Kavi - Pandya-Projects and Workshops

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Email: [email protected]
DOB: August 31, 1994
Gender: Male
Contact Number: 9825597876
CPU scheduling Algorithm
(Aug.15 Nov.15)
Guide: Dr. Sanjay Chaudhary
(Team Size = 4)
A c-code based application project aimed at developing algorithms used by
CPU to run/swap/start/stop/allot resources to process by mimicking the real
time behavior of CPU.
Project Requirements: Operating Systems concept, C language, Ubuntu
University Database Management System
(Jan. 15 March 15)
Guide: Dr. Sanjay Chaudhary
(Team Size = 4)
Project was about to create Database Management System for University.
The main aim of this project is to create and manage database in such a way
that information about academic and research activities can be retrieved
easily, efficiently and accurately.
Project Requirements: Database Management, MySQL, Java
Link: Report, Presentation
Centralized Control Elevator
(Jan. 15 April 15)
Guide: Dr. Nishit Pandya
(Team Size = 3)
Atmega 32-microcontroller based hardware project. We developed prototype
of a 2-elevator system where the elevator fulfils client request in a manner
so as to reduce the maintenance cost, wear-tear and electricity.
Project Requirements: Atmega-32, Embedded C, Basic Electronics
Link: Video, Step-wise-Report
Login Authentication System
(Jan. 14 April 14)
Guide: Dr. Pankesh Patel
(Team Size = 2)
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Project is focused on the login authentication system. It is based on two level

login authentication systems. At first user has to enter his regular username
and password. Once that password is correct then we move to second level
of authentication that consists of randomly generated colour boxes from
which the user is required to enter their pattern.
Project Requirements: Java Language, Object Oriented programming
Link: Pictorial Description

Computation of Epsilon-Nash Equilibrium in Bertrand Delegation
(Aug.15 Nov.15)
Guide: Dr. Ratnik Gandhi
(Team Size = 4)
Bertrand Game is a real life economics model and our project aimed at
developing a strategy that helps us find the best options for business to be
profitable under given circumstance.
Project Requirements: Game Theory, Economics and Algorithms
Link: Presentation
Evaluating Performance of TCP and its variants
(Aug.15 Nov.15)
Guide: Prof. Minesh Thaker
(Team Size = 3)
A computer Networks project aimed at understanding the functionality and
features of message transfer under Transfer Control Protocol (TCP) and
understanding its variants such as Tahoe and Reno.
Project Requirements: Computer Networks, Algorithms, Coding
Blood Bank Management System
(Aug. 14 Dec 14)
Guide: Dr. Sanjay Chaudhary
(Team Size = 3)
C-language based Blood Bank management project. It is an application to
simulate the database management for blood bank having daily transaction
using required Data Structures.
Project Requirements: Data Structures, C
Link: Report, Presentation
Low Density Parity Check code
14 Dec 14)
Guide: Dr. Ratnik Gandhi and Prof. Pratik Trivedi
(Team Size = 5)
LDPC code is a linear error correcting code, a method of transmitting a
message over a noisy transmission channel. Encoding of LDPC code was
done in Matlab and implementation was done in Field Programmable Gate
Array (FPGA).
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Project Requirements: Linear Algebra, Computer Organization, Matlab and

Link: Report, Presentation
User Centric Design (UCD) Projects
Explore Unseen - Bluetooth Enabled Assistive Stick for Blind
(Jan. 15 April 15)
Guide: Rashmi Korjan and Mayukhini Pande
(Team Size = 7)
A conceptual design of stick for blind people. This device is embedded with a
360-degree camera and proximity sensors. The 360-degree camera uses
image processing to aware the person holding stick about the surroundings.
It speaks to user via his/her phone using Bluetooth and helps navigate user
to his/her destination.
Project Requirements: UCD, Primary Research, Requirement Analysis
Link: Video
Redesigning Mobile Phones for Visually Impaired
(March 15 April 15)
Guide: Rashmi Korjan and Mayukhini Pande
Project aims at exploring opportunities and ways to redesign mobile phones
for visually impaired. It aims at understanding their needs and incorporates
the same in this proposed design.
Link: Detailed Description
SID-The Seed: Teaching through game
(Aug. 13 Dec. 13)
Guide: Dr. Ashis Jalote Parmar
Project aims to build ppt based interactive game for student in order to teach
them about
different agents involved in seed dispersal. Seed dispersal via
water, wind and animals has been covered and every level ends by
evaluating student on the concepts of current level. It is a low fidelity
prototype that aims to understand students grasp while learning through
Link: PPt based game
MIT Media Lab Projects
For both the workshops participants were selected on basis of merit
MIT Kumbhathon-5, Nashik
(June 28 July 4, 2015)
Guide: Ramesh Raskar, Pratik Shah, Sandip Shinde, Subhash Patil
Description: A week long workshop on developing technologies to help Nashik
develop as smart city. Organized by Camera Culture Group MIT Media Lab and
Kumbha Foundation
Project Name: All Shops Online
Responsibility: Leading Android Application Development Team
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The project aims at mapping and bringing all local shops of Nashik to an online
digital platform. The aim is to showcase the products of the shops and provide
related information on the same via Android App to the users. Its not an ecommerce business but information portal.
Links: Detailed Description, Project Presentation
Design Innovation Workshop 2015, Gandhinagar
(January 17-23, 2015)
Guide: Juliana Nazare, Sristhi Sethi, Samsung Team
Description: A week long Design Innovation Workshop by MIT Media Lab-USA
at PDPU.
Project Name: Just Go!
Responsibility: Project Ideation and Android Developer
The purpose of this project is to utilise the journey time of a traveller to provide
him with valuable customized information of the intermediate cities till the final
destination is reached. The information provided by the app will dynamically
change depending upon users geographical location and customized settings.
Links: Detailed Description, Functional App Video, Step-wise-Report

MIT Kumbhathon Global Kumbha Challenge 2015
(June 28 July 4, 2015)
Guide: MIT-Camera Culture Team, USA and Kumbha Organization, Nashik
MIT Media Lab Design Innovation
(January 17-23, 2015)
Guide: Sristhi Sethi, Juliana Nazare and Sanjay Ghosh
Dynamics of Telecom Markets and Business Decisions
(January 3-4, 2015)
Guide: Dr. Chintan Vaishnav
Position: Sr. Lecturer at MITs Sloan School Of Managemet, Cambridge, USA
Grader at IET
Course: Economics
Guide: Rita Sharma
Teaching Assistant at IET
14 Sept. 14)
Course: User Centered Design(UCD)
Guide: Rashmi Korjan and Mayukhini Pande

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(Jan. 16


Ex-Committee member of Ahmedabad University Science Lecture Series
(Jan. 15 April 15)
Committee Head: Prof. Raghavan Rangarajan, Physical Research Laboratory,
Description: Organizing Monthly lectures on popular science topics
Task: Being the founding members of this series we were required to decide upon
lectures/topics, organizing venues, inviting lecturers, arrange for refreshments,
inviting schools and colleges, printing posters and banners, manage expenses,
inviting media and other peripheral duties.


Attending talks at AMA (Ahmedabad Management Association)
(2011 present)
Attend talk on topic related to economic and social development of India, youth
empowerment, entrepreneurship.


Following World Politics, Reading about World History, Collecting British Raj coins,
finding solutions to generate health map of India, Travelling, Music, Working with
new people, teaching, debating, reading short stories and poetry

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