Critical Sucess
Critical Sucess
Critical Sucess
In today's fast pace business environment where the business landscape continual
ly changes in response to shifting consumer preferences, new and superior produc
tion processes, and the development and introduction of disruptive technologies,
companies need to have flexible and planned business practices to facilitate ch
ange to adapt to the market environment. Aligning resources and employees to a c
ompanies goals and objectives is imperative. Whilst machines can easily adapt to
a change in command, the human composition does not always provide for such an
easy transition. Dealing with the human psyche, entrenched values, fears, anxiet
ies and insecurities necessitates careful change management planning. Several cr
itical success factors for organizational change are discussed further below.
Change to company processes requires dedicated organizational strategic planning
. With the dependency between integrated business units, a change in one area of
the business can severely impact another. Consider the implementation of a new
project management framework in a web development company. Failure to consider t
he requirements and dependencies of the production process can sabotage developm
ent time and create project cost blowouts. Involving team members from business
units that will be affected by the change will maximize planning feedback, minim
ize areas of risk and improve the chances that team members will be prepared for
and accept the change to the organizational process. Having the foresight to in
volve important personnel is a critical success factor for organizational change
Adopting a long term vision is a critical success factor for managing change. Co
mpanies that commit to the process are more likely to experience a greater accep
tance than those who implement short term or damage control practices. Initiativ
es take time to iteratively refine and sometimes processes require an adjustment
for best fit. Managing and committing to this can raise a companies chance of s
Building performance metrics to measure the change process provides a framework
for benchmarking the change process. The evaluation stage of change management s
copes and bounds this requirement. When you know where you are going you have an
immediate point of reference for determining how close you are to goal realizat
ion and can make the necessary adjustment when slightly off course. Establishing
performance metrics is a critical success factor for organizational change.
A top down approach is important for widespread company adoption. If management
set the mandate and fail to adhere to the initial objectives, company personnel
can start to assume that goals and objectives are no longer important. It is, th
erefore, imperative that all levels of management champion the cause and remain
Committing to employee training and development is a critical success factor for
organizational change. When technology processes change or new initiatives are
adopted, empowering the workforce, overcoming fear or failure and facilitating c
hange is improved by educating the affected personnel. This is imperative for ch
ange management strategic planning success.
An awareness of critical success factors for organizational change better prepar
es a company for the strategic planning and implementation of change. The above
guidelines are an example of proven considerations that need to be factored into
the change management framework.