The Development of Systems of Production
The Development of Systems of Production
The Development of Systems of Production
The natives had to work for their enslavers and offer tributes of labour- produce
gold and cotton or personal service. In return they were to be clothed, fed, paid
wages and Christianized.
Indians, Chinese and Javanese (from Indonesia) were brought to the West Indies to serve
as labourers on plantations after the abolition of the slave trade. Indians made up a significant
portion of the indentured labourer population.
Factors that influenced Indians to leave their homelands:
cloth industry.
(5) Some women emigrated to escape oppressive arranged marriages or home conditions and
needed a more independent life.
Problems experienced by Indian indentured labourers:
Indian resistance
Deserted the estates
Failed to honour work regulations
Pretended they were ill
Committed suicide
Some physically assaulted estate personnel who abused them.