Reformed Doctrine Syllabus
Reformed Doctrine Syllabus
Reformed Doctrine Syllabus
Many men and women have done theology badly, many others have
misrepresented what it is as well. It is a fact of today’s culture to be laid
back, lazy, and disengaged. This class challenges all three of those, be}
cause God challenges us. We cannot come to God with anything less
than a humble heart. Doctrine, or the dogma of the church, is a valuable
study, for as you will hear your teacher say again and again, “it will
transform your life. Because studying theology is a journey that takes
you to the face of God, and like Isaiah before you- you will be undone.”
This class has a two fold focus: who God is and who we are. Utilizing
both the wonderful gifts of systematic theology and biblical theology
we look at the story of the Bible through the categories given to us.
(Theology Proper, Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, etc.) To this
end one must properly understand what the Bible is and what it does.
Renowned theologian NT Wright explained it this way;
• Christian George, Godology: knowing God changes everything
(Moody, 2009)
• Various essays by selected authors (Tim Keller, Michael Horton, Mar}
tin Luther, and others)
• Tests - upon the conclusion of every module your knowledge will be
tested by both objective (vocabulary) and subjective means (short
answer and essay)
• Quizzes - every Friday that we have school there will be a short quiz
on objective vocabulary from that week
• Essay - one essay on the question “Why I am (or am not) a Calvinist?”
The paper length must be at least 1200 -1500 words. Your grade will
1 NT Wright, Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense, (HarperCollins, 2006), 182-184