Circular Memo

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Office of the Engineer-in-Chief (Admn),

Water Resources Dept, AP, Hyderabad/Vijayawada

Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/A1/11092015/2015,




Estt WR Dept APIES Communication of provisional Seniority list of Assistant

Executive Engineers form 1978 PSC to 2001 PSC LR and A/T Assistant Executive
Engineers of zone I to IV - In implementation of Honble APAT and Honble AP High
Court orders keeping in view of Honble Apex Court of India in Civil Appeal No. 5099 of
2006 orders dated 18.02.2015 in regard to implementation of G.O. Ms. No. 124, GAD,
dated 07.03.2002 Objections called for - Reg.

Read: 1. ENC (Admn) Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/A3/24018/2012-1, dated 18.10.2012

2. ENC (Admn) Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/A3/24018/2012-2, dated 18.10.2012
3. ENC (Admn)Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/A3/24018/2012-3, dated 18.10.2012
4. ENC (Admn)Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/A3/24018/2012-4, dated 18.10.2012
5. Honble APAT orders dated 29.04.2015 in O.A. No. 1563 and Batch filed by
Sri K.S.Prakasa Rao, and others
6. Honble AP High Court orders dated 18.08.2015 in W.P. No. 16875 of 2014 filed by
Sri K.S. Prakasa Rao, and others
7. Govt Memo No. 19039/Ser.I/2013-9, dated 30.11.2015
The final seniority list of Assistant Executive Engineers i.e. from 1978 PSC to 2001 PSC LR was
communicated vide circular memo cited in the reference 1 to 4, duly implementing the rule 16 (h) of
APS & SS rules, 1996 in pursuance of Honble APAT orders dated 28.07.2008 in O.A. No. 557/2007 and
Honble AP High Court orders dated 18.12.2008 in W.P. No. 22978/2008 and G.O. 610, GAD, dated
30.12.1985 and Honble Court orders dated 21.11.2012 in W.P. No. 13273/2012 and Batch on
implementation of GO 610, duly following the guidelines issued in G.O,. No. 674, GA, MC-1, Dept, dated
07.09.2007 and guidelines issued in G.O. Ms. No. 124, GAD, SPF-A, Dept, dated 07.03.2002 with
retrospective effect w.e.f. 18.10.1975 onwards, by placing on the web-site and disposing the several
objections received against the provisional list of Assistant Executive Engineers subject to outcome of all
court cases and subsequent Government orders if any.
Accordingly, all the temporary and I/c arrangements made to the post of DEE were also
regularized duly placing the year wise panels before the DPC. Subsequently, the provisional and final
seniority list in the cadre of DEEs was communicated and after integrating the state-wide seniority list of
DEEs, necessary proposals were communicated to the Government to regularize the in-charge
arrangements to the post of EE and above placing before the DPC at Government level.
Aggrieved by the above Assistant Executive Engineers seniority list and DEEs final zone wise
seniority list and integrated list of DEEs, some of the DEEs have approached the Honble APAT by filing
O.A. No. 1563/2014 and batch praying to set-a-side the impugned final zone wise seniority list of AEE s
and DEEs as illegal and without jurisdiction.
The Honble APAT in its orders dated 29-04-2015 in OA No. 1563/2014 and batch have ordered
as follows.
PARA No. 18 In the light of the above discussion, the impugned seniority list of DEEs vide
proceedings no. RC/ENC/E1/E3/22713/2013 dated 22-07-2013 issued by the first respondent in OA no.
1563/2014, the impugned final seniority list of AEEs vide circular memo no. RC/ENC/A3/24018/2004-01

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dated 18-10-2012 of batch 1 and circular memo No. RC/ENC/A3/24018/2004-01 dated 18-10-2012 of
batch 2 issued by the first respondent in OA no.2032/2014 and impugned final seniority list of DEEs by
the circular memos

No. RC/ENC/E1/E3/12652/2012-2/ZONE-02 dated 22-01-2013, RC/ENC/E1/E3/

221219/2012-2/ZONE-02 dated 22-01-2013, RC/ENC/E1/E3/12653/2012-2/ZONE-03 dated 22-01-2013

and RC/ENC/E1/E3/12120/2012-2/ZONE-03 dated 22-01-2013 covered by the batch of OAs are set
Further the Honble AP High Court in its orders dated 18-08-2015 in WPVP No.2157/2015 in
WPMP No.20993/2014 in WP No.16875/2015 have ordered has follows:
This vacate stay petition is moved by the Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation) and Chief Engineer,
Hyderabad, Government of Andhra Pradesh. They sought for vacation of the order passed by this court
on 23-06-2014 in WP MP.No.20993 of 2014 in WP No.16875 of 2014, Entertaining WP No.16875 of 2014
on 23-06-2014, this Court passed an order reads as under:
There shall be interim suspension as prayed for
It is now urged by the learned Government Pleader that because of the interim order passed by
this Court, the work relating to preparation and publication of the final seniority list duly keeping in
mind the judgment rendered by the Honble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No.5099 of 2006 on 18-022015 is held up.
In that view of the matter, we consider it appropriate to modify the earlier interim order by
granting leave and liberty to the vacate stay petitioners to prepare and publish the final seniority list in
accordance with law and thereafter only to regulate the promotions.
In pursuance of the Honble Tribunal orders dated 29-04-2015 in OA No.1563 of 2014 and batch
cases and Honble AP High Court orders dated 18-08-2015 in WPVP No.2157 of 2015 in WPMP No.
20993/2014 in WP No. 16875/2014 and keeping in view the observations of the Honble APEX court of
India in civil appeal no.5099 of 2006 orders dated 18-02-2015 in regard to implementation of G.O.Ms.
No. 124 GAD, dated 07-03-2002, the Government. in Memo No.19039/services1/2013-9 dated 30-112015 have authorized the Engineer-in-Chief (AW) Water Resources Dept. AP to finalize the seniority lists
of Assistant Executive Engineers of zone1-4 duly following the procedure laid down in subject matter.
Accordingly, the final zone wise seniority list of Assistant Executive Engineers communicated in
this office circular memo 1 to 4th cited, have been reviewed and the Engineers who are natives of AP as
per their local status and selected through APPSC to Zone V and VI (Telangana) and subsequently
repatriated to zone I to IV and presently working in zone I to IV after implementing the G.O. Ms. No.
124, GAD, dated 07.03.2002 with retrospective effect have been deleted from the provisional seniority
list of Assistant Executive Engineers of zone I to IV and the Engineers who belongs to Telangana as per
their local status and selected through APPSC to zone I to IV and presently working in Telangana have
been included at appropriate place as per their PSC ranking in the selected zones of I to IV, keeping in
view Honble Apex Court of India orders dated 18.02.2015. Accordingly, the list has been revised and
prepared and communicated to all the Engineers of Water Resources Department and placed in Website
i.e. and they are directed to submit their objections if any on the provisional

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seniority list of Assistant Executive Engineers through web-site i.e. email ID [email protected] within
ten (10) days i.e. on or before 12.12.2015 @ 05:00 PM, and signed hard copy should be submitted
through mail duly scanning the hard copy to the above mail address besides sending the hard copy by
post for record. If no objections are received within the stipulated time limit it will be construed that
there is no objection for the provisional seniority list of Assistant Executive Engineers and the seniority
will be finalized in accordance with rules and material available on record.
The receipt of the memo should be acknowledged in the first instance.
Encl: Provisional Seniority lists of Assistant Executive Engineers zone I to zone IV (Annexure 1 to 4)
Sd/- M. Venkateswara Rao, dt 02.12.2015
Engineer-in-Chief (Admn)
All the Engineers (in service/retired) of the Water Resources Department
Copy to the all the Circle/Unit Officers with a request to download the circular memo along with its
enclosures and display the circular memo along with its enclosures in their notice board for wide
Copy submitted to the Principal Secretary to Government, Water Resources Department, AP, Hyderabad
for information.
Copy to Engineer-in-Chief (Admn Wing), I&CAD Department, Government of Telangana, Errummanzil,
Hyderabad with a request to circulate the circular memo along with its enclosures among the Engineers
those who are originally selected for zone-I to IV and presently working in their Department and for
taking necessary action
Copy submitted to the Principal Secretary to Government, I&CAD Department, Telangana State,
Secretariat, Hyderabad for information
Copy to DEE (Computer) O/o ENC (AW) for placing the circular memo in the web-site.

for Engineer-in-Chief (Admn)

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