User's Manual Capitalineonline

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Sr. No.


1. Preface

2. Getting Started (Introduction)

3. Table of Contents

4. Company Module


5. Industry Module


6. House Module


7. Peer Set Module


8. Fact Sheet


9. Corporate Actions


10. Screener Module


11. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


12. Live Chat



Welcome to the elite family of Capitaline users!!!

Capitaline is the most reliable and empowered Indian Corporate database. The highly normalized
database is built on a sound understanding of disclosures in India on over 22,000 companies. The
coverage includes public, private, co-operative and joint sector companies, listed or otherwise.
Capitaline is an indispensable tool for a wide gamut of finance professionals including fund managers,
bankers, analysts and individual investors.
The rich analytical reports based on a carefully normalized database in Capitaline enable you to
sharpen your understanding of a company and quicken decision making. Capitaline exploits the
detailed disclosures mandatory in the annual accounts of companies in India. The database is
complemented with powerful analytical software tools to enable extensive querying and research. With
Capitaline, information access and research is effortless.
A user manual has an inherent risk of being dull and boring to read. We understand that the user does
not have a big-time slot to go through bulky user manuals in one round. Second, it is a difficult task to
keep the reader hooked to the manual till end in a single reading.
We have tried to keep this manual as brief as possible. The usage of the language is also very simple.
We have refrained from deliberating on self-explanatory and/or apparent matters. Examples are
provided at appropriate places to facilitate easy understanding of the operational aspects.
We believe this manual would make a useful and interesting reading to you.


Capitaline is an online database giving financial and other information on over 22,000 companies,
which includes listed as well as unlisted companies. Capitaline provides extensive and accurate data
on companies which run into over 1250 data fields. In capitaline we make sure that each & every
information (financials or corporate disclosure) reported by the companies should be provided to
clients. Our PL & BS formats are just way of presenting the data in normalised form but it covers all
the information given by the companies in their reports or disclosures so clients can get the full
information & use it the way they want.






Capitaline has main 5 different modules:

a) Company To view company level information like; annual financials, interim results,
corporate announcements, Share price data etc.
b) Industry To view industry aggregate data like; annual financials, interim results also news
and sector report or trend.
c) House To view business house or group level information like; annual financials, interim
results and news.
d) Peerset Peerset is nothing but your own list of companies or portfolio which you want to
track by analysing financial performance and price performance.
e) Screener or Query module The powerful screener module helps to search companies
based on different parameters.
Key Highlights:
Financials: Almost 98% of the details in companys annual report are historically (10-15 years)
covered. Presenting the financial data in seven formats: Manufacturing, Banking, Finance, Software,
Shipping, Hotel & Power. A Balance Sheet or P&L can be read at different depths.
Share Price data: Daily, weekly as well as monthly prices (open ,high, low and close) with historical
PE & other valuation ratios, market capitalization , number of trades, volume and net turnover,
averages, beta analysis and comparable chart for both BSE & NSE.

Corporate Actions & Other News: All corporate announcements, bulletin, notices sent by the
company to the stock exchanges. It covers AGM, Board Meeting, Bonus, Right issues, stock splits etc.
also news captions from business dailies on daily basis are covered.
Equity Details: This section tracks the change in capital structure of a company (Equity History,
Bonus History etc.) along with Share Holding Pattern & holder names & % holdings and MF holdings.
Industry / Sector: Capitaline provides the industry level data (aggregate PL & BS data & key ratios)
of all industries classified. Also the Sector Trend is a major attraction in this section. Sector Trend
analyzes the latest developments in the industry as global and domestic levels on around 40 sectors
on regular basis. The trends in terms of prices, production and demand are analyzed more with near
term focus with a view to give our outlook on the sector.
Screener (screener module): The power full screener module is for searching companies based on
different parameters. Companies can be filtered on the basis of turnover, market cap. From desired
industry / sector for analysis work.

Hardware Requirements
The hardware requirements with minimum configuration requirements are as under.
Operating system
Display resolution

Pentium 4 & above
Minimum 1 GB
Version 6.13
Windows 2000/XP/7 with latest patches / service packs installed.
Desktop/Laser supported by the OS
Preferably SVGA supporting 1024*768 resolution
More than 256 colors

Table of Contents
Capitaline presenting the wealth of the information under following major categories:
1. Company 2. Industry/House/Peer Set
Company's name, address, telephone / fax numbers, e-mail address, Web site URL, names of
chairman / auditor / secretary, year of incorporation, financial year-end, book closure month, AGM
month, BSE ticker code, registrar's name & address, No. of employees, NIC code/activities, change of
names etc.
A brief account of the company's history since incorporation prepared by Capital Market analysts.
Top Management
Names of Directors with designation, Remuneration, Executive/Non-executive, Independent/Nonindependent, Qualification, Age, Experience, Last employed company etc.
Names of Bankers
Addresses of corporate office, Head office and regional / branch offices, Addresses of all the plants of
the company where available. You can view the different Location through Bottom panel option
Details of collaborations, (financial and technical), along with the shareholding of the collaborator, if
Credit Rating
Credit Rating information like ratings, security type, dates as on rated and issue amount with the
Company at a Glance
Company Report where User can Replace default logo with the company logo and the company
address. Its basically shows 5 years Financial Data, Latest and Corresponding previous quarterly data
along with % Variation, Latest Share Holding Pattern, Price Chart, Rate of Growth and Market Details
such as Price, Market Cap, Latest P/E, Latest EPS, 52 High/Low, Latest Equity and Dividend Yield.
Financial Overview
A single-screen summarizes key Financial Data, Forex Data, Cash Flow and Market Capitalization with
rate of growth, ratios, cash flow and financial year high low price.

Balance Sheets
The Balance Sheets of the last ten years, in Condensed and detailed format (in the same screen you
can view the BS with scheduled) Also, the bottom window panel allows you to calculated the common
size ratio with Total Asset & Total Liabilities field form BS condensed format figures in just click of
Balance Sheets Consolidated
The Balance Sheets Consolidated Figures with Condensed and detailed format. Also, the bottom
window panel allows you to calculate the common size ratio with Total Asset & Total Liabilities field
form BS condensed format figures in just click of mouse.
Balance Sheets Abstract
Additional information Pursuant to part IV of Schedule VI to the companies Act, 1956
Particulars of the companys investment in equity shares, Mutual fund and other investment as on
balance sheet date. Also includes the quantity, cost of investment and current value of investment for
Profit & Loss Accounts
Ten years' P & L Accounts Reported as well as Annualized, in Condensed and detailed format (in the
same screen you can view the P&L with scheduled) Also, the bottom window panel allows you to
calculated the common size ratio with Sales Turnover field form P&L condensed format figures in just
click of mouse.
Profit & Loss Consolidated
The Profit and loss Consolidated Figures with Condensed and detailed format. Also, the bottom window
panel allows you to calculate the common size ratio with Sales Turnover field form P&L condensed
format figures in just click of mouse.
Segment Finance
Particulars of the companys revenues \expenditures based classified under different segments based
on product \services and Locations if there.
Consolidated Segment Finance
Particulars of the companies consolidated revenues \expenditures based classified under different
segments based on product \services and Locations if there.
Funds Flow
Detailed sources and uses of fund statements of the company over the last ten years in absolute and
ratio format.
Consolidated Cash Flow
Consolidated Cash flow statement classifying cash flows during the period from operating, investing
and financing activities as published by the company as per Accounting Standard (AS - 3)
recommended by the Institute of Chartered Accountants and SEBI.

Reported Cash Flow

Cash flow statement classifying cash flows during the period from operating, investing and financing
activities as published by the company as per Accounting Standard (AS - 3) recommended by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants and SEBI.
Forex Data
The data related to the foreign exchange earning and outgo both on revenue / capital account
Research & Development
Particulars regarding expenditure on R & D like capital expenditure, recurring expenditure and total
expenditure as a percentage of total turnovers.
Power & Fuel Consumption
Particulars with respect to total energy consumption and energy consumption per unit of production
(with industry standard, if any) for companies falling under the list of specified industries.
P & F (unit wise)
Product wise energy consumption in quantity
Subsidiaries name of the company along with holding details and basic financial data.
Balance sheet Aggregated
Balance sheet figures (absolute and ratio format) of the company compared with aggregated BS of the
industry, house in which the company belongs.
Profit and Loss Aggregated
Profit and loss figures (absolute and ratio format) of the company compared with aggregated P&L of
the industry, house in which the company belongs.
With the

Tax (standalone/Consolidated)
introduction of New Accounting Standard for taxes on income, Capital Market has made a
section of deferred tax. The user can find
detailed break-up of the deferred tax assets and
in this section.

Related-Party Transaction
It provides details of each and every transaction related to the company.
Related Party Relationship
It provides relationship of the parties involved with business activity of the company and reveals the
nature of relationship.

Key Financial Ratios
It provides analytical ratio, like Debt-Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, and Turnover ratio, Interest
Coverage, OPM, GPM, CPM, NPM, ROCE and RONW.
RBI/NHB (Banks)
Banking Ratios like Gross Non Performing Asset, Net Non Performing Asset, %of Net Non Performing
Asset to Net Advances, Capital Adequacy Ratio (%), Tier I Capital (%) and Tier II Capital (%).
Interest Income % Average Working Fund, Non Interest Income % Average Working Fund, Operating
profit % Average Working Fund, Return on Assets (%), Business per Employee, and Profit per
Dupont Model
Performance measurement parameter likes PBIT/Sales, PBIST/Net Asset, PAT/PBIT (%), and ROE
were started by the Dupont Corporation in 1920s.
Valuation Ratio
Various indictors like P/E, Price/Book Value, Price/ Cash EPS, and EV/ EBIDTA to measure the stocks
potential value.
TTM Valuation Ratios
The user can view ratios like P/E, Price/Book Value, Price/CEPS, EV/EBIDTA, and Market Cap/Sales for
Trailing 12-Months.
Total number of shares with percentage break-up of the shareholding pattern of the company, divided
into foreign, institutional, government, corporate, directors, number of shares pledged/encumbered.
More Than 1%
This screen displays all individuals\entities falling under two categories: a) Promoters b) Public & their
holdings in terms of 1% of total equity capital of the company.
Fund Holding
Mutual fund holding in the company by Value and number of share for last two month with absolute
and % change.
Equity History
History of equity how increased/decrease through out the historical year with the reason to change
Bonus History
Bonus detailed with the ratio, period and cum bonus EPS and Book value figures
Dividend History
Historical dividend figures like dividend %, Dividend outgo amount and dividend yield to investors
calculated on the year end price

Share Price
Latest Equity
The Latest figures of the Equity, reserve, EPS, BV, PE, latest market price, latest mcap, 52 week
High/Low, Dividend yield etc as on date.
Share price
Daily, Weekly as well as monthly prices (open high, low and close) with historical p/e ratios, market
capitalization, number of trades, volume and net turnover etc on BSE/NSE.
Beta Analysis
A tool to measure volatility, or systematic risk, of a security in comparison with the predefined
Indexs like Sensex, Nifty, BSE PSU , BSE IT etc. Beta value is calculated on the basis of daily share
Average Volume
Weekly, Fortnightly, Half Yearly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly Total Volume and average
Volume along with no of days traded.
Stock Return
The screen gives details of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 6month, 1year return (%) along with adjusted
close price of the company on daily basis.
Finished Product
It displays all products with units, installed capacity, actual production, sales quantity and other
important aspects i.e. sales realization per unit, which can be compared with similar products of other
Raw Material
It display data for major raw material items and indicates cost per unit of purchase over a period of

Reproduction of the entire text of the Directors report, Auditors Report, Notes to Account, Chairmans
speech & Corporate Governance
Various Research Reports like quarterly analysis, face-to-face, Analyst Meet / AGM Reports and
Company Research reports.

Industry/House/Peer set
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheets present a convenient mode of viewing aggregated data. In Fact Sheets one can view
scoreboards of companies classified under different catalogs like: Industry, House, State, Country,
Product, Stock Exchange, Index etc.
Sector Trend
Sector trend analyses the latest developments in the industry at global and domestic levels. The
trends in terms of prices, production and demand are analyzed more with near term focus with a view
to give our outlook on the sector.
This menu displays the aggregate balance sheet / profit & loss/ Cash flow of all companies from the
selected Industry/ House/ Peer set. Fund holding also can be viewed.
This menu displays various key ratios for the industry as a whole and for individual companies based
on the latest annual accounts. Capitaline has different set of ratios for 7 industries.
This menu activates the repository of various news clippings for the selected Industry / House/ Peer
set. It is arranged date wise and is similar to the one in company module.


Company Module
The user will have to enter either the companys short/ long name in the combo box available on the
top screen. On the right side select the company from search results.
Enter Company Name

Export To

Menu Bar


In this section, the user can view the latest BSE/NSE traded data, Price Chart, Latest Financial data
such as full year, TTM and the latest 12 -month Net Profit. These can be described as under:

Menu Bar


This provides company details with respect to Registered Address/Contact details/ Email Address, Site
location, Listing details, Chairman/Auditors/ Secretary, Year of Incorporation, AGM Date, Financial
Year End, Book Closure, Par Value and Listing details. The user can also find Registrar & Transfer
Agent details on the same screen above.

Registered Address


Stock Data

Registrar and
Transfer Agents

History: This section gives a brief history of company since its incorporation and it gets updated as
and when a major event affecting the company.
Top Management: Name of Directors, with designation and remuneration, available here. Only those
directors remuneration remain blank who are appointed as a representative of another Organization
such as banks. At the bottom, the historical top management is also available.
Banker: List of banks with whom the company is dealing.
Locations: In this section, the user can view address of Corporate Office, Head Office,
Regional/Branch Offices and Plant Location through a panel box available at the bottom of the screen.
This section is dynamic, i.e., If a company does not have a plant location, plant option will not be
displayed at the bottom panel box.
Collaborators: Details of collaborators (strategic and technical) along with country name and
percentage of share.
Credit Rating: Rating information such as Security Type, Rating, and Dates as on rating, Issue
Amount, Remarks related to security floated by the company to raise money.


Company -> Finance -> Company at a Glance
Company at a glance : A one-page report that covers major information like Key Financial Data, Key
Ratios, Latest Working Results with the corresponding previous quarter, Comparative Price Chart,
Share Holding Data, Latest Market Price and Market Capitalization.


Company -> Finance -> Financial Overview
Financial Overview:
On company selection, Financial Overview screen gets open up by default. This screen provides one
page summary of all major key Financial Data, Forex Data, Cash Flow and Market Capitalization,
yearly high/low prices with rate of growth, Ratios and Cash Flow Up-to 10 years.


Company -> Finance -> Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet: (Standalone/Consolidated)
This screen provides Balance Sheet for up-to 10 years. The user can view balance sheet in condensed
form by default. The user can find drop down option at the bottom of this sheet for further options like
detailed and X-detailed form.

Condensed, Detailed, X- Detailed

Condensed form: In the condensed form, the user will get Actual option on the right hand side panel
box. This box will have the following option.

Detailed form: In detailed form, the user can see the field present in schedules for the
balance sheet item.
X-Detailed Form: In this, the user can view additional information provided in the Annual
Report relating to balance sheet item other than schedules.
Some useful Tools available under the screen:


Company -> Finance -> Balance Sheet

Common size, CAGR, Y-Y Actual, Y-Y (%)

Common Size

Allows the user to select any field as a


S G Index

Simple growth helps to compare the

growth rate of the previous and
following years from the base year.
The compounded Annual Growth Rate
Index helps to see the accumulated
growth in different fields from its base
Year-on-year growth on actual basis.

CAGR Index

Y-O-Y (Actual)
Y-O-Y (%)

Year-on-year growth on percentage




Company -> Finance -> Balance Sheet Abstract

Balance sheet abstract:

Additional Information pursuant to part of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956, which is disclosed
in the Annual Report by the company.


Company -> Finance -> Investments
This section provides information about companys investment as on the balance sheet date. Also, the
user can view the current value of investment with the current market price. The user can use
the panel box provided at the bottom section of the screen to view the following break-ups.

Equity Quoted

Information of Investment made by company in Quoted Equity shares along

with its current market price and Current value of Investment.

Equity Unquoted

Information of Investment made by company in Unquoted Equity Shares.

Unit Quoted
Unit Unquoted

Information of Investment made by company in Quoted Mutual Funds.

Information of Investment made by company in Unquoted Mutual Funds.

Debenture Quoted

Information of companys investments in quoted debentures.

G-Sec Quoted

Information of companys investments in unquoted debentures.

G-Sec Unquoted

Information of companys investments in unquoted Government Securities.

Pref. Shares

Information of companys investments in Pref. Shares of companies.

Information of companys investments in quoted Government Securities.



Company -> Finance -> Profit & Loss
Profit and Loss: (Standalone/Consolidated)
This screen provides Profit and Loss (P&L) account for 15 years. The P&L account is in condensed form
by default. The user can find following option in the panel box available at the bottom of this sheet. It
provides the Reported option that is available on the right hand side panel box. The user can also opt
for the annualized form in the same panel box.

Reported Option and Annualized option

By default, the user can view the

actual P&L figures in Reported
option. If the company provides
financial for less or more than 12
annualized figure by clicking the
drop-down arrow of the same box
and selecting the annualized option.
This option gives you the actual
value [reported by the company].
Allows the user to select field as a

Common Size
S G Index

Simple growth

CAGR Index

Compounded Annual Growth Rate

Year-on-year growth on actual basis

Y-O-Y (Actual)

Year-on-year growth on percentage


Y-O-Y (%)


Company -> Finance -> Deferred Tax

Deferred Tax (standalone/Consolidated):

With the introduction of New Accounting Standard for taxes on income, Capital Market has
made a separate section of deferred tax. The user can find detailed break-up of the deferred
tax assets and liabilities in this section.


Company -> Finance -> Segment Finance
Segment Finance: (standalone/Consolidated)
This section shows Product and Geographical Segment revenue/ expenditure statement of the
By default, it gives a condensed form. The user can click on the plus sign of the financial heading to
view product-wise/ geographical-wise break-up. The user can opt for segment option from the dropdown panel available at the bottom of the screen.


FUNDS FLOW / CASH FLOW (Standalone & Consolidated)

Company -> Finance -> Fund Flow
Fund Flow:

This screen gives details about the sources and applications of funds on standalone basis.
Company -> Finance -> Cash Flow
Cash Flow (Standalone/Consolidated):

Source of cash flow statement is from the Annual Report. By default, Cash Flow is in condensed form.
The user can use panel box available at the bottom to view Detail statement.



Company -> Finance -> Forex Data
Forex Data:

This section gives details of all the Earnings/ Expenses (Revenue and Capital) by the company in
foreign currency.

Company -> Finance -> Research & Development

Research & Development:

Particulars regarding expenditure on R&D like Capital Expenditure, Recurring Expenditure and Total
Expenditure as a percentage of Total Net Turnover.



Company -> Finance -> Power & Fuel Consumption
Power & Fuel Consumption:

This section provides details of energy consumption with respect to Quantity Utilized, Units and Total
Value. It gives break-up with respect to individual use of energy (i.e., energy type).
Company -> Finance -> Power & Fuel (Unit Wise)
Power & Fuel (Unit wise):

This section provides product-wise energy consumption like quantity and units.


Company -> Finance -> Subsidiaries

It provides details such as Name of the company, Investment Details, Holding Details, Basic Financial
Data and Product Name of the subsidiary companies.



Company -> Finance -> Related Party Transaction
Related-Party Transaction:

It provides details of each and every transaction related to the company.

Company -> Finance -> Related Party Relationship
Related Party Relationship:

It provides relationship of the parties involved with business activity of the company and reveals the
nature of relationship.



Company -> FINANCE -> Balance Sheet Aggregated
Balance sheet Aggregated:

The user can view the aggregated figure of the latest financial year compared with the industry and
house it belongs to. The screen shows Actual Value by default. The user can change the Actual value
to Common size by selecting the panel box present at the bottom section of the screen.
Company -> FINANCE -> Profit & Loss Account Aggregated
Profit and Loss Aggregate:

The user can view aggregate figure of the latest financial year compared with the industry and house
it belongs to. The screen is displayed in the condensed form by default. Reported and Actual are the
other options available in the panel box.


Company -> Finance -> Ratios ->
Key Financial Ratios: It provides analytical ratio, like Debt-Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, and Turnover
ratio, Interest Coverage, OPM, GPM, CPM, NPM, ROCE and RONW.

Sample Data for Tata Steel:



Company -> Finance -> Ratios -> RBI/ NHB (Bank)

RBI/NHB (Bank):
This screen shows banking ratios like Gross Non-Performing Asset, Net NPA, % of NPA to Advances,
Capital Adequacy ratio, Interest Income as % of Average Working Fund, Non-Interest Income as % of
Average Working Fund, Operating Profit % Average Working Fund, Return On Assets, Business per
Employee, Profit per Employee. [These ratios are specifically for as banks and NHB.]

Company -> Finance -> Ratios -> Dupont Model

Dupont Model:
Performance measurement parameter likes PBIT/Sales, PBIST/Net Asset, PAT/PBIT (%), and ROE
were started by the Dupont Corporation in 1920s



Company -> Finance -> Ratios -> Valuation Ratios

Valuation Ratio: Various indictors like P/E, Price/Book Value, Price/ Cash EPS, and EV/ EBIDTA to
measure the stocks potential value.

Company -> Finance -> Ratios -> TTM Valuation Ratios

TTM Valuation Ratios:
The user can view ratios like P/E, Price/Book Value, Price/CEPS, EV/EBIDTA, and Market Cap/Sales for
Trailing 12-Months.



Company -> Equity -> Share Holding Pattern

This section provides latest shareholding pattern of a company. The user can view data for historical
period also by defining the range. Shown below is the Share Holding Pattern:

User can view the following option: Detailed: Through this option, the user can view the
complete break-up of share-holding pattern. Also historical data can be viewed.
More Than 1%: This screen displays all individuals\entities falling under two categories: a)
Promoters b) Public & their holdings in terms of 1% of total equity capital of the company.


FUND HOLDING / Equity History:

Company -> Equity -> Fund Holdings
Fund Holding:
Provides list of Asset Management Companies who have bought shares of the selected company on
month-on-month basis. The user can also get details of the value and no of shares for last month
along with % change in value.

Company -> Equity -> Equity History

Equity History:
In this section, the user can view detailed about Equity Capital, e.g., Bond Conversion, Right Issue,
ESOP, Bonus Issue, Stock-split.



Company -> Equity -> Bonus History

Bonus History:
It provides Bonus track record of company during the period of time along with Ratios, Book Value
and EPS.

Company -> Equity -> Dividend History

Dividend History:
The user can find details of Dividend history of the company during the period of time along with
Dividend % and Dividend Yield %.



Company -> Share Price ->

This section provides details of price related data and latest equity, latest face value, latest ttm Eps ,
book value along with valuation ratios of the company.
Latest Equity:
Provides latest figures of Equity, Reserves, EPS, BV, PE, 52-Week High/Low, Dividend Yield, Market
Capitalization, Stock Exchange.



Company -> Share Price ->

Share Price data:

The user can view NSE/BSE, Adjusted/Unadjusted share price, Traded Volume, No. of Trades, Net
Turnover, Market Cap on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis along with Index prices.


Adjusted / Unadjusted

Daily/ Weekly/Monthly/Yearly


Company -> Share Price -> Beta Analysis
Beta Analysis:
A tool to measure volatility or systematic risk of a security in comparison with predefined benchmark
indices like the Sensex, the Nifty, the BSE PSU, the BSE IT index. Beta is calculated on the basis of
daily NSE/ BSE share price.


User Defined Index: user can

define the weightage of index
while calculating beta.




Company -> Share Price -> Avg Volume
Average Volume:
Averages Volume is available on weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly basis

Company -> Share Price -> Stock Return

Stock Return:
The user can view the scrip returns over one day, one week, one month, three months, six months
and one year.


Company Products

It displays data on raw materials and finished products of the company. This facilitates
insight into the various products of the company and share of each product in the company
turnover. Data on capacities is also covered.
Finished Products:
Company -----> Products -----> Finished Products
It displays all products with units, installed capacity, actual production, sales quantity and other
important aspects i.e. sales realization per unit that can be compared with similar products of other
companies. It also has a panel showing list of finished products. On selection of one product, the user
could get details of the selected product for multiple years.


Raw Materials:
Company -----> Products -----> Raw Materials
It displays data for major raw material items purchased and indicates ITC Code, Unit of Measurement,
Product Quantity, Product Value and Cost per Unit over a period of time.


Company Reports

Company -> Reports ->

Various Reports given by the company in Annual Report:

Sample Report: Directors Report of Tata Steel.

In this section the User can find Directors Report, Auditors Report, Chairmans Speech, Notes
to Account, and Management Discussion of the company.


Research >> Analyst Meet:
The Research section mainly covers Analysis, Reviews & Research Reports prepared by our in-house
research team. Following topics are available under this section:

AGM Report: It shows date and major issues discussed in the AGM of the company.
Equity Research: Research Reports on different stocks/sectors prepared by Capital Markets in-house
research team.
Quarterly Analysis: It gives the performance of the company on quarterly basis from investors point
of view. It gets updated every quarter.
Analyst meet: It gives detailed analysis about the analyst meet held by company. This analysis is
given by Capital Market research team.
Face To Face: Interviews with top officials of the company. It contains discussions on upcoming
projects and companys performance in the present scenario.
Hot Pursuit: This section includes major news regarding companies, either a setback or major event,
which influence market price.
Corporate News: It covers corporate announcements made by the company.


All companies are further categorized in to seven major/broad Industry or sector classifications, like
Manufacturing, General, Bank, Software, Finance, Power, Hotel and Shipping. In case of multi-product
companies, the classification is done on the basis of dominant product. If there are two or three
products with equally comparable turnovers, then the company is classified under the Diversified
category. We cover 313 industries in Capitaline.
Industry General
Fact Sheet:
Provides some key financials [Sales, NP], share price information like [Price, P/E] and quarterly [sales,
PAT and TTM figures in one screen for industry, house, index, and stock exchange etc.
Click here to select industry

Full Year:

It means total number of companies at each stage.

This section shows total figure of Number of Companies/Equity/Gross
Block/Sales/ Net Profit for each sector and All Companies as a whole.
This section provides information of Aggregate Market Capitalization and Price
Earning ratio for All Companies and each major Sector as a whole.
This section provides information of latest quarter aggregate Sales and Net Profit
for All Companies and each major Sector as a whole.
This section provides information of aggregate of TTM Sales, Net Profit and TTM
Price Earning Ratio for All Companies and each major Sector as a whole.


Sector Trend: Sector Trend analysis shows the latest developments in the industry at the global and
domestic levels. The trend in terms of price, production and developments are analyzed more with
near-term focus, with a view to give our outlook on the sector.
This Menu displays a brief write-up on the selected sector and is aimed at giving the reader an insight
about the industry. Capital Market analyst team prepares this profile.
Following are the key industry aspects:

Major players.
Govt. Policies / Regulation.
Recent Development
M & A Trend
Demand Drivers


Industry -> Finance ->

Balance Sheet:
The user can view the aggregate & comparative balance sheet of selected industry for up to 10 years
in a single screen.

Comparative analysis of companies

Common Size: It indicates any field as a base [i.e. 100] for comparison with other fields comes under
Balance Sheet or P&L. For example, if you take Total Expenditure as a base [100], you can define
other fields with comparison to the base.
Common companies: The user can pull out those common companies, with financial year
consecutively over a period of time. For example, to pull out the companies having financials for the
last 5 years.


Profit and Loss:

The user can view the Aggregate and Comparative P&L of selected industry for more than 10 years in
single screen.


Industry -> Fund Holdings:

This screen shows the holdings of different Mutual Funds in the selected industry.

Cash flow:
Cash Flow provides Industry aggregate and a comparative cash-flow statement.


Key Ratios:
Aggregate and comparative ratio for selected industry

News of selected industry for one year. Also news can be viewed for all industry.


All companies are divided into 586 Houses. There are 4 major break-ups in House: Private, PSU, MNC
and Joint Sector. The House catalog classifies every company based on the Industrial House that
controls it. For instance, if a company is controlled by Mukesh Ambani, it would be classified under
the House catalog of Mukesh Ambani. The various Houses are also clubbed under four different
levels so that as you ascend the chain, you get a more general picture of the controlling interests.

House General:

Fact Sheet:
Provides important key financials [Sales and NP], Share Price [Price and P/E] and quarterly sales, PAT
and TTM figures in one single screen for the House. Fact Sheet gives aggregate details of all

companies falling within the particular group.



Balance Sheet:
The user can view the aggregate and comparative balance sheet of the selected House for up to 10
years in a single screen.


Profit and Loss: User can view the aggregate and Comparative P&L of selected House for more than
10 years in single screen.


Cash flow: Cash Flow provides House aggregate and comparative cash-flow statement.

Fund Holdings: It shows the holdings of different Mutual Funds in the selected House.


A Peer Set is a group of companies selected on some purposeful parameter. You can create any
number of Peer Sets from over 22,000 odd companies in Capitaline. Once you create the Peer Set,
you can view Fact Sheet / Balance Sheet/Profit & Loss, Cash Flow and run Screeners on the Peer Set.
Thus, you save time in viewing the individual companies at one place in one stroke. A Peer Set may be
created in the following situations (this is not a comprehensive list):

A Bank may create a Peer Set for all companies financed by it to monitor their performance.
A Broker may create several Peer Sets, one for each one of his client's.
A Mutual Fund may create Peer Sets of its investments for continuous monitoring.
A Company may create a Peer Set of its vendors to track their solvency ratios.
An Auditor may create Peer Sets of various companies to study how each one of them present its
A Management student may create a Peer Set of companies on whom he/She is preparing a
project report.

Who to Create new Peer-Set:

Select Peer-set in first combo-box & New Peer-Set in Second Combo-box. After this Peer-Set Add form
will come.

Select PeerSet

Select option New


Peer-Set Add Form:

To Select Company,

House, Index, Peer-Set, Etc.

List of Match Companies

Enter Company Name or Select

Industry/House/Peer-Set /Index

List of selected Companies

to save as peer-set

In Peer-Set Add Form in first Combo-box select Company/ Industry/ House/ Index/ Existing Peer-Set/
Etc. and in second Combo-box Enter Company Name or Select Industry/House/Peer-Set/Index. Than in below
box match companies will come, then move the companies you want in peer-set in right box and save. Use single
arrow to move individual/ set of companies or use double arrow to move all companies in list. After Selecting
companies in right box click on save than enter peer-set name and select Add to create new peer-set or select
existing peer-set and Overwrite/ Append the companies in existing one. To delete existing peer-set select & use
delete button.


Peer Set- Fact Sheet: A Peer set Fact Sheet gives aggregate details of all companies falling within
the particular group. It provides important key financials [Sales, and NP], share price information
[Price and P/E] and quarterly sales, PAT and TTM figures in one single screen for the Peer set.

Peer Set- Balance Sheet: This section provides an aggregate and comparative view of the balance
sheet of selected companies in your peer set. User can also have other option like common size and
common companies.
individual companies Balance Sheet


Peer Set- Profit and Loss: The user can view the aggregate and comparative profit and loss of
selected companies in the peer set. Apart from Common size and common companies in P&L, the user
can annualize the figures given by company.

Peer Set- Cash flow: It shows aggregate and comparative cash-flow statement of the Peer Set.


Following are the Other Modules available:
Fact sheet in the following other module specified in the table below is similar to the industrial module.
For user detail, please refer to Industrial module. Additional to Fact Sheet following are the
explanation for other module:
Module Name



Stock Exchange

We have classified industries into six major sectors namely Commodities,
Diversified, Manufacturing, Miscellaneous, Services, Trading. The user can view
NOC, Full Year, Price Information, Latest Quarterly, TTM information in this.
Gives Fact Sheet of different Business Group. All companies are divided into 586
Houses. There are 4 major break-ups in House: Private, PSU, MNC and Joint
Sector. It has the same information as mentioned in the Industry Fact Sheet.
Gives Fact Sheet of different countries. This section deals with those companies
that have either strategic or technical collaboration with the following company
country. The user can opt for the equity and technical option by using a panel
available in the bottom. It has the same feature as mentioned in the Industry
Fact Sheet.
Gives Fact Sheet of major location-wise companies, namely Northern, Southern,
Western and Eastern States. In addition to this two more options, namely List
all States and List all districts are available in the second combo box. The fact
sheet of each option under this section has the same features as mention in the
Industry Fact Sheet.
Gives Fact Sheet of different Indices. This section deals with different index
company. It has the same feature as mentioned in the Industry Fact Sheet.
Gives Fact Sheet of Different Stock Exchange in India. The user can also view
company-wise fact sheet by selecting a stock exchange through List all S E
Gives Fact Sheet of different banks. This section deals with those companies
that are doing business with these banks. All the features/working remains the
same as explained in Industry module. User will not get Sector Trend, Sector
Analysis, Finance option, Key Finance Ratio and News option.


The user can view the companys Book Closure, Record date, AGM, EGM, New Listing, Ex
Rights, Ex Bonus, Stock-Split, Right Announcement, Bonus Announcement, Amalgamation of
company, Demerger, Open Offer, Buyback, Ex-Dividend, Dividend, Redemption, Reduction of capital,
Conversion, Shares Acquired, Shares Sold, Change in Year End, Trading Suspended, Trading
Resumed, Change in Director, Right Renunciation, General Notice Issued, and Limited Issue.


User can see

Historical Event Also

Corporate Action:
Board Meeting, AGM,
EGM, Ex-Rights, Bonus,
Stock Split, Dividend,
Buyback, Open Offer,
Demerger, Bonus
Announcement etc.

Last 1 month:
Select Range:

This section gives the latest details for any option selected from Corporate Action.
This section gives last one-month details for any option selected from Corporate
This section will allow the user to view details for any option selected from Corporate
Action between a ranges.


Custom Screener

Advanced Screener


Predefined Queries

SCREENER, which is a Power full query module that helps user to filter the companies based on
different parameters.
To select companies from various options like industry, index, house and individual company etc.
Click here to enter into
screener module.

Select Domain: contains the

various categories such as
Listed Companies, Index,
Industry, Peer set and
Company to select individual
Select index/ Industry/
Peer-Set/ Etc


Select Key Table:

Select the key table from which filed is require, Which helps user to define various financial & nonfinancial parameters for single or multiple years of all type of companies.

After Selecting table select the field on which you want to get the data. Just double click to select or
use arrow symbols to move fields. Use Up/ Down to move fields up or down

Enter Criteria

Select No of year to
be shown in o/p

To get output
To move fields up/ down

This shows the output for the set filters.







Advanced Screener, is Java Enabled. If java is not installed use give link
To select companies from various options like industry, index, house and individual company etc.
Company Names: contains the various
categories such as All Companies, Index,
Industry, Peer set and Company to select
individual wise.

Select index/ Industry/

Peer-Set/ Etc

New: To clear the domain

Save: To save the Companies as peer set.
Delete Peer Set: To delete peer set defined by the user.
Clear: To clear the Companies selected


Filter, Which helps user to define various financial & non-financial parameters for single or multiple
years of all type of companies.


1. Tables: It will display the all the tables such as General, Finance Profit and loss, balance sheet,
cash flow share price data etc.
2. Fields: It will display the all the fields of selected tables.
3. Show Criteria Box: It will display the criteria values of selected fields.
4. Header: Indicates tables name, Display name: Field Name, Table name: Financial table name,
Display: allows to display the field in out put sheet, Year: indicates the year end, Criteria: to give
criteria manually
5. Here User can select multiple fields from the fields box
6. Run Query: To run a query to generate output, Show Sql: Sql statement of defined query
Save: to save the defined query with description, And/Or/Not: To change the conditions from
and to Or, Currency: To apply the currency conversion, Refresh: To refresh the filter and
domain, Clear: To clear the filter only. Domain will remain the same. Exit: To exit from the
screener module., Change Output Format: User can change the output format by selecting the
required format (just right click on the selected column & change the format.) Add Custom
Column: This is another feature given to help user, in this one can add extra columns & define any
formula in that.


This shows the output for the set filters. This output screen has many useful tools for users. Like:
One can do the Asc. /Desc order of columns.
One can directly export the output into excel.

Do right click to get this window:

Auto size grid: To expand the width of out put sheet
save as peer set: To save out put companies as peer set
save output: To save query with output.
Export to: To export data to excel


Formula section, which helps to define formulas.

1. Tables: Consist of relevant tables to be selected.

2. Fields: Consist of financials fields of selected tables.
3. Operators to be used for defining the formula.


1. Tables: Consist of relevant tables to be selected.

4. Formula definition box where use has to select the fields

and define the formula
5. Clear: Clear the formula definition box
Refresh: Clear the window.
Save: To save the defined formula.
Delete: To delete the defined formula.



Pat growth
Step1: Go to formula
Step2: Click Capitaline financeProfit and lossgeneral
[Do the followings, which will appear in formula definition box.]
Click 1. ((Open reported profit after on division symbol4 select again
reported profit after tax 5.close the bracket) click minus symbol and type 1close the bracket)
click * symbol and type 100
Following Formula will appear in formula definition box.
(([AG_Finance]. [Reported Net Profit] / [AG_Finance1].[Reported Net Profit] ) - 1 ) * 100
Click save option to save the formula.
Step3: Go to filteruser formulaselect the formula name, which user saved

1. Tables: Consist of relevant tables to be selected1. Tables: Consist of relevant tables to be selected.
2. Fields: Consist of financials fields of selected tables.
3. Operators to be used for defining the formula.
4. Formula definition box where use has to select the fields and define the formula
5.Refersh: clear the window.
Save: To save the defined formula.
Delete: To delete the defined formula.
6. Once click on save this window will open where user can name the defined formula.


To save t

Query 1: Mumbai based companies along with industry name, BSE code, NSE Symbol and
Business Group Name.
Step1: Go to Domain Select All Companies
Step2: Go to FilterSelect Capitaline (from table) generalbackground select
following fields.
Regd, office address,
City and State,
Industry name, BSE code and NSE symbol
And Business Group name (from fields)

Step3: Run querynew output sheet.

Click on save this window will open where user can name the defined formula.

Click here to select all companies


Transfer here all

companies to get

Click here to enter into filter

Open Tables
Select /click fields from
here, which will appear in
preview table.
Place mouse in criteria
cell of Regd. Office City
field then click show
criteria value where type
city name and double click
on city name Mumbai
which will appear in
criteria cell.

Runs Query
New out put sheet

Output shows Mumbai based

companies along with
address and industry name

Do Right click to get this

User can do auto size grid to
expand the out sheet
User can save these
companies as peer set.
User Can Export data to


Query 2: Query on Sales, Pat, Operating Profit and EPS for BSE 500 companies for last two
Step: 1 Go to domain select indexBSE 500
Step: 2 go to Filteropen CapitalinefinanceProfit and LossGeneralSelect Following
fields twice.
Year End
Sales Turnover
Operating Profit
Reported Net Profit and EPS
Step: 3 Run QueryNew Output Sheet

Click here to select index

Transfer Companies to
select (Use double arrow to
transfer all & single arrow
to individual Companies)


Select BSE 500 from list

and loss general (In
Select Year end Sales
Operating profit
reported net Profit EPS
(From Field box)
Click on Add Twice
[To get last 2 years sales,
Pat, Operating profit and
Run Query New Output
Sheet User will get out
put for last 2 years sales
pat etc for Selected BSE
500 companies.

Do Double click here on any

field head to arrange
ascending/descending order


Query 3: Run a query to find out Latest Market Price, Market Cap, Latest EPS, Latest PE,
Latest BV, Equity and Dividend Yield for Sensex companies.
Step1: Go to domain select indexselect Sensex (as shown in query 2 above).
Step2: Go to Filterclick Capitaline plusshare price datalatest equity Select fields
Price date
Latest Market Price and EPS
Latest PE
Latest BV
Latest Equity and Dividend Yield.
Step3: Run QueryNew Output sheet.

Open tables and Select Share

Price Datalatest Equity
Select / click price date,
Equity, Latest PE, EPS,
etc.from field box.

User can give criteria of each criteria cell of

selected field to filter the companies further.

Run Query New Output Sheet User will get out

put for sensex companies; latest price, latest equity,
latest pe, latest Eps etc.


Query4: Last 3 years PAT increased by 15% consecutively for BSE 500 companies
Step 1: go to domainselect industryselect Bse 500 Cos.
Step 2: go to filter financeFinancial Over viewselect fields
Year-end, ROG PAT% three times to get last 3 years.
Step 3: Run QueryNew Output sheet.

Tables: Select
Financial Overview
Fields: Select Year
End, ROG-PAT [%]
3 times.

Preview: Define
criteria in ROGPAT (>15)
Run Query: New


Query: 5 Taking two different dates close price, mcap for BSE 500 companies.
Step: 1 Go to Domain select BSE 500 companies
Step: 2 Go to Filter share price dataDaily Price\BSE\Adjusted where fields will appear in the fields
box. Do double click on Date, close price, mcap to get selected in the Preview.
Step: 3 click on Run Query to get the output.

Tables: Share Price

Data -> Daily Price ->
Adjusted -> BSE
Fields: Date, Close
Price, Market Cap.
Show Criteria Value:
Required date.
Year: Select All

Run Query -> New

Output Sheet.



(Frequently Asked Questions):

a) Source of data, covered in Capitaline ?

Ans: Financials - Annual Reports , interim results & share holding details - Stock Exchanges,
Business Dailies, share price data Stock Exchanges.
b) How frequently data are updated ?
Ans: Financials Annualy, interim results & share holding details quarterly, Share Price
data daily.
c) Do you cover unlisted companies ?
Ans: Yes we do cover unlisted companies also.
d) How historically data is available ?
Ans: Data is available for last 10 15 years.
e) Can we get same days share price data in Capitaline ?
Ans: Yes, at the end of the day.

How to get updated data ?

Ans: Data updates are done through web.

g) Can we get the company or industry related news in Capitaline ?
Ans: Yes we cover news from different sources.
h) Can we comapare comapanies from same peergroup or industry ?
Ans: Yes in Capitaline user can compare companies based on different parameters.
Screener module is very power full for extracting data for multiple companies, user can
select companies from any industry or sector, house, index or peerset (own list of
companies) and pull out required data based on multiple criteria.

Do you have clients helpdesk where I can contact for any assistance ?

Ans: Yes Capitaline has dedicated team for clients support, user can contact them through
phone, mail or by using Live Chat for prompt help in case they required any assistance.
Also tranings are arranged on how to use database on regular basis.


Live Applications -> Live Chat
Through Live Chat user can interact with capitaline s respective departments for online help.
Just click & a user can log in into Live Chat section.


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