Siebel Installation Guide For MS Win
Siebel Installation Guide For MS Win
Siebel Installation Guide For MS Win
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Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New
Deployment 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade
Case (Existing Database) 36
Roadmap for Installing Siebel Business Applications in a Patch Installation Case
(Existing Installation) 39
Chapter 3:
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and Siebel Web Server Extension in
Unattended Mode 55
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages
About Language Deployment and the Siebel Network Image 121
About Language Deployment and Patch Installations 121
About Language Deployment on Siebel Server and Siebel Web Server Extension 122
About Language Deployment Tasks Using the Database Configuration Wizard 123
About Language Deployment for Unshipped Languages 123
Limitations for Installing Additional Languages 124
Scenarios for Installing and Deploying Multiple Languages 125
Installing and Deploying All Required Languages Once 126
Installing All Required Languages but Deploying Some Languages Later 127
Installing and Deploying Additional Languages 129
Importing Locale-Specific Data into the Siebel Repository 131
Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Configuring the Siebel Mobile Web Client When Neither Siebel VB nor Siebel eScript
Is Licensed 206
About the Environment Verification Tool
Chapter 9:
Managing Temporary Disk Space Required by Siebel Installers and Wizards 289
About The Language in Which Siebel Installers and Wizards Run 290
Planning to Install Multiple Instances of Siebel Business Applications 290
Specifying the Locale for Siebel Business Applications 292
Restrictions on Host Names for Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel Server 292
Restrictions on Names for Siebel Enterprise and Siebel Server 293
File and Directory Naming Conventions 294
Creating the Siebel File System 295
Creating the Siebel Service Owner Account 300
Installation and Configuration Methods by Deployment Type 300
Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel
Management Server 325
Determining the Location for the Siebel Media Files and the Siebel Image
Requirements for the Siebel Image Directories 365
Options for Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server, the Siebel Enterprise, and
the SWSE Logical Profile 384
Settings for Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server
Settings for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows describes the installation and initial configuration of
Oracles Siebel Business Applications. The installation and configuration tasks are covered for Siebel
Enterprise Server software, Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), Siebel Mobile Web Clients, Siebel
Tools, and other installable Siebel modules.
NOTE: The Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using is for installing Siebel
Innovation Pack 2013. This innovation pack is provided for Siebel CRM version and version The functionality described in this guide applies to these releases and in some cases does
not apply to any previous release. For information about the features in these releases, see the
applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support.
Table 1.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A
Table 1.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A
NOTE: This option applies only if you are using Microsoft IIS
7 or later and you have installed Siebel Patchset 5 or later on
top of the current release, Siebel CRM version or
The HTTP and HTTPS port number options apply to the virtual
Web site name that you specify. The virtual directories are no
longer created in the virtual Web site named Siebel unless
this name is explicitly specified.
Table 2.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.1/8.2
Multiple topics
Modified topics. For Siebel CRM version and later, and
for Siebel CRM version and later, the system
requirements and supported platform certifications are
available from the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
Updated references throughout this guide. For more
information, see 1492194.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support
Table 2.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.1/8.2
Table 2.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.1/8.2
Table 2.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.1/8.2
Modified topics. For the current release, you cannot add new
Siebel Enterprise Server components to an existing
installation by using the Siebel Enterprise Server installer.
Table 2.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.1/8.2
Table 3.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.1, Rev. D
Table 3.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.1, Rev. D
Table 4.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.2, Rev. C
Table 4.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.2, Rev. C
Table 4.
Whats New in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 8.2, Rev. C
NOTE: For operating system support details, including supported versions and product support
exceptions, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
In this guide, Windows refers to all of the Microsoft Windows operating system versions that are
supported for server or client platforms (for applicable Siebel modules) for this release. The
supported versions are listed in the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
Supported UNIX operating systems include IBM AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Oracle Solaris (for SPARC).
In Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX, supported Linux operating systems are usually discussed in
generic terms and are not differentiated. However, some information in this guide applies only to
particular Linux operating systems.
Both the Windows and UNIX versions of this guide contain information about installing client-based
modules, such as Siebel Mobile Web Clients or Siebel Tools, on Microsoft Windows.
Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX does not contain detailed information about installing Siebel
Enterprise Server and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) on Windows.
Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX does not contain information about either Microsoft SQL Server or
about Microsoft Internet Information Services (Microsoft IIS).
Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows does not contain information about UNIX-based Web
Siebel Management Server, a server module that is available only on Windows, is documented in both
versions of this guide. However, some information relevant to configuring this module is provided
only in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.
Additional Information
User interface references in this guide assume that you are using Siebel Open UI. The procedures in
this guide assume that you do not use left-hand navigation. For information about implementing lefthand navigation, see Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI.
For more information about third-party products, such as supported operating systems or RDBMS
platforms, Web servers, Visual Mining NetCharts, and so on, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle
Support (
For Siebel CRM version and later, and for Siebel CRM version and later, the system
requirements and supported platform certifications are available from the Certifications tab on My
Oracle Support. For more information, see 1492194.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
This chapter provides an overview of installing Siebel Business Applications. It includes the following
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
Roadmap for Installing Siebel Business Applications in a Patch Installation Case (Existing
Installation) on page 39
Documentation is for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013. The Siebel Installation Guide for the
operating system you are using is for installing Siebel CRM software for Siebel Innovation Pack
2013. This term is used for the following Siebel CRM releases:
These releases include new functionality and also the functionality from Siebel CRM version 8.1.1
and version 8.2.2 and from previous Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x and version 8.2.2.x releases
(Siebel Fix Packs). Going forward, separate versions of the Siebel Bookshelf are no longer
provided for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 and version 8.2.2. However, the previous versions are still
References to the current release usually refer to one of these releases. This term might also
refer to changed functionality relative to previous releases. Some version references might
indicate the Siebel database version.
Changes in documentation scope. Note the following changes in scope for the installation
You use the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using to perform new
installations of the current release. For existing deployments, you now also use this guide to
perform patch installations, which are also called migration installations for Siebel Enterprise
Server and SWSE.
For the current release, the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle
Support still provides key information for both new installations and patch installations, but
it no longer contains detailed instructions for performing patch installations.
Siebel CRM media and Siebel Image Creator have changed. You obtain the Siebel CRM
version or version media from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud and use the
Siebel Image Creator utility to create a Siebel network image from which you can perform a new
installation or a patch installation (that is, a migration installation) for Siebel Enterprise Server
and SWSE. No separate media or installers are provided or used for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or
version 8.2.2 for these modules.
Patch installation model has changed. Starting in Siebel CRM version and version (the current release), each Siebel Innovation Pack release is packaged as a complete
base release. For an existing installation of Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE, to apply the
current release as a patch installation, you perform a migration installation.
In a migration installation, the installer uses information about your existing installation to
perform a new installation. The existing installation directory is first renamed to a backup
location, and the new installation uses the original Oracle home name and location. The installer
then migrates your customized files from the existing installation to the new installation. A report
identifies any conflicts between your customized files and the files delivered by the installer.
For other Siebel modules, separate installers are still used for the base release (Siebel CRM
version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2) and for the current release.
Uninstallation and rollback have changed. Uninstallation and rollback to a previous version
have changed for Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE because of the installer changes. To be able
to roll back to a previous version, you must have retained the backup directory to which the
previous installation was moved during a migration installation.
To roll back a migration installation and revert to the previous installation, you must stop the
Siebel services, rename the new installation to a backup location, rename the original installation
to its original location (matching the Oracle home and location), and restart the services. Other
tasks might also be required, depending on your changes to the Siebel database and the Siebel
Installer user interface has changed. The user interface for the new installers for Siebel
Enterprise Server and SWSE has changed, relative to the previous installers, which were also
based on Oracle Universal Installer. The complete installation flow is displayed on the left-hand
side of each screen to show key steps and installation progress. To help you to verify that the
installation completed successfully, the postinstallation validation is built into the installers, and
the installer log files are referenced at the end of the installation task.
Language installation options have changed. The new installers for Siebel Enterprise Server
and SWSE support adding languages to an existing installation of the same version, by using
unattended mode (silent mode) only. After adding languages in this case, you must run the
Configuration Wizards for the Siebel Server and the SWSE, and perform the tasks to add new
Limitation for installing Siebel Enterprise Server components. The new installer for Siebel
Enterprise Server does not support adding Siebel Enterprise components to an existing
Siebel Configuration Wizards are updated. In general, after you perform a migration
installation for Siebel Enterprise Server or SWSE, you do not have to run the Siebel Configuration
Wizards again. However, if you must run these wizards, then you must run the wizards that were
installed for the current release (Siebel CRM version or version
Running Incremental Repository Merge is required for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013, for
an existing installation. If you install Siebel CRM version or version as a patch
installation (in which case you perform migration installations for existing installations of Siebel
Enterprise Server and SWSE), then you must use the Incremental Repository Merge feature to
update your Siebel database to the current release level.
Updated Siebel Repository (SRF) files are available. You must obtain updated Siebel
Repository (SRF) files after you install a new Siebel database, before you run Incremental
Repository Merge, or before you upgrade your Siebel database.
Updated Siebel Sample Database installer. The Siebel Sample Database installer is now
provided for the current release, Siebel CRM version or version
Siebel Patchset releases have replaced Siebel Quick Fix releases. For the current release,
Siebel CRM version and version, individual Siebel Quick Fix releases are no
longer provided. Instead, monthly Siebel Patchset releases are provided, each of which provides
several fixes. The fixes are provided on a cumulative basis in each Siebel Patchset release.
Related Topics
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Obtaining Updated Siebel Repository Files on page 118
About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120
Chapter 7, Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools
Chapter 10, Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server
Chapter 12, Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications
About Siebel CRM Releases on page 278
Chapter 15, Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network
Review the worksheet in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet, and fill it in as you
prepare for installing Siebel Business Applications.
Configure clustering for the server on which you will install the Siebel Gateway Name Server.
Clustering is strongly recommended for production environments.
Obtain the Siebel media and create a Siebel installation image on the network, from which you
will perform installations.
Obtain the media for the current release of Siebel Business Applications, such as Siebel CRM
version or version The media pack also includes the media for Siebel CRM
version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2 for installing Siebel Mobile Web Client, Siebel Tools, and Siebel
Management Server. For more information, see Chapter 15, Creating the Siebel Installation Image
on the Network.
Create directories for Siebel Business Applications software and directories for the Siebel File
For more information, see File and Directory Naming Conventions on page 294 and Creating the
Siebel File System on page 295.
Related Books
Siebel Deployment Planning Guide
Siebel Security Guide
Figure 1.
The Siebel CRM installation and configuration process requires multiple tasks that you perform in a
general sequence that depends on your installation case. For more information, see:
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
Roadmap for Installing Siebel Business Applications in a Patch Installation Case (Existing
Installation) on page 39
Installation Guidelines
Follow these general guidelines for your installations:
You install Siebel Gateway Name Server once for each Siebel Enterprise.
You install Siebel Database Configuration Utilities once, typically with the first Siebel Server
In general, you can install each item in sequence and perform its associated configuration tasks,
or you can install all of the items and then perform the configuration tasks. However, some
requirements apply to the sequence in which you must perform configuration tasks.
Requirements associated with authenticating access to the Siebel Gateway Name Server can
affect your overall installation and configuration process, particularly for a new deployment with
no existing Siebel database. This issue affects the installation and configuration task sequence,
as shown in the illustrations in the two roadmap topics that follow. For more information, see
Requirements for Siebel Gateway Name Server Authentication on page 306.
Multiple instances of Siebel Server and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) are typically
installed for medium-sized or larger deployments.
It is recommended that, for each applicable Siebel module, you install the latest Siebel Patchset
release after you install the current release, Siebel CRM version or version
Related Books
Siebel Deployment Planning Guide
Siebel Security Guide
Siebel System Administration Guide
Certifications tab on My Oracle Support
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
Figure 2 on page 33 presents a simplified view of the installation and configuration tasks for serverbased modules that apply for a new deployment.
Figure 2.
A Siebel database must exist before you can configure the Siebel Server, in order to provide
authentication for access to the Siebel Gateway Name Server. You install Database Configuration
Utilities and the first Siebel Server on the same computer where you install Siebel Gateway Name
NOTE: In addition to the tasks listed in this topic, it is recommended that, for each applicable Siebel
module, you install the latest Siebel Patchset release. Install the patchset after you install Siebel CRM
version or version and before you run the Siebel Configuration Wizards. In some
cases, installing a particular Siebel Patchset release might be required. For more information, see
About Siebel CRM Releases on page 278.
The installation process for Siebel Business Applications for a new deployment requires multiple
tasks that you perform in the following general sequence:
Create the network images for all applicable releases of Siebel CRM:
Create a network image for the current release, Siebel CRM version or version
Create a network image for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2, for modules such as
Siebel Web Client, Siebel Tools Client, or Siebel Management Server.
See Chapter 15, Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network.
For the Siebel Enterprise Server, install the current release, Siebel CRM version or
version Install the following Siebel Enterprise Server components:
See Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Configure the following Siebel Enterprise Server modules, in the sequence shown:
See Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
For the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), install the current release, Siebel CRM version or version
See Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Configure the logical profile for the SWSE on the Siebel Gateway Name Server computer.
Apply the SWSE logical profile on the Web server computer where you installed SWSE.
See Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension, and Chapter 6, Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks.
10 (Optional) If you are using Siebel load balancing, then generate the load balancing configuration
file lbconfig.txt after installing and configuring participating Siebel Servers. Place the file in the
SWSE logical profile directory, and reapply the logical profile.
For more information, see Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications
on page 106.
11 (Optional) For Siebel Mobile Web Clients or Developer Web Clients, install the base release,
Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2. Then install the current release as a patch release for
the existing installation of the base release.
See Chapter 7, Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools.
12 For Siebel Tools, install the base release, Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2. Then install
the current release as a patch release for the existing installation of the base release.
See Chapter 7, Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools.
14 (Optional) Install additional Siebel modules. For Siebel Management Server, install the base
release, Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2, and then install the current release as a patch
release for the existing installation of the base release. See the following:
Chapter 10, Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
15 (Optional) Install and configure additional Siebel Server instances or additional Web server and
SWSE instances if they are required for your deployment.
Related Topics
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
Roadmap for Installing Siebel Business Applications in a Patch Installation Case (Existing Installation)
on page 39
Figure 3.
NOTE: In addition to the tasks listed in this topic, it is recommended that, for each applicable Siebel
module, you install the latest Siebel Patchset release. Install the patchset after you install Siebel CRM
version or version and before you run the Siebel Configuration Wizards. In some
cases, installing a particular Siebel Patchset release might be required. For more information, see
About Siebel CRM Releases on page 278.
This roadmap does not include the database upgrade tasks. Before you upgrade, you must have
installed at least one Siebel Server with Database Configuration Utilities and installed Siebel Tools.
In addition, you must have updated the Siebel Repository files, as described in Obtaining Updated
Siebel Repository Files on page 118. For more information about upgrading, see About Installing in
Upgrade Environments on page 281 and see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
The installation process for Siebel Business Applications in an upgrade installation case requires
multiple tasks that you perform in the following general sequence:
Create the network images for all applicable releases of Siebel CRM:
Create a network image for the current release, Siebel CRM version or version
Create a network image for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2, for modules such as
Siebel Web Client, Siebel Tools Client, or Siebel Management Server.
See Chapter 15, Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network.
For the Siebel Enterprise Server, install the current release, Siebel CRM version or
version Install the following Siebel Enterprise Server components:
Siebel Server
See Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Configure the following Siebel Enterprise Server modules, in the sequence shown:
See Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension, and Chapter 6, Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks.
For the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), install the current release, Siebel CRM version or version
See Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Configure the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) in the following sequence:
Configure the logical profile for the SWSE on the Siebel Gateway Name Server computer.
Apply the SWSE logical profile on the Web server computer where you installed SWSE.
See Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension, and Chapter 6, Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks.
(Optional) If you are using Siebel load balancing, then you also generate the load balancing
configuration file lbconfig.txt after installing and configuring participating Siebel Servers. Place
the file in the SWSE logical profile directory, and reapply the logical profile.
For more information, see Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications
on page 106.
(Optional) For Siebel Mobile Web Clients or Developer Web Clients, install the base release,
Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2. Then install the current release as a patch release for
the existing installation of the base release.
See Chapter 7, Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools.
For Siebel Tools, install the base release, Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2. Then install
the current release as a patch release for the existing installation of the base release.
See Chapter 7, Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools.
11 (Optional) Install additional Siebel modules. For Siebel Management Server, install the base
release, Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2, and then install the current release as a patch
release for the existing installation of the base release. See the following:
Chapter 10, Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
12 (Optional) Install and configure additional Siebel Server instances or additional Web server and
SWSE instances if they are required for your deployment.
Related Topics
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on page 32
Roadmap for Installing Siebel Business Applications in a Patch Installation Case (Existing Installation)
on page 39
Create the network images for all applicable releases of Siebel CRM:
Create a network image for the current release, Siebel CRM version or version
See Chapter 15, Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network.
For the Siebel Enterprise Server software, install the current release as a migration installation
for each existing installation (patch installation case).
See Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
For the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), install the current release as a migration
installation for each existing installation (patch installation case).
See Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
For Siebel Mobile Web Clients or Developer Web Clients, install the current release as a patch
installation for each existing installation.
See Chapter 7, Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools.
For Siebel Tools, install the current release as a patch installation for each existing installation.
See Chapter 7, Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools.
For Siebel Management Server, install the current release as a patch installation for each existing
See Chapter 10, Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
Related Topics
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
This chapter explains how to install the Siebel Enterprise Server and the Siebel Web Server
Extension. Use the Siebel Enterprise Server installer to install Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel
Server, Siebel Database Configuration Utilities, and EAI Connector support files. Both new
installations and migration installations are described. This chapter includes the following topics:
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and Siebel Web Server Extension in Unattended
Mode on page 55
Chapter 13, Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications
After installation, you configure server modules using the Siebel Configuration Wizards. Perform
configuration after installing the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, or
after installing the current release and then installing the latest Siebel Patchset release. For more
information about configuration tasks, see Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server
Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension.
NOTE: For information about installation-related changes for Siebel CRM version and
version, see Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 on page 27. In
particular, the installers for Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Web Server Extension are new for
this release. The migration installation tasks are a new type of patch installation that you perform
using the same installers as for new installations.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server
Related Topics
Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 on page 27
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and Siebel Web Server Extension in Unattended Mode
on page 55
Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Chapter 6, Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175
Chapter 12, Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications
Chapter 13, Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications
Related Books
Siebel Security Guide
Siebel Global Deployment Guide
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
Log on to the server computer, using an account with administrative privileges, such as the Siebel
service owner account that you recorded in the copy that you made earlier of the worksheet in
Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet.
Whether you log on using the Siebel service owner account or using another account, the account
that you use must belong to the Windows domain of the Siebel Enterprise Server and must have
full write permissions to the Siebel File System.
Shut down all of the open programs that are running on the server.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current release. Then navigate
to the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such
as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
Click Next.
The Oracle Configuration Manager screen appears, which prompts for email contact information.
To perform a new installation of Siebel Enterprise Server software where no existing installation
of Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x is present, click Next.
The New Installation Details screen appears.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server
Enter a name for your installation, and specify the installation location, and then click Next. (Note
the installation name and location for future reference.) Note the following:
The default installation name (Oracle Home Name) is SES_HOME. The value that you specify
is used in the parent program group name for the Oracle Universal Installer software. (A
separate program group is created for the Siebel Configuration Wizards for this installation.)
If you have an existing installation, then you must specify a new name for a new installation.
The default installation path (Oracle Home Location) for a new installation is
C:\siebel\\ses or C:\siebel\\ses or a similar value. Accept the
default path or specify a different fully qualified path by typing it directly or by clicking
Browse. If you have an existing installation, then you must specify a new path for the new
For more information about Oracle home and installation path requirements, see File and
Directory Naming Conventions on page 294.
The Select Siebel Enterprise Server Components screen appears.
10 Choose the Siebel Enterprise Server components that you want to install. Choose one or more of
the following options, and click Next:
Siebel Server
EAI Connector
Install all of the Siebel Enterprise Server components that you might need on this server
You can install the Database Configuration Utilities only with a Siebel Server. In other words, you
cannot install Database Configuration Utilities unless you are also installing Siebel Server.
For more information about different ways of deploying Siebel Enterprise Server components, see
Installation and Configuration Methods by Deployment Type on page 300.
NOTE: You cannot add components later using this installer, for the current release.
The Select Languages screen appears. All of the languages that were included in the Siebel
network image for Siebel Enterprise Server are available for selection.
11 Select the languages that you want to install, and click Next. You must select at least one
language in order to proceed.
You specify languages to install in order to run applications using these languages. If you install
the software with a single language, then this language serves as the primary (base) language,
in which your server messages and log files will display. If you install the software with multiple
languages, then when you configure the Siebel Server you can specify which installed languages
to deploy and which installed language is the primary language.
NOTE: You can add languages to an existing installation by running the installer in unattended
mode (silent mode). For more information about installing and deploying languages, see About
Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120.
The Program Folder Name screen appears.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server
12 In the Program Folder Name screen, click Next to accept the default location for the program
shortcuts for the Siebel Configuration Wizards for this installation. Or, modify the program folder
name, and click Next.
By default, for a U.S. English (ENU) installation, the shortcuts are created in Siebel Enterprise
Server Configuration or in Siebel Enterprise Server Configuration The
default program group name and shortcut names are in the language in which the installer ran.
The following shortcuts are created:
Siebel Enterprise Configuration, which is created with Siebel Gateway Name Server
The Summary screen appears. This screen displays the location into which it will install the Siebel
Enterprise Server.
13 Review the information in the Summary screen. Before you proceed, confirm that you have met
all of the installation requirements, such as for disk space. Then do one of the following:
To save a response file to use for an unattended installation later, click Save Response File.
After the response file is saved, if you are not also installing, then Click Cancel. For
information about performing unattended installations, see Installing Siebel Enterprise
Server Components and Siebel Web Server Extension in Unattended Mode on page 55.
To begin installing the Siebel Enterprise Server software, click Install. You can also click
Install after saving a response file.
The Installation Progress screen appears. The Siebel Enterprise Server software is installed into
the directory that you specified in Step 9 on page 44.
14 When the Next button becomes available, the installation is complete. Click Next.
The Finish Installation screen appears. This screen indicates whether the installation was
successful and shows the location of the main installer log file. You can access this file to review
the installation results.
Verify the Siebel Enterprise Server installation, as described in Verifying Installation for the
Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175.
Install the latest Siebel Patchset release. Then verify the installation again.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server
Start the Siebel Enterprise Configuration Wizard so that you can configure the components
that you installed, as described in Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server
Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension.
(Optional) Shut down the Siebel CRM modules to be updated on this computer.
For example, stop the services for the Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Server, Siebel
Management Agent, and Oracle Configuration Manager. Also shut down any running instances of
the Siebel Server Manager (srvrmgr). If you do not shut down the Siebel Gateway Name Server,
Siebel Server, and Oracle Configuration Manager modules, then the installer shuts them down.
Log on to the server computer, using an account with administrative privileges, such as the Siebel
service owner account that you recorded in the copy that you made earlier of the worksheet in
Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet.
Whether you log on using the Siebel service owner account or using another account, the account
that you use must belong to the Windows domain of the Siebel Enterprise Server and must have
full write permissions to the Siebel File System.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server
Shut down all of the open programs that are running on the server.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current release. Then navigate
to the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such
as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
Click Next.
The Oracle Configuration Manager screen appears, which prompts for email contact information.
To perform a migration installation of the Siebel Enterprise Server software where an existing
prior installation of Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x is present, choose Migration
Installation, and click Next.
The Installation Migration Details screen appears.
10 Confirm or select the name and location of your existing installation, and then click Next. Note
the following:
Confirm the existing installation name, or select it from the drop-down list. The value that
you specify is used in the parent program folder name for the Oracle Universal Installer
software. (A separate program folder is created for the Siebel Configuration Wizards for this
Confirm the existing installation location, or select it from the drop-down list.
For more information about Oracle home and installation path requirements, see File and
Directory Naming Conventions on page 294.
The Program Folder Name screen appears.
11 In the Program Folder Name screen, click Next to accept the default location for the program
shortcuts for the Siebel Configuration Wizards for this installation. Or, modify the program folder
name, and click Next.
By default, for a U.S. English (ENU) installation, the shortcuts are created in Siebel Enterprise
Server Configuration or in Siebel Enterprise Server Configuration The
default program folder name and shortcut names are in the language in which the installer ran.
The following shortcuts are created:
Siebel Enterprise Configuration, which is created with Siebel Gateway Name Server
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server
The Summary screen appears. This screen displays the location into which it will install the Siebel
Enterprise Server.
12 Review the information in the Summary screen. Before you proceed, confirm that you have met
all of the installation requirements, such as for disk space. Then do one of the following:
To save a response file to use for an unattended installation later, click Save Response File.
After the response file is saved, if you are not also installing, then Click Cancel. For
information about performing unattended installations, see Installing Siebel Enterprise
Server Components and Siebel Web Server Extension in Unattended Mode on page 55.
To begin installing the Siebel Enterprise Server software, click Install. You can also click
Install after saving a response file.
The Installation Progress screen appears. The Siebel Enterprise Server software is installed into
the directory that you specified in Step 10 on page 47.
13 When the Next button becomes available, the installation is complete. Click Next.
The Finish Installation screen appears. This screen indicates whether the installation was
successful and shows the location of the main installer log file. You can access this file to review
the installation results. This screen also shows the new location of the original installation, which
the installer moved before it performed the new installation.
14 Review the report that is generated about any conflicts between your customized files and the
files that are delivered by the Siebel Enterprise Server installer. As needed, copy any of your
customized files from the original installation to the new migrated installation.
Conflicts are identified in the file overwrittenfiles_timestamp.log, which is created in the
ORACLE_HOME\cfgtoollogs\oui directory (in the new Siebel Enterprise Server installation).
Verify the Siebel Enterprise Server installation, as described in Verifying Installation for the
Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175.
Install the latest Siebel Patchset release. Then verify the installation again.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension
Related Topics
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and Siebel Web Server Extension in Unattended Mode
on page 55
Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Chapter 6, Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 182
Chapter 12, Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications
Chapter 13, Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications
Related Books
Siebel Security Guide
Siebel Global Deployment Guide
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current release. Then navigate
to the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such
as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
Click Next.
The Oracle Configuration Manager screen appears, which prompts for email contact information.
To perform a new installation of Siebel Web Server Extension software where no existing
installation of Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x is present, click Next.
The New Installation Details screen appears.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension
Enter a name for your installation, and specify the installation location, and then click Next. (Note
the installation name and location for future reference.) Note the following:
The default installation name (Oracle Home Name) is EAPPWEB_HOME. The value that you
specify is used in the parent program group name for the Oracle Universal Installer software.
(A separate program folder is created for the SWSE Configuration Wizard for this
installation.) If you have an existing installation, then you must specify a new name for a
new installation.
The default installation path (Oracle Home Location) for a new installation is
C:\siebel\\sweapp or C:\siebel\\sweapp or a similar value. Accept
the default path or specify a different fully qualified path by typing it directly or by clicking
Browse. If you have an existing installation, then you must specify a new path for the new
For more information about Oracle home and installation path requirements, see File and
Directory Naming Conventions on page 294.
CAUTION: Do not specify the Web server installation directory as the directory in which to install
SWSE. Doing this results in configuration errors later.
The Select Languages screen appears. All of the languages that were included in the Siebel
network image for SWSE are available for selection.
Select the languages that you want to install, and click Next. You must select at least one
language in order to proceed.
You specify languages to install in order to run applications using these languages. If you install
the software with a single language, then this language serves as the primary (base) language,
in which your server messages and log files will display. If you install the software with multiple
languages, then when you configure the SWSE you can specify which installed languages to
deploy and which installed language is the primary language.
You must install and deploy on the SWSE the superset of all of the languages required by the
Application Object Managers that connect to it. It is strongly recommended that you install and
deploy, or at least install, all of the languages that are installed in the Siebel Enterprise Server.
NOTE: You can add languages to an existing installation by running the installer in unattended
mode (silent mode). For more information about installing and deploying languages, see About
Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120.
The Cryptographic Seed screen appears. For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.
10 Enter the cryptographic seed that you will use for your SWSE installation.
The Program Folder Name screen appears.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension
11 In the Program Folder Name screen, click Next to accept the default location for the program
shortcut for the SWSE Configuration Wizard for this installation. Or, modify the program folder
name, and click Next.
By default, for a U.S. English (ENU) installation, the shortcut is created in Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuration or Siebel Web Server Extension Configuration The
default program folder name and shortcut name are in the language in which the installer ran.
The shortcut that is created is called Siebel Web Server Extension Configuration.
The Summary screen appears. This screen displays the location into which it will install the SWSE
12 Review the information in the Summary screen. Before you proceed, confirm that you have met
all of the installation requirements, such as for disk space. Then do one of the following:
To save a response file to use for an unattended installation later, click Save Response File.
After the response file is saved, if you are not also installing, then Click Cancel. For
information about performing unattended installations, see Installing Siebel Enterprise
Server Components and Siebel Web Server Extension in Unattended Mode on page 55.
To begin installing the SWSE software, click Install. You can also click Install after saving a
response file.
The Installation Progress screen appears. The SWSE software is installed into the directory that
you specified in Step 8 on page 51.
13 When the Next button becomes available, the installation is complete. Click Next.
The Finish Installation screen appears. This screen indicates whether the installation was
successful and shows the location of the main installer log file. You can access this file to review
the installation results.
Verify the SWSE installation, as described in Verifying Installation for the Siebel Web Server
Extension on page 182.
Install the latest Siebel Patchset release. Then verify the installation again.
Start the SWSE Configuration Wizard so that you can configure it (configure the SWSE logical
profile and apply it to the SWSE), as described in Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server
Extension on page 76. You must have already configured the Siebel Enterprise Server
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension
(Optional) Stop the Oracle Configuration Manager service for the existing installation of SWSE.
If you do not shut down this service, then the installer shuts it down.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current release. Then navigate
to the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such
as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
Click Next.
The Oracle Configuration Manager screen appears, which prompts for email contact information.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension
To perform a migration installation of the SWSE software where an existing prior installation of
Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x is present, choose Migration Installation, and click
The Installation Migration Details screen appears.
10 Confirm or select the name and location of your existing installation, and then click Next. Note
the following:
Confirm the existing installation name, or select it from the drop-down list. The value that
you specify is used in the parent program folder name for the Oracle Universal Installer
software. (A separate program folder is created for the SWSE Configuration Wizard for this
Confirm the existing installation location, or select it from the drop-down list.
For more information about Oracle home and installation path requirements, see File and
Directory Naming Conventions on page 294.
The Program Folder Name screen appears.
11 In the Program Folder Name screen, click Next to accept the default location for the program
shortcut for the SWSE Configuration Wizard for this installation. Or, modify the program folder
name, and click Next.
By default, for a U.S. English (ENU) installation, the shortcut is created in Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuration or Siebel Web Server Extension Configuration The
default program folder name and shortcut name are in the language in which the installer ran.
The shortcut that is created is called Siebel Web Server Extension Configuration.
The Summary screen appears. This screen displays the location into which it will install the
12 Review the information in the Summary screen. Before you proceed, confirm that you have met
all of the installation requirements, such as for disk space. Then do one of the following:
To save a response file to use for an unattended installation later, click Save Response File.
After the response file is saved, if you are not also installing, then Click Cancel. For
information about performing unattended installations, see Installing Siebel Enterprise
Server Components and Siebel Web Server Extension in Unattended Mode on page 55.
To begin installing the SWSE software, click Install. You can also click Install after saving a
response file.
The Installation Progress screen appears. The SWSE software is installed into the directory that
you specified in Step 10 on page 54.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and Siebel Web Server
13 When the Next button becomes available, the installation is complete. Click Next.
The Finish Installation screen appears. This screen indicates whether the installation was
successful and shows the location of the main installer log file. You can access this file to review
the installation results. This screen also shows the new location of the original installation, which
the installer moved before it performed the new installation.
14 Review the report that is generated about any conflicts between your customized files and the
files that are delivered by the SWSE installer. As needed, copy any of your customized files from
the original installation to the new migrated installation.
Conflicts are identified in the file overwrittenfiles_timestamp.log, which is created in the
ORACLE_HOME\cfgtoollogs\oui directory (in the new SWSE installation).
Verify the SWSE installation, as described in Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise
Server on page 175.
Install the latest Siebel Patchset release. Then verify the installation again.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and Siebel Web Server
You can perform unattended installations for better performance when installing multiple servers. Or,
you might perform unattended installations if user input during an installation is not allowed in your
environment, as might be the case in some secure environments. An unattended installation
prepackages all of the required parameters so that you only have to execute a command to perform
the installation.
You can use unattended mode to perform a new installation or migration installation of the current
release, Siebel CRM version or version
CAUTION: Unattended installations provide no direct feedback or error notification. Therefore, you
must test your settings in a development environment before system-wide deployment in a
production environment. It is strongly recommended that you become thoroughly familiar with GUI
installation for any Siebel modules for which you intend to perform unattended installation.
This topic contains the following information:
Related Topics
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server on page 42
Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 49
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 182
Chapter 13, Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications
Related Books
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
Keep track of the response file results. Because the unattended installation session is
controlled by the response file, you must keep careful track of the result each response file will
yield when you perform an unattended installation. For example, depending on your selections
when you generated a response file for Siebel Enterprise Server, the unattended installation
performed with this file might install any or all of the Siebel Enterprise Server components:
Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Server, Siebel Database Configuration Utilities, or EAI
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and Siebel Web Server
Create the response file on a computer similar to the target computer. When you run the
installer as described in Saving an Installation Response File on page 57, installer validations are
done as if you were performing a real installation. It is strongly recommended that you run the
installer on a computer that has similar resources and configuration settings as the target
computer on which the installation will be performed, as described in Performing an Installation
in Unattended Mode on page 58. Unattended installations must meet all of the documented
requirements, including those described in Chapter 13, Requirements for Installing and
Configuring Siebel Business Applications.
Validate the installation. Validate each installation after it has completed, as described in
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175 and Verifying Installation for
the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 182.
To install Siebel Enterprise Server components or Siebel Web Server Extension and specified Siebel
language packs in unattended mode, perform the following tasks:
Start the installer for Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE).
For information about starting these installers, see Installing Siebel Enterprise Server on page 42
and Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 49.
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and Siebel Web Server
Place the response file that you previously generated in the correct Siebel image directory for
the Siebel module (where the installer program is located), so that the file can be read when you
start the installer.
NOTE: Always back up any existing valid response file before replacing it with a new file.
Run a command like the following to start the Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server
Extension installer:
setup.bat -silent -responseFile path_to_installation_response_file
In this command, path_to_installation_response_file is the full path and name of a response file
to be executed (for example, C:\temp\sesinstall.rsp).
This command runs the installer in unattended mode and specifies the location of the response
file to be executed. No installer screens are displayed, and no further user input is prompted for
after the installer starts.
This chapter explains how to configure Siebel Enterprise Server components and the Siebel Web
Server Extension. It includes the following topics:
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Starting a Siebel Configuration Wizard
NOTE: In general, after you perform a migration installation for Siebel Enterprise Server or SWSE,
you do not have to run the Siebel Configuration Wizards again. However, if you do have to run these
wizards for any reason, then you must run the wizards that were installed for the current release,
Siebel CRM version or version See also Installation-Related Changes for Siebel
Innovation Pack 2013 on page 27.
Choose Start, All Programs, Siebel Enterprise Server Configuration or, and
then Config_Type.
In this menu command, Config_Type is the type of configuration you want to perform, such as:
For configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server, see Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name
Server on page 63.
For configuring the Siebel Enterprise, see Configuring the Siebel Enterprise on page 64.
For installing the Siebel database, see Installing the Siebel Database on page 72.
For configuring the Siebel Server, see Configuring the Siebel Server on page 72.
For configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), see Process of Configuring the
Siebel Web Server Extension on page 76.
For configuring the Siebel Management Agent, see Configuring Siebel Management Agents
on page 241.
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Starting a Siebel Configuration Wizard
For configuring the Siebel Management Server, see Configuring Siebel Management Server
on page 243.
Navigate to the config subdirectory of the installed Siebel module that you want to configure
within your SIEBEL_ROOT directory. For example, for Siebel CRM version
For configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server or the Siebel Enterprise, navigate to a
directory like C:\siebel\\ses\config. Also navigate to this directory if you are
configuring an SWSE logical profile.
For configuring the Siebel Server or the Siebel database, navigate to a directory like
For configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), navigate to a directory like
For configuring the Siebel Management Server (on Windows only), navigate to a directory
like C:\sba81\mgmtsrvr\config or C:\sba82\mgmtsrvr\config.
To start the Configuration Wizard to configure in GUI mode, go to the next step. For an
unattended configuration (where applicable), go to Step 4 on page 62.
mode_name specifies the Configuration Wizard to run, and is one of the following:
enterprise is for the Siebel Enterprise Configuration Wizard (includes tasks for
configuring Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Enterprise, and SWSE logical profile)
mgmtsrvr is for the Siebel Management Server Configuration Wizard (Windows only)
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Starting a Siebel Configuration Wizard
Example commands follow for each of the modules listed, for different versions.
Siebel Enterprise Configuration Wizard:
C:\siebel\\ses\config\config.bat -mode enterprise
C:\siebel\\ses\config\config.bat -mode enterprise
Siebel Server Configuration Wizard:
C:\siebel\\ses\config\config.bat -mode siebsrvr
C:\siebel\\ses\config\config.bat -mode siebsrvr
Siebel Database Configuration Wizard:
C:\siebel\\ses\config\config.bat -mode dbsrvr
C:\siebel\\ses\config\config.bat -mode dbsrvr
Siebel Web Server Extension Configuration Wizard:
C:\siebel\\sweapp\config\config.bat -mode swse
C:\siebel\\sweapp\config\config.bat -mode swse
Siebel Management Agent Configuration Wizard:
C:\siebel\\ses\config\config.bat -mode mgmtagent
C:\siebel\\ses\config\config.bat -mode mgmtagent
Siebel Management Server Configuration Wizard (Windows only):
C:\sba81\mgmtsrvr\config\config.bat -mode mgmtsrvr
C:\sba82\mgmtsrvr\config\config.bat -mode mgmtsrvr
Go to Step 5 on page 63.
For an unattended configuration, start the Configuration Wizard, using the appropriate
command-line options:
If you are generating a response file, then start the wizard as described in Step 3 on page 61
and also using the -skipValidation option. You must also specify to save the response file
at the end of the wizard task. Use a command similar to the following:
If you are executing a response file you saved in a previous configuration session, then start
the wizard using the -responseFile option, specifying the name of the response file to
execute. Use a command similar to the following:
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server
install_path is the installation path for the installed Siebel module (see examples in Step 3
on page 61)
mode_name specifies the Configuration Wizard to run (see examples in Step 3 on page 61)
NOTE: For an unattended configuration, you would save and later execute separate response
files for configuring Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Enterprise, SWSE logical profile, Siebel
Server, and Siebel Web Server Extension. Unattended configuration is not supported for the
Siebel database, Siebel Management Agent, or Siebel Management Server.
If you are generating a response file, then go to the next step. If you are executing a response
file, then the Configuration Wizard runs in unattended mode and completes configuration.
For configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server, see Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name
Server on page 63.
For configuring the Siebel Enterprise, see Configuring the Siebel Enterprise on page 64.
For installing the Siebel database, see Installing the Siebel Database on page 72.
For configuring the Siebel Server, see Configuring the Siebel Server on page 72.
For configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), see Process of Configuring the
Siebel Web Server Extension on page 76.
For configuring the Siebel Management Agent, see Configuring Siebel Management Agents
on page 241.
For configuring the Siebel Management Server (on Windows only), see Configuring Siebel
Management Server on page 243.
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Choose Create New Configuration, then Configure a New Gateway Name Server.
Provide input as described in Table 5 on page 64. The wizard displays help text with more
information about most of these settings.
Table 5.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Specify the port number that this Siebel Gateway Name Server
uses for connections from Siebel Server or other components. The
default port number is 2320.
The primary language, which is used for server messages and log
files. Language support must be present on the server on which
you have installed the software. See also About Installing and
Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on
page 120.
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
Choose Create New Configuration, then Configure a New Enterprise in a Gateway Name Server.
Provide input as described in Table 6 on page 65. The wizard displays help text with more
information about most of these settings.
Table 6.
Specify the user name for the account, usually a database
account, that you are using for Siebel Gateway Name Server
authentication. For more information about this account and
the associated requirements, see Requirements for Siebel
Gateway Name Server Authentication on page 306.
NOTE: The first time that you configure a Siebel Enterprise
(before authentication settings have been propagated to the
Siebel Gateway Name Server), the user account name and
password fields have no effect.
Specify the password for the account that you are using for
Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication.
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 6.
Specify the name that you want for the Siebel Enterprise.
For more information, see Restrictions on Names for Siebel
Enterprise and Siebel Server on page 293.
Enterprise Description
Primary Siebel File System
Database Platform
IBM DB2 Database Alias
(DB2 only)
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 6.
The options are:
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 6.
In general, it is recommended that you accept the default
security adapter name. The default name depends on the
type of security adapter that you are configuring. Default
names are as follows:
LDAP Port Configuration
Network TCP/IP Port Number
Siebel Username Attribute
Siebel Password Attribute
Credentials Attribute
LDAP Roles Attribute (optional)
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 6.
LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.
Store shared database user
credentials as parameters
Application Password
Configure Web Single Sign-On (Web
User Specification
Shared Secret
SSL Database Certificate File
Hash User Passwords
Hash Database Passwords
Salt User Passwords
Salt Attribute
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 6.
LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.
Siebel User ID Attribute
Base Distinguished Name (DN)
Propagate Change
Propagate Authentication Settings
to the Gateway Name Server
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 6.
Appears only if you checked Charts Server Settings in Tasks
for Modifying Enterprise Configurations. Specify the host
name and the port number of the computer where you are
running the Siebel Charts server. Use the format
Charts_server_hostname:port_number. See Changing the
Siebel Charts Server Used by Siebel Web Clients on page 254.
Appears only if you checked Charts Server Settings in Tasks
for Modifying Enterprise Configurations. Choose png (the
default), jpg, or gif. Accepting the default is recommended.
The value must be in lower case. See Changing the Siebel
Charts Server Used by Siebel Web Clients on page 254.
This setting and all of the remaining items appear only if you
checked Enterprise Network Security Encryption Type in
Tasks for Modifying Enterprise Configurations. Options are:
This item and all of the remaining items appear only if you
selected one of the TLS or SSL options in Security Encryption
Level or Type. For more information, see Siebel Security
For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.
Private Key File Name
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Installing the Siebel Database
Table 6.
Enable Peer Authentication
Validate Peer Certificate
Enter location of response file
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Server
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
NOTE: Run the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard without using the flag for skipping validation, so
that the wizard validates that the Siebel Gateway Name Server is running. If it is not running, then
the wizard does not let you proceed with the configuration.
Provide input as described in Table 7 on page 73. The wizard displays help text with more
information about most of these settings.
Table 7.
Comment or Description
Specify the user name for the account that you are using for
Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication.
Specify the password for the account that you are using for
Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication.
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Server
Table 7.
Comment or Description
Enable Component Groups
Deployed Languages
Clustering Configuration
Options include:
Not clustered
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Configuring the Siebel Server
Table 7.
Comment or Description
Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate
File Name
Private Key File Name
Security Adapter Name
(SecAdptName and SecAdptMode)
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Table 7.
Comment or Description
After you have already configured a Siebel Server, you can modify the Siebel Server configuration
using Siebel Server Manager, as described in Siebel System Administration Guide.
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
Related Topics
About Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 85
Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server on page 132
Removing the SWSE Configuration on page 261
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Choose Create New Configuration, then Configure a New Siebel Web Server Extension Logical
Provide input as described in Table 5 on page 64. The wizard displays help text with more
information about these settings.
Table 8.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
Comment or Description
Not applicable
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Table 8.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
Collect Application-Specific
Compression Type
Comment or Description
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Table 8.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
Comment or Description
Specify the name of the virtual Web site
that this Web server uses for Web browser
connections for Siebel applications. The
virtual directories for the Siebel
applications are created in this virtual
Web site.
The HTTP and HTTPS port number options
apply to the virtual Web site that you
specify with this option. For any custom
virtual Web site name, the port numbers
that you specify cannot be the same as
those that are already in use for Default
Web Site.
NOTE: This option applies only if you are
using Microsoft IIS 7 or later and you
have installed Siebel Patchset 5 or later
on top of the current release, Siebel CRM
version or version
For Microsoft IIS 7 or later, without Siebel
Patchset 5: The Siebel virtual directories
are created in the virtual Web site named
For Microsoft IIS 6: The Siebel virtual
directories are created in the virtual Web
site named Default Web Site.
Default value: Default Web Site
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Table 8.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
Comment or Description
Specify the port number that this Web
server uses for secure Web browser
The HTTPS port number option applies to
the virtual Web site that you specify. For
any custom virtual Web site name, the
port number that you specify cannot be
the same as the corresponding port
number that is already in use for Default
Web Site.
Default value: 443
Password Encryption
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Table 8.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
Standard Interactivity or
Contact User Login Name and
Comment or Description
The Siebel user ID that starts the
anonymous session from which an end
user is shown the login page for a
customer application. This anonymous
user must have access to any public view
in the Siebel application.
For customer applications only, these
parameters are defined in applicationspecific sections of the eapps.cfg file.
These values override the values defined
in the [defaults] section, which are used
by employee applications.
The EncryptedPassword parameter
specifies whether passwords are
encrypted in the eapps.cfg file.
For more information about anonymous
users, see Requirements for Configuring
Anonymous Users for the Siebel Web
Server Extension on page 317.
Web Server-Specific
Statistics: Default Statistics
Page for Web Server
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Table 8.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
Not applicable
Comment or Description
Specify if you are using TLS (Transport
Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets
Layer) for communication between Siebel
Servers and the SWSE.
Choices are TCP/IP (no encryption, the
default), TLS, or SSL.
TLS or SSL settings for SWSE must be
compatible with those for Siebel Servers
that connect to this Web server.
The wizard prompts for remaining
parameters related to TLS or SSL only if
you select one of these options.
For more information about TLS, SSL, and
the related parameters defined in the
[ConnMgmt] section of the eapps.cfg file,
see Siebel Security Guide.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Determine which SWSE logical profile to use for this installed instance of SWSE.
If you will be using load balancing, then make sure that you created the lbconfig.txt file and
placed it in the SWSE logical profile directory.
For more information, see Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications
on page 106.
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Table 9.
Setting in SWSE
Configuration Wizard
Deployed Languages
Comment or Description
Each language that you select must be an installed language. For
each deployed language and each application, a separate section
is created in the eapps.cfg or eapps_sia.cfg file. For example,
Siebel Call Center uses the sections named [/callcenter_lang].
Part of the ConnectString value represents the three-letter code
for the deployed language.
You can deploy languages that you installed but did not deploy by
running the SWSE Configuration Wizard again and choosing the
task Add Language Support for the SWSE Configuration. For more
information, see About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business
Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120.
Specify whether you are using Siebel native load balancing, thirdparty load balancing, or no load balancing. Specify no load
balancing for a deployment with a single Siebel Server. For more
information, see Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel
Business Applications on page 106.
The host name of the Siebel Server computer. Specify this for a
deployment with a single Siebel Server.
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension About Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
Table 9.
Setting in SWSE
Configuration Wizard
Comment or Description
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
Extension About Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
NOTE: If you configured the Siebel Enterprise with the encryption type set to either SISNAPI Using
RSA Encryption Algorithm or SISNAPI Using Microsoft Crypto Enhanced API Encryption, then it is
strongly recommended not to create the SWSE logical profile with validation skipped, so that the
encryption settings are compatible between the Siebel Servers and the SWSE (as is required).
For more information about encryption type and Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) settings, see Siebel Security Guide.
Related Topics
Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 76
This chapter describes running the Database Configuration Wizard to install the Siebel database and
related tasks. This chapter is written for administrators who run the Database Configuration Wizard
and for database administrators (DBAs) who perform related tasks on the relational database
management system (RDBMS). It includes the following topics:
Installing the Stored Procedures and User-Defined Functions on IBM DB2 on page 93
Importing a Siebel Repository Manually into the Siebel Database on page 100
NOTE: If your database is IBM DB2 for z/OS, then see Implementing Siebel Business Applications
on DB2 for z/OS instead of this chapter. See also the relevant information in Planning RDBMS
Installation and Configuration on page 287.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS About Installing the Siebel Database
For instructions on installing Database Configuration Utilities, Siebel Server, and other Siebel
Enterprise Server components, see Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the
Siebel Web Server Extension.
NOTE: This chapter assumes that you have already created the database instance. It also assumes
that you have already installed the Database Configuration Utilities on the same computer as a Siebel
Server, and in the same top-level installation directory. You install the Database Configuration
Utilities only once, on a single Siebel Server computer. It is recommended that you install the Siebel
Server and the Database Configuration Utilities at the same time.
For a new deployment, you must install a Siebel Server and the Database Configuration Utilities on
the same computer as the Siebel Gateway Name Server. For more information, see Requirements
for Siebel Gateway Name Server Authentication on page 306. For information about the tasks that you
must perform in the RDBMS before you install the Database Configuration Utilities, see Chapter 14,
Configuring the RDBMS.
The Database Configuration Utilities installed software has no run-time role in managing database
operations for users running Siebel Business Applications. Some of the tasks that you can perform
with the Database Configuration Wizard are for upgrades only, and are described in Siebel Database
Upgrade Guide. For more information about the wizards provided for configuring Siebel Business
Applications software, see Appendix B, Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference.
NOTE: After performing a new installation, you must run the Configuration Wizards as described in
this book. For more information, see Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013
on page 27.
This topic includes the following information:
About Database Updates for Siebel CRM Version or Version on page 89
Creates the Siebel schema. Tables and indexes are created in their respective specified
Inserts Siebel seed data specific to your database. Seed data is inserted for the primary language
only. This task also installs views, packages, and procedures for your database.
Imports the Siebel Repository. The Repository is imported for the primary language only.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS About Installing the Siebel Database
This topic is part of About Installing the Siebel Database on page 87.
For Siebel language support, Unicode support, and legacy code page support, see 1513102.1
(Article ID) for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or 1524342.1 (Article ID) for Siebel CRM version
8.2.2.x on My Oracle Support.
This topic is part of About Installing the Siebel Database on page 87.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Creating Table Owner and Administrator
Related Topics
Obtaining Updated Siebel Repository Files on page 118
Installing and Using the Siebel Sample Database on page 157
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Creating Table Owner and Administrator
After executing grantusr.sql, the DBA must manually create all of the additional tablespaces (for data
or indexes) that you require in your Siebel database. To do this, use commands similar to the existing
ALTER USER command defined in grantusr.sql for creating the default tablespace. Use commands
similar to the following:
ALTER USER TABLE_OWNER quota unlimited on tablespace_name;
tablespace_name is the name that you are using for each particular tablespace. If it is necessary,
then the quota value can be adjusted to an appropriate value for each tablespace.
Creates the role SSE_ROLE and grants CREATE SESSION privilege to this role.
Creates the Siebel table owner account and grants other appropriate privileges to this account.
Creates the accounts SADMIN (the Siebel administrator) and LDAPUSER and grants the role
SSE_ROLE to them.
Passwords are prompted for by the script, rather than defined within the script.
The length and allowable characters for the user name and password depend on the rules of your
underlying RDBMS platform. For more information, see Oracle Database documentation.
This topic is part of Creating Table Owner and Administrator Accounts on page 90.
Execute the grantusr.sql script from SQL*Plus, using an account with DBA privileges, and using
the following command:
NOTE: You must specify the full path to the grantusr.sql file.
Enter the tablespace name listed in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Creating Table Owner and Administrator
Your DBA must review and execute this script, which performs the following functions:
You cannot create the LDAPUSER account by running grantusr.sql. This account must belong to the
SSE_ROLE group and be created by the DBA or the Windows network administrator, as appropriate.
For more information about authentication using the LDAP security adapter, see Siebel Security
This topic is part of Creating Table Owner and Administrator Accounts on page 90.
Execute the grantusr.sql script from a DB2 Command Window, using an account with DBA
The usual DB2 System Administration account is called db2admin for this procedure.
CAUTION: Use the DB2 Command Window, not the Command Line Processor, to enter these
commands, because the Command Line Processor window uses different syntax. The commands
in this procedure must be issued in a DB2 Command Window.
The script prompts you for the default tablespace in which your Siebel objects are to be created.
Enter the tablespace name that you recorded in the copy that you made of Appendix A, Siebel
Deployment Planning Worksheet, and exit the script.
The length and allowable characters of the account names and passwords depend on the rules of
your underlying RDBMS platform. For more information, see IBM DB2 documentation.
Before you install the Siebel database, see Installing the Stored Procedures and User-Defined
Functions on IBM DB2 on page 93.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Installing the Stored Procedures and
User-Defined Functions on IBM DB2
Creates database accounts (logins) for the SADMIN (Siebel administrator) account, the table
owner account, and the LDAPUSER account.
Creates users for each of these accounts, except the table owner account, which will be turned
into a dbo by the stored procedure sp_changedbowner.
To change the account name or the database name, edit grantusr.sql. The length and allowable
characters of the account names and passwords depend on the rules of your underlying RDBMS
platform. For more information, see Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
This topic is part of Creating Table Owner and Administrator Accounts on page 90.
Log on to the Siebel Server computer on which you installed the Database Configuration Utilities.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Installing the Siebel Database
DBSRVR_OS is the string corresponding to the operating system your database server
(RDBMS) runs on, such as WIN32
Copy the file siebproc.dll to the FUNCTION subdirectory within the DB2 instance directory on the
RDBMS computer where DB2 is installed.
For example, on Windows, this location might be C:\SQLLIB\FUNCTION or C:\Program
For a 64-bit DB2 database, do one of the following instead:
For a 64-bit DB2 database running on Itanium architecture, copy the file siebproc64.dll to
the SQLLIB\FUNCTION directory, and rename it to siebproc.dll.
For a 64-bit DB2 database running on X64 architecture, copy the file siebprocEMT64.dll to
the SQLLIB\FUNCTION directory, and rename it to siebproc.dll.
Start the Database Configuration Wizard. Choose Start, All Programs, Siebel Enterprise Server
Configuration or, and then Database Server Configuration.
On the Siebel Server Directory screen, do one of the following, and click Next:
Accept the default value displayed in the Siebel Server Directory field. The location that you
specify is the SIEBSRVR_ROOT installation directory. For example, for Siebel CRM version, this directory might be C:\siebel\\ses\siebsrvr.
On the Siebel Database Server Directory screen, do one of the following, and click Next:
Accept the default path displayed in the Siebel Database Server Directory field. The location
that you specify is the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities installation directory (the
DBSRVR_ROOT directory). For example, for Siebel CRM version, this directory might
be C:\siebel\\ses\dbsrvr.
Click Browse to select a different Siebel Database Configuration Utilities installation location.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Installing the Siebel Database
On the RDBMS Platform screen, select one of the following platforms, and click Next:
IBM DB2 UDB for Linux UNIX Windows
IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS
Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
On the Siebel Database Operation screen, select Install Database from the list, and click Next.
On the Select Installation Operation screen, select Install Siebel Database to install a new Siebel
database, or select Add a Language to an Existing Siebel Database, and then click Next.
The Install Siebel Database option creates the Siebel schema and inserts seed data and Siebel
Repository data for the primary language at the end of the Configuration Wizard session.
If you instead selected Add a Language to an Existing Siebel Database, then go to Step 10 on
page 95. You must have included the language when you installed the Siebel Server and
Database Configuration Utilities. For more information, see About Installing and Deploying Siebel
Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120.
On the next screen, confirm that you want to install a new Siebel database, or indicate that you
already have a Siebel database.
On the Siebel User/Role Creation screen, confirm that you (or a database administrator) have
already run the grantusr.sql script to set up table owner and administrator accounts.
NOTE: The table owner and administrator accounts must be in place or you will not be able to
complete the installation of the tables, indexes, and seed data in the Siebel database. For more
information, see Creating Table Owner and Administrator Accounts on page 90.
If you already ran grantusr.sql, then select the corresponding option, and click Next.
If you did not already run grantusr.sql, then exit the Database Configuration Wizard, and run
the script now. When the script has finished executing, restart the Configuration Wizard.
On the Database Encoding screen, identify the appropriate database encoding method, and click
UNICODE Database
Non-UNICODE Database
CAUTION: Choose the correct option for your database to prevent installing the wrong data
types. The database cannot create Unicode data types on a non-Unicode page setting, so check
this setting carefully before choosing this option.
NOTE: Before you select languages in the next two steps, review the information about code
pages in Planning RDBMS Installation and Configuration on page 287.
10 On the Base Language screen, specify which language serves as the primary language (base
language) for the Siebel database.
The languages listed in this screen are those for which you previously installed Siebel language
packs on the Siebel Server where you also installed Database Configuration Utilities.
NOTE: If you installed a single Siebel language pack on the Siebel Server where you also
installed Database Configuration Utilities, then this screen does not appear. Go to the next step.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Installing the Siebel Database
If you are installing a new Siebel database, then specify the language that will be the primary
language. Seed data and Siebel Repository data will be installed for this language. Go to
Step 12 on page 96.
If you are adding a language to an existing Siebel database, then specify the language that
you already installed as the primary language. Go to the next step.
11 On the Language Selection screen, select the language that you want to install in the Siebel
database. Select the language in which you want to run your database (for an install database
operation), or choose the language that you want to add (for an Add Language operation).
The languages listed in this screen are those for which you previously installed Siebel language
packs on the Siebel Server where you also installed Database Configuration Utilities.
NOTE: If you installed multiple Siebel language packs on the Siebel Server where you also
installed Database Configuration Utilities, and you are installing a new Siebel database, then this
screen does not appear. (You already selected the language from the Base Language screen in
the previous step.) Go to the next step.
Do one of the following, and click Next:
If you are installing a new Siebel database and only one Siebel language pack was installed
on the Siebel Server where you also installed Database Configuration Utilities, then this
screen appears instead of the Base Language screen displayed in the previous step. Select
the installed language, which will be the primary (base) language for your database. Seed
data and Siebel Repository data will be installed for this language.
If you are adding a language, then select the language that you want to add. Seed data will
be installed for this language. You must import the Siebel Repository for this language
For an add-language operation, some of the remaining screens do not apply. Go to the next
applicable step.
12 On the ODBC Data Source Name screen, indicate the name for the ODBC data source, such as
sieb81_DSN or sieb82_DSN, and click Next.
For more information about the ODBC data source, see Planning RDBMS Installation and
Configuration on page 287.
13 On the Siebel Database User Name screen, indicate the following, and click Next:
Database User Name. Type the user name of the Siebel administrator; for example, sadmin.
14 On the Siebel Database Password screen, indicate the following, and click Next:
Database Password. Type the password for the Siebel administrator.
Database Password (confirm). Retype the password to confirm it.
15 On the Siebel Database Table Owner screen, indicate the following, and click Next:
Database Table Owner. Type the name of the Siebel database table owner or the account that
will own the Siebel objects.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Installing the Siebel Database
16 On the Siebel Database Table Owner Password screen, indicate the following, and click Next:
Database Table Owner Password. Type the password for the Siebel database table owner.
Database Table Owner Password (confirm). Retype the password to confirm it.
17 (IBM DB2 only) On the Index Table Space Name screen, indicate the following, and click Next:
Index Table Space Name. Type the name for your index tablespace; for example, SBL_INDX.
(Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)
18 (IBM DB2 only) On the 4K Table Space Name screen, indicate the following, and click Next:
4K Table Space Name. Type the name for your 4-KB tablespace; for example, TBS_4K.
(Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)
19 (IBM DB2 only) On the 16K Table Space Name screen, indicate the following, and click Next:
16K Table Space Name. Type the name for your 16-KB tablespace; for example, TBS_16K.
(Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)
20 (IBM DB2 only) On the 32K Table Space Name screen, indicate the following, and click Next:
32K Table Space Name. Type the name for your 32-KB tablespace; for example, TBS_32K.
(Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)
21 (Oracle Database only) On the Index Table Space Name screen, indicate the following, and click
Index Table Space Name. Type the name for your index tablespace; for example, INDEX01.
(Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)
22 (Oracle Database only) On the Table Space Name screen, indicate the following, and click Next:
Table Space Name. Type the name for your tablespace; for example, DATA01. (Tablespace
names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)
23 (Microsoft SQL Server only) On the Repository Selection screen, specify if you are using binary
sort order or case-sensitive sort order for the Siebel Repository, and click Next.
24 (Oracle Database and Microsoft SQL Server only) On the Siebel License Key Option screen,
specify whether you will enter the license key now or later, and click Next.
If you are not entering the license key in this field, then you can enter it later using Siebel Tools.
Go to Step 27 on page 97.
25 On the License Key screen, enter the license key, and click Next.
Go to Step 27 on page 97.
26 On the Repository Name screen, specify the name of the Siebel Repository, and click Next.
27 (Oracle Database only) On the Oracle Parallel Index screen, specify the statement describing
your database environment, and click Next:
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Installing the Siebel Database
If you have a single-CPU environment, then choose the first option. If you have a multiple-CPU
environment, then choose the first or second option, depending on whether you are running your
Oracle Database with parallel indexing on.
28 On the Security Group ID / Grantee screen, indicate the following, and click Next:
Security Group ID / Grantee. Type the name for your security group; for example, SSE_ROLE.
29 On the Log Output Directory screen, accept the default log directory or enter a new directory
name, and click Next.
By default, logging occurs in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\log\operation\output directory. In this path,
operation corresponds to the operation that you are performing, such as install for an Install
Database operation or install_lang for an Add Language operation.
The next screen asks if you are ready to apply configuration changes to the Siebel database now,
using the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, or will do so later. The following message is displayed:
Configuration is complete: your output will be saved under $SiebelRoot/siebsrvr/
bin/master_<process>.ucf. Would you like to deploy the process you configured to
the database now or later?
NOTE: Check the Siebel Release Notes on My Oracle Support for the current release. If this
document describes any tasks that you must perform to modify the generated SQL files, then
modify the generated SQL files as necessary before you execute the SQL in the Siebel Upgrade
Yes apply configuration changes now. Choose this option if you want the generated SQL
files to be executed in the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.
No I will apply configuration changes later. Choose this option if you do not want the
generated SQL files to be executed in the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. In this case, you must run
the Upgrade Wizard manually at a later time in order to execute the generated SQL files.
If you choose to apply configuration changes later, then the command line to apply the
configuration later is:
SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\bin\siebupg.exe /m master_operation.ucf
For this procedure, operation is either install or install_lang.
NOTE: If you ran the Database Configuration Wizard previously, then the SQL files might already
have been generated by the sqlgen.exe program. In this case, this program will not run again in
the current session. Whether sqlgen.exe runs depends on the existence of the file
DBSRVR_ROOT\COMMON\sqlgen.usg. If this file does not exist, then sqlgen.exe will run and the SQL
files will be regenerated. If you want to force sqlgen.exe to run, then you can manually delete
31 On the Configuration Parameter Review screen, review the values that you entered on the
previous screens in the Database Configuration Wizard:
If you have to change any values, then click Back and Next to access the screens on which
to change entries, and then to return to this screen.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Setting Up Your Environment to Support
Global Time Zone
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to cancel the Database Configuration Wizard session, then
restart the wizard and enter different values.
When you have verified your input, click Next. Doing so generates SQL files that you will then
apply to the database. When all of the SQL files have been generated, a message appears,
stating The configuration changes were applied successfully. Click OK.
If you chose No in Step 30 on page 98, then the Siebel Upgrade Wizard does not appear. You must
run it manually, after reviewing the generated SQL files.
If you chose Yes in Step 30 on page 98, then the Siebel Upgrade Wizard appears.
NOTE: When you run the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, if a program or system error occurs, then you
can rerun the wizard, starting at the point at which the wizard failed. For more information, see
Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
When the Siebel Upgrade Wizard finishes running, the Siebel Upgrade Wizard Complete screen
appears. You have now finished installing the Siebel database components.
32 After the Siebel Upgrade Wizard has finished running, click Exit to exit the Database
Configuration Wizard.
Related Topics
About Installing the Siebel Database on page 87
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Database on page 180
Troubleshooting Installation for the Siebel Database on page 202
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Populating the Siebel File System
NOTE: The Global Time Zone parameter (Universal Time Coordinated system preference) is enabled
(set to TRUE) by default. If you do not want to enable the Global Time Zone feature, then you must
reset this system preference to FALSE by navigating to the Administration - Application screen, and
then the System Preferences view.
Copy the appropriate files from the files subdirectory of the Database Configuration Utilities
software to the att subdirectory of the Siebel File System.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Importing a Siebel Repository Manually
into the Siebel Database
NOTE: When you import data into the Siebel Repository tables, a commit is performed once for each
table into which Siebel Repository data is imported. Alternatively, the commit frequency can be set
to a specified number of rows by including the command-line option /h num_rows_per_commit when
the repimexp.exe utility is invoked.
Some steps in the procedure in this topic pertain to the task of adding a language to an existing
Siebel Repository, also using the Database Configuration Wizard. By adding a new language to a
Siebel Repository, you populate rows of localized user interface strings for Siebel Repository objects,
which allows Siebel Business Applications to display the UI in the new language.
In order to add a new language to an existing Siebel Repository, you must have installed its Siebel
language pack on the Siebel Server using the Siebel Enterprise Server installer. Also, you must have
added the language to the Siebel database. For more information, see Installing the Siebel Database
on page 94 and About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages
on page 120.
Start the Database Configuration Wizard, as described in Installing the Siebel Database on
page 94. Respond to the wizard prompts in the same way that you did for that procedure, up to
the Siebel Database Operation screen.
On the Siebel Database Operation screen, select Import/Export Repository, and click Next.
On the Select Repository Operation screen, choose one of the following options:
Import Repository. This option imports the Siebel Repository for the first time with a primary
(base) language. Click Next and go to the next step. This task does not apply if you are importing
Siebel Repository data into an existing Siebel Repository for any nonprimary language.
Add Language to an Existing Repository. This option adds a new language to your existing
Siebel Repository (imports Siebel Repository data for that language). Click Next and go to Step 6
on page 101.
Export Repository. This option exports the Siebel Repository data into a platform-independent
file that can be sent to Oracle Global Customer Support for analysis, if needed. This task is not
described in this book. For more information, see Using Siebel Tools and other documentation.
On the Import Selection screen, specify that you want to import the standard Siebel 8.x
Repository, and click Next.
On the Language Selection screen, specify the language. For an import Siebel Repository
operation, this is the primary language (base language), the first language installed in Installing
the Siebel Database on page 94. For an Add Language operation, this is the language that you
want to add to the Siebel Repository.
The languages listed in this screen are those for which you previously installed Siebel language
packs on the Siebel Server.
On the ODBC Data Source Name screen, indicate the name for the ODBC data source, such as
sieb81_DSN or sieb82_DSN, and click Next.
For more information about the ODBC data source, see Planning RDBMS Installation and
Configuration on page 287.
10 1
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Importing a Siebel Repository Manually
into the Siebel Database
On the Database User Name screen, indicate the following about your database, and click Next:
Database User Name. Type the user name of the Siebel administrator, for example, sadmin for
Oracle Database and IBM DB2, or SADMIN for Microsoft SQL Server.
Database Password. Type the password for the Siebel administrator.
Database Password (confirm). Retype the password to confirm it.
On the Database Table Owner screen, indicate the following about your database, and click Next:
Database Table Owner. The Siebel database table owner, or the account that will own the
Siebel objects.
Database Table Owner Password. Type the Siebel database table owner password.
Database Table Owner Password (confirm). Retype the password to confirm it.
On the Import Repository Name screen, type the following values, and click Next:
Import Repository Name. Accept the default name (Siebel Repository) or type another valid
Repository File Name/Localized Repository File Name. If you are importing your Siebel
Repository for the first time, then this field is named Repository File Name. If you are adding a
language to an existing Siebel Repository, then this field is named Localized Repository File
Name. Accept the default installation path and file name for this Siebel Repository, or type
another valid installation path.
For Oracle Database, go to the next step. For IBM DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server, go to Step 11 on
page 102.
10 (Oracle Database only) In the Oracle Parallel Index screen, specify the appropriate environment
for your installation, and click Next:
If you have a single-CPU environment, then choose the first option. If you have a multiple-CPU
environment, then choose the first or second option, depending on whether you are running your
Oracle Database with parallel indexing on.
11 In the Log Output Directory screen, accept the default log directory, or enter a new directory
name, and click OK.
By default, logging occurs in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\log\operation\output directory. In this path,
operation corresponds to the operation that you are performing, such as imprep for Import
Repository or imprep_lang for Add Language to an Existing Repository.
The Configuration Parameter Review screen appears.
12 Review the configuration values that you entered on the previous Configuration Wizard screens:
If you want to change any values, then click Previous or Next to access the screens on which
to change entries, and then to return to this screen.
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Importing a Siebel Repository Manually
into the Siebel Database
When you have verified the configuration values, click Finish. A message box appears with the
To apply the configuration now, press OK.
To apply the configuration later, press Cancel.
The command line to apply the configuration later is
SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\bin\siebupg.exe /m master_operation.ucf
For this procedure, operation is either imprep or imprep_lang.
The Siebel Upgrade Wizard appears, displaying the items to be executed or imported.
NOTE: If a program or system error occurs and you have to rerun the Siebel Upgrade Wizard,
then you can do so starting at the point at which the wizard failed. For more information, see
Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
Related Topics
About Installing the Siebel Database on page 87
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Database on page 180
Troubleshooting Installation for the Siebel Database on page 202
Related Books
Using Siebel Tools
Siebel Database Upgrade Guide
10 3
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS Importing a Siebel Repository Manually
into the Siebel Database
This chapter describes some additional tasks that you must perform to complete configuring your
Siebel Business Applications. It includes the following topics:
Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications on page 106
About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120
Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server on page 132
Remove the configuration of a Siebel Server (such as when you are uninstalling) or the Siebel
NOTE: It is recommended that you review the Siebel Gateway Name Server log files, which are found
in the SIEBEL_GATEWAY_ROOT\LOG directory.
Related Topics
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server on page 42
Starting the Siebel Server Service on page 106
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175
Verifying That the Siebel Gateway Name Server Has Started on page 197
If the Siebel Gateway Name Server is not started, then click Action, and then Start.
10 5
Related Topics
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server on page 42
Starting the Siebel Gateway Name Server on page 105
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175
On the Services dialog box, scroll to the Siebel Server service. The name of the service has the
following format:
Siebel Server siebelenterprise_siebelserver
siebelserver is the name of the Siebel Server that you have just installed and configured
Monitoring Servers with Siebel Native Load Balancer or Third-Party HTTP Load Balancers on
page 110
Related Topics
Planning Siebel Server Load Balancing on page 285
Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 76
Preparing to Run Siebel Server Components on page 111
Before configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), when you are using Siebel native
load balancing. Configuring the SWSE means applying the SWSE logical profile that you created
as part of Siebel Enterprise configuration.
When you require URLs for routing rules as part of configuring a third-party HTTP load balancer.
When you add or remove a Siebel Server and you are using either Siebel native load balancing
or a third-party load balancer.
This task is a step in Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications on
page 106.
10 7
On a Siebel Server, start the Server Manager at the Siebel Enterprise level (do not use the /s
option), and enter the following command:
generate lbconfig
This step generates the lbconfig.txt file. The file is created in the admin subdirectory of the Siebel
Server installation directory.
Review the generated lbconfig.txt file to verify that virtual server definitions do not include any
Siebel Servers that will not participate in load balancing.
Manually edit the lbconfig.txt file. Remove any Application Object Managers that were disabled,
or add comment characters to disable the applicable entries.
Configure the SWSE logical profile to be used with Web servers that will participate in Siebel
native load balancing.
For more information about creating and applying the SWSE logical profile, see Process of
Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 76.
Copy the lbconfig.txt file into the SWSE logical profile directory.
Use the generate lbconfig command to generate a file containing definitions for such connection
rules. For more information, see Generating the Load Balancing Configuration File (lbconfig.txt) on
page 107.
The generate lbconfig command reviews the configuration of the Siebel Servers, then generates a
file that pairs connection strings included in SISNAPI messages with paths to the correct Siebel
Servers. The rules are stored in the load balancing configuration file (lbconfig.txt). Use this file to
help configure the third-party load balancer. Use the following procedure to set up a third-party HTTP
load balancer.
This task is a step in Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications on
page 106.
Install and complete the initial configuration of the third-party HTTP load balancer.
See the vendor documentation for more information.
Verify that the load balancer can work with the computers that host the Siebel Servers.
See the vendor documentation for the networking requirements.
Open the lbconfig.txt file that you generated as a reference for configuring the third-party load
For each group of load balancing rules, define the desired load balancing scheme.
For component rules, use any preferred load balancing scheme.
For server and round-robin rules, a round-robin load balancing scheme is recommended.
Define a virtual IP address and virtual port number for all of the load balancing rules.
The virtual IP address and virtual port number must match what is defined in the Application
Object Manager connect strings of the SWSE configuration file (eapps.cfg). This file is located in
SWSE_ROOT\bin. SWSE_ROOT is the SWSE installation directory.
10 9
If the load balancer has a configurable TCP connection timeout interval, then adjust this setting
so that it is greater than the value of the parameter SISNAPI Connection Maximum Idle Time
(alias ConnIdleTime). Doing so prevents the load balancer from disconnecting active SISNAPI
For more information about setting ConnIdleTime, see Setting the Load Balancer Connection
Timeout Interval on page 110. See also Siebel System Administration Guide.
Set the load balancer connection timeout interval to be slightly longer than the ConnIdleTime
setting of the Application Object Managers for which it will provide load balancing.
For example, if ConnIdleTime is 600 seconds, then set the load balancer connection timeout
interval to 601 seconds or higher.
NOTE: Avoid setting ConnIdleTime to be greater than the load balancer connection timeout
interval. Doing so can cause login screen delays and problems with communications
Configure the load balancer to send an HTTP GET request to the server URL.
Here are example URLs:
2321 is the port number for the Siebel Connection Broker (SCBroker). This port number is
the default.
If the Siebel Server and Siebel Connection Broker are running, then Siebel Connection Broker
returns the string: SCBroker OK.
On the Siebel Servers that you want to monitor, set the Default Tasks and Maximum
Tasks parameters for SCBroker to 2. These settings provide two instances of SCBroker, which
helps prevent monitoring requests from delaying handling of user requests.
Enabling and Disabling Language-Specific Application Object Managers and Adding Languages on
page 112
Migrating Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Server Parameter Settings on page 114
11 1
About Installing Additional Siebel Servers for an Existing Siebel Enterprise on page 119
You might have to perform some of these tasks on multiple Siebel Servers in order to configure them
similarly for use in a load-balanced environment. For more information, see Planning Siebel Server
Load Balancing on page 285 and Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business
Applications on page 106.
NOTE: For detailed information about enabling and disabling server component groups,
synchronizing batch components, creating server component job definitions, using Server Manager,
and related tasks, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
Related Topics
Enabling and Disabling Language-Specific Application Object Managers and Adding Languages on
page 112
Related Books
Siebel System Administration Guide
If you install multiple languages, then it is recommended that you deploy all of the installed
languages when you run the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard. As stated, you can disable any
language-specific components that you do not require.
You must coordinate the language deployment tasks between your installations of Siebel Server and
Siebel Web Server Extension.
For more information about performing tasks in the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard, see Options
for Configuring the Siebel Server on page 393.
This topic is part of Preparing to Run Siebel Server Components on page 111.
Related Topics
About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120
Options for Configuring the Siebel Server on page 393
Related Books
Siebel Global Deployment Guide
Related Books
Siebel Database Upgrade Guide
Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide
11 3
Related Books
Siebel System Administration Guide
Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide
Related Books
Siebel System Administration Guide
You can deploy employee applications or partner applications, such as Siebel Call Center or Siebel
PRM Portal, in Siebel Open UI. You can also deploy customer applications, such as Siebel eSales or
Siebel eService, in Siebel Open UI. A new Application Object Manager component for Siebel eService
for Siebel Open UI was introduced in Siebel CRM version and version The Siebel
Mobile applications for mobile devices, which are built on Siebel Open UI, were introduced in Siebel
CRM version and version
NOTE: User interface references in this guide assume that you are using Siebel Open UI. The Siebel
application procedures in this guide assume that you do not use left-hand navigation. However, you
can set up left-hand navigation. For more information about left-hand navigation and about
implementing it, see Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI.
This topic is part of Preparing to Run Siebel Server Components on page 111.
Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, and then the Servers view.
Select the Siebel Server for which you want to configure an Application Object Manager.
(Optional) Create a new Application Object Manager component that you will deploy using Siebel
Open UI.
In the Components list, query the Component field for the Application Object Manager
component for which you are enabling Siebel Open UI. For example, locate the component Call
Center Object Manager (JPN) for Japanese.
In the Component Parameters list, query the Parameter field for EnableOpenUI.
11 5
If the EnableOpenUI parameter is set to False, then change the Value on Restart field to True.
NOTE: The HighInteractivity parameter also must be set to True for Siebel Open UI. For
applications that are currently enabled for high interactivity, this parameter is already set to True.
10 Restart the Siebel Server for which you configured the Application Object Manager for Siebel
Open UI.
11 Log in to the application that you configured and verify that it opens the Siebel Open UI client.
On the client computer, use a text editor to open the application configuration file, such as
uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center. This file is located in SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\bin\lang, where
lang is a deployment language, such as ita for Italian.
In the [InfraUIFramework] section of the configuration file, set the parameter EnableOpenUI to
NOTE: The HighInteractivity parameter also must be set to True for Siebel Open UI. For
applications that are currently enabled for high interactivity, this parameter is already set to True.
Log in to the application that you configured and verify that it opens the Siebel Open UI client.
Related Books
For more information about configuring and deploying Siebel Business Applications with Siebel Open
UI, see the following related books:
For information about the product enhancements in the current release, Siebel Innovation Pack
2013, and in previous Siebel Fix Pack releases, see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release
Guide on My Oracle Support. For Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x, see 880452.1 (Article ID). For
Siebel CRM version 8.2.2.x, see 1441523.1 (Article ID).
Before you can enable Siebel Open UI, you might have to use the Incremental Repository Merge
feature. For more information about whether this requirement applies to you, see About
Database Updates for Siebel CRM Version or Version on page 89. For information
about setting up and using Incremental Repository Merge, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
For more information about deploying Siebel Business Applications using Siebel Open UI, see
Deploying Siebel Open UI.
For information about creating and configuring Application Object Manager components, see the
Siebel System Administration Guide.
Siebel Open UI is already enabled for Application Object Managers for the Siebel Mobile
applications, for new installations of Siebel CRM. For more information, see Siebel Mobile Guide:
Connected and Siebel Mobile Guide: Disconnected.
For information about configuring Siebel Business Applications that use Siebel Open UI, see
Configuring Siebel Open UI.
For information about using Siebel Business Applications that are deployed with Siebel Open UI,
see Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI.
For more information about the functionality that is available for Siebel Open UI, see Siebel Open
UI Deployment Guide on My Oracle Support. To access this article, from within My Oracle
Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab and search for Article ID 1499842.1.
For the minimum browser standards and other support information for Siebel Open UI, see the
Certifications tab on My Oracle Support. See also Deploying Siebel Open UI on Siebel Bookshelf
and 1499842.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
11 7
Related Books
Siebel Security Guide
After you install the current release as a new installation and install a new Siebel database for
Siebel CRM version or version
After you install the current release as a migration installation (patch installation case) and
before you run Incremental Repository Merge to bring the existing Siebel database to Siebel CRM
version or version
After you install the current release and before you upgrade an existing Siebel database to Siebel
CRM version or version (such as when upgrading from version 8.0).
Use these updated SRF files in place of the default SRF files that are installed with the Siebel Server
for the current release. If you run Incremental Repository Merge or upgrade your database, then you
must also compile and use new SRF files in order to include your custom object definitions.
The updated SRF files are available as part of the Siebel CRM version or version
media pack on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. You can download the file, among all of the
other media ZIP files for the Siebel CRM release. You unzip to obtain all of the languagespecific updated Siebel Repository Files (SRF files). The file is included in the media for
Microsoft Windows only. However, the SRF files themselves are applicable to all of the supported
operating systems for the Siebel Server and the Siebel Mobile Web Client.
For information about the features in the current release, see the applicable Siebel Maintenance
Release Guide on My Oracle Support. For more information about setting up and using Incremental
Repository Merge and about upgrading the Siebel database, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
NOTE: For a Siebel Mobile Web Client that uses the Siebel Sample Database, then using updated
SRF files also requires you to install a new instance of the Siebel Sample Database file (DBF file) for
the current release, Siebel CRM version or version
Review the media ZIP files for the Siebel CRM version or version media pack on
Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
Download the file, among all of the other media ZIP files for the Siebel CRM release.
Unzip to obtain all of the language-specific updated Siebel Repository Files (SRF files).
Copy the appropriate files to your Siebel Server and client installations, where appropriate.
This topic is part of Preparing to Run Siebel Server Components on page 111.
Related Topics
About Database Updates for Siebel CRM Version or Version on page 89
Installing and Using the Siebel Sample Database on page 157
Related Books
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
Siebel Database Upgrade Guide
Related Topics
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Chapter 9, Cloning a Siebel Installation
Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications on page 106
Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server on page 132
11 9
It is strongly recommended that you install and deploy, or at least install, all of the languages
that you expect to require, on each physical server.
It is strongly recommended that you install the same set of language files on each physical
server. Doing so helps ensure maximum compatibility between physical servers, so that the
system can be reconfigured to meet ongoing requirements. Oracle only tests configurations in
which the same set of language files are installed on each physical server that is used in a single
Siebel Enterprise.
You can add languages to an existing installation of the same version of Siebel Enterprise Server or
SWSE software, by using unattended mode (silent mode) only. After adding languages in this case,
you must run the Configuration Wizards for the Siebel Server and the SWSE and perform the tasks
to add new languages. See the limitations described in this topic for adding languages.
If you include multiple languages with a Siebel Enterprise Server installation, then you designate one
language as the primary language to be used for server messages and logging. Typically, the same
primary language is also used for the Siebel database, which cannot be changed after database
If you install and deploy a new language in an existing installation, then you must add the language
to the Siebel database and perform additional tasks using the Database Configuration Wizard, as
described in About Language Deployment Tasks Using the Database Configuration Wizard on
page 123.
This topic contains the following information:
About Language Deployment and the Siebel Network Image on page 121
About Language Deployment on Siebel Server and Siebel Web Server Extension on page 122
About Language Deployment Tasks Using the Database Configuration Wizard on page 123
Installing All Required Languages but Deploying Some Languages Later on page 127
12 1
If you plan to perform a patch installation of the current release, and you also want to add languages
to your existing deployment, then you have two options for how to do this, subject to limitations:
Add languages after installing the current release. The Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE
installers for Siebel CRM version or version support adding languages to an
existing installation of the same version, using an unattended installation method. You would
perform this task after performing the migration installation tasks for these modules. Some
limitations might apply to adding languages to your existing installed Siebel client software. For
more information, see Limitations for Installing Additional Languages on page 124 and Installing
and Deploying Additional Languages on page 129.
Add languages before installing the current release. Subject to limitations for your existing
installed Siebel server and client software, it might be possible for you to install new languages
before you install the current release. To determine if this option is possible for the currently
installed software in your Siebel deployment and, if so, to determine what steps are required,
see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support and see the Siebel
Installation Guide for the operating system you are using that applies to your currently installed
Siebel software. For example, for Siebel CRM version on Microsoft Windows, see Siebel
Maintenance Release Guide Version, and see Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft
Windows, version 8.1, Rev. D.
For a list of the languages supported by Siebel Business Applications, see 1513102.1 (Article ID) for
Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or 1524342.1 (Article ID) for Siebel CRM version 8.2.2.x on My Oracle
NOTE: Specific installation tasks and requirements might apply for any language pack for which
support is provided after the base release, requiring a minimum Siebel release, such as Siebel CRM
version or version 8.2.2.x. For more information, see Importing Locale-Specific Data into
the Siebel Repository on page 131.
Related Topics
Limitations for Installing Additional Languages on page 124
Installing and Deploying Additional Languages on page 129
Importing Locale-Specific Data into the Siebel Repository on page 131
About Siebel CRM Releases on page 278
Note the following points about language deployment on Siebel Server and SWSE:
On each Siebel Server, the set of deployed languages determines which language-specific
components such as Application Object Managers are created on that server. It is recommended
that you deploy all of the languages that are installed in the enterprise and optionally disable
Application Object Managers for particular languages where they are not required. For more
information about Siebel Server configuration tasks, see Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise
Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension.
On each instance of SWSE, you must deploy the superset of all of the languages that are required
by all of the Application Object Managers that connect to it. It is recommended that you deploy
all of the languages that are installed in the enterprise. For more information about SWSE
configuration tasks, see Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the
Siebel Web Server Extension.
See also Scenarios for Installing and Deploying Multiple Languages on page 125.
Adding the language (including seed data) to the Siebel database. Perform this task once for each
nonprimary language that you install. For details, see Installing the Siebel Database on page 94.
Importing the Siebel Repository into the Siebel database. Perform this task once for each
nonprimary language that you install. For details, see Importing a Siebel Repository Manually into
the Siebel Database on page 100.
Running the MLOV (multilingual LOV) conversion utility. Perform this task once after installing
multiple languages initially and again after adding one or more languages.
12 3
You can install additional languages for existing installations by using the installers of the same
version only. For example, for the current release, you can install the software as a new
installation or as a migration installation, then later use the same installers to add languages.
You can add languages to the current release by running the installer in unattended mode (silent
mode) only, using response files that you have prepared for this purpose. You cannot add
languages by running the installer in GUI mode.
You cannot generate response files for an operation to add languages. You must use an edited
copy of one of the response files that are provided for Siebel Enterprise Server or SWSE. These
files are located in the Disk1\stage\Response subdirectory of the Siebel network image directory
for each of these modules.
You cannot add languages as part of performing a migration installation of the current release.
However, you can add languages after the migration installation.
You cannot add languages to an earlier version of the installed software by using the installers
for the current release. Conversely, you cannot use the installers for any earlier release to add
languages to an installation of the current release.
Before you install additional languages, you must uninstall any Siebel Patchset release that you
have installed onto the current release, Siebel CRM version or version Reinstall
the Siebel Patchset onto the current release after completing the steps to add the languages.
Limitations for Siebel Mobile Web Clients and Siebel Tools Clients
For Siebel Mobile Web Clients and Siebel Tools Clients, the limitations for installing additional
languages for the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, are as follows:
You cannot add languages to an existing installation of the current release. In some cases, you
can perform a rollback uninstallation of the current release and then add languages, as follows:
If you have installed Siebel CRM version or later (including the current release, Siebel
CRM version onto Siebel CRM version 8.1.1, then you can perform a rollback
uninstallation of the current release and revert to Siebel CRM version 8.1.1. Then you can
add languages using the Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 installer. After adding languages, install
any previously installed Siebel Fix Pack release, then install the current release.
If you previously installed any Siebel Fix Pack release through Siebel CRM version,
then you cannot perform a rollback uninstallation of the current release, Siebel CRM, and revert to Siebel CRM 8.1.1. For this reason, you cannot add languages to this
client installation. To install new languages in this case, you must perform a full uninstallation
of the client, then reinstall the client as a new installation of Siebel CRM version 8.1.1, and
then install the current release. After installing the client, you must initialize a new local
database for this user.
If you have installed any Siebel CRM version 8.2.2.x release onto version 8.2.2, then you can
perform a rollback uninstallation of the current release, Siebel CRM version, and
revert to Siebel CRM version 8.2.2. Then you can add languages using the version 8.2.2
installer. After adding languages, install any previously installed Fix Pack release, then install
the current release.
Before you install additional languages, you must uninstall any Siebel Patchset release that you
have installed onto the current release, Siebel CRM version or version Reinstall
the Siebel Patchset onto the current release after completing the steps to add the languages.
Related Topics
About Language Deployment and Patch Installations on page 121
Installing and Deploying Additional Languages on page 129
Chapter 12, Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications
Install and deploy all of the languages that you require once. For customers who are
installing and deploying languages shipped with the Siebel CRM base release, and who do not
plan to deploy other languages at a later date. This option is easiest but might not be suitable
for phased language deployments. For details on this scenario, see Installing and Deploying All
Required Languages Once on page 126.
12 5
Install all of the languages that you will require, but deploy some languages later. For
customers who are installing and deploying languages shipped with the Siebel CRM base release,
but who plan to deploy some of the installed languages at a later date. This option is
recommended for phased language deployments. For details on this scenario, see Installing All
Required Languages but Deploying Some Languages Later on page 127.
Install and deploy additional languages in an existing deployment. For customers who are
installing and deploying languages shipped with the Siebel CRM base release, and who plan to
install and deploy additional languages at a later date. This option might be suitable for some
phased language deployments. You can install languages at any time to meet changing business
needs. However, deploying languages is easier if you include them when you first install and
configure the Siebel CRM software. For details on this scenario, see Installing and Deploying
Additional Languages on page 129.
Install Siebel Enterprise Server software on all of the applicable servers, with all of the languages
that you will require for the enterprise.
Configure the Siebel Gateway Name Server and configure the Siebel Enterprise. Also configure
the SWSE logical profile.
Install the Siebel database. This task installs seed data for the primary language into the Siebel
NOTE: For information about Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication and associated
requirements for the installation and configuration sequence, see Requirements for Siebel
Gateway Name Server Authentication on page 306.
Configure each Siebel Server, using the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard. During Siebel Server
configuration, specify to deploy all of the installed languages.
Install SWSE software on all of the applicable Web servers, with all of the languages that you will
require for the enterprise.
Configure each SWSE, using the SWSE Configuration Wizard. During SWSE configuration, specify
to deploy all of the installed languages.
For each additional installed (nonprimary) language that you are deploying for the first time: add
the language to the Siebel database and import the Siebel Repository. Also run the MLOV
conversion utility (once).
If you have not already done so, install the latest Siebel Patchset release on all of the components
in your Siebel CRM deployment. (It is recommended that you install a Siebel Patchset release
after you install Siebel CRM software and before you configure it.)
Perform tasks similar to those described in Installing and Deploying All Required Languages Once
on page 126.
Install Siebel Business Applications software with all of the languages that you will deploy
now and at a later date.
When you configure each Siebel Server and SWSE, specify that you want to deploy all of the
installed languages.
For each Siebel Server, disable any language-specific Application Object Manager components
that you do not yet require.
12 7
When you are ready to deploy additional installed languages, re-enable any language-specific
Application Object Managers that you previously disabled.
For each additional installed (nonprimary) language that you are deploying for the first time: add
the language to the Siebel database and import the Siebel Repository. Also run the MLOV
conversion utility (once).
If you have not already done so, install the latest Siebel Patchset release on all of the components
in your Siebel CRM deployment. (It is recommended that you install a Siebel Patchset release
after you install Siebel CRM software and before you configure it.)
Perform tasks similar to those described in Installing and Deploying All Required Languages Once
on page 126. In this case, it is assumed that you did not deploy all of the installed languages.
Install Siebel Business Applications software with all of the languages that you will deploy
now and at a later date.
When you configure each Siebel Server or SWSE, optionally specify to deploy only a subset
of the installed languages.
When you are ready to deploy additional installed languages, perform the following for each
Siebel Server:
Perform the wizard task Add Language Support for the Siebel Server.
Perform the wizard task Add Language Support for the SWSE Configuration.
For each additional installed (nonprimary) language that you are deploying for the first time: add
the language to the Siebel database and import the Siebel Repository. Also run the MLOV
conversion utility (once).
If you have not already done so, install the latest Siebel Patchset release on all of the components
in your Siebel CRM deployment. (It is recommended that you install a Siebel Patchset release
after you install Siebel CRM software and before you configure it.)
Perform tasks similar to those described in Installing and Deploying All Required Languages Once
on page 126 or Installing All Required Languages but Deploying Some Languages Later on
page 127. In this case, it is assumed that you did not install and deploy all of the languages.
Uninstall any Siebel Patchset releases that you have installed on top of Siebel CRM version or version
12 9
Verify that the additional new languages that you require and plan to install are included in the
Siebel network image.
Navigate to the location of an existing response file that corresponds to the task you are
For example, for Siebel Enterprise Server on Microsoft Windows, navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such
as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
Copy and edit the response file that you need. The response files that you can use are as follows,
depending on your Siebel version. Choose the file whose name best reflects the version, product,
and operating system for your installation.
Copy the edited file to a suitable location. For example, you might place a file into a subdirectory
of the existing location for the response files, or into a temporary location such as C:.
Navigate to the location of the installer for the Siebel module for which you are installing
additional languages.
For example, for Siebel Enterprise Server on Microsoft Windows, navigate to
When you are ready to install additional languages as indicated by your response file settings,
run the Siebel Enterprise Server or SWSE installer program in unattended mode (silent mode)
on each physical server where Siebel modules are installed. The following is an example
command for Siebel Enterprise Server, for Siebel CRM version
setup.bat -silent -responseFile C:\811x_ses_addlang_win.rsp
10 When you are ready to deploy additional installed languages that were not previously deployed
on each Siebel Server, perform the following for each Siebel Server where you have installed
these languages:
Choose the wizard task Add Language Support for the Siebel Server.
11 When you are ready to deploy additional installed languages that were not previously deployed
on each SWSE, perform the following for each SWSE where you have installed these languages:
Choose the wizard task Add Language Support for the SWSE Configuration.
12 For each additional installed (nonprimary) language that you are deploying for the first time: add
the language to the Siebel database and import the Siebel Repository. Also run the MLOV
conversion utility (once).
13 Install the latest Siebel Patchset release on all of the components in your Siebel deployment.
Related Topics
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server on page 42
Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 49
Limitations for Installing Additional Languages on page 124
Installing and Deploying All Required Languages Once on page 126
Installing All Required Languages but Deploying Some Languages Later on page 127
Chapter 13, Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications
About Siebel CRM Releases on page 278
13 1
Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks Additional Tasks for the Siebel
Web Server Extension and the Web Server
In Siebel Tools, choose Tools, then Utilities, and then Locale Management.
The Locale Management Utility appears.
Enter the name of the LMU file from which you want to import locale-specific attributes.
You can also click Browse to find and select the file.
Specify whether you want to mark records in the repository with the Redo flag that have changed
since the export occurred.
When the import occurs, the LMU compares the source language records in the repository with
the source language records in the import file. If the records in the repository have changed since
the export occurred, then they are marked with the Redo flag. This flag helps you identify records
that might have to be retranslated.
Click Import.
After completing the import process, recompile the SRF file and restart the Application Object
Manager component on the Siebel Server to see the results.
Related Books
Using Siebel Tools
Siebel Global Deployment Guide
Verifying the Siebel Virtual Directories on the Web Server on page 133
Supporting ASP Pages and Siebel Virtual Directories on the Same Instance of Microsoft IIS on
page 134
Configuring the Default HTTP and HTTPS Ports for the Web Server on page 138
Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks Additional Tasks for the Siebel
Web Server Extension and the Web Server
Updating Web Server Static Files Using the Siebel Enterprise Security Token on page 139
For the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, with Siebel Patchset
5 or later, the Siebel virtual directories are created in the virtual Web site that you specify
when you configure the SWSE logical profile. For more information, see Configuring the
SWSE Logical Profile on page 77.
For the current release, the Siebel virtual directories are created in the virtual Web site
For Microsoft IIS 6, the Siebel virtual directories are created in Default Web Site.
On Microsoft Windows with Microsoft IIS, before you apply the SWSE logical profile, you can
precustomize which Siebel virtual directories to create on the Web server. For more information, see
Creating Custom Virtual Directories on page 134.
This topic is part of Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server on
page 132.
On the Microsoft IIS computer, navigate to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then Internet
Information Services.
Double-click in the right panel the name of the virtual Web site that you are using for the Siebel
applications, such as Siebel or Default Web Site.
All of the Siebel virtual directories that were created on this computer for that virtual Web site
are listed in the right panel.
13 3
Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks Additional Tasks for the Siebel
Web Server Extension and the Web Server
Alternatively, before you create the SWSE logical profile on the Siebel Gateway Name Server
computer, you can precustomize the Siebel virtual directories by editing the configuration files that
correspond to these batch files. These files are located in the SIEBEL_GATEWAY_ROOT\ADMIN directory.
For information about where the virtual directories are created on Microsoft IIS, see Verifying the
Siebel Virtual Directories on the Web Server on page 133. For information about creating and applying
SWSE logical profiles, see Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 76.
This topic is part of Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server on
page 132.
Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks Additional Tasks for the Siebel
Web Server Extension and the Web Server
The build_number directory and other directories are created on the Web server when the first SWSE
request is made after you install any Siebel Business Applications release. This directory is populated
with static files copied from the Siebel Server directory SIEBSRVR_ROOT\WEBMASTER\siebel_build.
The contents of these directories are updated on the Web server each time that the Web server
restarts, or when an administrator enters a Web update command in the browser. After a buildspecific directory is created on the SWSE, directories representing earlier builds are no longer used.
Failure to restart the Web server after installing the current release for Siebel Enterprise Server and
for the SWSE means that the directories described above will not be created on the Web server, which
causes the Siebel login screens to stop responding. For detailed information about how to stop and
restart the Web server, see Requirements for Stopping and Starting the Web Server on page 316.
This topic is part of Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server on
page 132.
Related Topics
About the Siebel Enterprise Security Token on page 138
Updating Web Server Static Files Using the Siebel Enterprise Security Token on page 139
Requirements for Stopping and Starting the Web Server on page 316
Related Books
Siebel Security Guide
13 5
Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks Additional Tasks for the Siebel
Web Server Extension and the Web Server
This topic is part of Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server on
page 132.
For more information about enabling static compression and setting properties on Microsoft IIS, see
your third-party vendor documentation.
The example that follows illustrates a script that you can run on your Microsoft IIS Web servers to
enable static compression, after editing it to fit your site requirements:
rem -------------------------------------------------------------rem run this on webserver site
rem make sure the directories c:\inetpub\AdminScripts\ are correct.
rem -------------------------------------------------------------c:
cd \
cd inetpub
cd AdminScripts
cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3Svc/Filters/Compression/GZIP/HcFileExtensions "htm"
"html" "txt" "css" "js"
cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3Svc/Filters/Compression/DEFLATE/HcFileExtensions
"htm" "html" "txt" "css" "js"
cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3Svc/Filters/Compression/Parameters/HcSendCacheHeaders
cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3Svc/Filters/Compression/Parameters/
HcNoCompressionForProxies "TRUE"
cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3Svc/Filters/Compression/Parameters/
HcNoCompressionForHttp10 "TRUE"
rem -------------------------------------------------------------rem Verify the settings
rem --------------------------------------------------------------
Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks Additional Tasks for the Siebel
Web Server Extension and the Web Server
Open eapps.cfg or eapps_sia.cfg, which are located in SWSE_ROOT\bin, using a text editor such
as Notepad. (Do not use WordPad.)
Stop and restart the Web server, as described in Requirements for Stopping and Starting the Web
Server on page 316.
13 7
Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks Additional Tasks for the Siebel
Web Server Extension and the Web Server
Change the port number for HTTPPort and HTTPSPort to a desired port number. For example:
HTTPPort = 81
HTTPSPort = 444
NOTE: Alternatively, update these ports by re-creating and reapplying the SWSE logical profile.
On the Microsoft IIS computer, navigate to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then Internet
Information Services.
Double-click in the right panel the name of the virtual Web site that you are using for the Siebel
applications, such as Siebel or Default Web Site.
In the Web Site tab, change the values for the TCP Port and SSL Port to the same values that
you set in Step 3 on page 138.
Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks Additional Tasks for the Siebel
Web Server Extension and the Web Server
Each time that the administrator restarts the Web server, the Web server contacts the Siebel Server
and updates the static files. However, it is not necessary to restart the Web server every time the
Web server static files in the SWSE directory must be updated. Instead, you can use the Siebel
Enterprise security token that you specified when you configured the SWSE. You can update the
static files by entering this token in a command line, particularly when deploying multiple Web
You set the value of the Siebel Enterprise security token during configuration of the SWSE logical
profile, as described in Configuring the SWSE Logical Profile on page 77. This value is defined as the
value for the SiebEntSecToken parameter in the eapps.cfg file for your SWSE installation. By default,
this value is encrypted.
NOTE: If passwords are encrypted in eapps.cfg, then, to change the value, you must either
reconfigure the SWSE and specify the new password in the SWSE Configuration Wizard or use the
encryptstring utility to encrypt the password before you add it manually to the eapps.cfg file.
Directly editing passwords in the eapps.cfg file is suitable only when encryption is not used.
The EncryptedPassword parameter specifies whether passwords are encrypted in the eapps.cfg file.
For more information, see Configuring the SWSE Logical Profile on page 77. See also Siebel Security
For each language-specific application, the directory on the SWSE where the static files are cached
is determined by the setting of the WebPublicRootDir parameter in the eapps.cfg file.
This topic is part of Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server on
page 132.
Related Topics
Configuring the SWSE Logical Profile on page 77
Restarting the Web Server on page 135
13 9
Additional Postinstallation and Configuration Tasks Additional Tasks for the Siebel
Web Server Extension and the Web Server
port is the Web server listening port number. This element is not required if you are using
the default port, 80.
application is any Siebel application hosted by this Web server (such as callcenter_enu,
sales_deu, and so on).
For example:
Related Topics
About the Siebel Enterprise Security Token on page 138
This chapter describes the tasks that you must perform to install Siebel Mobile Web Clients, Siebel
Tools, and the Siebel Sample Database, and to start Siebel Business Applications. Both new
installations and patch installations are described. This chapter includes the following topics:
About Installing the Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools on page 141
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools in Unattended Mode on page 154
14 1
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools About Installing the Siebel Web Client
or Siebel Tools
For Siebel Sample Database, you install only the current release, Siebel CRM version or
Before installing, review all documented requirements. The specific requirements for Siebel Mobile
Web Client and Siebel Developer Web Client also depend on whether you are deploying Siebel CRM
applications using Siebel Open UI (recommended) or high interactivity (the default). For high
interactivity, see also the browser configuration information in Siebel System Administration Guide.
It is recommended to install the Siebel Developer Web Client with Siebel Tools. The Siebel Developer
Web Client has specific requirements for connectivity to the enterprise database. For information
about the relational database management systems (RDBMS) that may require installation on the
Siebel client computers on which you run Siebel Developer Web Clients, see the Certifications tab on
My Oracle Support. These products are not provided by Oracle; you must obtain them based on your
database-connection requirements.
This topic includes the following information:
Related Topics
Process of Installing the Siebel Web Client on page 143
Process of Installing Siebel Tools on page 149
Installing and Using the Siebel Sample Database on page 157
Requirements for Installing Siebel Web Clients on page 322
Requirements for Installing Siebel Tools on page 324
Enabling Siebel Open UI on page 114
Related Books
Siebel Deployment Planning Guide
Siebel System Administration Guide
Deploying Siebel Open UI
Checks the client computer to verify whether required components have already been installed.
Installs the Siebel Web Client software and specified Siebel language packs.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing the Siebel Web
Downloads the ActiveX controls used by the Siebel Web Client when deployed using high
This topic is part of About Installing the Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools on page 141.
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
14 3
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing the Siebel Web
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
Roadmap for Installing Siebel Business Applications in a Patch Installation Case (Existing
Installation) on page 39
Related Topics
Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 on page 27
Requirements for Installing Siebel Web Clients on page 322
About Installing the Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools on page 141
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools in Unattended Mode on page 154
Installing and Using the Siebel Sample Database on page 157
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Web Client on page 185
Uninstalling Siebel Web Clients on page 270
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or
version 8.2.2. Then navigate to the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such
as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
Start the Siebel Web Client installer for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2, as follows:
For Siebel CRM version 8.1.1, double-click oui.exe to start the Siebel Web Client installer.
For Siebel CRM version 8.2.2, double-click setup.bat to start the Siebel Web Client installer.
Take the action appropriate to the task that you are performing. Do one of the following:
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing the Siebel Web
To uninstall an installed instance of the software, click Deinstall Products. Follow the
procedure described in Uninstalling Siebel Web Clients on page 270.
In the Specify Home Details screen, enter a name for your installation, and specify the
installation location, and then click Next. (Note the installation name and location for future
reference.) If you are adding a Siebel language pack, then specify the name and path for your
existing installation. Note the following:
The default installation name is Siebel8_home1 or a similar value. The value that you specify
is used in the parent program group name for the Siebel application client shortcuts. (A
separate program group is created for the Oracle Universal Installer software.) If you have
an existing installation, then specify a new name for a new installation.
For more information about Oracle home and installation path requirements, see File and
Directory Naming Conventions on page 294.
(For Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 only) A screen appears that prompts for email contact information.
(For Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 only) When prompted for the email address and password
corresponding to your My Oracle Support account, click Next. (This information is not used in this
The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen appears.
Before proceeding, review the installation requirements for the Siebel Web Client software that
you are installing.
The installer program performs a validation check to make sure that the installation requirements
are met. If they are not, then a prompt appears, stating which requirements are not met. Exit
the installer, satisfy the requirements, and restart the installation process.
If one or more installation requirements have not been met, then correct any missing
requirements. (You might have to exit the installer, satisfy the requirements, and restart the
installation process.) When you are ready to proceed, click Next.
The Select Languages screen appears.
Select the languages that you want to install, and click Next. You must select at least one
language in order to proceed.
If you are adding languages to an existing installation, then any previously installed languages
are unavailable for selection. Do one of the following:
14 5
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing the Siebel Web
12 (Siebel Mobile Web Client installations only) In the Remote Server Information screen, specify
the name of the Siebel Server on which you are running Siebel Remote Server components. Then
click Next. Go to Step 20 on page 147.
Siebel Remote Server components are required for initializing and synchronizing the local
database on the Siebel Mobile Web Client computer.
13 (Siebel Developer Web Client installations only) In the Siebel Database Server screen, select the
type of database server that you are using for Siebel Business Applications. Choose one of the
following, and click Next:
NOTE: According on your selection, the Siebel Web Client installer validates that the correct
database connectivity software has been installed. If it has not been installed, then you must exit
the Siebel Web Client installer, install the required software, and then restart the Siebel Web
Client installer.
14 (Siebel Developer Web Client installations only) In the Database Identification screen, enter the
following information, and click Next. Specify information for the database that you specified in
the Siebel Database Server screen in Step 13 on page 146:
For Oracle Database, specify the Database Alias and Table Owner.
For Microsoft SQL Server, specify the Database Server Hostname and Database Instance
For IBM DB2, specify the Database Alias and Table Owner.
For IBM DB2 for z/OS, specify the Database Alias (as defined in DB2 Connect) and Table
Owner or Schema Qualifier.
Enter the data that you previously specified in the worksheet in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment
Planning Worksheet.
15 (Siebel Developer Web Client installations only) In the File System Server Information screen,
specify the directory path for a network-based Siebel File System by typing it directly or by
clicking Browse. Then click Next.
NOTE: For the Siebel File System path, you can use a UNC share name (for example,
\\SRV1\siebfile) or a mapped drive (for example, K:\siebelFS). For more information, see
File and Directory Naming Conventions on page 294. See also Creating the Siebel File System
on page 295.
16 (Siebel Developer Web Client installations only) In the Remote Server Information screen, click
Next to accept the default. (This screen is primarily for Mobile Web Client installation.)
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing the Siebel Web
17 (Siebel Developer Web Client installations only) In the Enterprise Server Information screen,
specify the address of the Siebel Gateway Name Server and the name of the Siebel Enterprise
to which this Siebel Web Client will connect for administration. Then click Next.
The Gateway Name Server Address is the network name or the IP address of the computer on
which the Siebel Gateway Name Server is installed. To enter a specific port number, append the
Gateway Name Server Address string with a colon and the desired port number.
The Enterprise Server name is the name of the Siebel Enterprise under which the Siebel Servers
that support the server database were installed.
18 (Siebel Developer Web Client installations only) In the Server Request Broker Information
screen, specify the Request Server Name, and click Next.
This value is the name of the Siebel Server on which the Server Request Broker component is
operating. This component is used for dynamic assignment and other interactive operations.
19 (Siebel Developer Web Client installations only) In the Search Server Information screen, if you
will use a search server, then enter the following for the server computer where the search server
operates. Then click Next.
NOTE: For system requirements and other information about deploying a search server, see
Siebel Search Administration Guide.
20 Review the information in the Summary screen. In particular, confirm that you have met all of
the disk space requirements for installation. Click Install to begin installing the Siebel Web Client
Siebel Web Client software is installed into the directory specified in Step 5 on page 145.
21 When the browser is displayed and indicates that ActiveX controls have been deployed, close the
browser window.
NOTE: The ActiveX controls are used only for applications deployed using high interactivity.
23 After installing the Siebel Web Client software for the base release (Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or
version 8.2.2):
Verify the Siebel Web Client installation, as described in Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Web Client on page 185.
Install the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, as a patch
installation, as described in Installing the Siebel Web Client as a Patch Installation on
page 148. Then verify the installation again.
Install the latest Siebel Patchset release. Then verify the installation again.
14 7
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing the Siebel Web
Exit any Siebel software on the client computer where you are installing the current release.
NOTE: For a Siebel Mobile Web Client using the Siebel QuickStart feature, you must also exit the
QuickStart agent if it is running. To do this, right-click the QuickStart icon in the system tray, and
then choose Exit. For more information, see About Siebel QuickStart on page 169.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current release, and then to
the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image,
such as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
Double-click setup.bat to start the Siebel client installer for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or version
In the Select Oracle Home and Oracle Location screen, select an instance of Siebel CRM version
8.1.1 or 8.1.1.x or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or 8.2.2.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel
installations, and then click Next.
In the Installation Details and Progress screen, click Install to complete the installation of Siebel
CRM version 8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x.
When the installer indicates that the software was successfully installed, click Exit.
NOTE: The computer might require a restart at the end of the installation.
After installing the Siebel Web Client software for the current release (Siebel CRM version or version
Verify the Siebel Web Client installation, as described in Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Web Client on page 185.
Install the latest Siebel Patchset release. Then verify the installation again.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing Siebel Tools
Repeat Step 1 on page 148 through Step 7 on page 148 on each computer with an applicable
Siebel Web Client installation to be patched.
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
Roadmap for Installing Siebel Business Applications in a Patch Installation Case (Existing
Installation) on page 39
Related Topics
Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 on page 27
Requirements for Installing Siebel Tools on page 324
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools in Unattended Mode on page 154
Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools on page 187
Uninstalling Siebel Tools on page 271
Related Books
Using Siebel Tools
Configuring Siebel Business Applications
14 9
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing Siebel Tools
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or
version 8.2.2. Then navigate to the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such
as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
Start the Siebel Tools installer for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2, as follows:
For Siebel CRM version 8.1.1, double-click oui.exe to start the Siebel Tools installer.
For Siebel CRM version 8.2.2, double-click setup.bat to start the Siebel Tools installer.
Take the action appropriate to the task that you are performing. Do one of the following:
To uninstall an installed instance of the software, click Deinstall Products. This task is
described in Uninstalling Siebel Web Clients on page 270.
In the Specify Home Details screen, enter a name for your installation, and specify the
installation location, and then click Next. (Note the installation name and location for future
reference.) If you are adding a Siebel language pack, then specify the name and path for your
existing installation. Note the following:
The default installation name is Tools1 or a similar value. The value that you specify is used
as the program group name for the Siebel Tools shortcut. (A separate program group is
created for the Oracle Universal Installer software.) If you have an existing installation, then
specify a new name for a new installation.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing Siebel Tools
For more information about Oracle home and installation path requirements, see File and
Directory Naming Conventions on page 294.
(For Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 only) A screen appears that prompts for email contact information.
(For Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 only) When prompted for the email address and password
corresponding to your My Oracle Support account, click Next. (This information is not used in this
The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen appears.
The installer program performs a validation check to make sure that the installation requirements
are met. If they are not, then a prompt appears, stating which requirements are not met. Exit
the installer, satisfy the requirements, and restart the installation process.
If one or more installation requirements have not been met, then correct any missing
requirements. (You might have to exit the installer, satisfy the requirements, and restart the
installation process.) When you are ready to proceed, click Next.
The Select Languages screen appears.
Select the languages that you want to install, and click Next. You must select at least one
language in order to proceed.
If you are adding languages to an existing installation, then any previously installed languages
are unavailable for selection. Do one of the following:
NOTE: Siebel Tools must be installed with the U.S. English (ENU) language pack. You can install
other Siebel language packs as well. The files specific to the languages chosen in this step are
copied to your computer.
In the Siebel Database Server screen, select the type of database server that you are using for
Siebel Business Applications. Choose one of the following, and click Next:
10 In the Database Identification screen, enter the following information, and click Next. Specify
information for the database that you specified in the Siebel Database Server screen in Step 9
on page 151:
For Oracle Database, specify the Database Alias and Table Owner.
For Microsoft SQL Server, specify the Database Server Hostname and Database Instance
For IBM DB2, specify the Database Alias and Table Owner.
For IBM DB2 for z/OS, specify the Database Alias (as defined in DB2 Connect) and Table
Owner or Schema Qualifier.
15 1
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing Siebel Tools
Enter data that you previously specified in the worksheet in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment
Planning Worksheet.
11 In the File System Server Information screen, specify the directory path for a network-based
Siebel File System by typing it directly or by clicking Browse. Then click Next.
NOTE: For the Siebel File System path, you can use a UNC share name (for example,
\\SRV1\siebfile) or a mapped drive (for example, K:\siebelFS). For more information, see
File and Directory Naming Conventions on page 294. See also Creating the Siebel File System
on page 295.
12 In the Remote Server Information screen, specify the name of the Siebel Server on which you
are running Siebel Remote Server components. Then click Next.
Siebel Remote Server components are required for initializing and synchronizing the local
database on the Siebel Tools computer.
13 In the Enterprise Server Information screen, specify the address of the Siebel Gateway Name
Server and the name of the Siebel Enterprise to which Siebel Tools will connect for
administration. Then click Next.
The Gateway Name Server Address is the network name or the IP address of the computer on
which the Siebel Gateway Name Server is installed. To enter a specific port number, append the
Gateway Name Server Address string with a colon and the desired port number.
The Enterprise Server is the name of the Siebel Enterprise under which the Siebel Servers that
support the server database were installed.
14 Review the information in the Summary screen. In particular, confirm that you have met all of
the disk space requirements for installation. Click Install to begin installing the Siebel Tools
Siebel Tools software is installed into the directory specified in Step 5 on page 150.
16 After installing the Siebel Tools software for the base release (Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version
Verify the Siebel Tools installation, as described in Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools on
page 187.
Install the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, as a patch
installation, as described in Installing Siebel Tools as a Patch Installation on page 153. Then
verify the installation again.
Install the latest Siebel Patchset release. Then verify the installation again.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Process of Installing Siebel Tools
Exit any Siebel software on the Siebel Tools Client computer where you are installing the current
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current release, and then to
the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image,
such as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
Double-click setup.bat to start the Siebel Tools Client installer for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or
version 8.2.2.x.
In the Select Oracle Home and Oracle Location screen, select an instance of Siebel CRM version
8.1.1 or 8.1.1.x or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or 8.2.2.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel
installations, and then click Next.
In the Installation Details and Progress screen, click Install to complete the installation of Siebel
CRM version 8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x.
When the installer indicates that the software was successfully installed, click Exit.
NOTE: The computer might require a restart at the end of the installation.
After installing the Siebel Tools software for the current release (Siebel CRM version or
Verify the Siebel Tools installation, as described in Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools on
page 187.
Install the latest Siebel Patchset release. Then verify the installation again.
Repeat Step 1 on page 153 through Step 7 on page 153 on each computer with an applicable
Siebel Tools installation to be patched.
15 3
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel
Tools in Unattended Mode
Guidelines for Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools in Unattended Mode on page 154
Saving a Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools Installation Response File on page 155
Performing a Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools Installation in Unattended Mode on page 156
Related Topics
Process of Installing the Siebel Web Client on page 143
Process of Installing Siebel Tools on page 149
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Web Client on page 185
Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools on page 187
Requirements for Installing Siebel Web Clients on page 322
Requirements for Installing Siebel Tools on page 324
Keep track of the response file results. Because the unattended installation session is
controlled by the response file, you must keep careful track of the result that each response file
will yield when you perform an unattended installation.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel
Tools in Unattended Mode
Create the response file on a computer similar to the target computer. When you run the
installer as described in Saving a Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools Installation Response File on
page 155, validations are performed as if you were performing a real installation. It is strongly
recommended that you run the installer on a computer that has similar resources and
configuration settings as the target computer on which the installation will be performed, as
described in Performing a Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools Installation in Unattended Mode on
page 156. Unattended installations must meet all of the documented requirements, including
those described in Requirements for Installing Siebel Web Clients on page 322 and Requirements
for Installing Siebel Tools on page 324.
Validate the installation. Validate each installation after it has completed, as described in
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Web Client on page 185 and Verifying Installation for Siebel
Tools on page 187.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current software version. Then
navigate to the directory where the installer is located.
For Siebel Mobile or Developer Web Client, navigate to
For Siebel Tools, navigate to
In these paths, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel network image,
such as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
For Siebel CRM version 8.1.1, run a command like the following to start the Siebel Web Client
or Siebel Tools installer:
oui.exe -record -destinationFile path_to_installation_response_file
For Siebel CRM version 8.2.2, run a command like the following to start the Siebel Web Client
or Siebel Tools installer:
setup.bat -record -destinationFile path_to_installation_response_file
For Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x, run a command like the following to start
the Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools installer:
setup.bat -record -oneclick -destinationFile
15 5
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel
Tools in Unattended Mode
Click Cancel in the Summary screen to generate the response file and end the installer session.
(Do not click Install in this case.)
A response file is generated that includes data that is derived from the input that you made
during the installer session.
In addition to saving the response file at the location that you specified at the command line, the
installer creates the Siebel installation directory at the location that you specified in the installer
session (for example, C:\temp\clientinstall.rsp). Although the Siebel module is not installed
(because you clicked Cancel), this directory contains a subdirectory called inventory, which
includes information about the product inventory.
See the following procedure for performing a Siebel Web Client or Siebel Tools installation in
unattended mode, using the response file that you just generated.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the same Siebel image installer location as in the procedure for
saving an installation response file.
Place the response file that you previously generated in the correct Siebel image directory for
the Siebel module (where the installer program is located), so that the file can be read when you
start the installer.
NOTE: Always back up any existing valid response file before replacing it with a new file.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Installing and Using the Siebel Sample
(Siebel Mobile Web Client installations for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2 only) Open
the file oraparam.ini for editing. Search for SUPPRESS_IEPOPUP=FALSE. Change the value from
FALSE to TRUE, and save the file.
For Siebel CRM version 8.1.1, run a command like the following to start the Siebel Web Client
or Siebel Tools installer:
oui.exe -silent -responseFile path_to_installation_response_file
For Siebel CRM version 8.2.2, run a command like the following to start the Siebel Web Client
or Siebel Tools installer:
setup.bat -silent -responseFile path_to_installation_response_file
(After installing Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2) For Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or
version 8.2.2.x, run a command like the following to start the Siebel Web Client or Siebel
Tools installer:
setup.bat -silent -oneclick -responseFile path_to_installation_response_file
15 7
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Installing and Using the Siebel Sample
Using the Siebel Sample Database with Siebel Tools on page 160
Related Topics
About Database Updates for Siebel CRM Version or Version on page 89
Process of Installing the Siebel Web Client on page 143
Process of Installing Siebel Tools on page 149
Siebel Web Client Shortcuts and Startup Options on page 165
Obtaining Updated Siebel Repository Files on page 118
File and Directory Naming Conventions on page 294
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current software version. Then
navigate to the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such
as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
CAUTION: You must run this installation program from a network drive mapped to a drive letter.
If you attempt to install from an unmapped network drive, then the installer might be unable to
locate the files that it requires to proceed and might fail.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Installing and Using the Siebel Sample
Double-click install.exe to start the Siebel Sample Database installer for Siebel CRM version or version
The Siebel Sample Database installer displays a Welcome screen.
In the Choose Setup Language screen, choose the language in which to conduct the installation,
and click OK.
The default installation language is the one that corresponds to the current regional settings on
the installation computer.
If you have an existing Sample Database installation of the same version, then you can choose
to add Siebel language packs to this installation.
If you are installing a new instance of the Siebel Sample Database (into a Siebel Web Client
installation that does not already have the Sample Database), then click Next. Go to the next
If you are adding languages to an existing Siebel Sample Database installation, then do the
Select the check box next to the line identifying the existing Sample Database installation
to which you are adding languages, and click Next.
Select the check box next to each language that you are installing, and click Next. Go to
Step 9 on page 159.
In the Setup Type screen, specify an installation directory for the Siebel Sample Database that
is the same as where you installed the Siebel Mobile Web Client. The default installation location
for the Siebel Mobile Web Client is C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1 or C:\siebel\\Client_1
or a similar location.
CAUTION: You must install the Siebel Sample Database in the same location where you installed
the Siebel Mobile Web Client.
Click Browse to select the installation directory for Siebel Mobile Web Client.
While still in the Setup Type screen, select Typical. Click Next and go to the next step.
NOTE: The Setup Type options currently install the same components.
In the Choose Languages screen, select the languages (that is, Siebel language packs) that you
want to install.
If you are installing Siebel language packs for an existing installation, then go to Step 11 on
page 160.
Verify that your destination computer has sufficient disk space for the installation, and click Next.
10 In the Select Program Folder screen, enter the name of the program folder that will contain your
Siebel demo application shortcuts, and click Next.
Optionally, you can specify the same location in which shortcuts were created earlier for the
Siebel Mobile or Developer Web Client installation. By default, this folder location is similar to
Siebel8_home1\Siebel Web Client 8.1 or Siebel8_home1\Siebel Web Client 8.2.
15 9
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Installing and Using the Siebel Sample
Siebel demo application shortcuts (for example, Siebel Call Center Demo - ENU) are created in
the program folder that you specify in this step.
Clicking Next in this step initiates file transfer. The setup program copies files to the local hard
disk. A status bar in the Setup Status dialog box indicates the progress of the installation.
The setup program copies files to the local hard disk for each specified language, in addition to
those that were installed for the base Sample Database installation.
If you have installed all of the specified Siebel language packs, then go to the next step.
Alternatively, if you have installed language packs for an existing Siebel Sample Database
installation, then the installer exits. Skip the rest of this procedure.
11 Review the information presented in the Event Log screen, and click Next.
This log file provides details of the steps the installer has performed during your Sample
Database installation.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Postinstallation Tasks for High
Interactivity Clients
Alternatively, you can install the Sample Database into the Siebel Tools directory instead of the Siebel
Mobile Web Client directory. For information about installing Siebel Tools, see Process of Installing
Siebel Tools on page 149.
This topic is part of Installing and Using the Siebel Sample Database on page 157.
16 1
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Logging in to Your Siebel Application
NOTE: You can deploy Siebel Business Applications using Siebel Open UI, which is an alternative to
the high interactivity client for employee applications, such as Siebel Call Center. For more
information, see Enabling Siebel Open UI on page 114.
Related Topics
About ActiveX Controls for High Interactivity on page 143
Enabling Siebel Open UI on page 114
Related Books
Siebel System Administration Guide
User rights to read and write in Siebel Web Client installation directories are required for running
the Siebel Mobile Web Client or Developer Web Client. For information about setting user rights,
consult the operating system manuals for the version of Microsoft Windows on which the
application is installed.
After the Siebel database has been installed, as described in Chapter 5, Installing the Siebel
Database on the RDBMS, users will be unable to use the Siebel application until the license key
for a Siebel CRM base application has been entered into the Siebel database.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Logging in to Your Siebel Application
You enter license keys initially by using the Siebel Developer Web Client or Siebel Tools.
Additional licenses, or licenses for optional modules, can be entered subsequently using the
Siebel Web Client, Siebel Developer Web Client, or Siebel Tools.
You can find license key information for Siebel Business Applications at Oracles license codes
site. For the Siebel license keys site, see
See also Siebel Applications Administration Guide.
The user name and password used to log in to Siebel Business Applications must be those of an
employee with a valid position and division defined in the Siebel database.
You must log in to Siebel Business Applications (using the Server database option in the login
screen) as the Siebel administrator before anyone else can log in. Log in using the SADMIN user
name or using other credentials as defined by your database administrator. Then you or other
administrators can set up more users as employees with defined positions and responsibilities
and other settings suitable for your access control policies. For more information about setting
up employees, see Siebel Security Guide.
To enable Siebel Open UI for the Siebel Mobile Web Client or Siebel Developer Web Client, you
set parameters in the application configuration file, such as uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center, as
In the [Siebel] section of the file, add the parameter EnableOpenUI, and set it to True.
In the [Siebel] section of the file, the parameter HighInteractivity must also be set to True
(it is set to True by default).
For more information about enabling Siebel Open UI, see Enabling Siebel Open UI on page 114.
For the Siebel Developer Web Client, you must edit the application configuration file, such as
uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center, as follows:
In the [Siebel] section of the file, add the parameter ServerDbODBCDataSource, and set it
to the ODBC data source that you are using for the server database.
In the [ServerDataSrc] section of the file, set the parameter ConnectString to the necessary
value. For an Oracle database, set it to the alias defined in the tnsnames.ora file.
For applications deployed using high interactivity, the Web browser must be correctly configured
to run the Siebel application. High-interactivity applications can use the client health check
feature to verify that requirements have been met. For more information about configuring the
browser for high interactivity, see Siebel System Administration Guide. See also the Certifications
tab on My Oracle Support. See also Postinstallation Tasks for High Interactivity Clients on
page 161.
Tabbed browsing is supported with Siebel applications for one active session. Multiple Web pages
can be opened using tabbed browsing, but only one tab can have a live connection to a Siebel
application at a given time.
16 3
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Logging in to Your Siebel Application
To log in to your Siebel application using the Siebel Developer Web Client
Double-click one of the Siebel shortcuts in the program folder, such as Siebel Call Center.
Enter your license key number in the dialog box that appears, and click OK.
If you see a warning message dialog box, then click OK. Enter your license key number in the
dialog box that appears.
NOTE: If you have to access license keys at a later time, such as to enter additional license keys,
then you can do so from the License Keys view. To access this view, navigate to the
Administration - Application screen, and then the License Keys view.
To log in to your Siebel application using the Siebel Mobile Web Client
Double-click one of the Siebel shortcuts in the program folder, such as Siebel Call Center.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Siebel Web Client Shortcuts and Startup
16 5
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Siebel Web Client Shortcuts and Startup
Siebel application shortcuts are created by the Siebel Web Client installer. When you run a shortcut
to start a Siebel application, you can connect to the Siebel database (for LAN-connected users of the
Siebel Developer Web Client) or to an initialized local database on the local computer (for Mobile Web
Client). Each application shortcut loads the Siebel configuration file for that application; for example,
Siebel Call Center uses the file uagent.cfg.
Where the Siebel Sample Database has been installed on the local computer, the demo application
shortcuts connect to the Sample Database, using predefined demonstration users.
This topic is part of Siebel Web Client Shortcuts and Startup Options on page 165.
Related Books
Siebel Demo Users Reference
Siebel Security Guide
Siebel Remote. Starts the Siebel Remote stand-alone synchronization program (siebsync.exe).
Siebel TrickleSync. Starts the Siebel TrickleSync program (autosync.exe). This shortcut is
created in both the program group and the startup group.
Additional shortcuts are created for the synchronization program for specific Siebel Handheld
Related Books
Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Siebel Web Client Shortcuts and Startup
Table 10.
Startup Option
/c config_file
Required. Specifies the path and file name for the configuration file to use,
such as siebel.cfg for Siebel Sales or uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center.
/d data_source
Specifies the data source to connect to, as defined in the configuration file.
The demo application shortcuts specify /d sample to access the Siebel
Sample Database:
If you do not use /u and /p to specify a valid Siebel user and do not use
/d to specify a valid data source, then you can specify the data source
from the login screen.
If you use /u and /p but do not use /d, then the local database is
16 7
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Siebel Web Client Shortcuts and Startup
Table 10.
Startup Option
/l language
Specifies the three-letter code for the language to use for this Siebel Web
Client session, such as ENU for U.S. English. The applicable Siebel language
pack must have been installed for the Siebel Web Client.
If you do not use /l to specify a valid language, then the language is
obtained from the configuration file.
/u username
Specifies the user name. The demo application shortcuts specify predefined
demo users using /u and /p options.
If you do not use /u and /p to specify a valid Siebel user, then you must log
in from a login screen.
For lists of demo users provided with the Siebel Sample Database, by Siebel
application, see Siebel Demo Users Reference.
CAUTION: Consider the security issues when using /u and /p options (in
particular /p) to access a live, production system. These values are not
/p password
/b browser_exe
Specifies the path and file name for the browser executable program to use
for the Siebel Web Client session.
The /b option is needed only if a browser that is not supported for the Siebel
application is currently the default browser. For example, to run Siebel Call
Center when it is deployed using high interactivity, then you must use a
supported version of Microsoft Internet Explorer. If this browser is not the
default browser, then use /b to specify the browser explicitly.
For more information about the supported browsers for Siebel Business
Applications using high interactivity, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle
/s spool_file
Specifies spooling SQL to a specified output file. This option can be useful
for troubleshooting purposes. For more information, see Siebel Performance
Tuning Guide.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools About Siebel QuickStart
Do not modify the location displayed in the shortcut property labeled Start in.
When defining the Target value for a shortcut, follow the guidelines for using the options
described in Siebel Web Client Startup Options on page 167.
This topic is part of Siebel Web Client Shortcuts and Startup Options on page 165.
Modify the copies, for example, by changing the value for the Target field.
Siebel QuickStart agent. The agent represents the Siebel application that is preloaded when
the user logs in to Windows, or that remains loaded after logging out of the application.
Siebel QuickStart Service. This Windows service starts the Siebel QuickStart agent when the
user logs in to Windows. This service runs automatically by default. If the user selected Enable
Siebel QuickStart in the login screen in a previous Siebel application session (in the same or in
a previous Windows session), then the service starts the Siebel QuickStart agent to preload the
Siebel application.
16 9
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools About Siebel QuickStart
The Windows service Siebel QuickStart Service shuts down during the application session, to
conserve resources. The service restarts the next time Windows is restarted. The Siebel QuickStart
agent remains running during the Windows session, unless the user has disabled Siebel QuickStart,
as described in this topic. The Siebel QuickStart agent runs under the Local System account and
stays running even if the user logs out of Windows and logs back in again, unless the user has logged
out of the Siebel application and disabled Siebel QuickStart from the Siebel icon in the system tray.
If the Siebel QuickStart agent is enabled but the Windows service Siebel QuickStart Service is
disabled, then the Siebel application remains loaded after the user exits the application, providing
quick access when the user restarts the application. However, if the user logs out of Windows, then
the Siebel application does not preload when the user logs back in to Windows.
Siebel QuickStart stores the encrypted Siebel user name and password in the file mwc_storage.cfg,
located in SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\bin. Do not modify this file. For more information about the
encryption used in this file, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.
After the user has started the Siebel application for the first time and initialized the local
After the user has started the Siebel application by supplying login credentials from the command
After the user has started the Siebel application and checked Enable QuickStart in the login
After the user has logged in to Windows when Enable QuickStart was specified in a previous
Siebel application session (and in a previous Windows session).
NOTE: The listed cases apply only when Siebel QuickStart Service is set to either Automatic or
Manual, unless the user has disabled Siebel QuickStart or logged out of the Siebel application.
Exit. Exits the Siebel QuickStart agent for the current Windows session. This option is available
only when the Siebel QuickStart agent is loaded and the Siebel application is not running. If
Siebel QuickStart is enabled, then the agent loads again the next time the user starts the Siebel
application the same way or starts Windows.
Disable On Startup. Disables Siebel QuickStart the next time the user starts the Siebel
application or starts Windows. Also exits the Siebel QuickStart agent, in the manner described
in the previous topic. This option is available only when the Siebel QuickStart agent is loaded and
the Siebel application is not running or was not started using Siebel QuickStart Service. This
option also disables Siebel QuickStart Service.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Enabling and Disabling Siebel
About. Displays information about Siebel Business Applications. This option is available when
the Siebel application or the Siebel QuickStart agent are running, or both.
Help. Displays Siebel Online Help. This option is available when the Siebel application or the
Siebel QuickStart agent are running, or both.
Related Books
Siebel System Administration Guide
Siebel Performance Tuning Guide
17 1
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Enabling and Disabling Siebel
Start a Siebel application with the Siebel Mobile Web Client and the local database. For example,
double-click the shortcut for Siebel Call Center for your applicable language.
In the Siebel login screen, check the Enable Siebel QuickStart check box, and log in.
The Siebel QuickStart agent is loaded into memory for the rest of the Windows session, and it is
loaded again when the user logs in to Windows subsequently, unless the user disables it. If you
disable the service named Siebel QuickStart Service, then the agent stays loaded in memory for
the rest of the Windows session only.
Start a Siebel application with the Siebel Mobile Web Client. For example, double-click the
shortcut for Siebel Call Center for your applicable language.
In the Siebel login screen, clear the Enable Siebel QuickStart check box (if it is checked), and log
The Siebel QuickStart agent is not loaded for this Siebel application session, and does not load
subsequently, unless it is explicitly specified. You might also choose to disable the service Siebel
QuickStart Service.
Right-click the Siebel icon in the system tray, and select Disable On Startup.
This option is available only if the Siebel application is not running, or was not started using
Siebel QuickStart.
The Siebel QuickStart agent exits. The agent does not load subsequently, unless it is explicitly
specified. You might also choose to disable the service Siebel QuickStart Service.
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Enabling and Disabling Siebel
Change the startup type for this service from Automatic to Disabled.
The service Siebel QuickStart Service will no longer run automatically when you log in. If you
want to reenable it, then change the startup type back to Automatic.
17 3
Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools Enabling and Disabling Siebel
This chapter provides information about verifying and troubleshooting your installation of Siebel
Business Applications. It includes the following topics:
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 182
Verifying Network Connectivity for the Siebel Server Computer on page 195
Verifying That the Siebel Gateway Name Server Has Started on page 197
Troubleshooting Installation and Configuration for Siebel Enterprise Server on page 198
Troubleshooting Installation for the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 203
Configuring the Siebel Mobile Web Client When Neither Siebel VB nor Siebel eScript Is Licensed on
page 206
17 5
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Enterprise Server
Reviewing the Installation Log Files for Siebel Enterprise Server on page 176
Verifying the Installation Version Number for Siebel Enterprise Server on page 176
Reviewing the Installation Directories for Siebel Gateway Name Server on page 177
Reviewing the Installation Directories for Siebel Database Configuration Utilities on page 179
The relevant log files for an installation session are named installActionsdate_time.log file. In the file
name, date_time represents the date and time when the file was created; for example,
installActions2013-07-02_10-28-04PM.log. For each set of files created, the oldest and largest log
file generally represents the Siebel module being installed.
Set the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to correspond to your top-level
installation location, such as C:\siebel\\ses or C:\siebel\\ses for an
installation of Siebel Enterprise Server software. For example, enter a command like this for
Siebel CRM version
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\siebel\\ses
Navigate to the opatch directory within your installation. For example, enter a command like this
for Siebel CRM version
cd C:\siebel\\ses\opatch
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Enterprise Server
17 7
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Enterprise Server
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Enterprise Server
17 9
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
FILES. This directory contains sample file attachments. You must copy these files to the
appropriate subdirectory of the Siebel File System. See Populating the Siebel File System on
page 100.
LOCALE. Contains translation files (for Oracle use only).
Reviewing the Installation Log Files for the Siebel Database on page 180
Verifying System Preferences and Settings for the Database Code Page on page 181
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
IBM DB2. For IBM DB2, the following log files are also generated when you create tables, indexes,
and seed data:
Microsoft SQL Server. For Microsoft SQL Server, the following log files are also generated when
you create tables, indexes, and seed data:
For information about installing Siebel Tools, see Process of Installing Siebel Tools on page 149.
For information about starting Siebel Tools and entering license key information, see Verifying
Successful Installation of Siebel Tools on page 190.
18 1
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Web Server Extension
To verify system preferences and settings for the database code page
Look for System Preference Name = Enterprise DB Server Code Page. Verify that the value
has been set correctly, based on the value that you selected during the installation of the Siebel
database components (see Installing the Siebel Database on page 94).
NOTE: The value of Enterprise DB Server Code Page must be in lowercase, for example, utf-8 or
utf-16. An Oracle Database character set might have a different value, although the system
preference value must be utf-8. The utf-16 code page is also known as UCS-2, although the
system preference value must be utf-16.
Possible values for the system preference are listed in the following table:
Western European
Verify that the column UNICD_DATATYPS_FLG in the table S_APP_VER is set correctly. The flag
value must be in uppercase.
Possible values for UNICD_DATATYPS_FLG are listed in the following table:
Code Page
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Web Server Extension
Reviewing the Installation Log Files for the SWSE on page 183
Verifying the Installation Version Number for the SWSE on page 183
The relevant log files for an installation session are named installActionsdate_time.log file. In the file
name, date_time represents the date and time when the file was created; for example,
installActions2013-07-02_10-28-04PM.log. For each set of files created, the oldest and largest log
file generally represents the Siebel module being installed.
Set the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to correspond to your top-level
installation location, such as C:\siebel\\sweapp or C:\siebel\\sweapp
for an installation of Siebel Web Server Extension software. For example, enter a command like
this for Siebel CRM version
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\siebel\\sweapp
Navigate to the opatch directory within your installation. For example, enter a command like this
for Siebel CRM version
cd C:\siebel\\sweapp\opatch
18 3
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Web Server Extension
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Web Client
Depending on the logging level that you choose, these files record errors, warnings, and general
information. Events such as Web server failures or invalid configuration of the SWSE are captured in
these log files. Analyzing the log files can provide clues for troubleshooting SWSE problems. For more
information about reviewing log files and monitoring Web servers and SWSE, see Siebel System
Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide.
Reviewing the Installation Log Files for the Siebel Web Client on page 185
Verifying the Installation Version Number for the Siebel Web Client on page 185
Reviewing the Installation Directories for the Siebel Web Client on page 186
Verifying ODBC Data Sources for the Siebel Developer Web Client on page 187
This topic is part of Process of Installing the Siebel Web Client on page 143.
Reviewing the Installation Log Files for the Siebel Web Client
After installing the Siebel Web Client software, review installation log files to verify that all of the
components installed successfully, particularly if you experienced any difficulties with the
installation. The log files are created in the following directory:
The relevant log files for an installation session are named installActionsdate_time.log file. In the file
name, date_time represents the date and time when the file was created; for example,
installActions2013-07-02_10-28-04PM.log. For each set of files created, the oldest and largest log
file generally represents the Siebel module being installed.
NOTE: This topic applies to the Siebel Web Client installation, but not to the Siebel Sample Database
Verifying the Installation Version Number for the Siebel Web Client
After installing the Siebel Web Client software, verify the version number of the installed Siebel
NOTE: This topic applies to the Siebel Web Client installation, but not to the Siebel Sample Database
18 5
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for the Siebel
Web Client
To verify the installation version number for the Siebel Web Client
Set the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to correspond to your installation
location, such as C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1 or C:\siebel\\Client_1. For example,
enter a command like this for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1:
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1
Navigate to the opatch directory within your installation. For example, enter a command like this
for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1:
cd C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1\opatch
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools
Verifying ODBC Data Sources for the Siebel Developer Web Client
Verification of ODBC data sources for the Siebel Developer Web Client is similar to that for Siebel
Tools. For information, see Verifying the ODBC Data Sources for Siebel Tools on page 191.
Reviewing the Installation Log Files for Siebel Tools on page 188
Verifying the Installation Version Number for Siebel Tools on page 188
Verifying the ODBC Data Sources for Siebel Tools on page 191
18 7
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools
The relevant log files for an installation session are named installActionsdate_time.log file. In the file
name, date_time represents the date and time when the file was created; for example,
installActions2013-07-02_10-28-04PM.log. For each set of files created, the oldest and largest log
file generally represents the Siebel module being installed.
Set the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to correspond to your installation
location, such as C:\siebel\8.1\Tools_1 or C:\siebel\\Tools_1. For example, enter
a command like this for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1:
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\siebel\8.1\Tools_1
Navigate to the opatch directory within your installation. For example, enter a command like this
for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1:
cd C:\siebel\8.1\Tools_1\opatch
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools
Stores SIF files created in Siebel Tools that are used by Siebel ADM.
All binary files (.exe, .dll, .cfg, .dsn, .enu, .bat), configuration files, and user
preference files.
Dynamic Developer Kit (DDK) files. For more information, see Siebel Web UI
Dynamic Developer Kit Guide.
Message files.
18 9
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools
Location of the compiled Siebel Repository file used by Siebel Tools (siebel_sia.srf).
Also the default location for SRF files created using the Siebel Tools object compiler.
Files used by the opatch utility for installing Siebel Patchset releases.
Location of the XML files used by the maintenance update wizard. All log files
generated by this wizard are also created under reppatch\log.
If you have not yet done so, then type your license key number in the dialog box that appears,
and click OK.
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying the ODBC Data Source
Make sure that the Siebel Tools user has read and write access.
In addition, in user account properties, the Siebel Tools user must not be defined as a restricted user
in the group membership section.
Table 11.
Data Source
For Oracle Database, verify that the following registry keys are set as shown. These values are
required in order for the ODBC driver to behave correctly.
PacketSize = 0
EnableScrollableCursors = 0
ColumnsAsChar = 1
ColumnSizeAsCharacter = 1
For more information about how to run the Microsoft ODBC Administrator to verify ODBC data
sources, see Verifying the ODBC Data Source on page 191. See also Requirements for Installing
Siebel Tools on page 324.
Verifying the ODBC Data Source for Oracle Database on page 192
Verifying the ODBC Data Source for IBM DB2 on page 193
Verifying the ODBC Data Source for Microsoft SQL Server on page 194
19 1
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying the ODBC Data Source
On Microsoft Windows 2008, run the 32-bit version of the Microsoft ODBC Administrator,
which is located here: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.
NOTE: You need the 32-bit version of the Microsoft ODBC Administrator because Siebel
Business Applications use 32-bit ODBC drivers and database clients only.
On Microsoft Windows 2003, navigate to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then Data
Sources (ODBC).
On the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box, select the System DSN tab.
Record the name of the ODBC data source in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet,
if you have not already done so.
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying the ODBC Data Source
Verify that the following registry keys are set as shown. These values are required in order for
the ODBC driver to behave correctly.
PacketSize = 0
EnableScrollableCursors = 0
ColumnsAsChar = 1
ColumnSizeAsCharacter = 1
To verify the ODBC data source for IBM DB2 (on Windows)
On Microsoft Windows 2008, run the 32-bit version of the Microsoft ODBC Administrator,
which is located here: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.
NOTE: You need the 32-bit version of the Microsoft ODBC Administrator because Siebel
Business Applications use 32-bit ODBC drivers and database clients only.
On Microsoft Windows 2003, navigate to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then Data
Sources (ODBC).
On the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box, select the System DSN tab.
Record the name of the ODBC data source in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet,
if you have not already done so.
19 3
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Verifying the ODBC Data Source
Click Yes.
The Connect to DB2 Database screen appears.
Type your user ID and passwords into the applicable fields, and click OK.
If the connection is valid, then you see a message box confirming the connection.
If the connection could not be made, then see Verifying Network Connectivity for the Siebel Server
Computer on page 195 and Troubleshooting the ODBC Data Source Connection on page 201.
From the Windows command prompt, navigate to SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\BIN, and execute the
following command:
odbcsql /s ODBC_DSN /u database_account_name /p password
ODBC_DSN is the ODBC data source name, in the form SiebelEnterpriseName_DSN. In the
data source name, SiebelEnterpriseName is the name of your Siebel Enterprise.
On Microsoft Windows 2008, run the 32-bit version of the Microsoft ODBC Administrator,
which is located here: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.
NOTE: You need the 32-bit version of the Microsoft ODBC Administrator because Siebel
Business Applications use 32-bit ODBC drivers and database clients only.
On Microsoft Windows 2003, navigate to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then Data
Sources (ODBC).
On the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box, select the System DSN tab.
Record the name of the ODBC data source in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet,
if you have not already done so.
If the port number is incorrect, then edit it, and then click OK.
To edit the port number, you might have to first select and then deselect the check box
Dynamically Determine Port.
The Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration screen appears.
Select verification with SQL Server using a valid database login ID and password that you enter
in the Login ID and Password fields. Then click Next.
The program tests the connection:
If the connection is valid, then you see a message box confirming the connection.
If the connection could not be made, then see Verifying Network Connectivity for the Siebel
Server Computer on page 195 and Troubleshooting the ODBC Data Source Connection on
page 201.
19 5
The Configuration Wizard saves the original registry values in the registry file
SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\admin\tcp_bak.reg. If you want to reset the applicable keys to the values
prior to the Siebel installation, then you can import them from this registry file.
NOTE: For information about verifying network connectivity for IBM DB2 for z/OS, see Implementing
Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS.
Verify network connectivity to the Siebel Gateway Name Server and the Siebel database from
the Siebel Server computer, using the test utility for your network type.
For TCP/IP networks, use the ping utility to verify network connectivity. Or test the connection
through Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Data Sources (ODBC), and then System DSN.
For Oracle Database, verify connectivity to the Siebel database, then go to Step 5 on page 197.
Use the tnsping utility and Oracle Database connectivity alias, as appropriate to your database,
from a Command Prompt window to make sure that you can connect to the database using the
network connect string that you defined.
For IBM DB2, verify connectivity to the Siebel database, then go to Step 5 on page 197.
Open a DB2 Command Window to make sure that you can connect to your database.
CAUTION: Be sure to use the DB2 Command Window, not the Command Line Processor, to
enter these commands, because the Command Line Processor window uses different syntax.
The commands in this procedure work only if you issue them in a DB2 Command Window.
Choose Start, All Programs, IBM DB2, Command Line Tools, and then Command Window. Enter:
db2 connect to database_alias user user_ID using password
If your connection is valid, then you see a message that looks like the following:
Database Connection Information
Database Server
SQL authorization ID
Database alias
= DB2/NT x.x.x
= DB_Alias
To close the connection, type db2 terminate. You can also use the DB2 Command Center GUI
tool to terminate the connection.
For Microsoft SQL Server, verify connectivity to the Siebel database, then go to the next step.
Navigate to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then Data Sources (ODBC). Under System
DSN, select the data source, and click Configure. This wizard provides a button for testing the
Provide network connections from the Siebel Server to all of the applicable Siebel File System
Do not use a mapped network drive as this network connection. Instead, use a UNC share. The
sharename syntax must be in this form: \\Siebel_Server_Name\Sharename.
For more information, see Creating the Siebel File System on page 295.
Verify that the Siebel File System directories are visible and that the Siebel service owner account
has the necessary permissions on these directories.
If you are clustering the Siebel File System, then use the Network IP resource or Network
Hostname Resource assigned to that cluster file share.
Related Book
Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide
Remove the configuration of a Siebel Server (such as when uninstalling) or the Siebel Enterprise
NOTE: It is recommended that you review the Siebel Gateway Name Server log files, which are found
in the SIEBEL_GATEWAY_ROOT\LOG directory.
19 7
If the Siebel Gateway Name Server is not started, then click Action, and then Start.
Related Topics
Starting the Siebel Gateway Name Server on page 105
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175
Troubleshooting Installation and Configuration for Siebel Enterprise Server on page 198
Related Topics
Starting the Siebel Gateway Name Server on page 105
Starting the Siebel Server Service on page 106
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175
Verifying That the Siebel Gateway Name Server Has Started on page 197
Table 12.
Login failure
19 9
Table 13.
In the SVRsetup.log
5000: Bad key
name., exiting...
In Microsoft SQL
Server DSN
configuration (server
completed with
Table 13.
Verify that the ODBC driver was correctly installed by reviewing the file structure under
If the files have been correctly copied to the BIN subdirectory, then verify that the Oracle connect
string that you entered during the Siebel Enterprise configuration was valid.
Verify that the data source name (SiebelEnterpriseName_DSN) that you entered during the
Siebel Server configuration was valid. Also verify that the SQL Server database is up and running,
and validate the ODBC connectivity.
20 1
Table 14.
Importing a Siebel
Repository with the same
name as an existing Siebel
20 3
Table 15.
After installation,
when the Siebel
Web Client is
started, a message
appears, stating:
Page Cannot be
If you use a custom virtual directory, then make
sure that you add the sweiis.dll parameter to
your virtual directory to allow communication
with the Siebel Server. For information, see
Creating Custom Virtual Directories on
page 134.
Anonymous users have
incorrect responsibilities.
Siebel Server
components or
component groups might
not be enabled.
Table 15.
Your Siebel
application stops
displays a blank
page or page not
found, or times out.
Appropriate parameters
are not available within
the [defaults] section of
the eapps.cfg file for
Siebel Business
If, after doing this, you still cannot start Siebel
Business Applications, then you must restart the
20 5
Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation Configuring the Siebel Mobile Web
Client When Neither Siebel VB nor Siebel eScript Is Licensed
To configure the Siebel Mobile Web Client when neither Siebel VB nor Siebel eScript
is licensed
Set EnableScripting to FALSE in the configuration file used by your Siebel Mobile Web Client, such
as uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center. This configuration file is located in the directory
SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT is the directory where you installed the Siebel Mobile Web Client.
LANGUAGE is the three-letter code for the language in which you are running the Siebel
Mobile Web Client.
Siebel Server
Web server (Oracle HTTP Server, Microsoft IIS, IBM HTTP Server, HP Apache Web Server, or
Oracle iPlanet Web Server)
Table 16.
20 7
Table 16.
The server type on which the check can be run: either Siebel Server,
Siebel Gateway Name Server, Web server with SWSE, or Database
Server (RDBMS). For values, see Optional EVT Command-Line Flags on
page 210.
SERVERTYPE can have multiple delimited values separated by commas,
This feature is used to implement conditional logic in the .ini file, for
example, checking for the right Oracle client version if Oracle Database
is in use.
DEPENDENCY can have multiple delimited values separated by
commas, for example, DEPENDENCY=Check1,Check231.
This parameter uses two values, WARN and FAIL, to determine whether
the failure of a particular check constitutes a critical failure or just a
Critical failures are misconfigurations that would result in the failure of
Siebel Business Applications software in one form or another. Warnings
apply to misconfigurations that might result in reduced performance
but not necessarily in a software failure.
Parameters in the .ini file must be set to the alias and not to the value; for example, PARAMNAME=Lang
You can use # (pound sign) as a comment character in the evt.ini file, to disable particular entries.
You can also add new checks to the .ini file based on your business requirements, using the
parameters described in Table 16 on page 207. If you decide to do so, then make a copy of the file,
and make your modifications in the new file. Then run EVT using the -f option, as described in
Optional EVT Command-Line Flags on page 210, to direct EVT to use the new configuration file.
The evt.ini file contains all of the approved checks. If you have to add any checks or modify any of
the existing checks, then make a copy of the file, and make your modification in the new file. Then
run EVT using the -f option to direct EVT to use the new configuration file.
20 9
To start EVT
Navigate to the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\BIN directory, and run evt.exe with any valid flags.
You can include any of the flags described in Optional EVT Command-Line Flags on page 210.
% evt -q "Checkname=VAR+ParamName=SIEBEL_ASSERT_MODE+ParamValue=0"
This command returns fail[] because SIEBEL_ASSERT_MODE is not set to 0 and its current value
is [NULL].
% evt -q "Checkname=UNDEFVAR+ParamName=SIEBEL_ASSERT_MODE"
This command returns pass[]. Because SIEBEL_ASSERT_MODE is not defined, UNDEFVAR checks
whether the variable is defined. As expected, this check passes, and the current value is still [NULL].
Table 17.
Prints a help message with a list of all of the flags that you can use with the EVT utility.
The name of the Siebel Gateway Name Server. If it is not provided, then EVT picks up the
name of the Siebel Gateway Name Server from the Siebel Server configuration file; for
example, enu\siebel.cfg.
The name of the Siebel Server. If it is not provided, then EVT tries to determine the name
of the server from the siebenv.bat file.
The name of the Siebel Enterprise. If it is not provided, then EVT determines the name of
the Siebel Enterprise from the Siebel Server configuration file; for example,
The user name to use to log in to Server Manager. The default user name is sadmin.
The output format. EVT can generate output in several formats: TEXT (default), TEXTFILE,
HTML, and HTMLFILE. For more information, see Available EVT Output Formats on
page 212.
Runs the script in debug mode. Supported debug levels are shown in order of verbosity,
starting with the least verbose level (see examples of this flag as follows):
DEFAULT. (Default) Prints only check for pass, fail, or not executed.
EXPLAIN. Prints a description of what has been checked and why. If a check cannot run,
then no explanation is given. If a check executes and finds an error, then it reports the
corrective actions to be taken.
SHOWERRORS. Prints the same information as EXPLAIN, but, in addition, prints any errors
encountered that prevented a check from executing. For example, if the check tried to verify
that a particular file was executed, but the file does not exist, then SHOWERRORS provides
the error that prevented the execution.
SHOWCOMMENTS. Prints the same output as SHOWERRORS, but, in addition, prints more
detailed information about how the check was implemented. The output represents debug
information, for example: Got value A from file X.
EVTLOG. Prints the same output as SHOWCOMMENTS, but, in addition, prints the execution
log for EVT. This output is primarily useful to EVT developers.
21 1
Table 17.
For example, if -t SWSE is specified, then EVT runs Web server-related checks (along with
those checks that can be run on any type of server, such as for JRE).
The location of the evt.ini file. When EVT is started, it verifies the existence of this file. By
default, the evt.ini file is located in the same directory as the EVT executable program. If
the evt.ini file is located in a different directory, or has a different name, then you must use
this flag to specify the location of the evt.ini file.
Runs EVT in query mode. See Running EVT in Query Mode on page 210.
Example 1
Starting EVT using a custom .ini file and generating HTML output:
evt.exe -f evt_cust.ini -o HTML -r SIEBEL_ROOT > output.htm
Example 2
Starting EVT using a custom .ini file and generating HTML output with details on what commands
were run, what files were opened, and so on:
evt.exe -f evt_cust.ini -o HTML -d SHOWCOMMENTS -r SIEBEL_ROOT > output_debug.htm
TEXT. Prints all of the output directly to the console, terminal, or DOS window. This format is
the only mode of operation when EVT is executed in query mode by giving the -q option. For an
explanation of flags that can be used with EVT, see Optional EVT Command-Line Flags on
page 210.
TEXTFILE. Prints all of the output to a log file. The file name format is
evt.hostname.timestamp.log. The log is created in the current directory. To create the log in a
specified directory, use the option -l log_dir. In this option, log_dir is the path to the directory
that you want.
HTML. Prints HTML output to the console, terminal, or DOS window. This format is mainly for
redirecting the output to another program or utility that can consume the output or redirect it to
a file.
HTMLFILE. HTMLFILE output format creates an HTML file in the current directory. The file name
takes the form evt.hostname.timestamp.htm, where:
timestamp is the number of epoch seconds (starting from January 1, 1970). This value is
used solely to maintain the uniqueness of file names.
It is recommended that you delete previously generated output files on a regular basis.
USERPASSEDSTRING. Overrides the internal message template and allows you to specify your
own message, in case this check passes.
USERFAILEDSTRING. Overrides the internal message template and allows you to specify your
own message, in case this check fails.
USERNOTEXESTRING. Overrides the internal message template and allows you to specify your
own message, in case this check is not executed.
The user-defined message can contain some placeholders that are defined by EVT. Such placeholders
are specified by using two underscores on each side. During execution of the checks, these
placeholders are substituted. When the check runs, the following placeholders are defined:
21 3
This chapter explains how to clone an installation of Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server
Extension on one computer and deploy it on another computer. This chapter includes the following
21 5
The files for the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities, Siebel EAI, and Siebel Management Agent
are also included if you create and deploy a clone for a Siebel Server instance for which these
modules were also installed. However, do not use the Database Configuration Wizard on the target
instance, because you already have it on the source instance. You must configure the Siebel
Management Agent instance separately on the target computer after deploying the clone.
The Siebel cloning utility executable program for the operating system on which you run the
utility: clone.bat (on Microsoft Windows) or (on UNIX and Linux). These files are created
in the clone directory that is created when you unpack the file.
The files cloneconfig.jar and orainstaller.jar are created in a subdirectory called lib.
Several example properties files, which are text files that contain settings for use in different
operations of the Siebel cloning utility. These files are created in a subdirectory called templates.
For more information, see Properties Files Used in Cloning Operations on page 222.
When you run the Siebel cloning utility at the command line, you specify the name of a properties
file that you have updated to include all of the settings necessary for the operation that you are
performing. For example, the properties file must include a pointer to the snapshot file that you
are creating or deploying, the host name of the source or target computer, and so on. For more
information, see Properties File Settings for Cloning an Installation on page 223.
Creating the clone. The operation to create a clone creates a file called the snapshot file, which
is a ZIP file representing the installed software that you are cloning, in compressed form. This
task is referred to as creating a clone. The term clone, when it is used as a noun, refers to the
snapshot file. What is included in the snapshot file depends on the settings that you specify for
the operation to create the clone.
Deploying the clone. The operation to deploy a clone uses the snapshot file to deploy the clone
on the target computer. This task is referred to as deploying a clone. What is included in the
deployed clone depends on the contents of the snapshot file and on the settings that you specify
for the operation to deploy the clone.
Full clone. Creating and deploying a full clone copies a complete installation on the source
computer and deploys it on the target computer, assuming that no existing installation is present
on the target computer. For a source instance that has not been cloned before, you always create
a full clone. To deploy a new target instance, you always deploy a full clone.
Delta clone. Creating and deploying a delta clone (also called a partial clone) identifies
differences in a source instance, relative to a snapshot file, and deploys new or updated files on
an existing target instance that had been created using this same snapshot file. Creating a delta
clone generates a delta snapshot file, which represents the differences between the source
instance in its current state and the original full snapshot file. Deploying a delta clone updates
the target instance to include these differences.
Related Topics
Requirements When Cloning an Installation on page 217
Limitations When Cloning an Installation on page 219
Process of Cloning a Siebel Installation on page 220
Properties Files Used in Cloning Operations on page 222
Properties File Settings for Cloning an Installation on page 223
Using the cloning feature requires the current version, Siebel CRM version or
version You can clone any source instance that is at Siebel CRM version or
21 7
The source and target computer environments must be consistent. The source computer
and the target computer must use the same supported server operating system, including the
same operating system version and patch updates. The target computer must meet all of the
documented requirements for installing the Siebel software that you are cloning, including those
documented in this guide and those documented in the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed. JRE must be installed on any computer
where you will run the Siebel cloning utility, that is, on the source computer and on the target
computer. Also, the JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set to point to the JRE installation
location at the time that you run the Siebel cloning utility (for example, C:\Program
Files\Java\jre6 on Windows). On the source computer, JRE was already installed with the
Oracle Universal Installer software, under the JDK directory, so you can set JAVA_HOME to this
installation location. For supported version information, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle
For Siebel Enterprise Server, the database client and data source must be present on
the target computer. For Siebel Enterprise Server, the database client software must be
installed and configured on the target computer, and the data source must be created (using the
same name as on the source computer) before you deploy the clone. The database client on the
target computer must be able to connect to the correct database. For an Oracle Database, you
must also add entries to tnsnames.ora, as needed. For more information, see Chapter 14,
Configuring the RDBMS.
The installation directory on the source instance and the target instance must be the
same. For example, these directories might be C:\siebel\\ses or
C:\siebel\\ses for Siebel Enterprise Server, or C:\siebel\\sweapp or
C:\siebel\\sweapp for SWSE.
When you edit the properties file for deploying a clone on the target instance, specify the
directory into which you installed the Siebel CRM software on the source instance, such as
C:\siebel\ or C:\siebel\
NOTE: The installation directories on the source computer might not match these examples. In
particular, the installation paths differ where the Siebel CRM software was initially installed using
the original Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 installers, which use InstallShield technology instead of
Oracle Universal Installer.
The properties file for any cloning operation must contain a valid user name (such as
SADMIN) and password. For security reasons, it is strongly recommended that you include a
password in any properties file only when you are using the properties file.
You must specify all of the applicable data in the properties file that are necessary for
the cloning operation that you are performing.
You must start all of the necessary Siebel modules or create all of the necessary
configurations that are required for the cloning operation that you are performing. For
Before you create a clone of an installed and configured instance of Siebel Enterprise Server
software on a source computer, the applicable Siebel Gateway Name Server must be running.
Depending on your cloning case, the Siebel Gateway Name Server might be running on the
source computer as part of the source instance, or it might be running on another computer.
Before you deploy a clone of an installed and configured instance of Siebel Enterprise Server
software (Siebel Server only, in this case) on a target computer, where the Siebel Gateway
Name Server is running on a different computer, the Siebel Enterprise for the target
environment must already have been configured on that Siebel Gateway Name Server. The
clone must have been created using the same settings as the Siebel Enterprise that applied
to the source environment.
Related Topics
About Cloning a Siebel Installation on page 215
Limitations When Cloning an Installation on page 219
Process of Cloning a Siebel Installation on page 220
Properties Files Used in Cloning Operations on page 222
Properties File Settings for Cloning an Installation on page 223
Support for the cloning feature is currently limited to Siebel Enterprise Server and
Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE).
For Siebel Enterprise Server, the cloning feature is primarily intended to be used to
clone a single, configured, source instance of Siebel Server to a target computer.
The cloning feature is not intended to be used as an alternative to installation of the Siebel
Enterprise Server software.
A Siebel Server that you clone can optionally include the Siebel Gateway Name Server. It is
possible to clone a Siebel Gateway Name Server installation that does not also include a
Siebel Server, but this is not the primary usage case.
For Siebel Web Server Extension, the cloning feature currently supports cloning an
installation only. SWSE configurations are not included in the operations to create or deploy
the clone. Although parts of the eapps.cfg file are updated when you deploy the SWSE target
instance, you must configure this SWSE instance in the standard way (by applying the SWSE
logical profile) after you deploy the clone.
21 9
Shortcuts for Siebel Configuration Wizards are not cloned. When you deploy a clone on a
target computer, the shortcuts for running the Siebel Configuration Wizards are not created on
the target computer. You must either run the wizards from the command line or else re-create
the shortcuts yourself on the target computer.
Siebel Management Agent configuration data is not cloned. When you deploy a target
instance of Siebel Server, the Siebel Management Agent that was installed with the source
instance is included in the clone, but its configuration is not included. If you plan to use the target
instance of the Siebel Management Agent, then you must configure it.
Related Topics
About Cloning a Siebel Installation on page 215
Requirements When Cloning an Installation on page 217
Process of Cloning a Siebel Installation on page 220
Related Topics
About Cloning a Siebel Installation on page 215
Requirements When Cloning an Installation on page 217
Limitations When Cloning an Installation on page 219
Properties Files Used in Cloning Operations on page 222
Properties File Settings for Cloning an Installation on page 223
Determine your goals for the cloning operation that you are performing.
Log on to the server computer on which you will create the clone.
Copy the Siebel cloning utility and all of the relevant files to the target computer.
Copy one of the existing properties files, and edit the copy appropriately for your operation to
create a clone. Use a properties file that is similar to one of the following:
For a cloning operation for Siebel Server, use a file that is similar to
For a cloning operation for Siebel Web Server Extension, use a file that is similar to
For example, the properties file must specify the location of the snapshot file that you are
creating. Several other settings are required for creating a clone on a source computer.
Enter a command like the following to run the Siebel cloning utility:
clone.bat -p properties_file
In this command, properties_file is the name of the properties file that you prepared for this
When the operation is complete, validate the creation of the snapshot file in the specified
location. Also review the command output to confirm that the operation completed successfully
without any errors.
Determine your goals for the cloning operation that you are performing.
Verify that the clone was created on the source computer correctly for your purposes.
Log on to the server computer on which you will deploy the clone.
Install and configure the database client software on the target computer. Also create the data
source using the same name as on the source computer.
Create an installation directory on the target computer that corresponds to the installation
location on the source computer.
For example, you might create a directory like C:\siebel\ or C:\siebel\
Copy the Siebel cloning utility and all of the relevant files to the target computer.
22 1
Copy one of the existing properties files, and edit the copy appropriately for your operation to
deploy a clone. Use a properties file that is similar to one of the following:
For an operation to deploy a clone for the Siebel Server, use a file that is similar to
For an operation to deploy a clone for the Siebel Web Server Extension, use a file that is
similar to
For example, the properties file must specify the location of the snapshot file that you are
deploying. Several other settings are required for deploying a clone to a target computer.
Validate that the snapshot file is located in a suitable location for the deployment operation that
you are performing. Copy the file to another location, if necessary.
NOTE: You might have created the snapshot file in a network location that is accessible to both
the source computer and the target computer. Or, you might have to copy the snapshot file to
another location, such as on the target computer, before you run the Siebel cloning utility to
deploy the clone.
10 Enter a command like the following to run the Siebel cloning utility:
clone.bat -p properties_file
In this command, properties_file is the name of the properties file that you prepared for this
11 When the operation is complete, validate the creation of a valid installation as a result of
deploying the clone. Also review the command output to confirm that the operation completed
successfully without any errors.
12 Perform any additional tasks that are necessary to set up the deployed clone to function as a
valid installation.
For example, if you cloned an installation of Siebel Web Server Extension, then you must run the
SWSE Configuration Wizard to complete the configuration of the target instance.
Table 18.
File Name
Installable Module
Related Topics
Properties File Settings for Cloning an Installation on page 223
22 3
Table 19.
Cloning Operation
Creating a clone
Deploying a clone
Creating a clone
(which uses the
value clone)
Deploying a clone
(which uses the
value deploy)
Creating a clone
Deploying a clone
Creating a clone
Table 19.
Cloning Operation
Target Location
Deploying a clone
Snapshot Location
Creating a clone
Deploying a clone
Zip FileName
Creating a clone
Deploying a clone
Creating a clone
(creating a delta
clone only)
Deploying a clone
(deploying a delta
clone only)
Creating a clone
Deploying a clone
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
22 5
Table 19.
Cloning Operation
Gateway Port
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
Source Enterprise Name
Table 19.
Cloning Operation
Export Enterprise
22 7
Table 19.
Cloning Operation
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
Import Enterprise
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
Table 19.
Cloning Operation
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
Deploying a clone
(for Siebel Enterprise
Server only)
Update SWSE
Deploying a clone
(for SWSE only)
22 9
Related Topics
Requirements When Cloning an Installation on page 217
Limitations When Cloning an Installation on page 219
Properties Files Used in Cloning Operations on page 222
10 Installing
and Configuring
Siebel Management Agents and
Siebel Management Server
This chapter explains how to configure Siebel Management Agents and install and configure Siebel
Management Server. Both new installations and patch installations are described. It includes the
following topics:
About Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server on page 231
Command-Line Options for the Siebel Management Server Installer on page 235
About Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on page 236
Process of Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on page 240
Related Books
Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide
Siebel Security Guide
Certifications tab on My Oracle Support
23 1
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
Roadmap for Installing Siebel Business Applications in a Patch Installation Case (Existing
Installation) on page 39
Related Topics
Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 on page 27
Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
Server on page 325
About Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server on page 231
Command-Line Options for the Siebel Management Server Installer on page 235
About Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on page 236
Process of Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on page 240
Review Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel
Management Server on page 325.
Log on to the Microsoft Windows server computer where you want to install Siebel Management
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or
version 8.2.2. Then navigate to the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your Siebel network image, such as:
C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
(Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012) Before you run the installer
executable program (setup.exe) for Siebel Management Server for the first time, set the
compatibility mode to Windows Server 2003 (service pack 1).
Do this on each applicable computer where you install Siebel Management Server. For more
information about setting the compatibility mode, see Microsoft documentation.
Double-click setup.exe to start the Siebel Management Server installer for Siebel CRM version
8.1.1 or version 8.2.2.
The Siebel Management Server installer displays the Welcome screen.
Accept the default directory location proposed by the installer, or enter an alternative directory
to install Siebel Management Server, and then click Next.
The default installation directory is C:\sba81\mgmtsrvr or C:\sba82\mgmtsrvr.
NOTE: The installation directory location must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.
The installer displays the location into which it will install the Siebel Management Server, and
displays the disk space required for the installation.
If the information is incorrect, then click Back to correct the installation location.
10 After installation is complete, review the installer log file to make sure that no errors occurred
during the installation.
The installer writes output to a log file, log.txt, which is stored in the Siebel Management Server
installation directory.
For information about configuring Siebel Management Server after installing it, see Process of
Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on page 240.
23 3
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current release, and then to
the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
In this path, Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image,
such as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
(Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012) Before you run the installer
executable program (setup.exe) for Siebel Management Server for the first time, set the
compatibility mode to Windows Server 2003 (service pack 1).
Do this on each applicable computer where you install Siebel Management Server. For more
information about setting the compatibility mode, see Microsoft documentation.
Double-click setup.exe to start the Siebel Management Server installer for Siebel CRM version
8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x.
The Siebel Management Server installer displays the Welcome screen.
Click Next.
Select an instance of Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or 8.1.1.x or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or 8.2.2.x
to patch, from the list of detected Siebel installations, and then click Next.
Follow all of the prompts to complete the installation of Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or version
Repeat these steps on each computer with a Siebel Management Server installation to be
patched. (In most deployments, only one instance is installed.)
-is:log logfile
In this command option, logfile is the full path name and the name of a log file to be generated
(for example, C:\temp\mgmtsrvr.log).
This flag generates an additional log file. The logging information in the file is limited to
initialization errors. Use this flag for debugging or for troubleshooting when you cannot invoke
the installer.
NOTE: The default log file that records status errors during the installation is created in the
-is:javaconsole -console
This flag generates a script-type (non-GUI) user interface called console mode. This method is
most useful when installing or configuring over a WAN or VPN, or where the text display of
console mode is preferable to GUI mode for other reasons.
-is:tempdir temp_directory_location
This flag directs the installer to the location to use for temporary installation-related files. If the
default directory is not suitable or does not have the required free space, then you can designate
another location. For more information, see Managing Temporary Disk Space Required by Siebel
Installers and Wizards on page 289.
-args RECORD=path_to_installation_response_file
This flag runs the installer in record mode. Record mode does not perform an installation, but
rather it generates a siebel.ini file that includes changes based on inputs made during the
installer session.
You use this siebel.ini file as part of an unattended installation, as follows:
After you create a siebel.ini file using record mode, place the file in the directory where the
Siebel Management Server installer program is located so it will be read by the installer when
you start it. Always back up your original siebel.ini file before replacing it with a new file.
23 5
Alternatively, you can place the new siebel.ini file in some other location, and run the installer
using the -args SS_SETUP_INI argument to point to the location of the file that you created
using record mode.
When you run the installer in record mode, validations are performed as if the installer were
running in live mode (normal installation). It is strongly recommended that you run the installer
on a computer that has similar resources and configuration settings as the target computer on
which the installation will be performed.
NOTE: There must be no spaces before and after the equals sign in the command.
-args SS_SETUP_INI=path_to_installation_response_file
This flag runs the installer using a siebel.ini file at a location that you designate. If this option is
not used, then the installer uses the siebel.ini file located in the same directory where the Siebel
Management Server installer program is located. The installer session will be governed by the
settings in this siebel.ini file.
NOTE: There must be no spaces before and after the equals sign in the command.
Related Topics
Process of Installing Siebel Management Server on page 232
Related Topics
Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
Server on page 325
About Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server on page 231
Process of Installing Siebel Management Server on page 232
Process of Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on page 240
Appendix B, Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference
If you are using nondefault port numbers, then you can specify the correct port numbers in the
Configuration Wizard for Siebel Management Agent or Siebel Management Server.
As noted in Using Perl Scripts to Finish Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
Server on page 248, an intermediate file output by a Perl script assumes the default Siebel
Management Agent port number of 1199. Update this file as necessary to reference the correct port
Anticipate whether you might have port number conflicts with other components on individual
computers and take steps to avoid conflicts. For example, the Siebel Charts server also uses port
1099. For more information, see Installing Siebel Charts on page 252.
Siebel Management Server uses Apache Tomcat internally. If this Siebel module and another product
using Apache Tomcat are installed on the same computer, then you might encounter port conflicts.
If necessary, edit the file server.xml to specify unique port numbers. For Siebel Management Server,
this file is located in the tomcat\conf subdirectory of the installation directory. Port 8005 is used for
Tomcat shutdown.
23 7
The directory that you are specifying as the default location must already exist before you
configure Siebel Management Server. The Siebel Management Server Configuration Wizard does
not create this directory.
Users who deploy ADM packages must have read and write permissions in this directory.
The directory must be a shared network resource that is available to the Siebel Management
Server and to Siebel Management Agents on all of the Siebel Server computers.
For deployments using only Siebel Servers on Microsoft Windows, set a value with a fully
qualified path, as in this example:
For deployments using one or more Siebel Server on a Windows server computer and one or
more Siebel Server on a UNIX server computer, set a value with two fully qualified paths (one
for Windows and one for UNIX), separated by a semicolon, as in this example:
NOTE: Siebel Management Server is supported only on Microsoft Windows, while Siebel
Management Agent and Siebel Server are supported on both Windows and UNIX operating
systems. The paths defined in the setting of ADM_PACK_LOC must specify the same location as
it would be accessed from servers on both Windows and UNIX.
After you run the Siebel Management Server Configuration Wizard and run the
script, the value that you specify is stored in the batch file deploy_enterprise_name.bat as the
value of the parameter ADM_PACK_LOC. This file is created in the Siebel Management Server
installation directory: MgmtSrvrInstallDir\pref\system. For more information about this file,
see Using Perl Scripts to Finish Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
Server on page 248.
For information about how to use the file deploy_enterprise_name.bat and about the task for
configuring the ADM enterprise profile, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide.
For deployments in which Siebel Management Agent is installed on one or more UNIX computers,
a cross-platform networking tool such as Samba might be required to help provide access to the
ADM package directory and to the Siebel Management Server on Windows.
238 This script is provided with both Siebel Management Agent and Siebel
Management Server. This script is provided with both Siebel Management Agent and Siebel
Management Server.
In this path, MgmtAgentInstallDir is the Siebel Management Agent installation directory, such as
C:\siebel\\ses\siebsrvr\mgmtagent or
C:\siebel\\ses\siebsrvr\mgmtagent (on Windows) or /siebel/
siebsrvr/mgmtagent or /siebel/ (on UNIX).
On Siebel Management Server, the Perl scripts (,, and are located in:
In this path, MgmtSrvrInstallDir is the Siebel Management Server installation directory, such as
C:\sba81\mgmtsrvr or C:\sba82\mgmtsrvr (on Windows only).
The Siebel Server, Siebel Management Agent, and Siebel Management Server must be up and
running, and the Siebel ADM server components must be enabled and running.
Use the minimum supported version of Perl, as noted in the Certifications tab on My Oracle
Execute the Perl scripts and on a computer on which you have
installed a Siebel Server because these scripts have to run srvrmgr.
In general, this topic assumes that you execute these Perl scripts on a computer where you have
installed both Siebel Server and Siebel Management Agent. By contrast, you execute the script on a computer where you have installed Siebel Management Server.
23 9
You execute on the Siebel Management Server computer after executing the scripts and The script generates the files
deploy_enterprise_name.bat and entprofile_enterprise_name.xml. In these file names,
enterprise_name is the name of the Siebel Enterprise.
After verifying or updating port numbers in these files, you then copy the XML files to the Siebel
Management Server (updating existing files).
Execute the Perl scripts additional times in the following cases:
If you add more Siebel Servers with Siebel Management Agents later. These instances of Siebel
Management Agent must be registered with the Siebel Management Server.
If your Siebel Management Server must work with more than one Siebel Enterprise, such as if
Siebel ADM must support multiple Siebel Enterprises.
If multiple instances of Siebel Management Servers are required for any reason. (For two or more
Siebel Enterprises with the same name, you must install a separate instance of Siebel
Management Server for each unique Siebel Enterprise name.)
Using Perl Scripts to Finish Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server
on page 248
Execute Perl scripts to register additional instances of Siebel Management Agent, to register
Siebel Management Agents for additional Siebel Enterprises.
Restarting Siebel Management Server After Installation and Configuration on page 250
You perform these configuration tasks after installing Siebel Management Server.
Related Topics
Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
Server on page 325
About Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server on page 231
Process of Installing Siebel Management Server on page 232
About Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on page 236
Review About Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on page 236
and Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel
Management Server on page 325.
Enter the Siebel user name and password, confirm the password, and then click Next.
Specify a Siebel administrator user, such as SADMIN.
The wizard requests the location of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) home directory.
Click Browse to navigate to the JRE home directory. Select the directory, and click Next.
The wizard displays a check box that allows you to enable RC2 encryption for the Siebel user
account that you specified in Step 3 on page 241. By default, the check box is clear. For more
information about RC2 encryption, see Siebel Security Guide.
To enable RC2 encryption of the Siebel users password, select the check box, and click Next.
Specify the full path to the RC2 key file.
To leave the Siebel users password encoded in base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding, leave the
check box clear, and click Next.
The wizard requests the port number for the RMI Registry. Requests to connect to this Siebel
Management Agent use this port number (default 1199).
Enter the port number for the RMI Registry, or accept the default, and then click Next.
The wizard requests the type of authentication to deploy for Siebel Management Agent. You must
select the same type of authentication for both Siebel Management Server and any Siebel
Management Agents that connect to this Siebel Management Server. For more information about
authentication types, see Siebel Security Guide.
24 1
Select the type of authentication. Do one of the following, and click Next:
If you selected LDAP or Database, then go to Step 8 on page 242, and specify the path to the
security adapter file. Use one of these options for production deployments.
If you selected None, then go to Step 9 on page 242. This option is not suitable for production
NOTE: Selecting None allows the user specified in Step 3 on page 241 to perform Siebel ADM
deployment operations without any other authentication.
Specify the path to the security adapter file (located in the bin subdirectory of the Siebel
Management Agent installation directory), and click Next.
The wizard asks if you want to deploy the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for Siebel
Management Agent. For more information about SSL, see Siebel Security Guide.
To deploy with SSL, select the SSL radio button, and click Next. Go to the next step.
For more information about configuring SSL for Siebel Management Agent and Siebel
Management Server, see Siebel Security Guide.
To deploy without using SSL, select the NoSSL radio button, and click Next. On Windows, go
to Step 14 on page 243. On UNIX, go to Step 16 on page 243.
To deploy for local communications only (with no SSL between different computers), select
the LoopBack radio button, and click Next. Go to Step 14 on page 243.
This option binds to a loopback address and accepts connections only from the same
computer. You can use this option when Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management
Server are installed on the same Windows computer.
To use the SSL protocol for communications from the client, select Client, and click Next. (The
client in this context is the Siebel Management Server.) The wizard requests the Private Key
File Name and Private Key File Password. Go to Step 12 on page 243.
To use the SSL protocol for communications in both directions (between the Siebel
Management Server and the Siebel Management Agents), select Dual, and click Next. The
wizard requests the name of the SSL provider.
To use the SSL protocol for communications from the server, select Server, and click Next.
(The server in this context is the Siebel Management Agent.) The wizard requests the name
of the SSL provider.
11 For Dual or Server configuration, specify the name of the SSL encryption provider, and click Next.
Specify one of the following:
For more information about these options, see Siebel Security Guide.
The wizard requests the Private Key File Name and Private Key File Password.
12 Enter values for the Private Key File Name and Private Key File Password, and click Next.
The wizard requests the name of the Truststore file.
14 Enter the Windows User Account and the Windows User Account Password, confirm the password,
and then click Next.
The wizard asks if you want to start Siebel Management Agent.
To start Siebel Management Agent when configuration completes, select the check box, and
click Next.
NOTE: On Microsoft Windows, if you are using database authentication, then, in order to
select this option, you must have already installed the Siebel database schema and seed
data. For more information about performing these tasks, see Chapter 5, Installing the Siebel
Database on the RDBMS.
To start Siebel Management Agent at a later time, leave the check box clear, and click Next.
If the information is correct, then click Next to complete the configuration. A dialog box
appears that asks if you want to execute the configuration. Go to the next step.
If the information is incorrect, then click Back to return to the parameter that you want to
17 Click OK to execute the configuration, and complete the configuration of the Siebel Management
After you have configured all of the Siebel Management Agents, do one of the following:
To install Siebel Management Server (if it is not yet installed), go to Process of Installing
Siebel Management Server on page 232.
24 3
In general, this topic assumes that you configure Siebel Management Server immediately after you
install it. When you configure the Siebel Management Server, you are also registering one or two
Siebel Management Agents with the Siebel Management Server.
Installation of Siebel Management Server is described in Process of Installing Siebel Management
Server on page 232.
NOTE: If you are using database authentication, then, in order to select the Configuration Wizard
option to start the Siebel Management Server immediately, you must have already installed the
Siebel database schema and seed data. For more information about performing these tasks, see
Chapter 5, Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS.
This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
Server on page 240.
Review About Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on page 236
and Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel
Management Server on page 325.
Enter the name of the computer that hosts the Siebel Gateway Name Server and its port number,
and click Next.
NOTE: Make sure that the Siebel Gateway Name Server is running.
The wizard requests the account details of the Siebel user who administers the Siebel
Management Server.
Enter the Siebel user name and password, confirm the password, and then click Next.
Specify a Siebel administrator user, such as SADMIN.
The wizard displays a check box that allows you to enable RC2 encryption for the Siebel user
account that you specified in Step 5 on page 244. By default, the check box is clear. For more
information about RC2 encryption, see Siebel Security Guide.
To enable RC2 encryption of the Siebel users password, select the check box, and click Next.
Specify the full path to the RC2 key file.
To leave the Siebel users password in base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding, leave the check
box clear, and click Next.
The wizard requests the port number for the RMI Registry. The RMI Registry port number (default
1099) is the port number where Siebel Management Server listens for requests.
Enter the port number for the RMI Registry or accept the default, and then click Next.
The wizard requests the location of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) home directory.
Click Browse to navigate to the JRE home directory. Select the directory, and click Next.
The wizard requests the type of authentication to deploy for Siebel Management Server. You must
select the same type of authentication for both Siebel Management Server and any Siebel
Management Agents that connect to this Siebel Management Server. For more information about
the authentication types, see Siebel Security Guide.
Select the type of authentication. Do one of the following, and click Next:
If you selected LDAP or Database, then go to Step 10 on page 245, and specify the path to
the security adapter file. Use one of these options for production deployments.
If you selected None, then go to Step 11 on page 245. This option is not suitable for
production deployments.
NOTE: Selecting None allows the user specified in Step 5 on page 244 to perform Siebel ADM
deployment operations without any other authentication.
10 Specify the path to the security adapter file (located in the bin subdirectory of the Siebel
Management Server installation directory). Do one of the following, and click Next:
The wizard asks if you want to deploy the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for the Siebel
Management Server. For more information about SSL, see Siebel Security Guide.
To deploy with SSL, select the SSL radio button, and click Next. Go to the next step.
For more information about configuring SSL for Siebel Management Agent and Siebel
Management Server, see Siebel Security Guide.
To deploy without using SSL, select the NoSSL radio button, and click Next. Go to Step 16 on
page 246.
To deploy for local communications only (with no SSL between different computers), select
the LoopBack radio button, and click Next. Go to Step 16 on page 246.
This option binds to a loopback address and accepts connections only from the same
computer. You can use this option when Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management
Server are installed on the same computer (which applies only on Windows).
To use the SSL protocol for communications from the client, select Client, and click Next. (The
client in this context is the Siebel Management Server.) The wizard requests the Private Key
File Name and Private Key File Password. Go to Step 15 on page 246.
24 5
To use the SSL protocol for communications in both directions (between the Siebel
Management Server and the Siebel Management Agents), select Dual, and click Next. The
wizard requests the name of the SSL provider.
To use the SSL protocol for communications from the server, select Server, and click Next.
(The server in this context is the Siebel Management Agent.) The wizard requests the name
of the SSL provider.
13 For Dual or Server configuration, specify the name of the SSL encryption provider, and click Next.
Specify one of the following:
For more information about these options, see Siebel Security Guide.
The wizard requests the Private Key File Name and Private Key File Password.
14 Enter values for the Private Key File Name and Private Key File Password, and click Next.
The wizard requests the name of the Truststore file.
16 Enter the Windows User Account and the Windows User Account Password, confirm the password,
and then click Next.
The wizard requests the default location of the Siebel ADM package directory, which is the
directory that stores packages prior to deployment in the target environment.
17 Specify a value representing the default location of the Siebel ADM package directory, and click
The wizard requests the host name and port number (default 1199) of the computer with the
first Siebel Management Agent that you want to register with the Siebel Management Server.
18 Enter the host name of the computer that hosts the monitored Siebel Server (where the first
Siebel Management Agent is installed) and the port number on which Siebel Management Agent
listens. Then click Next.
The wizard requests the name of the monitored Siebel Server.
To monitor a Siebel Server, select the Siebel Server check box, and click Next.
To monitor another type of server, select the Generic Server check box, and click Next. For
more information about this option, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide.
The wizard asks if you want to register a second Siebel Management Agent with this Siebel
Management Server.
If you have two Siebel Servers with Siebel Management Agent and are registering the second
Siebel Management Agent, then select the check box, and click Next. Repeat Step 18 through
Step 20 to register the second Siebel Management Agent.
If you do not want to register a second Siebel Management Agent at this time, then clear the
check box, and click Next.
For example, clear the check box if you have only one Siebel Server with a Siebel
Management Agent, or if you have more than two Siebel Servers with Siebel Management
Agents. To register more than two Siebel Management Agents, you must run Perl scripts as
described in Using Perl Scripts to Finish Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel
Management Server on page 248.
To start Siebel Management Server when configuration is complete, select the check box, and
click Next.
NOTE: On Microsoft Windows, if you are using database authentication, then, in order to
select this option, you must have already installed the Siebel database schema and seed
data. For more information about performing these tasks, see Chapter 5, Installing the Siebel
Database on the RDBMS.
To start Siebel Management Server at a later time, leave the check box clear, and click Next.
If the information is correct, then click Next to complete the configuration. A dialog box
appears that asks if you want to execute the configuration. Go to the next step.
If the information is incorrect, then click Back to return to the parameter that you have to
24 Click OK to execute the configuration, and complete the configuration of the Siebel Management
25 If you started the Siebel Management Server Configuration Wizard from the installer, then return
to Process of Installing Siebel Management Server on page 232 to complete the installation.
NOTE: After you have configured Siebel Management Server using the Configuration Wizard, go
to Using Perl Scripts to Finish Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
Server on page 248.
24 7
Copy the file configuration.globals.xml from the Siebel Management Server installation to the
directory where you will execute the Perl scripts.
To execute the Perl scripts on the Siebel Management Agent computer, copy the file from
MgmtSrvrInstallDir\pref\system (on the Siebel Management Server computer) to
MgmtAgentInstallDir\bin (on the Siebel Management Agent computer).
Execute From the command line, execute the following command:
perl g GatewayServerHostname:GatewayServerPortNumber -e
SiebelEnterpriseName -u SiebelUsername p SiebelUserPassword l
For example, you might enter a command like this for Siebel CRM version
perl -g sdchs21n044:4330 -e sieb81 -u sadmin -p db2 -l enu
NOTE: Specifying the port number (and the preceding colon) is optional if the Siebel Gateway
Name Server uses the default port of 2320.
The following appears in the output window (in this example, sieb81 is the name of the Siebel
Running SrvrMgr
Parsing output from SrvrMgr
Writing output to sieb81
Generating configuration globals XML file
Renaming configuration globals XML file
This command invokes srvrmgr and retrieves data from the Siebel Gateway Name Server, then
writes output to the configuration.globals.xml file and to a file named for the Siebel Enterprise,
such as sieb81 (do not rename this file).
(Optional) If the port number that you are using for Siebel Management Agent is not the default
of 1199, then you can edit the output file named for the Siebel Enterprise (such as sieb81) to
specify the correct port number. Or, if you do not edit this file, then you can edit the port number
for each Siebel Management Agent in a different file later in this procedure. See Step 8 on
page 249.
Execute From the command line, execute the following command:
perl SiebelEnterpriseName
The following appears in the output window:
Writing configuration.agents.xml
Copy the following files to the directory MgmtSrvrInstallDir\pref\system (on the Siebel
Management Server computer):
sieb81 (in this example, sieb81 is the name of your Siebel Enterprise)
Open the file configuration.agents.xml and verify that it contains an entry key for each Siebel
Management Agent, in the following format:
<entry key=SiebelServerName
HostofAgent/jndi/rmi://HostofAgent:PortofAgent/jmx/siebel/agent />
For example, it might contain an entry similar to the following:
<entry key=SDCHS21N008
/SDCHS21N008:1199/jmx/siebel/agent />
24 9
Log in to the computer where you are running Siebel Management Server.
Execute From the command line, execute the following command:
perl MgmtSrvrInstallDir\bin\ -e SiebelEnterpriseName -s
SCBrokerPortNumber -p ADMDefaultPackageLocation -r MgmtSrvrInstallDir
For example, on Windows you might enter a command like this for Siebel CRM version
perl C:\sba81\mgmtsrvr\bin\ -e sieb81 -s 2321 -p
C:\sba81\mgmtsrvr\adm\packages -r C:\sba81\mgmtsrvr
The following information appears in the output window (in this command, sieb81 is the name
of the Siebel Enterprise):
Creating deploy_sieb81.bat
Creating entprofile_sieb81.xml
This example command creates the file deploy_sieb81.bat in the
MgmtSrvrInstallDir\pref\system directory and the file entprofile_sieb81.xml in the
MgmtSrvrInstallDir\adm directory.
See also About Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on
page 236.
Changing the Siebel Charts Server Used by Siebel Web Clients on page 254
8001. This port is used by Web browsers connecting to the Siebel Charts server. This port is
specified during the installation and can be changed.
8002. This port is used for shutdown requests. The port that is used is the port number specified
during the installation plus one; by default, this is 8001 plus 1 (8002).
1099. This port is used for administration console access (using Java RMI).
25 1
By default, port 1099 is also used by Siebel Management Server. If you are using both Siebel
Management Server and the Siebel Charts server, then you must either install them on different
computers or specify a different port number when you install and configure Siebel Management
Server. For more information about configuring Siebel Management Server, see Process of
Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server on page 240.
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment on
page 32
Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications in an Upgrade Case (Existing
Database) on page 36
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for the current software version. Then
navigate to the directory where the installer is located. Navigate to
Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such as
C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
lang is the three-letter code for the language of your Siebel Business Applications; for
example, enu for U.S. English.
As you proceed from screen to screen using the installer, accept all of the applicable defaults,
and accept all of the license agreements.
After installing Siebel Charts software, you must configure the Siebel Charts server.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to your installation directory for Siebel Charts; for example:
C:\Program Files\Visual Mining\NetCharts Server 4.6 Siebel Edition\Server\
In the Siebel.chart subdirectory, create a new file, using Windows Notepad, and type the
following three characters in uppercase but without a carriage return:
Specify a default font to be used by NetCharts if no font is defined for a chart or if the font defined
for the chart is not available on the server computer.
Make sure that the DefaultChartFont parameter in your configuration file and the Application
Default Chart Font parameter for your Application Object Manager component are set to a font
that is available on your computer. For some example font names, see Siebel Global Deployment
NOTE: The NetCharts Server console provides tools that you can use to validate specific fonts
on your system, including any extension fonts that you might have loaded. From the Examples
link in the console, you can choose either Font Selection or I18N. Under Font Selection, you can
select your custom fonts, and specify any font to populate the text areas of your charts. Similarly,
under I18N, you can display the full map of characters available to the server. For each character
that is unavailable in a given font, a square box is displayed instead of the character.
If you are deploying Siebel Charts for use with languages other than U.S. English, then, in order
to display translated messages and to display chart text correctly (such as in the X and Y axis),
you must make the following change in the server.xml file provided with the NetCharts Server:
Navigate to the following subdirectory in your NetCharts Server installation directory; for
C:\Program Files\Visual Mining\NetCharts Server 4.6 Siebel Edition\Server\conf
In the section of the file with the tag <Parameter Name="Encoding">, change the Value
parameter from "" (null) to "UTF-8", so the section resembles the following:
<Parameter Name="Encoding" Value="UTF-8" Description="Sets the encoding used for
String to byte[] conversions. Unless you require a specific encoding other than
the platform default, leave this property disabled." Disabled="true"/>
25 3
Installing Siebel Charts Changing the Siebel Charts Server Used by Siebel Web Clients
To specify the Siebel Charts server for Siebel Web Clients (optional)
Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.
In the Profile Parameters list at the bottom of the screen, set the value of the parameter
DSChartServer to indicate the host name of the computer where you are running the Siebel
Charts server and the port number.
This parameter specifies the Siebel Charts server connect string. Use the following format for the
parameter value:
You initially specify the Siebel Charts server connect string when you configure the Siebel Server,
as described in Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web
Server Extension.
(Optional) Set the value of the parameter DSChartImageFormat to png (the default), jpg, or gif.
The value must be in lower case. You initially specify the chart image format when you configure
the Siebel Server, as described in Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and
the Siebel Web Server Extension.
NOTE: For a Siebel Mobile Web Client, set the equivalent parameter, ChartImageFormat, in the
configuration file for the Siebel application, such as uagent.cfg for Siebel Call Center.
12 Uninstalling
Siebel Business
This chapter provides instructions for uninstalling Siebel Business Applications. It includes the
following topics:
Uninstalling Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server Extension on page 265
Rollback uninstallation (also referred to as rollback or rolling back) uninstalls a Siebel CRM
release that you had installed as a patch release and reverts to the previously installed software
release, where applicable. With a rollback uninstallation, the release that you can revert to
depends on how you originally installed the Siebel CRM software module.
Related Books
Siebel Deployment Planning Guide
Siebel System Administration Guide
Siebel Global Deployment Guide
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
25 5
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
If you installed the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, as a new
installation, then you can perform a full uninstallation. Performing a rollback uninstallation is not
an option.
If you installed the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, as a patch
installation (migration installation), then you can perform a rollback uninstallation to revert to
your previously installed software version (such as Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or, or
Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or You can also perform a full uninstallation.
CAUTION: Different rollback installation methods are provided for different situations. Make
sure to use the correct method for your situation.
For Siebel Tools or Siebel Web Clients, you can either perform a full uninstallation or perform a
rollback uninstallation of the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, to
revert to your previously installed software version (such as Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or, or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or
For Siebel Sample Database, you can perform a full uninstallation of the current release, Siebel
CRM version or version Performing a rollback uninstallation is not an option.
(Before you install the current release as a new installation of Siebel Sample Database, you must
uninstall the existing installed Siebel Sample Database, if present.)
For Siebel Management Server, you can either perform a full uninstallation or perform a rollback
uninstallation of the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, to revert to
Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2.
Related Topics
Requirements for Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 256
Limitations for Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 259
Use documented methods. To successfully uninstall, you must use the supported methods
documented in this chapter and observe all of the requirements and limitations that apply for
uninstalling each module. Review this entire chapter before you uninstall any software.
Before a full uninstallation, you must remove configuration data. For Siebel Enterprise
Server components and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) that were previously configured
using Siebel Configuration Wizards, you must perform wizard tasks to remove the configuration
data before you uninstall the Siebel software. For detailed information, see Process of Removing
Configuration Data on page 261.
You must have the required access. When you uninstall an instance of Siebel Enterprise
Server or Siebel Web Server Extension, you must either be the same user or be a user in the
same group as the user who performed the installation. This requirement applies to both full
uninstallation and rollback uninstallation.
Do not delete installation directories until you have performed a full uninstallation. Do
not delete the installation directories for any Siebel module until after you have performed a full
uninstallation of the module. After a full uninstallation has completed successfully, you might
have to restart your computer. Afterwards, you can safely delete the remaining directories. (Do
not delete any installation directories after you perform a rollback uninstallation.)
Siebel modules must use the same version after a rollback uninstallation. If you roll back
to the previously installed version for Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE, then you must also
perform a similar rollback uninstallation for all of the other Siebel modules sharing the same
Siebel Enterprise and Siebel database. For more information about the features in the current
release and in prior releases, see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle
Support. After you roll back, then see earlier applicable versions of the Siebel Installation Guide
for the operating system you are using for information about the new current release level.
To perform a rollback uninstallation for Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE, you must
have retained the previous installation. When you installed the current release, Siebel CRM
version or version, as a migration installation, the existing installation directory
was renamed. You must retain this installation directory in order to be able to roll back to the
version that it represents. During a migration installation:
The original Siebel Enterprise Server installation directory is renamed from OriginalName to
OriginalName_pre8. or OriginalName_pre8. For example, if the original
directory name was ses, then this directory is renamed to ses_pre8. or
ses_pre8. (The new Siebel Enterprise Server installation directory is named
OriginalName, such as ses.)
25 7
For Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE, you must use the correct rollback uninstallation
method for your situation. Different rollback installation methods are provided for different
situations. You must use the correct method for your situation, as follows:
If you originally installed Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 (using the InstallShield installer) and are
now rolling back to Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 through version, then you must use the
Oracle Universal Installer uninstallation option to roll back the current version. (You must use
this method because it removes the defined Oracle home, which no longer applies after the
rollback in this case.)
If you are rolling back to Siebel CRM version or later or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or
later, then you must use the manual steps to roll back the current version. (You must use
this method because it does not remove the defined Oracle home, which still applies after
the rollback in this case. If the Oracle home is removed, then the rollback process is
incomplete and your original installation cannot be used in its current state.)
After a rollback uninstallation, you must restore the Siebel Repository. New functionality
and bug fixes associated with the current release are no longer available after a rollback
uninstallation. After you roll back the current release, you must remove any configuration
changes and restore the Siebel Repository and the SRF files to the state when you first installed
current release.
NOTE: After you installed Siebel CRM version or version as a migration
installation, you would have used the Incremental Repository Merge feature to update the Siebel
Repository and to make other Siebel database changes. For more information about Incremental
Repository Merge, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
After a rollback uninstallation, refer to earlier versions of the documentation. After you
roll back the current release, you must refer to the documentation that applies to the Siebel CRM
version that you revert to. For example, if you revert to Siebel CRM version, then for
information about your new effective version you must refer to version 8.1, Rev. A of the Siebel
Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. This version of the guide is available
from 1461732.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. See also the applicable Siebel Maintenance
Release Guide on My Oracle Support.
After a rollback uninstallation, verify the software version. After a rollback uninstallation,
verify the version number of the installed software that you revert to. See the documentation
that applies to your new effective version. See also Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise
Server on page 175 and related topics.
Uninstall Database Configuration Utilities only after backing up files. Before you uninstall
an instance of Siebel Enterprise Server that includes the Database Configuration Utilities and
Siebel Server, it is strongly recommended that you back up relevant files, such as summary.html
and summary.txt in the DBSRVR_ROOT directory and the files in the log directory under
Related Topics
About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120
Uninstallation Options for Siebel Modules on page 256
Limitations for Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 259
Related Books
Siebel Database Upgrade Guide
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
You cannot selectively uninstall Siebel language packs. If you have installed a particular
Siebel language pack but determine that it is not needed on that installation, then you can deploy
your applications using only the languages that you require. You cannot uninstall the Siebel
language pack.
25 9
If you have already deployed languages that you do not require, then you can remove and recreate a Siebel Server configuration with fewer deployed languages, or re-create an SWSE logical
profile with fewer deployed languages and reapply it to each installed SWSE instance.
Alternatively, you can disable unneeded language-specific Application Object Managers or other
components. For these tasks, you do not uninstall the Siebel software. For more information
about multilingual deployments, see About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications
with Multiple Languages on page 120 and Siebel Global Deployment Guide.
Limitations might apply for previous versions that you roll back to. If you installed the
current release as a migration installation (patch installation) and are rolling it back, then you
can revert to the previously installed software version. After rolling back, however, you might not
be able to roll back again to an earlier release. For more information, see About Uninstalling
Earlier Versions of Siebel Business Applications on page 274.
This guide describes uninstalling the current version only. For information about
uninstalling any version prior to the current release (for example, uninstalling Siebel CRM version
8.1.1 or, or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or, see About Uninstalling Earlier Versions
of Siebel Business Applications on page 274.
This guide describes GUI uninstallation only. Topics in this chapter describe full
uninstallation by running Oracle Universal Installer in GUI mode. It is also possible to perform a
full uninstallation by using unattended mode, similar to the installation process described in
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and Siebel Web Server Extension in Unattended
Mode on page 55.
This guide does not describe uninstalling Siebel Patchset releases. For information about
uninstalling a Siebel Patchset release, see the readme document for the Siebel Patchset.
Related Books
Siebel System Administration Guide
Siebel Global Deployment Guide
Related Topics
About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120
Uninstallation Options for Siebel Modules on page 256
Requirements for Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 256
About Uninstalling Earlier Versions of Siebel Business Applications on page 274
Related Books
Siebel System Administration Guide
Siebel Global Deployment Guide
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
For general information and procedures for starting the Siebel Configuration Wizards, see Chapter 4,
Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension.
Choose the task Remove the SWSE Configuration, and click Next.
Specify the name of the virtual Web site in which the Siebel virtual directories were created. This
option is available only if you installed Siebel Patchset 5 on top of the current release.
Click the check box for Remove Selected Siebel Web Server Extension, and click Next.
26 1
NOTE: When the task to remove the SWSE configuration is complete, the Web server is stopped
and restarted automatically.
Related Topics
Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Uninstalling Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server Extension on page 265
Make sure that the Siebel Server service is not running. Stop the service if necessary.
Related Topics
Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Uninstalling Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server Extension on page 265
Removing an SWSE logical profile deletes all of the files in the directory that was created with the
logical profile, including the files that are used in creating the Siebel application virtual directories
on any SWSE instance to which you apply the logical profile.
The task to remove an SWSE logical profile directory can be useful to perform in certain situations
(which might or might not involve uninstallation), for housekeeping purposes.
Configuration data saved in an SWSE logical profile is used only when the profile is applied to an
installed SWSE instance.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you retain any SWSE logical profile that you have created
and applied. Back up the files in this directory before you remove it, in case you might need any of
the files later.
This task is a step in Process of Removing Configuration Data on page 261.
Choose Remove Existing Configuration, then Remove a Siebel Web Server Extension Profile
Related Topics
Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Uninstalling Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server Extension on page 265
26 3
Choose Remove Existing Configuration, then Remove an Enterprise from the Gateway Name
Related Topics
Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Uninstalling Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server Extension on page 265
Choose Remove Existing Configuration, then Remove a Physical Gateway Name Server.
Related Topics
Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Uninstalling Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server Extension on page 265
Related Topics
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Process of Removing Configuration Data on page 261
Review all of the information in About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255,
particularly the requirements and limitations.
26 5
Verify that you have performed any required tasks to uninstall other modules or remove
configuration data.
NOTE: For example, before you uninstall an instance of Siebel Enterprise Server, particularly one
that includes Siebel Gateway Name Server, you must perform all of the applicable Configuration
Wizard tasks to remove existing configuration data. For more information, see Process of
Removing Configuration Data on page 261.
Choose Start, Products, Oracle - SES_HOME (or a similar Oracle home identifier), Oracle
Installation Products, and then Universal Installer.
This action starts the instance of Oracle Universal Installer that was installed with your Siebel
Enterprise Server installation.
In the Inventory dialog box, select the Oracle Home value (for example, SES_HOME)
representing the installed instance of Siebel Enterprise Server software that you want to
Click Remove.
Click Yes to confirm that you want to uninstall this Siebel Enterprise Server and all of its
dependent components on the same computer.
The Siebel Enterprise Server software is uninstalled from this computer.
Review all of the information in About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255,
particularly the requirements and limitations.
Stop the Siebel services for the Siebel CRM version or version installation.
You must use the correct rollback uninstallation method for your situation, as follows. For more
information, see Requirements for Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 256.
If you originally installed Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 (using the InstallShield installer) and are
now rolling back to Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 through version, then use the Oracle
Universal Installer uninstallation option to uninstall Siebel CRM version Follow the
procedure described in Uninstalling the Siebel Enterprise Server on page 265, but do not
remove configuration data. After performing this task, go to Step 10 on page 267. (Step 6
through Step 9 do not apply in this case.)
If you are rolling back to Siebel CRM version or later or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or
later, then use the manual steps that follow. Go to the next step. (Step 6 through Step 9 apply
in this case only.)
Delete the directory representing the current installation of Siebel Enterprise Server for Siebel
CRM version or version For example, if the directory name is ses, then delete
this directory.
Rename the backup directory representing the previously installed software to use the original
installation directory name for Siebel Enterprise Server. Rename the original (renamed)
directory, such as ses_pre8. or ses_pre8., to ses (or whatever your original
directory name was).
Delete the program folder that was created for Siebel CRM version or version,
which contains the shortcuts for running the Siebel Configuration Wizards.
NOTE: After the rollback, in order to run the Siebel Configuration Wizards, you must use the
wizard shortcuts for the version of the software that you rolled back to. Additional requirements
apply to the post-rollback environment.
If you rolled back to Siebel CRM version or later or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or later, then
verify the version number by using the opatch command, as described in Verifying Installation
for the Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175.
Related Topics
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise Server on page 175
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Process of Removing Configuration Data on page 261
26 7
Related Topics
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Process of Removing Configuration Data on page 261
Review all of the information in About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255,
particularly the requirements and limitations.
Verify that you have performed any required tasks to uninstall other modules or remove
configuration data.
NOTE: For example, before you uninstall an instance of Siebel Web Server Extension, you must
perform the Configuration Wizard task to remove existing SWSE configuration data. For more
information, see Process of Removing Configuration Data on page 261.
Choose Start, Products, Oracle - EAPPWEB_HOME (or a similar Oracle home identifier), Oracle
Installation Products, and then Universal Installer.
This action starts the instance of Oracle Universal Installer that was installed with your Siebel
Web Server Extension installation.
In the Inventory dialog box, select the Oracle Home value (for example, EAPPWEB_HOME)
representing the installed instance of Siebel Web Server Extension software that you want to
Click Remove.
Click Yes to confirm that you want to uninstall this Siebel Web Server Extension and all of its
dependent components on the same computer.
The Siebel Web Server Extension software is uninstalled from this computer.
Review all of the information in About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255,
particularly the requirements and limitations.
You must use the correct rollback uninstallation method for your situation, as follows. For more
information, see Requirements for Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 256.
If you originally installed Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 (using the InstallShield installer) and are
now rolling back to Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 through version, then use the Oracle
Universal Installer uninstallation option to uninstall Siebel CRM version Follow the
procedure described in Uninstalling the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 268, but do not
remove configuration data. After performing this task, go to Step 10 on page 270. (Step 6
through Step 9 do not apply in this case.)
If you are rolling back to Siebel CRM version or later or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or
later, then use the manual steps that follow. Go to the next step. (Step 6 through Step 9 apply
in this case only.)
Delete the directory representing the current installation of SWSE for Siebel CRM version or version For example, if the directory name is sweapp, then delete this
Rename the backup directory representing the previously installed software to use the original
installation directory name for SWSE. Rename the original (renamed) directory, such as
sweapp_pre8. or sweapp_pre8., to sweapp (or whatever your original directory
name was).
26 9
Delete the program folder that was created for Siebel CRM version or version,
which contains the shortcut for running the SWSE Configuration Wizard.
NOTE: After the rollback, in order to run the SWSE Configuration Wizard, you must use the
wizard shortcut for the version of the software that you rolled back to. Additional requirements
apply to the post-rollback environment.
If you rolled back to Siebel CRM version or later or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or later, then
verify the version number by using the opatch command, as described in Verifying Installation
for the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 182.
Related Topics
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 182
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Process of Removing Configuration Data on page 261
Related Topics
Process of Installing the Siebel Web Client on page 143
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Choose Start, All Programs, Oracle - Siebel8_home1 (or a similar Oracle home identifier), Oracle
Installation Products, and then Universal Installer.
Select the Oracle home (for example, Siebel8_home1) representing the installed instance of
Siebel Mobile or Developer Web Client that you want to uninstall.
Click Remove.
To roll back Siebel CRM version and revert to Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or a prior version
8.1.1.x release, or to roll back Siebel CRM version and revert to Siebel CRM version 8.2.2
or a prior version 8.2.2.x release, enter the following command:
rollback -proceed
When the rollback process is complete, restart the Siebel Web Client.
27 1
Related Topics
Process of Installing Siebel Tools on page 149
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Choose Start, All Programs, Oracle - Tools1 (or a similar Oracle home identifier), Oracle
Installation Products, and then Universal Installer.
Select the Oracle home (for example, Tools1) representing the installed instance of the Siebel
Web Client that you want to uninstall.
Click Remove.
To roll back Siebel CRM version and revert to Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or a prior version
8.1.1.x release, or to roll back Siebel CRM version and revert to Siebel CRM version 8.2.2
or a prior version 8.2.2.x release, enter the following command:
rollback -proceed
Related Topics
Chapter 10, Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Navigate to Add or Remove Programs, and select the full uninstall option for Siebel Management
Click Change/Remove.
Navigate to Add or Remove Programs, and select the maintenance release uninstall option for
Siebel Management Server.
Click Change/Remove.
When the uninstallation and rollback process is complete, restart Siebel Management Server.
Related Topics
Chapter 11, Installing Siebel Charts
Navigate to Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs, and then Visual Mining NetCharts Server
4.6 Siebel Edition.
27 3
For Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 and version 8.1.1.x (through version
For the full uninstallation instructions for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1, which used the InstallShield
versions of the Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) installers, see
the version of the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using, the guide that
you used when you initially installed. The most recent applicable guides that cover the
InstallShield installers, version 8.1, Rev. A, are available on My Oracle Support, at 1461732.1
(Article ID).
For the full uninstallation instructions for Siebel CRM version through version
(when Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE were installed as a new installation), see the version
of the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using, the guide that you used
when you initially installed. The most recent applicable guides, version 8.1, Rev. D, are available
on My Oracle Support, at 1461732.1 (Article ID).
For the Siebel Fix Pack uninstallation instructions for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x Fix Pack releases
prior to Siebel CRM version (when Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE were installed as
a patch installation), see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support,
880452.1 (Article ID). Different uninstallation options apply for different Siebel Fix Pack releases.
In particular, uninstallation options are different for Siebel CRM versions and later,
compared to Siebel CRM versions through
For Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 and version 8.2.2.x (through version
For the full uninstallation instructions for Siebel CRM version 8.2.2, see the version of the Siebel
Installation Guide for the operating system you are using, the guide that you used when you
initially installed. The most recent applicable guides, version 8.2, Rev. C, are available on My
Oracle Support, at 1461732.1 (Article ID).
For the Siebel Fix Pack uninstallation instructions for Siebel CRM version 8.2.2.x Fix Pack releases
prior to version, see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle
Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID).
Related Topics
About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120
About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications on page 255
Related Books
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
Earlier versions of the Siebel Installation Guides on My Oracle Support, 1461732.1 (Article ID)
27 5
13 Requirements
for Installing and
Configuring Siebel Business
This chapter documents requirements that apply to installing and configuring Siebel Business
Applications software. It contains the following topics:
Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components on page 303
Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 311
Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Database on page 319
Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management
Server on page 325
27 7
Related Topics
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Chapter 7, Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools
Chapter 12, Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications
Before installing a Siebel Innovation Pack release for Siebel Enterprise Server (migration
installation case), you must shut down services for Siebel Server or Siebel Gateway Name Server,
and shut down any running instances of srvrmgr.
Before installing a Siebel Innovation Pack release for Siebel Web Server Extension (migration
installation case), you must stop the Web server.
Requirements differ for applications deployed in Siebel Open UI, high interactivity, or standard
interactivity. For example, after any Siebel CRM release is installed, including Siebel Innovation Pack
2013, the browser health check (if enabled) runs when a user logs in for the first time to an
application deployed in high interactivity. For more information about browser configuration and
related requirements for high interactivity applications, see Siebel System Administration Guide. For
more information about deploying applications using Siebel Open UI, see Enabling Siebel Open UI
on page 114.
An innovation pack release is similar to a traditional Siebel Fix Pack release, but includes new
application functionality. Although installation methods are evolving, innovation pack releases are
also called patch releases, because they can also be installed as a patch release for an existing
installation. Siebel Fix Pack releases are no longer provided.
This guide, Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using, is for installing the
current release. This guide is concerned only with installers that are relevant for the current release.
Patch installation instructions, which were formerly published in the Siebel Maintenance Release
Guide on My Oracle Support, are now described in this guide.
You install Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Web Server Extension as a new installation of the
current version of the software. For existing installations, you can also perform a new type of patch
installation called a migration installation. For more information, see Installation-Related Changes for
Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 on page 27.
NOTE: For an existing installation, running Incremental Repository Merge is required for Siebel
Innovation Pack 2013. For more information, see About Database Updates for Siebel CRM Version or Version on page 89.
You install Siebel Web Client (Siebel Mobile Web Client or Developer Web Client), Siebel Tools, and
Siebel Management Server in two phases using installers of two different versions. You run each
installer from its version-specific network image.
Table 20 on page 279 lists the major Siebel CRM installable modules and shows which versions
support which installation methods in order to install the current release as a new installation or as
a patch for an existing installation.
Table 20.
27 9
Table 20.
Siebel Tools
8.1.1 and
8.2.2 and
8.1.1 and
8.2.2 and
8.1.1 and
8.2.2 and
For information about the features and fixes provided in particular releases for your Siebel Business
Applications, including Siebel Innovation Packs and prior Siebel Fix Pack releases, and about the
configuration requirements for new features, see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide
on My Oracle Support. For information about setting up and using Incremental Repository Merge, see
Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
Typically, no additional Siebel Configuration Wizard tasks are associated with a patch installation (or
migration installation). You would not run the Siebel Configuration Wizard to configure a module that
was already configured. However, requirements might vary for a given release, or for using particular
Individual Siebel Quick Fix releases are no longer provided for the current release, Siebel CRM
version or version Instead, monthly Siebel Patchset releases are provided, each of
which provides several fixes. The fixes are provided on a cumulative basis in each Siebel Patchset
release. In some cases, installing a particular Siebel Patchset release might be required. This guide
does not describe installing or uninstalling Siebel Patchset releases.
NOTE: You must verify the availability, characteristics, and requirements of any future releases,
including any Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x releases, that might also be covered by
this guide (or updated versions of it) or by other documentation. The installation tasks and
requirements for all future releases are subject to change.
Related Books
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
For the readme documents for individual Siebel Patchset releases, see Siebel Patchset Installation
Guide for Siebel CRM / IP2013, 1614310.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
For more information about Siebel Patchset releases, see 1600520.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle
You do install the Siebel Enterprise Server component called Database Configuration Utilities on
a Siebel Server, as described in Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the
Siebel Web Server Extension.
You do not create the database instance on the RDBMS, as described in Chapter 14, Configuring
the RDBMS. (After the upgrade is complete, you might have to modify database parameters for
your RDBMS platform to match settings described in that chapter.)
28 1
You do not perform the tasks described in Chapter 5, Installing the Siebel Database on the
Certain installation and configuration requirements associated with Siebel Gateway Name Server
authentication that apply for new deployments do not apply in this case. For details, see
Requirements for Siebel Gateway Name Server Authentication on page 306.
After installing and upgrading, you might have to perform additional tasks. For example, some tasks
that might apply are described in Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide and Siebel System
Administration Guide. See also Preparing to Run Siebel Server Components on page 111.
When you install Siebel Business Applications in some upgrade scenarios, you might in some cases
be able to install different versions of a Siebel module on the same computer, if this scenario is valid
for particular modules and might be helpful to you. For more information, see Planning to Install
Multiple Instances of Siebel Business Applications on page 290.
After you install the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, you can install
the latest Siebel Patchset release. Install the Siebel Patchset release before you initiate the upgrade
process. After upgrading, you can install additional patchset releases as they become available.
CAUTION: After you have started upgrading, do not install any Siebel CRM releases until the
upgrade is complete.
For information about types of Siebel CRM releases, see About Siebel CRM Releases on page 278.
See also the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support.
Instructions in this guide apply both for new installations and upgrades, except where noted.
Managing Temporary Disk Space Required by Siebel Installers and Wizards on page 289
About The Language in Which Siebel Installers and Wizards Run on page 290
Restrictions on Host Names for Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel Server on page 292
Restrictions on Names for Siebel Enterprise and Siebel Server on page 293
28 3
Related Topics
Planning to Install Multiple Instances of Siebel Business Applications on page 290
Restrictions on Host Names for Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel Server on page 292
Restrictions on Names for Siebel Enterprise and Siebel Server on page 293
File and Directory Naming Conventions on page 294
Creating the Siebel File System on page 295
About the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 312
Installing the Web Server on page 313
Related Books
Siebel Deployment Planning Guide
Siebel Performance Tuning Guide
Siebel Security Guide
Siebel Security Hardening Guide
Certifications tab on My Oracle Support
Verify that all of the Siebel Servers for which you want to provide load balancing are
On each Siebel Server, verify that the Application Object Managers that you want to
load balance are enabled. Disable any Application Object Managers that you will not use. Note
the Application Object Managers that are to be load balanced, so that you can later remove or
comment out any disabled Application Object Managers that appear in the lbconfig.txt file that
you generate.
The third-party HTTP load balancer must be validated for use with Siebel Business
Applications. For more information, see 477835.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This
document was previously published as Siebel Technical Note 540.
It must be an HTTP load balancer capable of level 7 HTTP routing. It must be able to parse
URLs in HTTP headers.
It must allow end-points to manage TCP connections. Specifically, it must allow one-to-one
mapping between client and server TCP sessions. Also, it must not do back-end connection
pooling, such as reverse proxy server pooling.
Verify that all of the Siebel Servers for which you want to provide load balancing are
running. At least one Siebel Server must be running.
On each Siebel Server, verify that the Application Object Managers that you want to
load balance are enabled. Disable any Application Object Managers that you will not use.
Select an unallocated, static virtual IP address and virtual port number for the load
Review the HTTP load balancer rule types. Review the component rules, server rules, and
round-robin rules.
28 5
Configure the SWSE. The SWSE Configuration Wizard will ask you to choose Siebel load
balancing or third-party load balancing. Choose third-party load balancing and enter the virtual
IP address and virtual port number for the load balancer. For more information, see Process of
Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 76.
NOTE: Some of the information in this topic was formerly presented in Siebel System Requirements
and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network. Use the requirements described in this topic
as a guideline. The requirements do not take into consideration various factors that affect scalability
and performance.
For more information about some of these recommendations, see Siebel Deployment Planning Guide.
See also Siebel Performance Tuning Guide.
Make sure that this release of Siebel Business Applications supports the exact version of your
chosen RDBMS, as specified in the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support, and that the RDBMS
has been installed on its designated server. This server will hold the database tables containing
your business data, such as sales (personnel, territories, opportunities, and activities),
marketing, and customer service information.
Verify that the network name of the server that will support the Siebel database is properly
recorded in your copy of the worksheet in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet.
When you configure the Siebel Enterprise, the Siebel Enterprise Configuration Wizard creates the
ODBC data source name, using the name EnterpriseName_DSN. For example, if your Siebel
Enterprise name is sieb81, then the ODBC data source name will be sieb81_DSN. Using this
pattern, determine what your ODBC data source name will be and record it in your copy of the
worksheet in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet.
NOTE: In most cases, do not change any of the default ODBC settings or parameters. Otherwise,
you will encounter problems using the ODBC. For example, setting OptimizeLongPerformance to
enable corrupts all of the scripts in the Siebel Repository during import or export processes. See
also the topics for verifying the ODBC data source for your RDBMS platform, such as those in
Verifying the ODBC Data Source on page 191.
Siebel Web Client and Siebel Tools installers also create ODBC data source names during the
installation. The naming convention is different than ODBC data source names created by the
Siebel Enterprise Configuration Wizard. For more information, see Chapter 7, Installing Siebel
Web Clients and Siebel Tools.
28 7
Related Topics
Specifying the Locale for Siebel Business Applications on page 292
Chapter 14, Configuring the RDBMS
Related Books
Siebel Global Deployment Guide
Certifications tab on My Oracle Support
For Siebel language support, Unicode support, and legacy code page support, see 1513102.1 (Article
ID) for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or 1524342.1 (Article ID) for Siebel CRM version 8.2.2.x on My
Oracle Support.
How to Use This Guide If Your Database Is IBM DB2 for z/OS
This guide describes installation of Siebel modules for each supported RDBMS, with the exception of
IBM DB2 for z/OS. (This database product was formerly referred to in some Siebel Bookshelf
documentation as IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390.)
NOTE: The Siebel Bookshelf is available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) and Oracle Software
Delivery Cloud. It might also be installed locally on your intranet or on a network location.
Customers for IBM DB2 for z/OS require this guide (Siebel Installation Guide for the operating
system you are using) and Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS. Both of these
guides are available on the Siebel Bookshelf.
NOTE: In this guide, Chapter 14, Configuring the RDBMS, and Chapter 5, Installing the Siebel
Database on the RDBMS, do not apply to customers using DB2 for z/OS. Instead, see Implementing
Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS for database-related content. If you are upgrading on
this platform, then see also Siebel Database Upgrade Guide for DB2 for z/OS. For information about
relevant requirements related to authentication for the Siebel Gateway Name Server, see
Requirements for Siebel Gateway Name Server Authentication on page 306.
Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS includes, but is not limited to, topics
such as special security issues for this RDBMS, installing the Siebel schema, performance guidelines
for use of this RDBMS with Siebel Business Applications, and specific procedures for moving data
from development to production. Also consult all of the other applicable Siebel Bookshelf
documentation, such as Siebel Security Guide.
Table 21.
Operating System
Default Location
65 to 100 MB
From a DOS command prompt, enter the commands set temp and set tmp.
28 9
However, installing multiple instances of some modules might cause problems. For example:
You cannot install multiple instances of the same version of Siebel Gateway Name Server on the
same computer. The reason for this is that installing and configuring the Siebel Gateway Name
Server creates a service which cannot coexist in multiple instances for different installations.
Restrictions apply for installing multiple instances of SWSE. For details, see Requirements for
Installing and Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 311.
For important related considerations, see also About Installing Siebel Business Applications on
page 277 and Preparing the Hardware and Planning Topologies on page 284.
NOTE: In this context, same version refers to all of the releases sharing the same first two digits,
such as 8.1.1 and, or 8.2.2 and, and so on.
All Siebel Enterprise Server components that you install on the same computer are installed into the
same root directory (such as C:\siebel\\ses or C:\siebel\\ses on Microsoft
Windows or /siebel/ or /siebel/ on UNIX), except in the case
described in the note that follows. These components include Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel
Server, Database Configuration Utilities, and EAI Connector. See also File and Directory Naming
Conventions on page 294.
NOTE: If you have already installed Siebel Enterprise Server for the current release, and you require
additional Siebel Enterprise Server components (for example, Siebel Gateway Name Server is
already installed and you want to install a Siebel Server), then you can install a new instance, with
the modules you require, in a different directory or on a different computer. (Then install the latest
Siebel Patchset release for all of the applicable installed instances.) For more information about
options in this situation, see General Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Enterprise
Server Components on page 304.
Each Siebel Gateway Name Server must be installed on a separate computer, regardless of the
If you install multiple versions of the Siebel Server on the same computer, then you must install
them in different directories (default installation directories are already different between
Restrictions apply for installing multiple instances of Siebel Web Server Extension.
Related Topics
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 311
29 1
Related Books
Siebel Database Upgrade Guide
Related Topics
Planning RDBMS Installation and Configuration on page 287
Chapter 14, Configuring the RDBMS
Related Books
Siebel Applications Administration Guide
Siebel Global Deployment Guide
This topic describes restrictions for host names for server computers on which you will install Siebel
Gateway Name Server or Siebel Server.
The Siebel Gateway Name Server name is defined automatically based on the host name of the
server computer. However, problems might arise during configuration of Siebel modules unless the
following requirements are observed:
Host names for Siebel Gateway Name Server or Siebel Server must not include dashes
(hyphens). It is recommended that you use an underscore if a separator character is required.
For example, host_sba81 is acceptable, but host-sba81 is not.
NOTE: A dash might not cause problems in every scenario, but problems have been observed in
many specific scenarios, as noted in 477993.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document
was previously published as Siebel Alert 1067. (Workarounds described in the alert, involving
substitute *.scm files, do not apply to the current software version.) In any case, similar
restrictions for naming a Siebel Enterprise or Siebel Server are noted in Restrictions on Names
for Siebel Enterprise and Siebel Server on page 293.
The host name for Siebel Gateway Name Server must be no longer than 15 characters.
The Siebel Configuration Wizard task for configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server cannot
execute successfully if the host name is longer than 15 characters.
(Configuration Wizard tasks for configuring the Siebel Enterprise and the Siebel Server also
validate that the name of the Siebel Gateway Name Server, which would have been previously
configured, is no longer than 15 characters.)
In general, it is recommended not to define the host name for the Siebel Gateway Name Server
computer to include domain information, as might be common in some UNIX environments. The
entire host name is subject to the 15-character limit mentioned previously.
29 3
SIEBEL_ROOT. Generally, this refers to the main directory in which software for each Siebel
Enterprise Server component has been installed. The installers for the Siebel Enterprise Server
components install into the top-level directory, such as C:\siebel\\ses by default,
although the directory where you install might be different. Generally, this directory is what
SIEBEL_ROOT represents in this guide.
ORACLE_HOME. This refers to the same directory as represented by SIEBEL_ROOT.
SIEBEL_HOME. The installation or root directory for Siebel Business Applications software in
general (such as C:\siebel\\ses or C:\siebel\\ses), or of a specific module
such as the Siebel Gateway Name Server or the Siebel Server (such as
C:\siebel\\ses\siebsrvr or C:\siebel\\ses\siebsrvr for Siebel Server),
depending on the context. Many scripts contain variables with this name; its meaning is most often
derived from the context.
SIEBSRVR_ROOT. The installation or root directory for Siebel Server. By default, it is installed in
C:\siebel\\ses\siebsrvr or C:\siebel\\ses\siebsrvr.
SIEBEL_GATEWAY_ROOT. The installation or root directory for Siebel Gateway Name Server. By
default, it is installed in C:\siebel\\ses\gtwysrvr or
DBSRVR_ROOT. The directory into which you install the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities
(formerly referred to as the Siebel Database Server). By default, these utilities are installed in
C:\siebel\\ses\dbsrvr or C:\siebel\\ses\dbsrvr (on a Siebel Server
SWSE_ROOT. The directory into which you install the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE). By
default, it is installed in C:\siebel\\sweapp or C:\siebel\\sweapp.
SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT. The directory into which you install the Siebel Mobile Web Client or Siebel
Developer Web Client. By default, it is installed in C:\siebel\8.1\Client_1 or
C:\siebel\\Client_1 or a similar location.
SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT. The directory into which you install Siebel Tools. By default, it is installed
in C:\siebel\8.1\Tools_1 or C:\siebel\\Tools_1 or a similar location.
29 5
Creating multiple Siebel File System directories in different locations can enable you to store larger
volumes of data. As new file attachments are inserted, they are evenly distributed to these multiple
File System directories. If you create multiple File System directories, then you must include all of
the directory locations, delimited by commas, when you specify the Siebel File System location
during configuration of your Siebel environment. Each File System directory location must be
uniquely named within the network context where it will be accessed.
You can exclude certain types of files from being saved to the Siebel File System, as determined by
their file extensions. For more information about setting system preferences to enable this feature
and to specify the file extensions to be excluded, see Siebel Security Hardening Guide.
A primary Siebel File System directory must be created before you configure the Siebel
Enterprise. You specify this location during configuration. The location must be specified using
UNC format, such as \\computer_name\FS. If this directory is located on the same computer
where you are installing and configuring Siebel Business Applications software, then the directory
must be created as a shared directory. The user running the Siebel Configuration Wizard must
have write permission in this directory.
It is strongly recommended that you disable short file-name generation on Windows servers
hosting the Siebel File System, because this type of file-naming can cause severe performance
issues when the file system grows to a large size.
The underlying physical file system must use file locking. Valid locks must be returned that are
appropriate to the action being undertaken. For example, when a file is created or written to, an
exclusive lock is needed. File locking must ensure the integrity of the files accessed. If a write
lock is acquired for a file, then no other process must be able to access the file. For more
information and recommendations, see 759070.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
If the operating systems of the computers hosting the Siebel Server and a File System directory
are different (for example, one Windows and one UNIX), then you might have to deploy a thirdparty cross-platform networking tool, such as Samba, to allow both computers to share the
directory. See your third-party vendor documentation for details.
You must create a separate Siebel File System for each Siebel Enterprise. For example, if you
have development and test databases, then you must have two separate Siebel Enterprises, and
therefore two Siebel File Systems.
The ability to use multiple directories and devices for the Siebel File System does not apply to
the Siebel Mobile Web Client, for which the Siebel File System must use a single directory on the
client computer.
If you operate a File System directory as part of a cluster for failover purposes, then you must
create the directory on a clustered disk drive with a clustered network share resource. For
information about clustering your servers and about deployment options for the Siebel File
System, see Siebel Deployment Planning Guide.
29 7
SiebelFS is the host name of the computer (for example, where a dedicated computer is used for
the Siebel File System).
You have to specify all of the applicable UNC sharenames (delimited by commas) when configuring
the Siebel Enterprise. These shared directories must be available to all of the Siebel Servers in the
Siebel Enterprise.
As part of the Siebel Server installation, File System Manager automatically generates a set of
subdirectories under each Siebel File System root directory, as described in Table 22 on page 298.
Table 22.
Session preferences
NOTE: When you create a Siebel File System shared directory, only the associated Siebel Servers
must be allowed to create subdirectories in that location. Do not manually create subdirectories in
that location.
For more information about some of these subdirectories, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
Create each directory on the applicable server and record all of the directory locations in the copy
that you made of the worksheet in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet.
Using Windows Explorer, select the directory, and then choose File, then Properties, and then
Sharing. Select Share this folder.
To grant UNC access to the Siebel administrator, click Permissions and choose the appropriate
user or group name. When you want to add a client or new user to this share, you click Add to
browse for the user or group name.
NOTE: Only the system administrator for the Siebel Server, and no other user, must have access
privileges to the Siebel File System directories.
From the Permissions list, make sure that Full Control is selected.
Click OK to finish.
On the Security tab, select the appropriate user or group name and make sure that Full Control
is selected on the Permissions list.
Click Advanced.
On the Access Control Settings dialog box, make sure that you check the option to allow
inheritable permissions from the parent to propagate to this object.
To close the Permissions and File Properties dialog boxes, click OK.
Related Topics
Populating the Siebel File System on page 100
Related Books
Siebel Deployment Planning Guide
Siebel System Administration Guide
Siebel Security Guide
Siebel Security Hardening Guide
29 9
The Siebel service owner account must be defined or available on each applicable server
computer: on the Siebel Gateway Name Server, on each Siebel Server in the Siebel Enterprise,
and on any computer on which the Siebel File System exists.
The Siebel service owner account must be part of a Windows domain, so that services are
operated under the same account on all of the Windows servers.
If you are using a local account instead, then you must set up that account to be identical on
each server, using the same login ID and password.
The Siebel service owner account must be part of the administrator group. The Siebel service
owner account might be the same administrator account under which the Siebel modules are
installed, or a different account that is part of the administrator group.
The Siebel service owner account must have the following Windows rights and privileges:
Log on as a Service
The Siebel service owner account password must not require a change on next logon and must
be set not to expire.
The Siebel service owner account name or password cannot contain any spaces.
When you determine the Siebel service owner account name and password, record this
information in your copy of the worksheet in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet.
(For security reasons, you might prefer not to record the password in the worksheet.) See also
Siebel Security Guide.
Related Topics
Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet
For more information, see Chapter 2, Overview of Installing Siebel Business Applications, and other
relevant topics.
Medium-Sized Deployments
Do you require a medium-sized deployment? Will you install all of the Siebel Enterprise Server
components on the same computer? Siebel Enterprise Server components include Siebel Gateway
Name Server, Siebel Server, Database Configuration Utilities, and EAI Connector.
Verify that you have created the database instance (if you do not already have a Siebel database)
and installed the Web server. The Siebel database is assumed to be located on a different computer
than the computer with Siebel Enterprise Server software.
In this scenario, all of the Siebel Enterprise Server components are to be installed on the same
computer, but the Web server and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) are to be installed on a
different computer.
You use the Siebel Enterprise Server installer to install the Siebel Enterprise Server components, and
you use the SWSE installer to install the SWSE.
30 1
You can install in GUI mode or use unattended installation. For more information about unattended
installation, see Large Deployments on page 302.
Run Siebel Configuration Wizards to configure the components that you installed. First configure the
Siebel Gateway Name Server, then the Siebel Enterprise, then the SWSE logical profile. (You
configure the physical SWSE after SWSE installation.)
If you do not have a Siebel database, then you start the Database Configuration Wizard and perform
the task to install the Siebel database into the database instance. After you install the Siebel
database, you start the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard and configure the Siebel Server.
You install the SWSE on the Web server computer, then you apply the SWSE logical profile.
Large Deployments
Do you require a relatively large deployment? Will you use multiple servers to deploy your Siebel
Enterprise Server components? Siebel Enterprise Server components include Siebel Gateway Name
Server, Siebel Server, Database Configuration Utilities, and EAI Connector.
If you must support many users or multiple Siebel Business Applications and have multiple servers
available, then you will probably install the Siebel Gateway Name Server on a different computer
than the Siebel Server.
A large deployment usually also requires multiple Siebel Servers running on different computers.
Each Siebel Server might be configured to run a particular application or set of applications. Or,
multiple Siebel Servers might be configured similarly for participation in load balancing. Install and
configure additional Siebel Servers after completing initial installation and configuration tasks.
Verify that you have created the database instance (if you do not already have a Siebel database)
and installed the Web server. The Siebel database and the Web server are assumed to be located on
different computers than those with Siebel Enterprise Server software.
You use the Siebel Enterprise Server installer to install the Siebel Enterprise Server components, and
you use the SWSE installer to install the SWSE.
You install the Database Configuration Utilities with the first Siebel Server. For a new deployment,
you must install both of these on the same computer where you installed the Siebel Gateway Name
Server. (Configuring and deploying this Siebel Server is optional.) The Siebel database itself is
located on a different computer than the Siebel Enterprise Server software.
You can install in GUI mode or use unattended installation.
Run Siebel Configuration Wizards to configure the components that you installed. First configure the
Siebel Gateway Name Server, then the Siebel Enterprise, then the SWSE logical profile. (You
configure the physical SWSE after SWSE installation.)
If you do not have a Siebel database, then you start the Database Configuration Wizard and perform
the task to install the Siebel database into the database instance. After you install the Siebel
database, you start the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard and configure the Siebel Server.
You install the SWSE on the Web server computer, then you configure the installed SWSE (apply the
SWSE logical profile).
Installation and configuration tasks are separate and are performed at different times, optionally
by different users. After basic deployment decisions are made, installations can be done under
the supervision of administrators who are most familiar with Siebel Business Applications. Such
specialized administrators might perform all of the Siebel Configuration Wizards tasks.
You can perform unattended installation or configuration, which can save you time, provide
greater flexibility, and reduce error, compared to installing and configuring each installed
component manually.
For information about unattended installation, see Installing Siebel Enterprise Server
Components and Siebel Web Server Extension in Unattended Mode on page 55.
For information about unattended configuration, see Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise
Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension.
General Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components on
page 304
Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server on page 308
Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Server on page 308
For requirements specific to the Siebel database, see Requirements for Installing and Configuring the
Siebel Database on page 319.
30 3
Review the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support. Also check for applicable alerts, bulletins, or
other documents on My Oracle Support.
Review About Installing Siebel Business Applications on page 277 and Planning Your Siebel
Deployment on page 283.
All computers on which the Siebel Enterprise Server software is installed must meet the hardware
and software requirements detailed in the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support or elsewhere.
The Siebel Enterprise Server installer verifies that you have required software at the necessary
version levels.
In general, you must have installed all of the third-party products that you will require for the
Siebel Enterprise Server software that you are installing. Some products can be installed after
Siebel Business Applications software. Such products are listed in the Certifications tab on My
Oracle Support.
You must have created a Siebel Business Applications installation image that includes all of the
modules and components that you require. Users who run Siebel installers or modify installer
files must have the necessary permissions to the network directories where the Siebel image is
located. For information about creating the Siebel installation image, see Chapter 15, Creating
the Siebel Installation Image on the Network.
When you install multiple components of the Siebel Enterprise Server, such as Siebel Gateway
Name Server and Siebel Server, on the same computer, they are installed into a common root
directory, such as C:\siebel\\ses or C:\siebel\\ses.
Installation directories must meet the requirements described in File and Directory Naming
Conventions on page 294.
If you will be clustering the Siebel Gateway Name Server or Siebel Server, then plan your use of
clustering or redundant disk arrays (RAID) to configure against a single point of failure. For more
information about this topic, see Siebel Deployment Planning Guide.
Each computer that supports Siebel Enterprise Server software must have TCP/IP network
connectivity to other computers that are part of or that work with the Siebel Enterprise Server.
For example, the Siebel Gateway Name Server computer requires connectivity to all of the Siebel
Server computers. Verify connectivity between all such computers, using the ping utility. For
more information, see Verifying Network Connectivity for the Siebel Server Computer on
page 195.
Before running any of the Siebel Configuration Wizards in which you will specify a server
computers host name or IP address, validate the host name or IP address that you will enter
during configuration. You can use the ping utility for this purpose. The host name and IP address
data that you specify when you run the wizards must be correct in order for the configuration
process to proceed correctly.
Verify that the network names of the servers that will support the Siebel Gateway Name Server
and all of the Siebel Servers are recorded in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet.
You need this information when configuring the Siebel Servers.
If you intend to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layers (SSL) with any
Siebel Business Applications modules described in this guide, then you must review all of the
applicable information before you configure the software. For details, see Siebel Security Guide.
If you are not yet ready to configure TLS or SSL for Siebel Enterprise Server (and Siebel Web
Server Extension), then you can either postpone configuration until you are fully ready to
configure TLS or SSL, or you can configure these components without TLS or SSL and
reconfigure them later to use TLS or SSL.
If you are not yet ready to configure SSL for Siebel Management Agent and Management
Server, then it is strongly recommended that you postpone configuration of these
components until you are fully ready to configure SSL. See Chapter 10, Installing and
Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server.
Review the issues described in Managing Temporary Disk Space Required by Siebel Installers and
Wizards on page 289. For example, make sure that you have adequate disk space.
It is strongly recommended that you install and deploy, or at least install, all of the languages
that you expect to require. For more information, see About Installing and Deploying Siebel
Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120.
For more information, see additional relevant topics, including:
You cannot install new Siebel Enterprise Server components into an existing installation.
Note that the Siebel Enterprise Server installer user interface can run in the supported languages
described in About The Language in Which Siebel Installers and Wizards Run on page 290.
Before you configure Siebel Enterprise Server components, you must have created the Siebel File
System. It must meet all of the criteria described in Creating the Siebel File System on page 295.
Before you install Siebel Business Applications, review documented information about the
installation and configuration process and applicable requirements. Customers must manage the
overall installation and configuration process carefully to ensure success.
Related Topics
Chapter 2, Overview of Installing Siebel Business Applications
Installation and Configuration Methods by Deployment Type on page 300
About Configuring Siebel Business Applications on page 59 and following topics
30 5
When you initially configure the Siebel Enterprise (after installing and configuring the Siebel
Gateway Name Server), you propagate settings to the Siebel Gateway Name Server that specify
authentication settings. Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication uses Siebel security
adapters, which are discussed in detail in Siebel Security Guide.
Database authentication is the default Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication method.
LDAP, ADSI, or custom methods are also supported, but additional configuration is required. You
must use database authentication for your initial Siebel Server configuration.
The user account that you use for Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication must have the
same privileges as the Siebel administrator account created during the Siebel installation
process; these privileges are required to connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server. You can
choose to use the Siebel administrator account for Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication,
or you can create a new database user account, ensuring that you assign it the same level of
rights and privileges as the Siebel administrator account. For more information about
requirements for this account, see Siebel Security Guide.
If you do not have an existing Siebel database, then you must install an instance of Siebel Server
and Siebel Database Configuration Utilities on the same computer where you install the Siebel
Gateway Name Server. You can select all three options to install together. In this scenario, you
must configure the installed modules in the sequence shown in Figure 2 on page 33. Note in
particular that you must install the Siebel database before you can configure the Siebel Server.
NOTE: After you install the Siebel database, you can optionally configure and deploy the Siebel
Server that you installed with Siebel database Configuration Utilities. Or, you can skip configuring
this Siebel Server and instead install and configure a Siebel Server on one or more other
If you already have a Siebel database, such as in an upgrade scenario, then you do not install
the Siebel database before you configure the Siebel Server. In this scenario, you do not have to
install Siebel Server and Database Configuration Utilities on the same computer with the Siebel
Gateway Name Server. For a general illustration of this scenario, see Figure 3 on page 36.
After you configure the Siebel Gateway Name Server and the Siebel Enterprise, users doing
subsequent Configuration Wizard tasks that require Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication,
or using Server Manager, must enter Siebel administrator user credentials that are valid for the
authentication method in use.
Configuration Wizard tasks subject to Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication include
configuring the Siebel Server, configuring a Siebel Enterprise (after initial configuration),
modifying a Siebel Enterprise, and removing an existing Siebel Enterprise or Siebel Server.
For more information about using Server Manager, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
When you propagate authentication settings to the Siebel Gateway Name Server, these settings
are written to the gateway.cfg file, which is located in the bin subdirectory in the Siebel Gateway
Name Server installation. Security adapter configuration data stored in this file corresponds to
the configuration settings that apply to the Siebel Enterprise, which are stored on the Siebel
Gateway Name Server itself (in the siebns.dat file).
If you want to use LDAP, ADSI, or a custom authentication method for the Siebel Gateway Name
Server, then you can configure this method as part of the Configuration Wizard tasks for creating
or modifying the Siebel Enterprise. However, although the wizard configures the security adapter,
it does not enable it (for the Siebel Enterprise or for the Siebel Gateway Name Server).
To enable an authentication method, edit the gateway.cfg file on the Siebel Gateway Name Server
and specify appropriate values for the SecAdptMode and SecAdptName parameters in the section
[InfraSecMgr]. Use similar values to those described in Siebel Security Guide. After editing this
file, you restart the Siebel Gateway Name Server. For this scenario, make these configuration
changes after your initial configuration of the first Siebel Server.
NSAdminRole, which is set to Siebel Administrator by default. This parameter defines the
role that is required to access the Siebel Gateway Name Server.
EnableAuditTrail, which is set to False by default. When this is set to True, most accesses to
the Siebel Gateway Name Server are logged, including login operations, writes,
modifications, and deletions (simple reads are not logged). When this parameter is False,
only failed login attempts are logged. The audit trail is in the file nameserver_audit.log, which
is located in the bin subdirectory of the Siebel Gateway Name Server installation directory.
If you want to configure a second Siebel Enterprise on the same Siebel Gateway Name Server,
then do not check the option to propagate authentication settings to the Siebel Gateway Name
Server when prompted. Otherwise, your settings will overwrite the existing settings.
30 7
Install the Siebel Gateway Name Server once for each Siebel Enterprise. If necessary, multiple
Siebel Enterprises can be supported by a single Siebel Gateway Name Server. Installing multiple
instances of the same version of Siebel Gateway Name Server on the same computer is not
For more information, see Planning to Install Multiple Instances of Siebel Business Applications on
page 290. See also 477770.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously
published as Siebel Technical Note 531.
Siebel Gateway Name Server uses port 2320 by default. If necessary, you can select any port
number (32767 or lower) that is free on the computer where the Siebel Gateway Name Server
is running. Do not use port number 2321, which is the default port number for the SCBroker
(Siebel Connection Broker) component, or any other port already in use on the server.
To configure a Siebel Server, a Siebel Gateway Name Server must be installed and running, and
the Siebel Enterprise must be configured, unless you are using the Configuration Wizard option
to skip validation.
After you install the Siebel Gateway Name Server, you run the Configuration Wizard to configure
it, and then you configure the Siebel Enterprise. All Siebel Servers you install that are part of the
same Siebel Enterprise, regardless of the operating system, must connect to the same Siebel
database. For most deployments, all of the Siebel Servers connecting to this database will belong
to the same Siebel Enterprise.
Additional Siebel Servers that you install and configure inherit parameters from the Siebel
Enterprise. You configure each Siebel Server using the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard.
When you run the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard for each Siebel Server, all of the component
groups are listed and you must enable the ones that you need for this server. If you do not enable
component groups during Siebel Server configuration, then you can enable them manually after
installation, using Server Manager. For more information about component groups and about
using Server Manager, see Siebel System Administration Guide. See also Preparing to Run Siebel
Server Components on page 111.
The Siebel Server software must be installed only once on each computer. For test or
development purposes only, you can use the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard to configure an
additional Siebel Server on a single computer where the Siebel Server is already installed and
configured. For more information, see About Installing Additional Siebel Servers for an Existing
Siebel Enterprise on page 119.
Depending on your business requirements, you might deploy one or more Siebel Enterprise
Servers. For information about deploying multiple Siebel Enterprise Servers, see Siebel
Deployment Planning Guide. See also 477770.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document
was previously published as Siebel Technical Note 531.
NOTE: In special cases, such as for some large deployments, a single Siebel database can
support multiple Siebel Enterprises. Such a deployment must be planned carefully. For details,
see 477829.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as
Siebel Technical Note 544.
About Clustering the Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel Server
If you will operate certain servers as part of a cluster, then it is strongly recommended that you install
and configure the Siebel Gateway Name Server and the Siebel Server on separate resource groups.
For information about clustering, see Siebel Deployment Planning Guide.
30 9
You can include multiple languages when you install and configure a Siebel Server.
For each installed language that you choose to deploy in the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard,
language-specific Application Object Manager components are created.
For more information about scenarios for multilingual deployments, see About Installing and
Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120 and related topics.
See also Siebel Global Deployment Guide.
If multiple languages are installed on a Siebel Gateway Name Server or Siebel Server, then you
will be prompted for the primary (base) language. The primary (base) language is the language
in which you want your server to run and in which you normally want to read messages. If you
want to change the language in which you bring up your server, then you must change this
Search Server
A Siebel Server computer can be configured to execute searching using a locally installed search
server or can be pointed to a remote search server to handle search execution tasks.
NOTE: For search-related installation guidelines and requirements, see Siebel Search Administration
Database Requirements
Make sure that your database administrator has installed the RDBMS that your site will use and
created the Siebel database instance and that you meet all of the database connectivity
requirements. For more information, see Chapter 14, Configuring the RDBMS, including Configuring
Siebel Server Connectivity to the Siebel Database on page 355.
The RDBMS that you are using must support the same languages and code pages that you install on
the Siebel Servers. For Siebel language support, Unicode support, and legacy code page support, see
1513102.1 (Article ID) for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or 1524342.1 (Article ID) for Siebel CRM
version 8.2.2.x on My Oracle Support.
General Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 314
Siebel Web Server Extension Requirements for Siebel Load Balancing on page 315
Requirements for User Permissions for the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 316
Requirements for Stopping and Starting the Web Server on page 316
Requirements for Configuring Anonymous Users for the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 317
Requirements for Binary Coexistence of the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 318
31 1
Siebel Web Client. The Siebel Business Applications client that runs in the browser on the end
users computer and connects to the Web server. Particular Siebel applications might be deployed
using Siebel Open UI, high interactivity, or standard interactivity.
For information about other Siebel clients, see the applicable documentation. For example, for
information about the Siebel Mobile applications, see Siebel Mobile Guide: Connected and Siebel
Mobile Guide: Disconnected.
Web server. Client Web browsers connect to Web servers to access Siebel Business Applications.
Supported Web servers and operating systems include:
IBM HTTP Server (on AIX and supported Linux operating systems)
NOTE: For more information about Web servers, see Installing the Web Server on page 313. For
Web server platform support, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support. You must use a
supported version of the Web server. If you are using Oracle HTTP Server, then see also 475370.1
(Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as Siebel Alert 1317.
Depending on the operating system of the Web server computer, specific Web servers are
discussed in either the Windows version or the UNIX version of this guide (the Siebel Installation
Guide for the operating system you are using).
For Web server and operating system tuning information, see Siebel Performance Tuning Guide.
Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE). A plug-in extension, installed on the Web server
computer, that runs within the Web server and that communicates with the Siebel Web Engine
(which is part of an Application Object Manager component, such as Call Center Object Manager)
on the Siebel Server.
For SWSE installation instructions, see Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 49.
For SWSE configuration instructions, see Process of Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension
on page 76.
Siebel Web Engine (part of Application Object Manager on Siebel Server). The Siebel Web
Engine is part of the Application Object Manager component on the Siebel Server, such as Call
Center Object Manager. The Application Object Manager provides access to Siebel Business
Applications data and logic.
For information about the hardware, operating systems, Web servers, and Web browsers supported
for Siebel Business Applications, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
Single-node. Installing Siebel Enterprise Server components and your Web server and SWSE on
a single computer or node. (If you do this, then use separate installation directories to avoid file
permission problems at installation time.)
Distributed. Distributing the preceding components, where multiple Web servers connect to
multiple Siebel Servers in the Siebel Enterprise. These Web servers can be dynamically balanced
for Application Object Manager components on different Siebel Server computers.
Less resource contention. Distributing the Web servers and the Siebel Servers (with
Application Object Manager components) on different computers eliminates contention for CPU
and other server resources. However, to take advantage of the performance improvement, you
must have a high-speed network connection between the two computers.
Greater flexibility with firewalls. Putting the Web components of Siebel Business Applications
on a different computer from the Siebel Server with Application Object Managers lets you deploy
your Web server in the DMZ while keeping the Siebel Enterprise Server behind a secure firewall.
High availability. A multinode configuration is required for deployments that support large
numbers of concurrent users or where high availability is an operating requirement.
For more information about Web servers and Siebel Web Server Extension, see About the Siebel Web
Server Extension on page 312.
See also Siebel Deployment Planning Guide and Siebel Security Guide.
31 3
Before installing Siebel Business Applications software, you must review the Certifications tab on
My Oracle Support.
Review the issues described in Managing Temporary Disk Space Required by Siebel Installers and
Wizards on page 289. For example, make sure that you have adequate disk space.
You must have installed a supported Web server as identified in the Certifications tab on My
Oracle Support for the current release. See also Installing the Web Server on page 313.
Make sure that the Web server computer on which you install the SWSE meets all of the hardware
and software platform requirements documented in the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
You must have installed all of the key Siebel Enterprise Server components, including the Siebel
Gateway Name Server, at least one Siebel Server, and the Database Configuration Utilities.
You must have configured the Siebel Gateway Name Server, created and configured the Siebel
Enterprise, created the SWSE logical profile, and configured the Siebel Server.
Application Object Manager components must be enabled for the Siebel CRM products that you
purchased and intend to use. You enable components during initial Siebel Server configuration.
For information about enabling server components using Server Manager, see Siebel System
Administration Guide.
NOTE: Wait to install additional Siebel Servers until after you have completed installation of the
SWSE software and verified the connection from the Web server to the initial Siebel Server.
You can deploy multiple language packs on one Web server and one SWSE instance. The Siebel
Server and the Web server do not have to be operated in the same language. However, the Siebel
Server, the Web server, and all of the other server components must use the same character set.
For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide. See also About Installing and
Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120.
Note that uninstalling an SWSE instance that you have configured removes the associated Siebel
application virtual directories. See also Uninstalling the Siebel Web Server Extension on
page 268.
Note that the SWSE installer user interface can run in the supported languages described in
About The Language in Which Siebel Installers and Wizards Run on page 290.
You installed the Siebel Gateway Name Server on a UNIX or Linux computer, and installed the
Web server and SWSE on a Windows computer.
You installed the Siebel Gateway Name Server on a Windows computer, and installed the Web
server and SWSE on a UNIX or Linux computer.
According to your needs, you can move the SWSE logical profile directory to another computer before
configuring the physical SWSE (applying the logical profile to an installed instance of SWSE). For
more information, see Applying the SWSE Logical Profile on page 83.
31 5
This topic is part of Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on
page 311.
Anonymous user for employee applications. Where applicable, the anonymous user for
employee applications (sometimes called the employee user or the high interactivity user) starts
the anonymous session that displays the login page to an end user for an employee application.
NOTE: Most of the employee applications can be deployed using either high interactivity or
Siebel Open UI. Most of the employee applications are configured by default for high interactivity,
while newer applications, such as the Siebel Mobile applications, require Siebel Open UI.
Anonymous user for customer applications. Where applicable, the anonymous user for
customer applications (sometimes called the contact user or the standard interactivity user)
starts the anonymous session that displays the login page to an end user for a customer
application, and allows anonymous navigation within the application. This user must have access
to any public view in the application.
NOTE: Most of the customer applications can be deployed using either standard interactivity or
Siebel Open UI. Most of the customer applications are configured by default for standard
interactivity, while newer applications, such as Siebel eService for Siebel Open UI or Siebel
Partner Portal for Siebel Open UI, require Siebel Open UI.
If, after initial configuration, you change the password for the database account that you are using
for an anonymous user, or decide to specify a different anonymous user for a particular application,
then you can edit the eapps.cfg or eapps_sia.cfg files manually and update values for the parameters
AnonUserName and AnonPassword. Alternatively, you can re-create the SWSE logical profile and
reapply it to each physical SWSE.
Record the credentials for each anonymous user in your deployment in the worksheet provided in
Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet.
For additional information about configuring anonymous users, see Siebel Security Guide.
Note the following guidelines and requirements:
All anonymous users for your deployment must be defined in the Siebel database and must be
defined as Siebel users. Strong passwords are highly recommended for anonymous user
accounts. Anonymous users should have limited access rights, no more than is necessary for the
usage context.
31 7
If your Siebel application does not use functionality that requires anonymous browsing, then you
can disable access by the anonymous user by setting the AllowAnonUsers parameter for the
Application Object Manager to False. If anonymous browsing must be enabled, then you set
AllowAnonUsers to True.
Some Siebel application functionality that requires that anonymous browsing be enabled include
using a Siebel login view (not just an HTML page), using external authentication such as LDAP,
browsing by unregistered users, self-registration, and so on.
If password encryption is in effect, then you must use the encryptstring utility to encrypt any
password before inserting it into eapps.cfg or eapps_sia.cfg as a value for AnonPassword. See
also 475381.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as
Siebel Alert 1306.
The anonymous user for employee applications that you configure in the wizard is defined in
eapps.cfg as a default that applies to all of the applications of this type. The AnonUserName and
AnonPassword parameters are defined once, in the [defaults] section of this file.
The anonymous user for customer applications that you configure in the wizard is defined in
eapps.cfg and eapps_sia.cfg for each application of this type. The AnonUserName and
AnonPassword parameters are defined in separate application-specific sections of these files.
To use application-specific anonymous users, you must define AnonUserName and AnonPassword
in separate application-specific sections of eapps.cfg or eapps_sia.cfg.
Optionally, you can create new database users before initial configuration through editing the
grantusr.sql script, which you review, modify, and execute before you install the Siebel database.
You still must add corresponding Siebel users. For more information, see Creating Table Owner
and Administrator Accounts on page 90.
Related Books
Siebel Security Guide
Siebel Security Hardening Guide
Siebel System Administration Guide
Related Topics
Configuring the SWSE Logical Profile on page 77
Creating Table Owner and Administrator Accounts on page 90
Side-by-side installations of the same or different versions of SWSE on the same computer
(sometimes referred to as binary coexistence) might be helpful in some upgrade scenarios or for
development or testing purposes. In general, however, it is recommended that you install only one
instance of SWSE on each Web server computer. Binary coexistence scenarios might be subject to
limitations for your operating system and Web server platform.
For more information about creating and applying the SWSE logical profile, see Process of
Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 76.
NOTE: Scalability and performance implications must be taken into consideration when running
multiple instances of SWSE on a single Web server computer.
Note the following considerations and limitations applicable to binary coexistence:
Oracle Solaris using Oracle iPlanet Web Server. You can install multiple instances (virtual
server instances) of Oracle iPlanet Web Server on the same computer. You can also install
multiple instances of SWSE to run against these virtual server instances. Configure each SWSE
instance to communicate with a separate virtual server instance using a different port.
UNIX operating systems (including Linux) using Apache-based Web server. You can
install multiple instances of a supported Apache-based Web server on the same computer. You
can also install multiple instances of SWSE to run against these Web server instances. Configure
each SWSE instance to communicate with a separate Web server instance using a different port.
Microsoft Windows using Microsoft IIS. You can install only a single instance of the Web
server on the same computer. You can install multiple instances of SWSE on this computer, but
you cannot run multiple instances of SWSE simultaneously, unless you configure them to run in
separate memory spaces.
Before you configure a new installed instance of SWSE where another instance is already
installed and configured, you must edit the batch file that creates the virtual directories for Siebel
Business Applications so that the virtual directory names for the new instance are unique. The
virtual directories are created by batch files in the SWSE logical profile directory. You can also
edit these batch files before configuring the SWSE to remove entries for virtual directories that
you do not need.
Review database information in the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support and elsewhere.
For Siebel language support, Unicode support, and legacy code page support, see 1513102.1
(Article ID) for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or 1524342.1 (Article ID) for Siebel CRM version
8.2.2.x on My Oracle Support.
For new installations, make sure that the Siebel database instance has been created and is
properly configured, as documented in Chapter 14, Configuring the RDBMS.
Review Chapter 5, Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS, including About Installing the
Siebel Database on page 87 and the topics that follow.
31 9
Obtain the services of a qualified database administrator (DBA) to assist you with your
installation and, where applicable, upgrade.
General Requirement
Installing the Siebel database is subject to installation requirements for Siebel Database
Configuration Utilities related to Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication, which are noted in
General Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components on
page 304.
Oracle Database
For Oracle Database, make sure that the following elements are defined for your Siebel database:
Oracle SQLNet alias connect string. You need this to connect to your Oracle Database.
Table owner account (schema) name and password. Using an Oracle Database requires
that you assign a user name and password to any database tables that you create. The term table
owner refers to the schema that owns the database objects, such as tables, indexes, views, and
Before installing the Siebel database components, you have to edit the grantusr.sql script, enter
this and related information, and execute the script. See Creating Table Owner and Administrator
Accounts on page 90.
Siebel data tablespace. The name of the tablespace on the Oracle Database server where the
Siebel data tables are stored.
Siebel index tablespace. The name of the tablespace on the Oracle Database server where the
Siebel indexes are stored.
Install the Oracle Database Client software onto the computer where you will install the Database
Configuration Utilities. For information about installing the Oracle Database Client for Siebel CRM
version or version, see Siebel Security Guide.
NOTE: Make sure that the Oracle Database Client and Oracle Database versions are the same,
unless you are otherwise advised by Oracle Global Software Support or unless required for your
particular deployment. For supported versions of Oracle Database products, see the
Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
For IBM DB2, make sure that the following elements are defined for your Siebel database:
Database alias. The DB2 database alias that you created when you installed the DB2 software.
Table owner or database owner account user name and password. DB2 requires that you
assign a user name and password to each database that you create.
Before you install the tablespaces and indexes, you are prompted to edit the grantusr.sql script,
enter this and related information, and execute the script. See Creating Table Owner and
Administrator Accounts on page 90.
Siebel index tablespace. The name of the tablespace on the DB2 server where the Siebel
indexes are stored.
Siebel 4-KB tablespace. The name of the tablespace on the DB2 server where the 4 KB Siebel
data tables are stored.
Siebel 16-KB tablespace. The name of the tablespace on the DB2 server where tables reside
whose row length is equal to or greater than 4005 bytes, but less than 16384 bytes.
Siebel 32-KB tablespace. The name of the tablespace on the DB2 server where tables reside
whose row length is 32768 bytes.
Statistics are generated automatically during table, index, and seed data installation, and during
the Siebel Repository import process. However, it is recommended that statistics be kept up to
date through standard database administration procedures.
Make sure that you have installed the required IBM fix pack on your database server computer.
For more information, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
Make sure that IBM DB2 is properly configured and you have allocated disk space appropriate to
your installation requirements.
Database name. The name of the SQL Server database that you created for Siebel Business
Table owner account user name and password. SQL Server requires that you assign a user
name and password to any database tables that you create.
Before installing the Siebel database components, you have to edit the grantusr.sql script, enter
this and related information, and execute the script. See Creating Table Owner and Administrator
Accounts on page 90.
32 1
Related Topics
Process of Installing Siebel Tools on page 149
Installing and Using the Siebel Sample Database on page 157
For Oracle Database, you install and configure the Oracle client software to connect to the Siebel
database. Record the connect string and table owner information on the worksheet in Appendix A,
Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet. Use the driver version specified in the Certifications tab
on My Oracle Support.
For an Oracle client, use a binary sort order for development environment databases. This setting
is required for adequate performance from the Siebel Developer Web Client.
For more information, see Specifying the Locale for Siebel Business Applications on page 292. See
also Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 329 and Siebel
Database Upgrade Guide.
For IBM DB2, you install and configure the DB2 Client software to connect to the Siebel database.
Record the connect string and table owner information on the worksheet in Appendix A, Siebel
Deployment Planning Worksheet. Use the ODBC driver version specified in the Certifications tab
on My Oracle Support.
For IBM DB2 for z/OS, you use DB2 Connect to connect from the Siebel Developer Web Client to
the Siebel database. For details, see Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS.
For Microsoft SQL Server deployments, the correct versions of SQL Server Native Client (or SQL
Native Client) and Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) must reside on the computer
where you install the Siebel Web Client. For Microsoft SQL Server 2008, use SQL Server Native
Client. For more information, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
The Siebel Web Client uses these drivers, but creates its own ODBC data source during the
installation. Record this data source on the worksheet in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning
32 3
Your Siebel Tools platform must meet the requirements defined in the Certifications tab on My
Oracle Support.
You must have all of the third-party software required for your implementation installed,
including the database connectivity software for your chosen RDBMS. See the Certifications tab
on My Oracle Support.
You must have installed and configured the Siebel Enterprise Server software, as described in
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension,
and Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server
You must have created the Siebel database and installed the Siebel schema and seed data, as
described in Chapter 14, Configuring the RDBMS, and Chapter 5, Installing the Siebel Database
on the RDBMS. This database stores the Siebel Tools project repositories.
A local database can also be initialized for each developer user, as applicable. For more
information, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications and Using Siebel Tools.
NOTE: Siebel Tools can also access demonstration data in the Siebel Sample Database, which
you can install with the Siebel Mobile Web Client. For more information, see Installing and Using
the Siebel Sample Database on page 157 and related topics.
For Microsoft SQL Server deployments, the correct versions of SQL Server Native Client (or SQL
Native Client) and Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) must reside on the computer
where you install the Siebel Tools Client. For Microsoft SQL Server 2008, use SQL Server Native
Client. For more information, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
The Siebel Tools Client uses these drivers, but creates its own ODBC data source during the
installation. Record this data source on the worksheet in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning
The sort order for the Siebel database for development environments must be set to binary. If it
is set otherwise, then you cannot compile or merge repositories.
Administrative rights are required for installation or uninstallation of Siebel Tools. For information
about setting administration rights, consult the operating system manuals for the version of
Microsoft Windows on which you are installing the Siebel Web Client software.
Related Topics
Process of Installing Siebel Tools on page 149
Uninstalling Siebel Tools on page 271
Using Siebel Image Creator, create a Siebel installation image on your network that includes the
files required to install Siebel Server and Siebel Management Server for all of the applicable
operating systems. For more information about using Image Creator, see Chapter 15, Creating
the Siebel Installation Image on the Network.
Siebel Management Agent is automatically installed with each Siebel Server installation, and
can be installed on supported versions of Microsoft Windows or UNIX operating systems.
On Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012, before you run the installer
executable program (setup.exe) for Siebel Management Server for the first time, you must set
the compatibility mode to Windows Server 2003 (service pack 1). Do this on each applicable
computer where you install Siebel Management Server, for either a new installation or a patch
installation. For more information about setting the compatibility mode, see Microsoft
For more information about Siebel Business Applications support for Microsoft Windows Server
2008 and Windows Server 2012, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support. See also
781428.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
32 5
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed on any computer that will host Siebel
Management Agent or Siebel Management Server. Also, the JAVA_HOME environment variable
must be set to point to the JRE installation location at the time that you configure these modules
(for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jre6 on Windows). For supported version information,
see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
If you use Perl scripts as part of the configuration process, then the computers that host Siebel
Management Agent or Management Server must have a recent version of Perl installed. The Perl
installation directory must be correctly referenced in the PATH environment variable.
If you intend to use Secure Sockets Layers (SSL) with Siebel Management Agent or Management
Server, then you must review all of the applicable information before you install and configure
the software. For details, see Siebel Security Guide.
NOTE: If you are not yet ready to configure SSL, then it is strongly recommended that you
postpone configuration of Management Agent and Management Server until you are fully ready
to configure SSL for these components.
Determine your installation and configuration strategy for your Siebel Servers, Siebel
Management Agents, and Siebel Management Server. Review the remaining points in this topic.
After you install the Siebel Server software, configure the Siebel Server. Then configure the
Siebel Management Agent, using the Management Agent Configuration Wizard. For Siebel Server
installation instructions, see Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the
Siebel Web Server Extension.
Siebel Management Agent cannot be uninstalled separately from the Siebel Server. Uninstalling
Siebel Server uninstalls this instance of Management Agent. For Siebel Server uninstallation
instructions, see Chapter 12, Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications.
Before you configure Siebel Management Server after installation, you must install and configure
at least one instance of Siebel Management Agent. Ideally, you will already have installed and
configured all of the Siebel Servers and Management Agents. The Management Server
Configuration Wizard can register one or two Management Agents with the Management Server.
You can register additional Management Agents by using the Perl scripts that are provided with
the software.
Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 337
Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 349
32 7
In this guide, DBSRVR_ROOT refers to the installation directory of the Siebel Database Configuration
Utilities. For more information, see File and Directory Naming Conventions on page 294.
NOTE: In general, it is easier to configure and administer a Siebel database that does not share a
database instance with other applications. This approach is considered a best practice. However,
some customers might decide to include multiple applications in a single database instance. The
implications of this choice might differ by RDBMS type: for example, the term database instance has
a different meaning for an Oracle Database than it does for IBM DB2. The shared database instance
must be configured according to the requirements described in this chapter.
After you have completed configuring your database as described in this chapter, you can perform
all of the Siebel installation and configuration tasks, including those described in:
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Chapter 4, Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension
Install the RDBMS client software on computers where you will install Siebel Server, Siebel
Tools, or other modules that directly connect to the Siebel database.
(IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server) Create the database, and configure the parameters for the
Configure storage settings, log space, and other elements for the Siebel database.
NOTE: After you perform these tasks, you install the Siebel Enterprise Server software, including
Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Database Configuration Utilities, and Siebel Server. You
must install Database Configuration Utilities and Siebel Server on the computer where you run
the Siebel Gateway Name Server; it is optional to configure and deploy this installed Siebel
Server. Then you configure the Siebel Gateway Name Server, the Siebel Enterprise, and the
Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) logical profile.
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications
On the computer where you installed the Database Configuration Utilities, run the Database
Configuration Wizard. Perform the task to install the Siebel database (schema) in the database
This step creates the Siebel objects (tables and indexes) in the Siebel database, imports seed
data for the primary language, and adds the Siebel Repository for the primary language. Also
perform the other applicable tasks for the Siebel database. For more information, see Chapter 5,
Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS.
NOTE: After you perform these tasks, you configure the Siebel Server, install and configure the
SWSE, and perform additional configuration tasks that are required for your deployment.
Related Topics
Guidelines for Creating Oracle Database Objects on page 335
Guidelines for Creating IBM DB2 Database Objects on page 348
Guidelines for Creating Microsoft SQL Server Database Objects on page 353
32 9
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications
For performance reasons, do not collect statistics for an empty table. For more information, see
478242.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as Siebel Alert
Guidelines for Sizing Redo Logs for an Oracle Database on page 332
Guidelines for Overriding Oracle Default Tablespaces for Database Objects on page 334
Guidelines for Using Real Application Clusters for an Oracle Database on page 337
Related Topics
Planning RDBMS Installation and Configuration on page 287
Specifying the Locale for Siebel Business Applications on page 292
Verifying Installation for the Siebel Database on page 180
Execute the following command to specify the character set for your database:
INSTANCE_NAME is the name of your Oracle Database instance; for example, SIEBCRM.
CHARACTER_SET_NAME is the textual name of the character set that you want to run; for
example, WE8MSWIN1252 or AL32UTF8.
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications
CURSOR_SHARING. This parameter is set to EXACT by default and must not be changed.
CAUTION: Changing this value might lead to failure of some Siebel Server components.
NLS_DATE_FORMAT. Set this parameter as needed. The default setting is DD-MON-YY. For
information about the supported formats, see Oracle Database documentation and see
Specifying the Locale for Siebel Business Applications on page 292.
NLS_SORT. The sort order is specified during the initial installation of a database and defines
the way in which the database sorts character data. Sort order support depends on both the code
page of the database and whether it will be used in a development or a production environment.
For more information, see Specifying the Locale for Siebel Business Applications on page 292.
33 1
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications
OPEN_CURSORS. This parameter controls the amount of spaces that are reserved for the
maximum number of cursors (a cursor being the same as an open query). The minimum open
cursor requirement for Oracle Database is 1000 and the maximum is 2000. Within these limits,
this parameter can be adjusted according to observed usage patterns.
OPTIMIZER_MODE. Set this parameter to ALL_ROWS (the default) for the Cost-Based Optimizer
NOTE: For more information about performance tuning for Siebel CRM with an Oracle Database,
see 781927.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. See also Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications
This topic is part of Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 329.
Data: 5 GB
Index: 5 GB
Temp: 2 GB
System: 2 GB
Sysaux: 1 GB
This allocation is enough for a fresh installation of Oracle Database (Unicode-enabled or nonUnicode-enabled).
The following additional guidelines will help you in creating tablespaces:
To improve performance on your production system, create at least two tablespaces for a Siebel
implementation: one for indexes and one for data.
Distribute objects that you anticipate to be large or points of contention by creating additional
separate tablespaces (preferably on separate disk devices).
Be sure that you, or whoever is responsible for setting up permissions, grant the Siebel table
owner account the privilege and sufficient quota to create tables and indexes in these
Besides the table owner, the database user ID used for Siebel Marketing also requires additional
rights at the database level within the OLTP schema. You must grant DROP TABLE, DROP INDEX,
CREATE TABLE, and CREATE INDEX rights to this user. For more information, see Siebel Marketing
Installation and Administration Guide.
Set storage parameters for your data and index tablespaces. The Siebel database installation
procedure does not set storage parameters for the objects it creates. The storage configuration
for each object follows the default storage parameters of its tablespace. It is recommended that
you create locally managed tablespaces by using the following syntax:
extent management local autoallocate segment space management auto;
This topic is part of Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 329.
33 3
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications
Set the initial extent to a very small size (the minimum is one database block), so that empty
tables and indexes do not consume large amounts of space. For example, start with either two
or four blocks (in other words, 16 KB or 32 KB with an 8-KB block size). This allocation promotes
less fragmentation.
Even if you have as many 10,000 objects, this number of objects uses only 312 MB, which is far
less space required than for some standard office software packages.
Set the default next extent for your data and index tablespaces to a minimum of 100 KB.
This topic is part of Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 329.
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications
As provided by Siebel Business Applications, the .ctl file does not set storage parameters for the
objects it creates, so that they default to the parameters of the tablespaces in which they are
created. However, the Table Space parameter works only under the following conditions:
When the table does not yet exist (for example, when you are performing a new database
When the table must be rebuilt. In other words, when schema changes are made to the table
such that an ALTER TABLE command is insufficient to implement the schema changes. In this
case, the table must be dropped and re-created.
The following example illustrates the use of the Table Space parameter to set storage values for
specific tables:
[Object 219]
Type = Table
Column 10 = DESC_TEXT VARCHAR(255)
Table Space = data1
If you use locally managed tablespaces and want to change the storage parameters, then see Oracle
Database technical documentation.
For an example (IBM DB2) of overriding the defaults for specific tables and indexes, see Guidelines
for Overriding IBM DB2 Default Tablespaces for Database Objects on page 345.
33 5
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications
After you install the Database Configuration Utilities on the Siebel Server computer, as described in
Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension, you
can modify the database table and index creation scripts to specify the tablespace names that you
created for Siebel tables and indexes. For more information, see Guidelines for Overriding Oracle
Default Tablespaces for Database Objects on page 334.
Additional information about Oracle Database configuration and tuning options is available from
Oracle, your hardware vendor, and other sources.
This topic is part of Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 329.
Insertion rates on tables. You probably will want to set the INI_TRANS value for tables with
high insertion rates to a value higher than 1; a typical setting is 4.
This parameter determines how many simultaneous inserts can occur on the database blocks that
store data for those tables and, therefore, can affect performance in an intensive data-entry
environment. Use multiple freelists for the table S_DOCK_TXN_LOG, because this table receives
numerous inserts.
SGA cache hits. Determine whether SGA parameters have to be adjusted for your system.
The extents used by each object. A large number of extents on a table or index creates
response time degradation for transactions that access the table or index.
Siebel tables that are subject to frequent INSERT and DELETE operations. This
transaction mixture can cause some database tables to become fragmented over time.
If you are using Siebel Remote, then your DBA must monitor space utilization and fragmentation
of the following tables, and perform regular database maintenance procedures as recommended
for an Oracle Database. Monitor the following tables in particular, because they will have frequent
changes when transaction logging is enabled:
Your DBA might also choose to monitor all of the tables and indexes in the Siebel schema,
reorganizing them when required.
This topic is part of Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 329.
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
473859.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as Siebel
Technical Note 635.
478215.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as Siebel
FAQ 2220.
Concepts documentation for Oracle Real Application Clusters software on Oracle Technology
This topic is part of Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 329.
Guidelines for Setting IBM DB2 Database Manager Configuration Parameters on page 338
33 7
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
Guidelines for Overriding IBM DB2 Default Tablespaces for Database Objects on page 345
Guidelines for Preventing IBM DB2 from Running Out of ODBC Statement Handles on page 347
Table 23.
Setting or Comment
Deployments with 3,000 or
more concurrent users and
using over 5 GB of RAM can
increase this to 300000.
If you are using automatic
management, then set this
parameter to 0.
128 (minimum)
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
Table 23.
Setting or Comment
DB2set Parameters
Use the db2set command to set the parameters (for example, db2set DB2_HASH_JOIN = NO)
referenced in Table 24 on page 339. On Windows, you access this command through the DB2
command prompt (db2cmd).
Table 24.
db2set Parameters
* (asterisk)
33 9
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
See also Planning RDBMS Installation and Configuration on page 287 and Specifying the Locale for
Siebel Business Applications on page 292.
See also Verifying Installation for the Siebel Database on page 180.
This topic is part of Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 337.
IBM DB2 distinguishes between a code page (also known as a character set) and a codeset. A codeset
is defined as a textual string that describes the character encoding standard used for the database,
whereas a code page is a numeric representation of the same standard.
The territory, or region, is a combination of the language and the locale; for example, French would
be a language example, while Canada or France would be locales in which French is used with
regional differences. So, an example of a territory is Canadian French.
Sort Order
The sort order is specified during the initial installation of a database and defines the way in which
the database sorts character data. Sort order support depends on both the code page of the database
and whether it will be used in a development or a production environment.
For more information about supported sort orders, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
For Siebel language support, Unicode support, and legacy code page support, see 1513102.1 (Article
ID) for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or 1524342.1 (Article ID) for Siebel CRM version 8.2.2.x on My
Oracle Support.
This topic is part of Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 337.
Locate the primary (base) language that your database will use, the territory for your language,
and the applicable codeset.
Using the DB2 Command Line Processor or DB2 command prompt, enter the following command:
db2 create database dbname using codeset territory collate using identity
territory is the territory for the language that your database runs in, under that codeset
34 1
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
Table 25.
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
Table 25.
25 to 50
The value of
LOGSECOND together
must not exceed 256.
Up to 103
The value of
LOGSECOND together
must not exceed 256.
Table 26.
Buffer Pool
Page Size
4 KB
16 KB
32 MB
32 KB
34 3
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
Different operating systems support different maximum amounts of IBM DB2 addressable memory.
Depending on the memory configuration of a given server, the suggested pool sizes for BUF4K and
BUF16K buffer pools might exceed these maximums, requiring you to allocate a smaller percentage.
To determine the optimal buffer pool sizes, use IBM DB2 monitoring features.
This topic is part of Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 337.
Create at least three IBM DB2 tablespaces for tables of various sizes, as shown in Table 27 on
page 344. Using the default tablespace names is recommended.
Table 27.
DB2 Tablespace
Buffer Pool
Non-Unicode Database
2 GB
300 MB
100 MB
Unicode-Enabled Database
4 GB
700 MB
100 MB
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
In addition, for performance reasons it is highly recommended that you create a separate
tablespace for indexes. For example, you might create a tablespace named SIEBEL_IDX and
using buffer pool BUF16K, with a page size of 16 KB, and with 3 GB allocated for this tablespace.
Create at least 4-KB, 16-KB, and 32-KB temporary tablespaces to use for sorting and other SQL
processing as described in the following topics. If you do not create them, then your database
will experience serious performance and stability problems. Use system-managed space (SMS)
for all of the temporary tablespaces. Make sure that these temporary tablespaces are expandable
to 2 GB for storage purposes.
If you intend to use the DB2 Load utility to populate EIM tables, then this method makes the
tablespace in which EIM tables resides unavailable for the duration of the load. Placing the EIM
tables in one or more separate tablespaces allows concurrent activity on the database while the
load utility is running.
To override default storage parameters, such as the tablespace definitions, see Guidelines for
Overriding IBM DB2 Default Tablespaces for Database Objects on page 345.
When the table does not yet exist (for example, when you are performing a new database
When the table must be rebuilt. In other words, when schema changes are made to the table
such that an ALTER TABLE command is insufficient to implement the schema changes. In this
case, the table must be dropped and re-created.
This topic is part of Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 337.
34 5
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
As shown in the following example, you can use the Table Space parameter to set storage parameters
for specific tables:
[Object 219]
Type = Table
Column 10 = DESC_TEXT VARCHAR(255)
Table Space = data1
The following example illustrates how to override the defaults for specific tables and indexes:
[Object 7135]
Type = Table
Name = S_EVT_ACT
Group = Activity-1
Append Mode = Yes
Column 166 = TODO_CD WVARCHAR(30)
Column 167 = USER_MSG_ID WVARCHAR(15)
Column 168 = WC_START_VIEW WVARCHAR(250)
Column 169 = WC_TYPE_CD WVARCHAR(30)
[Object 7136]
Type = Index
Name = S_EVT_ACT_F1
Table = S_EVT_ACT
Index Space = S_EVT_ACT_TBS_IDX
[Object 7137]
Type = Index
Name = S_EVT_ACT_F10
Table = S_EVT_ACT
Allow Reverse Scans = Yes
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
Navigate to sqllib\bnd (C:\sqllib\bnd from a DB2 Command Window) in the IBM DB2 instance
home directory, by using a method appropriate to your operating system.
Connect to the DB2 database, and enter a command similar to the following example, which sets
the number of CLI packages to 30:
db2 bind @db2cli.lst blocking all grant public clipkg 30
Specify a value for CLIPKG that is sufficient to run your applications. For more information about
the DB2 bind command and the CLIPKG option, see IBM DB2 documentation.
LOGSECOND. Extra log files that are allocated only if they are needed for a large transaction.
34 7
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business
For a large system, allocate 4 to 8 GB of total log file space, as needed. Create 25 to 50 primary log
files of 160 MB each, by setting the LOGFILSIZ database configuration parameter to 40000 and the
LOGPRIMARY parameter to a value between 25 to 50. To support very large transactions, set the
LOGSECOND parameter to 128 minus the value of LOGPRIMARY. Smaller systems can use less log
file space.
This topic is part of Configuring an IBM DB2 Database for Siebel Business Applications on page 337.
Run REORGCHK on heavily used tables, and then review the resulting reports and extract a list of
any fragmented objects.
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Siebel Business
Based on the results of REORGCHK, reorganize any tables, as needed, by running REORG TABLE.
For details on how to reorganize tables or indexes, see the following:
477378.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as
Siebel FAQ 2072.
477402.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as
Siebel FAQ 2073.
After reorganizing tables, update statistics by using the runstats utility on any reorganized
tables with the following minimum parameters:
runstats on table tablename with distribution and detailed indexes all shrlevel
You might add other parameters as required, but use the shrlevel change parameter to allow
concurrent access to your tables while runstats executes.
CAUTION: The runstats utility overwrites statistics loaded by Siebel Business Applications. If
you use runstats, then always execute loadstats.sql afterwards, by using either DB2 CLP or
odbcsql. Otherwise, valuable statistics will be lost.
To run loadstats.sql by using odbcsql, use the following command:
odbcsql /s DATASOURCE_NAME /u username /p password /v separator siebel_root/
dbsrvr/db2udb/loadstats.sql TABLEOWNER_NAME
Guidelines for Selecting a Language for Microsoft SQL Server on page 351
Guidelines for Creating the Microsoft SQL Server Database on page 352
Guidelines for Allocating Microsoft SQL Server Database Log Space on page 352
34 9
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Siebel Business
Guidelines for Overriding Microsoft SQL Server Default Tablespaces for Database Objects on
page 352
Guidelines for Creating Microsoft SQL Server Database Objects on page 353
max degree of parallelism. This parameter specifies whether query plans are generated for
parallel execution on multiple processors or for execution on a single processor.
A value of 0 means that each query plan is generated so that the query executes on all of the
available processors on the database server computer. In general, parallel query execution
is not recommended, because of its effect on scalability.
A value of 1 means that each query plan is generated so that the query executes on only one
processor. In other words, this value turns off parallelism for query execution. Using one
processor for query execution is recommended. For this option, in the SQL Server Properties
screen select the Processor tab, and in the Parallelism section select Use 1 Processor.
Also use a single processor for query execution for the component Enterprise Integration Mgr
(alias EIM), for Siebel EIM. Do this even when you are using parallel Siebel EIM threads.
auto create statistics. This parameter allows SQL Server to create new statistics for database
columns as needed to improve query optimization. Enable this option.
auto update statistics. This parameter allows Microsoft SQL Server to automatically manage
database statistics and update them as necessary to promote proper query optimization. Enable
this option.
Turn both auto create statistics and auto update statistics off when running concurrent Siebel
EIM threads and performing a full scan of your tables. For information about running full scans,
see Updating Microsoft SQL Server Statistics on page 354.
tempdb. This parameter specifies the database that Microsoft SQL Server uses for the temporary
space needed during the execution of various queries. Set the initial size of TEMPDB to a
minimum of 100 MB. Also configure the parameter to allow auto-growth, which allows SQL
Server to expand the temporary database as needed to accommodate your activity.
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Siebel Business
Sort Order
The sort order is a characteristic that requires special consideration regarding the Siebel database.
On Microsoft SQL Server, the sort order of a database instance is specified during database creation
and defines the way in which the instance will sort character data.
Although each SQL Server system database and each object within a database can have its own
unique sort order, you must set the sort order at the database instance level only.
Siebel Business Applications support for a given sort order depends both on the code page of the
database and on whether it will be used in a development or a production environment.
For more information about supported sort orders, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
35 1
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Siebel Business
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Siebel Business
As shown in the example that follows, you can use the Table Space parameter to set storage
parameters for specific tables:
[Object 219]
Type = Table
Column 10 = DESC_TEXT VARCHAR(255)
Table Space = data1
For an example (IBM DB2) of overriding the defaults for specific tables and indexes, see Guidelines
for Overriding IBM DB2 Default Tablespaces for Database Objects on page 345.
35 3
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Siebel Business
After installing the Siebel database and before starting Siebel Business Applications.
Using Query Analyzer, perform a full scan of each table by entering the following command:
update statistics TableName with full scan
It is strongly recommended that you enable the automatic creation and updating of statistics, by
using the parameters documented in Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Siebel Business
Applications on page 349. This way, statistics are automatically kept up to date and the
administrative overhead of updating them manually is removed.
If you do not implement automatic statistics updating, then periodically perform the full scan
described in this topic.
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring Siebel Server Connectivity to the Siebel Database
If DBCC SHOWCONTIG returns a value of less than 30%, or if you suspect that indexes might be
interleaved on the disk, then consider rebuilding the index, by using the following command:
For more information about monitoring fragmentation, see Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
Oracle Database
Verify that the Oracle Database connectivity software is installed on each computer, according to the
Oracle Database documentation.
Siebel Server connections to the Oracle Database are made through dedicated server processes
rather than through Oracle MTS; the use of MTS might negatively affect performance.
Use Oracles Easy Configuration utility to define a database alias with the proper connection
information for your Siebel database. Record the connect string in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment
Planning Worksheet. You specify this connect string when configuring the Siebel Enterprise.
Define a database alias with the proper connection information for your Siebel database. Record the
connect string in Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet. You specify this connect string
when configuring the Siebel Enterprise.
Use either the DB2 Client Configuration Assistant or the Command Line Processor (CLP) to define
your database alias. For more information, see IBM DB2 documentation.
35 5
Configuring the RDBMS Configuring Siebel Server Connectivity to the Siebel Database
Siebel Business Applications automatically create an ODBC data source using connectivity
parameters that you specify when configuring the Siebel Enterprise. Record this data source in
Appendix A, Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet.
NOTE: For Microsoft SQL Server deployments, the correct versions of SQL Server Native Client (or
SQL Native Client) and Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) must reside on the server
computer where you will install the Siebel Server. For Microsoft SQL Server 2008, use SQL Server
Native Client. For more information, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.
15 Creating
the Siebel Installation
Image on the Network
This chapter describes how to obtain the Siebel installation media files and how to create a network
image from which you install Siebel Business Applications software. It includes the following topics:
For Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), create a network image
for Siebel CRM version or version
Installing Siebel Enterprise Server or SWSE is a one-step task. The installers for these modules
perform a complete installation of the current release, Siebel CRM version or version For these modules, Siebel CRM version and version are base releases,
and no Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2 network images are required or used. For
existing deployments, you can use the same installers to install Siebel CRM version or
version as a migration installation.
For Siebel Web Clients, Siebel Tools, or Siebel Management Server, create a network image for
Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2, and then create a network image for Siebel CRM
version or version
Installing Siebel Web Clients (Siebel Mobile Web Clients), Siebel Tools, or Siebel Management
Server is a two-step task. The installers for these modules require files for Siebel CRM version
8.1.1 or version 8.2.2 (the base release). These modules also require files for the current
release, Siebel CRM version or version For these modules, you install the base
release first and then install the current release on top of it as a separate task.
35 7
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Obtaining Siebel Installation
Media Files
For Siebel Sample Database, create a network image for Siebel CRM version or version
Installing Siebel Sample Database is a one-step task. The installer for this module requires files
for Siebel CRM version or version For this module, Siebel CRM version
and version are base releases, and no Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2 network
image is required or used. For an existing installation, you first uninstall the existing Siebel
Sample Database from Siebel CRM version 8.1.1, version 8.2.2, or any prior Siebel CRM version
8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x. Then you install the Siebel Sample Database for the current version
on the Siebel Mobile Web Client installation.
You must allocate space on the network for the Siebel images that you will use as the source location
for Siebel installations. Retain all of the Siebel images until they no longer apply. Also retain all of
the Siebel media files, particularly the JAR files that you use to create the Siebel images.
The remaining topics in this chapter describe how to obtain the Siebel media files from Oracle and
how to create a Siebel image.
NOTE: The Siebel image is always of application type Siebel Industry Applications. The application
type Siebel Business Applications (formerly used for Siebel Cross-Industry Applications) no longer
applies. For more information about the implications of this change, see 549362.1 (Article ID) and
related articles on My Oracle Support. This document often refers to Siebel Business Applications in
a generic way that currently means the same thing as Siebel Industry Applications.
Related Topics
Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 on page 27
About Siebel CRM Releases on page 278
Related Books
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
The media files for Siebel CRM base releases, including Siebel Innovation Pack 2013, are
provided as ZIP files on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
The media files for Siebel Patchset releases are provided as ZIP files on My Oracle Support.
NOTE: Whether particular releases are distributed as described above might change in some cases.
If you cannot find your release, then check the Siebel Release Notes, the Siebel Maintenance Release
Guide on My Oracle Support, and other relevant information on My Oracle Support.
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Obtaining Siebel Installation
Media Files
Use a standard unpacking tool such as WinZip to extract from each ZIP file a set of JAR files that
serve as the Siebel media files. (Validate that the unpacking tool that you are using can handle files
of the sizes of the Siebel media files.) These JAR files, which are compressed files using the Java
Archive format, are processed when you run the Siebel Image Creator utility. Siebel Business
Applications releases are also available on DVD.
NOTE: Siebel Business Applications software must be installed from a Siebel network image that was
created using Siebel Image Creator. You cannot install directly from the ZIP files, JAR files, or DVDs.
Download the ZIP files representing the Siebel modules and languages that you require into one or
more target locations. After you download the files, review the ZIP file sizes and validate the
checksum values of the downloaded files against the published values. Also provided are the Siebel
Image Creator executable program and the files it requires. Extract the JAR files from the ZIP files
and place them in a single directory on your network. Typically, you run Siebel Image Creator from
the JAR files directory. All of the JAR file names include the designation SBA (for Siebel Business
TIP: If you obtain JAR files for more than one release, then it is generally recommended that you
put them into a separate directory for each release, corresponding to the version number.
You use Siebel Image Creator to create a network image (also called a Siebel image) from which you
subsequently install Siebel Business Applications. All installations for Siebel modules must be
performed from the Siebel image, for each software version that supports a full installation, such as
for Siebel CRM version or 8.1.1, or for Siebel CRM version or 8.2.2 (depending on
the module that you are installing), and for any applicable Siebel Patchset releases. The installation
process is described in Chapter 3, Installing Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web
Server Extension, and other chapters for installing particular Siebel modules.
For more information about the contents and organization of the Siebel media files, see Siebel
Installation Media Contents on page 360.
Before you download the ZIP files to your network, see Preparing to Create a Siebel Installation
Image on page 363.
35 9
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Siebel Installation Media
Related Documents
For more information about the available patch releases for Siebel CRM, see 975515.1 (Article ID)
on My Oracle Support.
For more information about finding and downloading patch releases for Siebel CRM, see 975535.1
(Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
For more information about the Siebel CRM installers and media files, see 1461640.1 (Article ID) on
My Oracle Support.
Microsoft Windows
For detailed support information about the listed operating systems, see the Certifications tab on My
Oracle Support.
The base media for the listed operating systems are provided as described in Obtaining Siebel
Installation Media Files on page 358. Note the following points regarding the organization of the base
media files:
For Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Web Server Extension, the network image for Siebel CRM
version or version is the base media.
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Siebel Installation Media
For client modules, the base, language, and third-party media files are available for Windows
only, and might apply for customers on all of the server operating systems. Example client
modules include Siebel Web Client (Siebel Mobile Web Client) and Siebel Tools.
The Windows server base media files for some modules are included with the server base media
for UNIX operating systems, as well as provided separately. An example module is Siebel
Management Server.
NOTE: When you run Siebel Image Creator, you must select the Windows operating system to
be able to select any Windows-based modules. For more information about cross-platform issues
when creating Siebel images, see Cross-Platform Issues When Creating Siebel Image Directories
on page 365.
For server modules, the base, language, and third-party media files are included with the base
media for your operating system, where applicable. The media files for such modules are
provided with the UNIX base media where these modules run natively on Windows and are not
available on UNIX.
NOTE: When you run Siebel Image Creator, you must select the Windows operating system to
be able to select any Windows-based modules.
For each applicable release, all customers must obtain the third-party media and must place the
JAR files from this media into the JAR files directory before running Siebel Image Creator.
Some of the third-party media files provide library files that are required for Siebel installers. In
particular, JAR files similar to the following ones for third-party library files must be present when
you run Siebel Image Creator to create the network image for Siebel Enterprise Server, Siebel Web
Server Extension, Siebel Web Client, or Siebel Tools Client.
Third-party JAR Files for Siebel CRM Version and Version 8.1.1
Third-party JAR Files for Siebel CRM Version and Version 8.2.2
36 1
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Siebel Installation Media
The preceding JAR files are for Microsoft Windows. For Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Web
Server Extension, similar JAR files are available for each supported UNIX operating system.
Language-specific versions of these JAR files are also required, for each language that you include
in the network image. See also Requirements for Running Siebel Image Creator on page 366.
Other third-party media files provide separately installable third-party software modules that work
with Siebel Business Applications. In this context, third-party products can also include non-Siebel
products from Oracle, such as the Oracle LDAP Client. These third-party modules are not installed
through Siebel installers, and do not use language media. Documentation is provided in this guide
(the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using), in other books on the Siebel
Bookshelf, or in the Siebel Business Applications Third-Party Bookshelf in the product media pack on
Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
Language Media
The language media, also known as language extension packs or language packs, provide language
support for Siebel Business Applications.
When you run Siebel Image Creator to create a Siebel image or to add modules to an existing Siebel
image, you specify the languages for all of the modules that you include in the Siebel image.
Alternatively, you can also add languages to all of the modules in an existing Siebel image.
When you install Siebel modules, you can include languages when you install. You can also install
additional languages later. It is strongly recommended that you install and deploy, or at least install,
all of the languages that you expect to require, on each physical server.
For Siebel Tools, a base JAR file and a U.S. English (ENU) language JAR file are provided. Support
for other languages is provided through separate JAR files. When using Siebel Image Creator to add
Siebel Tools to your Siebel image, you must select ENU and any other desired languages to proceed
with extracting the base JAR file for Siebel Tools. When you later install Siebel Tools, you must select
U.S. English (ENU) and optionally select any other languages that are part of the Siebel image.
For more information about the supported languages and about deploying languages, see:
About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120
For Siebel language support, Unicode support, and legacy code page support for supported
databases, see 1513102.1 (Article ID) for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x or 1524342.1 (Article ID)
for Siebel CRM version 8.2.2.x on My Oracle Support.
Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Preparing to Create a Siebel
Installation Image
Determining the Location for the Siebel Media Files and the Siebel Image on page 363
36 3
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Preparing to Create a Siebel
Installation Image
Table 28.
Directory Function
Siebel image
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Preparing to Create a Siebel
Installation Image
The user creating the Siebel image must have write permission in the Siebel image directory.
Users who have to access the Siebel image directory in order to perform installations must have
read and execute permissions. Users who have to modify files to support unattended installation
mode must also have write permission.
See also the relevant topics in Planning Your Siebel Deployment on page 283.
Any directory that you specify for creating a Siebel image must contain sufficient disk space for
all of the Siebel modules and languages that you include in the Siebel image.
When you specify the network image directory for adding modules or languages, you must
specify the top-level directory containing the valid network image for the JAR files that you are
using. For example, if you are adding languages to a Siebel CRM version or version Siebel image, then the top-level directory that you specify, such as
C:\Siebel_Install_Image, must contain a subdirectory or, which must
contain an existing Siebel image for Siebel CRM version or version Siebel Image
Creator cannot add modules or languages to the network image, unless a valid top-level directory
is specified.
Any directory that you specify for creating a Siebel image must follow the conventions described
in File and Directory Naming Conventions on page 294. For example, on Windows, a directory
name must not contain spaces or number signs (pound or hash signs).
Any directory that you specify for creating a Siebel image must have a drive letter assigned to
it. Siebel Image Creator does not recognize mounted network drives (UNC paths) without a drive
letter assigned to them.
Do not copy or move any Siebel image subdirectories. Create each Siebel image and all of its
directories by running Siebel Image Creator. It is acceptable to move or rename the top-level
directory in which the Siebel image was created.
36 5
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Preparing to Create a Siebel
Installation Image
Many customers support multiple operating systems. For example, a customer who installs server
modules on UNIX still might have to install client or server modules that run only on a supported
Microsoft Windows operating system, such as Siebel Web Client (Siebel Mobile Web Client), Siebel
Tools, Siebel Management Server, and so on. For more information, see Siebel Installation Media
Contents on page 360.
If you support multiple operating systems (such as Windows and one of the supported UNIX
operating systems), then use one or more of the following strategies in creating your Siebel images:
Create a single multi-platform Siebel image on one of your operating systems. Use a crossplatform networking tool, such as Samba, to make the Siebel image accessible from operating
systems other than the one where the Siebel image was created.
For example, when you run Siebel Image Creator on Windows, include Windows and all of the
applicable UNIX operating systems and include all of the modules for applicable operating
systems. Before you run Siebel Image Creator, make sure that you have located the JAR files as
described in Determining the Location for the Siebel Media Files and the Siebel Image on
page 363. In order to install modules on UNIX computers (in this example), users who perform
installations must be able to access the Windows-based Siebel image files.
This approach is generally recommended, because it consolidates all of the modules and
applicable operating systems in a single Siebel image.
On each applicable operating system, create a separate Siebel image that includes the modules
that will be installed on that operating system.
For example, run Siebel Image Creator on Windows and include only the Windows operating
system and the modules that will be installed on Windows. Then run Siebel Image Creator on
Oracle Solaris (or another UNIX operating system) and include only Oracle Solaris and the
modules that will be installed on that operating system.
Before you run Siebel Image Creator, make sure that you have located the JAR files for the
applicable operating system as described in Determining the Location for the Siebel Media Files
and the Siebel Image on page 363. In order to install the Siebel modules (in this scenario), no
cross-platform tool would be necessary to access the Siebel image files, because the files for
each module already reside on the operating system on which the installations will be performed.
Make sure that you have extracted all of the JAR files from the ZIP files.
You must place the Siebel module JAR files and the Siebel Image Creator files in the appropriate
directory or directories, as described in Determining the Location for the Siebel Media Files and
the Siebel Image on page 363.
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Preparing to Create a Siebel
Installation Image
You must place at least one JAR file representing a Siebel module in the directory where you run
Siebel Image Creator, referred to here as the JAR files directory. Doing so enables the utility to
determine the version of the Siebel image that is to be created. For example, running Siebel
Image Creator in the Siebel CRM version or version JAR files directory creates
a Siebel image for that version. If the directory contains JAR files with multiple versions, then
the utility prompts for the version when you start it.
It is strongly recommended that all of the Siebel module JAR files for the same version be located
in the same directory (the JAR files directory). Optionally, some JAR files might be located in one
or more other directories that you specify while running Siebel Image Creator.
Siebel Image Creator includes the following files, which must be present in the JAR files directory
where you run the utility. Do not modify these files.
The Siebel Image Creator executable program for the operating system on which you run the
utility: snic.bat (for Windows) or (for UNIX)
Siebel Image Creator also includes the following template response files, which you can edit and
use to run the utility in unattended mode:
You can run Siebel Image Creator in GUI mode or in unattended mode. The following
requirements apply only to running the utility in unattended mode:
To run Siebel Image Creator in unattended mode, you must use the U.S. English (ENU) locale.
When using unattended mode, you can only create a new Siebel image. You cannot add
languages or products to an existing Siebel image.
To run Siebel Image Creator in unattended mode, you must use a template response file
provided by Oracle that you have edited for your purposes. These files are named
sample_snic_windows.rsp and sample_snic_unix.rsp. Example values are shown in the
template response files. For example, you might specify values like the following, from the
file sample_snic_windows.rsp:
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed on any computer where you will run Siebel
Image Creator. Also, the JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set to point to the JRE
installation location at the time that you run Image Creator (for example, C:\Program
Files\Java\jre6 on Windows). For supported version information, see the Certifications tab on
My Oracle Support.
36 7
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Creating a Siebel Installation
The JAR files from the third-party media must be present when you run Siebel Image Creator to
create the network image for Siebel Enterprise Server, Siebel Web Server Extension, Siebel Web
Client, or Siebel Tools Client. If these JAR files are not present when you run Siebel Image
Creator, then errors about missing library files occur when you later try to install these Siebel
modules. For more information, see Siebel Installation Media Contents on page 360.
A Siebel Image Creator session might take a long time to complete. While the files are being
extracted or copied, you cannot click Cancel to cancel a Siebel Image Creator session. Be sure
of your selections before you begin creating the Siebel image.
For any issues that you encounter while running Siebel Image Creator as described in Creating
a Siebel Installation Image on page 368, see Troubleshooting Siebel Image Creation on page 371.
Review the information that is presented in Obtaining Siebel Installation Media Files on page 358
and Siebel Installation Media Contents on page 360.
Review the issues that are described in Preparing to Create a Siebel Installation Image on
page 363. In particular, determine where the Siebel media files will reside and where you will
create the Siebel image.
Obtain the Siebel media ZIP files, as described in Obtaining Siebel Installation Media Files on
page 358. If you download the files, then validate the checksum values of the downloaded files
against the published values. Then extract the JAR files from the ZIP files.
Place the JAR files into one or more directories that you created for the purpose.
For example, for Siebel CRM version, you might place the Siebel CRM version
JAR files into a directory like JAR_8.1.1.11. For Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 for all of the products
other than Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server Extension, you might place the Siebel
CRM version JAR files into a directory like JAR_8.1.1.0. For more information, see
Determining the Location for the Siebel Media Files and the Siebel Image on page 363.
Log on to the server computer on which you will run Siebel Image Creator.
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Creating a Siebel Installation
Open a DOS command window and navigate to the directory where you placed the Siebel media
JAR files and the Siebel Image Creator files. For example, for Siebel CRM version,
navigate to a directory like C:\Siebel_Install_Image\JAR_8.1.1.11.
If it is not already set, then set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the Java
Runtime Environment installation location.
To run Siebel Image Creator in unattended mode from the JAR files directory, first prepare a
response file, and then run a command like the following:
snic.bat -silent -responseFile response_file
The Siebel image is created, according to the settings you made in the response file, as described
in Requirements for Running Siebel Image Creator on page 366. Go to Step 19 on page 371.
To run Siebel Image Creator in GUI mode from the JAR files directory, run the following
Siebel Image Creator displays a welcome message.
12 If you are creating a new Siebel image, then specify the directory in which the version-specific
image directory is to be created. For example, navigate to a directory like
C:\Siebel_Install_Image. You can enter a directory (which must be an absolute path) or click
Browse to specify the directory. Click Next.
When you specify the network image directory for adding modules or languages, you must
specify the top-level directory containing the valid network image for the JAR files that you are
using. For more information, see Requirements for the Siebel Image Directories on page 365.
For guidelines for creating the directories for Siebel images, see Preparing to Create a Siebel
Installation Image on page 363.
36 9
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Creating a Siebel Installation
14 Specify one or more operating systems to include in your version-specific Siebel image. You can
specify Windows, AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Oracle Solaris. Click Next.
You can specify one or more operating systems to include in your Siebel image. In general,
include all of the operating systems for which you will install one or more Siebel modules. You
can add operating systems and modules to the Siebel image later. For more information, see
Cross-Platform Issues When Creating Siebel Image Directories on page 365.
For more information about the contents of the Siebel media, see Siebel Installation Media
Contents on page 360.
15 Specify the Siebel modules to include in your version-specific Siebel image. Click Next.
Each module can be selected by clicking its check box. The listed modules represent the superset
of the client and server modules, including third-party modules, that are supported by this
version of Siebel Image Creator for all of the applicable operating systems.
The Siebel image will include the selected modules for each applicable operating system that you
specified in Step 14 on page 370. Some modules do not apply to certain operating systems. For
example, Siebel Tools applies to Windows only.
For more information about the contents of the Siebel media, see Siebel Installation Media
Contents on page 360.
16 Specify all of the languages that you want to include in the Siebel image. When you are ready to
begin creating the Siebel image based on your selections, click Next.
The selected languages are included for each selected or existing module, where they apply. The
languages do not apply to some modules, such as third-party modules. For information about
Siebel Tools and the U.S. English language pack, see Siebel Installation Media Contents on
page 360.
NOTE: If you are adding modules to an existing Siebel image, then you must specify all of the
languages that were previously included in the Siebel image, in order to be able to install these
modules correctly.
Siebel Image Creator now processes all of the Siebel media JAR files in the current directory, and
includes all of the selected modules and languages in the version-specific Siebel image
subdirectory of the directory specified in Step 12 on page 369. Siebel Image Creator displays the
current processing status, as follows:
If all of the Siebel media JAR files matching your selections were found in the current
directory, then Siebel Image Creator completes creating or adding modules or languages to
the Siebel image. Go to Step 18 on page 371.
If one or more of the JAR files matching your selections were not found in the current
directory, then the utility prompts for the location of the next file. Go to Step 17 on page 370.
17 If Siebel Image Creator cannot locate a JAR file matching your selections, then specify the
location of the indicated Siebel media JAR file. You can enter a directory (which must be an
absolute path) or click Browse to specify the directory. Click Next.
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Troubleshooting Siebel Image
For example, for a Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 Siebel image, assume that you selected Windows
and the Siebel Charts module (which is based on Visual Mining NetCharts), but Siebel Image
Creator could not locate the file
SBA_8.2.2.0_Base_Windows_Visual_Mining_Netcharts_Server.jar. Specify the location of this
file, and click Next. If the file is found, then it is processed and the module that it represents is
included in your Siebel image.
If you do not have the current media JAR file, then you might have to obtain the required Siebel
media from Oracle before proceeding. Place the JAR file in the appropriate directory before
clicking Next. If all of the remaining Siebel media files matching your selections were found in
the current directory, then Siebel Image Creator completes creating or adding the modules or
languages to the Siebel image.
If you decide that you do not require the module or language component represented by the
current media file to be included in the Siebel image at this time, then click Next again. You are
prompted to either skip the file (click Skip) or look for the file in another directory (click Select).
You might have to rerun Siebel Image Creator later to add items that you previously skipped
because of missing JAR files. See also Troubleshooting Siebel Image Creation on page 371.
18 After all of the modules or languages have been added to the Siebel image, or skipped, Siebel
Image Creator indicates that the Siebel image has been successfully created. Click Finish.
19 After the Siebel image has been created, review the products.txt file to validate the modules that
were included in the Siebel image. This file is located in the main directory for the Siebel image,
such as C:\Siebel_Install_Image\ or C:\Siebel_Install_Image\
If you have deleted a Siebel image or any part of the Siebel image by mistake. In this case,
remove all of the files generated by Siebel Image Creator for any affected Siebel modules, then
run Siebel Image Creator again to re-create the Siebel image for those modules.
If a JAR file is invalid and you have since obtained a new version of the JAR file.
If you skipped a missing JAR file during a Siebel Image Creator session and have since obtained
the missing JAR file.
37 1
Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network Troubleshooting Siebel Image
If any Siebel module was incompletely processed by Siebel Image Creator. In this case, remove
all of the files generated by Siebel Image Creator for the affected module, then run Siebel Image
Creator again to re-create the Siebel image for this module.
TIP: Keep track of the operating systems, Siebel modules, and languages in your Siebel image for
the applicable version. If you have to rerun Siebel Image Creator, then reselect the options that you
require to complete the Siebel image.
You might also have to run Siebel Image Creator multiple times if you intentionally processed only
some of the Siebel modules that you require and have to process the JAR files in multiple batches.
For example, if you obtained Siebel CRM version and version 8.1.1 files, then you might
create the Siebel CRM version image for all of the Siebel modules. After this, you might
have to create a Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 image for all of the modules other than Siebel Enterprise
Server and SWSE. Multiple operations might require moving or copying JAR files and the Siebel
Image Creator files into different directories for your purposes.
Siebel Image Creator logs a message like the following after each JAR file has been successfully
extracted. (If a JAR file is only partially extracted, then this message is not written.)
Extracted SBA_8.1.1.11_Base_Windows_Siebel_Enterprise_Server.jar
Siebel Image Creator logs a message like the following when a JAR file has been skipped.
Skipped JAR_file_name - Please run Siebel Image Creator again and add module_name
to the network image, once all image files are available.
This appendix provides the Deployment Planning Worksheet. It includes the following topics:
37 3
Codepage Owner
or Unicode
Database Server
Siebel Servers
Web Server
Siebel Deployment Planning Worksheet Siebel Accounts, Host Names, and Static IP
Component Name
Installation Directory
Subnet Mask
37 5
Disk Name
IP Addresses
Siebel Gateway
Siebel File System
Siebel Server
Web Server Group
37 7
This appendix provides important background information about configuring Siebel Enterprise Server
components and certain other installable components of Siebel Business Applications. Configuration
tasks are performed after installation, using the Siebel Configuration Wizard. This appendix includes
the following topics:
Options for Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server, the Siebel Enterprise, and the SWSE
Logical Profile on page 384
Settings for Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server on page 385
Options for Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 397
37 9
NOTE: Sometimes this guide refers to the Siebel Configuration Wizard to mean any or all of the
Configuration Wizards. Or, depending on the context, this guide might instead refer to a wizard using
a more specific name, such as the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard.
The Siebel Configuration Wizards support initial configuration of Siebel Business Applications and
provide limited capability to reconfigure components that have already been configured. For
example, you can use the wizard to modify Siebel Enterprise Server settings. To reconfigure an
existing Siebel Server, you can remove an existing Siebel Server configuration and then re-create it.
Alternatively, to modify existing Siebel Enterprise or Siebel Server settings, use Siebel Server
Use the Windows Control Panel to change whether a Siebel service starts automatically or manually,
or to change the user name or password under which the service runs.
This topic includes the following information:
Table 29.
Siebel Enterprise
Siebel Server
EAI Connector
No configuration required
Siebel database
Table 29.
Table 30.
38 1
Table 30.
Table 30.
-mode mode_name. Specifies the Siebel Configuration Wizard that you are running. The
command must be executed within an installed instance of the applicable Siebel module. The
supported modes are as follows:
enterprise. Starts the Siebel Enterprise Configuration Wizard (to configure Siebel Gateway
Name Server, Siebel Enterprise, or SWSE logical profile). When using this mode, you can
optionally save a response file for later unattended configuration. These configuration tasks
are performed from the Siebel Gateway Name Server installation.
siebsrvr. Starts the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard. When using this mode, you can
optionally save a response file for later unattended configuration. This configuration task is
performed from the Siebel Server installation.
38 3
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Options for Configuring the Siebel Gateway
Name Server, the Siebel Enterprise, and the SWSE Logical Profile
dbsrvr. Starts the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard. This configuration task is
performed from the Siebel Server installation where you also installed Siebel Database
Configuration Utilities.
swse. Starts the Siebel Web Server Extension Configuration Wizard. When using this mode,
you can optionally save a response file for later unattended configuration. This configuration
task is performed from the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) installation.
mgmtagent. Starts the Siebel Management Agent Configuration Wizard. This configuration
task is performed from the Siebel Server installation.
mgmtsrvr. Starts the Siebel Management Server Configuration Wizard. This configuration
task is performed from the Siebel Management Server installation (on Microsoft Windows
-responseFile file_name. Specifies the name of a response file that you are executing, for an
unattended configuration. The response file would have been saved in a previous configuration
session for one of the listed modes that supports saving response files. In unattended mode,
wizard screens that would normally display are not displayed, because the applicable data is
already stored in the response file. Unattended configuration is often invoked from an
unattended installation session. The flags -mode and -responseFile are mutually exclusive (that
is, they cannot be used in the same session).
-skipValidation. Specifies that no validation should be performed of user input. Use this flag
when saving a response file for an unattended configuration, or when previewing wizard screens.
(The Siebel Database Configuration Wizard, Siebel Management Agent Configuration Wizard, and
Siebel Management Server Configuration Wizard do not support unattended configuration and
require validation.)
-verbose. Specifies that more details should be included in configuration log files.
Configure a New Gateway Name Server. Configures the Siebel Gateway Name Server
that you have installed. For more information, see Settings for Configuring the Siebel Gateway
Name Server on page 385.
Configure a New Enterprise in a Gateway Name Server. Creates a new Siebel Enterprise
configuration on the Siebel Gateway Name Server. For more information, see Settings for
Configuring the Siebel Enterprise on page 386.
Before you perform this task, the Siebel Gateway Name Server must have already been
installed and configured, and must be running, unless you skip validation.
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Gateway
Name Server
Configure a New Siebel Web Server Extension Logical Profile. Creates and saves an
SWSE logical profile in a location that you designate. The logical profile stores settings that
might apply to one or multiple SWSE installations. The logical profile also includes editable
files that automatically create the Siebel application virtual directories on the Web server
when you apply the SWSE logical profile.
When you configure an installed instance of SWSE, you apply an SWSE logical profile. This
task updates the eapps.cfg file on the SWSE with settings from the SWSE logical profile and
other settings specific to this SWSE instance. It also creates the virtual directories on the
Web server. See also Options for Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 397.
For more information about creating and applying the SWSE logical profile, see Process of
Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension on page 76.
Modify an Existing Enterprise. Modifies configuration settings for a Siebel Enterprise that
you previously configured. For more information, see Settings for Configuring the Siebel
Enterprise on page 386.
Alternatively, you can modify the configuration settings for the Siebel Enterprise using Siebel
Server Manager, as described in Siebel System Administration Guide.
Table 31.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Specify the port number that this Siebel Gateway Name Server
uses for connections from Siebel Server or other components. The
default port number is 2320.
The primary language, which is used for server messages and log
files. Language support must be present on the server on which
you have installed the software. See also About Installing and
Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on
page 120.
38 5
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 32.
Specify the user name for the account, usually a database
account, that you are using for Siebel Gateway Name Server
authentication. For more information about this account and
the associated requirements, see Requirements for Siebel
Gateway Name Server Authentication on page 306.
NOTE: The first time that you configure a Siebel Enterprise
(before authentication settings have been propagated to the
Siebel Gateway Name Server), the user account name and
password fields have no effect.
Specify the password for the account that you are using for
Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication.
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 32.
Specify the name that you want for the Siebel Enterprise.
For more information, see Restrictions on Names for Siebel
Enterprise and Siebel Server on page 293.
Enterprise Description
Primary Siebel File System
Database Platform
IBM DB2 Database Alias
(DB2 only)
38 7
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 32.
The options are:
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 32.
In general, it is recommended that you accept the default
security adapter name. The default name depends on the
type of security adapter that you are configuring. Default
names are as follows:
LDAP Port Configuration
Network TCP/IP Port Number
Siebel Username Attribute
Siebel Password Attribute
Credentials Attribute
LDAP Roles Attribute (optional)
38 9
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 32.
LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.
Store shared database user
credentials as parameters
Application Password
Configure Web Single Sign-On (Web
User Specification
Shared Secret
SSL Database Certificate File
Hash User Passwords
Hash Database Passwords
Salt User Passwords
Salt Attribute
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 32.
LDAP, ADSI, or custom authentication only.
Siebel User ID Attribute
Base Distinguished Name (DN)
Propagate Change
Propagate Authentication Settings
to the Gateway Name Server
39 1
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
Table 32.
Appears only if you checked Charts Server Settings in Tasks
for Modifying Enterprise Configurations. Specify the host
name and the port number of the computer where you are
running the Siebel Charts server. Use the format
Charts_server_hostname:port_number. See Changing the
Siebel Charts Server Used by Siebel Web Clients on page 254.
Appears only if you checked Charts Server Settings in Tasks
for Modifying Enterprise Configurations. Choose GIF, JPEG,
or PNG (default). Accepting the default is recommended.
See Changing the Siebel Charts Server Used by Siebel Web
Clients on page 254.
This setting and all of the remaining items appear only if you
checked Enterprise Network Security Encryption Type in
Tasks for Modifying Enterprise Configurations. Options are:
This item and all of the remaining items appear only if you
selected one of the TLS or SSL options in Security Encryption
Level or Type. For more information, see Siebel Security
For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.
Private Key File Name
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Options for Configuring the Siebel Server
Table 32.
Enable Peer Authentication
Validate Peer Certificate
Enter location of response file
Create New Configuration. Creates a new Siebel Server configuration on the Siebel Gateway
Name Server. For more information, see Settings for Configuring the Siebel Server on page 394.
Add Language Support for the Siebel Server. Deploys any additional installed languages for
a Siebel Server that you previously configured. This task applies only if both of the following are
You have already initially configured the Siebel Server (Create New Configuration task).
You have already installed on the Siebel Server the new languages that you want to add as
deployed languages.
In the screen where you specify languages to deploy, specify only the new languages that you
want to deploy. See also Settings for Configuring the Siebel Server on page 394.
39 3
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Server
Perform this task in conjunction with related language deployment tasks, such as to install and
deploy languages on the SWSE. For more information, see About Installing and Deploying Siebel
Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120.
NOTE: If you add (install) languages before having configured the Siebel Server, and you have
not yet configured the Siebel Server, then do not perform this task. Instead, use the task Create
New Configuration, and specify all of the applicable languages that you want to deploy.
Table 33.
Specify the user name for the account that you are using for
Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication.
Specify the password for the account that you are using for
Siebel Gateway Name Server authentication.
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Server
Table 33.
Enable Component Groups
Deployed Languages
Clustering Configuration
Options include:
Not clustered
39 5
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the Siebel Server
Table 33.
Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate
File Name
Private Key File Name
Security Adapter Name
(SecAdptName and SecAdptMode)
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Options for Configuring the Siebel Web Server
Table 33.
Apply an SWSE Logical Profile. Specifies the location of an SWSE logical profile that you
previously created using the Siebel Configuration Wizard and applies the settings to this installed
instance of SWSE, along with other settings that you specify using this task. This task updates
the SWSE configuration files, eapps.cfg file and eapps_sia.cfg.
The eapps.cfg and eapps_sia.cfg files are located in SWSE_ROOT\bin. In this path, SWSE_ROOT
is the SWSE installation directory.
Applying an SWSE logical profile also creates (or re-creates) on the Web server the virtual
directories required for Siebel Business Applications.
On Microsoft Windows (with Microsoft IIS Web server), batch files create the virtual directories
for Siebel Business Applications. These batch files are located in the SWSE logical profile
directory. Before configuring the SWSE, you can edit these batch files to remove entries for
virtual directories that you do not need.
If you are using Siebel native load balancing, then generate the configuration file lbconfig.txt and
place it in the SWSE logical profile location before you apply the logical profile. Perform these
tasks as a second phase of SWSE configuration: after the initial SWSE configuration to get the
system up and running and after installing and configuring all of the Siebel Servers that will
participate in load balancing. For more information about configuring load balancing, see Process
of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications on page 106.
39 7
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the SWSE Logical
Add Language Support for the SWSE Configuration. Deploys any additional installed
languages for an SWSE that you previously configured. This task applies only if both of the
following are true:
You have already initially configured the SWSE (Apply an SWSE Logical Profile task).
You have already installed on the SWSE the new languages that you want to add as deployed
In the screen where you specify languages to deploy, specify only the new languages that you
want to deploy. See also Applying the SWSE Logical Profile on page 83.
Perform this task in conjunction with related language deployment tasks, such as to install and
deploy languages on the Siebel Server. For more information, see About Installing and Deploying
Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120.
NOTE: If you add (install) languages before having applied the SWSE logical profile, and you
have not yet configured the SWSE, then do not perform this task. Instead, use the task Apply an
SWSE Logical Profile, and specify all of the applicable languages that you want to deploy.
Related Books
Siebel Security Guide
Siebel System Administration Guide
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the SWSE Logical
Table 34.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
Not applicable
Collect Application-Specific
Compression Type
39 9
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the SWSE Logical
Table 34.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
The total number of seconds that a guest
session can remain inactive before the
guest user is logged out and the session
is closed.
Default value: 300 (in seconds)
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the SWSE Logical
Table 34.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
40 1
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the SWSE Logical
Table 34.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
The Siebel user ID that starts the
anonymous session from which an end
user is shown the login page for an
employee application. (These applications
can be deployed using either high
interactivity or Siebel Open UI.)
Employee applications use these
parameters, which are defined in the
[defaults] section.
The EncryptedPassword parameter
specifies whether passwords are
encrypted in the eapps.cfg file.
For more information about anonymous
users, see Requirements for Configuring
Anonymous Users for the Siebel Web
Server Extension on page 317.
Password Encryption
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the SWSE Logical
Table 34.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
Standard Interactivity or
Contact User Login Name and
The Siebel user ID that starts the
anonymous session from which an end
user is shown the login page for a
customer application. This anonymous
user must have access to any public view
in the Siebel application.
For customer applications only, these
parameters are defined in applicationspecific sections of the eapps.cfg file.
These values override the values defined
in the [defaults] section, which are used
by employee applications.
The EncryptedPassword parameter
specifies whether passwords are
encrypted in the eapps.cfg file.
For more information about anonymous
users, see Requirements for Configuring
Anonymous Users for the Siebel Web
Server Extension on page 317.
Web Server-Specific
Statistics: Default Statistics
Page for Web Server
40 3
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Configuring the SWSE Logical
Table 34.
Setting in Siebel
Configuration Wizard
Parameter in
eapps.cfg File
Not applicable
Specify if you are using TLS (Transport
Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets
Layer) for communication between Siebel
Servers and the SWSE.
Choices are TCP/IP (no encryption, the
default), TLS, or SSL.
TLS or SSL settings for SWSE must be
compatible with those for Siebel Servers
that connect to this Web server.
The wizard prompts for remaining
parameters related to TLS or SSL only if
you select one of these options.
For more information about TLS, SSL, and
the related parameters defined in the
[ConnMgmt] section of the eapps.cfg file,
see Siebel Security Guide.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Applying the SWSE Logical Profile
Related Books
Siebel Security Guide
Siebel System Administration Guide
Table 35.
Setting in SWSE
Configuration Wizard
Deployed Languages
Each language that you select must be an installed language. For
each deployed language and each application, a separate section
is created in the eapps.cfg or eapps_sia.cfg file. For example,
Siebel Call Center uses the sections named [/callcenter_lang].
Part of the ConnectString value represents the three-letter code
for the deployed language.
You can deploy languages that you installed but did not deploy by
running the SWSE Configuration Wizard again and choosing the
task Add Language Support for the SWSE Configuration. For more
information, see About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business
Applications with Multiple Languages on page 120.
Specify whether you are using Siebel native load balancing, thirdparty load balancing, or no load balancing. Specify no load
balancing for a deployment with a single Siebel Server. For more
information, see Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel
Business Applications on page 106.
The host name of the Siebel Server computer. Specify this for a
deployment with a single Siebel Server.
40 5
Siebel Configuration Wizard Reference Settings for Applying the SWSE Logical Profile
Table 35.
Setting in SWSE
Configuration Wizard
Siebel Connection Broker Port
The Siebel Connection Broker (SCBroker) port on the Siebel
Server computer. Specify this port number for a deployment with
a single Siebel Server. The default port number for SCBroker is
NOTE: This port number is used for all of the communications
between the Web server and the Siebel Server. Make sure that the
port number that you specify for SCBroker is not occupied by any
other applications, other Siebel components (such as Siebel
Gateway Name Server), or other Siebel Server instances.
For more information about the SCBroker component, see Siebel
Deployment Planning Guide and Siebel System Administration
If you want to change an SCBroker port number later, then use
Siebel Server Manager to specify a value for the Static Port
Number parameter (alias PortNumber).
ActiveX controls, downloading 143
See Siebel Application Deployment Manager
anonymous users 80, 81, 317
authentication, for Siebel Gateway Name
Server 306
auto create statistics parameter for
Microsoft SQL Server 350
auto update statistics parameter for
Microsoft SQL Server 350
AutoStopDB configuration parameter 171
clone.bat file 216 file 216 file 216
cloning feature
See installation cloning
Cluster Deployment Data worksheet 376
file system prerequisites 296
Siebel Gateway Name Server
requirements 309
Siebel Server requirements 309
codeset, code page difference 340
Configuration Wizard
See Siebel Configuration Wizard
console-mode installation for Siebel
Management Server 235
contact user 81, 317
CURSOR_SHARING parameter 331
Database Configuration Utilities
about 87
and Database Configuration Wizard 87
preinstallation tasks 319
reviewing installation 179
Database Configuration Wizard, installing
Siebel database 87
database connectivity, configuring 355
parameter 331
eapps.cfg file, editing 137
employee user 80, 317
EnableOpenUI parameter 114
Enterprise Server Names and Installation
Directories worksheet 374
Environment Verification Tool
about 206
available EVT output formats 212
EVT check groups 207
EVT configuration file 207
EVT optional command line flags 210
products EVT checks 206
running in Query mode 210
starting 209
using 209
See Environment Verification Tool
40 7
Index F
file system
about creating 295
clustering prerequisites 296
naming the file system directory 297
files, naming conventions 294
flags for Siebel Management Server
installation commands 235
full uninstallation 255
Gateway Name Server
See Siebel Gateway Name Server
Global Time Zone, supporting 99
guidelines, for IBM DB2 configuration 337
guidelines, for Microsoft SQL Server
configuration 349
guidelines, for Oracle Database
configuration 329
hardware, preparing for installation 284
troubleshooting Siebel database
installation 202
troubleshooting Siebel Gateway Name Server
installation 198
troubleshooting Siebel Repository
import 203
troubleshooting Siebel Server
installation 200
troubleshooting Siebel Web Server Extension
installation 203
high interactivity user 80, 317
HighInteractivity parameter 114
HP Apache Web Server 312
configuring port for Web server 138
enabling compression for Siebel Business
Applications 135
HTTPS, configuring port for Web server 138
about database objects 348
configuration guidelines 337
creating database 340
creating database objects 348
creating tablespaces 344
database manager configuration parameter
guidelines 338
DB2set parameters 339
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
and Siebel cloning utility 218
and Siebel Image Creator 367
Index L
importing new language to Siebel
Repository 100
selecting for IBM DB2 339
selecting for Microsoft SQL Server 351
selecting for Oracle Database 330
Siebel Server language requirement 309
lbconfig.txt file
and SWSE logical profile 83, 315
generating 107
load balancing, third-party
monitoring servers 110
setting up 108
Locale Management Utility (LMU) 131
importing locale-specific data into the Siebel
Repository 131
language Siebel Configuration Wizard
uses 290
log files
reviewing for Siebel database
installation 180
reviewing for Siebel Web Server Extension
installation 184
logical profile
applying for SWSE 83
configuring for SWSE 77
max degree of parallelism parameter for
Microsoft SQL Server 350
media, obtaining for install 358
MEMORY_TARGET parameter 331
Microsoft Internet Information Services
(IIS) 312
Microsoft SQL Server database
configuration guidelines 349
configuring 349
configuring database objects 353
configuring parameters 350
creating 352
guidelines for sort order 351
managing fragmentation 354
process of configuring 349
selecting language for 351
updating statistics 354
Mobile Web Client
See Siebel Charts server
network connectivity, verifying 195
NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter 331
NLS_LANG environment variable 292
NLS_SORT environment variable 292
NLS_SORT parameter 331
Open UI
See Siebel Open UI
OPEN_CURSORS parameter 332
parameter 332
parameter 332
OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter 332
Oracle Configuration Manager
about 282
and cloning 219
and migration installation 46, 48, 258, 283
and rollback uninstallation 258, 283
directory for 175, 184
service for 219
Oracle Database
about configuring 329
collecting optimizer statistics 329
configuration guidelines 329
configuring database objects 335
configuring init.ora file 331
creating tablespaces 333
40 9
Index P
PATH environment variable 326
Ports and RDBMS Details Data
worksheet 377
predeploy.htm file 143
See system preferences
properties file settings, for installation
cloning 223
properties files, for installation cloning 216,
planning database connectivity 288
planning install and configuration 287
RDBMS, configuring
collecting optimizer statistics for Oracle
Database 329
configuring IBM DB2 337
configuring Microsoft SQL Server 349
configuring Microsoft SQL Server database
objects 353
configuring Oracle Database 329
configuring Oracle Database objects 335
creating IBM DB2 database 340
creating IBM DB2 database objects 348
creating IBM DB2 tablespaces 344
creating Microsoft SQL Server database 352
creating Oracle Database tablespaces 333
creating temporary Oracle Database
tablespaces 334
database connectivity for Siebel Server 355
DB2set parameters for IBM DB2 339
IBM DB2 database manager configuration
parameter guidelines 338
IBM DB2 guidelines 337
IBM DB2 process 337
managing IBM DB2 fragmentation 348
servers, naming conventions 293
sfscleanup utility 297
sfspartition utility 297
Siebel Accounts, Host Names, and Static IP
Addresses worksheet 375
Siebel Application Deployment Manager
(ADM) 231
Siebel Business Applications
about installing multiple versions 283
about installing one version 283
Siebel Business Applications, rolling back
Developer Web Clients 270
Mobile Web Clients 270
Index S
41 1
Index S
about 169
configuration parameters 171
enabling or disabling 171
using view precaching 171
Siebel Repository
importing 100
importing a new language 100
obtaining updated SRF files 118
troubleshooting Siebel Repository
import 203
Siebel Sample Database, installing 157
Siebel Server, installing
clustering requirements 309
configuring database connectivity 355
database requirements 310
language locale requirements 309
multiple Siebel language packs 310
search server 310
temporary disk space 311
third-party applications 310
troubleshooting installation 200
verifying network connectivity 195
verifying server requirements 308
Siebel Server, uninstalling 265
Siebel service owner account, creating 300
Siebel Tools, installing
administrative rights 325
installing Siebel Tools 149
requirements 324
verifying directory structure 189
verifying read and write access to
directories 190
verifying successful installation 190
verifying tools ODBC data sources 191
Siebel Tools, uninstalling
full uninstallation 271
rollback uninstallation 271
Siebel Web Client
about login 162
administrative rights for installation 322
configuring when Siebel VB or Siebel eScript is
not licensed 206
creating custom shortcuts 168
database connectivity software 323
directory naming conventions 322
installing 143
installing Mobile Web Client and Developer
Web Client 143
installing the Siebel Sample Database 157
logging in to 162, 165
preinstallation tasks 322
requirements and recommendations 323
shortcuts and startup options 165
Index T
target instance, for installation cloning 215
Team Lead Summary worksheet 374
TEMP environment variable 289
tempdb parameter for Microsoft SQL
Server 350
territory, about 340
third-party software
Siebel Server 310
Siebel Web Client 324
TMP environment variable 289
Siebel database installation 202
Siebel Gateway Name Server
installation 198
Siebel Repository import 203
Siebel Server installation 200
Siebel Web Server Extension installation 203
unattended installation
Siebel Enterprise Server 56
Siebel Management Server 235
Siebel Tools 154
Siebel Web Client 154
Siebel Web Server Extension 56
uninstallation, full 255
Visual Mining NetCharts
See Siebel Charts server
Web Server Extension
See Siebel Web Server Extension
Web server, installing 313
See Deployment Planning worksheet
41 3
Index W