is A1 and the last cell is XFD1048576.
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Moving in the worksheet
An Excel worksheet consists of 1048576 Rows and 16384 Columns. To move around the
worksheet you can use arrow keys page up and page down can be used to move a screen full of
cells. Pressing function F5 displays the GOTO dialog box. By which we can navigate in any desired
Entering Data
The Data is entered in the intersection of Row & Column called as Cell a Cell can contain six
types of entries. i.e.
Values Dates Times Formulae Functions - Labels / Text A Cell can contain number,
underscore, character & space.
Creating a File To create a new file, click on the MsOffice button located on the top left corner.
Saving the Worksheet Click on the MsOffice button located on the top left corner & choose
Save. File in excel 2007 is saved as a workbook with extension .xlsx this particular format does
not support macros, an excel 2007 macro file is saved with extension .xlsm and an excel 2007
template file is saved with extension .xlst.
To Quit Excel Click on the MsOffice button located on the top left corner and choose Exit Excel.
Editing a cell-data Press F2 function key on the cell or DBLClick in the Cell then Use arrow keys
and make corrections
Using Undo and Redo Click on Undo button on the quick access toolbar. To reverse the Undo,
Click on the Redo button on the same toolbar.
Erasing a cell-value place the cursor in the cell and press delete/backspace button on the
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Selecting Values- Contiguous and non Contiguous
Contiguous - Click and drag across to select all the cells for Non contiguous cells, click & drag to
select the first block of cells hold the Ctrl key on keyboard and click & drag to select the next block
of cells
Selecting rows and columns: To select a column click on the column alphabet, to select a row click
on the row number.
Range Names Used for giving common name to multiple cells selected.
Defining a range name Select the range of cells and click on the Formulas tab Choose Define
Name under Name manager category Specify the required name (it will allow characters,
numbers and underscores only). Choose the scope required lastly click on OK button
Range Name dialog box
Using AutoFill Select the cell and move the mouse cursor to the bottom right corner of the cell
click and drag.
Using Cut/Copy/Paste
Copy - Creates a duplicate copy of the data. Select a block of cells. You want to copy and then click
on Home tab click on the Copy button.
Move - To move data, select a block of cells and then click on Home tab choose the Cut
(Scissor) button.
Paste for pasting the copied or cut data position the cursor in desired position and click on Home
tab choose Paste button and specify the way in which you want to paste the data.
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To beautify text or apply sizes to text excel allows formatting.
Text Wrap Select the Home tab click on the option Wrap Text.
Fonts, Attributes, Sizes and Colors select the cells click on the Home tab choose the
required font, size, color, bold, italic etc.
Formatting Value Select the cells Click on the Home tab choose Format option select
format cells this will pop up the format cells dialog box choose the required formatting in
the dialog box.
Conditional Formatting Is used to monitor your data and alert you when the values enter a
certain range or move outside a set criteria.
For applying conditional formatting Select the Home tab click on Conditional Formatting
button this will display drop down menu choose the required option from it.
Copying Styles To copy formats of styles from one cell to another, click on Format Painter on
the Home tab and paste on the other cells by selecting them.
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Inserting rows, columns and cells Select the Home tab click on Insert button choose the
required option under it.
Deleting rows and columns Select the Home tab Delete button choose the required
option under it.
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Spell Check Place the cursor at the beginning of worksheet, select the Review tab Spelling
Find and Replace To search for any entry use Find and to change them use Replace. Press the
shortcut key CTRL + H this will pop up the Find and Replace dialog box.
Formula Auditing
To display all the locations involved in a formula or to come to know what are the precedents and
dependents in the formula, click on Formulas tab choose the required option under the Formula
Auditing category.
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Page Setup
Using Page Setup
Click on the Page Layout tab next click on Size button and select the Paper Size click on
Orientation button to set the desired Orientation i.e. Portrait to print vertically. Landscape to
print horizontally click on the Margins button to specify the Margins to print the Data with
Grid lines click on Print Titles button select the Sheet Tab and select the check box print
Printing a Worksheet
Office button on top left corner and choose Print option this will pop up the
Click on the
print dialog box specify the printer and required settings for printing, you can click on the Preview
button to view how the page looks after printing. And finally click on OK button to print the data.
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Operators in Ms-Excel
Arithmetic Operators To perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, or
multiplication; combine numbers; and produce numeric results, use the following arithmetic
+ (plus sign)
(minus sign)
* (asterisk)
/ (forward slash)
% (percent sign)
^ (caret)
Comparison Operators You can compare two values with the following operators. When two
values are compared by using these operators, the result is a logical value, either TRUE or FALSE.
= (equal sign)
Equal to
Greater than
Less than
Not equal to
Text concatenation operator Use the ampersand (&) to join, or concatenate, one or more text
strings to produce a single piece of text.
& (Ampersand)
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Reference operators Combine ranges of cells for calculations with the following operators.
: (Colon)
, (Comma)
SUM (B5:B15,D5:D15)
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Decision making using IF
IF () Tests the contents of a cell and returns a logical value of true or false.
Different types of Decision Making.
Two way Decision Making
e.g. To check if A5 is below 1000 give commission of 2% otherwise 5%.
=IF (A5<1000,A5*5%,A5*2%)
Decision Making using AND
AND The AND operator returns true if all its arguments are True.
=IF (AND (A5>1000,A5<5000),A5*2%,A5*5%)
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Using LookUp and Reference Functions
VLOOKUP () This function looks up for the first column of the list and moves across the row to
return the value of a cell. Used for vertically oriented lists.
Formulas tab Lookup & Reference Vlookup
= VLOOKUP (Lookup value, Table array, Column index, Range lookup)
The list must be sorted in ascending order of the value to be searched. If the last argument value is
specified as true or omitted, it returns an approximate match. If specified as false, it returns an
exact match otherwise it displays #N/A
(Not Available) as error.
HLOOKUP () Searches for a value in the top row of a table or an array of values, and then
returns a value in the same column from a row you specify in the table or array. Use HLOOKUP
when your comparison values are located in a row across the top of a table of data,
Formulas tabLookup & Reference Vlookup
= HLOOKUP (lookup_value,table_array,row_index_num,range_lookup)
The Lookup Value, table array & Range will remain same as defined in Vlookup except the
row_index, i.e. in Vlookup we give Col_Index & in Hlookup we give Row_Index.
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Mathematical and Trig Functions
INT ( ) returns an integer value.
e.g. =INT (2.5) returns 2, =INT (-2.25) returns -3
RADIANS ( ) accepts the angle in degrees and returns the relative value in radians
e.g. = RADIANS (90) returns 1.57
SIN ( ) accepts the angle in Radians and Returns the SIN value.
e.g. =SIN (1.57) returns 1
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Statistical Functions
AVERAGE ( ) returns the average of its arguments.
e.g. =AVERAGE (A5:A10)
COUNT ( ) counts number of cells containing numbers in a list.
COUNTA ( ) counts number cells that are not empty in the list
COUNTIF ( ) counts number cells in the list with given condition.
COUNTBLANK ( ) counts number of empty cells in the list
MAX ( ) returns the maximum value in a list of arguments.
MIN ( ) returns the minimum value in a list of arguments.
Financial Functions
PMT () returns the periodic payment of an annuity based on a constant payments and a
constant interest rate. In simple terms, it will tell you what your payments will be for a given loan
amount, number of installments, at a fixed rate of interest.
= PMT (rate of interest, total number of installments, present value of loan, desired cash balance
(optional), 0-indicating payment at end of period or 1 indicating payment at beginning of period
E.g. =PMT(12%/12,60,450000,0,1) returns the installment for a car to be purchased, the loan
amount being Rs. 4,50,000 at 12% p.a for 5 years.
You can use PMT to determine payments to annuities other than loans.
PPMT () returns the Principal value out of the Monthly payment made.
=PPMT (rate, per, nper, pv, fv, type)
SLN () returns the straight line depreciation of an Asset for one period.
=SLN (cost, salvage, life)
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Date and Time Functions
Excel stores Date internally in the form of number starting from 1st Jan 1900 till 31st Dec 9999
DATE () returns the serial number of a date. =DATE (2005,1,19)
NOW () returns the current system date and time in one cell =NOW ()
TODAY () returns the current system date = TODAY ()
DAY () returns the day of the month for a date =DAY (A5)
MONTH () returns the month of the year of a date =MONTH (A5)
YEAR () returns the year of a date =YEAR (A5)
TIME () returns the number representing the time
HOUR () returns an hour, from (12:00 A.M.) to (11:00 P.M.)
MINUTE () returns Minute from 0 to 59
SECOND () returns Second form 0 to 59
NETWORKDAYS () returns the difference between two dates excluding holiday
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Text Functions
EXACT ( ) To check if two text values are identical and returns True or False
e.g. =EXACT (excel,EXCEL) returns FALSE
LEFT ( ) returns the leftmost characters from a text value
e.g. =LEFT (Computer,3) returns Com
RIGHT ( ) returns the rightmost characters from a text value
e.g. =RIGHT (Computer,3) returns ter
MID ( ) returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you
specify, based on the number of characters you specify.
e.g. =MID (Sachin, 2, 3) return ach
LEN ( ) returns the length of a text
e.g. =LEN (EXCEL) returns 5
CONCATENATE () Joins two or more strings into one.
e.g. =CONCATENATE (Word, Excel) returns WordExcel
UPPER () converts the Text string to Upper case
e.g. =UPPER (Word) returns WORD
LOWER () converts the Text string to Lower case
e.g. =LOWER (WORD) returns word
CHAR () returns the character at specified ASCII Code.
e.g. =CHAR (65) returns A
CODE () returns the ASCII Code of the specified character.
e.g. =CHAR (97) returns a
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Sorting and Filtering
Sorting is used for arranging the Data either in Ascending or Descending order, alphabetically
or numerically.
Place the cursor in the Data area then select Data tab click on Sort button under Sort and Filter
Filtering is used to view only those records that meet a given criteria
Place the cursor in the Data area select Data tab click on Filter button
Customizing Filter- To give conditions within the filter choose Text Filter under filter choose
Custom Filter option.
Advanced Filter used for filtering the data based on more than one criterion
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Subtotals used for mathematically summarising data by a particular field but the data should
be in sorted order.
For creating Subtotals Place the cursor in the Data area then select Data tab and click on
Subtotals button.
Note: For creating subtotal make sure that the data is in sorted order or else the output of
subtotal will be in haphazard order which becomes very difficult to refer and its always good
practice to make copy of data on which you want to run subtotals.
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Pivot Table To summarize data in a list by totaling sets of entries. We can define the Fields we
want and the Data related to the Fields.
Updating the Pivot Table with changes in existing data Right click on the Pivot Table Field
Updating the Pivot Table with new data added in data range click on PivotTable Tools tab
select Change data source specify the new range
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Charts Presenting Data in the form of a chart can makes a point much more effective.
Chart Terms and Basics Every chart consists of Axis, Titles, Legend, data Series & Gridlines
Creating Charts
Select the data for the chart & click on Insert tab Next click on the required chart type select
the subtype in it for generating the chart.
Updating Chart If you make any changes in the data Excel automatically updates those changes
in the Chart.
Changing Chart Type Right-click on the chart & choose Chart Type or click on Chart Tools
next click on the button Change Chart Type.
Changing the Chart type
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Data Validation
Excel allows you to validate the entry of Data, by which we can restrict, the entry of data in the
cells based on a given criteria.
Select the Cells to be Validated Click on Data tab Data Validation button this will pop up
the Data Validation dialog box as shown below In The Settings Tab specify the condition i.e. on
what basis the Data should be validated In The Input Message Tab give appropriate Message
in the Error Alert Tab specify the Error Alert if user enters a invalid value.
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Goal Seek and Scenarios
Goal Seek is used when you know the Output and want to find the Input based on the output
Click on Data tab What if Analysis button Goal Seek Specify the Set Cell Enter the
Value for it Specify the changing Cell.
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Solver is part of a suite of commands sometimes called what-if analysis tools. With Solver, you can
find an optimal value for a formula in one cell called the target cell on a worksheet. Solver
works with a group of cells that are related, either directly or indirectly, to the formula in the
target cell. Solver adjusts the values in the changing cells you specify called the adjustable
cells to produce the result you specify from the target cell formula. You can apply constraints to
restrict the values Solver can use in the model, and the constraints can refer to other cells that
affect the target cell formula.
Use Solver to determine the maximum or minimum value of one cell by changing other cells for
example, you can change the amount of your projected advertising budget and see the affect on
your projected profit amount.
Solver is an Add-Ins function which has to be added when we want to use.
Adding the solver tool
Click on
office button Excel options Add-Ins Manage Excel Add-Ins Solver
(Adding Solver from Add-Ins) once it is added it will be available under data tab
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Data tables are part of a suite of commands sometimes called what-if analysis tools. A data table is
a range of cells that shows how changing certain values in your formulas affect the results of the
formulas. Data tables provide a shortcut for calculating multiple versions in one operation and a
way to view and compare the results of all of the different variations together on your worksheet.
We can create two types of data table a) One variable data table b) Two variable data table.
Creating a one-variable data table
You must design one-variable data tables so that input values are listed either down a column
(column-oriented) or across a row (row-oriented). Formulas used in a one-variable data table must
refer to an input cell.
1. Type the list of values you want to substitute in the input cell either down one column or
across one row.
2. Do one of the following:
o If the data table is column-oriented, type the formula in the row above the first
value and one cell to the right of the column of values. Type any additional formulas
to the right of the first formula.
o If the data table is row-oriented, type the formula in the column to the left of the
first value and one cell below the row of values. Type any additional formulas below
the first formula.
3. Select the range of cells that contains the formulas and values you want to substitute.
4. On the Data tab What if Analysis Under it select Data table
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Linking WorkSheets
Linking helps in updating any changes made in related worksheets
For linking do the following steps
Select the Data copy click in the New Sheet Right click mouse Paste Special Paste
Hyperlinks are references in a document to the location (address) of other information.
Creating a Hyperlink
Select the cell to be linked click on Insert tab next click on Hyperlink button Choose the
file/web page /Bookmark to link lastly click on Ok.
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You can secure your Data by protecting the Workbook & Worksheets inside the Workbook. For
protecting both the workbook and worksheet select the Review tab click on protect sheet and
protect workbook buttons respectively under changes category.
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Protecting the Workbook
Click on Review tab Protect Workbook this will pop up the dialog box as shown below
check the required boxes and enter the password in the text box.
Note: The password you mention is case sensitive and you should remember very well the
password you assigned to the worksheet / workbook, because if you forget the password then you
will not be able to unprotect.
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Data from different positions can brought in one place in a consolidated form. Consolidation can
be done by Position and by using Pivot Table.
Click on Data tab Consolidate tool as shown below.
Consolidation Tool
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Consolidate data by position
1. Click the upper-left cell of the destination area for the consolidated data.
2. On the Data tab, click Consolidate.
3. In the Function box, click the summary function you want Microsoft Excel to use to
consolidate the data.
4. In the Reference box, enter a source area you want to consolidate.
5. Click Add.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each source area to consolidate.
7. To update the consolidation table automatically when the source data changes, select the
Create links to source data check box.
To create links, the source and destination areas must be on different worksheets. Once
you create links, you cannot add new source areas or change the source areas that are
included in the consolidation.
Note When you consolidate by position, Microsoft Excel does not copy the category labels in the
source areas to the destination area. If you want labels for the destination worksheet, copy them
or enter them manually.
Sharing Workbook
Sharing allows distributing the same workbook on different computers and multiple persons can
work on it at the same time.
Steps for Setting up a shared workbook
1. On the Review tab, click Share Workbook, and then click the Editing tab.
2. Select the Allow changes by more than one user at the same time check box, and then
click OK.
3. When prompted, save the workbook.
4. On the Office button, click Save As, and then save the shared workbook on a network
location where other users can gain access to it.
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Sharing Data between Word and Excel
Word with Excel
As Text Copy data from Excel In Word right click mouse Paste Special As: Unformatted
As a Table Copy data from Excel In Word right click mouse Paste.
As a Picture Select the Data in Excel Hold Shift Key & right click mouse Copy Picture In
Word select Paste.
As a Spreadsheet Copy data from Excel In Word right click mouse Paste Special As:
Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object.
Creating a worksheet in Word In Word Click on the Insert Microsoft Excel Worksheet button
on the Standard Toolbar.
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Importing the data into Ms-Excel
We can import a Text file, MsAccess database table or even an Excel sheet in excel by using the
import external data wizard.
Importing a Text file into MsExcel: You can import a Delimited or Fixed width text file into excel by
using the import wizard. In case of importing a delimited file you have to specify the delimiter in
the wizard and in case of fixed width file you have to manually specify the width for each column.
Importing a Delimited text file
1. Insert a new worksheet for importing the data (you can import in any existing worksheet
also but make sure the imported data does not overwrite your existing data)
2. Click on Data tab Click on the button from Text
3. This will pop-up a dialog box for selecting the file, browse to the folder where the file is
located and under file type select Text files.
4. Select the text file which you want to import and click on Import button this will pop-up
the dialog box as shown below
5. Select the option Delimited under choose file type and click on Next button
6. This will pop-up the dialog box for choosing the delimiter as shown below.
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9. Choose General from the Column data format options (Choosing General converts numeric
values to numbers, date values to dates and all remaining values to text format) and then
click on Finish button.
10. This will pop-up the Import data dialog box as shown below prompting you to specify the
location for placing the imported data. (if you want to place it in the existing worksheets
then choose existing worksheet and specify the location or click on option New worksheet)
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11. For setting the properties of the data imported place the cursor in the data area, right click
12. This will pop-up the External Data Range Properties dialog box as shown below.
13. For updating the data imported in excel check the required boxes under Refresh Control
and click on OK button
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A macro is a set of instructions, which can be called number of times to ease a repetitive task.
The instructions called statements are written on a macro sheet in the Visual Basic language.
View tab Macro
Record a macro
1. On the View tab, point to Macro, and then click Record New Macro.
2. In the Macro name box, enter a name for the macro.
Note: The first character of the macro name must be a letter. Other characters can be
letters, numbers, or underscore characters. Spaces are not allowed in a macro name; an
underscore character works well as a word separator.
3. To run the macro by pressing a keyboard shortcut key, enter a letter in the Shortcut key
box. You can use CTRL+ letter (for lowercase letters) or CTRL+SHIFT+ letter (for uppercase
letters), where letter is any letter key on the keyboard. The shortcut key letter you use
cannot be a number or special character such as @ or #. The shortcut key will override any
default Microsoft Excel shortcut keys while the workbook that contains the macro is open.
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4. In the Store macro in box, click the location where you want to store the macro.
If you want a macro to be available whenever you use Excel, store the macro in the
Personal Macro Workbook in the Excel Startup folder.
To include a description of the macro, type the description in the Description box.
5. Click OK.
If you select cells while running a macro, the macro will select the same cells regardless of
which cell is first selected because it records absolute cell references. If you want a macro
to select cells regardless of the position of the active cell when you run the macro, set the
macro recorder to record relative cell references. On the Stop Recording toolbar, click
Relative Reference
. Excel will continue to record macros with relative references until
you quit excel or until you click Relative Reference again.
6. Carry out the actions you want to record.
7. On the Macro button, click Stop Recording
Running a Recorded Macro
Select the View tab click on the Macro button View Macro this will pop-up the dialog box
as shown below select the macro to run click on button Run
Press the shortcut key you assigned while recording the Macro.
Deleting a Macro
Select the View tab click on the Macro button choose View Macro this will pop up the
above dialog box select the macro you want to delete and click on Delete button.
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