(Innovation) (Lundvall) National Innovation System
(Innovation) (Lundvall) National Innovation System
(Innovation) (Lundvall) National Innovation System
In the last decade new concepts as innovation and innovation system has becoming more
and more used by policy makers around the world. Sweden has not been an exception. The
Swedish institute for growth policy studies (ITPS) has since 2006 been working with a
project on Swedish innovation policy. The aims with the project are to draw a picture of
the Swedish system and to explain why it is organized the way it is, and to discuss how
national systems of innovation can be studied.
This work is a part of this project and aims to shed light on the existing literature on
innovation systems. This report provides the reader with a theoretical understanding of the
innovation concept and how it can be understood in a system perspective. The report also
discuss the how an innovation system can be related to policies.
The report was written by professor Bengt-ke Lundvall, Department and Business
Studies, Aalborg University.
stersund, May 2007
Hkan Gadd
Head of the Evaluation department
Table of Content
National innovation system: Analytical focusing device and Policy learning tool... 7
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 7
Introduction................................................................................................................ 41
In the learning economy there is a need for a broad definition of innovation policy... 41
Definitions and assumptions...................................................................................... 41
The globalizing learning economy as context ............................................................ 42
The small country context as context ........................................................................ 43
The role of universities in the learning economy........................................................ 44
On the importance of promoting DUI-learning and the diffusion of learning
organizations ............................................................................................................. 47
How to promote organizational change? ................................................................... 49
The need for a new type of policy co-ordination ........................................................ 49
Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 53
References ......................................................................................................................... 55
Today it is possible to follow the diffusion of new concepts in time and space by using
search machines on the internet. Giving Google the text strings national innovation
system(s) and national system(s) of innovation you end up with a total of more than
200.000 references. Going through the references you find that most of them are recent and
that many of them are related to innovation policy efforts at the national level while others
refer to new contributions in social science.
Looking closer at the origin of the specific references makes it clear that the concept informs policy makers in almost all countries in the world, including the biggest economies
such as the US, Japan, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, China and India.1 The diffusion is
quite impressive taking into account that 15 years ago only a handful of scholars had heard
about this concept. Policy makers at the national level as well as experts in international
organizations for economic co-operation such as OECD, Unctad, the World Bank and the
EU-Commission have adopted the concept as a tool for policy making.
It has also inspired analytical efforts related to different disciplines within social science.
Economists, business economists, economic historians, sociologists and especially
economic geographers have utilized the concept in their attempts to explain and understand
phenomena related to innovation and competence building. In economic geography the
diffusion of the innovation system perspective has gone hand in hand with a growing focus
on industrial clusters and industrial districts understood as regional knowledge-based
networks of firms and institutions. This new economic geography has changed the way
geographical location and agglomeration is explained (Clark, Feldman and Gertler 2000).
In this chapter we demonstrate that during the process of diffusion there has been a
distortion of the concept as compared to the original versions as they were developed by
Christopher Freeman and the IKE-group in Aalborg. This distortion gives rise to so-called
innovation paradoxes which leaves significant elements of innovation based economic
performance unexplained. In terms of analysis it is reflected in studies of innovation policy
that focus on science-based innovation and on the formal technological infrastructure.
In terms of policy it is reflected in a bias in favor of stimulating science-based innovation
and in highly problematic attempts to subordinate all academic scientific work to the logic
of the market.
The distorted analytical perspective produces paradoxes such as the European paradox.
These are not paradoxes since they emanate from lop-sided analytical perspectives. They
reflect remnants of the linear model and narrow definitions of the innovation system and
are reinforced by Triple Helix and Mode II Production of knowledge models and, not least,
by standard economics approaches to innovation. Several of the fundamental weaknesses
As far as I know, the prime minister of Finland was the first highly placed politician using the
concept in referring to the need to strengthen the Finnish innovation system already in the very
beginning of the nineties. Early followers were Canada and South Africa. Some ten years later the
president of China in a speech to the Engineering Academy made a similar remark referring to the
Chinese innovation system.
in analysis and policy could be repaired by going back to the original versions and to
further develop the ideas of analyzing the fundamental role of knowledge and learning and
focusing the analysis in the micro-dynamics of user producer interaction.
Without a basic understanding of the combination of organizational and interorganizational learning it is impossible to establish the link from innovation to economic
growth. To put it briefly the focus should be much more on people and competence and
upon how the relationships and interactions between people promote learning. This is
especially important in the current era of the globalizing learning economy where the key
to success for individuals, firms, regions and national systems is rapid learning (Lundvall
and Johnson 1994; Lundvall and Borrs 1998; Archibugi and Lundvall 2001).
Section 2 takes a brief look at how the concept originated and developed.2 Section 3
confronts the theoretical foundations of the concept with standard economics. Section 4
defines a number of analytical challenges for the concept. Section 5 goes further and
presents ideas for how to study innovation systems. Section 6 takes a critical look at the
way the concept has been adopted and adapted as the basis of policy. Section 7 presents
some basic principles for the design of innovation policy. Section 8 comes with some ideas
about implications for innovation policy of combining a systemic perspective with insights
about the current context: the globalizing learning economy. The chapter ends with the
concluding section 9.
Actually this story has some parallels with how major innovations such as the computer occurred
and developed. Put briefly, Friedrich List may be seen as the Babbage and Christopher Freeman as
the Shockley of the NSI-concept. The parallel efforts to develop the modern computer and the coexistence of alternative configurations (interpretations) may be found also in the development of the
Some of the basic ideas behind the concept national systems of innovation go back to
Friedrich List (List 1841). His concept national systems of production took into account a
wide set of national institutions including those engaged in education and training as well
as infrastructures such as networks for transportation of people and commodities (Freeman
1995). He focused on the development of productive forces rather than on allocation
issues. As a German catch-up economist he was critical to the cosmopolitan approach of
Adam Smith, where free trade was assumed to be to the advantage of the laggard
(Germany) as well as the lead economy (England).
Referring to the national production system List pointed to the need for the state to build
national infrastructure and institutions in order to promote the accumulation of mental
capital and use it to spur economic development rather than just to sit back and trust the
invisible hand to solve all problems.
The first written contribution that used the concept national system of innovation is, to
the best of my knowledge, an unpublished paper by Christopher Freeman from 1982 that
he worked out for the OECD expert group on Science, Technology and Competitiveness
(Freeman 1982, p. 18). The paper, titled Technological infrastructure and international
competitiveness, was written very much in the spirit of Friedrich List, pointing out the
importance of an active role for government in promoting a technological infrastructure.3
It also pointed to the limited relevance of short-term competitiveness strategies such as
manipulating national wage and currency rates. One of the major points in the paper is that,
in order to explain why and how world economic supremacy moves from one country to
another, we need to consider how new technological systems come forward and how they
match or mismatch with the existing national patterns of institutions. Some countries
thriving in the context of one technological system may become victims of their own
success since they will have great difficulties in adapting their institutional set up to the
new technological system.4
The paper was published for the first time more than 20 years later in the journal Industrial and
Corporate Change (Freeman 2004).
Not surprisingly OECD never published Freemans paper. Its message was not in tune with the
neo-liberal ideas of the organization. Actually, the publication of the main report from the expert
group, where Ingram was chairman, Francois Chesnais the academic secretary and I represented
the Danish government was delayed several years because there were problems with the printing
capacity of the OECD-secretariat. Today the most important idea in the report (that there is a need
to focus more on structural competitiveness than on wage cost competitiveness) is almost
generally accepted.
In the beginning of the eighties the idea of a national system of innovation was immanent
in the work of several economists working on innovation research. Dick Nelson and other
US-scholars had compared technology policy and institutions in the high technology field
in the US with such patterns in Japan and Europe (Nelson 1984).
SPRU at Sussex University pursued several studies comparing industrial development in
Germany and the UK covering for instance differences in the management of innovation,
work practices and engineering education.
The idea of a national system of innovation was immanent also in the research program
pursued by the IKE-group at Aalborg University.5 The program was inspired by French
structuralist economists such as Francois Perroux and his followers, de Bernis and Palloix,
who used the concept national system of production as analytical tool in explaining
economic growth. But it was also open to the SPRU-tradition with its focus on analyzing
innovation at the level of firms and sectors. In several working papers and publications
from the first half of the eighties we referred to the innovative capability of the national
system of production. The first time the handier innovation system appears in an
Aalborg-publication is in Lundvall (1985) but then without the adjective national. In this
booklet on user-producer interaction and product innovation the concept was used to
analyze innovation processes involving firms and knowledge institutions in interaction. A
general assumption behind the analysis, that remains central in more recent work on
innovation systems, was that innovation and learning are context dependent, interactive
processes, rooted in the production structure.
Again, it was Chris Freeman who brought the modern version of the full concept national
innovation system into the literature. He did so 1987 in his book on innovation in Japan
(Freeman 1987). Here the analysis was quite inclusive taking into account the intra- as well
as inter-organizational characteristics of firms, corporate governance, the education system
and not least the role of government. When Freeman collaborated with Nelson and others
in the major IFIAS-project on technical change and economic theory the outcome was a
book (Dosi et al, eds. 1988) with a section with chapters on national systems of
innovation (Freeman 1988; Lundvall 1988; Nelson 1988). After that followed three major
edited volumes on the subject (Lundvall 1992; Nelson 1993; Edquist 1997). While the
book edited by Nelson brings together a number of national case studies, the books edited
by Lundvall and Edquist were organized according to different dimensions of or
perspectives on innovation systems.
It should be mentioned that the IKE-group in Aalborg had the privilege to interact with
Christopher Freeman in several projects in this period and that many of our ideas were shaped in a
dialogue with him (see for instance Freeman 1981).
The contribution by Michael Porter on the competitive advantage of nations should also be
mentioned here. He does not explicitly use the concept of innovation system but there is
substantial overlap between his approach and the literature referred to above (Porter 1990).
Especially worth noting is his emphasis on feed back mechanisms from and interaction
with domestic suppliers and users as a factor that gives competitive advantage.
As will be demonstrated below there are different conceptions regarding what constitutes
the core elements of an innovation system and different scholars draw the borderlines of
the system differently. Still it might be useful to see what the different definitions have in
Box 2 What do we mean by system?
System appears in different social and academic discourses (see for instance Bertalanffy, Luhmann as
well as literature on eco-systems). While borrowing ideas from any single of these different perspectives
may give interesting insights it must be made with care since there are always problems with a transfer
of ideas from one analytical universe to another.
The original choice of the term system (rather than network for instance) referred to a few simple
ideas. First that the sum of the whole is more than its parts, second that the interrelationships and
interaction between elements were as important for processes and outcomes as were the elements and
third that the concept should allow for the complex relationships between production structure (hardware), institutions (software) and knowledge. Another idea behind the analysis, as developed by
Freeman, was that not everything goes i.e. there may be mismatch problems within and problems
with transplantation across systems. There is a lot of theoretical work to do develop a more stringent
system concept that makes it possible to understand the intricate interplay between micro and macro
phenomena, where macro structures condition micro-dynamics and, vice versa, how new macrostructures are shaped by micro-processes. In a dynamic context this means that we need to understand
systems as being complex and characterized by co-evolution and self-organizing.
A third assumption that makes it understandable why knowledge is localized is that knowledge is something more than information and that it includes tacit elements (Dosi 1999, p.
35). It is assumed that important elements of knowledge are embodied in the minds and
bodies of agents or embedded in routines of firms and not least in relationships between
people and organizations. This is consistent with the idea that innovation system approaches go beyond the dictum of methodological individualism.6
Box 3 What do we mean by Innovation?
It is a tradition to refer to Schumpeter when defining innovation. According to Schumpeter innovation
can be seen as new combinations and be separated from invention. The invention becomes an
innovation only when the entrepreneur brings it to the market. We will follow Schumpeter in this respect
but we will include not only the event of the new combination but also the process of its diffusion and
use. It is well known that technical innovation is a cumulative and path-dependent process. New
products and new processes become attractive more widely only after a process of broader use. On
this basis it is most useful to define innovation as a process.
According to Schumpeter, innovation can be specified as respectively new products, new processes,
new raw materials, new forms of organization and new markets. I do not find this list useful because it
puts in parallel different forms of change that it is useful to keep separate when it comes to understand
the innovation process. It might be difficult to distinguish between technical change and organizational
change in real life but this analytical distinction is important and useful for two reasons. First, the way
the economy and the firm are organized has a major impact on how innovation takes place. Second
the distinction makes it possible to link technical innovation to economic performance. We have
pursued a series of empirical studies demonstrating that a key to transform technical innovation into
economic results is a combination of new training efforts and organizational change.
It is interesting to note that in this respect it finds support in Arrow (1994) who explains why it is
not reasonable to apply the dictum specifically to the production and use of knowledge.
Actually the NSI-approach has elements in common with the social psychological pragmatist
school of Chicago and not least with the ideas of George Herbert Mead.
Sometimes NSI-scholars and policy makers sidestep these difficulties by changing the
focus from intangible and informal institutions to the tangible and formal institutions
(organizations) that constitute the technological infrastructure. It is easier to track and
compare the development of the modern R&D-department, universities and professional
training of engineers across national systems than it is to capture changes in how people
interact and communicate.
How such formal institutions and organizations function and interact with other parts of the
system is certainly most relevant for the understanding of the system as a whole. But the
aim for a full-blown analysis of innovation systems remains to understand how international institutional differences where institution refers to norms and habits that shape
modes of interaction and innovation outcomes. To illustrate, later on, we will argue that the
relative success of the Nordic small welfare state economies in global knowledge based
competition cannot be explained simply by focusing on technological infrastructure. More
important is a social fabric that supports distinct modes of interaction and learning that are
well suited to support firms in a context of global turbulence.
Different authors may mean different things when referring to a national system of
innovation. Some major differences have to do with the focus of the analysis and some
with how broad the definition is in relation to institutions and markets.
Authors from the US, with focus on science and technology policy, tend to focus on the
innovation system in the narrow sense. They regard the NSI-concept as a follow-up and
broadening of earlier analyses of national science systems and national technology
policies (see for instance the definition given in Mowery and Oxley 1995, p.80). The
focus of their analysis is upon the systemic relationships between R&D-efforts in firms,
S&T-organizations, including universities, and public policy. The analysis may include
markets for knowledge intellectual property rights - and the venture-capital aspects of
financial markets but more seldom the broader set of institutions shaping competence
building in the economy such as education and training, industrial relations and labor
market dynamics.
The Freeman- and the 'Aalborg-version' of the national innovation system-approach
(Freeman 1987; Lundvall 1985; Lundvall 1992) aims at understanding the innovation
system in the broad sense. First the definition of innovation is broader. Innovation is
defined as a continuous cumulative process involving not only radical and incremental
innovation but also the diffusion, absorption and use of innovation. Second a major source
of innovation, besides science, is interactive learning taking place in connection with
production and sales. Therefore the analysis takes its starting point in processes of
production and product development assuming, for instance, that the interaction with users
is fundamental for product innovation.8
To some degree, these differences reflect specificities of the national system from which the
analysts originate. In small countries such as Denmark, as in developing countries (the major
concern of Freeman) it is obvious that the competence base most critical for innovation in the
economy as a whole is not scientific knowledge. In the US, aggregate economic growth is more
directly linked to the expansion of science-based sectors.
The recent explosion of analytical work and studies using the NSI-concept makes it
difficult to establish a classification. Many of the empirical contributions referring to the
NSI-concept are highly descriptive and they map public infrastructure and public policies
aiming at stimulating science and technology. In these studies both the core system of
firms in interaction and the evolution of the human resource base are neglected. If they
take a historical perspective it is a history of formal organizations and policies.
An interesting proposal for a classification is Balzat and Hanusch (2004). They draw the
distinction between recent studies of highly developed economies with focus on
benchmarking and a new wave of studies of less developed countries giving more attention
to the historical character of the concept.
There is a growing critical meta-literature on innovation systems. One interesting critical
analysis of the concept and its use in theory and policy is (Miettinen 2002).
Innovation system may be seen as a generic concept that has found its application in
several other contexts than the national. Over the last decade there have been several new
concepts emphasizing the systemic characteristics of innovation but with focus upon other
levels of the economy than the nation state. The literature on regional systems of
innovation has grown rapidly (Cooke 1992; Maskell and Malmberg 1997). Bo Carlsson
with colleagues from Sweden introduced the concept technological system already in the
beginning of the nineties (Carlsson and Stankiewicz 1991; Carlsson and Jacobsson 1997)
while Franco Malerba and his colleagues in Italy developed the concept of sectoral systems
of innovation (Breschi and Malerba 1997).
While Christopher Freeman was a pioneer in analyzing the role of science and R&Dlaboratories in economic growth he may actually be named the father of Science Policy
both as academic discipline and as policy field his approach to the innovation system of
Japan included organizational dimensions of the innovation process that supported learning
within and between organizations (Freeman 1987).
The same was true for the approach developed by the IKE-group in Aalborg. Lundvall
(1992) opens up on page 1 with the statement that in the modern economy the most
important resource is knowledge and the most important process in learning.9 This basic
idea referred back to the earlier work on interactive learning in connection with product
innovation (Lundvall 1985). In connection with a major study of the Danish innovation
system internal organization learning of firms was linked to innovation and growth
performance (Lundvall 1999 and Lundvall 2002). In the recent work on innovation
systems by the Aalborg-group human resources as shaped by education, labour markets
and learning by doing have been given much more weight.
A serious weakness of the book is that a planned chapter on the role of education and skills did not
get finished and included as planned. This might have contributed to the fact that skills and
competence has not been taken into the analysis by the majority of following concrete studies of
innovation systems.
These ambitions to understand the performance of national systems as rooted in nationspecific organizational and in human resources have not been followed up in the analysis
of innovation in the knowledge-based economy pursued by OECD and international
organizations. Here, as in policy discussions, the focus has remained on easy to measure
indicators such as R&D and patents, sometimes including the labour market and training of
scientific personnel. In what follows we will argue that some of the paradoxes that have
been found and shaped the debate on innovation and economic performance come from
this neglect.
The innovation system framework is in direct competition with standard economics when
it comes to give advice to policy makers. Therefore it is useful to consider how the two
relate to each other. Recently analysts from the Dutch ministry of economics have made a
comparison of market failure approach and system failure approach under the heading
Babel Tower indicating that the system failure approach has mainly brought confusion for
policy makers (Hers and Nahuis 2004). The conclusion they reach is basically that system
failure gives little help to policy makers and that it is more useful to stick to the standard
economics framework when designing innovation policy. In this section we will try to
present the core theoretical ideas behind the innovation system perspective and confront
them with standard economics. Our conclusions differ from the ones that the Dutch
economists have reached.
In this context we will also address the question about the theoretical status of the NSIconcept. Is it a theory, a theoretical concept or just a framework for descriptive mapping?
The problem with posing and answering this question is that it is far from clear what
should be meant with theory in social science. As indicated in the earlier section, the
innovation system perspective is built upon a series of coherent assumptions. It is also true
that most of these assumptions are rooted in systematic empirical work and that they can
be tested as well as rejected by further empirical work.10
Perhaps the most correct is to say that the national system of innovation is a focusing
device. But it might also be argued that it is the equivalent of theory. It helps to see,
understand and control phenomena that could not be seen, understood or controlled
without using this (or a similar) concept. In this sense it does what theory is expected to
do: it helps to organize and focus the analysis, it helps to foresee what is going to happen,
it helps to explain what has happened and it helps to give basis for rational action.11
It may be argued that, since it takes on different meanings in different contexts (cf. the USscholars versus scholars from small countries) the NIS-concept is not satisfactory as a
theoretical concept. In physics and mathematics (more so than in biology) it is crucial f to
agree on strict definitions and operate with a model with as general applicability as
Following Popper and using the criteria of falsification on what is acceptable scientific theory the
innovation system approach might actually be characterized as being more scientific than
standard economics. The basic assumption about rational behavior is difficult to reject through
empirical work there seems always to be possible to find a backdoor way to explain why people
actually prefer to do what appears, at first sight, to be irrational seen from the point of view of
The fact that the focus is upon innovation has important implications for what kind of analysis
that can and should be developed. Innovation implies qualitative change. If we stick to the idea that
only quantitative as opposed to qualitative concepts can be accepted as scientific we have actually
ruled out innovation as analytical object. Georgescu Roegen, who makes the distinction between
arithmomorphic and dialectic concepts, points out that this would correspond to a dictum that
forced biology to focus on husbandry and exclude it from taking on the analysis of biological
Some scholars in social science, especially economists, believe that the objective is to
transform social science into something that equates physics in these respects and thereby
move away from what they see as loose description toward scientific analysis.12
A more realistic and fertile approach for social sciences, proposed here, might be to
combine an aim at creating more general, more valid and more reliable knowledge about
causalities with the insight that social science, by definition, always will remain historical
as we shall see this is a point on which Schumpeter certainly would agree. In such an
endeavor heuristic concepts and focusing devices such as national systems of innovation
may play a major role since they offer a broad and flexible framework for organizing and
interpreting case studies and comparative analyses.
The OECD-paper by Freeman from the beginning of the eighties (1982, p. 15) actually
raises this issue with a reference to Schumpeter. Freeman points out the limitations of
quantitative analysis based on abstract models and calls for a method that he characterizes
as reasoned history. And he goes on to quote Schumpeter:
It is absurd to think that we can derive the contour lines of our phenomena from
our statistical material only. All we could ever prove from it is that no regular
contour lines existWe cannot stress this point sufficiently. General history
(social, political and cultural), economic history and industrial history are not
only indispensable, but really the most important contributors to the understanding of our problem. All other materials and methods, statistical and theoretical, are only subservient to them and worthless without them.
Actually, one of the reasons why policy makers have found the NIS-concept useful is that
it combines a specific theoretical perspective on the economy with certain flexibility in
terms of what parts of the economy should be included and emphasized in the analysis.
From a policy makers point of view it is important that the innovation system concept can
be used to understand and explain economic growth and economic development.
As already indicated, the components of the economy related to innovations that have the
dominant impact upon economic growth and developments differ over time and in space.
To develop a general theory of innovation systems that abstracts from time and space
would therefore undermine the utility of the concept both as an analytical tool and as a
policy tool.13
It is interesting to note that Adam Smith was well aware of the fact that the national context could
and to a certain should affect the economic theory developed in a specific country (see Smith 1776, p.)
If we follow the argument of the Norwegian sociologist Lars Mjset (Mjset 2001; Mjset 2002),
we can go even further and point to the type of historical and comparative case based approach that
typically is inspired by the innovation system concept as exemplary for what social science can and
should do to promote theory building. Defining theory as accumulated knowledge, organized by the
human mind, to be used for purposes of explanation, Mjset characterizes attempts to establish
general theory in economics as well as sociological grand theories that neglect historical
context as falling outside this definition there can be no accumulation of knowledge taking place
since the explanatory scheme has been frozen once and for all.
The concepts of knowledge and learning are of course important in all the different
contributions to the analysis of innovation systems. In Lundvall (1992, p. 1) it was
proposed that the most fundamental resource in the modern economy is knowledge and,
accordingly, the most important process is learning. But the concepts of knowledge and
learning were not at all well developed at the time. Over the last decade the attempts to get
a better understanding of the knowledge based economy and the learning economy have
created a more satisfactory theoretical foundation for the understanding of innovation
systems (see for instance Lundvall and Johnson 1994; OECD 2002; Foray 2004; Amin and
Cohendet 2004)
The understanding has been further developed using the basic distinctions between
information and knowledge, between knowing about the world and knowing how to
change the world and between knowledge that is explicit and codified versus knowledge
that remains implicit and tacit.
In Lundvall and Johnson (1994) we introduced a distinction between Know What, Know
Why, Know How and Know Who that has proved to be useful in understanding knowledge
creation and learning in innovation systems.
These distinctions are especially helpful when it comes to contrast the theoretical micro
foundations of innovation systems with those of standard economics.
If neo-classical models include learning it is understood either as getting access to more or
more precise information about the world (know what) or it is a black-box phenomenon as
in growth models assuming learning by doing. The very fundamental fact that agents
individuals as well as firms - are more or less competent (in terms of know-how and knowwhy) and are more or less integrated in knowledge-based networks (know-who) is
abstracted from in order to keep the analysis simple and based upon representative firms
and agents. This abstraction is most problematic in an economy where the distribution of
competence becomes more and more uneven and the capability to learn tends to become
the most important factor behind the economic success of people, organizations and
regions (Lundvall and Johnson 1994).
This focus on learning is combined with the understanding of decision-making as
muddling through based upon use of rules of thumb and routines. This follows directly
from the focus upon innovation. Innovation is by definition a process characterized by
fundamental uncertainty since the outcome cannot be fully specified in advance (if it could
it would not be a true innovation). Here is perhaps the most important point where the
innovation systems analysis departs from new growth theory. New growth theory may
allow for learning by doing as well as investment in searching activities but in order to
remain member of the powerful neo-classical family it has not allowed itself to scrap the
basic assumptions about the rational profit maximizing firms.
As pointed out, List was critical to the exaggerated focus on allocation as opposed to
knowledge creation and growth. Table 1 illustrates how the analytical framework connected to innovation systems relates to mainstream economic theory and to Austrian economics. The theoretical core of standard economic theory is about rational agents making
choices between well defined (but possibly risky) alternatives and the focus of the analysis
is on the allocation of scarce resources. The innovation system approach represents a double shift in focus as illustrated by the following table.
Table 1 Four different perspectives in economic analysis
Choice making
Standard neoclassical
Management of innovation
Austrian economics
Innovation systems
The table also indicates that learning as well as innovation, in principle, can be analyzed in
analytical frameworks closer to that of mainstream neoclassical economics. It is possible
(but not logically satisfactory) to apply the principles of rational choice to the analysis of
innovation. You might, for instance, assume optimizing management of innovation
aiming at getting funds allocated to alternative R&D-projects according to the private rate
of return, taking into account the risk that the projects do not succeed.
Austrian economists (Hayek and Kirzner) have in common with neoclassical economics
their focus on markets and resource allocation. But Hayek presents the market as a
dynamic learning process where the allocation of scarce commodities is brought closer to
the ideal of general equilibrium without ever reaching this state.
The analysis of innovation systems is based upon a two-dimensional shift of focus toward
the combination of innovation and learning. Innovation is seen as the outcome of efforts
made or as side effects of ongoing activities. Crucial for understanding how on-going
activities may result in innovation is the understanding of learning processes. On the other
hand, innovation may be seen as a process of joint production where one output is
innovation and the other is a change in the competence of the involved agents. This double
shift in perspective has implications for the relevance of innovation policy. Just to take one
example, the analysis of patent races where winner takes it all will, as far as it neglects
the learning and competence building taking place in the process, end up with too
restrictive conclusions regarding the role of government in stimulating R&D.
Box 4 Different meanings of learning
As any everyday concept learning has many different connotations. In the literature on learning
organizations it is often referred to as adaptation: a process where agents when confronted with new
circumstances register and internalize the change and adapt their behavior accordingly.
In education we may see learning also as a process of competence-building. We assume that new
competences can be established through education and training and thereafter mobilized when coping
with and mastering theoretical and practical problems.
In our analysis of innovation systems we see learning as referring both to adaptation and competence
building. In our empirical research we find that at the level of the firm there is substantial overlap
between organizational characteristics that support adaptive capacities and those that support
innovation and competence-building (Nielsen and Lundvall 1999, Lundvall 2002).
What has been said obviously implies a more complex theory than standard neoclassical
economics. In these models it is assumed that all agents have equal access to technologies
and are equally competent in developing and utilizing them. But the theory behind innovation systems is not less theoretical. Basically the theory underlying innovation system
analysis is about learning processes involving skilful but imperfectly rational agents and
organizations. It assumes that organizations and agents have a capability to enhance their
competence through searching and learning and that they do so in an interaction with other
agents and that this is reflected in innovation processes and outcomes in the form of innovations and new competences.
Neither is the most important weakness of neo-classical theory that it is too abstract. It is
rather that it makes the wrong abstractions. In a context where knowledge is the most
important resource and learning the most important process neo-classical theory tends to
abstract from the very processes that make a difference in terms of economic performance.
Processes of competence-building an innovation are at the focal point in innovation system
analysis. The focus is upon how enduring relationships and patterns of dependence and
interaction are established, evolve and dissolve as time goes by. New competences are
built while old ones are destroyed. At each point of time discernable patterns of collabora-
tion and communication characterize the innovation system. But, of course, in the long
term these patterns change in a process of creative destruction of knowledge and relationships.14
One of the reasons for the narrow interpretation of the innovation system reflects that it is
much easier to develop quantitative analysis of R&D and patents than it is to measure
organizational forms and outcomes of organizational learning. Standard economics tends
to stick to the idea that only quantitative as opposed to qualitative concepts can be accepted
as scientific.
Standard economics will typically focus on potential market failure and on the choices to
be made between different alternative uses of scarce resources. In the context of innovation
policy the concern will be, first, if public rates of return are higher that private rates and,
second, if the rate of return of public money is higher in investing in R&D than it would be
in other areas of public investment.15
The very idea that there might be organizational forms that are more efficient than the ones
already in use cannot be reconciled with the basic analytical framework where it is
assumed that agents are equally rational and competent.
Standard economics will tend to see the market as the natural, if not optimal, framework
of human interaction and economic transaction. This leads to biased conclusions when
considering how to organize the economy. The concept market failure reflects this bias
since it indicates that other forms should be considered only when it is obvious that the
market cannot do the job. As we shall argue below (luckily) markets still regulate only a
small amount of transactions related to knowledge (Nelson 2006).
In this situation the new fad of economics has become to see the economy as scene where agents
play games. Game theory makes use of rather complex mathematics to explain how agents that are
seeking to realize their own interests in their interaction with others. Some of these models make
assumptions that are extreme regarding the information that the agents have access to. Either they
know everything or they know nothing at all. Learning is in these models synonymous with getting
more information. This contrasts with a reality where most games are between agents uneven in
competence but striving to become more competent. I see the fact that game theory has become the
most prestigious branch of economics as further evidence of how economics retreat from analyzing
problems of the real existing economy.
Within this narrow logic the neglect of learning effects from engaging in innovation will
underestimate both the private and public rates of return.
The most important challenge for innovation system analysis is to get a deeper understanding of how different kinds of knowledge are created and used in the process of innovation. Some kinds of knowledge are local, tacit embodied in people and embedded in
organizations while other kinds are global, explicit and can easily be transferred from one
part of the world to another. Different sectors in the economy and in society make use of
different mixes of local and global knowledge and in some areas such as education and
business consulting it is especially difficult to codify knowledge. To understand how
learning takes place within organizations as well as in the interaction between organizations is a key to understand how a system of innovation works.16
Perhaps the most fundamental process in economic development and economic growth is
the deepening and extension of the division of labor. Specialization within and between
organizations makes it possible to exploit scale economies and it also makes it possible to
focus competence building so that it can advance more rapidly.
But as the horizontal and vertical division of labor evolves it has the downside of creating
barriers for communication and interaction. This is highly relevant for innovation because
innovation often is the outcome of combining knowledge located at different places in a
specialized innovation system. It is well documented that different departments (R&D,
production, sales etc.) within a firm have difficulties to understand and communicate with
each other. At the individual level, experts have difficulties to interact and understand each
other. The ease to communicate in a system with vertical disintegration between organizations is especially interesting because it is here product innovations are developed in an
interaction between users and producers.
It is a major challenge to understand the co-evolution of the division of labor and the interaction that takes place within and between organizations. In some countries it is much
easier to establish co-operation within and/or between organizations than it is in other
countries. This will be reflected in the actual division of labor and this will affect the kind
of learning and innovation that takes place in the system.
For an interesting attempt to analyze the character of the knowledge that lies behind different
applied fields such as health and education see OECD (2000).
In recent empirical work by Lorenz and Valeyre it has been shown that there are dramatic
differences between national systems in terms of how and how much the average employee
learns at her workplace. While a majority of workers are engaged in discretionary
learning in Denmark and Netherlands the majority of workers in countries such as Greece
and Spain are engaged in taylorist type of work or simple working context with much more
limited opportunities for learning (See Box 5 below).
Box 5 National patterns in Work Organization
Table 2 below originates from paper by Lorenz Valeyre forthcoming in Lorenz and Lundvall (2006). The
four organizational models were constructed on the basis of factor analysis of responses to surveys in
15 European countries. The factor analysis brought together variables referring to learning
opportunities as well as workers degree of freedom regarding structuring the daily work.
Table 2: National Differences in Organizational Models (percent of employees by organizational class)
Lean production
United Kingdom
The national differences in what people do and learn at their workplace are a major factor
structuring the national innovation system and affecting its performance: Certainly more
fundamental and difficult to change than the R&D-intensity. In countries such as Sweden
and Finland these favored measures of performance to a high degree reflects the propensity to do research in a handful of big corporations such as Ericsson and Nokia. This contrasts with indicators of the competence building that takes place in working life since
these refer to all parts of the economy.
The same is true for indicators of interactive learning. Organizations in different sectors
use different media in their communication. Combining case studies with network theory
may help to map the interaction that takes place (see Christensen and Lundvall 2005). The
problem is again that it is so much more difficult to capture social interaction than it is to
capture formal collaboration in R&D. It is also important to understand the quality of the
interaction that will depend on the specific background of the individuals that interact,
their organizational surrounding and the wider social setting. Defining social capital as a
multidimensional phenomenon and developing indicators that help to capture the different
dimensions is another fundamental step towards understanding national innovation systems
(Woolcock 1998).
There has been a lot of focus on the paradox that Europe is strong in science but not in
innovation and economic growth. Similar paradoxes appear in countries such as
Netherlands, Finland and Sweden Netherlands has also had its own domestic paradox
debate. In a recent OECD-report a general result is that for the countries included in the
study it can be shown that that those that perform well in terms of STI-indicators do not
perform well in terms of innovation (OECD 2005, p. 29).17 This indicates that what is
registered is not a paradox but rather a systematic weakness in the theoretical analysis and
the indicators built upon it.
The reason that these paradoxes appear is our limited understanding of what kind of
knowledge that contributes to innovation and growth. It also indicates that heavy
investment in science and technology in systems where organizational learning within and
between firms is weakly developed has a limited positive impact upon innovation.
In a series of recent papers based upon unique combination of Danish data we have try to
demonstrate that firms that engage in R&D without establishing organizational forms that
promote learning are much less innovative than firms that are strong both in terms to STIand DUI-learning (see Box 6).
After comparing the performance of six countries it is stated that A striking feature is the
apparent missing link between indicators in A-E and the over all performance indicators in F. This
suggests that priorities and biases in the STI-policy system are weakly linked to general economic
performance and policies. (OECD 2005, p.29, italics by the author).
But at the national level, especially in a small country, these kinds of innovation are rare
and since they often build upon codified knowledge easy to copy their impact is not
localized. Often the necessary investments to bring them to market success are so big that
only the biggest transnational firms typically located in big countries can make profits
from them.
There is a need to clarify how innovation contributes to economic growth in a small
economy. How much of economic growth can be explained by the occurrence of new
product and processes? Is the key to growth having domestic firms that bring innovations
first to the market or is it to have adopters and imitators that move more quickly than those
in other countries?
There are different ways to tackle this problem but perhaps the most promising is to
establish a kind of micro- to macro- to micro models. This refers to models that start from
what takes place inside firms, moves on to study structural change as an evolutionary
process and moves on to the aggregate level. What take place within and between firms
needs to be analyzed in the light of macro-dynamics that is registered as transformation
pressure for the single firm. Lundvall (2001) applies such a perspective on the Danish
economy combining detailed register data on firms and employees with survey data. One
alternative approach would be to establish a kind of mini-economy with a panel of firms
that can be followed over time (there is a long tradition for this kind of modeling at IUI in
Current alternatives that use R&D- expenditure, patents and education data as arguments in
aggregate functions cannot give us a proper understanding of how innovation impacts upon
economic growth.
Box 6 The probability that firms develop a new product or a new service is much bigger if it combines R&Defforts with using management techniques that support functional flexibility and learning
Table 3: Logistic regression of learning clusters, size, industry, ownership and production on P/S
innovation (odd ratios, 95% confidence interval, estimates and P-values)
Odds Ratio
STI Cluster
DUI Cluster
DUI/STI Cluster
Business services
Manufacturing (high
Other services
Manufacturing (low
50-99 employees
Table 3 demonstrates that firms that combine R&D efforts with modern and flexible forms of
organization are five times as innovative as those that do neither (Jensen, Johnson, Lorenz and
Lundvall 2004).
In some discussions about how to define the innovation systems it at has been argued that
innovation systems always can/should be defined by its function(s). Edquist (2005, p. 187)
refers with approval to the definition of system given by Ingelstam (2002, p. 19) the
system has a function, i.e. it is performing or achieving something. Edquist specifies that
the main function in SIs is to pursue innovation processes, i.e. to develop, diffuse and use
It is not obvious that all, including biological and ecological, systems have a function
besides possibly securing survival. In general it might be better to avoid a functionalist
approach also to social systems. The experience from standard economics where efficient
allocation of scarce resources has been assigned as the major function of the economic
system does not constitute an ideal to follow. The function of the innovation system can
only be assigned to it with explicit reference to the value system of the assigner be it an
individual researcher or a political body. As can be seen from the first part of this chapter
the original intention for those who developed the concept was to understand how
innovation contributes to economic performance not just to understand innovation as such.
Therefore, if we were to assign a function to the innovation system, it would be the
function to contribute to economic welfare through innovation. And then we would have
to try to explain what we meant with economic welfare of course!
It follows that our interest in utilizing the innovation system perspective is not purely
academic. We use this concept as a focusing device in order to better understand how
innovation affects economic development at the national level. This is why we take a broad
view of the innovation system. We are interested both in incremental innovation and
radical innovation and we are equally interested in the development, diffusion and use of
new technology in the economy as a whole, including sectors characterized by low and
medium as well as those with high intensity of R&D-effort. In a small economy such as
Sweden the impact on economic development from domestically developed radical
innovation remains limited. The major effects on economic performance come from
incremental innovation and from absorbing and efficiently using new technologies
developed abroad.
Within this broad view we see innovation and its diffusion and use as emanating, not only
from scientific research and systematic development work, but also from learning
processes taking place in daily economic activities. Actually firms that have a strong
science base but lack the capability to organize learning processes within or across
organizational borders do not contribute much to economic development. But we also
recognize that the innovative capacity of firms that are particularly strong in terms of
organizational learning but weak in terms of capability to absorb and use elements from
science would benefit substantially from linking up with sources of scientific knowledge
(see Box 6).
Within this broad view many factors contribute to innovation and it might be seen as a
problem that almost all aspects of society need to be brought in to explain the actual
pattern of innovation. To structure the analysis it is useful to take a closer look at the
innovation process. On the basis of our understanding of the innovation process we
distinguish between the core of the innovation system and the wider setting within which
agents belonging to this core operate. And we will conclude that both need to be included
in the analysis if the aim is to link innovation to economic development.
The innovation process the creation of new combinations of knowledge into processes
and products aiming at the market - typically takes place within firms. Local knowledge is
combined with global knowledge and the resulting combinations are transformed into new
products and processes. Firms interact with each other and with organizations belonging to
the knowledge infrastructure in this process. Empirical studies show that networking and
interactive learning across organizational borders are important prerequisites for successful
innovation (Christensen and Lundvall 2005).
This is specifically the case in the context of product innovation where a combination of
insights in user needs and technological opportunities is crucial for success. As the vertical
division of labor is further developed in many sectors the degree of vertical disintegration may be seen as an important indicator of economic development the quality a
multidimensional concept of such interactions becomes increasingly important for the
over all performance and development of the economy (Lundvall 2006).
Inside firms, innovations may be outcomes of accidents but more often they will result
from systematic efforts. Teams and project groups interacting across different parts of the
firm develop further ideas that may, originally, have emanated from customers, employees
or competitors. In big firms R&D-departments may play an important role but in smaller
firms small task forces may interact with production engineers and marketing expertise in
developing a new product. Sometimes a main collaborator for the task force is an external
supplier or customer.
Both in external and internal networking the core activity are human interaction in the
form of co-operation, communication and learning. Developing common norms, rules and
language within a group and across groups is a costly and time-consuming process. It may
be seen as an investment process and it results in sunk costs (Arrow 1974).The
interaction is shaped by the roles individuals play in relation to each other and this will
reflect both their educational background and the wider cultural and social setting within
which they operate. Engineers may be trained to become narrow specialists with little
experience of communication with non-engineers or they may early on become used to
interact with other kinds of expertise. Managers may be trained to keep a social distance to
ordinary workers or they may be used to talk directly with them. Organizational culture
may be more or less open to networking and knowledge sharing etc.
These micro-sociological structures have a major impact on the mode of innovation as well
as on what kind of innovations the system will give rise to. They will also affect the rate of
diffusion and the degree of efficiency in the use of new technologies. This is why similar
economic mechanisms and incentives may affect different innovation systems differently
and why a pure economics perspective on innovation is too narrow. A major task for
innovation system analysis is to make these micro-relationships visible (to open the black
box of social interaction) and to see how they shape and are shaped by the macro-processes
in the innovation system. This perspective also leads us to make the distinction between
the core of the innovation system and the wider setting.
On this basis we can define the core of the innovation system as constituted by firms and
organizations belonging to the knowledge infrastructure. In principle we include all firms
in the core since we assume that every firm has a potential for developing, absorbing or
using new technology.18 We also include them because they more or less are sites of
learning where employees may renew their competences while working. We include all
organizations belonging to the knowledge infrastructure in the core as well. Again these
include both those involved in science-related activities and those that contribute to
competence building through education and training.
The wider setting refers to the institutions that shape human interaction in relation to
innovation. These institutions include, first, family pattern, education system, career
patterns in labor markets, inequality and social welfare systems. Second, they include in
the economic context especially the historical record of macroeconomic stability and the
access to finance. Third, they include the final demand from households and public sector
organizations. Fourth, they include government and public policy directly aiming at
stimulating innovation, including diffusion and efficient use.19
In what follows I will sketch the outlines a method to study national systems of innovation
that moves from micro to macro and back again to micro. The model starts from the
following stylized facts:
Firms innovate in an interaction with other firms and with knowledge infrastructure.
Firms mode of innovation and learning reflect national education systems, labor
markets, etc.
Today with the wide diffusion of information and communication technologies this is not a farfetched assumption. For instance the wide diffusion of mobile phones in China has certainly
changed the mode of operation of drivers of the most primitive transport equipment including
rickshaw bicycles in Beijing.
This way of setting the scene indicates a marginal role for public policy. What is intended is
rather to see the public policy mainly as intervening in relation to the core and the wider setting of
the national innovation system we will in later sections develop a theory for public intervention.
Alternatively we could see public policy as endogenous. To some degree we take this perspective in
Edquist and Lundvall (1993) where we demonstrate how innovation policy in Sweden and Denmark
tends to reproduce rather than renew the strengths of the respective system.
Therefore the first step would be to analyze what takes place inside firms in terms of
innovation in the light of organizational set up and human resources while taking into
account sector specialization.
A second step would be to analyze the interaction among firms and with knowledge
infrastructure, including both domestic and international linkages.
A third step would be to explain national specificities in these respects with reference to
national education, labor markets, financial markets, welfare regimes and intellectual
property regimes.
A fourth step would be to use firm organization and network positioning as factors that
explain the specialization and performance of the innovation system.
This method focuses the analysis on the central motor in the innovation system, i.e. the
total population of firms, their linkages to each other and to the knowledge infrastructure.
But it also recognizes that most parts of the socio-economic system may influence how this
motor works and not least how it affects the performance of the economy as a whole.20
This was the method used to organize the Disko-project analyzing the Danish innovation
system in a comparative perspective (Lundvall 2001). In the next couple of sections we
will discuss the design of innovation policy in the light of what we learnt from this project.
We will also draw upon experiences from OECD.
A similar distinction between core and wider setting might be witnessed in medicine. Experts
specialize and focus on the cardiovascular system and develop methods to measure and analyze
what takes place in this sub-system (EKG, measuring blood pressure and pulse rate). This does not
rule out that the expert recognizes that blood pressure and heart rhythm will reflect as wider
setting the life style of the patient including drinking, smoking and jogging. Neglecting this
wider setting when making the diagnosis and recommending a cure might make the analysis more
rigorous but it would certainly have quite negative effects for the patient.
The wide diffusion of the NSI-concept in policy circles is a mixed blessing. The concept
has been both used and abused. Sometimes policy makers pay lip-service to the concept
while neglecting it in their practice. In this section we criticize the exaggerated attempts to
commodify all kinds of knowledge and the narrow and lop-sided understanding of the
innovation process.
As explained, the modern version of the innovation system concept was developed in the
middle of the eighties. It is important to note that the early versions were critical both to
mainstream economics and to the prevailing economic policy where weak competitiveness
was seen as primarily reflecting high costs and especially high wage costs. Combined with
the critical perspective was an attempt to understand how and why national systems differ
in their mode of innovation. Actually, it is fair to say that the originators of the concept did
not expect it to become widely used as a framework for policy-making.
The wide diffusion of the concept among policy makers took place in the nineties. It
started in Finland 1990. Two years later came the TEP-report from OECD that actually
integrated many of the new ideas including a strong emphasis on innovation as an
interactive process and mentioning the NSI-concept (OECD 1992). Another early adopter
of the NSI-concept was Canada. At the beginning of the new millennium most OECDcountries had adopted the concept to support the design of innovation policy. In order to
understand the interpretation of the concept in policy circles it is important to take into
account the ideological and political climate that reigned during this diffusion process.
Basically the nineties was a period with strong emphasis on market regulation and on
private property rights as ideal institutions the break-down of the centrally planned
economies in Europe gave new impetus to neo-liberal strategies developed in the eighties.
But there were also some nuances in this respect as illustrated by the first Clinton
administration where economists with an understanding of innovation such as Laura
Tyson, Robert Reich and Joseph Stiglitz were among the top advisors. Another
consequence of the end of the cold war was that economic competitiveness came higher on
the policy agenda first in the US and gradually also in Europe.
The OECD, thus, took on the concept as framework for policy discussions in the beginning
of the nineties but after the TEP-report that was quite true to the basic ideas behind the
concept and written by Francois Chesnais, a certain degeneration took place bringing the
concept closer to an old concept of OECD the national science system. Analytical
aspects of the concept that might lead to conclusions that went against the logic of markets
and free trade were suppressed. Increasingly NSI-analysis was presented together with
outcomes of neo-classical growth studies and the critical perspective in relation to standard
theory was neglected.
This climate resulted in a problematic interpretation of the innovation system concept. The
innovation system approach emphasized that knowledge and learning are crucial for
economic performance in the current era (Lundvall 1992). But it does not follow that all
knowledge should be commodified and this is what seems to have become the major
tendency. There is a growing trend in political circles to regard all knowledge as a
potential commodity and to subordinate all knowledge production under the logic of
international competitiveness. This is reflected in a movement in favor of expanding and
strengthening intellectual property rights to the extreme and far beyond what promotes
socio-economic progress and as well in a strong drive toward colonizing academic
knowledge and make it subordinate to market demand.
In normally civilized countries such as Denmark research in humanities now increasingly
gets evaluated and promoted not according to its contribution to cultural development but
according to its contribution to establishing creative industries with positive impact on
the balance of payment. Professors in the technical faculty are increasingly getting support
for their research according to the number of patents they can produce rather than
according to their contribution to generic knowledge. While triple helix (Etzscowitz) and
the new mode of knowledge production (Gibbons et al) takes a normative stance in arguing
for integrating universities and other knowledge institutions more deeply into the economic
process there was no such normative message in the original NSI-perspective.
To make universities more open to society is a necessary process and expectations that the
knowledge produced at universities should contribute to economic welfare are legitimate.
In section 8 we will come with some ideas on how this can be achieved without
undermining some basic positive functions of universities. But the current drive toward the
market is driven by the lop-sided understanding of innovation as emanating almost solely
from science and therefore it goes to far.
The standard economics argument for public policy intervention is market failure (risk,
externalities, indivisibilities and public goods). This analytical framework is not very
useful in the context of innovation and knowledge because it presupposes that agents can
compare costs and benefits connected to different outcomes.21 Since innovation is a
process with outcomes that cannot be defined in advance we operate in a context of
fundamental uncertainty and there is no way for agents (nor for economists and policy
makers) to make rational choices.22
The reasoning behind the different forms of market failure is still valuable however but the value
is more at the level of common sense than at the level of general equilibrium analysis. It is correct
that one reason why firms will not find it profitable to invest in basic research is because they
cannot make money by doing so this is the rational core of public good and the externality
argument. It is also correct that some projects are so expensive and results so difficult to estimate
that no private firm would engage in them this is the rational core of the uncertainty argument.
But utilizing these concepts to make precise cost benefit analysis when choosing between alternative
policy actions is not meaningful.
We might even introduce a stronger concept radical fundamental uncertainty since the only
thing we know for certain is that the unknown will happen (innovations will take place) and that it
will happen again and again.
The most negative aspect of the market failure perspective is perhaps the underlying
assumption that the normal form of economic interaction is market exchange and that
private economic incentives are the only ones that can be trusted and its impact on current
policy thinking. This contributes to the recent drive to make universities more market
oriented everywhere, also in situations where their performance before reforms is highly
The long-term implications and costs of making scholars and universities profit oriented
seem to be completely neglected among the protagonists of university reforms in the BayhDole spirit.24 Scholars who are stimulated to act strategically on their own behalf and on
the behalf of their institution will certainly become less engaged in sharing their
knowledge with others. Private companies might, in the short run, appreciate that
universities become more profit-oriented not as ivory tower-like as before - but they will
soon experience that the barriers around the knowledge accumulated will become higher
and that access to the most relevant knowledge will become more difficult.
It is even more intriguing to reflect on what awaits at the end of the current trajectory; at
the point in time where the entrepreneurial university has become truly a business corporation operating in international markets. At that point we must expect that WTO restrain the
current freedom of national governments to subsidize basic research taking place within
universities by competition laws and trade regulations. How could it be argued that private
firms (universities) that compete on global markets should be subsidized by national government? To establish controls that make it certain that government support only goes to
basic research without affecting services sold internationally would open up for complex
legal processes. If governments wanted to go on subsidizing basic research they might
need to establish a new set of institutions.25
Finally, there is a need to think about the implications for the role of universities of the fact
that knowledge becomes more and more fundamental for the economy as for society as a
whole. The historical role of universities has been an institution that validates knowledge.
It has been an institution that, while aiming at the full truth of matters, at least
systematically tries to establish what reasonably reliable knowledge is. This is also one
reason why it has been an institution with a relative autonomy in relation to the state as
well as in relation to economic interests. This function is even more important in a
knowledge-based society.
The very idea that the market is the normal form of economic interaction is of course false. In
real life we only use the market mechanism on the margin. Family life and civil society would not
benefit from the introduction of more market-like transactions. Societies where political power and
poor peoples kidneys can be bought are not something to aim at. There is, for good reasons, still a
big public sector and in the private sector most economic transactions take place within
organizations. Markets for new products are organized markets where users and producers develop
long-term relationships. The pure perfect competition market where many firms produce a
homogenous product for many anonymous consumers can soon be found only in economics
The Bayh Dole act implemented in the US in the eighties gives stronger opportunities and
incentives to universities to engage in patenting and protecting their knowledge. As documented by
Mowery (2004) and many others the interpretation of the success of this reform in Europe has
been exaggerated.
This scenario gains in realism by the fact that some major US-universities would dominate the
level playing field and by fact that the US government would still be able to pursue basic research
under headings such as health, military defense and space technology since these can be defined as
being of strategic importance for its security.
In order to explain this to economists who are eager to market orient universities it is
useful to point to the relative autonomy of central banks. To make sure that we can trust
the value of money it has been accepted that its main guardian is given a certain degree of
autonomy. We need a similar guardian for knowledge and it is difficult to find another
institution/organization that is better suited to be the central bank of knowledge than the
As a kind of countervailing power to the colonizing tendency emanating from marketoriented innovation policy we see a need to develop a wider field of politics knowledge
politics - that covers all aspects of knowledge production and takes into account that the
production of knowledge has much wider scope than just contributing to economic growth.
This includes of course knowledge necessary for social and ecological sustainability but
not only that. In rich societies it should be possible to afford culture, ethics and knowledge
for its own sake not only knowledge that promotes innovation and economic growth. This
implies that there might be a need for establishing a new kind of academy of science and
knowledge that has as one of its dedicated tasks to set the limits for how far innovation
policy may influence knowledge production and use.
The most obvious important positive impact has been that the concept has supported a
general shift in what economists and policy makers see as constituting international
competitiveness. It has helped to move the attention toward national policy strategies that
constitute positive sum games both internationally and domestically.26
The second and more generally recognized impact is that the system dimension of the
term has moved the attention in policy circles in charge of research, innovation and
industrial development from linear to interactive thinking of innovation. This has extended
the traditional set of policy instruments with more attention to building linkages and
strengthening the absorptive capacity of users.27
But in most countries and international organizations the full implications of the
innovation system perspective have not been drawn. In each single country the
interpretation of the concept has been shaped by national specificities. The specific
constellation of interests and the relative strength of the mainstream economists/ministries
of finance have played a role in this formation and deformation process.28 The barriers to
utilizing the concept come from a combination of vested interests and path dependency in
the policy community.
It should be remembered that when the concept was coined in the beginning of the eighties it was
still a standard assumption among economists and policy makers that reducing national nominal
wages or devaluation of the national currency was the most effective and perhaps the only - way
to enhance international competitiveness of domestic firms. Non-price competitiveness was seen as
being of marginal importance. This shift is important since the concept was originally developed as
a critical reaction and response to these simplistic ideas of competitiveness.
This can be referred to as a movement from Science Policy and Technology Policy to
Innovation policy (see Lundvall and Borras 2004 for an overview).
Perhaps Finland is the country within the OECD where the policy community has been most true
and loyal to the concept. They actually adopted the concept before it had been through the OECDfilter. It is interesting that a central policy document in 1990 makes the clear declaration that the
economic strategy should focus not on allocating scarce existing resources but rather on the
creation of new ones: a clear declaration that the focal point of standard economics is misdirected.
Most of the innovation policy efforts at the national and European level operate on the
basis of the narrow definition of innovation system where the focus is on an innovation
mode based in scientific progress. The strong focus on the amount of private and public
investment in R&D has little to do with a systems perspective. It remains to be accepted
and draw policy implications from the fact that organizational learning is a major medium
to transform innovation into market value and that the capability to engage in such learning
is very different among firms.29
There is a similar bias in terms of sector focus. The focus is on industries that traditionally
have been science-based. The idea that innovation, including science-based innovation, in
so-called low (or medium-low) technology sectors matters for innovation and competitiveness has not been understood well in many countries.
While there has been strong emphasis on how universities should be adapted to the (short
term!) needs of the innovation system much less attention has been given to the roles of
labor markets and education systems in the system. In section 8 we will present the
outlines of an innovation policy that brings in these important parts of the innovation
system and responds to the challenges raised by the learning economy.
Neither has the concept worked as well as it should as a corrective to standard simplistic
ideas. The current emphasis in Europe on benchmarking policies and components of
innovation systems that aims at generalizing best-practice tends to neglect the system
dimension of the concept. One idea behind the system aspect is that you cannot easily
transplant a high performance element from one system to another and expect the impact
to be similar to what it was in the system of origin.
While there is a lot to learn from intelligent comparisons across national systems (learningby-comparing) nave benchmarking of narrowly defined areas in search of a single bestpractice and neglecting the systemic context leads to negative results.
Regional innovation policy studies may have become biased in both analysis and action by
the innovation system concept. At this level the broader definition of innovation system
concept has had an impact. It has joined forces with other ideas such as industrial districts,
industrial clusters and learning regions in setting a policy agenda for regional development.
Again, the positive side has been a move away from games where regions compete on
offering low costs and tax rates toward positive sum games where they compete through
investing in knowledge and infrastructure. But I see the direct application of the core element of the innovation system interactive learning to the regional level as problematic.
This is problematic in two ways. First it underestimates those other processes of knowledge
creation which are more based upon learning. Second it sets too strong expectations on what
organizations in charge of scientific research can deliver in terms of innovation. At the European
level this lop-sided interpretation of the innovation system perspective may have contributed to the
fact that the Framework programs have been motivated primarily by their immediate impact on
innovation and competitiveness to the neglect of basic research.
Much of the relevant interaction takes place at the national/international rather than at the
regional level and other systemic mechanisms may be more important when it comes to
explain the formation and evolution of regional clusters. A local workforce with skills
reflecting local and tacit knowledge, the local knowledge and service infrastructure and
spin-offs from local firms seem to be as important or more important as compared to
constellations of inter-firm interaction.
The wide diffusion of the concept in policy circles is thus a mixed blessing. The concept
has been both used and abused. There is no way to control the use of a new idea in social
science and when a concept has left the desktop its actual use is shaped by political
conjuncture and discursive battles.
Within the public sector there is a hierarchy of organizations and institutions engaged in
policy making. In most countries we find the Ministry of Finance at the top together with
the semi autonomous national bank. Ministries that can mobilize support from powerful
segments of society mainly private capital can sometimes become powerful enough to
challenge the dominating role of the ministry of finance. MITI in Japan is an interesting
example and within the executive branch under Clintons first presidential period a similar
balance was established in the US for a period. The science technology council in Finland
seems to have been able to forge an alliance with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in
giving innovation policy certain autonomy in relation to the Ministry of Finance.
The relative strength of the Ministry of Finance is fundamental for what kind of policy that
can be developed. Most employees in ministries of finance have no insight in innovation
and their specialized competence makes it very difficult for them to understand concepts
such as innovation systems. Therefore a first stage in developing innovation policy may be
to restrict the power of the ministry of finance.30
A common vision shared by agents belonging to different parts of the innovation system
regarding the general direction of change reduces the need for administrative co-ordination
across sectors and professions. To illustrate, in Sweden a general direction of change could
be to develop a public and private knowledge infrastructure stimulating the creation and
growth of small and medium sized enterprises. Another general direction could be to
establish links between innovative big firms and the small and medium-sized firms. A third
could be to move toward flexicurity in labor markets i.e. give more generous and durable
unemployment support while making it easier to hire and fire employees.
Such a common vision should be combined with diversity in terms of knowledge
infrastructure and governance of innovation policy. For the long term performance of
innovation systems diversity is fundamental and that includes the co-existence of
alternative ways of doing things and competing governance structures. This is difficult to
understand for top level administrators who want to construct uniformity in order to be
able to control and compare performance along a few simple dimensions. Even in small
countries complaints about duplication is misleading. To illustrate in Denmark there are
two institutions (Denmarks Technical University and Aalborg University) and they use
very different pedagogical principles when educating engineers. There is little doubt that
this enriches the innovation process in Danish firms as compared with a situation where
one of the two models was generalized.
According to Nelson (1988) the major advantage of the US as compared with Europe is the
high degree of diversity of the support system. It is not, as believed by many European
policy makers, that it has a bigger and more standardized knowledge infrastructure.
When I worked at the OECD-secretariat deputy secretary general Pierre Vinde former general
director in the Swedish ministry of finance expressed his concern that the old type policy makers
in ministries of finance with extensive sector experience had been substituted by generalists with
little insight in the sectors they were responsible for.
There are many negative references to the idea of policy makers picking winners. The
real problem here is less a question of information than a question of path dependency. In
the sixties and seventies most governments were promoting national champions not
because they housed the most promising activities but rather because they were already
An alternative perspective is to start from social, infrastructural and ecological needs
where new technology can help develop new solutions and where private investment in
R&D is insufficient. The reasons for the insufficiency can have to do with the classical
market failure arguments but it may also reflect a combination of path dependency and
systemic effects. There are many examples of such systemic effects. It might not be costefficient to invest in developing a new type of transport vehicle without major innovation
in infrastructure. Investing in developing wind, wave or solar energy sources calls for a
parallel effort to develop new ways of accumulating and distributing electrical power.
If a country has some of the key competences within its industrial structure that are necessary to develop such new systemic technologies there are good odds that they can create
winners. Even if the commercial success should be limited the positive impact on knowledge accumulation would be substantial and could be transformed to an internationally
oriented service industry. The learning effects of engaging in development work are often
neglected in the industrial organization literature when it considers a phenomenon such as
a patent race where it is said that the winner takes it all. This is not true often the losers
will become winners later on because they learn from the experience.
So the somewhat arrogant negative attitude to governments making strategic choices for
the direction of the industrial and technological development needs to be revised. It is
worth noting that the US in spite of being ideologically strictly against state
interventionism is the single country allocating the most massive amounts of government
money to applied research and to development. But they do so under headings such as
military defense, space programs and health - not under the heading of industrial policy. It
is also worth noting that historically some of the most radical technological breakthroughs
would not have taken place the way they did without non-market opening the way. The
role of the US military in propelling the development of ICT and the internet are the most
recent a well-known examples.
One advantage of the generalist is that she is easy to move around and easy to replace. In a
context where the size of the public sector is seen as a major problem this might be an
important argument. The weakness is that the competence to intervene in (as well as design
and redesign) complex system is weak. The strength of the sector expert is that she can
understand the system that she intervenes with. The weakness may be myopia and
tendency to reproduce old routines after that they have become obsolete.
In the real world we find a mixture of the two types in the same organization and most
individual policy makers combine some sector experience with being generalists. But
nevertheless as the economic rationale for public policy has become more predominating
there has been a tendency to move in the direction of the generalist models. Some of the
developments in innovation policy not least the growing emphasis on nave benchmarking of public policies that might be difficult to understand have their background in
this kind of development.
This tendency of deskilling makes it more difficult to realize the most useful ideas in the
innovation system concept. The complexity of the NSI-concept and its application in terms
of institutional and policy design is difficult to combine with a staff of policy makers that
know very little about the reality in which innovation processes actually take place. Without
competence-building among policy makers in charge of innovation policy it might be better
to avoid using the innovation system concept and instead to use simple rules of thumb such
as trying to keep public R&D-expenditure at a reasonable level, avoid corruption and support
the formation and growth of small and medium-sized companies. This is why we will put
some effort on discussing how the NSI-concept can support policy learning.
Policy learning
These short reflections on innovation related policies point to a need for ongoing policy
learning focusing on building competences and skills in all parts of society and on integrating narrow perspectives and strategies from different policy areas.
Policy learning is together with technological, organizational and institutional learning an
integrated part of the learning economy. It implies that policy making itself is a process of
learning. The goals, the instruments, the models, the data, the competence of the
bureaucracy, the organizations and the institutions develop over time in interaction with
each other and not least with the experience and feed-back from implementing specific
policies. This is done partly as a conscious, and maybe even designed, process in which
policy makers, bureaucrats, experts and scholars evaluate policies, communicate and
develop values, knowledge, competence and institutions over time. It is also done in a less
conscious, learning by doing way, or even as learning by accident as, for instance, when
policy makers discover that environmental regulations, unexpectedly, increase innovative
capabilities as well as well-being.
Policy learning can take different forms. In relation to innovation policy the following may
be relevant:
Institution building that supports the production and reproduction of human and social
Locating and diffusing international, regional and local good practices that are
compatible with the national system of innovation.
Stimulating regional and local experiments in policy areas in need of reform and
developing new methods to evaluate the outcomes of such experiments that take into
account learning effects.
Gradually trying, testing, evaluating and establishing new practices and routines in the
conduct of policies stimulating learning and innovation
Above I contrasted the old-fashioned policy maker with deep insight in the sector she is in
charge of with a modern one with general qualifications. Actually, also here, there is a
need for diversity. The best constellation within a policy agency is probably a mixture of
experts and generalists. The way the competences of experts and generalists are developed
is important. Narrowly focused experts need to require system-wide insight. Generalists
need to get a chance to go deeper into specific fields. Moving experts from one field of
expertise to another from time to time may be a way to diffuse ideas from one policy area
to another.31 The point here is that in strategies of policy learning the human dimension
and the design of career paths are extremely important.
MITI the ministry of industry of Japan goes very far (probably too far) in systematically
circulating the staff in order to support competence building and promote organizational change.
In section three we pointed out that there is a need to take into account the historical and
local context when conceptualizing innovation systems (and all other socio-economic
phenomena). This is of course true also for the use of the concept when designing public
policy. In what follows we discuss what kind of innovation policy is the most adequate for
a highly developed small country in the current historical context.
Promote the diffusion of learning organizations in the private and the public sector
Initiative MOC Management, Organisation and Competence building.
Establish the Swedish Innovation and Competence building Enterprise under the
leadership of the prime minister to co-ordinate policies affecting Innovation and
Competence building Initiative SICE.
The policy recommendations build upon a broad definition of innovation system that
encompasses not only radical change in technology but also incremental technical change,
diffusion of technology as well as introduction of products and processes new to the firm.
It is my assumption that at least for small countries like Sweden and Denmark the major
economic impact of innovation comes from incremental innovation and intelligent use of
new technologies. In the current global economy we should not expect to witness major
domestic technological innovations with great impact on economic performance of the
domestic economy.
Second it implies that innovation has two different but interconnected and complementary
sources. One is systematic search related to science. Research and development efforts in
firms and connections to universities and laboratories contribute to innovation especially in
pharmaceuticals, chemical industry and electronics (STI-learning). Most direct is the
connection between science and innovation in fields such as bio-, micro- and nanotechnology. But, it is important to note that more and more these generic technologies
enter more traditional industries such as food, clothing and furniture. Such so-called low
technology sectors increasingly draw upon science when it comes to innovate production
processes, use of materials and design of new products. In high income countries such as
Sweden they need to do so even more in the future.
But the other source experience-based (DUI-) learning taking place in daily production
and in the implementation and use of advanced technologies is equally important. The
speed up of science-based innovation tends to run into bottlenecks whenever the capability
to absorb and efficiently use new technologies is limited. And many incremental
innovations with economic impact have their roots in learning by Doing, Using and
Interacting. Any national strategy to promote innovation needs to take both these sources
of innovation into account. The importance of DUI-learning in science-based sectors
comes out clearly in the following statement made by the former president of EIRMA the
association of European R&D-managers:
This can be illustrated by the reference in a recent report from the Danish Ministry for
Education that claims that on average half the skills a computer engineer has obtained
during his training will be obsolete one year after the exam has been passed, while the
halving period for all educated wage earners is estimated to be eight years (Ministry of
Education 1997, p. 56). It is also reflected in the quotation above where accelerating
innovation is seen as the major challenge by R&D-managers.
A learning economy is one in which the ability to attain new competencies is crucial for
the economic success of individuals and, as well, for the performance of firms, regions and
countries (OECD 1999; OECD 2000). The crucial importance of learning reflects that the
combination of globalization, information technology and deregulation of formerly
protected markets leads to more intense competition and to more rapid transformation and
change. Both individuals and companies are increasingly confronted with problems that
can be solved only through new competencies. Intensified competition leads to a selection
of organizations and individuals that are capable of rapid learning, thus further accelerating
the rate of change.
The transition to a learning economy confronts individuals and companies with new demands. Below we will show the importance for innovation performance of establishing
learning organizations. The growing emphasis on new organization forms promoting
functional flexibility and networking may be seen as a response to the challenge of the
learning economy. In a rapidly changing environment it is not efficient to operate in a hierarchical organization with many vertical layers. It takes too long to respond if the information obtained at the lower levels should be transmitted to the top and back down to the
bottom of the pyramid. Also it becomes even more difficult to establish all competences
within the organization. In house-learning needs to be combined with hiring highly skilled
experts in the labor markets and networking with external parties. Increasingly relational
contracting and networking must be used to enhance economic performance.
It has been shown that small countries are handicapped in international competition in high
technology or science-based economic activities (Fagerberg 1995). Actually, one should
expect them to be left further behind the big countries the further we move ahead into a
knowledge-based economy. This is one of the few clear policy implications of most
models in the tradition of the so-called new growth theory (Romer 1990). The argument is
that it is much more expensive to produce new knowledge than it is to replicate and use it
on a wider scale. Therefore we would expect significant scale economies in all knowledgebased activities. In spite of this we find that among the ten countries in the world with the
highest GDP per capita at least 6 must be characterized as small countries. Medium-sized
countries in Europe do not do better than small European countries in this respect. Looking
at a broad set of indicators of the new economy OECD also finds that many small
countries are doing surprisingly well (OECD 2001).
This paradox needs to be resolved and the reasons for the historical strength of small
countries such as the Nordic countries, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Austria
need to be understood. A strategy that neglects these advantages and only focuses on
overcoming the handicaps in certain science-based technologies may actually hurt the
competitiveness of these economies. One interpretation that is supported by empirical
work in Denmark and other small countries is that it has a lot to do with learning and
know-how in the broad sense of this term. In those countries there is a strong capacity to
absorb and use advanced science-based technologies efficiently in spite of an uneven, sporadic and weak capacity to develop and produce them domestically (Freeman and Lundvall
1998; Lundvall 2001).
This learning capacity has to be understood in the light of a broad set of institutions and
social relationships. Education and training is of course important. Welfare states and integrative policies in labour markets and at workplaces support the willingness of workers to
contribute to change instead of blocking it (Svennilson 1960, Kutznets 1960). The fact that
small countries have been exposed to globalization early on in history has forced them to
build such institutions (Katzenstein 1985, Andersen and Lundvall 1988, Freeman and
Lundvall 1988). And small size has given no choice but to remain open to the rest of the
world. In the learning economy the speed of moving from a technological breakthrough
to its nation-wide application may be more important than being the host of the breakthrough.32
Actually, in the era of globalization medium-sized countries have more to learn from small
countries in terms of institution building and organizational set-ups than the small ones
have to learn from the big ones regarding STI-policies. This is illustrated by the strong
current international focus on the Danish combination of high mobility in the labor market
and easy and long-term access to unemployment support. What is often called flexicurity is
now considered as a possible way to enhance the dynamic efficiency of medium-sized
countries in Europe.
We have seen how universities are exposed to a growing political pressure to change. Universities are expected to become more directly involved in market-driven processes and more
exposed to competition from other producers of knowledge (Lundvall 2003). This occurs in a
situation where knowledge production is characterized by increases in the degree of
internationalization and networking. These changes in context raise new demands on the
universities contribution to competence building in society (Cohendet and Joly 2001).
Some of the traditional modes of organization, such as sharp and rigid borders between
disciplines and isolation from the society at large are being challenged and alternatives
have to be developed. Strategies of alliance and networking have become a key factor
behind the success of universities. But it is fundamentally important that the universities
most significant contribution to society and the economy remains well-educated graduates
with critical minds and good learning skills in the future.
Also, as universities open themselves up to interaction with outside users in the private and
public sector, there is a need for changes in institutional framework to ensure that the longterm, creative and critical aspects of academic research can survive the transformation.
It is important also to consider the ethical and social dimension of universities knowledge
production in order to support the long-term viability of the learning economy. Merely to
expose the universities to market processes or to political interventions from governments
is not tenable, neither for university nor for society.
In this context it is damaging to take a national perspective on the innovation system and see it
mainly as related to STI-learning and science-based industries. It might for instance lead to the
mistaken idea that the ideal state is one where almost all ideas emanating from science should be
produced by domestic universities for domestic firms. For a small economy such a perspective is
detrimental for innovation and economic progress.
One interesting result from the DISKO-project (see Lundvall 2001) is that Danish small
and medium-sized firms not belonging to High Tech-sectors that acquired competence in
the form of academic personnel and that strengthened their collaboration with knowledge
institutions were the ones that experienced the most dramatic positive impact on their
innovative performance (Lund Vinding 2002).
Human resources are the key to link universities to industry
Over the last decade there have been several new innovation policy initiatives in OECDcountries giving public support to new modes of co-operation such as:
Mobility programs and the Industrial researcher agreements aiming at creating more
mobility between university and industry.
All these initiatives aim at overcoming barriers between the three worlds of science,
technology and industry. Especially the last mentioned might be seen as important instruments.
The analyses in the DISKO-project (the project on the Danish Innovation System in a
Comparative Perspective see Lundvall 2002) point to human resources, as the most
important underlying element of the innovation system. This is not merely a question of
competence in the labor force, but it also refers to network formation between the different
parts of the system. This can be illustrated by combining labor market data with survey
data on industry-university connections.
In table 4 firms with less than two academic employees are compared with firms where a
larger number of the employees have degrees from higher education. Table 4 shows, not
surprisingly, that large firms have intensified their co-operation with science institutions
more frequently than smaller firms. But the table also shows a difference between firms
reflecting the presence of employees with higher education. For small firms the probability
of intensifying the co-operation with a science institution is twice as high when the
business has more than 2 employees with higher education.
Table 4 Share of firms that have strengthened their co-operation with knowledge institutions divided by
size of the business and amount of employees with higher education (HE) - Percentage that have
cooperated in connection with product development.
49 employees or less
Increase in co-operation
No increase in co-
Source: Nielsen 1999
One way to link universities stronger to firms with weak links is to subsidize their first
hiring of academic personnel. Higher education employees contribute to a change in the
mode of innovation in small and medium sized firms as well as giving them more direct
access to the kind of knowledge available at science institutions.
Making explicit basic values and reflection on how to implement these values in the
context of scientific work and teaching.
Specifying the division of labour and alliances with other knowledge institutions in the
Sweden (cultural institutions, technological institutes, professional training institutions,
private knowledge intensive service firms etc.).
Introduction of incentives and evaluation principles that ensure the balance between
teaching, scientific work and interaction with the outside world. Taking into account
that university scholars are more susceptible to incentives such as time for selforganized research and public acknowledgement than individual economic incentives.
Pedagogic renewal in order to prepare the students for the learning economy, where
interdisciplinary, problem solving, co-operation and communication is emphasized.
Increase practical activities in education program to ease the transformation to the
labour market.
Development of systematic systems for life-long learning for their own graduates and
for others who need an upgrading of their competences.
In order to master both the classical functions of the university and the new demands such
a long term plan would have to include the establishment of a more diverse organizational
structure and more variation in scientific careers both among scholars and for the single
As indicated above the bottlenecks for technical change are as much on the side of internal
and external organization of the firm as it is on insufficient investment in R&D and STIlearning. To illustrate this point some results based on recent data from the DISKO-project
will be presented below.
The data
The empirical analysis is based on a survey addressed to all Danish firms in the private sector not
including agriculture - with 25 or more employees, supplemented with a stratified proportional sample
of firms with 20-25 employees. 6991 questionnaires were sent to the firms selected. This survey
collected information from management. In total, 2007 usable responses from management have been
collected and integrated in a cross section data set. This makes the overall response rate of the survey
29%, which is not very satisfying. However, a closer response analysis broken down on industries and
size show acceptable variations on response rates here, and non-respondent information on some of
the potential dependant variables together with comparison to other surveys, do not indicate
unacceptable bias.
As a starting point 14 different characteristics were selected that - on the basis of the
literature and on the basis of earlier empirical work could be assumed to affect the
capability to engage in DUI-learning (Argyris and Schn 1978). These are listed in table 5
Table 5 Organizational characteristics promoting DUI-learning
Organizational characteristics and practices
Cross occupational working groups
Integration of functions
Softened demarcations
Delegation of responsibility
Self directed teams
Quality circles/groups
Systems for collection of employee proposals
Education activities tailored to the firm
Long term educational planning
Wages based on qualifications and functions
Wages based on results
Closer cooperation with customers
Closer cooperation with subcontractors
Closer cooperation with universities & technological institutes
The firms were classified in three groups, according to how many characteristics they have
adapted in their organizations - in other words - how many organization, quality, human
development and external cooperation facets are built into the firms organization. We
have on this basis divided the firms into three groups:
Low level DUI-learning organization firms that have introduced zero to four of the
Medium level DUI-learning organizations - firms that have introduced five to eight
What is the importance of this bundling of organizational dimensions for the knowledge
production and learning in the firms, as indicated by product and service (P/S)
innovations? In table 6 the different categories, representing increasing levels of learning
organization are tested in a logistic model with P/S innovation as dependant variable, and
with control for firm size, industry etc.
Table 6 Logistic regression of learning organization level categories, size, industry, ownership and
production on P/S innovation (odd ratios, 95% confidence interval, estimates and P-values)
High level
Medium level
100 and more
Danish group
Single firm
In the table all variables that have a significant effect on innovation performance are listed
while the other has been excluded. Effect refers to the probability for an innovation in the
category as compared to a benchmark. We find a five times higher chance of product/service innovation in the high level category, and even in the medium category the
chance is twice as high as in the low category. These results should be seen in the light that
differences in the size, sector and ownership form has been simultaneously entered in the
Among the other factors included in the model, Manufacturing and Business services remain significant with 2.3 higher chance of P/S innovation and Construction is negatively
significant with a chance of 0,7 (benchmark sector is other services). The effects of large
size (100+) are positive but moderate. Danish group ownership and single firms have a
chance below the foreign-owned firms that were used as benchmark. In sum, the model has
shown important and significant effects of the presence of what we call learning organization on P/S innovation.
This demonstrates firms that combine functional flexibility with investment in human
resources; incentive systems and networking are much more prone to innovate irrespective
of sector and size. It also illustrates that there is no clear distinction between innovation
management and knowledge management or between organizational characteristics that
promote adaptive learning also promote innovation.
It is certainly easier for public authorities to find ways to support private and public R&D
activities than it is to stimulate organizational change in the private sector. First, it is seen
as a prerogative of owners and management to design the organization of the firm. Second
standard economists assume that the market will select good practices by itself. At the
same time, empirical research indicates that there is a major hidden productivity reserve
that might be realized to the mutual benefit of owners, management, workers and the public sector if the right approach could be found.33
This is an area where sector specific collaboration between management, employees, private consultants, researchers and public agencies is necessary. This kind of collaboration
could be developed at the national level as general and sector-specific programs to be supported by national federations of labor and industry. But the emphasis might be on regional
initiatives that get closer to the organizational practice of local firms. A first step would be
to map the potential and define good organizational practices for firms operating in different contexts. Second step might be to involve employers and employees organizations in
self-organized campaigns to learn from good practice organizations. Public sector programs might stimulate the use of consultants in diffusing good practice and also intensify
training in management for ordinary students in engineering and business as well as people
already in the labor market.
In general, competition pressure stimulates organizational change and therefore there are
good reasons to avoid protectionist policies and to keep the economy open. The working of
the labor market is important since employees that move from one organization to another
will carry organizational experiences with them. The use of competition clauses limiting
such mobility may be restricted. Education and training of engineers and other involved in
technical innovation can give a stronger attention to organizational change.
Research in linking organizational issues to economic performance and innovative capabilities may be stimulated. The LOK-program in Denmark was an attempt to take up this
challenge (See Torstensen et al 2001).
There is growing consensus on the need to focus on long-term competence building in firms
and in society as a whole. At the same time, the prevailing institutional set up and global
competition tend to give predominance to short term financial objectives in policy making.
At the institutional level this is reflected in the fact that ministries of finance have become the
only agency taking on a responsibility for co-coordinating the many specialized area policies.
Area specific ministries tend to identify with their own customers and take little interest in
global long-term objectives of society.
The concept the learning economy has its roots in an analysis of globalization, technical
innovation and industrial dynamics (Lundvall and Johnson 1994; Lundvall and Borrs 1999).
But the concept also implies a new perspective on a broad set of policies including social
policy, labour market policy, education policy, industrial policy, energy policy, environmental policy and science and technology policy. Specifically, the concept calls for new
European and national development strategies with co-ordination across these policy areas.
In other studies we have shown that learning organizations create more and more stable jobs
and that they are characterized by less long term sick-leave periods among employees.
Social and distributional policies need to focus more strongly on the distribution and redistribution of learning capabilities. It becomes increasingly costly and difficult to redistribute welfare, ex post, in a society with an uneven distribution of competence. Therefore
there is a need for stronger emphasis on a new new deal where weak learners (regions as
well as individuals) are given privileged access to competence upgrading.
The effectiveness of labour market institutions and policy has so far been judged mainly
from a static allocation perspective. There is a need to shift the perspective and to focus on
how far the labour market supports competence building at the individual level and at the
level of firms. This implies for instance that some dimensions of flexibility and mobility
are more productive than others and that there may be third roads aside from Anglo-Saxon
maximum flexibility and Mediterranean contractual job security. One of the new roads can
be represented by the Danish model, characterized by a unique combination of relatively
high degree of income security with high participation and mobility rates.
Education and training policy needs to build institutions that promote simultaneously general and specific competencies, while giving students a learning capability and while delivering life-long learning. These points toward a new pedagogy that combines individual
plans with collective problem-oriented styles of learning. A real commitment among employers, employees and policy makers to life-long learning with a strong interaction between schools and practice-based learning is necessary.
Industrial policy needs to adjust competition policy and policies aiming at developing
learning organizations and competence building networks to each other. Intensified competition may stimulate superficial change or pure destruction rather than competence
building if not combined with organizational change and new forms of inter-firm collaboration. Energy and environment policies need to take into account their impact on competence building in the economy.
Science and technology policy needs to support incremental innovation and the upgrading
of competence in traditional industries as well as the formation and growth of high technology industries. For instance, the reallocation of academically trained workers toward
small and medium sized firms is a key also to the formation of networks with universities
and other knowledge institutions.
These specific policies need to be brought together and attuned into a common strategy. In
the learning economy it is highly problematic to leave policy co-ordination exclusively to
ministries of finance and to central banks their visions of the world are necessarily biased
toward the monetary dimension of the economy and thereby toward the short term.
Sweden might decide to establish a Swedish Innovation and Competence building Enterprise (SICE) with the prime minister as chairman. Such a new institution could have as one
of its strategic responsibilities to develop a common vision for how the country should
cope with the globalizing learning economy.
The basis of such a vision must be a better qualitative understanding of the Swedish national system of competence building and innovation. Given such an understanding international benchmarking and policy learning may become meaningful. Similar new institutions could be built at the regional level.
In this paper we went back to the origin of the concept the national innovation system. We
have argued that the original versions as developed by Christopher Freeman and the
Aalborg-group are more adequate for understanding the current situation where there is a
growing need both for strengthening the science base for innovation and for promoting
rapid experience based learning than narrow versions that focus on the science base only.
As compared to the original approach we would emphasize even more the importance of
human resources. While globalization means that both codified knowledge moves quickly
the most localized resource remains people i.e. their tacit knowledge, their network
relationships and their accumulated organizational experiences. Therefore all parts of the
innovation system that contribute to competence building are becoming increasingly
This includes of course reforms of the ordinary education system, training and retraining
activities to give a stronger learning capability to all categories of workers. But it is as
important to design the labor market so that it supports life long learning through the career
paths that it fosters. Perhaps most important, there is a need to see the workplaces as
learning sites rather than as production sites.
In some areas more competition and market mechanisms can help stimulating firms to
move in these directions while government may serve them with the right framework
conditions. But the market is no patent solution and in many instances organizational
change and competence building can be promoted only by non-market institutions and
sometimes there might even be a need to challenge the prerogative of owners to decide
everything within their organization.
It is interesting to note that according to our data the small family owned business, often
idealized as the safe-haven of entrepreneurship, is the least innovative both in terms of
technology and in terms of organizational change.
In a world that is uncertain and imperfect because it is in constant change it would be
wrong to see this as bringing the economy out of a (fictive) state of general equilibrium.
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experience. Therefore it is fundamental to design frameworks that stimulate systematic
policy learning. Here we have argued that national systems of innovation may be used both
as analytical device and as a tool for public policy learning.
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