FOFM-Tut 4
FOFM-Tut 4
FOFM-Tut 4
Kerala doesn't pay this amount up front this is the amount you will receive over
time. The State offers you two options. The
first pays you $80,000 up front and that willCompute the present value of each payment
be the entire amount. The second pays youoption, assuming the interest rate is 12%.
winnings over a three year period. The lastNow, compute the present values based on
option pays you a large payment today withan interest rate of 5%. Compare your
small payments in the future. The paymentanswers.
options are detailed in the table below:
Q1. The average price of stocks would decrease. The fact that the markets are open
less decreases the liquidity of stocks and, as a result, their prices would have to be
lower in order to entice savers to hold these instruments.
Q2. No. A financial intermediary is involved indirectly in a financial transaction. It
matches up the ultimate lenders (savers) with the ultimate spenders (borrowers). The
funds flow through the intermediary which is acting as a "middleman." That is not the
case with Standard & Poor's.
Q3. The life insurance policy, the homeowner and auto insurance policies are
instruments being used to primarily transfer risk. The cost of an untimely death or loss
resulting from an auto accident or damage to her house is a risk the individual prefers
to transfer to someone else. The certificate of deposit, the balances in her mutual fund
and pension are instruments that are serving primarily as stores of value. In these
instruments wealth is being accumulated and stored for use at a later time.
Q4. The first part she expected an inflation rate of 4.75%. We obtain this answer using
the Fisher equation where i = r + e. For the second part we need to use a variation of
the Fisher equation. The lender receives an after-tax nominal rate of 6.475% from
which we subtract the inflation rate of 4.75% and the lender expects a real after-tax
rate of 1.725%. The borrower expects to pay an after-tax real rate of 2.188%.
Q5. It is not as simple as dividing 12 percent by 12 and thus obtaining an answer of
1.000 percent. The monthly rate, im, can be determined by using the following
formula: (1 + im)12 = (1.12) which we can manipulate to (1 + im) = (1.12)1/12 which
equals 1.0095. Therefore the monthly interest rate is 0.95%.
Q6. $500 invested for four years at 5 percent interest and then that balance invested
at 7% for three additional years will produce a balance of $744.52 at the end of seven
years. The future value of $500 invested for seven years at 6 percent interest is
Q7. When the interest rate is 5%, the present values are as follows:
When the interest rate is 12%, the present values are as follows:
From the computations above, when the interest rate is 5%, Option #3 has the
highest present value. When the interest rate is 12%, Option #1 has the highest
present value. When the interest rate increases from 5% to 12%, the opportunity
cost of foregoing future payments is higher. That is, while the winner is waiting to
receive his/her future payments, he/she is forgoing interest that could be earned
on a bank deposit or other investment. When the interest rate is low, this
opportunity cost is relatively low, making Option #3 (with larger fixed payments
similar to coupon payments on a bond) more attractive. When the interest rate is
relatively high, these future fixed payments have less value, making Option #1
more attractive.