Plate Tectonics Quiz

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Quiz 4

1. The idea proposed by Alfred Wegener to explain the continental shapes and positions is
known as _____.
A) Pangaea
B) plate tectonics
C) continental drift
D) rift valley
E) sea floor spreading
2. In the diagram below, which two are the best examples of different continental positions in
the past?


North America South America

North America Africa
South America Asia
Europe North America
South America Africa

3. According to Wegener's model, what evidence did glaciers leave for the existence of Pangaea?
A) striations
B) glacial lakes
C) fossils
D) soil deposits
E) ice
4. What was the name of the floral fossils Wegener used for the idea of continental drift?
A) Mesosaurs
B) trilobites
C) Glossopteris
D) Pseudoschwagerina
E) oak

For questions 5 and 6 refer to the graph below:


5. In the figure above, what is the age of the sea floor off of the Bahamas?
A) younger than 9.6 million years
B) 9.6 33.0 million years
C) 33.0 83.0 million years
D) 83.0 141.9 million years
E) older than 141.9 million years
6. In the figure above, what is the approximate age of the sea floor off the north coast of Spain?
A) younger than 9.6 million years
B) 9.6 33.0 million years
C) 33.0 83.0 million years
D) 83.0 141.9 million years
E) older than 141.9 million years
7. Which of the following terms best describes the rocky outer layer of the Earth?
A) athenosphere
B) biosphere
C) atmosphere
D) lithosphere
E) hydrosphere
8. Which type of plate boundary results from two or more plates coming together?
A) convergent
B) divergent
C) transform
D) hot spot
E) ridge

For questions 9 and 10 refer to the graph below:


9. According to the figure above, which of the following types of plate boundaries produce the
deepest earthquakes?
A) transform fault boundary
B) divergent boundary
C) continental collision boundary
D) subduction zone boundary
E) all the same
10. According to the figure above, which of the following types of plate boundaries produce the
shallowest earthquakes?
A) transform fault boundary
B) divergent boundary
C) continental collision boundary
D) subduction zone boundary
E) all the same
11. What term best describes to driving force behind plate tectonics?
A) expansion
B) convergence
C) convection
D) divergence
E) transformation

For questions 12 and 13 refer to the figure below:


12. According to the diagram above, which of the following plates is all oceanic crust?
A) North America
B) Africa
C) Nasca
D) South America
E) Eurasian
13. According to the diagram above, which of the following is the largest plate?
A) Pacific
B) Africa
C) Nasca
D) South America
E) Eurasian
14. The phenomenon of the Earth's magnetic pole being in different locations in the past is
known as _______.
A) convection
B) sea floor spreading
C) normal polarity
D) reverse polarity
E) apparent polar wandering
15. Pangaea is the name of the supercontinent proposed by Harry Hess. F
16. The Hawaiian Islands are a result of the Pacific Plate passing over a hot spot. T
17. As rocks cool, they become denser and sink. T
18. A hypothesis is a scientific theory that has been tested. F

19. Rocks closer to the spreading centers in the oceans are older than the rocks farther away
from the spreading center. F
20. Global positioning systems (GPS) are a reliable way to measure plate movements. T
21. Obduction is the processes where one plate slides under another. F
22. The rate at which plates move apart is approximately 1 to 10 cm/year. T
23. The rocky, outermost part of the Earth, comprising the upper part of the mantle and the crust,
is known as the _______. LITHOSPHERE
24. The reptilian fossils that Wegener used to help prove his ideas about plates are known as
25. The process in which the sea floor separates and moves in opposite directions is known as
26. The exact point where an earthquake occurs below the surface is the _______. FOCUS
27. The point on the surface directly above an earthquake occurrence is called the _______.
28 The process of one plate diving under another plate is known as _______. SUBDUCTION
29. How does a convergent plate boundary differ from a divergent plate boundary?
Divergent plate boundary is a boundary along which two plates move apart from one another.
Convergent plate boundary is a boundary along which two plates come together.
30. How did the presence of Glossopteris fossils support Wegener's idea of continental drift?
The presence of Glossopteris has been found in Africa, India, Australia and South America.
Glossopteris is a plant and it is unlikely that a plant could have crossed the oceans. The
continents must have been together at one point for this plant to disperse.
31. How does the global distribution of earthquakes relate to the plate boundaries?
Earthquakes will basically mark the boundaries of the plates, wherever an earthquake is
recorded that means that there is some sort of plate interaction.
32. Describe the evidences Wegener used to reconstruct Pangaea.
The puzzle piece argument - The complementary arrangement of the facing sides of South
America and Africa is obvious.

Matching geology and matching fossils - Similar plant and animal fossils are found around
different continent shores, suggesting that they were once joined.
Glaciers - Widespread distribution of Permo-Carboniferous glacial sediments in South America,
Africa, Madagascar, Arabia, India, Antarctica and Australia was one of the major pieces of
evidence for the theory of continental drift.
33. Describe the Plate Tectonic model.
Plate tectonics model describes the large scale motions of Earth's lithosphere. The theory
encompasses the concepts of continental drift, developed by Alfred Wegener, and seafloor
spreading. Plate tectonics has been rigorously tested from numerous sub disciplines in geology.
Most geologists accept these tests as verification of plate tectonics. Successful testing and
widespread acceptance elevates plate tectonics from a hypothesis to a theory.
34. Briefly explain how convection drives plate motion.
The mobile rock beneath the rigid plates is believed to be moving in a circular manner somewhat
like a pot of thick soup when heated to boiling. The heated soup rises to the surface, spreads and
begins to cool, and then sinks back to the bottom of the pot where it is reheated and rises again.
This cycle is repeated over and over to generate what scientists call a convection cell or
convective flow. The tectonic plates that ride on top of these convection cells start to move as
being pushed by a conveyor belt if the cell moves clockwise the movement of the plate above
will also move in the clockwise direction and if the cell moves counterclockwise the plate will
move in the counterclockwise direction.
35. Volcanoes are associated with which type of plate boundaries?
Volcanoes are associated with convergent plate boundaries (subduction zones). The crustal
portion of the subducting slab contains a significant amount of surface water, as well as water
contained in hydrated minerals within the seafloor basalt. As the subducting slab descends to
greater and greater depths, it progressively encounters greater temperatures and greater pressures
which cause the slab to release water into the mantle wedge overlying the descending plate.
Water has the effect of lowering the melting temperature of the mantle, thus causing it to melt.
The magma produced by this mechanism varies from basalt to andesite in composition.

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